Domain 2 Communication and Interpersonal Skills

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Domain 2:

Communication and
interpersonal skills

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Domain 2: Communication and interpersonal skills
Competency Point of entry: Multi-choice Exam: Multi-choice Exam: OSCE's: Useful on-line links
Essential knowledge, understanding and skill application required Generic Generic applied to Suitable items for Please copy and paste the links into your web browser to access the information
Essential skills cluster number and point nursing field specific testing

Competency 1. Has insight into own values and how these may impact on interaction with
All nurses must build partnerships and others. Topics/Maintaining-Boundaries-/
therapeutic relationships through safe, effective CCC5,10 Y Y
and non-discriminatory communication. They
must take account of individual differences, prescribing/
capabilities and needs. Works with people and carers to provide clear and accurate information
Recognises and acts to overcome barriers in developing effective
relationships with service uses and carers.
CCC1, 12. y y
Acts autonomously to reduce and challenge barriers to effective KB.pdf
communication and understanding.
CCC6,10. Y Y
Engages with people in the planning and provision of care which
Competency 2.
recognises the importance of personal needs and providing both practical
All nurses must use a range of communication
and emotional support.
skills and technologies to support person-centred E Y hearing-people.aspx
care and enhance quality and safety. They must CCC5, 9.
ensure people receive all the information they
need in a language and manner that allows them Listens to, watches for and responds to verbal and non verbal cues.
to make informed choices and share decision CCC5,8.
making. They must recognise when language
interpretation or other communication support is
needed and know how to obtain it.
Uses skills of active listening, questioning, paraphrasing and reflection to
support therapeutic intervention.
CCC6,12. Y Y E 07f340d5f51b
Competency 3. Communicates effectively and sensitively in different settings, using a
All nurses must use the full range of range of methods and skills
communication methods, including verbal, non- CCC6, 8. Y Y E
verbal and written, to acquire, interpret and
record their knowledge and understanding of
people's needs. They must be aware of their own Consistently shows ability to communicate safely and effectively with
values and beliefs and the impact this may have people providing guidance for others.
on their communication with others. They must CCC6,7 Y Y
take account of the many different ways in which
people communicate and how thee may be
influenced by ill health, disability and other
factors, and be able to recognise and respond Provides accurate and comprehensive written and verbal reports based on
effectively when a person finds it hard to sound evidence.
communicate. CCC6, 9. E E

Provides information to people and their carers.

Competency Point of entry: Multi-choice Exam: Multi-choice Exam: OSCE's: Useful on-line links
Essential knowledge, understanding and skill application required Generic Generic applied to Suitable items for Please copy and paste the links into your web browser to access the information
Essential skills cluster number and point nursing field specific testing

Uses strategies to enhance communication and remove barriers to

effective communication minimising the risk to people from lack of or poor
communication. Y E
CCC6, 6.

Competency 4. Anticipates how people might feel in a given situation and respond with
All nurses must recognise when people are kindness and empathy to provide physical and emotional comfort.
anxious or in distress and respond effectively, CCC5, 6. Y Y E
using therapeutic principles, to promote
wellbeing, manage personal safety and resolve
conflict. They must use effective communication Is proactive and creative in enhancing communication and understanding.
strategies and negotiation techniques to achieve CCC6,11
best outcomes, respecting the dignity and human
right of all concerned. They must know when to
consult a third party and how to make referrals for
advocacy, mediation or arbitration.
Makes appropriate use of touch.

Manages and diffuses challenging situations effectively.

y y y

Recognises circumstances that trigger personal negative response and

takes action to prevent this compromising care.
CCC5,11. Y Y

Competency 5. Initiates, maintains and closes professional relationships with service

All nurses must use therapeutic principles to users and carers.
engage maintain and, where appropriate, CCC1,13. Y Y
disengage from professional caring relationships,
and must always respect professional
b d i
Competency 6. Discusses sensitive issues in relation to public health and provides
All nurses must take every opportunity to appropriate and guidance to individuals, communities and populations in
encourage health promoting behaviour through health promoting behaviours such as contraception, cessation of smoking, Y Y
education, role modelling and effective addressing obesity and substance misuse.
communication. OAC9,18.
Uses negotiating and other skills to encourage people who might be
reluctant to drink to take adequate fluids.
NFM.29,5 Y

Discusses the benefits of health promotion within the concept of public

health to prevent and control infection to improve and maintain the health
of the population. Y Y
IPC21, 6.

Competency 7. Provides accurate and comprehensive written reports based on best

All nurses must maintain accurate, clear and possible evidence.
complete records, including the use of electronic CCC6,9. E
formats, using appropriate and plain language.

Works within legal frameworks for data protection including access to and
storage of records.
CCC7,8. Y Y Y
Competency Point of entry: Multi-choice Exam: Multi-choice Exam: OSCE's: Useful on-line links
Essential knowledge, understanding and skill application required Generic Generic applied to Suitable items for Please copy and paste the links into your web browser to access the information
Essential skills cluster number and point nursing field specific testing

Effectively keep records of medication administered and omitted, in a

variety of setting, including controlled drugs and ensures others do the
same Y E E
MM 39,2

Keeps appropriate records in relation to the use and maintenance of

medical devices and the decontamination process required as per local
and national guidelines. Y Y Y
OAC. 20,4.

Makes a comprehensive assessment of people's needs in relation to

nutrition identifying, documenting and communicating level of risk.
NFM. 28,5. Y Y

Monitors and records progress against the plan.

NFM. 28,8.

Competency 8. Recognises the significance of information and acts in relation to who does
All nurses must respect individual rights to or does not need to know.
confidentiality and keep information secure and CCC7,6. Y
confidential in accordance with the law and
relevant regulatory frameworks, taking account of
local protocols. They must actively share Acts within the law when confidential information has to be shared with
personal information with others when the others.
interests of safety and protection override the CCC7,9. Y Y
need for confidentiality.

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