Research Proposal

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Chapter Three Research Proposal And Guide To Prepare a Proposal

Asres Abitie (MBA)


3.1. What is a Research Proposal?

A research proposal can be defined as a

written document requesting both authorization and funds to undertake a specific research project.
A research proposal is intended to convince

others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence andAbitie (MBA) Asres the work-plan to complete it. 11/3/2012

Regardless of your research area and the

methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions: What you plan to accomplish? Why you want to do it and? How you are going to do it ? Proposal is just like a blueprint, which the Asres Abitie (MBA) 11/3/2012 architect prepares before the construction

3.2 Function of the Research Proposal


as a means of communication Research proposal as plan Proposal also functions as a contract

Asres Abitie (MBA)


Benefits of the Research Proposal

Meet requirements of most funding sources Planning instrument Improved record-keeping Enhanced credibility Increased knowledge in the program area Better program evaluation Better financial management
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3.3 General Format and Elements of a Proposal Abstract Introduction (background and justification) Statement of the problem Objective of the study Literature review Material and methods (methodology) Work plan (time budget) Cost budget Abitie (MBA) Asres References 11/3/2012

It should be concise and descriptive. The title should be as explicit as possible and

transparent It should be clear and short Example: A study on the academic achievement of children in pastorals regions whose parents had participated literacy classes against those parents that did not Comparison of Academic Achievement Among Grade Eight Children who have Asres Abitie (MBA) 11/3/2012 7 Attended pre-school Education and Those who

It should capture and reflect the content of

the proposal.
It should enable the readers to understand

the concepts of the study.

The title should not be too broad or too

short. Example - Marketing in Japan - Leadership in Ethiopia Asres Abitie (MBA) 8 - Unemployment in Sudan


2. Abstract
Is summary which reflects the whole content of the

proposal Title or topic of the research Belongs at the beginning of the proposal Includes at least one sentence on problem statement Includes at least one sentence on objectives Includes at least one sentence on methods Includes total cost, funds already obtained, amount requested in the proposal Should be brief Should be clear Asres Abitie (MBA) 11/3/2012 Should be interesting

It should give the general background of

the study and the need for undertaking the study.


Asres Abitie (MBA)


Some questions to be addressed in this part may include: What are current and previous studies that have been made on the issues to be studied? What is the present gap in knowledge and current trend? What makes worth studying? Why has the problem not been solved yet? How do we intend to fill the gap or solve the problem? If the researcher finds this section to be very vast he can add (split this section) a section (heading) called rationale and/or Asres Abitie (MBA) 11/3/2012 11 the problem statement.

4. The Problem Statement

It elaborates about the problem


Statement of the problem is targeted on the following : Stating the background facts which justify the study Developing hypothesis /key research questions, which may show the direction of the whole exercise. Asres Abitie (MBA)

Formulating the Problem Statement

Why is it important to state and define the

problem well? Is the foundation for further development of the research proposal (research objectives, methodology, work plan, budget, etc.). Makes it easier to find information and reports of similar studies from which your own study design can benefit. Enables you to systematically point out why the proposed research on the problem should be undertaken and what you hope to achieve withAbitie (MBA) Asres the study results. 11/3/2012 13

5. Research Objective
What is Research Objective? Research objective is a statement that clearly depicts the goal to be achieved by a research project.


Asres Abitie (MBA)


Formulation of a Research Objective

The formulation of objectives will help you to:
o Focus the study (narrowing it down to

essentials) o Avoid the collection of data which are not strictly necessary for understanding and solving the problem you have identified (to establish the limits of the study); and o Organize the study in clearly defined parts or phases. Properly formulated specific objectives will be the base for the next phases of the proposal. Asres Abitie (MBA) 11/3/2012 15

Types of Research Objectives

General objective: summarizes what is to be achieved by the

study should be clearly related to the statement of the problem.

Specific objectives: logically connected parts of the general


Asres Abitie (MBA) study on the essentials focus the


6. Significance of the study

It is a justification for the need for

research A researcher should justify the importance and the urgency of the study. Shows how the result of your study is useful to the beneficiaries.
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Additional Information
Definition of terms and concepts

-define technical terms or words and phrases having special meaning. Delimitation of the study/scope of the study -boundaries of the study should be made clear Limitations of the study (Optional) Lack of access to the right data Poor choice or development of instruments Lack of up-to-date literature in the area Lack of sufficient time
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7. Literature Review

The theoretical and empirical framework

from which the problem arises must be briefly described.

