Greek God Names A-C: Sea. Underworld
Greek God Names A-C: Sea. Underworld
Greek God Names A-C: Sea. Underworld
Bacchus, god of wine, sensual pleasures, and truth, originally a cult title for the Greek Dionysus and identified
with the Roman Liber.
Bellona or Duellona, war goddess.
Bona Dea, the "women's goddess"[30] with functions pertaining to fertility, healing, and chastity.
Bonus Eventus, divine personification of "Good Outcome".
Bubona, goddess of cattle.
Devera or Deverra, goddess who ruled over the brooms used to purify temples in preparation for various
worship services, sacrifices and celebrations; she protected midwives and women in labor.
Diana, goddess of the hunt, the moon, virginity, and childbirth, twin sister of Apollo and one of the Dii
Diana Nemorensis, local version of Diana. The Roman equivalent of Artemis [Greek goddess]
Discordia, personification of discord and strife. The Roman equivalent of Eris [Greek goddess]
Dius Fidius, god of oaths, associated with Jupiter.
Di inferi, deities associated with death and the underworld.
Disciplina, personification of discipline.
Dis Pater or Dispater, god of wealth and the underworld; perhaps a translation of Greek Plouton (Pluto).
Hercules, god of strength, whose worship was derived from the Greek hero Heracles but took on a distinctly
Roman character.
Hermaphroditus, an androgynous Greek god whose mythology was imported into Latin literature.
Honos, a divine personification of honor.
Hora, the wife of Quirinus.
Palatua, obscure goddess who guarded the Palatine Hill. She was assigned a flamen minor.
Pales, deity of shepherds, flocks and livestock.
Parcae, the three fates.
Pax, goddess of peace; equivalent of Greek Eirene.
Robigo or Robigus, a god or goddess who personified grain disease and protected crops.
Roma, personification of the Roman state.
Rumina, goddess who protected breastfeeding mothers.
Ubertas, minor agricultural goddess, who personified fruitfulness of soil and plants, and abundance in general.
Unxia, minor goddess of marriage, concerned with anointing the bridegroom's door. The name occurs as a
surname of Juno.
Vacuna, ancient Sabine goddess of rest after harvest who protected the farmers' sheep; later identified with
Nike and worshipped as a war goddess.
Vagitanus, or Vaticanus, opens the newborn's mouth for its first cry.
Vediovus or Veiovis, obscure god, a sort of anti-Jupiter, as the meaning of his name suggests. May be a god of
the underworld.
Venilia or Venelia, sea goddess, wife of Neptune or Faunus.[citation needed]
Venti, the winds, equivalent to the Greek Anemoi: North wind Aquilo(n) or Septentrio (Greek Boreas); South
wind Auster (Greek Notus); East wind Vulturnus (Eurus); West wind Favonius (Zephyrus); Northwest wind Caurus
or Corus (see minor winds).
Venus, goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, and gardens; mother of the founding hero Aeneas; one of the Dii
Veritas, goddess and personification of the Roman virtue of veritas or truth.
Verminus, god of cattle worms.
Vertumnus, Vortumnus or Vertimnus, god of the seasons, and of gardens and fruit trees.
Vesta, goddess of the hearth, the Roman state, and the sacred fire; one of the Dii Consentes.
Vica Pota, goddess of victory and competitions.
Victoria, goddess of victory.
Viduus, god who separated the soul and body after death.
Virbius, a forest god, the reborn Hippolytus.
Virtus, god or goddess of military strength, personification of the Roman virtue of virtus.
Volturnus, god of water, was assigned a flamen minor. Not to be confused with Vulturnus.
Voluptas, goddess of pleasure.
Vulcan, god of the forge, fire, and blacksmiths, husband to Venus, and one of the Dii Consentes, was assigned a
flamen minor.