Class A (Int A Public: Explicit A (Int A) ) : Computational Physics-2012

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Computational Physics- 2012


Short test of C++ knowledge

What is a class? What is virtual function? What is template? What is implicit type conversion? What means explicit?
class A{ int a; public: explicit A(int a); };

What is return value optimization? What is the difference between new new[] and operator new? What is placement new?
class A; void* memory = operator new(size); a = new(memory) A;

What is map? What is deque?

Kristjan Haule, 2012


Computational Physics- 2012


Programming in high-level languages

There is no perfect computer language. The best choice depends on the problem. For numerics, if speed is of upmost importance:

fastest: Fortran77 (no aliasing) similarly fast: Fortran90, C, C++ not so fast: Java, any interpreter (Perl, Python)
(aliasing: concurrent acces to a single entity causes synchonization problems and resuls in performace loss).

Human time necessary to write and mantain large scale projects:

Python C++, Java C, Fortran 90 Fortran77

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For some purposes like manipulating les, writting small scripts or working with strings of text (parsing) the best choice are interpreters: Phython, Perl... Historical overview on computer language development can be found at
There are thousands of programming languages and new ones are created every year.

Compilers: Fortran, C, C++, Pascal, (Java), ... Interpreters: Perl, Phython, Mathematica, (Java), ... Compilers: Code needs to be compiled and translated from the original language into machine-code (assembler). Machine code in form of an executable can be run. When you run the program, the computer executes the machine-code instructions in sequence.

advantage: The machine-code can be very optimized and execution is fast. dissadvantage:
The original program is no longer connected to the machine-code, and mapping the machine-code back to the original program can be very difcult (hard job for
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debugger, hard to connect run-time errors with the bugs in the original code) Each processor type has a different machine code and thus requires a completely different compiler. The code can-not be changed on y, much less exible and usually harder to code. Interpreters: Converts each line of a program into machine language as the statement is encountered. If a statement is encountered multiple times (as occurs in a loop) the machine must convert it to machine language each time.

Easy to detect bugs because original program is still closely related to execution. No separate executable le need be stored and the same code usually runs on many platforms Usually offer more exibility and provide more powerful statements (regular expressions in Perl or Phython, Simplify,Solve,... in Mathematica,...) Code of the original program can be changed on the y (can be very powerful)

dissadvantage: speed - Translating the same line of code into machine-code and then
executing the machine-code has quite a high overhead.
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Usual strategy for commercial products is to separate the product into few layers:

low-level routines (usually C, sometimes Assembler, for numerics Fortran) core (usually C++) user interface (tools producing html, sometimes java)
Computational physicist spend most of their time on core part of numerical algorithms. Low level routines are used (LAPACK,BLAS,root nding routines,...) and user interface is not (yet) playing very important role. The programming language choice is therefore usually C++.

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C++ in short
Many excellent tutorials on the WEB (STL) (OO-numerics) (CPP LAPACK) (Collection of great libraries)

The best way to learn is to actually write code.

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Computational Physics- 2012


1 Hello World
The course is taken from

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World!\n"; }
Line 1 :

#include <iostream>

As part of compilation, the C++ compiler runs a program called the C++ preprocessor. The preprocessor is able to add and remove code from your source le. In this case, the directive #include tells the preprocessor to include code from the le iostream. This le contains declarations for functions that the program needs to use, as well as available classes. Line 2 :

using namespace std

C++ supports the concept of name spaces. Essentially, this allows variables to localized to certain regions of code. The command using namespace std allows all objects and functions from the standard input and output library to be used within this program without explicit qualications. Line 3 :

int main() int species the return type of main to be an integer. An explicit value may be returned using a return statement.

This statement declares the main function. A C++ program can contain many functions but must always have one main function. In this case, 0 is returned be default.

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Line 4 :

This opening bracket denotes the start of the scope. Line 5 :

cout<<"HelloWorld!\n"; coutis a object from a standard C++ library that has a method used to print strings, numbers,... to the standard output, normally your screen. The \n is a special format modier that tells the method to put a line feed at the end of the line. If there were another cout in this program, its string would print on the next line. }

Line 6 :

This closing bracket denotes the end of the program.

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Computational Physics- 2012


2 Variables and Constants

A variable represents a location in your computers memory. You can put data into this location and retrieve data out of this location. Every variable has two parts, a name and a data type. Unlike in Fortran, variable names are case sensitive. Some example of data types are

int: basic integer number of size 4 bytes on 32 bit systems with a precision of 10 digits double: real number of size 8 bytes oat: real number of size 4 bytes complex: is not a simple data type but is part of STL (complex<double>). user dened types, typically classes. Most of variables are classes in OO code.
Remember: Choose long variable names that tell you something about the purpose of the variable. Never choose similar names for variables because miss-taping mistakes will not be detected by compiler.

Example of declaration

int count; int number_of_students = 30;

This statements can appear anywhere in the program not only at the beginning.

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It is a good practice to dene variables close to the place where they are used especially if there primary purpose is being temporary variables. For example to swap two numbers

int temp=b; b = a; a = temp;

It is much easier to read and understand the code if most of variables are very localized and they are declared and go out of scope few lines latter (are destroyed).

