Wenger 2000
Wenger 2000
Wenger 2000
Etienne Wenger
Independent consultant, researcher, author and speaker
Abstract. This essay argues that the success of organizations depends on their ability to design themselves as social learning systems and also to participate in broader learning systems such as an industry, a region, or a consortium. It explores the structure of these social learning systems. It proposes a social denition of learning and distinguishes between three modes of belonging by which we participate in social learning systems. Then it uses this framework to look at three constitutive elements of these systems: communities of practice, boundary processes among these communities, and identities as shaped by our participation in these systems. Keywords: boundaries; communities of practice; identity; knowledge in organizations; social learning systems
You probably know that the earth is round and that it is in orbit around the sun. But how do you know this? What does it take? Obviously, it takes a brain in a living body, but it also takes a very complex social, cultural, and historical system, which has accumulated learning over time. People have been studying the skies for centuries to understand our place in the universe. More recently, scientic communities have developed a whole vocabulary, observation methods, concepts, and models, which have been adopted by other communities and have become part of popular thinking in various ways. You have your own relationships to all these communities, and these relationships are what enable you to know about the
Organization 7(2) Articles earths position in the universe. In this sense, knowing is an act of participation in complex social learning systems. This essay assumes this view of knowing to consider how organizations depend on social learning systems. First, I outline two aspects of a conceptual framework for understanding social learning systems: a social denition of learning in terms of social competence and personal experience, and three distinct modes of belonging through which we participate in social learning systems: engagement, imagination, and alignment. Then I look at three structuring elements of social learning systems: communities of practice, boundary processes among these communities, and identities as shaped by our participation in these systems. About each of these elements I use my conceptual framework to ask three questions. Why focus on it? Which way is up, that is, how to construe progress in this area? And, third, what is doable, that is, what are elements of design that one can hope to inuence? Finally, I argue that organizations both are constituted by and participate in such social learning systems. Their success depends on their ability to design themselves as social learning systems and also to participate in broader learning systems such as an industry, a region, or a consortium. The conceptual framework I introduce here is intended for organizational design as well as analysis. The questions I ask are meant to guide the inquiry of the researcher as well as the actions of the practitioner: what to pay attention to, how to give direction to our initiatives, and where to focus our efforts. As Kurt Lewin used to say, there is nothing as practical as a good theory.
Communities of Practice Etienne Wenger employee. We feel like a bumbling idiot among the sages. We want to learn. We want to apprentice ourselves. We want to become one of them. We feel an urgent need to align our experience with the competence they dene. Their competence pulls our experience. Sometimes, it is the other way round. We have been with a community for a long time. We know the ropes. We are thoroughly competent, in our own eyes and in the eyes of our peers. But something happens. We are sent overseas. We go to a conference. We visit another department. We meet a stranger with a completely different perspective. Or we just take a long walk or engage in a deep conversation with a friend. Whatever the case may be, we have an experience that opens our eyes to a new way of looking at the world. This experience does not fully t in the current practice of our home communities. We now see limitations we were not aware of before. We come back to our peers, try to communicate our experience, attempt to explain what we have discovered, so they too can expand their horizon. In the process, we are trying to change how our community denes competence (and we are actually deepening our own experience). We are using our experience to pull our communitys competence along. Whether we are apprentices or pioneers, newcomers or oldtimers, knowing always involves these two components: the competence that our communities have established over time (i.e. what it takes to act and be recognized as a competent member), and our ongoing experience of the world as a member (in the context of a given community and beyond). Competence and experience can be in various relations to each other from very congruent to very divergent. As my two examples show, either can shape the other, although usually the process is not completely oneway. But, whenever the two are in close tension and either starts pulling the other, learning takes place. Learning so dened is an interplay between social competence and personal experience. It is a dynamic, twoway relationship between people and the social learning systems in which they participate. It combines personal transformation with the evolution of social structures.
