Annotated Bibliography of Post-Reich Orgonomic Journals

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The document appears to be an annotated bibliography covering topics related to Wilhelm Reich and orgonomy, including journal articles, research papers, and case studies.

The bibliography is based on journals related to orgonomy published between 1960-2002 including the Journal of Orgonomy, The Creative Process, Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Research, and Offshoots of Orgonomy.

Some of the subjects covered in the bibliography include bions, orgone energy, the orgone accumulator, diseases, armoring, and bioelectricity.





Leon Southgate MSc

Author – Leon Southgate 2012 All Rights Reserved.

This is not diagnostic or treatment information – seek a qualified health practitioner.


An Annotated Bibliography Based On:


(JO 1995-Present awaits review)


Section 1 – Index of the Bibliography – page 3

Bibliography by Chronological Order – page 8

Section 2 – Bibliography by Subject – page 167


CB-Cloudbuster, Ch. An.-Character Analysis, Ca-Cancer, CORE progress (Cloudbusting

Operations), ORAC-Orgone Accumulator, MDB or DB-Medical Dorbuster. DOR-Deadly Orgone,
OROPs-ORgone OPerations (weather modification). OR-Orgone, NUR-Nuclear, CFP-Common
Functioning Principle. RBT-Reich Blood Test. TO-T-Temperature Orgone versus Temperature
Control, MPF-Mass Psychology of Fascism, FO-Function of the Orgasm, JO-Journal of Orgonomy.
AIOS - Annals of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, OO - Offshoots of Orgonomy, PP - Pulse of the
Planet, CP - Creative Process, OEB-Orgone Energy Bulletin. FN-Footnote in Journal quoted.
CNS-Central Nervous System. Abbreviations have been avoided where possible.

The first number in bold is the entry number of this index.

The second number (not in bold) refers to the page of the journal listed previous to that entry in
the index.


Orgonomy Journal Issue 1

1) 20


In other words:

1) = Indexed Note 1
20 = page 20 of the previously listed Orgonomy Journal.

In Section Two there is a copy of selected entries from this index organised by subject. To find the
exact reference refer to the same Index entry in Section 1.


Subjects cross-referenced by their entry number in this bibliography

AAF American Air Force (51) (55)

ACO American College of Orgonomy (66) (565) (589) (601) (613) (751)
AMA American Medical Association (494)
Aggression (171)
Animal Magnetism (38)
Amoeba (44)
Armour (N=34) (12) (35) (83) (110) (111) (136) (128-9) (170) (200-2) (246) (277) (343) (424) (444)
(562) (585) (615) (654-6) (682) (685) (1014) (1031) (1036) (1038-9) (1063) (1066) & brain (210)
(1032) & Mesmer (36) & Ea (58) & origin of' (208) (670) (1000) (1002) (1109) & bioelectricity (1060) &
6000 year period (655) & art/culture (537)
Art/Literature (1108) (537)
Anorgonia (271) (645)
Anxiety (3) (6) (130) (156) (761) (764) (1039) (1109) & Freud (8)
Attacks (97, 421) (175-176) (211) (240) (268) (276) (299) (363) (377-8) (426) (1226) (1244) (1245) &
Wartham/FBI (270) (396) (1091) & pharmaceuticals (22) (448) (495) & INS (488)
Baker (211) (222) (235) (254) (336) (346) (516) (586) (587) (613) (629) & Higgins, E. Reich (586)
Bechamp (704) (1068)
Bio-electricity (538) (556) (564) (1060)
Bions (212) (224) (225) (284-5) (324) (332-4) (364) (368) (374) (379) (668) & discoveries outside of
orgonomy (679) (689) (704) (737) (756) (1030) (1234) (1246-7) (1249) & food (227) & Movie (13)
(283) & sizes of (232) (704) (742) & Du Teil (379) & Reich's priority (387) & characteristics/Brownian
motion (557) (1242)
Bion-like particles & microzymas (704) & proteinoid microspheres (1030) & Rife (1062) (1069) & cell
wall deficient forms & pleomorphic virus/bacteria (1069) & somatids, protids, jeewanu (1249)
Biopathy/Diseases (152) (443) (505) & hepatitus (286) & headaches (294) & stuttering (471) &
Asthma (35) (111) (359) (1066) & diabetes (712) & ADHD (762) & ulcerative colitus (1067)
Boadella (1082)
Body/Holistic Therapies (571) & Neo-reichian Tx, Primal Tx, Rolfing, Lowen, Janov, Perl (395)
& Bi-Aura Therapy (37) & healing (633)
Buddhism (56)
Cancer (102) (224) (237) (239) (267) (285) (296) (326) (457) (490) (560) (623) (628) (688-9) (692)
(695-6) (711) (742) (745) (748) (1016) (1025) (1036f) (1121) & synopsis (558)
Character (11) (12) (39) (40) (41) (68) (107a) (110) (136) (163) (168) (170) (215) (250) (307) (336)
(342) (407) (424) (458) (486) & early Character work (579) (638) (646) (685) (700) (752) (1061)
(1072) (1077) & impulsives (228-9) (1040) & schools (301) & three layers (302) & birth of technique
(346) & body therapies (394) & terrorism (473) & diagnosis in orgone tx (713) & defensive function
Children (300-1) (309) (315-7) (383) (544) (546) (583) (617) (636) (659) (656) (666) (672) (713) (727)
(739) (743) (1061) & permissiveness (298) (731) (1029) & Therapy (33) (34) (106) (200) (246)
(610-11) (614) (694) (215)
Citations (1113) (1117)
CIA (51)
Cloudbusters (59) (90) (97) (100) (113-117) (135) (185) (192) (205-7) (354) (357) (421) (452) (478)
(478a) (479) (553) (581) (595a) (606-7) (660) (702) (710) (715) (736) (746) (769) (1001) & TV (17)
(479) (772) (1005) (1070) (1225) (1253) (1254-5) & dowsing (1251) & invention of (393) & mass
therapy (498) & before and after picture (747) & blackening rocks (1006) see also OROP.
Cosmology (15) (249) (322) (386) (394) (400-4) (422) (441) (569) (630) (684) (691) (699) (709) (755)
Communism (23) (31) (163) (187) (189) (190) (432) (469) (518) (616) (628) (1009) (1083) (1091)
(1095) (1100) (1238) (1244) & Infeld (447)
Consciousness (184) (1256) (6b) (65b) (101) (110) (111) (134b) (161) (262-3) (311) (340b) (350)
(351) (355b) (379) (385) (390) (392) (412b) (463b) (466) (472) (489b) (508b) (508c) (520-1) (529)
(530-1) (538) (562) (570) (510) (585) (598) (619) (657) & the brain (658b) (662) (707) (716) (730)
(744) (757) (763) (1227) (1256) & organ-entities theory(532) (674) (774) & drives (1017) & principles
found in Buddhism (716) (56)
Contactlessness (60) (215) (228-9) (315) (457) (538) (656) (658)
Criticism (39-41) (63) (77) (147) (160) (175-6) (194) (209) (240) (243) (247) (399) (438) (517-8) (539)

(564) (582) (596) (631) (720) (741) (1011) (1035) (1077) (1104) & positive criticism (465) (1029)
(1084-5) (1110) (1225) (1238)
Culture (81) (142)
Death/destructive Drives (3) (173) (242) (491) (542) (559) (566)
Diabetes (78)
Dor-buster (56) (65b) (203) (275) (296-7) (733) (1114) (1122) & Mesmer (37) & homeopathy (1241)
DOR (57) (135) (203) (252) (313) (323) (325) (327) (357) (424-5) (459) (489) (498) (540) (607) (660)
(687) (702) (716) (734) (736) (1006)
(1010) (1076) (1082) (1239) & dor-haze (1254)
DOR Consciousness (675)
Dowsing (1251)
Drugs & 'pseudo-contact' (105)
Early contributions (12)
Economics (400) (412) (622)
Eden (72) (421)
Einstein (180) (644) (1242) & Infeld (186) (447)
Esho Funi (56)
Electroscope (100)
Ethnography (728)
Emotional Plague (16) (123) (124) (163) (173) (242) (264) (266) (385) (458-9) (518) (542) (605)
(614) (628) (637) (675) & evil (1079)
Epilepsy (200) (201)
Evolution (391)
Experiments (21) (100) (174) (181) (203) (204) (237) (274) (296) (312) (322) (326) (335) (337)
(340c) (371) (373) (382) (454) (467) (480) (515) (568) (575) (581) (595) (605) (632) (640) (667-8)
(689) (695-6) (719) (745) (749-750) (771) (1005) (1022-4) (1026-7) (1033-4) (1036d) (1037) (1060)
(1070) (1074) (1078-9) (1080) (1086) (1090) (1093) (1098) (1105) (1112-6) (1117-9) (1234) (1240)
(1246-9) (1251-2) see also ‘FDA Tests’.
Environmental/Weather (91-95) (101) (207) (230) (478) (593) (647) (734) (748) (1243)
Fascism (1244)
FBI (270) (356) (526) (528) (547-8)
FDA (Food and Drug Admin) (463) (528) (551) (1081) (1229) (1231) & AMA/Neurological Association
(22) (587) & Cancer Mice (21) (453) (489) & dirty tricks (24) & X-rays and Orgone (26) (217) (219)
(220) (489) (511) & Maguire (30) & Communists (31) & Wharton (305) & Mills (464) (1092) & USAF
(468) & original complaint (510) & ACLU (536)
FDA/Trials (25) (27) (29) (47) (48-51) (53) (97) (448-9) (463-4) (476-7) (510) (535) (726) (1094)
(1232) & Maguire (523-4) (773) (1009) & Sweeney (541) & psychiatric assessment (549) (510) see
also ‘Prison’.
FDA Tests (21) (216-221) (251) (255-261) (453) (489) (512) (540) (608) (1009)
Fire (262)
Freud (7-8) (9) (42) (43) (107/107a) (109) (143) (231) (242) (269) (291) (346) (348) (361) (384) (408)
(413) (438) (491-2) (509) (513) (529) (531) (566) (638) (703) (724) (1017) (1099) (1101) (1244) (741)
& Hans/Oedipal Complex/Freud’s own sexual disturbance (486)
Functionalism & the CFP (510) (590) (634) (642) (662) (671) (761)
Gieger Muller counter (145) (480)
Genetics (68) (500) (655)
Genitality (342-3) (347-8) (486) (492) (503) (543) (653) (646) (676) (680)
Grad (632)
Gravity (394) (452) (540)
Guilt (250) (562) (698) (732)
Health (580) (703) (1036b)
History (121/2) (142) (144) (1008)
Holistic Medicine (570)
Homeopathy (1071) (1241)
Homosexuality (202) (612) (1100)
Hoppe (98) (612) (1088) & Isreali interest in orgonomy (97)
Infighting (32)
INS Immigration & Naturalisation Service (528)
Journals & Creative Process (32) (442) & Biodynamics, Energy and Character (462)
Kirlian Photography (253) (440)

Language (351) (530) (592) (597) & body language (525) & literature (537) (1108)
Le Boyer (320) (388)
Libido (12) (384)
Literature (See Art) & Language (351)
Love (87) (265) (534) (561) (624) (708) (1014)
Longing/Desire (264)
Mass Psychology (147)
Marx (121) (143) (144) (348) (518)
Mechanism (44) (570) (572)
Medical Notes & Contributions (35) (69) (70) (83) (112) (212/3) (224) (241) (244) (328) (340)
(352-3) (387) (390-1) (443-4) (461) (471) (486) (583) (621) (626) (658b) (669) (689) (714) (740) (756)
(760) (762) (768) (1016) (1036) (1036g) (1038) (1063) (1066) (1106) (1236-7)
Mesmer (36-38) (1020)
Michelson & Morley (594)
Milestones in Reich's Discoveries (1008)
Miller (594)
Mills (54)
Mysticism (295) (389) (418) (420) (425) (428) (570) & fanaticism (433) & politics (431) (469)
Myths (158) (345) & Oedipus (157)
Nature (156)
Neill (539) (1082)
Neo-Reichians (456) (462) (518)
Neurosis (11) (141) (164) (376) (384) (413) (458-9) (478) (513) (584) (638) (651)
Neurology (444) (461) (470) (481) (527) (529) (701)
Neuropsychiatry (414) (418)
Newton (62) (404)
Nuclear (1120) (1235)
Nordenstrum (1036f)
Non-local Phenomena (65b)
Ocular Armouring (33) (34) (60) (170) (200-1) (235) (278) (294) (338) (410) (427) (1036) (1038)
Odent (661) (706)
Ollendorff (98)
ORACs (183) (275) (289) (290) (371) (376) (490) (666-7) (687) (1036d) (1070) (1095) (1240) & case
studies (1121) (1123) & Atomic Piles, Leydon Jars, Mesmer's Baquet (14) & Reichenbach (1003) &
more ORAC-like discoverers (1004) & Mesmer's bacquet (1020) & orgone light (1224) &
measurements of orgone (1250) & To-T (380) (386)
Oranur (15) (323) (335) (369) (459) (489) (667) (689) (716) (1082) (1120) (1235)
OROPs (185) (205-7) (313-4) (354) (357) (421) (478) (493) (595a) (606) (618) (660) (665) (681) (702)
(715) (769) (1005) (1239) (1253) & summary (595a) & USAF (451) also see cloudbusting.
Orgone Chemistry & Orite (45) & Orene (45) (496) (640) (668) (1074) & Melanor (1076)
Orgasm Formula (2) (12) (86) (96) (131) (269) (321) (466) (507) (735) (1060)
Orgastic Potency (436) (445) (505) (592) (624-5) (673) (759) (1019) & Body Therapies (394)
Orgone & Scientists Whose Work Independently Supports Orgone Concept (596)
Orgone Energy Bulletin (304)
Orgone Lamp (667) (1224)
Orgone Medical Therapy (512)
Orgone Motor (28) (52) (54) (59) (375) (417) (1010) and Geiger Muller counter (52) (145) and
Washington (28) (74) (341)
Orgone Psychiatric Therapy (33) (34) (35) (60) (71) (82) (84) (111) (146) (149) (151) (161-5) (168)
(170) (213) (223) (250) (271) (272) (286) (294) (339) (358-9) (360) (376) (442) (455) (503) (546) (567)
(578) (635-6) (641) (656) (654) (658) (669) (680) (683) (685) (693-4) (697) (698) (754) (1028) (1036b)
(1063) (1072) (1075) & fat (365) (713-4) (721) (724-5) (733) (739) (764) (768) & criticism of (720) &
mass therapy (498) & funny stories (1065) & homeopathy (1071) & hair-pulling (33)
Orgone Physics (137) (335) (381) (394) (416) (422) (483) & UV argument (1021) & measurements
of orgone (1250)
Orgonome (466)
Orgonomic Functionalism journal (32)
Orur (369) (1255)
Pasteur (704)
Peri-natal (153) (277) (316-7) (338-9) (666)

Physics (73) (99) (249) (312) (394) (400-4) (416) (422) (441) (483) (594) (684)
Pleomorphism (1069)
Politics (77) (104) (120 - 122) (124) (133) (147) (163) (172) (173) (179) (188) (210) (248) (276)
(291-2) (299) (302-3) (307-8) (329) (330) (400) (412) (429-432) (458) (460) (473) (484) (584) (599)
(627) (672) (678) (690) (708) & Eisenhower (1082) (1099) & primary and secondary drives (753)
Pre-atomic Chemistry (Orene, Orite) (450) (496)
Prison (549) (550-1) (554) (1103) & books (552)
Psyche/Soma (111) (146) (162) (167) (170) (269) (362) (365) (390) (538) (566) (570-1) (573) (669)
Psychic Phenomena (189) (419)
Psychologisation (4) (7) (9) (162) (215) (269) (509) (513)
Psychology (108) (231) (291) (309) (571) (573-4) (580) (621) (1017) (1019) (1036b) & Ego Psych
(61) (150) (154) (169) (235) (254) (372) (562) (603) & Object Relations (103) (154) (534) &
unconscious (362) (485) & social psychiatry (446) & phobias (486) & oedipal complex (486) (157)
(1097) & Reich’s views on regression (506) & diagnosis (555)
Psychotherapy- (40) (139) (161) (346) (477) (514) (571) (574) (580) (609) (629) (649) & criticism of
traditional method (657a) (759) (1007) (1028) (1036b) (1101) & Ferenczi, Rank, Abraham, Jones
(107a) & Fourth Stage of Ego Development (235) (603) & orgone therapy in journals (331) & sexuality
(361) & Reich’s early clinic work (395a) & Lacan (127) (169) & Erikson, Kaufman, Briehl, Ferenczi
(397) & Anna Freud (397-8) (1012) (1061) & Reik (399) & Abraham (407) & Fromm (39) (1099) &
oedipal complex/phobias (486) & drives (513) (533) & Horney (522) & definition of health (545) &
Fenichel, Jacobson, Annie Reich (564) & masochism (566) & R. D. Laing (648) & Sullivan (1013) &
Fenichel (1015) (1099) & Ferenczi, Rank, Adler (1087)
Pyramids (467)
Quantum Physics (394)
Reich Blood Test (560) (563) (689) (738) (1022) (1026) (1233)
Reich Historical (366) (405) (406) (409) (439) (477) (550) (610) (650) (1007) (1018) (1036c)
(1084-5) (1089) (1096) (1100-1) & autopsy (1103) (1106) (1109) (1111) (1230) & claims of paranoia
(20) (50) (98) (463) (1082) & milestone discoveries (1008)
Reich's Sayings (177) (178-9) (234) (245) (278) (282) (349) (434) (475) (504) (516) (535) (540) (574)
(591) (604) (643) (648) (651) (670) (677) (703) (705) & Pres. Eisenhower (767) & adverts (177-8)
Raknes (80) (318) (1088)
Red Shift (Cosmological) (137)
Religion (279) (280) (295) (310) (343-4) (345) (389) (392) (415) (460) (475) (583) (600) (620) (639)
Ryecroft (209)
Schizophrenia (34) (64) (65) (119) (278) (410) (414) (418) (425) (444) (461) (499) (506) (508) (538)
(583) (609) (645) (686) (770) (1028) (1032) (1036) (1038) & Eden story (72)
Science (126) (180) (224) (288) (335) (386) (394) (507) (576-7) (594) (620) (687) (760) (1073) &
Systems theory (592) Lakhovsky's DNA radiation theory (1021) & Joseph Newman (1036e) &
Nordenstrum (1036f) (1036g)
Secondary Drives (3) (171)
Sex Economy (172) (652)
Sexual dysfunction (70) & F (6) & R (10)
Sexuality (10) (87) (88) (89) (96) (106) (132) (130) (166) (170) (347) (361) (384) (392) (492) (501)
(543) (583) (592) (651) (761) (1100) (1109)
Silvert (370)
Spacegun (59) (1255)
Spin Direction (99)
Sun (422)
System Theories (412)
Symbolism (351)
Sympathetic/Parasympathetic (1)
Symptoms (11)
Terrorism (627)
T-bacilli (704) (742) (1062)
TO-T (174) (181-182) (204) (273-5) (322) (380) (386) (416) (447) (467)
UFO (18) (468) (497) (540) (553) (710) (729) (769) (1082) (1255)
USAF (468)
Vacor Tubes (52) (375)
Velikovsky (670)

Violence & genetic vs Saharasian theory (632)

Viral Theory (224) (742) (1069)
William Washington (28) (74) (341)
Work/Work Democracy (306) (435) (518) (592) (602) (664)
X-rays and Orgone (26) (217) (219) (220) (253) (511) (1107)
Y Function (52)


JO V1 N1/2 1967

1) 4

Reich outlines his explanation of Sympathetic Versus Parasympathetic effects and relates them
respectively to contraction and expansion of the organism.

2) 5

Orgasm theory - Reich believed it was the logical extension of Freud's libido theory.

3) 6

Article notes that in orgonomy - anxiety is a primary emotion (the withdrawal of bio-energy).

Death/destructiveness on the other hand is a secondary, reactive drive.

In Freud's theory the latter is a primary drive (Thanatos).

4) 6

Functional Antagonistic Duality. A) Pleasure strivings of ID B) Organised by Ego C) Superego

contains and defends against this expression.

5) 9

Problem of psychic meaning. Criticism of Ferenczi's and Groddeck's 'regression to the womb'. What
is valid in the psychic realm is not necessarily valid in the physiological realm (Physiological realm is a
deeper realm than the psychic in the orgonomic view).

6) 9

Freud first noted anxiety correlated with sexual dysfunction in 1895.

6b) 9

Reich believed that dialectical observation leads to an awareness that the psychic apparatus has a
bio-physical origin.

7) 10

Freud stated that the question as to what exactly anxiety is composed of, is now of less interest.

This comment of Freud marked the psychologisation of Freud's theory. Anxiety was now merely a
'signal' of the ego at the threat of danger. (Previously anxiety could have been considered the
emotional aspect of a physical energy - this was Reich’s view).

8) 11

Freud's either/or definition of anxiety - anxiety is either cause or effect of repression of instinct.
Whereas in Reich's view it is both.

9) Footnote, 12


Freud finally cuts off analysis from a physical basis with the following idea: Anxiety may create
physical damage in the body but the notion that libido is transformed directly into anxiety will not now

be maintained.

In other words, as the article notes, Freud separates anxiety and libido - but no rationale is presented.

It means that one can both be very anxious and sexually happy - two things that Reich noted are
clinically at odds with each other.

10) 25

Previous to Reich's thinking sexual problems were only 'symptoms'.

11) 25

Reich realised that the character itself could be neurotic and not just the symptoms.

12) 26

Reich's great early contributions:-

Reality of libido (flow of energy)

Reality of orgasm function (regulation of energy).
Muscular Armour (prevents flow)
Character (structuralisation of patterned responses).

13) 30

Reich produced a slow-motion bion movie/film of cancer cells being produced from low charged
living tissue. This was a spectacular feat of technicality alone for 1939.

14) 31

Other devices using ORAC (Orgone Accumulator) type layering:-

Atomic Piles (carbon/uranium)

Leydon Jars (glass/metal)
Mesmer's Baquet

See also Demeo's notes on celestial influences upon the above devices.

15) 35

Paper asks if the celestial Van Allen belt is an ORANUR effect (orgone excited by nuclear forces).

16) 37

Excellent description of Emotional Plague.

Paper also notes that in Reich’s view any finding that in reality increases knowledge of natural
functioning and of man’s relationship to the cosmos is intolerable to the emotional plague.

17) 37

Reich's Cloud-Buster on TV twice (local TV in 1950s)

18) 40

Reich's UFO experiences had many witnesses.

19) 41

Paper expands on Reich’s energetic view of gravity. Reich posited that gravity may be caused by the
interaction of 2 orgone streams.

20) 44

Baker thought that the claims that Reich was paranoid were false. Reich was in reality persecuted
and those doing the attacking called him paranoid.

21) 45

FDA (Food and Drug Agency) Test on cancer mice.

Despite their claims to the contrary the FDA’s actual data did find a significant difference (between
ORAC and Non-ORAC cancer mice). The ORAC mice died quicker.

An orgonomy student was in the Jackson labs in Maine, USA and reported that the ORAC mice were
placed directly next to an X Ray machine (this would change the orgone to deadly oranur according to
Reich. The FDA had been told of Reich’s objections to placing ORACs near X-Rays. See also Note

22) 49

FDA acknowledged that the APA (American Psychiatric Association) was supporting their case
against Reich. AMA (American Medical Association) had tacit involvement. New Jersey
Neuro-Psychiatric Association had pushed the FDA too. An attorney said he had overheard
evidence of a drugs industry collusion against Reich's work.

23) 50

Parallels in Reich's persecution by the FDA to Russian communist tactics as outlined in their,
'Manual for Psychopolitical Warfare'.

24) 51

During Reich's battle with FDA there was a dirty tricks campaign - garbage on lawn, tires let down,
microphones found in radio, sending set in dashboard of car. He was constantly followed.

25) Reich refused a suspension of sentence on medical grounds (Baker)

26) 58

In the FDA’s first injunction they specifically talk about X-Rays and orgone. It is preposterous that the
orgone shouldn’t be near X-Rays they state. In the FDA tests in the Jackson labs the cancer mice
ORAC is placed immediately next to an X-Ray machine.

27) 69

Court Case - Double Standards

The other orgonomists were not allowed to enter the court case because the court & prosecution
argued that the orgonomists can use ORACs. It is just Reich alone that would be affected by the court
judgement they argued. Court also argued that ORAC use isn’t hindered by Reich’s trial as it is not a
trial of scientific efficacy - which is an underhand statement in itself, as the trial was a direct and
one-sided attack upon orgonomy.

28) 83


Reich felt that due to reasons of national security some of his evidence could not be divulged to court.

He hinted that his assistant William Washington had disappeared probably to the USSR with two of
Reich’s orgone motors.

29) 113


Judge frequently disallowed testimonies that showed Reich had not known of the prohibited ORAC

30) 115

Maguire the FDA prosecutor denied having read various of Reich’s books despite the same being
seen in his office.

31) 130

230 employees of the FDA were discharged for suspected communist activities.

32) 135

Criticism of: Creative Process and Orgonomic Functionalism journals in JO.

Somewhat harsh treatment of these journals as Levy viewed them as leaning toward mysticism.

33) 144

Orgonomic Psychiatric Treatment

Hair-pulling - very interesting case. Child - very difficult classically. Responded very well to
dissolution of occipital and ocular armouring (even though parents remained punitive).

34) 163

Very powerful effects from release of ocular armouring -blindness, psychosis/relapse, improvement.
Considerable success with children despite poor family background. Even working with burnt out
schizophrenics with success.

35) 170

Orgonomic Psychiatric Treatment

Asthmatic treated medically for years. Responded very well to loosening of chest armour (held
crying) and then to loosening of pelvic armouring.

36) 175

Author notes that Mesmer, who discovered aspects of life energy, was also aware of muscular

37) 176

Mesmer’s human dor-buster (healing hand-passes with one foot in a water bucket, transforming the
healer’s body into an ‘orgone’ conduit).

38) 178-9

Attack on animal magnetism in France was very similar to that on orgonomy (although that was in a
later century and in the USA).

There was a refusal to honestly examine the evidence (Mesmer pleaded for a commission).
Attacks on Mesmer were initiated by someone posing as a friend.
Quack official investigation followed which simply pronounced animal magnetism doesn’t exist.
Enormous effort was expended denouncing animal magnetism world-wide (very expensive printed
report circulated widely).

39) 182

Misappropriation of Reich’s idea as originating from Fromm started as early as 1952 in a textbook.
See also review of Fromm in Orgone Energy Bulletin V1 N4. Difference from Reich’s theories is in
their lack of sharpness and the lack of a sexual and bio-energetic basis. Reich also shows how
society creates these structures and passes them on by killing sexuality in the young.

40) 187

Sharaf, in his review, notes that Thompson talks of the inception of Character Analysis as an
important step. However Thompson omits to mention the goal of Character Analysis - the freeing of
the flow of life energy. Reich’s methods were incorporated into mainstream analysis but devoid of the
goal to which the methods were aimed.

41) 188

In this book review the JO author notes that Balint subtly misinforms. Balint states Reich believed
there was constitutional reasons why some neurotics didn’t achieve genitality (this is not found in
Reich’s writings). Balint also says he has seen neurotic patients who are orgastically potent. Balint
doesn’t define potency or describe any cases.

42) 192

Reich felt it was Freud’s theory that underpinned his own work - he was merely following Freud’s work
through to its logical consequences. Reich believed that his theories were the legitimate successors
of Freud’s original formulations. Reich also felt that Freud had become resigned.

43) 192

Reich asked Freud to distinguish the natural from the compulsive family (Freud never did this).

JO V2 N1 1968

44) 5-24

Some observations of Reich.

Amoeba - is the archetype for the sexual and the anxious movements – towards and away from the
world respectively.

Mechanical explanations do not explain organism pulsation or movement.

Towards and away is also reflected chemically - Choline vs Adrenaline.

A cell nucleus is not essential for pseudopod formations.

45) 46

The moon may have associations with the orgone derived substance Reich termed Orite.

46) 43-44

Food may be producible from the orgone derived substance of Orene.

47) 48

Reich didn’t want to go to court because he felt that no amount of evidence would convince frightened

48) 49

Reich's New Jersey Neurological Association attackers - Gordon, Richie, Robbie, Englander

49) 53

Reich would have stopped publications had the US government asked him (for security reasons).

50) 54

Reich was against martydom.

51) 55

References to CIA and AAF. (Reich referred to a letter to the CIA from himself which was in
possession of the trial judge. Reich also stated that he had cooperated for some time with the AAF
and CIA in order to help protect mankind from the superior, life-force based technologies of ETs).
Reich stated that he was withholding certain information.

52) 61

Reference to Vacor Tubes and Y Function in Reich’s court appeal. The information regarding the
orgone motor in the appeal document is summarised as follows. The motor forces were discovered
through observing an orgone charged Geiger Muller counter, a number of orgone charged vacuum
tubes are used, speed can be regulated and depends partly on the number of vacuum tubes, weather
and the undisclosed ‘Y Function’.

The motor force can be transmitted through an activated electronic amplifier. A 32 scaler Geiger
Muller counter registered 200,000 impulses per minute during its use. (D. Blasband).

53) 61

Summary of Reich’s position in legal terms (that the original injunction can not stand because it was
obtained fraudulently) (28).

54) 31

Reference to Mills and Orgone Motor (Peter Mills, an attorney had signed an affidavit regarding
Reich’s orgone motor. Mills was later coerced into prosecuting Reich in a strange legal choice of the

55) 39

The AAF officer stated he would undertake to protect Reich's discovery (Reich left certain information
with the AAF).

56) 42

Atmospheric medicine

Reich believed that as the organism and atmosphere are interdependent and inseparable, a
preventation centred medicine will come about with the dor-buster as tool of ‘Atmospheric Medicine’.

57) 43

Reich concluded that all disease is ultimately DOR sickness.

58) 42

Ea (Reich’s term for extra-terrestials and their craft) are free from gravity. Would they therefore be
free of armouring Blasband asks.

59) 42

Reich said that the Cloudbuster and the Spacegun are like twin brothers to the Orgone motor. The
Orgone motor is the Common Functioning Principle of the two devices.

(Space-gun is a cloud-buster with some 'de-naturalised' orgone-treated radioactive material used to

ground it. This material is called ORUR (ORgone URanium). It can be dangerous to produce.

60) 87-94

Interesting case. Orgone psychotherapist used motherly physical 'holding' in casualty department.
This broke through patient’s complete contactlessness (was in a catatonic state). Afterwards ocular
work re-enabled functioning.

61) 87-94

Energy=CFP. Ego Psychology=Quality. Orgone Physical Therapy=Quantity.

62) 95-99

Newtonian Physics only describes.

63) 100

Review of "Thus Speaks The Body" Bjorn Christiansen, 1963, Oslo Institute for Clinical Research

Reviewer comments that Christiansen mixes up and confuses Reich's priority in various areas, places
Reich as an additional commentator when that is false chronologically. Christiansen rejects
bio-electrical and energetic basis as 'crude' and has a mechanistic take on armouring.

64) 93

Although Kraepelin classified most of what is termed schitzophrenia around the turn of the century,
Herskowitz believes the modern clinician treats a plethora of symptoms under the umbrella
of ’schitzophrenia’ without understanding the relationship between those symptoms.

65) 93

Herskowitz views that the CFP of schitzophrenia manifests in the key symptoms of eye block,
energy stasis and oral block.

65b) 42

During Reich's court appeal he stated that organism and atmosphere are mutually dependent and
inseparable and therefore the dor-buster will become a valuable tool of 'atmospheric medicine'

Reich viewed that field actions, or possibly non-local phenomena, in modern terminology, could be
due to the Cosmic Orgone Energy. Also from Reich's court appeal-61.

JO V2 N2 1968

66) 115

American College of Orgonomy (ACO) named as such due to Reich.

67) 159

Lumination vs contraction describes course of disease.

68) 168

Emotional atmosphere relates to structure and function of individual-therefore the term 'familial' could
be used literally as biopathies have not been shown to be genetically determined.

69) 155

Reich's bio-medical discoveries;

Character Analysis, Vegetative Functioning/Orgasm Function, Muscle Armouring, Bions, Orgone,

Cancer Biopathy/Reich Blood Test, T Baccilli, DOR.

70) 156-157

Defining characteristics of biopathies - no clear medical explanation, emotional content, functional

disturbance precedes physical symptoms, long course, remissions and exacerbations, involves whole

Reich's definition - plasma pulsation disturbance within autonomic system/disturbance of sexual


71) 179

Orgone Therapy - mind and body continue resetting themselves long after therapy finishes.

72) 191

Eden sacked for telling schitzophrenic boy about Reich and, Eden felt, for making a connection with
his life.

The boy had seen ‘orgone dots’ in his room at night. Eden told him about orgone. The lad reads
Reich's books. His psychiatrist finds out and has Eden sacked.

73) 212

Physics: When free orgone is stopped an opposite function can emerge.

74) 220/1

Reich advised Washington to admit he knew nothing about the orgone motor. He also talked about
the orgone motor still being ‘dirty' and needing some years to fix this. Reich also mentions that it
depends on weather conditions (221).

75) 221

Reich felt the connection between the orgasm formula and pendulum experiment was like a beautiful

76) 221

Reich commented how many chemists had a fear of life and wanted to smash it.

77) 225

JO Book Criticism-'The Triumph of the Therapeutic' P. Rieff, NY, Harper and Row, 1966.

Reich portayed as mystic. Clever attack on him. Sociologist author appears to be scientific and
praises Reich as a man of vision but then goes on to paint him as someone who descended into
religious mysticism - orgone as God, DOR as Devil and the orgasm as gateway into our lost
'oceanic-ness'. Reich is seen by him as an anti-intellectual who rejects politics so radically he must
then be ‘religious’.

78) 166

Diabetes - a shrinking biopathy but at higher charge.

JO V3 N1 1969

79) 3

Writer believes that for the first time in science, Reich’s work causes a subjective experience to be
objectively measured.

80) 35

Ola Raknes - gave lectures in Oslo University and to psychology students plus, wrote the book,
'Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy'.

81) 38

There is a rejection of cultural aspects in classical psychology (as compared to their inclusion in
Reich's Character Analysis).

82) 57

Therapy case study - despite complicated family situation which reinforced armouring very lively baby
manages to de-armour with some help.

83) 81

Functional disturbances in the heart with anxious patients eg ectopic beats, arrhythmia and
tachycardia may reflect actual armouring of the annular muscles of the heart itself.

84) 83

Therapy case study - psychopathic character - orgone treatment removed his mask revealing his fear
of energy movement. He was then unable to recover from a pelvic ‘shrinking biopathy’ (energy

85) 92

JO criticises Masters and Johnson's primitive mechanical approach. Merely information collation. No
deeper understanding or CFP (underlying principle).

86) 92

Reich defined Orgasm as the ability to surrender to the flow of biological energy without inhibition. It
is a capacity for discharge of all stored sexual excitation involving involuntary pleasurable

87) 41

The splitting of love - eros and sex.

88) 42

Writer notes that ordinary people had long known what Reich discovered scientifically -that fulfilled
sexuality accompanies psychic health. Sex regulates psychic tension.

89) 42

Suppression of sexuality does not lead to Freud’s sublimation but to reduction of life capacity.

JO V3 N2 1969

90) 171

Statistically significant changes in barometric pressure were associated with the use of a Cloud
Buster in Israel. (In a report from the Israeli meteorologist G Assaf to the Oranur research Lab Nov
24th 1968).

91) 172

Atmosphere is subject to pulsation in the same way as an organism.

92) 173

Weather - Tornadoes are the result of superimposition. It is particularly important now to understand
this function.

93) 176

Reich experimented with producing cyclones.

94) 178-9

Weather - Problems noted with traditional frontal theory.

95) 181

Weather - Atmospheric pulsation is not entropic. It is not a mechanism that simply discharges its
energy forever.

96) 152

Transition from mechanical congestion to electrical charge is a specific sexual, biological process
(Life Formula).

97) 164

US government refused Reich a Visa to travel to Israel (where he intended to help Walter Hoppe
carry out an Orgone Cloudbusting Operation or OROP). Also interest from Israeli government cut
short by the US court action. Israeli Prime Minister Moshe Sharrett asked the Israeli embassy to visit
Organon but the visit never materialised (possibly due to the US court action). Also (p.162) Prime
minister Ben-Gurion sent a physicist to Hoppe to find out more about orgonomy.

98) 162

Hoppe refused to participate in Ollendorff's biography because she herself admitted she lost contact
with Reich's work when he entered the realm of physics-her book would be coloured with this loss
which she would project onto Reich, he felt. Also Hoppe explains how stories of Reich's paranoia
started-from those Reich left behind each time he moved into a new field - they got frightened.

99) 182

Expansion causes a clockwise spin. Contraction causes an anti clockwise spin. This was observed in
an Electrical Orgone device. (Blasband).

100) 184

Cloudbuster influenced electroscope in experimental run.

101) 185


Core, membrane, field and holistic pulsation (or orgasm) are characteristics of an organism not
(apparently) shared by an environmental system e.g. a Weather system.
writer argues. (Making the former distinct from the latter). (My Notes - this point could be argued)

102) 206

Similarity between colitus and cancer-both are self-protection (from bionous breakdown of cells).
Colitus uses high lumination and inflammation (over-charge). Colitus directs energy away from

103) 214

Areas of good and poor functioning and 'object relations' are integral parts of orgonomic treatment.
(Reich’s stance had object relations aspects from the 1920s, where he stressed the relatedness of the

104) 268

Reich and Radicals - Reich's later more conservative stand politically was based on advocating
rational slow change centred on children. He was against any association with the left or anarchists,
or other radicals who took the early Reich as a symbol of their beliefs.

105) 221

Reich's term - 'pseudo-contact' i.e. ‘contact’ produced by dope and other drugs etc. Dope produces a
'hook', it smashes the head armour only to strengthen it in the long run.

106) 248

Reich was the first analyst to speak out for the genital rights of children and adolescents.

107) 252-253

Reich noted some personal factors affecting Freud.

He was destroyed by the very organisation he founded, Reich believed. Freud’s organisation
withdrew from sexuality and especially Reich’s orgasm formula. Psychoanalysis was effectively
destroyed. Reich predicted that bio-energy would become little more than idle chatter at dinner
parties. Reich believed Freud became terribly resigned and had a marriage to a woman he neither
loved or was attracted to.

JO V4 N1 1970

107a) 6-7

Reich acknowledges that Freud, Ferenczi, Rank, Abraham and Jones laid some groundwork for
Character Analysis but that a systematic theory of character was entirely missing prior to his work.

108) 7

Reich compares the study of the development of the ego to the study of embryology.

109) 5

Around 1914 Freud moved from making the unconscious aspects conscious to removing the psychic
resistances to therapy as the primary therapeutic weapon. This should place Reich’s character
analysis to the fore.

110) 40-41

Wolfe quoting Reich.

Reich noted that the unity of psychic and somatic functions was utilised in a practical way through
orgone psychiatric therapy. If character armouring was not accessible in the psychic realm then the
somatic approach could be used and vice versa. Reich noted that psychic causes did not have
somatic effects rather the same energetic process could manifest either in the psychic or somatic

111) 35

Case Study - Brilliant description of the antithesis of psychic vs somatic.

Asthma and diarrhoea arose when patient became sexually excited, a great fear of genital sexuality
arises because the greater intensity of genital sensations leads people to fear that they will burst or be
overcome if they allow the blocked energy to suddenly escape.

112) 44

All neurotics show a chronic contraction of diaphragm.

113) 68

Light meter changes after Cloudbuster.

114) 72

Strong Cloudbuster results pulling in from Gulf of Mexico.

115) 75

Cloudbuster. Breaking a long drought in the US. Interesting news cuttings.

116) 74

Poorly grounded Cloudbuster, exciting but not grounding energy.

117) 76

Using Cloudbuster to dry out atmosphere in complete contrast to forecasts.

118) 87

Electrostatic fields demonstrate rings in their fields - no conventional explanation?

119) 97

Case Study - Uses Mahler’s term- ‘symbiotic psychosis’. Important case history. Shows orgone

therapy working in very acute schizophrenia in childhood. Probably not affecting a cure but stabilising
at a much improved level.

120) 111-125

Revolutionary anti-war causes provide temporary catharsis of pent up emotions.

121) 111-125


It is noted that in all previous attempts at political problem solving the bio-energetic factor has been

122) 112-113

Writer asks if history is a series of swings between authoritarianism and ‘enlightened’ periods. It is
questioned whether the enlightened periods are merely a façade for secondary drives under a banner
of ‘humanism’.

123) 113

My own question-Is the emotional plague a form of group consciousness, an entity of some sort?

124) 111

Orgastic Impotence is the CFP of the Variations, A) Mechanistic Authoritarianism and B) Mystical

125) 127

On degeneration of orgonomy -

Reich thought that ideals may be made especially of the genital character.

126) 128

Observation vs Theory heavy induction.

127) 133

Reich noted that psychotherapist doctors often lack unity in their work. Reich would let each session
focus on one problem. He didn’t worry about exact time lengths for sessions. Lacan adopted a similar
approach in this regard.

128) My Note

CFP Energetic Armour, Variation A) Character Armour, Variation B) Muscular Armour.

129) 42

All muscular rigidity contains within itself both the history and emotional meaning of its original

130) 48

Writer notes that Sexuality and anxiety are the same process moving in different directions.


131) 51

Orgasm formula enables a new understanding of physiology/autonomic system.

132) 52

Pleasure and sexuality are the life process of creativity.

133) 56

Present day economic situations can reactivate dormant infantile conflicts.

134) 142/3

Hoppe awarded a recognition of his orgonomic medical work by Italian academy of art and science,
Sybaris-Magna Graecia Accademia, November 1969.

134b) 32

Wolfe notes that psychic and somatic phenomena are expressions of one biological energy.

JO V4 N2 1970

135) 180

Desert = an orgone turning to DOR situation.

Desert greening without precipitation = a DOR turning to orgone situation.

136) 181

Character armour is sequestered DOR.

137) 187-188

Orgone Physics and Light - Asimov mentions that it was originally considered that the red shift
effect was due to the light wave losing energy as it travelled, therefore shifting frequency toward the
red end of the spectrum. This theory was given up when no reason for the light to lose energy could
be found (in the empty space view of mainstream physics). Orgone would have this effect however - it
would absorb energy from the light wave. Reasons to argue this the case:
A) Other waves do this.
B) Electromagnetic energy and orgone strongly interact.
C) On X ray plates orgone blocks travel of light.

Also problems of Quasars - should be impossibly far away according to Doppler, Red Shift Theory.

138) 213

Orgone Therapy Case Study - Self harming client - does her cutting her skin relieve energetic
pressure and therefore relieve reduce DOR stasis? Person had anorgonotic attacks (where the
person’s bio-energy suddenly collapses).

139) 230

Orgone therapy - Orson Bean talks of the onset of deeply meaningful dreams - emotional depths not
reached by 10 years of conventional psychotherapy.

140) 253-4

The contradictory personal manner of Reich could at times be due to the sheer intensity of following

the scientific thread Reich was devoted to, author notes.

JO VOL 5 N1 1971

141) 84

The kind of neurotic functioning that Freud had considered universal proved to be a cultural artefact in
the orgonomic view.

142) 84

Culture is an instrument of repression and a control of the effects of repression - Liberals and radicals
tend to neglect this point author notes.

143) 99

Reich's loyalty to Freud and Marx he realised was misplaced and due to his fear of taking
responsibility for his own discoveries.

144) 100

Sharaf quotes Reich’s comments that the Marxists intensely disliked his view that sexual suppression
was deeper than any economic suppression.

145) 103

Reich explains how the orgone motor’s functioning was arrived at through a years work simplifying the
orgone reaction of the Gieger-Muller counter (changes in background count at the GM counter when
orgone charged). It was a continual process of discarding extraneous aspects not adding unneeded
ones like simply increasing voltages.

146) 97-106

Sharaf emphasizes how Reich always placed equal emphasis on characterological and muscular
work, modern work still tends to be one or other.

147) 110-111

JO paper contains a good description of Reich's political position.

It is noted that Reich was worried about movements toward state capitalism in the US and
Scandinavia (as this relegates too much power to bureaucrats).

