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COLLEGE OF MANAGEMENT AND COMPUTER APPLICATION, MORADABAD In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) SESSION: 2009-2012 Department of Management TEERTHANKER MAHAVEER UNIVERSITY DELHI ROAD, MORADABAD
Project Guide:
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This is to certify that Mr.............Kumardeep singh........................... is pursuing three year full time Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Course from Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad as regular student, in session (2009-2012). In compliance with the provision/guidelines of Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad, He has been assigned a market survey project. The project work has been genuinely carried out by the student for the duration specified by the university. He has made sincere efforts in the completion of the project work.
I Kumar Deep Singh hereby declare that the research work presented in this project report entitled CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF CHEVROLET for the fulfillment of the award of Bachelor of Business Administration from Teerthanker Mahaveer University; Moradabad. The project embodies the result of original work and studies carried out by me and the contents of the project do not form the basis for the award of any other degree to me or to anybody else.
It gives me immense pleasure and privilege to acknowledge my deepest sense of gratitude towards all those who helped me in the successful execution of this project.
I would like to thanks Chancellor Sir, Shri Suresh Jain, Group Vice Chairman Mr. Manish Jain, Director Prof. Mr. Vipin Jain for their able guidance. I also extend my gratitude towards the H.O.D. Dr. M.P. Singh and my course co-ordinator Mr. Abhinav Srivastava & Mr. Avinash Raj Kumar who entrusted me for the completion of this project. I am highly indebted to my project guide, Mr. Raj Kumar Singh whose constructive counselling and able guidance helped me immensely in bringing out this project in the present form. And lastly the entire faculty member for providing me this opportunity and expose me to industrial culture. The acknowledgement would be incomplete without thanking my family and friend who were a big support throughout.
Theoretical knowledge without practical knowledge is of little value. In order to achieve positive & concrete results along with theoretical concept the exposure of real life situation existing in corporate is very much needed. To fulfill this need the management course has a provision for the practical market survey. I thank my institute to provide us such opportunity having market survey in our course so that students can have real feeling of a researcher. In the coming pages an attempt has been made to present a comprehensive market survey report is concerning different aspects. Customer satisfaction is an abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of satisfaction will vary from person to person and product/service to product/service. The state of satisfaction depends on a number of both psychological and physical variables which correlate with satisfaction behaviors such as return and recommend rate. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other factors the customer, such as other products against which the customer can compare the organization's products. This project report is based on study the Consumer Satisfaction Survey on Chevrolet. Satisfaction is a widely accepted concept despite real difficulties in measuring and interpreting typical approaches to its assessment. The most common approach is the use of general satisfaction surveys undertaken every few years and designed to track changes over time, but we will describe others in part four. There are however, a number of difficulties with the concept of satisfaction. Chevrolet (also known as Chevy) is a brand produced by General Motors. It is the top selling GM marque, with "Chevrolet" or "Chevy" being at times synonymous with GM. Chevrolet offers many vehicles and many different enhanced versions in its home market. The vehicles range from subcompact cars to medium duty commercial trucks. Its number one seller in the United States is the Silverado pickup. Chevrolet continues to be the performance, price, fuel economy, and value leader for General Motors North America. The company profile and product range is given in the beginning of the report. The primary data have been collected with the help of questionnaire consisting of 14 questions. The sample size selected is 100. The collected data have been analyzed and shown in the form of pie chart and pie charts are interpreted into simple language & further concluded.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Introduction Company Profile Scope of the study Objectives of the study Assumption Research Methodology
8. 9. 10. 11.
The automobile industry today is one of the most lucrative industries. Due to the increase in disposable income in both rural and urban sector and easy finance being provided by all the financial institutes, the passenger car sales have increased at the rate of 45% per annum in 2010-2011 over the corresponding period in the previous year. Further competition is heating up in the sector with a host of new players coming in and other like Porsche, Bentley, Audi, Mercedes, and BMW all set to venture in the Indian markets. One factor that could help the companies in the marketing of their product is by knowing and creating a personality for their brands. Automotive industry in India Since the first car rolled out on the streets of Mumbai (then Bombay) in 1898, the Automobile Industry of India has come a long way. With HM establishing the first automobile factory way back in 1948, the Indian passenger vehicle industry was for long dominated by Ambassadors and the Premier Padminis. Then in the year 1985, following the liberalization and various tax reliefs, the Governmentt of India in collaboration with Suzuki motor corporation of Japan formed Maruti Suzuki ; a powerful alliance which changed the face of the Indian roads. The only car with the latest technology then was the Maruti 800. It became very popular because of the low price, high fuel efficiency and good reliability. Since then the market has grown with over 20 manufacturers and hundreds of models and variants. The Indian automobile industry has matured over the years and is now highly comptetitive with major Japanese, Korean, American, European and Indian companies all holding significant market shares. Indian auto industry has become a hot destination for global auto players like Volvo, General Motors, Daimler-Chrysler, Volkswagen, Toyota and Ford. Global players have either entered or are eyeing India as a strategic target for future development A well developed transportation system plays a key role in the development of an economy, and India is no exception to it. With the growth of transportation system the Automotive Industry of India is also growing at rapid speed, occupying an important place on the 'canvas' of Indian economy. Today Indian automotive industry is fully capable of producing various kinds of vehicles and can be divided into 3 broad categories: Two-wheelers, Four-wheelers (Cars) and Heavy vehicles.