Modes of Belonging
Our belonging to social learning systems can take various forms at various levels between local interactions and global participation. To capture these different forms of participation, I will distinguish between three modes of belonging. Engagement: doing things together, talking, producing artifacts (e.g. helping a colleague with a problem or participating in a meeting). The ways in which we engage with each other and with the world profoundly shape our experience of who we are. We learn what we can do and how the world responds to our actions. Imagination: constructing an image of ourselves, of our communities,
Organization 7(2) Articles and of the world, in order to orient ourselves, to reect on our situation, and to explore possibilities (e.g. drawing maps, telling a story, or building a set of possible scenarios to understand ones options). I use imagination here in the sense proposed by Benedict Anderson (1983) to describe nations as communities: it does not connote fantasy as opposed to factuality. Knowing that the earth is round and in orbit around the sun, for instance, is not a fantasy. Yet it does require a serious act of imagination. It requires constructing an image of the universe in which it makes sense to think of our standing on the ground as being these little stick gures on a ball ying through the skies. Similarly, thinking of ourselves as a member of a community such as a nation requires an act of imagination because we cannot engage with all our fellow citizens. These images of the world are essential to our sense of self and to our interpretation of our participation in the social world. Alignment: making sure that our local activities are sufciently aligned with other processes so that they can be effective beyond our own engagement (e.g. doing a scientic experiment by the book, convincing a colleague to join a cause, or negotiating a division of labor and a work plan for a project). The concept of alignment as used here does not connote a one-way process of submitting to external authority, but a mutual process of coordinating perspectives, interpretations, and actions so they realize higher goals. Following the scientic method, abiding by a moral code, or discussing important decisions with our spouse can all become very deep aspects of our identities. Distinguishing between these modes of belonging is useful for two reasons. First, analytically, each mode contributes a different aspect to the formation of social learning systems and personal identities. Engagement, imagination, and alignment usually coexist and every social learning system involves each to some degree and in some combination. Still, one can dominate and thus give a different quality to a social structure. For instance, a community based mostly on imagination such as a nation has a very different quality from a community of practice at work, which is based primarily on engagement. I would in fact argue that these modes of belonging provide a foundation for a typology of communities. Second, practically, each mode requires a different kind of work. The work of engagement, which requires opportunities for joint activities, is different from the work of imagination, which often requires opportunities for taking some distance from our situation. The demands and effects of these three modes of belonging can be conicting. Spending time reecting can detract from engagement, for example. The modes can also be complementary, however. For instance, using imagination to gain a good picture of the context of ones actions can help in ne-tuning alignment because one understands the reasons behind a procedure or an
Communities of Practice Etienne Wenger agreement. It is therefore useful to strive to develop these modes of belonging in combination, balancing the limitations of one with the work of another. For instance, reective periods that activate imagination or boundary interactions that require alignment with other practices around a shared goal could be used to counteract the possible narrowness of engagement (Wenger, 1998).
Communities of Practice
Since the beginning of history, human beings have formed communities that share cultural practices reecting their collective learning: from a tribe around a cave re, to a medieval guild, to a group of nurses in a ward, to a street gang, to a community of engineers interested in brake design. Participating in these communities of practice is essential to our learning. It is at the very core of what makes us human beings capable of meaningful knowing.
What is Doable?
When designing itself, a community should look at the following elements: events, leadership, connectivity, membership, projects, and artifacts. Events. You can organize public events that bring the community together. Obviously, these may or may not be attended, but if they are well tuned to the communitys sense of its purpose, they will help it develop an
What do people know about each other and about the meanings that participation in the community takes in their lives more broadly?
What denitions of roles, norms, codes of behavior, shared principles, and negotiated commitments and expectations hold the community together?
What traditions, methods, standards, routines, and frameworks dene the practice? Who upholds them? To what extent are they codied? How are they transmitted to new generations?
identity. A community will have to decide the type of activities it needs: formal or informal meetings, problem-solving sessions, or guest speakers. It will also have to consider the rhythm of these events given other responsibilities members have: too often and people just stop coming, too rare and the community does not gain momentum. This rhythm may also have to change over time or go through cycles. Leadership. Communities of practice depend on internal leadership, and enabling the leaders to play their role is a way to help the community develop. The role of community coordinator who takes care of the dayto-day work is crucial, but a community needs multiple forms of leadership: thought leaders, networkers, people who document the practice, pioneers, etc. These forms of leadership may be concentrated on one or two members or widely distributed, and this will change over time.
