Risk Management Oct, 13
Risk Management Oct, 13
Risk Management Oct, 13
What it is ?
The process of transferring funds from the savers to the entrepreneurs is called Intermediation and the essence of this intermediation is Risk Management. Broadly, the risks faced by Banks can be attributed to their businesses which is concerned with sourcing of funds and their profitable deployment, as also to their control functions.
Business Risks :
i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Credit Risk Market Risk Country Risk Business Strategy & Environment Risk Operational Risk Group Risk
Control Risks :
i. Internal Control Policies & Procedures ii. Organisation & Management iii. Compliance with Laws, Rules & Regulations
Banks control credit risks at two levels : Portfolio level
by deciding on Mix of retail & wholesale credit, Exposure to trade, industry, sector specific etc., Industry wise limits, Group wise limits, Rating based exposure, Acceptable levels of exposure to countries
Account level
by prescribing the Appraisal procedures, Approval process, Documentation process, Disbursement process, Monitoring process, Delinquency management process etc.
This may take the following forms : Liquidity Risk arises due to unexpected withdrawal of funds, nonrenewal of FDs, performing loans turning NPA, devolvement of contingent liabilities etc.
Interest Rate Risk arises due to mis-match viz. short term deposit
invested in long term security, pressure on NIM etc.
Foreign Exchange Risk due to fluctuation in currency rates Equity Price Risk arises due to Banks exposure to capital market Commodity Price Risk due to movement in commodity prices
which are traded in secondary market.
Country Risk
risk etc. viz. currency transfer risk, political risk, sovereign
arises due to identification of target markets, products etc. without proper planning and studying business environment
Operational Risk
resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, systems / procedures or from external events.
Group Risk
arising from banks other domestic / overseas subsidiaries dealing in various businesses such as MFs, Insurance, Gilt securities, Lease / HP etc. which are not doing well & incurring losses.
Internal Control Policies & Procedures arises due to
poor house keeping, casual approach to audit / inspection, fraud, vigilance cases
RMC devises suitable policies including techniques for risk identification,risk measurement, risk grading & policies & procedures for their effective management & co-ordinating with various RMCs.
Main Role :
Product pricing for deposits & advances Deciding on desired maturity profile & mix of incremental assets & liabilities Articulating interest rate view of the bank Reviewing funding policy Deciding on transfer pricing policy Reviewing economic & political impact on the B/sh of the Bank
Evaluating Banks Performance by RBI Moving from CAMELS TO RBS : Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earning, Liquidity, System & Control (CAMELS) Risk Based Supervision (RBS)
Instead of examining only the past performance, move towards the path & passage of risks early identification of risks and enabling appropriate supervisory intervention. Preparing the supervisory apparatus to focus not only on compliance but also on finding out riskiness of a bank, its preparedness to adopt risk lines. Adapting risk based business conduct with indicative time lines. Devising rating methods to capture fair, transparent and nondiscriminatory pricing to customers.