Common Property Resource Management Himalayas
Common Property Resource Management Himalayas
Common Property Resource Management Himalayas
Arun Agrawal
This article examines contributions to the literature on common property regimes that
govern natural resources. The article also seeks to analyse the relevance of this literature
for resource management in the Indian Himalaya. Writings on common property have
been instrumental in developing a theoretical justification for decentralisation of envir-
onmental policies around the world. Nonetheless, they have been relatively inattentive
to issues of power and the larger socio-political context within which most common prop-
erty regimes are embedded. Research in the Himalayan mountains not only stands to
benefit from using theoretical approaches based on studies of common property, but
can also enrich the study of common property because of the long history of commons
In the last twenty years, the literature on common property has grown
swiftly, finding stimulus in increasing concerns regarding resource
degradation and depletion, and drawing upon developments in game
theory, ethnographic writings and critical social analyses. Insights
from work on the commons are especially relevant on the Indian context,
both because a large proportion of India’s poor depend in such resources
(Jodha 1986. 1992) and also because a number of South Asianist schol-
ars have made important contributions to this stream of work (Agarwal
1994; CSE 1982, 1985; Gadgil and Guha 1992; Gadgil and Malhotra
1982; Guha 1989; Gupta 1985; Ostrom 1990; Sundar 1997; Wade 1994).
This article, in reviewing some of the major themes in the writings on the
commons, seeks to assess critically some of the achievements of these
writings, especially as they are relevant to the use and management of
forest resources in the Indian Himalaya. The continued outpouring of
Arun Agrawal is at the Department of Political Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT
06511, USA.
research from within the common property paradigm and the vitality of
research on mountain ecologies ensures that a review of the literature on
these themes can only attempt to strike a moving target. Yet, the very
enormity of the work indicates the need for some stocktaking.
The subject of common property has provoked research for a long
time, and scholarship from such fields as economic history, human ecol-
ogy, cultural ecology, resource economics and rural sociology has pro-
vided investigations that have had very similar concerns as do the
writings that constitute the field of common property today. The trick-
ling literature on common property turned into a flood, beginning from
the mid-1980s, especially after the publication in 1986 of the Proceedings
of the Conference on Common Property Resources, organised under
the auspices of the National Research Council in 1985 (NRC 1986).
Many of the scholars whose work was represented in this collection
were instrumental in the formation of the International Association
for the Study of Common Property in 1989, and in altering some of the
earlier perceptions about the commons. Punctuated by important recent
works, several of them edited collections (Berkes 1989; Bromley 1992a;
McCay and Acheson 1987; NRC 1986; Netting 1981; Ostrom 1990;
Peters 1994; Pinkerton 1989; Stevenson 1991; Wade 1994), the literature
on common property can lay claim to a quite significant achievement:
Intellectual and methodological precursors
Current writings on the commons are a collaborative enterprise in which
cultural anthropologists, students of comparative politics, resource econo-
mists, economic historians and social historians have played a highly
significant role. The origins of contemporary writings on the commons
can be traced to three motivations. The first of these has occurred in
drinking water, and pastures). These two objectives are precisely the task
that scholars of common property have set themselves.
To move successfully towards answering the host of questions that
these two goals raise, scholars of commons have usually pursued case
studies and compiled ethnographic descriptions of an immense number
of communities from around the world. In orienting their studies they
have used two somewhat different methodological and theoretical per-
spectives. One of these uses assumptions and techniques of analysis
from what may broadly be called the rational choice approach, chief
among them being new institutionalism, property rights and transaction
costs frameworks. The other approach possesses a more descriptive
orientation, relies far more on ethnographic field methods, and ascribes
to historical and socio-cultural factors greater explanatory power.’
The first trickle of writings from the rational choice perspective on the
commons had already begun to appear in the 1950s. Alchian’s (1950)
McCloskey (1990) wrote on the open field system to show the efficiency
of open fields for pasture and scattering for agricultural production.’
These systems of cultivation disappeared in England with industrialisa-
tion, but the reasons for their disappearance are a complex combination
of factors, including political strategies used by sheep-owners to pro-
mote enclosures. Similarly, the distinction between common property
and open access resources is now well recognised. Recent work on the
Many studies of the commons have consciously utilised elements from both these
approaches (Agrawal 1999; Ostrom 1990; Ostrom et al. 1994).