JO notes that the NY Times criticises The Mass Psychology of Fascism by implying that Reich is
against all families (which is not true just the authoritarian one). NY Times also criticises Reich by
misquoting him as arguing that all patriarchal societies must inevitably devolve into fascism. Also
crass arguments such as 'Nazi women are enjoying sex as much as present day Women Lib
Leagues' are put forward by the NY Times.

Lacqueur, W "The Mass Psychology of Fascism" NY Times Sunday Book Review, Dec 20, 1970.

Lehman-Haupt, C. "Again into the Orgone Box," New York Times, Jan 4, 1971.

148) 114

Marijuana punches a temporary hole in the armour at the expense of greater overall holding.

149) 13

Case Study - A brutal father’s ego is noted to have literally taken over the patients own ego.

150) 23

Case Study - Very modest goals because of the fragility of the patient's ego and their history.

151) 26

The pre-natal uterine environment is considered in psychogenesis, probably for the first time within
orgone therapy.

152) 26

My note - Reich's definition of a biopathy as a disturbance in plasmatic pulsation of the whole

organism is similar to Chinese Medicine’s definition of illness.

153) 26-27

Post-natal depression could be seen as an energetic clamping down after the forced bio-energetic
expansion of pregnancy.

154) 32

Level of ego integration crucial to determining progress of orgone therapy - objects relation and ego
dynamic theory are important to orgone therapy. Could also be called the level of ‘core contact’ in
orgone therapy.

155) 66

It is noted that armoured people can’t perceive nature as part of himself as he cannot experience his
own body as part of nature.

156) 73

Author wonders if anxiety in ancient times may have been connected to fear of harvest failure. The
city-state became the entity of a person’s identity.

157) 74

Oedipus myth and the danger of truth - this is noted to have a parallel with Reich’s views. Reich
thought that the truth could break down someone defences (that are keeping them alive albeit with
limited functioning) or possibly unleash the middle destructive layer.

158) 81

Sophocles’ points out that man has misread the laws of nature. When he thinks he has triumphed
using his intellect he sows the seeds of his own destruction.

159) 117

Writer offers an effective criticism of the common misunderstanding of Reich’s work (that
sex/orgasm/pleasure is the goal of life in itself).

160) 119

JO Review

NY Times Sunday magazine April 18th 1971.

Lead article distorts the content of Reich’s scientific work whilst dispelling some of the more well
known slanders regarding him. Unfortunately it concludes by painting Reich as a guiding spirit to the

leftist student revolutionaries.

Attack on NY orgonomy course by leftists espousing the ‘violent Reich’.

JO V5 N2 1971

161) 148

Traditional Analytic Process-

Thought/Memory » Emotion » Consciousness » Change.

Orgone Psychiatric Process-

Muscular Holding » Corresponding Emotion » Integration » Change.

162) 149

The effects of a psychic experience are not determined by psychic content but by the quantity of
energy mobilised, and the quantity of energy used to repress.

163) 153

Orgone Therapy Case Studies

A patient’s fear had become structuralised as a superficial attitude particularly toward women. He
then underwent a very sudden character change to a serious attitude. (In the past his mother would
pretend to offer niceness and then suddenly turn vicious toward him). His newly emerged serious
feelings were the same as his pre-repression feelings from childhood. (He didn’t recognise them as
the same at first because they felt so foreign to him initially, 155).

164) 153

Reich noted that neurotics all have a chronic contraction of the diaphragm.

165) 164

The two aspects of orgone therapy (bio-physical and character) are likened to the two wings of a bird.

166) 154

Most people voluntarily move the legs, pelvis and abdomen as one unit in the sex act deadening
sensation and removing the uncontrolled independence of the pelvic unit.

167) 148

Orgone therapy

‘Vegetative behaviour’ (bio-physical reality) brings up the correct or deepest emotion whereas purely
psychic interpretation is haphazard.

168) 158

Orgone Therapy

Patient grasped Reich’s sex economic principles due to his changed character structure.

169) 129

Reich noted in 1925 that the ego was constructed through a series of identifications. He felt there

must be an entity which accomplishes this process. However, Lacan also viewed the ego as built
upon identifications but does not recognise the processing entity as knowable.

170) 159-164

Orgone Therapy Case Study

Levy, N.

Simple but effective case study, showing the balance between character and bio-physical work.

Also interesting as patient used Ocular segment to do the job of pelvic armouring (which was absent).
Also due to her sexual openness it was necessary to work at things mainly from the character side.

171) 166

Reich was the first to make a distinction between primary aggression (healthy expansion based on
the primary unarmoured drives) and secondary aggression (pathological, reactive emotions that are
powered by armouring). This latter armouring is not innate but is a response to trauma in Reich’s

172) 167

Writer argues that peace is only possible when there is biological gratification (in the masses).

173) 168

Reich states that he was never a communist in the usual sense of the word. He also believed that
the pain of armouring was much older than capitalism.

Also Reich noted that he believed one can never appease the criminal or the emotional plague -
such a route leads only to disaster.

Society must also pass through hell before it can return to the true self. (Once the secondary
emotions, arising from, and contained by the armour, have been released there is no alternative).
Reich uses various analogies to illustrate this.

174) 175-188.

Orgone Experiments


Blasband, R.

Temperature Orgone versus Temperature Control (usually called TO-T). In this paper a useful and
interesting discussion of the history of Reich's TO-T studies are given. A useful synopsis of classical
physics is also outlined. It is noted that Reich's TO-T experimental data contradicts the second law of
thermodynamics (heat is found to gather spontaneously in the ORAC). Reich's underground TO-T
experiments are described. TO-T was measured in the ground to avoid thermal currents. Buried
ORAC to Earth Temp was measured.

Blasband then goes on to describe the past 5 years of regular TO-T measurements taken by the
Oranur Research Lab at Bucks County.


The new experimental data confirms Reich's claims of a TO-T differential. The lab controlled for
thermal lag and electromagnetic effects. They found a consistent differential of between 0.2 and 1.0
Celsius using calibrated thermometers and a variety of indoor and outdoor set-ups.

175) 210

Assistant Commissioner of NY State Dept of mental health was said to have worked on a so-called,
‘orgone elimination program’.

176) 212

Synopsis of slanderous quotes. Good list of unscientific slander articles in 1970’s. Correspondence
noted between the publicity given to orgone research and the slander coming from the press. Insults
such as crude pseudo-scientist, sex-crazed crackpot, nature mystic, crackpot physicist, communist,
charlatan were used.

Cancer Facts, Journal of the American Medical Association, 139: 96-97, 1949
Brussel, J. A. NY Times Magazines May 16th, 1971
Kaplan, D. Psychiatry and Social Science REview, 4: No. 6,1970.

The Listener, University Review and Time also ran hostile articles.

177) 167

Before one can get to the real thing (love, life, rationality) one may have to go through the hell of the
middle layer (because of man’s frustration Reich said). The middle layer is where Freud’s destructive
drive exists.

178) Sayings of Reich in Common Usage

‘Atoms for Peace’ (See also 767)

HIG’s (meaning Hoodlums-In-Government. Used in Ufology circles)
The Real Thing (meaning life and love) (From Reich speaks of Freud).
(See also 177).

179) 167

Reich thought that there is no greater danger than so-called ‘liberators’ who don’t know the laws of
responsible freedom.

180) 178

Einstein called the orgone, 'A bomb in physics’.

181) 179

Orgone Experiment

Blasband’s Early Studies.

5 years of TO-T (Temperature in Orgone cabinet Versus Temp in Control cabinet) are reported in 2
pages. One experimental day fully reported. Electromagnetic radiation, thermal properties and
seasonal variations are taken into account.


The new experimental data confirms Reich's claims of a TO-T differential. The lab controlled for
thermal lag and electromagnetic effects. They found a consistent differential of between 0.2 and 1.0
Celsius using calibrated thermometers and a variety of indoor and outdoor set-ups.

182) 181

Temperature Orgone versus Temperature Control Early Studies.

Reich’s early explanation of the orgone heat effect as the action of orgone particles.

183) 182

Earth described as giant ORAC.

184) 187

Author talks of a ‘daylight organism’ pulsing across the face of the earth in a fairly delineated fashion.

Reich’s definition of organisms is a bit loose as some non-living systems pulse but the organistic
ability to have a total, orgasmic convulsion probably still stands.

185) 190

CORE progress (Cloudbusting Operations) - new methods helped Constable build up storm clouds
and use them to attack DOR. Complete clearing of DOR and reversal of drought across Eastern
seaboard 1969/70.

186) 202

Reich and Einstein's agreement not to summarily discuss any findings is noted. Einstein called
Reich’s work a, ‘Bomb in physics’. Einstein made an initial confirmation of Reich’s findings and the
two men had a 5 hour discussion regarding orgone.

Einstein's assistant at the time may have been the communist supporter Dr Infeld. (The name of the
assistant in Einstein’s later orgone test was withheld by Einstein). Reich’s follow-up letters to Einstein
may have been withheld by Dr Infeld or Einstein was aware but chose not to respond.

187) 206

The published attacks on Reich were begun by the communist supporter Wartham in The New
Republic in 1946 in response to the publication of the Mass Psychology of Fascism.

188) 211

Anarchists and leftists lift Reich’s early work out of context, ignore work democracy concepts and
Reich’s rejection of communism as a form of fascism.

189) 223

Soviets order orgonomic literature in the 1940’s. The Soviet's work with ESP and psycho-kinesis
supports orgone as a concept i.e. anorgonia after psychic activities and decrease in ability in poor
weather (the brain uses much orgone energy and orgone charge is less evident in damp weather).

190) 223

Soviet scientist builds what appears to be very similar to an orgone field meter (Dr Genady Sergeyev,
military lab, Leningrad).

191) 216

Reich once said that the most important thing to note is that one is just a sack of water and orgone.

192) 192

Constable was able to make energetic forms with the cloudbuster.

193) 227

‘Wilhelm Reich 'Mysteries of the Organisms’ film by Makavejev.

Considered by most orgonomists to be a rip-off of Reich’s work done in bad taste.

194) 235

New York Times paints a distorted view of Reich. It allows other schools of psychotherapy to present
themselves but does not offer this courtesy to orgonomy (in a series on psychotherapy schools).

JO V6 N1 1972

195) 39

Mechanistic science attempts to understand the living by viewing it as a machine, i.e. as non-living!

196) 45

Respiratory system will function (poorly) without various Central Nervous System innervations.

Respiratory system has shape and function based on orgonotic laws and has the main role in
circulation and intake of atmospheric orgone.

197) 46

Classical evidence suggests that all biopathies (long term disease ‘pictures’ caused by armouring) are
‘respiratory’ in nature.

198) 117

Reich believed that the unfree people themselves become the major enemy of freedom.

This partly marked Reich’s movement away from politics.

199) 118

Revolutionary left’s attempt to co-opt Reich is documented and is distinguished from those who take a
fragment of Reich’s work for mainly practical purposes.

200) 35

Child patient’s pre-epileptic-anger seizures, Orgonomist advised to restrain but to force eye contact-
this reduced the severity but not the frequency of the seizures.

(My note - epilepsy and schitzophrenia are both ocularly armoured but antithetical conditions from
orgonomic view. This explains why they cannot coexist - this partly forms the bioenergetic reasons
why Electro Shock Therapy affects psychotic states - the induced seizure temporarily stops the
psychotic state from ‘holding’ the brain.)

201) 38

Orgone treatment may be able to prevent epilepsy from developing as the condition may be linked to
severe ocular armouring.

202) 16-31

Homosexual masochist-very severe case took 100's hours. Pelvis had to be opened whilst other
armouring still present as kept re-armouring.

203) 48-60

Orgone Experiment

Thermal effects of Dor-buster

Konia, C.

Detailed discussion and report of new experimental work with graph-based analysis. A constant small
differential (0.1 degree) between the Dor-buster water and control water was found. The differential
was positive in cloudy weather and negative in clear weather. There were also cycle patterns found.

204) 61-71

Orgone Experiment

TO-T Experiment

Rosenblum, C.

Experimental conditions not ideal as the area used was dor-laden. However, results were found which
confirmed Reich's findings. In 204 readings over 15 experimental days there was a differential
between Temperature Orgone and Control 76% of the time (51% positive and 25% negative).
Statistics in graph form. Comprehensive description of methods and results.

205) 95

OROP Cloudbuster

Impressive chart of remarkable heat wave abatement in California (Constable). Wind direction
followed Cloudbusting direction.

206) 98

Dramatic drought relief in NW USA using home-made Cloudbuster.

207) 83

OROP-Hurricane showed very unusual East-West movement, looping and loss of power immediately
after Cloudbusting.

208) 123

Reich's first hypothesis on origin of armouring: reasoning turning inward against itself.

My note-this was an 'idea', a logical thesis-later on it was replaced by a bio-energetic view that
DOR/deserts precipitate armouring in 'Contact with Space'. However this was only briefly sketched
out as Reich was involved in the fraudulent FDA trial. Reich recognised that on some level Freud was
right to perceive a destructive tendency inherent in life as desertification paralleled this process in

209) 127

JO Review

C. Ryecroft (1971) Wilhelm Reich, NY, Viking Press.

Reviewer describes book as an underhand discreditation of Reich's work whilst appearing to be a

supporter. By associating Reich with mysticism Ryecroft dispenses with the need to objectively
examine Reich’s scientific work. A bandwagon book repeating 'Old Freud' type criticisms eg,
Character Analysis just Freud’s defence theory rehashed, need of civilisation to restrain sexuality etc.

JO V6 N2 1972

210) 140

Liberal/Socialist-Brain Armouring Dominates.

Conservative-Body Armouring Dominates.

211) 144

Baker, a rising star in his area in medicine and psychiatry was asked to resign his hospital post due to
not giving up involvement with orgonomy (1948).

American College of Physicians asked him to resign due to 'practising cult of orgonomy'. (1949).

Orgone energy clinic closed by NY authorities. Cott and Duvall investigated.

212) 197

Medical/Orgone Psychiatric Therapy-Patient probably had bionous disintegration of epithelial

lining of lungs resulting in constant infections. (Bions are proto-cellular organisms smaller than
microbes formed in certain circumstances from disintegrating matter, known as bio-genesis. They
were discovered by Reich. Other researchers have found similar entities).

213) 205

Medical/Orgone Psychiatric Therapy-diaphragm contracted suddenly at very expansive phase of

treatment resulting in temporary hepatitis. Patient made good recovery and continued to improve.

214) 253*

Janov, a neo-Reichian therapist is criticised. His approach is argued to be mechanical, aimed at

destroying the armour. It is also noted that some people reference Janov before Reich even though
Janov’s contributions were mostly derived from Reich.

215) 253

JO Book Review

Children's Rights: Toward the Liberation of the Child, Adams et al, Praeger, 1971.

Reviewer notes various 'freedom peddling' type ideas, championing freedom but taking no account of
mass character structure or biological foundations.

216) 209

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests of Orgone Accumulators

12 patients were treated for 1/2 an hour a day for 3 weeks in an ORAC. Definite changes were noted
in temperature and pulse amplitude in virtually all subjects. These changes were in keeping with the
gentle gradient of effects Reich noted. The FDA discussed this saying no 'spectacular' effects were
noted. No control procedures were attempted.

217) 213

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests of Orgone Accumulators

Cancer Mice.

Aggressive transplanted tumours used unlike Reich's original experiments. Two X-Ray machines
within 100 foot (X-Rays malignantly affect orgone as the FDA were repeatedly informed). The FDA
experimenters boasted of not having read Reich’s original work.

218) 213

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests of Orgone Accumulators

FDA patient tests

Can only be described as unscientific, inept testing for miracles performed in a haphazard, arbitrary
manner. Tests are poorly documented.

219) 215

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests

Reich Blood Test

Two and a half times as many patients in the cancer group as in the control group had 50%
breakdown of red blood cells (RBC) in 5 minutes (physical integrity of RBCs are a parameter of the
Reich Blood Test). The two controls with increased breakdown were both radiography staff (X-Rays
are an orgone-antagonistic radiation). The FDA did not attempt a statistical analysis (which would
have been likely to be significant in supporting Reich’s claims). Objections to technique,
inconsistency, and possible misleading diagnosis of participants are noted.

The related issues of T-bacilli (viral-like forms in cancer tissue discovered by Reich), bions (proto-cells
discovered by Reich) and illumination processes (of blood cells, a key indicator of vitality) are simply
ignored by the FDA.

220) 218

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests of Orgone Accumulators (ORACs).

FDA patient tests.

FDA researcher stated that no X-Ray device was near ORACs when their tests of the ORACs on
anaemia were carried out. Why was the same precaution ignored in the mice and other tests? Many
of the treatments carried out were of unspecified duration and were poorly reported, if at all. The FDA
claimed to have treated 12 cases of anaemia for an hour a day for between 10 and 14 days on
average. They did not specify what parameters they were measuring, other treatment variables were
not controlled for (medications and other treatments). The experimenters made vague statements
that there was no 'clear cut benefit to the patient' and treatment 'did not appear' to be enhanced by
the ORAC. Their unsubstantiated and vague statements are unprovable one way or another. Actual
data is not released - just opinions.

221) 219

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests of Orgone Accumulators (ORACs).

FDA patient tests.

FDA testing of the ORACs effects on cervical infections are described. There is poor description of
method in the FDA's reporting. It appears the testers were looking for all bacteria to suddenly
disappear and not the effects actually described by Reich (selective immobilisation of pathological

Patients reported a warm sensation when treated (presumably with an orgone ‘shooter’ box/funnel or
orgone test tube within the vagina, though this is not stated in the protocol). In two cases all bacterial
flora (trichomonas) had disappeared after the third treatment. The comment of 4 patients of a warm

sensation and the disappearance of bacterial flora in two patients is ignored. It is not stated by the
FDA whether the flora seen before and after the treatments is living, dead, moving or immobile.

An invalid test which evades looking into Reich's claims on bacterial immobilisation.

222) 149-150

Dr Baker saw Orgonomy as a direct path to health. He thought that patients who recover their
orgastic potency can never then turn away from orgonomy.

My note - does this sound almost religious?

223) 240

Orgone therapy does not consist of working on muscles and tensions but of working with the
expression of emotions.

JO V7 N1 1973

224) 31

Classical Medical theory gets in difficulties with the viral findings in cancer.

Cancer is riddled with viruses but in order to avoid the logical conclusion: that the body can produce
viruses when tissues break down, the story that viruses live in cells from before birth and are then
activated had to be put forward. (It is also noted in this paper that Kaplan and Gross had induced the
formation of lymphoma-type viruses purely from radiation in 1969).

225) 4-32

Bions - One of the clearest articles within orgonomy on the development and whole issue of bions
and their evolution (by Reich).

Comparative sizes of bions and bacilli - 22.

Ernst Haeckel-a little known biologist who also discovered bion-like forms (adding a somewhat
mystical interpretation according to this article) - 32.

226) 29-32

Good discussion of spontaneous generation by Blasband.

227) 31

Reich's Bion experiments started with cooking food and examining it microscopically (Reich's
hypothesis - all organisms derive life energy from food). Blasband.

228) 45

Reich's important study of impulsives in 1920's.

When most analysts contented themselves with middle class neurotics Reich worked in the free
polyclinic with impulsives, many of whom would be classed today as schitzophrenic/psychopathic.
Impulsives are unable to bind impulses - acting out is their only discharge. They also have an
arrested, undeveloped Character structure that is unable to handle situations. They lack effective
armouring. The impulsiveness is opposite to armouring but serves the same purpose of warding off
high energy charge.

229) 49-51

The ghetto impulsive, The 'modern' impulsive.

230) 89

Account of energetic stagnation in atmosphere and epidemics in 1850's.

231) 42

To Freud 'psychic energy' was a metaphor.

232) 23

Comparative sizes, bions, T-bacilli, microbes.

233) 30

Spontaneous Generation

Sponteparists - life is constantly emerging from chemical sources.

Panspermists - primevel origination. Monads/Microzyma's.

Reich viewed that Bastian, Bechamp and Pouchet had offered convincing evidence to refute the
conclusions of Pasteur.

French Academy was subjective in supporting Pasteur.

234) 31

Reich noted how complicated matters become when the logical and essential in life is avoided.

235) 35

Fourth stage of Ego Development

Reich's work may need the postulation of a fourth ego developmental stage.

The OCULAR then Freud’s oral/anal and genital stages. (Baker).

236) 41

There are no class boundaries as far as character is concerned. Economic conditions do not set
social ideology. Character is a description of the structure built up by the fight between carthasis and
counter carthasis (or repressed and repression).


237) 81-84

Orgone Experiment.

ORAC Mice.

Only 9 animals. Used transplanted tumours. Strong ORACs. Rural location. Clear weather.


There was a significant difference in longevity. The Treated group lived 1.6 times longer. Statistics -
T-Test, P=0.05.

(My Note: the results may be more significant than the above because of difficulty obtaining
significance in such a small group size).

Autopsy results are particularly graphic and support the statistical significance. Control mice have
dirty, degraded internals but Treatment mice look clean internally.

There was a delayed tumour take-up in the Treatment group mice.


238) 92-98

Investigation of Reich's orgone meter. Investigating kirlian photos-they also react to weather and
orgonotic factors. Hypothesis that kirlian photos would be influenced by ORAC/DB (not investigated).

239) 119

Reich's priority in illuminating cancer’s links to emotional disposition (particularly resignation).

240) 120

Criticism & Attacks-Sex-pol Essays 1929-1934 (1972) Baxxendale, L (Ed) NY, Vintage Books.

New left claiming Reich as a Marxist and rewriting his views - Reich was a great revolutionary but a
mad scientist. Others such as Rieff, Robinson, Rycroft, Makayev, Cattier (France), Luigi also make
similar arguments. Baxxendale is the most comprehensive and cunning. Tries to imply that Reich's
rejection of the left was due merely to disillusionment with Stalin and Freud (and not a rejection of
left-wing power that centralises government as was actually the case).

241) 71

Autoimmune Disorders/Medical

Bionous changes may make ‘body-own’ cells appears as alien cells to the immune system. (Bionous
breakdown of cells can occur when there is to low or high orgone charge).

242) 126

It appears in review of Peter Reich’s book that Reich believed life is always at war with the Emotional

My notes - Is such a view a relocation of Freud's death drive into a different realm? Reich believed
that the primary realm was free of the negative energies, DOR and Oranur which are partially
post-atomic in nature (orgone is pre-atomic). He argued that any 'death drive' would not therefore be
applicable to the primary realm.

243) 135

JO Review of Burian, R.

Burian, R. (1972) Psychoanalysis and Marxism - An Intellectual Biography of Wilhelm Reich,

Germany, Makol Publishers.

In the 1970s a growing interest in Reich worried the psychology establishment. The above book in
German represents one attempt to put Reich to rest (plus a German edition of Rycroft’s 'Wilhelm
Reich' was published). Burian sees Reich as a paranoid narcissistic opportunist who revamped old
Freudian knowledge alongside a naive biology. If Reich really is 'forgotten', why devote a whole book
to the subject?

JO V7 N2 1973

244) 215

Whether or not one gets an ulcer depends on how much of a fight one puts up against the
sympatheticotonia (reaction of the sympathetic nervous system). Acid conditions may be associated
with anger, hypoacid with depression - Reich.

245) 257

Reich stated he did not treat Peter, his son, but he did utilise what Reich termed, 'Emotional first
aid'. He thought teachers and parents could learn to do the similar things. The term, emotional first
aid has since been used in body psychotherapy by Nick Totton (UK based Reich body
psychotherapist) and others.

246) 257

Reich notes that although hatred, when blocked off, gets caught in the muscles in children it does not
become rigid muscular spasms but a generalised contraction in the whole body area.

247) 280

JO Review

Reich and Sexual Freedom (1972) Eustace. Chesser, London, Vision Press.

Reich is portrayed as a talented simpleton who knows nothing about the world. He has a
monomaniacal vision of universal sexual satisfaction according to Chesser.

Chesser appears to purposively misquote Reich saying he saw nothing wrong with children watching
adults have sex. (Reich viewed adult exploitation of children as symptomatic of the worst plague
behaviour. Reich was against irresponsible exposure of children to situations they may find confusing.
One also has to consider social norms). Chesser also states that Reich thought that there is only one
thing wrong with neurotic patients (i.e. lack of sex). He also misquotes simple factual details about
Reich’s experiments.

248) 180

Reich stated that the craving for power only occurs if one is impotent. Only the impotent would need
to fill their internal emotional vacuum with the substitute potency of power over others.

249) 187-201

The movement and formation of galactic arms (spiralling inwards) is as Reich's superimposition
theories would predict and not as originally thought by classical theory. (Based on Radio Telescope

250) 288-233

Orgone Therapy Case History

Interesting case. Illustrates well the mixture of character and energy work. Also the role of guilt in
holding in emotions - a fear of letting out the more primary emotion of anger.

251) 234

Food & Drug Administration, Trial.

Memo’s confirming FDA were looking to design experiments to ‘disprove’ Reich and which would look
good in court (not to examine his work objectively).

Dr Kurt Lion was ‘preped’ beforehand to ensure he would side with the FDA. Dr Lion was offered
contracts and other financial incentives prior to his commencing the Reich tests on the tacit
understanding that he would find against Reich.

252) 248

Water can be converted directly into DOR.

253) 262

Reich’s priority regarding bio-energy photography. Reich’s X-ray methods have similarities to, and
precede, the Kirlian technique.

254) 268

Dr Baker - his contributions include the elucidation of the ‘repressed’ and ‘unsatisfied’
classifications of Freud’s ego developmental schema. Also the adding of an ocular stage preceding
the oral stage (Sharaf sees this as an ocular-oral stage, 269).

255) 234-245

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Dr Little at Bowdoin College did the first three physical tests. He wrote a single paragraph of
description on each test, namely just the conclusions, no measurements or lab detail provided. These
‘tests’ are impossible to repeat. Dr Little appears confused as to what classical science would expect.

1) First test was a ‘heat-waves’ test using the ‘knife-edge’ procedure (not described). Test is not
relevant. What would designate a positive change is not entered into. ‘Heat-waves’ not detected was
full report. No environmental conditions reported.

2) Electroscopic discharge rate test. Conditions of test not reported. No data reported. Just the testers
conclusion - electroscopic discharge rates identical “as expected”. (This is not what classical theory
would expect, ionisation, and thus electroscopic discharge rates should be lower inside the
accumulator’s metal box).

3) Dr Little’s To-T Test. Temperature inside a small ‘shooter’ box ORAC was compared to a randomly
placed ‘copper lined box’:-

A) No attempts at thermal balancing between ORAC and control.

B) No attempts to reproduce environmental conditions R stated were needed (or even to record

C) No description of actual test.

D) No data recorded.

E) No recognition that the control is also an ORAC.

256) 239

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Dr Lion’s Tests.

Dr Lion contradicts himself saying he won’t examine Reich’s theory he will just stick to what he does
know, i.e. making temperature measurements. Lion then goes on to criticise Reich’s theories and
outline classical theories in an extremely sloppy manner. He misunderstands and misreads Reich’s
accumulating principle giving the impression that he has not read any orgonomic literature. He

misquotes classical theory too, saying that even if Reich’s theory were correct the boxes would
continue to accumulate till temps of thousands of degrees were reached (this ignores basic principles
of thermodynamic equalisation).

Lion’s 1st To-T (Temperature Orgone versus Temperature Control).

ORAC Average - 20.18 C, Control Average- 20.27 C, Air temp Average- 20.06 C over two weeks. No
mention of how averaging was carried out or what type of average was used.

No attempts made to balance Control and ORAC - graphs line of ORAC and Control keep crossing.

No description of environment or weather.

No description of lab or whether orgone-irritating devices were present (or even acknowledgement of
the importance of the principle).

Results showed differences that should be explained. Difference could be due to to an orgonomic
potential in the ORAC or poor lab technique (i.e. drafts etc). With instruments capable of precision to
100ths of a degree the large differences outlined need to be explained.

There is nearly 1/10th of a degree average difference between ORAC and Control.

The air temperature to Control temperature differential is larger than the ORAC to Control differential.

Lion’s 2nd To-T.

ORAC Average - 24.58 C, Control Average - 24.77 C, Air temp Average - 24.80 C over two weeks.

This test has more validity because the Control and Air temp averages are better matched (within
0.03 degree C).

To quote Dr Lion “If anything, then the Orgone Accumulator shows the lowest average temperature as
compared with the room outside the accumulator or with the control box”.

Here Dr Lion shows he does not understand classical physics. A significant difference, 0.22 C which
Dr Lion found, actually supports the orgone hypothesis. Classical physics would not expect any
difference, positive or negative between the three temperatures if conducted in a controlled situation.

From the orgonomic perspective one would expect a negative temperature differential in the ORAC
compared to control if there was orgone-irritating devices or radioactivity present within the lab. These
results both support that the ORAC has a real effect and indicate that Dr Lion ignored the basic
requirement to keep ORACs removed from low level radioactivity.

257) 241

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Geiger Muller (GM) Tests

Reich’s actual experiment was not repeated. Reich felt that the presence of an orgone dark room (a
powerful room-sized ORAC) in a pristine environment over a long period of time was needed to
charge GM counters. He did not feel that the GM test was a proof of orgone as the FDA asserts.

The FDA left GM equipment in single walled small ORAC’s, a small shooter box (presumably in a lab)
and a larger ORAC in an unsuitable environment (within a hospital). All the FDA’s measurements
showed a 15-20% decrease in GM rates.

Reich’s findings were briefly discussed but dismissed as ‘defective’ equipment.

258) 240

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Electroscopic discharge rates

Dr Lion has an entirely theoretical discussion stating he would expect different electroscope discharge
rates within an ORAC as it is a metal box and is therefore stopping the flow of charged ions to the

Reich controlled for this objection by circulating air into the box with a fan. Reich also found other
puzzling effects such as the electroscopic charging of rubber gloves in an ORAC and a celluloid disk
left in the sun. He found correlations of the discharge rates with orgonotic weather changes. None of
these are discussed of course.

Lion’s main argument is that Reich didn’t understand that electroscopes measure electricity and not
other phenomenon. Lions arguments are contradicted by the FDA’s own experiments at Bowdoin
college which claimed to have found identical discharge rates within and outside of the ORAC.

259) 243

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Visualisation of Orgone

No attempts were made to repeat Reich’s actual experiments.

Inappropriate ‘tests’ of their own design were substituted.

(Reich used a variation of the telescope, the orgonoscope, to help visualise orgone flickering in the
environment. Alternatively, a powerful orgone dark room, situated in a healthy environment, with
observers who have been allowed to acclimatise, can be used. Other visual claims of Reich are that
there is a West to East flickering flow of energy which can be seen in the sky in appropriate
circumstances and that there is a flickering between stars in deep space).

The FDA ‘tests’ consisted of attaching a piece of paper with straight lines on it to the inside of an
accumulator and illuminating it with an electric bulb. The control consisted of lined paper suspended
above a hot plate. Flickering was not observed in front of the paper in the accumulator. A light bulb
would in any case obliterate the subtle orgone waves from being seen.

260) 244

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Photographic Visualisation of Orgone

Dr Lion ignores Reich’s experimental claims and devises his own test which failed to repeat the
experimental conditions needed to visualise orgone.

Reich has two photographic ways of visualising orgone,

A) Reich found that photographic paper in rooms with large quantities of bion cultures fogged over
even though they weren’t exposed to light.

B) X Ray plates can be taken of the field of energy between hands in close proximity.

The second test was not mentioned or repeated by the FDA.

The FDA put photographic paper in an accumulator for 90 hours and then developed it. They claimed
no change in the exposure.

261) 245

Conclusion of JO’s FDA Analysis Paper

The FDA had a very biased viewpoint, conducted sloppy experiments and misinterpreted and
contradicted their own conclusions. There were meaningful results that were ignored. The test
conditions did not remotely resemble the original ones that Reich conducted.


JO V8 N1 1974

262) 8

Reich believed that life could well owe its very existence to fire.

My Note: Reich had a latter personal interest in the nature of fire. Could this be because matter plus
‘fire’ results in bions, the simplest form of biological life?

263) 8

Reich noted that it is the fear of the involuntary functions which overwhelms the behaviour of people

264) 9

Reich explained his view that a primary contradiction exists in the armoured human. The person longs
for awareness of living functioning but at the same time fears it. This may help explain the
contradiction in his attitude.

Also he notes that without personal effort long-time disappointment leads to hatred.

265) 9

Reich thought that everyone has an 'inkling' that love is a fundamental function of the universe.

266) 11

List of ancient Greek and other victims of emotional pestilence - Anaxagoras, Socrates, Plato,
Aristotle, Diagoras, Protagoras, Latterly, Giordano Bruno, Galileo, Copernicus, Leewenhoek,
Nietzsche, Pasteur and Freud.

267) 12

Reich saw the cancer cell as a protozoan that develops out of oxygen starved, immobilised body

268) 13

Norwegian authorities went to Malinowski in London, Bonnet in Paris, Du Teil in Nice rather than
approach Reich at his lab directly (for information on Reich’s work).

269) 14

Prior to Reich's Orgasm theory Freud's psychology was just a mental structure lacking a biological

270) 6


Reich was arrested on Dec 12th 1941 at 2am. He was released on Jan 5th 1942 by the FBI. It should
have been obvious that the author of The Mass Psychology of Fascism, which was highly critical of
communism, was not a Soviet spy.

271) 30

Orgone Therapy Case Study

Ganz, M.

Interesting case. Obese masochist (diagnosed as an Oral Repressed Hysteric). She had a
hospitilisation after mononucleosis complicated by hepatitis. She had a complete anorgonotic
shutdown after partial release of armouring (anorgonia is where the orgone energy of the body
collapses often due to shock). Interesting especially as patient used mental imagery of bodily
movement to help break the paralysis. She recovered completely with further orgone therapy.

Very vigorous genital strivings meeting equally vigorous blocking caused the anorgonia.

272) 31

Seven stages of orgone therapy:

 Armour loosening
Armour break
Falling anxiety
Plasma excitation
Orgastic genital sensations.

273) 49

Negative TO-T (Temperature Orgone Less than Temperature Control) is associated with atmospheric
‘contraction’ rather than just rain.

274) 59 (47-64)

Orgone Experiment


Konia, C.

A good experimental paper especially concerning lab conditions for To-T (Temp Orgone Versus
Temp Control).

Factors that affect To-T:

Increase To-T - Clear fresh weather, Sunlight, High temp-low humidity, Spring Push (seasonal
factors), Solar, Unknown.

Decrease To-T - Prolonged heavy rain, Draw with DB, High humidity-low temp, High DOR, Unknown.

275) 53

Lowering of temperature in an ORAC reported to be associated with the action of a Dor-Buster.

Sun-charging of non-functioning ORACs reported.

276) 65-78

Attack on American College of Orgonomy by left radicals.

Pamphlet - 'The Real Reich' - Revolutionary, Violent, Instant De-armouring etc.

277) 79-84

Orgonomic help in labour. Effective first aid treatment given by lay person. Good immediate effect.
Mum recoiled into contracted armoured state afterwards.

278) 95

Reich's has priority in perceiving Schitzophrenia as a 'brain movement impairment disorder’. It has a
central manifestation of a functional ocular impairment (the eye’s immobility is seen as an extension
of the brain’s lack of movement).

279) 16

Reich noted that religious feelings are a primary reality. .

Reich rejects both the Marxist (suppressor of the working class) and the psychoanalytical view of
religion (compulsion neurosis/illusion).

Reich recognised the centrality of the religious 'feeling' even though the idea content of religions may
be illusionary.

280) 17

Reich postulates that the basis behind the prohibition of ‘directly knowing God’ is that people fear
connecting with the spontaneous movement of the orgone energy, to which they owe their existence.

281) 18

Reich's essential optimism.

Reich believed that a rational mastery of mysticism would be thwarted numerous times but that
eventually the natural facts of living functioning would prevail in man’s mind.

282) 18

Reich rejected learned discussions as secondary. The primary task was to rescue human society
which is drowning in the ‘water’ of its own bodily (or vegetative) sensations.

283) 21

Reich's bion microphotographic film equipment

Specially built Reichert microscope with magnification up to 5,200x.

Microscope lamps.

Speed adjustable Kodak movie camera.

Timer allowing 120 frames per second to 1 frame per ten hours (normal speed 8 frames per sec).

Equipment allowed bion development of one month to be shown in ten seconds.

284) 21-22


Org-protozoa (protozoa developed from bion processes). Named after the orgasm formula. Bions are
'magnetically' attracted into the 'mouth' of the org-protozoa. The org-protozoa will only readily grow
from dying grass.

285) 22


T-baccilli only grow in a low energy environment.

286) 33


Cells use 'illumination' as a means of discharging energy when other discharge unavailable (can
result in hepatitis).

287) 64


Temperature described as an orgonotic effect.

288) 59

Mechanistic physics views the living as the exception in nature.

289) 59

High humidity and low environmental temperature can negatively affect ORACs in labs.

290) 60


Pulsation, superimposition and orgonotic potential are functions shared with living phenomena -
hence the life-like behaviour of orgone and ORACs.

JO V8 N2 1974

291) 117

Freud introduced genetic and causal thinking into psychology - Reich.

The two perimeter lines drawn by psychology are indistinct - one against biology the other against
sociology - Reich.

292) 126

Reich in 1936 argued that society creates psychic structure. Society suppresses natural drives
thereby creating certain character structures.

Social, ideological and psychic structure can be functionally identical Reich believed.

293) 143-154

Orgone Therapy Case Study

Dew, R.

Muscular headache created by light armouring and big push of energy.

Migraine is a contraction or convulsion of deeper physiology (brain).

294) 155-163

Orgone Therapy Case Study

Konia, C.

Psychotic episode averted by expressing rage and mobilising the segment.

295) 171

Discussion of Eastern mysticism

Authors state that it bypasses genitality, that there is an extra genital orgasm, achievement of
'superhuman-master' status, renunciation and stilling of bio-energy and the dynamic is illusory.

296) 173-180

Orgone Experimental Study

DOR-buster in the treatment of Cancer Mice

Blasband, R.

Controlled study.

Transplanted mammary tumours were used. Treatment lengthened life span by 1/3rd in treated mice.
The size of this change would most likely be statistically significant with a better sample size (but was
not reported to statistically significant here). Delay in tumour development was a strong variable.

The groups were a little small (N=14) to justify a full statistical analysis.

Mice in the Treatment group were much healthier and lively than those in the Control group.


Overall a good study, reported in detail, which showed a real effect by the DOR-buster on cancer
affected mice.

297) 174

The DOR-Buster may 'excite' and 'shoot' energy into the atmosphere as well as 'draw' or ‘pull’.

298) 185

Good description of dangers of permissiveness in childrearing.

Abandonment of natural authority

Loss of energetic and emotional content in life

Intellectualisation of feelings

Fear of expressing aggression

Weak and diffuse character structures in the children

Exposure to 'adult' entertainment.

299) 261

JO Review of Esalen conference

Described as a promotional opportunity for self-styled 'Leninist-Marxist' views. Socialist emphasis and
vaguely threatening atmosphere. Kelley was hissed for criticising the socialist Marxist state as a
prerequisite of freedom! Kelley had the courage to state that orgone therapeutic restructuring often
tends toward revealing a more conservative characterology in the patients who experience it.
Boadella is reported to have made jokes about the attacks on the NY orgonomy course by

300) 197

Socially 'right-on' psychiatrist could not stomach the naturalness of 15th Street School (similar
principles to Summerhill ‘Free’ School in England). He took his daughter out because she was
becoming feminine (leaving was very much against the extremely unhappy child's will).

301) 193

Author argues that individuality in much education has the meaning of variations in the ability to
digest particles of information fed into the child in a machine-like manner.

It is argued that schools cannot change the basic character structure of children - 201.

302) 206

Diagnosis of Core, Superficial and Secondary layers of the character. Superficial - realm of the liberal,
Secondary - realm of the fascist.

In Reich's early Freudo-Marxist period he was critical of conservatism but he hadn't fully
comprehended the secondary drives at this point or written the Mass Psychology of Fascism or
People In Trouble.

Conservative character precedes the liberal character (211).

303) 208

Intellectual, 'centralist' tendencies of the left-wing with brain as a central parasite of energy. Yearning
for freedom coupled with structural incapacity for it causes an identification with black fascism

304) 227

Orgone Energy Bulletin

Contents of Reich’s journal were under the following sections; 'Orgone physics' 'Medical orgone
treatment' 'Social pathology' 'Toward the healthy child' 'Orgonomic movement' 'Notes/reviews'.

305) 237

Food & Drug Administration

Wharton, the FDA leader and his prurient attitude is documented. He was obsessed with sex and
kept a ceramic penis on his desk when dictating to his secretary. Wharton led the 1st FDA
'investigation'. Reich was labelled as a sex clan guru. (Investigation found no evidence against

JO V9 N1 1975

306) 4

Reich’s theory of ‘Work Democracy’ places all social responsibility onto those who work.

307) 4

Reich believed that human structure is brought about by a conflict between a longing for freedom and
fear of this same freedom.

He also felt that the more truthful the masses were capable of being the less despotism would then
appear in their society.

308) 14

Unconscious objective of machine civilisation is to avoid discovery of man's biological basis, his
animal nature.

309) 106

A baby is born as bio-energy system-there is no ego, super ego or unconscious. it can experience
pleasure, anxiety and rage. It reaches out and contracts. This is a basic law of living matter not

310) 110

Raknes's orgonotic theory of religion - energy streaming breaking through is experienced as being
from an outside/higher source of ecstasy.

311) 54

Koopman states that consciousness is derived from the movement of orgone energy contained within
a membrane.

312) 66/67

Orgone Experiment

Oranur effects on plants.

Demeo, J.

Well written, scientific experiment. (Oranur is a life-negative energy created through an interaction of
orgone with radioactive or other radiations)

Experiment shows that fluorescent lights can affect plants via an oranur effect. The fluorescent tubes
negatively affected the plants even through lead and concrete, light tight, shielding.

Physics - there is no conventional physics explanation for this effect - empty space theories would
preclude an oranur effect.

Also Demeo references his own work which experimentally supported Reich's view that iron and steel
have life positive effects. Lead, copper and aluminium have a stunting or overcharging effect.

Demeo references Dr John Ott's work which showed fluorescent lighting can agitate animals and
children (x rays, radio waves, incomplete spectra). Ott stopped this effect by putting lead around the
terminals of the tubes.

313) 101

There have been 12 DOR (negative, dead, orgone) OROPS (Orgone Operations/Cloudbusting) in
1974 - brilliant hard skies after NUKE tests then black DOR and sickness. OROPS always needed
after these conditions.

314) 104

OROPS (ORgone OPerations/Cloudbusting). An 'Atmospheric structuralisation' process is noted. A

contracting process is triggered within an expanding environment which can last for weeks over
thousands of miles.

315) 107

Reich felt that the tendency in education to exclude healthy physical contact (out of fear) was a
shameful result of society’s inner perversion.

Sharaf notes that in Reich's social efforts in the 1920's he concentrated on a 'middle group'. People,
especially mothers and adolescents, who could re-establish contact and healthy functioning with a
little support.

316) 108

Reich noted how little effort society makes to help children.

Sharaf notes that Reich's contributions to childcare are not widely recognised. Reich used what would
become a form of play therapy in his work with children. This was many decades before others would
take up similar methods unaware of Reich. Reich was the first in the analytical field to emphasize the
critically important nature of mother-child contact.

Reich was adamant about affirming the baby's primary impulses, emphasised mother-infant contact,
argued against separation of mother and infant and was vehemently against circumcision decades
before the issues gained popular attention.

Reich anticipated the research on the infants need to make visual contact with the world.

Reich also believed that many early illnesses were due to the weakening of the infants bio-energetic
system through lack of contact for example in some pneumonias.

Reich viewed the schizophrenic tendency as being instilled in the perinatal period - a clash between
a strong energetic system and a disruptive environment. Essentially very early ocular armouring
occurs immobilising the brain. Reich used many of the techniques Le Boyer subsequently advocated
in his de-armouring of infants (gentle massage, tickling, closeness to mother, soft environment,
soothing sounds).

317) 107

Reich viewed that mother-child contact was the primary process (in children’s therapy) before any
other intervention.

318) 3

Raknes's book, 'Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy’ did much to protect the legacy of Reich's work in

319) 114

Reich saw the 'lying in' period as the first attack on the newborn by armoured life - if the newborn is
not already damaged by a dead uterus. Reich was the first psychoanalyst to look at childbirth from the
infants point of view.

320) 115

Le Boyer was aware of Reich's work and was profoundly influenced by him.