Organization 7(2) Articles Connectivity. Building a community is not just a matter of organizing community events but also of enabling a rich fabric of connectivity among people. This could involve brokering relationships between people who need to talk or between people who need help and people who can offer help. It is also important to make it possible for people to communicate and interact in multiple media. Membership. A communitys members must have critical mass so that there is interest, but it should not become so wide that the focus of the community is diffuse and participation does not grab peoples identities. Including those who are missing can be very helpful in consolidating the legitimacy of the community to itself and in the wider organization. Conversely, realizing that the membership is overextended allows the community to split up into subgroups. Finally, devising processes by which newcomers can become full members helps ensure access for newcomers without diluting the communitys focus. Learning Projects. Communities of practice deepen their mutual commitment when they take responsibility for a learning agenda, which pushes their practice further. Activities toward this goal include exploring the knowledge domain, nding gaps in the community practice, and dening projects to close these gaps. Such learning projects could involve, for instance, assessing some tools, building a generic design, doing a literature search, creating a connection with a university doing research in the area, or simply interviewing some experts to create a beginners guide. Artifacts. All communities of practice produce their own set of artifacts: documents, tools, stories, symbols, websites, etc. A community has to consider what artifacts it needs and who has the energy to produce and maintain them so they will remain useful as the community evolves.
The term boundary often has negative connotations because it conveys limitation and lack of access. But the very notion of community of practice implies the existence of boundary. Unlike the boundaries of organizational units, which are usually well dened because afliation is ofcially sanctioned, the boundaries of communities of practice are usually rather uid. They arise from different enterprises; different ways of engaging with one another; different histories, repertoires, ways of communicating, and capabilities. That these boundaries are often unspoken does not make them less signicant. Sit for lunch by a group of highenergy particle physicists and you know about boundary, not because they intend to exclude you, but because you cannot gure out what they are talking about. Shared practice by its very nature creates boundaries. Yet, if you are like me, you will actually enjoy this experience of bound-
Communities of Practice Etienne Wenger ary. There is something disquieting, humbling at times, yet exciting and attractive about such close encounters with the unknown, with the mystery of otherness: a chance to explore the edge of your competence, learn something entirely new, revisit your little truths, and perhaps expand your horizon.
Organization 7(2) Articles communities. Think of a specialization like psychoneuroimmunology: its very name reects its birth at the intersection of multiple practices. In social learning systems, the value of communities and their boundaries are complementary. Deep expertise depends on a convergence between experience and competence, but innovative learning requires their divergence. In either case, you need strong competences to anchor the process. But these competences also need to interact. The learning and innovation potential of a social learning system lies in its conguration of strong core practices and active boundary processes (Wenger, 1998).
What is Doable?
Boundary processes are crucial to the coherent functioning of social learning systems. A number of elements can be intentionally promoted in
Are instructions, goals, and methods interpretable into action across boundaries?
