Reparing A Broken Economy

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Reparing a broken economy



New York University Stern School of Business

Mortgage origination and securitization in financial crisis

Subprime loans are a direct consequence of securitization. These loans created a wave of refinancing or defaults The systematic dimension of the crisis was born from the leveraged concentration of risky mortgage-backed

How banks played the leverage game?

Bank avoided regulatory capital requirement, took on excessive leverage and used the feed-up capital to bet on aggregate risks regulation and defining the boundaries of financial firms

Rating agencies
The major rating agencies bear much responsibility when the mortgage securities collapsed during the period 20072009 Understanding how and why the agencies grew to be so important in necessary before policymakers can find out sensible regulatory solutions.

What about the government sponsored enterprises?

Private profit taking with socialized risk is untenable The GSE's investment function should be shuttered and its securitization and guarantor role folded into a government agency

Enhanced regulation of large complex financial institutions :

The new generation of Goliaths in US and global financial market are now at the heart of the ongoing crisis A special and dedicated regulator is necessary to protect the safety of the financial system Protection from problems arising in institutions that are too big or too interconnected to fail

Hedge funds in the aftermath of the financial crisis!

Hedge funds provide liquidity to the market and do not receive guarantees from the government Any other regulation : not justified => hedge funds generate risk and are imposing externalities on the financial system

Corporate governance in the modern financial sector :

Mistakes in corporate governance => central role in the global financial crisis Review what should and shouldn't be done to improve corporate governance in financial firms.

Centralized clearing for credit derivate:

Existing Credit Default Swaps have played an important role in exacerbating the current financial crisis To keep them from playing such a central role in the next crisis, they should move to centralized clearing with greater transparency.

International alignment of financial sector regulation

Absence of international coordination Large country central banks have to assume the role of systemic regulators of large, complex financial institutions

To sum up
Regulate and define the boundaries of financial firms Find out regulatory solutions for rating agencies The GSE's investment function should be shuttered and its securitization and guarantor role folded into a government agency Protect the safety of the financial system Review the mistakes made in corporate governance in financial firms Credit Default Swaps should be more transparent. International alignment of financial sector regulation

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