40 CFR 112 Spill
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engine on a public vessel) and any discharges of such oil accumulated in the bilges of a vessel discharged in compliance with MARPOL 73/78, Annex I, as provided in 33 CFR part 151, subpart A; (b) Other discharges of oil permitted under MARPOL 73/78, Annex I, as provided in 33 CFR part 151, subpart A; and (c) Any discharge of oil explicitly permitted by the Administrator in connection with research, demonstration projects, or studies relating to the prevention, control, or abatement of oil pollution.
[61 FR 7421, Feb. 28, 1996]
Pt. 112
Subpart AApplicability, Definitions, and General Requirements For All Facilities and All Types of Oils
112.1 General applicability. 112.2 Definitions. 112.3 Requirement to prepare and implement a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan. 112.4 Amendment of Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan by Regional Administrator. 112.5 Amendment of Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan by owners or operators. 112.6 [Reserved]. 112.7 General requirements for Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plans.
Any person in charge of a vessel or of an onshore or offshore facility shall, as soon as he or she has knowledge of any discharge of oil from such vessel or facility in violation of section 311(b)(3) of the Act, immediately notify the National Response Center (NRC) (800424 8802; in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, 2024262675). If direct reporting to the NRC is not practicable, reports may be made to the Coast Guard or EPA predesignated On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) for the geographic area where the discharge occurs. All such reports shall be promptly relayed to the NRC. If it is not possible to notify the NRC or the predesignated OCS immediately, reports may be made immediately to the nearest Coast Guard unit, provided that the person in charge of the vessel or onshore or offshore facility notifies the NRC as soon as possible. The reports shall be made in accordance with such procedures as the Secretary of Transportation may prescribe. The procedures for such notice are set forth in U.S. Coast Guard regulations, 33 CFR part 153, subpart B and in the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR part 300, subpart E.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 20500046) [52 FR 10719, Apr. 2, 1987. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 7421, Feb. 28, 1996; 61 FR 14032, Mar. 29, 1996]
Subpart BRequirements for Petroleum Oils and Non-Petroleum Oils, Except Animal Fats and Oils and Greases, and Fish and Marine Mammal Oils; and Vegetable Oils (Including Oils from Seeds, Nuts, Fruits, and Kernels)
112.8 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements for onshore facilities (excluding production facilities). 112.9 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements for onshore oil production facilities. 112.10 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements for onshore oil drilling and workover facilities. 112.11 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements for offshore oil drilling, production, or workover facilities.
Subpart CRequirements for Animal Fats and Oils and Greases, and Fish and Marine Mammal Oils; and for Vegetable Oils, Including Oils from Seeds, Nuts, Fruits and Kernels
112.12 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements for onshore facilities (excluding production facilities). 112.13 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements for onshore oil production facilities.
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112.14 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements for onshore oil drilling and workover facilities. 112.15 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements for offshore oil drilling, production, or workover facilities.
APPENDIX E TO PART 112DETERMINATION AND EVALUATION OF REQUIRED RESPONSE RESOURCES FOR FACILITY RESPONSE PLANS APPENDIX F TO PART 112FACILITYSPECIFIC RESPONSE PLAN AUTHORITY: 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.; 33 U.S.C. 2720; E.O. 12777 (October 18, 1991), 3 CFR, 1991 Comp., p. 351. SOURCE: 38 FR 34165, Dec. 11, 1973, unless otherwise noted. EDITORIAL NOTE: Nomenclature changes to part 112 appear at 65 FR 40798, June 30, 2000.
Subpart AApplicability, Definitions, and General Requirements for All Facilities and All Types of Oils
SOURCE: 67 FR 47140, July 17, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
112.1 General applicability. (a)(1) This part establishes procedures, methods, equipment, and other requirements to prevent the discharge of oil from non-transportation-related onshore and offshore facilities into or upon the navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines, or into or upon the waters of the contiguous zone, or in connection with activities under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act or the Deepwater Port
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quirements of a State program approved under part 281 of this chapter. The completely buried storage capacity of a facility also excludes the capacity of a container that is permanently closed, as defined in 112.2. (ii) The aggregate aboveground storage capacity of the facility is 1,320 gallons or less of oil. For purposes of this exemption, only containers of oil with a capacity of 55 gallons or greater are counted. The aggregate aboveground storage capacity of a facility excludes the capacity of a container that is permanently closed, as defined in 112.2. (3) Any offshore oil drilling, production, or workover facility that is subject to the notices and regulations of the Minerals Management Service, as specified in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Administrator of EPA, dated November 8, 1993 (Appendix B of this part). (4) Any completely buried storage tank, as defined in 112.2, and connected underground piping, underground ancillary equipment, and containment systems, at any facility, that is subject to all of the technical requirements of part 280 of this chapter or a State program approved under part 281 of this chapter, except that such a tank must be marked on the facility diagram as provided in 112.7(a)(3), if the facility is otherwise subject to this part. (5) Any container with a storage capacity of less than 55 gallons of oil. (6) Any facility or part thereof used exclusively for wastewater treatment and not used to satisfy any requirement of this part. The production, recovery, or recycling of oil is not wastewater treatment for purposes of this paragraph. (e) This part establishes requirements for the preparation and implementation of Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans. SPCC Plans are designed to complement existing laws, regulations, rules, standards, policies, and procedures pertaining to safety standards, fire prevention, and pollution prevention rules. The purpose of an SPCC
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Plan is to form a comprehensive Federal/State spill prevention program that minimizes the potential for discharges. The SPCC Plan must address all relevant spill prevention, control, and countermeasures necessary at the specific facility. Compliance with this part does not in any way relieve the owner or operator of an onshore or an offshore facility from compliance with other Federal, State, or local laws. (f) Notwithstanding paragraph (d) of this section, the Regional Administrator may require that the owner or operator of any facility subject to the jurisdiction of EPA under section 311(j) of the CWA prepare and implement an SPCC Plan, or any applicable part, to carry out the purposes of the CWA. (1) Following a preliminary determination, the Regional Administrator must provide a written notice to the owner or operator stating the reasons why he must prepare an SPCC Plan, or applicable part. The Regional Administrator must send such notice to the owner or operator by certified mail or by personal delivery. If the owner or operator is a corporation, the Regional Administrator must also mail a copy of such notice to the registered agent, if any and if known, of the corporation in the State where the facility is located. (2) Within 30 days of receipt of such written notice, the owner or operator may provide information and data and may consult with the Agency about the need to prepare an SPCC Plan, or applicable part. (3) Within 30 days following the time under paragraph (b)(2) of this section within which the owner or operator may provide information and data and consult with the Agency about the need to prepare an SPCC Plan, or applicable part, the Regional Administrator must make a final determination regarding whether the owner or operator is required to prepare and implement an SPCC Plan, or applicable part. The Regional Administrator must send the final determination to the owner or operator by certified mail or by personal delivery. If the owner or operator is a corporation, the Regional Administrator must also mail a copy of the final determination to the registered agent, if any and if known, of the cor-
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Contract or other approved means means: (1) A written contractual agreement with an oil spill removal organization that identifies and ensures the availability of the necessary personnel and equipment within appropriate response times; and/or (2) A written certification by the owner or operator that the necessary personnel and equipment resources, owned or operated by the facility owner or operator, are available to respond to a discharge within appropriate response times; and/or (3) Active membership in a local or regional oil spill removal organization that has identified and ensures adequate access through such membership to necessary personnel and equipment to respond to a discharge within appropriate response times in the specified geographic area; and/or (4) Any other specific arrangement approved by the Regional Administrator upon request of the owner or operator. Discharge includes, but is not limited to, any spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, or dumping of oil, but excludes discharges in compliance with a permit under section 402 of the CWA; discharges resulting from circumstances identified, reviewed, and made a part of the public record with respect to a permit issued or modified under section 402 of the CWA, and subject to a condition in such permit; or continuous or anticipated intermittent discharges from a point source, identified in a permit or permit application under section 402 of the CWA, that are caused by events occurring within the scope of relevant operating or treatment systems. For purposes of this part, the term discharge shall not include any discharge of oil that is authorized by a permit issued under section 13 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 407). Facility means any mobile or fixed, onshore or offshore building, structure, installation, equipment, pipe, or pipeline (other than a vessel or a public vessel) used in oil well drilling operations, oil production, oil refining, oil storage, oil gathering, oil processing, oil transfer, oil distribution, and waste treatment, or in which oil is used, as
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described in Appendix A to this part. The boundaries of a facility depend on several site-specific factors, including, but not limited to, the ownership or operation of buildings, structures, and equipment on the same site and the types of activity at the site. Fish and wildlife and sensitive environments means areas that may be identified by their legal designation or by evaluations of Area Committees (for planning) or members of the Federal On-Scene Coordinators spill response structure (during responses). These areas may include wetlands, National and State parks, critical habitats for endangered or threatened species, wilderness and natural resource areas, marine sanctuaries and estuarine reserves, conservation areas, preserves, wildlife areas, wildlife refuges, wild and scenic rivers, recreational areas, national forests, Federal and State lands that are research national areas, heritage program areas, land trust areas, and historical and archaeological sites and parks. These areas may also include unique habitats such as aquaculture sites and agricultural surface water intakes, bird nesting areas, critical biological resource areas, designated migratory routes, and designated seasonal habitats. Injury means a measurable adverse change, either long- or short-term, in the chemical or physical quality or the viability of a natural resource resulting either directly or indirectly from exposure to a discharge, or exposure to a product of reactions resulting from a discharge. Maximum extent practicable means within the limitations used to determine oil spill planning resources and response times for on-water recovery, shoreline protection, and cleanup for worst case discharges from onshore non-transportation-related facilities in adverse weather. It includes the planned capability to respond to a worst case discharge in adverse weather, as contained in a response plan that meets the requirements in 112.20 or in a specific plan approved by the Regional Administrator. Navigable waters means the waters of the United States, including the territorial seas. (1) The term includes:
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Person includes an individual, firm, corporation, association, or partnership. Petroleum oil means petroleum in any form, including but not limited to crude oil, fuel oil, mineral oil, sludge, oil refuse, and refined products. Production facility means all structures (including but not limited to wells, platforms, or storage facilities), piping (including but not limited to flowlines or gathering lines), or equipment (including but not limited to workover equipment, separation equipment, or auxiliary non-transportationrelated equipment) used in the production, extraction, recovery, lifting, stabilization, separation or treating of oil, or associated storage or measurement, and located in a single geographical oil or gas field operated by a single operator. Regional Administrator means the Regional Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, in and for the Region in which the facility is located. Repair means any work necessary to maintain or restore a container to a condition suitable for safe operation, other than that necessary for ordinary, day-to-day maintenance to maintain the functional integrity of the container and that does not weaken the container. Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan; SPCC Plan, or Plan means the document required by 112.3 that details the equipment, workforce, procedures, and steps to prevent, control, and provide adequate countermeasures to a discharge. Storage capacity of a container means the shell capacity of the container. Transportation-related and non-transportation-related, as applied to an onshore or offshore facility, are defined in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretary of Transportation and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, dated November 24, 1971, (Appendix A of this part). United States means the States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the
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U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Pacific Island Governments. Vegetable oil means a non-petroleum oil or fat of vegetable origin, including but not limited to oils and fats derived from plant seeds, nuts, fruits, and kernels. Vessel means every description of watercraft or other artificial contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation on water, other than a public vessel. Wetlands means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency or duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include playa lakes, swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas such as sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, prairie river overflows, mudflats, and natural ponds. Worst case discharge for an onshore non-transportation-related facility means the largest foreseeable discharge in adverse weather conditions as determined using the worksheets in Appendix D to this part. 112.3 Requirement to prepare and implement a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan. The owner or operator of an onshore or offshore facility subject to this section must prepare a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan (hereafter SPCC Plan or Plan), in writing, and in accordance with 112.7, and any other applicable section of this part. (a) If your onshore or offshore facility was in operation on or before August 16, 2002, you must maintain your Plan, but must amend it, if necessary to ensure compliance with this part, on or before August 17, 2004, and must implement the amended Plan as soon as possible, but not later than February 18, 2005. If your onshore or offshore facility becomes operational after August 16, 2002, through February 18, 2005, and could reasonably be expected to have a discharge as described in 112.1(b), you must prepare a Plan on or before February 18, 2005 , and fully implement it as soon as possible, but not later than February 18, 2005.
