Emerging Challenges in HR: Tariq Saeed HR Consultant & Strategic Alliance Partner Talent Edge Consultants PVT LTD
Emerging Challenges in HR: Tariq Saeed HR Consultant & Strategic Alliance Partner Talent Edge Consultants PVT LTD
Emerging Challenges in HR: Tariq Saeed HR Consultant & Strategic Alliance Partner Talent Edge Consultants PVT LTD
Tariq Saeed HR Consultant & Strategic Alliance Partner Talent Edge Consultants Pvt Ltd
HRM Challenges
Environmental Cultural Organizational Individual
Environment & Culture
Organization Individual
Key HR Challenges-Environmental
Rapid change Workforce diversity Globalization Technology explosion Legislation Evolving work and family roles Skill Shortages Rise of the service sector
Dominant values
Feeling or climate
The present days business is associated with the strategy which is taught, studied & discussed on short & long term planning.
Thus HR has no longer been an operational function but a Strategic function.
HR has the challenge to design HR strategies which can match Business Strategies
Selecting HR Strategies
Fit with organizational strategies Fit with environment Fit with organizational characteristics Fit with organizational capabilities Choosing Consistent and Appropriate HR Tactics to implement HR Strategies
Career Planning
In general it is the desire of everybody to go up & grow. Once the aspirations and desires of employees are taken care of, the organizations can grow to higher level of efficiency and productivity.
Thus a career is more than just the job or sequence of jobs a person holds over a lifetime.
It is individually perceived sequence of attitudes & behaviors associated with workrelated experiences & activities over a persons life.
Conflicts Management
Survival of the Fittest This slogan has created a stiff competition among the companies as well as among the employees working in the same department. All intellectual assets are trying their best to prove themselves to stay in the flow. Sometimes it may create rivalry & resolving such conflicts becomes a challenge for HR
Workplace Diversity
Workplace Diversity includes employees with different age, gender, educational background, geographic location, income, religious beliefs, work experience etc.. HR Manager needs to be mindful & may employ a Think Global, Act Local approach. A HR Manager needs to change from an ethnocentric ( our way is the best way) to a culturally relative perspective (lets take the best of a variety of ways)
Leadership Development
Leaders are confident there is always something higher to achieve, a new level of excellence to attain. HR has to take initiative to develop the leadership, identify the people, track the talent & develop.
Leadership Development
Understand styles of leadership
Knowledge Transfer
In todays fast-paced life, the wins usually go to those with exceptional skills and abilities which can be acquired by sharing of knowledge.
Therefore HR has to create the forums, platforms for knowledge transfer from senior employees to junior employees
Business Knowledge
HR must understand
Employee Expectations
Career Growth Plan Working Environment Involvement in decision Making Responsibility with authority Sense of identity & importance Compensation
HR Competency Model
Strategic Partner
- understands culture
analytical, strategic, creative thinking, and knows business systems
- knows mission
Change Consultant
O.D., marketing & teaming
Technical Expert
- Knowledge HR law & policies, work-life, info. technology
Employee Champion
- develop relationships - promotes diversity
Brain Drain Future exodus Lack of training and development opportunities Lack of attention to or focus on the basics
Training / re-training Job Rotations Customer focus Develop competency-based systems for selection, training, and performance management
Whats next?
Align to agency mission and vision: HR programs and policies HR service commitments and delivery systems HR position descriptions and performance plans HR individual development plans HR training and development HR awards and recognition HR measures/metrics
Whats next?
Competency Training and Certification/ Credential programs
enhance image sense of pride and stature new skills provide a foundation consistent service delivery expectations
Thank you!
THE HR Environment
Technology and Organizational Structure Worker values and Attitudinal Trends Management Trends Demographic Trends Trends in Utilization of Human Resources International Developments Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining Equal Employee Opportunity & legal Compliance Employees Relations & Compensation
Demographic Trends
An Aging work force in USA, Europe / younger workforce in Pakistan The Boomer Age Bulge / High unemployment of Pakistani workforce Labor Shortages / Shortage of high quality HR Changing Occupational Distribution for Women Dual Career Couples Greater Racial Diversity / Migrating Workforce
International Developments
Global Competition Global Sourcing of Labor European Community Other Regional Markets