Comparing AMOS and SAS Proc CALIS
Comparing AMOS and SAS Proc CALIS
Comparing AMOS and SAS Proc CALIS
Comparing AMOS and SAS Proc CALIS: Testing CIP as a second order construct
Anurag Srivastava, Pranav Karnavat and Vikram Suklani Guide: Prof. Amit Saraswat
Paper: 353-2012
It is a stimulating and motivating experience, completing this paper took lot of eort, time and energy. There are therefore several people we would like to thank for helping us going through this process. We would specially like to thank our guide, Prof. Amit Saraswat, Faculty and Area Chair Decision Sciences at Shanti Business School, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. The supervision and support that he gave us truly helped in delivering quality content in the paper. The co-operation is indeed appreciated. Our grateful thanks goes to both Prof. Toby Mammen, Faculty - Marketing at ICFAI, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India and Prof. Jayesh Aagja, Assistant Professor at Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India for providing us with much needed guidance whenever approached. We appreciate and acknowledge contribution of Mr. Gaurav Somani, Mr. Jankivallabh Garg, Mr. Mukesh Dave, Mr. Ravi Jain, Mr. Robin Panicker, Miss Shivani Shah and Miss Zeel Khadepaun in helping us in data collection from Ahmedabad city. Last but not the least we would like to thank all the respondents who have given their valuable input and time by filling up the questionnaire. SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
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Involvement has been the subject interest of both practitioners and researchers mainly in the area of marketing since many decades. This helps in understanding involvement of consumers towards various products, services, product categories, brands etc. Understanding Consumers involvement aids a company to communicate to consumers in an efficient manner by creating the right stimulus. Involvement involves rational thought process and evaluation of cost benefit ratio (Chombort 1979). Thus consumer involvement with products is a major concern with the marketers as involvement is a very subjective matter differing from person to person. Involvement is the level of interest of a person in the object (Day, 1970). Involvement arouses or evokes interest at particular stimulus or situations. Involvement has been related to a particular situation (Mitchell1979). Involvement is also said as arousal at a particular moment of time (Cohen1983). Hence, involvement can be understood as the degree of interest in a person created by a stimulus. Involvement is also effected by the situation in which the consumer is, at the time of purchasing (Zaichkowsky, 1985). Purchasing Involvement is self relevance of purchasing activities to the individual (Slama and Tashchian, 1985). It affects the decision making process of the consumers consisting of information search process evaluation and attitudes and behavior towards purchasing. This means that there are levels of involvement (high or low) but there is no single indicator which could describe involvement level (Kiesler, et. Al.1969 and Rothschild, 1979). Earlier literature suggests measuring levels of consumer involvement based on products pleasure value, sign value, risk importance, probability of purchase error, attitude, perception, commitment, familiarity, brand importance, optimum stimulus level, etc. (Traylor, 1981; Lastovicka and Gardner, 1985; Hupfer and Gardner, 1971; Raju, 1980). However, Laurent and Kapferer, 1985 suggest that instead of measuring involvement by using antecedents namely products pleasure value, sign or symbolic value, risk importance and probability of purchase error individually; these antecedents should be integrated, to measure the consumer involvement. This group/set of antecedents is termed as Consumer Involvement Profile (CIP). Therefore while considering involvement, Consumer involvement profile should be considered to specify relationship between consumer and product. The subtle difference in level of involvement is because of antecedents of involvement (Laurent and Kapferer, 1985). Thus involvement is a first order multi dimensional construct. Involvement of an individual is a result of its antecedents which consists of five facets i.e. Products Pleasure Value, Sign or Symbolic Value, Risk Importance and Probability of Purchase Error. Dynamics of involvement can be described completely only when these facets are integrated together to form a profile (Laurent & Kapferer, 1985). Each facet talks about ones involvement (high low) individually, and hence the integrated results of all these facets also talk about the same i.e. high low involvement of a consumer.
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It can be inferred that facets effect involvement. Be it purchasing involvement, involvement with products or general involvement (which can be defined by set of components of involvement), these different scales gives rise to a complete consumer involvement profile (which also includes high low involvement of consumer). This shows that CIP is not the immediate successor of five facets but is an immediate successor of PI, IP and CP. So it can be inferred that CIP is a second order construct rather than first order construct.