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gional Administrator has not expressly authorized an extension.
[67 FR 47140, July 17, 2002, as amended at 68 FR 1351, Jan. 9, 2003; 68 FR 18894, Apr. 17, 2003]
112.4 Amendment of Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan by Regional Administrator. If you are the owner or operator of a facility subject to this part, you must: (a) Notwithstanding compliance with 112.3, whenever your facility has discharged more than 1,000 U.S. gallons of oil in a single discharge as described in 112.1(b), or discharged more than 42 U.S. gallons of oil in each of two discharges as described in 112.1(b), occurring within any twelve month period, submit the following information to the Regional Administrator within 60 days from the time the facility becomes subject to this section: (1) Name of the facility; (2) Your name; (3) Location of the facility; (4) Maximum storage or handling capacity of the facility and normal daily throughput; (5) Corrective action and countermeasures you have taken, including a description of equipment repairs and replacements; (6) An adequate description of the facility, including maps, flow diagrams, and topographical maps, as necessary; (7) The cause of such discharge as described in 112.1(b), including a failure analysis of the system or subsystem in which the failure occurred; (8) Additional preventive measures you have taken or contemplated to minimize the possibility of recurrence; and (9) Such other information as the Regional Administrator may reasonably require pertinent to the Plan or discharge. (b) Take no action under this section until it applies to your facility. This section does not apply until the expiration of the time permitted for the initial preparation and implementation of the Plan under 112.3, but not including any amendments to the Plan. (c) Send to the appropriate agency or agencies in charge of oil pollution control activities in the State in which the facility is located a complete copy of
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all information you provided to the Regional Administrator under paragraph (a) of this section. Upon receipt of the information such State agency or agencies may conduct a review and make recommendations to the Regional Administrator as to further procedures, methods, equipment, and other requirements necessary to prevent and to contain discharges from your facility. (d) Amend your Plan, if after review by the Regional Administrator of the information you submit under paragraph (a) of this section, or submission of information to EPA by the State agency under paragraph (c) of this section, or after on-site review of your Plan, the Regional Administrator requires that you do so. The Regional Administrator may require you to amend your Plan if he finds that it does not meet the requirements of this part or that amendment is necessary to prevent and contain discharges from your facility. (e) Act in accordance with this paragraph when the Regional Administrator proposes by certified mail or by personal delivery that you amend your SPCC Plan. If the owner or operator is a corporation, he must also notify by mail the registered agent of such corporation, if any and if known, in the State in which the facility is located. The Regional Administrator must specify the terms of such proposed amendment. Within 30 days from receipt of such notice, you may submit written information, views, and arguments on the proposed amendment. After considering all relevant material presented, the Regional Administrator must either notify you of any amendment required or rescind the notice. You must amend your Plan as required within 30 days after such notice, unless the Regional Administrator, for good cause, specifies another effective date. You must implement the amended Plan as soon as possible, but not later than six months after you amend your Plan, unless the Regional Administrator specifies another date. (f) If you appeal a decision made by the Regional Administrator requiring an amendment to an SPCC Plan, send the appeal to the EPA Administrator in writing within 30 days of receipt of the notice from the Regional Adminis-
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(a)(1) Include a discussion of your facilitys conformance with the requirements listed in this part. (2) Comply with all applicable requirements listed in this part. Your Plan may deviate from the requirements in paragraphs (g), (h)(2) and (3), and (i) of this section and the requirements in subparts B and C of this part, except the secondary containment requirements in paragraphs (c) and (h)(1) of this section, and 112.8(c)(2),112.8(c)(11), 112.9(c)(2), 112.10(c), 112.12(c)(2), 112.12(c)(11),112.13(c)(2), and 112.14(c), where applicable to a specific facility, if you provide equivalent environmental protection by some other means of spill prevention, control, or countermeasure. Where your Plan does not conform to the applicable requirements in paragraphs (g), (h)(2) and (3), and (i) of this section, or the requirements of subparts B and C of this part, except the secondary containment requirements in paragraphs (c) and (h)(1) of this section, and 112.8(c)(2), 112.8(c)(11), 112.9(c)(2), 112.10(c), 112.12(c)(2), 112.12(c)(11), 112.13(c)(2), and 112.14(c), you must state the reasons for nonconformance in your Plan and describe in detail alternate methods and how you will achieve equivalent environmental protection. If the Regional Administrator determines that the measures described in your Plan do not provide equivalent environmental protection, he may require that you amend your Plan, following the procedures in 112.4(d) and (e). (3) Describe in your Plan the physical layout of the facility and include a facility diagram, which must mark the location and contents of each container. The facility diagram must include completely buried tanks that are otherwise exempted from the requirements of this part under 112.1(d)(4). The facility diagram must also include all transfer stations and connecting pipes. You must also address in your Plan: (i) The type of oil in each container and its storage capacity; (ii) Discharge prevention measures including procedures for routine handling of products (loading, unloading, and facility transfers, etc.);
112.7 General requirements for Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plans. If you are the owner or operator of a facility subject to this part you must prepare a Plan in accordance with good engineering practices. The Plan must have the full approval of management at a level of authority to commit the necessary resources to fully implement the Plan. You must prepare the Plan in writing. If you do not follow the sequence specified in this section for the Plan, you must prepare an equivalent Plan acceptable to the Regional Administrator that meets all of the applicable requirements listed in this part, and you must supplement it with a section cross-referencing the location of requirements listed in this part and the equivalent requirements in the other prevention plan. If the Plan calls for additional facilities or procedures, methods, or equipment not yet fully operational, you must discuss these items in separate paragraphs, and must explain separately the details of installation and operational start-up. As detailed elsewhere in this section, you must also:
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(iii) Discharge or drainage controls such as secondary containment around containers and other structures, equipment, and procedures for the control of a discharge; (iv) Countermeasures for discharge discovery, response, and cleanup (both the facilitys capability and those that might be required of a contractor); (v) Methods of disposal of recovered materials in accordance with applicable legal requirements; and (vi) Contact list and phone numbers for the facility response coordinator, National Response Center, cleanup contractors with whom you have an agreement for response, and all appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies who must be contacted in case of a discharge as described in 112.1(b). (4) Unless you have submitted a response plan under 112.20, provide information and procedures in your Plan to enable a person reporting a discharge as described in 112.1(b) to relate information on the exact address or location and phone number of the facility; the date and time of the discharge, the type of material discharged; estimates of the total quantity discharged; estimates of the quantity discharged as described in 112.1(b); the source of the discharge; a description of all affected media; the cause of the discharge; any damages or injuries caused by the discharge; actions being used to stop, remove, and mitigate the effects of the discharge; whether an evacuation may be needed; and, the names of individuals and/or organizations who have also been contacted. (5) Unless you have submitted a response plan under 112.20, organize portions of the Plan describing procedures you will use when a discharge occurs in a way that will make them readily usable in an emergency, and include appropriate supporting material as appendices. (b) Where experience indicates a reasonable potential for equipment failure (such as loading or unloading equipment, tank overflow, rupture, or leakage, or any other equipment known to be a source of a discharge), include in your Plan a prediction of the direction, rate of flow, and total quantity of oil which could be discharged from the fa-
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emptied of liquid content either by draining or by inert gas pressure. (5) Provide facility lighting commensurate with the type and location of the facility that will assist in the: (i) Discovery of discharges occurring during hours of darkness, both by operating personnel, if present, and by nonoperating personnel (the general public, local police, etc.); and (ii) Prevention of discharges occurring through acts of vandalism. (h) Facility tank car and tank truck loading/unloading rack (excluding offshore facilities). (1) Where loading/unloading area drainage does not flow into a catchment basin or treatment facility designed to handle discharges, use a quick drainage system for tank car or tank truck loading and unloading areas. You must design any containment system to hold at least the maximum capacity of any single compartment of a tank car or tank truck loaded or unloaded at the facility. (2) Provide an interlocked warning light or physical barrier system, warning signs, wheel chocks, or vehicle break interlock system in loading/unloading areas to prevent vehicles from departing before complete disconnection of flexible or fixed oil transfer lines. (3) Prior to filling and departure of any tank car or tank truck, closely inspect for discharges the lowermost drain and all outlets of such vehicles, and if necessary, ensure that they are tightened, adjusted, or replaced to prevent liquid discharge while in transit. (i) If a field-constructed aboveground container undergoes a repair, alteration, reconstruction, or a change in service that might affect the risk of a discharge or failure due to brittle fracture or other catastrophe, or has discharged oil or failed due to brittle fracture failure or other catastrophe, evaluate the container for risk of discharge or failure due to brittle fracture or other catastrophe, and as necessary, take appropriate action. (j) In addition to the minimal prevention standards listed under this section, include in your Plan a complete discussion of conformance with the applicable requirements and other effective discharge prevention and containment procedures listed in this part or
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any applicable more stringent State rules, regulations, and guidelines.
