Calculation of Short Circuit Current As Per IEC60909
Calculation of Short Circuit Current As Per IEC60909
Calculation of Short Circuit Current As Per IEC60909
Short circuit current sources : Transformers, Generators, Synchronous & Induction Motors
In the case of a far-from-generator short circuit, the symmetrical a.c. currents Ik", Ib, and Ik are r.m.s. values and are nearly equal In the case of near-to-generator, circuit breaking current Ib is smaller than the initial symmetrical short-circuit current Ik and the steady-state short-circuit current Ik is smaller than the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current 1,.
For meshed networks, the ratio R/X or X/R is to be determined by the method of equivalent frequency. An equivalent impedance Zc = Rc + jXc, of the system as seen from the short-circuit location is calculated assuming a frequency = 20 Hz (for a nominal frequency off = 50 Hz) or fc = 24 Hz (for a nominal frequency off = 60 Hz). The R/X or X/R ratio is then determined according to equation
Depending on the product f . t; where f is the frequency and t is the time, the equivalent frequency f, should be used as follows:
Example of calculation
A low-voltage system with Un= 400 V and f= 50 Hz is given in figure 6. The shortcircuit currents Ik" and ip shall be determined at the short-circuit locations F1 to F3. It may be assumed that the short circuits at the locations F1 to F3 are far-fromgenerator short circuits
Example of calculation
Equipment impedance calculations (positive sequence impedance)
(Eq.2) (Eq.3) (Eq.4)
(Eq.7) (Eq.8)
Example of calculation
Equipment impedance calculations (zero sequence impedance)
Because the R/X-ratio of ZT2K+ ZL1+ ZL2 is higher than 0,3, it is necessary to introduce the factor 1,15
Example of calculation
Using equivalent frequency method :
(Eq.21) (Eq.13)
(Eq.21) (Eq.13)
1. IEC 60909-0 Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems Part 0: Calculation of currents. 2001 2. IEC 60909-4 Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems Part 4: Examples for the calculation of short-circuit currents. 2000 3.|GET-3550F|generic