Factors Contributing To The Growth of Rural Markets
Factors Contributing To The Growth of Rural Markets
Factors Contributing To The Growth of Rural Markets
1. Employment Opportunities: The income from new employment and rural development efforts has increased the purchasing power of rural people. 2. Green Revolution: Due to green revolution a technological break through has taken place in rural India, which results into substantial wealth generation in these areas. 3. Favourable Government Policies: Tax exemption in backward areas, subsidy, concession, incentives and heavy investment in rural development programmes in has brought rapid growth of rural markets. 4. Literacy Growth: Literacy rate is increasing in rural areas, nearly 45% of rural Indians are literate. This brings social and cultural changes in buying behaviour of the rural customers. 5. Rising Disposable Income: Good monsoons, green revolution and Administered Pricing Mechanism (PAM) have raised disposable income in rural areas. 6. Attraction of Higher Standard of Living: Rural people have been motivated to change their lifestyles and have higher standard of living. 7. Spread of Cable Television: The growth of satellite TV channels has made a major impact on villages. This has led to a change in lifestyle and consumption pattern.
Recent Development in Rural Market (May 04) Changing Pattern of Rural Demand (Nov. 04, May 08) The position in the rural market was totally different twenty years ago. At preset there is a demand for products like TV, fans, oil engines, readymade garments, medicine, etc. New products like toiletries, baby care products and consumer durables are now getting good demand. Demand pattern of rural markets are changing due to the following reasons:
1. Production of food grains has increased. This enhanced the rural purchasing power.
1. Due to 2000 Exim policy, export of Indian agricultural products increased. 2. Credit facilities extended by public sector banks by kisan credit cards helps farmers to buy agricultural and consumer goods on installments. 3. Co-operative and public sector banks are extending loans to the rural people and creating job opportunities for them. 4. Cable TV has played important role in bringing change in lifestyle and consumption habits of rural people. 5. Liberalisation facilitated contract farming thus the farmer has ready market for their produce.
4 As of Rural Marketing
1. Availability: The first challenge is to ensure availability of products and services. Indias 627,000 villages spread over 3.2 million sq. km, given the poor state road; it is not easy to reach 700 million rural Indians. 2. Affordability: The second challenge is to ensure affordability of the products and services. With low disposable income products need to be affordable to the rural consumers. Some companies consider it by introducing small unit packs, e.g. Godrej introduced Fair glow in 50 gm packs. 3. Acceptability: The third challenge is to gain acceptability for the products and services. Therefore there is a need to offer products that suites the rural consumer needs and customs. E.g. LG developed a customised TV for the rural market and promoted Sampoorna. 4. Awareness: Events like fairs, festivals, haats etc. are to be used for brand communication. Ideas like putting sticker on the hand pumps, walls of the wells, tin palates on trees surrounding the ponds etc. are some of the innovative media used by soap companies like Lux, Lifeboy, Rin and Wheel. The idea is to advertise at the time of consumption.
Project BHARAT of
Good physical connectivity and high mobility Poor physical connectivity and low mobility Incomes are more stable and permanent Occupations are government employment, business, industry etc. Income received at regular income Large number of interactions with persons and less frequent between same persons Social norms are less visible Cast influence indirect and less visible High exposure to variety of products High brand awareness Mostly agricultural occupation Acute seasonality in income receipts Less number of interactions with persons and more frequent between same persons Social norms influencing individuals Cast influence direct and strong Low exposure to variety of products Low brand awareness People work in less certain environment
High exposure to marketing researchers and Low exposure to marketing researchers and multiple source of information limited source of information
More convenient buying, more retail outlet per Less convenient buying, less retail outlet per 1000 population 1000 population
1. Cavin Kare introduced shampoo in 4 ml sachets at 0.50 paise. 2. Rasna is now available in sachet at Re. 1 3. Ponds introduced 20 gm talcum powder 4. Tiger biscuit is available in four biscuits pack at Re. 1
3. Sturdy Products Sturdiness of a product is an important factor for rural consumers. The rural consumers believe that heavier the, higher he power and durability. Example:
1. Bullet motorcycle is popular in village due to its ruggedness. 2. Escorts has positioned their motorcycle Rajdoot as a tough vehicle. 3. Rural consumer prefer dry battery cell, which are heavy.
