Chapter III Pharmacokinetics: Durge Raj Ghalan
Chapter III Pharmacokinetics: Durge Raj Ghalan
Chapter III Pharmacokinetics: Durge Raj Ghalan
Distribution Metabolism
Absorption Excretion
free drug Metabolites
sites of drug
administration systemic
circulation binding drug
Fig. 3-1 Schematic representation of the ADME process of a drug. Drug was
absorbed from the sites of administration into the systemic circulation, in which
they reversibly bind to albumin or other proteins. The bound drug is inactive,
therefore it is limited its systemic distribution, metabolism and excretion. Only
free drug is able to cross membrane to reach tissues, sites of drug action and be
metabolized or excreted.
Transport Across Cell Membranes
1. Passive transport
2. Active transport
3. others: endocytosis or pinocytosis,
facilitated diffusion,
ion-pair transport
1. Passive transport
HA A - + H+
[X] 0.01• [X]
A. Biotransformation or metabolism
1) site of biotransformation
liver (mainly)
gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, lungs
flavoprotein flavoprotein
(reduce) (oxidized)
RH2 RH2 O2
P450 Fe3+ O2 P450 Fe2+
(parent drug) (oxidized product)
dosage window
latency time
ke ke
logC logC
-α /2.30
t t
d c dt = −K eC
Ke (elimination rate constant):
fraction eliminated per unit time
(first-order kinetics)
C − ket
logC 1
C t = C0e logC t = logC 0 −
t t
d C dt = −KC 0
C =1 d C dt = −K
zero-order kinetics
C C t = C 0 − K⋅ t logC
t t
t t
Y= a + b X equation
from the pharmacokinetic experiment,
1. we can detect Ct.
2. then, we calculate C0 and Ke
3. and then, we can get the following
pharmacokinetic parameters
A. apparent volume of distribution (Vd)
Vd = D 0 C 0 = D C
1. fluid compartments of 70-kg subject in liters and percent
of body weight: plasma volume 3 L, blood volume 5.5 L,
extracellular water 12 L, total body water 42 L.
2. Vd = 5L, drug distribute in plasma ;
Vd = 10~20L, drug distribute in extracellular ;
Vd = 40L , drug distribute in total body water;
Vd = 100~200L, drug distribute in tissue.
3. we can predict characteristic of drug from Vd.
e.g. high Vd, high lipid solubility, distribute in
tissue, eliminate very slowly.
4. the plasma half-life(t1/2) of a drug is directly
proportional to Vd, and inversely proportional to
total clearance (Cl) ; for a given Cl, the higher the
Vd, the longer the t1/2.
CL = Ke ⋅ Vd t1/2=0.693/k
B. Plasma clearance, (CL)
CL = Ke ⋅ Vd
CL = C0 ⋅V d AUC = D 0 AUC
Vd & Cl
d C dt = −K C t = C 0 − K⋅ t
The amount of the drug that reaches
the systemic circulation can be expressed
as a fraction of the dose absorbed (F).
This fraction is often called bioavailability.
Bioavailability (F) is determined experimentally by
measuring AUC of dosage form of drug given by
one route and comparing it to AUC of same dose of
drug under conditions of complete absorption, i.e.
given i.v.
AUC: Area under plasma concentration
Bioavailability (F)
F £½
F £½ ¡Á100%
CmaxA increase risk of toxicity
MEC for
adverse response
plasma drug concentration
MEC for
CmaxC desired response
Fig. 3-9 The theoretical plasma concentrations resulting over a period of time after
the oral administration of three different formulations of the same dose of the same
drug. Each drug has a different speed of absorption but has the same AUC.
First-order elimination and multiple dose
1 dose / t1/2 (Cssmax) 2 dose/t1/2 after 1dose/t1/2
2.0 2.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 t1/2 0 1 2 t1/2
(A) (B)