Ahmad Aminuddin Bin Ahmad Jamjuri
Ahmad Aminuddin Bin Ahmad Jamjuri
Ahmad Aminuddin Bin Ahmad Jamjuri
Prescriptive legislation
Self-regulation the roles of compliance officers now have shifted from being an inspector carrying out technical inspection to one of an auditor auditing the performance of the employer in managing safety and health in its organization against a standard OSH management system. Prescriptive legislation the roles of compliance officers were to identify workplace hazards and instruct the employer to take remedial actions to improve the situation. The employer and workers had no incentive to innovate new ways and measures to improve OSH, as the law prescribed in detail how to overcome the hazards.
Principle of workplace improvement, Standards Malaysia, MS 1722 is a voluntary occupational safety and health management system that was developed through the Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) and first published in 2003. The government of Malaysia has formulated a Malaysian Standard (MS1722:2003) in 2003, based on the ILO Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management System 2001, to serve as reference standard in the management of OSH at workplaces, in compliance with OSHA. The MS 1722:2003 is currently a Guideline Standard that does not enable certification activity to be carried out. To overcome this, the government is in the final stages of promulgating the Specification Standard for OSH management systems; once in force, this will enable certification activities to be carried out against the Malaysian Standard. The standard provides the following basic elements: management leadership and employee participation; program planning; program implementation and operations; program evaluation and corrective actions; and management review. In addition, the standard also addresses risk controls, audits, incident/accident investigations, responsibilities and authorities. Suited for organizations of all sizes and applications, the standard was designed to facilitate sustainable growth in occupational safety and health programs.
to promulgate relevant regulations and to increase the number of codes of practice, as well and guidelines to help employers comply with and improve OSH; (ii) to provide compliance officers with new knowledge and skills through systematic training development; (iii) to improve the level of OSH amongst the small and medium enterprises; (iv) to enforce OSHA in all industries listed in the law; (v) to carry out promotional activities to reach the informal sectors.
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, an Act to make further provisions for securing the safety, health and welfare of persons at work, for protecting others against risks to safety or health in connection with the activities of persons at work, OSHA is a performance-oriented legislation in that it requires greater and more active involvement of employers and workers, as well as other OSH practitioners, such as industrial hygienists, ergonomists and safety practitioners, in order to ensure safety and health at the workplace to establish the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health
Code of Practice
This Code of Practice was drafted to provide guidance on safe and good practices for demolition works and for compliance with the requirements of the relevant provisions by local authorities as well as good practices.
All factories and general machinery must be registered with DOSH before they can be installed and operated.
To co-operate with his employer or any other persons in the discharge of any duty. To use and wear at all times, any protective equipment or clothing provided by employer. To comply with any instruction or measure on occupational safety and health instituted by his employer.
code of practices and guidelines will set the minimum requirements on OSH that must be provided and maintained at all times by those responsible for the Workplace.
What is the abbreviation of each of this organisation and write it key function
functions DOSH Department of occupational safety and health NIOSH national institute of occupational safety and health SOCSO- social security organization NCOSH national council for occupational safety and health CIDB construction industry development board Responsible for ensuring safety, health and welfare of person at work as well as being responsible to help industries with training on OSH, to provide information, to carry out research and development (R&D), and to conduct promotional activities ensures and guarantees timely and adequate provision of benefits to contributors who are injured or suffer from disablement as a result of accidents or occupational diseases To advise the Minister of Human Resources on matters pertaining to the safety and health of workers.
Ensuring quality and adherence to high safety standards in construction industry, stipulated in the Construction Industry Development Board Act, CIDB shall promote and stimulate the development,