Objectives of the paper are: 1. The study tries to establish Consumer Involvement Profiles (CIP) as a second order construct and Involvement with Products (IP), Purchasing involvement (PI) and Components of Involvement (CP) are the first order constructs. 2. To understand and compare the process of scale modification using SAS PROC CALIS, (North Carolina State University, 1976) and AMOS (Arbuckle, 2006). Literature on scale development establishes that AMOS has been the instrument of choice. Through this paper we compare and contrast the scale development process using AMOS and SAS.
Literature Review
In order to achieve the objectives it is important to study the first order constructs namely Involvement with Products, Components of Involvement, Purchase decision involvement and Consumer Involvement Profiles, is as follows:
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Components of Involvement
Involvement is made up of two major components namely normative importance and commitment (Lastovicka and Gardner, 1979). They described normative importance as the level or degree of engagement a product has to the value sets of and individual. On the other hand, commitment is viewed as the self promise or binding of and individual to his / her choice of brand or product or product category. They gave a list of 22 items to be measured on Likert statements on 7 point scales. Lastovicka and Gardner, 1979 gave a scale to measure the involvement level which is general to several products.
Purchasing Involvement
Purchasing involvement means the self-relevance of purchasing activities to the individual. Slama and Taschian, 1985 developed a scale to measure overall purchasing involvement. Purchasing Involvement is a promising variable in marketing due to three reasons: 1. It may be combined with product and situation involvement to better explain buying behavior. This could help the marketers to identify segment as per the degrees of involvement thus giving them an ability to adjust the marketing strategy according to the combined effect of product, situation and purchasing involvement. 2. There might be a significant relation of purchasing involvement with the personality, traits and / or values variables. 3. Also it can be realized that the purchasing involvement of a consumer is never restricted solely to product category or the product itself.
This verified CIP a first order construct. Risk associated with product purchase will include two facets: One is the perception regarding negative results of poor choice and second is the perception about the chances of committing such a mistake.
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The three variables under study namely Involvement with Products, Purchasing Involvement and Components of Involvement are the first order constructs which combine together to give overall profile of a consumer explaining the dynamics of involvement. Hence CIP is hypothesized to be a second order construct. H0: Consumer Involvement Profiles (CIP) is a second order construct formed from IP, CP and PI. H1: Consumer Involvement Profiles (CIP) is not a second order construct formed from IP, CP and PI.
Data Collection
A sample of 800 respondents was randomly chosen for the study within the age group of 20 to 38 years from the geographical location of Ahmedabad a mega city in the state of Gujarat, India. The sample consisted of students pursuing graduation and / or post graduation. For this we surveyed various colleges and universities of Ahmedabad and recorded the responses of the respondents. The colleges and universities had a homogenous mix of the target segment but possessed heterogeneity in terms of courses they had opted. This sample was chosen as they have shown more inclination towards the product category under consideration i.e. jeans and are more prone to use it on a daily basis thereby possessing higher involvement levels with the product category.
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The data was collected based upon the questionnaire developed using the scales for measuring IP, CP, PI and CIP (Bearden, et. Al, 1993).Confirmatory factor analysis procedure was followed and then items were deleted from the model. Then the measurement model was tested on SAS and SPSS AMOS. After refining the initial model, the final Structural Model was tested on SPSS AMOS and SAS and the results were compared thereafter.
Involvement with Products (Measured by 6 items given by Traylor and Joseph, 1984) Purchasing Involvement (Measured by 33 items given by Slama and Tashchian, 1985) Consumer Involvement Profiles
Components of Involvement (Measured by 22 items given by Lastovicka and Gardner, 1979) Figure 1
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Standard scales were used to measure the model (Bearden, et. Al, 1993). The details of the scales are reported in the Table 1. Scale CP (Lastovicka, John L. and David M. Gardner(1979), Components Of Involvement, In Attitude Research Plays for High Stakes, J.C.Maloney and (eds), Chicago: American Marketing Association, 53-73) IP (Traylor, Mark B. and W. Benoy Joseph (1984), Measuring Consumer Involvement with Products: Developing a General Scale, Psychology and Marketing, 1 (Summer), 65-77). CIP (Laurent, Gills and Jean-Noel Kapferer (1985), Measuring Consumer Involvement Profiles, Journal of Marketing Research, 22 (February), 41-53). PI (Slama, Mark, E. and Armin Taschian (1985), Selected Socio-economic and Demographic Characteristics Associated with Purchasing Involvement, Journal of Marketing, 49 (Winter), 72-82.)