an effort to weave these systems more tightly together. Here, I will talk about three types of bridges across boundaries: people who act as brokers between communities, artifacts (things, tools, terms, representations, etc.) that serve as what Star and Griesemer (1989) call boundary objects, and a variety of forms of interactions among people from different communities of practice. Brokering. Some people act as brokers between communities. They can introduce elements of one practice into another. Although we all do some brokering, my experience is that certain individuals seem to thrive on being brokers: they love to create connections and engage in importexport, and so would rather stay at the boundaries of many practices than move to the core of any one practice. Brokering can take various forms, including: boundary spanners: taking care of one specic boundary over time; roamers: going from place to place, creating connections, moving knowledge; outposts: bringing back news from the forefront, exploring new territories;
Organization 7(2) Articles pairs: often brokering is done through a personal relationship between two people from different communities and it is really the relationship that acts as a brokering device. Brokering knowledge is delicate. It requires enough legitimacy to be listened to and enough distance to bring something really new. Because brokers often do not fully belong anywhere and may not contribute directly to any specic outcome, the value they bring can easily be overlooked. Uprootedness, homelessness, marginalization, and organizational invisibility are all occupational hazards of brokering. Developing the boundary infrastructure of a social learning system means paying attention to people who act as brokers. Are they falling through the cracks? Is the value they bring understood? Is there even a language to talk about it? Are there people who are potential brokers but who for some reason do not provide cross-boundary connections? Boundary Objects. Some objects nd their value, not just as artifacts of one practice, but mostly to the extent that they support connections between different practices. Such boundary objects can take multiple forms. Artifacts, such as tools, documents, or models. For instance, medical records and architectural blueprints play a crucial role in connecting multiple practices (doctors/nurses/insurers, architects/contractors/ city planners). Discourses. A critical boundary object is the existence of a common language that allows people to communicate and negotiate meanings across boundaries. This was an important thrust behind the quality movement, and it was typied by the six sigma discourse at Motorola. Processes. Shared processes, including explicit routines and procedures, allow people to coordinate their actions across boundaries. Business processes, for instance, are not just xed prescriptive denitions. At their best, they act as boundary objects that allow multiple practices to coordinate their contributions. Boundary objects do not necessarily bridge across boundaries because they may be misinterpreted or interpreted blindly. Rethinking artifacts and designs in terms of their function as boundary objects often illuminates how they contribute to or hinder the functioning of learning systems. An organizational structure, for instance, is often considered as an overarching umbrella that incorporates multiple parts by specifying their relationships. But, in fact, it is more usefully designed as a boundary object intended to enable multiple practices to negotiate their relationships and connect their perspectives. Boundary interactions Boundary encounters. These encountersvisits, discussions, sabbaticalsprovide direct exposure to a practice. They can take different
Communities of Practice Etienne Wenger forms for different purposes. When one person visits, as in a sabbatical, it is easier to get fully immersed in the practice, but more difcult to bring the implications home because the very immersion into a foreign practice tends to isolate you from your peers. GM, for instance, has had difculty learning from people sent on sabbatical at its more experimental units such as NUMMI and Saturn because their transformed perspectives could not nd a place back home. When a delegation of two or more people visit, as in a benchmarking expedition, they may not get as fully immersed, but they can negotiate among themselves the meaning of the boundary interaction for their own practice, and therefore nd it easier to bring their learning back home. Boundary practices. In some cases, a boundary requires so much sustained work that it becomes the topic of a practice of its own. At Xerox, as in many companies, some people are charged with the task of maintaining connections between the R&D lab and the rest of the corporation. They are developing a practice of crossing these boundaries effectively. Of course, the risk of these boundary practices is that they create their own boundaries, which can prevent them from functioning as brokers. It is necessary, therefore, to keep asking how the elements of the boundary practiceits enterprise, its relationships, its repertoire contribute to creating a bridge and how the community deals with its own boundaries. And, sometimes, a new practice in its own right does develop at these boundaries, which is worth paying attention to in its own terms. Peripheries. Communities often have to take steps to manage their boundaries to serve people who need some service, are curious, or intend to become members. Many communities have found it useful to create some facilities by which outsiders can connect with their practice in peripheral ways. Examples of such facilities include lists of frequently asked questions, visitors rooms on websites, open houses and fairs. Some communities have even established help desks to provide access to their expertise in a more efcient way. The idea behind many of these facilities is to provide for some boundary activities without overwhelming the community itself with the task of accommodating outsiders demands. For newcomers, some communities organize introductory events, mentoring relationships, or even formal apprenticeship systems. Cross-disciplinary Projects. In most organizations, members of communities of practice contribute their competence by participating in cross-functional projects and teams that combine the knowledge of multiple practices to get something done. Simultaneous participation in communities of practice and project teams creates learning loops that combine application with capability development. In these double-knit organizations, as Richard McDermott (1999) calls them, the learning and innovation that is inherent in projects is synthesized and disseminated through the home
Organization 7(2) Articles communities of practice of team members. The new knowledge can then be applied and expanded in new projects, and the cycle goes on. Such a perspective brings up a different way of thinking about these projects. From the standpoint of the task to be accomplished, these projects are cross-disciplinary because they require the contribution of multiple disciplines. But, from the perspective of the development of practices, they are boundary projects. Indeed, participating in these kinds of projects exposes practitioners to others in the context of specic tasks that go beyond the purview of any practice. People confront problems that are outside the realm of their competence but that force them to negotiate their own competence with the competences of others. Such projects provide a great way to sustain a creative tension between experience and competence when our participation in a project leverages and nourishes our participation in a community of practice.
