Frisbee Sylabus
Frisbee Sylabus
Frisbee Sylabus
UNIVERSITY OF WEST GEORGIA PWLA 1694 ULTIMATE FRISBEE Semester/Year: Credit: Instructor: Class Location: Office Location: Office Hours: Telephone: E-mail: Fax: Spring 2007 1 Liz Butts Normal: Intramural Fields Initial/Inclement Weather: Campus Center Gym Row Hall Office: 113 MW TTR 8:00-9:00 AM 9:00-10:00AM & 1:30-3:00PM
COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to teach the fundamental skills and rules of Ultimate Frisbee as well as how to play the game and how to implement basic strategies used in the game. Emphasis will be placed on skills, rules, and participation in playing the game of Ultimate Frisbee. TEXT Studarus, J. (2003). Fundamentals of ultimate (1st ed). Goleta, CA: Studarus Publishing. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES COURSE OBJECTIVES Students will: 1. Identify the benefits, history and fundamental rules of Ultimate Frisbee, 2. Use and identify proper equipment and facilities needed to play Ultimate, 3. Perform fundamental skills for throwing and catching techniques, 4. Identify basic strategies used in Ultimate Frisbee and apply these strategies while playing.
PWLA 1694
ASSIGNMENTS PARTICIPATION In order to accomplish the objectives of this course, full participation in the class sessions and activities is essential. Participation will therefore be graded. For the participation grade, students are expected to: Attend and sign in for all class sessions, Be on time for class and not leave early, Dress appropriately for scheduled activities, Engage in activities fully with effort, Avoid distracting or disrupting the class (no cell phones, pagers, etc.), Contribute to a positive climate by demonstrating good sportsmanship, including using respectful and proper communication skills (avoid interrupting others, using profanity, criticizing others, dominating conversations, etc.).
Each unexcused absence will result in a deduction from the students participation grade. Each incidence of tardiness or leaving early will result in a grade deduction. Evaluation of effort and conduct are based on the instructors judgment. As per university policy, the official communication method with students will be through campus e-mail (myuwg). WRITTEN EXAM One written exam will be given. The test covers history, benefits, fundamental rules of Ultimate Frisbee, equipment and facilities, and basic strategies. Exam questions will be multiple choice, true/false, and short answer. SKILLS TEST The skills test is based on the students understanding and performance of the basic mechanics of the following skills: backhand throw, forehand throw, pull or throw for distance, catching (three types), marking or guarding, faking, pivoting, throwing with a mark, and overhead hammer throw. The test will be individually administered and each skill will be scored using a three-level rubric (emerging, adequate, mastery). Students who fail to attend class during skill testing days will earn a zero for this portion of their grade. No Exceptions. EVALUATION Participation Written Exam Skills Test TOTAL 40% 30% 30% 100%
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Per university policy, no material prepared to meet requirements in one course may be used to fulfill the requirements in another course without permission of the instructor. GRADING POLICY Grades will be assigned based on points earned, in line with the university policy: 90 100 % A 80 89 % B 70 79 % C 60 69 % D 0 59 % F CLASS POLICIES ATTENDANCE Students are permitted, though not encouraged, to be absent from class based on the number of times the class meets each week. If the class meets once a week, one absence is permitted for the semester. If the class meets two times per week, two absences are permitted. All other absences will be considered unexcused and will result in a grade reduction (see Participation Grade). Students are fully responsible for all work missed because of absence, including handouts, videos, and presentations. Students must be aware that the content of the lectures may include materials not in the text. If material in class is missed, it is the students responsibility to obtain missed material and information. Further, students must complete any scheduled exams or assignments in advance of the class session missed. SIGN-IN ATTENDANCE Each student is required to sign in on the attendance sheet next to his/her name upon arriving at class. There will be a tardy attendance sheet for students who arrive 5 minutes after the designated class time. Students who are tardy should sign in after class. TARDINESS Students are expected to arrive on time and to attend each meeting of the class. It is disruptive to your classmates and the instructor when you arrive late to class and you will often miss important announcements. Students who arrive late (5 minutes or more) must sign the tardy attendance sheet after class. Tardiness to class will result in a grade reduction (see Participation Grade).
PWLA 1694
LEAVING EARLY Leaving early is only accepted and excused when pre-arranged with the professor. Pre-arranged means the student notifies the professor at least one class period in advance. Other incidences of leaving early will result in a grade reduction (see Participation Grade). MAKE-UPS There will be no make-ups allowed for unexcused absences or the skills tests. The written exam may only be made up when the absence is excused. Make-up dates must be arranged with the professor before the absence. Arrangements should be made as soon as possible. TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS/HOMEWORK All assignments and work must be turned in at the beginning of the class session when it is due. Students must hand the assignment or paper in to the professor in person. If you are sick, you must pre-arrange with the professor in order to have an alternative person submit your paper. Assignments/papers and homework are not accepted in the professors department mailbox, post office mailbox, or under the office door. Late homework assignments are not accepted. DISRUPTIONS All pagers, cell phones, watches, etc. must be silenced and remain in book bags during class. The instructor reserves the right to ask students to leave class for any disruption or inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to excessive interruptions, voluntary lack of participation, excessive horseplay, and talking during lecture. ATTIRE Students are required to dress in light, comfortable clothing and shoes that are appropriate for an activity class and aerobic/anaerobic exercise. Students will not be allowed to participate without appropriate footwear. No dress clothes or shoes or blue jeans will be permitted. Improper attire will result in a reduction in the participation grade, even if the student is present. HEALTH PROBLEMS/DISABILITY NEEDS There is a physical activity component to this course. Students with any physical problems, which may affect their ability to fully participate, should notify the professor within the first week of the semester. If you need special accommodations for a disability, please bring your student disability report from Disability Services to the instructor to discuss your needs. ACADEMIC HONESTY In meeting any academic requirement in part or in full, presenting the work, ideas or writing of another as ones own is subject to disciplinary action, including the possibility of dismissal from the course. Copying or downloading information from the Internet is plagiarism unless credit is given this includes abstracts.
PWLA 1694
Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to: 1. Copying answers from another students test 2. Using the work of other students 3. Taking and presenting as ones own ideas the writing of another personal without appropriate documentation 4. Cutting and pasting information from the internet Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic honesty. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses or purchases ghostwritten papers. It also occurs when a student utilizes the ideas of or information obtained from another person without giving credit to that person. If plagiarism or another act of academic dishonesty occurs, it will be dealt with in accordance with the academic misconduct policy as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog and/or the Graduate Catalog. CLASS OUTLINE Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Introductions & Cooperative/Acquaintance Activities Ultimate Frisbee video presentations & power point rules presentation Fundamental instruction for throwing and catching the disc through demonstration & practice of basic backhand and forehand and the clamping, sandwich and one hand catch Instruction for throwing with the pivot & marking strategies for person-toperson defense Basic drills incorporating throwing skills with defensive marking Initiate game situations with small teams incorporating offensive strategies Continue game situations with small teams focusing on defensive Written exam for demonstrating knowledge of the game; Play actual games with 7 person teams Introduce more advanced offensive strategies & throwing techniques; practice advanced skills & play actual games with 7 person teams Practice of skills and actual game play Practice of skills and actual game play
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Week 12: Week 13: Week 14: Week 15: Week 16:
Practice of skills and actual game play Practice of skills and actual game play Practice of skills and actual game play Skills Test Class tournament competition