Gelombang Cahaya Tampak (Visible Light)
Gelombang Cahaya Tampak (Visible Light)
Gelombang Cahaya Tampak (Visible Light)
The wavelength range is 380 - 740 nm, in frekuency 790-400 terahertz. Have primary properties
Intensity Propagation direction Frequency or wavelength spectrum Polarisation,
Its speed in a vacuum, 299,792,458 m/s Visible light is emitted and absorbed in tiny "packets" called photons Exhibits properties of both waves and particles.
Electromagnetic Waves
Frequency 668789 THz 631668 THz 606630 THz 526606 THz 508526 THz 484508 THz
400484 THz
620750 nm
Visible light is formed from refraction of sunlight. Refraction is the change of wavelength according the materials. Object can be seen because some factors
Light source (sumber cahaya) Conduct medium (media penghantar) Subject (benda/subyek) and Sensor/detektor.
Light can be
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How much wavelength that can be seen with humans eye? Give example of visible light in daily life (min 2)! Whats primary properties of visible light? Who is the founder of visible light? What is the formulas for waveslength?
1.The wavelength range that can be seen is 380 - 740 nm 2.Example in daily life is Traffic Light Transillumination 3.Primary properties of visible light is
Intensity Propagation direction Frequency or wavelength spectrum Polarisation,
5.T =
Visible light can be seen with humans eyes. It can be formed by refraction of sunlight (yang mengurai). be some colours like red, yellow, green, blue, violet with prisms.