Segments of the Indian Auto market The market for any product is normally made up of several segments. A market after all is the aggregate of consumers of a given product. And, consumer (the end user), who makes a market, are of varying characteristics and buying behaviour. There are different factors contributing for varying mind set of consumers. It is thus natural that many differing segments occur within a market. In order to capture this heterogeneous market for any product, marketers usually divide or disintegrate the market into a number of sub-markets/segments. This report attempts to analyze and understands how Indian carmaker have successfully segmented the market and how they are leveraging these segmentation to introduce new product and grow their market share. With proper segmentation carmakers could look at the differences among the customer groups and decide on appropriate strategies/offers for each group. These strategies then helped them in dividing the markets for conquering them. Every buyer has individual needs, preferences, resources and behaviours. Since it is virtually impossible to cater for every customers individual characteristics, carmakers grouped customers to market segments by variables they have in common. These common characteristics allowed developing a standardized marketing mix for all customers in that segment. This segmentation helped the carmaker to increase their profit by tapping the market through adapting the offer to that segment. They brought the necessary changes in the product to suit to the particular segment. We would analyze how consumer market is segmented and on what basis automaker segment the market.
Consumer market segmentation 1. Geographic Segmentation. 2. Demographic Segmentation. 3. Psychographic Segmentation. 4. Behaviouralistic Segmentation. 1) Geographic Segmentation Potential customers are in a local, state, regional or national marketplace segment. Geographic location is a major factor in segmenting target markets for automakers since their customer needs are varied for different region. The customers can be segmented based on: a. Region b. Size c. Population density d. Climate Example of Ford: - Ford has gained useful insights through segmentation and adapted its offer to suit the Indian target market. For the Indian segment Ford made some changes in its cars in comparison to their European version. 2) Demographic Segmentation In this type of segmentation, the customers are segmented based on the following factors. a. Age (dominant factor) b. Income & Purchasing power (dominant factor) Budget car segment Compact car segment Family car segment Premium car segment Super luxury saloon segment c. Occupation. d. Gender (dominant factor). e. Family Size. f. Family life cycle. g. Nationality. h. Religion.
i. Education. 3) Psychographic Segmentation Psychographic Segmentation groups customers according to their life-style and buying psychology. Many businesses offer products based on the attitudes, beliefs and emotions of their target market. The desire for status, enhanced appearance and more money are examples of psychographic variables. They are the factors that influence your customers' purchasing decision. A seller of luxury items would appeal to an individual's desire for status symbols. Psychographic Segmentation includes variables such as:a. Activities b. Interests c. Opinions d. Attitudes e. Values Activities, Interests, and Opinions surveys are one tool of measuring lifestyle. 4) Behaviouralistic Segmentation The primary idea in buyer behaviour segmentation is that different customer groups expect different benefits from the same product and accordingly, they will be different in their motives in owing it and their behaviour in buying it. Variables of buyer behaviour are:a. Benefit sought: - Quality / economy / service / look etc of the product. b. Usage rate: - Heavy user / moderate user / light user of a product. c. User status: - Regular / potential / first time user / irregular /occasional. d. Brand Loyalty: - Hard core loyal / split loyal / shifting / switches. e. Readiness to buy. f. Occasion: - Holidays and occasion stimulate customer to purchase products. g. Attitude toward offering: - Enthusiastic Key Players in Indian Market
The largest player in the Indian automobile industry and launched new and exciting products in the Indian markets.
The third largest passenger car manufacturer in India and one of the largest exporters of vehicles. Has established in India as one of its manufacturing bases in the world. Has vision of capturing 10 % share of the Indian passenger car market by 2010 Suzukis JV in India and the largest passenger car manufacturer in India One of the leading players in the Indian premium cars segment One of the leading players in the Indian premium cars segment
One of the leading players in the Indian premium cars segment. GM entered the small car segment by re-launching the Matiz
CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is part of the four of a Balanced Scorecard. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy. However, the importance of customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm has increased bargaining power.
It must be credible enough that employee performance and compensation can be attached to the final results.
surveying program that can ensure that quality improvement efforts are properly focused on issues that are most important to the customer.