4. Utility Oriented Products Rural consumers are more concerned with the utility of the product and its appearance. Example:
1. Philips introduced low cost radio Bahadur with only medium wave receiver, which was failed and fund that rural consumer purchase radio not only for news but also for entertainment.
5. Brand Name Rural consumers are more brand loyalists than urban consumer. The brand name should instantly be understood by the rural consumers. Rural consumers are unfamiliar with English and absurd names. More preferably rural brand is a symbol, logo or color. Example:
1. Everyday battery with a cat symbol rural consumers remember it as billi wali battery. 2. Lifebuoy soap rural consumers remember it as lal saboon 3. Mahindra tractors brand Bhumiputra 4. Slogan of Red Label Tea jiyo mere lal proved very effective to promote sale.
Counterfeiting is a kind of duplication where the fake products bear the identical name of the original product, its packaging, graphics, color pattern, design and even same name and address as the genuine manufacturer. A pass-off product is one that comes with a few minor changes from the original product. The slight changes are made to avoid legal problems. Example: Head and Shower Head and Shoulder Pantane Pantene Sunmilk Sunsilk Lifebuoy Loveboy Climik Plus Clinic Plus Parla G Parle G Vikas Vicks
Refill packs benefits the rural consumers in terms of price and also the packaging material should be reusable in rural areas. Example Many farmers demand for fertilizers packed in LDPE or HDPE sacks. They feel that they get sacks free of cost by purchasing fertilizers. 4. Discounts In order to motivate the rural retailer to sell more, a discount of 5-10% is given on the MRP particularly in case of FMC goods. 5. Promotional Schemes Rural consumer normally buys household articles during festivals like Eid, Diwali, and Pongal etc. special promotional schemes could be introduced on such occasions like exchange offers, special discounts, etc.
1. Quality Conscious Consumers They are very rich and are mainly concerned with quality of the products and services
Pricing Methods:
1. Discriminatory Pricing charging different customer groups differently. 2. Skimming pricing Charging high prices at initial level, E.g. P&G launched Tide detergent at high price and then reduced it lower than other brands. 1. Value Conscious Customers They are of middle class and are mainly concerned with functional benefits and value for money
Pricing Methods:
1. Penetration Pricing Charging low prices at initial level then increasing gradually when brand name has been established. E.g. Maggie noodles, Vicks, Rin detergent. 2. Value Pricing Setting the price reasonably lower than the competitors price. 1. Price Conscious Customers They are climbers, aspirants and destitutes. They watch for promotional offers and purchase cheap or fake products.
Pricing Methods:
1. Psychological Pricing Psychological pricing is one that ends in an odd number e.g. Rs. 99.95. It conveys two notions to consumer that there is a discount or bargain and it belongs to lower price category. 2. Promotional Pricing It includes mini packs, price-off, special discounts, credit facilities etc.
3. Cinema: About 29% of rural people watch cinema as regular lifestyle. Short feature films with advertisement message, Ad-films and documentaries that combine knowledge and advertisement are useful for rural communication. 4. Radio: It is a well-established medium in rural areas. Radio reaches large rural population at low cost. 5. * Point Of Purchase: Point of purchase or point of sale is popular promotional tool used in rural market. POPs should be especially designed to suit rural requirements. POPs. Colors, symbols and pictures should be used more than the written words. 6. Outdoors: Outdoors such as hoardings, wall paintings, illuminations and other displays are also now being used for rural communication.