Subpart BRequirements for Petroleum Oils and Non-Petroleum Oils, Except Animal Fats and Oils and Greases, and Fish and Marine Mammal Oils; and Vegetable Oils (Including Oils from Seeds, Nuts, Fruits, and Kernels)
SOURCE: 67 FR 47146, July 17, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
112.8 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements for onshore facilities (excluding production facilities). If you are the owner or operator of an onshore facility (excluding a production facility), you must: (a) Meet the general requirements for the Plan listed under 112.7, and the specific discharge prevention and containment procedures listed in this section. (b) Facility drainage. (1) Restrain drainage from diked storage areas by valves to prevent a discharge into the drainage system or facility effluent treatment system, except where facility systems are designed to control such discharge. You may empty diked areas by pumps or ejectors; however, you must manually activate these pumps or ejectors and must inspect the condition of the accumulation before starting, to ensure no oil will be discharged. (2) Use valves of manual, open-andclosed design, for the drainage of diked areas. You may not use flapper-type drain valves to drain diked areas. If your facility drainage drains directly into a watercourse and not into an onsite wastewater treatment plant, you must inspect and may drain uncontaminated retained stormwater, as provided in paragraphs (c)(3)(ii), (iii), and (iv) of this section. (3) Design facility drainage systems from undiked areas with a potential for a discharge (such as where piping is located outside containment walls or where tank truck discharges may occur outside the loading area) to flow into ponds, lagoons, or catchment basins de-
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(i) High liquid level alarms with an audible or visual signal at a constantly attended operation or surveillance station. In smaller facilities an audible air vent may suffice. (ii) High liquid level pump cutoff devices set to stop flow at a predetermined container content level. (iii) Direct audible or code signal communication between the container gauger and the pumping station. (iv) A fast response system for determining the liquid level of each bulk storage container such as digital computers, telepulse, or direct vision gauges. If you use this alternative, a person must be present to monitor gauges and the overall filling of bulk storage containers. (v) You must regularly test liquid level sensing devices to ensure proper operation. (9) Observe effluent treatment facilities frequently enough to detect possible system upsets that could cause a discharge as described in 112.1(b). (10) Promptly correct visible discharges which result in a loss of oil from the container, including but not limited to seams, gaskets, piping, pumps, valves, rivets, and bolts. You must promptly remove any accumulations of oil in diked areas. (11) Position or locate mobile or portable oil storage containers to prevent a discharge as described in 112.1(b). You must furnish a secondary means of containment, such as a dike or catchment basin, sufficient to contain the capacity of the largest single compartment or container with sufficient freeboard to contain precipitation. (d) Facility transfer operations, pumping, and facility process. (1) Provide buried piping that is installed or replaced on or after August 16, 2002, with a protective wrapping and coating. You must also cathodically protect such buried piping installations or otherwise satisfy the corrosion protection standards for piping in part 280 of this chapter or a State program approved under part 281 of this chapter. If a section of buried line is exposed for any reason, you must carefully inspect it for deterioration. If you find corrosion damage, you must undertake additional examination and corrective action as indicated by the magnitude of the damage.
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(2) Cap or blank-flange the terminal connection at the transfer point and mark it as to origin when piping is not in service or is in standby service for an extended time. (3) Properly design pipe supports to minimize abrasion and corrosion and allow for expansion and contraction. (4) Regularly inspect all aboveground valves, piping, and appurtenances. During the inspection you must assess the general condition of items, such as flange joints, expansion joints, valve glands and bodies, catch pans, pipeline supports, locking of valves, and metal surfaces. You must also conduct integrity and leak testing of buried piping at the time of installation, modification, construction, relocation, or replacement. (5) Warn all vehicles entering the facility to be sure that no vehicle will endanger aboveground piping or other oil transfer operations. 112.9 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements for onshore oil production facilities. If you are the owner or operator of an onshore production facility, you must: (a) Meet the general requirements for the Plan listed under 112.7, and the specific discharge prevention and containment procedures listed under this section. (b) Oil production facility drainage. (1) At tank batteries and separation and treating areas where there is a reasonable possibility of a discharge as described in 112.1(b), close and seal at all times drains of dikes or drains of equivalent measures required under 112.7(c)(1), except when draining uncontaminated rainwater. Prior to drainage, you must inspect the diked area and take action as provided in 112.8(c)(3)(ii), (iii), and (iv). You must remove accumulated oil on the rainwater and return it to storage or dispose of it in accordance with legally approved methods. (2) Inspect at regularly scheduled intervals field drainage systems (such as drainage ditches or road ditches), and oil traps, sumps, or skimmers, for an accumulation of oil that may have resulted from any small discharge. You must promptly remove any accumulations of oil.
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lection equipment as often as necessary to prevent overflow. (c) For facilities employing a sump system, provide adequately sized sump and drains and make available a spare pump to remove liquid from the sump and assure that oil does not escape. You must employ a regularly scheduled preventive maintenance inspection and testing program to assure reliable operation of the liquid removal system and pump start-up device. Redundant automatic sump pumps and control devices may be required on some installations. (d) At facilities with areas where separators and treaters are equipped with dump valves which predominantly fail in the closed position and where pollution risk is high, specially equip the facility to prevent the discharge of oil. You must prevent the discharge of oil by: (1) Extending the flare line to a diked area if the separator is near shore; (2) Equipping the separator with a high liquid level sensor that will automatically shut in wells producing to the separator; or (3) Installing parallel redundant dump valves. (e) Equip atmospheric storage or surge containers with high liquid level sensing devices that activate an alarm or control the flow, or otherwise prevent discharges. (f) Equip pressure containers with high and low pressure sensing devices that activate an alarm or control the flow. (g) Equip containers with suitable corrosion protection. (h) Prepare and maintain at the facility a written procedure within the Plan for inspecting and testing pollution prevention equipment and systems. (i) Conduct testing and inspection of the pollution prevention equipment and systems at the facility on a scheduled periodic basis, commensurate with the complexity, conditions, and circumstances of the facility and any other appropriate regulations. You must use simulated discharges for testing and inspecting human and equipment pollution control and countermeasure systems. (j) Describe in detailed records surface and subsurface well shut-in valves
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and devices in use at the facility for each well sufficiently to determine their method of activation or control, such as pressure differential, change in fluid or flow conditions, combination of pressure and flow, manual or remote control mechanisms. (k) Install a BOP assembly and well control system during workover operations and before drilling below any casing string. The BOP assembly and well control system must be capable of controlling any well-head pressure that may be encountered while the BOP assembly and well control system are on the well. (l) Equip all manifolds (headers) with check valves on individual flowlines. (m) Equip the flowline with a high pressure sensing device and shut-in valve at the wellhead if the shut-in well pressure is greater than the working pressure of the flowline and manifold valves up to and including the header valves. Alternatively you may provide a pressure relief system for flowlines. (n) Protect all piping appurtenant to the facility from corrosion, such as with protective coatings or cathodic protection. (o) Adequately protect sub-marine piping appurtenant to the facility against environmental stresses and other activities such as fishing operations. (p) Maintain sub-marine piping appurtenant to the facility in good operating condition at all times. You must periodically and according to a schedule inspect or test such piping for failures. You must document and keep a record of such inspections or tests at the facility.
Subpart CRequirements for Animal Fats and Oils and Greases, and Fish and Marine Mammal Oils; and for Vegetable Oils, including Oils from Seeds, Nuts, Fruits, and Kernels.
SOURCE: 67 FR 57149, July 17, 2002, unless otherwise noted.
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ied section of the tank from corrosion. You must protect partially buried and bunkered tanks from corrosion by coatings or cathodic protection compatible with local soil conditions. (6) Test each aboveground container for integrity on a regular schedule, and whenever you make material repairs. The frequency of and type of testing must take into account container size and design (such as floating roof, skidmounted, elevated, or partially buried). You must combine visual inspection with another testing technique such as hydrostatic testing, radiographic testing, ultrasonic testing, acoustic emissions testing, or another system of non-destructive shell testing. You must keep comparison records and you must also inspect the containers supports and foundations. In addition, you must frequently inspect the outside of the container for signs of deterioration, discharges, or accumulation of oil inside diked areas. Records of inspections and tests kept under usual and customary business practices will suffice for purposes of this paragraph. (7) Control leakage through defective internal heating coils by monitoring the steam return and exhaust lines for contamination from internal heating coils that discharge into an open watercourse, or pass the steam return or exhaust lines through a settling tank, skimmer, or other separation or retention system. (8) Engineer or update each container installation in accordance with good engineering practice to avoid discharges. You must provide at least one of the following devices: (i) High liquid level alarms with an audible or visual signal at a constantly attended operation or surveillance station. In smaller facilities an audible air vent may suffice. (ii) High liquid level pump cutoff devices set to stop flow at a predetermined container content level. (iii) Direct audible or code signal communication between the container gauger and the pumping station. (iv) A fast response system for determining the liquid level of each bulk storage container such as digital computers, telepulse, or direct vision gauges. If you use this alternative, a person must be present to monitor
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gauges and the overall filling of bulk storage containers. (v) You must regularly test liquid level sensing devices to ensure proper operation. (9) Observe effluent treatment facilities frequently enough to detect possible system upsets that could cause a discharge as described in 112.1(b). (10) Promptly correct visible discharges which result in a loss of oil from the container, including but not limited to seams, gaskets, piping, pumps, valves, rivets, and bolts. You must promptly remove any accumulations of oil in diked areas. (11) Position or locate mobile or portable oil storage containers to prevent a discharge as described in 112.1(b). You must furnish a secondary means of containment, such as a dike or catchment basin, sufficient to contain the capacity of the largest single compartment or container with sufficient freeboard to contain precipitation. (d) Facility transfer operations, pumping, and facility process. (1) Provide buried piping that is installed or replaced on or after August 16, 2002, with a protective wrapping and coating. You must also cathodically protect such buried piping installations or otherwise satisfy the corrosion protection standards for piping in part 280 of this chapter or a State program approved under part 281 of this chapter. If a section of buried line is exposed for any reason, you must carefully inspect it for deterioration. If you find corrosion damage, you must undertake additional examination and corrective action as indicated by the magnitude of the damage. (2) Cap or blank-flange the terminal connection at the transfer point and mark it as to origin when piping is not in service or is in standby service for an extended time. (3) Properly design pipe supports to minimize abrasion and corrosion and allow for expansion and contraction. (4) Regularly inspect all aboveground valves, piping, and appurtenances. During the inspection you must assess the general condition of items, such as flange joints, expansion joints, valve glands and bodies, catch pans, pipeline supports, locking of valves, and metal surfaces. You must also conduct integrity and leak testing of buried piping
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tainment procedures listed under this section. (b) Position or locate mobile drilling or workover equipment so as to prevent a discharge as described in 112.1(b). (c) Provide catchment basins or diversion structures to intercept and contain discharges of fuel, crude oil, or oily drilling fluids. (d) Install a blowout prevention (BOP) assembly and well control system before drilling below any casing string or during workover operations. The BOP assembly and well control system must be capable of controlling any well-head pressure that may be encountered while that BOP assembly and well control system are on the well. 112.15 Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plan requirements for offshore oil drilling, production, or workover facilities. If you are the owner or operator of an offshore oil drilling, production, or workover facility, you must: (a) Meet the general requirements listed under 112.7, and also meet the specific discharge prevention and containment procedures listed under this section. (b) Use oil drainage collection equipment to prevent and control small oil discharges around pumps, glands, valves, flanges, expansion joints, hoses, drain lines, separators, treaters, tanks, and associated equipment. You must control and direct facility drains toward a central collection sump to prevent the facility from having a discharge as described in 112.1(b). Where drains and sumps are not practicable, you must remove oil contained in collection equipment as often as necessary to prevent overflow. (c) For facilities employing a sump system, provide adequately sized sump and drains and make available a spare pump to remove liquid from the sump and assure that oil does not escape. You must employ a regularly scheduled preventive maintenance inspection and testing program to assure reliable operation of the liquid removal system and pump start-up device. Redundant