Objectives of a customer satisfaction
In addition to a clear statement defining customer satisfaction, any successful surveying program must have a clear set of objectives that, once met, will lead to improved performance. The most basic objectives that should be met by any surveying program include the following: Understanding the expectations and requirements of all your customers Determining how well your company and its competitors are satisfying these expectations and requirements Developing service and/or product standards based on your findings Examining trends over time in order to take action on a timely basis Establishing priorities and standards to judge how well you've met these goals The lesson is twofold. First, general questions are often not that helpful in customer satisfaction measurement, at least not without many other more specific questions attached.
is brand produced
an of by
General Motors (GM). Founded by Louis Chevrolet and ousted GM founder William C. Durant on November 3, 1911, General Motors acquired Chevrolet in 1918. Chevrolet was positioned by Alfred Sloan to sell a lineup of mainstream vehicles to directly compete against Henry Ford's Model T in the 1920s, with "Chevrolet" or "Chevy" being at times synonymous with GM. In North America, Chevrolet sells and produces a wide variety of automobiles, from subcompact cars to medium-duty commercial trucks, whereas in Europe, the brand name is used on automobiles produced in Korea by General Motors. Since 2011, Chevrolet is GM's youngest brand in North America after GM dropped Pontiac, Saturn & Hummer. General Motors India Private Limited General Motors India, incorporated in 1994 as a 50:50 joint venture company with the CK Birla Group of Companies, became a fully owned subsidiary of GM in 1999 when GMOC bought the remaining shares. The company was restructured in 1999 and was converted from a Public Limited company to a Private Limited company. General Motors India is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of General Motors Corporation, the largest automaker in the world. It offers products under the Chevrolet brand in the country. Introduced in India in 2003, under the banner For a special journey called life, Chevrolet has emerged as one of the fastest growing brand names in India. Today, the Chevrolet brand clearly is established for quality, reliability, safety, innovation, value for money proposition, environment-friendliness and customer care. GM India has expanded its dealership network and over 235 service centers, so far. The network is still being expanded to cater to its recent entry into the mini-car segment with the
Chevrolet Spark. In addition, two new parts distribution centers have also been set up in Maharashtra and Delhi to supplement the two existing centers in Gujarat and Tamil Nadu. GM India is the pioneer in introducing several industry-first programmes including a centralized 24x7 call centre to attend to customer complaints and provide any information related to GM Indias products and services through just a local call to 3030-8080 from any landline or mobile phone in the country. Chevrolet also provides additional peace of mind to its customers with an industry-first assurance of fixed cost for 45,000 kilometers or three years on service and maintenance with a "Cost of Ownership" program. A customer can pay a predetermined, fixed amount while buying a Chevrolet product rest assured that if its maintenance costs exceed this predetermined amount, the difference will be reimbursed. Other first programmes introduced by the company earlier included chauffeur training programmes, mobile road show caravans, the OK 5-Star pre-owned car program, and a best-inclass warranty of three-years/100,000 kilometers, service holidays and fuel economy rallies. GM India presently produces the Chevrolet Optra Magnum (both petrol and diesel), the Chevrolet Tavera, the Chevrolet SRV, the Chevrolet Aveo, the Chevrolet Aveo U-VA and the Chevrolet Spark at its plant in Halol near Baroda, Gujarat. The Chevrolet Aveo U-VA, Chevrolet Spark and Chevrolet Optra Magnum Diesel have all been rated best in class in their respective market segments against stiff competition by auto journalists across the country. The Tavera, Optra and Aveo-U-VA have, between them, won a number of automotive excellence awards since launch. Facilities GM Indias state-of-the-art plant at Halol near Baroda has received the ISO 9002:1994 Quality Management System certification in 1999 and was re-certified for ISO-9001: 2000 standards in April 2005. GM India also received the ISO 14001 certification for its Environment Management System in 2000, which was re-certified for ISO 14001:2004 standards in November 2005. GM Indias plant also received the prestigious 3 Leaves Award from the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) for overall environmental performance in 2001-02. Besides, it has also bagged Quality Circle awards instituted by various state governments.
The capacity of Halol facility has been expanded to 85,000 units from 60,000 units in April 2007 to meet increased demand for Chevrolet vehicles. In the meantime, GM Indias second plant is situated at Talegaon, near Pune in Maharashtra. Envisaged with an initial annual production capacity of 140,000 vehicles, the plant commenced production by the last quarter of 2008.
