Flow Meter Sizing MOS

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The document discusses the methods and equations used for sizing different types of flow meters according to ASME standards.

The general sizing equation is given as qm = 0.09970190FaCY1β2D2(hwρf1/(1-β4))1/2, where qm is the mass flow rate and the other terms account for factors like discharge coefficient, expansion factor, pipe diameter, pressure drop, and fluid density.

When sizing a flow meter, factors considered include the discharge coefficient, thermal expansion correction, fluid compressibility/expansion factor, fluid properties, pipe and flow meter materials, and operating temperatures.

PIPE-FLO Professional


The flow meter provides a differential pressure which is related to a known rate of flow through the meter. PIPE-FLOs flow meter sizing module calculates the size of an opening in a flow meter to achieve the desired pressure drop for the design flow conditions. Venturi, nozzle, and flat plate orifice differential pressure flow meters are supported. PIPE-FLO can also size an orifice to supply a fixed non-recoverable pressure drop for use in balancing flow rates. In PIPE-FLOs flow meter sizing orifice, it is assumed that the mass flow rate through the meter is constant with respect to time. In other words, the flow is not subject to pulsation. Reference 1 provides a discussion of pulsating flow effects on fluid meters. The source documents for the sizing calculations used in PIPE-FLOs flow meter sizing module are the American Society of Mechanical Engineers standards ASME MFC-3M-1989 (Reference 1) and ASME MFC-14M-1995 (Reference 2). PIPE-FLOs flow meter sizing module is designed to provide a quick and effective means of sizing differential pressure flow meters using the referenced ASME standard and research committee report. Specific formulas from these references are supplied in this method of solution. When there is a discrepancy between the standard and the program method of solution, the standard takes precedence.

Method of Solution


Sizing Flow Meters

The general sizing equation for the flow of a fluid through a differential pressure flow meter as described by the standard and used in PIPE-FLOs flow meter sizing module is: qm = 0.09970190FaCY12D2(hwf1/(1-4))1/2 equation 1 qm = mass rate of flow (lb/sec) Fa = thermal expansion correction factor C = discharge coefficient Y1 = expansion factor based on upstream pressure D = upstream internal pipe diameter in inches at measured temperature (68F) = diameter ratio (orifice diameter/pipe diameter, d/D) hw = differential pressure (inches H2O) f1 = density of flowing fluid at upstream conditions (lb/ft3)

Discharge Coefficient
The actual flow rate through the meter is seldom equal to the theoretical flow and usually turns out to be less than the theoretical flow. In order to account for this difference, a discharge coefficient C is introduced into the flow equation. C = actual flow rate/theoretical flow rate equation 2

Method of Solution


Thermal Expansion Factor

If the meter is used at a temperature that differs from the temperature at which it was manufactured, the thermal expansion of the meter must be taken into account. Fa is the thermal expansion correction factor. The value of Fa depends on the meter material, the pipe material, and the temperature of the process fluid. The following equation is used to determine Fa: Fa = 1 + [2/(1 - 4meas)][PE - 4meas P][t - tmeas] equation 3 P = thermal expansion factor of the pipe (in/in/F) PE = thermal expansion factor of the flow meter (in/in/F) t = temperature of the flowing fluid (F)

tmeas = reference temperature for measured bore (68F) meas = diameter ratio at the reference temperature (68F)

Fluid Compressibility
When a fluid flows through a meter, there is a pressure drop as it passes through the constriction. When a compressible fluid (a gas or vapor) flows through a meter, the resulting pressure drop causes a change in fluid density at the constriction. As a result, the fluid densities at the meter inlet and within the meter are different. The expansion factor corrects for density differences between pressure taps due to expansion to the lower pressure. It is equal to one for incompressible fluids and less than one for compressible fluids. The expansion factor equation for each flow meter is given below.

Method of Solution


Y1 = 1 - (0.41 + 0.354)(hw/27.73kp1) equation 4 Y1 = expansion factor based on upstream pressure k = isentropic exponent (specific heat ratio) p1 = static upstream pressure of the fluid (psi)

Nozzles and Venturi Tubes

Y1 = {[k2/k/(k - 1)][(1 - 4)/(1 - 42/k)][(1 - (k - 1)/k)/(1 - )]}1/2 equation 5 = pressure ratio, p2/p1