2See Agrawal (1996) for a comparative static analysis of the relative efficacy of com-
munity, private and state institutions in helping to manage forest resources in the Indian
commons has often relied extensively on game theory and rational choice
analyses, and has focused on the relationship between individual prefer-
ences, incentive structures and the aggregation of individual preferences
into social outcomes. Much of this work has demonstrated the complex
relationship between tenure and resource use, in the process showing the
hastiness inherent in positing a straightforward relationship between out-
come characteristics such as efficiency, equity or sustainability; resources
of different types; and property forms such as private, public or common.33
However, a number of concrete achievements have also resulted from
Findings and accomplishments
of the commons literature
The literature on common property has had a strong theoretical core and
practical orientation. Whereas many earlier writings on the environment
For work that demonstrates the complexity of tenure among land based
resources, Fortmann and Riddell (1985) and Singh (1986).
See, for example, Baviskar ( 1995), Lansing (1991), Leach (1994), Ortner (1989),
Peluso (1992), Rigby (1985) and Tsing (1993). Although many of these scholars may not
self-identify as writing about common property, their work provides ample evidence on
how different groups use resources that are not owned by a single entity, and the changes
that use and management patterns register over time.
and its management, after lamenting the loss of natural resources and
environmental degradation, pointed to the state or the market as the
natural alternatives depending on the ideological persuasion of the ana-
lyst (de Alessi 1980; G. Hardin 1978; Heilbroner 1974; Ophuls 1973),
commons theorists have identified a third alternative that is rooted in the
Ostrom’s work on micro-level common property resource management has resonated
closely with the work of theorists of international relations such as Robert Keohane,
Duncan Snidal and Oran Young. See the papers by these authors in the special issue of the
Journal of theoretical politics, October 1994.
See Bromley (1992b), Feeny (1992), McKean (1996), Naughton-Treves and
Sanderson (1995) and Ostrom (1992b).
factors on resource use patterns. As such, the manner and extent of the
influence of large demographic and economic changes will always be
mediated through local-level institutions. Without attention to the precise
ways in which local institutions modulate larger changes, one cannot hope
to arrive at useful inferences about the impact of population, market and
other economic forces on resource conditions (Agrawal andYadama 1997).
These modifications in perceptions about the role of institutions have
been founded upon solid theoretical and empirical research. This research
recognises the role of incentives and interests in shaping human behav-
iour. As it treats individuals as decision-makers, it recognises Marx’s
admonition that their decisions take place in conditions that are not of
their own choosing, but that humans possess the capacity to sometimes
alter their circumstances. Thus a number of writings have undertaken
important theoretical development to focus on the commons dilemmas
that confront communities of users (Cheung 1970; Ciriacy-Wantrup and
Bishop 1975; Dasgupta and Heal 1979; R. Hardin 1982; Oakerson 1992;
Ostrom 1986, 1990; Runge 1981, 1984). These writings have helped
clarify the nature of resources that are used jointly, how technological or
institutional aspects of use can influence resource characteristics, and
how the structure of the situations in which resources are utilised affects
use and management decisions and use patterns.
Weaknesses of the commons literature
Despite their significant achievements, writings on commons suffer
from several shortcomings. Some problems can be addressed within the
current framework of research, perhaps with minor adjustments in the
strategies of research, greater attention to theoretical rigour and/or an
expansion of the scope of analysis. Others are less likely to get resolved
so easily. In attempting to understand some of the weaknesses of the
literature on the commons, one can explore two types of criticisms, each
stemming from very different theoretical positions and epistemological
concerns. The first accepts the basic assumptions and questions that
commons theorists use to proceed with their analyses: How can one best
understand different types of institutional arrangements? What are the
physical and social characteristics of resources that influence their use
and management? And, is it possible to discern systematic regularities
in resource use and property regimes that make some forms of property
superior to others in governing resource use within given spatio-temporal
configurations? These questions, in turn, take certain assumptions about
individuals and their social context for granted. Some of these assump-
tions can be stated concisely: ’Individuals know their interests and these
interests define their goals;’ ’individuals calculate costs and benefits to
choose between alternatives and decide on strategies best suited to
achieve chosen alternatives;’ and ’efficiency, equity, and sustainability
are worthwhile individual and social goals.’ Criticisms flowing from the
second approach accept neither these assumptions as the most appropri-
ate, nor, consequently, the questions as the most relevant ones.