As I said, you probably know that the earth is round and in orbit around the sun. Of course, it is not a at plate in the way it appears to be at rst glance. You actually want to make sure you know this. It is part of your identity as the kind of well-educated adult you probably are if you are reading this article. You may even know that the orbit is not an exact circle, but a slight ellipse. Chances are, however, you do not know the exact distance between the earth and the sun or the precise difference between the apogee and the perigee. This kind of ignorance, your identity can accept without existential angst because your relationship to the communities where such knowledge matters is very peripheral at best. I am not trying to make you feel self-conscious about your knowledge of astrophysics. There will be no test at the end of this article. (Did I hear a sigh of relief? No, no, you are perfectly OK just knowing the earth is round, and many of our fellow human beings have lived very good lives not even knowing that.) My point is that, if knowing is an act of belonging, then our identities are a key structuring element of how we know.
Communities of Practice Etienne Wenger or failing to share a crucial piece of knowledge would be a betrayal of their sense of self and of their community (Wenger, 1998). In the landscape of communities and boundaries in which we live, we identify with some communities strongly and not at all with others. We dene who we are by what is familiar and what is foreign, by what we need to know and what we can safely ignore. You are a cello player, but not the conductor who signals your entry, or the dancer who dances the ballet you are playing, or the lawyer whom you saw this afternoon about your uncles estate. We dene ourselves by what we are not as well as by what we are, by the communities we do not belong to as well as by the ones we do. These relationships change. We move from community to community. In doing so, we carry a bit of each as we go around. Our identities are not something we can turn on and off. You dont cease to be a parent because you go to work. You dont cease to be a nurse because you step out of the hospital. Multimembership is an inherent aspect of our identities. Identity is crucial to social learning systems for three reasons. First, our identities combine competence and experience into a way of knowing. They are the key to deciding what matters and what does not, with whom we identify and whom we trust, and with whom we must share what we understand. Second, our ability to deal productively with boundaries depends on our ability to engage and suspend our identities. Learning from our interactions with other practices is not just an intellectual matter of translation. It is also a matter of opening up our identities to other ways of being in the world. Third, our identities are the living vessels in which communities and boundaries become realized as an experience of the world. Whenever we belong to multiple communities, we experience the boundary in a personal way. In the process, we create bridges across communities because, in developing our own identities, we deal with these boundaries in ourselves.
Organization 7(2) Articles Expansiveness. What are the breadth and scope of an identity? A healthy identity will not be exclusively locally dened. It will involve multimembership and cross multiple boundaries. It will seek a wide range of experiences and be open to new possibilities. It will identify with broad communities that lie beyond direct participation. Effectiveness. Does an identity enable action and participation? Identity is a vehicle for participating in the social world, but it can also lead to non-participation. A healthy identity is socially empowering rather than marginalizing. There are potential tensions and conicts between these qualities. How big can your identity be and still be engaged as well as effective (not merely an abstract kind of identication)? Can you really think globally and act locally, feel like a citizen of the earth without losing your ability to connect with specic communities? Can you live on the Internet and still have a good marriage? In other words, it is the combination of these qualities that matters. Table 3 explores how each mode of belonging contributes to these three qualities.
Table 3. Identity Dimensions Connectedness Engagement Is there a community to engage with? How far back do you go? What kinds of interactions do you have? What do you do together? Do you trust and are you trusted? Expansiveness Is there enough variety of contexts and identityforming experiences, such as logging on the Internet and chatting with strangers, going on a blind date, or visiting a foreign country? Effectiveness Do you have opportunities to develop socially recognized competences by participating in wellestablished practices? Are your communities ready to embrace your experience into their practices?
Do you have good conversations? Do you talk about your deepest aspirations? Do you listen well?
