02 DataTransmission TVM
02 DataTransmission TVM
02 DataTransmission TVM
GUIDED transmission medium There exist a DIRECT LINK between 2 devices Only 2 devices share link
GUIDED transmission medium There exist a DIRECT LINK between multiple devices
One direction One station is the receiver and the other is the transmitter
e.g. Television
Either direction, but only one way at a time
e.g. police radio
Both directions at the same time
e.g. telephone
Viewed as a function of time, and EM signal can be either continuous or discrete
Continuous Signal Analog Signal
One in which the signal intensity varies in a smooth fashion over time No breaks or discontinuities in the signal
Periodic signal
Pattern repeated over time
Sine wave, square wave Satisfies the criteria s(t+T) = s(t)
Aperiodic signal
Pattern not repeated over time
A sine wave is the fundamental continuous signal The general formula for a sine wave is s(t) = A sin(2 ft + ) Peak Amplitude (A)
maximum strength of signal Measure in volts
Frequency (f)
Rate of change of signal Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second Period = time for one repetition (T) T = 1/f
Phase ( )
Relative position in time
Distance occupied by one cycle Distance between two points of corresponding phase in two consecutive cycles Represented by Assuming signal velocity v = vT for a particular signal f = v c = 3*10 8 m/s (speed of light in free space)
Components are sine waves Can be shown (Fourier analysis) that any signal is made up of component sine waves Can plot frequency domain functions
FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY lowest frequency of the periodic waveform to whom other frequencies are integer multiples (also called First Harmonic) PERIOD OF THE TOTAL SIGNAL is equal to the period of the fundamental frequency
Fo r e ac h s i g n al , t h er e i s a T IM E D OM A I N F U N C T I ON s (t ) t h at s p ec i fi e s the A M P LIT U D E o f t h e s i g n al at e ac h i n s t a nt i n time S i m i l ar l y, t h er e i s a F R E Q U E N C Y D OM A I N F U N C T I ON S (f ) that s p eci fi e s the CONSTITUENT FREQUENCIES of the signal.
Absolute bandwidth
width of spectrum
Effective bandwidth
Often just bandwidth Narrow band of frequencies containing most of the energy
DC Component
Component of zero frequency
The duration of each pulse in the left side is 1 / ( 2 f 1) o r T What are the frequency component of this s i g n a l ? T H E S Q U A R E W AV E H A S U N L I M I T E D FREQUENCY COMPONENT AND THUS UNLIMITED B ANDWIDTH E F FECTIVE B ANDWIDTH! If we will limit is to only 3 frequency component, if f1 = 1MHz, then BW = 4MHz and data rate is 2Mbps (1 bit for every 0.5usec) BW is directly proportional to Data Rate
Electric or electromagnetic representations of DATA Signaling is the act of propagating the signal along a suitable medium
Communication of data by propagation and processing of signals
Generally, analog data are a function of time and occupy a limited frequency spectrum. Such data can be represented by an electromagnetic signal occupying the same spectrum. Digital data can be represented by digital signals, with a different voltage level for each of the two binary digits.
Digital data can also be represented by analog signals by use of a MODEM (modulator/demodulator). The MODEM converts a series of binary (twovalued) voltage pulses into an analog signal by encoding the digital data onto a carrier frequency.
As more amplifiers are added, signal become more distorted For analog data, such as voice, quite a bit of distortion can be tolerated and the data remain intelligible. However, for digital data, cascaded amplifiers will introduce errors.
With any communications system, it must be recognized that the received signal will dif fer from the transmitted signal due to various transmission impairments. Analog Signals Degradation of signal quality Digital Signals Bit errors Most Significant Impairments
Attenuation Delay distortion Noise
The strength of a signal falls of f with distance over any transmission medium. For guided media, this reduction in strength, or attenuation, is generally logarithmic and is thus typically expressed as a constant number of decibels per unit distance. For unguided media, attenuation is a more complex function of distance and of the makeup of the atmosphere. Attenuation introduces three considerations for the transmission engineer. DESIGNER NEEDS TO ADDRESS PROBLEMS:
Received signal strength must be enough to be detected Must be sufficiently higher than noise to be received without error Attenuation is an increasing function of frequency
Equalizer circuit Amplifiers that amplify high frequencies more than low frequencies
Unique to GUIDED TRANSMISSION MEDIA Propagation velocity through a guided medium varies with frequency Different frequency components experience dif ferent delays but they eventually arrive BUT at dif ferent time Particularly critical for digital data consider that a sequence of bits is being transmitted, using either analog or digital signals Because of delay distortion, some of the signal components of one bit position will spill over into other bit positions, causing INTERSYMBOL INTERFERENCE which is a major limitation to maximum bit rate over a transmission control Equalizing techniques can also be used for delay distortion.