Remember: Try to make variables localized (Make a short range interaction problem rather than long range interaction problem)

In the old day of C, strings were simple C arrays of characters (character pointers):

char firstInitial = J; char name[] = "John";

Nowadays, one can use much more exible and usefull class string from STL

std::string firstInitial("J"); std::string name("John");

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Constants in old days of C were usually dened with preprocessor directive

#define pi 3.1415
This should be avoided in C++ and replaced by const double

const double pi = 3.1415;

because debugger will know what pi is in the second case, but not in the rst case. The statement const is used also to emphasize that this variable is not going to be changed - can not be changed. Compiler will issue error if one tries to change it. This is very usefull in declaring functions and classes. For example

double Circumference(const double& r){ return 2*M_PI*r; }

tells the reader that variable r will not be changed within the function. If function size is large, it is very usefull to see in declaration which variables are changed and which are not inside the function.

Remember: It is highly recommended to use const whenever possible.

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Computational Physics- 2012


3 Input and Output

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string name; int ID; cout << "Enter your name "; cin >> name; cout << "Enter your ID number "; cin >> ID; cout << "Hello " << name << " or should I say " << ID << endl; return 0; }
The input operator, >>,is used to put data into variables in your program. It is also called the insertion operator. The output operator, <<,is used to direct output to standard output or standard error. It is also called the extraction operator. These operators also work with other streams including les.

cin - This object provides for input from the terminal (keyboard) cout - This object provides for output to the screen. cerr - This object provides unbuffered output to the standard error device, which defaults to the screen. Unbuffered means
that any messages or data will be written immediately. With buffered input, data is saved to a buffer by the operating system, transparently to your program. When the buffer is full, everything in it is written out. This is more efcient because each write Kristjan Haule, 2012 12


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requires a certain amount of overhead from the operating system. Writing out one large buffer has less overhead than writing out multiple smaller messages. The downside is that if a program crashes before the buffer is written, nothing in the buffer is output. Output via cerr is unbuffered to ensure that error messages will be written out.

clog - This object provides buffered output to the standard error device, which defaults to the screen.
To redirect in bash standart output to le stdout and standard error to stderr, one needs to execute

./myprogram > stdout 2>stderr

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4 Conditional Processing
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int number = 5; int guess; cout << "I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10" << endl; cout << "Enter your guess, please "; cin >> guess; if (guess == number){ cout << "Incredible, you are correct" << endl; }else{ cout << "Sorry, try again" << endl; } return 0; }

To compare two operands, relational operators are used:

== : equal != : not equal > : greater than >= : greater than or equal < : less than <= : less than or equal
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Instead of many if-else statements, it is convenient to use switch statement

#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int choice; cout << "What flavor ice cream do want?" << endl; cout << "Enter 1 for chocolate" << endl; cout << "Enter 2 for vanilla" << endl; cout << "Enter 3 for strawberry" << endl; cout << "Enter 4 for green tea flavor, yuck" << endl; cout << "Enter you choice: "; cin >> choice; switch (choice) { case 1: cout << "Chocolate, good choice" << endl; break; case 2: cout << "Vanillarific" << endl; break; case 3: cout << "Berry Good" << endl; break; case 4: cout << "Big Mistake" << endl; break; default: cout << "We dont have any" << endl; cout << "Make another selection" << endl; } return 0; }

Multiple conditions can use the following operators:

&& || !


An example of multiple condition statement:

if(x < 7 && y > 50 || z < 2)....

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5 Looping
Most often used loop statement in C or C++ is forstatement and is also the fastest.
for (int i = 0; i<100; i++) cout << i << endl;

First 100 integer numbers can be printed to standard output also with do-while or while statement in the following way or
int i=0; do { cout << i << endl; } while (++i<100);

int i = -1; while (++i < 100){ cout << i << endl; }

The important difference between the rst and the second statement is the execution order and time of test statement (and also incremenet statement). In the rst case, it is performed after printing and therefore the statement is always executed even if the condition is never true. In the second case, the statement will never execute if the condition is never true.

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


Homework: Bug population and bifurcation plot

In order to plot in C++, you should install a package for that. One good package is plotter (part of gnu). To install it in

Ubuntu: use Synaptic package manager to install two packages: plotutils and
libplot dev

brew install plotutils
Imagine a bunch of insects reproducing generation after generation. We start with N0 bugs, in the next generation we have N1 and after i generations we have Ni of them. The birth rate is proportional to the number of living bugs as long as their number is not too big. When they populate the entire region, the competition for a nite food suply tends to limit their number to maximum N . A plausible model for the bug population is

Ni = Ni (N Ni ) t
To simplify units, we dene


1 + N t


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t Ni 1 N t + N


> 1 and xi [0, 1]. Bug population becomes xi+1 = xi (1 xi )


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We are interested in the bug population after a long period of time. The equation has two xed points:

xi xi
The xed point is stable if

= =

0 1 1

(5) (6)

dxi+1 <1 dxi

In case of our bugs, the derivative is (1 2xi ). The point of no bugs is stable for (not possible in this case). For the second xed point, the derivative is 2 and is therefore stable at To summarize:



< 3.

for [1..3] stable xed point is xi = 1 1/. for > 3 there is no xed point. We can nd points with double period (attractors or cycle points) by requiring xi+2 = xi .
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Bifurcation plot is obtained by plotting population of bugs xi (versus growth rate ) after a long period of time when it reaches a stedy state. The algorithm is:

start with any bug population xi [0...1] simulate a few hundred bug generations to reach the stedy state after the stedy state is reached, plot a few hundred generations of bugs xi on the screen at points (xi , ). scan value of between [1...4] and try a few different initial populations. The
bifurcation should be independent of the initial population.

