Rangelands: Overgrazing Deforestation Desertification
Rangelands: Overgrazing Deforestation Desertification
Rangelands: Overgrazing Deforestation Desertification
are vast natural landscapes in the
are distinguished
from pasture
pasture is land used
for grazing
Types of Rangeland
are areas where the vegetation is
except Antarctica
is a plant community characterized
by vegetation dominated by shrubs, often also including grasses, herbs, and geophytes may be unsuitable for human habitation because of the danger of fire.
is considered part of the temperate
grasslands, savannas and shrublands biome by ecologists, based on similar temperate climates, moderate rainfall, and grasses, herbs, and shrubs, rather than trees, as the dominant vegetation type.
a grassland ecosystem characterize d by the trees being sufficiently small or widely spaced so that the canopy does not close. The open canopy allows sufficient light to reach the ground to support an unbroken herbaceous layer
it refers to a biome region
characterized by grass land plain without trees apart from those near rivers and lakes
is a low-density forest forming open
habitats with plenty of sunlight and limited shade. Woodlands may support an understory of shrubs and herbaceous plants including grasses
is a landscape or region that
receives an extremely low amount of precipitation, less than enough to support growth of most plant
is a biome where the tree growth is hindered by
low temperatures and short growing seasons. In tundra, the vegetation is composed of dwarf shrubs, sedges and grasses, mosses, and lichens. Scattered trees grow in some tundra.
Tundra in Greenland
occurs when plants are exposed to
intensive grazing for extended periods of time, or without sufficient recovery periods. it can be caused by either livestock in poorly managed agricultural applications, or by overpopulations of native or non-native wild animals.
reduces the
usefulness, productivity, and biodiversity of the land and is one cause of desertification and erosion
will support, taking into account the most sensitive habitats reduce livestock numbers in autumn and winter, when plant growth slows or stops - use away wintering and housing where possible avoid using supplementary feeding to support animals on unproductive land, except when the weather is particularly hard
ground, suppressed heather or grass sward heights under five centimetres for rough grassland, and three centimetres reduce stock numbers in woodlands if animals frequently strip bark and/or destroy young sapling trees maintain boundary fences to control movement of stock shepherd open hill land to distribute grazing pressure evenly and avoid localised overgrazing control the spread of bracken to maintain grass and heather areas
is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where
Causes of Deforestation
conversion of forests and woodlands to
agricultural land to feed growing numbers of people; development of cash crops and cattle ranching, both of which earn money for tropical countries; commercial logging (which supplies the world market with woods such as meranti, teak, mahogany and ebony) destroys trees as well as opening up forests for agriculture; felling of trees for firewood and building material; the heavy lopping of foliage for fodder; and heavy browsing of saplings by domestic animals like goats.
Effects of Deforestation
Erosion of Soil
Solutions to Deforestation
Wildlife Sanctuaries Cities Incentive to Corporates Commercial Forest Plantations Water Management
is a type of land degradation in which a
relatively dry land region becomes increasingly arid it is caused by a variety of factors, such as climate change and human activities
is also the process of fertile land transforming into
Causes of Desertification
Overgrazing is the major cause of
desertification worldwide. Cultivation of marginal lands, i.e lands on which there is a high risk of crop failure and a very low economic return. Destruction of vegetation in arid regions, often for fuelwood. Incorrect irrigation practices in arid areas can cause salinization, (the build up of salts in the soil) which can prevent plant growth.
Food Loss
People near Affected Areas
Solution to Desertification
Tree planting