Table 1
No. of items
Denoted by
B1,B2, B3, B4
Results of AMOS
Initial Measurement Model
The initial measurement model consisted of all the variables and items under consideration which gave the values of fitness indices as shown in Table 2.
Parameters CMIN CMIN / DF RMSEA GFI CFI Hoelter Values 3304.12 2.81 0.05 0.81 0.55 (0.05) 277 (0.01) 285
Table 2
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After getting the values for fitness indices on measurement model, the structural model was tested for values of fitness indices reported below in Table 3.
Parameters CMIN CMIN / DF RMSEA GFI CFI Hoelter Values 3339.74 2.84 0.05 0.81 0.55 (0.05) 275 (0.01) 282
Table 3
Final Measurement Model
The final measurement model consists of items remaining after the process of scale purification. We started with the hypothesized model i.e. CIP is a second order construct. The process of purifying the scale was followed using the factor loadings. Items with factor loadings less that 0.5 were removed from the analysis (Hair, et. Al., 2011). After removing items with factor loadings less than 0.5 we arrived at the final measurement model as shown in Figure 2. Correlation connections have been suggested by modification indices.
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The model fit parameters for the final measurement model are as reported in Table 4.
Parameters CMIN CMIN / DF RMSEA GFI CFI Hoelter Values 106.40 2.85 0.05 0.97 0.95 (0.05) 360 (0.01) 413
Table 4
After testing the measurement model, we introduced CIP the second order construct (latent). We found that the measurement model accepted and explained the latent second order construct i.e. CIP with all the parameter values fulfilling the acceptance criteria. The final structural model is shown below in Figure 3. The model fit parameters for the final structural model are as reported in Table 5.
Parameters CMIN CMIN / DF RMSEA GFI CFI Hoelter Values 112.10 6.50 0.08 0.94 0.86 (0.05) 158 (0.01) 180
Table 5
The values of model fit parameters mentioned in Table 5 are acceptable (Hair et. Al., 2011). The modification process through AMOS leads to a structural model containing greatly reduced items as shown in Figure 3.
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Figure 3
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The process of scale modification was done using SAS PROC Calis. Then using the standardized beta weights and Squared Multiple Correlations (SMC), the items having a standardized loading less than 0.4 or squared multiple correlations less than 0.4 were removed. The final model fit parameters for the measurement model are reported in Table 6.
Parameters CMIN CMIN / DF GFI RMSEA CFI Table 6 Values 1348.29 1.12 0.48 0.04 0.84
Further deletion of items from the measurement model resulted into loss of its optimal state and QUANEW and LEVMAR Optimization not being achieved, hence no further items were deleted.
After the measurement model was finalized, the second order construct (latent) i.e. CIP was introduced and parameters were estimated. The goodness of fit parameters showed an increase in their values and Chi square decreased when the structural model was tested as compared to the final measurement model. The final model fit parameters for the structural model are reported in Table 7.
Parameters Values CMIN 1366.71 CMIN / DF 1.16 GFI 0.50 RMSEA 0.04 CFI 0.83 Table 7
The values of model fit parameters mentioned in Table 7 are acceptable (Hair et. Al., 2011).
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Any modification process leads to a suggestion of cross loading of few items. But the changes do NOT lead to significant rise in fitness indices.