Company Profile 1928: GM enters India. Produces cars under the Chevrolet and Vauxhall brands. It also 1954: GM exits India due to unfavorable business climate. It produces 386,000 vehicles 1988: Hindustan Motors begin to manufacture Isuzu trucks at the Halol plant. The plant is 1993: GM re-enters India by entering into a 50:50 joint venture with Hindustan motors at 1995: GM launches Astra under the Opel brand. 1999: GM acquires 100% stake in GM India. 2000: GM launches Corsa under the Opel brand. 2003: The Company launches Chevrolet brand in India with the launch of Optra. 2003: The GM technical center was established at Bangalore. 2004: Launch of Chevrolet Tavera 2006: Launch of Chevrolet Aveo 2006:Launch of Chevrolet Optra-SRV 2006:Launch of Chevrolet Aveo-UVA 2007:Launch of Chevrolet Spark 2008:Launch of Chevrolet Avalanche 2008:Launch of Chevrolet Aveo 2011:Launh of Chevrolet Sail Car produces Trucks under the Bedford brand. during this period. closed due to unfavorable exchange rate. Halol.
2011:Launch of Chevrolet Camaro Car 2011:Launch of Chevrolet Forester Car Upcoming cars in India in 2012
Overview of GENERAL MOTORS: General Motors (GM) was founded on September 27, 1908, in Flint, Michigan, as a holding company for Buick, then controlled by William C. Durant. It acquired Oldsmobile later that year. In 1909 Durant brought in Cadillac, Elmore, Oakland (later known as Pontiac) and several others. In 1909, General Motors acquired the Reliance Motor Truck Company of Owosso, Michigan, and the Rapid Motor Vehicle Company of Pontiac, Michigan, the predecessors of GMC Truck. Durant lost control of GM in 1910 to a bankers' trust because of the large amount of debt taken on in its acquisitions coupled with a collapse in new vehicle sales. A few years later, Durant started the Chevrolet Motor car company and through this he secretly purchased a controlling interest in GM. Durant took back control of the company after one of the most dramatic proxy wars in American business history. Shortly after, he again lost control, this time for good, after the new vehicle market collapsed. Alfred Sloan was picked to take charge of the corporation and led it to its post war global dominance. This unprecedented growth of GM would last into the early 1980s when it employed 349,000 workers and 150 assembly plants. A joint venture (often abbreviated JV) is an entity formed between two or more parties to undertake economic activity together. The parties agree to create a new entity by both contributing equity, and they then share in the revenues, expenses, and control of the enterprise. This is in contrast to a strategic alliance, which involves no equity stake by the participants, and is a much less rigid arrangement. The phrase generally refers to the purpose of the entity and not to a type of entity. Therefore, a joint venture may be a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other legal structure, depending on a number of considerations such as tax and tort liability. Reasons
1. Build on company's strengths 2. Spreading costs and risks 3. Improving access to financial resources 4. Economies of scale and advantages of size 5. Access to new technologies and customers 6. Access to innovative managerial practices Competitive goals 1. Influencing structural evolution of the industry 2. Pre-empting competition 3. Defensive response to blurring industry boundaries 4. Creation of stronger competitive units 5. Speed to market 6. Improved agility Strategic goals 1. Synergies 2. Transfer of technology/skills 3. Diversification
GM status as of now GM is asking for $22.5 to $30 billion in loans, depending on how quickly the economy recovers. They expect to begin repaying the loans in 2012 and fully repay them by 2017. This amount breaks down like this:
$18.0 billion (Original request on Dec. 2, 2008, for a downside scenario, which is where industry volume is now tracking)
4.5 billion (Additional loan amount requested on Feb. 17 to cover an existing revolving line of credit that rolls over in 2011)
7.5 billion (Additional line of credit that may be needed if industry sales volumes deteriorate further, to 9.5 million units in 2009 and 11.5 million in 2010)
GM India is confident of achieving 20% growth in car sales compared to last year in spite of the recession and the growing interest rates. This is against the general Industry growth rate of 7%. GM targets to produce 80, 000 vehicles in the year 2011 and even it falls short by even 10,000 it would still be 20% more than last years production. GM sources about $300 million worth auto components from India for their plants across the world. Talks are on with their suppliers to reduce the cost as the sourcing volume is goring to grow to $ 1 billion per year in next two years. GMs Spark car is produced at the Talegaon factory in Maharashtra. This plant is set up at a cost of $300 million. THE SCENARIO IN INDIA FROM 2000 TO 2012 In anticipation of rapid growth, the passenger car market in India is crowded with 18 companies trying to establish themselves. Demand forecasts vary and analysts expect anywhere between 2 and 3.5 million cars to be sold in the next five years. Equity holding for the international partner is usually over 50% and they retain significant managerial control. Most of them have introduced cars in the Rs.6,75,000 to Rs16,50,000 price range, which is viewed as a luxury segment in India. Automobile companies have also chosen to establish exclusive dealerships. Initially, companies have chosen to import completely knocked down (CKD) kits and assemble them in India. However, this strategy is not effective in the long run since such imports attract 50% duty. The major implications are that a shake out is likely and that companies would need to have alternate plans, including introduction of cars in other market segments, lower prices, and exports from India if they cannot establish themselves in the domestic market. The supplier industry is very small and needs to develop simultaneously on all fronts including rapid capacity expansion, acquisition of technology, improvement in manufacturing practices, quality and productivity, adoption of lean manufacturing, and developing product design capabilities to meet the needs of assemblers. Therefore, a critical requirement for rapid growth of the industry is adequate assembler involvement in the suppler industry.
