Community Support Fund Guidance Notes, July 2012

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Community Support Fund

Guidance Notes
July 2012
Thank you for considering applying to the Community Support Fund. To assist you in completing the application form we have created these guidance notes. Please read these guidance notes before you complete your application form. They contain useful information about the Community Support Fund. Accessible versions of the application form and the guidance notes (including versions with no tables) are also available. All of these can be found on our website, along with more information about the Community Support Fund at: If you have any questions about the Community Support Fund please contact us by emailing [email protected].

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1. Introduction....................................................................................................3 2. Aim of the Community Support Fund.............................................................3 3. Objectives of the Community Support Fund..................................................4 4. Principles informing the operation of the Community Support Fund.............4 5. How much can I apply for? ...........................................................................................................................5 6. When will a decision be made on my application?........................................6 7. What the Community Support Fund can support .........................................6 8. Exclusions and limitations to the Community Support Fund.........................7 8.1 Fund Exclusions.......................................................................................................7 8.2 Fund limitations .......................................................................................................8 8.3 State Aid...................................................................................................................8 9. Assessment criteria......................................................................................10 9.1 Qualification criteria...............................................................................................10 9.2 Essential criteria.....................................................................................................10 9.3 Scoring criteria.......................................................................................................12 12. Frequently Asked Questions......................................................................13 13. Terms & Conditions...................................................................................13 Annex 1: Other support available to individuals affected by the Remploy factory closures................................................................................................14

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1. Introduction
In the UK Governments response to the Sayce Review, the Minister for Disabled People, Maria Miller MP, announced a comprehensive 8m people help and support package for disabled Remploy employees affected by the Remploy factory closures. The help and support package contained a mixture of individual and community support. 1.5m of this has been allocated to the Community Support Fund. In July 2012, the Minister formally opened the Community Support Fund for bids from disabled peoples user-led organisations (DPULOs) and voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations1. The overall aim of the Community Support Fund is to make a positive difference to the lives of the individuals and families affected by the Remploy factory closures. It will do this through financial support to local DPULOs and VCS organisations to deliver support and services. The Community Support Fund will be focussed around the geographical areas affected by the Remploy factory closure. DPULOs and/or VCS organisations that are locally based or have local knowledge are able to apply for a modest amount of funding to support individuals affected by the Remploy factory closures to become actively involved in their local communities or/and support individuals to make the move from sheltered to mainstream employment. Applications received from organisations working in collaboration that can develop and demonstrate effective partnership working, will be particularly encouraged. See Section 9.2 Area 3 below. In addition to the Community Support Fund there is a range of support available for people affected by the Remploy factory closures including, for example, Personal Budgets. For your information, further detail on this People Help and Support Package is included in Annex 1 below.

2. Aim of the Community Support Fund

Please note: by DPULOs and voluntary and community sector (VCS) organisations we mean all non-profit distributing organisations, including: disabled peoples user-led organisations, voluntary and community sector organisations, charities, social enterprises, Community Interest Companies, non-profit organisations and employee- or member-owned organisations

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The overall aim of the Community Support Fund is to make a positive difference to the lives of the individuals and families affected by Remploy factory closures.

3. Objectives of the Community Support Fund

The objectives of the Community Support Fund are to: Support individuals affected by the Sayce announcement to: Support individuals to play more of an active role in the local community, by taking part in a variety of group activities. These could include maintaining relationships with ex-work colleagues from Remploy, or creating new friendships within the community. And / or Support individuals to move from sheltered to mainstream employment. This could include taking part in learning and development activities to develop new skills. Furthermore, projects supported through the Community Support Fund should: Cover local areas affected by Remploy factory closures Clearly demonstrate how disabled people affected by the Remploy factory closure have been involved in developing the proposed activity / project Appropriately cover all disabled people and impairment groups, i.e. learning disabilities, long-term health conditions, mental health conditions, physical impairments and sensory impairments. Appropriately cover all people with protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 Support a range of levels of innovation in the activities funded. Maximise other resources both financial and non-financial that can encourage participation in mainstream employment or activities in the community.