Table 8
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order construct; further research has to be conducted to select the right scales in order to conclude the validity of CIP as a second order construct. 3. The difference in values of fitness indices in AMOS and SAS is large though Structural Equation Modeling technique is based on covariance structure decomposition. Both software give very different results. Table 10 reports the differences in the Initial Structural Model tested by AMOS and SAS Proc CALIS. Parameters CMIN CMIN/DF CFI GFI RMSEA AMOS Initial Structural Model 3339.74 2.84 0.55 0.81 0.05 Table 10 4. Proc CALIS suggests that the model with all items loaded has the best fitness indices, deleting any items further leads to deterioration of the model. This is certainly surprising. SAS Proc CALIS Initial Structural Model 1366.71 1.16 0.83 0.50 0.04
1. Anderson, J. C., & Gerbing, D. W. (1988), Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103(3), 411-423. 2. Arbuckle, J. L. (2006). AMOS (version 6.0) [Computer software], Chicago: Small Waters. 3. Bearden, William O, Netemeyer, Richard G & Mobley, Mary F. (1993), Handbook of marketing scales: multi- item measures for marketing and consumer behavior research, Sage Publications, Inc., Newbury Park. 4. Fornell, C., & Larcher, D. F. (1981), Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error, Journal of Marketing Research, 48, 3950. 5. Hair, J. F. Jr., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2006) Multivariate data analysis (6th Ed.), New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 6. Jreskog, Karl G. and F. Yang, Nonlinear Structural Equation Models: The Kenny and Judd Model with Interaction Effects (1996), Advances in Structural Equation Modeling Techniques, G.A. Marcoulides, R.E. Schumacker, eds., Hillsdale, NJ: LEA. 7. Jreskog, Karl G. and Dag Srbom (1996), Lisrel 8 User's Reference Guide, Chicago:
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Scientific Software International, Inc. 8. Kline, R. B. (2005). Principles and practice of structural equation modeling (2nd Ed.), New York: Guilford Press. 9. Laurent, G., & Kapferer, J (1985), Measuring consumer involvement profiles. Journal of Marketing Research, 22, 41-53. 10. Mark B Traylor W Benoy Joseph (Summer 1984), Measuring Consumer Involvement in Products, Psychology & Marketing (pre-1986), 1, 2, 65. 11. Mittal, Banwari (1986-1998), Measuring Purchase-Decision Involvement, Psychology & Marketing, 6, 2, 147. 12. Slama and Tashchian (Winter, 1985), Selected Socioeconomic and Demographic Characteristics Associated with Purchasing Involvement, The Journal of Marketing, Vol. 49(1), 72 82. 13. Zaichkowsky, J. L. (1985), Measuring the involvement construct, Journal of Consumer Research, 12, 341-352.
Annexure 1
