Concepts of the Financial Institutions
are establishment that focuses on
dealing with financial transactions, such
as investments, loans and deposits
composed of organizations such as
banks, trust companies, insurance
companies and investment dealers.
Financial institutions deal with various
financial activities associated with bonds,
debentures, stocks, loans, risk
diversification, insurance, hedging,
retirement planning, investment,
portfolio management, and many other
types of related functions
Financial institutions are those
organizations, which are involved in
providing various types of financial services
to their customers
The financial institutions are controlled and
supervised by the rules and regulations
delineated by government authorities.
Some of the financial institutions also
function as mediators in share markets and
debt security markets.
The principal function of financial
institutions is to collect funds from the
investors and direct the funds to various
financial services providers in search for
Contributions of Financial
economic growth depends on the
accumulation of input factors in the
production process and on technical
Financial development may also
help to realize faster technical
progress, embedded in the capital
stock, to achieve higher economic
More specifically, financial development can
affect growth through three main channels:
It can raise the proportion of savings
channeled to investment, thereby reducing
the costs of financial intermediation;
It may improve the allocation of resources
across investment projects, thus increasing
the social marginal productivity of capital;
Investment companies
provide an outlet for the savings of
many individual investors towards
bonds, stocks, and money market
Most investment companies stocks
are highly liquid because they
repurchase their outstanding
shares at current market price.
Investment institutions
Mutual funds
are especially attractive to small investor,
which purchase shares of these funds and
gain greater diversification, risk sharing,
lower transaction cost, opportunities for
capital gains and indirect access to higher
yielding securities
They pool funds of savers and make them
available to business and government
Pension Funds
is an entity set up to collect monies
from employer(s) and workers, invest
the proceeds in securities and other
assets, and pay benefits to retirees from
the fund's accumulated resources.
It is a pool of assets forming an
independent legal entity that are bought
with the contributions to a pension plan
for the exclusive purpose of financing
pension plan benefits.
Pension Funds
Itis a fund established by an employer to
facilitate and organize the investment of
employees' retirement funds contributed by
the employer and employees..
A pension plan is a promise by a pension
plan sponsor to a plan member to provide a
pension upon retirement.
The sponsor may be a company, an
employer, a union or a jointly trustee plan
where both management and unions in an
industry appoint trustees to a board which
manages the plan.
A pension fund ordinarily has an
investment policy statement that describes
the nature of the assets in which the
pension fund can invest
A trustee is appointed to hold the assets
in trust for the benefit of the plan
Pension plans usually hire an outside
investment manager to invest the plan
The sponsor may also appoint an
"investment consultant" to advice on
investment issues and help select and
assess the performance of investment
Basic characteristics of
Pension Trust Fund
Every organization maintains a pension trust
fund for its employees and protects liabilities
of misappropriation and mishandling of
pension funds
A pension plan is a fund that is established by
private employers, governments, or unions for
the payment of retirement benefits.
Pension plans have grown rapidly largely
because of favorable tax treatment
Qualified pension funds are exempt from
federal income taxes, as are employer
The two types of pension funds
Defined contribution plan: the
sponsor is responsible only for
making specified contributions into
the plan on behalf of qualifying
employees but does not guarantee
any specific amount at retirement.
A Defined benefit plan: sponsor
agrees to make specified payments
to qualifying employees at
The financial condition of a
pension plan depends on a
number of factors, including
The demographic
characteristics: dictate the time
horizon for investment
The financial state of the
company itself
The historical investment
Insurance Companies
Insurance companies allow people to choose
the certainty of a slightly reduced current
income (reduced by the premiums they pay)
in exchange for avoiding a catastrophic loss
of income (or wealth) if some accident should
The amount to be charged for a certain
amount of insurance coverage is called the
The insured receives a contract, called the
insurance policy, which details the conditions
and circumstances under which the insured
will be financially compensated.
Types of insurance
Captive insurance company
is a stock insurance company that is formed
to underwrite the risks of its parent company
or in some, cases a sponsoring group or
is also is a company in which each policy
holder is an owner, and where earnings are
distributed as dividends.
If a net loss results, policyholders may be
subject to extra assessments. In most cases,
however, non-assessable policies are issued
Reciprocal organization: