ZTE CDMA Module at Commands Specification

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The document describes ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification and covers topics such as general commands, call control commands, TCP/IP commands, and error codes.

The document covers ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification including general commands, call control commands, TCP/IP commands, and error codes.

The document describes different types of AT commands including general commands, call control commands, and TCP/IP commands.

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification



ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

Update Records
Document SN Version 4.0 5.0 Author Min Sihe Zhang kui Date April.14, 2006 Aug.11,2006 Update Reason Remarks (Key Point ONLY)

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ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

Table of Contents
1 Summary............................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Types of AT Commands..................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 AT Commands ................................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 TERMS.............................................................................................................................................. 1 General Commands ........................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 +CGMRRequest revision identification ........................................................................................ 3 2.2 +CGSNProduct Serial Number...................................................................................................... 3 2.3 +ZNFREQChange the frequency point ....................................................... 2.4 +SECCELL Switch the frequency band ............................................................................................ 3 2.5 +CIMIRequest IMSI...................................................................................................................... 3 2.6 +CRMPRing Melody Playback ..................................................................................................... 3 2.7 +CRSLRinger Sound Level ........................................................................................................... 4 2.8 A/Repeat last command ................................................................................................................. 4 CALL CONTROL COMMANDS..................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 AAnswer a call .............................................................................................................................. 6 3.2 DDial command............................................................................................................................. 6 3.3 HHang-Up command..................................................................................................................... 7 3.4 ATDLRedial last telephone number............................................................................................... 7 3.5 ATS0Automatic answer ................................................................................................................. 8 3.6 +CEERExtended error report......................................................................................................... 8 3.7 +CICBIncoming Call Bearer ......................................................................................................... 8 3.8 +VGTMicrophone Gain control .................................................................................................... 9 3.9 +VGRVolume Gain control ........................................................................................................... 9 3.10 +CMUTMicrophone Mute Control ............................................................................................... 9 3.11 +SPEAKERSpeaker & Microphone selection............................................................................. 10 3.12 +ECHOEcho Cancellation........................................................................................................... 10 3.13 +SIDETSide Tone modification .................................................................................................. 10 3.14 +VIPInitialize Voice Parameters.................................................................................................. 11 3.15 +VTDDefine DTMF signals........................................................................................................ 11 3.16 +VTSSend DTMF signals ........................................................................................................... 11 3.17 +ZSDTDTMF START ................................................................................................................. 12 3.18 +ZSDSDTMF STOP.................................................................................................................... 12 3.19 +ZFLSHSend Flash to base station ............................................................................................. 12 Network Service Commands ........................................................................................................................... 14 4.1 +CREGNetwork registration & roaming ..................................................................................... 14 4.2 +CLCKFacility Look and PIN1/PIN2 Setup/query ..................................................................... 15 4.3 +CPWDChange PIN1/PIN2 ........................................................................................................ 15 4.4 +CLIPCalling line identification presentation ............................................................................. 16 4.5 +CLIRCalling line identification restriction................................................................................ 16 4.6 +CCFCCall forwarding ............................................................................................................... 17 4.7 +ZRMPRoam Preference............................................................................................................. 17

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification 5 Mobile Equipment Control and Status Commands.......................................................................................... 19 5.1 +CPASPhone activity status ........................................................................................................ 19 5.2 +CFUNSet phone functionality ................................................................................................... 19 5.3 +ZPWROFFPower off the module .............................................................................................. 19 5.4 +CPINEnter PIN.......................................................................................................................... 20 5.5 +CSQSignal Quality .................................................................................................................... 20 5.6 +ZINDModule Indication ............................................................................................................ 21 5.7 +CCLKClock Management ......................................................................................................... 21 5.8 +CPIN2Enter PIN2 ...................................................................................................................... 21 5.9 +CPINCPIN Remaining Attempt Number................................................................................... 22 5.10 +CMEEReport Mobile Equipment errors.................................................................................... 22 Short Messages Service commands................................................................................................................. 23 6.1 Parameters definition ....................................................................................................................... 23 6.2 +CSMSSelect message service.................................................................................................... 23 6.3 +CNMANew Message Acknowledgement.................................................................................. 24 6.4 +CSDHShow text mode parameters ............................................................................................ 24 6.5 +CPMSPreferred Message Storage.............................................................................................. 24 6.6 +CNMINew message indication.................................................................................................. 25 6.7 +CMGRRead message................................................................................................................. 27 6.8 +CMGLList message................................................................................................................... 27 6.9 +CMGSSend message ................................................................................................................. 28 6.10 +CMGWWrite Message to Memory............................................................................................ 29 6.11 +CMSSSend Message From Storage........................................................................................... 30 6.12 +CMGDDelete message .............................................................................................................. 30 6.13 +ZMSGLSet SMS compose language and encoding................................................................... 31 6.14 +ZMSGTSet timestamp of MT SMS........................................................................................... 31 Data Service commands .................................................................................................................................. 33 7.1 +FCLASSSelect mode................................................................................................................. 33 7.2 +CRC: Cellular result codes ............................................................................ Data Compression Commands ........................................................................................................................ 34 8.1 +IPRSpecifies daud rate............................................................................................................... 34 8.2 +ICFDTE-DCE character framing............................................................................................... 34 8.3 +IFC DTE-DCE local flow control ............................................................................................ 34 8.4 &CSet DCD signal ...................................................................................................................... 35 8.5 &D: Set DTR signal......................................................................................................................... 35 8.6 O: Back to online mode ................................................................................................................... 35 8.7 Q: Result code suppression.............................................................................................................. 36 8.8 V: DCE response format .................................................................................................................. 36 8.9 &T: Auto-tests.................................................................................................................................. 36 8.10 E: Echo ............................................................................................................................................ 36 8.11 IRequest Identification Information............................................................................................. 37 8.12 &FRestore Factory Setting .......................................................................................................... 38 8.13 &WSave Configuration ............................................................................................................... 38 Unsolicited AT Commands .............................................................................................................................. 39 9.1 +ZCED Cell Environment Description Indication...................................................................... 39

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification +CCWACall Waiting Indication .................................................................................................. 39 +CDSSMS Status Report Indication Directly Displayed............................................................. 39 +CLIP Caller ID Presentation ..................................................................................................... 40 +CMTIncoming Message Directly Displayed ............................................................................. 40 +CMTIIncoming Message Stored in Memory............................................................................. 40 +COPSMode Preference.............................................................................................................. 40 +CREGRegistration & Roaming ................................................................................................. 40 +CRINGIncoming Call................................................................................................................ 41 +CSQAutomatic RxLev Indication ............................................................................................. 41 +RINGIncoming Call .................................................................................................................. 41 +ZCANSCall Answered .............................................................................................................. 42 +ZCMP Pulse_count signal indication ............................................................................................ 42 +ZCCNTCall Connected ............................................................................................................. 42 +ZCENDCall Ended.................................................................................................................... 43 +ZFLSHFlash indication ............................................................................................................. 43 +ZINDGeneral Indicator.............................................................................................................. 43 +ZCORGCall Originated............................................................................................................. 44 +ZCVPRCall Privacy indication ................................................................................................. 44 +ZCROAMRoaming indication .................................................................................................. 44 +ZMGFSMS Message Storage Full............................................................................................. 44 10 ZTE Proprietary Commands.................................................................................................................... 46 10.1 +ZGPIORead/Write GPIO value ................................................................................................. 46 10.2 +ZTONEPlay tone ....................................................................................................................... 46 10.3 +ZDTMFPlay DTMF tone........................................................................................................... 46 10.4 +ZSVGSelect Voice Gain ............................................................................................................ 47 10.5 +ZSTRStatus Request.................................................................................................................. 47 10.6 +ZRIM Ring Indicator Mode...................................................................................................... 48 10.7 +ZDSLEEP32 kHz Deep Sleep Mode......................................................................................... 48 10.8 +ZCDMChange Default Melody ................................................................................................. 49 10.9 +ZRSTReset ................................................................................................................................ 49 10.10 +ZCVPRSet voice privacy level.................................................................................................. 50 10.11 +ZPINSecurity PIN ..................................................................................................................... 50 10.12 +ZPRLRequest PRL Version information ................................................................................... 51 10.13 +ZTMRView Module Timers ...................................................................................................... 51 10.14 +ZCEDCell environment description .......................................................................................... 52 10.15 +ADCAnalogy digital converters measurements ........................................................................ 52 11 Phone Book Commands .................................................................................................................................. 54 11.1 +CPBFFind phonebook entries.................................................................................................... 54 11.2 +CPBPPhonebook search ............................................................................................................ 54 11.3 +CPBRPhonebook read ............................................................................................................... 54 11.4 +CPBSSelect phone book memory storage ................................................................................. 54 11.5 +ZDPBSelect the Default Phonebook Memory........................................................................... 55 11.6 +CPBUReturn selected phonebook locations.............................................................................. 55 11.7 +CPBWWrite phonebook entry ................................................................................................... 55 11.8 +ZAIPAvoid phonebook init ....................................................................................................... 56 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 9.21

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification +ZDCPDelete calls from phonebook........................................................................................... 56 12 Appendices .............................................................................................................................................. 57 12.1 MS error result code +CME ERROR: <error> ........................................................................... 57 12.2 Message service failure result code+CMS ERROR : <er>.......................................................... 57 12.3 Specific error result codes................................................................................................................ 58 12.4 Extended Error Report (+CEER) Call Processing codes ................................................................. 58 12.5 Final result codes ............................................................................................................................. 58 12.6 Intermediate result codes. ................................................................................................................ 59 12.7 Parameters Storage .......................................................................................................................... 59 12.8 Possible codes for SMS-STATUS-REPORT as reported by +CDS and +CMGR ........................... 60 12.9 AT commands supported when SIM card removed ......................................................................... 61 13 TCP/IP AT COMMANDS ....................................................................................................................... 62 13.1 TCP/IP Unsolicited AT commands .................................................................................................. 62 13.1.1 +ZPNUMData service inquiry mumber setting ................................................................... 62 13.1.2 +ZPIDPWDData service ID & Password setting ................................................................ 62 13.1.3 +ZPPPOPENDial-up the module......................................................................................... 62 13.1.4 +ZPPPCLOSE: Disconnect the dial-up connection................................................................. 62 13.1.5 +ZPPPSTATUS: Dial-up connection status inquiry ................................................................ 62 13.1.6 +ZIPSETUP Set up the TCP connection to send data in the TCP way .................................... 63 13.1.7 +ZIPSETUPU Set up the TCP connection to send data in the UDP way ................................ 63 13.1.8 +ZIPCLOSEDisconnect the TCP connection ...................................................................... 63 13.1.9 +ZIPCLOSEUDisconnect the UDP connection................................................................... 64 13.1.10 +ZIPSENDSend data in the TCP channel.................................................................... 64 13.1.11 +ZIPSENDUSend data in the UDP channel ........................................................................ 64 13.1.12 +ZIPGETIPCapture the IP address of module............................................................. 65 13.1.13 +ZIPSTATUSInquire whether TCP socket is successfully connected or no................ 65 13.1.14 +ZPPPREDIALSet the interval of redialing after dropped.......................................... 65 13.2 +ZPKEEPALIVETurn on/off the function of keeping alive........................................................ 65 13.3 Indication list of asynchronous affair............................................................................................... 67 13.3.1 +ZIPRECV: Receive the data from TCP channel .................................................................... 67 13.3.2 +ZIPRECVU: Receive the data from UDP channel ................................................................ 67 13.3.3 +ZPPPSTATUS: Indicate the shift of connection .................................................................... 67 13.3.4 + ZTCPESTABLISHED: Indicate the connection with TCP .................................................. 68 13.3.5 + ZTCPCLOSED: Indicate the disconnection with TCP......................................................... 68 13.4 The error code list of written operation ........................................................................................... 68 11.9

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

ZTE CDMA modules provide AT command interface, through which users could conveniently communicate with external devices. AT Command Set provided by ZTE CDMA modules not only covers standard CDMA voice and data applications, but contains some commands according to GSM standard, as well as some ZTE exclusive commands which bring great conveniences to users.


Types of AT Commands
Since AT commands are being used as an interface, their returned value and format are fixed. Generally speaking, AT commands could be classified into four types: 1) Commands without parameters A type of simple commands, and the format is AT[+|&]<command>, e.g.: AT+CSQAT&V 2) Query Commands Used to inquire the current value set by the command, and the format is AT[+|&]<command>?,e.g.: AT+CNMI? 3) Help Commands Used to list the possible parameters of the command, and the format is AT[+|&]<command>=?,e.g.: AT+CMGL=? 4) Commands with parameters Commonly used commands providing great flexibility, and the format is AT[+|&]<command>=<par1>,<par2>,<par3> The returned value of this type of commands may vary differently according to different commands. The following will give a detailed description. The basic framework of the returned value is as below: <CR><LF><Response String><CR><LF> <CR><LF><OK/ERROR>[ERROR Information]<CR><LF>


AT Commands
The following describes the supported AT commands and returned descriptions: AT Command Format: AT commands are all started with AT and ended with <CR>. After the module runs, the default setting for the serial port is: 115200 bps, no parity bit, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit. AT Command Returned Format: <Character string relating to AT commands><CR><LF> There are also exceptions, such as ATV0, ATQ1 AT Command Status Report (OKERROR): 1) If AT command format is wrong, the character string ERROR will return. 2) If extension error report (+CMEE) is enabled, the character string +CME ERROR: <Err> or +CMS ERROR: <SmsErr> and different err codes will return. 3) If AT commands execute successfully, the character string OK will return.



CDMACode Division Multiple Access. CDMA is a spread spectrum, digital wireless

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification modulation scheme for cellular communication systems. It has approximately 3 times the voice capacity of GSM networks. See IS-95, IS-95A, IS-95B, IS-2000. CDMA2000See IS-2000. DCE Data Communications Equipment. This is the modem in the traditional serial communication paradigm of a computer connected via two modems to another computer. DTEData Terminal Equipment. This is the computer in the traditional serial communication paradigm of a computer connected via two modems to another computer. DTMFDual Tone Multi-Frequency: A pre-defined set of tones sent over the air when keys are pressed on the keypad. ESNElectronic Serial Number Handset (Path): The audio path (microphone & speaker) that connects to a traditional hand held telephone receiver, usually dual balanced electrical lines. IMSIInternational Mobile Station ID. This is an international 15 digital phone number that uniquely identifies a mobile. IMSI = MCC + MNC + MIN. IS-95The first CDMA standard published by Qualcomm in 1993. IS-95AA CDMA standard with improved voice quality. This standard is widely used throughout the world. IS-95BThis CDMA standard contains Medium Data Rate capabilities and bug fixes for system access failures. It is considered a 2.5G system. IS-2000The first 3G CDMA standard based on IS-95B. It contains a significant increase in voice capacity and high-speed data rates. It is backward compatible with IS-95B and IS-95A. MCCMobile Country Code. A pre-defined 3-digital number that represents a country in the IMSI. MINMobile ID Number: The traditional 10 digit phone number of the mobile. MNCMobile Network Code. A pre-defined 2-digital number that represents a sub-network in the IMSI (usually set to 00). MSMobile Station. The term MS is commonly used to represent the phone or mobile. NIDNetwork ID. The NID is an identification number that represents geographic location of a common coverage area; but is a subset of the SID, usually a neighborhood in a large city. NID is usually not used and is set to zero. Also see SID. SIDSystem ID. The SID is an identification number that represents geographic location of a common coverage area, usually a large city. Also see NID. PSTNPublic Switching Telephone Network. The traditional telephone network. RSSIReceive Signal Strength Indicator: This parameter represents the total RF received signal power from the base station(s) the mobile sees. SMSShort Messaging Service: A supplement service that is capable of sending and receiving short length text messages to/from the mobile. V24-V25;V42A data compression algorithm.

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

2 2.1

General Commands +CGMRRequest revision identification

This command is used to get the revised software version. AT+CGMR AT+CGMR +CGMR: S/W VER: MG815 BM8A4100

Description Syntax Demonstration


+CGSNProduct Serial Number

This command allows the user application to get the ESN of the product. AT+CGSN AT+CGSN +CGSN: FE7A7704 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


+SECCELL Switch the frequency band

This command is used to switch the working frequency band of the module, and it is only suitable for MG803 products. AT+SECCELL=<value> Switch to sec800M; AT++SECCELL=1; Switch to 800M; AT++SECCELL=0; Inquire the current value ATSECCELL? OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


+SECCELL:1 Defined values <value> Frequent Band Code 1sec800M 0800M


This command is used to read and identify the IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) of the SIM card. The PIN may need to be entered before reading the IMSI. AT+CIMI AT+CIMI +CIMI460030916875923 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


+CRMPRing Melody Playback

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Description This command allows a melody to be played. All melodies are manufacturer defined. Ten manufacturer-defined melodies can be played back (in a loop). Note: Loop melodies must be stopped by a +CRMP command with the <index> field set to 0 (example: +CRMP=0,,,0). AT+CRMP=<call type>[,<volume>,<type>,<index>] AT+CRMP=0,2,0,2 Note: Play voice call melody index 2 with volume level 2. AT+CRMP=0,,,0 Note: Stop the melody. AT+CRMP=? Note: supported parameters Defined values OK

Syntax Demonstration

OK +CRMP: (0-3),(0-4),(0-0),(0-10) OK

<call type> 0 Incoming voice call 1 Incoming data call 3 Incoming fax call 4 Incoming short message (SMS) <volume> 0 Min volume (mute) 1 Default volume 4 Max volume <type> 0 Manufacturer Defined (default) <index> 0 Stop Melody Playbacks 1-10 Melody ID for voice/data/fax call type (default: 1)


+CRSLRinger Sound Level

This command is used to set/get the sound level of the ringer on incoming calls. AT+CRSL=<sound level> AT+CRSL=0 Note: Set volume to Min (muted). AT+CRSL=4 Note: Set volume to Max. AT+CRSL Note: get current ringer sound level AT+CRSL= Note: supported parameters OK OK +CRSL: 4 OK +CRSL: (0-X) OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<sound level> 0-Xthe sound level.


A/Repeat last command

This command repeats the previous command.


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Syntax Demonstration A/ AT+CSQ A/ +CSQ: 31, 99 OK +CSQ: 31, 99 OK

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

3 3.1

Call control commands AAnswer a call

When the product receives a call, it sets the Ringing signal and sends the ASCII RING or +CRING: <type> string to the application (+CRING if the cellular result code +CRC is enabled).Then it waits for the application to accept the call with the ATA command. ATA RING Note: Incoming call ATA Note: Answer to this incoming call ATH Note: Disconnect call OK +ZCANS:0 +ZCCNT:0,3 OK +ZCEND:10


Syntax Demonstration


DDial command
The ATD command is used to originate a voice, data or fax call. For a data or a fax call, the application sends the following ASCII string to the product: ATD<nb> where <nb> is the destination phone number. Note: ATD<nb> is followed by PPP negotiation. For a voice call, the application sends the following ASCII string to the product: ATD<nb>; The response to the ATD command is one of the following: OK 0 Command executed (voice)


CONNECT<speed> 10 11 If the call succeeds, for data calls only, 12131415 <speed> takes the value negotiated by the product. BUSY 7 If the called party is already in Communication. If no hang up is detected after a fixed network time-out Call setup failed or remote user release. OK Note: Command executed. +ZCORG:34394036 Note: Voice call origination sent to Base Station. +ZCCNT:0,3 Note: Call Attempt ended. +ZCANS1

NO ANSWER8 NO CARRIER3 Syntax Demonstration ATD<nb>[;] ATD34394036 Note: Attempt a voice call.

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification ATD1001 Note: Example of a failed voice call attempt. OK Note: Command executed. +ZCORG:1001 Note: Voice call origination sent to Base Station. +ZCEND:3 Call Attempt failed.

Direct Dialing from a phonebook (stored in the RUIM card or NV) can be performed with the following command: ATD><index>; to call <index> from the selected phonebook (by the +CPBS command). ATD>Bill; to call Bill from the selected phonebook (by the +CPBS command). ATD>mem<index>; (mem is a phone book listed by the +CPBS=? Command) and <index> is a valid location from the phonebook. Syntax ATD><index>[<|>][;] ATD>[<mem>]<name>[<|>][;] ATD>[<mem>]<index>[<|>][;] AT+CPBS Note: Which phonebook is selected ATD>5; Note: Dial location #1 from ME phonebook. ATD>SM202; Note: Dial location 202 from the SIM(RUIM card) phonebook. ATD>Bill; Note: This command is NOT valid for MC,RC, and LD phonebooks as they are supported in CDMA networks. +CPBS: ME,11,100 OK Note: Command executed OK Note: Command executed +ZCORG:1001 +ZCEND:3 OK +ZCORG:1001 +ZCCCNT:3 OK +ZCORG:1001 +ZCCCNT:3



HHang-Up command
The ATH (or ATH0) command is used by the application to disconnect the remote user. In the case of multiple calls, all calls are released (active, on-hold and waiting calls). The specific ZTE ATH1 command has been appended to disconnect the current outgoing call, only in dialing or alerting state (i.e. ATH1 can be used only after the ATD command, and before its terminal response (OK, NO CARRIER, ...) It can be useful in the case of multiple calls. ATH ATH Note: Ask for disconnection. OK +ZCEND:10


Syntax Demonstration


ATDLRedial last telephone number

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Description Syntax Demonstration This command is used by the application to redial the last number used in the ATD command. ATDL ATDL OK +ZCORG:1001 +ZCCNT:0,3


ATS0Automatic answer
This S0 (zero) parameter determines and controls the product automatic answering mode. ATS0=<value> ATS0=2 Note: Automatic answer after 2 rings. ATS0 Note: Current value. ATS0=0 Note: No automatic answer. OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

002 OK OK


All others S-parameters (S6, S7, S8 ) are not implemented.


+CEERExtended error report

This command gives the cause of any general call processing error or malfunction. See section 12.4. AT+CEER ATD1001; OK +ZCORG:1001 +ZCCNT:0,3 ERROR

Description Syntax Demonstration

ATD1001; Note: Outgoing voice call while already in a call. AT+CEER Note: Ask for reason of release.

+CEER: Error 2 OK Note: Operation not allowed when call in progress.


+CICBIncoming Call Bearer

This specific command is used to set the type of incoming calls when no incoming bearer is Given. AT+CICB=<mode> AT+CICB=1 Note: If no incoming bearer, force a fax call. OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification AT+CICB=2 Note: If no incoming bearer, force a voice call. AT+CICB Note: Interrogate value. AT+CICB= Note: Test command. Defined values <mode> 0: Data 1: Fax 2: Speech 3: Data once (10 minute timeout) 4: Fax once (10 minute timeout) OK



+VGTMicrophone Gain control

This command set the microphone gain of the current audio path. AT+VGT=<MicGain> AT+VGT=2 AT+VGT Note: Interrogate value. AT+VGT= Note: Test command OK +VGT2 OK +VGT 0-3 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


+VGRVolume Gain control

This command is used by the application to tune the receive gain of the speaker. AT+VGR=<Rgain> AT+VGR=2 AT+VGR Note: Interrogate value. AT+VGR= Note: Test command. OK +VGR2 OK +VGR 0-4 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


+CMUTMicrophone Mute Control

This command is used to mute the microphone input on the product. This command is only allowed during a call. AT+CMUT=<Mode> AT+CMUT= Note: Test command +CMUT 0-1 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

AT+CMUT=1 Note: Mute ON


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification AT+CMUT=0 Note: Mute OFF Defined values <Mode> 0: Microphones mute off (default value). 1: Microphones mute on. OK


+SPEAKERSpeaker & Microphone selection

This command is used to select the speaker and the microphone set. AT+SPEAKER=<ActiveSpkMic> AT+SPEAKER=0 Note: Speaker ONE and Micro ONE AT+SPEAKER OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


Defined values

<ActiveSpkMic> 0: HEADSET 1: HANDSET


+ECHOEcho Cancellation
This command is used to enable, disable or configure the Echo Cancellation functions for voice calls. AT+ECHO=<mode> AT+ECHO=0 Note: Set Echo Cancellation Off AT+ECHO Note: Read current settings AT+ECHO=2 Note: Set Echo Cancellation to Headset OK +ECHO0 OK OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<mode> 0: Vocoder Echo Cancellation Off 1: Ear Seal Echo Cancellation 2: Head Set Echo Cancellation 3: AEC 4: Speaker Echo Cancellation for car kit operation 5: Default Echo Cancellation for current path settings


+SIDETSide Tone modification

This specific command is used to set the level of audio feedback in the speaker. AT+SIDET=<val1>,<val2> AT+SIDET=1,0 AT+SIDET Note: Current value. OK +SIDET1,0 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Defined values <val1> 0: SideTone is disabled 1: SideTone is enabled <val2> 0: No side tone 1: Handset Sidetone levels 2: Headset Sidetone levels 3: Max Sidetone level


+VIPInitialize Voice Parameters

This command allows voice parameters to be restored from NV memory. AT+VIP AT+VIP OK Gain controls are restored (+VGT and +VGR) Voice path selection is restored (+SPEAKER) Echo cancellation is restored (+ECHO) And sidetone values are restored (+SIDET)

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values


+VTDDefine DTMF signals

The product enables the user application to send DTMF tones over the CDMA network.This command is used to define tone duration (the default value is 0, 0). AT+VTD=<ON>,<OFF> AT+VTD=4,3 Note: To define 300 ms on tone duration and 200 ms off tone duration. AT+VTD= OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

+VTD 0-5,0-3 OK

Defined values

<ON> 0: 95 milliseconds 1: 150 milliseconds 2: 200 milliseconds 3: 250 milliseconds 4: 300 milliseconds 5: 350 milliseconds <OFF> 0: 60 milliseconds 1: 100 milliseconds 2: 150 milliseconds 3: 200 milliseconds


+VTSSend DTMF signals


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Description Syntax Demonstration This command enables tones to be transmitted. AT+VTS=<Tone> AT+VTS=# AT+VTS=11 AT+VTS=4AB <Tone>0-9,*,#ABCD OK OK OK


Starts a DTMF tone while in a call state (conversation). AT+ZSDT=<X> AT+ZSDT=2 Note: Starts DTMF tone. <X> 0-9,*,# OK

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values


Stops a DTMF tone while in a call state (conversation) AT+ZSDS AT+ZSDS Note: Stops DTMF tone OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


+ZFLSHSend Flash to base station

This command sends a flash or flash with information to the base station. The flash command is used to manage call waiting and 3-way calls. For call waiting situations when the 3rd party call is received, send a flash (AT+ZFLSH) to toggle between the two different call parties. The +ZFLSH unsolicited AT command will return if a flash was sent to the base station over the air. Please note that on CDMA networks, this does not guarantee that an actual switch between calls took place, because there is no acknowledgement to the module. For 3-way calls, initiate the first call to party # 1 (see ATD). Then send a flash with information (AT+ZFLSH=18005551212) to initiate a call to party # 2, party # 1 will automatically be placed on hold. The information is the phone number of party # 2. Once a conversation with party # 2 is established, send a regular flash (AT+ZFLSH) to connect all 3 parties. Send another flash (AT+ZFLSH) to disconnect party # 2, or End call (see ATH) to end the call with all parties. AT+ZFLSH AT+ZFLSH=<phone number> ATD13333333333 Note: Make a voice call OK +ZCORG13333333333 +ZCCNT3 +CCWA26010681,129 Note: Indication of another incoming call


Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification AT+ZFLSH Note: Send a flash to the Base Station (toggle to the second call). OK +ZFLSH Note: Flash sent to the Base Station. Call switches to the second call. However, this is not 100% guaranteed because the there is not confirmation from the Base Station. OK +ZCEND10 OK +ZCORG13316819064 +ZCCNT3 OK +ZFLSH OK +ZFLSH OK +ZFLSH OK +ZCEND10

ATH Note: Release the all calls. ATD13316819064 Note: Make a voice call. AT+ZFLSH=26010681 Note: Place first call on hold, connect to second party. AT+ZFLSH Note: All 3 parties now connected. AT+ZFLSH Note: Disconnect second party, connected to first party only. ATH


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

4 4.1

Network Service Commands +CREGNetwork registration & roaming

This command is used by the application to ascertain the registration and roaming status of the product. Note: Also see +ZCROAM unsolicited command for CDMA roaming status. AT+CREG=<mode> +CREG :<mode>,<stat> AT+CREG=0 Note: Disable network registration unsolicited result code AT+CREG +CREG:0,1 OK Note: Command valid +CREG: 0,1 OK Note: Unsolicited enabled, MS currently roaming. +CREG: 0-1 OK Note: 0,1 <mode> values are supported

Description Syntax Demonstration


Defined values

<mode> 0: Disable network registration unsolicited result code (default) 1: Enable network registration unsolicited code result code +CREG: <stat> <stat> 0: not registered, MS is not currently searching for a new operator. 1: registered, home network. 2: not registered, MS currently searching for a base station. 4: unknown. 5: registered, roaming


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification


+CLCKFacility Look and PIN1/PIN2 Setup/query

This command is used to enable, disable and query PIN1/PIN2 code, and it could also setup call restrict. It is required to enter PIN 2 to setup call restrict. SC and P2 could not be set when there is no R-UIM card. AT+CLCK=<fac>,<mode>[,<passwd>] +CLCK:<status> AT+CLCK=AO,1,1234 Note: Outgoing Call Restrict AT+CLCK=A1,1,1234 Note: Incoming Call Restrict AT+CLCK=AO,2 Note: Query Call Status Restrict OK OK +CLCK1 OK OK +CLCK:("SC",1),("P2",1),("AO",1),("AI",1) OK Note:PIN1/PIN2 Code Enabled +CME ERROR: 16 Note: PIN incorrect


Syntax Demonstration

AT+CLCK="SC",1,1234 Note: Enable PIN AT+CLCK Note: Get status AT+CLCK="SC",0,55555 Note: Enter Incorrect PIN Code Defined values

<fac> SC : PIN1 enabled (<mode> = 1) / disabled (<mode> = 0) P2 : PIN2 enabled (<mode> = 1) / disabled (<mode> = 0) AO : BAOC (Barr All Outgoing Calls) AI : BAIC (Barr All Incoming Calls) <mode> 0: unlock the facility 1: lock the facility 2: query status


+ZNFREQChange the frequency point

This command is used to set up and inquire the frequency point of the module. AT+ZNFREQ<POS>, <FREQ> Set up the frequency pointPrimary A 283 AT+ZNFREQ0283 Inquire the frequency pointPrimary A ATZNFREQ0 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration



ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Defined values <POS>: 0-3, see the frequency location as below: 0-Primary A 1-Secondary A 2-Primary B 3-Secondary B <FREQ>: Frequency Point


This command is used by the application to change a password. (PIN1, PIN2). AT+CPWD=<fac>,<oldpwd>,<newpwd> AT+CPWD=SC,1234,5555 Note: Change UIM PIN1 AT+CPWD=SC,1234,5555 AT+CPWD Note: Get status OK +CME ERROR16 Note: PIN incorrect +CPWD:(SC,8),(P2,8) OK Note: PIN1 & PIN2 passwords are supported with 8 digit maximum

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<fac> SCPIN1 P2PIN2


+CLIPCalling line identification presentation

This command allows control of the incoming caller ID presentation supplementary service.When presentation of the CLI (Calling Line Identification) is enabled (and the carrier allows),+CLIP response is returned after the RING unsolicited result code. By default, +CLIP is enabled. AT+CLIP=<mode> +CLIP<mode> for AT+CLIP? +CLIP: <number>, <type> for an incoming call, after a RING indication AT+CLIP=1 Note: Enable CLIP OK RING +CLIP1001,129 AT+CLIP=0 Note: Enable CLIP OK




Defined values

<mode> 0: Disable 1: Enable


+CLIRCalling line identification restriction


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Description Syntax Demonstration This command allows control of the outgoing caller ID restriction supplementary service. AT+CLIR=<mode> AT+CLIR=1 AT+CLIR Note: Ask for current functionality Defined values OK +CLIR1 OK

<mode> 0: Outgoing Caller ID works normally, according to the subscription of the Caller ID service. 1: Outgoing Caller ID is restricted. The called party will see Restricted on their Caller ID display. Please note that this command works by automatically pre-pending a *67 to the outgoing dialing string. Thus, this command will only work on CDMA networks that recognizes a *67 to suppress outgoing caller ID.


+CCFCCall forwarding
This command allows control of the call forwarding supplementary service, if supported by the carrier. AT+CCFC=<number> AT+CCFC=26010681 Note: Register to an unconditional call forwarding AT+CCFC=0 Note: Cancel forwarding unconditional call +ZCORG:*7226010681 +ZCCNT:0,3 +ZCORG:*720 +ZCCNT:0,3

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<number>: the phone number to forward all calls to.


+ZRMPRoam Preference
The Roam Preference of a CDMA module informs the MS whether it is allowed to roam on foreign CDMA networks or only allow operation on home networks. The determination of what is a foreign or home network is programmed into the PRL (Preferring Roaming List). This command simply enables or disables the capability of the MS to roam, based on the PRL configuration. After execution of the +ZRMP command, the MS may change roaming states. The unsolicited result +ZCROAM :< mode> will indicate the new state. AT+ZRMP=<mode> AT+ZRMP Note: Ask for current Mode Preference AT+ZRMP= +ZRMP: 0 OK +ZRMP 0-2 OK Note: Home, Affiliated, Any


Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification AT+ZRMP=0 Note: Allow Home only networks AT+ZRMP=1 Note: Allow Roaming Affiliated Networks AT+ZRMP=2 Note: Allow Roaming on Any Network Defined values OK +ZCROAM:0 OK +ZCROAM:1 OK +ZRMP2

<mode> 0: Home Networks only, as defined in the PRL (default value) 1: Roaming on Affiliated networks, as defined in the PRL 2: Roaming on Any Network, as defined in the PRL.


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

5 5.1

Mobile Equipment Control and Status Commands +CPASPhone activity status

This command returns the activity status of the mobile equipment. AT+CPAS AT+CPAS Note: Current activity status <pas> 0 ready (allow commands from TA/TE) 1 unavailable (does not allow commands) 2 unknown 3 ringing (ringer is active) 4 call in progress 5 asleep (low functionality) +CPAS5 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values


+CFUNSet phone functionality

This command selects the mobile stations level of functionality. AT+CFUN=<functionality level> AT+CFUN Note: Ask for current functionality level AT+CFUN=0 Note: Set phone offline AT+CFUN=1 Note: Perform software reset +CFUN:1 OK OK OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


+ZPWROFFPower off the module

This command is used to power off the module. AT+ZPWROFF AT+ZPWROFF Note: Power off the module +ZPWROFF: OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification


This command is used to enter the ME passwords (CHV1 / CHV2 / PUK1 / PUK2, etc.), that are required before any ME functionality can be used. CHV1/CHV2 is between 4 and 8 digits long, PUK1/PUK2 is only 8 digits long. The application is responsible for checking the PIN after each reset or power on - if the PIN was enabled. AT+CPIN=<pin> AT+CPIN=1234 AT+CPIN=00000000,1234 Note: Enter PUK and new PIN AT+CPIN=12345678,1234 Note: Enter PUK and new PIN, 2ne attempt OK Note: PIN code is correct +CME ERROR16 Note: Incorrect PUK OK Note: PUK correct, new PIN stored


Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

To ascertain which code must be entered (or not), the following query command can be used: AT+CPIN? The possible responses are: +CPIN: READY ME is not pending for any password +CPIN: UIM PIN CHV1 is required +CPIN: UIM PUK PUK1 is required +CPIN: UIM PIN2 CHV2 is required +CPIN: UIM PUK2 PUK2 is required +CPIN: PH-UIM PIN UIM lock (phone-to-UIM) is required +CPIN: PH-NET PIN Network personalization is required +CME ERROR: <err> SIM failure (13) absent (10) etc. Please note that in this case the mobile equipment does not end its response with the OK string. The response +CME ERROR: 13 (SIM failure) is returned after 10 unsuccessful PUK attempts. The SIM card is then out of order and must be replaced by a new one.


+CSQSignal Quality
This command is used to ascertain the received signal strength indication (RSSI) and the channel frame error rate (FER). AT+CSQ? AT+CSQ? +CSQ<RSSI>,<FER> OK

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values

<RSSI> 0-31 valid value ranges. Exact meaning of the SQM (RSSI) shall be manufacturer defined.The lowest defined value is 0 and the highest is 31. <FER> 99not known or not detectable currently always returns 99.


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification


+ZINDModule Indication
This command is used to set the indication of module informations: After being called by the terminal, indicate the status of ring; After start-up,the module can receive AT commands. AT+ZIND= <IndLevel> AT+ZIND=8 Note: Start-up the indication of module to port. OK


Syntax Demonstration Defined values

<IndLevel> 2(bit-1): saved 4(bit-2): saved 8(bit-3): ready for receiving AT commands 16(bit-4): saved 32(bit-5): saved 64(bit-6): indicate the networking service is useable 128(bit-7): indicate network is lost If set <IndLevel> to 0, there isnt any indication.The <IndLevel> can also add up, such as: AT+ZIND=72 (8+64: networkingmodule status indication ). Defined value: 0-255.


+CCLKClock Management
This command is used to set or get the current date and time of the MS real-time clock. String format for date/time is: yy/MM/dd, hh:mm:ss. Valid years are 98 (for 1998) to 97 (for 2097). AT+CCLK AT+CCLK Note: Get current date and time AT+CCLK=04/02/09,18:34:23 +CCLK: 04/02/09,17:34:23.694


Syntax Demonstration



+CPIN2Enter PIN2


This specific command is used to validate the PIN2 code (CHV2), or to validate the PUK2 code (UNBLOCK CHV2) and to define a new PIN2 code. Of course, the +CPIN command allows PIN2 or PUK2 codes to be validated, but only when the last command executed resulted in PIN2 authentication failure. PIN2 length is between 4 and 8 digits, PUK2 length is 8 digits only. AT+CPIN2=<pin2> AT+CPIN2=<puk2>,<NewPin2> AT+CPIN2=1234 AT+CPIN2=00000000,1234 Note: Enter PUK2 and new PIN2 OK +CME ERROR: 16

Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification AT+CPIN2=12345678,1234 Note: Enter PUK2 and new PIN2, 2nd attempt Defined values OK

To ascertain which code must be entered (or not), the following query command can be used: AT+CPIN? The possible responses are: +CPIN: READY ME is not pending for any password +CPIN: UIM PIN2 CHV2 is required +CPIN: UIM PUK2 PUK2 is required +CME ERROR: <err> SIM failure (13) absent (10) etc.


+CPINCPIN Remaining Attempt Number

This specific command is used to get the number of valid attempts for PIN1 (CHV1), PIN2 (CHV2), PUK1 (UNBLOCK CHV1) and PUK2 (UNBLOCK CHV2) identifiers. AT+CPINC +CPINC=<n1>,<n2>,<k1>,<k2> AT+CPINC Note: Get the number of attempts left AT+CPINC Note: Get the number of attempts left +CPINC : 2,3,10,10 OK Note: First CHV1 attempt was a failure +CPINC : 2,3,10,10 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<n1>, <n2> are the attempts left for PIN1, PIN2 (0 = blocked, 3 max) <K1>, <K2> are the attempts left for PUK1, PUK2 (0 = blocked, 10 max) For this to work, the card should be present at the time of initialization, otherwise an error will be sent (+CME ERROR: 10).


+CMEEReport Mobile Equipment errors

This command disables or enables the use of the +CME ERROR : <xxx> or +CMS ERROR :< xxx> result code instead of simply ERROR. See section 17.1 for +CME ERROR result codes description and section 0 for +CMS ERROR result codes. AT+CMEE=<error reporting flag> AT+CMEE=0 Note: Disable MS error reports, use only ERROR AT+CMEE=1 Note: Enable +CME ERROR: <xxx> or +CMS ERROR: <xxx> OK OK


Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

6 6.1

Short Messages Service commands Parameters definition

<cbn> Call Back Number <da> Destination Address <dcs> Data Coding Scheme, coded like in document [5]. <dt> Discharge Time in string format : yy/MM/dd,hh :mm :ss(Year [00-99], Month [01-12], Day [01-31], Hour, Minute, Second <encod> Encoding <fo> First Octet, coded like SMS-SUBMIT first octet in document [4], default value is 17 for SMS-SUBMIT <index> Place of storage in memory. <lang> Language <mem1> Memory used to list, read and delete messages (+CMGL, +CMGR and +CMGD). <mem2> Memory used to write and send messages (+CMGW, +CMSS). <mid> CBM Message Identifier. <mr> Message Reference. <oa> Originator Address. <pid> Protocol Identifier. <priority> Message Priority <ra> Recipient Address. <sca> Service Center Address <scts> Service Center Time Stamp in string format : yy/MM/dd,hh :mm :ss (Year/Month/Day,Hour:Min:Seconds) <sn> CBM Serial Number <st> Status of a SMS-STATUS-REPORT (see section 17.7 for possible values) <stat> Status of message in memory. <tooa> Type-of-Address of <oa>. <tora> Type-of-Address of <ra>. <tosca> Type-of-Address of <sca>. <total1> Number of message locations in <mem1>. <total2> Number of messages locations in <mem2. <ts> Timestamp for MT SMS. <used1> Total number of messages locations in <mem1>. <used2> Total number of messages locations in <mem2. <vp> Validity Period of the short message, default value is 167


+CSMSSelect message service The supported services are originated (SMS-MO) and terminated short message (SMS-MT) + Cell Broadcast Message (SMS-CB) services.



ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

AT+CSMS Syntax Demonstration AT+CSMS Defined values

+CSMS: <MO>,<MT>,<CB> OK

<MO> 0: Mobile Originated SMS not supported. 1: Mobile Originated SMS supported. <MT> 0: Mobile Terminated SMS not supported. 1: Mobile Terminated SMS supported. <CB> 0: Broadcast SMS not supported. 1: Broadcast SMS supported.


+CNMANew Message Acknowledgement


This command allows reception of a new message routed directly to the TE to be acknowledged. In TEXT mode, only positive acknowledgement to the network (RP-ACK) is possible. Acknowledge with +CNMA is possible only when a +CMT or +CDS indication is shown (see +CNMI command). Note: This AT command is not designed for inputting the command in the Hyper terminal by hand, since the acknowledgement will not be quick enough to be received by the network. However, it is possible that client system automatically sends this command when the +CNMI is set to 2, 2, 0, 0, 0. AT+CNMA Syntax Demonstration AT+CNMI=2,2,0,0,0 OK +CMT:8587351530,02/04/03,11 :06 :38,129,7,0<CR><LF> Testing Note: message received AT+CNMA OK Note: acknowledge Note: send positive acknowledgement to the network the message received AT+CNMA +CMS ERROR340 Note: try to Note: no +CNMA acknowledgment expected acknowledge again 6.4 +CSDHShow text mode parameters

This command gives additional information on text mode result codes. Description AT+CSDH Syntax +CSDH0 Demonstration AT+CSDH OK 6.5 +CPMSPreferred Message Storage


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

This command allows the message storage area to be selected (for reading, writing, etc). AT+CPMS=<mem1>,[<mem2>] Syntax +CPMS: (MT,BC,SR, MO),(MO) Demonstration AT+CPMS= Note: Possible message OK storages AT+CPMS +CPMS: MT,3, 30,MO,3,30 Note: Read OK AT+CPMS=BC +CPMS:0,30,3,30 OK Defined values <mem1>: Memory used to list, read and delete messages. It can be: -MT: SMS Mobile Terminated message storage in NV (default) -BC: CBM message storage in NV. -SR: Status Report message storage in NV. <mem2>: Memory used to write and send messages - MO: Mobile Originated SMS message storage. If the command is correct, the following message indication is sent: +CPMS: <used1>,<total1>,<used2>,<total2>. When <mem1> is selected, all following +CMGL, +CMGR and +CMGD commands are related to the type of SMS stored in this memory. Description 6.6 +CNMINew message indication

This command selects the procedure for message reception from the network. Description AT+CNMI=<mode>,<mt>,<bm>,<ds>,<bfr> Syntax +CMTI : MT,1 Demonstration AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0 <mt>=1 Note: message received AT+CNMI=2,2,0,0,0 +CMT : 8585551212,98/10/01,12 :30 <mt>=2 00,129,1,2,5,0<CR><LF> Hello AT+CNMI=2,0,0,1,0 OK <ds>=1 AT+CMGS=13316538879<CR> +CMGS : 7 OK Message to send <ctrl-Z> Note:Send a message in text mode +CDS : 2,2,13316538879,129, 98/10/01,12 :30 :07,98/10/01 12 :30 :08, 32768 Note: message was correctly delivered


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

Defined values

<mode>controls the processing of unsolicited result codes Only <mode>=2 is supported. Any other value for <mode> (0,1 or 3) is accepted (return code will be OK), but the processing of unsolicited result codes will be the same as with<mode>=2. 0: Buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA. If TA result code buffer is full, indications can be buffered in some other place or the oldest indications may be discarded and replaced with the new received indications 1: Discard indication and reject new received message unsolicited result codes when TA-TE link is reserved. Otherwise forward them directly to the TE 2: Buffer unsolicited result codes in the TA when TA-TE link is reserved and flush them to the TE after reservation. Otherwise forward them directly to the TE 3: Forward unsolicited result codes directly to the TE. TA-TE link specific in band used to embed result codes and data when TA is in on-line data mode <mt>sets the result code indication routing for SMS-DELIVERs. 0: No SMS-DELIVER indications are routed. 1: SMS-DELIVERs are routed using unsolicited code: +CMTI: MT,<index> 2: SMS-DELIVERs (except class 2 messages) are routed using unsolicited code:+CMT: <oa>, <scts>, <tooa>, <lang>, <encod>, <priority> [, <cbn>], <length><CR><LF><data> (textmode) <bm>sets the result code indication routing for received CBMs (Cell Broadcast Message). 0: No CBM indications are routed to the TE. The CBMs are stored. 1: The CBM is stored and an indication of the memory location is routed to the customer application using unsolicited result code: +CBMI: BC, <index> 2: New CBMs are routed directly to the TE using unsolicited result code (format matches that of +CBM : <oa>,[<alpha>,] <scts> [,<tooa>, <length>] <CR><LF><data> (text mode) <ds>for SMS-STATUS-REPORTs. 0: No SMS-STATUS-REPORTs are routed. 1: SMS-STATUS-REPORTs are routed using unsolicited code : +CDS : <fo>,<mr>, [<ra>] ,[<tora>], <scts>,<dt>,<st> (Text mode) 2: SMS-STATUS-REPORTs are stored and routed using the unsolicited result code: +CDSI:SR, <index> <bfr>Default is 0. 0: TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is flushed to the TE when <mode> 13 is entered (OK response shall be given before flushing the codes) 1: TA buffer of unsolicited result codes defined within this command is cleared when<mode> 13 is entered.


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification


+CMGRRead message This command allows the application to read stored messages. The messages are read from the memory selected by +CPMS command. AT+CMGR=<index> +CMGR :< stat>, <oa>, <scts>, <lang>, <encod>, <priority> [, <cbn>] <CR><LF> <data>(for SMSDELIVER only) +CMGR : <stat>,<da>,<dt>,<lang>,<encod><priority>[,<cbn>]<CR><LF> <data> (for SMS-SUBMIT only) +CMGR : <stat>,<mr>,<scts>,<dt>,<st> (for SMS-STATUS-REPORT only) A message read with status REC UNREAD will be updated in memory with the status RECREAD. Note: the <stat> parameter for SMS Status Reports is always READ. +CMTI: MT,1 Note: New message received AT+CMGR=1 +CMGR:"RECUNREAD","13352930000","04/02/25 Note: Read the message ,12 :58 :04",1,2,0 ABCD OK AT+CMGR=1 +CMGR:"REC READ","13352930000","04/02/25,12 :58 :04",1,2,0 ABCD OK <stat>: Status of message in memory. <oa> : Origination Address Value in string format. <scts>: Service Center Time Stamp in string format <lang>: Language. <encod>: Encoding <priority>: Message priority: 0 NORMAL 1 INTERACTIVE 2 URGENT 3 EMERGENCY <cbn>: Call Back Number

Description Syntax

Demonstrati on

Defined values


+CMGLList message This command allows the application to read stored messages, by indicating the type of the message to read. The messages are read from the memory selected by the +CPMS command.
AT+CMGL=<stat> +CMGL : <index>, <stat>, <da/oa>, <lang>, <encod> <CR><LF><data> (for SMS-DELIVER and SMS-SUBMIT, may be followed by other <CR> <LF> +CMGL:<index> ) +CMGL : <index>,<stat>,<fo>,<mr>,<scts>,<dt>,<st> (for SMS-STATUS-REPORT only, may be followed by other <CR><LF>+CMGL:<index>)




ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Demonstration AT+CMGL=ALL +CMGL:0,"REC READ","13352930077",6,4 _ g:fZpN$N*\ eO`[NN UJ +CMGL:1,"REC UNREAD","13352916156",6,4 b N +CMGL:2,"REC UNREAD","13316538879",6,4 N-Qt +CMGL:3,"REC UNREAD","13316538879",6,4 N-Qt +CMGL:4,"REC UNREAD","13352930036",6,4 Nh7h7 +CMGL:5,"REC UNREAD","13352916156",6,4 v OK +CMGL:1,"REC UNREAD","13352916156",6,4 b N +CMGL:2,"REC UNREAD","13316538879",6,4 N-Qt +CMGL:3,"REC UNREAD","13316538879",6,4 N-Qt +CMGL:4,"REC UNREAD","13352930036",6,4 Nh7h7 +CMGL:5,"REC UNREAD","13352916156",6,4 v OK


Defined values

UREAD received unread messages READ received read messages USENT stored unsent messages SENT stored sent messages ALL all messages Note: For SMS Status Reports, only ALL and READ values of the <stat> parameter will list messages; other values will only return OK.


+CMGSSend message


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Description The <address> field is the address of the terminal to which the message is sent. To send the message, simply type, <ctrl-Z> character (ASCII 26). This command can be aborted using the <ESC> (ASCII 27) character when entering text.The <length> parameter is optional, it is used to set the length of the text string. The command will only process the number of bytes as specified by <length> regardless of whether it contains <ctrl-Z>, <ESC>, or <backspace> characters. The<priority> and <cbm> parameters are optional, and are used to set message priority and call back number. Default message priority is NORMAL, and call back number is not included in the message unless it is specified using this optional field. AT+CMGS= <da> [ ,<length> ] [,<priority>][,<cbn>] <CR> Text is entered <ctrl-Z / ESC > AT+ZMSGL=1,2 AT+CMGS=13316538879<CR> ABC<ctrl-Z> OK +CMGS:4 OK +CDS:2,4,"13316538879",129,"04/02/26, 11 :14 :50","04/02/26,11 :14 :54",32768 CNMI=2,1,1,1,0

Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<da> : Destination Address Value in string format. <length> : Length of the text message (in bytes). <priority>: Message priority: NORMAL INTERACTIVE URGENT EMERGENCY <cbn>: Call Back Number


+CMGWWrite Message to Memory

This command stores a message in memory (either SMS-SUBMIT or SMS-DELIVERS). The memory location <index> is returned (no choice possible as with phonebooks +CPBW). Text or Unicode message is entered as described for the Send Message +CMGS command. The <length> parameter is optional; it is used to set the length of the text string. The command will only process the number of bytes as specified by <length> regardless of whether it contains <ctrl-Z>, <ESC>, or <backspace> characters. The<priority> and <cbm> parameters are optional, and are used to set message priority and call back number. Default message priority is NORMAL, and call back number is not included in the message unless it is specified using this optional field. AT+CMGW=<oa/da>,<length>,<priority>,<cbn><CR> enter text <ctrl-Z/ESC> AT+ZMSGL=1,2 AT+CMGW=13316538879<CR> ABC<ctrl-Z> OK +CMGW:2 OK


Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Defined values <oa/da>: Originating or Destination Address Value in string format. <Length>: Length of the text message (in bytes). <Priority>: Message priority: 0 NORMAL 1 INTERACTIVE 2 URGENT 3 EMERGENCY <cbn>: Call Back Number


+CMSSSend Message From Storage This command sends a message stored at location value <index>.
AT+CMSS=<index>[,<da> [,<toda>]] +CMSS : <mr> +CMS ERROR: <err> If a new recipient address <da> is given, it will be used instead of the one stored with the message. Q AT+CMGW=13316538879<CR> ABC<ctrl-Z> AT+CMSS=2,13316538879 Note: Send the message 2 to a different destination number +CMGW:2 OK +CMSS:1 OK +CDS:2,1,"13316538879",129,"04/02/26, 17 :00 :14","04/02/26,17 :00 :17",32768 CNMI=2,1,1,1,0 Note: Successful transmission +CMSS:2 OK +CDS:2,2,"13316538879",129,"04/02/26, 17 :04 :24","04/02/26,17 :04 :29",32768 CNMI=2,1,1,1,0





+CMGDDelete message
This command is used to delete one or several messages from preferred message storage. AT+CMGD=<Index>[,<DelFalg>] AT+CMGL="all" +CMGL:0,"REC READ","8591",0,4 y^T k"`geR0y^!Yg`R^[,b10191, +CMGL:1,"REC READ","128",0,4 S CBA9806RQeCBATv +CMGL:2,"STO SENT","13316538879",6,4 ABC +CMGL:3,"STO UNSENT","13316538879",6,4 N-Qt OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification AT+CMGD=3 Note: Delete message 3 AT+CMGD=1,4 Note: Delete all messages AT+CMGL="all" Defined values OK OK OK

<index> 0-9 when the preferred message storage is BC. Integer type values in the range of location numbers of Message memory when the preferred message storage is MT or SR. <DelFlag> 0 Delete message at location <index> 1 Delete All READ messages 2 Delete All READ and SENT messages 3 Delete All READ, SENT and UNSENT messages 4 Delete All messages. Note: when the preferred message storage is SR, as SMS status reports are assumed to have a READ status, if <DelFlag> is greater than 0, all SMS status reports will be deleted.


+ZMSGLSet SMS compose language and encoding

The +ZMSGL command sets the SMS composition language and encoding types. AT+ZMSGL=<lang>,<encod> AT+ZMSGL=1,2 Note: Set language to English, encoding to ASCII <lang> 0: Unspecified 1: English 2: French 3: Spanish 4: Japanese 5: Korean 6: Chinese 7: Hebrew OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<encod> 0: Octet (or Unspecified) 1: IS91EP 2: ASCII 3: IA5 4: UNICODE


+ZMSGTSet timestamp of MT SMS

The +ZMSGT command sets the timestamp that will be used when the module receives a Mobile Terminated SMS. When a new MT SMS message is received the setting of this command determines if the timestamp that was received with the message is kept, or moudules CDMA time, which represents the actual time of message arrival is used. When chosing to use modules CDMA time, the command gives the option of using local or GMT time. AT+ZMSGT=<ts> AT+ZMSGT=2 OK


Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

Defined values

<ts> 0: Original Time Stamp of the received MT SMS 1: Time of arrival GMT Time 2: Time of arrival Local Time


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

7 7.1

Data Service commands +FCLASSSelect mode

This command puts the product into a particular operating mode for fax. AT+FCLASS= <n> AT+FCLASS= AT+FCLASS=0 0,2.0 OK OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<n> 0: Data 1: Fax class 1 2.0: Fax class 2.0


+CRC: Cellular result codes

This command gives more detailed ring information for an incoming call. Instead of the string RING, an extended string is used to indicate which type of call is ringing (e.g. +CRING: VOICE). AT+CRC AT+CRC=0 Note: Extended reports disabled AT+CRC=1 Note: Extended reports enabled OK OK


Syntax Demonstration

Defined values


for normal voice calls for all types of data calls for all types of fax calls for OTAPA calls for markov, loopback, and test calls for unknown/undefined calls types


+CTA: Set data inactivity timer

This command is used to Set/Read/Test Um packet data inactivity timer. AT+CTA AT+CTA=5 Note: Release the Traffic Channel after 5S AT+CTA=0 Note: Traffic Channel not released during inactivity periods. OK OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

0 Traffic Channel not released during inactivity periods. 1-255 Release the Traffic Channel after <value> 1-second intervals have elapsed since last sending or receiving RLP data frames on the Um interface.


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

8 8.1

Data Compression Commands +IPRSpecifies daud rate

This command specifies the daud rate at which the DCE will accept commands. AT+IPR=<baud rate> AT+IPR? AT+IPR=? +IPR: 9600 OK +IPR: (0,1200,2400,4800,9600,19200), (45,50,75,110,150,300,600,38400,57600,115200230400) OK OK OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

AT+IPR=38400 AT+IPR=0 Note: Enable autobaud Defined values

When in the autobaud mode, the supported auto baud rate is up to 19200. User needs to set the speed rate specifically if it is more than 19200.


+ICFDTE-DCE character framing

This command is used to determine the local serial port start-stop (asynchronous) character framing that the DCE uses. AT+ICF= <format>, <parity> AT+ICF=3,3 AT+ICF? AT+ICF=? OK +ICF: 3,3 OK +ICF: (3-3),(3-3) OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<format> 0: Autodetect 1: 8 Data 2 Stop 2: 8 Data 1 Parity 1 Stop 3: 8 Data 1 Stop 4: 7 Data 2 Stop 5: 7 Data 1 Parity 1 Stop 6: 7 Data 1 Stop <parity> 0: Odd 1: Even 2: Mark 3: None Note Rm interface is supported at 8 data bits, No Parity, 1 stop bit. ERROR returned for other formats.


+IFC DTE-DCE local flow control


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Description Syntax Demonstration This command is used to control the operation of local flow control between the TE2 and the MT2 AT+IFC=<n1>,<n2> AT+IFC? AT+IFC=? AT+IFC=0,0 Defined values +IFC: 2,2 OK +IFC: (0-3),(0-2) OK OK

< n1> 0: none (supported) 1: Xon/Xoff local circuit 103 (not supported) 2: RTS (supported) 3: Xon/Xoff global on circuit 103 (not supported) < n2> 0: none 1: Dc1/DC3 on circuit 104 2: Circuit 106


&CSet DCD signal

This command controls the Data Carrier Detect (DCD) signal. AT&C AT&C0 Note: DCD always on AT&C1 AT&C2 OK OK OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values


&D: Set DTR signal

This command controls the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signal. AT&D AT&D0 Note: The DTR signal is ignored AT&D1 Note: Enter online command state following ON-to-OFF transition of circuit 108/2 AT&D2 Note: Enter command state following ON-to-OFF transition of circuit 108/2. OK OK

Description Syntax Demonstration



O: Back to online mode

If a connection has been established and the MS is in command mode, this command allows



ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification you to return to online data mode. Syntax Demonstration Defined values ATO ATO NO CARRIER OK


Q: Result code suppression

This command determines whether the mobile equipment sends result codes or not ATQ ATQ0 Note: Return result codes ATQ1 Note: Result codes are suppressed and not transmitted OK (none) Note: No response

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values


V: DCE response format

This command determines the DCE response format, with or without header characters <CR><LF>, and with the use of numeric result codes. ATV ATV0 Note: Display result codes as numbers ATV1 Note: Display result codes as words 0 Note: Command is valid (0 means OK) OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values


&T: Auto-tests
AT&T1 is used to perform audio loop back in the current audio path. This command can be used to validate the audio loop. AT&T<num> AT&T1 Note: Audio loopback is on. AT&T2 Note: Audio loopback is off. OK OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<num> 0 not defined returns OK 1 Audio loopback on for current path 2 Audio loopback is off.


E: Echo
This command is used to determine whether or not the modem echoes characters received by



ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification an external application (DTE). Syntax Demonstration ATE ATE0 Note: Characters are not echoed ATE1 Note: Characters are echoed Defined values OK OK


IRequest Identification Information

This command is used to query the information of the product. ATI<num> ATI0 ZTEiT MODEM 800 1900 OK S/W VER: ZTEiT G800 G800v0.1 Jun.24 2003 12:00:00 +CGSM, +CIS707, +MS, +ES, +DS, +FCLASS OK

Description Syntax Demonstration



Defined values

<num> Valid range <num> is 0 7


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification


&FRestore Factory Setting

This command is used to restore the factory setting from NV memory. AT&F AT&F OK +CLCK +CLIR +CNMI +ZMSGL +IPR +ZDPB

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values


&WSave Configuration
This command writes the current configuration to NV. AT&W AT&W OK +CRSL +ATS0 +CICB +VGT +VGR +SPEAKER +ECHO +SIDET +VTD +CLIP +ZIND +CMEE +FCLASS +CRC +ZSVG +ZRIM +ZCDM +ZAIP

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

9 9.1

Unsolicited AT Commands +ZCED Cell Environment Description Indication

This command indicates cell environment description. It is returned when the +ZCED AT command is set to return automatic shots of the cell environment. For more information, +ZCED: <dump> +ZCED:0,2,0,300,384,0,160,384,0,384,4,8, 6,296, 6033,1,16,-69,-67,-63 Note: Cell environment description indication in response to AT+ZCED=0,7

Description Syntax Demonstration


+CCWACall Waiting Indication

This unsolicited command indicates another incoming call is occurring during an existing call. See +ZFLSH, section 4.23 for information about handling call-waiting situations. +CCWA: <caller_id>, <type> +CCWA: 18005551212,129 Note: Incoming call from 1-800-555-1212.

Description Syntax Demonstration


+CDSSMS Status Report Indication Directly Displayed

This command indicates an SMS status report has been received and, according to message storage preferences (+CNMI), is to be directly displayed. +CDS : <fo>,<mr>, [<ra>] , [<tora>], <scts>,<dt>,<st> (Text mode) +CDS : 2, 116, 3146290800, 129, 98/10/01,12 :30 :07+04, 98/10/01 12 :30 :08+04, 0 Note: SMS status report received

Description Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification


+CLIP Caller ID Presentation

This unsolicited command indicates caller ID information is available for the current incoming call. +CLIP: <caller_id>, <type> +CLIP: 18005551212,129 Note: Incoming call from 1-800-555-1212, type always equals 129.

Description Syntax Demonstration


+CMTIncoming Message Directly Displayed

This command indicates an incoming message has been received and, according to message storage preferences (+CNMI), is to be directly displayed. +CMT: <oa>,<scts>,<tooa>,<lang>,<encod>,<priority>[,<cbn>], <length><CR><LF><data> (text mode) +CMT: 123456,98/10/01,12 :3000+00,129,1,2,5,0,5550000, 5<CR><LF> Hello Note: Incoming message received

Description Syntax Demonstration


+CMTIIncoming Message Stored in Memory

This command indicates an incoming message has been received and, according to message storage preferences (+CNMI), is to be stored in memory. +CMTI: MT,<index> +CMTI: MT,5 Note: Incoming message received and stored in MT memory at index 5

Description Syntax Demonstration


+COPSMode Preference
This unsolicited command indicates a change in mode preference has taken place. +COPS: <mode> AT+COPS=0 Note: Ask for Automatic mode AT+COPS=1 Note: Ask for PCS mode AT+COPS=2 Note: Ask for Cellular mode OK +COPS:0,0 OK +COPS:1,0 OK +COPS:2,0 +COPS:5 Note: emergency mode

Description Syntax Demonstration


+CREGRegistration & Roaming

This unsolicited command indicates the current state of roaming. See +COPS, section 5.3 for information about Changing Mode Preference. +CREG: <stat> +CREG: 1

Description Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Defined values <stat> 0: not registered, MS is not currently searching for a new operator. 1: registered, home network. 2: not registered, MS currently searching for a base station. 4: unknown. 5: registered, roaming


+CRINGIncoming Call
11.9.1 Description: This unsolicited command indicates an incoming call. See +CRC, section 9.3 for information about enabling this result. +CRING: <Type> +CRING:VOICE +CRING:DATA +CRING:FAX +CRING:OTAPA +CRING:TEST +CRING:UNKNOWN for normalvoice calls for all types of data calls for all types of fax calls for OTAPA calls for markov, loopback, and test calls for unknown/undefined calls types


Syntax Demonstration

9.10 +CSQAutomatic RxLev Indication

Description Syntax Demonstration This command indicates RSSI automatic shots when AT+ZCED=1,8 is processed. +CSQ: <rssi>,99 +CSQ:29, 99


+RINGIncoming Call
This unsolicited command indicates an incoming call. +RING +RING +RING Note: Incoming Call

Description Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification


+ZCANSCall Answered
This unsolicited command indicates that a voice call has been answered. +ZCANS:<call type> +RING ATA OK +ZCANS:0 Note: Incoming call answered +ZCCNT:0,3 <call type> 0: incoming call 1: outgoing call answered by other party (only available on networks supporting answering supervision for payphone applications)

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

9.13 +ZCMP Pulse_count signal indication

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values This command provides the condition of Pulse_counter. +ZCMP:<freq>, <on_time>, <off_time>, <pulse_count> <cr><lf> +ZCMP:100102010 +ZCMP: <freq>:pulse frequency(factual frequencys should multiply 10Hz)0~65535 <on_time>: pulse time (factual time should multiply*5ms)0~255 <off_time>: pulse interval time (factual time should multiply *5ms)0~255 <pulse_count>: pulse record0~255

9.14 +ZCCNTCall Connected

Description This unsolicited command indicates that an incoming or outgoing voice call has been connected into a traffic channel state. +ZCCNT: <call_type>,<srv_opt> ATD18005551212; OK +ZCORG:18005551212 +ZCCNT:0,3 Note: Call Connected with call type 0 and service option 3

Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification


+ZCENDCall Ended
This unsolicited command indicates that a voice call or attempt to establish a voice call has ended. +ZCEND: <reason> ATD18005551212; OK +ZCORG:18005551212 +ZCCNT:0,3 OK +ZCEND:10 OK +ZCORG:18005551212 +ZCEND:3

Description Syntax Demonstration

ATH ATD18005551212;

Defined values

<reason> 0: phone is offline 20:phone is CDMA locked until power cycle 21:phone has no service 22:Call has ended abnormally 23:received intercept from BS 24:received reorder from BS - orig only 25:received release from BS - no reason given 26:received release from BS - SO reject 27: received incoming call from BS 28:received alert stop from BS - incom only 29:client ended the call 30:received end activation - OTASP call only 31:MC aborts the origination/conversation 34:RUIM is not present 99: NDSS failure 157:connection setup timeout


+ZFLSHFlash indication
This unsolicited command confirms that a flash has been sent to the base station. See +ZFLSH command, section 3.23, for more information on using flash commands. +ZFLSH AT+ZFLSH OK +ZFLSH

Description Syntax Demonstration

9.17 +ZINDGeneral Indicator

Description Syntax Demonstration This unsolicited result gives general status indications. +ZIND: <event> +ZIND:8


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Note: General indication that AT commands are read to be accede Defined values <event> 0: R-UIM not present 1: R-UIM present 2: Reserved 4: Reserved 8: Product is ready to process all AT commands 16: Reserved 32: Reserved 64: The network service is available for an emergency call. 128: The network is lost. 256: Reserved 512: Reserved


+ZCORGCall Originated
This unsolicited command indicates that an attempt to establish a voice call has occurred. +ZCORG:<number> ATD18005551212; OK +ZCORG:18005551212 +ZCCNT:0,3 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<number> phone number


+ZCVPRCall Privacy indication

This unsolicited command confirms that the call privacy level has changed during a call. +ZCVPR: <prv> AT+ZCVPR=1 <prv> 0: Indicates normal privacy 1: Indicates enhanced privacy OK +ZCVPR: 1

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values


+ZCROAMRoaming indication
This unsolicited command indicated roaming status has changed. +ZCROAM: <roam> +ZCROAM:1 <roam> 0: Home. 1: Roam Icon ON (affiliated network) 2: Roam Icon Blink (foreign network)

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values

9.21 +ZMGFSMS Message Storage Full


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Description This command indicates that the SMS Service Center has attempted to send an SMS message but it was rejected because SMS Message Storage is Full. No new SMS will be received until some room is created by deleting old messages from SMS storage. Message deletion can be done using AT+CMGD. +ZMGF +ZMGF Note: Incoming message rejected.

Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

10 ZTE Proprietary Commands 10.1 +ZGPIORead/Write GPIO value

Set the I/O port as an input and read the I/O pin value. AT+ZGPIO=<flag>,<index>,<value> AT+ZGPIO=0,2 AT+ZGPIO=1,15,1 Defined values <flag> 0read 1write <index>The GPIO to read/write. <value> +ZGPIO: 0 OK OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


+ZTONEPlay tone
This specific command allows a tone to be played on the current speaker or on the buzzer. Frequency, volume and duration can be set. AT+ZTONE=<mode>[,<dest>,<freq>,<volume>,<duration>] OK or ERROR AT+ZTONE=1,1,300,2,50 Note: Play a tone AT+ZTONE? Note: Current value AT+ZTONE=? Note: Test command AT+ZTONE=0 Note: Stop playing OK +ZTONE: 1,1,300,2,50 OK +ZTONE: (0-1),(1-1),(1-4000),(0-4),(0-50) OK OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<mode> 0: Stop playing. 1: Play a tone <dest> 1Speaker <Freq> This parameter sets tone frequency (in Hz) (mandatory if <mode>=1). The range is between 1 and 4000Hz. However, for handset and a person to hear, the effective range may be 150-4000Hz. <volume> 0~XThis parameter sets the tone volume. The default value is 1. <duration> 0~50 This parameter sets tone duration (unit of 100 ms). When this parameter is equal to 0 (default value), the duration is infinite, and the tone can be stopped by AT+ZTONE=0.


+ZDTMFPlay DTMF tone


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Description This specific command allows a DTMF tone to be played on the current speaker. DTMF,volume and duration can be set. This command is only used to play a DTMF tone. To send a DTMF over the CDMA network, use the +VTS command. AT+ZDTMF=<mode>[,<dtmf>,<volume>,<duration>] OK or ERROR AT+ZDTMF=1,*,2,10 Note: Play a DTMF tone AT+ZDTMF? AT+ZDTMF=0 Note: Stop playing AT+ZDTMF=? Note: Test command Defined values OK +ZDTMF: 1,*,2,10 OK ERROR

Syntax Demonstration

<mode> 0: Stop playing. 1: Play a DTMF tone <dtmf> This parameter sets the DTMF to play in {0-9,*,#,A,B,C,D} (mandatory if <mode>=1) <volume> 0~XThis parameter sets tone gain. <duration> This parameter sets the tone duration (unit of 100 ms). When this parameter is 0 (default value), the duration is infinite, and the DTMF tone can be stopped by AT+ZDTMF=0.


+ZSVGSelect Voice Gain

The product has 2 voice gain paths; this specific command allows the path to be selected. AT+ZSVG = <n> AT+ZSVG =0 Note: Select Path 1 (Default) AT+ZSVG =1 Note: Select Path 2 AT+ZSVG=? Note: Get the list of possible values AT+ZSVG? Note: Get the current value OK OK +ZSVG: (0-1) +ZSVG: 1

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<n> 0: HANDSET (Default) 1: HEADSET


+ZSTRStatus Request
This specific command returns some operation status. AT+ZSTR=<status>

Description Syntax


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification +ZSTR: <status>,<value> Demonstration AT+ZSTR=1 Note: Select the status 1 (INIT SEQUENCE) AT+ZSTR=2 Note: Select the status 2 (NETWORK STATUS) AT+ZSTR=? Note: Ask the list of possible values Defined values <status> 1 Initialization sequence <value> 0: Not started 1: On going 2: Finished <status> 2 Network status 0: No network 1: Network available +ZSTR: 1,2 OK +ZSTR: 2,1 OK +ZSTR: (1-2)


+ZRIM Ring Indicator Mode

This specific command sets or returns the state of the Ring Indicator Mode.In pulse RI mode, an electrical pulse lasting approximately 10s is sent on the Ring Indicator signal just before sending any unsolicited AT response in order not to lose AT responses when client tasks are in sleep state. Still in RI mode, when receiving incoming calls, electrical pulses are sent on the RI signal. In up-down RI mode, no pulses are sent before unsolicited AT response, and up-down signals are sent when receiving an incoming call. AT+ZRIM=<n> AT+ZRIM=0 AT+ZRIM=1 AT+ZRIM=? AT+ZRIM? OK OK +ZRIM: (0-1) OK +ZRIM: 1 OK


Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<n> 0: up-down RI mode 1: pulse RI mode


+ZDSLEEP32 kHz Deep Sleep Mode

This specific command allows the 32 kHz sleep mode to be enabled or disabled. When sleep mode is entered, the product uses a 32 kHz internal clock during inactivity stages. When enabled, sleep mode is active after 1 to 15 minutes. AT+ZDSLEEP=<mode>




ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Demonstration AT+ZDSLEEP=1 Note: Enable sleep mode AT+ZDSLEEP=0 Note: Disable sleep mode Defined values <mode> 0: Disable sleep mode 1: Enable sleep mode OK OK


+ZCDMChange Default Melody

This specific command allows a manufacturer specific melody to be selected. This default melody will be played for any new incoming voice call, either on the buzzer or on the speaker. If melody 0 is selected, no melody will be played. Note: Selection of the player will have effect on the setting of the WCDP command. AT+ZCDM=<melody>,<player> AT+ZCDM=0 Note: Select no melody AT+ZCDM=5 Note: Select melody 5 AT+ZCDM? AT+ZCDM=5,1 Note: Select the speaker to play the melody on. OK OK +ZCDM: 5,0 OK OK


Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<melody> 0: No melody (default) 110: Melody 1 to 10 <player> 0: Melody will be played on the buzzer for any new incoming voice call. 1: Melody will be played on the speaker for any new incoming voice call.

10.9 +ZRSTReset
Description Syntax Demonstration This specific command allows to reset the module after the time specified by the second parameter. AT+ZRST =<Mode>,<Delay> +ZRST: <Mode>,<Delay>,<RemainTime> AT+ZRST=? AT+ZRST=0 AT+ZRST=1,001:03 Enable timer and put delay at 1 hour 3 minutes AT+ZRST? Defined values <val1> ERROR OK OK

+ZRST: 1,001:03,001:02 OK


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification 0: timer reset is disabled 1: timer reset is enabled <delay> specify the time for reset 000:00- 199:59 <RemainTime> time before next reset 000:00- 199:59

10.10 +ZCVPRSet voice privacy level

Description This command requests the CDMA voice privacy level. CDMA voice privacy is an optional feature of CDMA networks. Therefore, voice privacy will only become enabled during a voice call if the base station supports voice privacy; otherwise this feature is unavailable on your CDMA carrier. Thus, this command enables a request from the module to the base station for voice privacy. If voice privacy is activated by the base station, the unsolicited command +ZCVPR:1 will appear indicating the long code PN mask for the traffic channel has been scrambled by the base station. This command may be called before or during a voice call. AT+ZCVPR=<voice privacy level> AT+ZCVPR=0 Note: Set to normal voice call AT+ZCVPR=1 Note: Request a secure voice call ATD18005551212; OK OK OK +ZCORG:18005551212 +ZCCNT:0,3 +ZCVPR:1 Note: Voice Privacy is now ON


Defined values

<voice privacy 0 Normal 1 Private


10.11 +ZPINSecurity PIN

Description Syntax Demonstration This command sets, enables, or disables the security PIN. When this PIN is enabled, only ATD (emergency numbers only), ATH, and +ZPIN commands will be accepted. AT+ZPIN=<mode>,<current val>,<new val> AT+ZPIN=0,1111 Note: Disable the security PIN AT+ZPIN? Note: Query the current state AT+ZPIN=1,2222 Note: Enable the security PIN AT+ZPIN=1,1111 Note: Enable the security PIN OK +ZPIN: 0 OK +CME ERROR: 44 Note: Invalid PIN OK


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification AT+ZPIN? AT+ZPIN=2,1111,5555 Note: Change the security PIN code from 1111 to 5555 AT+CSQ? +ZPIN: 1 OK OK

+CME ERROR: 44 Note: Module is locked, only ATD & +ZPIN commands will be accepted +CME ERROR: 44 Note: Module is locked, only ATD & +ZPIN commands will be accepted OK


AT+ZPIN=0,5555 Note: Disable the security PIN Defined values <mode> 0 Disable PIN 1 Enable PIN 2 Changes PIN <current val>&<new val> 0000-9999

10.12 +ZPRLRequest PRL Version information

Description This command requests PRL Version information for the currently selected NAM. Note that his command only works for software which includes PRL information in NV. For other uilds, this command will return +CME ERROR: 4 AT+ZPRL? AT+ZPRL? Note: Request current NAMs PRL version AT+ZPRL? Note: Request current NAMs PRL version +ZPRL: 1024 OK +CME ERROR: 41 Note: PRL request nvalid

Syntax Demonstration

10.13 +ZTMRView Module Timers

Description This command is used to read the modules accumulated internal timers. These timers include Uptime, Call Time, and Call Count. Uptime is the number of seconds the module as been running since boot-up. Call Time is the total number of seconds the module has been in a call since manufacture (Voice, Data, Fax, OTASP, and CDMA Test Calls; but SMS is not included). Call count is the total number of calls made since manufacture. The range of all the returned items is 0 to 4294967295 (136 years). AT+ZTMR +ZTMR: <Uptime>,<Call Time>, <Call Count> AT+ZTMR +ZTMR: 1029, 45670,289 OK

Syntax Demonstration


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Note: Uptime = 1029 seconds Call Time = 45670 seconds Call Count = 289 calls

10.14 +ZCEDCell environment description

Description This command can be used by the application to retrieve the parameters of the main cell nd up to six neighboring cells. There are two possible methods for the external application to ascertain these cell arameters: on request by the application or automatically by the product every 5 seconds. utomatic mode is not supported during communication or registration. AT+ZCED=<mode>[,<requested dump>] AT+ZCED=0,1 AT+ZCED=0,2 +CCED:0,283,13844,13,6,249,10514,2,17,-62,-74,-63 OK +CCED:20,0,81,283,0,417,283,0,195,283,0,168,283,0,93, 283,0,144,283,0,336,283,0,159,283,0,378,283,0,381,283,0, 201,283,0,429,283,0,468,283,0,480,283,0,300,283,0,261,283, 0,495,283,0,450,283,0,282,283,0,141,283 OK +CCED:0 OK +CSQ:31, 99 OK +CSQ:31, 99 +CCED:0,20,0,81,283,0,417,283,0,195,283,0,168,283,0,93,283,0,1 44,283,0,336,283,0,159,283,0,378,283,0,381,283,0,201,283,0,429,2 83,0,468,283,0,480,283,0,300,283,0,261,283,0,495,283,0,450,283,0 ,282,283,0,141,283,0,283,13844,13,6,249,10514,2,15,-64,-72,-63 OK

Syntax Demonstration

AT+ZCED=0,4 AT+ZCED=0,8 AT+ZCED=0,15

Defined values

<mode> 0: One shot requested 1: Automatic shots requested 2: Stop automatic shots <requested dump> 1Main Cell: band class, Channel #, SID, NID, Base Station P Rev,Pilot PN offset, Base Station ID,Slot cycle index, Raw Ec/Io, Rx power, Tx power, Tx Adj 2: Neighbor1 to Neighbor20 (max) : First parameter is the number of neighbors. Following parameters: Neighbor1 band class, Neighbor1 Pilot PN, Neighbor1 frequency assignment, eighbor2 Pilot PN, Neighbor2 band class, Neighbor2 frequency assignment 4: Timing Advance: Always zero for CDMA 8: Main cell RSSI indications (RxLev) from 0 to 31 The response will be a +CSQ response and not a +ZCED response

10.15 +ADCAnalogy digital converters measurements


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Description Syntax Demonstration This command gets the raw value of the ADC conversion. Six ADC read values are pecified: VBATT, THERM, HDET, ADC_0, ADC_1, ADC_CHG_MON. AT+ADC=<item> AT+ADC=0 AT+ADC=1 AT+ADC= AT+ADC Defined values <item> 0: VBATT 1: THERM 2: HDET 3: ADC_0 4: ADC_1 5: ADC_CHG_MON +ADC: 185 OK +ADC: 238 OK +ADC: (0-5) +ADC: 1 OK


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification


Phone Book Commands

In this chapter, the AT commands are used to operate on mobile phone book. Note: The phone book SM is only supported in the RUIM capable module.


+CPBFFind phonebook entries

This command returns the first 10 phonebook entries with alphanumeric fields starting with given string. The user can use a string that is more exact to ensure that the entry they are looking for is found. AT+CPBF=<CR><string><Ctrl-Z>1A AT+CPBF=<CR>ZTEiT<Ctrl-Z> 41 54 2B 43 50 42 46 3D 0D 5A 54 45 69 54 1A +CPBF: 10,"88888888888",145,"ZTEiT " OK ERROR


Syntax Demonstration

AT+CPBF=<CR>ZTEiT<Ctrl-Z> 41 54 2B 43 50 42 46 3D 0D 5A 54 45 69 54 1A


+CPBPPhonebook search
This searches the currently selected phonebook for a phone number match and returns it if found. AT+CPBP= <phone number> AT+CPBP=8585551212 Note: Find8585551212 in current honebook if it exiss. AT+CPBP=123 +CPBP=1,8585551212,145,Full Book OK +CME ERROR: 22

Description Syntax Demonstration

11.3 +CPBRPhonebook read

Description Syntax Demonstration This commands returns phonebook entries from a range of locations from the currently elected phonebook. AT+CPBR=<first>[,last] AT+CPBS=MT AT+CPBR=1 AT+CPBR=1,3 +CPBR:1,6185551212,145,test +CPBR:1,6185551212,145,test1 +CPBR:2,6185551212,129,test2 +CPBR:3,6185551212,115,test3 ERROR +CMEE:21

AT+CPBR=12,1 AT+CPBR=300 Defined values Note: <x,y> where x<y


+CPBSSelect phone book memory storage

This command selects the type of memory where the phone book will be stored. AT+CPBS=<bk>

Description Syntax


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Demonstration AT+CPBS=EN AT+CPBS=? AT+CPBS? Defined values OK +CPBS: ("ME","MC","LD","RC","EN") +CPBS: EN,0,10 OK

<bk> SM: ADN (RUIM phonebook) LD: LND (combined RUIM and ME last dialed phonebook) EN: EN (ME NV emergency numbers) MC: MSD (ME missed calls list) ME: ME (ME NV phonebook) MT: MT (combined ME and RUIM phonebook) RC: LIC (ME received calls list)


+ZDPBSelect the Default Phonebook Memory

This command is used to select the default phonebook memory. AT+ZDPB=<bk> AT+ZDPB=1 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<bk> 0:ME (Module Memory) 1:MC (Missed Calls) 2:LD (Last 10 Dialed Calls) 3:RC (Received Calls) 4:EN (Emergency Numbers) 5:SM (RUIM Card Phonebook) 6:MT (Module Phonebook and UIM Card Phonebook)


+CPBUReturn selected phonebook locations

This returns the currently selected phonebook locations, maximum length for the phone number, and the maximum characters for the text portion. AT+CPBU? AT+CPBU? +CPBU: (1-100),32,16 OK

Description Syntax Demonstration


+CPBWWrite phonebook entry

This command writes a phone book to location <index> in the current phonebook selected with +CPBS. AT+CPBW=<index>,<phone number>,<TON/NPI number>,<CR><text string><Ctrl-Z> 1A

Description Syntax


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Demonstration AT+CPBW=10,"88888888888",145,<CR>ZTEiT< Ctrl-Z> 41 54 2B 43 50 42 57 3D 31 30 2C 22 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 22 2C 31 34 35 2C 0D 5A 54 45 69 54 1A AT+CPBW=0,"88888888888",145,<CR> ZTEiT< Ctrl-Z> AT+CPBW=10,"88888888888",145, ZTEiT +CPBW:010 OK AT+CPBW=0,"88888888888",145, ZTEiT +CPBW:001 OK

Defined values

<index> Integer value for currently selected phonebook. <phone> number> Phone number is in ASCII format. Valid characters are 0-9 and *, #, -. <TON/NPI> Type of address in integer form. The MSB of this will always be set high. <text string> Any text string.


+ZAIPAvoid phonebook init

This command allows the initialization off all available phonebooks to be avoided during subsequent boots. AT+ZAIP=<mode> AT+ZAIP? AT+ZAIP=? AT+ZAIP=1 AT&W +ZAIP: 1 +ZAIP:(0-1) OK OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<mode> 0: Normal operating mode. Enable. 1: No phonebook initialization. Disable.


+ZDCPDelete calls from phonebook

This command will delete call history from a selected phonebook if it supports this feature. AT+ZDCP=<call phonebook> AT+ZDCP? AT+ZDCP=? AT+ZDCP=LD +ZDCP: "LD" +ZDCP: ("LD","MC","RC") OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<call phonebook>: LD MC RC


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

12 12.1

Appendices MS error result code +CME ERROR: <error>

meaning Operation not allowed Operation not supported PH-SIM PIN required (SIM lock) UIM not inserted UIM PIN1 required UIM PUK1 required UIM failure Reserved UIM wrong password UIM PIN2 required UIM PUK2 required Phone Book full Invalid Index for Phone Book Phone Book entry not found Reserved Text string too long Dial string too long No network service Reserved Network personalization (Network lock) PIN required Software resource not available Invalid parameter Non-Volatile Memory failure Invalid WPIN code or WPIN required Invalid WSPC provisioning code OTKSL provisioning code access restricted All GSM 07.07 commands (+CME ERROR: 40) +ZCVPR, +CICB, +ZFLSH, +CCFC, +ZNAM, +COPS, +ZRMP All commands All commands All commands except ATD +ZSPC, +ZMDN, +ZIMI, +ZSID, +ZAOC, +ZSCI, +ZBGP, +ZBGS, +ZPDS, +ZCMT +ZMDN, +ZSCI, +ZBGP, +ZBGS, +ZPDS +CPIN, +CPIN2 +CPIN, +CPIN2 +CPIN, +CPIN2 +CPBF, +CPBW +CPBF +CPBF, +CPBP Resulting from the following commands All GSM 07.07 commands (+CME ERROR: 3) All GSM 07.07 commands (+CME ERROR: 4) All GSM 07.07 commands (+CME ERROR:5) +CPIN +CPIN +CPIN ,+CPIN2 +CPIN, +CPIN2

<error> 3 4 5 10 11 12 13 14-15 16 17 18 20 21 22 2325 24 26 30 31-39 40 41 42 43 44 45


<er> 1 to 127 301

Message service failure result code+CMS ERROR : <er>

meaning Reserved Reserved Resulting from commands the following


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification 302 303 304 305 310-318 321 322 330 340 341 Operation not allowed Reserved Invalid mode parameter Invalid text mode parameter Reserved Invalid memory index Reserved Reserved No +CNMA acknowledgement expected Non Volatile Memory failure +CNMA All SMS commands +CMGR,+CMGD,+CMSS +CMGS,+CMGW +CMGS,+CMGW,+CMSS All SMS commands


Specific error result codes

meaning Unknown error. Reserved Lower layer failure Reserved Reset the product to activate or change a new echo cancellation echo. +ECHO, +VIP +CMGS, +CMSS (+CMS ERROR: 513) Resulting from the following commands All commands

<error> 500 512 513 514-518 519


Extended Error Report (+CEER) Call Processing codes

Diagnostic No error detected in call processing No CDMA service detected Module is in a call, operation not allowed Module is not in a call, operation not allowed Module is in an unknown call state Call Barring is ON Invalid or Not allowed CDMA Service Option Invalid Parameter Operation only allowed during an incoming call Invalid Mode Selection Invalid Roam Selection Invalid Band Selection

Cause value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Final result codes

Numeric (V0 set) as verbose as verbose 7 4 8 Description Error from GSM 07.05 commands Error from GSM 07.07 commands Busy signal detected Command not accepted Connection completion timeout

Verbose result code +CME ERROR<err> +CMS ERROR<err> BUSY ERROR NO ANSWER


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification NO CARRIER OK RING 3 0 2 Connection terminated Acknowledges correct execution of a command line Incoming call signal


Intermediate result codes.