JO V10 N1 1976

321) 7

Reich thought that the orgasm formula (Tension, Charge, Discharge, Relaxation) pointed toward the
central aspect of organic life. He put forward that the orgasm formula is actually identical to a life

Orgasm or pulsation, is a basic life process. Also the four parts of the orgasm formula is thought to be
only found together in organisms.

322) 83 (Two entries for this study, see also 326)

Orgone Experiment

Cancer mice and Solunar Periods

Blasband, Ganz and Konia

38 mice with transplanted mammary tumours were treated with ORACs, or Control either in Solunar
periods (Sun-moon activity) or in non-Solunar periods. The hypothesis that solunar changes are
mediated through an orgone envelope was supported.

Appearance, blood changes (Reich Blood Test) and tumour growth were charted in the mice. Mice
orgone treated during the solunar period had an initial inhibition of tumour growth and smaller tumours
overall. Mice, orgone treated in the non-solunar period had the most rapid tumour growth and shortest
life-span of all three groups (Solunar orgone, Non-solunar orgone and Control).

Problems - transplanted tumours do not mirror the real cancer situation in an organism. The organism
here has its own healthy status and then a foreign entity is introduced - not like the insitu cancer
process. This was a complex study at this early stage of establishing effects upon organisms.

Solunar cycle activity may increase ORAC To-T and subjective effects of ORAC treatment. A
Solunar To-T Effect likely to be energetic rather than mechanical. It appears to be a field type
behaviour rather than a particle excitation.

Relationship between earth and moon may be mediated by an orgone envelope.

323) 133

An ORANUR social effect is queried. There appears to be a higher incidence of crime near Nuclear
stations - quoting Hanks, G. (1975) Do Nuclear Plants Increase Violent Crimes Substantially?
American Zoologist.

324) 35

Procedure for time-lapse micro-photography of Bions is described. Two to three pieces of moss or
grass placed on a hanging drop slide, water added. Piece of wax placed under four corners of a cover
slip which is placed over the slide to exclude air bubbles. Cover slip attached with paraffin to the two
longer sides of the slide. One fourth of the slide cavity is not covered by the cover slip. Water is then
pooled alongside the two sides not covered by the cover slip. Reservoirs replenished every two hours.

Also see 556) for details of original technical equipment.

325) 63

DOR correlates to a decrease in atmospheric tension and lowered ability to hold a charge - hence the
objectification of a lack of sparkle in the environment.

DOR itself is energy moving toward a more matter-like state.

The atmosphere is said to be less able to respond to orgone devices now (1976) than 10 years ago -

326) 81-89

Orgone Experiment

Cancer Mice - Orgonotic Functions in the Solunar Cycle.

Blasband, Ganz and Konia

It was hypothesised that solunar peaks of activity would increase the intensity of the ORAC’s effects.

Treatment in the solunar phases delayed acceptence of transplanted tumours. Although there were
38 mice in this study no statistical analysis was attempted. There were 14 in the ORAC solunar group
and similar numbers in the ORAC non-solunar group and Control group.


Low levels of ORAC charging may worsen outcome and increase tumour size. It might be too weak a
charge to stimulate immune system sufficiently.

In both the solunar and non-solunar mice groups once acceptance of tumour was complete further
charging increased tumour size. Blasband reported similar problems in medical DorBuster paper

The study used transplanted tumours which is an artificial situation medically. Reich used
spontaneously occurring tumours which did show an inhibition of tumour size throughout ORAC
treatment. Perhaps investigation of a solunar effect is somewhat ambitious at this stage, however this
study did show what appears to be an objective effect on tumours via the ORAC.

327) 135

Reich found high acidity to be a result of the deterioration of water into DOR. This is an energetic root
for the production of acid rain.

328) 141

The view that cardiac patients have 'high gear' characters and that cancer patients have 'low gear,'
resigned behaviours owes its priority to Reich (Reich used the term 'resigned' to describe the
character of typical cancer patients).

329) 120

Politically, orgonomy looks at core contact of liberals and conservatives. Its theory about core,
secondary and superficial aspects of personality give insight into political culture.

330) 146

JO criticises creeping socialism, big government and the politics of envy.

331) 150

Orgone therapy articles make it into more mainstream journals:-

Konia, C. (1975) Orgone Therapy: A Case Presentation, Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and
Practice, Vol 12 (2).

Nelson, A. (1976) Orgone, (Reichian) Therapy in Tension Headache, American Journal of

Psychotherapy, Vol 30 (1).

JO V10 N2 1976

332) 156

Bions are preliminary not complete forms because they are hard to culture.

(Later generations may be more complete or culturable-159)

333) 159

Four types of bion - round, long rods, cells with nuclei and amoeba-like.

334) 162

Bions and electricity

Negative electrical charge appears essential for bion culturing - Reich.

Bions from earth change from anode to cathode migration after galvanising at 5ma for 1 hour - 167.

335) 272

Experiments/Science-Reich didn't always prove his own intuitions. For example, Reich countered his
hypotheses that metal lined boxes could contain the bion radiation (which it didn't). Also he first
thought that OR would neutralise NUR (NUR antaganises OR, OR eventually converts NUR).

336) 177

Baker's early career

Baker discovered Character Analysis for himself after finding that describing the character and
reflecting it back to clients who were resistant to Freudian analysis yielded surprising results.

Baker came to believe that free-flow of energy was more important than ideas.

Baker found the hospitals could not tolerate creative or productive work.

337) 231

Orgone Experiment

Radiometers and orgone

Konia, C.

A radiometer or spinning vane device for detecting radiant energy was found to be influenced by
orgone. Electromagnetic energy triggered the radiometer but the orgone heightened the response of
the device. Radiometer was less responsive in high DOR or in dull weather. A well reported pilot

338) 251

Based on success of an orgonomic medical Doctor on an obstetric unit the unit introduced the

practice of encouraging eye contact between mother and carers as part of its protocol. Most units
allow mums to 'go off' in the eyes. Many professionals are amazed at the results of eye contact in

Also the orgonomic concept of 'giving in' or 'surrender' to involuntary process is missing from most
childbirth approaches in 1970's.

339) 250

The onset of severe illness during orgone psychiatric treatment seems to have a relationship with the
abortion wishes/severe clamping down of their own mothers whilst they were in utero argues author.

340) 204

Armouring and breathholding increase Blood Pressure.

JO V11 N1 1977

340b) 14

Reich felt that the bions displayed a primary characteristic of life as 'purposeful organisation'.

340c) 68-71

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


Well written paper detailing the exposure of 4 groups of sixteen tomato seeds each. 3 orgone
treatment groups and one control - a large number of groups but which did not however affect the
final results.


Orgone treated plants had three times the yield than controls.

Seedlings were planted out in ordinary garden soil which introduces an uncontrolled variable. Small
groups. No statistical analysis, although there were obvious differences and this was an initial study.

JO V11 N2 1977

341) 165

William Washington-July-August, 1949. Was being paid $100 monthly to investigate orgone motor
whilst at Harvard. Disappeared with 2 motors. Spoke to Reich and Sharaf on phone, was vague in
manner but claimed he had been abducted into custody. FBI never replied to missing report. Never

342) 222

Reich argued that real genital characters are always mixed character types to some degree - Reich,
1949. (Character Analysis).

343) 230

Reich believed that because people become healthier when armouring is reduced and orgastic
potency improved, the view of man as inherently 'fallen' is disproved.

344) 227

Orgonomically, Primitive is defined as not having a rational natural-scientific explanation of


345) 232

Myth explains/gives meaning to phenomena and in armoured people has the added function of
explaining the armoured state itself.

346) 188

Baker - on the birth of character analysis.

Bakers describes how Reich’s technique was more active than Freudian psychoanalysis. He
prioritised dealing with negative transference and described the attitudes and expressions of the
patient rather than engage in analytic free association. His techniques produced stronger emotional
responses and gave quicker results. He dealt with character defences rather than symptoms alone.

This was the biggest step forward in analytical development at this stage (1920's). The Freudian goal
at this time was merely to make the unconscious conscious - with no evidence that this would effect
an improvement. Reich's work lent a structure to analysis and also defined health - see 361).

347) 189

Reich found that sexual activity in itself did not result in a better prognosis. Rather, it was gratification
in the sexual act that achieved this end. Reich called the capacity for gratification orgastic potency.

348) 241

The young Reich feared the full responsibility for his findings and wanted it to be at first within Freud's
thinking or extending the social side of Marxist thinking. However, he soon realised that the social
affirmation of genitality was outside of Marxist thought and the genital convulsion was outside of
Freud's thinking.

349) 245

'Terror of the living' the fear of spontaneous, streaming movements. Why had no one discovered the
orgone before?

(My note - in fact throughout the ages many scientists have discovered the orgone, or aspects of it.
Many indigenous societies have similar understandings).

350) 189

The process of thinking discharges orgone.

351) 237

Language and symbols - the metaphor has an energetic meaning, it is like finding superimposition
between two energy streams. Metaphor links the two aspects functionally. Also a symbol has a direct
energetic effect on the observer.

352) 265-7

Pulsatory movement and a shimmering flicker to the RBC (Red Blood Cell) were discovered in 1890.
Reich was the first to explain the pulsation of the RBC. Flicker disappears in illness yet mechanical
science explains it as random molecular movement.

353) 268

Reich's priority in ascribing abnormal RBC shapes to disease processes is described. Also other
studies are referenced which indirectly confirm Reich's blood test proposition - that RBC deterioration
marks disease changes and a decrease in energetic vitality.

354) 247-264

OROP/cloudbusting - rain successfully generated in the Sierra. Desert tendencies eased. Weather
report predicted no change to drought in sight. Heavy rain immediately followed the

Operation heatwave was also successful using cloudbuster (provide temperature relief).

JO V12 N1 1978

355) 21

Principle orgonomic researchers in Scandinavia.

Raknes - Norway. Jonson (Childrens village) - Sweden. Philipson & Waal - Denmark.

355b) 36

Baker once said he thought the wind was 'moaning'. Reich agreed - it could express emotions, rage in
a storm, pleasure on a nice day. Reich felt we get our own emotions from the orgone.

Reich could also see a face, feel an expression in a flower.

356) 39

In 1941 when Reich was imprisoned in Ellis Island for two weeks over Christmas the FBI had been
closely observing Reich and had tapped his phone (according to the files of the immigration office).

357) 105-114

OROP Cloudbusting - dramatic demonstration of DOR-to-water process. Bad DOR and melanor (a
form of solidified DOR) infestation and drought reversed in San Fransisco bay area. Residents said
fogs appeared which had been unknown since before the current drought.

Attempt to quantify the OROP through measuring barometer pressure - a change in the readings was
associated with the Cloudbuster’s use.

358) 43

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Orgastic streamings are more important to produce than emotional release. Release without
streaming sensations in the body can precipitate psychotic episodes or other breakdown.

359) 43

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

With asthma the patient should forcibly exhale and then quickly inhale to break through being stuck in
the vagotonic phase. The sound 'ahh' helps to open the throat and 'haah' opens the jaw area.

360) 79

Reich discussed the problem of incest quite often with the orgonomists but could find no explanation
for the universality of the incest taboo orgonomically.

361) 84

Freud, Sexuality and Analysis

Freud's theory of libido-repression-stasis leading to a sexual aeitology of neurosis can be contrasted

with Reich's concept of flow-libido-regulation-orgasm with armouring forming the blockage to the
process. This defines health as flow and anchors it biologically. In addition it gives a logical process to

A definition of health, logical process of treatment and biological anchoring are all missing from
Freud's approach.

362) 85

The unconscious as an artefact of somatic armouring. This is because the repressive process is not a
primarily a psychic function.

363) 135

Italy - Prof Ciurco, a well known cancer researcher and director of the Cespre organisation and Dr
Bizzi experience hostility. This is due to presenting papers on Reich and their work with orgone. There
are failed efforts to remove them from their posts.

364) 118

Notes on how to achieve magnifications that Reich used:

(150x objective, 25x eyepiece, 1.5 magnification factor of tube in Reichert microscope = 5000x)

Apochromatic objectives of 100x with a 16 or 25x eyepiece and microscope tube lenses can achieve
similar magnification although most of the phenomena can be observed adequately at 1600-2000x.
Zeiss and Nikon are recommended by JO.

JO V12 N2 1978

365) 222/229

Fat and armouring - can be reflection of an inability to bind energy through neurosis. Can be an
armour substitute developing during treatment.

Overeating to physically compress vegetative centres, thereby reducing anxiety - Footnote page 230.

Sexual moralising from early childhood - oral segment damage can be displaced onto food
consumption - 241

Obesity can be a way of immobilising energy - 219.

Neurotic and somatic symptoms can suddenly swap during orgone treatment - 229.

366) 178

Reich's irrational treatment of Wolfe and Ilse is detailed.

367) 149-165

Reich's arguments against the so-called proof that Spontaneous generation does not exist:

1) Tyndall's experiments

Did not continuously observe samples. Sealed heat treated (100oC) nutrient samples-1/3 broke en
route-these had organisms. 1/3 exposed in loft-these had organisms. 1/3 exposed on glacier-these
didn't have organisms. Tyndall called this proof against spontaneous generation. All this proves is that
cold environments are not suitable for spontaneous generation.

2) Pasteur's experiments

Pasteur found dried germs in dust and proved that when germ free air is brought into contact with
nutrients no organisms result.

3) No-one has tested if heating above 180oC would assist spontaneous generation .

4) No-one has observed nutrient formulas continuously.

5) High magnification light microscopy wasn't available when the dispute was forever 'settled'.

368) 156

Swelling of particles can result in electrical charge.

369) 170

Oranur Experiment-High background radiation count appears to extend up to 600 miles with Organon
as the approximate centre. Unusual background count for the East Coast noted in NY Times Feb 3

Account of how radium can be changed to ‘orur’ through extended orgone charging. (Orur is a
material which emits a type of oranur radiation. It is produced when nuclear material has been
changed by long-term/years of orgone exposure) - 175.

370) 182-3

Description of some occurrences with Silvert. Couldn't be trusted with female patients-talked about
his love of vaginas to orgonomic patients sent for gynaecology referrals (was an obstetrician). Reich
would fire him from the group and he would worm his way back in via letters reporting on others.
Wanted to stop those who weren't orgastically potent from having sex. Also presented a
schizophrenic patient to Reich as his (Silvert's) wife.

371) 244-252

Orgone Experiment

Thermal properties of ORACs

Konia, C.

Review of several years of TO-T data. ORACs react differently to external heat than controls. Relative
humidity has an inverse relationship to To-T. Orgonotic functions cease above 50% relative humidity.

Heat has a positive effect on To-T. DOR index levels have a clear inverse relationship with To-T. An
indirect barometric effect is queried.

372) 270

Psychiatry has moved toward a 'symptom' based nomenclature-the exact opposite of Reich's work
which sees symptoms as the surface of character.

373) 253

Orgone Experiment

Seed Sprouting

Demeo, J.

Well written, and concisely documented series of sprouting experiments and interesting discussion on
seed vitality.

Orgone treatment group (series 1, healthy atmosphere, using wet seeds) showed many times the
sprout length of the control group.

JO V11 N1 1977

374) 6

Reich's bion experiments used a process of pasteurisation to disprove pasteurisation! (Reich used
only sterile materials which were then superheated).

375) 28

Film of orgone motor. 25v electric motor ran on 1/2v electricity, noiseless, fast, sudden changes in
direction, affected by weather. (Reich first discovered motor function through observing the reaction of
Geiger Muller counter to orgone energy)

Set up

Vacor tubes x5 set up in series connected to a small ORAC and transformer all of which were
connected to a 25v motor.

Vacor tubes are vacuum tubes soaked in orgone for 6 weeks. They glow brilliant blue with 300v

Reich took away the vacor tubes one by one and the motor continued running.

The motor when running on electricity runs noisy. On orgone power was smooth and noiseless plus
much faster.

376) 29

Dr Hardoy and Dr Tallafaro - Argentina.

Latter gave lectures to Argentinian Psychoanalytic Association (circa 1947). Both extensively used
ORACs. Tallafaro treated some neurotics with the ORAC alone - expansiveness of orgone can
reverse neurotic contraction. Reich had noted similar things.

377) 32

Arthur Garfield Hays advised Reich not to sue Dr Joseph A Miller of the Hillside Psychiatric Hospital,
Long Island, for starting the rumour that Reich and his followers masturbated patients. Hay’s
spineless advice cost Reich dearly unfortunately.

378) 33

Dr Edward Cameron of the APA told a patient that Reich was being investigated by the APA and
would be exposed as a quack. (Patient reported this to Dr Sobey, an orgonomist).

379) 14

Du Teil in his letter to the French Academy of Science requesting lab assistance to investigate
Reich's claims, states that the bions would lead to a materialistic solution with life viewed as

'purposeful organisation' and assigned basically to the realm of mind.

380) 44

Likely that it takes energy in order to maintain a negative To-T. Negative To-T curves continue to
respond to Lunar cycles suggesting negative To-T is an energetic effect.

381) 42

Amount of H2O in atmosphere relates to orgone flow.

382) 68-71

Orgone Experiment

ORAC and Plants


Well reported, well conducted experiment.

32 plants were split into 4 groups. Tested many effects (eg effect of ORAC charged seeds and effect
of ORAC charged seedlings) which may have been a drawback.

Results show that ORAC charging may stimulate plant growth and fruit yield proportionately to its use.
The orgone groups showed a large, 2-3 times increase compared to control, in all the variables
measured. Good choice of variables. Numbers too small for statistical analysis.

383) 72-87

The Free School, NY. Founded 1969

A lively and loving atmosphere of an extended, happy and value-creating family. Their is a great deal
of healthy and lively 'contact'. Also emphasised is good food, fruit and physical health checks. 15
minute's loosening exercise including 'eyeblock' work every day. Turning around children who have
been given up on and getting great results with children from deprived backgrounds. Still years ahead
of its time now.

384) 117

Freud was influenced by physiological studies such as those of Helmholtz and Meynert
(neuropathology) and by hypnosis (Charcot, Liebault, Bernheim and Breur). Freud believed in a
sexual origin of neurosis at this time. He based this on libido theory - emotional illness was caused by
undischarged libido or sexual drive energy. This theory was acceptable until around 1926. From 1900
Freud had been steadily moving away from biological concepts-libido became a disembodied
concept. In 1926 Freud formally rejected the libido/energetic concept of anxiety and argued instead
that neurosis was coded into the psychic structure through the ego's reaction to danger signals. It thus
moved from a bodily to a purely psychic basis. Reich came to psychoanalysis in 1919.

385) 25

Reich argues in Cancer Biopathy that cancer is a problem of sexual sociology.

My Notes:

sexual sociology>
pathological psychic states>
energetic stagnation>

DOR predominates>

386) 40

Solar and lunar influences on ORAC To-T appear to be digitised or quantised.

387) 111-112

Around 1960 Fox and other scientists discovered that heating amino acids to high temperature and
then placing them in boiling saline resulted in formation of 'proteinoid microspheres'. These exhibit
life like properties-motility, budding, cleavage, growth, membrane selectivity and primitive
proliferation. Two particles could form junctions (similar to Reich's radiating bridges). Fox believes that
such protocells are precursors to cells and are the basic unit of life.

Makes no reference to Reich or bions.

See International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life.

Fox, S. and Dose, K. (1972) Molecular Evolution and the Origin of Life, USA, W. H. Freeman.

388) 116

LeBoyer credits Reich with influencing his thinking in the July 1974 issue of Vogue.

389) 123

Sadism in the mystic - tantalised by his 'life in the mirror' he can perceive the life energy but not touch
it or live it. This drives him to fury and brutality.

JO V13 N1 1979

390) 10

Reich argues that life without a brain is possible but that a brain without vegetative life functions is

He also states that due to the identity of organ sensation and vegetative streaming even the worm
must be able to perceive itself to some degree.

391) 11

Reich argues against evolution being only a gradual process. He states that such is a mechanistic
ideology. He argues that gradual processes may pave the wave for developmental leaps and even
instantaneous processes. This was written by Reich in 1938.

Reich also notes that a mechanistic development principle corresponds to the metaphysicist's 'spirit'.
Why should there be development at all Reich asks.

392) 19

Vegetative and conscious life though originally having one source become antithetical.

Also religion and sexuality have one source-natural religion would have been a collective orgastic

My Note:

Shamanism would correspond to this in many regards.

393) 36

Invention of Cloudbuster

In 1952, there was a heavy DOR cloud at Orgonon following the oranur experiment. Reich
remembered that when the orgone waves had first been seen above Lake Mooselookmeguntic in
1940 a metal tube had been used to assist viewing the waves. This tube seemed to affect the wave
flow. Reich thought that metal tubes might be able to draw the DOR off. Knowing that DOR is very
water hungry Reich connected the tubes to water. At first he used one pipe 3 inches in diameter and
15 feet long then 5 pipes 12 feet long earthed into a deep well. Baker was very struck by seeing five
holes in an identical pattern being put into a cloud by the this device.

394) 73-74

Superimposition creates quantised qualities consistent with the views of quantum physics.

Courtney Baker views gravity as a mixture of energy streams carrying bodies along (Reich) and
those bodies attracting orgone and having therefore an inherent attraction similar to the mass based
attraction of classical physics (Baker).

395) 98-110

Neo-Reich Body Therapies

Lowen’s Bio-energetics, Perl’s Gestalt therapy and Janov’s Primal therapy all based strongly on
Reich’s work. All lack careful working through of character structure it is argued. Orgastic potency is
only a goal in traditional orgone therapy notes Herskowitz.

Lowen claimed he worked on character whilst Reich worked only on orgasm. Herskowitz states
Lowen grossly misdiagnosed his character types. Some of the patients used as prototypes were
known to Herskowitz through an associate - Lowen’s masochist was really a chronic depressive, his
oral character a hysteric with an eye block and another oral character a typical manic depressive -

Bioenergeticists had scant training in the early days - only a few days - 106.

Reich told Lowen not to treat psychotic patients (due to Lowen's character structure) - 106.

Primal therapy EEGs (ElectroEnchaphaloGrams) resemble those of lobotomised patients. Janov

was impressed by their calmness.

Rolfing - Often there is an inappropriate/uncontrolled release of armouring. One Rolfed patient was
flooded with energy after removal of armouring but couldn’t cope with increased energy and clamped
down heavily with re-armouring - 102.

Rolfing - views misalignment (armouring) as ‘losing’ energy rather than binding it - 103.

Neo-reichian therapy - Sick ex-patient of Orgone Psychiatric Therapist, Tropp, (attended two years
only) decides to set up his own modified therapy to include using vibrator to massage armoured
segments. Therapy is voyeuristic and takes sexual advantage of patients. This didn’t stop the Journal
of the American Academy of Psychotherapists from publishing a paper on it.

My Note - Could this be a way of denigrating Reich’s work by publishing work of those who would
abuse it for their own ends? No reference available for name of author or exact date of publishing -

395a) 81

Reich’s early psychoanalytical experience-

University of Vienna Neuropsychoanalytical Clinic (many psychotic patients).

Freud’s Polyclinic (poor patients, often compulsives)

Leader of Technical Seminar in Vienna (established in 1922, Reich was leader from 1924-1930 when
he moved to Berlin)
Private Practice.

396) 42

Attacks - lies and underhanded activities by various physicians behind attacks on Reich’s children’s
clinic in NY. Attacks on Dr Duval, use of false identities, 3 months preparation in secret,
manufacturing stories to entrap.

397) 94

Anna Freud, Erikson, Kaufman, English, Murray, Briehl, Ferenczi all strongly influenced by Reich
during their time within the Technical Seminar held in Vienna in the 1920’s.

398) 95

Anna Freud - her work was greatly influenced by Reich. Ego psychology, the dominant thread in
psychotherapy owes much to Reich’s early influence, Anna Freud’s, The Ego and the Mechanisms of
Defence (1937) owes much to Reich’s concepts particularly the following:-

 To proceed from the most superficial layer first

To examine behaviour
To penetrate to the unconscious slowly
To proceed to the negative transference even when it is masked by a more superficial positive
To concentrate on the analysis of the resistance.
Form of resistance rather than content is important.

All the above are now integral aspects of modern analysis.

399) 95

Theodore Reik - one of the few lengthy criticisms of Reich’s work from the psychoanalytical field.
Reik’s writing is poetic though he tends to repeat himself. His main arguments can be summarised

Reich’s technique is too ‘schematic’ and prescriptive.

Reich’s step by step approach interferes with free play of analyst’s intuition.
The analytic ‘art’ can not be confined by such rules as ‘no interpretation of content without
interpreting the resistance’.

Other criticisms from the older analysts were that Reich was giving nothing new - Freud had already
distilled the principle for analysing resistances. Reich replied that the principle was not new but the
consistent application of it was very rare.

Two other common criticisms are that it is not guided by the patient and Reich places too much
emphasis on negative transference.

400) 124-139

Economics - profit as a pleasurable motivating factor in voluntary exchange.

401) 70-71

Physics/Cosmology - the larger the planet/object the greater the spin speed - this would be the case
as orgone would concentrate with greater mass (there are anomalies such as Mars and Venus).

Also most heavenly bodies spin and orbit in the same direction indicating that a ‘prime mover’ force

might be in operation.

The large body/increased spin factor and normal spin direction is hard to explain mechanistically (i.e.
all movement must come from a single primordial 'big bang' and occur in empty space).

402) 69

Every movement of orgone creates more excitation in the field and leads to new movement (prime
movement), mathematics of this is very complex as it is grappling with the nature of excitation itself.

403) 69

Orgone astrophysics assumes every solar system is spinning in motion.

404) 74-75

Reich’s gravity theories- Reich replaced the classical mass-attraction gravity theory with the
‘superimpositional streams of energy’ theory (that objects are carried along by superimposing streams
of orgone energy). However most orgonomic students have modified Reich’s arguments and see both
propositions as being true as increased mass would have increased orgone and thus a greater
attraction to other orgone-associated mass. C. Baker argues that although recent experiments have
shown gravity to be proportional to mass the orgone argument could still hold true as the causative
factor rather than the inert mass with which the orgone is associated. He states one need only
assume a certain degree of primary energy function is associated with mass in order to preserve
Newton’s laws.

405) 92

Reich felt he discovered the armouring before he became a psychiatrist. He describes the feeling of
encountering a ‘wall’ within people.

406) 92-93

Reich had a certain peasant quality to him it was said. He liked concrete analogies. Sometimes it was
felt he observed a patient like one would observe the sky or an animal.

407) 86

Abraham's very early work on character was not systematic nor did it present a method. Abraham
thought only certain patient's presented pathological deformities of character. If a patient could free
associate without major blocking character was not then an issue.

408) 89

Freud de-emphasised his 'remembering with affect' (or emotion) in latter years. This reflects the
increasing intellectualisation of analysis.

409) 83

Reich describing the turbid scene in Viennese analytical circles said he was like a shark in a pond of
carp - he stirred things up!

410) 123

In schizophrenics ego must be strengthened through releasing the ocular armouring which if
handled correctly should increase the body armouring which can then be worked through.

411) 114

Schizophrenics have a fragile armour and a lack of contact due to ocular armouring. Good prognosis

in paranoid aggressive schizophrenia as such patients in contact with their fear and in touch with their
mistrust of the therapist.

412) 137


Barnes argues that the modern liberal character promotes centralised government because he cannot
stand the open market function that brings out the choices and wishes of all workers, and which
rationally rewards those with great skill.

Barnes also argues that the modern liberal's welfare agencies are there not to provide genuine
welfare but to protect the guilt ridden liberal character from contact with people, especially poor
people - 136.

Barnes notes that sexual potency goes hand in hand with work potency.

JO V13 N2 1979

412b) 232

Koopman notes that when cosmic energy is confined by a membrane it acquires two properties,
movement and metabolism. Moving energy in a membrane gives rise to consciousness, perception
and sensation. Consciousness is subjective awareness of an objective energetic event. Awareness is
functionally identical to energy moving in a membrane. Koopman is rewording and expanding Reich's

My note - Maturana's and Verala's early system theories define consciousness as arising from
movement within a membrane. No reference is made by them to Reich's earlier theories.

413) 163

Freud talked of actual neuroses and psychoneuroses, the former caused by physical stagnation
sexually. Reich contended that Freud had discovered the somatic core of neurosis. Freud in his
early writings spoke of 'libidinal toxins' and 'abstinence related autointoxification'.

414) 222-225

Neuropsychiatry supports Reich's findings in schizophrenia.

Tozman's idea that there is a basic lesion which produces lack of attention corresponds to Reich's
immobilised brain and ocular segment and the 'shut down' sensory condition of the schizophrenic.
There are other similar ideas about their being a lesion between the right and left hemispheres
resulting in right brain dominance creating a 'oneness' to all sensory impressions with no ability to
differentiate between foreground and background.

415) 229-230

Author criticises Yoga and Buddhism as being sex negative. Examples of 'primary process' right brain
thinking and sexual mysticism from the church are also given.

416) 217

Physics - Two kinds of secondary energy-partially immobilised primary energy (electrical functions),
fully immobilised primary energy (mass functions).

Negative ORAC To-T - might be momentum turning back into mass free impulse? - 215.

Pulse and wave - quantised and analogue functions of orgone.

Mass free energy impart momentum to mass?

417) 215

Orgone motor - charge may be able to transform into electrical impulse which in turn can be
transformed into mechanical momentum. For example a high orgone charge in the vacor tube
(excited by electricity) can be transformed into electrical impulse via the discharge process. This
electrical impulse can then be transformed into mechanical work.

Static electricity would also represent mechanical impulse or friction being converted into charge.

418) 220-221

Connection between mysticism and schizophrenia - head trips involve altered states of
consciousness, which in turn involve damage to the ocular segment and brain.
Koopman also notes Reich's priority in identifying the ocular segment and resulting attention disorder
as the central lesion in schizophrenia (ahead of the neuropsychiatric findings).

My Note - Shamanistic trances may represent a healthy aspect to altered states.

419) 220-1

ESP phenomena are probably natural not supernatural.

Orgone field might be the medium for ESP.

Faraday cage (an ORAC) enhances ESP.

420) 229

Author argues that the ultimate mystic experience if it is 'stillness' or 'unchangeability' runs counter to
orgone functions.

421) 261-3

All weather modification in USA has to be filed with NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Admin).
They had large files on cloudbusting from Eden (ignored) and later Demeo (ignored then lost). Eden
states he has lodged thick files of tables and charts which he believes provided strong evidence
supporting cloudbusting.

Ron LaVoie (NOAA's weather modification director) ridicules cloudbusting and Eden as a 'Reichian
cultist' to a congressional hearing. (Weather modification & Early Warning Systems, Committee on
Interstate & Foreign Commerce, US House of Representatives, Serial No 93-84, US Govt Printing
Office, Washington DC, 1974).

Eden also reported to Agriculture office. Wilson Kellogg, Director of the Idaho dept of agriculture did
show a personal interest. Eden undertook a large 'fire-break' OROP/cloudbusting. Very strong
Oranur condions (over-excited orgone field usually due to radioactivity) and great fire danger.
Operation coincided with completely unexpected weather change and rain. Mr Kellogg said on the
phone that he had monitored the whole operation by satellite and by weather information and was
impressed by totally unpredicted cloud mass appearing appearing over the over the city of Boise.

422) 285


The Sun

Much more variable and unpredictable than thought classically. Pulsation processes rather than

If sun's core is nuclear powered there should be large neutrino flux reaching earth almost
instantly-this is not found.

Probable that sun emits orgone energy (as well as other energies i.e. EM radiation).
A) sun charges rubber orgonotically.
B) To-T increased by sun charging of ORACs
C) Expansive effect of sunlight on organisms.

The outer corona of the sun reaches over a million degrees Kelvin whilst the more inner photosphere
reaches only 6000o. The higher temperature of the corona cannot therefore be due to EM type

Also EM energy fails on physical basis to account for the huge energies of stellar objects such as
quasars or double radio galaxies. Therefore the theoretical black holes have been hypothesised.

Orgone however would not have theoretical limitations as far as energy levels are concerned as it is
continuously accumulative and only limited by the carrying capacity of the orgonotic system.

Orgonotic systems, such as the sun would have a core, periphery and atmosphere.

The sun's pulsations follow unpredictable patterns. At times in the past the 11 year sun spot cycle has
stopped altogether (AD 1645-1715).

Classical physics ignores or doesn't explore solar/lunar terrestrial associations as there is no way of
connecting their phenomena according to empty space materialist theories. An orgone medium
provides an explanation for the associations writes the author.

423) 232

Consciousness, Reich's Part-Perception, and organs as living creatures.

Koopman makes point that consciousness is around before sense organs or brain formation. Even
primordial forms of life must therefore have some self awareness. As life takes more complex forms
like body organs, they retain their own consciousness.

In Ether, God and Devil, Orgone Inst. Press 1949, which Koopman quotes, Reich views the individual
organs as self-active, living creatures equipped with individual sensations and functions. This is
Reich's theory of 'part-perception'. Part perceptions can be integrated as self-consciousness.

My Note - The organs as self-conscious entities is also noted in traditional medicine.

424) 234/5

Reich felt that character armour is sequestered DOR. The person wants to hide the ‘dirty’ part of the
self. From this stems the hatred of movement and life which would reveal the hidden DOR.

425) 237

The mystic has strong contact with his DOR layer. He projects that part of himself which is
unacceptable and this becomes the outer devil. This is a similar process to schizophrenic

Mysticism can be a powerful block against therapy - 240.

426) 239

Neo-Reichians mix Reich's work with yoga but deny importance of genitality.

427) 241

Orgonomy was first science to note that an ocular block has a profound effect on the total energy

428) 244

A mystic is ocularly blocked. He believes he is a warrior in a cosmic battle between good and evil -

429) 251

'Socialist longing' - yearning for a freedom from all suppression but with an intense fear of
responsibility - so the nation state is elevated.

430) 251

Reich describes how political reaction lives within the structure, thinking, and acting of suppressed
masses. It takes the form of character armour, fear of responsibility, incapacity for freedom and
crippled biological functioning - Reich in Mass Psychology of Fascism.

The masses can achieve an illusory potency by identification with the leader.

431) 254

Some of the Jones 'People's Temple' cult massacre victims were affluent and educated. This
underscores Reich's contention that ideology supercedes economics in neurotic masses. Also
illustrates what the JO calls the guilt leanings of the liberal-leftist syndrome.

432) 255

The West has a wilful blindness toward the destructiveness of communist nations.

433) 259

Mysticism is essentially a negation of genital sexual strivings by way of non-genital sexual strivings.

Fanatics, having lost their own power can invest sometimes unbelievable fervour in their supernatural
or higher protectors.

434) 272

Reich's metaphor, 'Man in the Trap' set the therapeutic ambience for many of the therapeutic
modalities of the 1970's, bio-energetics, gestalt and primal therapy for example.

435) 271

Sharaf's definition of work democracy is social and economic relationships founded on concrete tasks
and needs rather than an imposed ideology.

436) 271

Although many of Reich's social ideas were prescient they are not always unique argues Sharaf.
However his concept of 'orgastic potency' continues to be seen nowhere else. Also of note is the
specific way a series of psychological, social, and biological findings are connected in light of a
common function - Sharaf

437) 272

Reich broke laws in the 1920's to give sexological advice to teeenagers.

438) 272

Some of the early psychotherapists considered Reich to be bordering on the psychotic as early as the
1920's because of his advocation of adolescent sexuality, practical efforts for teenagers and talk of
energy streamings in the body.

At the same time Reich was often treated with adulation and many thought of him as especially
favoured by Freud and destined for leadership of analysis.

439) 273

Figures influenced by Reich from the 1970's - Alexander Lowen, Fritz Perls, Paul Goodman, Saul
Bellow, Norman Mailer.

440) 307

Kirlian photography - electrical effects cannot account for attraction and repulsion between two fingers
photographed, photographic changes linked to mood or phantom leaf effects.

JO V14 N1 1980

441) 56

The sun does not have characteristics consistent with being powered by thermonuclear reactions.
Some details from classical physicists eg Jeurgens and Parker, E. (1975) The Sun, Scientific
American, Vol 233, No 3.

Main objections are:-

Not enough neutrino emission for thermonuclear power of the sun.

Sun has a bloated envelope.
Granular structure of the photosphere and its opacity
Temperature gradient from the interior out to the corona.
Origin of the solar wind.
Constancy of the solar wind.
Origin of cosmic rays.

Jeurgens argues that the sun is consistent with an entity which condenses energy from outside.

Jupiter radiates more heat than it receives -57.

Interesting criticism of relativity theory and other theories - notes that although special relativity has
had some predictive success this indicates there is a physical basis for the observed phenomena. It is
argued that relativity theory is an abstract theory more suited to gravitational theory. Itis argued that
the physical basis for this theory - the bending of starlight - can have other alternate explanations
such as the oblateness of the sun. Physical measurements show a surprising amount of scatter. The
suthor argues that electromagnetic energy is a wave motion in a medium - which has now been
shown to exist and that Maxwell assumed a medium in calculating the speed of light. Additionally the
Michelson-Morley experiment is not of good quality and was conducted in the wrong environment.
The kind of ether that experimenters were looking for was wrong, the ether is not static.

The red shift is not uniform and has led to incorrect assumptions about the universe, there is no
reason to assume a big bang - 50.

442) 72

Orgone therapy - a magical thinker became delusional after a number of sessions when his ocular
segment contracted. Finally the emotion locked in his eyes broke through and his ocular segment
expanded permanently.

443) 67

Concept of biopathic disease as an armouring against orgonotic excitation and streaming.

444) 103

Reich and Neurology

Reich unknowingly anticipated some 'Second Brain' research with his ideas that the cerebral pain was
convoluted in an intestinal shape to enable it to effectively pulse and move when thinking. (Reich,
Char' Analysis 1949).

Reich emphasised that the brain is a pulsating organ that requires movement to function. Reich was
also one of the first to note that nerves pulsate. These views are supported by modern research that
shows that crucial axon chemical changes cannot occur without brain pulsation. Cortical pulsations
allow axoplasmic flow.

Schizophrenics often complain of deadness in the brain or head. Quoted mainstream research has
shown that reduced pulsatory flow of the axon is involved in a number of CNS disorders.

Blood flow increases to areas of the brain being used. Armouring of the brain will greatly impair
function, restrict blood flow and movement.

JO V14 N2 1980

445) 134-136

At first Reich did not recognise that orgastic disturbances were present in neurotics alongside a lack
of discharge of libido or sexual tension.

Psychic inhibition means that genital excitation cannot be completely discharged.

446) 145

Reich elucidated the concept of social psychiatry in 'People in Trouble' and 'The Murder of Christ'.

447) 145

Reich saw Einstein on Jan 13th 1941. Einstein was particularly interested in the temp differential
To-T and promised his cooperation. He wrote to Reich on Feb 7th 1941 saying his assistant had
stated that convection currents could account for the temp difference. Reich conducted two control
experiments to counter this objection one conducted outdoors, the other with a box with similar
properties to the ORAC. Einstein never replied to any further contact from Reich. In the NY Times of
March 17th 1950 George Drew, a Canadian politician raised concerns about Einstein's assistant Dr
Infeld returning to teach in Poland as he had knowledge of atomic secrets and was a communist
sympathiser (he had stated that communist governments were 'progressive' and wished to teach in
communist controlled universities, he came to Canada and the USA as a refugee.

Reich thought that the assistant Eintein referred to may have been Dr Infeld.

448) 149

Mr Green, an attorney working for Reich for a while stated he had heard that the pharmaceutical
companies were afraid the accumulators might interfere with the sale of their products.

Mr Green was a tough attorney who could have helped Reich substantially. Reich and Green fell out.
Reported that Green felt he was being told what to do - 162.

When asked why various people attacked orgonomy Green believed economic and religious reasons
were the cause.

449) 150

Reich tended to feel that the best way to fight the Emotional Plague was through publishing his work
rather than litigation.

450) 159

Baker writes about melanor (gave a prickly hot feeling to palms held near). Orite and Brownite are

In November 1953 Reich discovered Orene a pre-atomic white substance which when moist can
remove DOR

451) 161

Reich and OROPs

July 5/6th 1953 Operation Blueberry.

Two blueberry farmers in Hancock county, Maine, faced losing their entire crop due to drought. Asked
Reich to cloudbust. No rain predicted. It rained. Crops saved. USAF started to monitor OROPs from
this point onwards.

August 9th 1953

Reich cloudbusted for a children's parade in Rangeley. Rain had been predicted. Rain fell all around
the surrounding area but not on Rangeley itself.

452) 158

Baker describes a demonstration of the cloudbuster Reich undertook at the observatory grounds,
summer 1953.

Gravitational pull seemed to increase, making it difficult to pick ones feet off the ground. Atmosphere
around the cloudbuster was highly charged. Lips became dehydrated and blue, dizziness. Smoke
appeared to be gushing from the end of the ten pipes.

453) 161

FDA Mouse Test

Dr William Murray of the Jackson Memorial Lab in Bar Harbor, Maine was employed by the FDA to
conduct their mouse experiments in 1953. Murray was an administrative head. He took no part in
conducting the actual experiments. An assistant with little formal training did the actual lab work with
the mice. Dr Murray had no contact with the actual practical handling of the experiment.

There were two mice types, spontaneous tumours, a strain of DBA mice and tumour transplanted
mice. At the time of this report twice as many experimental mice as controls had died (20
experimental, 10 control). Some of the tumours were less compact in the experimental group (as
noticed by the assistant). Two Xray machines were sited within 100 feet of the mice making this an
ORANUR test in direct contravention of Reich's experimental requirements. Still their experiment
supports the ORAC's having a real effect - a negative one, possibly due to the Xrays nearby. The
Xrays were run regularly at 4000 roentgens.

The informant (Dr Blasband as a medical student) suspected that the orgone therapy was not even
started until the tumours were far progressed (and then probably averaging half an hour treatment a
day or less). Murray was only interested in inspecting the experimental data after the experiment was
conducted in his absence. He admitted not reading any of the material on Reich's work the FDA sent
him. He was told about the Xray and orgone effect and ignored it or did not comprehend it.

454) 171

Orgone Experiment

Water Evaporation inside the ORAC

Demeo, J.

Well conducted experiment.

Ten fold ORAC, One fold ORAC, Control device. All devices were kept outside. Thermodynamically
the devices were well matched showing equal evaporation rates under cloudy weather.

On more orgonotically charged days there was a consistently higher relative humidity and
suppression of evaporation in the ORACs. This was linked to weather changes and relative humidity
but not to ambient temperature. There was a predictive effect in that the measurement, EVo,
(EVaporation rate in the ORAC minus that of the control) appeared to precede changes in cloud

There was a consistent difference between ORAC and control of up to -3 grams H2O a day (on clear

455) 176 (184)

Orgone Therapy and Repetitive behaviours

Very interesting case illustrating how people repeat their early experiences, but this time from an
orgonomic perspective.

The patient is unusual - a very high energy depressive. He had a 'doormat' mother and an aggressive
father. He ruthlessly suppressed his own energy field in order to survive. He chose two wives who
treated him badly (taking on the role of his mother) but who also 'dampened' his energy field (the
second very literally). Orgone treatment enables him to completely turn around his life.

456) 192

Many groups forming in France, Italy and elsewhere claiming to be 'Reichian'. 'Reichian therapists'
spring up in Italy. Many of the Reichian groups are leftist and the French group LOG in particular
misreads Reich's book and ignores Reich's rejection of collectivism and socialism. The JO is very
critical of the European Reichian groups seeing most as a mix and match soup of 'Reichian' ideas and
bio-energetic modalities. The JO believes such groups make desperate attempts to overcome their
own contactlessness (208).

457) 211

People today have no conception of what is good or evil, or what is health-they can see raving
madness or a carcinoma, but lack any awareness of emotional barrenness, resignation, or the
existence of a shrinking biopathy.

458) 211

Fascist character structure: longing for freedom and incapacity for freedom, craving for leader, mass

Simple Neurosis Character: immobility, pleasure anxiety, apathy.

Emotional Plague Character: high energy, total pelvic block, murderous hatred of love, particularly
genital love, direct or disguised social evil, charismatic leadership, lowest common denominator.
Emotional plague acts are ego-syntonic-214.

459) 214

DOR-neurosis, ORANUR-emotional plague.

460) 216

JO writer references Pipes, D. an historian in the following argument,

Both activist Islam and Marxist systems highlight international solidarity, community and
egalitarianism over freedom and individuality. Their goals appear noble but as their systems touch on
all aspects of life they tend toward totalitarianism, it is argued.