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Computational Physics- 2012


6 Pointers
Memory of a computer is enumerated and each variable is stored at certain unique adress. Usually one is interested in the value of the variable which is the content of memory slot. The address of the same memory slot is called pointer to the variable. Pointers provide much power and utility for the programmer to access and manipulate data in ways not seen in some other languages (Fortran). However, there is a drawback of this exibility, called alliasing which slows down the execution of the program for 10%-20%. Some operations are possible only by using pointers. However, in good C++ program, programmer should almost never see a pointer (or need to care how to manipulate pointers). This should be hidden inside basic classes which are very seldom reimplemented (for example vector, matrix, map,...). When they are, they should be heavily tested rst, and only then used in writting numerical algorithms. In this way, most painful memory fault bugs are avoided (Very hard to achieve in Fortran90). Remember: Pointers are most frequent source of program bugs. Avoid using them if not necessary.

Simple examples of pointer usage:

int count = 5; int *ptr = &count int count_copy = *ptr; *ptr =*ptr + 2; ptr = ptr + 2; *ptr = 3;

// // // // // // // //

Stores the address of count. pointer is dereferenced and the contents of memory is assigned to new variable contents of memory is changed. count is now equal to 7. count_copy is still 5 ptr now points to new location 2*4=8 bytes after variable c This might cause corredump. The contents of unallocated mem is changed. The results is unpredictable.
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The most important use of pointers for us is in allocating memory for data structures: arrays, matrices,... But we, as users, do not necessary need to implement these structures. We can use them. The usual static C arrays are dened in the following way

double A[100]; // vector of size 100

The problem of static C type of arrays is that the size needs to be known at compile time (just like fortran77). This is not convenient for most of algorithms. Dynamic arrays are allocated with operator new in C++

double *A = new double[N]; .... delete[] A;

Here N can be any integer number determined during execution. Dont forger to deallocate memory with delete every time using new. Number of new and delete statements should always exactly match. It is much more convenient to use predened class of type vector from STL. The same statement with vector is

vector<double> A(N);
User does not see pointers although they are used in this contructor. User does not need to deallocate memory either, because the class is destroyed automaticaly when variable A goes out of scope.

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


7 File Input and Output

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> // Includes definitions of the file input-output streams using namespace std;

int main() { ofstream myFile("out.txt"); // Creates an output file stream object named myFile if (! myFile) // Always test file open. { cout << "Error opening output file" << endl; return -1; // Program is terminated } myFile << "Hello World" << endl; // Actual writting myFile.close(); // It is advisable to close the file in order that // computer flushes output return 0; // In most compilers, this is not really necessary // because destructor flushes output anyway. }
Many options can be used for opening data les

out - Open a le or stream for insertion (output). in - Open a le or stream for extraction (input). app - Append rather than truncate an existing le. Each insertion (output) will be written to the end of the le
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trunc - Truncate existing le (default behavior) ate - Opens the le without truncating, but allows data to be written anywhere in the le binary - Treat the le as binary rather than text. A binary le has data stored in internal formats, rather than readable text
format. For example, a oat would be stored as its internal four byte representation rather than as a string. An example of opening output binary le for appending:

ofstream myFile("SomeFileName",ios::out | ios::spp | ios::binary);

To combine modes, one needs to use symbol | (or) Need to know:

By default, if a le does not exist it is created. By default, a le will be a text le, not a binary le. By default, an existing le is truncated.
One can read and write from the le in the same way as from standard input and output by << and >>. There are many other very usefull advanced functions for reading and writting including getline,ignore,get,peek,putback,read.Check them out when you need them. There exist so-called input-output manipulators which control how data is formatted. Most often, a precision of the output stream is changed (increased). The function width than needs to be used to take enough space between two real numbers for nicer output.

#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> // manipulators defined ..... cout.precision(16); cout<<"variable a = "<<setw(25)<<a<<endl;
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8 References
The real usefulness of references is when they are used to pass values into functions. They provide a way to return values from the function withouth using pointers. But rst well examine how to create and use references.

int val; // Declares an integer int &rVal = val; // Declares a reference to the integer val
Notice the use of the & before the reference name. It indicates that rVal is a reference rather than an ordinary object. A reference is not a unique object. It is merely an alias or synonym for another object.

int val = 5; // Declares an integer int &rVal = val; // Declares a reference to the integer val. rVal = 6; // val is now also 6 since rVal is actually the same variable as val val = 7; // val and rVal are both 7 now
Reference cannot be reassigned. It has to be assigned when declared (line two above) and from then on, the reference is always bound to the same variable. Pointer, on the other hand, can be reasigned and pointed somewhere else.