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automatic sump pumps and control devices may be required on some installations. (d) At facilities with areas where separators and treaters are equipped with dump valves which predominantly fail in the closed position and where pollution risk is high, specially equip the facility to prevent the discharge of oil. You must prevent the discharge of oil by: (1) Extending the flare line to a diked area if the separator is near shore; (2) Equipping the separator with a high liquid level sensor that will automatically shut in wells producing to the separator; or (3) Installing parallel redundant dump valves. (e) Equip atmospheric storage or surge containers with high liquid level sensing devices that activate an alarm or control the flow, or otherwise prevent discharges. (f) Equip pressure containers with high and low pressure sensing devices that activate an alarm or control the flow. (g) Equip containers with suitable corrosion protection. (h) Prepare and maintain at the facility a written procedure within the Plan for inspecting and testing pollution prevention equipment and systems. (i) Conduct testing and inspection of the pollution prevention equipment and systems at the facility on a scheduled periodic basis, commensurate with the complexity, conditions, and circumstances of the facility and any other appropriate regulations. You must use simulated discharges for testing and inspecting human and equipment pollution control and countermeasure systems. (j) Describe in detailed records surface and subsurface well shut-in valves and devices in use at the facility for each well sufficiently to determine their method of activation or control, such as pressure differential, change in fluid or flow conditions, combination of pressure and flow, manual or remote control mechanisms. (k) Install a BOP assembly and well control system during workover operations and before drilling below any casing string. The BOP assembly and well control system must be capable of
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gional Administrator after an operational trial period of 60 days). (iii) For a facility required to prepare and submit a response plan after August 30, 1994, as a result of a planned change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance that renders the facility subject to the criteria in paragraph (f)(1) of this section, the owner or operator shall submit the response plan, along with a completed version of the response plan cover sheet contained in Appendix F to this part, to the Regional Administrator before the portion of the facility undergoing change commences operations (adjustments to the response plan to reflect changes that occur at the facility during the start-up phase of operations must be submitted to the Regional Administrator after an operational trial period of 60 days). (iv) For a facility required to prepare and submit a response plan after August 30, 1994, as a result of an unplanned event or change in facility characteristics that renders the facility subject to the criteria in paragraph (f)(1) of this section, the owner or operator shall submit the response plan, along with a completed version of the response plan cover sheet contained in Appendix F to this part, to the Regional Administrator within six months of the unplanned event or change. (3) In the event the owner or operator of a facility that is required to prepare and submit a response plan uses an alternative formula that is comparable to one contained in Appendix C to this part to evaluate the criterion in paragraph (f)(1)(ii)(B) or (f)(1)(ii)(C) of this section, the owner or operator shall attach documentation to the response plan cover sheet contained in Appendix F to this part that demonstrates the reliability and analytical soundness of the alternative formula. (4) Preparation and submission of response plansAnimal fat and vegetable oil facilities. The owner or operator of any non-transportation-related facility that handles, stores, or transports animal fats and vegetable oils must prepare and submit a facility response plan as follows: (i) Facilities with approved plans. The owner or operator of a facility with a
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facility response plan that has been approved under paragraph (c) of this section by July 31, 2000 need not prepare or submit a revised plan except as otherwise required by paragraphs (b), (c), or (d) of this section. (ii) Facilities with plans that have been submitted to the Regional Administrator. Except for facilities with approved plans as provided in paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section, the owner or operator of a facility that has submitted a response plan to the Regional Administrator prior to July 31, 2000 must review the plan to determine if it meets or exceeds the applicable provisions of this part. An owner or operator need not prepare or submit a new plan if the existing plan meets or exceeds the applicable provisions of this part. If the plan does not meet or exceed the applicable provisions of this part, the owner or operator must prepare and submit a new plan by September 28, 2000. (iii) Newly regulated facilities. The owner or operator of a newly constructed facility that commences operation after July 31, 2000 must prepare and submit a plan to the Regional Administrator in accordance with paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section. The plan must meet or exceed the applicable provisions of this part. The owner or operator of an existing facility that must prepare and submit a plan after July 31, 2000 as a result of a planned or unplanned change in facility characteristics that causes the facility to become regulated under paragraph (f)(1) of this section, must prepare and submit a plan to the Regional Administrator in accordance with paragraph (a)(2)(iii) or (iv) of this section, as appropriate. The plan must meet or exceed the applicable provisions of this part. (iv) Facilities amending existing plans. The owner or operator of a facility submitting an amended plan in accordance with paragraph (d) of this section after July 31, 2000, including plans that had been previously approved, must also review the plan to determine if it meets or exceeds the applicable provisions of this part. If the plan does not meet or exceed the applicable provisions of this part, the owner or operator must revise and resubmit revised portions of an amended plan to the Regional Adminis-
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sonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment by discharging oil into or on the navigable waters or adjoining shorelines, the owner or operator shall complete and maintain at the facility the certification form contained in Appendix C to this part and, in the event an alternative formula that is comparable to one contained in Appendix C to this part is used to evaluate the criterion in paragraph (f)(1)(ii)(B) or (f)(1)(ii)(C) of this section, the owner or operator shall attach documentation to the certification form that demonstrates the reliability and analytical soundness of the comparable formula and shall notify the Regional Administrator in writing that an alternative formula was used. (f)(1) A facility could, because of its location, reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment by discharging oil into or on the navigable waters or adjoining shorelines pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this section, if it meets any of the following criteria applied in accordance with the flowchart contained in Attachment C-I to Appendix C to this part: (i) The facility transfers oil over water to or from vessels and has a total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 42,000 gallons; or (ii) The facilitys total oil storage capacity is greater than or equal to 1 million gallons, and one of the following is true: (A) The facility does not have secondary containment for each aboveground storage area sufficiently large to contain the capacity of the largest aboveground oil storage tank within each storage area plus sufficient freeboard to allow for precipitation; (B) The facility is located at a distance (as calculated using the appropriate formula in Appendix C to this part or a comparable formula) such that a discharge from the facility could cause injury to fish and wildlife and sensitive environments. For further description of fish and wildlife and sensitive environments, see Appendices I, II, and III of the Guidance for Facility and Vessel Response Plans: Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environments (see Appendix E to this part, section 13,
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for availability) and the applicable Area Contingency Plan prepared pursuant to section 311(j)(4) of the Clean Water Act; (C) The facility is located at a distance (as calculated using the appropriate formula in Appendix C to this part or a comparable formula) such that a discharge from the facility would shut down a public drinking water intake; or (D) The facility has had a reportable oil discharge in an amount greater than or equal to 10,000 gallons within the last 5 years. (2)(i) To determine whether a facility could, because of its location, reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment by discharging oil into or on the navigable waters or adjoining shorelines pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section, the Regional Administrator shall consider the following: (A) Type of transfer operation; (B) Oil storage capacity; (C) Lack of secondary containment; (D) Proximity to fish and wildlife and sensitive environments and other areas determined by the Regional Administrator to possess ecological value; (E) Proximity to drinking water intakes; (F) Spill history; and (G) Other site-specific characteristics and environmental factors that the Regional Administrator determines to be relevant to protecting the environment from harm by discharges of oil into or on navigable waters or adjoining shorelines. (ii) Any person, including a member of the public or any representative from a Federal, State, or local agency who believes that a facility subject to this section could, because of its location, reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment by discharging oil into or on the navigable waters or adjoining shorelines may petition the Regional Administrator to determine whether the facility meets the criteria in paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section. Such petition shall include a discussion of how the factors in paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section apply to the facility in question. The RA shall consider such petitions
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(i) The identity of private personnel and equipment necessary to remove to the maximum extent practicable a worst case discharge and other discharges of oil described in paragraph (h)(5) of this section, and to mitigate or prevent a substantial threat of a worst case discharge (To identify response resources to meet the facility response plan requirements of this section, owners or operators shall follow Appendix E to this part or, where not appropriate, shall clearly demonstrate in the response plan why use of Appendix E of this part is not appropriate at the facility and make comparable arrangements for response resources); (ii) Evidence of contracts or other approved means for ensuring the availability of such personnel and equipment; (iii) The identity and the telephone number of individuals or organizations to be contacted in the event of a discharge so that immediate communications between the qualified individual identified in paragraph (h)(1) of this section and the appropriate Federal official and the persons providing response personnel and equipment can be ensured; (iv) A description of information to pass to response personnel in the event of a reportable discharge; (v) A description of response personnel capabilities, including the duties of persons at the facility during a response action and their response times and qualifications; (vi) A description of the facilitys response equipment, the location of the equipment, and equipment testing; (vii) Plans for evacuation of the facility and a reference to community evacuation plans, as appropriate; (viii) A diagram of evacuation routes; and (ix) A description of the duties of the qualified individual identified in paragraph (h)(1) of this section, that include: (A) Activate internal alarms and hazard communication systems to notify all facility personnel; (B) Notify all response personnel, as needed;
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(C) Identify the character, exact source, amount, and extent of the release, as well as the other items needed for notification; (D) Notify and provide necessary information to the appropriate Federal, State, and local authorities with designated response roles, including the National Response Center, State Emergency Response Commission, and Local Emergency Planning Committee; (E) Assess the interaction of the discharged substance with water and/or other substances stored at the facility and notify response personnel at the scene of that assessment; (F) Assess the possible hazards to human health and the environment due to the release. This assessment must consider both the direct and indirect effects of the release (i.e., the effects of any toxic, irritating, or asphyxiating gases that may be generated, or the effects of any hazardous surface water runoffs from water or chemical agents used to control fire and heat-induced explosion); (G) Assess and implement prompt removal actions to contain and remove the substance released; (H) Coordinate rescue and response actions as previously arranged with all response personnel; (I) Use authority to immediately access company funding to initiate cleanup activities; and (J) Direct cleanup activities until properly relieved of this responsibility. (4) Hazard evaluation. The response plan shall discuss the facilitys known or reasonably identifiable history of discharges reportable under 40 CFR part 110 for the entire life of the facility and shall identify areas within the facility where discharges could occur and what the potential effects of the discharges would be on the affected environment. To assess the range of areas potentially affected, owners or operators shall, where appropriate, consider the distance calculated in paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this section to determine whether a facility could, because of its location, reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment by discharging oil into or on the navigable waters or adjoining shorelines.
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ministrator and provide additional information and data in writing to support the request. The Regional Administrator shall consider the request and render a decision as rapidly as practicable. (3) After a request for reconsideration under paragraph (i)(1) or (i)(2) of this section has been denied by the Regional Administrator, an owner or operator may appeal a determination made by the Regional Administrator. The appeal shall be made to the EPA Administrator and shall be made in writing within 60 days of receipt of the decision from the Regional Administrator that the request for reconsideration was denied. A complete copy of the appeal must be sent to the Regional Administrator at the time the appeal is made. The appeal shall contain a clear and concise statement of the issues and points of fact in the case. It also may contain additional information from the owner or operator, or from any other person. The EPA Administrator may request additional information from the owner or operator, or from any other person. The EPA Administrator shall render a decision as rapidly as practicable and shall notify the owner or operator of the decision.
[59 FR 34098, July 1, 1994, as amended at 65 FR 40798, June 30, 2000; 66 FR 34560, June 29, 2001; 67 FR 47151, July 17, 2002]
112.21 Facility response training and drills/exercises. (a) The owner or operator of any facility required to prepare a facility response plan under 112.20 shall develop and implement a facility response training program and a drill/exercise program that satisfy the requirements of this section. The owner or operator shall describe the programs in the response plan as provided in 112.20(h)(8). (b) The facility owner or operator shall develop a facility response training program to train those personnel involved in oil spill response activities. It is recommended that the training program be based on the USCGs Training Elements for Oil Spill Response, as applicable to facility operations. An alternative program can also be acceptable subject to approval by the Regional Administrator.