The Common Functioning Principle for both activist Islam and Marxist systems is noted as being
animosity toward individuality and freedom.

461) 225

Reich & Neurology

Strong connection between degree of psychosis and low blood flow to frontal lobes in schizophrenia -

Cerebral atrophy & vascular changes plus cell deterioration is compared to normals in chronic long
term schizophrenia, a study by,

Colon, E. (1972) Quantitative Cytoarchitechtonics of the Human Cerebral Cortex in Schizophrenic

Dementia, Acta Neuropathologica, 20.

This sort of study indicates that there are material disturbances in the schizophrenic brain. From an
orgonomic point of view these changes would be secondary to a disturbance in pulsation and energy
flow. Most studies agree that the structural changes follow, rather than precede the disease process.
This further supports the orgonomic hypothesis in schizophrenia.

Papez, J. et al (1949) Cytological Changes in Nerve Cells in Dementia Praecox, Journal of Nervous
and Mental Disease: 110.

Study found virus-like particles in schizophrenics brains. These might correspond to Reich’s t-bacilli
bion microscopic bio-forms. If pulsation is disturbed bionous processes would be expected - 229.

462) 244

JO’s view of;

Journal of Biodynamic Psychology, London. Gerda Boyeson - good but omits genital function and
logical sequence to de-armouring.

Radix Journal, USA, Charles Kelley, orgone re-emerges as Radix, labelled by JO as mystical.

Energy and Character, UK, David Boadella. A bioenergetic journal with occasional good article such
as Smiths, D. The Fetal Self and Orgasm Anxiety, Vol 10 No 1 (no year given in JO). This article also
explores relationship of Fairburn’s Object Relations theory to orgonomy.

463) 249

Hoppe reveals that Reich was not a paranoid character, that these accusations were rather attacks.
He was however hypomanic and over-optimistic and given to bouts of depression at the
non-acceptance of his work in similarity to other groundbreaking scientists.

JO V16 N1 1982

463b) 122

Konia argues that the identification of sub-cellular areas of neuronal activity supports the view that it is
orgone itself that perceives.

JO V16 N2 1982

463) 176

FDA and Trial

The orgonomic doctors tried to enter the Reich’s case in support of Reich on grounds that they
were directly affected by the FDA case - the injunction prevented them from working with Reich,
copies of the injunction were mailed to them personally, it affected their status and ability to use
ORACs - 175.

The FDA gave a long list of tenous reasons why the doctors could not join the case: it wasn’t about
them personally, it would delay proper diagnosis and treatment for the public by delaying the trial, the
attorney-client privilege applied only to Reich, the doctors only wanted to prove orgonomy (which was
collateral to the case) and the doctors should have submitted their case earlier.

464) 176

FDA Injunction unconstitutional-

Interferes with right to practise medicine, interferes with freedom of speech and freedom of science,
discloses confidential patient information, involves a breach of trust (FDA's Peter Mills used to work
for Reich).

Mills said to a Rangeley citizen, Archie Cavignon, that he had been forced to prosecute Reich against
his will - 181.

The injunction was also unenforceable. Reich reported that publishing would resume, the court took
no notice - 190.

465) 291

Nichols, M. Zax, M. (1977) Carthasis in Psychotherapy, NY, Gardner Press.

Acknowledges the priority and sophistication of Reich's technique as compared to derivative practices
such as those of Perls, Lowen, Janov. Fairly in-depth review of orgone therapy.

466) 260

The orgastic convulsion (where both ends of the torso strive to unite) and the spinning wave (KRW)
together form the orgonome.

Also in the process of freezing free orgone can transform into living matter.

Free orgone is naturally rebellious. Material is naturally constraining - 261.

467) 197-206

Orgone Experiment


Seiler, H.

(To-T: Temperature Orgone Box versus Temperature Control Box).

Well controlled vigorous experiment, well reported.

Paper reported on approximately 1000 readings in two series over a year in an industrialised area of
Switzerland. Experiments carried out outdoors. Well thought out control and experimental set up
eliminated most mechanical objections including any thermal lag between ORAC and controls. By
improving the set up - providing glass covers for the boxes, no negative To-T was seen in the second
series (negative To-T can be due to pollution or DOR). A positive To-T (greater than 0.1c difference)
was seen for 92% of the time in the first series and for 99.6% in the second series.

In additional experiments, pyramid and other shaped ORACs were used - no extra effect noted. A
heat absorbent black box control was tried - black box absorbed but did not retain a heat gradient
such as seen in the ORAC.

468) 191


Oct 14/15th 1954. Bill Moise representing Reich was scheduled to meet General Watson of Air Force
Intelligence Center to report on the fading out of UFO's when the cloudbuster was trained on them.
This happened on Oct 10th and at other times (orur, orgonised uranium, was used to charge up the
cloudbuster). Watson didn't show at their meeting sending Captain Hill and a civilian UFO expert.
Moise refused to meet them. The USAF rescheduled with Deputy commander Colonel Wertenbaker
and a physicist. Wertenbaker became visibly excited at some of the details regarding Moise's report.
Wertenbaker accepted some physics equations of Reich for safekeeping and said they would respect
this confidence.

The USAF sent a letter to the Directorate of Intelligence of the USAF. This letter had made its way
into the FDA’s files. The letter stated they were merely humouring Moise as part of their usual PR

469) 215

Similarity of cults and communism - we are right, we must impose our beliefs, we are the moral ones.

470) 265

Central Nervous System morphology follows laws that are unpredictable mechanically.

471) 211

Orgone Psychiatric Case Study

Orgone psychiatric treatment very suited to treatment of stuttering. Classical science treats the
spasms and clonisms without any integrating theory. A 24-yr-old male stutterer resolved his
symptoms when his eyes were brought into contact and his abdominal segment released.

472) 225

Koopman recognises the grey area in Reich's thoughts about consciousness. Is consciousness a
property of orgone in a membrane, or simply a property of orgone itself? There are hints to the latter
view but no development of this within Reich's work.

Reich viewed perception as a consequence of the pulsation of energy caught in a membrane. Reich
intimated that mass-free energy may possess some perception due to its pulsatory nature but never
developed this area.

473) 238

Most terrorist leaders come from middle class intellectual strata. This is because they have a defence
structure filled with guilt, subversion, rebellion and blanket hatred of authority. A basically leftist,
intellectually defensive structure.

Also, the basically decent average neurotic avoids confronting the real issues behind emotional
plagued terrorists to avoid uncovering their own DOR and secondary layers - 237.

Adage- 'The Nazi's kill you for their own good. The Communists kill you for your own good' - 238.

474) 245

Reich's concept of an innate, natural and spontaneous morality.

JO V16 N1 1982

475) 28

Reich talks of orgonomy in terms of 'laws'. Central object of research in orgonomy is elucidation of the
'basic natural law'.

476) 30

Summary of why Reich did not fight the FDA case from the beginning;

Reich's basic position was that 30 years of published research had made no impression on the
administration. Also It was against USA interests for some of his discoveries to be disclosed in court
and that the FDA's intention was merely to stop future work by endless legal entanglements. His other
point was that natural scientific law and investigation should be outside judicial remit. Lastly he was
willing to risk legal enjoinment of his activities as he had already accomplished his goal - sharing and
disseminating his discoveries throughout the world.

A last factor weighing on Reich's mind was that he believed the case was stacked against him. The
FDA case against him was technically worthless but high powered testimonials would be used and
the court would go with this rather than the facts.

477) 33/38

Reich had a naive optimism in his 'Response' document that he lodged with the judge when he
originally did not attend court. When Reich refused to allow a court of law to judge his scientific work
an all-inclusive injunction was issued against him on March 19th 1954. This made it illegal for Reich to
talk of orgone energy or write about it. It made it dangerous for others to do so (38).

The FDA immediately publicised their action and received congratulations from the American
Psychoanalytical Association, the American Psychiatric Association and Dr Dunhamn of the Atomic
Energy Commision who described Reich as a thorn in their side (380).

478) 6-23

Reich contends in this early monograph that 'actual neurosis' is the core of psychoneurosis - the
ideation can be entirely psychically defined but its driving power comes from the actual neurotic
energetic core.

478a) 38-39

Cloudbuster OROP EP.

Operation Emotional Plague.

In response to the injunction against him Reich undertook an OROP to create a snowstorm. The
weather forecast was for 'sunny in Boston, fair to good weather'. (March 22nd, Weatherbee Radio

WBZ Boston) Telegrams were sent also to US Weather Bureau to President Hoover and the
Associated Press.

March 23-25th snowstorms pelted Bangor and rain fell across 45 out of 48 states counter to weather

No press coverage was given to Reich's claims.

479) 40

Cloudbuster televised in action with an explanatory narrative shown on Channel 6 Portland Maine
March 27 1954.

480) 68-73

Orgone Experiment

Gieger Muller counts

Hughes, D.

Interesting pilot experiment with some good background for further work. A GM Counter placed in a
15 fold ORAC was compared to the same GM counter when on a desktop.

Problems - ORAC charged house, Only 1 counter.

GM counts in ORAC averaged 80 cpm (counts per minute). House background 20-40 rising to 30-70
(raised by ORACs?). Desk Average was 50. Readings correlated to orgonotic weather conditions.
There was a blanking of electrical functions for a day. Findings support Reich's GM observations.

Reich's background counts were lower - 8-14 (perhaps due to a healthier/lower oranur environment).

481) 113

Relevant neurology

Humans, who have the greatest number of inter-neuronal, connectivity cells have the greatest
plasticity in brain function.

There are expansion and contraction processes in dendritic and synaptic structures that reflect
learning processes or pathological disturbances - 121.

Slow wave-like electrical pulsation of groups of neurons suggest orgonotic type activity.

482) 125

Hoppe attempted to interest Isreali army in ORACs. Published an Israeli version of the Orgone
Energy Bulletin (in German). Hoppe believed that eventually orgone’s existence would be universally

483) 51

OR effects upon Electromagnetic Fields:

Orgone charged vacuum tube illumination

X Ray photographs of hazy field (eg between hands-see also Nordenstrum’s work)
Impeding light
Oranur excitation
Electrostatic effects
'Bad seeing'


484) 65

Is there an orgonotic basis to explain Arp's bridged galaxies having different red shifts? Perhaps light
is being absorbed into orgone field at different rates suggests author.

485) 80

Reich saw the unconscious as an artefact arising due to the suppression of primary impulses in the
newborn infant.

486) 74-82

Freud, Little Hans, Oedipal complex, Phobia.

Freud's 1909 study, 'Analysis of a Phobia in a Five year Old Boy' illustrates Freud's character and
assumptions. Freud appears unable to contact the boy on anything other than a mental level.

Hans is a very sexual, genital character. His parents find his sexual activities intolerable and seek
Freud to treat him for a phobia of horses. This phobia only develops when his genital play is blocked
and castration threats are made by father and mother. Hans weak ego displaces his anxiety and
undischarged forbidden impulses onto a symbol, the horse.

After Hans sexual play with playmates his own age on vacation is discovered, and ended, Hans
displaces this energy and love toward his mother. Freud takes this as evidence of the universality of
the Oedipal complex. Actually the opposite is true - Hans only looks to his mother when play with
peers is forbidden or unavailable - 76.

Freud's made the revolutionary step of recognising infant sexuality. However his approach with Hans
was to strengthen the ego at the expense of flexibility. The ego becomes strong but sex-negative. It
can now absorb anxiety into rigid character defences and pathological traits. Energy is drawn from the
symptom to the character.

Orgonomy's approach to phobia would be to remove the energetic source by re-establishing the
capacity for sexual gratification.

Hans, totally unable to express himself and feeling trapped, regresses to an anal level. He also
resorts to violence and becomes constipated. He hits and beats his father and slashes open a dolly's
belly. Freud and Hans's father overlook the rage and psychologically speculate how the behaviour is
expressing the boy's curiosity about childbirth.

Freud analyses the boy's anal regression in great detail, but misses the most essential point - that it is
a regression from an earlier genitally active level. In other words, the anal regression was a reaction
against the sexual prohibition. Freud also analyses the incident with the dolly in purely mental terms
losing contact with the boy's rage and feelings.

The author of the article, Deppen, argues that castration anxiety, the oedipal complex, and other
psychic disturbances are the effects of, not the cause of, disturbed sexual functioning - 79.

JO V16 N2 1982

487) 274

Classical biology believes structure precedes function but cannot explain why it can be reversed in
some lower animals (i.e. structure can be swapped) without damaging function.

488) 277

Reich became a US naturalised citizen on May 28th 1946. one year later the FDA started its ten year

campaign against him. Two years later the INS (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) started an 8
year effort to invalidate his citizenship on the grounds that he had lied about his political sympathies
(i.e. The author of Mass Psychology of Fascism was really a communist!).

JO V15 N1 1981

489) 26

FDA Orgone Tests

Dr Eva Reich wrote a letter to Dr Murray of Jackson Labs who were doing the FDA Cancer mice
'tests' that their tests would not be assessing orgone energy as their X-Ray machines would change
the energy to DOR or Oranur. She informed him that lead shielding could not prevent DOR or Oranur

489b) 113

Konia states that the brain is the main organ responsible for binding the organism to its field.

490) 27

Eva Reich used an accumulator funnel on a woman with terminal cancer of the breast in a hospice
(with permission from the chief doctor, Dr Nagler from Philadelphia). After two weeks the tumour
softened and became delineated from the surrounding tissue. Dr Nagler became frightened and
asked Dr Reich to stop.

491) 100

Reich & Freud

Freud's first paradigm failure was that ‘making the unconscious conscious’ would affect a transition
toward health. It was from this that the death instinct theory eventually arose. This was the
consequence of rejecting the earlier, energetic and economic view that sexual libido is damned up in
the neurotic.

492) 97

Reich & Freud

Freud felt that Josef Breuer was partially the father of psychoanalysis. This was until Josef rejected
such parenthood and particularly the theory of infantile sexuality. This led Freud to realise the
originality of his paradigm. Freud also thought at this time that genital function disturbances in adults
could cause some neurosis. (Freud, unlike Reich, thought that sexuality should be expanded from the

Reich's work expanded on Freud's libido, sexual economic and resistance theories but eventually
Reich too had to confront the fact that he had entered a wholly new paradigm. Resistance analysis
became Character Analysis and libido theory became orgasm theory which led directly to the
discovery of an energy which, if real, would connect the emotions directly to the somatic.

Also Breuer emphasised catharsis more than Freud. Perhaps Reich's emphasis on catharsis
reminded the aging Freud of his own rejection by Breuer (FN 101).

In 1928 Freud told a young admirer that the real Freud is dead. This echoes what Reich said about
Freud's latter resignation.

493) 127-129

Orgone Operation/Cloudbusting

OROP-3 successful OROPs for alleviation of DOR. In an attempt to statistically analyse the DOR
operations it was noted that compared to a control sequence 9 out of 13 DOR operations resulted in
an unusual occurrence of a cold front.

494) 28

The AMA declared the ORAC a fraud in 1948 before they could claim any evidence against it.

495) 31

Reich stated that a lawyer told him that a pharmaceutical insider had remarked that if Reich's
discovery of orgone is true then they are finished.

496) 38

One of the treatments for oranur sickness as recommended by Reich is the use of moist orene
growths in the house.

Also Reich believed melanor could be cosmic orgone from outer space which lacked oxygen and

497) 41

Reich considered that there may be a galactic orgone energy stream running 62° north of the
equatorial plane. He thought that space ships ran on orgone (after reading the Keyhoe and other
reports in 1953). These ships would utilise streams of orgone in space. This might account for the SW
to NE direction of most UFO sightings.

At first Reich thought that the spacemen or CORE MEN (Cosmic ORgone Engineering) as Reich put
it, would be benign. (As they knew how to use orgone and would therefore be unarmoured). Later
Reich thought they may be able to use orgone and be armoured, calling them 'DOR men' - they may
even require desert conditions.

498) 35

Reich came to believe that the Cloudbuster might be answer to mass therapy as DOR tends to
produce and increase armouring Reich also stressed the need to learn how to bring up healthy
children by allowing them to satisfy their instinctual needs.

(Baker recounting a doctors meeting with Reich where he discussed social psychiatry).

499) 123

Schizophrenia is neither wholly a somatic or a psychic disease.

500) 125

Genes are not immovable on the DNA molecule but can jump from one locus to the other (Research
News: Jumping Genes, 1976, Science, Vol 193). This removes a mechanistic absolutism and opens
the way for a more energetic interpretation of heredity argues Konia.

501) 49

Author describes primate research on sexuality noting the effects of overcrowding on dampening
sexuality, that chimpanzees, like humans, seek privacy and that maternal deprivation creates sexual
timidity in adulthood.

502) 62

Manuel, a Mexican ghetto dweller describes a process of armouring, but in his own words (he is

unaware of Reich’s theory). He says how each blow to the spirit causes a scab to form. This scab is
then a barrier to the world. The person then becomes indifferent.

503) 75

Lance notes that without the concept of genitality and/or orgone the post-Reich theories cannot be
true to Reich’s work. Also, genital health is only a central goal in orgone psychiatric therapy.

Orgone therapy itself does not offer easy solutions and is not dramatic. It takes courage to face the
‘terror of the living’ as Reich called it.

504) 99

Reich wrote that he tended to overestimate people and that he saw the essential core shining through
in everyone.

505) 108

One of Reich’s key discoveries is the biopathy - its involvement in the pulsation of the total organism,
plus orgastic dysfunction - its role in preventing effective pulsation.

506) 111

The schizophrenic does not go ‘back to the womb’ or become ‘fixated in early childhood’ reactions,
(Reich’s unattributed quote to psychoanalysis). Rather, the person maintains a split that started at that
time. It is not a regression to the past - but a present day traumatised structure that maintains the

507) 111

Four beat nature of mitiotic cell events, (reflected by Reich’s Life Formula).

508) 122

Excellent description of the attempts of classical science to find a causative factor for schizophrenia.
In summary no single change in a particular organ (or chemical) can be stated as causing the
symptoms of schizophrenia. (This supports Reich’s view of schizophrenia as caused by an early
bio-energetic immobilisation of the brain).

What is unique about Reich’s approach is that he found a contraction of the whole biosystem and
therefore a holistic disturbance in pulsation that can account for all the varied findings in the disease.
Specifically, Reich contended that it is a contraction, and pulsatory disturbance of the brain occurring
in early infancy or even peri-natally that causes schizophrenic patterns.

JO V15 N2 1981

508b) 255 Footnote

Perception and consciousness are separate but related functions. Function of consciousness
depends on the integration of innumerable elements of self-perception. Consciousness is the higher,
later function. (This is a rewording of Reich's theories). The Central Nervous System represents the
structuralisation of the perceptual function of mass-free energy according to Konia.

Konia notes that Reich's theories on consciousness/self-perception are based on his work with
schizophrenics. Konia takes a brain-centred approach. He argues that the reticular system of the
brain might represent the structure which performs the integration of various disparate elements of
self. These then together comprise consciousness.

A lack of contact between sensation and perception (due to armouring) constitutes the physical basis
of the unconsciousness according to Reich. Alternatively, the unified expression of orgonotic

movements comprise the physical basis for consciousness - 258.

508c) 248

Dew asks why should one talk of a 'spirit' when there is the objective and scientifically demonstrable
orgone energy.

509) 145

Reich criticised Freud’s idea of ‘somatic compliance’ as non-scientific and hypothetical. For
example blushing could be unconscious sexual energies that become somatised in Freud’s view.
However this is a hypothetical statement. Reich would argue that it is the physical somatic energy
that is being diverted from serving sexual functions to irradiating the skin.

510) 164


Complaint of FDA had a very sarcastic tone. All Reich’s writings were merely ‘advertising’ and
‘promotional items’, ‘rent’, ‘financial arrangements’ were words used repeatedly. Mailing lists for
serious journals became ‘mailing lists-promotional’ sent to ‘prospective customers’ as part of
‘advertising campaigns’.

The devices ‘categorically do not work’ says the FDA - 165.

Reich ‘resorts’ to publishing case histories that show results in ‘inordinately’ short periods of time. It is
implied that publishing case histories are proof that the work is fraudulent.

Also note that later the FDA omitted mention of the case histories, published by Reich, which showed
negative or ambiguous results.

511) 175


The FDA knew about Reich’s statement as to the antagonism of orgone and X-rays/radioactive
materials. They use this as a criticism in their original ‘complaint’. They state that orgone doesn’t exist
therefore it is fraudulent to say it will interact negatively with X-rays and radioactive materials. Later in
their tests there seemed to be X-rays and radioactive materials near to wherever the FDA kept
ORACs for testing (rendering their poorly designed tests completely invalid).

512) 168-174


Extract from the FDA’s original complaint.

They take the time to list extracts of successful orgone case histories. Interesting compilation -
however note that the FDA omit any difficult or negative histories to give the impression that Reich
was ‘promoting’ a ‘fantastic’ cure-all.

513) 143

Reich discuses Freud’s drive theory:

Reich states Neurosis is just a conflict between the plasma’s needs (sex drive, pleasure principle, id)
and a restricting environment (morality, reality principle, superego).

Also Reich sees Freud’s drive psychology as being close to biology. Also he views its basic concepts
of neurosis as linking the theory to the physiology of the neurosis.

Reich traces the source of a symptom to biological, libidinal energy, which is constantly charging up.

514) 141

Psychotherapy may work at the level of effect rather than cause. Reich argues that it extrapolates
latent meaning and goals from the relationship between a symptom and subjective experience. A
symptom may not disappear when it’s meaning and purpose become conscious. Only when the
symptom’s energy source is removed can a therapy be said to get at the cause of the illness.

515) 184-218

Orgone Experiment

Reich Blood Test (RBT)

Baker, Dew, Ganz and Lance.

Paper examined the microscope part of the RBT only - the disintegration rates of Red Blood Cells
(RBCs). The autoclavation and blood culture aspects of the RBT were not examined.

The RBT test was developed from Reich’s understanding that each RBC is an independent orgone
energy vesicle, which mirrors the health of the whole - 184. It is a test of energetic vitality.

The paper is a well written, academic writing. It outlines in detail a workable protocol for examining the
microscope part of the RBT. It is scientifically thought out and parameters are well controlled for
reproducibility and reliability of the results. The main parameter examined statistically is the 1% time.
This is the time taken for the RBC to begin bionous disintegration (breakdown of the cell into the
smaller vesicles termed bions in orgonomy). The parameter is well standardised in the protocols. The
1% time is derived by examining the bionous breakdown rate at even intervals and then extrapolating
backwards to the beginning of the process - out of 100 cells the 1% breakdown would be equivalent
to when the first cell starting breaking down. Breakdown rates have changed significantly since
Reich's time which is possibly due to the oranur overcharge of our current atmosphere.

In the report 26 patients from 3 groups - normals (11) borderlines (5) and pathological (10) had their
RBT’s examined.

Results - All normals had positive 1% times, all borderlines (except 1) had positive 1%’s. All
pathologics had negative 1%’s (except one). The exceptions had classified into their groups due to
clinical diagnosis but were doing well on observation, the test was therefore still 100% accurate
energetically it appears - 215. The median average score for the normals was +47.6 and for the
pathologics was –47.2.

Statistical Tests

A one-tailed T-Test was carried out between the normals and pathologics which showed that the
difference between then two groups was highly statistically significant, to a confidence level of


A solid experiment supports the validity of the Reich Blood Test.

Other Notes

RBT may help to distinguish between technical and energetic remission of cancer - 215.

The energy field of the RBC is white to blue/pink and is about the width of the cell rim. Field
diminishes in illness and disappears on death - 201.

516) 183

Reich ignored his own advice - that sometimes one has to use the methods of the enemy (referring to
secrecy and law courts). Baker points out that Reich could not tolerate secrecy. Reich believed the
law had no place in scientific matters.

517) 244

Synopsis of JO Review

Talese, G. (1980) Thy Neighbours Wife, NY, Dell Publishing.

Talese offers an extended review of sexuality to the ‘revolution’ of the 60’s. He links Reich’s concepts
of genitality to a prurient ‘make love, not war’ ethos of 1960 students. Reich’s sexual ideas are, due to
Talese’s own character, wrongly associated with the liberal left and the anything-goes sexual
liberalisation of the 60’s. Neo-Reichians such as represented by the Esalen Institute are not
distinguished from serious students of orgonomy.

Talese may have started the widely re-quoted myth that Reich was a victim of McCarthyist communist
witch-hunts. Reich was rather a victim of the communists and their friends in bureaucracy and big
business. Reich’s persecutors began their campaigns in the late 1940’s, before McCarthy’s era.

518) 245

Calfornian Neo-Reichians in the 1970/80s

Includes a commune of ‘Reichian’ homosexuals, an armed radical ‘Reichian’ - Marxist group,

numerous bio-energetic courses offered and practitioners using ‘Reich’ as part of their armoury of

519) 248

Review of Ollman’s Cricism of Reich (JO): Dew.

Ollman, B. (1979) Social and Sexual Revolutions; Essays on Marx and Reich, Boston, South End

Ollman is inventor of the board game ‘Class Struggle’! He is a principle leftist appropriator of Reich in
the USA. He sees Reich as a Marxist social philosopher. He views the older Reich as diluting the
so-called class-consciousness of his earlier period.

Ollman states that Reich uses psychological concepts to explain social phenomena. He believes
Reich generalises from the individual to society and treats society as the patient. This, he argues,
results in the mistaken notion of the emotional plague, (the irrational social activity of sexually sick

Dew argues that it is irrational for Reich to be praised for discovering a sexual mechanism that keeps
people helpless, but then faulted for finding this process at work in all classes. Dew also notes that
Reich considered Marxism to be obsolete by 1945. Reich considered that only the living nature of
human productivity would have any conceptual usefulness in the future.

Ollman avoids Reich’s scientific work by saying his interest is in the pre-1936 work. He wrongly
makes the assertion that Reich was never anti-Marxist only anti-Soviet. This is clever manoeuvring.
Reich was not concerned with Marx and was particularly against any form of socialism or
communism or any kind of artificial levelling of society. Reich was only for personal responsibility
politically, which he termed work democracy.

The French communists also attempted to appropriate Reich with their booklet ‘Mode D’Emploi de
Wilhelm Reich’.

520) 258

Orgonomic View of Consciousness

Konia states that it is the unified expression of orgone plasma movements which physically forms the
basis of consciousness.

Unconsciousness is viewed as orgonotic disintegration based on neurotic conflicts. It is therefore

pathological. Lack of contact between sensation and perception due to armour is the physical basis
for unconsciousness.

Only sleep and temporary suspension of consciousness after orgasm Konia sees as natural
unconsciousness. Konia notes that the integration of consciousness devolves into ‘part-perceptions’
during sleep. (Reich separated perception and consciousness, the latter being an integration of
perceptions forming the basis of self).

521) 248


Dew states that there is no need to use the intangible concept of ‘spirit’ when there is the objective

My note - orgone as a purely physical energy has difficulty explaining non-local phenomena.

JO V17 N2 1983

522) 132

Reich discusses Karen Horney and processes of identification in women.

523) 144

FDA/Maguire’s charges against Reich after injunction claimed to be broken:

 ORACs not recalled (not possible to recall all ORACs).

Inspections not allowed (Reich made much effort to be open to serious inspection-some of the visits
however appeared hostile).
ORACs and journals moved interstate (Reich did not give permission or consent for movement of
ORACs, impossible to stop all movement of a journal)

Maguire may have lied under oath. He stated he did not have a copy of Reich's volume on the
conspiracy and emotional plague reaction against him (under the guise of the injunction). (Ollendorf
stated within her testimonial that she saw a copy of the same volume at Maguire's office).

524) 158

Reich's moving final address to the court and jury.

Reich willingly admitted he had disobeyed the injunction but that he had no choice in this. He
disagreed that he had violated the injunction as he argued that it was unconstitutional and obtained by

525) 170

Universality of shaking head for 'No' is based on stopping the vertical energy flow - Reich.

526) 201-204

Orgone Experiment

Dorbuster and Plant Growth


3 groups of 48 tomato seeds, DB Group 1, DB Group 2 (DB connected to ORAC) and Control.

There was a statistically significant difference in seedling height between the DB Groups 1 & 2 and
Control. The Confidence Interval was P = 0.001.

Design a little complex as it tested more than one hypothesis.

527) 233


Author describes how the brain may integrate rather than initiate or command.

528) 225


These federal agencies investigated Reich at length and at great cost (especially in the case of the
FDA). The FBI's investigation was instigated by confidential sources in Europe. These ‘sources’
claimed Reich had been a paid communist agent in Austria. The FDA’s investigation was prompted by
Mildred Brady’s article in The New Republic in 1947.

The INS's investigation may have been partly prompted by the complaints of Mr Crombie of 'Youth
Problems Inc.' an anti-sexual propagandist.

The FBI gave up their case - it appeared obvious Reich was not an active communist - indeed was
actively anti-communist. This did not stop the FBI releasing their files to the INS who took a different
approach - they wanted to get Reich deported by proving that he may have 'lied' on his naturalisation
application by not stating the correct date for leaving the communist party officially (1933).

The FBI and the INS could not substantiate their claims. The INS continued to attempt to find a
reason to deport Reich for 8 years.

The FDA's original complaint was pornographic in its overtone and centred on Reich being a sex-cult
leader. This was so obviously off the mark that they gave up the case only to reopen it years later on
charges of the ORAC being fraudulent.

529) 230-231

Freud was one of the few neurologists who presented cogent arguments against the exclusive
localisation of mental/psychic phenomena within the structure of the cerebral cortex. Konia quotes
Freud from 'On Aphasia, A Critical Study’ and notes that Freud had the insight to recognise the
common practise of confusing a cellular or other physical process with a mental process. They cannot
be substituted for each other. The one can mirror the other but they are not the same.

530) 232

A speech disturbance results from a disturbance of the unitary speech function. Konia considers the
speech centres of the left cortical hemisphere as a continuous part of an energetic flow that results in

531) 233

Consciousness, Duality, Freud.

Konia notes that Freud rationalised man’s being on the basis of a fundamental duality - psyche and
soma. A unified view is not possible without scientifically finding the energy responsible for the
action of the mind Freud (once) believed.

532) 234

Reich’s Self-active Organ Theory and Consciousness

Konia notes Reich’s unique “Organs as ‘Self-active’ living creatures” theory.

Background (Southgate). Reich believed that all living plasma functions according to the four beat
Orgasm or Life formula (Tension, Charge, Discharge, Relaxation). All living plasma will move away
from harm and toward pleasurable environs. Therefore all plasma can perceive.

Reich developed this view in his theory that each organ is a self-contained creature working according
to its own function. None is higher or lower, rather the organs form a natural cooperative. This is part
of Reich’s theory of Functionalism.

JO V18 N1 1984

533) 6

The drives depend on libidinal energy Reich notes in an early writing. Reich gives as an example the
phlegmatic disposition of castrated eunochs.

534) 7

Precursor to Objects Relations theory

Reich noted the paradox that a child identifies with its frustrating parent because it cannot love
her/him. Frustrated love causes the incorporation. Hate can arise from this frustration.

Is this an orgonomic precursor to objects relations theory? (Reich originally published the full
monograph in 1927).

535) 13

Reich’s final address to the court and Judge Sweeney. He condemns the betrayal of Peter Mills,
thanks the Judge who he says knows the truth of the case, but had to act within given bounds. Reich
states that he may be destroyed physically but he has won as will be evidenced in the future.
However the HIGS* have nothing but shame on their faces.

Hoodlums In Government (now a term used in Ufology circles).

536) 16

FDA & Civil Liberties

American Civil Liberties Union protests to the FDA Commissioner Larrick about the burning of
‘comprehensive books of serious scientific intent’. Commissioner responds by saying we didn’t do it
we just enforced the injunction. (Actually Reich and his caretaker were overseen by FDA officials in
the first destruction of ORACs whilst Reich’s son Peter watched.)

537) 65-77

Dante’s Inferno - the frozen hell could be a portrayal of the pelvic block (characters frozen into the ice
from the waist up). God is portrayed as movement.

538) 80-98

Consciousness. Perception. Konia

Reich described sensation as a feeling out of reality.

Konia notes that this concept is at odds with the three prevalent modes of viewing consciousness;

Mechanistic materialism - every psychic event has a purely physical cause.

Metaphysical idealism - every psychic event has an exclusively psychic cause. Spirit creates matter.

Psychophysical parallelism - psychic and somatic realms are two parallel processes in mutual
interaction. Every psychic event must have a correspondence to a physical event and vice versa.

Reich’s early period

Ideas have their affective power determined by the emotions accompanying them. Thus ideas depend
on energetic processes. Reich’s earliest formulation was that ‘drive’ (objective function) and ’pleasure’
(subjective function) were united at a deeper level by an as yet undefined biological ‘motor activity’.

Reich found that when a drive was disturbed a disturbance in pleasure also occurred leading in turn to
a state of contactlessness.

(My note - Reich’s ideas and emphasis on contact preceded those of the relational theorists).

A bio-electric current - outward from core to periphery or inward from periphery to core constituted
the qualitative difference between how a drive was expressed. For the first time a subjective quality
(sensation) was linked scientifically to an objective quantity -level of bio-electrical current measured at
the skin surface.

Reich’s Middle Period

Biological Orgone energy is posited as the Common Functioning Principle (CFP) of the two
Variations; Psyche and Soma.

Psyche and Soma are not identical in themselves only identical with respect to a deeper function.
Reich identifies this deeper function with the underlying orgone field.

Reich also discovered the schizophrenic split - when perception and biological excitation lead
separate existences. There is a disintegration of conscious psychic functions. Physically there is a
severe armouring of the brain with insufficient armouring of the body. The schizophrenic experiences
himself as many separate parts and not holistically. The patient’s ‘currents’ and other organ
sensations are perceived as coming from outside himself.

Reich’s Final Period

Beginning about 1947.

Reich elucidated three flows of orgone, the cosmic energy flow. This splits off into the bio-energetic
flow (by capturing orgone into a membrane). From this arises part-perception or plasmatic perception.
From the bio-energetic flow a new flow splits off which is consciousness, or the self-perception of the
flow itself.

Konia notes that Reich expressed the idea that the subjective perceptual function must exist prior to
the bio-energetic flow. It would exist in nature itself with the following schema:

Natural Processes as the CFP of the variations:

1) Objective Logic of Orgone Energy.

2) Subjective Reasoning on the Basis of Orgonotic Self Perception.

Konia describes bions (pre-cellular entities discovered by Reich) as non-living systems. He says we
can’t assume that perception exists at these levels of organisation. (This would seem to contradict
Reich’s ideas that all living plasma perceives). He then states perception must exist even at protozoal
level as perception and excitation of plasmatic matter is inseparable. He gives 5 characteristics of
plasma movement and perception:

1) Movement confined in a membrane.

2) Spontaneous movement.
3) Relatively slow.
4) Pulsates.
5) Goes from low to high potentials.

Konia describes how the enigma of perception lies between identity (of the entity and the cosmos)
and antithesis (differentiation).

Functionalism (which Konia refers to as an essential means of understanding consciousness) is

unique as a tool because it can proceed toward the variations (complication/development) or toward
the unifications (simplification/origins). Most theories proceed in one direction only, eg dialectical
theories head only toward development.

539) 106

JO Review of Biography of A.S. Neill

Croall (1983) Neill of Summerhill - The Permanent Rebel, NY, Pantheon.

Reviewer states the work lacks depth because of superficial treatment of Reich’s influence on Neill’s
life. Reich painted as paranoid because Neill picked up on Reich’s dislike of crude jokes. Biographer
crudely dismisses Reich’s scientific work but does recognise the cathartic effect on Neill’s memory of
his therapy with Reich. Also notes that Neill’s first autobiography could not have been written without
Reich’s influence.

JO V18 N2 1984

540) 158

Reich's final address to the court was reported in the Portland Evening Press of March 11 (1957).

He argued against being imprisoned, as such a sentence would deprive the world of his equations
on space and negative gravity. These equations were only in his head, known to no one on this
planet. The knowledge may be lost for millennia, should mankind survive the present emergency.
Prison would equal certain death of a scientific pioneer at the hands of psychopathic persons. It would
also be gross neglect of duty of the court with regard to all the legal facts.

He further maintained that his arrest would be a violation of the Constitution that would end the
beneficial role of the United States in social development. It would lead to the downfall of the USA as
a self-governing society. Reich asserted that he and Silvert were devoted to the promotion of new
knowledge, not a cancer cure. We are courageous people he said.

541) 159


Judge Sweeney was deeply affected by the case and hoped that Reich could escape a custodial
sentence through a psychiatric assessment - the prosecutors were furious about this possibility.
Judge Sweeney may have been sympathetic to Reich but saw no other option for him to escape

542) 144

Reich noted that the main characteristic of the destructive drives are that they don’t serve any basic
biological need.

543) 144

Reich notes that the male character is often split internally between his loving and his sexual feelings.

544) 199

Reich had a keen interest in finding what is normal in the child. As Reich noted in our society what
constitutes normal healthy functioning of a child is completely unknown.

545) 199

Reich’s criterion for functional health (bio-energetic pulsation) is much deeper and sharper than the
analytical one (societal normality/ability to function adequately).

546) 191

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy & Children.

Crist is seeing someone labelled a ‘problem child’. He is treating him with orgone psychiatric therapy.
Crist asks the child what he does with his ‘mad feelings’. The child says how he eats the feelings up,
swallowing them down, before vomiting them out.

Crist proceeded from this point to talk more directly about the child’s bed wetting problem and how it
tied in with anger (toward his mother).

547) 202-211

Orgone Experiment

Cancer Mice


Experiment 1

Cylindrical ORAC (Orgone Accumulator). Orgone treatment began on detection of spontaneous

tumour. Longer treatment than previous experiments. Treatment was for 45-60 min’s twice daily.
Strong charge - used cylinder ORAC within a larger ORAC.

There was an 89% increase in tumour size for the Orgone group compared to 212% increase for the

Lifespan median average was 69 days for Orgone group and 38 days for Control group.

These results were highly significant. Only 8 mice in experiment 1 (4 in each subgroup). Weather was
controlled well for this set of experiments - fairly DOR free.

In all the experimental sets the procedure may have been complicated by setting too many
hypotheses and using a lot of subgroups.

Experiment 2

Transplanted tumours (injected tumour pulp). 16 mice split into 3 groups - 8 controls plus 2 groups of
Orgone treatment (ORAC group T1, Stronger ORAC group T2).

The tumours were allowed to set in for a week to ten days. Statistically significant results in tumour
size were reported. The mice in the T1 group had much larger tumours than those in the T2 and the

Control group. T2 and Control group were not different in tumour size. No longevity differences
between any of the groups

Many groups were used with a small number of subjects. The tumours being allowed to set in may
have added another variable.

Weather was quite good, a few DORish days. The additional ORAC used in T2 group, Experiment 2,
may have been contaminated by previous studies (oranised) state the authors. (Oranur is an
overcharged energy resulting from orgone being exposed to ionising radiation). Experiment 2's results
may therefore be unreliable.

Experiment 3

Spontaneous tumours were allowed to settle in first. The less strong ORAC (T1) was associated with
larger tumours but longer lifespan. The stronger ORAC arrangement (T2) (note possibility of
contamination of ORAC though) was associated with smaller tumours and shorter life span (Mice
population - 11).

Significant differences between T1 and T2 regarding lifespan and tumour size. Fair difference noted
between T1 and control (control group was approximately half way between T1 and T2 groups
regarding tumour size and longevity).

Synopsis of other Blasband mice experiments

Blasband reports that his previous experiments; Blasband 1973 JO V7 N1 , Blasband 1974 JO V8
N2, Blasband et al 1976 JO V10 N1, indicate that there is a trend toward longevity in orgone treated
cancer mice but that the effects noted thus far are not straightforward, or as expected.

Note - whatever the criticisms of these early pilot studies the valid point is that a definite real effect of
some kind does appear to be present. That is all that needs to be established at this stage.

548) 202

Orgone Experiment

Cancer Mice

Reich's Cancer Mouse Experiments

Reich first reported ORAC treatment of cancer mice in 1943.

36 mice with one-week-old spontaneous mammary tumours were treated with a mouse-sized ORAC
for 30 minutes daily.

Median average lifespan of the orgone mice was 11 weeks, approximately 1/3 longer than the control
group mice. (This was originally reported on pp256 of the 1948 book, The Cancer Biopathy).

549) 161

FDA Trial

Dirty Tricks & the Psychiatric Assessment

Dr Hubbard a consultant psychiatrist for Danbury federal prison, Connecticut, examined Reich. In a
report dated March 28th 1957 he stated that Reich, although having most of his personality intact had
paranoid ideation and delusions of grandiosity and persecution. He thought Reich had enough
psychotic thinking to perhaps warrant a label of paranoid schizophrenic. Reich should not therefore
stand accused of any crime and should be treated in a mental institute. He thought Silvert would
'recover' away from Reich's influence.

Reich was then transferred to Lewisburg prison Pennsylvania. It was here he was examined by
Lacovara, Senior surgeon and chief of psychiatric service at the prison. Here they stated that although
Reich has bizarre ideation he is capable of distinguishing right from wrong and acting accordingly and
his personality is essentially intact. They covered themselves by saying yes he could break down
psychotically under stress. Thus they overturned Hubbard's diagnosis and found Reich legally sane.
Dr Hubbard, Baker reports, was upset by this and phoned Lewisburg where he was told that
essentially they agreed with his diagnosis but they wanted to avoid a re-litigation.

550) 162

Prison - Reich did not mention his heart condition. However the prison hospital examination found a
harsh systolic murmour - nothing was done about this and no ECG was done. This was a complete
neglect of duty.

551) 163

Reich stated that his main reason for not fighting the FDA in court was to establish the principle that
basic research must remain free of commercial or political interests. Reich believed that in principle,
and from the historical perspective, he had won his case. (Reich’s main concern was the transmission
of his discoveries to the world). From Prison statement.

552) 163

Prison and Stolen Books

Reich wrote two books in prison, 'Poems and Prayers' which he gave to Aurora. The other was called
either 'Creation' or 'The Silent Observer'. Baker states that Reich gave this last one to the prison
psychologist and it has since never been located. Reich was also close to the protestant chaplain at
this time so could have entrusted work to him though this is not specified. He spent much time in the
library where he read Emerson's Essays and a biography of Lincoln. (Lewisburg Prison,
Pennsylvania, 1957).

553) 164

A cloudbusting 'gun' used in US sci-fi film 'Earth Vs Flying Saucers', presumably 1957.

554) 166


Reich was kicked by a guard and made to scrub the floor as punishment for kissing Aurura at visiting
time - 166.

Reich was given two pink pills by the prison dispensary two days before he died. Reich had asked for
aspirin due to feeling ill (it turned out he had bronchopneumonia). Reich did not want to delay his
parole hearing the following week if it was known he was ill. Reich died at 3 or 4 am on November
3rd, fully clothed except for his shoes - 167.

As Reich predicted, the authorities kept his brain (which was free of arteriosclerosis or other
pathology and weighed 1400g - 167).

555) 197

Psychiatric diagnosis is much less clear in conventional psychiatry than in orgone psychiatric therapy.
The former is a psycho-dynamic assessment that may or may not lead to a clear-cut treatment. In
orgone therapy a clear impression of character and armour patterns leads logically to a treatment

556) 212

Brenner states how in the 1930's after studies of bio-electricity in humans, Reich believed he had
found evidence for a specific biological energy. An energy whose flow in the body is experienced as

557) 213

Bions can be...

Seen clearly at 2000x with apochromatic objectives, are vesicular, have a bluish glimmer, are
surrounded by a white halo, show internal and whole pulsation, can move, fuse, divide, immobilise
bacteria, are Gram positive, stain blue with hematoxolin. (Reich also claimed to have cultured them
but this hasn't been repeated).

Contamination? Successive sterilisations using sealed glassware still shows the bion forms.
Conversely unsterile technique results only in known forms of bacteria.

Brownian movement? Some forms move actively others in the same field do not. Forms will move
continuously then suddenly stop. Stationary forms will suddenly start to move. Speed of movement is
independent of the temperature of the medium. There is a tendency toward mutual attraction between
the forms.

558) 215

Orgonomic View of Cancer discussed by Brenner.