Chennai & Andhra Pradesh String/Rod Puppet Orissa, Kerala, Karnataka Shadow Puppet
1. Folk Theater: Folk theatre is mainly short and rhythmic in form. It has been used as an effective medium for social protest against injustice and exploitation. 2. Interpersonal Media: In many cases, rural people prefer face-to-face communication than mass communication. A firm can contact with audience through fairs & festivals, folk, etc. 3. Group Meeting: It is a component of interpersonal media. Salesman can effectively convey the product message at these meetings. Demonstration of products can also be carried out.
4. House-to-House Campaign: In these campaigns, promotional staff makes house-to-house visits in rural areas. This is different from door-to-door selling campaigns. Promotion staff does not sell the products, they only propagate the products. 5. *Field Demonstrations: 6. *AV Vans: AV van is a comprehensive mobile promotion station. The van can be used for sales campaign in addition to promotion campaigns. AV van exhibits films, audiovisual presentations, slide shows etc. It is very popular with rural marketing firms particularly agro business firms. AV van is very effective tool in rural communication but its cost is very high as the target population is very high. 7. *Syndicated AV Vans: It is an AV van publicity service provided by the independent agencies. Firms, which cannot afford to have their own publicity van, can utilise the syndicate van services. 8. Stalls, Haats, Meals: These are useful media of rural communication to spread the message and to induce brand trials. 9. Wall Paintings: The speech or the film comes to an end but the paintings stay as long as whether allows it to stay. The retailer usually paints its shops wall and name board which acts as a status symbol 10. Use of Logos and Symbols: Illiterate villagers would remember brands only by picture, symbols more than the name. 11. Use of Information Technology: ITC developed a web portal in regional languages to provide information to the farmers about the products and services which they need in order to enhance farm productivity, information on whether, scientific practices, market prices etc. 12. Focus on Reference Groups: They are the opinion leaders and are the key persons of the village e.g. Sir Punch, Gram Sevak, Teachers, Doctors etc. These people should be taken into consideration while chalking the rural communication.
6. Situation Based Leisure Time Activities: Farmers has to work during nighttime and odd hours also. It is difficult to find the leisure time for communication. 7. Expensive Communication: For rural communication to be effective, repeat exposure is a must otherwise the message loss its effect during gap periods. This makes rural communication more expensive. 8. Poor Infrastructure: Due to the lack of roads and telecom facilities reaching rural audience is very difficult. TV viewer-ship is affected by uncertain supply of electricity. 9. Lack of Research Data: Decisions regarding messages and media mix for rural communication depends only on sales force and distributors, which is insufficient. 10. Selective Attention: Rural people select the messages that are have in their interest and ignore others.
4. Non-Availability of Dealers: (from Constraints in Rural Marketing) 5. Greater Dependence on Dealers: Scope of manufacturers direct outlets in rural market is limited; it is expensive as well as unmanageable. Thus firms have to depend on large network of intermediaries, controlling of which is a difficult task. 6. Higher Cost and Administrative Problems: Distribution chain in the rural context requires large number of tires including village level shopkeeper, mandi level distributor and wholesaler in town. Such multiple tiers and scattered outfits increase the costs and make channel management difficult. 7. Poor Viability of Retail Outlets: Retail outlets suffer from poor viability because the business volume is not adequate enough to sustain the profitability.
(Nov. 06)
2. Primary Wholesale Markets: Held weekly or bi-weekly at different villages and locally called as Shandi or Haat. 3. Secondary Wholesale Markets: Located at taluka or district headquarters and towns and known as Mandi or Gunj 4. Terminal Markets: Located in metro cities where buyers and sellers come from different regions or nations. 5. Seaboard Markets: Located near seashore for the purpose of import and export.
3] Time Span
1. Short Period Markets: Perishable products such as fish, milk etc. are traded. 2. Long Period Markets: less perishable products such as oilseed food grains are traded. 3. Secular Markets: Deal in manufactured goods, which are permanent in nature.