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The Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation agree that for the purposes of Executive Order 11548, the term: (1) Non-transportation-related onshore and offshore facilities means: (A) Fixed onshore and offshore oil well drilling facilities including all equipment and appurtenances related thereto used in drilling operations for exploratory or development wells, but excluding any terminal facility, unit or process integrally associated with the handling or transferring of oil in bulk to or from a vessel. (B) Mobile onshore and offshore oil well drilling platforms, barges, trucks, or other mobile facilities including all equipment and appurtenances related thereto when such mobile facilities are fixed in position for the purpose of drilling operations for exploratory or development wells, but excluding any terminal facility, unit or process integrally associated with the handling or transferring of oil in bulk to or from a vessel. (C) Fixed onshore and offshore oil production structures, platforms, derricks, and rigs
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PURPOSE This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) establishes the jurisdictional responsibilities for offshore facilities, including pipelines, pursuant to section 311 (j)(1)(c), (j)(5), and (j)(6)(A) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), as amended by the Oil Pollution Act
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(1) Boston, MA; (2) New York, NY; (3) Delaware Bay and River to Philadelphia, PA; (4) St. Croix, VI; (5) Pascagoula, MS; (6) Mississippi River from Southwest Pass, LA to Baton Rouge, LA; (7) Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP), LA; (8) Lake Charles, LA;
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Facility Name: lllllllllllllll Facility Address: llllllllllllll 1. Does the facility transfer oil over water to or from vessels and does the facility have a total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 42,000 gallons? Yes lll No lll 2. Does the facility have a total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and does the facility lack secondary containment that is sufficiently large to contain the capacity of the largest aboveground oil storage tank plus sufficient freeboard to allow for precipitation within any aboveground oil storage tank area? Yes lll No lll 3. Does the facility have a total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and is the facility located at a distance (as calculated using the appropriate formula in Attachment CIII to this appendix or a comparable formula 1) such that a discharge from the facility could cause injury to fish and wildlife and sensitive environments? For further description of fish and wildlife and sensitive environments, see Appendices I, II, and III to DOC/NOAAs Guidance for Facility and Vessel Response Plans: Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environments (see Appendix E to this part, section 13, for availability) and the applicable Area Contingency Plan. Yes lll No lll 4. Does the facility have a total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and is the facility located at a distance (as calculated using the appropriate formula in Attachment C-III to this appendix or a comparable formula 1) such that a discharge from the facility would shut down a public drinking water intake 2 ? Yes lll No lll 5. Does the facility have a total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and has the facility experienced a reportable oil discharge in an amount greater than or equal to 10,000 gallons within the last 5 years? Yes lll No lll Certification I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document,
1 If a comparable formula is used, documentation of the reliability and analytical soundness of the comparable formula must be attached to this form. 2 For the purposes of 40 CFR part 112, public drinking water intakes are analogous to public water systems as described at 40 CFR 143.2(c).
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Stream description
Minor Streams (Top Width <100 ft.) Clean: Straight ................................................................. Winding ................................................................ Sluggish (Weedy, deep pools): No trees or brush ................................................. Trees and/or brush .............................................. Major Streams (Top Width >100 ft.) Regular section: (No boulders/brush) ............................................. Irregular section: (Brush) .................................................................
TABLE 2SOURCES OF R AND S FOR THE CHEZYMANNING EQUATION All of the charts and related publications for navigational waters may be ordered from: Distribution Branch (N/CG33) National Ocean Service Riverdale, Maryland 207371199 Phone: (301) 4366990 There will be a charge for materials ordered and a VISA or Mastercard will be accepted. The mid-channel depth to be used in the calculation of the hydraulic radius (r) can be obtained directly from the following sources: Charts of Canadian Coastal and Great Lakes Waters: Canadian Hydrographic Service Department of Fisheries and Oceans Institute P.O. Box 8080 1675 Russell Road Ottawa, Ontario KIG 3H6 Canada Phone: (613) 9984931 Charts and Maps of Lower Mississippi River (Gulf of Mexico to Ohio River and St. Francis, White, Big Sunflower, Atchafalaya, and other rivers): U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District P.O. Box 60 Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180 Phone: (601) 6345000 Charts of Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway to Lake Michigan: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rock Island District P.O. Box 2004
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2.6 Example of the Planning Distance Calculation for Oil Transport on Moving Navigable Waters. The following example provides a sample calculation using the planning distance formula for a facility discharging oil into the Monongahela River: (1) Solve for v by evaluating n, r, and s for the Chezy-Manning equation: Find the roughness coefficient, n, on Table 1 of this attachment for a regular section of a major stream with a top width greater than 100 feet. The top width of the river can be found from the topographic map. n=0.035.
Find slope, s, where A=727 feet, B=710 feet,
and C=25 miles. Solving: s=[(727 ft1710 ft)/25 miles][1 mile/5280 feet]=1.3104 The average mid-channel depth is found by averaging the mid-channel depth for each mile along the length of the river between the facility and the public drinking water intake or the fish or wildlife or sensitive environment (or 20 miles downstream if applicable). This value is multiplied by 0.667 to obtain the hydraulic radius. The mid-channel depth is found by obtaining values for r and s from the sources shown in Table 2 for the Monongahela River. Solving:
r=0.66720 feet=13.33 feet
Solve for v using:
v=2.73 feet/second
(2) Find t from Table 3 of this attachment. The Monongahela Rivers resource response time is 27 hours. (3) Solve for planning distance, d: d=vtc d=(2.73 ft/sec)(27 hours)(0.68 secw mile/hrw ft) d=50 miles Therefore, 50 miles downstream is the appropriate planning distance for this facility. 3.0 Oil Transport on Still Water 3.1 For bodies of water including lakes or ponds that do not have a measurable velocity, the spreading of the oil over the surface must be considered. Owners or operators of facilities located next to still water bodies may use a comparable means of calculating
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4.1 The planning distance method for tidal influence navigable water is based on worst case discharges of persistent and nonpersistent oils. Persistent oils are of primary concern because they can potentially cause harm over a greater distance. For persistent oils discharged into tidal waters, the planning distance is 15 miles from the facility down current during ebb tide and to the point of maximum tidal influence or 15 miles, whichever is less, during flood tide. 4.2 For non-persistent oils discharged into tidal waters, the planning distance is 5 miles from the facility down current during ebb tide and to the point of maximum tidal influence or 5 miles, whichever is less, during flood tide. 4.3 Example of Determining the Planning Distance for Two Types of Navigable Water Conditions. Below is an example of how to determine the proper planning distance when a facility could impact two types of navigable water conditions: moving water and tidal water. (1) Facility X stores persistent oil and is located downstream from locks along a slow moving river which is affected by tides. The river velocity, v, is determined to be 0.5 feet/ second from the Chezy-Manning equation used to calculate oil transport on moving navigable waters. The specified time interval, t, obtained from Table 3 of this attachment for river areas is 27 hours. Therefore, solving for the planning distance, d: d=vtc
d=(0.5 ft/sec)(27 hours)(0.68 secmile/hrft)
d=9.18 miles.
(2) However, the planning distance for maximum tidal influence down current during ebb tide is 15 miles, which is greater than the calculated 9.18 miles. Therefore, 15 miles downstream is the appropriate planning distance for this facility. 5.0 Oil Transport Over Land 5.1 Facility owners or operators must evaluate the potential for oil to be transported over land to navigable waters of the United States. The owner or operator must evaluate the likelihood that portions of a worst case discharge would reach navigable
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For facilities containing only one aboveground oil storage tank, the worst case discharge planning volume equals the capacity of the oil storage tank. If adequate secondary containment (sufficiently large to contain the capacity of the aboveground oil storage tank plus sufficient freeboard to allow for precipitation) exists for the oil storage tank, multiply the capacity of the tank by 0.8. (1) FINAL WORST CASE VOLUME: llll GAL (2) Do not proceed further.
1 Storage facilities represent all facilities subject to this part, excluding oil production facilities.
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B.1.1 For facilities containing only one aboveground oil storage tank, the worst case discharge planning volume equals the capacity of the aboveground oil storage tank plus the production volume of the well with the highest output at the facility. If adequate
2 Secondary containment is described in 40 CFR part 112, subparts A through C. Acceptable methods and structures for containment are also given in 40 CFR 112.7(c)(1). 3 All complexes that are jointly regulated by EPA and the USCG must also calculate the worst case discharge planning volume for the transportation-related portions of the facility and plan for whichever volume is greater.
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1.0 Introduction The owner or operator of a production facility with exploratory wells or production wells producing under pressure shall compare the well rate of the highest output well (rate of well), in barrels per day, to the ability of response equipment and personnel to recover the volume of oil that could be discharged (rate of recovery), in barrels per day. The result of this comparison will determine the method used to calculate the production volume for the production facility. This production volume is to be used to calculate the worst case discharge planning volume in part B of this appendix. 2.0 Description of Methods 2.1 Method A If the well rate would overwhelm the response efforts (i.e., rate of well/rate of recovery 1), then the production volume would be the 30-day forecasted well rate for a well 10,000 feet deep or less, or the 45-day forecasted well rate for a well deeper than 10,000 feet. (1) For wells 10,000 feet deep or less: Production volume=30 days rate of well.
4 All complexes that are jointly regulated by EPA and the USCG must also calculate the worst case discharge planning volume for the transportation-related portions of the facility and plan for whichever volume is greater.
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1.0 Purpose and Definitions 1.1 The purpose of this appendix is to describe the procedures to identify response resources to meet the requirements of 112.20. To identify response resources to meet the facility response plan requirements of 40 CFR 112.20(h), owners or operators shall follow this appendix or, where not appropriate, shall clearly demonstrate in the response plan why use of this appendix is not appropriate at the facility and make comparable arrangements for response resources. 1.2 Definitions. 1.2.1 Animal fat means a non-petroleum oil, fat, or grease of animal, fish, or marine mammal origin. Animal fats are further classified based on specific gravity as follows: (1) Group Aspecific gravity less than 0.8. (2) Group Bspecific gravity equal to or greater than 0.8 and less than 1.0. (3) Group Cspecific gravity equal to or greater than 1.0. 1.2.2 Nearshore is an operating area defined as extending seaward 12 miles from the boundary lines defined in 46 CFR part 7, except in the Gulf of Mexico. In the Gulf of Mexico, it means the area extending 12 miles from the line of demarcation (COLREG lines) defined in 49 CFR 80.740 and 80.850. 1.2.3 Non-persistent oils or Group 1 oils include: (1) A petroleum-based oil that, at the time of shipment, consists of hydrocarbon fractions: (A) At least 50 percent of which by volume, distill at a temperature of 340 degrees C (645 degrees F); and (B) At least 95 percent of which by volume, distill at a temperature of 370 degrees C (700 degrees F); and (2) A non-petroleum oil, other than an animal fat or vegetable oil, with a specific gravity less than 0.8. 1.2.4 Non-petroleum oil means oil of any kind that is not petroleum-based, including but not limited to: fats, oils, and greases of animal, fish, or marine mammal origin; and vegetable oils, including oils from seeds, nuts, fruits, and kernels.
