This document is a tender for construction of a bank building in Mumbai, India. It includes a volume on technical specifications for the civil, electrical, fire fighting, HVAC, and IBMS systems works. The document provides an index of the technical specification sections and sub-sections. Contractors must submit their tenders by the specified date to be considered for the project.
This document is a tender for construction of a bank building in Mumbai, India. It includes a volume on technical specifications for the civil, electrical, fire fighting, HVAC, and IBMS systems works. The document provides an index of the technical specification sections and sub-sections. Contractors must submit their tenders by the specified date to be considered for the project.
This document is a tender for construction of a bank building in Mumbai, India. It includes a volume on technical specifications for the civil, electrical, fire fighting, HVAC, and IBMS systems works. The document provides an index of the technical specification sections and sub-sections. Contractors must submit their tenders by the specified date to be considered for the project.
This document is a tender for construction of a bank building in Mumbai, India. It includes a volume on technical specifications for the civil, electrical, fire fighting, HVAC, and IBMS systems works. The document provides an index of the technical specification sections and sub-sections. Contractors must submit their tenders by the specified date to be considered for the project.
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Issued To: ______________________________________________________________
1. Date of issue of Blank Tender :
2. Pre- Bid Meeting : 3. Date of Submission of tenders : 4. Date of Opening of Tender :
Tender Price: Rs. 10,000/- per set (Non-Refundable)
________________________________________________________________________ M/S. SHASHI PRABHU & ASSOCIATES 1 st Floor, Above Kanga Library, Wankhede Stadium, Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020. Email: - [email protected] Tel:- 022-66199999 Fax: - 022-66199900 BANK OF INDIA HEAD OFFICE, PREMISES DEPARTMENT, STAR HOUSE, C-5, BLOCK G, 1 ST FLOOR, BANDRA KURLA COMPLEX, BANDRA (EAST), MUMBAI-400051.
All Works shall be measured net as completed or as fixed in place with no allowance (unless specified for) for cuttings, wastage, joints, risks etc. No allowance shall be made for large or small quantities, narrow widths, easy access or difficult positions or other exceptional circumstances. Any work executed over and above the dimensions given in drawings or sketches provided by the Engineer in charge or written instructions by the Engineer in charge shall be ignored, and no payment shall be made for such extra work. In other words, payment shall be made for authorised Permanent Works only. Unless otherwise specified measurements shall be taken as per the provisions of I.S. code 1200.
The least count for the purpose of calculating quantities shall be as under. Linear dimensions shall be measured correct to the 0.01 m. Area shall be worked out correct to the 0.01 Sq.M., volume (Cubic contents) shall be worked out correct to the 0.01 cubic metre and weight shall be worked out correct to 0.001 Tonne or 1 Kg. as applicable, and thickness to 1.0 mm unless otherwise specified.
Distance shall be measured by the shortest practicable route as approved by Engineer in charge.
The rates inserted by Contractor/tenderer against various items/amount of work detailed in various parts of schedule shall be deemed to include every allowance necessary, without extra measurement or charge for meeting the requirement of various components/parts of the contract documents viz. Particular Specifications. Standard Specifications of P.W.D. of Maharashtra & MCGM, item wise specifications, Additional Special Conditions and Mandatory Instructions, Preambles and Notes to Schedule Items, description of Schedule items, which shall all be read together, and any or all of the following unless specifically provided for to the contrary.
a) Compliance with all the conditions of contract including General Conditions of Contract., Schedule of Quantities, Particular Specifications, drawings including notes thereon, Specifications in Standard Specifications and other Specification in this Contract of P.W.D. Maharashtra State & MCGM, Relevant Indian Standard Specifications, and other Specification in this Contract. All India Standard Schedule of Rates 1986 "Standard Specifications" of Govt. of India as and where applicable.
b) All labour, materials, tools and plant, equipment and transport (which may be) required in preparation for and in the full and entire execution and completion of the Works, including waste in materials, carriage and cartage, carrying in, all leads and lifts. Hoisting, seating, fitting and fixing in position.
c) Local Conditions: Nature of Works, local facilities for supply of labour and materials, accessibilities to site, and all other matters affecting the execution and completion of the Works.
d) Duties etc. : Payment of any Octroi, Terminal Tax, Turnover Tax, Toll Tax, Contract Sales Tax, VAT, Ground Rent, Environmental Cess or any other duties and levies on materials obtained for the Works and any duties in respect of patent rights including Works contract sales tax etc.
e) Supervision : Competent supervision of the Works.
f) Labour: Reasonable terms and conditions of employment liabilities to pay compensation, pay wages in accordance with payment of wages Act wages as per statutory enactments, temporary accommodation, sanitation etc. compliance with Contract Labour Act.
g) Water and Power: Provision of all water and power required including temporary plumbing and electrical connections.
h) Temporary work-shops, stores, office, labour camps foundation for crane etc. : Provision of such structures as required for efficient execution of the work, removing and cleaning up site on completion of work.
i) Precautions against risk : Precautions to prevent loss or damage from all or any risks, insurance of sheds or any temporary accommodation provided by Client, watching and lighting and provisions pertaining to these in General Conditions of Contract.
j) Notices, Fees etc. : Compliance with statutory provisions of regulations and/or bye-laws of any local authority and/or any public service company or authority affected by the Works.
k) Setting out the Works including all apparatus required.
l) Site Drainage : Removal at no extra cost of all water that may accumulate due to springs, sub-soil water, rains, flood/tides and any other causes on the site during the progress of the Works or in trenches and excavations.
m) Execution of work in a workman like manner including providing Facilities for inspection etc.
n) Rectification of bad work : Rectification or removal and reconstruction of any work which (as decided by the engineer) has been executed with unsound or imperfect material or unskilled or unsatisfactory workmanship or a quality inferior to that contracted for, whether during construction or prior to the expiry of the maintenance period.
o) Responsibility for damages and loss of all construction materials etc. at the site until handed over to Client
p) Removal of Rubbish: Removal of rubbish and debris and cleaning of any dirt before handing over to Client
q) Cleaning site and Works : Removal by the contractor, off the site any temporary structure any tools, plant and materials and sweeping, washing, cleaning joinery, removal of splashes of paint and lime wash and leaving the whole structure neat and tidy.
r) Completion: Completion of the Works to the satisfaction of the Engineer on or before the stipulated date of completion.
s) Difficult Positions: Accessibility or otherwise to site, easy or difficult positions in work. Co-ordination with CLIENT/ MCGM /Any other statutory body for obtaining permission for diversion of traffic or any other facilities during execution of this project.
t) Errors : Rectification of all errors to the satisfaction of Engineer (e.g. when excavation is carried out deeper than ordered or required level shall be made up with concrete as specified for the foundation at no extra cost.
u) proprietary articles.
v) Curved work etc. : Work of any quantity, size or shape, whether level, inclined, curved, battered etc.
w) Waste : All wastes, laps, seams, joints (rough or fair cutting) cutting, straight/raking, circular and making good.
x) Artificial Lights : To include for all lighting, kerosene or electric power as the case may be, when need arises for use of lighting out Works.
y) Tests : Carrying out all tests at field laboratory and or any other laboratory approved by Engineer as per relevant Indian Standards in required frequencies.
__________________ Signature of Tenderer
A.1 Excavation for all Works and of materials required for filling shall be to the exact width, length and depth shown on the drawings or as directed in writing by the Engineer. If excavation is carried out to greater width, length, depth than required, the Contractor shall make good, at his own cost, the extra depth by sound masonry or concrete filling, and extra length or width filled in by well consolidated earth or if the Engineer thinks it necessary for the stability of the work, by masonry or concrete as he may direct.
A.2 Excavated material required for filling shall be stacked or dumped where indicated by the Engineer. Excavated material not required for filling and any surplus material shall be removed and spread on the site where and as directed by the Engineer or carted away from the site as directed by the Engineer. Dumping of this surplus material shall be in an orderly manner and according to the levels/grades as indicated by the Engineer. The maximum radius for dumping of this surplus material on site from excavations will be as noted in the bill of quantities. The cost of such removal and spreading shall be borne by the Contractor and held to be included in the Contract Rates.
A.3 The Contractor shall, at the Contract Rates make provision for all shoring, pumping, dredging, bailing out or draining water whether subsoil or rain or other water and the excavation shall be kept free of water while the masonry work or concrete work is in progress and until the Engineer considers the work well set (Refer IS:3764 Safety for Excavation Work). The sides of trenches shall be kept vertical and the bottom horizontal and shall be run level throughout or properly stepped as directed by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall effect and maintain during progress of Works temporary fences around dangerous excavations.
A.4 Excavation in ordinary soil means excavation in marine clay saturated or unsaturated with water or ordinary hard soil including stiff heavy clay, hard shale, or compact soil or any material which can be removed by the ordinary application of spades, picks and pick axes. This shall also include removal of isolated boulders each having a volume not more than 0.05 cu.m.
A.5 Excavation in soft rock includes limestone, sandstone, laterite, etc. or other rock which can be quarried or split with crowbars or wedges. This shall also include excavation of tarred pavements, masonry work and rock boulders each having a volume of not less than 0.05 cu.m and not more than 0.25 cu.m.
A.6 Excavation in hard rock includes any rock found in ledges or masses in its original form or sheet rock or cement concrete, excavation of which in the opinion of the Engineer requires the use of compressed air equipment, sledge hammer and blasting.
A.7 In case of any difficulty concerning the interpretation of Clauses A.4, A.5 and A.6 above, the Engineer shall decide whether the excavation in a particular material is in ordinary soil, soft rock or hard rock and his decision in this matter shall be final and binding on the Contractor and without appeal.
A.8 The foundation trenches shall be inspected and passed by the Engineer before such approval concrete or masonry work is commenced and the Contractor shall hold an order in writing to this effect, otherwise the Contractor shall be liable to have this work removed for inspection.
A.9 The earth/murrum for backfilling in foundation shall be got approved by the Engineer. In the foundation the backfilling shall be done in layers not more than 300 mm thick and shall be thoroughly watered and consolidated by approved method. The rate for backfilling in foundation is deemed to have been included in the excavation rate.
A.10 Murum Filling
A.10.1 The backfilling in plinth and other places which are required for levelling shall be done in layers not more than 300 mm thick. The filling shall be watered and thoroughly consolidated by vibratory roller of approved capacity in case of platforms and by mechanical compactors in case of all buildings. The process shall be repeated till the required level is achieved. After the backfilling is completed the surface shall be uniformly dressed and levelled. Murum of approved quality brought by the contractor from outside source having liquid limit not more than 40 and platicity index not more than 20 and minimum dry density not less than 1700 Kg. per m3 shall be used for filling and spread in layers not more than 300mm, to the required line and grade, watered and compacted with 8-10 tonnes power road roller so as to attain atleast 95% of modified proctor dry density.
A.10.2 The work to be executed shall conform to clause Nos. 101 to 114,301 to 309 and section 900 of the specification for road & bridge work of the ministry of surface transort (road wing), Second revision 1988.
A.11 Metal Packing: Unless otherwise specified, stone for metal packing shall consist of crushed or broken stone. It shall be hard, durable and free from disintegrated particles, excessive dust and other objectionable matter. Grading of coarse aggregates shall conform to one of the gradings given in the following tables:
Grading Size Sieve desig- % by Remark No range nation (IS.460) weight in mm Passing the sieve
1. 90mm 100mm 100 Suitable to 40mm 80mm 65-85 for 63mm 25-60 100mm 40mm 0-15 consolidated 20mm 0-5 thickness
Grading Size Sieve desig- % by Remark No range nation (IS.460) weight in mm Passing the sieve
2. 63mm 80mm 100 Suitable to 40mm 63mm 90-100 for 75mm 50mm 35-70 consoli- 40mm 0-15 dated 20mm 0-5 thickness
3. 50mm 63mm 100 Suitable to 20mm 50mm 95-100 for 65mm 40mm 35-70 consoli- 20mm 0-10 dated 10mm 0-5 thickness
Screening to fill the voids shall consist of the same material as coarse aggregates and shall conform to the grading given below:
Classification Size of Sieve desig- % by weight nation passing
B. 10.0mm 10.00mm 100 4.75mm 85-100 150 micron 10-30
The metal packing shall be done in layers not more than 100 mm compacted thickness. For 150 mm compacted thickness, it shall be done in two layers each of 75 mm compacted thickness.
After laying, each layer shall be compacted thoroughly by mechanical Compactor in case of buildings & by vibrating roller in case of roads, as specified or by other equivalent method approved by the Engineer. Slight sprinkling of water shall be done at the time of rolling.
After rolling has been completed, screening shall be applied uniformly and gradually to fill the interstices and the surface shall be dry rolled. In no case shall screenings be dumped in a heap on the rolled surfaces. Rolling shall be accompanied with brooming.
After application of screening and rolling, the surface shall be copiously sprinkled with water and rolled. If necessary additional screening shall be applied to fill the voids if any. Rolling shall be continued until the coarse aggregates are well bonded. Care shall be taken that the base of subgrade does not get damaged due to addition of excessive quantities of water during the construction.
A.13 Measurements :
a) Measurements of excavation shall be solid measurements of the material prior to its removal. Measurement shall be of exact length and width as indicated in the drawings and depth measured vertically, according to the
per drawing and dimensions of bed concrete net without any allowance for increase in bulk. Extra excavation for working space and on account of slips or falls shall not be measured and that rate will include cost of inserting planking, strutting etc. and filling with selected soil after removal of planking.
Rates of excavation shall include the following provision
a) Excavating either straight or curved or plain.
b) Bailing out by pumping or other measures all water which may accumulate in excavations or sites or in trenches or in pits from rains, springs, under ground water, tidal water, broken water mains, drains, well or any other sources.
c) Setting out Works and all profiles, cross heads, boning rods, staves as well as all tools and plants.
d) All materials and labour required for fencing in protecting against risk of accident to open excavation etc. and for providing gangways with handrail across open trenches etc. where necessary, during the progress of Works.
e) Watching and lighting where necessary and as directed by the Engineer.
f) deep excavation for facility of recording measurement.
g) Planking and strutting of adequate strength to be designed by Contractor and as directed by Engineer.
h) Excavation for insertion of planking and strutting and filling with soil after removal of planking and strutting.
i) Removal of slips or falls in excavation.
j) Carting away spoil or falls in excavation separating useful soil fit for reuse in filling.
k) Cleaning of irregular pockets and dewatering excavation.
l) Carting of all excavated stuff and disposing off within a lead of 0.5 Km. as directed by Engineer.
Measurements for excavation of soft rock and hard rock (Clauses A5 & A6) when section or trench measurement are absolutely not possible, stack measurement with 40 percent void deduction shall be given provided reasonable care has been taken to avoid deliberate hollows in the stack. The stacks of soft & hard rocks will be laid seperately on an area as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
The measurement for murum filling shall be based on actual difference of levels before filling and after filling, levelling and compacting.
The rate for metal packing shall be based on final compacted thickness and shall include all labour, materials and the cost of rolling with road roller, or other equivalent method to obtain full compaction, application of screening, watering etc. complete. It shall be measured in cubic metres.
__________________ Signature of Tenderer Date :
B.1 Cement
The Cement used shall be of the following grade with the prior approval of the Engineer shall be taken for any of the above brands. Proposed to be used in the work.
a. Ordinary Portland Cement ( Gr 53 ) IS:12269 --- Only for RCC work (Only Birla Super, L&T, Gujarat Ambuja, ACC of approved source or any other approved brand will be allowed to be used in the work) b. ----- do ---- (Gr 43) IS:12239 --- For works other than RCC works. c. Sulphate Resisting Cement IS:12330/1988
Use: Cement shall be used in the order in which it is received. Cement in bags in storage for more than 3 months shall be retested before use.
Testing: Not withstanding test certificate given by manufacturer a sample shall be tested from every batch of cement delivered on site or once for every 10000 bags whichever is more frequent. Tests shall be carried out for fineness, initial and final setting time, and compressive strength (IS:4031) and the results approved by the Engineer before use on receipt of the cement in permanent Works. Samples shall be taken immediately of cement at site. The methods and procedure of be in accordance with IS: 3535. The Engineer may specify other forms of sampling and tests including chemical analysis, (IS:4032) if in his opinion the cement is of doubtful quality; the costs of such additional tests shall be borne by the Contractor.
B.2 Fine Aggregates (Sand)
1. It shall be river or pit sand conforming to IS: 383, obtained from sources approved by the Engineer. These sands, if found too coarse, shall be suitably blended with finer sand obtained from approved source to obtain the desire grading. The provision of two types of sand and their stacking separately and their mixing in the specified proportions shall be at the
The sand shall not contain silt more than a total of 2% by weight or 7%by volume and shale, clay, silt and other structurally weak particles. A totaling to not more than 5% by weight. Chloride content in washed sand shall not be greater than 0.04% by weight and salty water in sad shall be thoroughly removed by washing sand in potable water
2. The grading of the sand shall conform to IS:383.
The Sand shall be screened on a 4.75 mm size screen to eliminate over- size particles.
The sand shall be washed in screw type mechanical washers in potable water to remove excess silt, clay and chlorides. The screening and washing of sand shall be completed at least one day before using it in concrete.
The washed sand shall be stored on a sloping concrete platform and in such a manner as to avoid contamination.
3. The aggregate shall be subjected to tests in accordance with IS 2386 as may be ordered by the Engineer. The cost of such tests shall be borne by the contractor.
B.3 Coarse Aggregates
1. Coarse aggregates for the Works shall be crushed stone conforming to IS:383, obtained from sources such as Turbhe, Panvel etc., approved by the Engineer. Only Quarries having jaw crushers with choke feeding arrangement producing aggregates of nearly cubical shape shall be approved.
Aggregates shall be properly screened and if necessary washed clean before use.
2. Coarse aggregates containing flat or flaky pieces or mica shall be rejected.
3. Coarse aggregates shall be supplied in the following sizes Nominal size Maximum size Minimum size 10mm 12mm 5mm 20mm 25mm 10mm 40mm 40mm 20mm 80mm 80mm 40mm
4. The grading of coarse aggregate shall be such that not more than 5% shall be larger than the maximum size and not more than 10% shall be smaller than the smallest size. Between these sizes the coarse aggregate shall be well graded.
5. The aggregates shall be subjected to tests in accordance with IS 2386 as may be ordered by the Engineer.
6. Aggregates shall be stored in such a way as to prevent segregation of sizes and avoid contamination with fines.
B.4 Storage of Material
1. Cement :
The Contractor shall make arrangements to the satisfaction of the Engineer for the storage of cement to prevent deterioration due to moisture and/or intrusion of foreign matter. Bulk cement shall be stored in approved waterproof bin or silo. Bagged cement shall be stored in suitable weather- tight warehouse in a manner to provide easy access for identification and inspection of each consignment. Stored cement shall meet the test requirements as per IS-269 at any time after storage, when a retest is ordered by the Engineer. Each consignment shall be stacked separately with the date of receipt flagged on it, not more than 12 bags stacked in height, the bags being arranged with headers and stretchers. Normally consignments shall be used in the order of receipt at site unless otherwise directed. In the case of large concrete pours, the Engineer will decide on the batch of cement to be used taking into consideration the quantity of cement with particular reference to the concerned concrete pours. Any additional work in handling and storage of cement contingent upon this requirement shall be to the contractor's account and no extra claim will be entertained. Cement shall be protected from exposure to moisture in transit, in storage at the works and until it enters the concrete mixers. The contractor shall keep accurate records of the deliveries of the cement and of its use in the work.
2. Aggregates:
Coarse and fine aggregates shall be stacked separately in such manner as to prevent contamination by foreign materials. All aggregates shall be stored on concrete or masonry platforms. Each size shall be kept separate with wooden, steel, concrete or masonry bulk-heads, or shall be stored in separate stacks, taking care to prevent the materials at the edges of the stock piles from getting intermixed. Stacks of fine and coarse aggregates shall be kept sufficiently apart. The aggregates shall be stored in easily measurable stacks of suitable heights as may be directed by the Engineer
B.4 Mixers and Vibrators
1. For all concreting work the Contractor shall provide weigh batching plant of suitable capacity which shall be got approved before bringing it to the site. The plant used shall conform to IS:2722.
2. The Contractor shall provide concrete mixers (IS:1791 - Batch type concrete mixers, IS:2439 - Roller Pan Mixer).
3. The Contractor shall provide at site Concrete Vibrators Immersion Type, IS:2505 - Screed Board Concrete Vibrators, IS:2506 supplied by recognised manufacturers.
The Contractor shall make available at site needle vibrators of sizes 25 mm, 40 mm, and 60 mm for use in various appropriate locations of the structure.
B.5 Grade of Concrete
The concrete is designated as follows:
- Concrete M - 35/20 - The letter M refers to the mix
The number 35 represents the characteristic compressive strength of 15cm cubes at 28 days in MPa (Mega Pascals : 1MPa : 10 kg/cm2 approximately). M35 concrete thus has a characteristic strength of 350 kg/cm2.
The number /20 represents the maximum nominal size of aggregate in the mix, in this case 20mm.
B.6 Minimum Cement Content
For all structural concrete work the minimum cement content shall not be less than 360 kg/m3 of concrete from durability considerations.
B.7 Trial mixes : (for strength)
1. The Contractor is entirely responsible for the design of the concrete mixes. The design is however to be approved by the Engineer. At least 8 weeks before commencing any concreting in the Works, the Contractor shall make trial mixes using samples of coarse aggregates, sand, water superplasticizer and cement , typical of those to be used in the works, and which have been tested in an approved laboratory. a clean dry mixer shall be used and the first batch discarded.
2. The cement content for different grades of concrete and the required average strengths at 28 days for which the mixes shall be designed are specified below :
TABLE - 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grades Character- Target Strength Min *Water Maximum Cement
* Note : 1) Proper workability will be achieved, without changing the water cement ratio by using adequate quantity of approved admixtures like superplasticizers at no extra cost to the corporation.
The mixes are designed to yield mean strengths (f'cm) greater than the corresponding specified characteristic strengths (f'ck) as indicated in above Table. The difference between f'cm and f'ck is called the `Current Margin'.The value of the current margin has been set at 9 MPa for all grades of concrete. The concrete mixes shall be designed on the basis of required strength, desired workability, the maximum size of aggregate and also the various grades of cements as specified in IS : 10262-1982, Clause. Grade of cement shall be 53 as described in table 1 above. 3.1.1. Accordingly the required cement content shall be ascertained. The Contractor has option to use either approved Super plasticizers or increased cement content to achieve the required strengths at his own cost and workability without affecting water cement ratio.
3. For each grade a total of 18 cubes shall be made. Of these 18 cubes made, not more than 6 may be made on any day and further, of the 6 cubes made in one day not more than 2 cubes may be made from any single batch. 9 of these cubes, each representing a different batch of concrete shall be tested at the age of 7 days and the remaining 9 cubes shall be tested at the age of 28 days. The making of the cubes, their curing, storing, transporting and testing shall be in accordance with Indian Standards IS:516. The test shall be carried out in a laboratory approved by the Engineer.
4. If the average strength of the concrete cubes falls below the required target mean strength (f'cm) fresh preliminary mixes for that grade shall be made as before, until the trial mixes yield cubes of compressive strength at 28 days greater than the required average target mean strength (f'cm) at that age.
5. Whenever there is a significant change in the quality of any of the ingredients for concrete, the Engineer may at his discretion order the carrying out of fresh trial mixes. All costs for trial mixes and tests shall be to the Contractor's account and held to be included in the Contract Rates.
6. Before commencing the Works the Contractors shall submit to the Engineer for approval full details of all preliminary trial mixes and tests.
7. The Contractor shall carry out trial casting of a mock-up of at least one metre length of RCC member to establish the correctness of grading aggregates, suitability of formwork, of admixtures proposed, suitability of mould oil proposed to be used on formwork to prevent surface blemishes etc.,. All costs of such trial casting shall be included in the Contract Rates.
8. When the proportions of a concrete mix have been approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall not vary the quality or source of the materials or the mix without the written approval of the Engineer.
B.8 Concrete Cube Tests :
The quality of hardened concrete will be verified by the following procedure :
1. The Engineer shall select random batches of concrete for examination without warning the Contractor and sampling will generally be done at the point of discharge from the mixer.
2. From the batches thus selected 6 concrete cubes shall be made in accordance with Indian Standards. However not more than 2 cubes may be made from any single batch. Of these 6 cubes thus made 3 cubes (each cube representing concrete of different batches) shall be tested at 7 days and the remaining 3 cubes shall be tested at 28 days.
3. All cubes shall be made, cured, stored, transported and tested in accordance with Indian Standards. The tests shall be carried out in a laboratory approved by the Engineer.
4. have been made for each grade of concrete. This is in the initial period.
5. After the initial period, subject to the acceptance of the Engineer, the frequency at which the cubes shall be made may be reduced as follows:
(1 set = 6 cubes, each pair of cubes representing concrete from a different batch.)
At least 1 set for each day's concreting consisting of :
a) 1 set for every 10 m 3 or part thereof of concrete for critical structural elements like columns, arch etc. plus :
b) 1 set for every 40 m3 or part thereof for all other elements.
If concrete is batched at more than one point simultaneously the above frequency of making cubes shall be followed at each point of batching.
3 of the cubes of each set shall be tested at 7 days and the remaining 3 cubes shall be tested at 28 days from the day of casting the cubes.
B.9 Acceptability criteria
1. The strength requirement of any particular grade of concrete will be considered satisfactory if the 28 days' compressive strengths of individual sets (each set consists of 3 cubes) and of individual cubes satisfy the following requirements :
i For the first five sets
a) The average strength determined from any group of 9, three consecutive test cubes exceeds the specified characteristic strength (f'ck) by not less than 0.8 times the current margin.
b) Only one individual cube test result in any set may fall below the specified characteristic strength (f'ck) provided that this value is not less than 95% of the specified characteristic strength (f'ck).
ii Thereafter : Provided that the average strength of any fifteen consecutive cubes exceeds the specified characteristic cube strength by at least 0.9 times the current margin all the subsequent test results may be considered acceptable if :
a) The average strength as determined from any group of three consecutive
than 0.6 times the current margin.
b) Only one individual cube test result in any set may fall below the specified characteristic strength provided that this value is not less than 90% of the specified characteristic strength.
2. Whenever a mix is redesigned due to a change in the quality of aggregates or cement or for any other reason, it shall be considered a new mix and initially subject to the acceptability criteria in B.9 above.
3. If the concrete produced at site does not satisfy the above strength requirements, the Engineer will reserve the right to require the Contractor to improve the methods of batching, the quality of the ingredients and redesign the mix with increased cement content if necessary. The Contractor shall not be entitled to claim any extra cost for the extra cement used for the modifications stipulated by the Engineer for fulfilling the strength requirements specified. The cost of carrying out concrete cube tests shall be covered in the rates for concrete items quoted by Contractor.
4. The above specification is based on an assumed standard deviation of 5.5 Mpa, and a probability of concrete strength falling below the desired minimum strength of lin 20. In case quality control is very good at site and the cube test results consistently show a standard deviation better than the standard deviation assumed here the Engineer may at his discretion reduce
in consequence the current margin.
B.10 It is the complete responsibility of the Contractor to design the concrete mixes by approved standard methods and to produce the required concrete conforming to the specifications and the strength requirements approved by the Engineer. It is expected that the Contractor will have competent staff to carry out this work.
B.11 Failure to meet specified Requirements:
1. If from the cube test results it appears that some portion of the Works has not attained the required strength, the Engineer may order that that portion of the structure be subjected to further testing of any kind whatsoever as desired by the Engineer, including, if so desired by him, full load testing of the suspected as well as adjacent portions of the structure as specified in the Conditions of Contract. Such testing shall be at the Contractor's cost. The Engineer may also reject the work and
2. If the strength of concrete in any portion of the structure is lower than the required strength, but is considered nevertheless adequate by the Engineer so that demolition is not necessary, the Contractor shall be paid a lower rate for such lower strength concrete as determined by the Engineer.
B.12 As frequently as the Engineer may require, testing shall be carried out in the field for :
1) Moisture content and absorption and density of sand and aggregates 2) Silt content of sand 3) Grading of sand and aggregates 4) Slump test of concrete 5) Concrete cube test 6) Permeability test for concrete as per DN 1048 (Part-I). Allowable permeability on untreated concrete surface 25mm 7) Density and P H value of Plasticiser
The Contractor shall provide and maintain on site at all times, until the Works are completed, equipment and staff required for carrying out these tests. The Contractor shall grant the Engineer or his representative full access to his laboratory at all times and shall produce on demand complete records of all tests carried out on site.
Before concreting commences on any section of the Works the Contractor shall obtain approval of the Engineer or his representative as regards the formworks and reinforcement's conforming with the drawings. He shall also indicate to the Engineer in writing and obtain his approval for positions of construction joints.
B.13 Admixtures : Use of Melamine or Napthalene based approved admixtures (Super plasticiser) is a must. They shall be such that the strength requirements are not affected by their use. The Admixtures will not be paid for separately. The admixtures shall also have the property of set retarding. Before approval of super plasticizer the contractor will submit test reports as specified in ASTMC-486 from an approved laboratory as approved by Engineer in charge. Subsequent batches will be tested for IR analysis, UV analysis and solid content or any other tests as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
B.14 Weigh Batching
All structural concrete shall be weigh batched. All concrete ingredients shall be batched by weight using a weigh batcher of an approved make (IS: 2722 Portable swing weigh batchers for concrete). Batching shall be to an accuracy of not less than 1/2 kg and the batcher shall be tested for accuracy of calibration before commencement of the Works and at least once a week thereafter or more frequently if so required by the Engineer.
Use of Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) is optioned and permitted at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge and at no extra cost.
B.15 Water and Super plasticisers shall be batched by weight or by volume measures as approved by the Engineer. The method of batching shall be such as will ensure an accuracy to 0.2 litres or better for water and 20 ml or better for plasticisers.
The Contractor shall provide the mixer operator with standard measures for dispensing water and plasticisers in accurate quantities as per design. Concrete mix containing water in excess of that specified shall be rejected and shall not be allowed for use in the Works.
B.16 Placing temperatures During hot weather, concreting shall be in accordance with the procedures set out in IS:7861, Parts I & II.
Fine and coarse aggregates for concreting shall be kept shaded and the concrete aggregates sprinkled with water for a sufficient time before concreting in order to ensure that the temperature of these ingredients is as low as possible prior to batching. The mixer and batching equipment shall be also shaded and if necessary painted white in order to keep their temperatures as low as possible. The placing temperature of concrete shall be as low as possible in hot weather and care shall be taken to protect freshly placed concrete from overheating by sunlight in the first few hours of its laying. The time of day selected for concreting shall also be chosen so as to minimise placing temperatures. In case of concreting in exceptionally hot weather the Engineer may in his discretion specify the use of ice either flaked and used directly in the mix, or blocks used for chilling the mixing water. In either case, the Contractor shall be paid only the cost of such ice delivered on site and nothing extra for additional labour involved in weighing and mixing.
B.18 Transporting, placing, compacting and curing 1. Transporting, placing, compacting and curing of concrete shall be in accordance with IS:456.
2. Transporting :
The mix after discharging from the mixers shall be transported by wheel barrows, buckets, pumps etc., without causing segregation and loss of cement slurry and without altering its desired properties, with regard to water cement ratio, slump, air content, cohesion and homogeneity. It should be ensured that the concrete is moved to its final destination before it attains initial set.
3. Placing :
The height of any single lift of concrete shall not exceed 1.5 m for walls or 2.0 m for columns.
The thickness of horizontal layers shall not exceed 300 mm. High velocity discharge of concrete causing segregation of mix shall be avoided. The concrete shall be placed in the forms gently and not dropped from a height exceeding 1.5m except in columns where the maximum allowed will be 2.0 m. Each layer of concrete shall be compacted fully before the succeeding layer is placed and separate batches shall follow each other so closely that the succeeding layer shall be placed and fully compacted before the layer immediately below has taken initial set. The layers should be sufficiently shallow, to permit knitting of two layers together by vibration.
Concreting of any portion or section of the work shall be carried out in one continuous operation and no interruption of concreting work will be allowed without approval of the Engineer.
4. Compaction
Internal (needle) and surface (screed board) vibrators of approved make shall be used for compaction of concrete
a) Internal vibrators shall be used for compaction of concrete in foundations, columns, beams, buttresses arch section etc. For sections such as slabs, the concrete shall be compacted by surface type vibrators. Depending on the thickness of layer to be compacted, 25 mm, 40 mm, and 60 mm dia internal vibrators will be used. The concrete shall be compacted by use of appropriate diameter vibrator by holding the vibrator in position until :
i) Air bubbles cease to come to surface
ii) Resumption of steady frequency of vibrator after the initial short period of drop in the frequency, when the vibrator is first inserted.
iii) The tone of the vibrator becomes uniform.
iv) Flattened, glistening surface, with coarse aggregates particles blended into it appears on the surface.
After the compaction is completed, the vibrator should be withdrawn slowly from the concrete so that concrete can flow in to the space previously occupied by the vibrator. To avoid segregation during vibration the vibrator shall not be dragged through the concrete nor used to spread the concrete. The vibrator shall be made to penetrate, into the layer of fresh concrete below if any for a depth of about 150 mm. The vibrator shall be made to operate at a regular pattern of spacing. The effective radii of action will overlap approximately half a radius to ensure complete compaction.
5. To secure even and dense surfaces free from aggregate pockets, vibration shall be supplemented by tamping or rodding by hand in the corners of forms and along the form surfaces while the concrete is plastic.
6. kept readily accessible to the place of deposition of concrete to assure adequate vibration in case of breakdown of those in use.
25 mm diameter immersion vibrators shall be used in thin, 40 mm diameter immersion vibrators in fairly wide sections and 60 mm diameter vibrators in foundations and arch abutments. Screed vibrators shall be used for precast deck elements and in the in-situ deck slab concreting where the thickness of the slab is 50 mm.
7. Plain concrete in foundations shall be placed in direct contact with the bottom of the excavation, the concrete being deposited in such a manner as not to be mixed with the earth. Plain concrete also shall be vibrated to achieve full compaction, using needle or screed vibrators as necessary.
8. Concrete placed below the ground shall be protected from falling earth during and after placing. Concrete placed in ground containing deleterious substances shall be kept free from contact with such ground and with water draining therefrom during placing and for a period of seven days or as otherwise instructed thereafter. Approved means shall be taken to protect immature concrete from damage by debris, excessive loading, abrasion, vibrations, deleterious ground water, mixing with earth or other materials, and other influences that may impair the strength and durability of the concrete.
B.19 Construction Joints :
Concreting shall be carried out continuously upto the construction joints, the position and details of which shall be as shown on approved drawings or as directed by the RCC Consultant. Construction joints shall be formed by using stoppers in beams and slabs. The cost of labour and material shall be borne by the contractor.Such joints shall, however, be kept to the minimum.
For a vertical construction joint, a stopping board shall be fixed previously at the pre- determined position and shall be properly stayed for sufficient lateral rigidity to prevent its displacement or bulging when concrete is compacted against it. Concreting shall be continued right upto the board. The board shall not be removed before the expiry of the specified period for removal of vertical forms.
Before resuming work at any construction joint when concrete has not yet fully hardened, all laitance shall be removed thoroughly, care being taken to avoid dislodgement of coarse aggregates.
When work has to be resumed on a surface which has hardened, it shall be thoroughly hacked, swept clean, wetted and covered with a layer of neat cement grout. The neat cement grout shall be followed by a 15 mm. thick layer of mortar mixed in the same proportion as in concrete and concreting resumed immediately thereafter. The first batch of concrete shall be rammed against the old work to avoid formation of any stone pockets, particular attention being paid to corners and close spots.
In all cases, the position and detailed arrangement of all construction joints shall be predetermined and got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge.
B.20 Curing of Concrete:
a) Curing shall be done as specified in I.S. 456 b) Concrete shall be cured with potable water for the specified period after the final setting of concrete. c) In respect of concrete, where 53 grade cement is used, curing should be started within four hours of placement of concrete. d) Use of sea water / creek water or brackish water for curing will not be allowed. Only potable water shall be used for curing. e) Surfaces on which water cannot be retained shall be covered with jute or hessian cloth. The cloth shall be constantly kept wet/moist during the entire curing period.
B.21 Cracks :
1. If cracks develop in concrete construction, which in the opinion of the Engineer may be detrimental to the strength of the construction, the Contractor at his own expense shall test the slab or other construction as specified in Special Conditions. If under such test loads the cracks develop further, the Contractor shall dismantle the construction, carry away the debris, replace the construction and carry out all consequential work thereto.
2. If any cracks develop in the concrete construction, which in the opinion of the Engineer, are not detrimental to the stability of the construction, the Contractor at his own expense shall grout the cracks with polymer cement grout of approved quality and also at his own expense and risk shall make good to the satisfaction of the Engineer the surface finish of ceilings, etc. which in the opinion of the Engineer has suffered damage either in appearance or stability owing to such cracks. The Engineer's decision as to the extent of the liability of the Contractor in the above matter shall be final and binding.
B.22 Defective Concrete :
Should any concrete be found honeycombed or in any way defective, such concrete shall on the instruction of the Engineer be cut out by the Contractor till solid concrete is obtained and the portion is made good by using specially designed mix for such repair work. This shall be done at contr expense.
B.23 Exposed Faces, Holes and Fixtures :
On no account shall concrete surfaces be patched or covered up or damaged concrete rectified or replaced until the Engineer or his representative has inspected the Works and issued written instructions for rectification. Failure to observe this procedure will render that portion of the Works liable to rejection; in which case it will be treated as rejection which has failed to meet specified strength requirements and dealt with according to Clause B.11.
Holes for foundation or other bolts or for any other purposes shall be moulded, and steel angles, holdfasts or other fixtures shall be embedded, according to the drawing or as instructed by the Engineer at no extra cost to the corporation.
B.24 Concrete surface :
The face of concrete for which formwork is not provided other than slabs shall be floated to a smooth finish. The floating shall be done so as not to bring an excess of mortar to the surface of the concrete. The top face of a slab intended to be surfaced with other material shall be left with a spaded finish.
B.25 Other applicable codes of practice for in-situ reinforced construction
All other requirements not covered by the above clauses shall be governed by relevant clauses of IS 456, IS 3370, IS 2571 and other relevant standards as may be applicable.
B.26 Precast Concrete
The provision in this section shall be considered supplementary to general provisions for reinforced concrete Works.
Handling & Storage
The precast units shall be stored as directed by the Engineer. The area intended for the storage of precast units should be surfaced in such a way that no unequal settlement can occur. To prevent deformation of slender units, they should be provided with supports at fairly close intervals and should also be safeguarded against tilting. Lifting and handling positions should conform to the Engineer's directions and drawings. In addition, location and orientation marks should be put on the members, as and where necessary. During erection the precast units should be protected against damage caused by local crushing and chafing effects of lifting and transport equipment. Corners and edges of precast units should be properly protected against any damage.
Temporary Supports and Connections :
Temporary supports provided during erection should take into account all construction loads likely to be encountered during the completion of joints between any combination of precast and in-situ concrete structural elements. The supports should be arranged in a manner that will permit the proper finishing and curing of any in-situ concreting and grouting associated with the precast member being supported when the gaps of joints have to be filled with concrete or mortar. The joints should first be cleaned and surface of the joints should be wetted. The mixing, placing and compacting of cement and mortar should be done with special care. Where mortar is specified of a dry consistency it should be in the proportion of 1 part of cement to 1 1/2 parts of sand and should be placed in stages and packed hard from both sides of the joint.
The following tolerances apply to finished precast products at the time of placement in the structure. The forms must be constructed to give a casting well within these limits :
1. Overall dimensions of members should not vary more than +/- 6mm per 3m length with a maximum variation of +/- 20mm.
2. Cross-sectional dimensions should not vary more than the following :
+/- 3mm for dimensions less than 150mm thick
+/- 4mm for dimensions over 150mm & less than 450mm
+/- 6mm for dimensions over 450mm to 1000mm
+/- 10mm for dimensions over 1000mm
3. Deviation from straight line in long sections should not be more than +/- 6mm upto 3m, +/- 10mm for 3m to 6m, +/- 12mm for 6m to 12m.
4. The above deviations are not applicable to PCC blocks which are dealt with separately.
B.27 Measurement
Concrete and reinforcement shall be paid separately unless otherwise specified.
The volume of concrete measured shall include that occupied by:
1. Reinforcement and other metal sections
2. Cast in components each less than 0.01 m 3 in volume
3. Rebates fillets or internal splays each less than 0.005 m2 in cross sectional area.
4. Pockets and holes not exceeding 0.01 m3 in volume
5. For PCC below foundations no payment shall be made for any shuttering used. The cost for this if any should be included in the rate for this item.
6. Rates for precast concrete is inlcusive of cost of casting yard, moulding, and demoulding, concreting, handling, storing, curing transporting and erecting at site, including all clamping, bracing that may be required during erection including erection equipment and filling of joints in cement mortar etc. complete.
B .28 RATE :
The unit rate for concrete shall include the cost of all materials, labour, tools and plant required for mixing, placing in position, vibrating and compacting, finishing as per directions of the Engineer, curing and all other incidental expenses for producing concrete of specified strength to complete the structure or its components as shown on the drawings and according to these specifications. The rate shall also include the cost of making, fixing and removing off all centers and forms required for the work unless otherwise specified in the contract.
All expenses likely to be incurred by the contractor in transporting materials supplied to him to the site of works, the expenses incurred in improving the quality of materials to acceptable levels (such as screening, washing etc.) and the expenses incurred in proper storage of materials as directed by the Engineer etc., are to be included in the unit rate.
_________________ Signature of Tenderer
Date :
C.1 Definition :
The term "Formwork" or "Shuttering" shall include all forms, moulds, sheeting, shuttering planks, alers, poles, posts, shores, struts and strutting, ties, uprights, wallings, steel rods, bolts, wedges and all other temporary supports to the concrete during the process of setting.
C.2 Design :
The formwork shall be designed and constructed so that the concrete can be properly placed and thoroughly compacted to obtain the required shape, position and level subject to specified tolerances. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain the results required by the Engineer, whether or not some of the work is sub-contracted. Approval of the proposed formwork by the Engineer will not diminish the Contractor's responsibility for the satisfactory performance of the formwork, nor for the safety and coordination of all operations.
To avoid delay and unnecessary rejection of the formwork the Contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer for the design of forms and the type of material used before fabricating the forms. (ref. ACI 347 Formwork for Concrete or equivalent I.S. Code).
The Contractor shall prepare detailed formwork drawings indicating the sizes of all the members he proposes to use for formwork for raft, plinth beams, staircase, walls, columns top, slabs, floor beams, precast piles etc., and get approval from the Engineer before fabrication and erection.
The deflection of all members used in formwork shall not be more than 1/360 of span of the member or 3 mm, whichever is less.
The foundation of all shores shall be designed to suit the bearing capacity of soil to support the designed loads without settlement. If required the bearing capacity of soil shall be improved by providing compacted metal packing or lean concrete below the bearing plate and mudsills.
The Contractor shall make a mock-up of the formwork for typical members and carry out trial castings to establish the suitability of formwork, of mould oil proposed to be used on formwork as a releasing agent and also to prevent surface blemishes etc. The pattern of formwork for exposed concrete work shall be approved based on the result of mock-up.
The Contractor shall prepare detailed shop drawing showing the arrangement of formwork for all structural members including shoring system, horizontal and diagonal bracing system, details of foundation etc. The sizes of individual members shall be as per approved design calculations.
C.3 Materials :
1. All facing formwork to come in contact with concrete in different elements of the structure hall be of such material and size as specified on drawings or as instructed by the Engineer. Plywood whenever used for such concrete shall be changed after five repetitions or even earlier if instructed by Engineer.
2. Timber facing formwork to come in contact with concrete for "Exposed Concrete Surfaces" shall consist of lap jointed or tongue and grooved planks as directed by the Engineer and no joint shall permit leakage of mortar at all from cast-in-situ concrete.
3. All joints in shuttering and between shuttering and the surface of earlier concrete lift shall be sealed with 5 mm thick compressible material such as sponge or other approved materials so that no joint permits leakage of slurry.