The number of new entrants and the level of investment within a very narrow time window of two to three years are unprecedented and seems unique to India. , customers can now choose from a wide variety of products. Some of the entry barriers faced by automobile companies in India are relatively high levels of import duties, a nascent ancillary industry, and product modifications required for relatively poor road conditions and high levels of heat and dust. On the other hand, a rapidly growing middle class, rising per capita income, and high levels of latent unsatisfied demand with customers starved of world class options promise enormous opportunities. It is not certain how exactly demand will grow and on what factors it will depend, and whether there is room for so many players. The supplier industry also faces enormous challenges to keep pace with rapid growth. Manufacturing practices will have to change considerably to come closer to lean production. It is also possible that some companies will increasingly use India as a base for exporting vehicles to other countries. These issues will become clear as the future unfolds. At this stage, we describe and analyze the entry strategies of multinational companies in the Indian automobile industry. Entry Strategies prevalent during 2011-12: Entry strategy for international markets is a comprehensive plan, which sets forth the objectives, goals, resources, and policies that will guide a company's international business Operations over a future period long enough to achieve sustainable growth in world markets For a company, each product in each foreign market has a different entry strategy. The corporate international entry strategy is a combination of the different entry strategies of its various products in various foreign markets. There are various elements of entry strategy. In this paper, we have considered the following elements: o choice of product - choice of target market - choice of an entry mode to penetrate the target country - timing of entry o magnitude of investment and area of competitive emphasis o marketing plan to penetrate the target market
o control system to monitor performance in the target market o A close look at the entry strategies of the multinational companies in the Indian automobile industry points to some distinct patterns. Except for Audi, which is
targeting a premium market niche, and Hyundai, the rest of the companies have set up joint ventures with Indian partners. Audi has announced plans for franchising automobiles. Recently, Hyundai has announced plans to enter the country with a wholly owned subsidiary. For most of the new joint ventures, management control lies with the MNCs. For example, ten International Service Personnel from Opel form the entire top management team of General Motors India. Similarly, Daewoo in DCM Daewoo Motors, Ford in Mahindra Ford, Mercedes in Mercedes Benz India Limited, Honda in Honda Siel, and Volkswagen in Eicher Volkswagen exercise significant management control. All these companies have expatriate managers in top positions. Implications: Clearly, sufficient room for so many players was not there. This means companies will need to have clear strategies on what they will do if they are not able to establish a viable market presence. One alternative is to use India as a manufacturing base to supply cars to other countries in South East Asia, Middle East and perhaps the Eastern block countries. The other major implication is that automobile companies need to pay attention to the development of the supplier industry. Rapid growth in assemblers' capacity is possible only if suppliers are able to keep pace with them. The strategy used by Suzuki in 1980 of facilitating joint ventures between its major suppliers in Japan and some Indian companies was a good one. However, the supplier industry needs to grow, acquire new technology, improve manufacturing practices, quality and productivity, and restructure itself into first, second and third tier companies. There is also a lot of pressure on suppliers from assemblers to acquire product design capabilities. Simultaneous, fast development on so many fronts is possible provided assemblers facilitate the process. Automobile companies may also need to rethink their strategy of introducing models successful in developed economies into India. Fostering Global Partnerships and Consumer Relationships: GM is the major shareholder in GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Co. of South Korea, and has product, power train and purchasing collaboration with Suzuki Motors Corp. & Isuzu Motors Ltd. of Japan. It also has advanced technological collaborations with DaimlerChrysler AG and
BMW AG of Germany and Toyota Motor Corp. of Japan. It has Vehicle manufacturing ventures with several established automakers in the world such as Toyota, Suzuki, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. (SAIC), AVTOVAZ of Russia and Renault of France. The Global Reach of GM Parts & Accessories: Genuine GM parts and accessories are sold under the GM, GM good wrench, GM performance and AC Delco Brands through GM Service & Parts Operation, which supplies Dealerships and Distribution worldwide. The GM engines and Transmissions are marketed through GM Power train. IMS Policy: We at General Motors India are committed to become a successful company by providing vehicles and offering services which are best-in-class and continually improve to exceed customers expectations and organizations environmental performance while complying with all applicable, legal, safety and other requirements. GM's Vision: GM's vision is to be the world leader in transportation products and related services. GM earns customers' enthusiasm through continuous improvement driven by the integrity, teamwork and innovation of GM people. Core Values: Core values are what Company stands for, and are shared by everyone throughout the organization. 1. Customer Enthusiasm GM dedicates themselves to products and services that create enthusiastic customers. No one will be second guessed for doing the right thing for the customer. 2. Integrity GM stands for honesty and trust in everything we do. They believe and do what we say. 3. Teamwork GM wins by thinking and acting together as one General Motors team, focused on global leadership. Their strengths are highly skilled people and diversity.