4] Volume of Transaction
1. Wholesale Markets: Goods are bought and sold in large quantities. 2. Retail Markets: Goods are bought and sold according to the consumers requirement.
5] Nature of Transaction
1. Spot or Cash Market: Money is realized immediately after the sale. 2. Forward Market: Process of purchase and sale is done but goods and money are exchanged at some specific date.
6] Number of Commodities
1. General Market: All types of commodities are bought and sold 2. Specialised Market: Only one or two commodities are sold, e.g. cloth market.
7] Nature of Commodities
1. Service of Market: Deals in service such as professional consultancy 2. Capital Market: Deals in bonds, shares and securities. 3. Commodity Market: Deals on goods and raw materials such as cotton, grains.
8] Degree of Competition
1. Perfect Market: Has large number of buyers and sellers. 2. Imperfect Market: Has monopolistic competition
9] Public Interventions
1. Regulated Market: Business is carried as per rules and regulations framed by statutory organisation. 2. Unregulated Market: Traders frame their own rules for conduct of business and run the market.
Farmers who bring their won produce to market Cultivators who collect the produce of other farmers Landlords who collect the produce of their tenants Merchants are village banias Kachha Arhatiya in assembling market Pakka Arhatiya, wholesale merchants and manufacturers. produce like polishing of rice. In processing highly perishable products are converged into less perishable products.
6. Risk Bearing: Farmers and traders are required to bear risk in agricultural marketing arising out of price changes, which may be seasonal or irregular. 7. Selling: It is the main function of marketing. It includes transfer of title of goods and collection of payment.
MWTHODS OF SALES (May 04, 07, Nov. 04, 06, 08) *(Nov. 01, 06) (Nov. 07) (May 07) (Nov. 02)
1. *Under Cover of a Cloth (Hatta) System: In this system the Kaccha Arahtias or Dalal decides the price of products on behalf of the farmer and bidding starts. When all the buyers have finished giving offers. The name and offers price of highest bidder is announced and sales takes place when the Arahtias twist his finger under the cover of a cloth. This system has been banned by government because of the possibility of cheating. 2. *Open Auction System: In this system, the seller piles-up his produce at one place. Dalal visits each piled-up stocks, pick samples and shows it to the buyers. The agent then invites bids and the produce is sold to the highest bidder. Three types of open auctions are prevalent in different markets. 1. Phar System: One bid is given for all the lots in a particular shop. 2. Random Bid System: Dalal invites only few buyers, everyone is not informed 3. Roster Bid System: Bidding starts from a particular shop in the market and the bidders after the auction of produce at one shop move to the next in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction till the auction at all shops is over. 3. *Closed Tender System: In this system the bidders are asked to quote their offer price in a prescribed form and submit it to the seller. All the bidders are invited on a fix date and time and sealed tender are opened in presence of all bidders. The name and price of highest bidders is announced and goods are sold to him. 4. Mogum Sale: In this system, farmers take advance from the buyer before the harvest without fixing the price, with an understanding that the buyer will pay the prevailing rate after the harvest.
5. Private Negotiations: In this method, buyer comes to the shops of agent, inspects the sample and offers his price. If price is accepted the agent convey the decisions to the seller and the produce is weighed and given. 6. Dara Sale: In this system, the produce of different quality is mixed and sold as one lot at one rate. 7. State Trading: Government purchases huge quantity of food grains for distribution. 8. Forward Sale: In this system, Process of purchase and sale is done but goods and money are exchanged at some specific date 9. *Jalap Sale: as 10. Sale by Sample: In this system, buyer purchases the produce before the harvest at a fixed price. E.g. Dealer of different fruits like mangoes, approach the mango growers and enter into a verbal agreement with them by just looking at the flowers setting.