4. Principles informing the operation of the Community Support Fund

The principles which inform the operation of the Community Support Fund were co-produced with key stakeholders and are presented below. Page 4 of 15

The Community Support Fund is accessible, inclusive and approaches this work from the social model of disability It aims to be proportionate and light touch, as applied to: o The application process o The approach to accounting for spending o The approach to monitoring It aims to be open: o Decisions will be clearly communicated with applicants, including the reasons why a bid was / wasnt successful o General information that is not bound by the Data Protection Act will be made available, including assessment criteria and general information on awards made (e.g. average values, types of work supported, coverage etc.)

5. How much can I apply for?

We are keen to encourage applications such that the Community Support Fund is appropriately distributed across all of the areas affected by Remploy factory closures. To this end, we have provided some guidance on how the broad amounts of financial resource could be distributed. There is also, however, a common pot available to reflect particular demand where it can be suitably evidenced. Before developing or submitting any application, we strongly suggest you make contact with your local Ambassador to discuss how much can be bid for from the Community Support Fund. You can find out who your local Ambassador is and what their contact details are here: Key points: There is no minimum amount you can apply for. However, applications will be considered by the board to ensure a fair geographical spread in the areas affected by the Sayce Announcement. There is no maximum amount you can apply for, however the Board is likely to request more detailed information about outcomes and value for money for any application at the higher end of the range of awards available for each area affected by the Sayce announcement.

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More than one application from an organisation for example, if an organisations proposes to work in partnership across several geographic areas, applications will be considered as long as: The application differs from any other application There is a proven need for the funding

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Capacity to deliver across all the applications is proven Funds are still available having taken into account the funds distributed to date. More than one application from an area will be considered as long as: There is no duplication with any other application There is a proven need for the funding The number of bids is proportionate with the scale of activity anticipated (see Annex 2 for further information) Demand in all other areas has been met Funds are still available having taken into account the funds distributed to date.

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6. When will a decision be made on my application?

The decision to award funding will be made by the Community Support Fund Board. This decision making group will be drawn from DPULO Ambassadors and representatives from VCS organisations. It will be jointly chaired by the DPULO Programme National Leads. The Board will consider applications in a series of rounds. The closing dates associated with each round are published on the website: Alternatively, you can contact [email protected] to find out the dates.

7. What the Community Support Fund can support

We strongly suggest you make contact with your local Ambassador to discuss what the Community Support Fund can support. You can find out who your local Ambassador is and what their contact details are here: The Community Support Fund will provide one-off or short-term payments which will support organisations to support individuals affected by the Remploy factory closures which will: Deliver focused outcomes that make a positive difference to the lives of the individuals and families affected by the Remploy factory closures. Support individuals affected by the Remploy factory closures to play an active role in their local communities

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Support individuals affected by the Remploy factory closures who want to make the transition from sheltered employment to mainstream employment.

By short term, we mean typically less than 18 months. Examples of activities / projects that can be supported include (but are not limited to) the following: Enabling disabled people affected by the Remploy factory closures to have more choice and control over their lives Providing disabled people with support to participate and have a voice in their local community Developing a range of projects and activities that build skills, offer volunteering opportunities and provide training to support disabled people moving from sheltered employment into mainstream work. Empowering individuals to understand and take control of the support available to them, including funding packages.

8. Exclusions and limitations to the Community Support Fund

We strongly suggest you make contact with your local Ambassador to discuss what the Community Support Fund cant support. You can find out who your local Ambassador is and what their contact details are here:

8.1 Fund Exclusions

For the purposes of the Community Support Fund the following which is not exhaustive list will not be funded: For ongoing running costs including day to day wage/salary costs, but this exclusion shall not apply to funding required for day to day wage/salary costs for a project which the Community Support Fund wholly or partly funds To buy ongoing or regular services from a third party (note: one-off or short-term services are permissible) To reimburse travel/childcare costs To pay for rent/estates To fund IT equipment in excess of the 1,000 capital threshold To pay for refreshments To pay for gifts To fund working capital or retained to cover future running costs and expenditure To fund contributions in kind Interest payments or service charge payments for finance leases To fund any other UK Government Department or anybody funded from central government.