Can you see yourself as Do you understand the big picture well enough a member of large to act effectively? communities, for instance, a world citizen, the heir of long-lived traditions, the pioneer of a world to come? Do you follow guidelines that align your actions with broader purposes, such as saving energy or recycling for the sake of the planet? Do you know the regimes of accountability by which your ideas, actions, and requests will be judged? Can you convince others of the potential of a new idea?
Do you keep your commitments to your communities? Do you uphold their principles? Do you give and receive feedback?
What is Doable?
To help identities achieve simultaneously high degrees of local connectedness, global expansiveness, and social effectiveness, here are some design elements to consider: Home Base. Identity needs a place where a person can experience knowing as a form of social competence. Think of a project-based organization, for instance, where people go from one project to the next, spending a few days in-between on the available list. The learning that they do in their projects does not have a social home, unless they can also belong to a community of practice. In such a community, they are not only recognized as competent for the sake of a project, their need to develop their competence is also part of their belonging. Their professional development and the development of the practice go hand in hand: the identity of the community as it evolves parallels the evolution of their own identity. They can talk with peers who understand the way they look at a problem, who appreciate the potential value of a half-baked idea, and who know where the cutting-edge of the practice lies. With such a home base, people can engage in a diversity of projects and in interactions with other communities without becoming uprooted. Trajectories. Identity extends in time. It is a trajectory in progress that includes where you have been and where you are going, your history and your aspirations. It brings the past and the future into the experience of the present. Apprentices in traditional apprenticeship, for instance, are not just learning skills, they are exposed to possible futures. By observing and working with journeymen and masters, they develop a sense of trajectory that expands their identity in time (Lave and Wenger, 1991). Members of a community embody a set of paradigmatic trajectories that provide material for newcomers to construct their own trajectory through a community and beyond. In the generational encounter between newcomers and established members, the identities of both get expanded. Newcomers gain a sense of history. And old-timers gain perspective as they revisit their own ways and open future possibilities for others (Wenger, 1998). A good way to develop identities is to open a set of trajectories that lead to possible futures. The engagement of ones identity then incorporates imagination and alignment: envisioning these possible futures and doing what it takes to get there. These trajectories can be of various types. Inbound trajectories invite newcomers into full membership in a community. Peripheral trajectories allow a person to interact with the community without making a commitment to becoming a full member. Outbound trajectories, such as the ones offered by schools, point to forms of participation outside the current communities. Multimembership. Identity extends in space, across boundaries. It is neither
Organization 7(2) Articles unitary nor fragmented. It is an experience of multimembership, an intersection of many relationships that you hold into the experience of being a person, at once one and multiple. It is not something we can turn on and off. When we go to work, we dont cease to be parents, and when we go to the theater, we are still an engineer or a waitress. We bring these aspects of our identity to bear to some extent in everything we do. Even though certain aspects of our identities become more salient in different circumstances, it would be an oversimplication to assume that we merely have a multiplicity of separate identities. Such a view would overlook the extent to which our various forms of membership can and do conict with, inuence, complement, and enrich each other. The work that we do in attempts to combine, confront, or reconcile various aspects of our identities has a double effect. It is a source of personal growth. It is also a source of social cohesion because it builds bridges across practices. As a result, our identities shape the social structures we live in. The work of identity constantly reshapes boundaries and reweaves the social fabric of our learning systems. Combining concurrent forms of membership in multiple communities into ones experience is a way to expand an identity. Of course, we can only combine core membership in a limited number of communities, but we can also have more peripheral forms of participation, or even transitory one, such as visits, sabbaticals, immersion, or one-time projects. Communities that can include in their forms of participation a large portion of the multimembership of their members are more likely to engage their whole identity. If I do not have to pretend that I am not a parent when I am at work, I am more likely to put my heart into what I do. Fractals. Identity extends across levels. You are having dinner with your family, ensconced in an intense discussion of international politics with your teenagers, livingin the local context of the dinner tableyour sense of identication with the global environmental movement. Similarly, you may belong to a local church, but this belonging is usually an expression of your belonging to a religion that includes many other people in many other churches. Engaging at the local level of your church is a way to belong at the broader level of your religion by combining such engagement with imagination (you can picture many other churches with people very much like you expressing similar beliefs, even though you have never met them) and with alignment (in your church you follow rituals that conform with liturgical formats adhered to by all other churches). Note how the three modes of belonging complement each other. Engagement is enriched by the awareness that others share the same beliefs and follow the same guidelines. Conversely, imagining the whole community and understanding the value of its rituals and norms gains concreteness by the ability to engage in a local group. Combining modes of belonging this way creates fractal layers of
