Fair and Lovely Case
Fair and Lovely Case
Fair and Lovely Case
Is it Ethical to sell a product that is, at best, only mildly effective? Discuss.
There are different reasons behind this.
First, when an organization behaves ethically, customers develop more positive attitudes about the
firm, its products, and its services. When marketing practices depart from standards that society
considers acceptable, the marketing process becomes less efficientsometimes it is even
Second, ethical abuses frequently lead to pressure (social or government) for institutions to assume
greater responsibility for their actions. As a result, consumer interest groups, professional
associations, and self-regulatory groups exert considerable influence on marketing. Calls for social
responsibility have also subjected marketing practices to a wide range of federal and state
regulations designed to either protect consumer rights or to stimulate trade.
There are issues regarding different marketing practices but there should not any ethical issue in
selling of products which are mildly effective. Product can be mildly effective to the customers and if
customers are not willing to buy it then it is all right for them. But for less effective products, selling
those in the market is not ethical is not right.
Fair & Lovely is a product which can be mildly effective, because it is used externally for the
beautification purpose. If someone did not use it then that person will not die, as it is not a lifesaving
product. It is used to have brighter skin which can be an advantage to someone or can be a desire to
someone. There are not any laws that only the lifesaving of most effective product are ethical to sell.
Products have various purpose of use. So if someone wants to sell a product which is mildly
effective then that should not be recognized as unethical. People are free to do different business.
Only because of mildly effective make a business unethical is totally injustice to that business.
attract customers by showing customers desire without considering norms and values of any culture.
At that time marketers only intention is to earn profit so they try to exploit cultural norms and values.
There are some rules and regulation regarding marketing promotions. There are also some rules
regarding advertising. That rules describes what a marketer can do in their advertisement and what
a marketer cannot do in their advertisement. It is not ethical to exploit any cultural norms or values
through any advertisement. Advertisement is important for marketing promotion but by exploiting any
cultural norms and values, it will not be accepted to all.
So we have found that this is not ethical to show or use any kind of advertisement which exploits
cultural norms, values and other things to promote any kind of products. If any company does this
kind of acts then they will be in a risk of any legal action by any other people and that may also
cause a very bad reputation for the company for the future business.
Will HLLs Fair & Lovely Foundation be enough to counter charges made by
AIDWA? Discuss.
Through its advertising Hindustand Lever Ltd. stated, in lament terms, the product is formulated to
lighten skin by only one to three shades depending on the person. In marketing, however, there is a
hidden message in everything- always something the advertisers and marketing agents dont want
you to know. If you read between the lines and try and make sense of things, you would know that a
cream cant penetrate deeper than the first few layers of skin, which ultimately cannot touch the
levels where melanin rests to create skin pigmentation. Their marketing is ethical because they dont
false advertise.
The people of India look past all of the above justifications because they are so engulfed in the
media hype and cultural norms. Society tells them its more socially acceptable to have fair skin, and
their peers haunt and criticize those who dont making them mental slaves to the concept of using
skin creams and bleaches to lighten their complexions.
It isnt completely ethical to exploit such cultural norms and values to promote a product, but its still
fair game in the business world. As long the advertisers and marketers comply with government
regulations and as long as there is marketshare that is able to reap profits, marketers are going to try
and fill the voids in their industry.
After concerns were raised by the AIDWA, HLL took appropriate steps to counter act the negative
image burned into the minds of many Indian women. Their efforts to raise awareness and promote
success and confidence among Indian women, however sincere, through the Fair and Lovely
Foundation generated a more positive buzz around the company. It gave jobs to many unemployed
women, and provided training to those women who wanted to increase or build skills as beauticians.
Their response to the AIDWAs accusations of racism, demeaning, and sexist resulted in economist
boost for India.
In light of AIDWAs charges, how would you suggest Fair & Lovely promote its
product? Discuss. Would your response be different if Fairever continued to
use fairness as a theme of its promotion? Discuss.
In the case Cultural Norms, Fair & Lovely, and Advertising, I do believe that selling a product that is
only mildly effective is ethical because some products such as beauty creams take differently
depending on the person and their skin. I do not think that Fair & Lovely was exploiting cultural
norms and values because having lighter skin in Asia is wanted just like being tanner in America is
wanted. If having fair skin is part of your culture than so be it and if you choose to use a product that
lightens your skin use it.
The way that Fair & Lovely advertised their product could be demeaning to some people by the fair
skin girl has a boyfriend and the darker skinned girl does not have a boyfriend. Although I do not
think love is based on skin color. I can't say it enough advertising is a business and everyone wants
to make their money. Is it wrong to promote what the company sells? No! I don't Fair& Lovely is
trying to denigrate dark skin they are just making a product to conform to a certain culture. If Fair &
Lovely wants to help their brand by selling more products they could have a different approach to
their advertising strategy. They could make different commercials without comparing two different
skin tones, maybe making a commercial with the products results. A before and after commercial
might be better so the people buying the product would know what they are buying. "Fairness" is
Fair & Lovely's theme I don't think it could be changed. If you want lighter skin you want to be fair. If
you want whiter teeth you buy whitening gel, to me it's the same thing,
created offering training, counseling and scholarship for low-income women. Different sizes of the
product were created, making it available for the mass. In addition, entrepreneur training was
available, through the Project Shakti, giving women the possibility of making profit from selling the
In addition, to the practices already created by the company I would suggest, a TV program where
the average women would tell about their experiences with the product. Moreover, I would develop a
campaign exploring the different types of women, demystifying the beauty stereotype reigned in