RRL Factors Affecting New
RRL Factors Affecting New
RRL Factors Affecting New
affecting participation and success in mathematics. In their study "Influence of attitude on performance
of students in mathematics curriculum”, it is worth noting that the independent variable (Attitude) for
the students had crucial association with dependent variable (Mathematics Test).
The research of Mohd, Mahmood & Mohd (2011) entitled "Factors that Influence students in
Mathematics Achievement” indicated that there is substantial connection between the level of patience
towards problem-solving and mathematics achievement. It also reflects that there is significant
connection between attitudes towards problem solving and mathematics attainment. On the other
hand, the research reveals that there is significant relationship between attitudes towards problem
solving and there is no substantial connection with the willingness and reliance regarding problem
solving and mathematics achievement.
The study conduct by Math Fluency (2011), educators and cognitive scientists approve that the capacity
to remember basic math facts fluently is vital for students to attain higher-order math techniques. If this
meaningful retrieval does not improve then the development of higher-order mathematics skills-such as
multiple-digit addition and subtraction, long division, and fractions may be hardly impaired. Indeed,
studies have establish that lack of math fact retrieval can impede participation in math class discussions,
successful mathematics problem-solving, and even the development of common life skills.
In the research paper conducted by Guven & Cabakcor (2013), it is understood that there are various
aspects affecting students' problem-solving abilities and shows the affective components problem
solving attainment was analyzed. Problem-solving achievements was found, while a relatively significant
connection between students' problem-solving attitudes, problem-solving beliefs, mathematics anxiety
and self-efficacy perception for mathematics factors and their problem-solving achievements was
observed and there is no significant relationship between the indirect factors and problem-solving
achievements was found.
The research of Öztürk, Akkan & Kaplan (2020), literature that investigates the conditions of factors
affecting problem-solving evaluates the cognitive and affective components. Previously, studies have
demonstrated that Mathematics attitude and Mathematics self-efficacy as affective factors, reading
comprehension as a cognitive factor could play a crucial role in the problem-solving of middle school
learners. The examination also showed that for middle-school students’ non-routine Mathematics
problem-solving skills, all related factors–reading comprehension, and Mathematics self-efficacy
perception and Mathematics attitude were significantly predicted problem-solving skills.
The paper research of Harisman, Noto & Hidayat (2020), the students had been exemplified in problem
solving and there are classifications of students' mathematical problem solving behavior in junior high
schools in Indonesia had been attained. The interview outcomes were coded to get conclusions and the
research findings were that the external aspects of students’ didn’t affect students in behaving to solve
problems in mathematics then the significance of this finding is that, the major factor influencing
student behavior in problem-solving is teacher professionalism in learning not from the students.
Therefore, the teacher must be provided in designing all components of learning.
In accord with Marchis (2013), formulating problem solving competency is one of the largely important
goals of Mathematics teaching. The importance of secondary school instructors have a good problem-
solving competency.There is a quite powerful positive correlation between students’ attitude towards
Mathematics and their problem solving skills and it is important to use teaching method, which
encourage collaboration, put the student in the situation of explaining their solution, and expect
creativity from students in order to have a higher problem solving skills.