League of Legends

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of Legends brief
May 2012


1. League of Legends introduc3on 2. Key success factor 3. Reference

1. League of Legends introduc8on

League of Legends is an ac8on RTS (Real Time Strategy) video game developed and published by Riot Games, an US based studio since 2009. AGer 3 years of launching, League of Legends has become the best Online Games in the world with more than 45 milllions registered users. It is said that nowadays, teenagers can recognize League of Legends champions (in-game character) much more than they can do for Marvel c8on characters as Spider Man, X Men, Hulk, Iron Man. League of Legends has won numerous worldwide awards and nomina8ons in gaming industry, and beat World of WarcraG to be the most popular online game in the world for years to come. (Reference from Wiki : h8p://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_Legends )

2. Key success factor

A. League of Legends is the best online games on developed countries Star8ng from the United States of America, League of Legends has dominated the top ranking game 8tle with the No.1 online game in Us in 2010. AGer that League of Legends has claimed to top of European tables within a year by its dominant gameplay and features. In Taiwan, League of Legends has become the No.1 online game 6tle in the rst month, and has been keeping it up since then. The current ac8ve users of League of Legends is about 1,5M players, while total popula8on of Taiwan is 30M, it means 0,5% of Taiwan popula3on is playing this game ! In Korea, where game industry is the highly developed, League of Legends has incredibly knocked StarcraI out of the chart to claim the best online game 3tle within 3 months of launching !!! For now , OnGameNet , the all 8me favourite game TV channel, has become the dedicated TV stream for League of Legends.

2. Key success factor

B. League of Legends inspires new trend of online entertainment for youth genera3on : healthier, sportsmanship, teamwork Though categorized as an online game, League of Legends totally stands out from other online game in Vietnam market, which is 95% occupied by Chinese mar8al arts style game. League of Legends is an eSports game, abbreviated for Electronic Sports , means playing sports via PC Game. Thus, we encourage the sportsmanship and fairness, which all the par8cipants have the same star8ng point, and challenge each other by your own capability instead of paying money to get stronger in the game like other online games. By its compe88ve feature, League of Legends has become the new trend of online entertainment for teenagers on various developed countries like Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, US and European countries.

C. League of Legends is a extremely high quality product made by famous US studio Riot Games
League of Legends is a very well built product made by Riot Games in US. SteveGuinsoo Feak , the previous designer of the popular WarcraI III : The Frozen Throne custom map, Defense of the Ancients (DotA), and Steve Pendragon Mescon, administrator of the former ocial support base of DotA map (www.dota-allstars.com) , were involved in the League of Legends development. Recently, Riot Games has acquired 7 top Lead Graphic designers and Game Balancing designers from Blizzard Entertainment (owner of World of WarcraG, the most popular online game in the world previously, who made WarcraG and StarcraG game series). In 2011, Tencent (the giant Internet company in China, ranked 3rd in the world) has acquired Riot Games for 472M US Dollars. This is the biggest investment ever for an one- game-company in the industry. AGer this acquisi8on, League of Legends has boosted their worldwide ac8vi8es with lots of big cash prize, especially League of Legends Season 2 launching with 5M US Dollars cash prize, the biggest ever in gaming industry. (Reference : League of Legends Season 2 : h8p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdr6jAPkf04 )

2. Key success factor

3. Reference
1) Some suggested key messages : - League of Legends is the new trend of entertaiment for teenagers in various developed countries like US, Europe, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan. Especially Vietnam teenagers do really fancy what teenagers in Korea like, so its a good way to market the trend by taking reference from other countries. - League of Legends is an eSports game, so the in-game experience, the atmosphere in compe88on is much more similar to a tradi8onal sports event. It is the unique sailing point of League of Legends community, a real sports event for an online entertainment product. League of Legends is a made by US product, unlike most of online games on the current Vietnam market. It means the quality, graphic designs, gameplay, development, customer support . are much more well built and developed with US quality trademark. And all these assump8on have been veried by the worldwide success of the product.

3. Reference
2) Some suggested target audience/channels : As researched from other markets, the most poten8al age group for League of Legends is from 15 to 24 years old. Thats also the target audience of many teen websites in Vietnam like Kenh14, Zing, GenK.. Our core target will be current gaming community, who already play and love to play games, so all the gaming channels should be explored rst. AGer this group will be the general teen community whose ages are from 15 to 24. 3) Suggested 3meframe : League of Legends will be localized in Vietnam with the name : Lin Minh Huyn Thoi. The game is schedule to be launched by mid August. So from early July to Mid August, Online Marke8ng on social media channels should be priori8zed (because audience do not have access to the game to try out yet). AGer Mid August, we can involve lots of oine ac8vi8es as the game is already released.

3. Reference
4) Some websites for reference : League of Legends US : hnp://na.leagueoegends.com/ League of Legends SEA (Singapore & Malaysia) : hnp://lol.garena.com/index.php League of Legends Taiwan : hnp://lol.garena.tw/index/index.php League of Legends Korea : hnp://leagueoegends.co.kr/ League of Legends China : hnp://lol.qq.com/main.shtml Community site : hnp://solomid.net/ League of Legends ocial Facebook : hnp://www.facebook.com/leagueoegends


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