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Computational Physics- 2012


9 References in a function call

C++ has an important advantage over C because it supports function call by reference. In C, one needs to pass pointers instead. In fortran, on the other hand, there is no possibility to pass variable by value and everything is called by reference. In C++ one has both choices for passing arguments to the function: call by value or call by reference. This is call by reference

int swap(int& a, int& b){ int temp = b; b = a; a = temp; }

This is call by value

int max(int a, int b){ return (a>b) ? a : b; }

This could alternatively be written with constant references

int max(const int& a, const int& b){ return (a>b) ? a : b; }

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Usual call by value is discouraged in this case since one could miss-use variables inside the function body

int max(int& a, int& b){ a = 3; // a is changed not only locally but also globally. return (a>b) ? a : b; }
Call by value in the case of swap would not work. The following code does not modify variables a or b:

int swap(int a, int b){ int temp = b; b = a; a = temp; }

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Computational Physics- 2012


10 Object oriented programming

Wikipedia: Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses objects to design applications and computer programs. It utilizes several techniques from previously established paradigms, including inheritance, modularity, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Even though it originated in the 1960s, OOP was not commonly used in mainstream software application development until the 1990s. Today, many popular programming languages (such as Java, JavaScript, C#, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby and Objective-C) support OOP. Object-oriented programmings roots reach all the way back to the creation of the Simula programming language in the 1960s, when the nascent eld of software engineering had begun to discuss the idea of a software crisis. As hardware and software became increasingly complex, how could software quality be maintained? Object-oriented programming in part addresses this problem by strongly emphasizing modularity in software.

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Creators of Simula programming language (Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard of the Norwegian Computing Center in Oslo) were working on ship simulations, and were confounded by the combinatorial explosion of how the different attributes from different ships could affect one another. The idea occurred to group the different types of ships into different classes of objects, each class of objects being responsible for dening its own data and behavior.) Object-oriented programming may be seen as a collection of cooperating objects, as opposed to a traditional view in which a program may be seen as a collection of functions, or simply as a list of instructions to the computer. In OOP, each object is capable of receiving messages, processing data, and sending messages to other objects. Each object can be viewed as an independent little machine with a distinct role or responsibility. Object-oriented programming is intended to promote greater exibility and maintainability in programming, and is widely popular in large-scale software engineering. By virtue of its strong emphasis on modularity, object oriented code is intended to be simpler to develop and easier to understand later on, lending itself to more direct analysis, coding, and understanding of complex situations and procedures than less modular programming methods
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Classes are a software construct that can be used to emulate a real world object. It can be dened by its attributes and by its actions.
(a cat has attributes such as its age, weight, and color. It also has a

set of actions that it can perform such as sleep, eat and complain (meow).) The difference between a class and an object can be confusing to beginners.

A class is data type that encapsulates data and abilities. An object is a particular instance of a class.
In case of simple integer

int x;
Class is int and object is x.

The goal in designing classes is to have all the relevant attributes and abilities encapsulated by the class. Any class contains

class members - its data class methods - its functions

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Designing good classes is very challenging even for experienced programmers. The designing part of programming is the most important part and some effort should be devoted to carefully dene the problem and choose best classes for the problem at hand. What is a good choice of classes? Classes should not be too big. Classes should interact as little as possible The interaction should be simple.

Choosing a good set of classes is like nding quasiparticles of an interacting many-body problem.

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Class interface should be complete and minimal.

A complete interface is one that allows clients to do anything they might reasonably want to do. A minimal interface, on the other hand, is one with as few functions in it as possible, one in which no two member functions have overlapping functionality. Clients can do whatever they want to do, but the class interface is no more complicated than absolutely necessary. Encapculation: Users can see an object as a black box with a well-dened interface to a set of functions in a way which hides their internal workings.

Good choice of classes should have a natural syntax, an intuitive semantics. They should be as simple to understand as standard types are, for example string, vector,... One usually discovers that the choice of classes was bad only when the coding is nished, or when one comes back to the same code after a few monts and does not understand anymore what each class can be used for.
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First example of a class:

class dcomplex{ private: double re, im; public: dcomplex (double r = 0, double i = 0): re (r), im (i) {} dcomplex conj() const {return dcomplex(re,-im);} double real() const { return re; } double imag() const { return im; } dcomplex& operator+= (const dcomplex& r); dcomplex& operator-= (const dcomplex& r); friend dcomplex operator+ (const dcomplex& x, const dcomplex& y); };
Access speciers are

private indicates that a member may be accessed only by class methods and not by other parts of the program. public indicates that a member is accesible from the outside world. protected allows access to the derived classes. For the rest of the world, members are hidden.
Members re and im can not be accessed directly by users of dcomplex type. They can be accessed only through member functions real() and imag(). Good class design should always enforce data hiding, i.e., limiting access and manipulation of members only through methods. The interface to the class is public and the data is private. Data hiding accomplishes two goals

Users need not be concerned with the internal representation of the data
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If the internal representation of the data is modied, any code using this class need not be modied.
There are two ways to dene methods:

within the class denition (small methods, automatically inlined) outside of the class (larger methods)
inline dcomplex& dcomplex::operator+= (const dcomplex& r) { re +=; im +=; return *this; }
Inlined functions are faster (avoid overhead of function call) but compilation is slower. Constructor can have member initialization list. It is a comma-separated list of members along with their initial values, separated by a colon from the end of the parameter list.

inline dcomplex operator+ (const dcomplex& x, const dcomplex& y) { return dcomplex( +, +; }
Friend function is a function which is allowed to access private and protected members. Note that it is return by value function. Return by reference would not work. It is important to return temporary object of unnamed form to allow return value optimization. Functions can be overloaded (multiple functions with the same name) Each version of the function must differ in either the number and/or type of its arguments. Kristjan Haule, 2012 34


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Can have default arguments. Defaults must be specied starting at the right most parameters.