Numeric (V0 set) as verbose as verbose as verbose 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 as verbose Description Outgoing Call Presentation Outgoing Call report control Local TA-TE data rate Data connection at 300 bauds Data connection at 1200 bauds Data connection at 1200/75 bauds Data connection at 2400 bauds Data connection at 4800 bauds Data connection at 9600 bauds Data connection at 14400 bauds Supplementary service notification during a call setup

Verbose result code +COLP<number><type> +CR<type> +ILRR<rate> CONNECT 300 CONNECT 1200 CONNECT 1200/75 CONNECT 2400 CONNECT 4800 CONNECT 9600 CONNECT 14400 +CSSI<code>[,<index>]


Parameters Storage
AT&W X X E2save AT&F X X X X X X X X X X X x(n.0 m) x X X X X X X X X X X X X x 0,0 0 0 0 Default CDMA 0 1 0 0 no auto answer 2 3 2 1 5 Values

Command General commands +CSCS +CMEE +CRSL

Call control commands %D ATS0 +CICB +VGR +VGT +SPEAKER +ECHO +SIDET Network commands +COPS +CREG SMS commands +CSDH +ZMSGU


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Supplementary service commands +CLIP Data commands +CRC +DS +DR +FCQ +FCR +IPR +ICF +IFC V24-V25 commands E &C &D Phonebook ZAIP X 1 X X X 1 2 2 X X X X X X X X x x x X X 115200 3,3 2,2 0 0 X X 1

Fax class 2 commands


Possible codes for SMS-STATUS-REPORT as reported by +CDS and +CMGR

Description Address vacant Address translation failure Network resource shortage Network failure Invalid Teleservice id Other Network Problem No page response Destination busy No acknowledgment Destination resource shortage SMS delivery postponed Destination out of resources Destination no longer at this address Other terminal problem Radio IF resource shortage Radio IF incompatible Other Radio IF problem

Network Problems IS-41D 0 1 2 3 4 5 Terminal Problems 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Radio Interface Problems (IS-41D) 64 65 66 General problems (IS-41D)


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 General codes (Not defined in IS-41D) 32768 32769 32770 32771 32772 32773 32774 32775 32776 32777 SMS OK. Message successfully delivered to base station Waiting for transport layer acknowledgment Out of resources (e.g. out of memory buffer) Message to large to be sent over access channel Message to large to be sent over data traffic channel Network not ready Phone not ready Cannot send message in analog mode Cannot send broadcast message Invalid transaction id Unexpected parameter size SMS Origination denied SMS Termination denied Supplementary service not supported SMS not supported Reserved Missing expected parameters Missing mandatory parameters Unrecognized parameter value Unexpected parameter value User data size error Other General problems

# list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AT commands supported when SIM card removed

AT command +IPR +CMEE +CCLK +CBC? +ZIND ATE +CPOF +CFUN Note and explanation Set module fixed baud rate Display the error code Clock management Query the battery charge General status indication Set modem local echo Module OFFLine mode Reset the module


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

13 TCP/IP AT COMMANDS 13.1 13.1.1 TCP/IP Unsolicited AT commands +ZPNUMData service inquiry mumber setting
This command is used to set the number for data service inquiry AT+ZPNUM=<NUM> AT+ZPNUM? AT+ZPNUM=#777 Setting the data service number AT+ZPNUM? Inquire the data service number Defined values <NUM>data service number OK AT+ZPNUM:#777

Description Syntax Demonstration

13.1.2 +ZPIDPWDData service ID & Password setting

Description Syntax Demonstration This command is used to set the ID & Password of data service AT+ZPIDPWD=<ID>,<PWD> AT+ZPIDPWD=card,card Setting the data service ID & password AT+ZPIDPWD? Inquire the data service ID & Password Defined values <ID>Data service ID <PWD>: Data service password OK +ZPIDPWD:card,card

13.1.3 +ZPPPOPENDial-up the module

Description Syntax Demonstration This command is used to set up the connection of data service. AT +ZPPPOPEN AT +ZPPPOPEN OK Note: Dial-up request is granted.


+ZPPPCLOSE: Disconnect the dial-up connection

This command is used to disconnect the link of data service AT+ZPPPCLOSE AT+ZPPPCLOSE OK

Description Syntax Demonstration

13.1.5 +ZPPPSTATUS: Dial-up connection status inquiry

Description This command is used to inquire the status of data connection


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Syntax Demonstration AT+ZPPPSTATUS AT+ZPPPSTATUS AT+ZPPPSTATUS +ZPPPSTATUS:CLOSED Note: Dial-up connection is closed +ZPPPSTATUS:OPENED Note: Dial-up connection is open

13.1.6 +ZIPSETUP Set up the TCP connection to send data in the TCP way
Description Syntax Demonstration Set up the TCP connection to send data in TCP AT+ZIPSETUP=<SOCKET_NUM>,<IP>,<PORT> AT+ZIPSETUP? AT+ZIPSETUP=1,,5600 Note: connect to 1,,5600 with socket port 1 AT+ZIPSETUP? Note: Feed back the idle socket port Defined values OK +ZIPSETUP:0,2 Note: possible values: 0,2

<SOCKET_NUM>: The values of socket port numbers: 0, 1, and 2 <IP>: Server address <PORT>: Ports connected to the server


+ZIPSETUPU Set up the TCP connection to send data in the UDP way
Set up the UDP connection to send data in UDP AT+ZIPSETUPU=<SOCKET_NUM>,<IP>,<PORT> AT+ZIPSETUPU? AT+ZIPSETUPU=1,,5600 Note: connect to with socket port 1 AT+ZIPSETUPU? Note: Feed back the idle socket port OK +ZIPSETUPU:0,2

Description Syntax Demonstration

Defined values

<SOCKET_NUM>: The values of socket port numbers: 0, 1, 2, and 3 <IP>: Server address <PORT>: Ports connected to the server

13.1.8 +ZIPCLOSEDisconnect the TCP connection

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values This commad is used to close the TCP connection AT+ZIPCLOSE=<NUM> AT+ZIPCLOSE=2 Note: Close the channel of TCP socket port 2 <NUM>TCP socket port:0,1,2 OK


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

13.1.9 +ZIPCLOSEUDisconnect the UDP connection

Description Syntax Demonstration This commad is used to close the UDP connection AT+ZIPCLOSEU=<NUM> AT++ZIPCLOSEU=2 Note: Close the channel of UDP socket port 2 <NUM>UDP socket port:0,1,2,3 OK

Defined values

13.1.10 +ZIPSENDSend data in the TCP channel

Description Syntax Demonstration This command is used to send data in TCP AT+ZIPSEND=<NUM>,<DATALEN> 0x0D <DATA> Hex format command as follows: 61 74 2B 7A 69 70 73 65 6E 64 3D 30 2C 3330 0D 414243445F2073894EAE 414243445F2073894EAE414243445F2073894EAE Sent a message of 30 bytes in TCP 0: 414243445F2073894EAE 414243445F2073894EAE414243445F2073894EAE After successfully sending the data,it will return bytes in ASCII: +ZIPSEND: 30 OK It will return a negative number after sending fails, Please refer to the appendix for the corresponding error code. +ZIPSEND: -102 Note:Operation would block

Defined values

<NUM>: The TCP socket number in ASCII <DATALEN>: The length of the massage in ASCII, values: <1, 1024> <MSG>: The message that is send

13.1.11+ZIPSENDUSend data in the UDP channel

Description Syntax Demonstration This command is used to send data in UDP AT+ZIPSENDU=<NUM>,<DATALEN> 0x0D <DATA> Hex command as follows: 61 74 2B 7A 69 70 73 65 6E 64 75 3D 30 2C 33300D 414243445F2073894EAE 414243445F2073894EAE414243445F2073894EAESent a message of 30 bytes in UDP 0: 414243445F2073894EAE 414243445F2073894EAE414243445F2073894EAE After successfully sending the data,it will return bytes in ASCII: +ZIPSENDU:30 OK It will return negative after sending fail, Please refer to the appendix for the corresponding error code +ZIPSENDU: -110 Note:Destination address required


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Defined values <NUM>: The number of UDP socket in ASCII <DATALEN>: The length of the massage in ASCII, values: <1, 1024> <DATA>: The message that is send

13.1.12 +ZIPGETIPCapture the IP address of module.

Description Syntax Demonstration This command is used to get the module IP address AT+ZIPGETIP AT+ZIPGETIP +ZIPGETIP: Note: Return the module IP address

13.1.13+ZIPSTATUSInquire whether TCP socket is successfully connected or no

Description Syntax Demonstration This command is used to inquire whether TCP socket is successfully connected. AT+ZIPSTATUS=<NUM> AT+ZIPSTATUS=1 Inquire the connection status between TCP socket 1 and the assigned port. +ZIPSTATUS:ESTABLISHED OK Note: Successfully connect with the assigned port +ZIPSTATUS:SYN_SENT OK Note: Connecting +ZIPSTATUS:CLOSED OK Note: The connection is closed Defined values <NUM>The number of TCP socket, values: 0, 1, 2

13.1.14+ZPPPREDIALSet the interval of redialing after dropped

Description Syntax Demonstration This command is used to set the interval of redialing after dropped AT+ZPPPREDIAL=<NUM> AT+ZPPPREDIAL=1 Note: Set the interval to be110 sec. AT+ZPPPREDIAL=0 Note: Set never redial Defined values If the module has dialed successfully, then the redial function is enabled, otherwise, this command is disabled. Close the re-dial function while re-dialing, otherwise,this command is disabled.

<NUM>Interval of redial by 10 sec. as units, values: <0,255>

13.2 +ZPKEEPALIVETurn on/off the function of keeping alive


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Description Syntax Demonstration This command is used to turn on/off the online function. AT+ZPKEEPALIVE=<NUM> AT+ZPKEEPALIVE=1 Note: Turn on the online function AT+ZPKEEPALIVE=0 Note: Turn off the online function Defined values AT+ZPKEEPALIVE=1 OK

AT+ZPKEEPALIVE=0 OK Note: Cancel the function successfully

<NUM>Values is 1 or 0; 1 denotes keeping online, 0 denotes function is cancelled


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification

13.3 Indication list of asynchronous affair. 13.3.1 +ZIPRECV: Receive the data from TCP channel
Description Syntax Demonstration Return the data from TCP +ZIPRECV: 0,<DATALEN><DATA>0x0D 0x0A Received message in Hex: 2B 5A 49 50 52 45 43 56 3A 20 30 2C 35 2C 12 00 12 00 34 0D 0A 2B 5A 49 50 52 45 43 56 3A denotes: +ZIPRECV: 20 denotes blank 30 denotes channel 0 in ASCII 2C denotes comma 35 denotes the length of the message in ASCII 2C denotes command 12 00 12 00 34 denotes the received message

Defined values

<DATALEN>: The length of received message in 1 byte <DATA>: Received message

13.3.2 +ZIPRECVU: Receive the data from UDP channel

Description Syntax Demonstration Return the data from UDP +ZIPRECVU: 0,<DATALEN><DATA>0x0D 0x0A Received message in hex: 2B 5A 49 50 52 45 43 56 55 3A 20 30 2C 35 2C 12 00 12 00 34 0D 0A 2B 5A 49 50 52 45 43 56 55 3A denotes:+ZIPRECVU: 20 denotes blank 30 denotes channel 0 in ASCII 2C denotes comma 35 denotes the length of the message in ASCII 2C denotes command 12 00 12 00 34 denotes the received message

Defined values

<DATALEN>: The length of received message in 1 byte <DATA>: Received message

13.3.3 +ZPPPSTATUS: Indicate the shift of connection

Description Return the shift of current connecting indication


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification Syntax Demonstration + ZPPPSTATUS: OPENED + ZPPPSTATUS: CLOSED + ZPPPSTATUS: OPENED + ZPPPSTATUS: CLOSED Note: Dial-up or Redial-up successfully Note: Failure dial-up or Disconnection (After disconnection, all of the TCP, UDP socket are disabled, you need dial-up again)

13.3.4 + ZTCPESTABLISHED: Indicate the connection with TCP

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values Return current number of the TCP which is successfully connected + ZTCPESTABLISHED: <SOCKET_NUM> + ZTCPESTABLISHED:0 Note: Connect with channel 0

<SOCKET_NUM>: The number of socket that is connected

13.3.5 + ZTCPCLOSED: Indicate the disconnection with TCP

Description Syntax Demonstration Defined values Return current number of TCP socket which is closed + ZTCPCLOSED: <SOCKET_NUM> + ZTCPCLOSED:0 Note: Not connect with channel 0

<SOCKET _NUM> Number of socket

13.4 The error code list of written operation


Error code
100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114

Error reason
Invalid socket descriptor Invalid buffer or argument Operation would block Address family not supported Wrong protocol for socket type Socket parameter not supported Protocol not supported No more sockets available for opening Operation not supported Address already in use Destination address required Connection establishment in progress Connection already established IP address changed, causing TCP reset socket not connected


ZTE CDMA Module AT Commands Specification ECONNREFUSED ETIMEDOUT ECONNRESET ECONNABORTED EPIPE ENETDOWN EMAPP EBADAPP SOCKEXIST EINVAL 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 Connection attempt refused Connection attempt timed out Connection reset Connection aborted Broken pipe Network subsystem unavailable no more applications available Invalid application ID there are existing sockets invalid operation


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