4. The materials for other backing and supporting formwork and their sizes shall be selected by the Contractor and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
C.4 Formwork for Exposed Concrete Surfaces :
The facing formwork, unless indicated otherwise on drawings, or specifically approved by the engineer in writing, shall generally be made with materials not less than the thickness mentioned below for different elements of the structure :
1. Plain and sloping slab soffits, and sides of beams, girders, joists ribs and sides of walls shall be made with :
a. Plywood plates not less than 12 mm thick (IS:4900 - Specification for Plywood for Concrete Shuttering Work ) or 3mm thick with a 20 mm actual thickness timber plank backing, of specified sizes stiffened with a suitable timber frame-work.
The thickness of plywood for curved members shall be such that it can be bent to the required curvature, and shall be stiffened adequately to support the loads.
b. Steel plates not less than 3.15mm thick of specified sizes stiffened with a suitable structural frame work fabricated true to plane with a tolerance of + 1 mm within the plate.
c. Timber planks of not less than 20 mm actual thickness ( about 25 mm nominal thickness, but actual thickness shall prevail) and of specified surface finish, width and reasonable length.
2. Bottoms of beams, girders and ribs, and sides of columns shall be made with :
a. Steel plates not less than 5mm thick of specified sizes stiffened with as suitable structural frame work, fabricated true to plans with a tolerance of(+/-)1mm within the plate
b. Timber planks of 35 mm actual thickness and of specified surface finish, width and reasonable length,
c. Plywood plates not less than 12 mm thick, of specified sizes stiffened with a suitable timber framework.
3. Grooves :
At all construction joints, proper grooves as per design shall be provided by fixing additional profiled timber strips to the formwork in such a way that the joint line is recessed and the cement mortar does not leak through the formwork during the concreting of the next pour.
C.5 Erection of Formwork:
The following shall apply to all formwork :
1. All shutter planks and plates shall be adequately backed to the satisfaction of the Engineer by a sufficient number and size of walers or framework to ensure rigidity during concreting. All shutters shall be adequately strutted, braced and propped to the satisfaction of the Engineer to prevent deflection under deadweight of concrete and superimposed live load of workmen, materials and plant, and to withstand vibration. No joints in props shall be allowed. Shuttering for sides of beams shall be properly supported by inclined rakers or horizontal struts.
C.6 Vertical props shall be made of adjustable steel such as Acrow and shall be supported on wedges or other measures shall be taken where the props can be gently lowered vertically during removal of the formwork. Props for an upper storey shall be placed directly over those in the storey immediately below, and the lowest props shall bear on a sufficiently strong area. Props shall have proper horizontal and vertical cross bracings to prevent any sway or bucking under load.
1. Care shall be taken that all formwork is set plumb and true to line and level or camber or batter where required and as specified by the Engineer.
2. Provision shall be made for adjustment of supporting struts where necessary. When reinforcement passes through the formwork care shall be taken to ensure close fitting joints against the steel bars so as to avoid loss of fines during the compaction of concrete. The props shall rest on firm base and shall not be found loose and wobbling.
3. If the formwork is held together by bolts or wires, these shall be so fixed that no such iron fixtures iron will be exposed on surfaces against which concrete is to be laid. In any case wires shall not be used with exposed concrete formwork. The Engineer may at his discretion allow the Contractor to use tie-bolts running through the concrete and the Contractor shall decide the location and size of such tie bolts in consultation with the Engineer. Holes left in the concrete
by these tie-bolts shall be filled as specified by the Engineer at no extra cost.
4. In the shuttering for beams, columns, and walls provision shall be made for a port hole of convenient size so that all extraneous materials that may be collected could be removed just prior to concreting.
5. Formwork shall be so arranged as to permit removal of forms without jarring the concrete. Wedges, clamps and bolts shall be used wherever practicable instead of nails.
The formwork for beams and slabs shall be so erected that forms on the sides of the beams and the soffit of slabs can be removed without disturbing the beam bottoms or props under beams.
6. Surfaces of forms in contact with concrete shall be oiled with mould oil of approved quality. If required by the Engineer the Contractor shall execute different parts of the work with different mould oils to enable the Engineer to select the most suitable. The use of oil which results in blemishes on the surface of the concrete shall not be allowed. Oil shall be applied before reinforcement has been placed and care shall be taken that no oil comes in contact with the reinforcement while it is being placed in position. The form work shall be kept thoroughly wet during concreting and the whole time that it is left in place.
7. Immediately before concreting is commenced, the formwork shall be carefully examined to ensure the following :
a. Removal of all dirt, shavings, sawdust and other refuse by brushing, washing, or by compressed air.
b. The tightness of joints between panels of facing forms and between these and any hardened core.
c. The correct location of tie bars, bracing and spacers, and especially connections of bracing.
d. That all wedges are secured and firm in position.
e. That provision is made for traffic on formwork not to bear directly on reinforcing steel.
f. Properly cured concrete cover blocks of the same mix as per parent concrete with binding wire embedded therein shall be used in sufficient number for maintaining specified concrete cover for reinforcement at the sides and bottoms of reinforced concrete members. These cover blocks should be adequately fastened to the reinforced steel by the binding wire embedded in the cover blocks. Alternatively use of approved plastic cover blocks may be allowed at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge. Use of stone or marble pieces as cover blocks shall not be permitted.
8. dimensional accuracies of the work and for the general arrangement of propping and bracing. (IS:3696 - Safety Code of Scaffolds and Ladders, IS:4014 Steel Tubular Scaffolding I & II) It is imperative that for scaffolding heights of 3.6m and above timber posts or steel scaffolding be used with adequate bracings in horizontal and vertical planes. Bracings with bamboos will not be permitted. When timber posts are used the bracings shall consist of minimum 25mm thick wooden planks fixed to each post with at least two nails. The Contractor shall be entirely responsible for the adequacy of propping, and for keeping the wedges and other locking arrangements undisturbed through the decentering period.
(IS 8989 safety code for erection of concrete framed structures)
9. Formwork shall be continuously watched during the process of concreting. If during concreting any weakness develops and formwork shows any distress the work shall be stopped and remedial action taken.
The surface finish for formed and unformed surfaces are classified and defined as below. Surface irregularities permitted for the various classes of finishes are termed either "abrupt" or " gradual". Fins or offsets caused by displaced or misplaced form sheathing ,lining or form sections, by loose knots in form lumber or by otherwise defective form lumber are considered abrupt irregularities. All other cases are described as gradual irregularities. Gradual irregularities will be measured with a template consisting of a straight edge for plain surfaces or its equivalent for curved surface. The length of template for testing gradual irregularities on formed surfaces shall be 1.5 m in length, the permissible gradual irregularities being measured over this length of the template.
Special surface, finish and treatment falling outside of these classes but defined elsewhere by the Engineer/Architect shall also form part of these specifications.
C. 8 Camber:
Forms and false work shall be level or cambered as indicated in the drawings or as instructed by the Engineer.
C. 9 Tolerances:
In accordance with IS:456.
C.10 Age of Concrete at Removal of Formwork
In accordance with IS:456.
The Engineer may vary the periods specified in IS:456 if he considers it necessary. Immediately after the forms are removed, they shall be thoroughly cleaned with a jet of water and a soft brush. Thorough cleaning Buffing of steel shuttering material after each use by mechanical buffing machine is a must.
C.11 Stripping of Formwork
Formwork shall be removed carefully without jarring the concrete, and curing of such exposed surface of concrete shall be commenced immediately. Concrete surfaces to be exposed shall, where required by the Engineer, be rubbed down with carborundum stone to obtain a smooth and even finish. Where the concrete requires plastering or other finish later the concrete surface shall be immediately hacked lightly all over as directed by the Engineer. No extra charge will be allowed to the Contractor for such work on concrete surfaces after removal of forms.
C.12 Reuse of Forms
The Contractor shall not be permitted reuse of timber facing formwork brought new on the Works more than 5 times for ex posed concrete formwork. 5 uses shall be permitted only if forms are properly cared for, stored and repaired after each use. The Engineer may in his absolute discretion order rejection of any forms he considers unfit for use for a particular item, and order removal from the site of any forms he considers unfit for use in the Works. Used forms shall not be brought on the site. Pitted, perforated, damaged, bent, warped or out of shape steel plates shall not be used as shuttering materials under any circumstances.
C.13 Formwork for Precast Concrete :
1. The Provisions in this section shall be considered supple mentary to the general provisions stated under Formwork. Precast concrete members and panels shall be made in accurately constructed steel moulds, on a properly prepared casting bed. All aspects of the making, curing and erection of precast units shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.
2. The formwork should be so designed that it does not restrain the shrinkage movements. The formwork shall be of sturdy construction with special consideration to shutter vibrators when used. At edges and joints the formwork should be designed and sealed so that no cement grout can escape and there is no wedging or keying to the concrete. The effect of curing on the formwork should be given special consideration depending on care, curing , erection and maintenance after stripping the following number of uses can be made. Steel Moulds - 50 to 100 number of uses.
3 Stripping :
As soon as the precast units have attained sufficient strength, the formwork shall be stripped. The precast unit shall be lifted uniformly out of the formwork without being subjected to tilting or restraint effects.
_____________________ Signature of Tenderer
Date :
D.1 Steel :
Steel used in the Works shall be high yield strength deformed steel bars conforming to IS:1786-1985(latest revision) manufactured by those agencies having BIS license. Any other steel specified for reinforcement shall conform in every respect to the latest relevant Indian Standard Specifications and shall be of tested quality under the ISI Certification Scheme.
All reinforcement work shall be executed in conformity with the drawings supplied and instructions given by the Engineer and shall generally be carried out in accordance with the relevant Indian Standard Specifications (IS:2502).
D.2 Inspection & testing :
Every bar shall be inspected before assembling on the Works and any defective, brittle, excessively rusted or burnt bars shall be removed. Cracked ends of bars shall be cut out.
Specimens sufficient for three Tensile Tests for each different size of bar for each consignment delivered, or for 10 tonnes of supply of that size, whichever is less shall be sampled and tested by the Contractor. Batches shall be rejected if the average results of each batch are not in accordance with the specifications.
D.3 Lapping & Welding :
1. As far as possible bars of the maximum length available shall be used. Laps shown on drawings or otherwise specified by the Engineer will be based on the use by the Contractor of bars of maximum length. In case the Contractor wishes to use shorter bars, laps shall be provided at the Contractor's cost in the manner and at the locations approved by the Engineer. In any case laps , provided will not be measured for payment purpose . The rate is inclusive of all such provision.
2. As and when necessary welded laps shall be provided as specified by the Engineer, and shall be in accordance with I.S. code 2571 requirements.
D.4 Spacing, supporting and cleaning
1. All reinforcement shall be placed and maintained in the positions shown on the drawings.
2. The Contractor shall provide approved types of supports as specified on the drawings for maintaining the top bars of the slab in position during concreting. All cover blocks shall be of concrete (not sand cement mortar) and of the same strength as that of the surrounding concrete and properly compacted and vibrated on a vibrating table.
They shall be annular in shape and not cubical. They shall be cured for a minimum period of 21 days before they are used in the Works.
3. Spacer bars between two closely positioned layers of bars shall be placed not more than 1 m apart. The diameter of the spacer shall be minimum 25 mm.
4. In the case of columns and walls, vertical bars shall be kept in normal position with timber templates having slots accurately cut in for bar position. Such templates shall be removed after the concreting has progressed upto a level. Bars crossing each other, where required, shall be secured by binding wire(annealed) of size not less than 1 mm and conforming to IS:280 in such a manner that they do not slip over each other at the time of fixing and concreting.
5. 18 S.W.G G.I. wire shall be used as binding wire. All frame Crossing one another shall be bound with this wire twisted tight to make the skelton on network rigid so that the reinforcement is not displaced during placing of concrete.
6. Bars must be cleaned before concreting commences of all scale, rust or partially set concrete which may have been deposited there during placing of a previous lift of concrete.
The bars shall be cleaned with dry gunny bags if they are coated lightly with rust or other impurities. On no account shall the bars be oiled or painted nor shall mould oil used on the formwork be allowed to come in contact with the bars. Cement wash to bars will not be permitted.
D.5 Welding
1. Wherever specified all welding shall be carried out in accordance with IS:2571. Only qualified welders shall be permitted to carry out such welding.
2. For cold twisted reinforcement welding operations must be controlled to prevent supply of large amounts of heat larger than what can be dissipated. The extreme non twisted end portion shall be cut off before welding. low hydrogen electrodes with rutile coating should be used.
3. The welding procedure shall be approved by the Engineer and tests shall be made to prove the soundness of the welded connection.
D.6 Measurement for payment Measurement for payment
Reinforcement shall be measured in length separately for different diameters as actually used in the works excluding overlaps and over weights. From the length so measured the weight of reinforcement shall be calculated in tonnes on the basis of standard weights as per IS:1732. Lengths shall include hooks at ends. Wastage, overlaps, coupling, welded joints. spacer bars, chairs overweight of bars above standard weight etc., and annealed G.I. wire (18 SWG) for binding shall not be measured and cost of these items shall be deemed to be included in the rates of reinforcement.
The contract unit rate for reinforcement shall include cost of all steel, its bending, placing ,binding, welding if required and fixing in position as shown on the drawings and as directed by the Engineer. It shall also include cost of all devices for keeping reinforcement in approved position, cost of jointing as per approved method , and all wastage, overlaps and spacer bars.
The rate for anti-corrosive treatment shall be per metric tonne of the steel treated and use in work and shall be deemed to include infrastructure and all material required for anticorrosive treatment, labour and expertise required to carry out the work and transportation, if any. The rate shall be quoted separately. The basis for measurement being same as under reinforcement. Laps, spacer bars, chairs etc. will have to be treated., however they will not be considered for measurement purpose.
The reinforcing bars to be provided with Fusion Bonded Epoxy coating shall conforming to the tender specifications and relevant I.S. Specifications. Inspite of producing test certificates by contractor for the proper quality of reinforcing bar, the quality of steel could also be tested by the FBE coating form at plant site for bend test before doing coating and that if the reinforcing bar fails in bend test, then it shall not be provided with FBEC and in that case, cost of conveyance of such steel to plant and removing from plant shall be of the contractor. The rechecking quality of steel, for bend test will be done by the coating agency in the presence of contractor provided the contractor choose to remain present.
Reinforcing bars to be coated shall be fresh from rolling mills as far as possible. If the bars are very much rusted in quality before providing FBEC, such bars shall have a loss
To ascertain the loss in weight of reinforcing bars on account of removal of rust during coating, random weightement before and after coating shall be done and that loss in weight shall be borne by the contractor. Such underweight reinforcement shall be rejected.
The FBEC coating shall be done confirming to I.S. code 13620: 1993 with additional stipulations.
The fusion Bonded Epoxy coating shall be carried out by an authorized FBE coating agency approved by department. Patch up materials shall be procured in sealed containers with certificates from coating agency for supply of such patch up materials.
The tender rate for FBEC coating shall include using PVC coating G.I. Binding wires of 18G.
The contractor shall produce certificate from the FBE coating agency that the quality of powder epoxy material and other components of FBE conform to I.S. 13620:1993. Such certificates shall accompany each delivery challan of coated bars while leaving the plant. The contractor may also carry out such tests at plant jointly or separately of the coating agency to confirm use of proper quality of coating material.
The coated reinforcement bars shall be tested at plant by the contractor. Test reports shall be jointly signed by authorized representatives of contractor and the coating agency. The tests on coated bars shall be as per I.S. for the following tests.
a. Thickness b. Continuity c. Adhesion
The frequency of tests shall be for the thickness of coating minimum two bars of each size from each production shifts.
Random tests shall be made for continuity of coating.
Inspite of above tests and test certificates produced by the contractor and coating agency, the Department / Owner reserves the rights to carry out independent tests at coating plant
quality is not approved by the contractor / owner the decision of the department / owner to reject or repair the coating shall be final and binding on all parties.
Thickness of Fusion Bonded Epoxy coating shall be 200-250 microns.
The coated bars shall be carefully handled in order not to drop them, not to rub them on hard surface or against another coated bar while conveying, stacking, placing or stacking of fabricated bars and that for this purpose , wooden packing batons shall be used at spacing of not more than 60 cms. The coated bars shall be tied to make bundles with PVC binding materials to avoid damages to coating.
The coated bars shall be stacked with separation gap between ground and bars with wooden batons between rows of bars or bundles of such tied bars, such wooden or paddled contract shall be at spacing of not more than 60 cms.
The cut ends of bars shall be touched up with special touch up materials of specifications as provided by coating agency. There shall be minimum time gap to repair the cut ends and damaged portions with touch up materials and that failure to do so may cause complete rejection of the coated bars. The cut ends and damaged portions shall be touched up with repair patch up materials within four hours time gap. All damages to coating in handling etc. shall be repaired irrespective of their size. This stipulation supersedes provision of I.S. code.
No payment will be made for coated bars which are not used in the work and that if they were paid either on account of coating of the rejectable part of bars or doing extra fabrication etc. the amount paid will be recovered from contractor. The contractor will be paid for the same quantity of steel bars used in the work and paid under relevant item.
While bending the bars, the pins of work benches shall be provided with PVC or plastic sleeves. It is preferable that, contractor install bar bending machine suitable for FBE coated bars and that each bending operation is done in a time of not less than 90 secs.
The coated steel shall not be directly exposed to sun rays and rains and shall be protected with opaque polythelene planks or such other approved materials.
While doing concreting, the workmen or trolleys shall not directly more on coated bars but can move on wooden planks placed on the bars by contractor.
Inspite of all tests certificates, if the coated bars are rough handled by contractor either during transport , fabrication , stacking , placing and concreting etc. or handled in such a manner as to damage the coating for area or portion more than reasonable, the Engineer in charge or Department / Owner reserves the right to reject the FBE coated bars and that if rejected then such rejected bars shall be removed by contractor from work site within three days. The decision of Engineer in charge will be final as to reject the bars with damaged coating or to allow repairing the coating, or to get it recoated entirely at
SECTION E STRUCTURAL STEEL WORKS 1.0 SCOPE These specifications cover the requirements of material, workmanship, and protective measures etc., of structural steel work in general. Specifications for special items of work used in structural steel construction are given separately. 2.0 GENERAL The provisions of the latest Indian Standards listed below, but not restricted to, form part of these specifications: IS 104 - Ready mixed paint, brushing, zinc chrome, priming IS 123- Ready mixed paint, brushing, finishing, semi-gloss, for general purposes, to Indian Standard Colours and red oxide (Colour unspecified) No. 445 Venetian Red No.449 light Purple brown No.446 Red Oxide No. 451 Chocolate No.448 Deep Indian Red No.473 Gulf Red and Red Oxide (Colour Unspecified) IS 226 - Structural Steel (Standard Quality) IS 800 - Code of practice for use of structural steel in general building construction. IS 813 - Scheme for symbols for welding. IS 814 - Covered electrodes for metal are welding of structural steel (Part 1 & 11). IS 815 - Classification and coding of covered electrodes for metal are welding of structural steels. IS 816 - Code of practice for use of metal arc welding for general construction in mild steel. IS 817 - Code of practice for training and testing of metal arc welders. IS 822 - Code of procedures for inspection of welds. IS 823 - Code of procedure for manual metal are welding of mild steel. IS 961 - Structural steel (high tensile). IS 1024 - Code of practice for use of welding in bridges. IS 1148 - Hot rolled steel rivet bars (upto 40 mm diameters) for structural purposes. IS 1387- General requirements for the supply of metallurgical material. IS 1477- Part I, Code of practice for painting of ferrous metals in buildings - pre- treatment. IS 1599 - Method for bend test for steel products other than sheets, strip, wire and tube. IS 1 608 - Method for tensile testing of steel products. IS 1731 - Dimensions for steel flats for structural and general engineering purposes. IS 1852 - Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel products. IS 191 5 - Code of practice for steel bridges. IS 2074 - Ready Mixed paint, air drying red-oxidezine chrome, priming IS 2102 - Allowable deviations for dimensions without specified tolerances. 15 3757 - High tensile friction grip bolts. IS 4000 - Code of practice for assembly of structural joints rising high tensile friction grip fasteners. IS 7318 - Part I Fusion welding of steel. Other I.S. Codes and I.R.C. codes pertaining to the items of structural steel not specifically listed shall also be deemed to come under the purview of this clause.
3.0 MATERIALS, INSPECTION & TESTING All supplies of structural steel and other materials specified shall be supported by manufacturers test certificates showing that the materials meet the requirements of these specifications. The engineer-in-charge may require to get further samples tested and all the cost of taking samples and testing the same by the approved agency shall be borne by the Contractor. 4.0 FABRICATION 4.1 Fabrication Drawings and Approval: The fabrication drawings shall be prepared on the basis of design drawings supplied by the designer. The fabrication drawings showing details of connection are required to be supported by the calculations showing adequacy of the connections. The fabrication drawings and calculations shall be prepared by qualified consulting engineer and fabricators. All charges required to be made by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be incorporated at no extra cost. 4.2 Workmanship: Workmanship shall be equal to the best general practice in current fabrication practice. The methods followed in cutting, straightening, finishing and shaping, bindings of members and holing for rivets, bolts or pins etc., and any other operations shall be performed in such a way as not to
the method of working, shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The fabrication work shall be carried out by the qualified operators.
4.3 WELDING Welding and weld procedure qualifications should be done in accordance with applicable provisions of the IS standards. All the welders should be got qualified before employing them on the job and requalified at frequent intervals. 5.0 TEMPORARY STORAGE a) No dragging of steel shall be permitted. All steel shall be stored 30 cm above ground on suitable packing to avoid damage during the monsoons. Steel shall be stored in the order of erection with erection marks visible. long members shall be supported on skids placed near enough together to prevent injury from deflection. Storage areas shall be prepared and maintained by the Contractor. Any steel stored near excavations shall be removed immediately to a safe distance to avoid burial under debris. b) Adequate handling facilities shall be available at Storage place. The temporary protective paint shall not be damaged and if so damaged shall be immediately made good. 6.0 PAINTING 6.1 Surface Preparation Steel surface to be painted shall be prepared in thorough manner with a view to ensuring complete removal of mill scale by grit and shot blasting to achieve finish to grade SA 2.5. Primary coat shall be applied as soon as practicable after grit and sand blasting. All slag from welds shall be removed before painting. Care shall be taken to brush the surface clean prior to painting. Surfaces shall be maintained dry and free from dirt and oil. Work out of doors in frosty or humid weather shall be avoided. The undercoat and finishing coat shall be of the same manufacturer. Successive coats of paints shall be of different shades and colours and each shall be allowed to dry thoroughly before the next is applied. particular care shall be taken with the priming and painting of edges corners, welds and rivets. 6.2 Final Paint:
written instructions. No thinners or cleaners shall be employed other than those recommended by the paint manufacturer. Paint with a limited shelf life shall not be used after the period stated in the manufacturer's data sheet. After materials have been accepted by the Contractor as being in proper condition, he shall be responsible for their safety and protection from loss or damage of any nature until the completion of work. The contractor shall be similarly responsible for surplus materials until they are returned and accepted by the Engineer-in-Charge. 7.0 ERECTION: 7.1 Preliminaries: a) The Contractor shall complete all preliminary works at site, well before the arrival of structural steel, such as keeping in readiness electrical winches, mobile cranes, gin poles, compressors, all tools and tackles, rivet guns, welding sets, torque wrenches etc. and work that may be necessary so as to start erection immediately after the arrival of steel at site. b) The contractor shall furnish at his own expenses, the necessary non-inflammable staging quired for the erection work and shall remove and take them away after the completion of the job. The contractor shall also provide necessary passage ways, fences, safety belts, helmets, lights and other fittings to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge and for protection of his men and materials. 7.2 Approval of Erection Scheme: All structures shall be erected as shown on drawings. The contractor shall carry out all erection work in the sequence required by the Engineer-in-Charge. The method of erection and complete erection scheme shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge and shall be modified as required by the Engineer-in-Charge. This, however, will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for safe and expeditious completion of the work, its quality and accuracy. 7.3 Workmanship: a) Unless specified herein, all erection work will be carried out in accordance with the latest edition of Indian Standard code of practice for use of structural steel in General Building Construction IS 800 and AISC code wherever applicable. b) Drifts should be used only for drawing the work into position and must not be used to such an extent so as to destroy the holes. Drifts of a larger size than the nominal diameter of the holes or burrs must be rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Correction of minor misfits and reasonable amount of reaming and cutting of excess stock from field rivets, if any, shall be considered as a part of erection. Any error in shop work which prevents proper fit on a moderate amount of reaming and slight chipping or cutting shall be immediately reported to the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor's work shall also include straightening and repairing of materials slightly damaged and drilling some holes in members where required. This shall all be included in the unit rate quoted. c) Structural steel frames shall be erected plumb and true to tolerances indicated elsewhere in these specifications. All steel columns and beams shall be checked for plumb and level individually before and after connections are made. Temporary bracings shall be introduced wherever necessary to take care of all loads to which the structure may be subjected including erection equipment and the operation thereof. Such bracings shall be left in place as long as may be required for safety. Proper size steel cables, slings etc., shall be used to avoid any damage due to accidents. d) As erection progresses, the work shall be securely bolted to take care of all dead load, wind and erection stresses. No final welding or bolting shall be done until the structure has been properly aligned and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. e) The Engineer-in-Charge shall be immediately informed of any errors observed/found in the fabricated steel which prevents proper assembling and fitting up of parts in field by a moderate amount of repairing. f) The contractor shall protect all existing plants, embedded parts, all piping, conduits, equipment and facilities against damage during erection. The contractor shall perform his work in a manner which in no way endangers the operations of any existing plant or structures or hinders other construction activities. g) Holes may be required to be drilled at site for installing equipment or steel furnished by other manufacturers or other contractors. The information for this will be supplied to the Contractor by the Engineer-in-Charge before or after erection of the steel. h) In case of any faulty erection, all such dismantling and re-erection required will be at Contractor's cost. i) Shim stock of mild steel plates required for erection will be set, levelled and prepared for grouting. Where flat bearing beams occur, bearing plates shall be set, levelled and prepared for grouting. 7.4 Tolerance . The erection shall be carried out to the requirements stated in Section 7 (h) of AISC Code Standard practice, except that Structural Steel members be erected plumb with a tolerance not exceeding in 1000. Column splices and other compression joints which depend upon contact bearing, upon completion, shall bear with respect to the centred of the contact area. At least 65% of the entire contact area shall be in full bearing and the separation of any remaining portion shall not exceed 0.5 mm except locally at toes of flanges where a 50% greater separation is permissible. Otherwise corrective measures as specified by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be taken. 7.5 Connection a) H.S.F.G. Bolts : The Contractor shall obtain the prior written approval of the Engineer-in-Charge for the method proposed to be adopted for tightening the High Strength Friction Grip bolts. For preliminary assembly and before use of these bolts he shall use his own erection bolts.
b) Bolting / Riveting : In general bolts and rivets will conform to the relevant Indian Standards. The methods of establishing connections use of equipment, etc., shall be as approved by the Engineer-in- charge. c) Welding : Welding where specified shall be performed by the shielded electric are, gas or other approved methods, using coated electrodes and/or low hydrogen electrode conforming to IS:814. The welding process and the qualification of the welding operators shall conform to IS:81 7 and IS:823 and shall be got approved before commencement of any work of welding. All field assembly and welding shall be executed in accordance with the requirements for shop fabrications excepting which manifestly apply to shop conditions only. Where the steel has been delivered, painted, the paint shall be removed before field welding for a distance of at least 50 mm on either side of the joints. All welds should be free from defects like blow holes, lack of penetration, slag intrusion etc. All welds shall be cleaned of slab or flux and shall show uniform smoothness of weld metal, feather edges without overlap and free from porosity. Where a thick weld is required the weld metal shall be deposited in successive layers. Each layer except the last, shall be preened moderately before the next layer is applied. The contractor shall be responsible for the quality of the work performed by his welding group. If required, the Engineer-in-Charge may test the welds by non-destructive tests. Any defective welds shall be made good by the Contractor at no extra cost and the cost of non-destructive testing for such defective welds shall be borne by the Contractor. d) Specification for pin and pinned connections: Pin Material: Rolled steel pins and rollers, including those made from slabs shall comply with the requirements of IS: 226 - Specification and structural steel and IS:2062 - Specification for structural steel (fusion welding quality) or IS:961 - Specification for high tensile structural steel. Forged steel pins shall have a tensile strength of 44 to 50 kg/ or 57 to 63 kg/ to conform to IS:1875 - Specification for carbon steel billets, blooms and slabs for forging. Steel casting for cast steel pins shall conform to grade 1 or 3 of IS: 1 030. Pin Holes: Pin holes shall be bored true to gauge, smooth, straight, at right angle with the axis of the member and parallel with each other unless otherwise required, in built up members the boring shall be done after the members have been welded. The specified dia of pin shall be its minimum dia. Hole dia can be maximum + 0.5 mm more than pin dia. Pins: The pins shall be parallel throughout and shall have a smooth surface free from flaws. At ends of pins there shall be slot to facilitate in driving the pin. Pins more than 175mm in length of diameter shall be forged and annealed. Coffer pins shall be provided on both sides of the pin. 8.0 MESURMENTS & RATES: The contractor will be paid on the basis of unit rates quotes for structural steel work. Measurements will be based on the actual weight of structural steel erected as shown on drawings or as specified. The weight of the temporary bracings, shims and erection bolts, fields welding, if any will not be taken into account for purpose of payment. The rate for erection shall be inclusive of structural welding wherever specified and painting as called for the specification and drawings. All bolts, nuts and washers which are permanently incorporated in the structures other than those specifically paid for separately shall be provided by the contractor and the rate quoted for the erection of structural steel shall include the cost of supply and erection of such bolts, nuts and washers. The unit rates shall include all materials, labour, supervision, tools and plant, apparatus, conveying equipment, incidental expenses etc., other than those supplied free by Engineer-in-Charge, nuts, bolts and washers etc. The unit rate also includes removal of paint from members encased in concrete. 8.1 Grouting of Foundation Pockets This specification refers to the grouting of pockets left in the machine foundation to be filled up later after the installation of the machinery and also the grout injected below the base plates. The pockets are to be grouted with concrete grit made of 1 part of cement with 2 part of grit (size 10mm and below) by weight. The water added shall be just sufficient to make the mix workable. In any case water cement ratio should not exceed 0.4 to 0.45. The grit is nothing but smaller particles of the coarse aggregate. Non-shrinkage additive should be added to the six as per manufactures specifications. The mix shall be poured into the pockets layer by layer, with each layer not exceeding 10 cm in depth. Each layer shall be well vibrated before the next layer is laid, after the pocket is completely filled. The top shall be trawled smooth. Curing shall start 12 hours after the finishing of work and shall be continued for 15 days. Curing shall be done as per the good practices. 8.2 Measurement and Payments The measurement is based on volume of the pocket grouted or the volume of grout filled up below the plates, as the case may be rounded off to the nearest 0.01 Cu. m. The unit of payment is in Cu. m of grout. 9. STEEL TUBES FOR STRUCTURAL PURPOSES. All structural steel tubular members shall confirm to IS: 1161-1979, grade of steel shall be Yst : 240. All other specifications including fabrication, erection, painting, measurement etc. shall conform to the detailed specifications given under structural steel works.
1.0 Indian Standards to be followed are :
All relevant Standards as specified elsewhere in this Volume are applicable.
Indian Standards to be followed are :
1. IS 226 Specification for steel standard quality.
2. IS 269 Specification for ordinary and low heat Portland cement.
3. IS 405 Specification for lead, sheet and strips.
4. IS 412 Specification for expanded metal steel sheets for general purpose.
Part 1 Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars.
6. IS 712 Specification for building lime.
7. IS 1069 Code of Practice for laying damp proofing treatment using bitumen felt.
8. IS 1077 Specification for common burnt clay building bricks.
9. IS 1322 Specification for Bitumen felts for waterproofing and damp proofing.
10. IS 1635 Code of Practice for field slaking of building lime and preparation of putty.
11. IS 2116 Specification for sand for masonry mortar.
12. IS 2212 Code of Practice for Brick work.
13. IS 2250 Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars.
14. SP 27 Handbook of method of measurement for building works.
2.1 Bricks
2.1.1. Bricks shall be sound, hard, well-burnt, uniform in size, shape and colour, homogeneous in texture, giving a metallic ringing sound, free from flaws, cracks, holes, lumps or grit and arises should be square, straight and sharply defined. They shall not break when struck against each other and dropped flat from a height of 1m to the ground. They shall conform to Table No. 1 (reproduced as table 2 of enclosed Annexture) of IS 1077 giving classes of common burnt clay bricks.
2.1.2. Bricks shall be as specified and detailed in the BOQ. It shall have to be approved prior to procurement. Bricks shall be obtained from an approved source and shall be of uniform colour, size, shape. Bricks shall have smooth rectangular faces with sharp straight rectangle edges. Maximum absorption shall not be more than 15% of its dry weight on immersion in water for 24 hours. Minimum crushing strength shall be 35 kg/ if not specified in the BOQ.
2.1.3. Bricks of approved quality and quantity shall have to be procured by the contractor at the desired time. No delay or extra cost due to non-availability shall be accepted. The contractor is obliged to carry out the work as specified. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to procure sufficient quantities of bricks and stack them at site or elsewhere to avoid delays.
2.2 Mortars
2.2.1 Mortars for masonry shall be prepared in accordance with IS 2250 code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars.
2.2.2 Cement
Cement used shall be ordinary portland cement conforming to IS 269 or as approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
2.2.3 Lime
Lime used shall conform to IS 712 specification for Building Limes. Field slaking shall be done as per IS 1635 code of practice for field slaking of lime and preparation of putty.
2.2.4 Water
Water used for masonry shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of deleterious materials and shall conform to specification given in concrete and mortar section.
2.2.5 Fine aggregate (sand)
Sand shall conform to IS 2116 specification for masonry mortars.
2.3 Damp proof course
2.4 Metal reinforcement
Metal reinforcement used in brick masonry shall conform to the following Indian Standards Specifications.
a. IS 432 Specification for Mild steel and Medium tensile steel bars.
b. IS 1566 Specification for steel fabric or hard drawn steel wire.
c. IS 412 Specification for Expanded metal steel for general purpose.
d. IS 226 Specification for other suitable reinforcement such as galvanized hoop iron.
Mortar shall be as specified under the respective item in the BOQ. Its preparation and material shall comply with concrete and mortar section of this volume.
4.1 Bricks used for masonry in cement mortar or cement-lime or mortar shall be soaked by immersing in water (so as to prevent bubbling) at least one hour prior to start of actual laying.
4.2 Bricks shall be laid in English bond unless otherwise specified. Half or cut bricks shall be used only for the purpose of bond and at no other place. Cut bricks shall be allowed in work.
4.3 Work shall be true to horizontal lines and perfect plumb. Vertical joints shall be truly vertical and those in alternate courses shall be in the same vertical line. Joints of each course shall be within the limit of 6mm to 10mm depending upon the size of bricks. Total height of 9cm brick with the 5 courses and 5 mortar joints shall be 50cm. In no case shall joint thickness of horizontal and vertical be more than stated above. Joints should be filled to full depth and checked each time.
Prior to start of work it must be noted and checked that bricks on top are full-size bricks (flat or brick on edge). To achieve this, precautions should be taken from the start of the first layer. Thickness of joints shall so adjusted so as to have full bricks on top. Also it must be noted and checked that all horizontal joints on every floor are at the same level, so as to allow proper bonding at junctions.
Required datum levels must be established throughout the floor and only then should work start.
It is equally important to take into account levels of window sills, lintels, etc. while finalising courses and joint thickness.
In normal practice architects do take care of these while finalising levels, but it is difficult to expect the ideal situation at all places. In such situation, the decision of the EIC shall be taken and in providing brick on edge, concrete sills, etc.
In addition, for convenience and speed, gauge boards of exact width shall be fixed at the edges of masonry to correct line and plumb. These boards shall be marked with course levels to achieve exact height of each course and full bricks at the top.
4.4 One or half brick thick wall shall have minimum one face in true plumb.
4.5 It is imperative to raise the brick work uniformly over complete work joined together. If this is not possible, racked brick work shall be done at 45 degrees to the vertical. To thing shall not be accepted.
4.6 All iron fixtures, pipe outlets, hold-fasts for doors and windows shall be fixed when the brick work is in progress. It must be embedded in cement mortar or concrete as specified or as directed by the EIC. Required treatment to fixtures shall be carried out prior to embedding.
4.7 To achieve better results and proper working, the following tools should be available with masons working at site :
1. Spirit level.
2. Wooden/Aluminium straight edge : 3m long.
3. 3 meter steel tape
4. Right angle 1/2 meter long
5. Line and pin strings
6. Plumb
7. Storey rods
4.8 Joint thickness shall be provided as discussed above. Joints shall be filled to full depth before second course is laid. Frogs shall be upward at all times. Joints shall be raked back to a minimum 10 to 15 mm while the mortar is wet. Surface of brick work shall be cleaned with coil string, wire brushes, etc. to keep the surface free for the next operation. All dropped and spoiled mortar, brickbats, etc. shall be cleared from the floor before work is closed for the day.
4.9 Protection and curing .
Wet work shall be protected from rains by suitable covering. Masonry in cement or cement-lime mortar shall be kept constantly moist on all the faces for a minimum period of ten days. The top of masonry shall be left flooded with water at close of the day.
In case of brick work in lime mortar, curing shall commence two days after laying of masonry and shall continue for the next seven days.
4.10 Scaffolding independent of brick work i.e. double scaffolding shall be provided. It should be tied to brick work or structure at suitable intervals in both directions. Two rows of plank shall be provided all around. Planks shall be at least 50mm thick and well-tied to scaffolding. Railing to the outside face shall be provided. While erecting scaffolding. the following points must be noted and closely followed :
1. Minimum number of holes in the horizontal direction. Holes shall be formed by omitting header brick.
2. No holes in pillars under 1 meter in width.
3. No holes near the skew backs of arches.
4. Scaffolding must be sound and strong and easy to maintain.
5. Holes left must be closed white finishing the plaster.
5.1 Walls 230mm thick or more.
5.1.1 Walls of 230mm thickness or more shall be constructed with approved and selected bricks. Mortar shall be as specified in the BOQ.
Points discussed above shall be followed for workmanship.
Brick wall of 230mm thickness shall be constructed from one side and one face shall be true and plumb. Thicker walls shall be constructed with masons on both faces and both the faces shall be true and plumb.
5.1.2 Measurements shall be in cubic meters.
5.2 Half brick work - plain or reinforced.
5.2.1 115mm thick brick work shall be called as half brick work. It shall be built by laying bricks in stretcher bond. Mortar shall be as specified in the BOQ.
These walls may be used for forming cavities or partition wall inside building. Brick work shall reinforced with 6mm M.S. dia bars, 2 bars at every third layer. Other reinforcing materials such as GI metal lath GI hoop iron 25mm x 1.6mm shall be used at every third layer as detailed by the manufacture. Embedding of reinforcement shall be done very carefully. All precautions shall be taken so that edges are not exposed. Lapping of bars and lath shall be proper and staggered.
5.2.2 Measurement shall be in square meters. Reinforcement shall not be measured separately.
6.0 RATE
6.1 The rate shall include the cost of all the materials and labour as described in their respective items of work and for all the operations as detailed in the respective specifications for the varies items of work. Brick on edge courses, cut brick corners, splays, reveals, cavity walls, shall be included in BRICK WORK - for the purpose of payment.
6.2 The following operations shall be included in the rate for BRICK WORK :
a. Raking out joints for plastering or for pointing done as a separate process or for finishing joints flush as work proceeds.
b. Preparing tops and sides of existing walls and the like for raising :
c. Rough cutting and waste for forming gables, cores of arches, splays at leaves and the like and all rough cutting in the body of brick-work, unless otherwise stated;
d. Plumbing to angles and battered surfaces.
e. Forming reveals to jambs where fair cutting on exposed faces is not involved.
f. Leaving holes for pipes, etc.
g. Building-in holdfasts, air bricks, fixing bricks, etc.
h. Building-in ends of beams, joists, slabs, lintels, sills, trusses etc.
i. Forming opening and flues for which no deduction is made.
j. Bedding wall plates, lintels, sills, roof tiles, corrugated sheets, etc. in or on walls, if not covered in their respective trade.
k. Leaving chases of section not exceeding 50cm in girth.
1.0 The Indian Standards to be followed are :
All relevant Standards as specified elsewhere in this Volume are applicable.
1.1 Indian Standards to be followed are :
1. IS 269 Specification for ordinary and low heat portland cement
2. IS 383 Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete.
3. IS 455 Specification for Portland slag cement
4. IS 456 Code of Practice for plain and reinforced concrete.
5. IS 2185 (Part I) Solid cement concrete blocks.
6. IS 2572 Code of practice for construction of hollow concrete block masonry.
7. IS 2645 Specification for integral waterproofing compound.
8. IS 9103 Specification for admixtures for concrete.
2.1 Cement
Ordinary portland cement complying to IS 269 shall be used unless specified, otherwise cement used shall of grade 33.
2..2 Aggregates
Aggregates shall conform to IS 383 requirements and as obtained in the concrete and mortar section of this volume. Grading shall be as indicated in IS 383. Fineness modules of the combined aggregates shall be between 3.6 and 4.
2.3 Water
Water conforming to IS 456 and as approved by the EIC shall be used. Details as given in Concrete and Mortar section II of this volume shall be followed.
2.4 Admixtures
Additives or admixtures may be added to the cement or concrete mix conforming to the IS specifications. Admixtures shall be chloride free and melamine polymer based.
Other additives or admixtures not being governed by Indian Standards shall be tested and checked that the same are not detrimental to durability. However any addition shall only be after the approval of the EIC.
3.1 Concrete blocks may be hollow (open or closed cavity) or solid and shall be referred to by its nominal dimension. The term nominal dimension includes the thickness of the mortar joint. Provision I.S. Code 2185 shall be followed for all specifications of soild concrete blocks including specifications for actual dimensions, tolerances, sizes, shapes, faces and webs, grades of blocks etc.
3.2 Concreting
Concrete mix used for blocks shall be predesigned to give a strength of 50 Kg/Cm2. Concrete shall be mixed in the mechanical mixer. Blocks shall be moulded, laid and compacted with automatic machines table vibrator. Care shall be taken to see that the mix mould is filled up. Blocks shall be protected until they are sufficiently hardened to permit handling without damage. The solid concrete blocks shall have a minimum strength of 50 Kg/per square centimeter.
3.3. Curing & Drying
Blocks shall be cured in the curing yard by keeping them continuously moist for at least 14 days. Steam-cured blocks shall be preferred. Cured blocks shall be allowed to dry for a period of 4 weeks before being used. The blocks shall be allowed to complete their initial shrinkage before they are laid in the wall.
3.4 Physical requirements
All blocks shall be sound and free of cracks or other defects. For exposed construction face or faces shall be free of chips, or other imperfections, and the overall dimensions of the blocks shall be in accordance to tolerance as specified. Minimum compressive strength shall be 50 kg/cm2, maximum permissible water absorption shall not exceed tthe limit specified in I.S. Code 2185 dimensional variations shall be specified in I.S.2185.
3.5 Test
Test detailed in Appendices A to F of IS 2185 shall be conducted on samples of units selected according to the sampling procedure given here under to ensure conformity with the physical requirements as specified.
3.5.1 Sampling
A sample of 20 blocks shall be taken from every consignment of 5000 blocks or part thereof of the same size and same batch of manufacture. From these samples, the blocks shall be taken at random for conducting the test.
The blocks shall be taken at regular intervals during the course of work, preferably while being loaded or unloaded. In case samples are to be taken from the stacks, blocks shall be taken at random from across the top of the stacks, the sides accessible and from the interior of the stacks.
3.5.2 The blocks shall be kept under cover and protected from extreme conditions of temperature, relative humidity and wind untill they are required for test. The test shall be taken as soon as the sample has been taken.
3.5.3 Number of Tests
All the 20 blocks shall be checked for dimensions and inspected for visual defects. Out of the 20 blocks, 3 blocks shall be subjected to the test for block density, 8 blocks to the test for compressive strength, 3 blocks to the test for water absorption and 3 blocks to the test for drying shrinkage and later to the test for moisture movement. The remaining 3 blocks shall be reserved for retest for drying shrinkage and moisture movement if a need arises.
3.6 Blocks shall be approved if requirements of conditions mentioned in 11.2 to 11.5 (as given below) of IS 2185 (Part I) are satisfied.
1. The number of blocks with dimensions outside the tolerance limit and/or with visual defects, among those inspected shall not be more than two.
2. For Block density and compressive strength, the mean value determined shall be greater than of equal to the minimum limit specified in Table 2 of IS 2185 (Part I) and reproduced as Table 27 of Annexure.