Second example of a class:

class function{ protected: double *f; int N; public: function(): f(NULL), N(0) {};// default constructor needed for arrays. explicit function(int N_); // No conversion allowed function(const function&); // Copy constructor function(); // Destructor int size() const { return N;} double& operator[](int i) // returns reference, thus allows modifing class { if(i>=N) cerr<<"Out of range in function[]"<<endl; return f[i];} const double& operator[](int i) const// returns const ref. Needed when declared const { if(i<N) cerr<<"Out of range in function[]"<<endl; return f[i];} }
A constructor is called whenever an object is dened or dynamically allocated using the new operator. It is typically used to obtain resources such as memory

inline function::function(int N_) { f = new double[N_];}

An objects destructor is called whenever an object goes out of scope or when the delete operator is called on a pointer to the object. The purpose of the destructor is clean up.

inline function1D::function()
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{ delete[] f; f=NULL;}
Why explicit in declaration of constructor?

int DoSomething(const function& f); .... DoSomething(2); // Error, constructor is explicit and conversion not possible
Few points to stress

A constructor is a method that has the same name as its class. A destructor is a method that has as its name the class name prexed by a tilde, . Neither constructors nor destructors return values. They have no return type specied. Constructors can have arguments. Constructors can be overloaded. If any constructor is written for the class, the compiler will not generate a default constructor. The default constructor is a constructor with no arguments, or a constructor that provides defaults for all arguments. The container classes such as vector require default constructors to be available for the classes they hold. Dynamically
allocated class arrays also require a default constructor. If any constructors are dened, you should always dene a default constructor as well.

Destructors have no arguments and thus cannot be overloaded.

Remember: If constructor allocates memory, destructor needs to deallocate the same memory in the same way.

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Dynamic allocation of memory

new operator
most often used. Allocates any object - allocates memory and calls constructor Example:

string *ps = new string("Memory Management");

allocates an array Example

string *ps = new string[10];

Dont forget to use delete[] instead of simple delete;

operator new (equivalent to malloc in C)

returns void* it returns a pointer to raw, uninitialized memory. No constructor called Example:

void* memory = operator new(size); operator delete(memory)

Dont forget to call operator delete:

placement new
raw memory is already allocated, one constructs an object in the existing raw memory (calls constructor) Example: A is a class type

a = new(memory) A; a.A();
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Dont forget to call destructor by hand:


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Copy constructor
A copy constructor is a special constructor that takes as its argument a reference to an object of the same class and creates a new object that is a copy.

function(const function&); // Copy constructor

By default, the compiler provides a copy constructor that performs a member-by-member copy from the original object to the one being created. This is called a member wise or shallow copy. This is often not satisfactory. In the above example, default copy constructor would only create new pointer (double* f) which would point to the same location in memory. When the original object is destroyed, the memory-data is gone and the copy of the object, created by the copy constructor, is corrupted. Remember: Whenever your constructor allocates memory, default copy constructor is not enough. Write your copy constructor.

inline function::function(const function& m) { resize(m.N); std::copy(m.f,m.f+N,f); } inline void function::resize(int n) { if (n>N){ if (f) delete[] f; f = new T[n]; } N = n; }
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Remember: Always prefer pass-by-const-reference to pass-by-value.

The meaning of passing an object by value is dened by the copy constructor of that objects class. This can make pass-by-value an extremely expensive operation. The following peaces of code give the same result, but the second is much slower. It needs two more copy-constructor calls

inline dcomplex operator+ (const dcomplex& x, const dcomplex& y) { return dcomplex( +, +; }

inline dcomplex operator+ (const dcomplex x, const dcomplex y) { return dcomplex( +, +; }
In case of large arrays or matrices, the overhead can be enormous.

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


Arrays of objects
Default constructor is necessary for creating arrays of objects. Needed also when STL standard containers are used for storage.

function f1; // Simple object. Calls default constructor. Object is empty (of size 0 function f2(N); // Simple object. Calls constructor which allocates space for N numbers function fa[3]; // Array of functions. For each function, default constructor is called std::vector<function> fb(M); // Vector of functions. Again default constructors are cal function fc[3] = {10,10,10}; // Rarely used and not very usefull. Calls non-default con

Static members
Static members provide a way to create objects that are shared by an entire class, rather than being part of a particular instance of the class, an object. Static methods provide a way to access and update static members.

class function{ protected: static const int max_size = 1000; static int default_size; public: static int Set_default_size(int def_size){default_size=def_size;} ... }

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


Implement your own class Vector.
The declaration of the vector class is:

class Vector{ int N; // size of the vector double *m; // pointer to data public: ///// constructors & destructor Vector(int N, double def_val=0); Vector(); Vector(const Vector& A); Vector(); ///// other class members double operator[](int i) const; double& operator[](int i); int size() const {return N;} void resize(int N); void random(); };
Implementation of Vector class is empy.