2.1 All equipment identified in a response plan must be designed to operate in the conditions expected in the facilitys geographic area (i.e., operating environment). These conditions vary widely based on location and season. Therefore, it is difficult to identify a single stockpile of response equipment that will function effectively in each geographic location (i.e., operating area). 2.2 Facilities handling, storing, or transporting oil in more than one operating environment as indicated in Table 1 of this appendix must identify equipment capable of successfully functioning in each operating environment.
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Higher volume port areas .............................................................................................. Great Lakes ................................................................................................................... All other river and canal, inland, and nearshore areas ................................................
6 12 12
The three levels of response tiers apply to the amount of time in which facility owners or operators must plan for response resources to arrive at the scene of a discharge to respond to the worst case discharge planning volume. For example, at a worst case discharge in an inland area, the first tier of response resources (i.e., that amount of onwater and shoreline cleanup capacity necessary to respond to the fraction of the worst case discharge as indicated through the series of steps described in sections 7.2 and 7.3 or sections 10.2 and 10.3 of this appendix) would arrive at the scene of the discharge within 12 hours; the second tier of response resources would arrive within 36 hours; and the third tier of response resources would arrive within 60 hours. 5.4 The effective daily recovery capacity for oil recovery devices identified in the response plan must be determined using the criteria in section 6 of this appendix. A facility owner or operator shall identify the storage locations of all response resources used for each tier. The owner or operator of a facility whose required daily recovery capacity exceeds the applicable contracting caps in Table 5 of this appendix shall, as appropriate, identify sources of additional equipment, their location, and the arrangements made to obtain this equipment during a response. The owner or operator of a facility whose calculated planning volume exceeds the applicable contracting caps in Table 5 of
this appendix shall, as appropriate, identify sources of additional equipment equal to twice the cap listed in Tier 3 or the amount necessary to reach the calculated planning volume, whichever is lower. The resources identified above the cap shall be capable of arriving on-scene not later than the Tier 3 response times in section 5.3 of this appendix. No contract is required. While general listings of available response equipment may be used to identify additional sources (i.e., public resources vs. private resources), the response plan shall identify the specific sources, locations, and quantities of equipment that a facility owner or operator has considered in his or her planning. When listing USCG-classified oil spill removal organization(s) that have sufficient removal capacity to recover the volume above the response capacity cap for the specific facility, as specified in Table 5 of this appendix, it is not necessary to list specific quantities of equipment. 5.5 A facility owner or operator shall identify the availability of temporary storage capacity to meet section 12.2 of this appendix. If available storage capacity is insufficient, then the effective daily recovery capacity must be derated (downgraded) to the limits of the available storage capacity. 5.6 When selecting response resources necessary to meet the response plan requirements, the facility owner or operator shall, as appropriate, ensure that a portion of
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10.5.3 Because the requirements for OnWater Recovery Resources for Tiers 1, 2, and 3 for Inland Operating Area exceed the caps identified in Table 5 of this appendix, the facility owner will contract for a response of 12,500 barrels per day (bpd) for Tier 1, 25,000 bpd for Tier 2, and 50,000 bpd for Tier 3. Resources for the remaining 17,500 bpd for Tier 1, 25,000 bpd for Tier 2, and 30,000 bpd for Tier 3 shall be identified but need not be contracted for in advance. 10.5.4 With the specific worst case discharge identified, the planning volume of onshore recovery can be identified as follows:
Worst case discharge: 21 million gallons (500,000 barrels) of Group B vegetable oil Operating Area: Inland Planned percent recovered floating vegetable oil from onshore (from Table 6, column Nearshore/Inland/Great Lakes): Inland, Group B is 65% Emulsion factor (from Table 7): 2.0
Planning volumes for shoreline recovery:
21,000,000 gallons 0.65 2.0 = 27,300,000 gal-
lons or 650,000 barrels 10.5.5 The facility owner or operator shall, as appropriate, also identify or contract for quantities of boom identified in the response plan for the protection of fish and wildlife
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Significant Wave Height 1 ............................................................... Sea State ........................................................................................ Boom heightinches (draft plus freeboard) ................................... Reserve Buoyancy to Weight Ratio ................................................ Total Tensile Strengthpounds ..................................................... Skirt Fabric Tensile Strengthpounds ........................................... Skirt Fabric Tear Strengthpounds ...............................................
1 Oil recovery devices and boom shall be at least capable of operating in wave heights up to and including the values listed in Table 1 for each operating environment.
1 The response resource considerations for non-petroleum oils other than animal fats and vegetable oils are outlined in section 7.7 of this appendix. Note: Group 5 oils are defined in section 1.2.8 of this appendix; the response resource considerations are outlined in section 7.6 of this appendix.
sections 1.2.2 and 1.2.7 of this appendix for group designations for non-persistent and persistent oils, respectively.
Note: These mobilization factors are for total resources mobilized, not incremental response resources.
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Note: The caps show cumulative overall effective daily recovery capacity, not incremental increases. TBD=To Be Determined.
Spill location Sustainability of on-water oil recovery Percent natural loss 40 20 Rivers and canals 3 days Percent recovered floating oil 15 15 Percent recovered oil from onshore 45 65 Percent natural loss 50 30 Nearshore/Inland/Great Lakes 4 days Percent recovered floating oil 20 20 Percent recovered oil from onshore 30 50
Oil group 1
1 Substances with a specific gravity greater than 1.0 generally sink below the surface of the water. Response resource considerations are outlined in section 10.6 of this appendix. The owner or operator of the facility is responsible for determining appropriate response resources for Group C oils including locating oil on the bottom or suspended in the water column; containment boom or other appropriate methods for containing oil that may remain floating on the surface; and dredges, pumps, or other equipment to recover animal fats or vegetable oils from the bottom and shoreline. Note: Group C oils are defined in sections 1.2.1 and 1.2.9 of this appendix; the response resource procedures are discussed in section 10.6 of this appendix.
1.0 2.0
1 Substances with a specific gravity greater than 1.0 generally sink below the surface of the water. Response resource considerations are outlined in section 10.6 of this appendix. The owner or operator of the facility is responsible for determining appropriate response resources for Group C oils including locating oil on the bottom or suspended in the water column; containment boom or other appropriate methods for containing oil that may remain floating on the surface; and dredges, pumps, or other equipment to recover animal fats or vegetable oils from the bottom and shoreline. Note: Group C oils are defined in sections 1.2.1 and 1.2.9 of this appendix; the response resource procedures are discussed in section 10.6 of this appendix.
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[59 FR 34111, July 1, 1994; 59 FR 49006, Sept. 26, 1994, as amended at 65 FR 40806, 40807, June 30, 2000; 65 FR 47325, Aug. 2, 2000; 66 FR 47325, Aug. 2, 2000; 66 FR 35460, 35461, June 29, 2001]
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1.0 Model Facility-Specific Response Plan (A) Owners or operators of facilities regulated under this part which pose a threat of substantial harm to the environment by discharging oil into or on navigable waters or adjoining shorelines are required to prepare and submit facility-specific response plans to EPA in accordance with the provisions in this appendix. This appendix further describes the required elements in 112.20(h). (B) Response plans must be sent to the appropriate EPA Regional office. Figure F1 of this Appendix lists each EPA Regional office and the address where owners or operators must submit their response plans. Those facilities deemed by the Regional Administrator (RA) to pose a threat of significant and substantial harm to the environment will have their plans reviewed and approved by EPA. In certain cases, information required in the model response plan is similar to information currently maintained in the facilitys Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan as required by 40 CFR 112.3. In these cases, owners or operators may reproduce the information and include a photocopy in the response plan. (C) A complex may develop a single response plan with a set of core elements for all regulating agencies and separate sections for the non-transportation-related and transportation-related components, as described in 112.20(h). Owners or operators of large facilities that handle, store, or transport oil at more than one geographically distinct location (e.g., oil storage areas at opposite ends of a single, continuous parcel of property) shall, as appropriate, develop separate sections of the response plan for each storage area.
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1.1 Emergency Response Action Plan Several sections of the response plan shall be co-located for easy access by response personnel during an actual emergency or oil discharge. This collection of sections shall be called the Emergency Response Action Plan. The Agency intends that the Action Plan
contain only as much information as is necessary to combat the discharge and be arranged so response actions are not delayed. The Action Plan may be arranged in a number of ways. For example, the sections of the Emergency Response Action Plan may be photocopies or condensed versions of the
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The facility information form is designed to provide an overview of the site and a description of past activities at the facility. Much of the information required by this section may be obtained from the facilitys existing SPCC Plan. 1.2.1 Facility name and location: Enter facility name and street address. Enter the address of corporate headquarters only if corporate headquarters are physically located at the facility. Include city, county, state, zip code, and phone number. 1.2.2 Latitude and Longitude: Enter the latitude and longitude of the facility. Include degrees, minutes, and seconds of the main entrance of the facility. 1.2.3 Wellhead Protection Area: Indicate if the facility is located in or drains into a wellhead protection area as defined by the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1986 (SDWA).1 The response plan requirements in the Wellhead Protection Program are outlined by the wellhead protection area is defined as the surface and subsurface area surrounding a water well or wellfield, supplying a public water system, through which contaminants are reasonably likely to move toward and reach such water well or wellfield. For further information regarding State and territory protection programs, facility owners or operators may contact the SDWA Hotline at 18004264791.
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Company: llllllllllllllllll Organization Type: lllllllllllll Address: lllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll City: lllllllllllllllllllll State: llllllllllllllllllll Zip: lllllllllllllllllllll Were Materials Discharged? lll (Y/N) Confidential? lll (Y/N) Meeting Federal Obligations to Report? lll (Y/N) Date Called: lll Calling for Responsible Party? lll (Y/N) Time Called: lll Incident Description Source and/or Cause of Incident: llllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Date of Incident: llllllllllllll Time of Incident: lll AM/PM Incident Address/Location: lllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Nearest City:llllllll State: lll County: llll Zip: llll Distance from City: lll Units of Measure: lll Direction from City: lll Section: llll Township: llll Range: llll Borough: llll Container Type: lll Tank Oil Storage Capacity: llll Units of Measure: lll Facility Oil Storage Capacity: llll Units of Measure: lll Facility Latitude: lll Degrees lll Minutes lll Seconds Facility Longitude: lll Degrees lll Minutes lll Seconds Material
Discharged quantity
Unit of measure
Unit of measure
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Response Action Actions Taken to Correct, Control or Mitigate Incident: llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Impact Number of Injuries: lll Number of Deaths: lll Were there Evacuations? lll (Y/N) Number Evacuated: lll Was there any Damage? lll (Y/N) Damage in Dollars (approximate): lllll Medium Affected: llllllllllllll Description: lllllllllllllllll More Information about Medium: lllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Additional Information Any information about the incident not recorded elsewhere in the report: llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll
llllllllllllllllllllllll Caller Notifications EPA? lll (Y/N) USCG? lll (Y/N) State? lll (Y/N) Other? lll (Y/N) Describe: llllll 1.3.2 Response Equipment List Date of Last Update:lll FACILITY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT LIST 1. Skimmers/PumpsOperational Status: l Type, Model, and Year: llllllllll llllllllllllllllllllll Type Model Year Number: llllllllllllllllll Capacity: llll gal./min. Daily Effective Recovery Rate: llllll Storage Location(s): lllllllllll Date Fuel Last Changed: lllllllll 2. BoomOperational Status: llllllll Type, Model, and Year: llllllllll Type Model Year Number: llllllllllllllllll Size (length): llll ft. Containment Area: llll sq. ft. Storage Location: lllllllllllll 3. Chemicals Stored (Dispersants listed on EPAs NCP Product Schedule)
Amount Date purchased Treatment capacity Storage location
Were appropriate procedures used to receive approval for use of dispersants in accordance with the NCP (40 CFR 300.910) and the Area Contingency Plan (ACP), where applicable?lll (Y/N).