If one accepts the basic epistemological and ontological presumptions
of the commons literature, four main lines of critique can be identified. The
most telling of these are, paradoxically, based on precisely those aspects of
the commons discourse that account for its achievements in the advocacy
of communal management: the focus on the community, and the use of
rigorous methodological tools. Their focus on communities, and the con-
sideration of the larger context only to the extent that outside forces may
undermine a community’s ability to manage resources, has often prevented
commons scholars from investigating the complex relationships of com-
munities to macro-political and social phenomena such as the state and
social movements, and politics and differentiation within communities.
In much of the literature on common property, outside forces appear pri-
marily as agents of change. Usually the change they prompt is deleterious.
While markets and states form part of the descriptive and analytical
terrain in the work of commons theorists, other social phenomena such
as social movements, protests, agrarian unrest and local resistance seldom
Markets are often credited with enlarging the possibilities for sale of products
harvested from commonly managed resources. One can at least imagine, however, that they
may also facilitate constraints upon harvesting common resources: availability of kerosene
can reduce the need for locally produced fuelwood or charcoal; markets in foodgrains might
reduce the pressure on agricultural land and consequently reduce the demand for manure and
leaf litter from forests; availability of cheap meat from domesticated animals can lead to a
decline in the capture and killing of wild animals.
In thinking about how local communities can alter the rules of the games that
guide their interactions, however, Ostrom’s work has attempted, even within a game-
theoretic paradigm, to address the issue of change initiated within a community (1990:
In Oakerson’s (1992) framework, which is perhaps the most widely used single tool
to frame case studies on the commons (having been used both in the edited volume by
NRC [1986] as well as Bromley’s [1992a] volume), inequalities are associated far more
closely with outcomes than with decision-making arrangements or patterns of interactions.
The model, clearly, does not preclude a consideration of inequalities, but neither does it
pay special attention to them.
The focus on state, market and community can also potentially lead to a blurring of
the analytical distinction between actors and rules, especially, but sometimes also between
resource characteristics. A number of theorists of the commons have emphasised the need
to consider actors, rules and resource characteristics as separate analytic categories, but
the very term ’common property resources’, as commons scholars recognise, refers simul-
taneously to a regime of rules, and a type of resource. Since the term ’common manage-
ment’ is really a metaphorical synonym for an immense range of pattèrns of use and
control, and types of outcomes, it might make sense to use the term more in its metaphor-
ical rather than in an analytical sense. The same can be argued in the cases of private and
state (public) management of resources (Ostrom, personal communication).
A second possible criticism thatI do not discuss is as old as the hoary debate between
formalists and substantivists. Attempts by commons scholars to use formal methods of
analysis can be criticised on the grounds that such strategies are highly reductionist and do
not take into account contextual variables that might be relevant in influencing resource man-
agement outcomes, or in and of themselves. While the criticism might well apply to specific
pieces of research, it does not apply to the literature on the commons as a whole, since many
of its practitioners are anthropologists and other scholars who are specifically concerned to
present a wealth of materials on the context in which communities use their resources.
Wade’s study of common management of pasture and irrigation in south Indian
villages forms another instance of comparative case work but within a single area (1994
[1988]). A more recent extensive comparative work is Baland and Platteau (1996). For the
most part, commons scholars have used edited volumes containing essays on multiple
cases and resource types. The strategy, however, is not as successful in permitting careful
comparative analysis.
scholars, because they are substantially invested in the same broad enter-
prise of investigating how resources can be more efficiently managed, can
be viewed as being subject to the critique that Foucault advances.
The observation that commons scholars are unreflexive about how
their research valorises the objectives of modernisation, efficiency and
contested, and what the shape of future institutions might be. Institutional
arrangements for allocating resources are best viewed as an expression
of what the idealised status quo would be like. Actual human behaviour,
even in the context of well-enforced institutional rules, is unlikely to
conform precisely to institutional contours. Perfect enforcement is far
too costly ever to be achieved. When resources devoted to enforcement
of institutions are limited, resource use patterns are far more likely to
diverge from what the rules specify. Attention to power and micro-
politics within communities is therefore critical to understanding how
resources are used and managed (Agrawal 1994a, 1999; Gibson 1999;
Moore 1998a, 1998b, 1999).