3. For drying shrinkage and moisture movement, all the test specimens shall satisfy the requirements of the test. If one of more specimens fail to satisfy the requirements, the remaining 3 blocks shall be subjected to these tests. All blocks shall satisfy the requirements. Drying shrinkage shall not exceed 0.1 percent.
4. For water absorption, the mean value determined shall not be more than 10 percent by mass.
4.1 In total dry climate top and sides may be slightly moistened to avoid absorption of water from mortar.
4.2 Joints shall not be bigger than 10mm and will be perfectly horizontal and vertical. Joints shall be raked 10mm deep while mortar is wet.
4.3 Cut blocks shall not be used. Special solid precast blocks at site shall be cast well in advance to be used as spacers and to adjust breaking of vertical joints.
4.3.1 Cracks in block masonry are due to shrinkage or expansion of blocks or due to load settlement, thermal expansion or changes in moisture content in the structural members enclosing the block walls. The following measures are recommended to prevent formation of cracks.
a. While curing, the block masonry should be lightly sprinkled with water and not made excessively wet.
b. Expansion joints shall be provided in walls exceeding 30m in length.
c. Reinforcement should be provided in the bed joints in block work, one course above and one course below windows and above doors in order to distribute the shrinkage/temperature stresses occurring at the corners of openings, more uniformly throughout the walls.
d. R.C.C. band (called Patli) 80 mm thick and width equal to block masonry and having 10 m dia. two bars with 6 mm dia links @ 200 mm c/c shall be provided at every 1 meter interval in the block masonry. The gap between the topmost layer of block and the soffit of the beam shall be packed by lightly hammerring flat pieces of shahabad / kota tiles and then the gaps will be covered by weld mesh of before closing them by cement plaster. The weld mesh will be extended at least 150 mm on the R.C.C. beam and 150 mm on block masonry and nailed to them with strong nails.
Scaffolding, independent of masonry work i.e. double scaffolding, shall be provided. It should be tied to masonry work or structure at suitable intervals in both directions. Two rows of planks shall be provided all around. These shall be at least 50mm thick and well-tied to the scaffolding. Railing to outside faces shall be provided. While erecting scaffolding the following points must be noted and closely followed :
1. Minimum number of holes in horizontal direction. Holes shall be formed by omitting header.
2. No holes in pillars under 1 meter in width.
3. No holes near the skew backs of arches.
4. Scaffolding must be sound and strong and easy to maintain.
4.5 Raking back shall be carried out at an angle not steeper than 45 degrees in case all the block work is not raised together.
4.6 The block should be of full height and no cut pieces shall be allowed PCC leveling course shall be laid to fill up the gap.
Hollow or solid cement concrete block work shall be measured in sq. meter for the specified width.
Rates for items shall include following :
a. Material and labour, for the completion of items as specified including any centering, shuttering, curing etc.
b. Raking out of joints.
c. Preparation of the tops and sides.
d. Forming and preparing expansion, contraction or construction joints as detailed above or specified in the BOQ or drawings.
e. Making holes, openings, etc. for outlets, embedding downtake pipes, etc. wherever necessary during construction and finishing exposed surfaces as per instruction of the EIC.
f. Curing and protection as specified.
g. Making holes, openings, outlets, etc. embedding pipes, ends of beams, joints, slabs, trusses, sills, etc. whatever required during construction and neatly finishing the exposed surfaces and opening as per instructions of the EIC.
All relevant standards as specified elsewhere in this Volume are applicable.
1.1 Indian Standards to be followed are :
1. IS 383 Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete.
2. IS 412 Specification for expanded metal steel sheets for general purposes.
3. IS 1542 Specifications for sand for plaster.
4. IS 1635 Code of practice for field slaking of building lime and preparation of putty.
5. IS 1661 Code of practice for field slaking of building lime and preparation of putty.
6. IS 2394 Code of practice for application of lime plaster finish.
7. IS 2402 Code of practice for external rendered finishes.
8. IS 2645 Specifications for integral cement waterproofing compound.
2.1 Cement, lime, surkhi, water shall conform to the respective specifications of Section II : (concrete & Mortar) of this volume.
2.1.1 Coloured cement may be either ready-mixed material or may be obtained by mixing pigments and cement at site. The pigments to be mixed with cement -situ Terrazzo floor finish.
2.2. Sand required for plastering work shall conform to IS 1542 specification. For white or coloured rendering, only quartz or silica sand shall be used. For textured finishes produced by treatment of freshly applied final or finishing coat with a tool coarser, particles used shall be screened through 3.35mm IS sieve or 2.36 mm IS sieve. For torn texture a slightly larger portion of material coarser than 4.75 IS sieve shall be used.
2.3 Aggregate shall conform to IS 383.
2.4 Marble dust obtained from crushing of hard marble stone shall not contain more than 8% of dust determined by field test. Fineness modules shall be greater than 1.0
2.5 Integral waterproofing compound shall conform to I.S. 2645 (specification for integral waterproofing compound).
2.6 Neeru shall be obtained by mixing lime putty and sand in equal proportions and chopped jute @ 4 Kg/cum of mortar and ground to fine paste in the chemical grinder to give fine butter like paste.
3.1 Preparation of mortar mix.
3.1.1. The material used in preparation of plastering mixes shall be measured by volume using gauge-boxes or by weight.
3.1.2 When cement is measured by weight, 1440 Kg. of material shall be taken equivalent to one cubic meter.
3.1.3. Mix proportion of lime, unless otherwise stated, generally refers to the volume of lime putty.
3.2 Mixing
3.2.1 Mixing shall be done mechanically or manually if approved by the EIC. Machine mixing shall be preferable to hand mixing for cement mortar. Each mortar batch shall be used within half an hour. Hand mixing shall be carried out on a clean, watertight platform. The mixing operation shall be continued with addition of necessary quantity of water until a uniform appearance and consistency of mortar is obtained.
3.3 Cement-lime or cement-sand-mortar shall be prepared as follows :
A. Lime putty and sand shall be mixed first and kept from drying out. Cement shall be added as and where required and mixed with water if necessary to the minimum extent to give a working consistency for the plaster.
B. If fine sand is used, cement and sand shall be dry mixed first. Lime putty, thinned with water, shall be added to the mixer and mixed until a satisfactory mortar obtained.
C. Cement and sand shall be mixed dry in required proportion to obtain a uniform colour, and water shall then be added to get the required consistency for the plaster.
3.3.1 Surfaces to be plastered must be clean and free from dust, loose material, oil, grease, mortar droppings sticking of foreign matter, traces of algae, etc. It is very important to ensure that there should not be any chance of the plaster getting debonded due to presence of materials harmful for bonding.
3.3.2 Raking out of joints is expected to be carried out along with masonry but it should be checked thoroughly so as to receive good key.
3.3.3 Walls should be sufficiently damp prior to plastering. Water from plastering mortar must not be absorbed by masonry under any condition.
3.3.4 Any unavoidable projections in masonry and concrete surfaces shall be chiselled back. Care shall be taken that surrounding surfaces are not damaged and reinforcement is not exposed.
3.3.5 Thickness of one coat should not be more than 12mm and less than 8mm for single coat finished plaster.
3.3.6 In case of multi coat plaster, sufficient time shall be allowed for the undercoat to harden (cured, dried and shrunk properly) before subsequent coats are applied.
3.3.7 Undercoats shall be scratched or roughened before they are fully hardened to form a mechanical key.
3.3.8 The method of application is also important and hence it is recommended that the mix be thrown on the surface rather than stuck with trowel. This increases the adhesion.
3.3.9 Scaffolding should be rigid, allowing free and safe movement on the platform and it should be at sufficient distance or height from the working areas. Scaffolding with railing gives more confidence to workers and increases the quality of work.
3.3.10 Actual plastering shall be undertaken only on the approval of the EIC. Plaster work should follow the steps mentioned below :
a. Surface must be thoroughly cleaned.
b. Plaster area must be provided with level dabs or spots allowing working and checking with 2-3 metre straight edge. Depth of plaster must not be less than 8mm at any point.
c. Required concealing services must be completed and tested before starting plastering work
d. No further cutting of masonry must be required.
e. Repairs carried out to masonry or concealing work must be cured and dry.
f. Surface must be sufficiently damp.
g. Plaster dabs are checked for plumb and level by the EIC or his representative.
h. Joints concealing and repairing areas must be covered with chicken mesh
3.3.11 Corners, external or internal, shall be finished along with final coat and will be rounded if so instructed by the Architect.
3.3.12 Plaster shall be cured for 14 days by wet curing except in neeru finish plaster. During this period plaster shall be protected from exposure to extremes of temperature and weather.
3.3.13 Plaster shall be levelled and lined by aluminum hollow section, 2-3m long, (This will give even and levelled surface). There shall not be more than 2mm difference in level when checked with 3m straight edge. It is important that enough pressing and beating is done to achieve compact filling of joints and that the area is fully compacted.
3.3.14 Finishing of plaster may be carried out with wooden float (randhas) or trowelled smooth with sheet metal trowels as specified. Care shall be taken to avoid excessive trowelling and over working of the wooden float.
3.3.15 All corners, internal or external, shall be truly vertical or horizontal. These shall be finished with a proper template to achieve best workmanship for rounding and chamfering as specified or directed.
3.3.16 Plaster shall be cut to correct horizontal or vertical line at the end of the day or if work requires to be suspended for any reason.
3.3.17 It is advisable to limit the area of plaster to 15 To avoid cracks due to thermal movements of dissimilar material in contact, it is advisable to provide joints treated with groove or any other detail as suggested by the Architect. These joints if not specified shall be treated with 150mm wide reinforcing chicken mesh ( approved by the EIC) fixed over joints by G.I. nails and the area plastered.
4.1 12mm thick ordinary cement sand plaster.
Single coat cement-sand plaster with cement-sand mix in proportion of 1:4 shall be carried out over the entire area as detailed above. This shall be finished with wooden float to give the best smooth surface possible. This may be for internal or external areas. Thickness may be from 10 to 15 mm maximum or as specified in the item or drawing.
4.2 18 to 25mm ordinary cement sand plaster.
This is the same as for the 12mm thick single coat plaster except that this shall be carried out in two coats. Maximum thickness of the undercoat shall be 12mm and balance in the second finishing coat. All operations remain the same and are as detailed in point 3.0
4.3 Neeru finish plaster
12 to 18mm thick internal plaster shall be carried out as above in single or two coats respectively. 2 to 3 mm thick neeru shall be applied over the plaster when it has just hardened. It shall be finished smooth by a steel trowel and worked over to achieve smoother finish. Curing shall start only after 24 hours after neeru punning has been completed. This shall not be hosed down like other plaster but kept wet by a slight sprinkling of water for a period of 10 days.
4.4. Cement finished plaster.
This shall be carried out in the same manner as in 4.1 and 4.2 for specified thickness in single or double coat. Then it shall be finished uniformly over the entire area with a paste of neat cement when the plaster has just hardened and finished smooth with a steel trowel. It shall be worked over again to achieve a smooth levelled surface. Quantity of cement applied shall be about 1 Kg/
4.6 Sand face plaster
4.6.1 This shall generally be carried out on the outside face and exposed area of masonry work and concrete work. It shall be of minimum 20mm thickness and shall be in two coats. The coat shall be C.M. 1:4 (1 cement and 4 sand) mixed with waterproofing compound 2% by weight of cement applied as usual and surface shall be keyed.
4.6.2 The second coat shall be applied after 7 to 10 days and shall be of C.M. 1:4 (1 cement and 4 sand). Mortar shall be mixed with slightly coarse sand. Mix shall be worked over with a gauge or wooden float to achieve an uniform surface.
4.6.3 The surface shall be allowed to harden sufficiently for sponging operation. Sponging shall be done by dipping sponge in cement water and removing fine particles and exposing large sand particles. The movement of sponge shall be such that no patches develop nor is excessive material removed from the surface. There shall not be a difference of more than 7mm when checked with 2m long straight edge.
5.1 Pointing shall be done as soon as possible to achieve a good bond in the raked joint. Surface preparation shall be the same as specified in clause 3 above. Mortar shall be prepared as detailed in section 2. Minimum depth of mortar in joint shall be 10mm. Mortar shall be set in or pressed into the raked joint with a pointing trowel. Care shall be taken not to spread the corner edges or surface of masonry. It shall be further finished with a pointing tool. Pointing shall be cured for 7 days by hosing water.
5.2 Types of pointing.
5.2.1 Flush Pointing
The mortar shall be pressed into the joints and shall be finished, flush and levelled. The edges shall be neatly trimmed with a trowel and straightened.
5.2.2. Cut or weather struck pointing
The mortar shall first be pressed into joints. The top or horizontal shall be pressed back 3mm with the pointing tool so that the joint is sloping from top to bottom. The vertical joint shall be ruled pointed. Vertical and horizontal joint lines shall be at true right angles.
6.1 Plaster and pointing work shall be measured in square meter to the second place of decimal.
6.2 Thickness of plaster shall be the minimum depth of plaster as specified. But if extra thickness occurs due to bad quality of bricks, stones or blocks or due to bad workmanship, the repairs required to be carried out shall be at the cost of contractor.
6.3 a. Grooves, pattas in continuation of large areas or plaster areas shall be considered as part of the plaster and not measured separately.
b. Isolated areas and width below 300mm shall be specified and detailed separately in the BOQ and measured in running meter.
c. Ceiling plaster, including ribbed beam slab shall be measured in square meters.
d. Beams and columns in continuation of masonry shall be measured in square meter.
6.4 Jambs, sills, coves, cornices, etc. shall be a part of plaster and no separate payment shall be made towards these items.
6.5 Deduction
a. Deduction for an opening in plaster shall not be for area less than 0.5 sqm. Same shall be applicable for pointing.
b. In case the opening area is 0.5 sq.m to 3.0 sq.m only 50% area shall be deducted from each face. Same shall be applicable for pointing.
c. In case the width of door or window frames are equal to masonry, full area of opening shall be deducted.
6.6. Plaster to ceiling and walls shall be measured separately if specified in the BOQ.
7.0 RATE
7.1 Description of item in the BOQ, unless otherwise stated, includes, wherever necessary, conveyance and delivery, handling, unloading, storing, fabrication, hoisting, all labour for finishing to required shape and size, setting, fitting and fixing in position, straight cutting and waste, return of packing and other incidental charges.
7.2 Levels and heights shall be as indicated in BOQ.
7.3 Preparation of surface shall be as approved by the EIC.
7.4 Trimming off the projections on masonry shall be included in the price.
7.5 Scaffolding and working platform shall be included in the price.
7.6 Materials as detailed and as required to complete item as specified shall be included in the price.
7.7 Curing of plaster or pointing shall be included in the price.
7.8 Cleaning of adjacent areas, windows, doors, frames etc. including masonry surfaces in exposed masonry work, shall be included in the price.
7.9 Forming grooves, for joints, between beams/columns and masonry etc. shall be included in the price. Any special treatment if detailed shall be measured separately and billed in BOQ.
7.10 Providing & fixing chicken mesh at junction of R.C.C. brick work, edges, corners, chiselled and repaired brick to plaster over concealed conduit etc. shall be as directed by the Engineer In Charge it shall be considered as part of item and no separate charges will be payable.
All relevant standards as specified in elsewhere in this volume are also applicable.
1.1. The Indian Standards to be followed are
1. IS 777 Specification for glazed earthen ware tiles.
2. IS 1237 Specification for cement concrete flooring tiles.
3. IS 1443 Code of practice for laying and finishing of cement concrete flooring tiles.
4. IS 2114 Code of Practice for laying in situ terrazo floor finish.
5. IS 2571 Code of practice for laying in situ cement concrete flooring.
6. IS 4457 Specification for ceramic unglazed vitreous acid resisting tiles.
7. IS 5318 Code of practice for laying of flexible PVC sheet and tile flooring
8. IS 5491 Code of practice for laying in-situ granolithic concrete floor topping.
2.1 Cement, sand, aggregate, lime, water shall conform to concrete and mortar section of this volume.
2.2 Stone
Stone for soling shall be hard, sound, durable and free from defects like cavities, cracks, sand-holes, flaws, injurious veins, patches of loose or soft materials and weathered portions etc.
2.3 Terrazo aggregates
2.3.1 The aggregates used in topping shall be marble chips only. The type of marble shall be as specified or as approved. It should be hard, sound, dense and homogenous in texture with crystalline and coarse grains.
2.3.2 Marble powder used along with chips must pass through IS sieve Terrazo 30.
2.3.3. Pigments
2.3.4. Dividing Strips
Dividing strips used in flooring shall be of brass or aluminum or glass as specified in the BOQ or as approved by the EIC. Strips shall be at least 45mm wide and 3mm thick or as specified in the BOQ/drawings.
2.4 Glazed tiles
Glazed earthenware tiles shall be of specified size and make or equivalent but shall conform to ISS 777. Tiles shall be free from cracks, grazes, spots, chipped edges and corners. Variation in size shall be limited to +/- 1.5mm. Thickness shall be as specified in BOQ, but in no case shall be less than 6mm.
2.5 Marble
The marble used shall be as approved by the EIC and shall be hard, sound, free from cracks, cavities, holes, patches of injurious veins, weathered portions, flaws, etc. 4 nos. of 300 x 300 mm sized marble pieces shall be submitted for approval. Material received shall conform to the said approval group 4 marbles and no other type shall be accepted. Colour, grain, vein, etc. must conform to the approved sample only. Size and thickness shall be as specified. The marble may be ordered in various sizes to suit the pattern selected by the Architect/ EIC. Required pattern matching of marble shall be carried out by the contractor while cutting the marble.
2.6 Kota Stone
Kota stone shall be of approved size to achieve the pattern to be approved by the EIC/Architect. Thickness shall be as specified. Stone shall be dense, hard and free from cracks, decay, weathering and flaws.
Sub-base for all flooring shall be prepared and kept ready for further applications. All items shall be defined and detailed on the drawing. Measurements shall be as per the BOQ of these items.
Preparation of sub-base may be by doing excavation or back filling in plinth. Back filling shall be with the selected earth in layer of 150mm to 20mm maximum and adequately watered and well-compacted to achieve 90% compaction at optimum moisture content.
In case of excavation, the base shall be well-dressed to the desired level and inspected. All loose spots shall be excavated till the hard surface is reached and then filled as directed by the EIC. Surface shall be watered with just sufficient water and rolled and compacted with vibratory compactor.
3.1 Rubble soling
Good quality 150mm to 230mm thick rubble soling shall be carried out depending upon the grade of soil. Rubble used shall be at least 100mm for 150mm thick soling and 150mm for 230mm thick soling. Stone shall be hand packed as close as possible and bedded firmly with the broadest face downwards and the greatest length across, voids filled with chips and small stones. These shall be hammered down to achieve packing and the complete filling of interstices. To achieve the desired levels and slopes. Pegs at suitable intervals (about 12m) shall be fixed.
Soling shall be watered and again packed with sand or murum to fill interstices created by watering. Then it shall be rolled with vibratory compactor. Filling sand or murum, watering and compaction shall continue till full compactness is achieved to the satisfaction of the EIC.
3.2 Metal packing
3.2.1 Coarse aggregate used for metal packing shall be crushed or broken stone, hard, durable and free from excess of flat, elongated, soft and disintegrated particles, dirt and other objectionable matter Grading shall be as referred in table 16 of the Annexure.
3.2.1 Prepared sub-base surfaces as detailed in 3.0 above shall be uniformly spread with well-graded metal. Templates shall be used for levelling. Levelling shall be true and checked with 3m straight edge. Any raised areas or depressions of more than 12.5 mm shall be corrected. This shall be rolled with power wheel roller of 6 to 10 tons as required or as asked by the EIC for the intended purpose. Rolling shall continue till aggregate is thoroughly keyed and the creeping of the aggregate ahead of the roller is no longer visible. The rolled surface shall be checked and all irregularities corrected by loosening the surface, adding or removing necessary amounts of aggregate and rerolling until the complete area conforms to the required datum.
3.2.3. After the coarse aggregate has been thoroughly keyed and set by rolling, screening shall be carried out to fill the interstices. This shall be in 3 to 4 layers. Material shall be dry and no sprinkling of water shall be allowed.
3.4 Base floor
This shall be regular reinforced concrete floor or plain cement concrete floor as specified. Its thickness shall vary from 50mm to 150mm as the case may be. In case of RCC floor concrete this may be nominally reinforced with reinforcement bars.
All specifications of concreting shall be the same as per concrete and reinforcement section of this volume (Section II and Section III).
4.1 Indian patent stone.
4.1.1. Cement concrete floor of specified grade of 40 to 75mm thickness shall be laid in panels. Cement concrete shall conform to concrete and mortar section II specifications.
The concrete surface finish may be monolithically laid with structural slab or laid over hardened structural slab. For convenience and to protect final finish in the period of construction laying of concrete over-hardened structural slab shall be preferred.
a. Hardened structural slab shall be thoroughly wire-brushed, hacked with mechanical scabbler to remove all scum, laitance of cement mortar and allowed to expose coarse aggregate. Surface shall be wetted and cleaned thoroughly.
b. Concrete shall be laid in panels. Panels shall be such as to minimize shrinkage and curling. Their length to breadth ratio shall be 1:5:1 It is advisable to keep the maximum length of each panel as 2.0m.
Panels shall be formed by providing shuttering of timber or steel angles to dead accurate level. They shall be rigid and watertight.
c. In case dividing strips are to be provided, the same shall be fixed to dead accurate level and concrete poured into them (not required to be in alternate bays).
4.1.3 a. The concrete mix used shall be as stiff as possible yet sufficiently workable When mix is held in hand it shall form a ball but when released will crumble by itself.
b. All excess water from the surface shall be mopped up by tremix machine keeping surface just wet.
c. Thick cement plaster/ slurry shall be brushed into the surface just prior to laying of the concrete. It must be noted that slurry shall not be brushed over area where concrete laying is likely to be delayed.
d. Concrete laid shall be vibrated and compacted as required. It shall be levelled with 3m straight edge.
e. Surface shall be well trowelled and rubbed smooth to the satisfaction of the EIC.
f. No additional dry cement or cement mortar shall be sprinkled on the stiffened concrete surface to achieve smoothness.
g. Concrete shall be kept moist for 14 days.
h. Edges of panels shall be well-compacted to minimize lifting and curlings.
4.1.4 IPS-laid monolithic with structural concrete shall be carried out as under :
a. Floor concrete slab shall be allowed to stiffen enough but still be in a plastic stage.
b. Mix shall be laid in position and well-compacted with wooden float and levelled with 3m straight edge.
c. After the surface has become slightly hard, steel trowelling shall be carried out to achieve smooth, levelled surface.
d. No additional dry cement of cement mortar shall be sprinkled on the stiffened concrete surface at any stage.
e. The concrete shall be wet cured for 14 days.
4.1.5 Measurement shall be square meter for specified thickness and for specified mix.
4.2 Precast terrazzo tiling.
4.2.1 Tiles shall conform to IS 1237.
Metric size of tiles as per IS 1237 are :
Nominal Actual Minimum Size Size Thickness
200mm x 200mm 198.5mm x 198.5mm 20mm
300mm x 300mm 298.5mm x 298.5mm 25mm
250mm x 250mm 248.5mm x 248.5mm 22mm
Tolerances on length and breadth shall be maximum 1mm and in thickness 3mm.
Tiles shall be hydraulically pressed with a minimum pressure of 140 kg.sq,cm. Tiles shall be single coat polished prior to receipt at site. Backing of tiles shall be in ordinary cement aggregate in proportion of 1:3 by weight. Top wearing course shall be minimum 6mm at any point in the tiles.
4.2.2. Bedding
It is advisable to provide a lime mortar bed. This gives workability and helps achieve dead accurate levels. Lime mortar in a ratio of 1:2 (1 lime putty : 2 coarse sand) shall be provided for bedding.
Structural concrete or base slab shall be cleaned, wetted, and mopped as detailed in 4.1.2 a of this section . Mortar shall be spread uniformly, tamped and levelled
work. Thickness shall be as specified but at no point shall the bed be less than 10mm.
4.2.3 Laying of tiles.
A thick cement slurry/paste shall be spread over the bedding and cleaned tiles laid over this grouted area. Grouting shall be such that the area is covered within 15- 20 minutes. Joints shall be as thin as possible and limited to 2mm at the maximum.
Laying shall start after due consideration is given to following points and approved by the EIC.
1. Datum levels of floors in rooms, adjacent rooms, passages, etc.
2. Slopes, if provided, the flooring should be given by adjusting thickness of mortar.
3. Tiles in openings and doors are equally placed.
4. Passage may be laid first to achieve evenness in doors.
5. Tiles in room shall be symmetrical and equal cut tiles shall be around the edges.
6. In case of differently coloured tiles in passages and rooms, a dividing strip shall be provided and change over of colour shall be under the shutter.
7. In case there is any other architectural or structural feature, the same shall be considered and the pattern adjusted accordingly.
8. Tiles may be allowed to go under plaster or dado about 10mm.
4.2.4 After the tiles are laid, surplus cement slurry from the joints shall be cleaned. The following day the joints shall again be cleaned, washed and wire brushed.
Grouting of joints shall be carried out with coloured (pigmented cement) cement or gray cement that matches the colour of tiles. Grout shall be worked into joint. Excessive grouts shall be cleaned off.
4.2.5 The floor shall be kept wet for a period of 7 days. No traffic shall be allowed on the bedding and bedded tiles for atleast 2 days.
4.2.6 Polishing
Polishing and grinding shall be done only after 14 days. Machine cutting or grinding shall be carried out. At first the grinding shall be with rough stone of grade 48 to 60. All chips shall be visible and grinding shall be uniform. It shall be cleaned with water. All pin-holes and opened out joints shall be grouted with matching coloured cement grouts supplied by the tile manufacturer. It shall be cured for a period of 7 days by keeping it moist.
Second coat cutting/grinding shall be done with carboundum stone of grade 120. The same procedure as for the first coat shall be repeated till curing is completed.
The final cutting/grinding shall be with a fine stone of 220-320 grade and shall be done with ample water.
Oxalic acid powder shall be spread 33 gm/sq.m. and polished by machine fitted with hessian bobs. The floor shall then be washed, cleaned and dried with a soft cloth or linen. Wherever corners of tiles are slightly low and remain unpolished, they should be hand polished by using rubbing stone.
In case of wax polishing, wax polish shall be applied to the surface. It shall be rubbed with machine. Then clean saw-dust shall be spread over the floor and rubbed with polishing machine. This will remove wax, leaving a glossy surface under-neath.
4.2.7 Precast terrazzo tiles are measured in square metres. Their rate shall include all material and labour costs required to complete the item to the satisfaction of the EIC. No extras shall be admitted on account of cutting of tiles in shape, preparing a pattern from different coloured tiles or a special border or a band. Landing of staircase shall be paid for in square meters. Treads and risers shall be measured in running meters for a particular width of tread and height of riser.
Machine cut kota stone slabs used shall be of 20, 25, 30 thickness. As far as possible colour shall be uniform. Tiles used at site shall be machine-cut. In machine-cut edge tiles, edges shall be protected from any damage in transit. No breakage shall be permitted. All edges shall be sharp, perfectly rectangular and all tiles otherwise shall be rejected outright. Edges shall be pencil-rounded and polished for exposed corners and faces.
4.4.3. Bedding shall be of lime mortar or cement sand mortar as detailed in clause 4.2.2. of this section. In all cases of cement-sand-mortar mix, a ratio of 1:6 will be maintained unless specified otherwise in the BOQ/drawings.
4.4.4 Laying of kota stone flooring shall be as in clause 4.2.3., 4.2.4 & 4.2.5 of this section.
4.4.5. Polishing and grinding shall be carried out as in 4.2.6 of this section.
4.4.6 Measurement shall be in square metres. Steps and risers for specified width and height shall be measured in running metres or as detailed in BOQ. Rates shall include costs for all labour, material, cutting, dressing, polishing of exposed faces and edges, wastage etc. including laying in pattern and polishing to the required standard. No extras shall be permitted on any account.
4.5 Marble Flooring/Granite Flooring
4.5.1 Machine cut marble/granite stone slabs shall of 20, 25, 30, thickness as specified by the Architect, Colour shall be uniform and the slabs free from all defects. Tiles used at site shall be machine-cut.
4.5.2 In machine-cut tiles, edges shall be protected from any damage in transit. No breakage shall be permitted. All edges shall be sharp, perfectly rectangular. Edges shall be pencil-rounded and polished for exposed corners and faces.
4.5.3 Bedding shall be of lime-mortar or cement-sand-mortar as detailed in clause 4.2.2. of this section. It shall in all cases be in cement-sand-mortar mix in a ratio of 1:6 unless specified otherwise in the BOQ/drawings.
Laying of marble stone flooring shall be as in clause 4.2.3, 4.2.4 & 4.2.5 of this section.
Polishing and grinding shall be carried out as in clause 4.2.6 of this section.
4.5.5. Measurement shall be square metres. Steps and risers for specified width and height shall be measured in running metres or as detailed in BOQ. Rates shall include costs for all labour, material, cutting, dressing, polishing of exposed faces and edges, wastage etc. including dry laying in pattern, providing dividing strips, special cut pieces of various sizes to create the pattern as shown in the drawing and polishing to required standard etc. No extras shall be permitted on any account.
4.6 Glazed ceramic tiles.
4.6.1. Glazed ceramic tiles shall be laid on structural concrete slab or floor concrete slab. Tiles shall be laid in accordance to IS specifications and instructions of manufacturer.
4.6.2 Tiles do not require any special bedding as for Terrazzo and stone floor tiles. But to achieve the required slopes, an average 30 to 40 mm thickness bedding of IPS as underlayer should be provided. Over this, tiles shall be laid in a cement mortar ratio of 1:4 on a bed of 12mm thickness.
4.6.3. Sub-grade shall be cleaned, wetted and mopped. IPS shall be laid in required slope/gradients. It shall be cured for 7 days and the surface shall be kept rough to achieve key with bedding of cement mortar. Cement mortar of about 12mm shall be spread over the area uniformly and compacted with 3 meters straight edge to achieve dead uniform levels. Surface shall be allowed to harden but in plastic state a thick cement paste by using cement @ 4.4. kg/sq.m shall be worked into the bedding. Cement paste shall be applied to the area only where immediate laying of tiles is carried out. Wetted tiles shall be cleaned and fixed in the thick cement pasted bedding. Tiles shall be positioned by tapping with wooden hammer and level checked with straight edge 2-3 metre long. Joints shall be as specified or as thin as possible. Points to be noted prior to start are as under :
1. Dry laying of tiles should be done first in a nearby place and should be got checked and approved by the Engineer.
2. Tiles of the same solour and shade should be grouped together.
3. End cut tiles are more than half.
4. Floor and wall tiles are in the same line.
5. Change of tiles is below the door shutter.
6. Dividing strip is provided.
7. Cutouts of floor drains are in line with the tiles. Tiles around cutouts are greater than 50mm or half the tile whichever is greater.
8. Joints should be very thin and in any case not more than 2 mm width.
9. Joints shall be cleaned thoroughly and grouted with colour or white cement as specified.White or colour grout shall be prepared with colour pigments added to cement as per colour of tiles or as directed by EIC. Grout shall be a thick paste and tooled into joints and area of the tile cleaned with a damp cloth. Grouting shall be cured by wet curing for 7 days. Grouting material fallen on the tiles should be immediately wiped out by using clean cloth. It should be ensured that no stins are left on the tiles.
10. After 24 hours of grouting, tiles shall be cleaned with water and after 7 to 10 days or prior to handing over, tiles shall be washed with mild acid. Care shall be taken that grout does not develop any stain mark.
11. All expansion joints shall be carried out right through and finished by sealing with silicon sealant.
4.6.4 Tiles shall be measured in square metres. Rate shall include for all material, labour, cutting, fixing, grouting, cleaning etc. completed to the satisfaction of the EIC.
5.1 Material for skirting, dado, steps, risers shall be as specified in 2.0 above.
5.1.1. Surface preparation shall be same as for flooring for each type. Backing coat, plaster for dado and skirting shall be done as detailed in the plaster section. It shall be combed for creating a key and better adhesion with skirting material.
In case of steps, bedding shall be laid exactly as flooring and all operations described therein shall be carried out.
5.1.2. External and internal facings shall be fixed with adequate provision for expansion and compression joints.
The contractor shall supply and fix all necessary supports, anchor slots, anchor cramps and dowels required for the satisfactory completion of all vertical marble or any other stone cladding work. Fixing will be made from suitable non-ferrous metal stainless steel. They shall be in such shape and dimension that they are adequate to carry the loads to be imposed upon them.
Notwithstanding the above stipulation, the contractor shall be entirely responsible for the sufficiently of fixing.
All anchors and other fixing shall be concealed when the work is completed.
Great care shall be taken to protect delivered and laid marble/granite and other stones from dripping and staining during the course of work.
5.1.3. Skirting or dado tiles shall be fixed as under :
1. Sufficiently hardened backing/undercoat must be damp.
2. Tiles shall be buttered with gray/white or pigmented cement paste on the back side as directed.
3. Tiles shall be fixed on the undercoat and tamped with wooden mallet or rubber mallet to achieve full adhesion to the undercoat. Edges shall be tamped to secure line and level.
4. Care shall be taken to achieve pattern of laying with respect to floor or ceiling.
5. Tiles shall be mopped with wet cloth to remove grout coming out from joints.
5.1.4 Polishing and cleaning shall be as described in type of tile referred above, except that the operation shall be manual.
5.1.5 Measurement shall be in running meters for skirting, steps, risers for specified width. Dado shall be measured in square meters.
Rates shall include material and labour required to complete the item as specified and approved by the EIC. It shall include dividing strips, treating expansion joints, sealing corners and edges around fittings and fixtures etc. all completed as approved by the EIC.
1.1 Teakwood work:
Timber used for joinery shall be of good approved quality teak wood unless otherwise specified (Ref IS:4021) and shall be well seasoned (IS:1141) cut square, free from excess work from sapwood, dead knot or other defects (Ref. IS:3364)
All timber for carpentry, joinery, rough frame work backings, fixing strips and the like shall be treaded with an approved wood preservative (Ref. IS:401) and the
material. The maximum permissible moisture content in timber shall be in accordance with IS:287 - latest.
All workmanship shall be of the best quality (IS:6534). Scantlings and boardings shall be accurately sawn and shall be of uniform width and thickness throughout.
specified. Work shall be accurately set out in accordance with the drawings and be framed together and securely fixed in the best possible manner and with properly made joints. All screws, plugs, pins etc. to be provided as necessary and as directed and approved.
Timber of approved quality is to be purchased at the commencement of the contract for further seasoning on the site. Preparation of timber is to commence simultaneously with the beginning of the work generally and to proceed continuously until all the wood work is prepared and stacked on or near the site. All the timber of large scantlings is to be sawn immediately on arrival at site to allow for any shrinkage that may take place. All timber brought to site shall be given anti-termite treatment.
Joints in various members forming any timber frame shall be provided only as shown in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Two millimeters will be allowed for each wrought face of the sizes specified except when described as finished in which case they shall hold good to the full dimensions specified.
All work is to be properly tenoned, shouldered, wedged, pinned, etc. to the satisfaction of the Engineer and all properly glued with best quality glue.
All joinery shall be finished off in a proper manner planned and sand papered as required (IS:2888)
Use of nails shall not be permitted. Fixing of members shall be done by using screws or rounds brads, heads of which shall be properly punched in ends of timbers built into walls shall have air space left between themselves and the walls.
All exposed faces of woodwork shall be sand papered once before erection for approval of the Engineer. No colour or other preservatives shall be applied without prior approval of the Engineer.
Frames for doors and windows will be provided with mild steel holdfasts made of 25mm x 6mm thick flats 250mm long and fixed into jambs in Concrete block of grade M-15/10 P.C.C. Each holdfast will be fixed to the frame with 3 nos. 50mm GI screws.
For fixing timber frames to concrete, rawl plugs and screws of 16 gauge shall be used wherever specified. Rawl plugs and screws of gauge 16 shall also be used for fixing rawl rough grounds, framing, hangers, hat hooks, curtain rails etc. unless otherwise specified, screws used for the work shall be galvanised.
All timber surfaces coming into contact with masonry or concrete shall be given two coats of wood preservative or solignum approved by the Engineer.
Panelled and glazed shutters, styles and rails shall be as shown in the drawings, moulded and mortised together (Ref. IS:1003). The shutters shall be square and free from twist. All glazing is to be of sheet glass of selected quality and approved by the Engineer. It shall be clear and free from defects. it shall be cut to the required size and fixed to frame with spring clips, with approved quality putty, or with teakwood beading as per details.
The Engineer may order any timber frame to be put together on the ground and subject it to suitable tests to his satisfaction before being placed in position. The cost of any such test shall be borne by the contractor.
All surface of timber resting on or bedded in masonry or concrete shall be well coated with coal tar.
All fixing holes shall be palleted and concealed from view.
flush type block board (IS:2202) shall be manufactured from selected timber well seasoned and shall be solid particle board, solid core construction with 25m thick teak wood lipping all around the edge. The stiles and rails shall be of one piece. The thickness of the cross band shall not be less than 3mm and the thickness of the facing shall be of best quality commercial ply of thickness not less than 1.5mm. Where veneer finish or formica finishes or any other type is specified it shall be glued separately. All the plywood shall be glue under pressure. Glue used shall be phenol formaldehyde resins.
Fixtures: All doors and windows shall be provided with best quality fixtures as specified in the drawings. Samples of all fittings shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer. Unless otherwise specified, hinges, tower bolts, aldrops, handles, latches, etc. shall be of best quality brass oxidised of specified size.
Mortice lock, hydraulic closer and other fixtures shall be of approved make. All the fittings shall be fixed with brass screws.
Painting: Painting shall be carried out only after joinery has been inspected and approved by the Engineer Surface preparation and applying of primer coat of paint and final coats of paint shall be carried out as per specification for painting. Unless otherwise specified a minimum of 2 coats of primer paint and 3 coats of final paint to be applied. Where polishing or varnishing is specified, the surface to be varnished or polished shall be protected from contamination such as inadvertent painting and surface damage. The polishing or varnishing shall be according to the specifications for varnishing or polishing under the section Painting.
2.1 Aluminium windows and doors : IS: 1948 & IS:1949.
Aluminium alloy shall conform to IS:733 and IS:285. Contractor shall submit for approval a sample of section he is proposing to use for the frame. He shall also indicate weight of section per one metre length. he shall also submit for approval the sample of hinges, handles, pegstays or any other item that may require the approval of the Engineer.
The glass panes, unless otherwise specified, shall be of a thickness for windows and 5.5mm thickness for doors and shall be free from flaws, specks and bubbles. They shall have proper squared corners and straight edges. Fixing to frames shall be done with approved glazing pins and approved quality rubber beading.
Corners of frames consisting of extruded hollow tube sections or other profiles shall be to a true right angle. The hinges shall be either projection type, or friction hinges. Necessary coupling of approved shape shall be provided for composite windows. All holes required for fixing frame and for fixing glazing shall be provided. Only brass screws shall be used for fixing the frame to concrete members.
Vertical and horizontal members shall be of adequate rigidity to resist lateral forces. Design calculation shall be submitted for deflection of members.
All the fixtures for centre hung shutters, top and bottom hung shutters, or side hung shutters shall be got approved before they are used. The fixtures used should be such that it should be possible to open the shutter to any angle.
Unless otherwise specified, aluminium doors shall be provided with floor springs of approved quality and make.
All aluminium members shall be supplied in either matt or polished finish including anodising them by electrochemical process to an approved colour and to a thickness of average of 0.25mm. The frame shall be protected with a layer of clear transparent lacquer based methacrylates or cellulose butyrate. Temporaary coating on Aluminum Sections. The coating shall be removed after installation is completed and after completing finishing work in the adjoining area.
The erection of frame shall be same as detailed under steel windows. Where aluminium frames come in contact with steel members, they shall be separated by either a 3mm thick rubber gasket for full width of aluminium member or any other approved film so as to avoid metallic corrosion.
The outer frame shall be made out of 101.60mm x 44.45mm x 3.18mm rectangular tubular sections weighing approx. 2.508 kgs/rmt.
The outer frame for fixed glazing shall be of size 101mm x 44.45mm x 2mm thick weighing 1.7 kg/rmtr for single leg and 1.8 kg/rmtr for double leg.
The shutters shall be made out of specially extruded tubular sections provisions for weather stripping shall be made in the vertical jambs. Vertical shutter frame shall be of size 48.44mm x 44.45mm x 44.45 x 3.18 mm weighing 1.542 kg/rmtr. Beading shall be of size 15mm x 15mm weighing 0.130 kg/mtr.
Bottom cill shall be 44.45 mm x 99.24 mm 3.18 mm and shall weigh 2.579 kgs/rmt and the top cill shall be of size 48.44 mm x 44.45 mm x 3.18 mm and shall weigh 1.490 kgs/rmt.
The cleats for mechanical horizontal/vertical joints of the fixed frame and shutters shall be of specially extruded aluminium sections so as to avoid any play between jointed members.
Single action doors shall be fixed by heavy duty aluminium hinges.
Single action doors shall be provided with overhead door closer.
Double action doors shall be provided with floor spring.
Inactive leaf shall be provided with concealed shootbolt.
The active leaf shall have a unity lock, the active leaf shall also have one concealed shootbolt which can be operated from inside.
Shutters shall be provided with PVC/EPDM weather stripping.
The glazing beads, both on shutters as well as fixed glazing, shall be of screwless type.
EPDM/PVC gasket shall be used in the glazing beads for shutters.
For fixed glazing, the glass shall be encased in PVC channel so as to avoid metal to glass contact.
The aluminium sections shall be anodised in natural matt finish. Thickness of anodic film shall be minimum 15 microns (+/- 3 microns).
2-3 Rolling shutters (IS:6248)
Rolling shutters shall be as per the size to suit the dimensions of the openings shown in the drawing. Unless otherwise specified, they shall be fabricated out of 18 gauge thick mild steel laths of convex corrugation with rolling centre 65mm and width minimum 12mm corrugation depth. The laths shall be interlocked by alternate and clips.
The side guides shall either be of rolled section or one piece pressed construction and shall be of size 25mm wide, 75mm deep. Thickness shall not be less than 3mm.
The shutter shall be provided with bottom lock plate 3mm thick and reinforced by an angle iron stiffener at the bottom and MS flat at the top.
The suspension shaft shall be of adequate design and unless otherwise specified shall be formed from 8 guage seamless tube 6mm ).D. with suitable flange coupling.
The springs shall be of approved high tensile steel flat or coil spring hardened and tempered. These shall be fitted inside the fabricated housing.
The ball bearings shall be double self aligning ball bearings fitted inside CI housing fixed on side brackets holding the suspension brackets at either end.
The suspension of the shutter shall be bolted in specially fabricated cages formed from MS flats and plates all arc welded.
The hood cover shall be made of 20 gauge MS sheets with necessary stiffeners and framework.
The locking arrangement shall consist of hoop and start on the bottom plate, locable from both the sides,
Unless otherwise specified, for overall area of rolling shutters upto 5 sq.mtrs pull and push type hand operated shutters shall be provided, for area from 5 sq.mtrs to 10 sq.mtrs pull and push type with ball bearings shall be provided and area larger than 10 sq.mtrs mechanically operated gear and/or electrically operated shutters shall be provided.
The shutters, hook covers, etc. shall be given 2 coats zinc chromate primer after thorough surface preparation and further 2 coats of paint of approved quality and colour.
specifications. While fixing concrete members, only shell anchors shall be used. Chiselling of concrete for fixing bolts will not be allowed.
It shall consist of vertical double channels at 10cm. centres. The sizes of channels T. Section for top and bottom shall be as approved by the Consultants. The gate shall be provided with necessary bolts, nuts, locking arrangements, stoppers and brass handles on both sides. The gate shall be painted with one coat of anticorrosive paint before erection and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality and shade.
2-5 Mode of payment and measurement:
Wooden doors and windows: the rate quoted shall include the cost of all frames, shutters, glass panes, if any and the necessary fixtures, wooden preservatives, fixing them in position and embedding the holdfasts in concrete and /or fixing the frame to concrete members with rawl plugs, screws, surface preparation either applying specified number of coats of approved paint/ polishing complete, and shall be paid on square metre basis.
For measurement of doors, the width shall be overall width of the frame measured prior to plastering, and height shall be measured from finished floor level to the top of topmost frame prior to plastering.