Type and year
Name and State of On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) authorizing use: lll . Date Authorized: lll . 4. Dispersant Dispensing EquipmentOperational Status: lll .
Capacity Storage location Response time (minutes)
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5. SorbentsOperational Status: llllll Type and Year Purchased: llllllll Amount: llllllllllllllllll Absorption Capacity (gal.): llllllll Storage Location(s): lllllllllll 6. Hand ToolsOperational Status: lllll
Type and year Quantity Storage location
Storage location
7. Communication Equipment (include operating frequency and channel and/or cellular phone numbers)Operational Status: lll
Type and year Quantity Storage location/ number
1.3.3 Response Equipment Testing/Deployment Date of Last Update:llll Response Equipment Testing and Deployment Drill Log Last Inspection or Response Equipment Test Date: lllllllllllllllllll Inspection Frequency: lllllllllll Last Deployment Drill Date: llllllll Deployment Frequency: llllllllll Oil Spill Removal Organization Certification (if applicable): lllllllllllllll 1.3.4 Personnel
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1 Phone
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1 Include
evidence of contracts/agreements with response contractors to ensure the availability of personnel and response equipment.
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Qualified Individual:
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Note: If the facility uses contracted help in an emergency response situation, the owner or operator must provide the contractors names and review the contractors capacities to provide adequate personnel and response equipment.
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The duties of the designated qualified individual are specified in 112.20(h)(3)(ix). The qualified individuals duties must be described and be consistent with the minimum requirements in 112.20(h)(3)(ix). In addition, the qualified individual must be identified with the Facility Information in section 1.2 of the response plan. 1.4 Hazard Evaluation This section requires the facility owner or operator to examine the facilitys operations closely and to predict where discharges could occur. Hazard evaluation is a widely used industry practice that allows facility owners or operators to develop a complete understanding of potential hazards and the re-
The Tank and Surface Impoundment (SI) forms, or their equivalent, that are part of this section must be completed according to the directions below. (Surface Impoundment means a facility or part of a facility which is a natural topographic depression, man-made excavation, or diked area formed primarily of earthen materials (although it may be lined with man-made materials), which is designed to hold an accumulation of liquid wastes or wastes containing free liquids, and which is not an injection well or a seepage facility.) Similar worksheets, or their equivalent, must be developed for any other type of storage containers. (1) List each tank at the facility with a separate and distinct identifier. Begin aboveground tank identifiers with an A and belowground tank identifiers with a B, or submit multiple sheets with the aboveground tanks and belowground tanks on separate sheets. (2) Use gallons for the maximum capacity of a tank; and use square feet for the area. (3) Using the appropriate identifiers and the following instructions, fill in the appropriate forms: (a) Tank or SI numberUsing the aforementioned identifiers (A or B) or multiple reporting sheets, identify each tank or SI at the facility that stores oil or hazardous materials. (b) Substance StoredFor each tank or SI identified, record the material that is stored therein. If the tank or SI is used to store more than one material, list all of the stored materials. (c) Quantity StoredFor each material stored in each tank or SI, report the average volume of material stored on any given day. (d) Tank Type or Surface Area/YearFor each tank, report the type of tank (e.g., floating top), and the year the tank was originally installed. If the tank has been refabricated, the year that the latest refabrication was completed must be recorded in parentheses next to the year installed. For
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1 Tank = any container that stores oil. Attach as many sheets as necessary.
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Surface Area/Year
Vulnerability Analysis
The vulnerability analysis shall address the potential effects (i.e., to human health, property, or the environment) of an oil discharge. Attachment CIII to Appendix C to this part provides a method that owners or operators shall use to determine appropriate distances from the facility to fish and wildlife and sensitive environments. Owners or operators can use a comparable formula that is considered acceptable by the RA. If a comparable formula is used, documentation of the reliability and analytical soundness of the formula must be attached to the response plan cover sheet. This analysis must be prepared for each facility and, as appropriate, must discuss the vulnerability of: (1) Water intakes (drinking, cooling, or other); (2) Schools; (3) Medical facilities; (4) Residential areas; (5) Businesses; (6) Wetlands or other sensitive environments; 2 (7) Fish and wildlife; (8) Lakes and streams; (9) Endangered flora and fauna; (10) Recreational areas; (11) Transportation routes (air, land, and water); (12) Utilities; and (13) Other areas of economic importance (e.g., beaches, marinas) including terrestrially sensitive environments, aquatic environments, and unique habitats. 1.4.3 Analysis of the Potential for an Oil Discharge
facility. This analysis shall incorporate factors such as oil discharge history, horizontal range of a potential discharge, and vulnerability to natural disaster, and shall, as appropriate, incorporate other factors such as tank age. This analysis will provide information for developing discharge scenarios for a worst case discharge and small and medium discharges and aid in the development of techniques to reduce the size and frequency of discharges. The owner or operator may need to research the age of the tanks the oil discharge history at the facility. 1.4.4 Facility Reportable Oil Spill History
Briefly describe the facilitys reportable oil spill 3 history for the entire life of the facility to the extent that such information is reasonably identifiable, including: (1) Date of discharge(s); (2) List of discharge causes; (3) Material(s) discharged; (4) Amount discharged in gallons; (5) Amount of discharge that reached navigable waters, if applicable; (6) Effectiveness and capacity of secondary containment; (7) Clean-up actions taken; (8) Steps taken to reduce possibility of recurrence; (9) Total oil storage capacity of the tank(s) or impoundment(s) from which the material discharged; (10) Enforcement actions; (11) Effectiveness of monitoring equipment; and (12) Description(s) of how each oil discharge was detected.
3 As described in 40 CFR part 110, reportable oil spills are those that: (a) violate applicable water quality standards, or (b) cause a film or sheen upon or discoloration of the surface of the water or adjoining shorelines or cause a sludge or emulsion to be deposited beneath the surface of the water or upon adjoining shorelines.
Each owner or operator shall analyze the probability of a discharge occurring at the
2 Refer to the DOC/NOAA Guidance for Facility and Vessel Response Plans: Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environments (See appendix E to this part, section 13, for availability).
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In this section, the owner or operator is required to provide a description of the facilitys worst case discharge, as well as a small and medium discharge, as appropriate. A multi-level planning approach has been chosen because the response actions to a discharge (i.e., necessary response equipment, products, and personnel) are dependent on the magnitude of the discharge. Planning for lesser discharges is necessary because the nature of the response may be qualitatively different depending on the quantity of the discharge. The facility owner or operator shall discuss the potential direction of the discharge pathway. 1.5.1 Small and Medium Discharges To address multi-level planning requirements, the owner or operator must consider types of facility-specific discharge scenarios that may contribute to a small or medium discharge. The scenarios shall account for all the operations that take place at the facility, including but not limited to: (1) Loading and unloading of surface transportation; (2) Facility maintenance; (3) Facility piping; (4) Pumping stations and sumps; (5) Oil storage tanks; (6) Vehicle refueling; and (7) Age and condition of facility and components. The scenarios shall also consider factors that affect the response efforts required by the facility. These include but are not limited to: (1) Size of the discharge; (2) Proximity to downgradient wells, waterways, and drinking water intakes; (3) Proximity to fish and wildlife and sensitive environments; (4) Likelihood that the discharge will travel offsite (i.e., topography, drainage); (5) Location of the material discharged (i.e., on a concrete pad or directly on the soil); (6) Material discharged; (7) Weather or aquatic conditions (i.e., river flow); (8) Available remediation equipment; (9) Probability of a chain reaction of failures; and (10) Direction of discharge pathway. 1.5.2 Worst Case Discharge
In this section, the facility owner or operator shall provide a detailed description of the procedures and equipment used to detect discharges. A section on discharge detection by personnel and a discussion of automated discharge detection, if applicable, shall be included for both regular operations and after hours operations. In addition, the facility owner or operator shall discuss how the reliability of any automated system will be checked and how frequently the system will be inspected. 1.6.1 Discharge Detection by Personnel In this section, facility owners or operators shall describe the procedures and personnel that will detect any discharge of oil or release of a hazardous substance. A thorough discussion of facility inspections must be included. In addition, a description of initial response actions shall be addressed. This section shall reference section 1.3.1 of the response plan for emergency response information. In this section, the owner or operator must identify the worst case discharge volume at the facility. Worksheets for production and non-production facility owners
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In this section, facility owners or operators must describe any automated discharge detection equipment that the facility has in place. This section shall include a discussion of overfill alarms, secondary containment sensors, etc. A discussion of the plans to verify an automated alarm and the actions to be taken once verified must also be included. 1.7 Plan Implementation
In this section, facility owners or operators must explain in detail how to implement the facilitys emergency response plan by describing response actions to be carried out under the plan to ensure the safety of the facility and to mitigate or prevent discharges described in section 1.5 of the response plan. This section shall include the identification of response resources for small, medium, and worst case discharges; disposal plans; and containment and drainage planning. A list of those personnel who would be involved in the cleanup shall be identified. Procedures that the facility will use, where appropriate or necessary, to update their plan after an oil discharge event and the time frame to update the plan must be described. 1.7.1 Response Resources for Small, Medium, and Worst Case Discharages Once the discharge scenarios have been identified in section 1.5 of the response plan, the facility owner or operator shall identify and describe implementation of the response actions. The facility owner or operator shall demonstrate accessibility to the proper response personnel and equipment to effectively respond to all of the identified discharge scenarios. The determination and demonstration of adequate response capability are presented in Appendix E to this part. In addition, steps to expedite the cleanup of oil discharges must be discussed. At a minimum, the following items must be addressed: (1) Emergency plans for spill response; (2) Additional response training; (3) Additional contracted help; (4) Access to additional response equipment/experts; and (5) Ability to implement the plan including response training and practice drills. recommended form detailing immediate actions follows.
1.7.2 Disposal Plans Facility owners or operators must describe how and where the facility intends to recover, reuse, decontaminate, or dispose of materials after a discharge has taken place. The appropriate permits required to transport or dispose of recovered materials according to local, State, and Federal requirements must be addressed. Materials that must be accounted for in the disposal plan, as appropriate, include: (1) Recovered product; (2) Contaminated soil; (3) Contaminated equipment and materials, including drums, tank parts, valves, and shovels; (4) Personnel protective equipment; (5) Decontamination solutions; (6) Adsorbents; and (7) Spent chemicals. These plans must be prepared in accordance with Federal (e.g., the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act [RCRA]), State, and local regulations, where applicable. A copy of the disposal plans from the facilitys SPCC Plan may be inserted with this section, including any diagrams in those plans.
