11d e Medicine
11d e Medicine
11d e Medicine
The specialist actually hears your medical history and current condition directly from you
and your provider instead of the specialist receiving a dictated note in the mail.
With the use of ENT medical peripherals such as a nasopharyngoscope, your provider
can pass this medical peripheral into your nasal passage which will allow your provider
and the ENT specialist simultaneous crystal clear video of your throat and vocal cords.
The specialist may ask you to cough, pronounce letters, etc. in order to get the best
outcome for the diagnosis.
Your provider has the opportunity throughout the examination to ask questions and learn
from each and every consultation. The continual education of your provider via medical
consultations is an immeasurable benefit to all his patients.
e-medicine Usage Models
This is the most common use in e-medicine. Like the example above, live video allows the provider, patient
and specialist to all communicate together to achieve the best outcome for the patient.
To Patients
Loved ones remain in their community with family support
Cost savings from not having to travel extensively
Immediate urgent care
Confidentiality of specialty examination or visit (Because the patient visits the
general practice doctor, he can be seen for any specialty care without anyone else
Patient education courses (nutrition, oncology, etc.)
Properly stabilize patient prior to transport
Early Diagnosis prior to escalated medical episode
Rural Patient's Community - Rupees follow the patient : Patients that routinely travel
to visit doctors in large urban areas tend to purchase their goods and services from those
cities, e-medicine keeps those Rupees local.
To e-medicine Providers (hub sites) :
Expand patient outreach
Reduction in ER visits
Promotion of Hospital
2. Save the time wasted by both providers and patients in traveling from one geographic location
to another to avail services on time- Think of a patient who requires immediate specialist
consultancy, and there is no specialist available to cater to him. This is where e-medicine could
be utilized for effective healthcare delivery.
3. Reduce costs of medical care The ever- rising cost of healthcare is becoming a prime
concern. The incidental expenses related to patient care, i.e. the cost associated with factors
other than the actual medial care such as travel, accommodation for relatives, food etc also
contribute substantially to the overall cost of treatment. In a country where health insurance is
yet to catch up, all these are borne by patients, in many cases by selling property and
livestock. If hospitals can reduce these costs associated with treatment, it would go a long way
in reducing the burden of care on the patient. E-medicine seems to be the answer.
Initiatives taken by healthcare organizations;
There are many activities that are going to contribute to the spread of E-Medicine in India. Of
which APOLLO (Hyderabad) and ASIA HEART FOUNDATION (Bangalore) are emerging as key
players. Madras Medical College is the first government medical college to have E-Medicine installed
Organizations such as ISRO, have taken innovative approach to facilitate healthcare delivery
by launching an exclusive health satellite. It provides almost 100% uptime, making it the best medium
for a country such as India with diversity in terrain. General Electric and Wipro are also undertaking emedicine stations in Chennai and Hyderabad.
Grudges and Hindrances:
Perspective of medical practitioners : Doctors are not fully convinced and familiar with emedicine. They cannot understand how their jobs can be performed more effectively and
efficiently through the use of e-medicine. The very thought of diagnosing a patient when
he/she is physically absent just on basis of the data provided through the net turns them
blue. Similarly practitioners in remote areas feel threatened that they will be surpassed due
the reach of brand names like APOLLO, Asia Heart Foundation etc.
Patients fear and unfamiliarity : There is a lack of confidence in patients, about the
outcome of E-Medicine. The main problem is that any treatment consist of two factors; first
is chemotherapy i.e. treatment by medicines and the other is psychotherapy that means
treatment by emotions which is absent in e-medicine.
Financial unavailability: There has been several isolated initiatives from various
organizations and hospitals for the implementation of e-medicine projects. But the
technology and communication costs being too high, make it financially unfeasible.
Lack of basic amenities: In India, nearly 40% of population lives below the poverty level.
Basic amenities like transportation, electricity, telecommunication, safe drinking water,
primary health services, etc. are missing. Any technological advancement cant change a
bit when a person has nothing to change.
Literacy rate and diversity in languages : Only 65.38 % of Indias population is literate
with only 2% well-versed in English. So the rest of the people are facing a problem in
adopting E-Medicine. Also, the presence of a large number of regional languages makes
the applicability of a single software difficult for the entire country.
Quality aspect : Quality is the essence and every one wants it, but can sometimes create
problems. In case of health care, there is no proper governing body to form guidelines in
this respect and motivate the organizations to follow, it is solely on organizations how they
take it.
Government Support : The government has limitations and so does private enterprises.
Any technology in its primary stage, needs care and support. Only the government has the
resources and the power to help it survive and grow. But in India we are not the favored
ones. There is no such initiatives taken by the government to develop it.
The importance of right strategy planning- A specific approach for each case
Provide basic facilities- like Transportation, Electricity, Primary health care centers (PHC)
Integrate E-Medicine with other daily facilities- like Education, Health, Banking services etc.
Training- it is essential to train the literate people from rural areas.
ood and Effective advertising campaigns- by video or by audio, which can be
understood by rural people.