For measurement of windows, the width and the height shall be overall frame size measured prior to plastering.
Where only door shutters are to be paid separately as in the case of partition walls, they shall be paid on actual dimension of shutters.
For woodwork other than doors, shutters: unless otherwise specified, the woodwork shall be measured in cubic metre basis.
The length, breadth and depth of the member shall be measured after planning.
Steel Doors & Windows: The rate quoted shall include the cost of supplying fabricating and fixing in position frames, putty, glass panes, all necessary fixtures, applying paints as specified, embedding holdfasts in concrete or fixing to concrete members with rawl plugs and GI screws etc. complete and shall be paid on square metre basis.
For measurement for windows, the width and height shall be the overall dimension measured prior to plastering.
For doors, the width shall be the overall width prior to plastering and the height shall be from finished floor to the top of top frame measured prior to plastering.
Aluminium doors and windows: The rate quoted shall include the cost of supplying, fabricating and fixing in position frames, glass panes, rubber beading, all fixtures including floor springs, hinges, etc. anodising, applying protective cover embedding the holdfasts in concrete and/or fixing the frames to concrete members with rawl plugs and brass screws and where necessary the cost of rubber gasket (3mm thick) barrier between aluminium member and steel member etc. complete.
Measurement shall be on square metre basis for the actual work provided.
Rolling shutters: The rate quoted shall include the cost of supplying, fabricating, fixing in position with shell anchors, or rawl plugs, bolts, all necessary fixtures including surface preparation and applying paint as specified and shall be paid on square metre basis for the area of clear opening.
J.1 Bitumen felts based waterproofing and damp-proofing :
IS - 1322 Specification for bitumen felts for waterproofing and damp-proofing.
IS - 1346 Code of practice for waterproofing of roofs with bitumen felts.
IS - 1609 Code of practice for laying damp-proof treatment using bitumen felts.
IS - 3067 Code of practice for general design, details and preparatory work for damp-proofing and waterproofing of building.
IS - 1580 Specifications for bituminous compounds for waterproofing and caulking purposes.
J.2 The waterproofing work shall be got carried out by approved contractors such as M/S. Overseas Water Proofing Co., or M/S. Leak Proof etc. who have experience in doing waterproofing work and shall give a guarantee on a stamped paper for good performance of the waterproof treatment for a minimum of seven years period and shall, at their own cost, rectify the defects if any found during the guarantee period.
If approved by the Engineer, in situ fiber glass tissue reinforced bitumen layers equivalent to bitumen felt may be used.
J.3 Surface preparation :
Concrete and masonry surface :
Any cracks in the surface (other than hair cracks) shall be cut to V- shape, cleaned and filled with cement mortar 1:2 or with bitumen conforming to IS-702 as directed by the Engineer.
All fungus growth, if any, moss, dust shall be removed by wire brushing.
Masonary drain mouth shall be widened to two and a half times the diameter of the drain and rounded with cement mortar.
When a pipe passes through RCC slab a cement concrete fillet shall be built around the pipe and waterproofing taken over the fillet.
In brick parapet walls a chase shall be made in the parapet wall to terminate the bitumen felt. No chasing shall be made in the RCC parapet walls.
J.4 Bitumen based waterproofing shall consist of either Normal Treatment or Heavy Treatment or extra heavy treatment as specified.
J.5. Waterproofing of roof, bathroom, water tanks etc. by cement based waterproofing compounds and by injection grouting :
Where specified this work shall be carried out by the Contractor who has specialized in carrying out this work. The contractor shall give a 10 year guarantee on a stamped paper for good performance of his work and shall undertake to rectify the work at his own cost if any defects are observed during the guarantee period.
In general the waterproofing shall be carried out as per specification of the specialist but duly approved by the Engineer.
The roof surface before waterproofing shall be cleaned thoroughly and watered and shall be kept wet at least 12 hours prior to carrying out of waterproofing. If any leakage is observed the source of leakage shall be located and it shall be treated either by injection grouting or by closing of the cracks with application of cement mortar 1:2 after cutting a V-shape groove. The treatment shall be continued till the leakage is stopped.
Brick-bat coba in special waterproof cement mortar shall be laid to required slope, and shall be well compacted. A40 mm thick IPS type finishing using waterproof extensive trowelling. A false square shall be provided by pressing string, 3 mm dia, on the surface. The top finish shall be continued upto 300 mm height in the parapet wall (in the case of bathroom it shall be carried out upto 1000 mm high without fillet). Necessary grooves shall be provided in the walls to terminate the waterproofing treatment. At the junction of the wall and the floor a round or triangular fillet of size 200 mm x 200 mm shall be provided. The entire surface shall be cured for minimum 14 days, by storing water to a depth of at least 150 mm in the entire area. During this period if any leakage is observed the same shall be rectified.
approved colour and quality. All pieces of tiles shall be of overall uniform size but not uniform in shape.
The bedding for the tiles shall be with lime mortar 1:2 (1 lime putty : 2 surkhi) or as specified in the description of the item. The average thickness of the bedding mortar sha
Graded brick bat coba on which the tiles are to be laid shall be cleaned, wetted and mopped, Specified mortar bedding shall then be spread, tamped and corrected to proper levels and allowed to harden sufficiently to offer a fairly rigid cushion for the tiles to be set .
Cement slurry of paste like consistency shall be spread over the bedding at the rate of 1/4 cft. of cement/100 sft.
Immediately on application of cement grout, assorted pieces of coloured/white, China, previously soaked in water shall be set closely on the fresh surface and properly tamped to the required grade. The cement grout freshly laid shall work its way to the top surface.
The surface, after completion of work shall be finally cleaned with saw dust and waste and if so directed by the Architect, with diluted acid.
watta shall be provided towards drain pipes as shown on drawings or as directed by the Architect.
China mosaic shall be cured for at least ten days. The entire surface of the floor, after curing, shall be washed and finished clean. The finished floor shall not sound hollow when tapped with a wooden mallet.
The Contractor shall give a guarantee for all types of waterproofing for a minimum period of ten years against bed or faulty material/construction and shall rectify the work at his own cost during the guarantee period.
Payment for work executed shall be made for projected area only between the inside of plastered walls. No payment shall be made for rounding off at corners or for work carried on vertical faces of walls, column projections, etc.
Basement Waterproofing.
of 1:3:6 cement concrete using No. 2 metal shall be laid with smooth surface finished. With trowel on well compacted soil or rubble soling or plum concrete in accordance with the soil strata.
er on cement base and about 7.5 cm. thick shall be laid, using 1 layer of shahabad stone placed diagonally with cut joints. After the R.C.C raft is laid this treatment shall be carried along the outer surface of the wall and upto a height of 30cm. above ground level. The thickness of the treatment to vertical sides is about 4 cms.
Waterproofing of Water Storage Tank:
In case of water storage tank, after the plumbing work is complete, the outer surface of the walls is plastered by the & surface methods to floor and walls including partition walls which includes the internal plaster finished smooth with trowel. The thickness of treatment of the floor shall be 6.5 cms, and on the walls 2.5 cms. and finished smooth with the help of trowel. The tank shall be filled immediately after the treatment is completed.
Lawn Terrace.
very through cleaned and brickbat coba with necessary gradient shall be laid for the easy flow of r pointless waterproof plaster, finished smooth with trowel in cement colour with false markings of 30 cms. square. The treatment shall be carried along the vertical surface of the parapets of adjoining walls upto a height of 30 cms. in the shape of a round vata. The average thickness of the treatment shall be 11.5 cms. thickness and at the rain water outlet it shall be 7.5 cms.
The treatment on the walls in this case will be for height of 300mm. above the final level.
Waterproofing to Toilet Blocks:
All toilet blocks shall be treated with waterproofing on floors including 12 cm. brick bat coba, in lime mortar 1:2 laid to slope and upto 1M. height of wall dado and shall be made properly watertight around all plumbing work.
Terrace Waterproofing:
The terrace shall be first treated with waterproofed brick bat coba in cement mortar 1:2 laid to slope and of thickness as per the detailed drawings. the slopes shall be properly graded for even flow of water towards the down take pipes.
The junction of the slab and the parapet wall shall be treated with waterproof flashings or fillet. The treatment of waterproofing shall be carried over to the parapet wall.
Guarantee for all waterproofing work:
The item of waterproofing shall be carried out by M/s. India Waterproofing company or equivalent to be approved by the Consultants and to their specifications.
A written guarantee in approved form shall be furnished to certify that the waterproofing shall be free from defects of materials and workmanship for a period of 10 years. The leakage, failure to stay in place, splitting, pulling loose, illegatoring, tearing, undue expansion and contraction shall be judged as defective work.
Waterproofing of Under Ground Swimming Pool :
Providing and laying waterproofing for Under Ground swimming pool as per specifications listed below with a minimum guarantee period of 15 years :
Checking the swimming pool by filling it with water fully and marking the defective porous areas.
The first part consisting of grouting the porous concrete with non-shrink cementitious grout.
The second part consisting of treating the cracks and construction joints by routing ating it with a specialized non-
The third part consisting of making vata ( gola) at the interface joint of the RCC slab and wall with a specialized non-
specification to permanently fix non-soluble crystalline growth throughout the capillary tracts and pores of concrete at a speed of 60 65 cms per year inside -depth Crystalline Waterproofing System shall be -depth Crystalline material shall be applied by brushing / spraying at the coverage rate of 0.8 1.0 kg. /sq.m on the entire concrete slab and walls from inside as well as outside.
The sixth part consisting of providing and laying leveled, avg. 20 25 mm thick, CM 1:4 plaster admixed with ZUPA Santulan Integral waterproofing Compound @ 1 packet / bag of cement, to facilitate laying the tiles.
Guarantee Period:
Contractor should note that the work done is subject to free service guarantee from the date of completion of Treatment for a period of TEN YEARS against any damage. This guarantee shall include periodical (once in 3 months) inspection and treatment if necessary to check the damage. Amount equivalent to 5% of the value of Water proofing work will be retained from the contractors final bill towards performance guarantee for a period of 10 years However contractor can furnish a Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount in lieu of cash retention on a renewable basis. After the successful completion on 10 years. The B.G. will be released.
Painting (General)
All paints shall be of the make approved by the Architect ready mixed paints as received from the manufacturer without any admixture shall be used. If thinner is necessary in the case of ready mixed paints, the name shall be as recommended by the manufacturers.
The Contractor shall bring all the approved paints to the site of work in their original containers in sealed condition. Paints which will be sufficient for the en empties shall be removed from the site only when the item of work has been completed and permission obtained from the Architect.
Paintings shall be started only when the Engineer has inspected the items of work to be painted, satisfied himself about their proper quality and given his approval to commence the painting work.
Painting, except the priming coat, shall be taken in hand only after all other ically completed. The entire building cleaned up at least one day in advance of the paint work being started.
The surface to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned and dusted. All rust, dirt scales, grease etc. shall be removed before painting is started. The prepared surface shall be got approved by the Engineer before painting work is commenced.
The paint shall be thoroughly stirred in their original containers before pouring them into smaller tins for use. While applying also, the paint shall be continuously stirred in the smaller tins so that the consistency is kept uniform. If required, a thinner shall be used to bring the paint to the required consistency.
Two or more coats of painting shall be done either with brushes or by spraying as stipulated in the items of work.
Each coat shall be allowed to dry out thoroughly before the next coat is applied. Each coat except the last coat shall be thoroughly rubbed down with sand paper or fine pumice stone and cleaned of dust before the next coat is applied. The finished surface shall present a smooth and even surface without any hair marks from the brush or clogging of paint puddles.
White painting doors and windows, the putty round the glass panes shall also be painted. Tops of shutters and other similar hidden locations shall not be left out in painting. After painting the glass panes shall be thoroughly cleaned. By using solution available in market specially made for cleaning glasses
All painting work shall be measured in sq.m. Unless otherwise specified. In measuring painting of joinery and steel work, etc., the co-efficient as given in IS:1200 - 1964 shall be used to obtain the area payable, unless otherwise specified in the description of the item.
All furnitures, fixtures, glazing, floors, etc. shall be protected by covering and stains, smears, splashings if any shall be removed and any damage done shall be made good by the Contractor at his own cost.
The rate shall include the cost of all labour and materials involved in all the operations described above and any other specifications given under the relevant item.
The priming coat shall be as specified in the description of the item. The primer shall be prepared at site or ready made paint of approved brand and manufacture.
At site, the primer for wood work shall be prepared from a mixture of red lead, white lead and double boiled linseed oil in the ratio of 7 lbs: 7 lbs : 1 gallon. For iron work, the same shall be prepared from a mixture of red lead, raw linseed oil and turpentine in the ratio of 29 lbs: 1 gallon : 1 gallon. All the ingredients of primer shall conform to Indian Standard specifications and shall be of approved manufacture and shall be brought to site in their original packings in sealed condition. the primer for the plastered surface shall be either distemper primer or cement primer of approved make.
The surface shall be prepared to receive priming coat as follows:
WOOD WORKS: The surfaces to be painted shall be dry and free from moisture. All unevenness shall be rubbed down smooth with sand paper and shall be well dusted. Knots, if any shall be covered with a preparation of red lead made by grinding red lead in water and mixing with strong, hot glue. The surface treated for knotting shall be dry before the primer is applied.
After the priming coat is applied, the holes etc. on the surface shall be stopped
coat is applied as the wood will absorb the oil in the stopping and the later is therefore liable to crack.
IRON AND STEEL WORK: All rust and scales be removed by scrapping or by brushing with steel wire brushes. All dust and dirt shall be wiped away from the surface. If the surface is wet. It shall be dried before the priming coat is applied.
PLASTERED SURFACE: Ordinarily, the surface shall not be painted until it has dried completely. Trial patches of primer shall be laid at intervals and when drying is satisfactory, painting shall be taken in hand. Before primer is applied, all holes and undulations shall be filled up specification for doing POP to obtained.
When the surface to be primed is finally okayed the primer shall be applied with brushes, worked well into the surface and spread over and smooth.
All ready mixed paints shall be of approved brand and manufacture and of the required shades. The different surfaces to be painted shall be prepared in the
painting is started.
The number of coats to be applied shall be as stipulated in the description of the item. the painted surface shall present uniform appearance and glossy finish, free from streaks, blisters etc.
Double scaffolding or stage scaffolding shall be provided for white washing to walls or ceiling as the case may be. Where ladders are proposed to be used, their tops shall be tied with pieces of old gunny bags to avoid scratches to walls.
Before white washing the new works, the surface shall be properly brushed free from mortar droppings and other foreign matter.
The wash shall be prepared from fresh stone white lime. The lime shall be well slaked, mixed and stirred with sufficient water to make a thin cream. This shall be allowed through a clean coarse cloth. 4 oz. of gum dissolved in hot water, shall be added to each cft. of cream. For making the cream one gallon of water shall be added to 2 lbs of lime.
No. of coats to be seen in discription of item shall be applied with brushes on new work till the surface presents a smooth and uniform finish. Each coat shall be allowed to dry before the next one is applied. Further each coat shall be inspected and approved by the Architect or his representative before the subsequent coat is applied.
The finished dry surface shall not show any signs of cracking and peeling nor shall it come off readily on the hand when rubbed.
White washing shall be measured in sq.m of the finished area. The deductions for openings etc. shall be regulated as per IS:1200 - 1964. The rate shall include the cost of all materials and labour involved in all the operations described above.
Water proof cement paint of the brand, make and shade approved by the Architect shall be used.
The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of all mortar droppings, dirt, dust, algae, grease and other foreign matter by brushing and washing. The surface shall be thoroughly wetted with clean water before the paint is applied.
Waterproof cement paint shall be mixed in such quantities as can be used up within an hour of its mixing. It shall be mixed with water and applied strictly as
tightly closed when not in use.
The paint solution shall be applied on the clean and wetted surface with brushes or spraying machine. The solution shall be kept well stirred during the period of application. The completed surface shall be watered after the days work.
The second coat shall be applied after the first coat has set for at least 24 hours. before application of the second or subsequent coats, the surface of the previous coat shall not be wetted. Three or more coats as found necessary to get a uniform shade shall be applied on new work.
The specifications for scaffolding, measurements, etc. shall remain the same as
The formation of the chemically treated soil barrier shall be accomplished in stages as the building construction work progresses and due care shall be exercised to ensure that each stage of treatment is well integrated with that previously applied stage so that unprotected avenues of entry are not left open to the termites.
The Chemicals used for the soil treatment will be any one or of combination of the following with the concentration shown against each in aqueous emulsion.
Treatment to Foundation and Plinth:
a. Treatment to sides of Col. pits/trenches/basement: The bottom surface of the excavations made for column pits, trenches and basements shall be treated with the chemical emulsion mentioned at 5 litres per 10 sft.
b. Treatment to backfill to Col. pits/Trenches/Basement: The return earth in foundations in layers of 6 inches shall be treated as the layers are filled in, in stage at the rate of 20 litres per 10 sft. of the vertical or inclined surfaces of the concrete/masonry foundations. The chemical emulsion should be directed towards the concrete/masonry surface of the columns and foundations walls so that the earth in contact with these surfaces is well treated with the chemical.
c. Treatment to natural soil surfaces: Areas other than those occupied by the plinth beams and masonry walls within plinth area of the building shall be treated with chemicals at the rate of 5 litres per 10 S.F.
d. Plinth Filling:
Surface of the earth filled within the plinth shall be treated with chemical emulsions at 5 litres per 10 S.F.
e. Forming of barrier around the external perimeter of the Building:
Earth around external perimeter of the building upto a depth of half metres shall be treated at the rate of 1.67 litres per sft. of the plinth wall. In order to create a direct barrier to the path of the pests treatment shall be carried
and roads moved backwards and forwards in a direction parallel to the wall to break up to the earth so that the chemical emulsions poured into the holes formed mixed intimately with the soil.
f. Treatment to critical areas:
Areas such as opening of the trenches made for soil pipes electrical cables, floor draining etc. shall be well soaked with the chemical emulsions.
The rate quoted by the contractor for the item in the Schedule of Quantities for treatment to foundations & plinth shall include for all items specified in clause 3 above. Payment shall, however, be made on the measurements of plinth area (Horizontal plane) i.e. area covered by the depth of foundations excluding areas open sky.
1. Guarantee Period and Periodic Inspection:
Contractor should note that the work done is subject to free service guarantee from the date of completion of Treatment for a period of TEN YEARS against any infestation/and/or damage due to white ants. This guarantee shall be for non- appearance of termites and shall include periodical (once in 3 months) inspection and treatment if necessary to check the damage due to infestation. Amount equivalent to 5% of the value of anti-termite treatment work will be retained from the contractors final bill towards performance guarantee for a period of 10 years However contractor can furnish a Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount in lieu of cash retention on a renewable basis. After the successful completion on 10 years. The B.G. will be released.
2. The work shall be taken up in stages and contractors shall carry out the work in bits as and when he is called upon to do so by clerk of works/any other authorised period. there shall be no claim whatsoever on account of carrying out the work in stages.
3. Supervision:
The entire work of termite treatment at various stages of general work building
shall employ experienced staff approved by the Architects to carry out such work. Further, the termite proofing agency shall appoint an experienced representative permanently posted at work site right from the commencement of treatment upto its completion of treatment.
Acoustical Work
1. The contractor should understand the importance of Acoustics & work accordingly, as the purpose and success of each & every indoor place is to provide best possible acoustical environment for the any kind of programmers.
2. All the materials to be used for the work of ceiling / paneling shall be of the best quality confirming to relevant I.S. code & approved by Architect / consultant.
3. All the exposed timber shall be of as per sample approved, with moisture contain as per I.S. 287 & well seasoned, free from knots, cracks, warps, and other defects and shall be treated against white ants with Aldrex Aldrin or equivalent chemicals, as per specifications of the manufacturers (minimum 2 coats).
4. All the internal timber frame shall be 1st quality teak wood as per approved sample well seasoned free form knots, cracks, wraps, and other defects and shall be treated against white ants with Aldrex Aldrin or equivalent chemical ( Minimum 2 coats ).
5. The hardwood for supports & framing shall be seasoned Teak Wood of approved quality.
6. Rate of all items include the cost of finishing timber with synthetic enamel paint / spirit / wax polish / melamine as specified to match with surrounding surface. The decision of Architect on the nature of finishing shall be final and binding on the contractor without any extra cost or as per B.O.Q.
7. All particle boards / ply sheets both marine and veneered block boards ( Phenol Bonded ) will be water proof quality with ISI mark ISO 9001 off approved 1st class manufacturers like Indian Plywood, Green Valley, Euroboard, Goyal, Products / Marino Ply or equivalent. As per I.S. 710.
8. Glue shall be Fevicol / Vamicol or equivalent brand and approved product. All glue joints shall be pressed / till glue has dried thoroughly and confirming to IS 848.
9. No nails shall be used except for temporary purpose for holding lapping or laminations.
10. All the edges shall have teak wood lapping of 6mm thick.
11. The contractor shall obtain the approval regarding shade, quality, type & make of color in respect of fabric, paint and polish , carpet from Architect/ Consultant before purchasing. The contractor, if required, shall produce the reasonable number of samples and put up such samples on wall, partitions, and furniture as directed by Architect.
12. All unexposed surface of paneling/ ceiling will have coat of plating, primer or polish as specified or directed by The Architect.
13. The frame work for false ceiling / paneling etc. shall be laid in true line, level in both the directions, the wooden scantlings shall be straight and fixed rigidly with screws of appropriate size, at appropriate distance as directed at required level. The framework shall be painted with two coats anti-termite solution or Black Japan before the same is covered with ceiling / paneling boards etc.
14. The G.I. suspenders for false ceiling shall be straight and fixed rigidly to R.C.C. structures/ slab / roof truss / purlin or wood support etc. If required, for structural stability, M.S. fabrication must be used.
15. All the G.I. suspenders, ceiling sections perimeter channels, intermediated channels, ceiling angles, connecting clips, soffit cleats etc. used for Gypsum panels, Anutone - MFSC-41) & as per directions given by the Architect/ Consultant.
16. The gypsum panels / Anutone panels should be fixed as per detailed procedure given by India Gypsum Ltd. Fixing of these panels, filling joints, finishing & painting should be done as per the respective manufacturers specifications & directions given by the Architect/ Consultant. I.S. 2542 & 2095.
17. The Resin bonded fiber glass wool insulation shall be made of fine, long inorganic glass fibres bonded by high temperature resin and shall have energy conserving and sound insulation properties. The glass wool made of UP Twiga Fiber glass Ltd. Or any equivalent product and confirming to I.S. 8183 specification will be of required density as per B.O.Q.
18. All the hardware to be used in furniture paneling and partitions will have to be approved form the Architect.
19. Hardware fitting shall be from approved manufacturers and shall be confirming to respective I.S.I. specifications.
20. Pain shall be Asian / ICI / Garware / Jenson & Nicolson or equivalent. The rates of items shall include the cost of primer, preparation of proper surface by sand papering, filling with required grade putty, two coats of paints and removing of stains on floors, walls, ceiling and other movable items.
21. Different types of paints may required for different paneling or sections of paneling & ceiling & contractor should follow the specifications & direction given by the Architects about this.
22. Melamine polish preparation of surface-filling grain completely with putty made of whiting powder with required strainer and Acrypol N 83 ( Pidilite Ind. Ltd. ) Sand & Surface mildly with 120/150 Emery paper softer drying for 15 min. polishing 1 Mix Acrypol SP 85 matt in equal proportions. Spray the mixture uniformly with a spray gun at a pressure of 30 psi. 2. Allow it to dry for 6-8 hrs. 3. Sand surface with 120 / 150 Emery paper. 4. Repeat 1, 2 and 3 for two more coats up to required surface or approved by Architect.
23. The rates quoted for various items included in this tender such as wooden framework, false ceiling , paneling etc. shall be inclusive of the cost of necessary framework, scaffolding, lifting or materials etc. As the work is proposed to be executed at various heights / floor. The measurement of items included in this work shall not be taken and pain separately for different floor level and varying heights.
24. On completion of work, contractor should perform the complete acoustical testing of the auditorium & submit the reports to Architects / Consultant.
Dry Rubble Packing
Dry rubble packing shall first be leveled up and thoroughly consolidated by means of heavy log hammer or frog rms. Rubble of specified thickness shall then be laid and set with hand. It shall be consolidated by either, hand roller or wooden leg hammer, free use of water being made during consolidation. All hollows and hammer, free use of water being made during consolidation. All hollows and interstices after consolidation shall be filled up with quarry, spalls, stone ships etc., and the packing blinded with stone grift and watered and consolidated by log hammer.
Rubble packing in road work shall be thoroughly consolidated by means of power roller of 8 ton capacity instead of log, hammers and the surface shall be brought to proper grade and camber. After checking the level, grade and camber the surface will again be watered and rolled to receive road structure.
The asphalt road shall be constructed as follows : -
i) The ground shall be excavated in earth, murum upto the required level for the road work including carting away the debris. This item of work shall be carried out as per the general specifications for earth work.
ii) 23cm. thick rubble soling, shall then be carried out over the above. The rubble soling shall be property hand packed with interstices filled in with smaller stones, watered and rolled with a tons power roller.
iii) Black trap hand broken metal size 6cm. to 1 cm . to average 12 cm . thickness shall be spread over the 23 cm. dry rubble soling. This shall then be rolled to through compaction with 8 tons power roller.
iv) The metal shall then be grouted with hot bitumen of grade 20/40 at a temperature of 350 degree 375 degree F. The quantity of bitumen shall be 50 kg. / 10 sq.m of the surface. This shall again be rolled with 8 tons. Power roller.
v) Premix : Chippings of hard stones of size 2 cm to 1 cm coated with shelspar B.S. at the rate of 4 1bs/ cft. Of metal, shall be a road uniformly at the rate of 10 cu.ft. / 100 sq.ft.
The coated chippings shall be spread with rakes and rolled with 8tons. Power roller, consolidated to 4 cm. average thickness. The shelspar B.S. shall be heated to a temperature of 300 degree F and mixed with the chipping in paddle mixers or hand operated drums.
vi) Seal coat : the surface shall be given a seal of premixed stone grit 1 cm. size at the rate of 3 cu. Ft. and rolled with 8 ton power roller.
The stone grit 1 cm. size shall be mixed with shelspar B.S. at the rate of 20 1bs. Per cu.ft. of grit and carefully spread over the premixed chippings so as to fill in voids of chippings.
The concrete driveway shall be constructed as follows :
Laying 15 cm .thick 1:2:4 mix concrete with nominal reinforcement as per
surface vibrated laid in alternate panels as directed by the consultants with dowel Bars. The joints to be filled in with a hot mixture of 40% by weight of Mexphalte, 5% by weight of asbestos fire and 55% by weight of clean san. The temperature of hot to be 350 degree F. and poured into the joints and allowed to set. On cooling the surplus mix to be removed from the joints by a heated knife or crowel.
These shall be of precast concrete kerb stones of size 45 CM. X 30 CM. X 10 CM and fixing in foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix. The joints between each stone shall be cement pointed.
Steel used in the manufacture of rolled steel sections shall conform to IS 226 and IS 1977 latest edition or any alternative quality of steel subject to structural
Shall be of approved manufacture suitable for fixing in the position ordered i.e. outside, inside, below lintel or between jambs. Shutters upto 12 Sq.m. in area
reduction gear type mechanically operated by chain or handles.
These shall consist of 8 gauge sheet or as specified with 75 cm. M.S. lathes of best quality mild steel strip machine rolled and straightened with an effective bridge depth of 16 mm and shall have convex corrugation. These shall be interlocked together through their length with and locks. These shall be mounted on specially designed pipe shaft.
The spring shall be approved make coiled type. These shall be manufactured from tested high tensile spring steel wire or strip of adequate strength to balance the shutters in position. The spring pipe shaft etc. shall be supported on strong M.S. or mallable cast iron brackets.
Both the side guides and bottom rail shall be jointless and of single piece in pressed steel.
Top cover of shaft, spring etc. shall be of the same materials as that of lathe.
For rolling shutter with wicket gate night latch shall be provided free of cost.
The shutter and cover etc. shall be painted with one coat of anticorrosive paint and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality and shade.
It shall consist of vertical double channels at 10 cm. centres. The sizes of channels T. Section for top and bottom shall be as approved by the Consultants. The gate shall be provided with necessary bolts, nuts locking arrangement , stoppers and brass handles on both sides. The gate shall be painted with one coat of anticorrosive paint before erection and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality and shade.
Gills shall be manufactured as per drawings and the welded joints shall be smooth. The grilles shall be painted with one coat of Anti-corrosive paint before fixing and two coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality and shade.
1.1 Completeness of Contract -
1.1.1 Contractor shall be deemed to have carefully examined the specifications, general conditions and tender drawings etc. and to have been fully informed and have satisfied himself as to the nature and character of the work to be executed, site conditions and other relevant matters and details.
1.1.2 Contractor shall provide all terms whether specifically mentioned or not but which are usual or required to make a complete working system and to ensure safe and satisfactory operation. All apparatus, appliances, material or labour which may be necessary to complete the work in accordance with the intent or purpose of these specifications shall be considered to be in the scope of work of the contract and shall be furnished without extra charge, as if fully described and called for in these specifications. In case of doubt or doubts, the tenderer shall clearly point out his understanding of the specifications, before award of contract.
1.1.3 Contractor shall study the site conditions before tendering and shall satisfy himself before submitting his Tender as to the nature of the ground and subsoil, form and nature of the site, the hydrological, climatic and physical conditions at the site, the quantities and nature of work and materials necessary for the completion of the work and means of access to the site, the proneness of site to floods as also the highest flood levels, recorded, observe or found in the past, as also accommodation required by him, and, in general, shall himself obtain all necessary information as to the risks, contingencies, and other circumstances which may influence or affect his tender.
1.1.4 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, these specifications, drawings and general conditions etc. form the contract documents and all clauses and conditions specified by the contractor stands null and void.
1.2 References -
1.2.1 References to standards, code, specifications, recommendations shall mean the latest edition of such publications adopted and published at date of invitation to submit proposals.
1.3 Drawings and Literature -
1.3.1 Before proceeding with the work, the contractor shall submit general layout and working drawings for approval as are necessary to demonstrate fully that all parts of the materials to be furnished will conform to the specifications.
1.3.2 Within 30 days of the acceptance of the tender the contractor shall furnish three (3) prints of layout, assembly and erection drawings for approval. If any modifications are proposed by the owner / Consultant, six (6) further prints of the modified drawings shall be submitted. No modifications shall made in drawing after it has been approved by the Consultant/Owner without prior consent.
1.3.3 Approval by the owner/Consultant of the drawings shall not relieve the contractor of any part of his obligation to meet all the requirements of the Contract or of the correctness of his drawings. The contractor shall be responsible for and pay for all alterations of the works due to discrepancies or omissions in the drawings or other particulars supplied by him, whether such drawings have been approved or not.
1.3.4 After execution of works, contractor shall furnish a set of original tracings of as-built drawings incorporating the modifications if any during execution.
1.4 Inspection and Testing at Contractor's premises -
1.4.1 Owner or its authorised representative shall have full power to inspect drawings of any portion of the work or examine the materials and workmanship of the plant at contractor's works or at any places from which the material is obtained. Acceptance of any material shall in no way relieve the contractor of his responsibility for meeting the requirements of the specifications. The cost of any special tests and/or analysis not called for in this specification shall be borne by the owner in case the material proves satisfactory but shall have to be paid by the contractor in case the material or work is found defective or of inferior quality.
1.5 Material Availability
1.5.1 The successful contractor shall ensure that all materials are processed well in advance to avoid any delay in completion of the project. They will intimate in writing to the consultant in the daily report proforma.
1.5.2 In case of non-availability of any particular material the contractor shall procure next best available material and install the same at no extra cost to the Owner after written approval of the Engineer in charge..
2.1 The tender shall be complete covering the entire work of plumbing & Sanitation system and ancillary services including all building system and outside utilities as shown in drawing and specified in the tender documents.
2.2 The contractor shall consult specification & drawings which give an idea on these system and seek clarifications from the Engineer in charge. Where ever found necessary before quoting and before executing the work.
3.1 The drawings accompanying these specifications are design drawings and generally are schematic. They do not show every off-set, T's, cross, Y's, Junctions coupling/flanges etc. which are required for installation in the space provided. The contractor shall show the drawings, as closely as is practicable and install additional bends, elbows or junctions, etc of required type and size. where required to suit local site conditions, from actual site measurement taken, subject to approval and without additional cost of the Owner. The Engineer in charge. reserves the right to make any reasonable change in outlet location prior to roughing in. All connections and appurtenances, shown in the various diagrams, shall be included in the finished job.
3.2 It shall be the contractor's responsibility to coordinate with all others, for proper and adequate installation clearances.
4.1 It shall be the contractor's responsibility to provide complete system, as indicated and as required by applicable code of practice / Local bye laws etc. All clarifications, which have to be cleared with appropriate authorities shall be carried out without additional cost, to owner. Unless otherwise approved, the product shall bear the mark of approval of I S, as required, by the governing bodies, code and ordinances and local authorities whose permission are required for occupation of the building on completion.
5.1 The contractor shall prepare and submit for approval, detailed shop drawings of all items, not detailed on the drawings, setting drawings, clearance drawings where required, for proper coordination and all changes to the drawings. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to see that all deviations from drawings and specifications, noted on the drawings and brought to the attention of the consultants, otherwise approval shall be automatically voided.
5.2 The Contractor shall prepare plumbing and water supply shop drawing coordinating with Electrical and HVAC layouts to avoid any conflict at the time of execution of work.
5.3 The Contractor shall prepare a shop drawing for sanitary ware, fixtures and fittings showing positions planned with reference to tile line, height & all other aspects for approval of Engineer in charge.
6.1 Before proceeding of with the work check, dimension of the building site and establish lines and levels for the work specified.
6.2 All inverts, slopes and manholes elevations shall be established by instruments, working from an established datum point. Elevation markers and lines shall be provided for consultants' use, to determine that slopes and elevations are in accordance with the drawings and specifications and local bye-laws.
6.3 Established grid and area lines shall be used for location of trenches in relation to building and boundaries. Trenches shall be carried out to the true alignment and to required levels. No refilling will be allowed for the purpose of making up the bed of trenches, but to make the same with lean concrete mix 1:4:8.
6.4 Use of sight rails, boning rods shall be adopted during the whole process of excavation and laying of the pipes.
6.5 Sight rails shall be fixed at suitable intervals which shall not exceed twenty metres before the excavation is begun. No extra charges will be paid for excess excavation. 6.6 Sufficient width shall be available in the trenches to allow a space of 300 mm. on the either side of the body of drain pipe to facilitate laying of the pipes and jointing.
6.7 When the trenches are in deep or bad ground, the sides of the trenches shall be supported with suitable timbering.
6.8 All pipes, water mains or gas mains, telephones and cables etc. met within the course of excavation, shall be carefully protected and supported without any extra charges.
7.1 All stoneware pipes, bends, junctions, gully traps, intercepting traps shall be salt glazed inside and outside and shall conform to the specifications of IS 651.
7.2 The pipes shall be 1 st grade hard, sound, truly circular in cross Section, perfectly straight, free from all flaws and projections.
7.3 Before being laid, the pipes shall be thoroughly cleaned specially from the inside. Cracked or chipped pipes shall not be used on the work.
Tarred gasket or hemp yarn soaked in thick cement shall first be placed round spigot of each pipe and the spigot then be placed well home into the socket of the pipe previously laid. The pipe shall then be adjusted and fixed in the correct position and the gasket caulked tightly home so as to fill more than 1/4 of the total depth (13 mm. in depth) of the socket.
7.5 The remaining space in the socket shall then be tightly and completely filled with cement mortar comprised of one part of cement and one part of sand, and shall be neatly leveled off, outside the socket of the pipe at an angle of 45 . A wooden caulking tool shall be used for forcing the mortar home into the socket. The inside of each pipe shall then be carefully wiped with the mop or scraper, sufficiently long to pass two joints from the end of each pipe and any projecting or extra cement shall be removed to leave the inside of the pipe clean as the work proceeds. All the joints shall be kept moist by means of wet Hessian bags to protect them from the sun or wind. All pipes entering manholes shall be set in cement mortar to effect a complete water tight junction. All around the pipe, there shall be a joint of cement mortar 13 mm. thick between it and the bricks. The end of all pipes shall be properly built in and neatly finished with cement mortar with the manhole/ancillary structure. The approximate quantity of cement and spun yarn per joint shall conform to IS 4127.
7.6 After sufficient interval has been allowed for the joints to set and before filling the trench, the joints of the pipes and drains shall be proved water tight by filling the pipes with water in between two successive manholes to a level above the top of the highest pipe in the length to be tested, closing the ends of the sections and maintaining the water level for a period of one hour with a water head of 1500 mm. and water level dropping not more than 25 mm. during that hour.
7.7 All such testing shall be done wholly at the Contractors' expenses, inclusive of apparatus, provision of water, etc., and the rate covers all the above work.
7.8 The pipes shall be laid to the alignment and gradient shown on the plan. The maximum permissible slopes to the various diameters of pipes are as follows:
100 mm dia. pipe ... 1 in 40 150 mm dia. pipe ... 1 in 60 200 mm dia. pipe ... 1 in 80 230 mm dia. pipe ... 1 in 90 7.9 Where necessary, pipes shall be laid on a bed of plain cement concrete 1:3:6 and minimum 150 mm. thick, and shall be projected by providing haunching upto half the diameter of the pipes. The width of the concrete bed for various diameters shall be as follows:
100 mm. dia. pipe ... 380 mm. wide 150 mm. dia. pipe ... 450 mm. wide 200 mm. dia. pipe ... 600 mm. wide 230 mm. dia. pipe ... 700 mm. wide
7.11 Where the pipes are laid on a soft soil, with the maximum water table level, lying at the invert level of the pipe, the pipe shall be bedded in concrete.
7.12 Haunching -
Where the pipes have to be laid in a soft soil with maximum water table level above the invert level of pipe, but below the top of the barrel, the pipe sewers shall be haunched.
7.13 Encasing
The sewer pipes shall be completely encased or surrounded with concrete.
a) Where the maximum Water table level is likely to rise above the top of the barrel.
b) Where the sewers are to be laid adjacent to growing trees, to avoid damage or displacement to pipe joints or to the pipe likely to be caused by the roots of the trees.
c) Where the top (Overt) of the pipe is less than 1200 mm. under the road surface.
d) Wherever the intensity of loading on pipes are expected to exceed the normal limit of 1600 kg per metre length for stoneware.
8.1 Cement concrete pipes, where called for on the drawings, shall be centrifugally spun reinforced cement concrete pipes of an approved manufacture. Pipes shall be true, perfectly sound, free from cracks, cylindrical, straight with a uniform bore throughout. Cracked or warped pipes with uneven texture shall not be used. These pipes shall conform to Indian Standard 458-NP2 Class.
8.2 The pipe shall be straight and free cracks.The end of the pipe shall be square to their longitudinal axis, so that when placed in a straight line in the trench, no opening ends in contact shall exceed 1/8" (3 mm.) from 6" (150mm.) including and upto 24" (600 mm) dia.
8.3 The outside and inside surface of the pipes shall be smooth dense, and hard, and shall not be coated with cement wash or other preparation. The pipes shall be free from local dents and bulges greater than 1/8" (3 mm.) in depth and extending over a length in any direction greater than twice the thickness of the barrel.
8.4 The pipes, before being laid, shall be brushed throughout to remove any soil or stone, that may have accumulated therein, the inside of the socket and outside of the project being carefully cleaned. For small pipes, they should be titled up to remove any accumulations.
8.5 The pipes shall then be carefully laid in position.
8.6 Concrete Pipe Shall be jointed as described in I.S. 783. After setting out the pipes, the collar shall be centered over the joint and filled in with tarred gaskin, till sufficient space is left on either side of the collar to receive the mortar (1:2-1 cement :2 washed coarse sand) and caulked by means of proper tools. All joints shall be finished at an angle of 45 to the longitudinal axis of the pipe on both sides of the collar. The joint shall be cured for at least 4 days with wet Hessian bags.
9.0 Cast iron pipes & fittings C I L A to IS 1536 and 1538 for laying, jointing and testing and for application in water main- embedded in foundation or through building drain lines above false ceiling, or below slab in horizontal position.
9.1 C I Spun pipes as per IS 3989 and Sand cast pipes as per IS 1729 for laying, jointing and testing and for application in Soil Waste Vent and Roof drain system Fixed vertically of hanging pipes below floor slab.
9.2 The fittings shall be medium type cast iron conforming to the latest I.S. Specification 1538.
9.3 The pipes shall be lowered into the trench by means of suitable pulley blocks, shear legs, chain, ropes, etc. After lowering the pipes they shall be arranged to coincide the centre line with the centre line of alignment. The pipes shall be laid in position Socket and of all pipes facing the direction of flow. (This shall also apply to double socketed specials as per IS).
9.4 Preparing the Joint -
The interior of the sockets and exterior of the spigots shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried. The yarn shall be placed around the spigot of the pipe, and shall be of proper dimensions, to centre the spigot in the socket. Making up of required length by knotting of strands of yarn shall not be allowed. Required length of yarn strands shall be in one place. When a single yarning material is used it shall have an over-lap at the top of not more than 50 mm. When more than a single strand is required for a joint, each strand shall be cut to sufficient length so that the ends will meet on opposite sides of the pipe and not on top or bottom. When the spigot is shoved home, the yarning material shall be driven tightly against the inside base or hub of the socket with suitable tools.
9.5 Leading -
The leading of pipes shall be made by means of ropes covered with clay or by using special leading rings. Lead shall be heated to proper temperature in a melting pot kept in easy reach of the working area so that molten metal will not be chilled on being carried from the melting pot to the joint (Molten lead at proper pouring temperature when stirred shows a rapid change of colour). The lead used shall be pig lead with 99.8% purity and shall conform to latest I.S. specification.
Before pouring, all scum or dross which may appear on the surface of the lead during melting shall be skimmed off. Each joint shall be filled in one continuous poured or imperfectly filed joints shall be burnt out and repoured.
9.6.1 Precaution shall be taken for melting the lead as under :
i) The pot and the ladle in which lead shall be put shall be clean and dry.
ii) Sufficient quantity of lead shall be melted.
iii) Lead shall not be overheated.
9.6.2 The approximate depth of pig lead for each joint of Cast Iron pipes and fittings shall be as under with a tolerance of + 5% :-
Dia of pipe Depth of lead (Min)
80 mm. to 125 mm. dia. 45mm. 150 mm. to 250 mm. dia. 50mm. 300 mm to 450 mm dia. 55mm. 500 mm and 600 mm. dia. 60mm.
9.6.3 Quantity of lead and spun yarn for each joint in cast iron pipes and fittings shall be as under, unless otherwise indicated.
Nominal dia. Lead required Spun yarn of pipe(in mm.) per joint required per [in kg.] (Min) Joint (in Kg) (Min)
9.6.4 After the joints have been run, they must be thoroughly bulked until they are perfectly watertight. Caulking of joints will be done after a convenient length of pipe has been laid and leaded. The leading ring shall first be removed with a flat chisel and the joint caulked round three times with caulking tools of increasing thickness and hammer 2 to 2.5 Kg. weight. Lead joints shall not be covered till the pipe lines are tested under pressure, but the rest of the pipe lines many be covered to prevent expansion and contraction due to variation in temperature.
9.6.5 Lead wool joint -
Wherever it is impracticable or dangerous to use cast molten lead, such as inverted joints or in wet drainages or under water where there is a need for cold application, joints may be made with caulking lead wool or lead yarn. Joints caulked with lead wool or lead yarn shall withstand greater displacement than cast lead joints.
9.6.6 i] Approximate weights and depths of lead wool required for each joint of various dia. of Cast Iron pipes and fittings shall be as given in the following table. Just sufficient quantity of spun yarn shall be put so as to give specified depth of lead wool. A allowance of five percent variation in the specified weights and depths shall be permissible.
Diameter of pipe Wt. of lead Depth of lead in mm. wool in kg wool spun yarn [min] required in mm. [min]
9.6.6 ii] Jointing shall be made of with caulking lead wool or yarn inserted in strings of not less than 5mm. thick and the caulking shall be repeated with each turn of lead wool or yarn. The whole of the lead wool or yarn shall be compressed into a dense mass. When working with lead wool, it is very important to use caulking tools of appropriate thickness to fill the joint space to thoroughly consolidate the materials from the back to the front of the socket.
