The Benziger Breakthrough
The Benziger Breakthrough
The Benziger Breakthrough
May 2007
Brain Efficiency
PET and MRI Scanners it isnt possible to place each employee in a Scanner, but it is
possible to
Lower work performance Poor team atmosphere Days lost through illness Frustration at home
Falsification of Type
More than 60% are literally overheating their brains Over time, this leads to burn-out
Dr Katherine Benziger
Unveils and helps manage Falsification of Type Shows you how to experience flow based on mastering the brains naturally efficient strength to achieve superior performance.
Dr Katherine Benziger
Frontal Left
Frontal Left
Basal Left
Basal Left
Basal Right
Basal Right
Frontal Right
Frontal Right
Introversion/ Extraversion
A continuum of inner wakefulness
Barely Awake
Fully Awake
Very Awake
May 2007