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There is no doubt that advertising attracts all of us in number of ways, but There are also number of controversies associated with advertising Generally, these controversies are concerned about the impact of advertising on economy, society and ethics


Advertising is primarily a mean through which seller communicates with its perspective buyer what they communicate? The worth of their goods and services 1. Economic function 2. Social function 3. Psychological function

Economic Function Advertising communicates the message in persuasive language It creates wide markets as the information is delievered to people far and wide

Advertising is also an economic process- it helps the product to become known and it facilitates exchange between those who need the product and those who can satisfy the need Provides employment opportunities (in advertising industry

Social function
Advertising affects the core cultural values and subsidary cultural value

Advertising is amirror to the society in which it operates it reflects the csultural values of that society
Advertising can also transfer some cultural values of sone society to other Psychological function

Advertising is closely linked to consumer behavior,

Advertising appeals to or physiological and psychological motives

Advertising and society

Advertisements are not just the seller

They reflect the society Whatever s used in socity is reflected by advertising e.g. India society is faimily oriented For the sake of our faimily and other we Indian can postpone our gratification We are also fun loving

Ethical issues in advertising

Advertising is a highly visible business activity and any lapse in ethical standard can often be risky for the company Some of the common examples of ethical issues in advertising is given below Vulgarity/obscenity used to gain consumers attention Exaggeration Puffery

Racial issues
Controversial products(e.g. alcohol,gambling)

Advertisers try to persuade people to buy a product or service through various methods. A company may deliver an entertaining message about its product, compare the product to a similar item, list facts about the product, or make vague claims about the product which cannot be proved or disproved. This last method is known as "puffery" by using a particular deodorant one can attract the opposite sex,

ADDAPPEALS:1.RationalAppeal 2.EmotionalAppeal

4.DirectAppeal 5.IndirectAppeal

RationalAppeal:-Thefunctional benefits of a product is highlighted. Industrial buyers are most responsive to rational appeal. This is generally product oriented appeal. Types:- High quality appeals Low priceappeals Long life appeals Performance minted appeals Easetouse oriented appeals

An emotional appeal is related to an individuals psychological; an social needs to purchase some types of products

MoralAppeal Theseappealarethoseappealstotheaudiencewhichappealtotheirse nceofrightandwrong.Thisappealmainlyfocusedonprohibition,ad ultliteracy,socialforestry,anti smuggling consumer protection

Social appeal Socialfactorscausepeopletomakepurchasesandincludesuchasp ects asrecognition,respect,etc

Direct Appeal This type of appealarethoseappealsthatclearlycommunicatewiththeconsu mersaboutagivenneedfollowedbyamessagewhichextolsthead vertisedbrandwhichsatisfytheneed

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Case study on Rin/Tide One woman's basket has a packet of Rin detergent powder, while the other has a packet of Tide Naturals. The Tide lady boasts confidently about Tide's khushboo aur safedi bhi (fragrance combined with whiteness) the theme on which the Tide Naturals campaign was based. The Rin lady does not show any reaction but has a beam on her face. Thereafter, the school bus stops and drops off the two children. The child of the woman carrying Tide is wearing a visibly dull shirt, while behind him a boy comes out wearing a spotless white shirt, who runs across the shocked Tide lady towards the mother carrying the Rin packet. Making the advertisement more aggressive, the boy asks his mother, "Aunty chaunk kyun gayi?" ("chaunk" or startle has been used in P&G's earlier punch line) as the ad concludes with a voice-over that Rin is 'behtar' than Tide, when it comes to whiteness and at a chaukanewala price of Rs25.

FINDINGS I was a bit shocked to see the new directly. And this has brought the debate on comparative advertising back in focus. In my view, comparative advertising is permissible if its based on facts. Advertising Standards Council of India, has this to say about comparative advertising in its Code of Conduct Rin v/s Tide Ad where Rin showcases one of its competitor Tide naturals. Though this is a direct Ad which makes the other brand look inferior to Rin in this case, but then if one has facts based on studies and experiments conducted and the results are true then one can do the comparitive advertising, but showing it directly the product in ad is not in the right spirit according to me. Though there were skirmishes between the two companies were always restricted to disguised comparative advertising or matching each others price cuts in the market, but not a direct comparision , So if the facts are right then one can go ahead with the comparitive ads


In the Rin ad, the claim is limited to a whiter wash- Tide se kahin behatar safedi de Rin (Rin gives better whiteness than Tide), without getting into specific, this is a feature-to-feature comparison. Also in recent times we can remember the Complan v/s Horlicks ad. So what do you think people, Should comparitive advertisement be done? The Mostimportantstepliesindecidingwhatyouradvertisingshouldsayandt owhomitshouldsayit.Allyouneedtodoistodecidewhobuysandusesyou rproductandwhy.Inordertospendyourmediadollarswisely,youmustkn owwhattheyreadorwatchsothattheywillseeyourads


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