Additional unwanted signals that are inserted somewhere between transmission and reception Noise may be divided into four categories :
Thermal Intermodulation Crosstalk Impulse
Due to thermal agitation of electrons Function of temperature thus it is distributed across the frequency spectrum Referred to as WHITE NOISE It CANNOT be eliminated Sets an upper bound on the performance of the communication system
N = kTW
N = noise power density, watts/hertz k = Boltzmann's constant = 1.3803 X 10-23 Joules/deg Kelvin (J/K) T = temperature, degrees Kelvin W = bandwidth, Hertz
When signals at different frequencies share the same transmission medium Signals are produced at a frequency that is the sum or dif ference of the two original frequencies, or multiples of those frequencies. For example, the mixing of signals at Produced when there is some nonlinearity in the transmitter, receiver, or intervening transmission system. Normally, these components behave as LINEAR SYSTEM; that is, the output is equal to the input, times a constant. In a NONLINEAR SYSTEM, the output is a more complex function of the input. Such nonlinearity can be caused by component malfunction or the use of excessive signal strength. It is under these circumstances that the sum and dif ference terms occur.
Crosstalk has been experienced by anyone who, while using the telephone, has been able to hear another conversation It is an unwanted coupling between signal paths It can occur by ELECTRICAL COUPLING between nearby twisted pair or, rarely, coax cable lines carrying multiple signals. It can also occur when unwanted signals are picked up by microwave antennas; although highly directional, microwave energy does spread during propagation It is of the same order of magnitude (or less) as thermal noise.
Noncountinuous, irregular pulses or spikes in short duration but of RELATIVELY HIGH AMPLITUDE External electromagnetic disturbance such as lightning and faults and flaws in the communication system Minor annoyance for analog signal but it is a MAJOR source of error for digital data e
We have seen that there are a variety of impairments that distor t or corrupt a signal. For digital data, the question that then arises is to what extent these impairments limit the data rate that can be achieved . The rate at which data can be transmitted over a given communication path, or channel, under given conditions, is referred to as the channel capacity. There are four concepts here that we are tr ying to relate to each other:
Data Rate
Rate at which data can be communicated, bps
This is the bandwidth of the transmitted signal as constrained by the transmitter and by the nature of the transmission medium, expressed in cycles per second, or hertz.
Average level of noise in the communication path
The rate at which errors occur, where an error is the reception of a 1 when a 0 was transmitted, or the reception of a 0 when a 1 was transmitted.
The problem we are addressing is this:
Communications facilities are expensive, and, in general, the greater the bandwidth of a facility, the greater the cost.
The limitations arise from the physical properties of the transmission medium or from deliberate limitations at the transmitter on the bandwidth to prevent interference from other sources. Accordingly, we would like to make as ef ficient use as possible of a given bandwidth. For digital data, this means that we would like to get as high a data rate as possible at a particular limit of error rate for a given bandwidth. The main constraint on achieving this ef ficiency is NOISE.
C = 2Wlog2 M
C = datarate, bps W = bandwidth, Hertz M = number of discrete signals or voltage levels S o , f o r a g i v e n b a n d w i d t h , t h e d a t a r a te c a n b e i n c r e a s e d b y i n c r e a s i n g t h e n u m b e r o f d i f fe r e n t s i g n a l s . H o w ev er, t h i s p l a c e s a n i n c r e a s e d b u r d e n o n t h e r e c e i ve r : I n s te a d o f d i s t i n g uis h i n g o n e o f t w o p o s s i b l e s i g n a l s d u r i n g e a c h s i g n a l t i m e , i t m u s t d i s t i n g uis h o n e o f M p o s s i b le s i g n a l s . N o i s e a n d o t h e r i m p a i r m e n t s o n t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n l i n e w i l l l i m it t h e p r a c t i c al v a l u e of M. T h u s , a l l o t h e r t h i n g s b e i n g e q u a l , d o u b li n g t h e b a n d w i d t h d o ub l e s t h e d a t a r a te .
This ratio is impor tant because the bit error rate for digital data is a (decreasing) function of this ratio. Given a value of E b /N o needed to achieve a desired error rate, the parameters in the preceding formula may be selected. Note that as the bit rate R increases, the transmitted signal power, relative to noise, must increase to maintain the required E b /N o .