Communities of Practice Etienne Wenger belonging. More generally, if a community is large, it is a good idea to structure it in layers, as a fractal of embedded subcommunities. If a community is large and does not have a fractal structure with local subcommunities in which people can engage actively, then it can easily happen that beyond a small core group various segments of the community feel disconnected. Subcommunities could be dened regionally as local chapters of a global community. Some representatives of these local communities then form a global community among them, whose purpose is to connect the local subcommunities into one large global one. This is how some global communities of well engineers have structured their forms of participation at Shell Oil. Subcommunities could also be dened by subspecialties as engineering communities are at DaimlerChrysler, where engineers can join communities specialized in specic components (e.g. wipers, seats, or dashboards) but clustered into broader communities dened according to systems (e.g. body or powertrain). With such a fractal structure, by belonging to your own subcommunity, you experience in a local and direct way your belonging to a much broader community.
Organization 7(2) Articles ority, or commitment to a predened deliverable. But there is also good news. The knowledge economy will give more primacy to informal systems. In a traditional industrial setting, the formal design of a production system is the primary source of value creation. Think of an assembly line where value derives from the quality of the design of the formal process. Informal processes still exist, but they produce value to the extent that they conform to and serve the formal design. In the knowledge economy, this relationship is inverted. The primary source of value creation lies in informal processes, such as conversations, brainstorming, and pursuing ideas. Formal organizational designs and processes are still important, but they contribute to value creation to the extent that they are in the service of informal processes. This framework suggests two directions for organizations. On the one hand, they must learn to manage themselves as social learning systems and develop such systems internally. This means: giving primacy to the kind of informal learning processes characteristic of communities of practice and designing organizational structures and processes that are in the service of the informal; placing a lot of emphasis on the meaningfulness of participation in the organization, on the possibility of building interesting identities, and on community membership as the primary relationship to the organization (Handy, 1989); organizing for complexity, working to link the various communities that constitute the learning systems in which the organization operates; offering channels, shared discourses, processes, and technology platforms by which local forms of knowledgeability can have global connections and effects; and providing coordination among practices to create complex knowledge beyond the purview of any practice. On the other hand, organizations must learn to participate in broader learning systems in which they are only one of many players. Companies have learned to participate as one of many players in economic markets to sell products and services to customers taken as individual decisionmakers. In the knowledge economy, however, they must learn to participate in learning systems as well. Knowledge production is becoming more distributed, complex, and diversied, in disciplines and industries (Gibbons et al., 1994); in regional economies such as Silicon Valley (Saxenian, 1996); and among consumers who have the potential of forming communities (Snyder, 1999). In these learning systems, organizations nd the talents they need, new ideas, technological developments, best practices, and learning partners. The rules of participation in social learning systems are different from those of product markets. You dont simply compete; in fact, your most threatening competitor may be your best partner when it comes to learning together. If you hoard your knowledge in a social learning system, you
Communities of Practice Etienne Wenger quickly appear as taking more than you give, and you will progressively be excluded from the most signicant exchanges. In a knowledge economy, sustained success for any organization will depend not only on effective participation in economic markets, but, just as importantly and with many of the same players, on knowing how to participate in broader social learning systems.
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Etienne Wenger is a globally recognized thinker in the eld of learning theory and its application to business. He is a pioneer of the communities of practice research, and is the author of numerous articles and three books. After working as a teacher for many years, he was awarded a PhD in articial intelligence from the University of California at Irvine, and joined the Institute for Research on Learning, where he developed a new learning theory centered on the concept of community of practice. He is now an independent consultant, researcher, author,