Prejudice!: A Theme Exploration For The Merchant of Venice

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A theme exploration for the Merchant of Venice

What is prejudice?
An unreasonable dislike of or preference for a person, group, custom, etc., especially when it is based on their race, religion, sex, etc. It also comes from prejudgment of as certain group in society

Types of prejudice
Sexism Racial Religious Disability Ageism Class (snobbery-elitism) Poverty Differences (in lifestyle, looks, accent)

Concept of Prejudice in MOV

Antonio and Shylocks religious prejudice for each other Racial prejudice between fair-skinned and dark-skinned people

What lies behind the act of prejudice?

Generalizations of different groups of people Incidents that spark off hatred Vengeance Differences

Causes of Prejudice
Hatred Social learning and conformity Social structure and economic position

Why do we need to know about prejudice

It is a social issue that goes against our stand for equality Its something very real today

Why is prejudice a problem?

It affects the victims and causes them hurt It is unjust It goes against the principle that our society establishes and promotes

Prejudice in our daily lives

Prejudice against disabled people (physical and mental disabilities) Racial Prejudice (the most dominant race, Chinese, against other races) Class Prejudice (more successful vs. less successful) Prejudice against the less gifted/ talented

Personal Point-of-View
Many of us have been perpetrators of racial prejudice because we are of the dominant race in Singapore Some of us have been victims of sexism

Lessons about prejudice

Prejudice brings harm to others Prejudice is morally wrong Prejudice is injustice Prejudice is brought about by UNREASONABLE, INVALID causes

He/she assumes that his/her victims differences make the victim inferior he/she believes that because he/she is superior, he/she has the right to commit such an act He/she assumes that the victim will not be affected by his/her act and that it does not bring harm to the victim

These assumptions are not true because these reasons are unreasonable, biased/one-sided and invalid, made from a very personal point-of-view These assumptions are made because majority of the people in our society think a certain way about a certain group of people

Implications & Consequences

- It leads to : Fights/ Arguments Hate Jealousy Bloodshed War/ Riots Hurt

Implications in MOV
- It lead to: Vengeance/ Revenge Arguments Losses Emotional Hurt Betrayal/ Disloyalty Ill-wishes Scheming thoughts/ deceitfulness Distrust Pride

The Elizabethan audience probably side with the Christians and oppose the Jews The 21st century audience probably view these people in a more objective manner, perhaps even feeling sympathy for Shylock

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