Material 1. 2. 3. 4. Disposal facility Location RCRA permit/manifest
A proper plan to contain and control a discharge through drainage may limit the threat of harm to human health and the environment. This section shall describe how to contain and control a discharge through drainage, including:
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The tank inspection checklist presented below has been included as guidance during inspections and monitoring. Similar requirements exist in 40 CFR part 112, subparts A through C. Duplicate information from the SPCC Plan may be photocopied and inserted in this section. The inspection checklist consists of the following items: TANK INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1. Check tanks for leaks, specifically looking for: A. drip marks; B. discoloration of tanks; C. puddles containing spilled or leaked material; D. corrosion; E. cracks; and F. localized dead vegetation. 2. Check foundation for: A. cracks; B. discoloration; C. puddles containing spilled or leaked material; D. settling; E. gaps between tank and foundation; and F. damage caused by vegetation roots. 3. Check piping for: A. droplets of stored material; B. discoloration; C. corrosion; D. bowing of pipe between supports; E. evidence of stored material seepage from valves or seals; and F. localized dead vegetation.
The owner or operator must develop programs for facility response training and for drills/exercises according to the requirements of 40 CFR 112.21. Logs must be kept for facility drills/exercises, personnel response training, and spill prevention meetings. Much of the recordkeeping information required by this section is also contained in the SPCC Plan required by 40 CFR 112.3. These logs may be included in the facility response plan or kept as an annex to the facility response plan. 1.8.1 Facility Self-Inspection
Under 40 CFR 112.7(e), you must include the written procedures and records of inspections for each facility in the SPCC Plan. You must include the inspection records for each container, secondary containment, and item of response equipment at the facility. You must cross-reference the records of inspec-
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Tank or SI#
Using the Emergency Response Equipment List provided in section 1.3.2 of the response plan, describe each type of response equipment, checking for the following: Response Equipment Checklist 1. Inventory (item and quantity); 2. Storage location;
3. Accessibility (time to access and respond); 4. Operational status/condition; 5. Actual use/testing (last test date and frequency of testing); and 6. Shelf life (present age, expected replacement date). Please note any discrepancies between this list and the available response equipment.
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Comments Secondary Containment Inspection Inspect the secondary containment (as described in sections 1.4.1 and 1.7.2 of the response plan), checking the following: Secondary Containment Checklist 1. Dike or berm system. A. Level of precipitation in dike/available capacity; B. Operational status of drainage valves; C. Dike or berm permeability; D. Debris; E. Erosion; F. Permeability of the earthen floor of diked area; and G. Location/status of pipes, inlets, drainage beneath tanks, etc. 2. Secondary containment A. Cracks; B. Discoloration; C. Presence of spilled or leaked material (standing liquid); D. Corrosion; and E. Valve conditions. 3. Retention and drainage ponds A. Erosion; B. Available capacity; C. Presence of spilled or leaked material; D. Debris; and E. Stressed vegetation. The tank inspection checklist presented below has been included as guidance during inspections and monitoring. Similar requirements exist in 40 CFR part 112, subparts A through C. Similar requirements exist in 40 CFR 112.7(e). Duplicate information from the SPCC Plan may be photocopied and inserted in this section. 1.8.2 Facility Drills/Exercises
(A) CWA section 311(j)(5), as amended by OPA, requires the response plan to contain a
description of facility drills/exercises. According to 40 CFR 112.21(c), the facility owner or operator shall develop a program of facility response drills/exercises, including evaluation procedures. Following the PREP guidelines (see Appendix E to this part, section 13, for availability) would satisfy a facilitys requirements for drills/exercises under this part. Alternately, under 112.21(c), a facility owner or operator may develop a program that is not based on the PREP guidelines. Such a program is subject to approval by the Regional Administrator based on the description of the program provided in the response plan. (B) The PREP Guidelines specify that the facility conduct internal and external drills/ exercises. The internal exercises include: qualified individual notification drills, spill management team tabletop exercises, equipment deployment exercises, and unannounced exercises. External exercises include Area Exercises. Credit for an Area or Facility-specific Exercise will be given to the facility for an actual response to a discharge in the area if the plan was utilized for response to the discharge and the objectives of the Exercise were met and were properly evaluated, documented, and self-certified. (C) Section 112.20(h)(8)(ii) requires the facility owner or operator to provide a description of the drill/exercise program to be carried out under the response plan. Qualified Individual Notification Drill and Spill Management Team Tabletop Drill logs shall be provided in sections and, respectively. These logs may be included in the facility response plan or kept as an annex to the facility response plan. See section 1.3.3 of this appendix for Equipment Deployment Drill Logs.
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Qualified Individual Notification Drill Log Date: llllllllllllllllllll Company: llllllllllllllllll Qualified Individual(s): lllllllllll Emergency Scenario: llllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Evaluation: lllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Changes to be Implemented: llllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Time Table for Implementation: llllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Spill Management Team Tabletop Exercise Logs Spill Management Team Tabletop Exercise Log Date: llllllllllllllllllll Company: llllllllllllllllll Qualified Individual(s): lllllllllll Emergency Scenario: llllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Evaluation: lllllllllllllllll
Section 112.21(a) requires facility owners or operators to develop programs for facility response training. Facility owners or operators are required by 112.20(h)(8)(iii) to provide a description of the response training program to be carried out under the response plan. A facilitys training program can be based on the USCGs Training Elements for Oil Spill Response, to the extent applicable to facility operations, or another response training program acceptable to the RA. The training elements are available from the USCG Office of Response (GMOR) at (202) 2670518 or fax (202) 2674085. Personnel response training logs and discharge prevention meeting logs shall be included in sections and of the response plan respectively. These logs may be included in the facility response plan or kept as an annex to the facility response plan. Personnel Response Training Logs Discharge Prevention Meetings Logs DISCHARGE PREVENTION MEETING LOG Date: llllllllllllllllllll Attendees: llllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll
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The facility-specific response plan shall include the following diagrams. Additional diagrams that would aid in the development of response plan sections may also be included. (1) The Site Plan Diagram shall, as appropriate, include and identify: (A) the entire facility to scale; (B) above and below ground bulk oil storage tanks; (C) the contents and capacities of bulk oil storage tanks; (D) the contents and capacity of drum oil storage areas; (E) the contents and capacities of surface impoundments; (F) process buildings; (G) transfer areas; (H) secondary containment systems (location and capacity); (I) structures where hazardous materials are stored or handled, including materials stored and capacity of storage; (J) location of communication and emergency response equipment; (K) location of electrical equipment which contains oil; and (L) for complexes only, the interface(s) (i.e., valve or component) between the portion of the facility regulated by EPA and the portion(s) regulated by other Agencies. In most cases, this interface is defined as the last valve inside secondary containment before piping leaves the secondary containment area to connect to the transportation-related portion of the facility (i.e., the structure used or intended to be used to transfer oil to or from a vessel or pipeline). In the absence of secondary containment, this interface is the valve manifold adjacent to the tank nearest the transfer structure as described above. The interface may be defined differently at a specific facility if agreed to by the RA and the appropriate Federal official. (2) The Site Drainage Plan Diagram shall, as appropriate, include: (A) major sanitary and storm sewers, manholes, and drains;
(B) weirs and shut-off valves; (C) surface water receiving streams; (D) fire fighting water sources; (E) other utilities; (F) response personnel ingress and egress; (G) response equipment transportation routes; and (H) direction of discharge flow from discharge points. (3) The Site Evacuation Plan Diagram shall, as appropriate, include: (A) site plan diagram with evacuation route(s); and (B) ocation of evacuation regrouping l areas. 1.10 Security According to 40 CFR 112.7(g) facilities are required to maintain a certain level of security, as appropriate. In this section, a description of the facility security shall be provided and include, as appropriate: (1) emergency cut-off locations (automatic or manual valves); (2) enclosures (e.g., fencing, etc.); (3) guards and their duties, day and night; (4) lighting; (5) valve and pump locks; and (6) pipeline connection caps. The SPCC Plan contains similar informa-
tion. Duplicate information may be photocopied and inserted in this section. 2.0 Response Plan Cover Sheet A three-page form has been developed to be completed and submitted to the RA by owners or operators who are required to prepare and submit a facility-specific response plan. The cover sheet (Attachment F1) must accompany the response plan to provide the Agency with basic information concerning the facility. This section will describe the Response Plan Cover Sheet and provide instructions for its completion. 2.1 General Information Owner/Operator of Facility: Enter the name of the owner of the facility (if the owner is the operator). Enter the operator of the facility if otherwise. If the owner/operator of
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ACP: Area Contingency Plan ASTM: American Society of Testing Materials bbls: Barrels bpd: Barrels per Day
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Pt. 113
gallons and is the facility located at a distance 2 (as calculated using the appropriate formula in Appendix C or a comparable formula) such that a discharge from the facility would shut down a public drinking water intake? 2 llllllllllllll Yes lllllllllllllllllllll No llllllllllllllllllllll Does the facility have a total oil storage capacity greater than or equal to 1 million gallons and has the facility experienced a reportable oil spill 2 in an amount greater than or equal to 10,000 gallons within the last 5 years? Yes lllllllllllllllllllll No llllllllllllllllllllll CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. Signature: llllllllllllllllll Name (Please type or print): llllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Title: llllllllllllllllllll Date: llllllllllllllllllll
This subpart applies to all onshore oil storage facilities with fixed capacity of 1,000 barrels or less. When a discharge to the waters of the United States occurs from such facilities and when removal of said discharge is performed by the United States Government pursuant to the provisions of subsection 311(c)(1) of the Act, the liability of the owner or operator and the facility will be limited to the amounts specified in 113.4. 113.3 Definitions.
As used in this subpart, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below: (a) Aboveground storage facility means a tank or other container, the bottom of which is on a plane not more than 6 inches below the surrounding surface. (b) Act means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 [59 FR 34122, July 1, 1994; 59 FR 49006, Sept. U.S.C. 1151, et seq. 26, 1994, as amended at 65 FR 40816, June 30, (c) Barrel means 42 United States gal2000; 65 FR 43840, July 14, 2000; 66 FR 34561, lons at 60 degrees Fahrenheit. June 29, 2001; 67 FR 47152, July 17, 2002] (d) Belowground storage facility means a tank or other container loPART 113LIABILITY LIMITS FOR cated other than as defined as AboveSMALL ONSHORE STORAGE FAground. CILITIES (e) Discharge includes, but is not limited to any spilling, leaking, pumping, Subpart AOil Storage Facilities pouring, emitting, emptying or dumping. Sec.
(f) Onshore Oil Storage Facility means 113.1 Purpose.
any facility (excluding motor vehicles 113.2 Applicability.
113.3 Definitions.
and rolling stock) of any kind located 113.4 Size classes and associated liability
in, on, or under, any land within the limits for fixed onshore oil storage faciliUnited States, other than submerged ties, 1,000 barrels or less capacity. land. 113.5 Exclusions. (g) On-Scene Coordinator is the single 113.6 Effect on other laws. Federal representative designated purAUTHORITY: Sec. 311(f)(2), 86 Stat. 867 (33 suant to the National Oil and HazU.S.C. 1251 (1972)). ardous Substances Pollution ContinSOURCE: 38 FR 25440, Sept. 13, 1973, unless gency Plan and identified in approved otherwise noted. Regional Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plans. Subpart AOil Storage Facilities (h) Oil means oil of any kind or in any form, including but not limited to, 113.1 Purpose. petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse, and oil mixed with wastes other than This subpart establishes size classifications and associated liability limits dredged spoil.
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