Reich thought that the cancer process is similar to that of vegetable matter disintegrating into bions.
He formed a radical hypothesis about cancer. It is a disease of the entire organism, not just of a
specific tissue. It is a disease in which the whole body has begun to break down. The cause of this
breakdown is a lack of overall vitality, of orgone energy. Some cells begin to die. They start to break
down into bions. These reorganise into single celled organisms. These become the cancer cells.

Level of reorganisation ability (from bionous breakdown to cancer cell) reflects the level of orgone
vitality. Reich's findings correlate well clinically. The more differentiated the cancer cell (the higher the
orgone charge) the better the prognosis becomes - 216.

High levels of contaminants e.g. bacteria, viruses represent stages of the bion process. Cancer is not
a 'clean' process - 216.

Reich sees a downward process from normal cell to cancer cell (My Note - If tumour represents an
‘upward’ progression of the cancer process can this mean a good treatment would be removal of the
mass followed by ORAC treatment?) - 216.

Brenner notes that in Reich's view tumour cells are the highest form that the cancer struggle produces
and the T-Bacilli bion the lowest form - 218.

When cells are very poorly charged they can go straight to T-Bacilli status - 217.

The pulling pain in cancer may be a generalised contraction of the nervous system - 220.

559) Note

Reich's differentiation of primary and secondary drives is vital to our understanding of health,
disease and to society.

560) 218

Cancer/Reich Blood Test

Bright energy field around Red Blood Cell cannot be an artefact as the field pulsates.

561) 226

Love is an expression of full contact - Konia.

562) 232

Perception & Armouring

In general there is a rigidity of perception, sometimes a perceptual intolerance in schizophrenics

Masochism - intolerance of biological charge/fear of 'bursting'. Other person who inflicts the pain
becomes responsible for the release, freeing the sufferer of responsibility. Double bind - the person
dreads orgastic discharge as to him it is annihilation - but - he desires it too. He therefore demands
someone else obtain relief for him.

Ideas of death - cloaked orgasm wishes (melting) and pleasurable release.

Ideas of falling - armoured perception of energy moving to core or in lower segments.

Ideas of drowning - cervical armouring.

Guilt - rage turned inward by armouring becomes inner directed anxiety. Lowered energy increases
guilt feelings. There is not enough force to break out the shell. Process diagrams on pp 234-5.

563) 219

Reich Blood Test

It is the morphology of the breakdown of Red Blood Cells that is important in Reich Blood Test.
Crennulations or spikes versus 'Beads in a Ring' can appear. Mixtures of types indicates it isn't merely
osmotic processes that produce the characteristic spiking.

564) 238

JO Review:

Jacoby, R. (1983) The Repression of Psychoanalysis, NY, Basic Books.

An examination of the second generation of analysts and their role in the suppression of
psychoanalysis as an agent of social change.

Jacoby is generally accurate in his historical details and sympathetic to Reich's contributions.
Concentrates on Fenichel and others but does review Reich's influence on Fenichel and other
prominent psychoanalysts. Fenichel battled to preserve classical analysis from a sublimation which
eroded its social and sexual roles in the US. He believed Reich went too far toward a biological sexual
reductionism. Jacoby notes the radical beginnings of Edith Jacobson and Annie Reich. Jacoby
terms Reich's scientific work as mystical.

Fenichel rejected the bioelectrical work of Reich and urged the Marxist analysts to 'silently reject' it.

565) 252

ACO Activities in early 1980’s.

1984 saw the 1st international conference on orgonomy since Reich's death. Some 150 participants
attended. Charged atmosphere. There were attempts at organised disruption.

300 people also attended Blasband's public lectures in Greece.

Various orgonomy courses held in USA in 1980's.

JO V19 N2 1985

566) 273

Reich thought Freud's death instinct was partly the result of erroneously giving a biological
significance to psychic manifestations of the masochistic character.

567) 203

Orgone Psychiatric Treatment and Somatic Manifestations

Harman, R.

Harman treated an anorexic. During treatment she developed a depth to her character which was
missing previously. During treatment finger marks mysteriously appeared on her neck. This reflected
a past experience, a somatised memory.

568) 220-225

Orgone Experiment

Dor-buster (DB) and Seedlings

Blasband, R.

Well reported and conducted study. Experiments examining different types of DB set-up on the
growth of seedlings were reported.

The procedure was complex with quite a few experimental groups (6 experimental groups with 20
seedlings each, 5 types of DB treatment employed, 1 control group of 20 seedlings for each DB

Statistics reported - Median averages, Standard Deviation's and Confidence Intervals (C.I.) reported.


The DB had a statistically significant influence on the growth of plants with a C.I. of P = 0.03.

569) 231


Rotational curve and velocities of stars stay the same whatever the distance to the galactic centre -
this goes against Kepler's laws.

Dark Matter - a mechanistic view of the cosmos has to rely on the theoretical proposition that the
dominant form of matter is non-luminous with no detectable electro-magnetic wavelength & which
constitutes 90% of the universe.

Dark matter concentrates at the periphery of a galaxy - 236.

Dark matter is not really matter as we know it. Also without an orgone field or aether as basis, the
cosmos has to be explained as entirely due to the behaviour of inert matter. 236-7 lists the reasons
why the author believes the orgone field better explains the observed characteristics of the cosmos -
essentially inert matter, even dark matter, provides a poor explanation of the actual observations
which are more energetic in character.

Higher than expected rotational velocities (of stars) could be due to orgone movement rather than
so-called 'dark matter' - 238.

Outline of galactic movement characteristics as stated by Reich - 239:

 Spiralling motion.
Superimposition processes.
Tendency toward core, periphery and field structure.
Heavier nucleus.
Tendency of the envelope of structure to move faster than the matter within it.

570) 269

Consciousness, Psyche Vs Soma, Freud, Mysticism, Mechanistic Materialism.

Important Common Functioning Principle (CFP) diagram outlining the relationship of psyche to soma
in various views:

 Mechanistic materialism
Parallelism (Freud's 'temporary' view-'till proven otherwise')
Orgonotic view (psyche and soma as divergent aspects of an underlying CFP).

Shows how all the above views are integrated within the CFP approach of Reich.

275 onwards gives a critique of the different forms of thought outlined in the CFP diagram.

Konia's critique of holistic therapies (monism) is interesting. Holistic medicine tends to leave out the
sexual aspects. They also underplay the opposition of psyche and soma and have an undefined idea
of health as 'balance'.

571) 271

The goals of treatment are often based on the formulation of the psyche/soma relationship (Konia). In
analysis, which takes a more metaphysical approach, for example with anxiety, a psychoanalyst might
expose the terrors as empty, show how anxiety is no longer 'needed' as a 'danger signal'. The
biophysical reality of the emotion is completely ignored.

572) 235

Konia describes how mechanistic minded scientists destroy the wonder of nature.

In astronomy, the unknown is only 'dark matter'. In bacteriology, it is dismissed as 'air germs'. In
meteorology, it is 'bad seeing' or 'heat waves'. In psychology, it is 'resistance analysis'. If all else fails
the phenomena was known all along anyway.

573) 272

Own note - Can it be argued that Reich took a somewhat materialist approach to emotions? That a
mechanical change in the soma can lead to a corresponding change in emotion? (Perhaps, but
maybe the energetic CFP which Reich pioneered returns the emphasis to the energetic ultimately).

JO V19 V1 1985

574) 27

Very good description of the very difficult borderline psychopathic/neurotic patients Reich first studied
- Impulsives. (Now known as borderline personality disordered).

These patients had a split off super-ego, and came from violent, over-sexualised backgrounds. Their

upbringing was both licentious and very repressive at the same time.

Own note - the modern mass media is also violent and over-sexualised. Modern society encourages
both repression and licentiousness.

575) 80-91

Orgone Experiment

Bions modified Experiment XX


Confirmation of Reich's Experiment XX. (Production of primary bions, a pre-cellular entity, without
using solid mass).

Lappert used heat and pressure with activated charcoal (instead of freezing highly energetically
charged liquid - boiled soil filtered out to remove precipitate. The freezing then 'contract's out’ the
primary bions.)

Lappert found that the freezing process was not needed with his protocol and by using a glass fronted
oven he could watch the inception of the bionous processes.

Micro-photo's of bions presented showed their response to light, O2 use and production, nuclear
development and pulsatory behaviour.

The primary bions produced O2-This indicates that an oxygenated atmosphere may have occurred
much earlier than previously thought in Earth’s history - 90.

Paper is well presented in a narrative form.

576) 90


Orgonomy views life as inevitable - rather than a remarkable, highly unlikely, coincidental chain of
fatty acids. (Evolutionary biology traditionally starts with the accidental, and highly unlikely occurrence
of a complete cell - a highly complex organism. My note - This is a bit like the evolution of transport
starting with the jumbo jet).

577) 95


Reich’s work led him to make four basic assumptions;

Energy is more primary than matter.

An antithesis can co-exist with an identity.
Direct observation of processes is essential.
Human emotions can be studied objectively.

578) 34

Orgone Psychiatric Treatment

Interesting modern study of an impulsive or schizophrenic type character who somatically becomes
her own mother when talking to a friend. (This process aids the positive resolution of the orgone
psychiatric treatment).

579) 27

Early Character Work

Reich mentions that Alexander and others published work on Impulsive patients and character.
Reich's work however was the first to stress that their should be a consistently applied
character-analytic technique in the psychoanalysis of Impulsive patients.

580) 52

Health. Psychology. Psychiatry.

Reich believed there is not a direct approach to health merely from the study of sickness.

581) 58-79

Orgone experiments


Demeo, J.

Summary of Demeo's Cloudbuster Experiments for his MSc, University of Kansas.

Maps, satellite imagery, statistical analysis in a well presented scientific paper.

Minute by minute photo sequences of cloudbuster's trained on clouds in Kansas. Concurrent unusual
satellite imagery.

Demeo's experimental OROPs (ORgone OPerations) show a success rate of 80% using a strict 48
hour criteria.

Using this strict criteria 10 out of 12 OROPs in drought conditions are successful in producing rainfall.
75% of OROPs are followed by a change in barometric pressure (indicating increased likelihood of
rain). The average response times (for the environment to be affected by an OROP) is 24 hours in
non-drought and 48 hours in drought conditions -pp64.

Cloudbuster stationed exactly under a 150% increase in 'rain island' - pp65.

See here for a summary of the 28 OROPs undertaken by Demeo since 1977 - pp74.

Systematic development of clouds to the west of the cloudbuster (also confirms what Reich found in
his OROPs) - pp78.

Summary of Reich's cloudbuster publishing references - pp79.

582) 140


Useful review by JO of the 'new' journal 'Annals'. Good factual synopsis of articles.

583) 42-56


Confirmation of Reich's views on peer related sexual play.

Author notes how complete a newborn is in terms of its ability to interact and perceive the

Reich thought that the genetic view of heredity factors may be partly misplaced. Energetic,
mother-baby bonding factors from pre-birth are probably vastly underestimated or miscomprehended
- pp45.

Reich also emphasised how critical the mother-child bond is, especially in the pre-natal and early
post-natal period. He believed schizophrenia is laid down soon after birth or even before - pp45.

Article references child research from other fields relevant to orgonomy. (For example papers
showing that mothers with a small amount of extra physical contact with their newborns have
significant positive difference from a control group).

584) 51

Reich believed that Neurotic behaviour forces authoritarian measures.

585) 141

Article notes that Armouring distorts perception in various characteristic ways.

586) 144

Baker, Higgins and Eva were the main rebuilders after Reich's death. Even Orgonon, Reich’s home
and lab was in ruins for a while at this time.

587) 146

New Jersey Neuro-psychiatric association tried to have Baker's medical licence revoked in 1950s.

588) 148

An original reference to 'emotional first aid' (term later used by a post-Reich neurologist doctor)

589) Backnotes

American College of Orgonomy was at a peak in the 1980’s. May conferences, public and
professional events, evening courses held at various universities. The longest running course was at

590) 103


A system functions as a whole according to its Common Functioning Principle (CFP) and not
according to its parts or quantities.

There is no zero in orgonometry - pp108.

Orgonomy implies that there is a single function to all life, the deepest CFP.

Function precedes 'purpose' - pp116.

In Functionalism opposites are no longer irreconcilable or absolute - pp115.

Nature is the CFP of the variations, Variation 1) Realm, Variation 2) Observer. This is why every
orgonotic formulation must reflect a real, observable phenomenon in nature -pp110.

Freedom and determinism, infinity and finiteness are both paired functions.

Freedom and determinism are paired because the 1st variation is 'free' to express itself in any way
but this expression is limited by the CFP which determines the scope or range, or characteristics of

both variations.

In a similar way infinity and finiteness are paired - the CFP of any function or realm is singular and
therefore finite. The variations, though determined in characteristic are infinitely variable and
numerous - 114.

JO V23 N1 1989

591) 3

The greatest difficulty understanding orgone theory, Reich acknowledged lies in its "too muchness".

592) 29

Meaning of ‘Work’ & Energetic View of Organisations.

Work means 'to do' in its Indo-European roots. Its Greek form 'ergon' is common root to 'work',
'energy' and 'action'.- the suffixed form of 'ergon', 'worg-a' means 'organ', 'swell' and would be related
to the function of 'orgasm'. In orgonomic terms work and sexual functions are inextricably related,
this seems to be reflected in the Greek understanding.

Pleasure and work are not antiethical-30.

Corporal, energetic view of organisations - Goldberg.

Head is the top management which orientates the direction of work.

Middle management enables the flow of work from top to bottom and vice versa.

The body segments discharge the work process.

Each section participates in the 'core' function - the work function.

Each section ideally would function democratically and freely.

Armouring takes the form of bureaucracy (pp43). It can be a lack of, or a disturbed ‘vision’. It can
be chronic 'organisational' problems - pp27-46.

Organisational armouring reflects the history of the organisation.

The energy model is different to a systems model.

The energy model has a 'core' and a ‘field’, and is organic. The core attracts energy and building
happens organically - pp38-39.

Interventions in organisation character by Goldberg often resulted in 'spontaneous' changes in

structure rather than planned ones - pp37.

593) 15-26

Desert expansion

Demeo compares the sahara desert area with it's spreading tentacles to a cancerous amoeba.

Reich warned in the 1950's about the threat of deserts and the general stagnating and drying out

Soot is poorly defined classically and could be related to what Reich termed Melanor - which is mass
associated DOR - pp20.

The role of atmospheric 'haze' in blocking rainfall is now well documented but was first pointed out by
Reich - pp22.

60,000 Km of desert is created annually - references at pp17.

Desert oceans and DOR fogs - pp23.

The role of life in determining the weather is discussed - pp23.

Various names for the 'bad winds' coming from the desert - pp24.

Dry air, dusty haze and fogs over seas, scorched land with fog above it and El Nino activity is argued
to all be connected to desertification - pp106.

594) 48-49


The well known Michelson and Morley interferometer (light measurement) experiment, showed a
fringe shift of 0.004 to 0.015 of a fringe width. The predicted value was 0.04. As Miller pointed out
relativity theory requires a completely null result. The displacement values, though small, occurred in
a systematic manner and the values plotted a sine curve (indicating a real effect).

The Michelson and Morley experiment indicated that static aether may need revising as a concept but
it did not dismiss aether either - contrary to what is widely (mis)reported of this short experiment -
pp49. The experiment was conducted in a least suitable environment for detecting an earth-entrained
possibly moving aether (a basement). The metal shielding used around equipment might also reflect
aether from an orgonomic viewpoint (Miller suspected this effect and controlled for it).

On the other hand, Miller's well-controlled and extensively repeated interferometer work suggested a
dynamic streamed aether which moves faster than the earth’s rotation - pp51.

Orgone physics

Konia argues that the clarity of distant objects indicates that orgone is completely mass-free - i.e.
electromagnetic waves travelling through space seem to lose no distinction or sharpness despite
travelling various vast distances. Konia thinks this is because orgone is mass-free and therefore there
is no slight mass to perturb the passage of particles.

More recently Demeo argues that recent Eastern European light experiments supports his contention
that orgone may have varying degrees of very slight mass.

595) 57-63

Orgone Experiment

Finger Temp Effects of ORAC


Good quality study, well reported. Single blind method.

Group A versus Group B study with 30 subjects. Subjects randomly assigned to ORAC cabinet or
Control box. There was a mean average rise of 4 degree Fahrenheit in the ORAC compared to 0.7 in
the Control. This is statistically significant with a Confidence Interval of P = 0.04.

Baseline temps were obtained, Anxiety was controlled for by using a biofeedback measurement.
Room temp was controlled within one degree Farenheit. Detailed report of statistics. A one way
Analysis of Variance rather was used for the main statistical significance test.

At the same time Muschenich published a similar study in German.

German Finger Temp ORAC Study

Gebauer, R and Muschenich, S. (1987) Der Reichsche Orgonakkumulator, West Germany, Nexus.

Used a stronger 8 fold ORAC compared to the US study's 2 fold ORAC but the conditions in Germany
are worse for DOR in Muschenich's opinion. Finger and core body temperatures were found to be
significantly different using a One Way Analysis of Variance (Confidence Interval of P = 0.01).
Number of subjects not quoted. Pp 62.

595a) 91

Various OROPs led by Demeo-

Eastern US OROP resulted in dramatic increase in precipitation and decrease in temperature (Report

Amazingly effective OROP that helped end devastating fires that destroyed an area the size of

Unusual hailstorms, electrical storms and cloud to cloud lightning can follow 'fast moving' CB's (on
trucks). Phenomena tend to stop at less than 25 miles an hour or when stopped.-114.

Reich's claims of desert greening without rainfall has also been corroborated, Demeo, progress report

In desert conditions near LA within an hour clouds form locally to the CB-immediately there is a
sparkle around the tubes and orgone units (small moving dots of slightly luminous energy) can be

By October 1988 Demeo had worked in over 30 different Cloudbusting operations. 50% of these
operations were conducted in drought or desert conditions. Around 80% of these operations were
completely successful. Significant rains, and other major atmospheric changes developed within 48
hours of operations commencing-130.

596) 130-131


Gardner, M. (1952) Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, NY (first published 1952 under a
different title.)

Gardner is one of the most vehement published critics of Reich and is a CSICOP member. Most of his
criticism is personal diatribe and invective and not worth answering academically, however he makes
one argument, that no one outside of 'orgonomy circles' has ever confirmed any of Reich's
findings-presumably confirming Reich's work puts a scientist within the circle he criticises. However,
Demeo lists and briefly describes those whose work independently supports the orgone concept;
Miller, Arp, Piccardi, Brown, Burr, Alfven, Moss, Nordenstrom, Kevran, Becker and Sheldrake.
Of these researchers only Moss mentions orgone at all.

597) 81

An orgonotic theory of language that is biophysically based is described. Whitman's poetry captures
plasmatic movement and is inspired by it. Reich saw that as the root of language.

598) 68

Direction is from involuntary to voluntary movement. Thought processes do not initiate but intervene
between the involuntary and voluntary.

599) 74

Human irresponsibility and helplessness are primarily rooted biologically-it is dangerous to assume
that they arise from social or psychological realms when they are in fact structured in physically.

600) 75

Orgonomy recognises that there are inborn traits but that these can become exaggerated into
biopathic symptoms and traits.

JO V23 N2 1989

601) 187

Fifth international conference held in France. Odent gave two lectures.

602) 193

Work energy and organisational character

Phallic-work aggression-Performance
Genital-work democracy-Self regulation.

603) Ego psychology

Orgonomy has much to offer ego psychology. It has elucidated a 4th stage of ego development-the
vision stage of psycho-sexual development which is believed precedes the oral stage. Plus also
elucidating whether blockages in each stage of development are 'repressed' or 'unsatisfied' in nature.
Baker elucidated the fourth stage.

195-footnote 8

Classical analysis doesn't distinguish the dependency of the oral stage from the prior orientation and
reaching out of the ocular stage. It thus loses contact with the child's development process.

604) 169

Reich's Sayings

Reich said life is understandable just as it is and that life needs no great theories.

He believed newspapers should be about work.

He thought that in essence there was only one problem - the emotional desert of man.

605) 219-223

Orgone Experiments


Diamond and Reidpath

Authors were trying to find a way of telling which bion samples were strongest by exposing volunteers
to 3 different cultures and measuring their reported sensation level according to a 7 point Liekert

This study did not compare non-bionous samples to bionous samples in terms of radient energy
sensation which would have been useful for evidencing bions but the method was useful and could be
adopted for such a study.

After excluding four non-sensitive subjects (self-reported) statistically significant differences were
found between three different types of bion sample. The traditional potassium and bouillon mixture
was found to be best.

606) 266


Pacific Jet Stream which can be a cause of droughts when deviated was realigned using cloudbuster.
Wet season successfully enhanced also. Drought threats reversed. East coast cloudbusting easier
than west.

607) 273

Cloudbuster Photos

Two amazing photos before and after 3 days Cloudbusting in driest, most DORish desert location in
USA. DOR conditions reasserted themselves shortly after, but astounding nonetheless.

608) 273-276

Food & Drug Administration


The only non-medical physical test of the ORAC by the FDA. Undertook by Dr Kurt Lion of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

FDA reference, Lion, K. 'Investigations on the Orgone Accumulator’, FDA document from K. Lion to
Robert Heller of the FDA, April 16th, 1953.

Can only be described as an appallingly awful unscientific sham. FDA have kept no original data.
Graphs are eligible, no way of finding absolute data from the graphs as the scales are missing. The
only measurements taken appeared to be done at random intervals. There appeared to be random
extreme temperature fluctuations - doors appeared to be opened at various intervals.

The environment was mildly radioactive according to Dr Lion's own reports elsewhere. Lion himself
wore a radium glow wristwatch which yielded high CPM's (Geiger Muller Machine, Counts Per
Minute). The background count of his lab, according to Dr Lion, was between 40 and 70 CPM -
suggesting low level radioactive contamination.

The actual orgone test was conducted during winter-the worst time possible. His son recalls that Dr
Lion was called upon to 'prove Dr Reich....a fake', in other words, not to investigate scientifically. The
FDA either never had or have lost any legible data with absolute values on them. Dr Lion's family
destroyed Dr Lion's notes upon his death. It is known that the graph lines of the ORAC, control and
room temperature repeatedly cross each other suggesting a poorly conducted 'experiment'.

609) 242

It is the schitzophrenic's inability to make prolonged contact that stops a 'transference' taking place
thus rendering traditional analysis difficult.

JO V20 N1 1986

610) 89

Discussion of research about home schooling and the apparent drop in literacy with public
institutionalised schooling.

Reich was home schooled (by private tutors).

611) 92


A natural biological approach to education-curriculum ideas based on nature.

612) 5-8


Although Reich appeared to view homosexuality as mostly determined through sex-negative

upbringing he defends people’s rights to be homosexual.

613) 17

Hoppe became a communist sympathiser after Reich’s death and called Baker a fascist.

Attacks on Baker and orgonomic infighting between ACO and others - 17-19.

614) 42-53

Good article and strong case histories of orgonomic first aid in children. One child during treatment
has a breakthrough expressed in his artwork which changes from geometric and harsh figures to ‘soft’

Cammeralla also asks in this article whether disease/emotional plague is natural or unnatural but
concludes this isn’t helpful in understanding therapy today.

In ‘Children of the Future’ Reich notes that interacting with children within the orgonomic
understanding is a most radical development.

615) 55


Armoured organism cannot think rationally because their body sensations are experienced with

616) 54-66

Politics, communism

Left wing makes no distinctions (between primary and secondary impulses), right wing sees all
impulses as bad.

Revolution occurs when the longing of the masses far outstrips its structural capacity for freedom.

Desire for freedom versus fear of freedom creates an unstable situation in liberal societies.

617) 79-92

An ‘integrated’ school-looks at the balance between freedom, self-regulation and requirement of some
level of authority in a neurotic society.

618) 120


Freezing weather slowed and warmed by opposing cloudbusting draw. Results in complete contrast
to expectations.

619) 32

Kahuna’s of Hawaii-distinguish two forms of life energy, mana-living substance and aka substance
which is more involved with consciousness.

Koopman argues that it is the energy field of the person wherein resides consciousness.

620) 103


A scientist who adopts a paradigm is an analyser not a discoverer. He accepts what he is told and fills
in the details.

Paradigmatic science teaches the student to see things in the same way as society.

To the armoured scientist the objective and subjective are separate. Additionally, his or her own
plasma currents are below the threshold of their perception - 99.

Science and functionalism

In Reich’s formulation there is only one wholly correct thesis - the others are not wrong just partially

Reich believed one should study nature not the modification of nature - 104

Lawful nature

Reich noted that there are endless variations in nature but that all are in agreement with a basic
natural law.

621) 126

Reich’s 3 contributions to psychiatry (and medicine)

1) Identifying a biological energy

2) Discovery of the armour that impedes this energy’s flow.
3) Orgasm function that regulates this flow.

622) 63


Writer notes that the small suppliers give more direct and immediate gratification to their customers..

Author considers that since all capital originates from human work it should therefore be considered

Communist and fascist societies steal the work product and prohibit pleasurable relationships in work.

623) 64-65

Reich’s view of the cancer cell is fundamentally divergent from the mainstream. Generally the cancer

cell is seen simply as an ‘aberrant’ type of normal cell. Reich’s view is that it is a fundamentally
different type of cell from the normal with a completely different genesis (i.e. bionous breakdown and
subsequent reorganisation at a lower level).

All biopathies (Reich’s term for a holistic disease pattern), but most especially cancer, show the

 Disturbance of respiration
Chronic sympatheticotonia (chronic contraction and spasticity of tissues)
Chronic and severe orgastic and sexual impotence.

JO V20 N2 1986

624) 177

Love is central to Reich's theories. Reich viewed mental illness as a result of a disturbance in the
natural ability to love.

Psychic health is also seen as dependent on orgastic potency, which is the capacity for surrender at
the apex of sexual excitation.

Baker on Reich.

625) 180

Reich's experiments proved that orgastic potency is a completely separate phenomenon to

mechanical ability to perform sexually. (Pleasure and unpleasant register bio-electrically independent
of erection and de-tumescence).

626) 192

Biopathic disturbances are not affected by education.

627) 196

Writer notes that the true purpose of terrorism is to increase social anxiety and to interfere with

628) 195-213

Konia compares communism to cancer and offers the following parallels;-

Aerobic to anaerobic-complex to simple conformity, part functions lose their autonomy, characterised
by resignation, stagnation, decline of core contact, decreased lawful organisation, reorganisation with
a reduction of level of functioning (in communist societies according to principles of emotional

629) 247

Baker felt the drive to get well was the most important prognostic factor.

630) 225

Closed orgonome systems seen in galaxies.

631) 235-243


Sharaf offers a useful critique of Reich's theories, at least in psychotherapeutic realm;

Sharaf felt that Freud overemphasised unconscious ideas over affect (or emotional power). Reich in
turn may have overemphasised affect over ideas and experiences.

632) 253-261

Orgone Experiments



Grad's early experiments were instrumental in renewing interest in healing in the USA (Orgonotic
functions in healing).

Grad treated 219 leaukemic mice over 4 years. Orgone treated mice had significantly less tumours
but no increase in lifespan.

Temp Orgone VS Temp Control - TO-T

Grad ran long series of TO-T experiments which indicated real effect from the ORAC effect.

633) 259

Healing studies show an orgone-like biological effect:

Healing may;

Accelerates the healing of wounds in mice.

Barley seeds grow faster with 'healed' water.

Goitres retarded in mice

Enzymes affected.

Bacteria survival rates changed.

An opposite energetic effect:

Depressed people inhibit growth.

References 3-11-(261).

634) 267

Functionalism differs in that it not only interrelates functions but finds a third deeper function that
simplifies the understanding of the two ‘higher’ functions in a Common Functioning Principle CFP.

Functional research is part of the life process - 273.

635) 287

Directions of orgone treatment;

Within Each Segment: Dorsum-Ventral
Part-Total functions


JO V21 N1 1987

636) 58


Koopman, B.

Very good case history. 2.5 yr old traumatised child with small amount brain damage and severe
developmental difficulties (isolating, speech and behaviour problems). Done extremely well in short
space of time, facilitated starting speech therapy. Orgonomic mobilisation of his jaw-and release of
the rage he was holding there started a blossoming process that gave good results very quickly
despite neurological deficits.

637) 68

Emotional plague

Emotional Plague results in powerful structural compulsions often along the lines of the following;

Unnatural constriction of infants.

Destruction of healthy adolescent love through repression, pornography, license, mysticism etc.
Mechanistic, punitive or licentious education.
Misuse of compassionate social inpulses to impose socialist totalitarian states.
Organised criminality.
Anti-creative bureaucracy.
Support of plague states against healthier societies.
Environmental destruction.

638) 69

Neurosis in Freud's view is mainly due to psychoneurosis. It is caused by conflicts arising in infancy
or from the oedipal conflict. These conflicts then get fixed into neurotic character traits through
fixations and sublimations. Actual neurosis was a temporary stagnation of libido resulting from sexual
abstinence. This Freud believed caused harmful chemicals to be released into the blood.

Reich however realised that these character traits were but symptoms of something deeper and more
profound-a structuralised inability to be healthy-to gather and discharge energy. Reich saw the
neurotic character traits as merely peaks on the mountain chain that id character structure.

639) 4-9


Patriarchal religious excitation is at once anti-sexual and a sexual substitute.

Wish to flagellate comes from wish to discharge without guilt.

Origin of evil-religious split from sex..

If excitation becomes traumatic somatically due to blocks then sex becomes 'bad'.

Reich thought that what is often described as a connection to God is in fact a connection to nature.

640) 42-52

Good description of bions - 42-44.

Orgone Experiments



Somewhat complicated, lacked clarity.

There was an oranur effect when the large numbers of samples decayed but orene was also added -
effect of this was unclear.

An interesting series of observations and good photos provided. Interesting claims of culturability of
some samples. Too many subgroups, no clear research goal or hypothesis.

641) 60-67

An ocular block-beautiful description of the return of stereoscopic vision in patients own words.

642) 82

Hegel's dialetical method, in orgonomic terms reflects merely the function of creation.

643) 74

Reich believed truth to be full, immediate contact between perceptive love and perceptive life.

644) 73

Einstein's Soviet sympathies and lack of patriotism reflected in personal letters.

Reich believed that Einstein's assistant Leopold Infeld, a known communist, may have put Einstein
against him.

645) 101

3 ways in which schizophrenics reduce energy-

Breathing restriction
Cervical block (stops energy getting to head)
Brain anorgonia

JO V21 N2 1987

646) 156

If the greater part of an organism's energy centres on the genital level he functions as a genital

647) 194

Reich was the first natural scientist to recognise the close association between the environmental
desert and the emotional desert of man.

The inner and outer desert.

648) 194 FN

R. D. Laing noted that Reich's discoveries on the social influences upon the sympathetic,
parasympathetic, and central nervous system are testable, but are never tested. Reich understood
the mess we are in yet in a hundred Medical journals there is not one mention of him.

Why is Reich never mentioned?

649) 141

Reich's special contribution (to the development of analysis) is his delineation of the libido energy as

650) 144


1922 Discovered orgastic potency

1935 Discovered orgasm reflex
1939 Discovered orgone radiation

Split from Freud occurred between 1928 and 1934.

The Norwegian press campaign against Reich was inspired by fascists.

651) 146-7

Reich viewed mental illness as a disturbance in the ability to love. As such it is shaped by the social
as well as psychic factors.

Reich spoke of the ‘murder of the living’ and its ultimate expression within compulsory education and

He drew a parallel between sexuality and the productive life process.

Reich thought that it was because of mass alienation that the simple facts he discovered could be
neglected for so long.

652) 196

Reich's sex-economic theory was the first to openly champion children's and adolescent's rights to
healthy sexual expression with their peers.

653) 159-171

Orgone Therapy

Koopman, B.

Interesting case history of a chronic depressive, a doctor raised in a tough neighbourhood with a
loving but absent father and an overprotective, domineering mother. Over a course of 10 years he
reached and solidified 'genitality' in orgonomic terms. A powerful narrative.

654) 171

In analytic terms the armour is the super-ego.

655) 146

My Note - Reich consistently mentioned a 6000 year period of man's predicament-which Demeo in his
Saharasian thesis found to be accurate. Reich never mentions why he used this number.

Reich’s views and Demeo's Saharasia work shatters the genetic view of violence.

Note-Saharasia is a geographical anthropology. Based on orgonomic principles and correlating many

scientific databases Demeo found a basis for human armouring in the influences of desert formation
(prior to 6000 years ago the great desert had not appeared).

656) 181

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Konia, C.

Vivid memories of the hateful face of her mother plus memories of her own birth emerging as pelvic
armour is dissolved (and of her mother's resentment towards her).

Same patient describes the terrible 'loss of life' and aloneness of her childhood, which appeared to be
aimed at removing all feelings from life.

657) 261


Orgone energy reaches out to try and know itself Reich believed. Here Reich is ascribing
consciousness to the orgone field directly.

657a) 253

Major criticism of traditional psychoanalysis - the random analysis of impulses and defences can lead
to intellectual stagnation. Whereas knowledge of armouring can lead to a structured unfolding

658) 261

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

A patient describes the intensity of orgone therapy, which brought back memories of being a baby.
The patient had cried for days, a pleading with his father to make contact.

658b) 258

Reich began to see the brain, the traditional seat of consciousness, merely as a parasite -sucking up
the bodies energy.

659) 257

Reich was probably the first scientist to describe how contactful infants and babies really are.

660) 249

Preliminary evidence that Cloudbusters may lower acid levels in rain.

Many OROPs are for DOR removal - 84% of the time they are successful in at least a 1-3 point
reduction in the DOR index (Baker). Successful draws are often accompanied by an immediate
increase in the wind.

661) Reviews

Review of Odent's ‘Birth Reborn’ - Odent is aware of Reich's social and psychiatric work but doesn't
interfere with energetics/armouring directly. He sees birth as a genital process and in his own quote,

is dedicated to stopping the 'Murder of Christ' in children.

JO Baker Commemorative Issue 1986

662) 72

Baker believes that orgone, as an energy, contains the potential for life, intelligence, and emotions.
He also believed Reich's functional thought was in harmony with nature's functioning.

JO V22 N1 1988

663) 5

Reich recognised that some priests supported his distinction between natural and unnatural sex life.
Reich stated nature’s and God’s law were also seen to be identical by some priests.

664) 5

Reich's definition of democracy stresses responsibility, continual development, not a state of imposed
‘freedom' brought about by a higher order but a pathway for developing responsibility by the masses
themselves - 9.

Reich spoke of self determination, natural sociability, work pleasure and happiness in love as the
seeds of true democracy.

665) 17



Dry lightning storm, 10,000 strikes created many fires very quickly. Authors wonder if this was an
'oranur discharge' - an attempt of the environment to discharge excess energy. During the OROP
dark clouds and fog appear around the Cloudbuster. The day after the OROP thick clouds appear
where before there was none. Major increase in humidity and decrease in temperature noted.
However no rain in phases 1 or 2 of the OROP. In next phase fog dissipated immediately around the
Cloudbuster. Rains started with the clouds directly over the Cloudbusters. The drought was
eventually broken by taking energy out of the high pressure systems. This was done during a period
of EL Nino associated high sea temperatures.

666) 56-61

Discoveries of Reich and perinatal/childcare

Oral orgasm
Importance of ocular contact
Tissue Pulsation
Constitutional orgonity

57-Synopsis of perinatal and infant work in ACO. Following Reich's initial efforts to study infants from
an orgonomic viewpoint the ACO setting up a working group of physicians. They would establish
contact and trust with the family pre-natally. The child would then be followed through for a year. The
emotional and energetic relationships, armouring patterns and orgasm reflex were of interest
especially. Two cases are presented which demonstrated the relationship between maternal
armouring and delivery.

Reich's paper on armouring in newborn in response to its mother (Armoring in the Newborn Infant,
OEB, 3, 2, 1951).

Raphael-two cases of difficult labour assisted by mobilising breathing, eye contact, dissolving acute

armouring (Orgone Tx during Labor, OEB 3, 2, 1951).

Silvert-advice to pregnant mothers use of ORAC during pregnancy and peri-natally (Orgonomic
Practices in Obstetrics, OM, 1, 1, 1955).

Baker-genital anxiety in nursing mothers and peri-natal problems (Genital Anxiety in Nursing Mothers,
OEB, 4,1, 1952, JO 3,1, 1969, Man in the Trap.)

667) 62

Orgone Experiments

Orgone Energy Light - Oranur Experiment

Blasband, R.

A mercury vapour lamp is put in a one fold ORAC with a fan behind it and a green filter. The net
output is infra red and green light, the other frequencies are mostly absorbed, especially UV. It is a
possibly a sort of ORANUR ORGONE device. The device is termed an OR-Light.

In Study 1 the mice were irradiated with the OR-lamp for four minutes twice daily from when the
tumours were palpable (10 days) until the fifth week.

In Study 2 the mice were irradiated from a distance of 36 inches for eight minutes once daily.

Study 2 showed a statistically significant effect at P = 0.01 of the OR-Light in increasing lifespan .
Study 1 showed a statistically significant effect at decreasing tumour size amongst young cancer mice
(P = 0.05).

In both studies the mice were implanted with tumours (this strain develops cancer spontaneously if
left to age but in this experiment they were inoculated).

Numbers were 9 in first experiment series and 8 in the second (split into orgone versus control
groups). There were changes from study 1 to study 2 in terms of the parameters measured (lifespan
not reported in first series, water intake and weight recorded in second series). The study methods
were not yet standardised between the two experimental series especially distance from the
irradiating device.

A very interesting initial study of an oranur device which appears to show good treatment effects in
cancer mice.

668) 69

Orgone Experiments


Carey, Dunlap

A variety of substances used to prepare SAPA bions are described. Authors used Reich's original
methods. Some good photographs presented. Table 2 used Orene, an orgone substance, as an
added ingredient to the culturing medium. The cultures have some powerful subjective effects.

Note also the increased breakdown of the cultures when kept near fluorescent lights or smoke
detectors in a city lab environment compared to a country location.

669) 89

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Spastic dysponia - very difficult to treat by ordinary methods. Case history strongly illustrates the
strength of orgone treatment due to its combined somatic-psychic content. A case of this kind could
even use surgery for relief of symptoms. However the patient made steady, challenging but
remarkable progress.

670) 106

Demeo quotes Reich's last thesis on the origin of armouring in man (only a few paragraphs written
in 1955 when Reich was working in the desert). He linked the secondary type of prickly armoured
vegetation with the 'emotional desert' found in armoured man.

In synopsis, as to the cause of armouring Reich went through the following steps:

Patriarchal economics
Consciousness (looking inward and getting stuck)
Deserts, emotional/environmental

Note Demeo's work not included in this review note as better covered in Saharasia.

Footnote 107-Velikovsky's arguments of a catastrophic effect upon ancient worldwide societies are
similar to Reich/Demeo's desertification thesis. However, Velikovsky tends to cite deserts only as a
secondary factor in human social trends.

671) 123-131

Functionalism - the goal is developmentally first. The means are determined by the Common
Functioning Principle or CFP. ‘Goal’ is another, though little understood way, of stating the CFP.

672) 138

Is public education really needed or is it simply a reflection of political statism? Its original goal was

673) 77

The orgastic convulsion governs the entire domain of the living.

674) 77

Organs have a dual function - they function both for themselves and for the 'cooperative' (part and
whole functions).

JO V22 N2 1988

675) 174

The emotional plague is described as a 'social force' but is it more than this? Is it DOR as speculated
by Reich? Is it DOR-consciousness?

Two great forces that hold social repression in place-incapacity for freedom and the emotional plague.

Reich was never fully able to attack the emotional plague on its own terms the author argues.

676) 175

Sexual satisfaction is central. No neurosis or psychosis without genital disturbance.

677) 153

Blasband notes that many have taken from orgonomy but few have given to it.

Reich said it took a certain ‘something’ to enable a person to work valuably in orgonomy.

678) 158

Reich criticised the formalised parliamentary systems of his time as being weak and 'work-alien', he
warned that fascism could be the result of faking democracy and repeatedly stressed the need to
make the masses responsible for their own fate. Reich was probably talking primarily about the weak
over-formalised democracies in Europe immediately prior to WW2. However there is some debate
over whether Reich was also criticising formal representative systems in general. Reich saw himself
as a true democratic person and believed in the natural expression of life, free speech, freedom of
science and mass responsibility.

679) 224

Micro-biology, bions and pleo-morphism - discoveries outside of orgonomy.

Eusinophilic bodies described in Kaposi's sarcoma plus variety of bacterial cocci and minute rods may
be bionous breakdown.

Cantwell and Rowes microphotographs show a resemblence to bionously disintegrating cancer


223-Livingstone and Jackson found a pleomorphic organism in various malignant tissues which they
called a progenitor cryptocytes (0.2-0.5 microns-about virus particle size).

Conventional biology may classify Reich’s T-baccili as a mycobacteria. T-baccili are a life-negative
ultra-minute bion type associated with low energy charge and cancer.

Mycobacteria have been found in AIDS tissues by Zakowski.

680) 239-250

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Konia, C.

Good case history illustrating achievement of genitality in a passive character.

Patient described energy flying through his genitals. Capacity to discharge energy through genitals
took a huge step forward. Pelvic mobilisation brought diabetes to surface, epididymus also happened
briefly. A rage against his entire structure emerged before a final breakthrough.

681) 290


Partial relief of worst drought since 1930's.

682) 279

At least partial evidence for armouring in primates, Oliver and Lee, primatologists find an aridity
change in behaviour toward male dominance and decreased interaction between male and female.
Also Harlow's maternally deprived monkey's show aggressive and child-hostile behaviours.

See also 287-Harlow's monkeys and birth of hatred and pleasure anxiety in starvation affected

683) 252

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Chavis, H.

Orgonomic first aid in hospital for anorexic. Patient was unable to swallow, mouth would only open
1cm. Dissipating the rage allowed eating to take place. All other interventions had failed.

684) 229

Konia describes galactic jet expulsions and argues they may contain pre-atomic matter. Some jets
apparently do not have atomic spectra. He also argues that the similar angular velocity (spin speed)
and the inward movement of stars, plus the formation of stars in the spiral arms and their blue colour
all support Reich's view of galactic morphology (creation processes). Konia argues that astrophysics
would make more sense if the energetic processes were placed primary to the matter processes.

The understanding of galactic emissions is limited by mechanistic perspectives-283.

685) 257

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Konia, C.

The problem of whether to focus on present or past events doesn't arise in orgone psychiatric
therapy. Behavourism is completely present focused and psychoanalysis is often past orientated. Life
is affected by chronic attitudes not a single series of events argues Konia.

The past is alive as ones functioning make-up or character armour.

686) 263

Sensory-perceptual split is psychognomic (has a creative function) in schizophrenia.

687) 284

Instruments used to detect air ions are similar to the electroscopic discharge rate measurements
Reich used to measure changes in ORACs. Positive Ions might correspond to DOR.

688) Note

Characteristics of cancer;-

Resignation, contraction, T-baccilli, CO2, Cachexia, Bacteria.

The second point would explain the analgesic effect of orgone in cancer (pain is secondary to
contraction, orgone expands).

JO V24 N1 1990

689) 13-25

Orgone Experiments

Reich Blood Test (RBT) and radiation victims

Blasband et al.

Study confirmed broad aspects of Reich's blood test.

The correlations were better at extreme ends of scale; very energy deficient or energy excess, but in

general there is a definite correspondence between clinical picture and Reich blood test results.

There were three groups in the study, normal controls, radiation exposed, radiation exposed with

Gross appearence of blood (centre size, appearence, number of bions - small or centrally located was
noted. Breakdown rate of blood cells in saline at 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes was recorded. The
autoclavation test was performed. This is a stress test where blood is combined with KCL and
boullion, autoclaved and measured macroscopically and microscopically for cohesiveness and
breakdown of structure.

The study had a relatively good number of participants, 55 and the statistical T-Test showed a
significant difference between radiation and radiation group with cancer (P=0.01) - see footnote to
chart - 21.

The table indicates that the difference between normals and radiation group might have been
statistically significant if tested in a larger study. Bion formation rates show a clear difference between
the three groups though this is not statistically analysed.

Reich's red centres and blurred inner membranes were not seen. Also present day conditions might
be one of chronic oranur overcharge - bion breakdown rates have become much slower than in the

RBT has been useful for detecting extremes of bioenergetic charge-14. The normals were often
somewhat undercharged too (which would skew the results against statistical significance).

Very good description of RBT - visual, destructive, culturing (for bacteria - this latter part of test had to
be abandoned in this study).