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8.2 Fund limitations

Any funding given to support individuals affected by the Remploy factory closures which might be novel or contentious, or which could potentially bring the UK Government into disrepute, requires advance approval by the Office for Disability Issues. Funding can only be agreed and made to organisations that have auditable accounts. The only exception to this rule may be where an organisation is being set up to deliver Community Support Fund outcomes. If a problem arises after funding has been awarded, ODI reserves the right to recover any funding that has been fraudulently claimed. A fraudulent claim for these purposes includes: Submitting false receipts Submitting receipts for purchases that are unassociated with the Community Support Fund Submitting receipts that are not duly reflected in the organisations auditable accounts. The decision to award funding may be revoked if the organisation closes before funding is awarded, or where an invoice is not submitted within three months of the decision notification and no reasonable explanation is given for the delay. The Office for Disability Issues has discretion not to reimburse costs where a receipt, or invoice shows any materially misleading, or inaccurate information. DWP/ODI may also recover funding in the following instances: When the Organisation does not spend the grant within 3 months of the payment (where applicable) and has failed to provide the Community Support Fund Board with a reasonable explanation for delay; The Organisation obtains duplicate funding from a third party for the same costs; The Organisation ceases to operate for any reason within a period deemed reasonable by the Community Support Board and proportionate to the level of funding awarded.

8.3 State Aid

The Community Support Fund is classified as State Aid as defined under Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and is granted as de minimis aid under the De Minimis Aid Regulation.

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Where a public body provides financial support to an organisation engaged in commercial and economic activity, it is necessary to consider whether such support constitutes State aid. State aid applies to your organisation if: Aid is granted by a Member State, or through its resources It favours certain undertakings, or the production of certain goods It distorts, or threatens to distort competition It affects trade between Member States. If all four questions are satisfied State Aid applies and we would need to consider details of any/all State Aid funding your organisation has received. Grants offered under the terms of the state aid de minimis regulations, funding will not be awarded where the Organisation has received funding, in three years, in excess of the de minimis limit of 200,000Euro.

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9. Assessment criteria
Applications to the Community Support Fund will be assessed against two sets of criteria: Qualification criteria Essential criteria. These are explained in more detail below.

9.1 Qualification criteria

The information below explains each of the qualification criteria and which questions (in bold) we will consider to determine if your application meets these criteria. Your application must be able to meet each of the qualification criteria below (unless stated otherwise). Qualification criteria The lead organisation is a DPULO or VCS organisation Evidence Question 2.1 If you are not the lead organisation you cannot apply Questions 3.1, 3.2 Question 4.1a, 4.1b, 4.1c Questions 4.2, 4.3 Questions 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7

The proposed activity / project takes place within one or more local community / communities affected by the Remploy factory closures The application is for a piece of work / project that is not already funded by the UK Government or any of the Devolved Administrations The organisation has regularly audited accounts (unless it is an organisation in the process of being set up) and can receive payment of any award Declaration received from DPULO that de minimis aid in excess of 200,000 in past three year period has not been awarded (Evidence from)

9.2 Essential criteria

The information below explains each of the essential criteria areas and which questions (in bold) we will consider to determine if your application meets these criteria. Essential criteria Evidence

Area 1: Individual outcomes The proposed activity / Questions 5.3, 5.4,

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Essential criteria project will: Meet the aim and objectives of the Community Support Fund Support people affected by the Remploy factory closures to be actively involved in their local communities and / or to provide support for individuals to move from sheltered to mainstream employment Enhances options for relevant support, such as peer support or emotional support Area 2: Based on evidenced demand The proposed activity / project: Is strongly based on demand or evidence of need identified by people affected by the Remploy factory closures Has a strong focus on what people affected by the Remploy factory closures want Clearly demonstrates how disabled people have been involved in developing the proposed activity / project Takes appropriate account of impairment-specific issues Takes appropriate account of wider equality and diversity issues Ensures groups who are not well engaged / on the margins of DPULO / VCS activity have the opportunity to be involved Must demonstrate a clear understanding of the social model of disability Area 3: Partnership working The proposed activity / project: Is delivered through partnership working with appropriate relevant organisations. Demonstrates evidence the lead organisation has considered or liaised with appropriate stakeholders Provides a compelling reason why partnership working isnt required Includes letters of support Area 4: Ability to deliver the project on time and to budget The application contains: Clear explanation of what the activities are Clear explanation of how the activities will deliver Page 11 of 15