9.7 Jointing Flanged Pipe -
The pipes and fittings shall be accurately aligned in the back. The jointing materials shall be inserted in between the flanges and the nuts shall be carefully tightened, in opposite pairs, until the joint ring is only just sufficiently compressed between the flanges to ensure water tightness of the joint under the desired water pressure. The packing used should be rubber insertion cloth three-ply and of approved thickness. The packing should be of the full diameter of the flange with proper pipe hole and bolt hole neat and even at both the inner and outer edges. Where the flange is not fully faced, the packing may be of the dimension of the facing strip only. Its proper placing should be tested before another pipe is joined on.
9.8 The led joints shall be tested to a pressure of 150 1bs/sq. inch minimum [10.54 kg./] or such head as otherwise specified after being caulked and should any leakage occur, the leaking joints shall be remade and section re-tested at contractor's expenses, until satisfactory results are established.
9.9 Water Pressure Mains -
Shall conform to IS 1538 - 1967 Class LA as specified in the schedule. They shall be laid, jointed, and tested along with Cast Iron pipes as described in the specification for Cast Iron S/S pipes.
After each section of the pipe line has been completed it shall be tested for water tightness before being covered. This can be done by closing each end, by means of a valve or blank flange, or plug and fill the pipe with water. The pressure should then be raised by means of a small hand operated pump till it registers fifty percent more than the 150 p. s. i. [10.54kg./Sq. cm] and the test pressure should be ascertained by means of a reliable gauge. When the pipe is laid on any appreciable gradient, the test should be carried out at the lower end of the section with an air vent at outer end. Any leaking joint should be made good and the above test reapplied until no further leaks are apparent.
10.1 Material and Fixing -
All soil, waste and anti-syphonage pipes and fittings with in toilet areas or within plumbing shafts vertical run, shall be centrifugally cast iron socket and spigot conforming to IS 3989 - or its subsequent revision. All cast iron pipes and fittings shall be of the best approved Indian make of soil variety and free from flaws, air bubbles, cracks, sand holes and other defects , truly cylindrical and in uniform thickness. They shall not be brittle but shall allow for heavy cutting, chipping and drilling, and shall not be less than the diameter, mentioned in the Drawing and shall be fixed against the wall or on M S brackets & `U' Bolts- & painted with two coats of paint.
Jointing shall be carried out with molten lead. The spigot of the pipe must be forced well home into its socket and must be entered, so that the joint may be of even thickness all round. At least, one complete lap of clean white hemp spun yarn shall be drawn into the bottom of the socket without being forced through the joint into. As many laps as may be needed to leave the space of not less than 25 mm. for the lead shall than be poured into the joint and caulked tight. The joints shall then be run with molten lead in sufficient quantity so that after being caulked solid, the lead may project 3 mm. beyond the face of the socket against the outside of the spigot but must be flush with the outside edge of the socket.
10.3 Clean outs at the head of cast Iron horizontal pipes running under the floor shall be of cast Brass screwed in type. Floor and wall clean outs shall be of cast brass screwed type. The connection pieces shall be of G.I. threaded to suit the clean out with lead caulked joint.
10.4 Inspection chambers, gully traps, etc. , within the building shall be of `Patel Pattern' cast iron with bolts, nuts to close the cover, all to be fabricated as per actual requirement, if so specified.
10.5 Supports, pedestals and base for inspection chambers gully traps and pipes shall be in 1:3:6 cement concrete mix.
10.6 Pipe sleeves and inserts, etc., through RCC walls either external or internal shall be of G I. provided with M S water bar flange.
10.7 During installation openings of pipes shall be plugged with wood cut into required shape of gunny bags and to be maintained free from dirt.
10.8 G.I. waste pipes and fittings shall be of heavy class with G.I. unions, tail pieces, reducers and connections to be provided between joints to either lead or Cast Iron pipes.
10.9 The size of branch waste pipes for different fittings shall be as follows :
Wash Basin 32 mm. dia. Urinal 40 mm. dia. Sink 40 mm. dia. Nahani Trap 80 mm. dia. P Trap 80 / 100mm. dia.
Special Floor Trap 80 or 100 required with bolted aluminium grating in 25 x 25 M.S. angle.
10.10 W.C. pan connectors shall be to suit the requirements as per drawing, with 40 mm. Vent horn for connection to the anti-syphonage pipe with pan connector of cast iron or lead.
10.11 Connection to the sewage or storm water collection sumps to be perfectly water tight and as specified.
10.12 Rainwater flashing shall be made as per details with cast Iron dome shape grating and extension piece .
10.13 All Roof drain pipes and fittings shall be soil pipe variety conforming to IS 3989 / IS- 1729. This shall apply to pipes outside building or within the building or separate shafts.
10.14 The floor traps for toilet blocks shall be cast iron deep seal with C.P. brass grating, bolted down design.
10.15 Bathroom C. P. grating shall be of bolted down design out of heavy cast brass with the chromium plating of the best approved standard.
10.16 Cast iron gratings shall be flat with perfect edge of the best quality procurable of the specified width and thickness and in the available lengths.
10.17 Spigot and socket. cast iron pipes shall be of heavy pattern for the portion below the floor and embedded and laid over 150 mm. cement concrete 1:4:8, the width of the concrete being :-
80 mm. dia. ... 320 mm. wide 100 mm. dia. ... 400 mm. wide 150 mm. dia. ... 450 mm. wide 200 mm. dia. ... 600 mm. wide
10.18 The connection between the main pipe and branch pipes shall be made by using branches and bends with access doors for cleaning.
10.19 Floor trap shall be provided with 25 mm. dia. puff pipe where the length of the waste is more than 1.80 meter or the floor trap is connected to a waste stack through bends.
10.20 The waste from lavatories, basins, sinks, baths and other floor traps shall be separately connected to respective waste stack of upper floor. The waste stack of lavatories will be connected directly to manhole while the waste stack of others shall be separately discharged over gully trap.
10.21 The main anti-syphonage pipe shall be of 80 mm. internal diameter. When more than one branch from water closet, sink are connected with soil pipe and discharged into it anti-syphonage from the lowest one should pass through and be carried up parallel to the soil for a point 1.5 metres minimum above the highest branch. It can then be connected to the soil pipe or it can be carried independently. The anti-syphonage pipes of all the intermediate floors water closets should be joined with main anti-syphonage pipe. The ventilating pipe shall have internal diameter of not less than 80 mm. in all parts and shall be connected with arms of soil pipe on trap through a 45 branch, at a point not less than 75 mm. and not more than 300 mm. from the highest part of the trap and on the side of the water seal which is nearest to the soil pipe. The jointing shall be done according to the specifications for piping materials used in soil, vent or connected to the drain. On no account should lime or lime concrete come in direct contact.
11.1 All pipes shall be C class ( heavy ) I.S. quality and out of the specified make to the requirement of the local authorities unless specified otherwise.
11.2 Pipes shall be galvanised inside and outside treated and fixed in accordance with the Municipal requirements. The joints shall be distributed in strict conformity with the regulations. They shall be secured clear of the wall surface by means of G.I. holder bats. All control values, stop cocks, ball valves, bib-cocks shall be of the best approved quality procurable, of heavy cast drawn brass. All branches shall have individual control arrangement with fullway [peet] valves, to enable regulation and cut off as required. They shall be of best Indian manufacture specified in the schedule of quantities and of tested stampings and bear I. S. I. markings. all fittings shall be either `RR' or Ring & Cross make.
Laying and fixing
Where pipes have to be cut or re-threaded, ends shall be carefully filled out so that no obstruction to bore is offered. In joining the pipes, the inside of the socket and the screwed ends of the pipe shall be rubbed over with zinc and few turns of hemp yarn wrapped round the screwed and of the pipe which shall then be screwed home in the socket with a pipe wrench. Care must be taken that all pipes and fittings are kept at all times free from dust and dirt during fixing.
11.2.1. The water tightness of joints shall be assured by approved methods of jointing material.
11.3 Internal Work -
All internal water supply pipes should be concealed pipes of GI C class.For fittings outside the walls shall be fixed either visible by means of standard pattern holder-bat clamps, keeping the pipe clear off the plastered wall by 15 mm. for cold water and 38 mm. for hot water. Wherever indicated on the drawing or as directed by the Consultants, chasing of walls shall be done to embed pipes. All pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical and horizontal or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. All embedded cold water pipes are to be covered with bituminous polyethylene wrapping or equivalent approved by local regulations and National Building code. All embedded hot water pipes are to be painted with at least three coats and wrapped as above and then wrapped with three ply asbestos twine wrapped tightly around the pipe.
11.3.1 External Work
For external work, G.I. pipes and fittings shall be laid in dug or prepared trenches as called for or directed by the Engineer-in-charge. They should be wrapped, as specified above. The width of the trench shall be of minimum width required for working. The pipes laid underground shall not be less than 600 mm. from the ground level. They shall be surrounded on all sides by soft earth. The work of excavation and refilling shall be done in accordance with the general specification for earth work.
11.3.2 The wrapping of pipe shall be with 0.3 mm. thick FRP tissue as per manufacture's specifications.
11.4 All G.I. pipes and fittings are to be tested to a pressure of 10.54 kg/cm2 for 2 hours to ensure that pipes have proper threads and that proper materials [such as white zinc and hemp] have been used in jointings. All leaky joints must be made leak proof by tightening or redoing at Contractor's expense.
11.5 All water fittings shall be of approved make and shall in all respects comply with the latest Indian Standard Specification I.S.1239 [part II] The brass fittings shall be fixed in the pipeline in a workman like manner. Care shall be taken to see that joints shall be repaired, redone or replaced.
11.6 Wherever a G. I. pipe crosses a floor, the H D P E sleeve with 15 mm. all round clearance and projection by 80 mm. and below the floor should be provided. On no account should lime or lime concrete come in direct contact with G.I. pipe and fittings. This important condition shall not be waived under any circumstances.
12.1 General: Unless otherwise specified, manholes or inspection chambers of required depth shall be provided on all external drains, at all change of direction of the drain and where branch drain meets the main drain. They shall be of rectangular shape with a clear opening of 900 x 450 mm. Manholes shall be constructed of 230 mm. thick brick over P.C.C. bedding extending 230 mm. beyond the external face of the brick wall. Manholes beyond 1500 mm. depth shall be conical in section and circular at top with clear opening of 600 mm. diameter.
Masonry chambers shall be of such size as will allow necessary examination and clearance of drains. The minimum internal bases as per the requirement of MCGM and their bye-laws if any, shall be adhered to.
In the absence of local bye-laws, the requirements stipulated in I.S. 4111 [Part-I] code of practice for ancillary structures on sewerage system, shall be followed.
12.2 Excavate to the sizes and depths required for the manholes. Construct the manholes and refill outer space with selected excavation materials and dispose off surplus earth, as specified in "Excavation" 14.3 The specified size of manholes and chambers refers to inside dimensions. Build the manholes and chambers to the sizes and depths specified with brick wall in cement mortar as specified.
12.3 The manhole shall be built on a base of concrete of thickness of at least 150mm. for manholes up to 1000 mm. depths, 230mm. for manholes from 1000mm. to 2000 mm. depth and 300 mm. for manholes of greater depths. For special soil conditions, the thickness has to be as per structural design.
12.3.1 The thickness of walls shall be 230 mm. brickwork up to 1500 mm. depth and 350 mm. for depths greater than 1500 mm. The actual thickness for deeper manholes shall be based on structural requirements.
12.3.2 In the case of manholes deeper than 1500 mm. but up to 1800 mm. where conical manholes have been specified, the inside shall be 1200 mm. Up to 900 mm. below G.L./R.L and then taper off to 600 mm at the top, to conform to regulations. For greater depths, the internal dia. shall be increased as directed as per drawings.
12.3.3 Benching in manholes shall be in P.C.C. 1:2:4 and formed in position with necessary channels as required.
Bench up bottoms in fine cement rising 80mm. above the entire channel with rounded edge and launched up to the sides, at an angle of 45 degree and rendered in cement and sand [1:3] trowelled smooth.
Proper cement concrete channel shall be provided at the bottom and the branches from the various pipes shall discharge in the chamber with a suitable slope.
12.3.4 In all manholes over 900 mm. in depth, provide and build into walls approved cast Iron catch-ring and steps at 300mm. interval beyond 450 mm. depth and make good cement rendering around as per I.S. 1742.
12.4 Cover the manholes with single seal cast iron heavy Duty manhole cover and frame( 135 kg for 900 x 450 mm size & 225 kg for conical chamber ) of approved make. Fill the seal with prepared manhole grease.
12.5 The top level of the manhole with the cover on must be in line with the finished ground level. However, if required and the finished ground level is not ascertained during construction of the manhole, the contractor shall temporarily fix the manhole cover till such time the final/paved ground level is established, or temporarily cover the built up manhole at no extra cost to owner. In case of any damage to the covers due to traffic or any other reasons during the course of the project, or in the maintenance period attributable to the negligence of the contractor, the same shall be replaced immediately by the contractor at his own cost. The frame and the cover shall be painted with black Bitumen Anti-corrosive paint.
12.6 Drop Connections: In case the difference in invert levels between main drain and branch line requires a drop more than 600 mm., a drop connection should be provided generally as described below.
Cast iron or stoneware four way junction shall be fixed in position, at right angle to the drop pipe, at the level where branch pipe enters the manholes; provide suitable height of vertical drop pipe terminating into a plain bend, duly benched into the cement concrete [1:2:]. Access for cleaning the bend should be provided at finished ground level.
12.7 Gully traps in all waste pipes shall be of best quality 150 x 100 or 230 x 150 as indicated and laid on a 150 thick 1:3:6 cement bedding. They shall be enclosed in brick and cement mortar masonry with cement plaster forming as inspection chamber with full size 230 x 300 cast iron frame and cover ( 15 kg ) or open grating 300 x 300 as required. Location and details will be indicated in the drawing.
12.8 There shall be 100 mm. dia vent pipes at the sewer trap chamber and 100 mm. ventilating pipe at the manhole at the head of the drain to be routed aesthetically as directed.
12.9 TRAPS
Exposed trap for all wash basin and urinal in public area shall be chromium plated cast brass.
12.10 Traps installed in connection with cast iron pipe shall be of the same quality and grade of the pipe; the size of outlet all correspond to the socket of the pipe receiving it.
12.11 Provide 150 x 100 size heavy cast iron sealed gully trap with extension piece having single or double inlet as shown. where required provide cast iron sealed cover, for such trap, secured with threaded gun metal bolts and felt gaskets.
12.12 An intercepting trap of required size shall be installed in the last inspection chamber prior to connecting with the public sewer or disposal system. this chamber shall be about 2000 mm. within the boundary of the property.
All sanitary fittings shall be as specified in drawings and as approved by the Engineer- in- charge
13.1 All setting and bedding of sanitary fittings shall be done carefully to suit the required levels. Mortar drops, paint splashes etc. shall be removed from fittings, walls and floors immediately before these get dry.
13.2 Wooden plugs -
The plugs shall be of hard wood and of size 50 mm. x 38 mm. at a top and of length 50 mm. These shall be fixed on wall in cement mortar 1: 3 (cement : 3 sand), after the plugs are fixed in wall, the mortar shall be cured till it is set.
13.3 Wall Hung Water Closets -
Wall hung box rim closets in pastel shades of approved make having back inlet and "p" trap outlet shall be fixed an appropriate cast iron or M S Brackets of suitable design to suite the thickness of toilet wall and ensure that the chair is self supporting and independent of the wall.
13.4 Plastic Seat and Cover -
The Seat shall be fixed to the pan by mean of two 8 mm. dia corrosion resistant C.P. hinge bolts with a minimum length of shank of 65 mm. and threaded to within 15 mm. of the head. Each bolt shall be provided with two suitably shaped washers of rubber of or of other similar material for adjusting the level of the seat while fixing it to the closet. In addition one 8 mm. non/ferrous metal of stainless washer shall be provided with each bolt. The maximum external diameter of the washers fixed on the underside of the pan shall not be greater than 25 mm. One arm of the hinge in each bolt shall be fixed to the underside of the seat by three nos. 20 mm. long C.P. screws. The other arm of the hinges shall be fixed to the underside of the cover flush with the surface by means of 3 nos. 10 mm. long C. P. Screws.
13.5 Flush Valve
The Brass C P / S .S concealed Flush valve shall be of approved make and shall be fixed as per tile pattern as shown in detail drawing
13.6 Health Faucets
The Health faucets ( Jet spray ) shall be of approved make along with C P angle cock and wall flange and shall be fixed as per tile pattern as shown in detail drawing
13.7 Coat Hook
The Brass C P coat hooks shall be of approved make along with S.S screws and shall be fixed as shown in detail drawing.
13.8 Toilet Paper Holder -
The S S Concealed / Open Toilet paper holder of approved make shall be fixed in position by means of C.P screws embedded in the wall to suit tile pattern
14.0 Half stall Urinals - Urinals shall be Large flat back in pastel shade fixed in position by using screws, and shall be at a height of 600 mm. from the floor level to the top of the lip of urinal, unless otherwise directed.
14.1 Each urinal shall be connected to 32 mm. dia G I waste pipe which shall discharge into the channel or floor trap. The connection between the urinal and flush or waste pipe shall be made by means of C.P. Bottle Trap heavy type.
14.2 All urinal pans will have individual Auto flush electronic sensing system of approved type and make complete, including all accessories / wiring etc..
14.3 C P Spreaders, Intel, outlet connections shall be prepared to actual site measurement, to ensure proper verticality and elegance. These shall be full bore and shall not form any dents.
15 Wash Basin -
The basin shall be Oval / Round below counter type in pastel shade of approved make supported on a pair of concealed cast iron brackets
15.1 Each Wash Basin shall be connected to 32 mm. dia G I waste pipe which shall discharge into the floor trap. The connection between the wash basin and waste pipe shall be made by means of C.P. Bottle Trap heavy type.
15.2 C P Single leaver Pillar cock , C P Angle cock with wall flange, C P flexible connection shall be of approved make and range and fixed as per tile pattern as shown in detail Drawing.
16 S. S. Sink - The Sinks shall be of large size with bowl and single drain board of approved make supported on a pair of concealed cast iron brackets
16.1 Each Sink shall be connected to 40 mm. dia G I waste pipe which shall discharge into the floor trap. The connection between the sink and waste pipe shall be made by means of C.P. Bottle Trap heavy type.
16.2 C P Single leaver swinging sink cock , C P Angle cock with wall flange, C P flexible connection shall be of approved make and range and fixed as per tile pattern as shown in detail Drawing.
17.1 General:-
Provided proper solid angle iron/channel section. supports for all pipes complete with clamps. Wherever insulation comes, provided wooden guide to support pipe on the angle iron hanger / supports. In general where a bunch of pipes run as far as possible MS plates inserts are provided in the beams / slabs to facilitate welding of angle iron supports. For attachment in concrete, use "DASH" fasteners or Anchor plug type inserts or equivalent. Provide hangers within 1 mtr. of all changes in direction of mains and a minimum of 3 hangers per expansion bend. provide all additional structural steel angels, channel or other members not specifically shown but are required for proper support.
17.2 Where necessary additional hangers to be provided to arrest water hammers or hydraulic resonance with proper rubber padding.
17.3 Space hangers, as noted below, except on all soil pipe which shall have a hanger of multiple fittings, sufficient hangers shall be provided to maintain proper slope without sagging; in case of angle suspended lines, the following is suggested :
A) Pipe sizes Hanger Road Dia
20 mm. through 50 mm. 10 mm. 63 mm. through 125 mm 13 mm. 150 mm. and over 16 mm.
B) Pipe Sizes Spacing of supports
13 mm. to 20 mm. 1500 mm. apart 25 mm. to 38 mm. 1800 mm. apart 50 mm. and above 2000 mm. apart as per I.S.
17.4 Provided floor stands, wall brackets or masonry piers etc. for all lines running near the floor near walls so that those lines can be properly supported or suspended from the walls or floors. pipe lines, near concrete or masonry walls may be hung also by hangers carried from wall brackets at a higher level than pipe. Hanging of one pipe from another is prohibited.
18.1 Pressure gauges shall have not less than 115 mm. dial, 10 mm gas threads, brass body syphon and gauge cock of 10 mm. size. Dial ranges shall be adequate for the pressures encountered and as specified.
18.2 Provided valves on branch pipe connection to mains and at connection to equipment where indicated. All valves are to be located for easy access and are to be full bore of pipe connected together. Support all valves wherever necessary. Valves are to be as per I.S 780 (Class I) for cast iron sluice valves and to I.S 778 for G. M valves and tested and approved by local authorities as per bye-laws in force.
18.3 All globe and check valves shall have working parts suitable for cold water, as required. Valves shall be tagged with permanent label under hand wheel indicating type and duty.
18.4 All valves over 150 mm. dia. in equipment rooms located over 2000 mm. above floor shall be provided with chain wheels with chains extending upto 1800 mm. above floor.
18.5 Where indicated and specified, angle pattern stop cocks, at each cold water inlet to be provided. They should be anti-scalding pattern same as faucets of approved manufacture. 18.6 Provide C.I. body with brass disc spring loaded & straineof approved quality.
19.0 Strainers :-
Cast iron pot strainer with G.M. mesh screen in perforated brass strainer body of approved manufacture are to be provided before valves. Provide each Strainer with a cock for blowing down. Screening area of the strainer shall be minimum of 5 times more than pipe area, with 1 mm. maximum size holes.
20.1 Plumbing equipment fixtures, piping etc. shall be free of stampings, markings (except those required by codes) iron cuttings and other foreign materials.
20.2 cold and drinking water systems shall be cleaned thoroughly, filled and flushed with water.
20.3 The entire mechanical apparatus shall operate at full capacity without objectionable noise or vibration.
20.4 The system has to be periodically given the tests specified in the presence of site engineer and the client's representative as herein specified.
All test equipments, accessories, materials and labour necessary for conducting the tests and for inspection and repair work shall be arranged well in advance of the test date.
After shortcomings are repaired or defective items replaced the test will be repeated until the entire system found satisfactory. If the local regulations insist on similar tests before approving authorities, the same shall be complied with and acceptance from the authorities lodged with the Consultants/Owner.
20.5 The entire system of soil, waste and vent piping to be tested with water after the roughing-in is completed and before the fixture are set. After setting the fixtures, provide smoke test, after sealing all types.
20.6 Water Test entire system or sections of system by closing all openings in piping except the highest opening and filling system with water to the point of overflow. If the system is tested in sections, plug each opening except the highest opening of the section filled with water. Keep the water in system or in the specific section under test for atleast 45 minutes before inspection starts with test pressure/head lasting for two hours. The system must be tight at all joints.
20.7 Final Test :
After fixtures are set, test system with smoke as follows:
Smoke Test :
Fill traps with water, then introduce into system a pungent thick smoke produced by one or more smoke machines. When smoke appears at stacks on the roof, plug, stacks and allow pressure of 25 mm. water column to build up in system. Maintain pressure for 15 minutes before inspection starts. The system shall be tight at all joints. Sulphur smoke shall not be allowed.
20.8 Test all down spouts or rain headers and their branches within the building by water as described for the above soil, waste and vent system.
20.9 All Water Piping :
Hydro-static test 10.54 Kg/cm 2 for a minimum of two hours without drop in pressure as required.
20.10 On completion of the works, the following tests shall be performed to the satisfaction of the consultants/client's representative before issue of Virtual Completion Certificate, if so required.
a) Smoke test. b) Hydraulic test. c) Self induced test for fixtures. d) Tests for anti-syphonages system. e) Pump rating and output. f) Inspection of all units and fixtures.
20.11 The contractor shall arrange on his own initiative for similar tests during the progress of works, to ensure that there are no defects in material/workmanship in portions of work to be concealed or embedded under the floor or walls in ceiling.
20.11.1 Air or Smoke Test :-
A uniform gauge pressure of 0.5 Kg/cm 2 or sufficient to balance a column of mercury 250 mm. in height. This pressure will be held for a period of at least 15 minutes without any loss of pressure.
20.11.2 Hydraulic Test :-
i) All underground drains for a static head of 2 metres with the down stream and plugged.
ii) All vertical drains also for a static head of 2 mtrs.
iii) Water lines for 11.25 Kg/cm 2 test pressure for minimum 24 hours.
iv) Section wise isolation and test.
v) Air-locks.
20.11.3 Manholes :-
Clean the manhole free from all dirt, soil and other extraneous material and wash it with water to clear all mortar, mud etc. The pipe outlets to be plugged with gunny bags or wooden stopper to ensure proper closure. Clean water from an approved source shall be filled into the manhole to depth not exceeding 1.2 mtrs, as directed by the Engineer-In-Charge and the same is kept for about 2 hours. Test should be conducted early in the morning before 9 a.m so that tendency for evaporation losses are minimum.
20.11.4 Self induced test for fixtures:-
All units will be operated individually and the flow checked.
20.11.5 Inspection of individual units and fixtures for visible defects in shape etc.
20.11.6 Test for anti-symphonage system :-
Units on a single system will all be operated to check up the effect on symphonage.
20.11.7 Pump rating and output :-
Checking discharge and terminal head both at the free end as well as the overhead storage tank.
21.1 Equipments :-
After complete installation and testing all the equipments including mounting frames etc. shall be painted with 3 coats of paints, as per colour code required by the client or a directed by the consultants.
21.2 Piping :-
After all the piping has been installed and tested, the piping shall be given one coat of anti-corrosive paint followed by two coats of paint as per colour code required by the client or as directed by the consultants.
21.3 Colour code :-
Identification of the pipe lines shall be as per standard colour prescribed by IS : 2379.
22.1 Pipe Markers :-
Each piping system shall be provided with a name plate properly clamped or stenciled. Letters are to be 80 mm. if 3 mtrs. above the floor and 50 mm. minimum if below that height. Name plates on parallel groups of pipes etc. shall be neatly lined up. Wording of lettering shall correspond to the equipment designations used in piping legend and shall be as approved. Name plate to be of G.I sheets (gauge 20 SWG on 25 x 25 mm. angle) secured on to sheet metal and angle iron to be welded on main pipe. In case of insulated pipe the 25 x 25 mm. angle bracket should be projecting beyond insulation thickness.
22.2 Valve Register :-
To be submitted in triplicate along with location and identification number in final drawing to be furnished by contractor. . 23.0 TOOLS AND MATERIALS AND STORAGE
23.1 The Contractor at his own cost and charge shall provide all materials, tools, tackles, measure, scaffolding, labour and water, necessary for the completion of the whole work in all respect.
23.2 The contractor shall pay the fees for testing the materials to local authorities, or other statutory authorities.
23.3 The Contractor will obtain, from time to time various permissions and the completion certificates as per rules of all local and statutory authorities.
23.4 The Contractor shall insure the work against damages, for such sum as the Engineer - in - charge may, from time to time, direct.
23.5 All the brackets and hangers for pipe shall be fixed to the wall or R.C.C slab using `Dash' fasteners, wherever necessary. Exposing reinforcement bars for hooking will not be permitted.
The Contractor shall pay the fees for testing the materials by the Municipal Corporation.
The Contractor will process and arrange from time to time various permissions and obtain the drainage completion certificate, storm water drainage completion, rain water harvesting and adequate water supply certificate will be obtained by Owner / Architect, under the rules of the local authorities.
In industrial and multi disciplinary installations like Hotels and Hospitals, additional item may be added for other systems. To indicate the class of its contents, each pipe and appurtenances connected therewith shall be marked as under.
i] Water Drinking -Sea Green ii] Non Potable Water -orange iii] Treated effluent -Admirably Blue iv] Fire installation -Fire Red v] Steam & Hot water -Silver Gray vi] Compressed Air -Sky Blue vii] Vacuum -Canary Yellow viii] Liquified petroleum Gas -Red ix] Diesel oils -Light Brown x] Sprinkler pipes -Dark Violet
Charts showing the colours for primary identification should be displayed at points where they are likely to be needed for reference.
1.0 Cast Iron Pipes and NECO fittings I S 3989
2.0 R.C. NP2 Pipes Pranali Enterprises .
3.0 Stoneware Pipes and Trimurti, TM, Rajura. fittings -
4.0 Cast Iron LA class - I.T.S Company, Kesoram, Pressure Pipes and fittings Electrical Steel Casting.
5.0 G.I. Pipes-Heavy Grade - Zenith,.Tata, Jindal (C Class) as per IS 1239.
6.0 Gun Metal Valves, and Leder, Zoloto fittings
7.0 G.I.Fittings. Unique, Zoloto,
8.0 C. I. Sluice valves, check Kirloskar, Zoloto. valves etc.
18. Electric Pumps for cold water Kirloskar, HBD, Grundfos,Darling
19. Sump Pumps DARLING ,HBD, Grundfos
20. Motors. Crompton, Kirloskar
21. Starters Crompton, LT-LK, Siemens
22. C.I. Manhole covers and grating Ashok Foundary, , NECO
23. Float/Equilibrium Valves L & K, HINDKO
24. Ball Valves with copper floats L & K, Techno
25. Pressure guages Figi, H.Guru, Prico
26. PVC Pipes/HDPE Pipes Supreme, Prince,
27. Electronic Senser Jaquar, ASCON
28. Bath Accessories Gem, JAQUAR
a) To comply with the Bureau of Standards Act enacted by Parliament the fixtures selected should have ISI making along with brand name of manufacturer.
b) Fittings without ISI make if selected as a Functional/aesthetic requirement should be got tested in an approved test House prior to installation.
c) The Engineer-in- charge will have the discretion to select from the above list, in consultation with the Architect./ consultants .
1. PREAMBLE The intent of this specification for wiring works to be carried out in bank premises.
The Scope of Work shall include :-
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of the Electrical wiring work and also includes transportation, handling, receiving and storage of the materials, safe guarding the installation till the same is handed over.
Laying of conduits in the slab prior to casting and extending these conduits as required. Also included in the scope is the supply and fixing of wiring, switches, socket outlets, call bell push, switchboards etc.
All accessories, hardware and sundry items shall be included and no additional payment shall be made whatsoever in this regard.
All work shall be carried out in a neat manner with good workmanship. All materials shall be of approved quality and makes only. Samples of approved materials shall be placed on a sample board and kept with the Clients Engineer. All material supplied shall be ISI approved makes.
All works shall be carried out in accordance with Indian Electricity Rules and Regulations and Code of Practice.
In case of any discrepancy between the specifications and the BOQ, the stringent of the two shall apply. The Clients decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the Contractor without any extra cost implication.
The specification shall be read and construed in conjunction with other sections of the bidding document.
The work shall be carried out by an Electrical Contractor having valid Contractors Licence, at least one Supervisor & authorized workmen holding valid permits for such type of installation. Copies of the relevant licences/permits are to be submitted along with the offer.
The Electrical Contractor shall prepare the conduit layout drawing based on the schematic drawing provided and get the same approved by the Clients Engineer prior to start of conduit laying work. Details of the conduit size along with the number of wires, phase etc shall also be incorporated in the drawing.
The Contractor shall prepare conduit layout drawings including all details like size of conduit, number of wires being taken in the conduit and other relevant information and submit 3 sets of the same for approval by the Clients Engineers. Similarly fabrication drawings for the Panels shall be submitted for approval.
Upon completion of the work, 4 sets of As Built drawings of the Panels & Installation shall be submitted incorporating all changes that have been carried out during the course of installation. One set of drawings shall also be furnished on CD.
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.1. Scope of Work The scope of work is described in the Preamble and is for Electrical Installation to be carried out in bank premises. 1.2. Applicable Codes and Standards
Sr. No. Description Reference Standard 1 Code of practice for electrical wiring installation (System voltage not exceeding 650 V) IS : 732 2 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (General) Electrical installation. IS : 1646 3 Rigid steel conduits for electrical wiring. IS : 9537 ( Part - 2 ) 4 Flexible steel conduits for Electrical wiring. IS : 3480 5 PVC insulated cables IS : 694 6 Rigid non-metallic conduits for electrical wiring IS : 9537 ( Part - 3 ) 7 3 pin plugs and sockets. IS : 1293 8 Guide for electrical layout in residential buildings Indian electricity act and rules. IS : 4648 9 Fittings for rigid non-metallic conduits. IS : 3419 1.3 Conduit The conduits are of following types :-
PVC Conduits shall be used for concealed wiring. MS Conduits shall be used for surface wiring.
1.3.1 PVC Conduits PVC conduits shall suitable for heavy duty, ISI marked and conforming to IS: 9537 (Part 3, latest edition). The conduit shall be of smooth finish and without any sharp burrs or uneven finish. The wall thickness of the PVC conduit pipe shall be 2.0 mm for 20 mm dia PVC conduit pipe and 2.5 mm for 25 mm dia PVC conduit pipe. The PVC conduit pipes shall be round and without any deformities.
1.3.2 PVC Conduit Accessories All accessories like circular boxes, bends elbows, couplers that are required shall be ISI marked and conforming to IS 3419 (latest edition). Circular boxes shall be deep type.
The number of ways on the circular boxes shall be suitable for the number of PVC to be fixed. No spare outlet ways are to be kept as these are likely to allow leakage of cement slurry during concreting.
1.3.4 Installation of Concealed PVC Conduits The PVC conduit pipes shall be laid as per approved drawing before concrete is poured. The conduit pipes shall be laid in a straight line as far as possible. The PVC conduit pipe shall be bound at regular intervals to the reinforcement using binding wire.
Appropriate solvent shall be used for joining of PVC conduit pipes with circular boxes, bends, couplers etc. Circular boxes shall be protected in such a manner to prevent cement slurry from entering clogging the box.
Circular boxes shall be fixed in a rigid manner so as to prevent the boxes from being displaced during pouring of concrete and use of the vibrator. The conduits shall be laid in such a manner so as to prevent any damage to the PVC conduit pipes to by workmen during reinforcement binding and when concrete is being poured.
The ends of conduit shall be sealed to prevent seepage of concrete/ slurry. The conduit ends shall be brought out of the shuttering in such a manner so that these pipes can be extended las required.
Wherever necessary bends or offsets are required these may be achieved either by using appropriate normal bends or by bending the PVC conduit pipe. No bends shall have radius less than 2.5 times outside dia. of the conduit. For bending or for offsets on the PVC conduit pipes these shall be achieved using the bending spring. During the bending process the profile of the pipe should not be damaged.
16 SWG GI fish wire shall be provided in all conduit pipes prior to concreting work. The end lengths shall be long enough to facilitate pulling of wiring later.
If conduit pipes are later found choked with cement slurry, the Contractor shall clear the same, at his cost, without damage to the concrete.
Suitable pull through boxes shall be provided at regular intervals in the conduit run.
For conduits concealed in masonry walls, necessary chasing of the masonry shall be carried out by the Contractor in a neat manner. In places there two or more conduits are installed together, chicken mesh shall be provided and at least 25 mm beyond the chase prior to making good the surface.
1.4 Metal Conduits Metal conduits shall hot dip galvanized and conforming to IS: 9537 (Part - 2). No metal conduit shall be less than 20 mm. in diameter. The conduit shall be round and free from deformities. The conduits shall be ERW and free from burrs and other sharp edges.
The conduits shall be delivered to the site of construction in original bundles and each length of conduit shall bear the label of manufacturers, ISI mark and other relevant details.
The conduit accessories such bends, coupling etc. shall also be hot dipped galvanized.
1.4.1 Installation of Surface Conduits Wherever surface wiring is carried out, GI conduits shall be used. The spacing of the clamp/saddles shall not be more than 1.50 Metre.
The conduit pipes shall be terminated in suitable metal switch boards/box end and appropriate circular box at the fitting end.
Where the conduits pass through the flooring the same shall be passed through a galvanized pipe of suitable size fixed in the flooring. The galvanized pipe shall extend 75mm above the flooring and shall be flush with ceiling surface on other side.
GI spacer bars and GI saddles shall be used for conduit fixed on surface of walls, ceiling etc. PVC fasteners of appropriate size shall be used to secure spacer bars on surface. All the holes shall be drilled neatly only. Punched holes are not acceptable. Non corrosive screws shall also be provided. Jute rawl plugs or wooden plugs are not acceptable.
For metallic/PVC fastenings, galvanized bolts and nuts shall be used. No holes shall be punches for the purpose of fixing or suspending conduit, fitting etc, for this purpose suitably size holes are to be drilled.
The run of the conduit installed in a straight and neat manner. All the conduits entering or leaving a DB or switch should be neatly arranged. Any crossing of conduit should be avoided as far as possible but if required to cross the conduits shall be neatly bend and fixed.
Sufficient number of inspection bends and junction boxes shall be provided for easy drawing in of wires. Normal bends shall only be used after obtaining specific approval.
Conduit pipes terminated in switch boards/socket outlets/junction boxes shall be provided with two check nuts. Insulating bushes of appropriate sizes screwed tight onto the end of the conduit so as to prevent any damage to the wire insulation.
Conduits should be free of burrs left after threading has been done. The continuity of whole conduit system shall conform to the requirements of the regulations. All threads, running couplers, lock nuts, joints at the entry into boxes and abrasions resulting in exposure of the metal shall be given two coats of approved brand of black enamel paint or any other color shade as approved immediately after installation of the conduit pipes.
The entire conduit system including boxes shall be thoroughly cleaned after completion of installations and before drawing of wires. All conduits shall be fixed in a straight line as far as possible.
Where offsets are required, the same can be achieved by bending the conduits or by employing normal bends. No bends shall have radius less than 2.5 times outside diameter of the conduit. PVC conduits shall be bent using suitable bending springs while metal conduits shall be bent using a suitable machine.
Separate conduits shall be provided for the following system :-
Lighting Points and 6A Power outlets. 16A Power outlets. Low voltage applications. Telephone/intercom system. T.V. system 1.4.2 Conduit Capacity The maximum capacity of FR PVC insulated copper conductor wires to be taken in a single conduit shall be in accordance with the following table. No conduit shall be used having its diameter less than 20 mm. Not more than two circuits of the same phase and purpose shall be taken in a single conduit :-
Sr. No. Size of Wire (As per IS:694) Maximum No. of Wires in single conduit 20mm. dia. 25 mm. dia. 1 1.5 5 10 2 2.5 5 8 3 4 3 6 4 6 2 5 5 10 - 4
1.4.2 Outlets All the outlets boxes for fittings, switches etc. shall be robust construction. Fixing between conduit and boxes, outlet boxes, switch boxes and the like must be provided with entry spouts and smooth PVC bushes. 1.5 Point Wiring Point wiring for lights, fans, switched socket outlets, exhaust fans, call bell etc shall be carried out using 1100 grade FR PVC insulated stranded copper wire conforming to IS: 694.
The point wiring shall include the circuit/sub circuit wiring from the DB/Switchboard and also includes fittings like switches, switched socket outlets, call bell push, switch and socket for call bell, switch and regulator wiring provisions for ceiling fans, ceiling rose and other accessories that are required to complete the installation.
All points shall be directly controlled by switches fixed on switchboards. There shall be no looping of point wiring unless specifically stated. The wiring shall be of single length and without any joints.
Only corridor and staircase light points shall be looped and grouped controlled. All wiring shall be looped in the fittings. Wiring shall be drawn accordingly.
The point wiring in conduit shall consist of conduit with wiring from the distribution board in conduit with insulated earthing and its ancillary work such as bends, couplers, junction boxes, FR PVC insulated wires upto the fixed terminals of ceiling roses, connectors of fixtures, etc. through the switches.
Circuit wiring for Ligthing from DB to SB & SB to SB Shall be with using to wires of 2.5 & one wire of 1.5 cu. Conductors pvc insulated. For easy identification, wires with different colours shall be used (e.g. Red, Yellow, and Blue - for Phases, Black for neutral, and Green for Earth).
The PVC insulated wires used for the point wiring shall be of 1100 Volts grade FR PVC insulated stranded copper conductor single core wires manufactured to IS : 694 with cross sectional area specified in the Preamble to schedule of quantities. Number of strands per wire shall be as given below :-
Point wiring shall be divided as follows :- Primary Light Points A Primary Light point is the first point in a circuit and shall include the circuit wiring, switchboard, controlling switch, wiring from the switch to the light point, conduit pipe, accessories and other hardware, concealing of the conduit, ceiling rose, interconnection, looping wire and any other item needed to complete the installation. Secondary Light Points A Secondary Light point is the subsequent light point tapped either from the switch board or from the Primary light point and shall include the wiring from the switch to the light point, switch board, controlling switch, conduit pipe, accessories and other hardware, concealing of the conduit, ceiling rose, interconnection, looping wire and any other item needed to complete the installation. Fan Points A Fan point is tapped either from the switch board or from the Primary light point and shall include the wiring, switch, regulator, conduit pipe, accessories and other hardware, concealing of the conduit and outlet box, interconnection, looping wire and any other item needed to complete the installation. Light Socket Outlet Points A Light Socket Outlet point is a socket outlet point tapped either from the switch board or from the Primary light point and shall include the wiring, switch board, switch socket outlet, conduit pipe, accessories and other hardware, concealing of the conduit and outlet box, interconnection, looping wire and any other item needed to complete the installation. Primary Socket Outlet Points A Primary Socket Outlet point is the first point controlled directly from the DB and shall include the wiring from the DB to the point, switch and socket outlet, conduit pipe, accessories and other hardware, concealing of the conduit, interconnection and any other item needed to complete the installation. Secondary Socket Outlet Points A Secondary Socket Outlet point is the subsequent socket outlet point tapped from the Primary Socket Outlet point shall include the wiring from the Primary Socket point switch and socket outlet, conduit pipe, accessories and other hardware, concealing of the conduit, interconnection and any other item needed to complete the installation. 1.6 Switches and Switched Socket Outlets Switch boards shall be installed at 1200 mm above finished floor level unless otherwise stated. Individual socket outlets shall be installed 50 mm above the skirting level. The switch controlling the light and fan points shall be connected to the phase wire of the circuit and neutral shall be continuous. All fan regulators shall be fixed on the switchboards. In case the fan is provided by the Client, the Contractor shall make provisions for installing the regulators. Necessary looping wires for the regulator shall also be provided. All cover plates for switchboards/ boxes shall be fixed by means of countersunk cadmium plated brass screws. Where two or more switches and fan regulators are installed together, they shall be provided with a single gang cover plate with knockouts to accommodate required number of switches, sockets and regulators. The switch controlling the socket outlet shall be on the phase wire of the circuit. The third pin of the socket shall be connected to the earth continuity conductor of the circuit When switch boxes are installed on both sides of the same wall these shall be staggered by 150 mm horizontally. All switchboards shall be provided with a 6A switch socket outlet. Exhaust fan socket outlets shall be installed near the exhaust fan and the switch shall be installed on the switch board. 1.7 Telephone Points
Point wiring for Telephone outlets shall be carried out using 2 pair 0.5 mm PVC sheathed in insulated telephone cable in 20 mm dia PVC conduit. The telephone wire PVC compound shall be fire retardant and shall conform to ITD S/SW 113C. The telephone point wiring shall be drawn from the Krone tag block fixed under the staircase to the points located in the flat. The point shall be terminated in a RJ11 outlet with suitable plate and box.
1.8 TV Points
The TV point shall comprise of concealed 20 mm PVC conduit with all accessories, junction boxes, ISI make co-axial cable, and TV socket in a suitable box with cover plate. The wiring shall be terminated at one end in the outlet socket and at the other end in the splitter located on ground floor.
2.0 Lighting Fixtures
The lighting fittings, fans, exhaust fans etc. shall be of approved makes and types as indicated in the BOQ.
All Lighting Fittings shall be complete with lamps, ballast and all accessories necessary for installation whether so detailed under item description or not.
Fixture shall be completely wired and constructed to comply with the regulations and applicable Standards for electric lighting fixtures, unless otherwise specified. Fixtures shall bear manufacturer's name and factory inspection label unless otherwise approved.
Wiring within the fixture and for connection to the branch circuit wiring shall be not less than 1.5 Sq. mm. copper for 250 Volt applications. Wire insulation shall suit the temperature conditions inside the fixture. Internal wiring shall be neatly clipped and where the wiring is passing the ballast, suitable heat resistance barrier or sleeve shall be provided.
Metal used in lighting fixtures shall be not less than 22 SWG or heavier Gauge if so required to comply with specification of standards. Sheet steel reflectors shall have a thickness of not less than 20 SWG. The metal parts of the fixtures shall be completely free from burrs and tool marks. Solder shall not be used as mechanical fastening device on any part of the fixture.
Ferrous metal shall be given a corrosion resistance phosphate treatment or other approved rust inhibiting prime coat to provide a rustproof base before application of finish.