4. Innovation GM challenge conventional thinking, explore new technology and implement new ideas regardless of their source faster than their competition. 5. Continuous Improvement GM set ambitious goals, stretch to meet them, and then "raise the bar" again and again. They believe that everything can be done better, faster and more effectively in a learning environment. 6. Individual Respect and Responsibility GM respect others and act responsibly, so that they can work together to meet the common goals. Cultural Priorities:
Enhance Product and Customer Focus Focuses on the customer: links customer needs and wants to innovation and product
Integrates across functions to address customer needs Embraces excellence and innovation: Leads efforts to create value-added products and services
Supports initiatives focused on "designing, building, and selling" excellent products and services to customers Act As One Company Collaborates proactively on global issues and drives for team success Encourages teamwork Leverages ideas, concepts, products, and processes for GM units around the world Leads teams effectively within and across organizations/borders Encourages others to look beyond individual organizations and focus on GM's success Stimulates external and internal exploration, benchmarking, and learning Understands customers, markets, and competitors, and focuses on customer requirements and customer enthusiasm
Embrace Stretch Targets Sets and deploys high-impact, stretch goals and objectives focused on making GM the best
Understands, measures, and manages intelligent risks Motivates, stimulates, and supports efforts to deliver results that achieve competitive advantage
Monitors, evaluates, coaches, and rewards based on performance and results that really make a difference
Move with a Sense of Urgency Communicates a compelling and inspired vision for change; champions fast implementation of leading-edge changes
Eliminates bureaucracy and slowness; seizes opportunities, not fearful of responding or reacting with minimal planning
Ensures that speed and cycle times are understood, measured and improved Inspires and leads employees and teams to pursue Go-Fast! opportunities; shares ownership and implementation responsibilities
Drives self and others for results; makes employee feel his/her work is important Is decisive and empowers others to make decisions based on performance and integrity
Business Strategy Introduce great cars and trucks ("gotta-have" products) Be aggressive in the market place Reduce costs and improve quality
NAO - North America Operations Vehicle Sales, Service, & Marketing Group - Warren Michigan, Midsize and Luxury Car Group - Los Angeles, California + Mexico & Canada sales offices
LAO - Latin America Operations Brazil, Argentina GME - General Motors Europe Poland, Germany, Egypt, South Africa, Hungary, Czech Republic APO - Asia Pacific Operations Indonesia, Japan, China & Hong Kong, Philippines, India, Australia,Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand
ARMS OF GM: Electro Motive Division (EMD) Allison Transmission Division (ALLISON) Hughes Electronic Corporation (HUGHES) General Motors International Operation (GMIO) General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC)
CORPORATE AFFAIRS: GM has a significant stake in the Suzuki Motor Corporation of Japan. It will soon phase out Oldsmobile brand line of vehicles oldest in America. General Motors has been the No. 1 Company in the Fortune magazines worldwide ratings; currently it is ranked at No. 3. It has been leading the automobile sector for many years, although the competitors are gradually closing and the Toyota Motors are its nearest competitors. The General Motors Group worldwide consists of the various newly acquired /partly acquired/ fully owned subsidiaries. Fiat Auto Spa Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. Isuzu motors Ltd. Suzuki Motors Corp. Daewoo Auto & Technology Co (DAT)-now known as GM-DAT
GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS: GM (General Motors) is best known as the worlds largest full-line vehicle manufacturer. As a leader in the transportation business GM has products catering to about every transportation need. These products include: Cars, trucks, vans, buses and sport utilities Locomotives, diesel engines, and gas turbines Heavy duty automatic transmissions Defense equipment Financial products Information management and communication BRANDS ASSOCIATED WITH GM:
GM is the majority shareholder in GM Daewoo Auto & Technology Co. of South Korea, and has product, power train and purchasing collaborations with Suzuki Motor Corp. and Isuzu Motors Ltd. of Japan. GM also has advanced technology collaborations with DaimlerChrysler AG and BMW AG of Germany and Toyota Motor Corp. of Japan, and vehicle manufacturing
ventures with several automakers around the world, including Toyota, Suzuki, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. of China, AVTOVAZ of Russia and Renault SA of France. GMs automotive brands are Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, Holden, HUMMER, Opel, Pontiac, Saab, Saturn and Vauxhall. In some countries, the GM Group distribution network also markets vehicles manufactured by GM Daewoo, Isuzu and Suzuki. Genuine GM Parts and accessories are sold under the GM, GM Good wrench and ACDelco brands through GM Service and Parts Operations through GM dealerships and distributors worldwide. GM engines and transmissions are marketed through GM Power train. GM operates one of the worlds leading financial services companies, GMAC Financial Services, which offers automotive and commercial financing along with an array of mortgage and insurance products. GMs On Star is the industry leader in vehicle safety, security and information services. GMs largest national market is the United States, followed by China, Canada, the United Kingdom and Germany.