But it is not just the need to explicate better the relationship between
property and politics that would be served by greater attention to
processes of domination and resistance. The question possesses signifi-
cant inherent theoretical and practical merit, as subaltern scholars and
writers on everyday protest have argued. Attention to strategies followed
by subaltern actors in relation to resource use is critical in beginning to
understand how attempts at control and regulation are always challenged
by those who are subjected to control. Issues of agency, the mutually
productive relationship between domination and resistance, and the cre-
ation of hegemonic institutional arrangements can be understood only
with greater attention to micro-politics. Such a shift in focus can also
help address the criticism that scholars of common property have, hith-
erto, ignored how rural residents can shape attempts by outside agents
such as the state or aid agencies to intervene in their lives and modify
existing patterns of resource use.
In this context, the micro-foundational focus of common property
scholars on human agents can find productive complementarity with
those who insist on the transformative capacities of subordinated groups.
If intentions and independent actions are critical in reformulating and
renegotiating the terrain of resource management imposed by the state
(or as it obtains historically), the attempt by commons scholars to under-
stand the strategies whereby village residents craft new institutions to
manage local resources may prove to be instrumental in creating new
insights about the attempts by these same villagers to reorient develop-
ment and state interventions.
Potential contributions from the context of forest .
also help answer more fruitfully some of the problems faced by commons
scholars. Because hill villagers have the right to many of the rules for
managing their forests, historical studies of their evolving institutional
arrangements can help illuminate how internal dynamics of village com-
munities lead to significant shifts in patterns of resource use. Further,
statistical and comparative studies of the forest pallchayats can help
address criticisms that suggest that the commons literature has tended to
focus primarily on single cases. Indeed, the emergence of a large litera-
ture on local management of forests in the Lesser and Middle Himalaya
in Pakistan, Nepal and India now permits detailed and rigorous compara-
tive studies of local collective management of forests as well.’9
Relatively recent changes in government policies on forest management
in the mountains, certainly in India (Sanwal 1989), but also in Nepal,
Bhutan and Pakistan, create the possibility of comparative research
that would examine the effect of macro-level institutional changes on
Indeed, some research already suggests that villagers, in the face of increasing
scarcity, are likely to take matters into their own hands and plant trees without much exter-
nal stimulus (A.S. Carter and Gilmour 1989; E.J. Carter 1992; Griffin 1988; Hofer 1993;
Virgo and Subba 1994). Such research that examines the conditions under which villagers
would plant new trees is extremely important for defining the limits of deterioration of the
quality of publicly used forest lands.
See Cernea (1981, 1985), Dani et al. (1987) and Dove and Rao (1986) for some stud-
ies of local forest management from Pakistan. For Nepal, see Brower (1990), Chhetri and
Pandey (1992), Exo (1990), Metz (1990) and Zurick (1990). An annotated bibliography on
common forest management from Messerschmidt (1993) is a useful source as well. The
review by Arnold and Stewart (1991) ties together some of the important themes in the
pre-1990 work on common property in India.
and class differences in the hills imply is not the absence of power, but
simply that its influence may assume subtler forms.
Examples might make the point clearer. Where caste and class expli-
citly enter social status, and a community is highly polarised along these
dimensions, power might be exercised more in the sense of brute force.2o
Where these differences are less obvious, the exercise of power might
take place through far subtler means-seemingly equitable strategies
that, nonetheless, are biased against those who are socially or economic-
ally disadvantaged. Auctions of products from the commons to the
highest bidder or high levels of monetary fines as punishment for break-
ing institutional rules related to commons are two possible examples.
The first rule would inevitably lead to richer residents of the village cor-
nering the bulk of benefits from the commons, since poorer members of
the community are unlikely to be able to bid even close to the value of
the benefits from the entire commons (Agrawal 1994b). The second rule
would punish those individuals disproportionately who possess limited
private resources, and are therefore forced to resort to harvesting from
the commons more often.
Second, despite the fact that power is not polarised along some obvi-
ous dimensions in the hill society, the presence of thousands of van pan-
See Lukes’ thoughtful review of three different views of power (1974). Lukes (1986)
provides a useful collection of writings on power. Contemporary efforts to theorise
power, especially its more diffused and subtle manifestations, must consider Foucault’s
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