Calculating Discharge Coefficients

In order to solve the meter equation, a value for the discharge coefficient, C will have to be found. One means of arriving at the meter flow coefficient is to install the meter in a test stand and generate a calibration curve. This method is expensive and time consuming, and fortunately it is not necessary in most cases. A considerable number of tests have been performed on various meter combinations and geometries, and a set of equations have been developed to calculate the value of the discharge coefficient. These coefficients fall within the range of experimental accuracy. Except for small bore orifices, the coefficients used in PIPE-FLOs flow meter sizing module are those listed in Reference 1. Small bore orifices are covered by Reference 2. The formula used to calculate the value of the coefficient depends on the meter type and manufacturing method or pressure tap arrangement used to measure the differential pressure. The most common meter types are supported by the program. These types are: orifices (corner, flange, 1D - D, and balancing), small bore orifices (corner groove and flange), flow nozzles (1D - D), venturi tubes (rough-cast, rough-welded, and machined convergent). The discharge coefficient for each type of meter is given below.

Method of Solution


Corner Taps Corner taps are located such that the tap holes break through the wall flush with the faces of the meter plate. The discharge coefficient for corner taps is as follows: C = 0.5959 + 0.03122.1 - 0.18408 + 91.712.5RD-0.75 equation 6 RD = Reynolds number = 22738 qm / D Flange Taps Flange pressure taps are located so that the inlet tap is 1 inch from the upstream face of the meter plate and the outlet tap is 1 inch from the downstream face of the meter plate. The discharge coefficient for flange taps when D 2.3 in. is as follows: C = 0.5959 + 0.03122.1 - 0.18408 + 0.0900D-14(1 - 4)-1 - 0.0337D-13 + 91.712.5RD-0.75 equation 7 For flange taps when 2 < D < 2.3 in.: C = 0.5959 + 0.03122.1 - 0.18408 + 0.0390D-14(1 - 4)-1 - 0.0337D-13 + 91.712.5RD-0.75 equation 8 1D - D Taps 1D - D pressure taps are located so that the inlet tap is a distance of one pipe diameter upstream of the meter plate inlet face and the outlet tap is located a distance of one half pipe diameter downstream of the meter plate inlet face. The discharge coefficient for 1D - D taps is as follows: C = 0.5959 + 0.03122.1 - 0.18408 + 0.03904(1 - 4)-1 - 0.015843 + 91.712.5RD-0.75 equation 9

Method of Solution


Balancing For the balancing orifice, the discharge coefficient is the same as that for the 1D - D tap arrangement. Small Bore - Corner Taps Corner pressure taps are located in annular grooves on each side of the plate. The discharge coefficient for small bore corner groove taps is as follows: C = [0.5991 + 0.0044/D + (0.3155 + 0.0175/D)(4 + 216)](1 - 4 )1/2 + [0.52/D - 0.192 + (16.48 - 1.16/D)(4 + 416)][(1 - 4 )/RD]1/2 equation 10 Small Bore - Flange Taps Flange pressure taps are located so that the inlet tap is 1 inch from the upstream face of the meter plate and the outlet tap is 1 inch from the downstream face of the meter plate. The discharge coefficient for small bore flange taps is as follows: C = [0.5980 + 0.468(4 + 1012)] (1 - 4 )1/2 + (0.87 + 8.14)[(1 - 4 )/RD]1/2 equation 11

Flow Nozzles
The upstream tap is located a distance of one pipe diameter upstream from the plane of the nozzle inlet face. The downstream tap is located either in the nozzle throat or one half pipe diameter from the nozzle inlet face. Location of the downstream tap beyond the plane of the nozzle exit end is not permitted. The discharge coefficient for flow nozzles is as follows: C = 0.9975 - 0.00653(106/RD)1/2 equation 12

Method of Solution


Venturi Tubes
The upstream pressure taps are located a distance of one half pipe diameter upstream from the inlet of the convergent entrance. The throat taps are located a distance of one half the venturi throat diameter from the end of the convergent entrance. The venturi discharge coefficient is dependent on the method of manufacture. The discharge coefficients for each type of venturi is as follows: Rough-cast and Rough-welded Convergent C = 0.984 Machined Convergent C = 0.995

Non-recoverable Pressure Drop

The non-recoverable pressure drop (NRPD) is the pressure loss associated with a flow meter. For orifices and nozzles, the NRPD is the difference in static pressure between a wall pressure measured on the upstream side of the meter where the influence of the approach impact pressure adjacent to the plate becomes negligible (approximately 1D upstream of the meter) and the pressure measured on the downstream side of the meter where the static pressure recovery by expansion of the jet may be considered as just completed (approximately 6D downstream of the meter). For venturi tubes, the NRPD is the difference in pressure measured between a point 1D upstream from the upstream end of the venturi and a point 6D downstream from the downstream end of the venturi minus the difference in pressure at those same locations prior to installation of the venturi. The equations for non-recoverable pressure loss are given below.