President & MD
Sheila Sarvar VP - Engineering Sunil Rekhi VP Finance P Balendran VP Corp. Affairs Yash Yadav VP - HR Manish Patel VP - IS&S Vempati Sastry Director ? PPPM Anthony C Bates General Counsel Ankush Arora VP VSSM Rakesh Sabbarwal Dir.-Mfg, Talegaon Dr B G Prakash Director ? R&D Prashant Swadia Director ? SFO
provide a visual and intuitive opportunity for understanding the material. Important points are importance. This study is limited to the consumers of Chevrolet with in Moradabad city. The study will be able to reveal the preferences, needs, satisfaction of the customers regarding the Chevrolet, It also help company to know whether the company and its services are really satisfying the customers needs.
Customers are highly satisfied with the Chevrolet automobile company. Positioning of products & services of Chevrolet in the mind of customers is very high.
Introduction of the problem: To study the customer satisfaction towards Cheverolet. Research design: Research design is simply the framework or plan for a study, Used guide
in collecting and analyzing data. For the study: for conducting that research I selected the Descriptive research design. Descriptive research design: Descriptive research is also called Statistical Research. The main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristics about what is being studied. Although this research is highly accurate, it does not gather the causes behind a situation. Descriptive research is mainly done when a researcher wants to gain a better understanding of a topic. that is, analysis of the past as opposed to the future. Descriptive research is the exploration of the existing certain phenomena. The details of the facts wont be known. The existing phenomenas facts are not known to the persons.
1. Sampling design:
I. Population: Sampling unit: customers Extent: Moradabad II. Sample size: The sample size of the respondent is 100 customers.
Sampling method: There are two Method of sampling: 1. Probability sampling: It is based on the concept of random selection of a controlled procedure that assures that each population element is gives a non-zero chance of selection. Probability sampling is of following types: I) Simple Random II) Systematic III) Stratified
2. Non probability sampling: Non probability sampling is non-random and subjective i.e. each member does not have a known non zero chance of being included. Types of non probability sampling: Convenience Judgment Quota For the study: In this report non probability convenience sampling is used to conduct a research.
For the study: Questionnaire method is used for collecting the data while conducting the market survey report II. Secondary data: The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone and which have already been passed through the statistical process. Secondary data may either be published data or un published data. Usually published data are available in : (i) (ii) (iii) various publications of central, state, are local government; technical and trade journals; books, magazines, and newspapers. The sources of unpublished are many; they may be found in diaries, letters, private individuals and organizations. For the study: Internet is used for collecting the data while conducting the market survey. Data sources- Primary, Secondary. Data approaches- Questionnaire.
Sampling unit- customers of Cheverolet Sample size- 100 customers Sample procedure-Non Probability Convenience sampling.
Q.1. Do you have a car? a. yes b. no 60% 40%
The above chart shows that 60% respondents have car and 40% respondents dont have car
a.Yes b.No
38% 62%
The above chart shows that 38% respondents plan to buy a car and 62% do not
The above chart shows that 25% respondents have chevrolet car,45% respondents have maruti Car, 20% have hyundai and 20% respondents have other companies car.
25% 34%
Color Others
The above chart shows that 26% people prefer price ,34% people prefer external feature,25% prefer average of the car,5% people prefer color and10% towards other things.
The above chart shows that 20% people drives 200-400 km per month,400-600 km. drives 35%,600-800 km. drives 30% and above 800 km.15% people drives his car per month
27% Excellent
15% 33%
The above chart shows that 27%people says that the performance is excellent,33%says average,15% says likely and 25% says poor.
Q.7. Are you satisfied by the after sale service of your car? a.Yes b.No 73% 27%
The above chart shows that 73% people are satisfied and 27% people are not satisfied with the after sale service of chevrolet car
The above chart shows that 76% people are satisfied with the mileage of their car,20% are not satisfied and 4% people cant say anything about the mileage of their car
The above chart shows that 68% people are satisfied with the quality of car,22% people are not satisfied and 10% people cant say anything about the quality of the car.