SAS CODE FOR STRUCTURAL MODEL TITLE "CONSUMER INVOLVEMENT PROFILE"; PROC CALIS DATA = OUTPUTFINAL COVARIANCE RESIDUAL MODIFICATION MAXITER = 1000; VAR A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 B1 B2 B3 B4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24; LINEQS A1=B1 F_CP+E1, A2=B2 F_CP+E2, A3=B3 F_CP+E3, A4=B4 F_CP+E4, A5=B5 F_CP+E5, A6=B6 F_CP+E6, A7=B7 F_CP+E7, A8=B8 F_CP+E8, A9=B9 F_CP+E9, A10=B10 F_CP+E10, A11=B11 F_CP+E11, A12=B12 F_CP+E12, A13=B13 F_CP+E13, A14=B14 F_CP+E14, A15=B15 F_CP+E15, A16=B16 F_CP+E16, A17=B17 F_CP+E17, A18=B18 F_CP+E18, A19=1.0 F_CP+E19, A20=B20 F_CP+E20, A21=B21 F_CP+E21, A22=B22 F_CP+E22, B1=B23 F_IP+E23, B2=B24 F_IP+E24, B3=1.0 F_IP+E25, B4=B26 F_IP+E26, SAS CODE FOR MEASUREMENT MODEL TITLE "CONSUMER INVOLVEMENT PROFILE"; PROC CALIS DATA = OUTPUTFINAL COVARIANCE RESIDUAL MODIFICATION MAXITER = 1000; VAR A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 B1 B2 B3 B4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24; LINEQS A1=B1 F_CP+E1, A2=B2 F_CP+E2, A3=B3 F_CP+E3, A4=B4 F_CP+E4, A5=B5 F_CP+E5, A6=B6 F_CP+E6, A7=B7 F_CP+E7, A8=B8 F_CP+E8, A9=B9 F_CP+E9, A10=B10 F_CP+E10, A11=B11 F_CP+E11, A12=B12 F_CP+E12, A13=B13 F_CP+E13, A14=B14 F_CP+E14, A15=B15 F_CP+E15, A16=B16 F_CP+E16, A17=B17 F_CP+E17, A18=B18 F_CP+E18, A19=1.0 F_CP+E19, A20=B20 F_CP+E20, A21=B21 F_CP+E21, A22=B22 F_CP+E22, B1=B23 F_IP+E23, B2=B24 F_IP+E24, B3=1.0 F_IP+E25,
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D1=B44 F_PI+E44, D2=B45 F_PI+E45, D3=B46 F_PI+E46, D4=B47 F_PI+E47, D5=B48 F_PI+E48, D6=B49 F_PI+E49, D7=B50 F_PI+E50, D8=B51 F_PI+E51, D9=B52 F_PI+E52, D10=B53 F_PI+E53, D11=B54 F_PI+E54, D12=B55 F_PI+E55, D13=B56 F_IP+E56, D14=B57 F_PI+E57, D15=1.0 F_PI+E58, D16=B59 F_PI+E59, D17=B60 F_PI+E60, D18=B61 F_PI+E61, D19=B62 F_PI+E62, D20=B63 F_PI+E63, D21=B64 F_PI+E64, D22=B65 F_PI+E65, D23=B66 F_PI+E66, D24=B67 F_PI+E67, F_PI=B68 F_CIP+E68, F_IP=1.0 F_CIP+E69, F_CP=B69 F_CIP+E70; STD F_CIP = 1.0, E70 = 1.0, E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 E49 E50 E51 E52 E53 E54 E55 E56 E57 E58 E59 E60 E61 E62 E63 E64 E65 E66 E67 E68 E69 = E_VAR1 E_VAR2 E_VAR3 E_VAR4 E_VAR5 E_VAR6 E_VAR7 E_VAR8 E_VAR9 E_VAR10 E_VAR11 E_VAR12 E_VAR13 E_VAR14 E_VAR15 E_VAR16 E_VAR17 E_VAR18 E_VAR19 E_VAR20 E_VAR21 E_VAR22 E_VAR23 E_VAR24 E_VAR25 E_VAR26 E_VAR44 E_VAR45 E_VAR46 E_VAR47 E_VAR48 E_VAR49 E_VAR50 E_VAR51 E_VAR52 E_VAR53 E_VAR54 E_VAR55 E_VAR56 E_VAR57 E_VAR58 E_VAR59 E_VAR60 E_VAR61 E_VAR62 E_VAR63 E_VAR64 E_VAR65 E_VAR66 E_VAR67 E_VAR68 E_VAR69; RUN;
B4=B26 F_IP+E26, D1=B44 F_PI+E44, D2=B45 F_PI+E45, D3=B46 F_PI+E46, D4=B47 F_PI+E47, D5=B48 F_PI+E48, D6=B49 F_PI+E49, D7=B50 F_PI+E50, D8=B51 F_PI+E51, D9=B52 F_PI+E52, D10=B53 F_PI+E53, D11=B54 F_PI+E54, D12=B55 F_PI+E55, D13=B56 F_IP+E56, D14=B57 F_PI+E57, D15=1.0 F_PI+E58, D16=B59 F_PI+E59, D17=B60 F_PI+E60, D18=B61 F_PI+E61, D19=B62 F_PI+E62, D20=B63 F_PI+E63, D21=B64 F_PI+E64, D22=B65 F_PI+E65, D23=B66 F_PI+E66, D24=B67 F_PI+E67; STD F_PI F_IP F_CP = 1.0 1.0 1.0, E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 E20 E21 E22 E23 E24 E25 E26 E44 E45 E46 E47 E48 E49 E50 E51 E52 E53 E54 E55 E56 E57 E58 E59 E60 E61 E62 E63 E64 E65 E66 E67= E_VAR1 E_VAR2 E_VAR3 E_VAR4 E_VAR5 E_VAR6 E_VAR7 E_VAR8 E_VAR9 E_VAR10 E_VAR11 E_VAR12 E_VAR13 E_VAR14 E_VAR15 E_VAR16 E_VAR17 E_VAR18 E_VAR19 E_VAR20 E_VAR21 E_VAR22 E_VAR23 E_VAR24 E_VAR25 E_VAR26 E_VAR44 E_VAR45 E_VAR46 E_VAR47 E_VAR48 E_VAR49 E_VAR50 E_VAR51 E_VAR52 E_VAR53 E_VAR54 E_VAR55 E_VAR56 E_VAR57 E_VAR58 E_VAR59 E_VAR60 E_VAR61 E_VAR62 E_VAR63 E_VAR64 E_VAR65 E_VAR66 E_VAR67; COV F_PI F_IP F_CP = PHI1 PHI2 PHI3; RUN;
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