h = {[(1 - 4)1/2 - C2]/[(1 - 4)1/2 + C2]}hw equation 13 h = non-recoverable pressure drop (inches H2O) C = discharge coefficient

Method of Solution


h = (1 + 0.014 - 2.062 + 1.183)hw equation 14

Venturi Tubes
15 Divergent Angle h = (0.436 - 0.86 + 0.592)hw equation 15 7 Divergent Angle h = (0.218 - 0.42 + 0.382)hw equation 16

Flow Resistance Coefficient

PIPE-FLOs flow meter sizing module calculates a meter flow resistance coefficient which can be inserted into a piping system model as a fixed K value. The coefficient is calculated using the following equation from Reference 3: Kv = (f1d4p/3.6288w2) equation 17 Kv = flow resistance coefficient f1 = density of flowing fluid at upstream conditions (lb/ft3) p = non-recoverable pressure drop, NRPD (psi) w = mass rate of flow (lb/sec) For compressible flow, equation 17 assumes that the pressure drop across the meter is less than 10% of the inlet absolute pressure. If this is not the case, the Kv value should be adjusted by multiplying the numerator by the square of the expansion factor (Y) as outlined in Reference 3.

Method of Solution


Sonic Flow
Sonic flow is the maximum flow that can be attained through a meter. It is primarily a function of the pressure ratio, beta ratio, and isentropic exponent. As an approximation, the flow meter sizing module considers the flow to approach the sonic velocity when the value of the expansion factor (Y) reaches 2/3. This approximation is intended as a guideline to aid in identifying design conditions which are potentially sonic. In both the sizing dialog box and the Graph Window, users are notified if their meter design is approaching the sonic condition.

Flashing Condition
For non-compressible fluids, a flashing condition will occur if the pressure drop specified causes the downstream fluid pressure to equal or fall below the fluid vapor pressure. When a meter design is close to the flashing condition, notification is provided in the Graph Window.

Equation Limits and Discharge Coefficient Uncertainties

In the standard, discharge coefficient uncertainty values are given for each type of flow meter. Limits of use for the flow meter equations are also provided.

Uncertainty 10,000 < RD < 108 2000 < RD < 10,000 Limits 2" < D < 36" 0.20 < < 0.75 2000 < RD < 108 p2/p1 > 0.75 = 0.20 0.60 0.75 (0.6%) (%) (0.6 + )%

Method of Solution


Small Bore Orifices

Uncertainty 0.75% Limits, Corner Taps 0.5" < D < 1.5" 0.10 < < 0.80 RD > 1000 Limits, Flange Taps 1" < D < 1.5" 0.15 < < 0.70 RD > 1000

Uncertainty 2% Limits 4" < D < 30" 0.20 < < 0.80 104 < RD < 6 x 106 p2/p1 > 0.75

Venturi Tubes
Uncertainty 1% Limits, Rough-cast and Rough-welded Convergent 4" < D < 48" 0.30 < < 0.75 2 x 105 < RD < 6 x 106 p2/p1 > 0.75 Limits, Machined Convergent 2" < D < 10" 0.30 < < 0.75 2 x 105 < RD < 2 x 106 p2/p1 > 0.75


Method of Solution


Thermal Expansion Factor Limits

The Standard has thermal expansion data for the following materials over the temperature ranges shown: Material Carbon Steel Alloy Steel Series 300 SS Series 400 SS CrNi 25/20 Monel 67/30 Monel 66/29 Aluminum Bronze Brass Wrought Iron CuNi 70/30 Temperature Limits, C -198 -198 -198 -198 -198 -198 -198 -198 -198 -198 -198 -198 to to to to to to to to to to to to 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 316 649 649 538 204 Temperature Limits, F -325 -325 -325 -325 -325 -325 -325 -325 -325 -325 -325 -325 to to to to to to to to to to to to 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 600 1200 1200 1000 400

1 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Standard, Measurement of Fluid Flow in Pipes Using Orifice, Nozzle, and Venturi (ASME MFC-3M-1989); issued January 1990. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Standard, Measurement of Fluid Flow Using Small Bore Precision Orifice Meters (ASME MFC-14M-1995); issued June 1995. Crane Technical Paper No. 410, Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings, and Pipe; twenty fourth printing, 1988.

Method of Solution


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