The finish shall be capable of withstanding 72 hours exposure to an ultraviolet sun lamp placed 10 cm. from the surface without discoloration factor after exposure. Test results shall be furnished for each lot of fixtures.
All reflectors shall be made from 99.90% pre-anodised aluminium sheet in the required profile.
Ballasts shall be electronic in enclosed casing. Ballast temperature and sound ratio rise shall be specified by the manufacture and guaranteed. Ballasts shall be suitable for operation at the voltage and frequencies indicated and under prevailing temperature conditions. The ballasts shall have inbuilt preheat start and cut-off circuits to ensure enhanced life of the lamp.
Wherever specified in the schedule of quantities or preambles, high frequency electronic ballast (HF Ballast) should be provided in the fluorescent tube light fixture or compact fluorescent tube light. The HF Ballast should confirm to IEC928 standard. EMI should comply with U.S. FCC class A. The high frequency should be > 40 kHz. The operating power factor of the HF Ballast controlled fixture should not be less than 0.95.
Constant wattage , constant lumen output electronic high frequency ballast with total harmonic distortion less than 10 % and with system power consumption not exceeding 72 watts for a twin 36 W TL configuration and 4 X 18 W TL as well. Ballast shall confirm to following international specification with conformance marked upon casing.
Lamps The Fluorescent Tubes (TLs) and Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) should have cool daylight colour designation. However the Owner reserve the right to prescribe either Cool Daylight or Bright White or Incandescent Colour designations for TLs and / or CFLs. No extra payment will be made over the quoted rate of bidder for this.
Fixtures shall be installed at mounting heights as detailed on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer in Charge. All fixing accessories, down rods, terminals, etc required for completing the installation shall be provided by the Contractor including the connection wire from the point to the light fitting or other fixtures.
Flush mounted recessed fixtures shall be installed so as to completely eliminate leakage light between the fixture and adjacent finished surface.
Fixture mounted on outlet boxes shall be rigidly secured to a fixture stud in the outlet box.
Earthing of all the fixtures shall be carried out by Green insulated copper cables of suitable size from the ceiling rose / connector. 3.0 Earthing All the non-current carrying metal parts of the electrical installation shall be earthed properly. Metal conduits, cables armour and sheath, Panel and Distribution Boards, light fixtures, ceiling and exhaust fan and all other fixtures shall be bonded together and connected by means of specified earthing system.
An earth continuity conductor shall be installed with all the feeders and circuits and shall be connected from the earth bar of the panel boards to the conduit system, earth stud of the switch box, light fixture, earth pin of the socket outlets and any metallic wall plates used. All the enclosures of motors shall be also connected to the earthing system.
For concealed wiring green coloured PVC insulated copper wire shall be provided. The earth wire shall be taken within the PVC conduit.
The scope of work shall cover supply, laying, installation, connecting, testing and commissioning of :- Earthing stations. Earthing conductor of copper/GI strips, copper flexible cables from earthing station to earth bus. Earthing conductors from the earth bus to the various equipment, outlets etc. 3.1 Standard The following standards and rules shall be applicable :- a. IS: 3043 - 1966 Code of practice for Earthing. b. Indian Electricity Act and Rules All codes and standards mean the latest. Where not specified the installation shall generally follow the Indian Standard Code of Practice or the British Standard Codes of Practice in absence of Indian standard. 3.2 Earthing Stations The earth electrode shall be 3 M long 50 mm dia class "B", perforated GI pipe. G.I. pipe with funnel of approved quality shall be used for watering the earth electrode \ station. All hardware and other consumables for earthing installation shall be hot dip GI. The earth resistance shall be maintained with suitable soil treatment as per regulations. The resistance of each earth station should not exceed 1 ohm. The earth electrode shall be installed vertically and shall be surrounded with 150 mm. thick layers of Charcoal dust and Salt mixture. 20 mm. dia. GI watering pipe shall run along the pipe electrode to the top of masonry chamber. At the top of the pipe a G.I. funnel with a mesh shall be provided for watering the earth station. The funnel with screen over the G.I. pipe for watering to the earth shall be housed in a block masonry chamber as shown in the drawing. Construction of the earthing station shall in general be as shown in the drawing and shall conform to the requirement of the latest edition of Indian Standard IS: 3043. . The earth conductor shall be fixed to the pipe with a nut. The clamp shall be permanently accessible. The earthing conductor shall be hot dip GI flat of the size as indicated. 3.3 Installation and Connection The earth electrode shall be buried below permanent moisture level but in no case less than 3 M below finished ground level. The earth electrode shall be kept clear of the building foundation and in no case, it shall be nearer by less than 2 M from outer face of the respective building wall / column. The earth conductors inside the building shall properly be clamped/supported on the wall with GI spacer bars with earth clamps and GI screws/bolts. The conductors outside the building shall be laid at least 600 mm. below the finished ground level. The earth conductors shall be terminated in an earth bus near the meter board. From the earth bus on earthing shall be taken for the installation as required Where joints in the earthing strip are made, there shall be an overlap of 75 mm. The joints shall be rivet or brazed as directed by the Engineer. In case of brazing the joint shall be cleaned after the brazing work is completed and then painted with 2 coats of bitumen paint and finished with two coats of aluminium paint. The earth conductors shall be of one length between the earthing grid and the equipment to be earthed. 3.4 Earth Conductor Connections Earth lead shall be bare Copper or GI as specified. Earth conductors buried in the ground shall be protected with bitumen and hessian wrap or polythene faced hessian and bitumen coating. At entries into the buildings, suitable GI pipe sleeves shall be provided. Earth lead run on surface of wall or ceiling shall be fixed on saddles so that strip is at least 6 mm away from the wall surface. The complete earthing system shall be mechanically and electrically bonded to provide an independent return path to the earth source. Metallic conduit is not considered as an earth continuity conductor. Separate bare earth continuity conductor of size equivalent to 100% of the phase conductor subject to the minimum shall be provided for both metallic & PVC conduits.
Nominal Cross-Sectional Area Nominal Cross-Sectional Area of Largest Associated Copper Area of Earth-Continuity Conductor Circuit
2.5 2.5 4 4 6 6
The earth continuity conductor be drawn inside the conduit shall be insulated. All metal junction and switch boxes shall have an earth stud inside the boxes to which the earth conductor shall be connected. Insulated earth conductor shall be coloured (Green or Green / Yellow ) for easy identification. Armoured cable shall be earthed by two distinct earth connections to the armouring at both the ends and the size of connection being as for the metallic conduit. In the case of unarmoured cable, an earth continuity conductor shall either be run outside along with the cable or should form a separate insulated core of the cable. Three phase power panel and distribution boards shall have two distinct earth connections of the size correlated to the incoming cable size.
4.0 Panels
The Main Panel Board shall house the incomer along with the metering unit and outgoing feeders. The board shall be cubicle type fully compartmentalized, vermin proof, front operating and floor mounting, IP 52 degree of protection. H.T. Panel , H.T. Cubicle metering as per ISI Specifications no SW-HTS/LBS PWD specifications. Transformer as per pwd specification no SS-TR ISI 2026 and Generator as per pwd specification no GEN-PG. Metal Work
The frame of panel shall be fabricated using suitable mild steel structural sections or pressed and shaped cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 2.5 mm.
Frames shall be enclosed by cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 2.0 mm. smoothly finished, leveled and free from flaws. Doors, top covers and partitions shall be made of cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 1.6 mm. Stiffeners shall be provided wherever necessary. Black sheet is not acceptable.
All bends/folds shall be free from sharp edges. Cut-outs shall be true in shape and devoid of sharp edges. The complete structure shall be rigid, self-supporting and free from vibration, twists and bends.
The metal steel frame made of structural steel channel section properly drilled for mounting the switch gear along with necessary mounting hardware which shall be zinc plated and passivated, provided with neoprene gaskets all round the perimeter of removable covers and doors and busbars of adequate rating.
All manually operated equipment shall not be less than 300 mm above floor level and while the maximum operating level shall not exceed 2,100mm from floor level.
Cable alley of adequate size shall be provided with suitably hinged doors or bolted cover. It shall be possible to safely carry out maintenance work on cable connections to any one circuit with the busbars and adjacent circuits live. Adequate number of slotted cable support arms shall be provided for clamping the cables.
All doors shall be neatly folded type. All covers and doors to be provided with neoprene gaskets. Ordinary rubber gaskets are not acceptable.
Provision shall be made for insulating covers on outgoing terminals for protection against accidental touch.
Base Channel of ISMC-75 shall be provided in case of floor standing panels.
Suitable number of lifting Lugs per each shipping section shall be provided.
Cable entry for all panels will be top. The cable alley shall be of adequately size to accommodate the required number of cables.
The busbars shall be of uniform cross section throughout their length and up to the incoming terminals of the incoming feeder. The busbars shall be made of high conductivity copper and shall be provided with at least the minimum clearances in air as per applicable standards for a 500 V, 3 phase system. Adequate sized busbar alley shall be provided.
All busbars shall be insulated with close fitting sleeve of hard, smooth, dust and dirt free insulation of high dielectric strength (450 V/mil) to provide a permanent high dielectric non- aging and non-tracking protection; impervious to water, tropical conditions and fungi. The insulation shall be non-inflammable and self-extinguishing and in fast colours to indicate phases. The insulating sleeve should be colour coded. Black sleeves with colour bands are not acceptable.
Busbars shall be adequately supported and braced to withstand the stresses due to the specified short circuit currents. Busbar supports shall be made of Hylam sheet, glass reinforced moulded plastic material, or cast resin supports.
Each phase shall be provided with separate supports. If a common support is provided for all three phases, anti-tracking barriers shall be incorporated.
Busbar joints shall be complete with high tensile steel bolts, beveled washers and nuts. Busbars shall be thoroughly cleaned at the joint locations and suitable contact grease shall be applied just before making a joint.
Bus bars shall have uniform cross section with 35C rise above ambient with maximum current density of 1.6 amp/ Sq. mm in case of copper busbars and 1 amp/Sq. mm for Aluminium. The Branch busbars shall have 75% of aggregate capacity of connected feeders. The Neutral and Earthing Bars shall have cross-sectional areas not less than 50% of Phase Busbar.
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)
MCCBs shall comprise single units of triple/four pole construction as required and shall be rated for 450V AC. The MCCB shall be provided with front operating rotary handle mechanism. The operating mechanism shall be quick make, quick break and trip free type.
All live parts shall be totally enclosed in a heat resistant moulded insulating material housing.
The MCCBs shall be provided with the following features:-
a) Inverse-time-current tripping characteristics under sustained overload. b) Instantaneous tripping on short circuit. c) MCCBs shall be of current limiting type only. d) MCCBs must have its rated service breaking capacity (Ics) equal to or greater than its specified fault level. e) Variable Thermal setting shall be provided in all MCCB s with thermal Magnetic releases.
Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB)
MCBs shall be 10 KA at 440 volts. MCB shall provided with visible indication to show that they are operated.
MCBs for all other purposes shall have minimum short circuit breaking capacity as indicated in the single line diagrams or schedule of quantities. If breaking capacity is not specified then it should not be less than 10 kA. Where higher short circuit rating is required, suitable HRC fuses shall be provided
Current Transformers Current transformers shall be of the Cast Resin Type. The class and rating shall be suitable for the application these are required for. All current transformers shall be earthed through a separate earth link.
Indicating Instruments, Meters And Lamps All indicating instruments shall be Digital type and minimum 96x96 mm and with a class of accuracy of 1.0 and shall have provision for zero adjustment outside the cover. Digital meters should have a suitable coloured readout.
All indication lamps shall be LED type and of the required colours.
Suitably rated control MCBs shall be provided along with back up fuses for indication instruments, meters and indication lamps as required.
Specified sizes of CT operated KWH meter shall be provided. The KWH Metersshall be digital type with either digital/analogue display.
Cable Terminations Provisions shall be made for termination of cables in the panels/DBs. Cable glands shall be mounted on removable gland plates to be provided to support all cables entering the switchgear.
Internal Wiring Wiring inside the switchgear shall be carried out with 1100 V grade, single core, PVC insulated, stranded copper conductor wires. Minimum size of conductor for power circuits shall be 4 and 2.5 for Control circuits. Where there is more than one cable to be connected to a terminal, suitable copper connector strips shall be provided.
Terminal Blocks Terminal blocks shall comprise finely threaded pairs of brass studs of at least 6 mm diameter, links between each pair of studs, washers, nuts and locknuts. The studs shall be securely locked within the mounting base to prevent their turning. Insulated barriers shall be provided between adjacent terminals. Terminals shall be shrouded. Terminal blocks shall be adequately rated to carry the current of the associated circuit. Minimum rating of the terminal block shall be 10 A. Spare connectors shall be provided for uses.
Labels All labels shall comprise white letters on a black background and shall be made of non- rusting metal or engraved PVC. Size of lettering shall be 6.0 mm.
Earthing Switchgear shall be provided with suitable sized copper/aluminium earth busbar running along the entire length of the board. At either end of the earth bus, one clamp type terminal with nuts, bolts and washers shall be provided for bolting the earthing conductor.
Earth busbars shall be supported at suitable intervals. Positive connection between all the frames of equipment mounted in the switchboard and earth busbar shall be provided by using insulated copper wires/bare busbars of cross section equal to that of the busbar or equal to half the size of circuit load current carrying conductor, whichever is smaller.
All instrument cases shall be connected to the earth busbar using 660 V grade, single core 2.5 Sq. mm stranded copper earthing conductor.
All non-current carrying metal and hinged doors shall be earthed.
Installation The Panel shall be installed as required. Suitable sized anchor fasteners shall be used for fixing the board. All associated hardware and accessories shall be included in the rate.
5.0 MCB Distribution Boards
The scope of work includes Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of flush mounting type MCB Distribution Boards as detailed in the Bill of Quantities and Drawing.
All associated accessories/fittings not mentioned/indicated but which are essential for the completion of the DBs are deemed to be included in the quoted rates. No extra payment will be made on this account
MCB DBs shall be with double doors and suitable for concealing. Required chasing of the wall and making good the same for installing the MCB DB shall be carried out by the Contractor at no extra cost.
MCB DBs shall be fabricated from 1.6 mm sheet. The DB enclosure should be of the same make as the MCBs. A suitable 16 SWG adaptor box shall be provided above the MCB DB for terminating the conduits/cables.
Fabrication drawings of DBs shall be furnished for approval prior to start of any fabrication work. The degree of protection for the DBs shall be IP 52.
5.1 Applicable Standards
The design, manufacturing process and performance of the Electrical panels /DBs and all the equipment & instruments incorporated in the same shall comply with the latest Indian Standards set by B.I.S. and particularly to the following :-
BRIEF DESCRIPTION REFERENCE STANDARD Switch gear General Requirements IS : 13947 Factory Built Assemblies of Switch gear and Control gear IS : 8623 Miniature Circuit Breaker IS : 8828 Indicating Instruments IS : 1248 Busbar Connections and Accessories IS : 5578, 11353 Code of Practice for Phosphating Iron & Steel IS : 6005 PVC Wires IS : 694 Degree of Protection IS : 2147
5.2 Sheet Treatment And Painting All sheet steel work shall undergo treatment by the seven tank process of degreasing, pickling in acid, cold rinsing, phosphating, passivaiting and then painted with electrostatic paint (Powder coating). The colour of panel inside/outside shall be 631 of IS Code No.5. The sheet metal Pre-Treatment shall follow IS: 3618/1991/6005 /1991.
5.3 Busbars
Busbar shall be of uniform cross section throughout their length. The busbars shall be of suitable rating as indicated in the BOQ. Busbar shall be adequately supported.
5.4 Test The entire installation shall be tested as per requirements :- a. The installation shall be megger tested for insulation resistance and continuity. b. Each earthing station shall be tested with an earth megger in accordance with IS: 3043. c. Earth conductor resistance for each earthed equipment shall be measured which shall not exceed 1 ohm in each case. d. Measurements of earth resistance shall be carried out before earth connections are made between the earth. All tests shall be carried out in presence of the Clients Engineer.
6.0 Cables All cables shall be FRLS cables of 1.1 KV grade, armoured with stranded Copper/Aluminium conductor as indicated in the Bill of Quantities. All cables shall conform to IS: 1554 and IS: 7098.
All cables shall be suitably derated for grouping and higher ambient temperature. For selecting cable sizes, 45 o C ambient temperature shall be taken as base.
Cables shall be of single length. Splice joints strictly not permitted on any cable. The Contractor shall that the cable lengths brought to site are suitable for the site requirements.
The cable quantities are indicative and the Contractor shall assess the correct required before placement of any order for the same.
Cable Accessories All accessories like cable glands. lugs and terminal markings etc. shall be used conforming to relevant standards as specified. Double compression glands and crimping type lugs shall be used for all cables.
Cables Installation Cables fixed on walls/beams/ceiling etc. shall be clamped using GI spacers and G.I. saddles. Drilling of holes for fixing the cables shall be neatly done using an electric drill and the cable fixed on walls should be in a straight line avoiding any bends, sagging and kinks. All cables fixed on walls shall following fire insurance and Electricity Regulations. Any procedures as stated in the technical specification shall be complied with. The maximum allowable distance between two cable supports shall be as under :-
Cable Size Horizontal Vertical Upto 10sqmm 350 mm 450 mm 16sqmm-70sqmm 450 mm 500 mm 120 400 700 mm 900 mm
All cables shall be properly dressed without unnecessary crossing and overlapping.
Cables Laid Underground. Cables laid in the excavated trenches shall be at a depth of 0.75 M depth. The Contractor is required to carry out excavation of the trenched, the cost of which is included in the item rate.
After laying of the cables, the Contractor shall obtain clearance from the Clients Engineer for refilling the trenches.
If the trenches are filled without obtaining clearance, the same shall be re-excavated for inspection at no extra cost.
The cables shall be protected by good quality bricks on the sides and top of the cables and fill up the top layer with sand. Necessary barrier and spacing shall be maintained for cables of different voltages in case they are laid side by side.
Telephone cables shall cross the power cables only at about right angles and these two shall not run in close proximity.
LT cables shall be bent in radius not less than 12 times their individual over all diameters.
Routes of these cables shall be arrived at on the basis of the relevant drawings and after consulting the Engineer. Suitable CI cable markers shall be provided at each bend and the distance between two markers shall not exceed 50.0 M.
Cable Termination.
Double compression type cable glands shall be used for cable connections. Cable glands shall be of brass with cadmium or nickel plating. Tinned copper lugs shall be used for cable termination.
Cable lugs shall be of the crimping type and proper crimping tools shall be used while carrying out cable terminations. Crimping paste shall also be used for all cable terminations.
7.0 Method of Measurement
7.1 Point Wiring
Primary Light Point is the first light point of a circuit and complete with conduit, circuit/sub circuit and point wiring, switch and switchboard, concealing of conduit and making good the chasing, all accessories and hardware, testing and commissioning shall be treated as one unit for measurement and payment.
Secondary Light Point are subsequent light points of a circuit and complete with conduit, sub circuit and point wiring, switch and switchboard, concealing of conduit and making good the chasing, all accessories and hardware, testing and commissioning shall be treated as one unit for measurement and payment. Fan Points complete with conduit, sub circuit and point wiring, switch and switchboard, concealing of conduit and making good the chasing, all accessories including concealed fan box with suspension arrangement and hardware, looping for regulator, testing and commissioning shall be treated as one unit for measurement and payment. Light Socket Outlet Points A Light Socket Outlet point connected to a lighting circuit and complete with conduit, circuit/sub circuit and point wiring, switch, socket outlet and switchboard, concealing of conduit, making good the chasing, all accessories, hardware, looping for regulator, testing and commissioning shall be treated as one unit for measurement and payment. Primary Socket Outlet Points A Primary Socket Outlet point is the first point controlled directly from the DB and shall include the wiring from the DB to the point, switch and socket outlet, switchboard, conduit pipe, accessories, hardware, concealing of the conduit, interconnection and any other item needed to complete the installation. Secondary Socket Outlet Points A Secondary Socket Outlet point is the subsequent socket outlet point tapped from the Primary Socket Outlet point shall include the wiring from the Primary Socket outlet point, switch and socket outlet, conduit pipe, accessories and other hardware, concealing of the conduit, interconnection and any other item needed to complete the installation.
Exhaust Fan Points complete with conduit, sub circuit and point wiring, switch installed on the lighting switchboard and a socket outlet installed near the exhaust fan, concealing of conduit and making good the chasing, all accessories, hardware, interconnection, testing and commissioning shall be treated as one unit for measurement and payment.
Telephone Point shall include concealing the conduit pipe as required including supply of conduit pipes, accessories, hardware, 2 pair 0.5 mm ITD approved telephone wire from tag block, suitable outlet on separate box complete with face plate and RJ11 telephone socket, connection, testing and commissioning shall be treated as one unit for measurement and payment.
TV Point shall include concealing of conduit pipe as required including the supply of conduit pipe, accessories, terminal box, providing of splitters, co-axial cable, connection, testing and commissioning shall be treated as one unit for measurement and payment.
7.2 Earthing Earth stations complete with electrode, soil treatment as per IS, watering pipe, accessories like funnel, masonry chamber, CI frame with CI hinged cover or MS frame with chequered plate cover, excavation, refilling, all labour etc shall be measured and paid as one unit
Earthing conductor/wire complete with spacer bar, earth clamps, all hardware, and labour shall be measured on a running metre basis and paid accordingly. The conductor shall be linear measured and no extras will be paid for overlaps.
7.3 MCB DBS Shall include the DB with ELCB/RCCBs, MCBs, busbars, adaptor box above the DB, chasing the wall for concealing the DB if required and making good the same, fixing the DBs, connections etc shall be treated as one item for payment.
7.4 Main Panel The Lain Panel complete with all fittings, base frame, accessories, fastening hardware etc, installation, testing & commissioning shall be me, all associated accessories and hardware etc. be treated as one unit for measurement and payment.
7.5 Cables 1.1 KV grade FRLS cables complete with all fixing hardware, accessories shall be linear measured from termination to termination and payment made at unit rates. Wastage will not be paid.
7.6 Cable Terminations Cable terminations shall include heavy duty double compression cable glands, appropriate size cable sockets, accessories, hardware etc shall be measured and paid at unit rates.
Sr. No Description Make 1 MCBs /ELCBs/RCCBs/ Time Switches Legrand/ Siemens / Schneider Electric/ L&T 2 Selector Switches Kaycee / BCH / L & T Salzer 3 Indicating Lamps 22.5mm dia. (LED type) L & T / Teknic / Siemens/ Schneider Electric/ 4 Connectors/ Terminal Blocks Elmex / Connectwell / Essen/ LAPP 5 FR PVC Insulated Copper Wires Finolex / RR Kabel /Universal/ Northwest/Polycab 6 MCB DBs Legrand/ Siemens / Schneider Electric/ L&T 7 L.T. Cables Finolex / RR Kabel /Universal /Polycab 8 Cable Glands Comet/Jainsons / or Equivalent. 9 Cable Sockets/ Lugs Dowells /Jainsons or Equivalent. 10 PVC Insulated multistranded copper cables Finolex / RR Kabel /Universal / RPG 11 Telephone Cables MDS /Delton / ITL 12 Switches, Sockets, Plugs & RJ-11 Telephone Jack(ISI marked) Legrand /MK Electric / Anchor (Roma)/ Crabtree / Northwest 13 PVC Conduit (ISI marked) Diamond / Precision / Avon Plast 14 Hot Dip G.I. Conduit / Stove Enameled MS Conduit (ISI Marked) BEC / VIMCO/BI or Equivalent. 15 Ceiling Rose Anchor (Roma)/ MK Electrical 16 Telecom Cables & Terminals Avaya/Delton/ITL 17 Panel Manufacturers Deepak Electro control Kandivali, Mumbai CPRI Approved or Equivalent. 18 Digital Meters Automatic Electric / Enercon / Secure/ Rishab 19 Energy Meters Enercon/ Jaipur/ Universal/ IMP / L&T 20 Current Transformers A.E./ Indcoil/ Kappa/ Ricco 21 Push Buttons Teknic / Siemens/ Schneider Electric/ GE 22 Fuse Units , MCCB, ACB L & T / Siemens / GE 23
1.0 Scope of work
1.1 The scope of work shall cover supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the Fire Fighting System covering the following :
a) Fire pump sets, electric motor and diesel engine driven.
b) Jockey pump sets, electric motor driven.
c) Motor control centre, starters & isolators etc. for the pump sets.
d) Hydrant main system including Courtyard hydrants.
e) Wet riser system including landing valves, hose reels, hose cabinets, sluice valves, non-return valves, Butter fly valves, air-vessels, orifice plates, etc.
f) Fire brigade breaching and Siamese connections.
g) Sprinkler system including electric and diesel engine driven pump sets, valves, sprinkler heads, flow switches, Installation valve etc.
h) Hand held fire extinguishers and fire buckets.
i) All ancillary items to make the installation complete in all respects and to meet all requirements of relevant codes and regulations of Fire & Electricity authorities as well as guidelines from Tariff Advisory Committee and Local Building Codes and Regulations.
j) Providing interface for Building Management System for activation of Sprinkler System.
k) Making detailed Drawings of the complete system to meet the intent of the specifications.
l) Submittal of Shop Drawings ( 4 copies) and As-Built drawings (4 Sets) and complete operation and maintenance manuals.
m) Getting necessary approval and NOC from C F O and Local Authorities .
2.0 Standards
2.1 The fire hydrant installation shall conform to and meet with the requirements set out by the latest editions of:
a) IS:1648 - 1961 Code of practice for fire safety of buildings (General) Fire Fighting Equipment and its maintenance. b) IS:5290 - 1983 Code of practice for installation of internal fire hydrants in multi-storied buildings. c) Fire Protection Manual issued by TAC d) IS 1239 Mild steel tubes & tubular fittings IS 1879 Malleable iron fittings IS 778 Gun metal gate, globe and check valves. IS 1537 Vertically cast iron double flanged pipes
Additionally, the contractor shall comply with all regulations and conditions stipulated by the local Fire Authorities. All the equipment for the fire system shall be of the type and make as approved by TAC, and / or other respective authorities; in case of conflict the most stringent specification shall govern.
9 m2 per sprinkler and 21 m2 per sprinkler respectively.
3.0 Fire Pump Sets
3.1 The fire pump set shall be single suction centrifugal end suction type and direct driven by electric motor and diesel engine with flexible coupling as specified. The pump rating and performance shall conform to the Equipment Schedule and meet the TAC duty requirements.
3.2 Pump casing shall be of close grained cast iron with bronze impeller. The shaft sleeve shall be brass or S.S. 304 and the trim shall be brass or bronze.
3.3 Pump shall be capable of delivering 150% of the rated capacity at 65% of the rated head and the shut off head shall be not more than 120% of the rated delivery head. The pump casing shall withstand 1.5 times the no- delivery pressure or 2 times the duty pressure whichever is higher.
3.4 The electric drive motor shall be totally enclosed squirrel cage induction motor conforming to IS 325-1978 and rated for continuous duty (S1). Motor shall have Class 'F' insulation and enclosure of IP54. Motor rating shall be at least equivalent to HP required to drive the pump at 150% of its rated discharge& Head. 3.5 Drive rating shall be based on the largest of the following:
1. Rated pump discharge at rated head.
2. 150% of rated discharge @ 65% of rated head.
3 Maximum power absorbed by the pump in its operating range i.e. no- delivery to free discharge.
3.6 The diesel engine shall be naturally aspirated (non-turbo charged) & electrically started. The engine shall have a speed governor to regulate the rated rpm within 5% of its rated speed. The engine shall be complete with starting batteries of suitable voltage & ampere rating , full-wave selenium rectifier charger, isolator, leads, mounting frame, etc. Engine rating shall be same as for the electric motor. The Diesel engine should be automatically started with 'Auto main failure circuit with the signal from the pressure switch on the discharge line. The proposed System should be explained by a Single Line Diagram.
3.7 Pump discharge pressure and selection should be in line with the 'Guidelines for Fire Protection for High Rise Buildings to avoid undue high pressure in wet risers.
4.1 The Jockey pump shall be similar to the fire pump. Capacity of the jockey pump shall neither be less than 3% (with a min. of 180 Lpm) or more than 10% of the pump capacity.
5.0 Accessories
5.1 The fire and Jockey pumps shall be complete with the following accessories.
1) Suction and discharge eccentric reducers.
2) Pump coupling guard.
3) Common base frame, fabricated mild steel or cast iron.
5.2 Each pump shall have independent set of pressure switches. The pressure switch shall be snap action SPDT switch rated 10A @ 220 V operated through a stainless steel diaphragm. The switch shall have a pointer for manual adjustment of set point, and all electrical connections shall be terminated in a screwed terminal connector. The entire unit shall be encased in a cold drawn steel enclosure. The diaphragm shall be designed for a maximum operating pressure of the System.
5.3 Flow switches shall be S.S bellow type SPDT snap acting contacts rated 10 A @ 220 V. The bellow shall be made of S.S , brass or phospher bronze terminated in a screwed terminal connector. The entire unit shall be encased in cold drawn steel enclosure and the maximum operating pressure of the parts in contact with the liquid shall be consistent with the System pressure.
6.0 System Operation and Control Panels
6.1 The fire pump shall be started automatically on loss of pressure. The operation sequence of the jockey and the fire pumps shall be as follows :
i) Jockey pump shall start when the system pressure drops by 0.35 Kg/cm2 and stop when the system pressure is reestablished, automatically.
ii) The fire pump shall start when the system pressure drops by 1.0 Kg/cm2 and shall continue to run till manually switched off.
iii) Jockey & fire pump starting shall be indicated with a red indicating lamp.
6.2 The motor starters shall be direct-on- line with electrically actuated contactors. The starter shall be complete with ON-OFF push buttons, timers and auxillary contacts and shall be fully automatic. There shall be an indicating lamp with each of the pumps and an ammeter and selector switch with the fire pumps. Fire pump starting shall be annuciated through an electric siren.
6.3 The starter along with isolator shall be housed in a 14 SWG M.S. box duly rust inhibited through a process of degreasing and phosphating.
6.4 All cabling to and from the pumps to starters and control switches shall be carried out through copper conductor of required size & rating armoured PVC cables of approved makes. Cables shall be laid in accordance with
current caring metal parts shall be double earthed in accordance with IS 3043-1966 or as per requirement.
7.0 Fire Hydrants & hose reels
7.1 Hydrants shall be provided internally and externally as shown on the drawings. Internal hydrants shall be provided at each landing of an escape staircase and additionally depending on the floor area as shown on drawings. Landing valves shall be single headed gun metal valve with 63 mm dia outlets conforming to IS 5290-1969.External stand post hydrants shall be provided as shown on the drawing & as per requirement of fire brigade. Landing valve shall have flanged inlet and instantaneous type outlets and mounted at 1.0 m above the floor level. Instantaneous outlet for fire hydrants shall be of standard pattern approved and suitable for 63 mm dia. fire brigade hoses. Wherever necessary, pressure reducing orifices shall be provided so as to limit the pressure to 3.5 Kg/Sq. cm at the highest landing level or any other rating as required by the local fire brigade.
7.2 Each staircase landing shall have the following equipment : ( as shown on the drawing ) i) Landing valve. ii) First-aid hose reel with 30 m long 20 mm dia. high pressure reinforced rubber lined hose & 20 mm dia. gate valve. iii) 2 Nos. of 15 m long 63 mm dia controlled percolation hoses with instantaneous couplings. iv) One copper branch pipe with bronze rings to take the nozzle at one end and fit into the instantaneous coupling at the other. v) Hose reel cabinet (as shown on drawings and/or specified).
The first aid hose shall conform to IS:884 and be wound on a heavy duty circular hose reel with a cast iron bracket. The hose shall be permanently connected at one end to the wet riser through a 20 mm G.M. gate valve with necessary hose adopter and a gun metal nozzle at the other end. The reel shall swing out by 270 Deg.
Canvas hoses shall be in two lengths of 15 m each, controlled percolation type with instantaneous couplings, neatly rolled into bundles and held in position with steel brackets. Canvas hoses shall be tested and certified by the manufacturers, to withstand an internal water pressure of not less than 35 Kg/cm2 without bursting. The hose shall also withstand a working pressure of 7 Kg/cm2 without leakage or undue sweating. No part of the floor served shall be more than 15m from the nozzle when the hose is fully extended.
8.0 Sprinkler System
8.1 The scope of work shall cover supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the sprinkler system covering the following : 1) Sprinkler pumps, electric or diesel driven as per requirement.
2) Jockey pumps.
3) Installation valve/s with motor-gong.
4) Sprinklers
5) Sprinkler piping.
6) Branch flow switches connected to the building fire alarm system.
8.2 Sprinkler Pump Sets
The sprinkler pump sets, jockey pumps and accessories shall be identical to fire pump sets, jockey pumps and accessories (Clauses 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0).
8.3 Installation valve
The sprinkler system shall incorporate one or more (as shown on drawings) installation valve assemblies comprising :
i) A mains gate valve
ii) IN and OUT pressure gauge
iii) Test connection of adequate size with valve & orifice plate with pressure connections.
iv) Water gong with necessary piping, isolating valve, strainer and drain.
The installation valve shall be straight through type suitable for wet pipe sprinkler systems. Valves shall be of cast iron with gun metal internals and suitable for vertical or horizontal installation. The valve shall be of cast gun metal with neoprene seal and retaining ring and shall incorporate a suitable non-return device to compensate for pressure fluctuations which should not mal-operate the click. The gun metal internals shall provide for smooth waterways for :
1) Water valve through a retard chamber. 2) Test connection and drain.
There shall be two pressure gauges, one for the mains side and another for the installation side. Each gauge shall have pressure damping brass piping with gunmetal gauge and drain.
A test connection of adequate size as approved shall be provided with a shut-off gate valve and orifice plate with pressure connections. The discharge from the test connection outlet shall be led to the nearest sump or drain as directed.
The water motor shall be of cast gun metal body and internals. The valve shall have an associated gun metal gate valve and strainer preceding the water motor. The water motor and gong shall be located on the discharge lead as directed.
9.0 Sprinklers
9.1 Sprinklers shall be thermo-sensitive glass-bulb actuated type and shall be approved for fire fighting duty .
9.2 All sprinklers shall be brass castings polished/chrome /white (polyester) unless stated otherwise and rated for 13.5 Kg/sq. cm and factory tested for 3.4Kg/sq. cm. pressure. Sprinklers shall be pendant or side wall type as specified or as per requirement. All sprinklers shall be provided with adjustable escutcheons finished same as the sprinkler heads. Wherever specified sprinklers shall be recessed type.
9.3 Temperature classification of sprinklers in each space shall be as per requirement. Sprinklers shall be selected for the coverage as required and ordinarily be 15/10 mm orifice. Wherever this specified size of sprinklers is not adequate, the tenderer shall quote for the appropriate size required.
10.0 Sprinkler Piping
10.1 d as required.
11.0 Sprinkler Testing
11.1 The entire sprinkler piping shall be tested, with the sprinklers in position, to a hydrostatic test pressure of 13.5 Kg / Sq. cm for a period of 24 hours at the end of which there shall be no loss in pressure.
11.2 Test valves in each sprinkler installation shall be opened (with temporary drain connection) and the following observations recorded.
1) Start-up of jockey pump.
2) Start-up of sprinkler pump.
3) Operation of water motor gong.
4) Operation of flow switch in the appropriate branch.
All branches shall be so tested, witnessed & attested by the PMC. All the operating tests shall be carried out in the presence of any local authority, Fire Brigade or Insurance Company officials if so required.
12.0 Hydrant Mains
12.1 External
12.1.1 Hydrant ring mains shall be in G I . "C" Class pipes.
12.1.2 Valves 65 mm dia and below shall be heavy duty gun metal full- way gate valves or globe valves conforming to IS 778 - 20 Kg/Sq. cm stamped. Sluice valves above 80 mm shall be cast iron double flanged, with rising spindle conforming to and stamped to ISI 780 - 20 Kg class. Exposed valves shall be provided with wheel for operation keys for sluice valves with tops.
12.1.3 Underground mains shall be laid not less than 1000 mm below the ground level and supported on 1:2:4 concrete pedestals not exceeding 2.0 m centres and held on with galvanised iron clamps to allow for lateral movement due to expansion/ contraction. Underground mains shall be coated and wrapped as per IS10221. Concrete thrust anchors shall be provided at all bends & tees as required by thrust calculations. Backfilling shall be done only after the piping is hydrostatically pressure tested and approved by the engineering incharge. Piping shall be constantly kept clean till tested.
12.1.4 All valves shall be housed in brick masonry chambers over 150 mm cement concrete (1:2:4) foundation. The brick walls of the chamber shall be plastered inside & outside with 20 mm cement sand plaster. 1:4 with a floating coat of neat cement. Chambers shall be 650 x 650 mm for depths upto 900 mm & 1000 x 1000 mm for depths beyond. Each chamber shall have a cast iron surface box approved by the local Fire brigade.
12.1.5 Piping laid above ground shall be supported on cement concrete (1:2:4) pedestals raising the bottom of the pipe atleast 150 mm over the ground level & held to the pedestals with galvanised clamps. Pedestals shall be made 3.0 m centre to centre & shown on drawings. Cement concrete (1:2:4) thrust anchors shall be provided at all tee-off points & change of direction as required by thrust calculations. Pipes fixed on walls & ceiling shall have galvanised steel brackets.
12.2 Internal
12.2.1 All internal pipes shall, unless otherwise specified be 'C' Class G I. to IS 1239 using G.S. heavy duty screwed fittings. Flanges shall be provided to mate with valves and other equipment and shall conform to IS 6392. Flanges shall be screwed type, designed for 2.0 N/ pressure.
12.2.2 Fittings for sprinkler piping shall be extra heavy duty G I screwed type suitable for the pressure encountered in sprinkler piping. Tap- offs from vertical riser to floor piping shall have flange or union connections. Flow switches shall have flanges or unions on both sides.
12.2.3 Valves shall be as for external piping.
12.2.4 All pipes shall be of approved make and best quality without rust marks. Pipes and fittings shall be fixed in a manner as to provide easy accessibility for repair and maintenance and shall not cause obstruction in shafts, passages, etc. Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or in slopes as required in a neat workman like manner. Pipes shall be securely fixed to walls and ceiling by suitable supports at intervals specified. Only approved type of anchor fasteners shall be used for RCC ceiling and walls.
12.2.5 Pipes shall be adequately supported from ceiling / walls with structural supports fabricated from mild steel structural e.g. rods, channels, angles, & flats generally as shown on drawings. Fasteners shall be shear type anchor fasteners in concrete walls & ceilings & wrought steel spikes of at least 75 mm long in brick walls. Pipe support shall be painted with 2 coats of red oxide primer & two coats of approved shade enamel paint. Spacing of pipe supports shall be as follows: Upto 50 mm nominal bore 1.7 m 63 mm to 100 mm nominal bore 2.0 m Over 125 mm nominal bore 2.0 m
12.2.6 All low point loops in the piping shall be provided with 25 mm gun metal full-way valves with rising spindle for draining the system. All valves shall have screwed brass caps. Likewise 25 mm gun metal air vents shall be provided at all high point loops to prevent air-locking.
12.2.7 -1978. Pipes shall first receive two coats of red oxide primer uniformly applied and two coats of oil paint applied thereafter. All pipe support shall be painted black as specified for support & clamps.
13.0 Testing & Commissioning
All piping after installation shall be tested for a hydrostatic test pressure of 1.5 times of the System pressure maintained for 24 hours. All joints and valves shall be checked for leaks and rectified and retested. During testing all valves except drain & air valves shall be kept fully open.
14.0 Approved list of Materials &Equipments
14.1 All materials and equipment shall be of the best type available and shall be to the approval of Fire Brigade and shall be ISI certified /marked wherever applicable.
14.2 The following makes of materials and equipment are approved:
18. Hydrant Valve - Minimax,New Age , Shaha Bhogilal
19. G I fittings Zoloto, Unique, R Brand
20 M S Fittings Guru , Gayatri
This section includes Technical Specifications for following equipments/works.
1. Fans 2. VRV system 3. Air distribution 4. Insulation Duct / Chilled water 5. Electrical
The section includes Data sheets. Bidders have to complete the data sheets & submit the same with the offer.
A. Propeller Fans
Propeller fan shall be direct driven, here or four blade type, mounted on a steel mounting plate with orifice ring.
a. Mounting plate shall be of steel construction, square with streamlined venturi inlet (reverse for supply applications) coated with baked enamel paint. Mounting plate shall be of standard size, constructed of 12 to16 gauge sheet steel depending upon the fan size. Orifice ring shall be correctly formed by spinning or stamping to provide easy passage of air without turbulence & to direct the air stream. b. Fan blades shall be constructed of AL or Steel. Fan hub shall be of heavy welded steel construction with blades bolted to he hub. Fan blades & hub assembly shall be statically & dynamically balanced at the manufacturers works. c. Shaft shall be of steel, accurately ground & shall be of ample size for the load transmitted & shall not pass through first critical speed thru the full range of specified fan speeds. d. Motor shall be std (easily replaceable) permanent split capacitor or shaded pole for small sizes, totally enclosed with pre-lubricated sleeve or ball bearings, designed for quiet operation with a maximum speed of 1000 rpm for fan 60 cm dia or larger & 1440 rpm for fans 45 cm dia & smaller. e. Motors for large fans shall be suitable for 415 + 6% Voltage, 50 HZ cycle, 3 Phase power supply & for small fans shall be suitable for 220 + 6% voltage, 50 cycle single phase power supply. Motors shall be suitable for either horizontal or vertical services as required. f. Each fan should be provided with following accessories 1. Wire Guard on inlet & bird screen at the outlet. 2. Fixed or gravity louvers built into a steel frame at the outlet. 3. Regulator for controlling fan speed for single-phase fan motor. 4. SPP for 3 phase fans.
B. Centrifugal Fans
Centrifugal fans shall be DIDW/SWSI Class I construction arrangement 3 for DWDI fans complete with access door, squirrel cage induction motor, V-belt drive, belt Guard & vibration Isolators, direction of discharge/rotation & motor position shall be as per approved shop drawings.
a. Housing shall be constructed out of 14G sheet steel welded construction. It shall be rigidly reinforced & supported by structural angles. Split casing shall be provided on larger sizes of fans, however neoprene / asbestos packing should be provided throughout split joints to make it airtight.
18 gauge galvanized wire mesh guards of 5 cm sieves shall be provided on both inlets. Housing shall be provided with standard cleanout door with handles & neoprene gasket. Rotation arrow shall be clearly marked on the housing.
b. Fan wheel shall be backward curved non-overloading type. Fan wheel & housing shall be statically & dynamically balanced. For fans upto 450 mm dia, fan outlet velocity shall not exceed 550 m/min & maximum fan speed shall not exceed 1450 rpm. For fans above 450 mm dia, the outlet velocity shall be within 700 m/minute & maximum fan speed shall not exceed 1000 rpm. High static pressure fan speed shall be as per manufacturer.
c. Shaft shall be constructed out of steel, turned, ground & polished.
d. Bearings shall be of sleeve/ball baring type mounted directly on the fan housing. Bearing shall be designed especially for quiet operation & shall be self-aligning, oil/grease pack pillow block type.
e. Fan motor shall be squirrel cage TEFC with F class insulation suitable for 415 +/- 10% Volts, 50 HZ cycle, 3 Phase Power supply & should be of approved make. Moor shall be 4 pole -1450 rpm. The Motor & fan selection should be such that it gives the optimum performance & most silent design.
f. Drive to fan shall be provided through belt with adjustable motor sleeves & a standard Belt guard. Belts shall be of oil resistant type.
g. The complete assembly shall be mounted on the suitable ant vibration mounts designed based on the combination of motor & fan with accessories.
