Questionnaire On Telemedicine
Questionnaire On Telemedicine
Questionnaire On Telemedicine
Outcomes What were the effects of the telemedicine application on the clinical process of care compared to the alternative(s)? a. Was the application associated with differences in the use of health services (e.g., office visits, emergency transfers, diagnostic tests, length of hospital stay)? b. Was the application associated with differences in appropriateness of services (e.g., underuse of clearly beneficial care)? c. Was the application associated with differences in the quality, amount, or type of information available to clinicians or patients? d. Was the application associated with differences in patients' knowledge of their health status, their understanding of the care options, or their compliance with care regimens? e. Was the application associated with differences in diagnostic accuracy or timeliness, patient management decisions, or technical performance? f. Was the application associated with differences in the interpersonal aspects of care? What were the effects of the telemedicine application on immediate, intermediate, or long-term health outcomes compared to the alternative(s)? a. Was the application associated with differences in physical signs or symptoms? b. Was the application associated with differences in morbidity or mortality? c. Was the application associated with a difference in physical, mental, or social and role functioning? d. Was the application associated with differences in health-related behaviors (e.g., compliance with treatment regimens)? e. Was the application associated with differences in patients' satisfaction with their care or patients' perceptions about the quality or acceptability of the care they received? Evaluating Access to Care Did telemedicine affect the use of services or the level or appropriateness of care compared to the alternative(s)? a. What was the utilization of telemedicine services before, during, and after the study period for target population and clinical problem(s)? b. When offered the option of telemedicine service, how often did patients
accept or refuse an initial service or fail to keep an appointment? accept or refuse a subsequent service or fail to keep an appointment? c. What was the utilization of specified alternative services before, during, and after the study period for the target population and clinical problem(s)? Consultants traveling to distant sites Patients traveling to distant consultants Consultation by mail or courier Transfers to other facilities Self-care d. Was the telemedicine application associated with a difference in overall utilization (e.g., number of services or rate) or indicators of appropriateness of care for Specialty care Primary care Transport services Services associated with lack of timely care? Did the application affect the timeliness of care or the burden of obtaining care compared to the alternative(s)? a. Was there a difference in the Timing of care Appointment waiting times for referrals? b. What were patient attitudes about the Timeliness of care Burden of obtaining care Appropriateness of care? c. What were the attitudes of attending and consulting physicians and other personnel about the Timeliness of care Burden of providing care Appropriateness of care? Evaluating Health Care Costs and Cost-Effectiveness What were the costs of the telemedicine application for participating health care providers or health plans compared to the alternative(s)? a. Was an application associated with differences in attending clinicians' costs for personnel, equipment, supplies, administrative services, travel, or other items? Was an application associated with differences in revenues or productivity? What was the net effect? b. Was an application associated with differences in consulting clinicians' or consulting organizations' costs for personnel, equipment, supplies, space,
administrative services, travel, or other items? Was an application associated with differences in revenues or productivity? What was the net effect? c. Was an application associated with differences in the cost per service, per episode of illness, or per member (health plan enrollee, capitated lives) per month? What were the costs of the telemedicine application for patients and families compared to the alternative(s)? a. Was the application associated with differences in direct medical costs for patients or families? b. Was the application associated with differences for patients or families in other direct costs (e.g., travel, child care) or indirect cost (e.g., lost work days)? What were the costs for society overall compared to the alternative(s)? a. Was an application associated with differences in total health care costs, the cost per service, per episode of illness, or per capita? How did the costs of the application relate to the benefits of the telemedicine application compared to the alternative(s)? Evaluating Patient Perceptions Were patients satisfied with the telemedicine service compared to the alternative(s)? a. How did patients rate their physical and psychological comfort with the application? b. How did patients rate the convenience of the encounter, its duration, its timeliness, and its cost? c. How did patients (and family members) rate the skills and personal manner of the consultant and the attending personnel (e.g., primary care physician, nurse practitioner)? d. Was the lack of direct physical contact with the distant clinician acceptable? e. How did patients rate the explanations provided to them of what their problem was and what was being recommended? f. Did patients have concerns about whether the privacy of personal medical information was protected? g. Would patients be willing to use the telemedicine service again? h. Overall, how satisfied were patients with the telemedicine services they received? Evaluating Clinician Perceptions Were attending/consulting clinicians satisfied with the telemedicine application compared to the alternative(s)?
a. How did attending/consulting clinicians rate their comfort with telemedicine equipment and procedures? b. How did attending/consulting clinicians rate the convenience of telemedicine in terms of scheduling, physical arrangements, and location? c. How did attending/consulting clinicians rate the timeliness of consultation results? d. How did attending/consulting clinicians rate the technical quality of the service? e. How did attending/consulting clinicians rate the quality of communications with patients? f. Were attending/consulting clinicians concerned about maintaining the confidentiality of personal medical information and protecting patients' privacy? g. Did attending/consulting clinicians believe the application made a positive contribution to patient care? h. Would the clinicians be willing to use the telemedicine services again? i. Overall, how satisfied were the attending/consulting clinicians with the telemedicine service?