1. Marketable Surplus (Nov. 03, 04, May 06) The quantity of produce which can be made available to the non-farm population of the country is termed as marketable surplus. It is the residual left with the farmer after meeting his requirements of: Family Consumption Farm needs for seeds and feed for cattle Payment to labour in kind Payment to landlord in kind Any other payment in kind Social and religious contribution in kind MS = P C Where: MS = Marketable Surplus P = Total Production C = Total Consumption
2. Marketed Surplus The quantity of produce which the farmer actually sells in the market irrespective of his requirements is known as marketed surplus. Marketed surplus may be more, less or equal to the marketable surplus. Factors Affecting Marketable Surplus (Nov. 03, 04, May 06)
1. Level of Production: According to MV Kapde the best predictor of per capita marketable surplus is the per capita output of grains.
2. Consumption Habits: Marketable surplus is determined by the consumption habits of the producers. E.g. Haryana is a wheat consuming state hence marketable surplus of wheat in this state is less and that of rice is less. 3. Cash Requirements: If a cash requirement of the farmers is not fixed, the marketable surplus will increase in response to increase in price as cash requirements of farmers influence marketable surplus. 4. Size of Farm: Small size farms will not bring any marketable surplus in markets. The bulk agricultural surplus is supplied by the medium and large farmers. 5. Nature of Crops: Two types of corps are produced, food crops which are retained for selfconsumption and cash crops which entirely brought in market 6. Mode of Production: Under traditional mode of production farmer use only family owned inputs hence entire produces remains for household use. Under capitalist mode of production farmer purchase seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and hire machines, this necessitates creation of surplus to earn profit.
MARKET CHARGES AND DEDUCTIONS (Nov. 06) Arhat Commission Basra Charges for supervision of weightiest to be paid in kind Bardana Rent of supply of gunny bags Borioto Charges for holding the gunny bags while filling Chalani Serving Dhanak Charges for pushing the grain in gunny bags Kavad Deductions in kind for quality difference Hamali Handling charges Tulai Weightiest
Munim Clerks allowance Wata Refraction allowance Patti Cost of sale slip
3. Speculative Middlemen: Speculative middlemen take the title of the products with the intention of the earning profit. They buy at low prices during low demand period and sell it in the off-season when prices are high. 4. Facilitative Middlemen: They do not involve in buying or selling but assist only in marketing process. They receive fees or service charges for their services. 1. Hamal: Do loading and unloading of goods. 2. Weighman: Facilitate the weighing of the product. 3. Grader: Sort out the products into different grades of qualities. 4. Auctioner: Facilitate the auction or bidding of the products. 5. Transport Agent: Facilitate movement of goods form one market to another. 6. Communication Agent: Inform about the price and quality available in market 7. Advertising Agent: Enable the prospective buyer to know about the quality of product and make purchase decisions.
According to Moore Elar, A marketing channel is the chain of intermediaries through whom the various food grains pass from producers to consumers. Marketing Channels For Paddy & Rice
1. Producer Commission Agent Miller Wholesaler Retailer Consumer 2. Producer Itinerant Merchant Miller Wholesaler Retailer Consumer 3. Producer Primary Wholesaler Miller Sec. Wholesaler Retailer Consumer 4. Producer Miller Wholesaler Retailer Consumer 5. Producer Miller Consumer 6. Producer Govt. Miller Govt. Shops Consumer
*(May 07)
1. *Apni Mandi / Kisaan Mandi: In Apni Mandi there is a direct contact between the farmer and consumer without the involvement of middlemen. The main objective of Apni Mandi increasing the profitability of crops by minimizing the marketing costs and middlemen margin. First Apni Mandi as started by Punjab Mandi Board at Chandigarh in 1987. State government provides various facilities like space, water, sheds, counters etc to the market committee of the area where Apni Mandi is located.