C. Axial Flow Fan
Fan shall be complete with motor, motor mount, belt driven/direct driven, with vibration isolation & suspension arrangement as required
a. Casing shall be constructed of heavy gauge sheet steel. Fan casing, motor mount & straightening vane shall be of welded steel construction. Motor mounting plate shall be minimum 14 mm thick & machined to receive motor flange. An inspection door with handle & neoprene gasket shall be provided, casing shall have flanged connection on both ends for ducted applications. Incase of ceiling suspension support brackets should be welded to the casing for connection to the hanger bolts. The complete design of the straightening vanes shall be to achieve maximum efficiency & minimizing turbulence.
b. Rotor hub & blades shall be cast aluminium or cast steel construction. Blades shall be die- formed aerofoil shaped for maximum efficiency & shall vary in twist & width from hub to tip to effect equal air distribution along the blade length Fan blades mounting on the hub shall be statically & dynamically balanced. Extended grease leads for external lubrication shall be provided. The fan pitch control may be manually readjusted at site upon installation for obtaining actual airflow values as required.
c. Fan motor shall be squirrel cage TEFC with F class insulation suitable for 415 +/- 10% Volts, 50 HZ cycle, 3 Phase Power supply & should be of approved make. Moor shall be 4 pole -1450 rpm. For fans upto 450 mm dia impeller, fan maximum fan speed shall not exceed 1450 rpm. For fans above 450 mm dia impeller the maximum fan speed shall not exceed 1000 rpm. The complete design should result into an efficient & silent operation. The motor conduit box shall be mounted on exterior of fan casing & a flexible metal conduit should be used to protect the wires from air stream.
d. Drive to fan shall be provided through belt with adjustable motor sleeves & a standard Belt guard with vented front for heat dissipation. Belts shall be of oil resistant type.
e. The complete assembly shall be mounted on the suitable ant vibration mounts designed based on the combination of motor & fan with accessories.
f. The fans should be provided with outlet & inlet cone. The silencers may be provided if required for the application considering the noise level of the system.
All variable Refrigerant Volume Air Conditioners shall be fully Factory assembled, charged with refrigerant wired, piped and tested at the factory.
The system shall comprise of Air Cooled Multi Split type Outdoor units, and a variety of indoor units connected by common Refrigerant piping and Power and Control Cabling.
The appropriate Indoor units are detailed below, however the Units offered shall be as per the Bill of Quantities. The out door unit configuration may be modified by the Bidder giving the same tonnage as specified.
The system selected is a modular system, with number of indoors connected to centrally located outdoor units, as per details designing given in the tender. The outdoor units for all the system shall be air cooled type and mounted on terrace of the building. Indoor units in various areas shall be as per enclosed drawings/Bill of Quantities.
Whenever feasible in open spaces or large rooms the indoor units shall be logically split and connected to separate outdoor units.
All the VRV air conditioners shall be fully factory assembled, wired, internally piped and tested. The outdoor unit shall be pre-charged with first charge of R 410 a refrigerant. Additional charge shall be added as per refrigerant piping at site. All the units shall be suitable for operation with 415 V +_ 10%, 50 Hz +_ 3%, 3 phase supply for outdoor units & 220 V +_ 10%, 50 Hz _+ 3%, 1 Phase supply for in door units.
The VRV system shall provide stable, trouble free & safe operation, with flexibility of operating desired indoor units. The outdoor units must be capable of delivering exact capacity proportional to the number of indoor units switched on & the heat load in the air conditioned area. The proportional operation shall be achieved by varying speed of the compressor in the outdoor units.
The operation of the VRV system shall be through independent wired remote controllers (no wireless controller to be used) as specified. The entire system shall be controlled by a system controller and shall be integrated though BACNET protocol with an intelligent building management system. The system controller shall be able to control start/stop on time schedule and also provide common fault from the system. The BMS will be provided by others.
Out doors units of the VRV system shall be compact air cooled type.
All the compressors of the out door units must be hermetically sealed scroll type. Each module of out door unit must have separate 1 # inverter compressor, suitable to operate at heat load proportional to indoor requirement.
Anti Corrosive treatment (Blue Fins) for Al fins of Condenser Coils is mandatory. The treatment should be suitable for areas of high pollution and salt laden air.
The outdoor units must be suitable for up to 150 m refrigerant piping between outdoor unit and the farthest indoor units, total piping of 300m for all the indoor units. Allowable level difference between out door unit and indoor units shall be 50m in case of out door unit on top and 40 m in case of out door unit at bottom. Allowable level difference between various indoor units connected to one out door unit shall be up to 15m.
Back up operation, in case of failure of one of the compressors of out door unit, for single module outdoor units or failure of one of the modules in case of multiple module outdoor units shall be possible. The VRV outdoor unit shall always be supplying at least 33% of back up operation, of the full load capacity.
The outdoor unit shall employ system of equal run time for all the compressors, inverter or on/off type, within each out door unit-Single Module or Multi Module.
The outdoor units shall be suitable to operate within an ambient temperature range of -5 deg C to 43 deg C, in cooling mode.
Air cooled condenser shall have Axial Flow, upward throw fan, directly coupled to fan motors with minimum IP 55 protection. The outdoor unit condenser fan shall be able to develop external static pressure up to 6 mm of H2O.
The entire operation of out door units shall be through independent remotes of indoor units. No separate Start/Stop function shall be required.
Starter for the Out door unit compressor shall be Direct on Line type. Inverter compressor of the unit shall start first and at the minimum frequency, to reduce the inrush current during starting.
Refrigerant control in the out door unit shall be through Electronic Expansion Valve. Complete refrigerant circuit, oil balancing/equalizing circuit shall be factory assembled & tested.
Noise level of outdoor units shall not exceed 63 dB (A) at a distance of 1.5 m from the unit.
The outdoor units shall confirm to Technological Guideline for Harmonic Suppression JAEG 9702-1995. High Harmonic Environmental Target Level for Power Distribution system shall be 5%.
Out door units shall be complete with following safety devices:
High pressure switch Fan driver overload protector Over current relay Inverter Overload Protector Fusible Plug
Monitoring from BMS
Necessary relays and contacts shall be provided for monitoring the status of the outdoor units from the building management system. The outdoor units shall provide necessary volt free contacts for this purpose. Status shall include start/stop/run and trip.
Unit shall be supplied with
Connection pipes Clamps Necessary relays for hard wired points to BMS For providing ON/OFF status And trip alarm
Units shall be available in following configuration 5 HP, 8 HP to 48 HP, within increments of 2 HP.
Specifications for Indoor Units:
Indoor units:
The indoor units shall be selected for maintaining the required temperature and noise criteria as specified under Basis of Design.
Ceiling Mounted duct type units:
These units shall be ceiling suspended with suitable supports to take care of Operating weight of the unit, without causing any excessive vibration & noise. The cold air supplied by these units will be supplied to the area to be air conditioned, through duct system specified in the tender.
Each indoor unit must have electronic expansion valve operated by microprocessor thermostat based temperature control to deliver cooling/heating as per the heat load of the room. The unit casing shall be Galvanized steel Plate.
Unit must be insulated with sound absorbing thermal insulation material, Glass Fiber.
The noise level of unit at the highest operating level shall be selected to meet the noise criteria specified for each area.
The unit must be able to develop external static pressure of 25mm (250PA) at the specified air quantities- to match the specified supply air ducting, grills and extract grills plus 5 Pa.
Unit must have Thermal Fuse for fan motor protection, in case of motor heating.
Each indoor unit shall have factory installed as standard equipment, maintenance free long-life filter and resin net with mold resistant.
The unit will be connected in series to a suitable out door unit & it must be possible to operate the unit independently, through corded/cordless remote specified in the bill of quantities. The entire system shall be controlled by a system controller and shall be integrated through BACNET protocol with an intelligent building management system. The system controller shall be able to control start/stop on time schedule and also provide common fault from the system. The BMS will be provided by others.
The unit shall be supplied with following from the factory
Paper pattern for installation Drain hose/Clamp metal/Insulation for fitting / sealing pads / Clamps / Screws. Long life replacement filter
The unit must be available in the following class- 1.6 HP, 2.0 HP, 2.5 HP, 3.2 HP, 4 HP, 5 HP, 8 HP, 10 HP
Wall Mounted Units:
Wall mounted units must be compact & stylish design that does not detract from the decor of the room.
Each indoor unit must have electronic expansion valve operated by microprocessor thermostat based temperature control to deliver cooling/heating as per the heat load of the room.
The unit must have provision of adding drain pump kit if required and specified. The drain pump must be suitable to lift drain up to 1000 mm from the bottom of the unit.
Unit must be insulated with sound absorbing thermal insulation material, Polystyrene/Polyethylene foam. The noise level of unit at the highest operating level shall not exceed 46 dB (A), at a vertical distance of 1.5 m from the grille of the unit.
The unit shall be supplied with Resin Net filter with Mold Resistance. The filter shall be easy to remove, clean & re install.
The unit grille must be washable with soap solution.
It shall be possible to set minimum 5 steps of discharge angle by remote controller.
It shall be possible to fit drain pipe from either side of the unit (Left of right)
The unit will be connected in series to a suitable out door unit and it must be possible to operate the unit independently, through corded/ cordless remote specified in the bill of quantities. The entire system shall be controlled by a system controller and shall be integrated through BACNET protocol with a intelligent building management system. The system controller shall be able to control start/stop on time schedule and also provide common fault from the system. The BMS will be provided by others.
The unit shall be supplied with following from the factory Installation panel Paper pattern for installation Insulation tape/Clamps/Screws
The unit must be available in following class- 0.8 HP, 1 HP, 1.25 HP, 1.6 HP, 2.0 HP, 2.5 HP
Ceiling mounted Built- In Type:
These units shall be ceiling suspended with suitable supports to take care of operating weight of the unit, without causing any excessive vibration & noise. The cold air supplied by these units will be supplied to the area to be air conditioned directly through duct collar & grille or, through duct system specified in the tender.
Each indoor unit must have electronic expansion valve operated by microprocessor thermostat based temperature control to deliver cooling/heating as per the heat load of the room.
The unit casing shall be Galvanized Steel Plate.
Unit must be insulated with sound absorbing thermal insulation material, Glass Fiber. The noise level of unit at the highest operating level shall be selected to meet the noise criteria specified for each area.
The unit must have provision to set external static pressure in three stages from max 10 mm to min 2mm, depending on the air supply system plus 5 Pa additional.
The unit mist include as standard equipment, maintenance free long ling filter, resin net with mold resistant.
The unit must include as standard equipment, a drain pump kit suitable to lift drain water up to 250mm from the drain pipe opening.
Unit must have Thermal fuse for fan motor protection, in case of motor heating.
The Unit will be connected in series to a suitable outdoor unit & it must be possible to operate the unit independently, through corded/cordless remote specified in the bill of quantities. The entire system shall be controlled by a system controller and shall be integrated through BACNET protocol with an intelligent building management system. The system controller shall be able to control start/stop on time schedule and also provide common fault from the system. The BMS will be provided by others.
The unit shall be supplied with following from the factory
Paper pattern for installation Drain hose/Clamp metal/Insulation for fitting/Sealing pads/ Clamps/ Screws. Long life replacement filter
The unit must be available in following class- 0.8 HP, 1 HP, 1.25 HP, 1.6 HP, 2.0 HP, 2.5 HP, 3.2 HP, 4 HP, 5 HP
Outdoor Air Processing Unit:
For fresh air treatment an outdoor air processing unit shall be provided. Size will be as per BOQ. The unit shall be complete with long life filters and a wired remote controller. The unit shall be capable of cooling Mumbai ambient air of 37.7 deg C to a temperature of 18deg C.
The indoor processing unit shall be connected to VRV outdoor units of the specified capacities.
Where required drain pumps shall be provided.
The unit must include as standard equipment, maintenance free long- life filter, resin net with mold resistant.
Specification for Controls System for VRV air conditioning system:
Wired Remote Controller:
Wired remote controller shall be supplied as specified in the Bill of Quantities
The controller must have large crystal display screen, which displays complete operating status.
The digital display must allow setting of temperature with 1 deg C interval.
Remote shall be able to individually program by timer the respective times for operation start and stop for a period of 1 week.
Remote shall have 24 hrs. clock function.
Programming can be enabled or disabled. Provide scheduling of start/ stop and temperature limit- 5 settings per day.
Remote must be equipped with thermostat sensor in the remote controller that will make possible more comfortable room temperature control
The remote shall be able to monitor room temperature & preset temperature by microcomputer and can select cool/heat operation mode automatically.
The remote must constantly monitor malfunctions in the system & must be equipped with s self diagnosis function that let know by a message immediately when a malfunction occurs.
It shall be possible to wire the remote upto 500Rmt
Intelligent Control system:
Intelligent control system controller shall be supplied as specified in the Bill of Quantities.
The System supplied must integrate with the VRV system.
The VRV system supplied must be provided with a control system, from the supplier of VRV equipments. The required hard ware must be selected, suitable for up to minimum 128 indoor units.
Complete operation & monitoring of VRV air conditioning system shall be possible through the control system.
Following functions shall be possible
Control shall be capable of following Controlling 128 indoor units Zone control Malfunction code display All the functions available with wired remote controller It should be possible to write the remote to 1000m Scheduling of indoor units,24hrs.clock & programming. Remote start/ stop of indoor units Graphical report Energy saving function Mal function report Monitor and report from remote side Interface for using BAC net or Lon works at Clients option Color LCD touch panel icon display Multi language (English,French,Italian,German,Spnaish & Chinese) Yearly schedule P.P.D. (Power Proportional Distribution Function) History of 500 actions Simple Interlock Function Fire Alarm System interface.
Following major functions shall be provided: Monitoring Air conditioning status monitoring Indoor unit error monitoring Indoor air inlet temperature monitoring Filters choke sign monitoring. Control, Operation & Setting Start/Stop Control Temperature adjustment mode setting Remote control setting Temperature setting Filter sign reset Display Air Conditioner operation setting & Status Set temperature Indoor unit error Indoor air inlet temperature Filter Sign Measurement
Accurate operation time Number of switching times Power consumption with KWH meter Room temperature Outdoor temperature Alarm
Fire Alarm interface Necessary data cabling and connections shall be provided for remote Monitoring and Control of the complete VRV System.
Remote monitoring of the complete HVAC system shall be possible. System shall be capable to take external signal like Security/Fire For forced shut off. Required hardware shall be suitable for operation between-10 Deg C to Deg C & humidity range, of 0% To 98%, without condensation.
Refrigerant Piping:
Piping shall be refrigerant grade hard copper piping as required. Pipe jointing shall be done using special fittings. Refnet joints supplied by VRV manufacturer shall be provided where required. Piping shall be suitable for the high pressure of R410a and Piping thickness shall be increased accordingly.
Piping jointing shall be of the brazed type. The piping shall be tested at 38.5kg/cm2.
The indoor and outdoor units shall be connected with refrigerant piping. All piping connections for the units should be performed inside the unit. The refrigerant piping should be insulated with Armaflex insulation as specified under insulation.
Brazing shall be carried out to the requirements of relevant code of practice using silver soldered brazing rods. Compression fittings will be accepted on refrigerant pipe work. After installation of the complete piping the same shall be tested with nitrogen at 38.5 Kg.cm2.
After successfully pressure testing the pipe work the same shall be vacuumed to 7mm Hg and vacuum shall be maintained for 4 hours, vacuuming shall be achieved using a vacuum pump. Use of compressor for vacuuming shall not be permitted. vacuum shall then be broken with R-410 a gas to atmospheric pressure. The pipe shall once again be vacuumed to 7mm Hg pressure. This exercise shall be carried out twice before the owners representative before charging the refrigerant in the circuit.
All connections of Refrigerant Piping shall be in high grade copper of Refrigeration quality of York Shire Imperial make/equal.
Drain piping shall be G. I. with necessary fittings and accessories. 25 mm Diameter pipe shall be used for single unit and 40 mm diameter pipe for 2 units and 50mm for 3 units installation. The drain piping piping shall be with P traps and shall be terminated upto the nearest drain.
The drain piping shall be insulated with 1 layer of 13mm thick tubular Armaflex insulation.
Provide factory assembled outdoor air handling unit of the VRV type in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Work Included:
Outdoor Air processing unit VRV type unit with Centrifugal Fan of the Draw-Through Type.
Manufacturers Data: Submit certified dimensioned drawings, including total weight and support points.
Product Data: Submit fan curves, coil performance and acoustic data for each unit.
The owner and engineer may observe the air handling units for this Project under manufacture at the factory prior to shipment, if they so Desire . The Mechanical Contractor shall notify the Owner and Engineer in Writing of the production schedule and shipment date at least three (3) Weeks prior the first handling unit production date
Quality Assurance:
Construct units in compliance with all requirement of the latest JIS Standards.
Test rate and certify units performance and characteristics, including cooling coils, in accordance with JIS Standards.
All insulation shall have a composite (insulation, facing, and adhesive) fire and smoke hazard rating as tested by Procedure ASTM E84, NFPA 255,
Flame Spread 25 Smoke Developed 50
Confirm all fan drives to industry standard.
Comply with local codes
Provide factory-built Outdoor Air Processing Units of the horizontal type with coil requirements and capacities as listed on drawings.
Construct exact air handling unit complete with casting, fans, internal spring type vibration isolation, insulation, drain pans, cooling coils,galvanized or painted filter retainer frames or plenums for filter holding frames, factory mounted fan motors with adjustable bases, belt guards and belt drives, flexible connections.
Outdoor Air Processing Unit shall have coil section, filter section and fan section as per manufacturers standard range.
The Outdoor Air Processing Unit shall be provided with the following accessories as standard supply. a. Operation remote controller b. Schedule timer c. Wiring adapter d. High efficiency filters e. Drain pump kit where stated in BOQ.
The Outdoor Air Processing Units shall be connected to the VRV outdoor unit which is serving the other indoor units.
Inspect fan scrolls and remove objects or debris. Inspect and flush coils and remove debris or obstructions. Verify that all fire dampers are open and control dampers are to their proper position.
Record the following design requirement for fans and fan motors from the design drawings and reviewed shop drawings:
A. Manufacturer, model and size. B. Air quantities-cubic feet per minute. C. Approximate fan speed- revolutions per minute. D. Fan static pressure (total or external) 0 inches of water E. Outlet velocity-feet per minute. F. Fan brake horsepower. G. Motor horsepower H. Volts, hertz, amperes and service factor at design conditions. I. Record the following data from fans and fan motors installed at the projects J. Manufacture, model and size. K. Motor horsepower, service factor and revolutions per minute. L. Volts, hertz, full load ampere and service factor. M. Motor starter and heater size. N. Equipment location. O. Completely adjust fans and duct systems by the adjustment of sheaves, dampers, and other volume and diverting control devices, to obtain the air quantities indicated in the Contract Documents. Integral dampers in terminal outlets and inlets are not to be used for adjustment of duct branches. Adjust outside air and return air modulating dampers to admit the specified quantities of air under all cycles of operation. Adjust final air quantities within 5% of the design requirements. Balance air outlets, with air pattern as shown on the Drawings. P. Record the following test data for fans and fan motors installed at project at final balanced conditions: 1. Fan speed revolution per minute. 2. Fan suction, discharge and total static pressure (external or total)- inches of water Static pressure drops across filters, dampers, coils washers, and eliminators in the 3. Supply fan casing in inches of water. 4. Motor operating amperes and voltage per phase at operating conditions. 5. Fan cubic feet per minute as required above. 6. Calculated brake horsepower.
The scope of this section comprise supply fabrication installation and testing of all galvanized sheet metal ducts, supply installation testing and balancing of all grilles registers and diffusers, in accordance with these specifications and the general arrangement shown on the Drawings.
Duct Materials :
All ducts shall be fabricated from galvanized steel sheets as indicated in the enclose table 1.
Sheet metal ducts shall be fabricated out of galvanized steel sheets. Fabrication of ducts shall be through Triplex lock former or multiple lock formers, conforming to relevant BIS Codes.
Sheets used shall be produced by Hot Dip Process and galvanizing shall be Class VII - Light Coating of zinc.
All ducts shall be fabricated and installed in workmanlike manner, generally conforming to relevant BIS Codes. Round exposed ducts shall be die-formed for achieving perfect circle configuration.
Ducts so identified on the Drawings shall be acoustically lined with thermal insulation as described in the section Insulation and as indicated in Schedule of Quantities.
Duct dimensions should be compensated for the thickness of the acoustic insulation proposed wherever applicable.
Ducts shall be straight and smooth on the inside with neatly finished joints. All joints shall be made airtight.
Changes in dimensions and shape of ducts shall be gradual. Air-turns shall be installed in all vanes, arranged to permit the air to make the turn without appreciable turbulence.
Plenums shall be panel type and assembled at site. Fixing of galvanized angle flanges on duct pieces shall be with rivets heads inside i.e. towards G. S. sheet and riveting shall be done from outside.
Rubber lining 4 mm thick shall be used between duct flanges instead of felt, in all ducting installation.
All ducts shall be installed generally as per tender Drawings, and in strict accordance with approved shop drawings to be prepared by the Contractor. While making the drawings contractor will have to consider the other services interference & suit to site conditions.
The Contractor shall provide and neatly erect all sheet metal work as may be required to carry out the intent of these Specifications and Drawings. The work shall meet with the approval of Architect/ Consultant in all its parts and details.
Structural members from floor shall support all vertical ductwork. Contractor will provide necessary additional cost if any for supporting the ducts running on the floor level & rising along the wall.
Where metal ducts or sleeves terminate in woodwork, tight joints shall be made by means of closely fittings heavy flanged collars. Where ducts pass through brick or masonry openings, wooden frame work shall be provided within the opening and crossing ducts provided with heavy flanged collars on each side of wooden frame work, so that duct crossing is made leak-proof.
All ducts shall be totally free from vibration under all conditions of operation. Whenever duct work is connected to fans, air handling units or blower coil units that may cause vibration in the ducts, ducts shall be provided with one flexible connections shall be constructed of fire retarding flexible heavy canvas sleeve at least 100mm long securely bonded and bolted on both sides.
Contractor has deemed to have included the scaffolding & any other cost in their estimate which may be required for installation of the ducting. The quoted unit rate for external surface of ducts shall include all wastage allowances, flanges and gaskets for joints, nuts and bolts, hangers and angles and angle/ flat with double nuts for supports, felt strip between duct and support, vibration isolator suspension where specified or required, inspection chamber/ access panel, splitter damper with quadrant and lever for position indication, turning vanes, straightening vanes, and all other accessories required to complete the duct installation as per the Specifications. These accessories shall not be separately measured nor paid for.
Unless otherwise specified, measurements for ducting, for the project shall be on the basis of centerline measurements described herewith.
Duct Work shall be measured on the basis of external surface area of ducts. Duct measurements shall be taken before application of the insulation. The external surface area shall be calculated by measuring the perimeter comprising overall width and depth, including the corner joints, in the center of each duct section, multiplying with the overall length from flange face to flange face of each duct section and adding up areas of all duct sections.
For tapered rectangular ducts, the average width and depth shall be considered for perimeter, whereas for tapered circular ducts, the diameter of the section midway between large and small diameters shall be adopted, the length of tapered duct section shall be the centerline distance between the flanges of the duct section.For special pieces like bends, tees, reducers, branches and collars, mode of measurement shall be identical to that described above using the length along the centerline.
Dimension of Larger size of Duct (mm) SHEET THICKN ESS (SWG) Transverse seems at joints Minimum bracing Angle size and Maximum Longitudinal spacing from joints (mm) Round hangers size Trapeze shelf Angle size (mm) Maxi. Spacing of supports (mm) Up to 750 24 GSS Flanged joint S slip ( 25 mm high ) or drive slip. Cross Breaking 8 mm 25x25x3 2400
2400 Above 2285 18 Companion Angles flanged joint (40x40x3) 40x40x3 @ 600 10 mm Rod 50x50x6 2400
NOTE : 1. Cross breaking shall not be provided for ducts that are to be insulated, and finished with cement plaster. It is not necessary to cross break the air outlet connections of ducts (collars for grilles / Diffusers) 2. The circular duct should be fabricated only on approval of the sample by the consultant. All the circular ducts up to 1000 mm diameter will be fabricated using 20G GSS sheets.
Duct Dampers:
Dampers: All duct dampers shall be louver dampers of robust construction and tight fitting. The design, method of handling and control shall be suitable for the location and service required.
Dampers shall be provided with suitable links levers and quadrants as required for their proper operation. Control or setting devices shall be made robust, easily operable and accessible through suitable access doors in the ducts. Every damper shall have an indicating device clearly showing the damper position at all times.
Dampers shall be placed in ducts at every branch supply or return air duct connection, whether or not indicated on the Drawings, for the proper volume control and balancing of the system.
Supply & Return Air Registers:
Supply & return air registers will be manufactured using anodized or Powder coated extruded aluminium These registers shall have individually adjustable louvers both horizontal and vertical. Supply air registers shall be provided with key operated opposed blade extruded aluminium volume control dampers anodized in matt black shade with stove enamel paint.
The registers shall be suitable for fixing arrangement with concealed or visible screws as approved by Architect. Linear continuous supply cum return air register shall be extruded Aluminium construction with fixed horizontal bars at 0/15/30/45inclination & flange on both sides. The thickness of the fixed bar louvers shall be minimum 5.5 mm in front and 3.8 mm in rear with rounded edges and flange shall be 20 mm/ 30 mm wide as approved by Architect. The grills shall be suitable for concealed fixing. Volume control dampers of extruded aluminium anodized in black color shall be provided in supply air duct collars. For fan coil units horizontal fixed bar grills as described shall be provided with flanges on four sides & suitable for clip fixing.
All registers shall be selected in consultation with the Architect. Different spaces shall require horizontal or vertical face bars, and different width of margin frames. These shall be procured only after obtaining written approval from Architect for each type of register.
All registers shall have a soft continuous rubber/ foam gasket between the periphery of the register and the surface on which it has to be mounted. The effective area of the registers shall not be less than 66% of gross face area.
Registers shall be adjustable pattern as each grill bar shall be pivotable to provide pattern with 0to + 45horizontal and deflection downwards. Bars shall hold deflection settings under all conditions of velocity and pressure.
Bar longer than 45 cm shall be reinforced by set-back vertical members of approved thickness. All volume control dampers shall be anodized in Mat black shade.
Supply & Return Air Diffusers / Disc valves:
Supply & return air diffusers shall be as shown on the Drawings and indicated in Schedule of Quantities. Mild steel diffusers/ dampers/disc valves shall be factory coated with rust-resistant primer. Aluminium diffusers shall be powder coated & made from extruded aluminium section as specified in schedule of quantities.
Rectangular Diffusers shall be steel/ extruded aluminium construction, square & rectangular, diffusers with flush fixed pattern for different spaces as per schedule of quantities. These shall be selected in consultation with the Architect. These shall be procured only after obtaining written approval from Architect for each type of diffuser.
Supply air diffusers shall be equipped with fixed air distribution grids, removable key- smudge volume control dampers, and anti-smudge rings as required in specific applications, and as per requirements of schedule of Quantities. The extruded aluminium diffusers shall be provided with removable central core and concealed key operation for volume control damper.
Supply air diffusers shall be provided with volume control/ balancing dampers within the supply air collar. Diffusers for different spaces shall be selected in consultation with the Architect, and provided as per requirements of schedule of Quantities. All diffusers shall have volume control dampers of extruded aluminium construction anodized in mat black shade.
Linear Diffuser shall be extruded aluminium construction with removable core, one or two-way blow type. Linear Diffuser shall be extruded aluminium construction multislot type with air pattern controller provided in each slot. Supply air diffusers shall be provided with Hit & Miss volume control dampers in each slot of the supply air diffusers. Diffusers for different spaces shall be selected in consultation with the Architect and provided as per requirements of Schedule of Quantities.
The drain piping shall be medium class galvanized steel as per IS 1239/1979.
Pipe crosses shall be provided at bends, to permit easy cleaning of drain line.
The drain line shall be provided up to the nearest drain trap and pitched towards the trap.
Drain lines shall be provided at all the lowest points in the system, as well as at equipment, where leakage of water is likely to occur, or to remove condensate and water from pump glands.
Drain valves for main lines up to 300 mm dia shall be 25 mm in size and for line sizes above 300 mm dia the drain valve size shall be 40 mm.
Duct Acoustic & Thermal Insulation
Scope of this article covers supply & application of insulation as specified.
Acoustic insulation for Duct & Plenums:
Unless plenums are acoustically insulated, provide acoustic lining with 12 mm thick Fibreglass boards having density 48 Kg/cu.m. and stuck with CPRX cold compound covered with RP tissue paper. The insulation shall be carried out upto a distance of 5M from outlet of indoor units.
Insulation backed by 30 G perforated aluminium sheet with 3/32 dia. Holes at 3/16 staggered centers shall be mechanically attached to internal of ducts with 50mm long GI bolts, washers & nuts. Space bolts at maximum 300mm centers and at least 75mm from all corners.
Aluminium sheets along periphery shall be minimum 75 mm in excess of the insulation and turned in to avoid the fibers entering the air stream.
Method of applying insulation Apply a thin layer of cold compound. Fix up fibreglass slabs & cover with R.P.tissue. Cover up with perforated aluminium sheets as explained above.
Thermal Insulation
For Exposed ducts
Clean the duct surface & apply two coats of hot bitumen at 1.5 kg/sqm for two coats. Stick insulation slabs, which is either 50 mm thick TF quality expanded polystyrene of minimum 16 kg/cum density or equivalent u value Polyurethane. Hold at 1000 mm center with 1 mm dia galvanized steel wire or PVC strapping & blind the surface with hot bitumen at 1.5 kg/sqm. Wrap 500 g polythene faced hessian & covey with 0.63 dia 20 mm mesh galvanized steel wire mesh. Apply one more layer of hot bitumen. Apply 12 mm thick cement plaster 1;3 n two layers of 6 mm thick each mixed with water proofing compound & finished smooth. The finished insulation for under floor will be covered with one layer of 3 mm tar felt fixed with hot bitumen & held in position by 1.0 mm Galvanized steel wire & for Exposed to weather will be additionally cladded by 26 G Al sheet.
For Ducting above ground level
All supply air ducts are insulated with 19 mm thick closed cell nitrile foam class O fire rating material or equivalent with necessary adhesive SR505. Return Air ducting is done similarly with 16 mm thick material.
Insulation of Suction Line:
Suction piping shall be insulated with elastomeric nitrile rubber class O pipe sections of 12 mm thickness. The joints are to be sealed with black monsoon tape and provided with necessary protective covering.
Piping Insulation : All refrigerant and condensate drain piping shall be insulated in the manner specified herein. Before applying insulation, all pipe work and fittings should be brushed and cleaned, and dust, dirt, mortar and oil removed. All MS pipes should be provided with a coat of zinc chromate primer, followed by two coats of cold setting adhesive compound. Thermal insulation should then be applied as follows:
Pipe Size (mm) Thickness for expanded polystyrene (T F Quality) mm 10 to 40 25 50 to 100 50 Above 100 65
All insulation work should be carried out by skilled workmen specially trained in this kind of work. All insulated clad pipes shall be labeled (S,R or RR) and provided with 300 mm wide band of paint along the circumference at every 1200 mm distance for color coding. Direction of fluid shall also be marked.
The scope of this section comprises of fabrication, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of electric control panels.
Work shall be carried out in accordance with the Specifications, Local Rules, Indian Electricity Act 1910 as amended upto date, and rules issued there under, Regulations of the Fire Insurance Company and relevant BIS Codes of Practice. The control panels shall be manufactured by a reputed manufacturer and shall be IP 55.
Construction Features:
The Control panel shall be sheet steel cabinet for OUTDOOR installation, dead front, floor mounting/ wall mounting type. The control panel shall be totally enclosed, completely dust and vermin proof and shall be with hinged doors, Neoprene gasket and padlocking arrangement. Steel sheets used in the construction of panel shall be 2 mm thick and shall be folded and braced as necessary to provide a rigid support for all components. Joints of any kind in sheet metal shall be seam welded, all welding slag shall be grounded off and welding pits wiped smooth with plumber metal.
All panels and covers shall be properly fitted and square with the frame, and holes in the panel correctly positioned. Fixing screws shall enter into holes tapped into an adequate thickness of metal or provided with wing nuts. Self-threading screws shall not be used in the construction of Control panels. A base channel of 75 mm x 75 mm x 5 mm thick shall be provided at the bottom for floor-mounted panels. Minimum clearance of 200 mm shall be provided between the floor of Control panel and the lowest unit.
The control panel shall be of adequate size with a provision of 25% spare space to accommodate possible future switchgear. Switches shall be arranged in multi-tier. Knockout holes of appropriate size and number shall be provided in the Control Panel in conformity with the location of cable/conduit connections. Removable sheet steel plates shall be provided at the top to drill holes for cable entry at site if required.
Every cabinet shall be provided with Trafolyte or engraved metal nameplates. All panels shall be provided with circuit diagram engraved on PVC sheet. All live accessible connections shall be shrouded and minimum clearance between phase and earth shall be 20 mm and phase-to-phase shall be 25 mm.
All equipment such as meters and indicating lamps etc. shall be located adjacent to the unit with which it is associated and care shall be taken to achieve a neat and symmetrical arrangement. Facility shall be provided for termination of cables from both above and below the control panel. Where cables enter from below, cable boxes shall be fitted at the rear and arranged in tiers to facilitate making connections to the upper and lower units. Clamps shall be provided to support the weight of the cables. All power wiring inside the control panel shall be colour coded and control wiring ferruled for easy identification.
Circuit Compartment:
Each circuit breaker, contactor and relay shall be housed in a separate compartment and shall have steel sheets on top and bottom of compartment. Sheet steel hinged lockable door shall be duly interlocked with the breaker in the ON position. Safety interlocks shall be provided to prevent the breaker from being drawn out when the breaker is in ON position. The door shall not form an integral part of the draw out portion of the panel. Sheet steel barriers shall be provided between the tiers in a vertical section.
Instrument Accommodation:
Adequate space shall be provided for accommodating instruments, indicating lamps, control contactors and control fuses etc. These shall be accessible for testing and maintenance without any danger of accidental contact with live parts of the circuit breaker and bus bar. ON lamps shall be provided on all outgoing feeders.
Bus Bars and Bus Bar Connections :
The bus bar and interconnections shall be of aluminium and of rectangular cross section suitable for full load current for phase bus bars and 50% for neutral bus bar and shall be extendable on either side. The bus bars and interconnections shall be insulated with heat shrinkable sleeve and shall be colour coded. The bus bars shall be supported on glass fibre reinforced thermosetting plastic insulated supports at regular intervals to withstand the force arising from in case of short circuit in the system. All bus bars shall be provided in a separate chamber and shall be shrouded throughout, all connections shall be done by bolting and additional cross section area to be provided to compensate for the holes drilled in the bus bars. All connections between bus bars and breakers shall be through solid strips of proper size to carry full rated current and insulated with insulating tapes.
Cable Compartments :
Cable compartment of adequate size shall be provided in the control panels for all incoming and outgoing cables entering from bottom or top. Adequate and proper supports shall be provided in cable compartments to support cables. Labels :
Aluminium Anodized labels shall be provided on all incoming and outgoing feeder switches. Circuit diagram showing the arrangements of the circuit inside the Control Panel shall be pasted on inside of the panel door and covered with transparent plastic sheet. Cable alley and bus chamber shall be identified on all panels.
Rubber Mat:
Rubber mat shall be provided to cover the full length of front of all panels and rear of panels where backspace shall be available for working from the rear.
All materials shall be of the best quality complying with the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) specifications. Materials used shall be subject to the approval of the Client and samples of the same shall be furnished where required.
Air Circuit Breakers: The Air Circuit Breakers shall be sheet metal enclosed flush front, draw out type, and shall be provided with a trip free manual operating mechanism with mechanical ON -- OFF indications. The circuit breaker shall be suitable for continuous rating and of capacity as called for. It shall be possible to switch ON and OFF the Circuit Breaker without opening the circuit breaker compartment door. The operating handle and the mechanical trip push button shall be at the front of the breaker and integral with the breaker.
Cradle: The cradle shall be so designed and constructed as to permit smooth withdrawal and insertion of the breaker into it. The movement shall be free from jerks, easily operable and shall be on steel balls/ rollers and not on flat surfaces.
Protective Devices: C. T. operated IDMT Relays for short circuit and earth fault operation shall be provided for all air circuit breakers.
Suitable under voltage tripping mechanism for voltage less than + 10% of full rate voltage shall be provided.
Selector Switch: Where called for, selector switches of rated capacity shall be provided in control panels, to give the choice of operating equipment in selective mode.
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers: Moulded Case circuit Breaker shall be of motor duty and shall be suitable for continuous load, manufactured in accordance with relevant BIS Codes.
Starters: Each motor shall be provided with a starter of suitable rating. Starters shall be in accordance with relevant BIS Codes. All Star Delta and ATS Starters shall be fully automatic.
Starters contactors shall have 3 main and 2 Nos. NO/ NC auxiliary contacts and shall be air break type suitable for making and breaking contact at minimum power factor of 0.35. For design consideration of contactors the starting current of connected motor shall be assumed to be 6 times the full load current of the motor in case of direct-on-line starters and 3 times the full load current of the motor in case of Star Delta/ Reduced Voltage Starters. The insulation for contactor coils shall be of Class E.
Operating coils of contactors shall be suitable for 220/ 415 + 10% volts AC, 50 cycles supply system. The contactors shall cut out when voltage drops to 90% of the rated voltage. The housing of the contactors shall be heat resistant and having hing impact strength. Each starter shall have thermal overload protection on all three phases.
Over Load Relays: Contactors shall be provided with a three element, positive acting ambient temperature compensated time-lagged thermal over load relays with adjustable setting. Relays shall be directly connected for motors upto 35 HP capacity. C. T. operated relays shall be provided for motors above 35 HP capacity. Heater circuit contactors may not be provided with over load relays.
Current Transformers: Current transformers shall be of accuracy class I and suitable VA burden for operation of the connected meters and relays. These shall be resin bounded and epoxy coated.
Single Phase Preventers: Single phase preventers shall be provided only incase single phasing prevention feature is not built in the over load. Single Phase preventers shall be in conformity with relevant BIS standards. Single-phase preventers shall act when the supply voltage drops down to 90% of the rated voltage or on failure of one or more phases.
Time Delay Relays : Time delay relays shall be adjustable type with time delay adjustable from 0- 180 seconds and shall have one set of auxiliary contacts for indicating lamp connections.
Indicating Lamp & Materials : All meters and indicating lamps shall be in accordance with BS 37 and BS 39. The meters shall be flush mounted type. The indicating lamp shall be of low wattage. Each main panel shall be provided with voltmeter 0-500 volts with three way and off selector switch, CT operated ammeter of suitable range with three nos. CTs of suitable ratio with three way and off selector switch, phase indicating lamps, and other indicating lamps as called for. Each phase indicating lamp shall be backed up with 5 amps fuse. Other indicating lamps shall be backed up with fuses as called for.
Toggle Switch: Toggle switches, where called for, shall be in conformity with relevant BIS Codes and shall be of 5 amps rating.
Push Button Stations: Push button stations shall be provided for manual starting and stopping of motors/ equipment as called for Green and Red colour push buttons shall be provided for Starting and Stopping operations. Start or Stop indicating flaps shall be provided for push buttons. Push buttons shall be suitable for panel mounting and accessible from front without opening door, Lock lever shall be provided for Stop push buttons. The push button contacts shall be suitable for 6 amps current capacity.
Conduits: Conduits shall be of mild steel and shall be Hard drawn, stove enameled inside and outside with minimum wall thickness of 1.6 mm for conduits upto 32 mm diameter and 2 mm wall thickness for conduits above 32 mm diameter. GI pull wires shall be installed in the conduit while laying the conduit.
Cables: M. V. Cables shall be PVC insulated aluminium conductor and armoured cables conforming to BIS Codes. Cables shall be armoured and suitable for laying in trenches, duct, and on cable trays as required. M. V. Cables shall be termite resistant. Control cables and indicating panel cables shall be multi core PVC insulated copper conductor and armoured cables.
Wires: 415 volts grade PVC insulated copper conductor wires in conduit shall be used.
Cable Laying:
Cable shall be laid generally in accordance with BIS Code of Practice. Cables shall be laid on 14 gauge perforated MS sheet cable trays, and cable drops/ risers shall be fixed to ladder type cable trays fabricated out of steel angle. Access to all cables shall be provided to allow cable withdrawal/ replacement in the future. Where more than one cable is running, one dia spacing shall be provided to minimize the loss in current carrying capacity. Cables shall be suitably supported with Galvanized saddles when run on walls/ trays. When buried, they shall be laid in 350 mm wide and 750 mm deep trench and shall be covered with 250 mm thick layer of soft sifted sand & protected with bricks, tiles. Special care shall be taken to ensure that the cables are not damaged at bends. The radius of bend of the cables when installed shall not be less than 12 times the diameter of cable. 1.1 KV cable shall be buried 600 mm below ground level.
Wire Sizes:
For all single phase/ 3 phase wiring, 415 volts grade PVC insulated copper conductor wires shall be used. The equipment inside plant room and AHU room shall be connected to the control panel by means of insulated copper conductor wires of adequate size in exposed conduits. Final connections to the equipment shall be through wiring enclosed in galvanized flexible conduits rigidly clamped at both ends. An isolator shall be provided near each motor/ equipment wherever the motor/ equipment is separated from the supply panel through a partition barrier or through ceiling construction. PVC insulated single standard copper conductor wires shall be used inside the control panel for connecting different components and all the wires inside the control panel shall be neatly dressed and plastic beads shall be provided at both the ends for easy identification in control wiring.
The minimum size of control wiring shall be 1.5 PVC insulated standard soft drawn copper conductor wires drawn through conduit to be provided for connecting equipment and control panels.
All the switches, contactors, push button stations, indicating lamps shall be distinctly marked with a small description of the service installed. The contactors and overload relays shall be provided for different capacity motors as per manufacturers recommendation.
Earthing shall be provided as per IS: 3043-1987 and shall be copper strips/ wires. The main panel shall be connected to main earthing system of the power supply. All single-phase metal clad switches and control panels be earthed with minimum 3 mm diameter copper conductor wire. All 3 phase motors and equipment shall be earthed with 2 numbers distinct and independent insulated copper wires/ tapes.
All switches shall be earthed with two numbers distinct and independent copper wires tapes as follows :
i. 3 phase switches & control panels upto 60 amps rating. 2 Nos. 3 mm dia copper wires. ii. 3 phase switches & control panels upto 63 amps to 100 amps rating. 2 Nos. 4 mm dia copper wires. iii. 3 phase switches & control panels 125 amps to 200 amps rating. 2 Nos. 6 mm dia copper wires. iv. 3 phase switches, control panels, bus ducts, above 200 amps rating. 2 Nos. 25 mm x 3 mm-Copper tapes.
The earthing connections shall be tapped off from the main earthing of electrical installation. The overlapping in earthing strips at joints shall be riveted with brass rivets & brazed in approved manner. Lugs of adequate capacity and size shall be used for all termination of wires. Lugs shall be bolted to the equipment body to be earthed after the metal body is cleaned of paint and other only substance, and properly tinned.
Drawings: Shop drawings for control panels and wiring of equipment showing the route of conduit cable shall be submitted by the contractor for approval of Client & Consultant before starting the fabrication of panel and starting the work. On completion, four sets of complete As-installed drawings incorporating all details like, conduits routes, number of wires in conduit, location of panels, switches, junction/ pull boxes and cables route etc. shall be furnished by the Contractor.
Testing: Before commissioning of the equipment, the entire electrical installation shall be tested in accordance with relevant BIS codes and test report furnished by a qualified and authorized person. The entire electrical installation shall be got approved by Electrical Inspector and a certificate from Electrical Inspector shall be submitted. All tests shall be carried out in the presence of the Clients engineers.
Painting: All sheet steel work shall undergo a process of degreasing, through cleaning, and painting with a high corrosion resistant primer. All panels shall then be baked in an oven. The finishing treatment shall be by application of synthetic enamel paint of approved shade.
Measurement of Electrical Control Panels:
Panels shall be counted as number of units. Quoted rates shall include as lumpsum (NOT measurable lengths) for all internal wiring, power wiring and earthing connections from the control panel to the starter and to the motor, control wiring for interlocking, power and control wiring for remote start/ stop as well as indication as per the specifications. The quoted rate of panel shall also include all accessories, switchgear, fuses, contactors, indicating meters and lights as per the specifications.
Power, Control cabling & Earthing:
All cables shall be laid in trenches, on wall & ceiling as per IS 1255-1950 with proper spacing between cables to minimize losses.
Mount cables on MS supports when run on walls/ ceiling or in trench.
Take adequate care to ensure that cables are not damaged at bends. The radius of the bend of the cables when installed shall be sufficiently large to ensure that undue stress is not caused on the insulation.
Seal end with bushes for cables passing through pipes. Similarly seal all opening in walls & ceilings in a manner approved by the architect.
Provide 1100 V PVC sheath armoured copper cables for all power and control wiring min. 1.5 sq. mm.