A brief resume of related studies found in

journals, magazines , abstracts and reports should be made.

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Objective of the literature review

To provide evidence that the researcher is

familiar with what is already known and with what is unknown and unproved. Helps to avoid the risk of duplication It serves a base for formulating hypothesis To establish a familiarity with a body of knowledge and establishes credibility To show the path of prior research and how a current project is linked to it To integrate and summarize what is known in the area Asres Abitie (MBA) 11/3/2012 20 To learn from others and stimulate new ideas

Stages of review
1. At the beginning of the research: The objective is:

To check what other research has been done To focus your idea, and To explore the context for your project

2. During your research: with the objectives of:


Keeping your interest up to date with development Helping you better understand the method you are using and the field you are researching & Serving as a source of data

Asres Abitie (MBA) 11/3/2012 3. After your research : with the objectives

Important functions of the literature review Need for Reading:

It will give you ideas It helps you to improve your writing skill It helps you to understand what other researchers have

done in your area. Direct personal experience can never be enough It helps you to legitimate your arguments It helps you to effectively criticize what others have done. It helps you in the process of clarifying and framing your research questions Helps you to know more abut research methods and Asres application in practice. 11/3/2012 22 their Abitie (MBA)

Most students' literature reviews suffer from the following problems:

Lacking organization and

structure Lacking focus, unity and coherence Being repetitive and verbose Failing to cite influential papers Failing to keep up with recent developments Failing to critically evaluate cited papers Citing irrelevant or trivial references
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8. Material and Methods (Methodology) or Data and Methodology

8.1. Data (Materials)
Information required to attack the problem is

explained. Each variable or indicator identified by a researcher is explained and justified to show how it is relevant to the current study.
The source of the data, the site (location) of the

study and time that will be included (relevant time period) should also be specified.
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8.2 Methods (Methodology)

Method of data collection
How the data are obtained from earlier

specified sources? Primary method of data collection Secondary method of data collection The researcher explains and justifies how his selection of a particular method is relevant and appropriate to his study.
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Method of sampling
From which elements are the data collected? Select the best sampling techniques. Probability sampling techniques Non-probability sampling techniques

Justification of the choice of a particular

sampling technique is relevant here.

The sample size should also be specified
26 Asres 11/3/2012 with Abitie (MBA) its method of sample size determination

Methods of Data Analysis


researcher should describe how to organize , analyze , and interpret data.

The detail of statistical techniques and the

rationale for using such techniques should be described in the research proposal


Asres Abitie (MBA)


9. Time Schedule/ Work plan

It is an outline of realistic time schedule for completing the study within the time available. You should divide the study in to phases and assign dates for the completion of each phase


Asres Abitie (MBA)


10. Cost budget

Clearly identify the resource requirements
Be realistic in costing/budgeting The work plan is a good starting point for

preparing budget- budget for activities

Prepare budget justification

Include 5-10% contingency

Identify funding source & prepare budget

according to the required format

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11. Reference/ Bibliography/Literature cited

Includes a list of books, journals and other

You should list all reference materials that

you used in selecting the problem and which you may use during the conduct of the study.
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12. Appendix /Annex/

Stuffs to be included in appendix:
Detail Questionnaires and Interview schedules Detailed experimental design (in experimental

research) Detailed statistical procedures Samples of research materials (chemical and some biological materials) Survey and other geographic maps
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Your Proposal
Simple and clear Good statement of the problem: why do you

want to study? Pertinent literature review Few/manageable objectives Clear and detailed methodological description Good work plan Reasonable budget
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Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing

1. Failure to provide the proper context to frame the
research question. 2. Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research. 4. Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical contributions by other researchers. 5. Failure to stay focused on the research question. 6. Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed research. 7. Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues. 9. Too many citation lapses and incorrect references. 10. Too long or too short. Asres Abitie (MBA) 11/3/2012

Assignment III

1. Review an empirical article in

your area and submit it in three pages.


Asres Abitie (MBA)


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