2. Hadapsar Vegetable Market: It is located at Pune and is a model market for direct marketing of vegetables. It has no middlemen or commission agents. 3. Rythu Bazar: It is located in major cities of Andhra Pradesh with basic objective of eliminating middlemen and providing direct link between the farmers and consumers. 4. Uzhavar Shandies: It is located at selected municipal panchayats of Tamilnadu. 5. Shetkari Bazar: Established in Maharashtra for marketing fruits and vegetables. 6. Krushak Bazar: Established in Orissa for marketing fruits and vegetables. 7. Mother Dairy Booth: After the notorious onion and potatoes price crisis, Mother Dairy opened these booths in almost every colonies of Delhi to sell vegetable in retail. 8. Contract Farming: Agro processing companies enter into contract with the farmers that they provide the farmers with the inputs like fertilizers, seeds, pesticides and guidelines to grow crops and buy back the products with a rate specified in advance.
Advantage for Farmers
1. They get the better price for the produce as there is no middle man
2. They have assured markets for their produce 3. They are assured about the quality of seeds and pesticides 4. They received financial support in kind 5. They obtain efficient and timely technical guidance free of cost
Drawbacks of Contract Farming
1. It involves mainly cash crops, which may lead to scarcity of food crops.
2. It may create the danger of imposition of undesirable seeds. 3. Market making outside the country may cause breaking of country market. 4. The temptation of getting profits by cultivating variety of crops may cause permanent damage to the land.
1] Production Credit
1. Short Term Loans: Credit payable within a period of 15 to 18 months is short-term credit. It is required to meet daily working capital requirement e.g. seed, fertilizers, pesticides, fuel etc. It is also needed for payment of wages, hire of machinery and tools, land revenue and taxes etc. 2. Medium Term Loans: Credit payable within a period of 15months to 5 years is medium-term credit. It is required to purchase capital assets e.g. purchase of agricultural machinery and
tools, livestock, diesel engine, electric motor etc. It is also needed for repairing of wells, development of dairy, poultry, piggery etc. 3. Long Term Loans: Credit payable within a period of 5 to 25 years is long-term credit. It is required for permanent improvement or for acquiring new assets. It also needed for mechanization of agricultural processes, fencing of lands, construction of farmhouse, etc.
2] Consumption Credit It is a part of an agricultural loan used for consumption requirement of farmers families. It is necessary because the farmer uses his marketed surplus to pay off previous loans and retain very little to meet family consumption. Then he has to wait for next harvest. In this period he requires cash to meet his household requirements.
2. Regional Rural Banks (Page 24 of co-ops) 3. NABARD (Page 22 of co-ops) (Nov.05, 08) 4. RBI (Nov. 07) - RBI appointed All India Rural Credit Survey Committee (AIRCS) to solve the problem of rural credit by suggesting ways to improve the existing structure. RBI has setup following two funds on the recommendations of AIRCS:
1.National Agricultural Credit (Long-Term Operations) Funds. 2.National Agricultural Credit (Stabilsation) Funds. RBI helps co-operative sectors to provide agricultural finance.
- RBI monitors the working of other financial institutions providing agricultural finance. RBI has issued following guidelines to improve rural credit policies:
1. Production loan is given against the hypothecation of the title of land. 2. Short-term loan is given into cash and kind in 30:70 ratios. 3. Bank should ensure the recovery of loan after harvest.
5. SBI
SBI established in 1951 by the nationalization of Imperial Bank of India. It has following roles in rural credit: - Provide financial assistance to marketing and processing co-operatives and LDCB. - Opened branches in small towns and mandis to generate banking habit in farmers. SBI provides following credit facilities to the farmers:
1. Crop loan to meet cultivation expenses 2. Produce marketing loan 3. Land purchase scheme 4. Land development scheme 5. Farm mechanization scheme 6. Kisan credit cards
6. Commercial Banks (Nov. 07) Commercial Banks provides credits to the farmers in direct as well as indirect ways. Direct finance is given for agricultural operations and for short and medium periods. Indirect finance is given by providing advances for distribution of fertilizers and other inputs. SBI provides following credit facilities to the farmers:
1. Crop loan to meet cultivation expenses 2. Produce marketing loan 3. Land purchase scheme 4. Land development scheme 5. Farm mechanization scheme 1. Minor irrigation loan