// // // // // // // // //

constructor takes size as an argument default constructor is called when no arguments a copy constructor necessary for return by value desctructor necessary because we have pointers to array access operator for reading array access operator for writting returns size resizes existing vector fills with random numbers

The testing code is available to download ( as well as matrix class (matrix.h). check details

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


check out Classes attempt to model real world entities - have various relationships which help to simplify the task of understanding the systems. One of them is Inheritance. Creating or deriving a new class using another class as a base is called inheritance. The new class created is called a Derived class and the old class used as a base is called a Base class in C++ inheritance terminology. C++ inheritance is very similar to a parent-child relationship. When a class is inherited all the functions and data member are inherited, although not all of them will be accessible by the member functions of the derived class.

The derived class will inherit all the features of the base class The derived class can also add its own features It can also override some of the features (functions) of the base class Exeptions to the above rules:
The constructor and destructor of a base class are not inherited the assignment operator is not inherited the friend functions and friend classes of the base class are also not inherited. In the derived class, only protected and public members of the base class are accessible. The private members of the base class are not accessible by a derived class.

Remember: Most of data should be proteced rather than private if a class is used as a base class.

Kristjan Haule, 2012



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class vehicle{ protected: // members accesible also for Car string colorname; // Car has colorname and int number_of_wheels; // number_of_wheels public: vehicle(); // constructor is not inherited vehicle(); // destructor is not inherited void start(); // start, stop and run exists also void stop(); // in Car, but they can be changed void run(); // if necessary }; class Car: public vehicle{ protected: char type_of_fuel; // Char has one more member public: Car(); };
Improper inheritance: make the base class weaker eliminate the proposed inheritance relationship

class Bird{ public: void fly(); . . . }; class Penguin : public Bird{ // cannot fly }

Kristjan Haule, 2012



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Be aware of 80/20 rule Use successive memory (row-major) order Understand the origin of temporary objects Always prefer pass-by-const-reference to pass-by-value Facilitate the return value optimization Consider using op= instead of stand-alone op Avoid using virtual functions, multiple inheritance, virtual base classes, exception

Consider alternative libraries

Further reading : Effective C++ and More Effective C++ by Scott Meyers

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


Templates and Generic programming

Templates are a feature of the C++ programming language that allow code to be written without consideration of the data type with which it will eventually be used. Templates support generic programming in C++. Templates provide a way to represent a wide range of general concepts and algorithms and simple ways to combine them (STL). Templates provide direct support for generic programming, that is, programming using types as parameters. Most importantly, templates are instantiated at compile-time. For numerics this is of extreme importance because there is no performace cost. The price one pays is longer compilation time. Whit increases of computational power, this is hardly a problem nowadays ( Expression templates, however, might slow down compilation dramatically). The simplest example of a template

template<class T> inline T sqr(T x) { return x*x; } T> instead of <class T>. Type T can be eny type, either double, int, complex or any user dened type one could think of. The only requirement for user-dened type is that it implements multiplication (operator*).
Usage of templates is extremely simple One could also write <typename

int ia = 2; int ib = sqr(ia); // Compiler implements version of sqr for type int double da = 2.0; double db = sqr(da); //Compiler implements new version of sqr for type double complex<double> ca(2.0,0); complex<double> cb = sqr(ca); //Compiler implements new version of sqr for type complex
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Implementing template is thus equivalent to implement function for each class separately (much more user work). More importantly, one can write general algorithms using templates and abstraction is done in the process of coding a template. One example are standard containers. One can use vectors of any type, also user dened type, maps of any type (very powerful objects implementing hashes). We can also improve the denition of our container function above and make it a template. We will need functions of type double, complex, int, and many more.

template <class T> class function{ protected: T *f; int N; public: function(): f(NULL), N(0) {};// default constructor needed for arrays. explicit function(int N_); // No conversion allowed function(const function&); // Copy constructor function(); // Destructor int size() const { return N;} T& operator[](int i) // returns reference, thus allows modifing class { if(i>=N) cerr<<"Out of range in function[]"<<endl; return f[i];} const T& operator[](int i) const// returns const ref. Needed when declared const { if(i<N) cerr<<"Out of range in function[]"<<endl; return f[i];} } template <class T> inline function<T>::function(int N_) { f = new T[N_];} function<double> fund(N); // A function with N double numbers is declared
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function<dcomplex> func(N) // Function of complex numbers function<function<int> > fun2(N); // Two dimentional function of integers vector<function<complex<double> > > func3; // Two dimentional complex function map<dcomplex,function<dcomplex> > hash;//sorted associative containers containing //unique key/value pairs.
Root nding routines were always a real pain until templates were born. Why? With templates, one can write a general purpose root-nding routine that works with any user dene class. Here is an example

template <class functor> inline double zeroin( const double ax, const double bx, functor& f, const double tol) {.....}

// // // //

Specify the interval the root to be sought in Function under investigation Acceptable tolerance

The routine can be tested with a simple function like this

double f_simple(double x){return ....};

but can also be used with any objects which denes operator()

class Complicated{ ..... public: double operator()(double x); }; Complicated cmp;

