Employee Compensation Act, 1923
Employee Compensation Act, 1923
Employee Compensation Act, 1923
The Workmens Compensation Act, 1923 is one of the earliest labor welfare and social security legislation enacted in India. It recognizes the fact that if a workman is a victim of accident or an occupational disease in course of his employment, he needs to be compensated.
The Act does not apply to those workers who are insured under the Employees State Insurance Act 1948.
An insured person or his dependents shall not be entitled to receive or recover whether from the employer of the insured person or from any other person any compensation or damages under the Workmens Compensation act 1923 or any other law for the time being in force or otherwise in respect of an employment injury sustained by the insured person as an employee under this Act.
Provide workmen and/or their dependents some relief or to consider compensation payable by an employer to his workmen in case of accidents arising out of and in the course of employment and causing either death or disablement of workmen as a measure of relief and social security. Provide for payment by certain classes of employers to their workmen compensation for injury by accident.
To enable a workmen to get compensation irrespective of his negligence. It lays down the various amounts payable in case of an accident, depending upon the type and extent of injury. The employer now knows the amount of compensation he has to pay and is saved of many uncertainties to which he was subject before the Act came into force.
1) Act provides for cheaper and quicker mode of disposal of disputes through special proceedings than possible under Civil Laws. 2) Act provides compensation to workmen for injury caused by accident and occupational disease arising out of and in the course of employment. 3) The Act is applicable to apprentices also. 4) Procedure Commissioner for settlement of claim is through
Workmens Compensation
Employers Liability for Compensation 1) For personal injury caused to him by accident, and 2) For any occupational disease contracted by him.
1) Personal Injury: Personal injury includes: i) Must have been caused during the course of his employment; ii) Must have been caused by accident arising out of his employment.
So the injury should be caused by accident by some mishap, unexpected or unforeseen. The personal injury caused to the worker must have resulted in total or partial disablement of the workman for a period exceeding 3 days or it must have resulted in the death of the worker. The injury should not have been caused by accident which is directly attributable to: i) The workman having been under the influence of drink or drugs at the time of the accident; ii) Willful disregard of instruction relating to safety precautions given by the employer; and/or iii) The willful disregard of the usage of the safety device or safety guard provided for the purpose of securing safety of the workman by the employer
2) Occupational Disease
Act also recognizes that the workman employed in certain types of industries of occupation risk exposure to certain occupational disease peculiar to that employment. An injury by accident within the meaning of the Act and compensation is payable to the workman who contracts such disease; The types of employment which exposes the workman to occupational disease as well as the list of occupational diseases are contained in Schedule III of the Act.
Amount of Compensation
The amount of compensation payable to a workman depends on: 1) The nature of the injury caused by accident. 2) The monthly wages of the workman concerned, and 3) The relevant factor for working out lump-sum equivalent of compensation amount.
There is no distinction between an adult and a minor worker with respect to the amount of compensation
Compensation for
1) Death; 2) Permanent total disablement; 3) Permanent partial disablement; and 4) Temporary disablement total or partial.
(a) Compensation for Death: where death results an amount equal to fifty per cent of the monthly wages of the deceased workman multiplied by the relevant factor; or an amount of fifty thousand rupees, whichever is more. (b) Compensation for Permanent Total Disablement :Where permanent total disablement results form an injury, the amount of compensation payable shall be equal to 60 percent of the monthly wages of the injured workman multiplied by the relevant factor, or Rs. 90,000, whichever is more
( C ) Compensation for Permanent Partial Disablement: (I ) If the loss of earning capacity caused by an injury specified in Schedule is 30 percent, the amount of compensation shall be 30 percent of compensation payable in case of permanent total disablement. ii) In the case of an injury not specified in Schedule such percentage of the compensation payable in the case of permanent total disablement as is proportionate to the loss of earning capacity (as assessed by the qualified medical practitioner) permanently caused by the injury.
( d)Compensation for Temporary Disablement: A half monthly payment of the sum whether total or partial results equivalent to 25% of monthly wages of the from the injury workman to be paid in the manner prescribed.
There must be a casual connection between the injury and the accident and the work done in the course of employment; The onus is upon the applicant to show that it was the work and the resulting strain which contributed to or aggravated the injury;
It is not necessary that the workman must be actually working at the time of his death or that death must occur while he was working or had just ceased to work; and
Compensation is payable even if it is found that the employee did not take proper precautions. An employee is not entitled to get compensation only if (a) he was drunk or had taken drugs (b) he willfully disobeyed orders in respect of safety (c) he willfully removed safety guards of machines. However, compensation cannot be denied on the ground that workman was negligent or careless
A Commissioner for Workmens Compensation is appointed by Government. The compensation must be paid only through the Commissioner in case of death or total disablement. Any lump sum payment to workman under the Act must be made only through Commissioner. Direct payment to workman or his dependents is not recognized at all as compensation.