24% Y es N o C nt sa a y
The above chart shows that 56% people thinks that their per performance of their car ,20% people says no and 24% people cant say any thing about their per performnce of their car
5% 50%
The above chart shows that 5% people spent Rs. 500-1000,15% people spent Rs 10001500,30% people spent Rs 1500-2000 and 50% people spent more than Rs. 2000
Q.12.Are you satisfied with the models of the car offered by the chevrolet?
a.Yes b.No
67% 33%
Yes 67% No
The above chart shows that 67% people are satisfied with the models offerred by the chevrolet and 33% people are not satisfied.
Q.13.Do you think that this car company have a bright future in India ?
a.Yes b.No
67% 33%
Yes 79% No
INTERPRETATIONThe above chart shows that 79% people says that the company has
abright future in india and 21% says no.
Q.14. Do you satisfied with the service staff of the chevrolet service centre ?
a.Yes b.No
86% 14%
Yes No 86%
The above chart shows that 86% people are satisfied with the service staff of chevrolet and 14% people are not satisfied with the service staff .
38% people plan to buy a car and 62% do not 25% people have chevrolet car,45% people have maruti Car, 20% have hyundai and 20% people have other companies car. 26% people prefer price ,34% people prefer external feature,25% prefer average of the car,5% people prefer color and10% towards other things. 20% people drives 200-400 km per month,400-600 km. drives 35%,600-800 km. drives 30% and above 800 km.15% people drives his car per month 27%people says that the performance is excellent,33%says average,15% says likely and 25% says poor. 73% people are satisfied and 27% people are not satisfied with the after sale service of chevrolet car 76% people are satisfied with the mileage of their car,20% are not satisfied and 4% people cant say anything about the mileage of their car 68% people are satisfied with the quality of car,22% people are not satisfied and 10% people cant say anything about the quality of the car. 56% people thinks that their per performance of their car ,20% people says no and 24% people cant say any thing about their per performnce of their car 5% people spent Rs. 500-1000,15% people spent Rs 1000-1500,30% people spent Rs 1500-2000 and 50% people spent more than Rs. 2000 67% people are satisfied with the models offerred by the chevrolet and 33% people are not satisfied. 79% people says that the company has abright future in india and 21% says no.
86% people are satisfied with the service staff of chevrolet and 14% people are not satisfied with the service staff .
More advertisement by distributing pamphlets, hoardings, commercial add on T.V. More awareness by advertisement. They should identify the threats and challenges prevailing in the market and according to that they should form strategy to be more unique.
As we all know that Chevrolet is on good position among all automobile companies. They can easily attract more people towards its product by using the goodwill of company.
Its a time consuming survey. People are not interested in filing the questioner, so they dont prefer it. People are not so much aware about these types of surveys and they ask many questions. Another problem which I face was that people were hesitating to give information about their views freely. Interpretor knowledge level is also a constrant and can be treated as a limitation to the study/ survey.
Gaining high levels of customer satisfaction is very important to a business because satisfaction customers are most likely to be loyal and to make repeat orders and to use a wide range of services offered by a business. There are many factors which lead in high levels of customer satisfaction including. Products and services which are customer focused and hence provide high levels of value for money. What is clear about customer satisfaction is that customers are most likely to appreciate the goods and services that they buy if they are made to feel special. This occurs when they feel that the products and services that they buy have been specially produced for them or for people like them. The maximum of the respondents preferred comfort, mileage, speed and inside space as the most important attributes which determine the buying behavior of the respondents.
BOOKS: Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology, New Age Publications.
Dear respondent, I am the student of TMU (Moradabad) conducting a survey on Customer Satisfaction Towards Chevrolet. Kindly spare few minutes to fill up this questionnaire. Any information provided by you will be used for academic purpose only. Name: Age: Gender Occupation Location Contact No. Q.1. Do you have a car? a. yes b. no Q.2. Do you have a plan to buy a car? a. YES b. NO Q.3. IF yes, which companies car do you have ? a. b. c. d. Chevrolet Maruti Udyog Hyundai Other
Which features, among your car attract you more? a. b. c. d. e. Price External features Average Color Others
How much, you drive your car in a month? a.200-400 Km. b.400-600 Km
c.600-800 Km d.Above 800 Km Q.6. How its performance with your accordance? a . Excellent b. Average c. Likely d. Poor Q.7. Are you satisfied by the after sale service of your car? a. Yes b. No
Q.8.Are you satisfied with the mileage of your car? a. Yes b. No c. cant say Q.9. Are you satisfied with the quality of your car? a. Yes b. No c. Cant say
Q.10. Do you think that you per performance of your car? a.Yes b.No c.Cant say Q.11.How much do you spent monthly on the maintenance of your car? a. Rs 500-1000 c. Rs1500-2000 b. Rs 1000-1500 d. above 2000
Q.12.Are you satisfied with the models of the car offered by the chevrolet? a. Yes b. No
Q.13.Do you think that this car company have a bright future in India ? a. Yes b. No
Q.14. Do you satisfied with the service staff of the chevrolet service centre ? a. Yes b. No