Evidence 6

Questions 7.1, 7.2

Questions 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 plus any supporting documentation

Question 5.4 and Schedule 1 project plan

Essential criteria the anticipated outcomes Clear timescales by which the activities will be finished Area 5: Value for money The application contains: Total cost of the project Evidence that this represents value for money Area 6: Capturing impact, sustaining involvement and sharing learning The proposed activity / project has a clear approach to: Capturing the impact it has on each individual supported In addition, the following areas will not be scored, though we would like information on them There is information on how involvement of individuals could be sustained beyond the formal project Wider learning from the project is captured for the benefit of DPULOs and Voluntary and Community Sector organisations more generally, especially in working with disabled people


Questions 5.2, 5.5 and Schedule 2 Budget breakdown

Questions 8.1, 8.2, 8.3

9.3 Scoring criteria

Applications to the Facilitation Fund will be scored against the essential areas above as follows: 3 points answer clearly meets the criteria and provides good evidence to support this 2 points answer partly meets the criteria and provides some evidence to support this 1 point answer hardly meets the criteria and provides little/no evidence to support this 0 points no answer to the question The scoring criteria: A score of 18 will indicate the essential criteria are met in full A score between 13 and 17 will indicate a strong application A score of 12 will indicate an acceptable application A score below 12 will indicate a weak application

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Please note: Decisions will be made based only on the information provided in the application form, supporting letters and any clarification answers provided in response to questions from the ODI.

12. Frequently Asked Questions

The Community Support Fund was launched in July 2012. We will update these Guidance Notes with Frequently Asked Questions based on the questions and queries we receive.

13. Terms & Conditions

1. The decision to award funding will be made by the Community Support Fund Board. Decisions will be made based on the quality and detail provided in application. The Organisation will need to demonstrate how they meet the aims of the fund. 2. The Organisation will be advised in writing once the decision is made. If funding is awarded, the Organisation will then have the responsibility for purchasing the items agreed and submitting an invoice and associated receipts to the Office for Disability Issues for reimbursement within a 3 month period from the date stated on the award letter (where applicable). Schedule 1 should be completed and returned with the application form to provide a breakdown of the proposed spend. 3. DWP/ODI forbids use of its DWP logos or imagery/copyright material or any Intellectual Property by Organisation and/or indication to any affiliation to the DWP/ODI by references in documentation or spoken words unless through express written consent granted by ODI. 4. Details of financial fund limitations are included in this guidance at section 9.

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Annex 1: Other support available to individuals affected by the Remploy factory closures
The people help and support package is designed to be flexible so that support can be tailored to meet each individuals specific needs, including providing support to help people who have difficulties fitting into mainstream employment. The support package will consist of the following key elements: One to one sessions with employees and families to offer work and financial advice, a skills audit, and identification of any barriers to employment; Local Rapid Response Service teams will provide initial information and signposting sources of help to meet employment, financial, tax and benefit advice and support needs. This will include identification and referral to suitable job and work related opportunities; A Personal Case Worker to act as the central point of contact for the duration of the support period (up to 18 months). They will help each disabled person develop individual action plans to address their specific range of needs, assist them select the most appropriate route back to work and signpost them to appropriate support; Referral to mentoring and befriending services, supplied by local charity and third sector organisations. Mentors will support individuals adjust to life outside of Remploy and provide support, advice and encouragement to help them find alternative mainstream employment; Referral to existing back-to-work support the Department offers such as Work Choice, Work Programme, Access to Work, Disability Employment Advisers and Work Psychologists. A personal budget to use on services not covered by other funding streams. We expect the average personal budget to be in the region of 2500. Support from locally available Remploy Employment Services, who work with many individuals with similar disabilities to those who may be displaced from the factory network. Access to other work related opportunities available from Remploy and Jobcentre Plus employer networks. Remploy found 20,000 jobs for disabled and disadvantaged people last year and hold around 600 - 700 vacancies a week. Referral to local Disabled Peoples User-Led Organisations, charities and third sector provision of social and care support functions. This will include personal assistance to access local provision and funding streams. Page 14 of 15

Work is also be taken forward with employers and the Employers Forum on Disability to offer targeted work opportunities for those affected by these announcements.

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