Earthing shall be carried out with 10 G copper as per IS 3043-
All the cabling & earthing is to be included on lumpsum basis & the same will not be measured.
Since activities of all the departments are closely interlinked; substantial improvement in productivity and efficiency of the yard can be achieved by utilizing benefits of Information Technology for seamless integration of activities of various departments. This can be made possible by setting up Local Area Network of computers, which would enable Online sharing of Information amongst various departments. A dedicated Local Area Network connecting all users, based on high bandwidth fiber optics backbone, is therefore considered essential.
Scope of Work: The scope of work involves supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Local Area Network (Passive) at BANK OF INDIA BUILDING, ANDHERI covering the under mentioned jobs: -
General a) Project Management: This includes, network design, project planning & scheduling, and project monitoring by periodic reviews. b) Data connectivity between all the mentioned locations with future expandability options of the Network. c) Selection of correct brands. d) Laying of cables and installation of all passive components. e) Installation and commissioning of the Network as per design. f) Proving connectivity through all redundant paths g) Network Management.
a) The scope of work will cover the design, supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of Local Area Network with Passive networking components (fiber optic backbone, Cat 6 Structured cabling system).
b) The proposed system should be scalable for future upgrades to higher speed network operations and the entire installation should adhere to the CAT6 standards following latest EIA/TIA guidelines and specifications. The structured cable network should support CAT6 standard at 1000 Mbps speed.
c) The vendor should supply and install all associated components like stacking cables that may be necessary to carry out the complete job as per the functional requirements specified in this tender.
d) The Vendor is required to quote only Laser Grade Fiber for delivering Gigabit Bandwidth across backbone.
e) The vendor is required to produce test reports for all the cables (end to end) with cable signal tester and has to be duly submitted to BANK OF INDIA BUILDING, ANDHERI on completion of the installation.
f) Vendor is required to provide a detailed network installation document containing complete information on the installed components, numbering scheme used, color codes etc. and trouble shooting procedure for the network problems in future.
g) A detail site study has to be conducted by all vendors to assess the requirement. 2.
31. 32. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Passive Components It is to be ensured that high-end Gigabit Standard components are to be used to provide end-to-end connectivity. Following factors are to be considered while quoting for Passive: (a) Gigabit speed and latest product line (b) Laser Grade Fiber Optic Cables and components to support higher distances on Gigabit for Multimode Fiber. (c) Support for latest technology full Convergence (d) Support for high bandwidth and future scalability (e) Inter-Operate with all high-end technology (f) 20 to 25 Years Warranty (g) Good vendor support and infrastructure (h) High investment stake in similar and other industries. (j) Manufacturing site/distributors in India to control (k) Proof of Concept and TCO / ROI into account.
Specifications for LAN Cabling Systems: The LAN cabling system that shall accommodate BANK OF INDIA BUILDING, ANDHERI infrastructure requirements in excess of ten years. Product specifications, general design considerations, and installation guidelines are provided in this written document. Quantities of telecommunications outlets, typical installation details, cable routing and outlet types for the specific facility (facilities) also form part of this document. If the bid documents are in conflict, the written specification shall take precedence. The successful vendor shall meet or exceed all requirements for the cabling system HUB Rm. deibed in this document.
The BANK OF INDIA BUILDING, ANDHERI cable infrastructure project requires structured cabling system, or equivalent single-manufacturer solution. If all requirements are complied with, a 20/25 -Year Performance Warranty should back the cabling system. The performance warranty shall be facilitated by the Vendor and be established between the OEM supplier and BANK OF INDIA BUILDING, ANDHERI.
33. 34. Scope: This document defines the cabling system and subsystem components to include cable, termination hardware, supporting hardware, and miscellaneous required to furnish, and to install a complete cabling infrastructure supporting voice, data, and video. The intent of this document is to provide pertinent information to allow the vendor to bid the labour, supervision, tooling, materials, and miscellaneous mounting hardware and consumables to install a complete system. However, it is the responsibility of the vendor to propose any, and, all items required for a complete system whether or not it is identified in the specification, drawings and bill of materials attached to this specification.
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DESIGN PARAMETER SERVER ROOM CONNECTIVITY-Internal Server Room Connectivity from Network rack to Server Rack.
SUB-SYSTEM CONNECTIVITY Connectivity from Central Communication Room (SERVER RM.) to Telecommunication Outlet (TO) at work area side.
Each subsystem, as stated previously, provides a specific function in the typical BANK OF INDIA BUILDING, ANDHERI cable plant system. The campus subsystem provides the interconnection between buildings. The vertical subsystem provides the interconnection from OSP Rm. to SERVER RM. (Central Communication Room). The horizontal subsystem provides the interconnection to the work area & the work area subsystem provides the interconnection to the user/device (phone, terminal, pc, etc.). Each subsystem consists of the transmission media (wire and cable), intermediate and main cross connects, terminations, Racks, Rooms, conduit, tray, vaults and entrance facilities. In the past, it was typically not possible or economically justifiable to pre-install subsystem wiring for the entire life of the telecommunications wiring system. The useful life of a copper based system was expected to consist of one or more planning periods
greater than 1000 Mbps network transmission speeds, fiber only network devices and fiber only network interface cards (i.e. FDDI and ATM), serious consideration must be given to the cost impact of extending the life of the wiring subsystem with fiber. The actual length of the planning period should be based upon the application requirements, stability, and growth of the customer organizations.
35. Topology:
The wiring system is an arrangement of components in an ordered structure, or the physical topologies commonly used for communications on campuses and within buildings. They are the bus, ring, and star (including hierarchical star). The bus and ring are most often used for data applications, while the star topology can support both voice and data applications. Depending on communication requirements, a complete transmission network may use one, a variation of one, or a combination of topologies.
ogy refers to how devices operate, or communicate with each other in the
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However, when planning the physical cable plant, the logical topology of the network should have been understood.
Star Topology:
The star topology provides point to point connections from one centrally (functionally) located facility (point) to multiple remote devices. When drawn, the lines from the central facility to the remote devices resemble the light rays from star, hence the name. The star configuration is applicable to the individual units of transmission media, such as individual fibers, twisted pairs or coaxial conductors. Depending on the physical characteristics of a site and the facility architecture, transmission media units terminated at different locations, may be part of the same cable over a portion of the distance, or may use individual cables on the entire distance. Figure
Figure: Typical Star Topology
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5)The hierarchical star topology is nothing more than the hierarchical connection of multiple stars. It is highly flexible in meeting a variety of application requirements. The hierarchical star is sometimes
referred to as the Universal Transport System because of its ability to be logically configured into any non-star topology, through the use of active and passive components.
Figure : Hierarchical Star Topology Accommodation of Non Star Topologies The following topologies can be accommodated by using the star configurations in the following methods. Bus Topology
In a bus topology, all devices (rooms) are connected serially, one after the other. Figure 7 illustrates how a bus topology can be accommodated by the star wiring configuration.
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Figure : Bus Topology
Ring Topology
Figure - Ring Topology
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In a ring topology, all of the rooms, or devices, are connected in a circular fashion. There is no physical break in the link between all locations. Figure 8 illustrates how a ring topology can be accommodated by the star wiring configuration. Recognized Media The following media have been chosen due to the wide range of services they support: 1) Cat-6 UTP (unshielded twisted pair) cable 2) Optical fiber cable
Optical Fiber Cable may be either 62.5or 50/125 micron Multi-Mode graded index, or Single Mode depending on the specific application. These media are no longer recommended for new installations in general purpose buildings nor for retrofit projects (except if required for specific applications), they are therefore being moved to maintenance mode and are included in this revision for the purposes of sustaining support only. Each media type has individual characteristics which make it useful for specific applications. A single types shall use the same facility architecture with the same location for cross-connects, mechanical terminations cable type may not satisfy all the user requirements of a site. When more than one type of cable is used, all, inter-building entrance facilities, etc.
Cable Routing
General This section covers general routing guidelines for copper and optical fiber both within and between buildings. When planning the routing and support structure to carry copper cable, care must be taken to avoid areas where sources of high levels of EMI and RFI are present. Optical fiber cable should be routed in UL approved inner-duct, or conduit. It should be routed in separate conduit, and kept separate from UTP and other cables in the cable trays whenever possible.
Building Components Building cable pathways are the shafts, conduits, raceways, and floor penetrations which provide routing space for cables. Building and electrical codes specify safety and fire prevention standards which must be adhered to. Within a building, the cabling system should be routed in conduit and/or overhead cable trays. Reference EIA/TIA - 569 for detailed information on Horizontal and Work Station (i.e. individual office or cubicle) Pathways and pull box specifications.
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Outside Plant Components
There are three approved methods of distributing inter-building backbone cables: conduit, direct burial and tunnel. The most appropriate method depends on the specific conditions for each inter-building run. Tunnels provide a flexible and inexpensive method of routing cable. If available, they should be used for all inter-building cable distribution. Access to underground tunnels is usually good and most tunnel systems provide adequate routing options. If cable is being placed in a steam tunnel, special cable physical specifications may be required (heat and steam resistant). Specific conditions should be discussed with the cable vendor. Raceway Distribution is an underground system.
Raceway Designing Sufficient conduits/ Raceway shall be installed in each room to handle the communications cables required. The actual size and number of Raceway shall be determined by a review of the cable requirements and growth. A minimum of 20% extra space will have to be considered for maintenance purposes. Bending radius shall conform to industry standard for telecommunications and the initial fill rate of 4% and not to exceed 60% for any Raceway. The following are general guidelines for Raceway capacity and bending radius:
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Cable Trays: Sufficient cable trays or ladder rack shall be installed in each room to handle the communications cable required. The actual size and number of cable trays/ladder rack shall be determined by a review of cable requirements and growth. Cable trays shall be of a minimum width to accommodate at least 50% growth capacity and 4" deep and of a ladder type. The cable tray sections shall be bonded to each other and grounded to the same ground potential every 30. Cable trays should be installed at the same level throughout the building, if possible, due to cable restrictions. Cable trays should be divided for copper and fiber services when inner duct is not used. (Note: This is for fiber within the communications room only; all other fiber shall be in inner duct.) Cable Trays shall have a minimum of 12" clearance from any obstruction. All cables installed in the cable tray shall be dressed and tied down in the same bundle feeding each of the zones being supported. Cable tray bend radius shall meet the bend radius.
The Horizontal Subsystem refers to all communication cables from SERVER RM. to the TO. For data network applications, the horizontal system terminates at the point of connection on the end node or user side of an active electronic equipment connection such as a wiring concentrator. 37.
38. Distance Limitations:
As long as copper cables are in use, the maximum length of the horizontal subsystem shall be 100-meters (330-feet). This is the cable length from the electronic media in the HUB Rm. to the Station Equipment. In establishing maximum distance, an allowance for the Work Area Subsystem of an additional 3 meters (10 feet) from the Telecommunication Outlet to the Station Equipment must be made.
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HUB Rm, s shall be located to meet the 100 meter limit of all locations requiring communications services. This 100 meter requirement is defined as 90 (297 ft) meters from patch panel to T/O, 7 meters in the HUB Rm. /SERVER RM. and 3 meters at the work area. This 90 meter distance must consider all transitions up and down of the cable, as well as total cable distance, not radius, from the T/.O to the HUB Rm. typically, the
available, from the center of the HUB Rm, to the farthest T/O, following the actual cable path. While large centralized HUB Rm, s are desirable from a maintenance standpoint, they are only suitable for buildings whose service areas can be reached within these limits. This limits the total area covered to app. 2,65, 000 sq. ft., or a total building footprint of about 2,69, 442 sq. ft. This assum perimeter walls. A second HUB RM. should be added if the 100 meter limit cannot be adhered to. Service areas for two or more can be overlapped to provide redundant cable paths for critical applications.
39. Media
The Horizontal subsystem shall be supported by UTP, or Optical Fiber (when environmental and bandwidth requirements exceed UTP capabilities). When utilizing UTP, a minimum of 4 Nos. of 4 Pair Cat-6 UTP shall be used. Due to the varying applications supported by this system, emerging technology standards, and the desirability of applications independence, it is required that the 3 no. of 4 Pair cable can be split into 1 nos. X 4 pair cable, all Category 6. For example, 1000BaseT and proposed Twisted Pair/ Physical Media Dependent (TP/PMD) specifications require 1 network connection per 4 pair cable, to minimize the effect of cross talk. Use of multiple cables will facilitate more efficient support of different technologies within the same. To Note that: Many users require four or more data network connections. Handling and administration is easier if all cables are the same type. All connecting and terminating hardware must be Category 6 to prevent inter- connection of Category 6 services using Category 3 components. 40. End to End Rating: All horizontal wiring components must meet or exceed Category 6 performance specifications as detailed in ANSI/EIA/TIA-568A and ISO 11801. When specifications differ, the more stringent specification is to be met. Additionally, the following performance specifications are to be met. The installed link, at 90 meters, must provided the following headroom beyond the minimum specified in the standard:
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NeXT (near end cross talk) performance shall provide headroom of at least 8dB, typical, with all four pairs active (power-sum) at both 100 MHz and 155 MHz. ACR (Attenuation to Cross Talk Ratio) shall provide a separation, between NeXT and Attenuation of at least 10dB, typical, at both 100 MHz and 155 MHz.
Applicable Documents: The cabling system HUB Rm. deibed in this specification is derived in part from the recommendations made in industry standard documents. The list of documents below have bearing on the desired cabling infrastructure are incorporated into this specification by reference:
a. This Technical Specification and Associated Drawings b. ANSI/TIA/EIA 568-B Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard March 2001 c. ANSI/EIA/TIA-569-A Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces - February, 1998 d. ANSI/EIA/TIA-606 Administration Standard for the Telecommunications Infrastructure of Commercial Buildings - February, 1993 e. ANSI/TIA/EIA-607 Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements for Telecommunications - August, 1994
If a conflict exists between applicable documents, then the order in the list above shall dictate the order of precedence in resolving conflicts. If this document and any of the documents listed above are in conflict, then the more stringent requirement shall apply. All documents listed are believed to be the most current releases of the documents, the vendor is responsible to determine and adhere to the most recent release when developing the proposal for installation.
All user outlets will be identically wired with UTP Cabling system conforming to Category 6 UTP Cabling system TIA / EIA 568-B.1 standards. The UTP Cabling system shall confirm to the full Category 6 Cabling system. Cabling systems confirming only to draft versions of Category 6 standards are not acceptable. Each user outlet shall be provided with one data circuit via one Category 6 cable to the outlet. The horizontal cable shall be terminated on modular jack panels, placed in wall mounted / floor mounted racks provided with lock-able doors. Factory-crimped workstation and equipment cords shall be provided.
The inter-building backbones shall be installed with outdoor, gel-filled, loose tube, optical fiber cables, fiber type and count as HUB Rm. deibed above. All fiber terminations shall be carried out with SC-Style Connectors, color-coded as per TIA / EIA standards for SM and MM fibers. All terminations shall be placed on rack-mount fiber optic enclosures capable of terminating OSP rated cables.
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Type Unshielded twisted pair cabling system, TIA / EIA 568-B.1 addendum Category 6 Cabling system Networks Supported 10 / 100 Ethernet, 155 Mbps ATM, 1000 Mbps IEEE 802.3ab Ethernet, and proposed Cat 6 Gigabit Ethernet
Cabling System and Component Specifications
Type Unshielded Twisted Pair, Category 6, TIA / EIA 568-B.2 Material: Conductors 24 AWG solid bare copper Insulation Polyethylene Jacket Flame Retardant PVC Approvals UL Listed ETL verified to TIA / EIA Cat 6 Operating temperature -20 Deg. C to +60 Deg. C Frequency tested up to Minimum 300 MHz Packing Box of 305 meters Delay Skew 25ns / 100m MAX. Impedance 100 Ohms + / - 15 ohms Performance characteristics to be provided along with bid Attenuation, Pair-to-pair and PS NEXT, ELFEXT and PSELFEXT, Return Loss, ACR and PS ACR
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UTP Jacks
Type PCB based, Unshielded Twisted Pair, Category 6, TIA / EIA 568-B.2 Approvals UL TIA / EIA 568-B.1 ETL Verified IEEE 802.3ab Zero-bit Error, ETL verified Warranty 25-year systems warranty; Warranty to cover Bandwidth of the specified and installed cabling system, and the installation costs Performance characteristics to be provided along with bid Attenuation, Pair-to-pair and PS NEXT, ELFEXT and PSELFEXT, Return Loss, ACR and PS ACR for 4-connector channel
Durability Modular Jack 750 mating cycles Wire terminal 200 termination cycles accessories Strain relief and bend-limiting boot for cable Integrated hinged dust cover Materials Housing Polyphenylene oxide, 94V-0 rated Wiring blocks Polycarbonate, 94V-0 rated Jack contacts Phosphorous bronze, plated with 1.27micro-meter thick gold Approvals UL listed Performance Characteristics to be provided with bid Attenuation, NEXT, PS NEXT, FEXT and Return Loss UTP Jack Panels Type 24-port, Modular, PCB based, Unshielded twisted pair, Category 6, TIA / EIA 568- B.2 Ports 24 Port arrangement 1-port each Category Category 6 Circuit Identification Scheme Icons on each of 24-ports Port Identification 9mm or 12mm Labels on each of 24-ports (to be included in supply) Height 1U (1.75 inches) Durability Modular Jack 750 mating cycles Wire terminal (110 block) 200 termination cycles Accessories Strain relief and bend limiting boot for cable Materials Housing Polyphenylene oxide, 94V-0 rated Wiring blocks Polycarbonate, 94V-0 rated Jack contacts Phosphorous bronze, plated with 1.27micro-meter thick gold Panel Black, powder coated steel Approvals UL listed
Termination Pattern TIA / EIA 568 A and B; Performance Characteristics to be provided along with bid Attenuation, NEXT, PS NEXT, FEXT and Return Loss
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Type 1/2/4-port, White surface box Material ABS / UL 94 V-0 No. of ports One/Two/Four
Workstation / Equipment Cords
Type Unshielded Twisted Pair, Category 6, TIA / EIA 568-B.2 Conductor 24 AWG 7 / 32, stranded copper Length 7-feet Plug Protection Warranty 20/25-year component warranty Category Category 6 Plug Housing Clear polycarbonate Terminals Phosphor Bronze, 50 micron gold plating over selected area and gold flash over remainder, over 100 micron nickel under plate Load bar PBT polyester Jacket PVC Insulation Flame Retardant Polyethylene
Specifications for Fiber Optic Cabling Systems Fiber optic Cable Cable Type 6-core, Multimode, Laser Grade, Armored, Indoor Fiber type 50 / 125, Laser Grade, 250 micron primary coated buffers No. of cores 6 Cable Construction Attenuation @850nm 2.5 dB / KM @1300nm 0.7 dB / KM Bandwidth @850nm 600 MHz-KM @1300nm 1200 MHz-KM Network Support 10 / 100 Ethernet 2000m 155 Mbps ATM 2000m 1000 Base SX 650m 1000 Base Lx 2000m Tensile rating 1200N Maximum Crush resistance 3000N Operating Temperature -40 Degree C to +60 Degree C Armor Corrugated Steel tape Armor
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Fiber Optic Connectors
Connector Type SC-Style, Simplex Operating temperature -40 Degree C to +85 Degree C Durability & color MM connectors 500 cycles, Beige SM connectors 220 cycles, Blue Ferrules Pre-radiuses SERVER RM.Namaric Ferrules Attenuation Not more than 0.75 dB per mated pair
Fiber Optic Patch panels
Fiber optic patch panel 19-inch, Rack mounted Fiber optic patch panel Height 1U, 1.75 inches # of fibers 6, 12, 24 or 48 # of OSP Cables for termination Minimum 2 Grounding 2 Nos. of earthing lugs, pre-loaded Cable Management rings Front and rear cable management rings, pre-loaded # of 6-port / 12-port adapter plates 4 / 4 Max.
Fiber Optic adapter plate 6-port, SC-Style, SM & MM Attenuation Max of 0.75 dB per mated pair
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a) The Horizontal UTP cables shall be routed through the under-floor trunking system to the work area furniture locations and through ceiling for Third floor brought up through a junction box in to the wire managers of the modular furniture system. The cables shall be routed up through the furniture and terminated at the work/Desk area outlet, fitted with a flush faceplate above the desk level.
b) Each run of cable between the termination block and the information outlet shall be continuous without any joints or splices. Proper planning and care shall be taken to avoid parallel runs of power /UPS cables in the work area, not to enter the modular furniture along the same riser of power cable, to route away from fluorescent light ballasts and high-intensity discharge devices and sources of high levels of EMI and RF power and equipment, such as transformers, UPS and not to share the same conduit, channel or sleeve with electrical apparatus.
c) Contractor shall observe the bending radius and pulling strength requirements of the 4-pair UTP cable during handling and installation. The vendor shall ensure that the maximum pulling tensions of the specified distribution cables are not exceeded at any time during the placement of the facilities. Failure to follow the appropriate guidelines may require the vendor to provide the additional material and installation necessary to properly rectify the situation. This shall also apply to any and all damages to cables during the implementation.
d) The cables should not be exposed at any location along the run from the HUB Rm, s to the TOs. The cables should not be too tightened with cable ties to affect the electrical characteristics & transmission performance.
e) Fiber optic cable shall be protected from physical damage by means of inner duct. Installed fiber cable shall be protected from future installation sharing the same conduit or raceway. Inner duct shall be orange colored unless otherwise noted. Care shall be taken to ensure bending radius is maintained and pulling tension is not exceeded while installing fiber cables.
f) The cables shall be dressed and neatly organized in the trays and at the Patch Panel location, using Velcro ties and arranged properly prior to termination. The cables shall be clearly marked at the outlet end as well as the Patch Panel end using self laminated cable markers, few centimeters away from the termination point to enable easy identification and trouble shooting during maintenance of the Network.
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a) RJ45 Jack Panels mounted on the closed Racks in the Communication room shall be used for termination of all UTP circuits in the TOs. The cables shall be terminated in these Panels in order of sequence as per numbering.
b) Fiber Cables shall be terminated using SC field terminable connectors with pins and fitted to bulkheads in the Rack Mount Fiber Panel.
c) The termination, including the data outlets and the Horizontal UTP at the Patch Panels shall be carried out as per TIA/EIA standards and MANUFACTURER recommendations. All UTP terminations, including outlets and patch panels shall be carried out by SERVER RM. certified technicians only. Proper care shall be taken to keep the PVC jacket as close to the termination point as possible and to avoid untwisting of individual pairs for more than 13mm and to maintain the overall twisting of pairs.
d) Terminated outlets shall be covered till the time of commissioning protecting the same from external dust particles that tend to hamper the pin contacts.
e) All Fiber terminations shall be carried out using appropriate tools by manufacturer SERVER RM.certified technicians only.
f) Fiber terminations shall be started only after as SERVER RM. training that all civil related work has been completed in the equipment rooms and the place is dust free.
g) Fiber cores once terminated shall be fitted on to bulkheads in the patch panels and protected with dust covers. Terminated fibers shall never be left unprotected.
h) All safety precautions shall be taken while handling fiber cable, components and termination tool, so as not to cause damage to personnel and property.
a) The Contractor shall provide any necessary HUB Rm. anchors, clamps, tie wraps, distribution rings, miscellaneous grounding and support hardware, etc., necessary to facilitate the installation of the distribution system.
b) The contractor shall be responsible for grounding at all installed distribution frames and protector locations ensuring proper bonding to any existing facilities. The contractor shall also be responsible for ensuring ground continuity by properly bonding all appropriate cabling, closures, cabinets, service boxes and framework. Provision for grounding shall be provided in the server & hub rooms by BANK OF INDIA BUILDING, ANDHERI approved Contractor.
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c) Fire stop devices shall be used where cables pass through fire barriers. When the cable tray penetrates a firewall, the opening shall be sealed after the cables are laid in place. Detailed information on fire stopping is included in the BiCSi Manual, Section 8 and ANSI/TIA/EIA-569.
d) Bonding and grounding of all horizontal pathways shall comply with electrical codes.
a) Contractor shall provide fiber jumpers and UTP Patch cords for data circuit patching at the BANK OF INDIA BUILDING, ANDHERI cross connect schedule. All patch cable must be kept tidy and or is responsible to install a minimum of one patch cord for data connection per work station. All patch cords need to be factory terminated and tested, and no field termination is allowed.
b) Patch Cord Organizers shall be provided for routing of patch cables between the resource and distribution side of the panels as well as for the active equipment.
c) Cord organizers shall be of open type. Patch cords shall not be bundled using cable ties. Only Velcro ties shall be used to bundle each set of 12 patch cords.
d) Patch cord layout shall be designed such that there is NO more than 6-inch (150 mm) slack at either end.
a) Backbone cables shall be installed separately from horizontal distribution cables.
b) Where cables are housed in conduits, the backbone and horizontal cables shall be installed in separate conduits or in separate inner ducts within conduits.
c) Where backbone cables and distribution cables are installed in a cable tray or wire way, backbone cables shall be installed first and bundled separately from the horizontal distribution cables.
d) Fiber slack shall be neatly coiled within the fiber termination panel. No slack loops shall be allowed external to the fiber panel(s).
e) Each cable shall be individually attached to the respective termination panel by mechanical means.
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f) The cables strength member(s) shall be securely attached with the cable strain relief bracket in the panel.
g) Each fiber cable shall be stripped upon entering the termination panel and the individual fibers routed in the termination panel. h) Each cable shall be clearly labeled at the entrance to the termination panel. Cables labeled within the bundle shall not be acceptable.
i) Dust caps shall be installed on the connectors and couplings at all times unless physically connected.
j) Wherever multiple core cables are terminated, the cables shall be properly glanded off, the armoring, if any, properly earthed and the cable sheath carefully stripped back. Each core shall be properly identified by cable markers agreeing with the numbers on the terminal and drawings.
k) All cables shall be delivered on robust cable drums with cable ends treated to form an effective seal. When a cable is cut from a drum, the cable left on the drum shall immediately be sealed off to prevent the ingress of moisture.
l) In all cases where the cable is to be buried in the ground, the work of trenching, backfilling, laying of protective tiles will be carried out as per existing DOT//Equivalent IS specification as applicable.
m) All buried cables shall be suitably tagged with colored polythene tapes 150 mm wide buried at a depth of 150 mm giving identification of cable type by color and legend.
n) Each cable run in open ground shall be marked approximately every 100 Mts. along the cable run with an additional marker at each change of direction. The concrete used for all cable markers and posts will be of grade 20.
o) The cables shall be properly spaced from power and telephone cables.
p) Where cable passes through cable holes and ducts etc, they shall be sealed at all points to prevent vermin and water access to other parts of the installation.
q) Cables shall be of approved manufacture and shall be delivered to site with the makers seals intact and bearing the makers original guarantee. Seals shall be retained for inspection and record in case of later faults. Short lengths of cable may be delivered out of seals provided approval is obtained beforehand. Unless agreed upon the cables shall have been manufactured not more than 18 Months before delivery at site and the date of manufacture will be indicated on all consignments. The permission of the inspector shall be obtained prior to installation of any cable or removal of wrappings. Manufacturers test certificate shall be submitted for all cables.
r) Cables shall not be installed with a bend radius less than that laid down by the cable manufacturer.
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t) Galvanizing shall be to a hot dip process in accordance with BS 729/Equivalent IS specification. Galvanized work shall be etch primed before painting.
a) The Contractor shall carryout labeling of the entire cabling system as per ANSI / TIA/ EIA 606 referred above.
b) The labeling scheme for racks, cables, patch cords, outlets etc. shall be proposed by the Contractor and approved by BANK OF INDIA BUILDING, ANDHERI & Elmark to installation.
c) All labeling shall be carried out prior to final testing of the installed system, to avoid any mismatch in labeling.
d) Labels should be computer generated/printed. No Handwritten labels and markings with sketch pens or permanent markers are permitted to be used.
e) The cables shall be labeled at either end using self laminated cable markers approved by Consultant. The labels for the faceplates and patch panels shall also be laser printed and approved by Consultant prior to installation.
f) The labels shall clearly indicate unique port and faceplate number for all TOs. The numbering schema shall include HUB Rm. and floor details the TO is served from.
g) The backbone fiber and voice cables shall be labeled for the destination of the cable at either end. All Racks, Panels and Accessories shall be labeled for ease of identification and troubleshooting. The termination fields shall be labeled using proper color coded labels to indicate horizontal, vertical, resource & system fields.
h) All patch cords shall be labeled at either end using self-laminated wrap around labels. These shall be field printable using portable equipment, if required.
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i) The fiber links shall also be clearly identified for destinations at either end on the cable and on the fiber front panel. The fiber cores shall be labeled in pairs as A & B for maintenance of transmit (tx) and receive (rx) polarity
j) Contractor shall provide sample of the labels that he proposes to use for the various areas in the project as part of the bid document.
a) After installation, Contractor shall carry out approved method of cable testing to verify operational integrity of the horizontal connection from station cable to the network equipment as per Consultant & Customer Wiring Infrastructure standards.
b) All the installed UTP links shall be tested using test equipment such as FLUKE DSP4000 or Omni Scanner 350 for conformation of channel performance per CAT 6 standards. The test equipment shall have a valid calibration certificate and shall perform testing to Level III accuracy as per TSB amendments. The Headroom available as installed, based on worst case NEXT or ACR, shall also be made available as part of the results.
c) The entire implementation shall focus on the performance of the channel as a whole system. The installed system shall meet or exceed guaranteed channel performance values as below:
d) 100% of all installed UTP links shall be tested for compliance. All test result must be audited by cabling manufacturer, AE and to be submitted to Customer at the completion of work.
e) All voice backbone cable pairs between SERVER RM. and HUB Rm, s. shall be tested for pair continuity and polarity using continuity tester.
f) All voice resource circuitry shall also be tested from the PBX-TJF by the telecom vendor and provided for onward cross connection at the SERVER RM. and HUB Rm,s.
g) All installed fiber links shall be tested using Power Meter testing at 850nm and 1300nm for MMF.
h) The power meter shall have valid calibration certificate with factory made reference patch cords, with the required connectors. No adapters or converters shall be permitted in the circuitry for power budget measurements, either during reference or test measurement. 50 micron fiber patch cords shall be used for reference and for test measurements when testing 50 micron fiber.
i) Two-way Power Meter testing shall be carried out on all fiber cores, with the source and the meter being swapped between the ends of the fiber. The bi-directional as well as the average loss shall be reported in the documentation. _________________________________________________________________________________ Contractor IBMS 22 of 32 Client
j) Power Meter that can record and directly print or that provides PC downloadable test result format shall be used.
k) The test reports shall comply with power budget calculations computed using cable length, type and number of connectors as per standard references.
l) Fiber cores found to have attenuation above the limits specified shall be tested using OTDR and the profiles analyzed for faults.
m) All faults shall be rectified at the cost of the contractor, including replacement of cables/connectors.
n) Copies of all test reports (CAT 6 for UTP, wire map and length for multi-pair, power meter/OTDR for fiber) shall be provided as per documentation requirements.
o) Customer / Consultant reserves the right to request random testing of UTP and Fiber links already tested by Contractor for cross verification. Contractor shall provide necessary test equipment and manpower required for such testing at no additional cost.
p) If more than 10% of the random tests are found erroneous, Costumer Project Manager shall order for re-testing of 100% of the installed links all over again, at no additional cost.
q) Any faults/mismatches shall be rectified at the cost of Contractor for installation and material and testing carried out again and reports submitted.
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1) Outdoor Duct Bank:
a) The Outdoor IT duct system consists of provisioning the Service provider links to the Campus from outside and to service the security gates and future buildings in the Campus from the SERVER RM. all related work pertaining to outdoor ducting system is under the scope of civil contractor at site.
b) However, IT cabling system contractor shall ensure that the communication duct bank and manholes are installed as per BiCSi Customer-Owned outside Plant Manual with applicable federal, state and local codes.
c) The underground system shall provide isolation from power systems, heat and magnetic sources and have protection from moisture, mechanical damage, corrosion, and flame.
d) The duct bank system shall accommodate primary and secondary data carriers and voice carriers. The primary data and voice carrier access and the secondary data and voice carrier access to the SERVER RM. shall be via separate duct banks. Growth capacity for both shall be 100%. Routing may be shared with the site duct bank provided the capacity is maintained from end to end, without sharing individual conduits with intra-site services.
e) Maintenance holes shall be sized and equipped to provide for safe installation and efficient use.
a) Contractor shall provide recessed information outlets, at a height of 4feet from finished floor level for wall phones. The phone instrument shall be mounted so as to hide the wall socket and provision shall be made for storing the cord behind the instrument.
b) Contractor shall carry out the necessary coordination for routing of regular and conferencing phone system cabling within the conference room furniture and making them functional.
c) Contractor is responsible for equipment acceptance at site from Customer and mounting of all LAN/WAN related equipment as per Customer guidance. However, configuration of the LAN/WAN equipment shall be carried out by Customer.
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a) Contractor shall submit final documentation drawings upon completion of work. These drawings -built dra and handover.
b) On completion of the implementation, the vendor shall provide three sets of hardcopy and soft copy (in CD format), of all drawings as per drawing list provided with the RFP.
c) In addition, Contractor shall provide Numbering and Cross-connect details (MS-Excel spreadsheet), Patching and Port Connectivity details (MS-Excel spread sheet), UTP/STP test reports (in the format provided by the test equipment software) and any other drawings and details that is required for successful sustaining of the installed system.
d) Floor layouts (A1) covered by respective HUB Rm,s shall be laminated on hard board and affixed to the walls of the HUB Rm,s for reference during sustaining.
e) Schematic connectivity layouts indicating backbone connections of data and voice shall be laminated and affixed in the SERVER RM.
f) Documentation shall also include random test reports, Test Plan Snag list and rectification details and final testing of the same for future reference.
g) Documentation shall include as installed details, drawings in hard and soft copy (AutoCAD), rack elevations, schematics, system design, manuals and all relevant manufacturer contacts and escalation paths.
h) Details of contact sheet for local office, copy of warranty/sign-off sheet for the Project shall also be submitted at the time of handing over.
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Customer shall accept the IT systems from Contractor when the following requirements have been met.
All the systems have been successfully completed and all testing requirements have been fulfilled. All punch list items corrected and accepted. All submittals, documentation submitted and approved All training conducted to the authorized site IT operation staffs. All Warranty and Performance Guarantee certification completed.
All products shall be covered by a comprehensive warranty as mentioned in the contract documents from the date of handing over to Customer for material and workmanship.
1) The installed cabling system shall be inspected by the manufacturer representative during the implementation and after completion and approved for quality of implementation. Any defects identified shall be corrected at no additional cost to Customer. The cabling system shall be supported with a registered Product and Application Assurance Warranty from the manufacturer for a period of minimum of 15 years or as per manufacturer terms, whichever is more.
Contractor shall furnish the following information as part of their bid Submission: a) Local support infrastructure for maintenance support of the system during warranty and post- warranty. b) 24-hr call back/ on-line support during warranty and post warranty. c) On-site support service for the system. d) List of spares / items that will be kept on site during warranty by the contractor for uptime of the system/service along with unit rates for the same. e) List of recommended critical spares and unit cost for post-warranty period.
Comprehensive warranty option for the System. Availability of BANK OF INDIA BUILDING, ANDHERI with terms and conditions of service. Methodology for calculating potential buy back/ upgrade / exchange options, if any for the future.
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All the above information shall be provided on a separate attachment as part of the bid submission Terms and Conditions for Structured Cabling.
Active Components: The Central core Switch will be located at the proposed of the Distributed/Access Switches shall be connected to Core Switches on Gigabit fiber optic.
Cable length Estimation and permissible difference: Vendors are required to estimate various cable and pipe/cap-on length. On successfully installing the components for structured cabling system, the actual lengths will be measured. The ND (MB) will allow only up to 10% difference on the higher side be correctly and precisely estimate the lengths.
Structured Cabling system Design: The Open cabling system should have a sub-system approach and will consist of some or all of the following sub-systems.
a) Work area sub-system b) Horizontal Sub-system c) Server room sub-system d) Backbone subsystem (vertical) to connect equipment on different floors together.
The system proposed should conform to the following:
a) The latest EIA/TIA commercial building telecommunication cabling standards. b) Cable used should be UTP with minimum Category-6 specifications c) All cords (patch cords or any other data cables) will be as per EIA/TIA standards of CAT6.
Work Area Sub-system: Vendor shall provide the cord (cable) to connect the Personal computers to the Information Outlets in conformance with EIA/TIA Standards for CAT6 performance. These cords will be supplied in required lengths and will have strain relief boots.
Horizontal System: The vendor should provide the horizontal cables adhering to minimum of Category 6 performance. The Information Outlets required for some locations will be Surface mount type for single connection and will be located wall/partition.
Server Room Subsystem (from Jack Panel to active devices): Vendor shall provide the necessary cables to connect the Jack Panel (wherever necessary and applicable) to the active devices conforming to EIA/TIA Standards for CAT6 performance. These cords will be supplied in required lengths and should have strain relief boots.
Backbone Sub system: The Backbone cabling system will follow Star topology. _________________________________________________________________________________ Contractor IBMS 27 of 32 Client
Cable management and Labeling System: The vendor should provide a cable management system (Cable Managers) where active network components are installed for easy management of the network cables. All the cables must be ferruled at both the ends & the vendor will do the labeling as per the latest EIA/TIA standards. All the Information Outlets and the Panels will have labels/identification conforming to the latest EIA/TIA labeling scheme. Detailed information of the proposed Labeling scheme should be included in the offer.
Structured Cabling Warranty with certification: Vendor is required to provide Warranty from the original Structured Cabling System Company for passive products and the performance of the network for a minimum period of 20/25 years. certification for 20/25 years should include at least the following:
a) Performance warranty b) Link and Channel Warranty c) Application Assurance
While the can wait for up to 6 months for certification from the manufacturer of structured cabling components, an interim, detailed certification from the vendor doing the structured cabling should be
of six months from the date of acceptance of all equipment. A certificate from the system integrator (that is, the vendor himself) in lieu of original certificate from structured cabling system company is not acceptable.
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Network Racks 1 9U (600W X 600D) MM Closed wall Mount Rack with 3 Nos.1U Horizontal wire Manager (One Way), 1 Nos. Horizontal Power Strip with Standard Accessories, Hardware to mount the Passive & Active Equipment (Pkt of 100)
_________________________________________________________________________________ Contractor IBMS 29 of 32 Client
St r uct ur ed Cabl i ng Syst em : Syst i max, Amp, Cl i psal Net wor k Racks : WQ ; Val r ack ; APW
1. ) Net l ogi c Syst ems I ndi a Pvt . Lt d. No. 53/ 2474, Gr ound fl oor , Radheshyam C. H. S. L. Gandhi Nagar , Opp. MI G Cl ub 2 21U(600W X 600D)MM Floor Mount Closed Rack with front Glass door, Fan tray on top, Perforforated Rear Doors, Casters, Openable entry at the Bottom for the cable, Cable basket for cable dressing, 5 Nos. 1U Horizontal wire Manager (One Way), 1 Nos. Vertical Power Strip with Standard Accessories & Hardware to mount the Passive & Active Equipment (Pkt of 100) 3 42U (800W X 800D)MM Floor Mount Closed Rack with front Glass door, Vertical wire Management Systems, Fan tray on top, Perforforated Rear Doors, Casters, Openable entry at the Bottom for the cable, 5 Nos. 1U Horizontal wire Manager (One Way), 2 Nos. Vertical Power Strip with Standard Accessories & Hardware to mount the Passive & Active Equipment (Pkt of 100) 4 42U(600W X 1000D)MM Floor Mount Closed Rack with front Glass door, Fan tray on top, Perforforated Rear Doors, Keyboard tray with shelf, casters, Openable entry at the Bottom for the cable, 2 Nos. 1U Horizontal wire Manager (One Way), Heavy shelf with sliding Keyboard Tray, Catilever shelf, 2 Nos. Vertical Power Strip with Standard Accessories & Hardware to mount the Passive & Active Equipment (Pkt of 100) Bandr a ( E) , Mumbai -51. Phone : 022-6521 2565 / 66 Fax : 022-2645 9905 2. ) TechTeam Technologies Pvt Ltd Office No.3, Jay-Abhilasha, Jayraj Nagar, Borivali (West), Mumbai - 400 091 T : +91-022-28338580 F : +91-022-28338589 3. ) I nfonet Net wor k Syst ems Pvt . Lt d. A/ 31, Nand Dham Industrial Eastet, Marol Maroshi Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai -59 Phone : 022- 66027900 Fax : 022- 66758844
_________________________________________________________________________________ Contractor IBMS 30 of 32 Client
Al l devi at i ons fr om gener al condi t i on of cont r act shal l be f i l l ed i n her eby t he bi dder .
The bi dder her eby cer t i fi cat es t hat t he above ment i oned ar e onl y devi at i ons fr om gener al condi t i ons of cont r act of enqui r y.
DATE Si gnat ur e And Seal of Bi dder
Al l devi at i ons fr om speci fi cat i on shal l be fi l l ed i n her eby t he bi dder .
The bi dder her eby cer t i f i cat es t hat t he above ment i oned ar e onl y devi at i ons fr om t echni cal speci fi cat i ons of t hi s enqui r y.
Unless otherwise mentioned specifically, any one of the following approved makes or brands shall be allowed to use. Other makes or brands of the building materials bearing I.S.I. manogram on the material itself will also be allowed to be used.
The Contractors should distinctly understand that it will not be their prerogrative to insist on using a particular make/brand from the following list. The final selection will have to be done with the approval of the Architects.
1. Marble Mosaic and other cement tiles (Light) terrazo (White or Green Cemenet)
31. Meters: Analog/Digital Automatic Electric, Meco, Indian Meters Enercon 32. Energy meters. Automatic Electric, Meco, Indian Meters, Universal.
33. Water level control equipment. Minilec, Accent, AGMA22, RDS. 34. Emergency lights. Prolite, Profile, Rider, Tekno-Vision, Kheraj, BPL, Glolite. 35 DWC HDPE double wall corrugated pipes REX or equivalent approved by relevant standards 36 Fire Alarm System Honeywell, Group Schneider, Notifier, Zycom, Equivalent 37 Public Address System Philips, Sonodyne, Equivalent
1. For all the Equipments & materials, technical submission must be made even though the make appears in approved make. 2. Bidders can suggest an alternative make however the same must be mentioned at the offer stage only, for evaluation & primary acceptance.
7.0 MV SWITCHGEAR 7.1 ACB L& T, Siemens, C&S, ABB 7.2 MCCB ABB,Siemens, Merlin Gerin, MDS 7.3 MCB/DB/RCCB Merlin Gerin, Hager, MDS, Load Kontact, Siemens 7.4 SF unit Siemes, L& T, ABB, GE 7.5 HRC fuses L & T, GE, Siemens 7.6 Starters and contactors Siemens,. Telemecanique, L&T 7.7 Panel fabrication To CPRI specs. APPROVED MAKES OF VARIOUS EQUIPMENT/MATERIALS FOR HVAC SYSTEM
Air cooled Chiller Package Climaveneta / Carrier /Trane Air Handling Unit Nutech / Carryaire / HPS Centrifugal & Axial Fans Krugar /ABB Propeller Fans GEC / Equivalent Pumps Kirloskar / Grundfoss / Equivalent Hi Wall Split A/C units /Window AC Bluestar / Carrier / Hitachi / LG/ Daikin Ductable Splits Blue star/ Carrier / Hitachi / LG / Voltas G. S. Sheets SAIL / Jindal / Equivalent Pipes Jindal / Tata / Equivalent EPS slabs Beardsell / Lloyd / Modifoam Closed cell elastomeric Nitrile Armacell / Equivalent Glass wool insulation Kimmco / Owens coring / UP Twiga Room Thermostats Siemens / Johnson Controls / Sauter. Filters Airtech / Dyna / Equivalent Grills & Diffusers, Jet Nozzles Dynacraft / Cosmos / Equivalent Motors Siemens / Crompton / Kirloskar / ABB Fire Dampers / VCD Carryaire / Cosmos Electrical Accessories L & T/ Siemens/ GE / Group Schneider. Toggle switches/ Selector switches Kaycee / equivalent Ammeter/ Voltmeter Automatic Electric / Equivalent Indicating lamps L & T/ Siemens/ GE./ Equivalent Power & control cables CCI/ Universal / Equivalent
3. For all the Equipments & materials, technical submission must be made even though the make appears in approved make. 4. Bidders can suggest an alternative make however the same must be mentioned at the offer stage only, for evaluation & primary acceptance.