Cancer state was populated by an increasing number of subjects with low charged, distorted cells
more rapidly breaking down into small bions - 24.

Out of the 16 non-radiation controls only 7 subjects could be considered healthy. Most had medium
charge and some structural deficits. This could be an indication of our oranur atmosphere - 25.

Synposis of earlier Baker RBT study-17.

690) 11

Reich thought Hitler would never have got out of Germany without the liberal government's indecision
and weakness. There is also a secret admiration for the 'fascistic strong man' in such societies Reich

691) 28

The existence of black holes are queried due only to radio and infra-red emissions. The highly
luminous blue sources of unexplained high amounts of energy could actually be orgonotic
superimposition processes.

Quasars massive matter creation vortexes could be creating matter from orgone and giving rise to an
intrinsic red shift effect.

Galaxies show superimposition processes from one to another-sexual formation-29.

692) 39-44

Tumour growth a localised attempt at energetic discharge.

Nuclear enlargement can be an attempt at orgastic discharge at the cellular level-40.

693) 45-55

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Case History

Koopman, B.

In stubborn or submissive type characters defence can be an intellectualised process. In this

particular case fear of expansion and closeness underlaid all his defences.

694) 58

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Case History, Children’s Treatment

Osborn, M.

First paper-Author's impression was that the tendency of the child to withdraw was actually inherited
from the mother during pregnancy-58. Child was likened to a sad little robot enclosed in a shell of iron
- 61.

Second paper-orgone therapy of a child with elective mutism-usually very hard to treat. Orgone
treatment was successful. Strabisms also improved. Anal symptoms masked a primary ocular block

695) 40

Orgone Experiments

Synopsis of Past Cancer Mice Research

In Reich's original study with mice that spontaneously developed tumours, the mean survival time
increased from 3.9 - 11.1 weeks by treatment with an ORAC.

Blasband’s later studies found that the ORAC inhibited spontaneous tumour growth and prolonged
life. However, no increase in lifespan was noted in mice with transplanted tumours.

696) 39-44

Orgone Experiments

Transplanted Tumours

Trotta, Marer (Brazil)

50 mice were injected with sarcoma cells and split into orgone treatment and control groups. There
were two orgone groups, one using a 6 layer ORAC for one hour and one using a one layer with 10
layer lid for 3-4 hours daily. Both groups were treated 6 days a week.

Although there were two orgone groups, which was a complication, they were treated as one group as
the effects were similar. A well presented paper with significant results. Perhaps the environmental
conditions in Brazil were also more conducive (but were not described).


Orgone group showed enhanced immunulogical activity especially 2/3 hours post treatment. It took
2-3 weeks for differences between the groups to become apparent. Tumours behaved as though they
were necrosed with TNF (Tumour Necrosing Factor) from the inside out. Orgone group had a 9 week
survival time compared to 4 in the control group. Most treated mice showed a complete evacuation of

the tumour leaving an open wound. The difference between the groups was tested statistically via
T-Test and was significant at a Confidence Interval of P = 0.02. The autopsy showed that the orgone
mice may have died from tumour lysis effects on the liver and kidney (This supports Reich's main
concern with orgone treatment of tumours).

697) 52

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Case History

Koopman, B.

Imaginative description of defence processes.

The patient was the unwitting creator of his own trap. Patient uses an ingenious and powerful array of
defence devices from guilt to projection to denial, confusion and forgetting. Patient yearned for
contact yet feared it greatly - his greatest fear underneath all the defences was of expansion. Article
describes the battles with the DOR layers.

698) 54

Lengthy discussion of guilt from an orgonomic viewpoint. Self destructive immolation can arise from
the biological stuckness of the DOR realm. This DOR has a massive hunger for healthy orgone in its
quest to become OR again. So the 'need' for punishment can be seen as the 'stuckness' of DOR, the
actual 'desire' is not for punishment but to escape the DOR condition.

699) 31

Proto-quasar objects or BL Lacertae have intensely blue lumination and don't give the discrete
spectral lines characteristic of atomic matter. Arp, amazingly for a classically trained physicist
forwards the view that the proto-quasars are emitting 'pre-atomic' matter. This coincides with Reich's
views on cosmic matter creation.

The red shift effect doesn't hold true across the board-for example galaxy NGC4319 is a parent
galaxy with a low red shift coupled physically to an offspring quasar with a high red shift. (A uniform
red shift is used to argue for an expanding big bang universe. The actual effect is not uniform
indicating a non big-bang process or steady state universe)

700) Note

Character functions as a consistent pattern of energy movement or blockage.

701) 70-80

Brain functions merely as an organ of integration.

702) 111-124


OROPs-very dramatic effects in desert and DOR operations partly to combat fire risk. Each OROP
was followed by a major unpredicted and in some cases unexplainable change in weather patterns.
Immediate storms developed and a 500% increase in rain was noted near the Cloudbusters in
desert conditions.

703) 83

Organisational development literature has unknowingly taken up Reich's term, 'work democracy' and
talks of 'self-regulating' entities, also a term Reich used.

From footnote - it should also be noted that Reich was the first in the analytical movement to define
health (in fact this was his departure from Freud the author notes).

704) 126

Bions and Bechamp

Bechamp discovered role of moulds in fermentation before Pasteur. He discovered 'Microzymas' -

subcellular entities.

Bechamp believed microzymas might be involved in the formation of chromosomes and DNA - 127.

Bechamp viewed the microzymas as physiologically indestructible - living in chalk from previous ages
- 127.


Bions take up the Giemsa bio stain and range from 2 to 10u in size-128.

Bions can get smaller as they age becoming bacteria and eventually T-Bacilli at about 0.2u - 128-9.


Some immune stimulating effects of T-bacilli are also possible. Grad has noted upward evolvement of

JO V24 N2 1990

705) Note

The term ‘emotional desert’ is a phrase coined by Reich to describe the emotionally dead,
contactless and sadistic behaviours of modern ‘civilised’ humans’. Demeo’s description is based on
Selected Writings (FN Vol 21 N2: 212).

706) 143

Fifth international conference in France, 175 participants from 16 countries. Dr Odent also spoke.

Reich signalled the importance of perinatal work. Patients remember their birth and before even.

ACO sponsored Odent's talks elsewhere.

Dr Grof the LSD memory retrieval expert believes his work confirms many of Reich's theories on
muscular and vegetative involvement in neurotic illness.

707) 143


Orgone energy within an organism strives, sometimes furiously, to comprehend itself - to become
conscious of itself - Reich.

708) 147

Reich believed that fascism could only rule over a world that had banished work, knowledge, and
natural love.

709) 156

As quasars evolve its redshift should decrease as energy becomes matter - Konia discusses the red
shift from an orgonomic viewpoint and argues that the evidence supports the orgonomic rather then
the mechanistic view of the cosmos.

710) 167


UFO's are said to often be surrounded by blue light (indicative of UFO’s being powered by orgone).
See USAF's Op' Bluebook.


Relative moisture went from 15% to 65% in Tucson Arizona after 1st Cloudbuster draw.

711) 182 FN

Do cancer metastases follow law of orgonomic potential (drawn to place of same or higher charge?)
Author suggests this might explain the capacity of Central Nervous System (CNS) tumours to
metastatise only within the CNS system and tumours from outside the CNS to have mets' in the CNS.

712) 182

Diabetes as chronic tissue anorgonia and 'melting down' of the tissue into the urine.

713) 207-212

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Sands, J.

Interesting case history of a young adolescent in orgone therapy. Seriously disturbed 13 yr old with
moderate learning difficulties, distorted body image, lack of confidence, increasingly violent behaviour.
Diagnosed with ADHD and learning difficulties, some abnormal EEG patterns when asleep. ADHD
type drugs do not help. The main intervention appeared to be simply establishing ocular contact. Not
possible to establish a full diagnosis as orgone diagnosis not based on behaviour but character
attitudes. Patient had ocular type patterns, possibly a phallic type ocular pattern such as paranoid
schizophrenic. He makes substantial improvements in 16 sessions.

714) 181

Peptic ulcers and gallstones can be sequlae of orgone treatment (can occur as a reaction to the
treatment - usually with subsequent resolution).

715) 256


Startling evidence for desert greening-a single cloudbuster working for just a few days a month
resulting in a doubling of precipitation and desert greening (Colorado).

716) 246

Reich believed that nature is unified by a single primal function.

The primary realm itself is free of DOR and ORANUR (these are reactions to secondary energies) -

Living functions are directly determined by organismic orgone - 251.

JO V25 N1 1991

717) 14-23


CORE report OROP.

It was meteorology's equivalent of a wall collapsing said a newspaper report. Operations in 1988 and
1989 break through a large high pressure DOR system for a while, then in 1991, a big OROP ran by
Demeo with 4 Cloudbusters changes the Pacific High. This is an enormous high pressure system that
can cover the whole east coast and is a cause of drought. Atomic bomb testing, weakening of storm
systems and sunspot activity may also contribute to the stuckness of the Pacific High.

718) 35

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Enormous energy is required to maintain an 'affect' block'.

719) 5-13

Orgone Experiments

ORAC & Hygrometry


Interesting study. Moderately well reported. It lacked a statistical analysis - a T-Test may well have
established the large differences between the groups more clearly.

A small orgone box with a long shooter hose (attached 1 inch wide 6 foot long tube). Control
apparatus made from plastic but identical otherwise. Two calibrated hygrometers placed in either
apparatus (one within the orgone shooter, the other within the control apparatus but not specified
exactly where, presumably in the tube).

Both boxes were placed outside in a sheltered spot. In good weather there was a marked positive
difference between orgone and control of approximately 6-7% increase in relative humidity. Also there
was a marked negative differential between orgone and control. There also appears to be a weather
predictive element with the humidity differential often dropping 24 hours before inclement
weather. The humidity differential had an opposite curve to the ambient humidity and exposure to a
free flow of air seemed important. Corking the air flow reduced the differential but did not stop it.

Authors comment on negative To-T that the hygrometer is an important way of understanding this
phenomenon. They speculate that an increase in DOR is a possible cause of increased negative
TO-T - 12.

720) 24-29

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Very good case history to show the many different practical methods that can be employed following
the central thread of de-armouring.

Case centred on grief and mourning. Grief was somatically anchored in facial pain. Good rapport
broke through the deadlock and the somatic work supported by visual work revealed a deep fear as
well as longing for contact.

It was found that even rage can act as defence against a deeper pain - 24.

A therapist’s veiled criticism is that orgone psychiatric treatment can concentrate more on hidden rage
than hidden grief/sadness/pain and that it was not until she contacted her own depths of sadness
through a bereavement that she was able to get through the patient's contactlessness - 29.

721) 34

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Case Study

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder-facial picking. Mainly bio-physical treatment was given. Person
showed large improvements after just 15 treatments.

Person was continually attacked in childhood by physically and emotionally abusive parents. She had
had an 'intellectualised' analysis previously wherein she felt subtly criticised for not being 'appropriate'
when she expressed anger.

722) 42-44

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Dramatic results using character analysis alone with an impulsive with intensive mistrust.

723) 38-41

Patient saw two 'Reichians' before commencing proper orgone psychiatric therapy with a qualified
person. Stated he didn't go for treatment because they seemed too sick themselves. Illustrates the
difficulties Reich knew would confront his work.

724) 45

Although Freud discovered the defensive function of the psyche it was Reich who showed its full
clinical significance and implications.

725) 57-68

Baker talks of adolescent psychiatry - where intellectual insight can be experienced but without any
change in the patient.

726) 73

Reich was effectively jailed for failure to answer in court the FDA's accusation that the ORACs were
falsely advertised. Reich had sent a letter of mitigation instead.

727) 79

Reich's concern with children began around 1936 - study groups were began in 1940 to differentiate
health from sickness.

Children reared with an illusion of freedom in liberal households have trouble tolerating tension.

728) 105

Ethnography-tends toward analytic or economic themes and discourages sexual dialogue.

729) 107-128

UFO's-some appear star-like, have cloud forming abilities, blue is an often reported colour. Higher
background counts.

Every phenomena Reich reported has been paralleled in leaked military documents.

730) 46

Distortion of organ sensations gives rise to distortions in thinking.

Anxiety - the origin of perceptual distortions?

Rational thinking corresponds to the perception of objective processes - 47.

Thought arises from organ sensations - either integrated or dissociative, sensation is separating or
converging - 48.

Reich placed cognitive processes within a biophysical realm - 56.

731) 68

A. S. Neil and Reich were both proponents of self-regulated child care with many articles written in the
1940-1980 period.

Reich had a concept of non-interference with peer related sexual activities.

Description of the permissive, dis-integrative character of young people - 71.

732) Footnotes 49

Konia argues that the orgonomic view that guilt is self-directed anger is incomplete as the brain holds
high charges and blocks expression of anger in the guilt-ridden individual.

733) 58



Use of DOR-buster medically - eyes cleared up, head clearer, sensations more easily felt. Patient
was a schizophrenic character type, a 26 year old man.

JO V25 N2 1991

734) 176


The phenomenon of ‘upper level lows’ is much better explained by ‘weather’ manifesting on top of a
DOR blockage.

Citations of authors who have linked nuclear tests and atmospheric changes - 181.

German tree death and weakening of entire orgone field-speculation about links with weakening of
geomagnetic fields - 184.

High altitude tree often show worse environmental ‘chemical pollution’ damage than lower altitude-is
this an attack by DOR energy? -185. (Also see political cover up of tree death - 185).

There are problems with photochemical explanations of high altitude tree death. There are alkaline
streams in ‘acid rain’ areas. PH meter itself is similar to the orgone meter - 186.

German rainwater contains melanor?-189.

735) 156

Reich used thought experiments to find the logical arrangement of a functional equation by replacing
parts of its sequence to examine which arrangement is ‘logical’.

My Note - is full orgasm formula really exclusive to living organisms? Reich’s exclusion of ‘non-living’
entities as not being able to convulse could stand reappraisal.
736) 175-190


American mid-west-CORE responded to invite of a California growers association during a drought.

After OROP rain around site was 500% of normal gradually reducing in a circle with the CB at centre.
Farmers reported that the cloud formations were very unusual for their area (and centred over the
OROP site). There is persistent DOR haze in the area but good relief is possible with OROP

Montana OROP provided the greatest drought relief the area had experienced in 4 months - 179.

Successful OROPs in Greece, a major drought ended-weather patterns emerged that had not been
seen in 10 years.

737) 201

Classical misinterpretation of cancer bions, for example, Russel Bodies and other large forms and
‘nuclear debris’ etc.

Role of Cell Wall Deficient Forms in cancer not explored fully.

738) 204

Reich Blood Test and auto-fluorescence.

Experiment confirmed that healthy blood cells fluoresce at different wavelengths to unhealthy cells.
Healthy-blue, Unhealthy-red, yellow. Baker had also found that X-rayed treated patient’s blood-cells
illuminated red.

739) 214

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy


Case history of a three year with behavioural problems and a schizophrenic tendency orgonomically.
Child had a very repressed mother. Child made enough progress to enter a normal stream at school
and was able to cope with the terror and contactlessness of her early childhood.

740) 242

Diagnostic and nosological applications of orgonomy are significant.

In mechanistic views there is no structure of health, no functional holism and no understanding where
an immediate mechanical lesion is non-apparent. Orgonomy however extends the observation and
diagnostic skills of the practitioner. Energy blocked in an erogonous zone causes a psychic biopathy
(pulsation blockage). Mechanical thinking starts with theories and then proceeds to observation.

Mechanistic psychology and medicine is also without an inherent definition of health. It defines health
as pertaining to the norm. However if society itself breaks down what use is referring to a catalogue of
‘normal’ symptoms? - 253.

741) 284

Review of book; ‘Freud or Reich?’

Reich’s ideas challenge the Freudian view that guilt, hate and destructiveness are biologically in-built.

South Pacific Islanders believe that a person has to be taught to hate or fear - 271.

742) 193

Pleomorphic bacteria, Cell Wall Deficient forms and the parasitic theory of cancer (early century) are
linked to Reich’s theory. Especially CWD forms as they are positioned between viruses and microbes
in ‘evolutionary’ terms.

T-Baccilli are 0.2-0.5 microns, Bions are 2-10 microns in size. Bions point to a protozoal origin of
cancer. Now conceded that viruses have a role in cancer.

743) 257

Reich was one of the first to systematically study the healthy child. Reich affirmed the need for genital
self-regulation in children as early as 1927.

Traditional psychiatry fails to understand infants as it mixes primary and secondary drives in the same

JO V26 N2 1992

744) 191


Editor notes that Reich's formulation of consciousness as a higher function, the integration of bodily
part perceptions, where such a consciousness emerges somewhere in the first year of life is much too
narrow a definition. The red thread of the baby's personality is present from before birth.

In Cosmic Superimposition, Reich began to head toward a more open definition of consciousness
with the orgone's quest to know itself'.

Is Reich's distinction between part perception and consciousness a key understanding? It is argued
that perception is a deeper function than consciousness because in orgasm, consciousness of self
dissolves but perception remains. Is there a lack of distinction between consciousness and
consciousness of self? Integrated self consciousness is Reich's definition of consciousness - 317.

The schizophrenic split between organ sensation and perception is the basis for Reich's theories on
consciousness. Functions and lawfulness important in orgonomic study - not a melting pot without
distinctions - 327.

Reich's definition of the tyrannical character: his consciousness serves the function of repressing his
organ sensations - 319.

Projection of consciousness onto cosmic orgone functions is itself 'God'.

There is a tyranny of neurotic consciousness over the organ sensations - 321.

There is an overestimation of consciousness in the neurotic. That is in fact all that he experiences -

Konia argues that Reich's distinction between consciousness and (part or organ) perception is key to
understanding Reich's contributions in this area. Also key are 'functionality', 'lawfulness' and

'distinctions between realms' - 317, (See Schizophrenia and Epilepsy are Functional Variants, by

745) 199-217

Orgone Experiments

ORAC and Leukaemia Mice


Description of all mice experiments up to 1992 - 200.

A complex paper with many findings.

Experiment 1 - 259 mice over 4 generations

Experiment 2 - 79 mice.

An ORAC effect was found as the ORAC group died of lymphoblastic leukaemia (LL) significantly less
than the control group (N=260 P=0.0005). Overall there was no major survival differences between
ORAC and control mice however. Possible reasons for this are outlined below.

There was some lifespan differences in subgroups though these sometimes favoured the control
group (male mice dying of causes other than LL lived longer in the control group, male mice dying of
LL lived longer in the orgone group/Experiment 1). ORAC mice were dying of LL at an age when the
control mice were dying of other causes. ORAC appeared to inhibit tumour formation rather than
destroy tumours - autopsy results were quite different between the groups.

Possible reasons for mixed results

Choice of LL perhaps not a good one as this condition is a mixture of energetic excess and
undercharge. There is a cancer process going on - which is an undercharged process plus there is an
energetic excess in the leukaemia - the overcharged red blood cells which easily break down into
T-Bacilli. Adding orgone to this picture is complicated.

Although lifespan was not improved in this study a definite effect by the ORAC on LL was shown with
a high degree of scientific regimen.

746) 250


OROP in Isreal

Hoppe, Blasband and Assaf's Isreali operation. Massive coordinated effort in Israel and Greece
resulted in enormous movement of DOR and 50 year record rainfall for area. Jeruslem received 16
inches of rain. Neganya dam open for 6 weeks. Wettest rainy season ever recorded. New lakes
formed. Heaviest rain and biggest snowfall since records began 140 years ago (1992).

Cloudseeding was also carried out at the same time. This may have increased the tendencies to
flooding precipitation but cannot have caused the end to the draught as cloudseeding had continued
through the previous drought period of a number of years.

US OROP for firefighting

Fire seemed to behave energetically - lying down and changing its leaping behaviour before being
ended - 244.

OROP in Oregon

8 days of CB ops resulted in unprecedented rainfall in dry season in Oregon. OROP stopped for July
4th celebrations - rain held off till after the celebrations - 234.

747) 259

OROP Cloudbusting Pictures.

Very impressive before and after CB pictures of Lake Kimmeret and of desert greening.

748) 238

Desert areas as 'metastatising cancer upon the face of the Earth' (John Schleining-CORE member).

749) 228

Orgone Experiments

Humidity and ORACs


A consistent humidity differential between ORAC and Control enclosure was found. Atmospheric
conditions (particularly drought, pollution, high DOR index) are reflected in lower humidity differentials
between ORAC and Control.

No statistical analysis detailed.

750) 218-223

Orgone Experiments



Different degrees of stress was placed upon earth samples. A higher degree of physical
pulverisation/stress resulted in more bion formation. Well described, experimental method repeated
frequently with same results.

751) Note

ACO history

1960-Selected Writings.
1960's-Oranur Research Lab.
1967-JO launched. Man In The Trap published.
1968-NYU course which ran for a16 year duration.
1985-Baker dies, ACO HQ acquired.

JO V27 N1 1993

752) 12

Reich did not label structure as good or bad but asked what functions it serves and at what price.

753) 77

To the liberal there are no limits to mankind's intellectual perfectability. Note - the fascist also seeks

Most sociologists believe rationalistic or 'realistic' factors underpin socio-politics - the

psychopathic leader knows this to be false. Without Reich's insight society could be easy prey to
fascism of the red, black or religious hues. The key is to distinguish between primary and secondary
drives - 63.

Democratic idealism - democracy in the head divorced from work - 64.

Radical left and right differ only in the way in which they oppose heterosexuality - 66.

754) 89

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Very good case history. Obesity in phallic character. Illustrates well the layering processes in
character work. Her weight shielded her from memories, in her body, of sexual abuse. The patient
physically reshaped herself in response to biophysical changes.

755) 13-23

Axes of rotation of sun and planets tend to be close to the galactic plane supporting Reich's idea that
planets are moved by two streams of galactic energy.

756) 34

Immune system functions before structuralisation: pathogenic organisms cannot survive near to highly
charged bions or blood. Red blood cells (RBC) can kill pathogenic organisms simply by their energy
charge. RBC can mobilise T-Baccilli (tiny cancer-associated vesicles) at a distance.

T-Baccilli can also evolve upwards into PA (packet) bions.

Function determines structure (multishape antibodies are an example of this).

757) 38

Immunology and consciousness

Thesis of orgonotic perception in immunological molecules.

Mechanistic thinking confuses the material upon which perception is based with the energetic function
of perception.

758) 103

The blocked group character pulls out the neurotic in healthy individuals and vice versa

759) 126

Analysis can function in the service of neurosis and people can become lost in the 'dark labyrinth of
analytic theory' since the sexual aetiology of neurosis and the function of the orgasm were rejected.

JO V27 N2 1993

760) 158

Orgonomy & Science

Scientific principles special to orgonomy


Integration of objective and subjective.

Primacy of subjective contact with phenomena.

Firmly rooted in the Platonic and Aristotlian traditions-nature is inherently rational-the micro is
integrated with the macro-144.

Hippocrates wrote the earliest science text. Science always hand in hand with medicine.

761) 146

Energetic excitation is the CFP (Common Functioning Principle) that splits into the opposing
functions, sexuality and anxiety. This is the original formula that led to the discovery of the CFP itself.

762) 202

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is mainly characterised by ocular blocking as a

defence against contact.

Medication, namely stimulants can affect symptoms author argues, but it interferes with the emotional
expression needed to treat the condition. Orgone treatment appears affective without medication in
treating ADHD.

JO V28 N1 1994

763) 81

Due to the effects of chronic armouring people are wont to reply on ‘pure thought’ rather than feelings.

Reich held that armour distorts our perception but more importantly blocks our ‘oneness’ with the

Organs/perceptions are simultaneously integrated and independent-80.

A sensory organs first response is bioenergy motion-this is deeper than the operation of pure

Brain as a miniature universe of primary energy-80.

Meyerowitz-cause derives from function, effect from process-cause and effect not a pair in this

764) 32

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Biophysical integration is one of its goals.

Drugs and traditional analysis can dampen anxiety. Orgone therapy often heightens it in the short

JO V28 N2 1994

765) Notes

Depression can act as a defence against a deeper anxiety as a state of depression is contracted and
reduces energetic excitation (and therefore anxiety).

Konia argues that the lack of distinction between various psychotherapies is due to the lack of
character insight in them. They therefore lack a solid pathway to health.

In modern psychiatry symptoms are divorced from aetiology. A pathogenic state is merely a
description of effects-it is really only symptomology.

Oedipal complex only emerges in armoured sexuality.

766) 95

Editors page seems to reflect a exclusive stance-‘only’ orgonomic knowledge allows ‘rational

JO V17 N1 1983

767) 38

President Eisenhower may have visited Reich in 1953. He stayed in Rangeley, Maine. The servant of
the family the president stayed with said that Eisenhower met Reich. She later retracted her
statement. Gladys Wolfe confirmed that Reich said he was expecting a visit from Eisenhower.
Eisenhower later used Reich's phrase 'Atoms for peace' which became quite famous.

768) 72

Self injury, repetitions, compulsive behaviour and automatons can be seen as an attempt to
remobilise an orgonotically deadened area.

769) 28-56


Reich's Cloudbusting in Arizona. One fixed one moveable cloudbuster. Humidity changed from 10%
to 40%. Light meter changed from 5 to 8. UFO's spotted every night-UFO's would fill the valley with

On another occasion Reich Cloudbusted so a plane could take off from a local airport - 30.

770) 73

Reich rubbed an orgone-charged fluorescent tube against parts of his schizophrenic patient. The
areas she said felt dead were devoid of charge.

771) 59

Orgone Experiment

Medical Dorbuster (MDB) and Electroscopic Discharge Time


Briefly but clearly written up experiment. Under controlled environmental conditions a small but strong
MDB was directed at an Kolbe type electroscope.

In six experimental runs a grounded MDB has a significant effect upon discharge rate and times of the
electroscope. Rates increase by 25 to 50% approximately. The number of final measurements (13) is
presumably too small to allow a statistical significance analysis. The measurement procedure is
standardised. More adjustment measurements were taken for the longer discharge times.

772) 31

Feb 18th 1955-positive programme on Cloudbuster screened on Tucson TV.

773) 33


Post Office was illegally opening Orgonon mail.

What Maguire had done 'bordered on treason' Reich thought.

Main legal arguments against enforcing the injunction were that ORACs and literature were not able
to be brought back, that the case exceeded the jurisdiction of the court and violated the 4th

Reich's court address stated that the injunction was impossible to follow. His non-appearance at the
first court was because he didn't know how to proceed, and there was issues of national security
involved. Reich said that Maguire was dishonest, falsely representing and involved in a conspiracy to
deprive US of orgonomy. Somebody (Russia) wanted his functional equations he thought.

Bizarre comment by the judge that he would not have allowed the 'judgement' of orgonomy even had
Reich contested the original decree. Appears to be legal manoeuvring to avoid it appearing that the
court would have sat in judgement on scientific matters - 51.

The FDA maintained that all of Reich's work constituted advertising. The notion that a man would
write books which jeopardise his life from both the red and black forms of fascism merely as
advertising for products not yet invented which never made any significant money and costs tens of
thousands to research borders on the insane. However as a dishonest discrediting attempt it is in
keeping with FDA methods. The FDA spent most of its budget in the early years investigating Reich.

774) 69

Reich’s assumption is that the realm of the mind is much narrower than the realm of biophysical

Reich had a conviction that psyche and soma are functionally identical.

CREATIVE PROCESS JOURNAL 1961-1965 Editor Charles Kelley, USA.

(Now runs the Reichian offshoot group 'The Radix Institute').

CP V1 N2 1961

1000) 105/6

Kelley summarises the various theories on the origin of armouring;

A. Consequence of self perception (orgone turning inward) - from Reich, but not developed.

Reich hinted that armouring's genesis may be related to DOR energy. Did not develop this idea in

B. Prehistoric disasters. Man misinterpreted these disasters as consequences of his own bodily
feelings and blocked his feelings/energy (Ritter).

C. A stage in the evolution of the fusion of love and sex in humans (Margoshes).

D. As a consequence in primitive societies to limit their birth rate (thus going against natural sexual
urges) (Barth).

E. Due to abstract language development which causes man to live in the 'future' thus going against
his natural needs for gratification. (Beddoe).

F. As a consequence of DOR, armouring provides better protection from a DOR infested environment

thus armoured individuals, though maladapted, are better adjusted for such a world (Kelley).

Note: There is the Saharasian theory of Demeo that armouring, a secondary pattern, is related to the
emergence of deserts.

Whether life has an innate tendency toward armouring is not fully resolved.

1001) 112

Kelley tries to get Cloudbusting research projects funded without success. Notes that a Mr Charles
Longcroft, a member of the British Royal Meteorological Society tried to obtain support for a project in
England without success. He did two successful trials with a Cloudbuster. One time the Cloudbuster
was vandalised when left drawing - it withdrew energy from a tree. Where it was pointed the leaves
went brown and died.

CP V2 N1 1962

1002) 39

Origin of armouring and animals

Consciousness of man, or having a greater 'core' function to protect may precipitate his armouring as
it is argued that if the cause of armouring is environmental, why aren’t all animal species equally

Article notes that aquatic animals appear less armoured than desert ones and that the desert
environment is 'armoured'.

My Note; Reich first noted this process in deserts.

1003) 44

Reichenbach, late 1800's, conducted ORAC-like experiments, metal plate exposed to the sun
connected by wires to a dark room-sensitives could see Odic glow which disappears when plates
covered. Also there is odic glow over graves corresponding to their 'freshness'. Author of article notes
that Reichenbach's sensitives were probably schizophrenics-many of whom are sensitive to energy.

1004) 46

Reviews Mark L. Gallert's 'New Light on Therapeutic Energies, Philadelphia, Foundation for the Study
of Consciousness.

ORAC-like discoveries.

George Starr White invented a device similar to the medical DOR-buster, he experimented with the
effects of metal upon plants and claimed a 'cosmo-electric-energy'. Also Raymond Rife's microscope
may have visualised the T-Baccilli cancer 'virus' (Rife brought u-v radiation into visible range). Charles
W. Littlefield looked at mineral salt evaporation and saw a life-force and bion-like creation. L. E.
Eaman's cooperative healing: life force can be conducted from one body area to another using copper

CP V2/3 1962

1005) 68


Time-lapse photos of Kelley's cloud destruction experiments show clear evidence of drawing effects.

Kelley carried out 5 cloudbusting experiments which are reported in Kelley's 'A New Method of

Weather Control' 1961, published by his own 'Interscience Research Institute' (now Radix).

All 5 ops produced unexpected precipitation within 36 hours when rain was predicted as unlikely.
Kelley had only 5 ops-no unsuccessful ones. Kelley calculates that the Confidence Interval for the
weather changes being affected by the cloudbuster in his work is P = 0.001. (71).

1006) 96

Kelley confirms the 'blackening rocks' process noted by Reich. Kelley found effects upon stone in his
basement caused by a cloudbuster housed there (the area had high DOR levels). Photos of changes

CP V3 N1 1963

1007) 5

Reich's early positions in analysis:-

First Clinical Assistant at Freud's Psychoanalytic Polyclinic in Vienna from 1922-1928, Vice-director
from 1928-1930, leader of the seminar for Psychoanalytic Therapy from 1924 to 1930. Teacher at the
Psychoanalytic Institute in Vienna from 1924 to 1930.

1008) 8

Milestones in Reich's discoveries:

Energetic basis of Emotion

Function of the Orgasm

Sickness of Man-Muscular armour, three layers of character, role of sexual repression in development
of armour, psychology of fascism-political and social effects of armouring in the masses, pathology of
mysticism and mechanistic thinking, nature of cancer resignation, emotional plague

Life-inimical energy called DOR.




Orgone energy

Orgone accumulation

Orgone and weather

Orgone motor

Oranur reaction

Matter creation

Gravitational equations

1009) 12


Commisioner George P. Larrick of the FDA refused to release any of the FDA's experimental
evidence against Reich. his precedessor had promised in 1954 that it would be released when the
court action had been concluded. (Kelley 1963).

Kelley held to the view that Reich was mistaken in believing a communist conspiracy against him.

Also FDA higher officials tried to get others to do the burning so as not to implicate themselves-they
also asked for books not on the burn list to be included. The FDA in an official letter also attempted to
stop any parole Reich may have had (had he lived).

1010) 19

Reich, in his court address said that all disease originates from DOR. Removing DOR from organism
and environment is fighting disease at its roots.

Reich also mentions 'positive gravity' 'counter gravity' and that the space-gun and cloudbuster are
twin brothers.

The space-gun and cloudbuster are the variations and the motor is the CFP (mentioned elsewhere).

1011) 50

Jan 24 1964, Time magazine and various soft porn magazines lampoon Reich and his ‘orgasm

CP V3 N2 1964

1012) 54

Anna Freud uses Reichian terminology when describing methods of ego defence which can enter, "a
state of petrification when we analyse the permanent 'armour-plating of character' ".

Freud, A. (1946) The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence, NY, International Universities Press: 36.

1013) 58

H. E. Sullivan's muscular tension theory appears to have borrowed from Reich's armour theory.
Sullivan describes how the skeletal muscles take on tension and attempt to discharge in reaction to
pain in infancy. Although tension is not the same as anxiety in Sullivan's theory it is necessary for it's
experience. However, it is still a simplified version of Reich's armour theory. Reich’s theory takes an
energetic perspective and looks at how the blocked energetic excitation splits up to form both the
suppressing block and the original energy striving for expression. Reich defined anxiety as the
"sensation of constriction, of a stasis." Character Analysis, Nonnday Press, NY, 1963: 213.

From P. Mullahy (1948) Oedipus Myth and Complex, Hermitage Press, NY.

1014) 62

Reich notes that complexity of thought is peculiar to the armoured person. Such a person hates when
love is appropriate, loves when hate is appropriate and fears when it should do either.

WR Ether God and Devil, Orgone Institute Press NY 1949.: 57.

1015) 61

Reich had a concept of the primacy of orgastic discharge as he believed all neurosis was rooted
finally in a stasis of biosexual energy and that all neurotics were orgastically impotent. Fenichel also
noted that impotence and frigidity are chief characteristics of neurosis and that, 'Sexual inhibitions
constitute the most frequent symptoms occurring in every type of neurosis.' O. Fenichel (1945) The
Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis, NY, W. W. Norton & Co: 169.

However, Fenichel didn't note the function of the orgasm, its relationship to armouring and energy
flow or the difference between orgastic and mechanical impotence.

Fenichel's views also differ from Reich's in that Reich believed no neurosis can occur without sexual

Reich's work preceded Fenichel's.

CP V4 N1 1964

1016) 6

Dr A. Schmale & H. Iker presented a paper to the American Psychosomatic Society meeting in
Rochester (either 1963 or 64, exact reference not available). They reported on their finding that they
were able to predict before biopsy 31 out of 40 women suspected of cervical cancer on the basis of
feelings of hopelessness which they called 'giving up syndrome'. Reich is in no way credited despite it
being him who outlined the resignation syndrome inherent in cancer patients in great detail in the

Also along the same lines were the NY Academy of sciences report on psychologcal aspects of
cancer in their Science Newsletter of April 17th 1965 - again no mention of Reich.

1017) 11

Freud based many principles on drive reduction. The pleasure principle works to reduce a negative -
the irritation of tension. Pleasure reduces tension. Freud acknowledged the flaws in this scheme but
never abandoned the central idea. Such a notion places repression as a necessary process (to
control the unrestrained release of tension).

Reich moved in the opposite direction. He described the primary seeking nature and curiosity of
life-forms. Reich didn't however form a systematic theory of motivation (pleasure seeking), the author
notes. (Margoshes).

1018) 13

Genius tends to be both sicker and healthier than ordinary people-orgonomically because they have
stronger energy-they are healthier. They suffer stagnation more acutely therefore they are sicker.
Nietzsche said a person's health could be measured by the amount of sickness they could endure.

1019) 34

Orgastic longing plays a gigantic role in the life of animals.

Bioenergetic intensity and longing (rather than psychological concepts based on drive reduction and
sublimation) provide a much simpler explanation of creativity.

CP V4 N2 1964

1020) 66-67

Mesmer's 'bacquet' was a large wooden tub in which bottles filled with water or iron fillings were
placed. The water had been 'magnetised' or healed. Attached to the bottles were cords which were
held by the persons surrounding the bacquet. Their free hand would be connected to each other.
Thus the bacquet transmitted energy and connected energy at the same time. It has aspects of both
the Medical DB and the ORAC.

Mesmer's work has the following in common with the orgonomic view-

 A universal fluid can be intensified and it;

Fills all space

Penetrates all matter
Can be stored or conducted
Is associated with the nervous system
Mesmer’s bacquet can be charged with the universal fluid
A loss of muscular irritablity (Mesmer) is similar to armouring (Reich)
Health is wholeness
Both views argue for the unhindered development of children

Also see Burridge's Cone energy (transmission of 'radiant energy' through metal cones).

Lakhovsky's healing of plant tumours using metal (74-75).

See also 'electroculture' which uses some orgone principles.

And see DNA and chromosome as radiation information receivers (George Lakhovsky, French
biophysicist). The coiled, spiral biological structures can send and receive energy somewhere in the
electromagnetic region (74).

1021) 78

Argument that orgone might be a form of electromagnetic energy:

 Both UV and orgone can tan the skin

Both create feelings of wellbeing and malaise
Both could be involved in the synthesis of living organisms
Colour blue
Water absorbs orgone and possibly UV.
Fluorescent glass plates respond to orgone and UV
Both may by focusable-if so then orgone would have a wavelength

Orgone may produce some UV effects or be related in some other way the author argues-Lawrence


AIOS V1 N1 1984

1022) 1-11

Orgone Experiment

Reich Blood Test-Baker

Braid, Dew, Lance.

Well conducted interesting experiment, leans toward a medical rather than scientific approach but
appears rigorously conducted nonetheless.

105 patients examined using three scores, the 1% time (breakdown of 100 cells), the Delta 49 (from
1% - 50% breakdown) and the GMA, a visual scoring of RBC visual characteristics.

The experiment showed a high degree of correlation between RBT test and degrees of pathology.
Also correlates well with 'normals' 'normal-child' (high charge rounded full shapes) 'normal pregnant'.
Also detected small number of pre-pathological individuals. Good clinical study with well thought-out
controlled procedures and fairly good group sizes. Also the reproducibility of the test looked positive.
However there was no statistical significance analysis and it was unclear what the RBT was being
tested against. Also no experimental hypothesis, or null hypothesis was tested.

1023) 12-23

Orgone Experiment

Wound Healing in Mice

Baker, Dew, Ganz, Lance.

Part 1 of a two part paper describing 7 years of experimentation with wound healing and mice.

1600 mice have been used in the period. The mice, a standard lab strain (CAF 1/J) are
anaesthetised, have a wound put in place on the back and healing is measured using wound
perimeter and area measurements. Great effort was made to standardise the process and to exclude
various effects such as a diurnal and seasonal variations upon healing. The evolution of their
protocols and measuring processes are described in detail

See 1027) for further details.

1024) 24-33

Orgone Experiment

Bion Migration

Baker, Dew

Very detailed description of bion observations and their behavioural characteristics under carefully
controlled conditions. Only representative slides and patterns are described, numbers of observations
and any formal statistical analysis are not entered into. A 'descriptive' study. Authors state that they
have confirmed under strict conditions Reich’s claims concerning both the existence of bions from
heated iron and carbon sources and that bions migrate when an electrical current is applied to them.
They also found that the migration behaviour is linked to the vitality of the samples. The laboratory
conditions described and the electrical procedures appear to be of a high standard. Only the bionised
samples showed particle migration. Bion behaviour appears to be non-mechanical.

1025) 50

Leading oncologist agrees with Reich that tumour is representative of the 'end-stage' of a cancer

AIOS V2 N1 1985

1026) 1-6

Orgone Experiment

Reich Blood Test-Clinical Correlation

Baker, Braid, Dew, Lance.

The Gross appearance, Microscopic appearance and post Autoclave appearance (or GMA) parts of
the Reich Blood Test (RBT) were found to be the most reliable indicator of pathology.

A large number of patients, both well, well infants, well pregnant (small groups N >10) and a large
number of diagnosed pathological illnesses (N = 128) were examined.

Their RBT results, the GMA score and two bionous breakdown scores (the 1% time and Delta 49)
were measured. Side by side measurements were taken for some of the patients (i.e. two different
researchers would test the same sample). The side by side measurements showed a good degree of
commonality in the scores.

The strongest finding of the study was that a GMA score of 7 or less is associated with mild to
severe pathology in 98% of cases examined.

There was no clear hypothesis or statistical analysis. In addition there was many categories based on
clinical diagnosis which is interesting but forms too small a group to draw anything more than
preliminary conclusions. For example, in the carcinoma category (N=8) and lymphoma category (N=5)
the 1% time dramatically improves following conventional treatment. Also of note is that the bionous
breakdown time, especially the 1% time can remain in the normal range when severe pathology is
present perhaps due to the organism maintaining a high energy charge despite the mechanical
presence of illness.

However it is still a strong study due to a rigorous method and good overall numbers.

The main finding was that the GMA score correlates well with pathology in nearly all of the 128
cases studied.

1027) 7-24

Orgone Experiment

Wound Healing in Mice II

Baker, Dew, Ganz, Lance

Dozens of different designs set ups are tried and experimental procedures vary and evolve. There is a
high degree of statistical significance for the ORAC and Medical DB having an effect upon healing, In
one of the series of experiments, the C series, comprising 381 animals treated once and measuring
the percentage of the wound healed at 96 hours there was a 10-12% increase in wound healing
amongst the treated groups with a high statistical significance of P= 0.002. ANOVA statistical tests
were used.

Other findings of the experiments were that there is a clear pulsation process in wound healing and
relationship to seasonal and diurnal variations.

The experimental runs were hampered by many changes in protocol and overly large numbers of test
and control groups. Five variations upon the DOR-buster were tested and one cylindrical ORAC
device. It is attempted to convey seven years of experimental evolution in two papers. It would benefit
from clear research goals and hypothesis setting. However, strong evidence for an effect of the
ORAC and MDB upon organisms is presented.

The number of studies overall was 40, 4 of these used the ORAC, most were studying MDB effects.

1028) 51-53

Orgone Psychotherapy

Dr Braid, Et Al, Discussion

Psychiatrist reinterprets all a patients perceptions which in turn increases her eye block, she became
more depressed and finally psychotic. Physical work upon her ocular segment grounds her
successfully within three weeks. She was diagnosed catatonic schizophrenic but work on an ocular
block and shallow breathing had powerful effects in normalising her. Medication is described as an
'external armouring' (schizophrenics lack sufficient body armour).

1029) 55

National conference on parenting November 16-17 Allentown, PA, lent support to many of Reich's
assertions particularly concerning the importance of early contactful intervention with parents. Reich's
views of course predated the feeling in the conference that emotional child health cannot be

understood through studying neurotic adults. The researchers had not yet grasped Reich's view of the
importance of the emotional state of the researcher in studying children particularly. Some of the
researchers made reference to Reich.

1030) 58

Fox, S. Dose, K. (1977) Molecular Evolution and the Origin of Life, NY, Marcel Dekker.

Another case of the careful editing out of Reich's work. Fox presents 2 decades of careful well
researched evidence and arguments for the existence of 'proteinoid microspheres'. These are formed
through cooking a mixture of amino acids. These spontaneously form polymers and micro-particles.
Boiling saline is added and spheres a few microns in diameter are formed with various proto-cell
characteristics such as gram-staining, electrical activity, excitability, informational molecule exchange.
They call their view on life origins as 'constructionist'. The parallels to bion formation are
overwhelming but amazingly Reich is not mentioned.

1031) 56

Dr Chorbajian in Washington Post Magazine Jan 1985 reports on a device for reducing jaw tension
which in turn improves athletes performance. His theory is that jaw tension diverts energy from other
muscles but it also confirms Reich's views that reducing armouring in one segment helps the overall
integration of the body thus increasing performance.

1032) 58-59

Number of studies of schizophrenia have confirmed the presence of eye movement disorders. These
disorders are not due to other causes and have a significant association with schizophrenics and their
offspring. A less strong association is noted with Manic-depression. This confirms Reich's views (see
Character Analysis) that the schizophrenic process immobilises parts of the brain, probably the base
and other areas including nerves.

AIOS V3 N1 1986

1033) 1-11

Orgone Experiments

Reich Blood Test (RBT) in Cancer Mice

Baker, Dew

Well written article, clearly laid out. 17 cancer mice of the C3H/OUJ variety were studied. These mice
produce spontaneous mammary tumours in the females at 6 months old.