4. Lack of sufficient supervision of use of loans. This encourages misuse of loans by the farmers.
7. Agricultural Refinance & Development Corporation The Indian Parliament established ARDC in 1963. It has following objectives and functions:
1. To provide the long-term agricultural finance. 2. To guide and assist long-term finance lending institutions. 3. To reduce in regional imbalance of agricultural development. 4. To ensure economic upliftment of weaker section of society. 5. To diversify the lending by identification of new activities.
8. Government Finance (Nov. 07) Takkavi is the ancient and traditional form of government assistance to the agriculturist. It has been given to relieve distress caused by droughts, floods, and other natural calamities and to enable the farmers to restart his agricultural operations in the next year. Land Development Act 1883 and Agriculturist Loans Act 1884 were passed to put the Takkavi operations on regular basis.
1. They combine both banking and trading business resulting introduction of trade risks into the banking. 1. They are unorganized and do not have nay contact with banking world. 2. They do not distinguish between short term and long-term finance and also between the purposes of finance. 3. They follow traditional methods of keeping accounts and do not give receipts.
Malpractices of Non-Institutional Source of Finance (Nov. 02, 07) Exploitation of Farmers by Moneylenders (Nov. 08)
1. They charge high rate of interests generally 24% and above. 2. They prepare false bonds as if from farmers and write the amount larger than the actually lent. 1. They deduct huge premiums. 2. They give no receipts for repayment and often deny such repayments. 1. Their main interest is to exploit the farmers and grab their lands.
Remedies Offered by Institutional Source of Finance (Nov. 02, 07) Lead Bank Schemes (Nov.06, 08) It is the scheme under which under which a particular commercial bank is entrusted to play a leading role in rural development of a particular district. Only one bank can act as a leader in its area and it coordinates the banking activities of commercial banks, co-operative banks and other financial institution in the district. Lead Banks perform following functions:
1. Encourage small scale and cottage industries to open bank account. 2. Encourage and persuade farmers to open bank accounts and enjoy lending facilities. 3. Encourage and strengthen potentially viable primary lending institutes. 4. Survey the facilities for stocking and warehousing. 5. Examine the facilities for small scale and cottage industry production. 6. Survey the credit needs of the area and allocate it to the recognized institutions. 7. Ensure that the credit expansion goes in favour of weaker section.
Crop Loan (Nov.07) It is an important form of short-term agricultural credit. It helps the farmer to increase the productivity with the help of modern inputs. Crop loan has two components:
1. Cash Component: Loan is given in the form cash to meet the cash requirement of the farmer during production. 2. Kind Component: Loan is given in the form of various inputs required by the farmers such as seed, fertilizers, pesticides, fuel etc. Advantage of kind loan is that it minimizes the misuse of loan by the farmers.
8. * Market Committee: Market committee consists of representatives of farmers, traders, cooperative marketing societies, banks, panchyat and government officials. Its important functions are: 1. Manage the market yards in the interest of farmers and traders. 2. Fix market charges for various functions and services. 3. Provide facilities for grading and standardisation. 4. Take steps for prevention of adulteration of the agricultural products. 5. Issue, renew or withdraw licenses of market functionaries. 6. Realise market fees either from the buyer or seller. 7. Control and regulate the behaviour of traders.
State Trading in India (May 04, Nov. 07) State trading means the direct intervention of the government in the trading of essential agricultural commodities to ensure its regular supply.
Objectives of State Trading
6. To minimise violent price fluctuation occurring as a result of seasonal variations in supply and demand.
Council of State Agricultural Marketing Boards (COSAMB) COSAMB is an apex body of SAMB established in 1988.
Functions of Council
Benefits: 1. It controls price fluctuations. 2. Price differences in different markets are bridges to some extent.