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double solution = zeroin(a,b,cmp,1e-12);

Why is this so useful? Because we can avoid using global variables. Data can be encapsulated in certain object, and the object just needs to implement operator() and zero can be found without giving hidden data to outside world. We will see very nice example in Density functional theory part of the course where solution of Schroedinger equation is used to nd bound states - energy at which solution of Schroedinger equation satises boundary conditions. The variable that one varies is the energy of the state and its value has to be such that the wave function is zero at origin. Data to solve the Schroedinger equation are encapsulated and hiden iside certain class and a static function can not access them. To use usual root nding routines, one would need to make many variables (or whole class) global. The solution with templates is simple: the class needs to implement operator() and zero can be found with the above routine. For demonstrative purposes, lets consider simple case of cubic function which depends on variables a, b, c and d:

f (x) = a + bx + cx2 + dx3 . Variables a...d are determined in some complicated way somewhere inside a function or class member. We certainly do not want to declare them as global variables. However, we can not evaluate f (x) without knowing
them. The solution with templates is simple. In the place where root needs to be nd, we write

int a,b,c,d; Get_abc_complicated(a,b,c,d,....); functor pack(a,b,c,d); double solution = zeroin(start_interval, end_interval, pack, tolerance);
class functor needs to be dened somewhere above

class functor{ double a,b,c,d; public: functor(double a_, double b_, double c_, double d_) : a(a_), b(b_), double operator()(double x){return a+x*(b+x*(c+x*d));} };
Kristjan Haule, 2012

c(c_), d(d_){};



Computational Physics- 2012


There are many nice example of generic algorithms implemented in STL, for example sort. If we dene new data type, and want to sort an array of objects, we do not need to implement sorting routine. It is implemented in STL. All we need to do is to dene operator less than and we can use STL sort. Here is an example:

class A{ .... friend bool operator<(const A& m, const A& n); }; bool operator<(const A& m, const A& n) {...} ..... vector<A> v(N); .... sort(v.begin(),v.end());

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


The Standard Template Library

The STL has three fundamental concepts: containers, iterators, and algorithms. Containers hold collections of objects. Iterators are pointer-like objects that let you walk through STL containers just as youd use pointers to walk through built-in arrays. Algorithms are functions that work on STL containers and that use iterators to help them do their work. At its core, STL is very simple. It is just a collection of class and function templates that adhere to a set of conventions. Theres no big inheritance hierarchy, no virtual functions, none of that stuff. Just some class and function templates and a set of conventions to which they all subscribe. Which leads to another revelation: STL is extensible. You can add your own collections, algorithms, and iterators to the STL family.

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


Some of the containers implemented are

sequences containers

vector list - optimized for insertion and deletion of elements. The operator[] not provided deque - optimized for insertion at the beginning and end. It has operator[]. stack - push back and pop back fast, no operator[] queue - allows insertion at the back and extraction at front


map - sequence of (key/value) pairs which provide fast retrieval based on key multimap - map which allows duplicate keys set - like map but withouth values. Only keys multiset - duplicate keys

valarray - vector optimized for numerics computations string bitset - set of ags (might be useful for ED)
The truth is that valarray was not implemented in gcc until recently. Even now, it seems not to be really optimized. Please, check out your compiler weather valarray is faster than vector and how much. Typical algorithms implemented is STL are: nding certain element in container, sorting, nding minimal, maximal element, nding permutations of elements, copying of a collection of elements, search and replace, transformation of all elements according to certain rule,...

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


Promote your Matrix and Vector class to template, which can store any type of data. implement member function C.Product(A,B) and C = A*B which calls lapack subroutine
dgemm for real matrix multiplication and zgemm for complex matrix multiplication.

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


Perl is very suitable for small scale projects of the order of 100 lines of code which are not computationally intensive - is interpreter. It offers much more exibility than C++ or other older languages. It is extremely usefull for working with les and text manipulation: transforming or changing les, changing strings in many large les,... It is used in many web based applications (cgi-bin) and even supports object-oriented (OO) programming. Many graphical user interfaces which run in web browsers are written in perl. Perl comes with very useful man-pages. Type

man perl
and for short introduction

man perlintro
and you can learn perl in few minutes. Perl has probabbly the biggest resources and largest community on the web of all programming languages.
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HelloWorld program can not be simpler than that

#!/usr/bin/perl print "Hello, World!\n";

Each perl program can start with a line containing path to perl interpreter. To execute this script, one just needs to add executable ag to script (chmod +x name of your script) and run it. Alternatively, one can omit rst line and run it with perl prepended


# # # # # scalar variable array variable hash, just like map in C++ summation of elements access hash elements

Below are some simple examples of using perl variables, arrays and hashes
$a = 5; @b = (1,2,3); %c = ("apple", "red", "banana", "yellow"); $sum = $b[0]+$b[1]+$b[2]; print "Color of apple is ", $c{"apple"}, "\n"; @kys = keys(%c); # stores all keys to array print "fruits are @kys\n"; # and prints them

Perl is so popular because it is very easy to use and mainly because of its powerful built-in support for text processing. This powerful machinery is called regular expressions. It is very simple to write rules (regular expressions) which can nd certain substrings, replace certain substrings or write some reports out of complicated data which needs to be analyzed. Building blocks are symbols which match various characters
Kristjan Haule, 2012 54