The study was well conducted, though not blinded. It examined 57 RBTs. These tests consisted of the
1% time (a bionous breakdown index), the GMA (General and Microscopic Appearance plus
post-autoclave appearance of red blood cells), the Delta 49 (a bionous breakdown index), tumour
size, animal weight and percentage of the unusual C shaped red blood cell that appeared to be
special to this mouse breed. The animals were fairly evenly split between tumour and non-tumour

The study groups comprised normal and tumour groups. The tumour group was further split into well
and sick by their obvious clinical appearance.

There is a good statistical section which outlines how the 1% time, the GMA, the percentage of C
shaped eyrthrocytes cells and the tumour size all differentiated well between normal/non-tumour, well
and sick groups with high degrees of statistical significance.

In other words, the test differentiated between health and sickness with a high degree of certainty. For
example the GMA part of the test differentiated between well and sick with a Confidence Interval of

P=0.0001. The 1% time was also significantly different between the groups. The 1% Time, GMA
(particularly ‘cohesiveness of blood’ and ‘red blood cell energy-field width’) showed the strongest
value as variables.

All the statistical tests were of the ANOVA type.

One problem with the study included lack of cross-correlation between parts of the test with biological
and clinical parameters (although there may be energetic reasons for this). A second problem was
that the mice cancer model here does not correspond to the human one (their tumour growths
appeared to be parasitic energetically rather than secondary to the 'shrinking/resignation process'
Reich noted in humans with cancer).

However as a test of whether certain parts of the RBT reliably correspond to the cancer process it is a
good scientific study. The study had a fairly small number of animals (17). However, at the level of
study for which this paper is aimed, an initial scientific examination, it is a good paper.

It is discussed that although certain parts of the RBT appear to reliably correlate with specific clinical
pictures it appears that energetic parameters within the RBT do not always follow a disease process

Note) It was found that water or saline from PLASTIC containers disrupted the RBT

1034) 12-18

Orgone Experiments

Bions and Calcium

Baker, Burlingame.

Several weeks of experimentation with various levels of calcium upon bion formation and migration
are summarised. Really an 'in-house' pilot study but although it is not the aim of the experiments the
techniques described are moderately vigorous and do add confirmation that bions of the types and
forms described by Reich can be made using sterile technique according to Reich's preparation 6

The idea behind the experiment is that Reich thought that potassium and lecithin were chemicals that
promoted swelling and expansion and that calcium amongst others, promoted contraction and
shrinking, therefore adding calcium to bion solutions which already have potassium might increase
the expansion-contraction process.

1035) 70

Writer notes that Ernest Jones biography of Freud distorted Reich's removal from the International
Psychiatric Society.

1036) 42-43

Schizophrenia has a much wider definition in orgonomy than in general psychiatry. In the latter it is
more or less defined as a spectrum dependent on eye blocking, or ocular armouring. This can occur
with or without an actual psychosis.

Hersokowitz notes that Reich was the first to recognise the significance of eye functions in the
mothering process. He was also alone in relating eye segment pathology from the earliest time of life
to the severe character disorders and emotional pathology that often follow.

1036b) 18

Symptoms are not the most reliable index of emotional sickness.

Orgonomy deals with 'how' the patient became sick, psychiatry tends to 'what' the sickness is and
psychotherapy examines the 'history'. Only orgonomy has a workable definition of health.

1036c) 50-

Early publication of the Gebauer, Muschenich ORAC study in 'Notes from Afield'.

Very good synopsis and introduction to Reich's studies and medical studies.

1036d) 52

Early publication of the Gebauer, Muschenich ORAC study in 'Notes from Afield'.

NOTES ON Gebauer & Muschenich ORAC EXPERIMENTAL STUDY in AIOS journal-To-T (See
Pulse of Planet journal for Full Review of Human Study)

Authors also noted that the environmental temperature within the ORAC was constantly higher than
the control enclosure with a confidence interval of P = 0.001. (This was from a double blind double
controlled ORAC human study).

Also note that stronger ORAC effects coincided with Spring and summer and possibly higher air
pressure outside the building.

1036e) 53

Description of Joseph Newman's attempt to patent his super-efficient electromagnetic potential

converter and the hostility he encountered.

Joseph Newman developed a machine that appeared to permit a conversion of mass to energy at
nearly 100% efficiency (or 25 times the amount of energy entered into the machine).

The US patent office refused to authorise a patent despite the evidence of 30 expert witnesses and its
own 'Special Master'. They instead wanted to hand over the device to the National Bureau of
Standards to test in secret with the allowance that they may destroy it if need be.

The struggle was taken up by a congressman, Rep. Livingstone.

1036f) 54-55

Very good description of the main points of Nordenstrum’s very careful and almost universally ignored
work. He progressed from investigating corona's around XRay photos of lung tumours to funding an
electrical potential between tumour masses and their surrounds and by changing this potential, a
means to dehydrate and remove the tumour mass. He treated 80 inoperable cancer patients with
surprising results, published 3 papers in journals and self published a book, however his work has
been almost totally ignored. The AIOS paper notes 4 similarities with Reich's work;

1. Bioelectric potentials between areas of the body

2. Blood vessels/cells carry a bioelectrical energy (noted a bioelectrical circulation)
3. Discovered that the source of energy in damaged tissue is the damaged cells themselves.
4. By building up energy potential at site of injury healing is assisted.

Nordenstrum did not postulate a life energy but it appears he discovered a life-energy aspect of
electricity and a corresponding bioelectrical circulation that would support acupuncture and
orgonomy's views.

1036g) 56

Reich pointed out an antithetical relationship between potassium and calcium ions-certain actions of
calcium are analogous to the sympathetic system (and potassium to the parasympathetic system).

Thus Reich anticipated the discovery of calcium channel blocking heart drugs.

AIOS V4 N1 1987

1037) 15-43

Orgone Experiment

Air Germ Theory


Cultures were exposed to air and compared to control cultures which were inoculated with bion and
microbe containing grass infusion solutions.

Over a 2 year period culture plates which had been left exposed showed completely different
characteristics to inoculated cultures and do not develop the same types or quantity of protozoa as
would be expected according to air-germ theory (occasionally spore growth was seen).

Organisation of amoeba from bacteria was claimed to be observed as an incidental observation.

The culture mediums themselves showed bionous processes.

1038) 68

Working on a patients eye segment caused her hips to feminise.

Unmothered lambs have a defect in depth perception

Lennon, W. & Patterson, G. (1964) Depth Perception in Sheep: Effects of Interrupting the
Mother-Neonate Bond, Science, Vol 145, Aug 21st.

Schizophrenia and eye tracking deficits-

Procter, L & Hughes, D. (1973) Science, Vol 181, July 13th. No title given.

1039) 87

Patient with partial release of pelvic armouring and ensuing fear-

Author describes how their can be a rage underneath this orgasm anxiety at being denied
pleasure-this leads to the angry dirty attitude toward sex.

Also note the 'pelvic no' (side to side) and the 'pelvic yes' (back and forth tilt).

Legs, pelvis and abdomen movements tend to fuse in the armoured.

1040) Note

Character Analytical work transcends all sub-disciplines in psychiatry.

AIOS V5 N1 1988

1060) 1-18

Orgone Experiments

Bioelectricity and Emotions

Braid et al

Very good summary article on Reich's bio-electrical research with some new study data of its own
presented (7 person case study).

Reich used liquid KCl electrodes which were not available to the researchers. Reich used human
subjects attached to an oscillograph (an early model employing vacuum tubes). The oscillogrpah was
attached to a photosensitive permanent recording strip.

Reich used two electrodes, a reference and differential electrode. The reference electrode was
attached to an non-erogenous site on the body. The skin was carefully abraded to the point of
producing serous fluid. This was in order for the measurement to reflect potential electrical differences
between the inside of the body and the external. As evidence for this Reich abraded both sites and
found the potential between the sites usually then became zero.

Reich undertook experiments whereby subjects predicted pleasure and pain responses in a separate
room. These were found to correlate with the electrical potential measurements, a positive deflection,
or increase in electrical charge for pleasure and negative deflection or decrease in electrical charge
for pain.

Sugar/salt experiments were also conducted. The subjects were tested for their bio-electrical
response (confirming Reich's hypothesis). Erogenous zones were found to have potentials up to 200
mV. Non-erogenous zones were found to have a resting potential of about 20 mV.

Large deflections positively accompany sexual thoughts or pleasurable excitations. Armoured people
tend to have lesser bio-electrical responses.

ReicH regarded the bio-electrical studies as proof of the orgasm formula (in full):

• Mechanical tension
Bioelectric charging
Bioelectric discharging
Mechanical relaxation.

The Victorians thought sexual release was purely mechanical. All that was needed to prove the
orgasm formula was to show energy charging took place. Note: erectile tension can occur without
'charging' but pleasurable tension/release is always accompanied by a charge pulsation it was found.

The AIOS paper presents 7 bio-electrical 'case studies' with tracings and detailed descriptions. Also
extensive controls of electrical technique are presented.

Their controls confirm Reich's findings regarding the validity of his abrading technique.

Modern dermal studies tend to study electrical resistance between superficial points (and to ignore
erogenous zones or correlations to pleasure and pain).

1061) 40

Reich was the first to see that the defences are organised in a coherent manner. (In 'Beyond Freud'
book this is overlooked and Reich's work attributed to Anna Freud and others).

1062) 69

Royal Raymond Rife measured his internally produced cancer virus at 1/15 of a micron. Reich
estimated the T-baccilli at 4/10 of a micron. Both men isolated a cancer causing virus-sized particle
from breast tumours, isolated and cultured the particles and injected them into rodents causing
tumours to appear. both thought that the particle was produced internally and spontaneously due to
changes in internal conditions.

See 69-70 for 9 pleomorphic and Rife related references between 1914 and 1953 in full. In brief see
Rosenow, E.C. Journal of Infectious Diseases 1914,1918, Evans, A. Pub. Health Reports 1927,

Hadley, Delves, Klimak, Filterable stages of bacteria, Kendall, A.I who published with Rife.

See also: Rife, R.R. History of the Development of a Successful Treatment for Cancer and Other
Viruses, Bacteria and Fungi, Allied Industries, Report No. Dev-1042, Dec-1, 1953.

1063) 37

Good case history illustrating the medical effects of an orgone therapy case; chronic hypertension and
weight gain yielded dramatically to ocular and chest de-armouring.

1064) 28

Criticism of orgone therapy-sometimes using a defence analysis too early on can weaken severely
armoured patients. Character analysis sometimes overlooks that empathy rather than de-armouring
can be more important in early treatment of severe ocular armouring
Assessing ego control is important as without an awareness of ego psychology poorly integrated
characters can be weakened.

1065) 28-29

Two funny orgone therapy stories, one lady stuck in a hate-dependency relationship had stored the
anger in her shoulder-girdle, when this was released she was frightened she might murder her
husband (who was supportive of the therapy). She had good ego control. She phoned the therapist in
the middle of the night to say she had cut her husbands wrist. The therapist spoke to the husband
who was laughing-she had given him a tiny symbolic cut-their relationship improved a lot.

Second case, a life-long submissive male ranted and raged for the first time ever on the therapy
couch. The experience of being able to express anger felt so good he went and deliberately picked a
fight on the subway afterwards. The patient floored the guy he had been winding up to a fight with two
punches and then apologised and offered him a couple of punches on himself to get even for his
punches. The person refused! This patient's behaviour is however very unusual. Being able to
express anger therapeutically leads to less violence and more control at home.

1066) 26

Neck and back are often made rigid into 'one' in armoured adults, (to surrender in the neck area is
dangerous in a hostile world). On occasion an exercise to break through cervical armouring can
relieve mild to moderate asthmatic attacks-repeated utterance of satisfied 'ahh' sounds with an open

1067) 53

80% of children who develop ulcerative colitus develop cancer as adults-this indicates a biopathic
energetic background as the same connection isn't true of ulcerative colitus and cancer in adults.
(Actual research not quoted).

Experimental animals had more rights than children in the US (newborn males did not have the right
not to have unneeded surgery performed without anaesthesia).

1068) 64

Bechamp coined the term zymase not Pasteur. Would history punish Bechamp for discovering
'microzymas' (similar to bions/T-baccilli) by excluding him?

1069) 69/91


The filterable versus unfilterable argument regarding virus and bacterial forms. Modern biology holds
that every bacteria has a set form. It cannot evolve from another form for example a virus. However a

number of researchers have shown that some bacteria can have a viral 'stage' in their life-cycle. It is
called the filterable versus non-filterable argument because viruses are filterable and bacteria are
non-filterable. See particularly;

Rosenow, E. C. (1914) Transmutations Within the Streptococcus-Pneumococcuss-Pneumococcus

Group, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 14:1, Jan 1914. (presumably US journal).

Rosenow, E. And Wheeler, G. (1918) The Etiology of Epidemic Poliomyelitis, Journal of Infectious
Diseases, 22: 281-312.

Also see book by Lida Mattman (1974) Cell Wall Deficient forms (reports on the 1948 work of Dr
Eleanor Jackson who showed that the Rous virus had a bacterial stage.

Rife's work also showed that a filterable 'virus' was present in every blood culture of cancer patients.

All the studies above were ignored despite good evidence. The classic avoidance-'due to

AIOS V8 N1 1991

1070) 1-12

Orgone Experiments

To-T (Temperature ORAC versus Temperature Control) and Electroscopic Discharge Rates in


Interesting paper.

Part 1 To-T

Description of a number of years experimental work. Good controls used. Electromagnetic influences,
thermal effects well matched between ORAC and Control (graphs provided of the thermodynamic
balancing). Fairly rigorous recording instrumentation, mercury and thermocouple thermometers used.
Work undertaken in Germany.

This paper showing diurnal and seasonal To-T variations, short term weather predictive qualities of
the To-T readings and influences of DOR. A well defined small temperature differential is noted at
non-DOR times.

Graphs of interesting periods or influences were outlined. No statistical analysis undertaken.

Paper also discusses how To-T rises may correlate with negative ion increases but ions themselves
couldn't cause a temperature rise it appears. Also discusses how UV light can trigger orgone-type
effects (such as skin tanning). However, Fuckert found To-T rises independent of UV and
electromagnetic influence upon the ORAC and Control boxes.

Cloudbuster and To-T

Used a CB of 8 x 4 metre tubes of 2 cm diameter.

After one hour of CB from zenith a negative To-T (0.8) changed to a positive differential also of 0.8.
This process was repeated three times with similar results.

Part 2 Electroscope (El) Observations and ORAC

Interesting study, though without full details. Good description of method and potential problems.
Found that electrical discharge rates were usually longer within the ORAC on clear energy days by up

to 9 times. Poor weather, high humidity (>70%), or DOR shortens the discharge time. Electrical
discharge rates correlate with To-T (peaking a few hours later than To-T).

When controlling experiments it should be noted that electroscopes can hold an orgone charge for a
good period and after long orgone charging behave differently to an uncharged electroscope.

No statistical analysis attempted.

1071) 22

Homeopathy and orgone therapy.

Fuckert finds that difficult and complicated therapeutic cases are helped by using the two therapies in
conjunction. They appear to work together and a very powerful case history is presented whereby the
combined therapies help the patient uncover and deal with very traumatic incidents from childhood
(sexual abuse).

Author relates how her own recurrent kidney infection were not dealt with by orgone therapy alone
and that they went into a remission with homeopathy.

Author notes that both methods are functional, restore pulsation and work through layers from present
to past and top of body to lower of body.

Homeopathy and orgone therpay may work synergistically. Author feels that it shortens length of time
needed in orgone therapy.

1072) 24

Good example of a somatised memory being brought back into consciousness by orgone therapy
(sucking thumb brought back awareness of her dependent character).

1073) 26

In biology there is the principle that form follows function, author adds that both follow the energetic

1074) 47-53

Orgone Experiment

Orgone Chemistry

Courtney Baker

A modest initial study is described. Reich detailed a substance he believed to be a pre-atomic

compound that could be made by exposing sodium chloride or sodium hydroxide to a DORish
atmosphere (Orene). A white crusty substance forms above the liquid. Author repeated this process
and found that a substance did occur and examined it under microscope.

AIOS V9 N1 1999

1075) 30

Discussion between orgone therapists-noted that therapeutic effectiveness is not defined by

theoretical orientation. That some people are exceptionally good therapists for a reason hard to
define. Another orgone therapist notes that it is about energetic contact and talks of the similarities
with faith healers and native Indian healing. Reich talked of the interactions of energy fields between
therapist and client.

1076) 4-5

Interesting discussion of orgone and chemistry and atoms as pulsating bodies. Puts forward the CFP
equation that Orgone energy is the CFP of the variations matter and DOR and that both are
consequences of orgone superimposition. In other words it is the DOR as by-product argument
mentioned also somewhere in Offshoots journal?

Orene and melanor (black noxious material found on rocks in desert development and oranur affected
areas) are also discussed.

1077) 22-25

Some interesting criticisms of orgone therapy and orgonomy from within. Reich never viewed the
character types as set or complete. Reich thought that most people couldn’t in fact be pigeon
holed-the character types are just guides. The character types are based on Freud’s psychosexual
stages of development. If Freud’s theory proves incomplete this invalidates character theory to some
extent. A recurrent criticism is the emphasis on attacking resistances and armour at the possible
expense of empathic contact. Also criticism is made of orgonomic movement-an energetic theory of
life development has not been attempted. Few have tried to continue Reich’s work in the study of
healthy children

AIOS V7 N1 1990

1078) 1/9

Orgone Experiments

Further Work on Air-Germ Theory


Further refutation of air-germ theory being the sole source of ‘infection’. 5 years of exposure of growth
plates showed little evidence of cyst/spore based growth.

1079) Orgone Experiments

Mung Beans and Orgone


A complex series of pilot studies. Many variables, procedure changes and sub-groups. Some small
differences between orgone and control groups found. Noted that charging for one hour at seedling
stage to be more effective than longer or shorter charges of seedlings or seeds.

1079a) 50

Reviewer compares M. Pecks view of evil ‘People of the Lie’ (a follow on from ‘The Road Less
Travelled’) and compares it to Reich’s (which is based on ‘Emotional Plague’.

Both see evil as a diagnosable psychiatric condition with the following traits;-

Central characteristic-

Inability to submit (to others to a higher power, God, love orgasm). This is true of both Peck’s
definition of evil and Reich’s.

Use of power to destroy the ‘spiritual’ growth of others (Peck)

Use of power to destroy life pulsation in others because it disturbs the plagued person’s fragile

equilibrium (Reich).

Consistent destructive behaviour, scapegoating (Peck).

Need to destroy life-positive movements in others but rationalising it as ‘helping others’ or ‘for their
own good’ or the ‘good of the country’ (Reich).

Excessive, often covert intolerance of criticism or narcissistic injury. (Peck).

Reich noted that emotional plague characters cannot tolerate criticism or any increase in their energy
levels brought on by the environment because they are full to bursting due to their armouring and
inability to release energy. (Reich).

Pronounced concern with self-image and respectability. (Peck)

Emotional plague characters seek positions of authority and respectability to hide from their own
feelings of inner dirtiness and self-loathing. (Reich)

Denial of hateful feelings/vengeful feelings. (Peck)

Em. Plague characters are unable to tolerate any insight and actively destroy any possibilities of such
insight. (Reich).

Intellectual deviousness. (Peck)

Emotional plague characters operate from the head as they are out of touch with their bodies, they
are devious due to this (Reich).

The ‘mask of sanity’. (Peck).

They live behind the mask of their armouring in orgonomic terms.


OO N1 1981

1080) 23

Orgone Experiment

Orgone/Bion water and Tomato Seeds


Experiments carried out in Algarve, Portugal, in 1980 and 1981. Good quality, well reported pilot
experiments. Not perfectly stringent conditions e.g. some differences in pot types between groups,
water used not measured exactly, rotation of crops not detailed. However good amount of numerical
information, well presented and thoughtfully carried out.

Series 1 1980-Two groups-Group B-Seeds soaked in bion water and grown in bionous earth (boiled
earth) for two days. Group C-Seeds soaked in ordinary water and grown in ordinary soil for two days.

All seeds transplanted to a balcony area.

Seed amounts were approximate. 24 seedlings in B group sprouted versus 17 in C group. Group B
had double the average height of group C seedlings after two months (20cm vs 10cm). Group B had
more fruits earlier than group C. No exact numbers or statistical analysis but well conducted and
simply presented. A fungal attack affected all plants but group B recovered better.

Series 2 1981-Three groups-Group B-20 tomato seeds soaked in bion water. Group O-20 tomato

seeds placed in a three fold tin can ORAC. Group C-50 tomato seeds placed in a paper container.

14 seedlings from each group germinated. At transplantation of all seed groups some 2.5 months
after initiation of experiment, the seedlings were of a similar length but there are colour differences,
lighter green with the C group and the B group is more uneven but appear subjectively stronger than
the other groups.

At conclusion of the experiment after 6 months the branching points of B and O group, average
height, number of fruits and total yields are at least double the control group averages.

Experiment needed a second control-there was no control for the effects of soaking the seeds in
water however the O group which was nearly as strong as the B group still had double the averages
of the controls.

OO N4 1982

1081) 6

Over a 10 year period the FDA spent over $2 million, 4% of its total budget on the confiscation of just
300 ORACs. These were in private hands. There had been no complaints from individuals.

1082) 10

Reich and UFO's

Reich long believed that UFOs might be interplanetary ships. He thought they would be powered by
orgone because the ships behave in ways no mechanically powered vehicle can emulate. Some of
the ways the UFO's move is similar to the orgone motor. They can change directions at high speeds
without a jolt (silence and high speed are other characteristics). Reich thought that there would not be
enough fuel for such journeys so UFO's might use orgone accumulated in space and then trigger it
with Oranur. The exhaust of such ships would therefore be drought producing DOR.

Also there is a criticism of Boadella's and even Neill's comments that Reich may have become
paranoid and detached from reality. (Due to believing that 'spacemen' were causing DOR and
deserts, or that the US air force shared his concerns, or that Reich was said to have had a meeting
with President Eisenhower). This was a claim Reich never made incidentally. A witness claimed to
have observed a meeting but she later retracted her statement - possibly after meeting government

1083) 13

The Communist Manual of Psychopolitical Warfare

The person to be destroyed must given the stigma of madness. Label of paranoid-anyone who
attacks communism is paranoid by definition. Use the courts, laws, constitution, medical societies.
Avoid murder unless within the safety of an institution. If activities are uncovered label it as a hoax,
pour scorn on the person who should be branded insane.

1084) 24

Time magazine (no date given) describe Reich as the father of the second sexual revolution.

1085) 12

R. D Laing talks of a deliberate conspiracy to destroy Reich (New Society 28-3-1968) by the
psychiatric profession 'because his theories cut too near the bone'. Anne Faraday (New Society
3/9/1970) says that this conspiracy is mostly unconscious.

1086) 35

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


Conducted in 1980 and 1981 in Algarve, Portugal.

Series 1, 1980.

26 paprika seeds were soaked in unsterilised bion water-19 germinated. (Group B)

40 seeds were unsoaked and planted in the same soil mixture as the control-27 germinated. (Group

Group B had twice the number of fruits per plant, were taller and had more branches.

No statistical significance analysis, seeds were soaked in B group but not in C group.

Overall, a clearly reported initial pilot study.

Series 2 1981

40 paprika seeds in each group-bion water group (B), 3 fold tin can ORAC group (O) and control (40
seeds kept in a paper bag).

Good numerical data though no statistical analysis. Total yield, average individual weight of fruit,
average yield per plant were approximately one third higher in the B and O groups as compared to

There was no suitable control to test the effects of soaking. The B and O groups had some
unintended exposure to an electromagnetic source (a TV) which was stronger than that given to
group C. Also group C received more sunlight. However this should have favoured the control group.
Again bion water appears slightly more conducive to growth than ORAC charging and the fruits of
both B and O groups were sweeter. Again the plants were darker in B and O groups.

OO N5 1982

1087) 22

Reich says Adler began to do character analysis instead of symptom analysis but without reference
to sexuality. Ferenczi worked with states of tension in the body but ignored orgasm theory. Rank
mistook the fear of living in such an armoured world for the trauma of birth (as the cause of neurosis).
They all refused to consider what the patient was to do with the liberated sexual energy made
available by successful therapy.

1088) 11-13

In depth discussion of Reich's associates, Hoppe (Israel) and Raknes (Norway) influence.

OO N6 1983

1090) 20

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


Better controlled, well conducted and clearly reported study using tomato seeds and ORACs and bion
water in Portugal in 1982.

4 groups of 17 tomato seeds each, B, seeds soaked in bion water, O, seeds treated in a 5 fold tin can
ORAC, C-1, seeds without any treatment, C-2, seeds soaked in tap water for same period as group B
(about 2 weeks).

Between 9 and 13 seedlings germinated in each group.

Stronger growth in all groups due possibly to better organic treatment/biodynamic planting out

Total yield, no. of fruits, average weight of fruits, average weight, average yield p/plant and av. no.
fruits per plant are given for a three part harvest and total results. The two treated groups, B and O
have total yields twice or three times that of C-1. O group is a third higher than C-2. However soaking
in bion water has only a slight improvement on soaking in tap water. No statistical significance

1091) 8

Writer notes that Reich’s life was relatively free of harassment until August 1946 when Mass
Psychology of Fascism (MPF) was published. It was reviewed by the communist and leading
intellectual, Frederic Wertham in The New Republic magazine, a leftist publication. Wertham called
on all liberals and communists to attack Reich and silence him. Mildred Brady then took up Wertham's
'call-to-arms' some 6 months later. The MPF had reached number one on the non-fiction NY library
list and there must have been worries about the books influence upon the American left. Moscow had
officially burnt the MPF book earlier. Brady's husband was a member of the communist party and it is
reported that Brady was more extreme in her views than her husband. Brady deliberately falsified
information in her article such as that Reich claimed the ORACs granted orgastic potency. It was a
defamation for political purposes but was then picked up on by the pharmaceutical, medical industry
and the popular media. Reprints in;

Journal of the American Medical Association

Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic
Consumer Reports
Saturday Review of Literature
The McGill Daily (Canada)
Cosmopolitan and others.

1092) 10

Peter Mills was Reich's former lawyer and therefore was in an unethical position when he agreed to
prosecute Reich for the FDA. Peter Mills appointed, or was made to appoint, an anti-sexual zealot
who was on a mission against Reich as his assistant.

1093) 36

Orgone Experiment

Plants and Orgone


Two sets of experiments with a 5-fold tin-can ORAC and garlic bulbs. Treated group of 12 garlic bulbs
(O) were put into the ORAC for 11 days. Control group were kept in plastic bag for same time. No
reports on controlling the environment beyond this - i.e. humidity, temperature.
All garlics germinated and were planted out at same time. All became healthy plants of similar height.
Total yield of group O about 1/3 higher than group C (6.030 kg versus 4.410 kg).

Experiment was repeated the following year (1982). Identical procedure followed except total yield,
number of bulbs and av. weight of garlic bulbs was measured.
Group O 5.495 kg total yield versus 4.215 for Group C.
Group O numbered 128 garlic bulbs versus 124 for C.
Group O 44.88 grams average weight of bulbs versus 33.99 grams for C.

No statistical significance analysis.

Another experiment is also mentioned briefly - here there is a decrease in growth in the orgone group
- the bulbs had been over-irradiated (4 week's treatment). There could have been a DOR effect also
as weather was stagnant at the time.

1094) 12

Mass Psychology of Fascism was burned by FDA because it listed books in the booklist which
contained the word orgone. The injunction made it illegal for Reich to even talk about orgone, gave
them the power to copy unpublished research, take confidential patient histories and lists of those
connected in any way to the orgone institute.

Also note the media's almost complete silence on Reich's imprisonment. Time magazine mentioned
that Reich's sentence was deferred which wasn't true.

1095) 12

Moscow had Reich's books and was said to be trying the ORAC in at least one hospital.

1096) 15


Reich used to watch Aurora drive around the prison - when the authorities noticed they moved his cell
to one without a view.

1097) 50

The parent who either forbids or directs the child's budding sexuality disables the child’s ability to self
regulate and places themselves as the object of sexual interest-this is the origin of Oedipal complex

Also note that Reich thought Oedipal complex arose out of necessity because the normal avenues for
expression of the child’s sexuality (i.e. peer exploration) were blocked by the parent.

OO N8 1984

1098) 36

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


Series 1, 1982, Portugal

Aubergine seeds were treated in a similar protocol to previous experiments by Espanca.

Approximately 15 plants per group. In series 1 there were 4 groups: Bion water soaking, Orgone,
Control with Soaking (tap water) and Control without Soaking. On final harvest there was a clear
difference between the orgone/bion water and control groups. Average height was 20-25% taller in
the treated groups. Average yield was nearly doubled in the treated groups.

Series 2, 1983.

Only two groups-orgone and a dry control. Small increase-total yield-3.82 kg in orgone group versus
3.275 kg in control group. Only 6 plants per group. Negative atmospheric conditions.

An earlier Aubergine experiment is mentioned from 1981- the bion water group did well but the control
group did better than the orgone (ORAC) treated group.

1099) 14-15

Reich's early 1930's ideas to integrate Marx and Freud were intellectually attractive to persons such
as Erich Fromm, Siegfried Bernfeld and Otto Fenichel. Who were participants in Reich's study groups.

Also note that as director of Seminar for Psychotherapy Reich must have profoundly influenced Anna
Freud and Erikson also (11).

1100) 14

Reich's Association for Proletarian Sex-Policy-gave counselling and sex advice to German people
and its membership soon numbered 20,000. The German communists who had originally supported it
became alarmed at its success.

The 1931 association advocated-better housing, abolition of laws against abortion, birth control and
homosexuality, reform of marriage laws, free contraceptives, sex counselling and education, nurseries
and home leave for prisoners.

1101) 11

Freud's famous 'Civilisation and its Discontents' Reich believed was written in response to a paper he
gave to Freud's private inner circle titled, 'The Prophylaxis of the Neuroses'.

OO N9 1984

1102) 23

Fromm uses similar language to Reich as he echoes Reich's ideas about people's desire to escape
from individual, freedom-with-responsibility, toward the irresponsible, 'mass-freedom'. Frrom's work
was published many years after Reich's but does not openly acknowledge Reich.

Fromm, E. (1941) Escape from Freedom, NY, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Fromm examined the question of the relationship of character to social environment but with the
deletion of Reich's emphasis on the biological basis of man.

1103) 61

Reich's Autopsy Report Suppressed

Reich had a heart attack in October 1951. He took about a month to recover. He had a heart murmur
and some congestive failure.

Reich after he was sentenced attempted to arrange a cardiac appointment with Dr Paul White but he
was unavailable. Reich didn't want anyone else. Reich had a full medical by the prison doctor which
apparently didn't reveal the heart problem. The authorities wouldn't allow Eva Reich, a doctor, to
either view their medical report or to speak to the prison doctor (? Dr Witkin, Eva was not certain of
the name).

Eva did manage to speak to the pathologist who performed the autopsy on Reich (Dr Christman,
Sunbury hospital, PA). He told Eva Reich and Aurora Karrer Reich

that he had found the aortic valve leaflets were immobile with only a 2mm gap between the edges of
the valve. The coronory ostia were narrowed by calcification. Right sided heart failure, liver
enlargement. Basal pneumonia, patchy broncho-pneumonia, pitting ankle oedema. Reich had calcific
aortic stenosis with regurgitation - this should have been detected at the beginning of Reich's
sentence with the mandatory cardiological exam. Reich's sentence should have been suspended.

In brief

1) The autopsy report omits the narrowing of the valves and the total stenosis as the cause of right
sided heart failure mentioning only the coronary openings.

2) Next of kin was refused permission to speak to Reich's doctors.

3) Next of kin (Eva Reich) were not allowed to see medical and autopsy reports.

OO N11 1985

1104) 41


Lasch, C. (1984) The Minimal Self: Psychic Survival in Troubled Times, NY, W.W. Norton.

Reich is grouped with Neo-Freudians such as Fromm, Horney, Zilburg. These thinkers differ from
Reich in that they emphasize cultural rather than biological determinants of personality. He views
Reich's work second hand through Marcuse and Norman Brown and states that Reich's scientific
work was 'simple minded' thus avoiding the need to actually read it. Lasch can offer no more than a
rehash of Freud's standpoint in Civilisation and its Discontents for how man should rework his inner
self to survive the current crisis. A psychological pseudo-solution.

1105) 30

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


Portugal. Ping Pong tomato seeds. 1984

Similar protocol to previous Espanca experiments. Two groups, O treated in a 6-fold tin can ORAC. C
kept in a paper bag.

It is noted that this experiment and all of the previous except the first experiment used organic
fertilisers and planted out and harvested according to the bio-dynamic calender of Maria Thun.

8 seeds in each group were treated for approximately 2 weeks. 8 of the O group germinated, 4 of the
C group. Group O were approximately double the height, number of fruits and average yield per plant,
for example Av yield per plant was 2908.28 gms for O and 1325 gms for C.

1106) 8

Reich was the first psychotherapist and MD to clearly oppose circumcision and validate adolescent
sexuality and to elucidate resignation syndrome in cancer.

1107) 13

Reich was the first to photograph the human aura (using X-rays). Vol 1 No 2 Orgone Energy Bulletin
'Orgonotic Light Functions'.

1108) 18

Nathan Cabot Hale, the artist, sculptor and writer's work was inspired by Reich's energy work.

1109) 8

Reich realised that the fear of his work was deeper than simply the fear of natural sexuality and the
orgasm function-it was a fear of the cosmic-it reflected the Biblical fear of knowing God.

1110) 61

Positive criticism

Stanway, A. (1979) Alternative Medicine.

Positive review of Reich's cancer work and speculates that the authorities must have thought Reich
was onto something by their overreaction to aspects of Reich's work such as the Oranur experiment.
If orgone simply didn't exist or was entirely harmless why go to such trouble to suppress Reich's
work? Concludes that Reich's work represented something that was too much for many people, or
authorities, to handle.

OO N13 1986

1111) Inside cover

The peace fountain at St John the Divine cathedral in NY is dedicated to The Children of the Future. It
shows an Angel of life embracing a deer with the right arm and a sword with the left representing the
fight to protect life. There is a child-like smiling sun and mini animals at child's height around the

My note-there is a European religious order of monks that has honoured orgonomy (see Journal

1112) 13

Orgone Experiment

Plants and Orgone


Pilot experiment testing effects of Orac and a Pyramid Orac.

Protocol as previous Espanca studies. Each group x10 paprika seeds.

4 groups; O-1 eleven days in 5-fold ORAC, O-2 three days in 5-fold ORAC, P-1 three days in paper
pyramid, P-2 three days in 5-fold orgone layered pyramid, C no treatment.

Group O-2 had the best overall yield and other variables, followed by P-2, and then O-1. The paper
pyramid appeared to have no effect discernable from control. O-2 and P-2 were about 25% higher
measurements than the control group.

No crop rotation randomisation process when the seedlings are planted out, small groups, no
statistical significance analysis. However they remain well written, well conducted pilot studies of a
good quality.

OO N15 1987

1113) 28

Plant experiments-citations from other journals

1) Ritter , P & J. (1954) Experiment Orgone Flower Pot # 1, Orgonomic Functionalism, early UK
journal, V1 N6: 323-326.

2) Courie, M. (1955) Plant Response to Orgone Energy, CORE, V7 N3-4:203-204.

3) Shelton, B. (1964) An Experiment Investigating the Effect of the Orgone Accumulator on Plant
Growth, Orgonomic Functionalism, early UK journal, V10 N1: 63-66.

4) Lentine, S. (1981) Some Fundamental Biophysical Effects of Orgone Radiation, Pt II, Energy
Unlimited, N10: 30-35.

5) Dexter, Desmond and Coen (1977) Orgone Energy and Plant Growth, Energy and Character, V8
N3: 79-81.

Good synopsis of plant experiments by type (rather than by quality of the experiments)-20.

ORACs have been shown to influence plants in 1,2,3,4. In 5, seed germination, stem elongation and
hardiness was affected in prunus ilicifolia.

1114) 20-28

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


In many ways one of the highest quality experiments conducted with plants up to this date not
withstanding Demeo's study.

Rotation of plants was randomised and controlled, outdoor planting out was also randomised and
controlled according to a plotting schedule. Water was measured and equal for all plants. The control
seeds were kept in a control box with approximate thermal qualities to the ORAC. There were better
numbers - 30 tomato seeds in each group.

Standard deviations were reported and a statistical significance analysis using ANOVA and T-Test
was undertaken and reported in the paper.

The main criticism of this paper is that it tries to answer too many questions. The 60 seeds end up in
4 orgone groups and 4 control groups. The dor-buster, orgone charged water and ORAC seed groups
were compared to control processes, for example orgone charged seeds might be watered with
orgone water or dor-busted or control seeds might be dor-busted and so on.

The standard deviations were fairly large with this study making it not as reliable a study as it could
have been otherwise. The study author considers the planting out conditions of the soil may have
been responsible for this.

Results - Changes in the mean, or average yield were the most sensitive variable. Orgone groups
failed to achieve a significant difference from control (also note that the experiment was carried out
with some significant DOR days and nearby to an urban area).

However a significant difference was found between a control group that had been dorbusted and
other groups (including orgone ones). So overall the experiment indicated a statistically significant
effect was caused by an orgone energy device.

1115) 31

Orgone Experiment



Experiments using similar protocol to previous Espanca studies. 4 groups using seeds from orgone
treated plants and non-orgone treated plants which in turn were either treated with an ORAC or
control. There seems to be some generational effect from the orgone treatment with the seeds from
treated plants faring better. A significant increase with orgone charging was also seen in both orgone
parent and control parent seeds. Simply presented and well written. Small groups but a useful pilot

OO N14 1987

1116) 22

Orgone Experiment

Plants and Orgone


Very interesting experiment using only 4 x 1 litre treatments of orgone charged water applied to
paprika seedlings. The ORAC water group counted 6 plants and same for control group.

The plants seemed to respond immediately and showed an increase of over 40% in average yield per
plant at end of experiment.


PP N1 1989

1117) 11

Demeo quoted from his 'Bibliography on Orgone Biophysics’, 1986. Covers the period from 1934
to 1986.

Contains 400 citations by over 100 authors. most of whom have MD or PhD.

It lists:

Theses - 17
Papers on the bions - 38
Papers on the ORAC - 80
Papers on orgone and plants - 22
Papers on mice with cancer or wounds - 6
Reich blood test - 12
Cloudbusting - 50
Methods for directly observing orgone - 20

PP N2 1989

1118) 25

Orgone Experiment

Orgone & Acupuncture

Senf 1989

Senf (1989) conducted the first study of Reichian interventions applied to acupuncture points. He
studied the effects of directing orgone energy toward acupuncture points. He devised an
accumulating tube that was adapted from Reich’s accumulating cabinets. Points were treated with the
tube (according to a Chinese Medical diagnosis) for a short period whilst the subjects had their eyes

The study reported a sensory and emotional reaction - 85% of the subjects linked the possible
irradiation of the points to sensory and other changes. Senf (1989) also investigated withdrawing
orgone energy from points using an adaptation of Reich’s ideas on negative energy removal. He
constructed an energy removal tube that was directed at sedation acupuncture points. The volunteers
mostly reported a sensation of a cool breeze.

The study did not have a control group or a quantifiable measurement of any changes but
nonetheless showed some fascinating results and the need for further study.

1119) 22

Orgone Experiment

Orgone & Medical Parameters

Gebauer and Muschenich (1987)

The researchers carried out a double blind placebo controlled experiment with ORACs. The
theoretical part of the work was part of a thesis for the University of Marburg, Germany. This work
provided a meta-study of the previous temperature differential, electroscopic discharge rate changes
and changes in air humidity claimed within previous Orgone cabinet studies. A book detailing their
work is available (Muschenich 1995).

In the experimental part of the studies 15 volunteers had 20 thirty minute sessions, 10 of which were
in an eight layered orgone accumulating cabinet (constructed according to Reich’s plans) and 10 of
which were in an identical looking placebo cabinet (constructed only of organic materials). The
placebo cabinet was identical to the test cabinet in size, shape and insulating properties. An additional
5 subjects were allocated who had all their sessions in one box- 3 subjects were in the experimental
group and 2 in the placebo.

Before each session all the subjects sat in a relaxation chair for 15 minutes and baseline physiological
data was recorded.

After the sessions a questionnaire was given to provide extra control against suggestive factors.
Clothing of subjects, position of cabinets and sequence of sessions (experimental/placebo) were also

The experimenters and subjects were both blinded. The experimental or placebo cabinet was
randomly allocated. The subjects had no knowledge concerning the experiment.


The study rejected its Null Hypothesis (There is no change between the physiological effects of the
Orgone and Placebo cabinets) with a Significance Level of P < 0.01. Parasympathetic stimulation of
the body, sensations of heat, an increase in the internal body temperature and regulation of arterial
pressure was reported.

All subjects except one showed a preference for the accumulating cabinet. Warmth, tingling and
pleasant sensations were commonly reported. One subject appeared resistant to changes in the
Orgone cabinet. This subject preferred the Placebo cabinet. A meteorological association with
physical effects was claimed and a temperature differential of approximately 1-degree between
Orgone and Placebo cabinet internal atmospheric temperature was reported.

Electro-Cardio-Gram (ECG) recordings were found to have an unexplained high variance statistically.

The 5 people who used only one of the cabinets were too small a subgroup to establish statistical
significance in that sub-population.

PP N3 1991

1120) 26

Reich’s Oranur Experiment

Very good description of the oranur experiment and its effects.

Reich used 20 millicuries of Phosphurus 32 and 2.26 millicuries of Cobalt 60 but in an exceedingly
high charge orgone lab. The subsequent Oranur reaction spread for miles and the subjective effects
were similar to what was reported in first hand reports of the Three Mile Island incident. However
official scientists at the 3 mile incident denied that such effects were possible at the levels claimed to
be released, for example people heard loud explosive roaring type noises in the absence of physical
explosions, there was a steel blue 'oranur' sky and a metallic taste and tree's died from the tips
downwards (a DOR effect). Also occurring were irritated watery eyes, strange smells (iodine-like),
respiratory inflammation, menstrual disruption, skin rashes and pain in joints.

1121) 39


Reich's journals documented often dramatic changes in various conditions such as anemia, diabetes
mellitus, carcinoma & wound healing.

Heikko Lassak in West Germany led a group of doctors who experimented with the use of the ORAC
in treating patients. Their work was presented at numerous lectures in German and Scandinavian
universities. As ORAC design instruction became available to more people in the mid-80's Lassak
documents that he was being contacted by many people in person and by letter who were reporting
predominately positive experiences with the ORAC.

Working free of charge with ORACs and orgone psychotherapy Lassak worked with 17 terminal
cancer patients from 1988-1991 approximately. He found a clear reduction in pain in 2/3rds of the
patients after 20 ORAC treatments. All of the patients experienced an increase in vitality. Most of the
patients had their prognosis extended by their specialists.

In 9 of the severely disabled terminal cancer cases analgesia was not required at all - to the
amazement of their specialists..

When the patients were in the ORAC they often described a 'new' type of 'good' pain. Several times
patients described a pain localised around a certain area which turned out to be an undiagnosed

In three cases a shrinking of tumours was radiologically diagnosed.

Reich Blood Test and another type of live blood analysis showed marked changes.

Lassak notes the live blood analysis and radiological treatment of Dr Joseph Issels which is
successful due to its energetic monitoring of the effect of the radiation.

Lassak notes that the patients he treated were in an older age group and warns against treating
young people with acute myeloid leukaemia. Sometimes in younger people cancer can be an
energetically 'excess' condition. But the main point to remember is that ORAC treatment can result in
auto-intoxication - the kidneys and liver are faced with much tumour debris and T-Bacilli
(cancer-associated proto-virus).

Chronic medical conditions with associated pain often show a great reduction or alleviation of pain.

1122) 49


Brenner, an MD reports on the use of the DOR-buster with three cases of infectious disease. Brenner
uses a slightly unusual but strong DOR-buster. (It had plastic tubes coated inside with metal). A
non-healing wound and a recurrent respiratory condition were treated (the DOR-buster may have
worked by unlocking a deeply blocked and armoured ocular segment). Recurring cutaneous infections
were also treated. All symptoms reacted dramatically to the DOR-buster.

1223) 54

ORAC treatments

Demeo reports on observations of using the ORAC.