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. - a single character \s - a whitespace character (space, tab, newline) \S- non-whitespace character \d - a digit (0-9) \D - a non-digit \a - word character (az, AZ, 09, ) \W - a non-word character [aeiou]- matches a single character in the given set [aeiou]- matches a single character outside the given set (foo|bar|baz)- matches any of the alternatives specied - start of string $ - end of string
Quantiers (how many of the previous thing you want to match on) Regular expression for a real number:

$r_n = "-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*[e|E]?-?[0-9]*";

* - zero or more of the previous thing + - one or more of the previous thing ? - zero or one of the previous thing {3} - matches exactly 3 of the previous thing {3,6} - matches between 3 and 6 of the previous thing {3,} - matches 3 or more of the previous thing
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A trivial example of perl usage

# This loop reads from STDIN, and prints non-blank lines while (<>) { next if /$/; print; }
line 1 diamond operator <> is equivalent to <STDIN> and reads a line from STDIN and stores into variable $_ line 2 this line is equivalent to if(/$/){next;}. If empty line is matched, the rest of lines in the loop are skipped line 3 prints variable $_ Next example reads any number of les containing few columns and transformes them in user dened way. We will rst give examples of usage of the script and than code the script. Script called strans can do the following

strans datafile1 #1 2*#2 #3/2. strans datafile1 #1 abs(#2+#3*i) Re(1/(#2+#3*i)) Im(1/(#2+#3*i)) strans datafile1 datafile2 #1 (#2+#2:2)**2 + (#3+#2:3)**2 (#4+#2:4)*ferm(#1/0.01)
line 1 prints rst three columns of data le and multiplies the second column with 2 and divides the third column by 2 line 2 second and third column are treated like real and imaginary part of a complex function. First column is copied, second column prints absolute value of the complex function, the third and fourth columns print real and imaginary part of the inverse of the complex function, respectively. line 3 two data les are merged in the following way: rst column of the rst le is copied, the second column is the sum of second columns squared, the third is the sum of third coulmns squared, the fourth column is sum of fourth columns multiplied by the fermi function

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


The following script will work in the above specied way

#!/usr/bin/perl use Math::Trig; # includes trigonometric functions use Math::Complex; # includes support for complex functions push @files, "<&STDIN" unless -t STDIN; # stdin is treated like any other file foreach (@ARGV){ if (-s $_){ # if file exists, it mush be function name push @files, $_; } else{ push @trans, $_; # otherwise it is an expression for trans } } foreach (@trans) { # in any user defined rule, it replaces symbol # by spl in the following way # #2:3 -> $spl[1][2] # #3 -> $spl[0][3] s/\#(\d+):(\d+)/\$spl\[${\($1-1)}\]\[${\($2-1)}\]/g; s/\#(\d+)/\$spl\[0\]\[${\($1-1)}\]/g; } foreach (@files){ open $_, $_;} # All files being transformed are opened @{$spl[0]} = ( ); # object spl is initialized
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# Main loop LB: while (defined($spl[0][0])){ # goes ower all columns $i=0; foreach $f (@files){ # goes ower all files $_ = <$f>; # reads one line from this file if (/\#/){ # if the file is commented, just print it and do noth print; $_ = <$f>; # read next line in this case } @{$spl[$i++]} = split( ,$_); # saves the contents of the file into two diment } # array spl[i][j] containing j-th column of i-th if (not defined($spl[0][0])){ # If first column does not exist, we reached end-of last LB; # or end of continuous lines region of file -> fini } $line = ""; # the output line initialized foreach $col (@trans){ # each column of each file is being processed $val = eval $col; # the code for this column, as prepared above, is bei $line .= $val . " "; # evaluated (core step) } # the transformed column is glued together into a lin print "$line\n"; # Finally, print out the resulting row } sub ferm{ return 1.0/(exp(@_[0])+1);} # An example of fermi function which can be used sub nbose{ return 1.0/(exp(@_[0])-1);} # and bose function

Kristjan Haule, 2012



Computational Physics- 2012


Interpretes like Perl or Phython are very useful for writting wrapper script for fast plotting of data. The script most often calles other plotting programs like gnuplot or xmgrace. One such script is provided in this lecture (nd it on the web). Examples of its use are

plot plot plot plot plot

data -u1:2,1:3 -wlp -g data* -x-1:1 -y-10:10 -uall data[1-2] -x-1:1 -xt0.2 -cpcolor -u1:3 data[1-2] -u1:2 -wlp data1 -u1:3 -wp data2

line 1 plots xy plot with rst column as x and second column as y line 2 plots second and third column of all les, whose name starts with data, using rst column as x. Uses lines and points (default uses lines only). It also adds gridlines (-g) line 3 plots all columns in both data1 and data2. The rst column is again used for x axes. The x range is set between -1 to 1 and y range for -10 to 10. line 4 plots data1 and data2 using column 1 and column 3. The xtics are set to 0.2 and x range is again set between -1 and 1. Results are not plotted to screen but rather printed using printer specied in pcolor script. line 5 plots data1 using rst and second column and data2 using rst and third column. The rst curve is plotted with lines and points while the second uses points only.

Kristjan Haule, 2012


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