A very low energy farmer cures himself of a fast spreading form of liver cancer with very long
treatments in a very powerful ORAC he built from oil-drums

Superficial burns

A small encapsulated breast tumour which had not grown or decreased in size previously for some
time (treatment released much anxiety in the young woman). She couldn't accept it as a product of
the orgone treatment of which she had been sceptical.

Genital herpes, unresponsive to conventional treatment.

A baby who had persistent colds. (A fever ensued - one must watch children with ORACs as a high
temp can easily occur as the body energises and fights any pathogens).

1224) 51

Orgone Lamp

Brenner reports on the only other documented case of using the 'orgone lamp' a device invented by

A one fold orgone accumulator contains a 175 watt mercury vapor lamp, a ballast and a cooling fan.
Directed by a reflector the light passes through a dark green sheet of glass.

The device is effective in bringing about a rapid change for the better in a medically non-responsive
case of recurrent cutaneous infections of the nose.

See also JO 22 V1 1988.

1225) 62


In 1986 the south east section of the USA had been devastated by drought. The national forest
service spent 120 million dollars on ending the drought (presumably by cloudseeding methods) in the
Yellowstone park area alone in 1 year. Two to fifteen thousand dollars will fund a cloudbusting
operation. Demeo claims to have ended the great drought of 1986. The cloudbusting caused a gentle
drizzle to start which gathered pace and ended the drought. This is unusual for drought ending rains
which are normally more violent-though the opposite is often the case in engineered rainfall.

Also printed in a magazine concerned with nature and human issues called 'Wildfire' 1988 Issue,
Spokane, WA, USA. 'An Interview with James Demeo'.

1226) 63

National Science Foundation heard about Demeo's PHD work on cloudbusting and put pressure on
Kansas university to pull the project - this led Demeo to his Saharasia thesis eventually.

1227) 100

Humans are energy beings-not psychological or biological beings - Reich.

1228) 63


Demeo notes that Reich first wondered whether deserts, with their animals with armoured and
thickened skins, had a connection with armouring. He wondered whether deserts had a role in the
initial armouring of mankind (Demeo doesn't state which writing this is from though it may be Contact
with Space).

Demeo started out by making maps of where people treat their babies one way as opposed to
another (harsh or not) using pre-European dispersion data and was startled to find the Sahara being
mapped out. This was the start of his Saharasia thesis.

1229) 106-114

Demeo reports on the anti-constitutional and police-state activities of the FDA in harassing people
and businesses: armed ram raids, destroying property in order to force alternative businesses out of
business, stealing literature, kidnapping of doctors and general abuse of police power. Reminiscent of
communist secret agency actions - their roots ideologically.

For example Dr Jonathan Wrights natural healing clinic in Washington was invaded at gun point by an
FDA SWAT team. (See PP Num 4:pg 81).

PP N4 1993

1230) 140

Books such as Nichols, P. (1992) The Montauk Project, Sky Books, US. Show how Reich has entered
the popular mythology this time as a mad scientist helping the government with secret time travel
inter-dimensional experiments.

1231) 73

If the FDA really thought Reich was just deluded why did they want unprecedented access to private
medical histories, all of Reich's private scientific files and contact address lists?

1232) 73

FDA's injunction was interpreted in two opposite ways at the same time. Firstly as the injunction was
against Reich, not the doctors, it was used to prevent the orgonomic doctors entering the case on
behalf of Reich (court argued the case only affected Reich).

However, Silvert was prosecuted for supposedly acting in concert with Reich. Perhaps Reich was
right to avoid appearing in court. Reich had the feeling that whatever he did he was to be damned.

1233) 80

Pictures of energetically healthy and weakened blood in the Reich Blood Test.

1234) 83

Orgone Experiment

Bion microscopy


Electron microscope photographs of bions forming from sterile iron dust preparations showing double
cell walls, fissioning, bridging (possibly conjugation), nucleated features and organelles. Glowing hot
iron dust was immersed into a sterilised solution of brain-heart and JCl nutrient solution with sterile
protocol and examined at 20,000 power magnification by Stephen Shanahan of Melbourne university.

1235) 84-88

More on official denial of oranur symptoms

The authorities labelled all unusual phenomena after the Three Mile Island nuclear incident as
'psychological'. People reported seeing red water, a glowing purple/red cloud over Three Mile island,
mechanics working outside 6 miles away (who officially would have received too low a dose to cause
symptoms) reported sunburn and a metal taste. Others reported that the taste grew worse inside
mobile homes (this is because an oranur reaction gets worse in aluminium buildings which act as

1236) 16

Biology and chemistry

Alkali behaves like potassium (expansion). Acid like calcium (contraction).

My note - blood is slightly alkaline in health.

1237) 18

The sympathetic nervous system stimulates some organs and relaxes others while the
parasympathetic also has a dual effect. This is understandable with Reich's functional antithesis. The
sympathetic system contracts and stimulates the internal organs such as the heart and expands the
periphery whilst the parasympathetic does the opposite. It expands the internal organs and relaxes
the periphery.

1238) 53

The communist Daily Worker (Arbeijderbladet, Copenhagen, December 1st 1933 called the Mass
Psychology of Fascism a 'cowardly' attack on revolutionary politics.

1239) 115


OROP Namibia 1992-1993.

The entire southern part of Africa was facing food shortages in the wake of severe drought. Demeo
and his team worked in two bursts November 1992 and February 1993 with the knowledge of the
Namibian government. A critical drought situation since 1989 was averted. A graph is presented
which shows that the major precipitation as measured by an official Namibian measuring station
followed almost immediately after the cloudbusting operations.

Forest healing OROP (Waldheilung) 1989-1993

A cooperative effort at using cloudbusting to reduce smog and attempt to halt the forest death process
occurring near to Berlin.

Although Demeo did not have any empirical data from air pollution stations available on rainwater Ph

and other variables during the period of forest healing not one smog alarm was made which prior to
the period was routine several times a year (at these times the smog was too high for children to play
outside and cars would be banned from the city centre).

1240) 116

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Chemical Changes in Soi

Lai and Eberl

T.M. Lai and D. D. Eberl of a U.S. Geological survey team in Denver, Colorado reported on an ORAC
experiment they conducted. Published in, Abstracts, 80th Annual Meeting, American Society of
Agronomy, 1988: 240.

A mixture of soil and water was kept in an ORAC. P availability was measured. This increased by up
to 30% as compared to control. Adding organic matter and K to the soil increased the effect. Different
ORAC materials had an effect on the process.

1241) 116

Homeopathy and Dor-busting

Roland Plocher, a German researcher has developed a cross between homeopathy and dor-busting
which appears to be very effective in revitalising dead ponds and lakes. A thin sheet of aluminium two
feet square is coated with a white powder. Using a device similar to a film projector, homeopathic
information is impregnated into the powder. The information coated aluminium sheet is rolled up and
put into groups of plastic tubes. These are weighted with a concrete block and then immersed into a
lake or river. The river or lake receives the revitalised life-energy information and comes back to life.
He has worked with many farmers and others in Switzerland and Germany. Swiss police took him,
unofficially, at gunpoint over the Swiss border, removed his belongings and told him never to return.

1242) 143

Brownian motion

Robert Brown described Brownian motion in 1827 when he saw subtle pulsating movements of tiny
pollen grains in a microscope. Brown thought the motion was due to subtle forces. In 1905 after
Brown’s death it was Einstein who argued that Brown's particles were moving because of being
buffeted by larger molecules in the solution. It has been argued that this is like saying a battle ship is
buffeted by lots of tiny basketballs.

My note - See British orgone researcher Peter Jones for more on this subject, energetics and

1243) 144-145

Earthquake weather, rivers of high altitude liquid in atmosphere, clouds forming at mountain tops,
high altitude winds, storms on Jupiter and Neptune, Jupiter's aurora and glowing hydrogen in space
all support Reich's theories argues Demeo.

PP N5 2002

1244) 55

Reich argued that psychological health is based on sexual health and that childrearing practices must
change if a humanity is to survive. He argued for a bottom up change of society. The communists
rejected these ideas in 1929.

It is little known that when Reich's above ideas were discussed in Freud's inner circle they so greatly
disturbed Freud that Freud then wrote, 'Civilisation and its Discontents' in reaction to it. To quote
Freud, "The human animal, with its insatiable needs, must always remain an enemy to organised
society, which exists largely to tamp down sexual and aggressive desires".

Reich then wrote Mass Psychology of Fascism in 1933 (a collection of his previous observations on
social pathology). This was the same year Hitler gained power. The Gestapo put Reich on its death
lists and began burning his books.

1245) 55

Leon Jaroff, senior editor of TIME magazine in 1970 was also a member of CSICOP (Committee for
the Scientific Investigation of the Paranormal, which has conducted unscientific witchhunts of people
like Beneveniste and has frequently attacked Reich. Time magazine was a safe house for
communists in the 1940s and journalists with agendas such as Whittaker Chambers an editor at Time
in the 1940's and friend of Soviet super-spy, Alger Hiss. When Chambers testified against Hiss other
far-left members of Time's staff such as Leon Svirsky became incensed. A close friend of Svirsky,
Martin Gardner became the Godfather of CSICOP and headed many attacks upon Reich. Svirsky
joined the staff of Scientific American.

CSICOP has various Marxist-humanist founding members such as Paul Edwards who himself had
orgone therapy and credited it with giving him 'greater insight into the mind-body problem than anyone
else'. However Edwards thinks of Reich as a crank due to his biophysical claims (and probably his
anti-communist politics also).

CSICOP is connected to Prometheus books by communist sympathiser Paul Kurtz (friend of Corliss
Lamont and publisher of Wolfgang Leonhard's Marxist books. The 'human sexuality' section of
Prometheus books was edited by CSICOP fellow Dr Vern Bullough and includes books which are
borderline advocates for peadophilia such as West's and Woodhouse's pseudo-scientific book
claiming to be a scientific study of peadophilia. The section also contains advocacy of zoophilia. It is
no wonder that CSICOP hates Reich with such a passion. Reich stated that such sexuality was
deeply sick and a reflection of the same anti-sexual anti-heterosexual forces as the extremist

1246) 79-87

Orgone Experiment



Dr Bernard Grad PhD in biology and professor at McGill University Canada present a paper in which
he repeated Reich's Experiment XX. In this an autoclaved microscopically clear aqueous extract of
soil (bion water) is frozen and then thawed, flakes of microscopic size with living form were obtained.
Grad claims that he also finds this to be true and that in addition he found other cell-like and
spore-like forms. Eventually Grad calls these forms PFs or Primordial Forms. With changes in
chemical content of the bion water Grad found more stable and complex forms could be precipitated,
calcium chloride and ammonium carbonate was used amongst many other preparations. The addition
of complex proteins also resulted in more complex forms being produced. Additionally, Grad found
that some chemical reactions were sufficient in themselves to produce bionous type vesicles.

Various photographs are presented of the proto-organisms.

As well as being published here Grad has presented his work at Pleomorphic biology conferences.

1247) 88-94

Orgone Experiment



Snyder an MSc biology graduate writes under a pseudonym to protect his academic career. Snyder
also confirms Reich's Experiment XX. He finds additionally that by varying the type of material used to
produce the bion-water, earth, hay or grass distinct morphological differences in the resulting
microstructures can be produced. Snyder presents thirteen high quality micro-photographs of the
differing bion preparations, discusses the previous bion experiments since Reich and presents a
preliminary X-Ray analysis of the chemical elements of bion water.

1248) 95

Orgone Experiment


Kong and Kim

Kong (Dong Chul) and Kim (Hyun-Won) of Yonsei University in South Korea have repeated the little
known research of North Korean Bong Ham Kim who claimed to have found an anatomical fluid
system that represented the meridian system, the Bonghan duct or Kyungrak system. In this system
there are bionously created enitities called Sanals. The author of the paper have confirmed the
existence of the system and the Sanals and present electron and light microscopy photographs of the
Sanals organising into cells.

1249) 100-113

Orgone Experiments



Demeo conducts well controlled experiments in which he repeats bion creation from iron dust with
positive results. He also repeats Experiment XX. The repeat of Reich's experiment XX is particularly
well controlled with the preparations beings intensively boiled, auto-claved, and filtrated at 0.2
microns. Many of the forms that Reich claimed were seen such as spore and yeast like particles and
even pseudo-ameoba type cells. Many of the vesicles were much larger than the 0.4 micron filter size.

Demeo also presents very interesting photographs of the Reich Blood Test. Demeo makes the note
that unlike other pleomorphic pioneers such as Naessens and Enderlein (somatids and protids) or the
Indian researcher's jeewanu (Bahadur) only Reich informs us of how the natural organisation of
protozoa in nature in soils and ponds parallels the process of cancer formation in mammals. Only
Reich found the connection between pre-life particles and biological energy.

1250) 155

Courtney Baker lists 10 ways orgone has been measured;

Electrical skin potential
Spontaneous charging of rubber gloves near ORACs or bion cultures
Fogging of photgraphic plates in an ORAC
Spontaneous magnetisation in an ORAC of iron instruments
Visual impressions of moving lights which can be magnified using a lens
Charging of the Geiger-Muller counting tubes inside an ORAC
ORAC To-T temperature measurements
Magnetic field ORAC measurements
Electroscopic discharge rates

Charging and lumination within a high vacuum tube.

Reich thought that orgone could not be electrical as the ORAC decreased electroscopic discharge
rates whereas ionisation would be expected to increase the rates.

Baker details an experimental device which converts orgone energy into a measurable electrical
signal which is then registered on a modifed millivoltmeter.

(An orgone energy meter is now available from Demeo's Orgonelab, 2006).

1251) 163

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Dowsing


A Greek researcher investigates dowsing and orgonomic devices. Reich thought that dowsing was an
energetic excitement between the dowser and the dowsed object steered through the rods. He
conducted some rough experimentation to investigate this finding the dowsing rods were attracted to
ORACs as well as to water. Reich noted that the dowser he met in the USA was more attuned to
energy functions than he was at the time.

Nikolaidas a mechanical engineer has found that ORACs, Cloudbusters, Dor-busters have definite
fields which can be detected through dowsing, his basic observations are as follows;

All orgonomic devices react to the dowsing rods-

• The reaction is stronger in rural areas

Is related to weather
Depends on the size of orgone field and varies according to time of day
Orgone flow creates a strong energy field
The size of a cloudbuster's energy field is related to the speed and quantity of the flow of water it is
grounded in
Energy charge remains in the area where an orgone device has been operating even after it is
removed-this is called 'after-image' in dowsing circles.

1252) 168-175

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Mung Bean Sprouts


Well controlled, scientific experiment on sprouting mung beans. The experimental beans were placed
in a small ORAC of 13 orgone ply which was placed within another 25 ply large ORAC, all of which
was within an orgone dark room in rural area (USA). The control enclosure was made of plastic and
cardboard linings, sealed for light and placed within a wooden hut to create near identical conditions
to the orgone dark room (which is also made from a wooden hut as the basis). A light meter was used
to monitor light conditions, temperature equality between the two enclosures had been established
prior to the experimental run, thermal mass properties were equalised between the enclosures.
Quantity of water given was recorded and equal. Seeds were kept in glass petri-dishes and covered
to the same height. Measurements of growth were taken once daily at the same time for both groups

Descriptive Statistics

The histograms show a good bell curve for the distributions of both orgone and control seedlings. All 5
parameters measured showed an increase in the orgone group particularly the average seedling

lengths which showed a 34% increase in length.

Analytical Statistics

A simple T-Test was undertaken which showed a very high Confidence Interval of P=0.0001.

This experiment has been undertaken three times between 1998 and 2000 with similar results. (Also
note Demeo's early 1978 sprout study in JO).

There was a small temperature fluctuations of less than a degree between the two groups. These
fluctuations did not favour a particular group. However Demeo conducted his own temp study. In an
additional well controlled and conducted, statistically analysed study, Demeo showed that no
significant differences in growth of mung beans can be found at either +0.25 C or +1.5C temperature

1253) 183-211


Description of a highly successful 5 year desert greening project undertaken in Eritrea partly with
government funding (this was withdrawn at one point in response to criticism from European and US
'sceptics' but recommenced when drought again reared itself. Large precipitations occurred shortly
after operations. Cloudbusting years showed very different weather patterns to the year in which
operations were suspended (1996). The combined analysis for 1995, 1997 and 1998 shows a 20%
average increase in precipitation in the 15 days after operations as against before it.

Downstream effects in Lake Nasser were reported as 'unbelievable'. In Lakes Bring New Chance for
Life in Sahara the Dallas Morning News Dec 5th 2000 has this to say (unaware of the OROPS)

"A change of biblical proportions is washing across the Sahara desert. For the first time in 6,000
years, new lakes have risen from the sands of southern Egypt."

The exceptional rains occurred during phase two of the 1998 cloudbuster operations using three
different cloudbusters.

The cloudbuster is used to augment natural patterns of rainfall proof of its effectiveness is measured
by onset of rains after a period of drought prevailing for months or years, rains at high quantities,
persistence of rain, clearing of atmospheric haze (which Reich thought was composed of stagnated
energy called DOR and merely particulates.

Demeo has worked successfully ending droughts in Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Namibia, Eritrea and the
USA. The energetic desert greening effect (occurs before or without rain) has also been confirmed by

1254) 207-209

Under criticism the Eritrean government requested explanations of how the cloudbuster worked,
which Demeo supplied. Some extracts are printed in the journal as a rebuttal document to the points
the critics make.

Of note is the point that Reich was the first scientist to note the rain-blocking energetic effects of
desert haze which Reich thought was not merely particulate dust (Dr Reid Bryson, Wisconsin
university, has confirmed much of Reich's thoughts in this area in his book Climates of Hunger).

Demeo notes that classical meteorology fails to explain the presence of desert type haze over marine
areas and the lack of parity with humidity levels that some hazes are known to have.

1255) 249

Reference to ORUR, orgone treated de-naturalised uranium. Reich used this to augment the

cloudbuster, which he then called the 'Space-gun'.

Demeo recounts his UFO experiences-he has twice been closely observed by craft when using
cloudbusters. Demeo doesn't confirm Reich's experience of DOR being emitted by space-craft or any
hostile actions by them as Reich reported in Contact with Space. (Reich deliberately withdrew energy
from the crafts with a converted cloudbuster-the Space-gun).

My note - there is a possibility that the spacecraft experienced by Reich were from terrestrial
experiments by the USA or others, using their own or salvaged ships. Also, there may be many
different groups possessing UFOs some friendly, some not.

1256) Early Writings V1: 60

In his first essay on Ibsen's Peer Gynt Reich concludes that spirituality is the antithesis of reality and
not able to be investigated scientifically (this is from his pre-mature ‘Marx’ phase and so should be
viewed with some caution).



The first number in bold is the entry number of the Section 1 Index of this annotated

The second number (not in bold) refers to the page of the journal listed previous to that entry
in the index.


Orgonomy Journal Issue 1

1) 20

Note text.


1) = Annotated Bib’ Note 1. 20 = page 20 of the previously listed Orgonomy Journal.

Only the index number and journal page is included in Section 2. Please see same entry in Section 1
for full reference.


CB-Cloudbuster, ORAC-Orgone Accumulator, MDB or DB-Medical Dorbuster. DOR-Deadly

Orgone, OROPs-Orgone Operations (weather modification). OR-Orgone, NUR-Nuclear,
CFP-Common Functioning Principle. RBT-Reich Blood Test.

The entries are taken from Section 1 but are arranged by subject.

ARMOURING – Page 169

ANXIETY - Page 175
ATTACKS – Page 176
BAKER – Page 180
BIONS- Page 184
CANCER- Page 189
CHILDREN- Page 202
FDA- 260
FDA & TRIAL- Page 262
FDA & TESTS- Page 267
FREUD- 273
MYSTICISM – Page 338
ORACs – Page 286


RELIGION- Page 340
SCIENCE – Page 330
UFO- Page 346


12) 26

Reich's great early contributions:-

Reality of libido - flow of energy

Reality of orgasm function - regulation of energy.
Muscular Armor (prevents flow)
Character (structuralisation of patterned responses).

35) 170

Orgonomic Psychiatric Treatment

Asthmatic treated medically for years. Responded very well to loosening of chest armour (held
crying) and then to loosening of pelvic armouring.

83) 81

Functional disturbances in the heart with anxious patients eg ectopic beats, arrhythmia and
tachycardia may reflect actual armouring of the annular muscles of the heart itself.

110) 40-41

Wolfe quoting Reich.

Reich noted that the unity of psychic and somatic functions was utilised in a practical way through
orgone psychiatric therapy. If character armouring was not accessible in the psychic realm then the
somatic approach could be used and vice versa. Reich noted that psychic causes did not have
somatic effects rather the same energetic process could manifest in the psychic or somatic realms.

112) 44

All neurotics show a chronic contraction of diaphragm.

136) 181

Character armour is sequestered DOR.

128) Southgate’s Note

CFP Energetic Armour, Variation A) Character Armour, Variation B) Muscular Armour.

129) 42

Muscular rigidity reveals the history and the meaning of its origination.

170) 159-164

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Levy, N.

Simple but effective case study, showing the balance between character and bio-physical work.

Also interesting as patient used Ocular segment to do the job of pelvic armouring (which was absent).
Also due to her sexual openness it was necessary to work at things mainly from the character side.

200) 35

Child patient’s pre-epileptic-anger seizures, Orgonomist advised to restrain but to force eye contact-
this reduced the severity but not the frequency of the seizures - could be valuable insight for epilepsy

(My note - epilepsy and schizophrenia are both ocularly armoured but antithetical conditions from
orgonomic view. This explains why they cannot coexist - this partly forms the bioenergetic reasons
why Electro Shock Therapy affects psychotic states - the induced seizure temporarily stops the
psychotic state from ‘holding’ the brain.)

201) 38

Orgone treatment may be able to prevent epilepsy from developing as the condition may be linked to
severe ocular armouring.

202) 16-31

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Homosexual masochist-very severe case took 100's hrs. Pelvis had to be opened whilst other
armouring still present as kept re-armouring.

246) 257

Reich notes that although hatred, when blocked off, gets caught in the muscles in children it does not
become rigid muscular spasms but a generalised contraction in the whole body area.

277) 79-84

Orgonomic help in labour. Effective first aid treatment given by lay person. Good immediate effect.
Mum recoiled into contracted armoured state afterwards.

343) 230

Reich believed that because people become healthier when armouring is reduced and orgastic
potency improved, the view of man as inherently 'fallen' is disproved.

424) 234/5

Reich felt that character armour is sequestered DOR. The person wants to hide the ‘dirty’ part of the
self. From this stems the hatred of movement and life which would reveal the hidden DOR.

444) 103

Reich and Neurology

Reich unknowingly anticipated some 'Second Brain' research with his ideas that the cerebral pain was
convoluted in an intestinal shape to enable it to effectively pulse and move when thinking. (Reich,
Char' Analysis 1949).

Reich emphasised that the brain is a pulsating organ that requires movement to function. Reich was
also one of the first to note that nerves pulsate. These views are supported by modern research that
shows that crucial axon chemical changes cannot occur without brain pulsation. Cortical pulsations
allow axoplasmic flow.

Schizophrenics often complain of deadness in the brain or head. Quoted mainstream research has
shown that reduced pulsatory flow of the axon is involved in a number of CNS disorders.

Blood flow increases to areas of the brain being used. Armouring of the brain will greatly impair

function, restrict blood flow and movement.

537) 65-77

Dante’s Inferno-the frozen hell could be a portrayal of the pelvic block (characters frozen into the ice
from the waist up). God is portrayed as movement.

623) 64-65

Reich’s view of the cancer cell is fundamentally divergent from the mainstream. Generally the cancer
cell is seen simply as an ‘aberrant’ type of normal cell. Reich[’s view is that it is a fundamentally
different type of cell from the normal with a completely different genesis (i.e. bionous breakdown and
subsequent reorganisation at a lower level).

All biopathies (Reich’s term for a holistic disease pattern), but most especially cancer, show the

 Disturbance of respiration
Chronic sympatheticotonia (chronic contraction and spasticity of tissues)
Chronic and severe orgastic and sexual impotence.

615) 55


Armoured organism cannot think rationally because their body sensations are experienced with

654) 171

In analytic terms the armour is the super-ego.

655) 146

My Note - Reich consistently mentioned a 6000 year period-which Demeo in his Saharasian thesis
found to be accurate. Reich never mentions why he used this number.

Reich’s views and Demeo's Saharasia work shatters the genetic view of violence.

Note - Saharasia is a geographical anthropology. Based on orgonomic principles and correlating

many scientific databases Demeo found a basis for human armouring in the influences of desert

656) 181

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Konia, C.

Vivid memories of the hateful face of her mother plus memories of her own birth emerging as pelvic
armour is dissolved (and of her mother's resentment towards her).

Same patient describes the terrible 'loss of life' and aloneness of her childhood, which appeared to be
aimed at removing all feelings from life.

682) 279

At least partial evidence for armouring in primates, Oliver and Lee, primatologists find an aridity
change in behaviour toward male dominance and decreased interaction between male and female.
Also Harlow's maternally deprived monkey's show aggressive and child-hostile behaviours.

See also 287-Harlow's monkeys and birth of hatred and pleasure anxiety in starvation affected

685) 257

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

The problem of whether to focus on present or past events doesn't arise in orgone psychiatric
therapy. Behavourism is completely present focused and psychoanalysis is often past orientated. Life
is affected by chronic attitudes not a single series of events argues Konia.

The past is alive as ones functioning make-up or character armour.

1014) 62

Reich notes that complexity of thought is peculiar to the armoured person. Such a person hates when
love is appropriate, loves when hate is appropriate and fears when it should do either.

WR Ether God and Devil, Orgone Institute Press NY 1949.: 57.

1031) 56

Dr Chorbajian in Washington Post Magazine Jan 1985 reports on a device for reducing jaw tension
which in turn improves athletes performance. His theory is that jaw tension diverts energy from other
muscles but it also confirms Reich's views that reducing armouring in one segment helps the overall
integration of the body thus increasing performance.

210) 140

Liberal/Socialist-Brain Armouring Dominates.

Conservative-Body Armouring Dominates.

1032) 58-59

Number of studies of schizophrenia have confirmed the presence of eye movement disorders. These
disorders are not due to other causes and have a significant association with schizophrenics and their
offspring. A less strong association is noted with Manic-depression. This confirms Reich's views (see
Character Analysis) that the schizophrenic process immobilises parts of the brain, probably the base
and other areas including nerves.

36) 175

Author notes that Mesmer, who discovered aspects of life energy, was also aware of muscular

58) 42

Ea are free from gravity-would they therefore be free of armouring? (Blasband).

208) 123

Reich's first hypothesis on origin of armouring: reasoning turning inward against itself.

My note-this was an 'idea', a logical thesis-later on it was replaced by a bio-energetic view that
DOR/deserts precipitate armouring in 'Contact with Space'. However this was only briefly sketched
out as Reich was involved in the fraudulent FDA trial. Reich recognised that on some level Freud was
right to perceive a destructive tendency inherent in life as desertification paralleled this process in

670) 106

Demeo quotes Reich's last thesis on the origin of armouring in man (only a few paragraphs written
in 1955 when Reich was working in the desert). He links the secondary type of prickly armoured
vegetation with the 'emotional desert' found in armoured man.

In synopsis, as to the cause of armouring Reich went through the following steps:

Patriarchal economics
Consciousness (looking inward and getting stuck)
Deserts, emotional/environmental

Note Demeo's work not included in this review note as better covered in Saharasia.

Footnote 107-Velikovsky's arguments of a catastrophic effect upon ancient worldwide societies are
similar to Reich/Demeo's desertification thesis. However, Velikovsky tends to cite deserts only as a
secondary factor in human social trends.

1000) 105/6

Kelley summarises the various theories on the origin of armouring;

A. Consequence of self-perception (orgone turning inward) - Reich mentioned this but did not develop

B. Prehistoric disasters. Man misinterpreted these disasters as consequences of his own bodily
feelings and blocked his feelings/energy (Ritter).

C. A stage in the evolution of the fusion of love and sex in humans (Margoshes).

D. As a consequence in primitive societies to limit their birth rate (thus going against natural sexual
urges) (Barth).

E. Due to abstract language development which causes man to live in the 'future' thus going against
his natural needs for gratification. (Beddoe).

F. As a consequence of DOR, armouring provides better protection from a DOR infested environment
thus armoured individuals, though maladapted, are better adjusted for such a world (Kelley).

Note: There is the Saharasian theory of Demeo that armouring, a secondary pattern, is related to the
emergence of deserts.

In the 1950s Reich hinted that armouring's genesis may be related to DOR energy and deserts. Reich
did not have the time to develop this idea in any detail (due to his persecution and imprisonment).

Whether life always has an innate tendency toward armouring has not been resolved. Its primary
state would appear to be unarmoured as DOR is a secondary property.

1002) 39

Origin of armouring and animals

Author argues that the consciousness of man, or having a greater 'core' function to protect, may
precipitate his armouring. It is argued that if the cause of armouring is environmental, why aren’t all
animal species equally affected?

Article notes that aquatic animals appear less armoured than desert ones and that the desert
environment is 'armoured'.

My Note - Reich first noted this process in deserts. Also primates have been argued to armour in
dried out environments.

1038) 68

Working on a patients eye segment caused her hips to feminise.

Unmothered lambs have a defect in depth perception

Lennon, W. & Patterson, G. (1964) Depth Perception in Sheep: Effects of Interrupting the
Mother-Neonate Bond, Science, Vol 145, Aug 21st.

Schizophrenia and eye tracking deficits-

Procter, L & Hughes, D. (1973) Science, Vol 181, July 13th. No title given.

1039) 87

Patient with partial release of pelvic armouring describes the ensuing fear. She was having sex, which
was better than it ever had been but a sudden rush of pleasure caused her to be completely terrified.

Author describes how there can be a rage underneath this anxiety at being denied pleasure. This can
lead to the angry, dirty attitude toward sex.

Also note the 'pelvic no' (side to side) and the 'pelvic yes' (back and forth tilt) are sexual metaphors.

Legs, pelvis and abdomen movements tend to fuse in the armoured.

1063) 37

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Good case history illustrating the medical effects of an orgone therapy case; chronic hypertension and
weight gain yielded dramatically to ocular and chest de-armouring.

1066) 26

Neck and back are often rigid into 'one' in armoured adults, (to surrender in the neck area is
dangerous in a hostile world). On occasion an exercise to break through cervical armouring can
relieve mild to moderate asthmatic attacks-repeated utterance of satisfied 'ahh' sounds with an open


3) 6

Orgonomy-anxiety is a primary emotion (withdrawal of bioenergy). Death/destructiveness is a

secondary reactive drive. In Freud's theory the latter is a primary drive (Thanatos).

6) 9

Freud first noted anxiety correlated with sexual dysfunction in 1895.

8) 11

Freud's either/or definition of anxiety-either cause or effect of repression of instinct. Whereas in

Reich's view it is both.

130) 48

Writer notes that Sexuality and anxiety are the same process moving in different directions.


156) 73

Anxiety to the ancients may have been connected to fear of harvest failure-the city-state became the
entity of a person’s identity.

761) 146

Energetic excitation is the CFP that splits into the opposing functions, sexuality and anxiety. This is
the original formula that led to the discovery of the CFP.

764) 32

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Biophysical integration is one of its goals.

Drugs and traditional analysis can dampen anxiety. Orgone therapy often heightens it in the short

1039) 87

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Patient with partial release of pelvic armouring describes the ensuing fear. She was having sex, which
was better than it ever had been but a sudden rush of pleasure caused her to be completely terrified.

Author describes how there can be a rage underneath this anxiety at being denied pleasure. This can
lead to the angry, dirty attitude toward sex.

Also note the 'pelvic no' (side to side) and the 'pelvic yes' (back and forth tilt) are sexual metaphors.

Legs, pelvis and abdomen movements tend to fuse in the armoured.


175) 210

Assistant Commissioner of NY State dept of mental health was said to have worked on a so-called,
‘orgone elimination program’.

176) 212

Synopsis of slanderous quotes. Good list of unscientific slander articles in 1970’s. Correspondence
noted between the publicity given to orgone research and the slander coming from the press. Insults
such as crude pseudo-scientist, sex-crazed crackpot, nature mystic, crackpot physicist, communist,
charlatan were used.

Cancer Facts, Journal of the American Medical Association, 139: 96-97, 1949
Brussel, J. A. NY Times Magazines May 16th, 1971
Kaplan, D. Psychiatry and Social Science REview, 4: No. 6,1970.

The Listener, University Review and Time also ran hostile articles.

211) 144

Baker, a rising star in his area in medicine and psychiatry was asked to resign his hospital post due to
not giving up involvement with orgonomy (1948).

American College of Physicians asked him to resign due to 'practising cult of orgonomy'. (1949).

Orgone energy clinic closed by NY authorities.Cott and Duvall investigated.

240) 120

Criticism & Attacks-Sex-pol Essays 1929-1934 (1972) Baxxendale, L (Ed) NY, Vintage Books.

New left claiming Reich as a Marxist and rewriting his views - Reich was a great revolutionary but a
mad scientist. Others such as Rieff, Robinson, Rycroft, Makayev, Cattier (France), Luigi also make
similar arguments. Baxxendale is the most comprehensive and cunning. Tries to imply that Reich's
rejection of the left was due merely to disillusionment with Stalin and Freud (and not a rejection of
left-wing power that centralises government as was actually the case).

268) 13

Norwegian authorities went to Malinowski in London, Bonnet in Paris, Du Teil in Nice rather than
approach Reich at his lab directly.

276) 65-78

Attack on ACO by left radicals.

Pamphlet-'The Real Reich' - Revolutionary, Violent, Instant De-armouring etc.

299) 261

JO Review of Esalen conference

Described as a promotional opportunity for self-styled 'Leninist-Marxist' views. Socialist emphasis and
vaguely threatening atmosphere. Kelley was hissed for criticising the socialist Marxist state as a
prerequisite of freedom! Kelley had the courage to state that orgone therapeutic restructuring often
tends toward revealing a more conservative characterology in the patients who experience it.
Boadella is reported to have made jokes about the attacks on the NY orgonomy course by

363) 135

Italy - Prof Ciurco, a well known cancer reearcher and director of the Cespre organisation and Dr Bizzi
experience hostility toward them. This is due to presenting papers on Reich. There are efforts to
remove them from their posts.

377) 32

Arthur Garfield Hays advised Reich not to sue Dr Joseph A Miller of the Hillside Psychiatric Hospital,
Long Island, for starting the rumour that Reich and his followers masturbated patients. Hay's
spineless advice cost Reich dearly unfortunately.

378) 33

Dr Edward Cameron of the APA told a patient that Reich was being investigated by the APA and
would be exposed as a quack. (Patient reported this to Dr Sobey an orgonomist).

426) 239

Neo-Reichians mix Reich's work with yoga but deny importance of genitality.

270) 6

Reich was arrested on Dec 12th 1941 at 2am. He was released on Jan 5th 1942 by the FBI. It should
have been obvious that the author of The Mass Psychology of Fascism, which was highly critical of
communism, was not a Soviet spy.

396) 42

Attacks-lies and underhanded activities by various physicians behind attacks on Reich’s children’s
clinic in NY. Attacks on Dr Duval, use of false identities, 3 months preparation in secret,
manufacturing stories to entrap.

448) 149

Mr Green, an attorney working for Reich for a while stated he had heard that the pharmaceutical
companies were afraid the accumulators might interfere with the sale of their products.

Mr Green was a tough attorney who could have helped Reich substantially. Reich and Green fell out
because Green wouldn't be told how to do things it was said-162.

When asked why people attacked orgonomy Green believed economic and religious reasons were
the main cause.

495) 31

Reich stated that a lawyer told him that a pharmaceutical insider had remarked that if Reich's
discovery of orgone is true then they are finished.

488) 277

Reich became a US naturalised citizen on May 28 1946. one year later the FDA started its ten year
campaign against him. Two years later the INS (Immigration and Naturalisation Service) started an 8
year effort to invalidate his citizenship on the grounds that he had lied about his political sympathies
(i.e. The author of Mass Psychology of Fascism was really a communist!).

1244) 55

Reich argued that psychological health is based on sexual health and that childrearing practices must

change if a humanity is to survive. He argued for a bottom up change of society. The communists
rejected these ideas in 1929.

It is little known that when Reich's above ideas were discussed in Freud's inner circle they so greatly
disturbed Freud that Freud then wrote, 'Civilisation and its Discontents' in reaction to it. To quote
Freud, "The human animal, with its insatiable needs, must always remain an enemy to organised
society, which exists largely to tamp down sexual and aggressive desires".

Reich then wrote Mass Psychology of Fascism in 1933 (a collection of his previous observations on
social pathology). This was the same year Hitler gained power. The Gestapo put Reich on its death
lists and began burning his books.

1245) 55

Leon Jaroff, senior editor of TIME magazine in 1970 was also a member of CSICOP (Committee for
the Scientific Invesitgation of the Paranormal, which has conducted unscientific witchhunts of people
like Beneveniste and has frequently attacked Reich. Time magazine was a safe house for
communists in the 1940s and journalists with agendas such as Whittaker Chambers an editor at Time
in the 1940's and friend of Soviet super-spy, Alger Hiss. When Chambers testified against Hiss other
far-left members of Time's staff such as Leon Svirsky became incensed. A close friend of Svirsky,
Martin Gardner became the Godfather of CSICOP and headed many attacks upon Reich. Svirsky
joined the staff of Scientific American.

CSICOP has various Marxist-humanist founding members such as Paul Edwards who himself had
orgone therapy and credited it with giving him 'greater insight into the mind-body problem than anyone
else'. However Edwards thinks of Reich as a crank due to his biophysical claims (and probably his
anti-communist politics also).

CSICOP is connected to Prometheus books by communist sympathiser Paul Kurtz (friend of Corliss
Lamont and publisher of Wolfgang Leonhards Marxist books. The 'human sexuality' section of
Prometheus books was edited by CSICOP fellow Dr Vern Bullough and includes books which are
borderline advocates for peadophilia such as West's and Woodhouse's pseudo-scientific book
claiming to be a scientific study of peadophilia. The section also contains advocacy of zoophilia. It is
no wonder that CSICOP hates Reich with such a passion. Reich stated that such sexuality was
deeply sick and a reflection of the same anti-sexual anti-heterosexual forces as the extremist

1226) 63

National Science Foundation heard about Demeo's PHD work on cloudbusting and put pressure on
Kansas university to pull the project-this led Demeo to his Saharasia thesis eventually.

1091) 8

Writer notes that Reich’s life was relatively free of harassment until August 1946 when Mass
Psychology of Fascism (MPF) was published. It was reviewed by the communist and leading
intellectual, Frederic Wertham in The New Republic magazine, a leftist publication. Wertham called
on all liberals and communists to attack Reich and silence him. Mildred Brady then took up Wertham's
'call-to-arms' some 6 months later. The MPF had reached number one on the non-fiction NY library
list and there must have been worries about the books influence upon the American left. Moscow had
officially burnt the MPF book earlier. Brady's husband was a member of the communist party and it is
reported that Brady was more extreme in her views than her husband. Brady deliberately falsified
information in her article such as that Reich claimed the ORACs granted orgastic potency. It was a
defamation for political purposes but was then picked up on by the pharmaceutical, medical industry
and the popular media. Reprints in;

Journal of the American Medical Association

Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic
Consumer Reports
Saturday Review of Literature

The McGill Daily (Canada)
Cosmopolitan and others.


211) 144

Baker, a rising star in his area in medicine and psychiatry was asked to resign his hospital post due to
not giving up involvement with orgonomy (1948).

American College of Physicians asked him to resign due to 'practising cult of orgonomy'. (1949).

Orgone energy clinic closed by NY authorities .Cott and Duvall investigated.

222) 149-150

Baker - Orgonomy is the 'direct path to health'-

'Those who reach bone-fide orgastic potency can never turn away from orgonomy'.

Does this sound a little religious?

235) 35

Fourth stage of Ego Development

Reich's work may need the postulation of a fourth ego developmental stage.

The OCULAR then Freud’s oral/anal and genital stages. (Baker).

254) 268

Dr Baker - his contributions include the elucidation of the ‘repressed’ and ‘unsatisfied’
classifications of Freud’s ego developmental schema. Also the adding of an ocular stage preceding
the oral stage (Sharaf sees this as an ocular-oral stage, 269).

336) 177

Baker's early career.

Baker discovered Character Analysis for himself after finding that describing the character, reflecting
it back to some of his clients who were resistant to Freudian analysis yielded surprising results.

Baker found it was not ideas but the free flow of energy that really mattered.

The hospitals, Baker noted, did not tolerate creative or productive work.

346) 188

Baker - on the birth of character analysis.

Bakers describes how Reich’s technique was more active than Freudian psychoanalysis. He
prioritised dealing with negative transference and described the attitudes and expressions of the
patient rather than engage in analytic free association. His techniques produced stronger emotional
responses and gave quicker results. He dealt with character defences rather than symptoms alone.

This was the biggest step forward in analysis's development at this stage (1920's). The Freudian goal
at this time was merely to make the unconscious conscious - with no evidence that this would effect
an improvement. Reich's work lent a structure to analysis and also defined health - see 361).

516) 183

Reich ignored his own advice - that sometimes one has to use the methods of the enemy (referring to

secrecy and law courts). Baker points out that Reich could not tolerate secrecy. Reich also believed
the law had no place in scientific matters.

586) 144

Baker, Higgins and Eva were the main rebuilders after Reich's death. Even Orgonon, Reich’s home
and lab was in ruins for a while at this time.

587) 146

New Jersey Neuro-psychiatric association tried to have Baker's medical licence revoked in 1950s.

613) 17

Hoppe became a communist sympathiser after Reich’s death and called Baker a fascist.

Attacks on Baker and orgonomic infighting between ACO and others-17-19.

629) 247

Baker felt the drive to get well was the most important prognostic factor.


From 538)

A bio-electric current-outward from core to periphery or inward from periphery to core constituted
the qualitative difference between how a drive was expressed. For the first time a subjective quality
(sensation) was linked scientifically to an objective quantity-level of bio-electrical current measured at
the skin surface.

556) 212

Brenner states how in the 1930's after studies of bio-electricity in humans, Reich believed he had
found evidence for a specific biological energy. An energy whose flow in the body is experienced as

From 564)

Fenichel rejected the bio-electrical work of Reich and urged the Marxist analysts to 'silently reject'.

1060) 1-18

Orgone Experiments

Bio-electricity and Emotions

Braid et al

Very good summary article on Reich's bio-electrical research with some new study data of its own
presented (7 person case study).

Reich used liquid KCl electrodes which were not available to the researchers. Reich used human
subjects attached to an oscillograph (an early model employing vacuum tubes). The oscillograph was
attached to a photosensitive permanent recording strip.

Reich used two electrodes, a reference and differential electrode. The reference electrode was
attached to an non-erogenous site on the body. The skin was carefully abraded to the point of
producing serous fluid. This was in order for the measurement to reflect potential electrical differences
between the inside of the body and the external. As evidence for this Reich abraded both sites and
found the potential between the sites usually then became zero.

Reich undertook experiments whereby subjects predicted pleasure and pain responses in a separate
room. These were found to correlate with the electrical potential measurements, a positive deflection,
or increase in electrical charge for pleasure and negative deflection or decrease in electrical charge
for pain.

Sugar/salt experiments were also conducted. The subjects were tested for their bio-electrical
response (confirming Reich's hypothesis). Erogenous zones were found to have potentials up to 200
mV. Non-erogenous zones were found to have a resting potential of about 20 mV.

Large deflections positively accompany sexual thoughts or pleasurable excitations. Armoured people
tend to have lesser bio-electrical responses.

Reic regarded the bio-electrical studies as proof of the orgasm formula (in full):

 Mechanical tension
 Bioelectric charging
 Bioelectric discharging
 Mechanical relaxation.

The Victorians thought sexual release was purely mechanical. All that was needed to prove the

orgasm formula was to show energy charging took place. Note: erectile tension can occur without
'charging' but pleasurable tension/release is always accompanied by a charge pulsation it was found.

The AIOS paper presents 7 bio-electrical 'case studies' with tracings and detailed descriptions. Also
extensive controls of electrical technique are presented.

Their controls confirm Reich's findings regarding the validity of his abrading technique.

Modern dermal studies tend to study electrical resistance between superficial points (and to ignore
erogenous zones or correlations to pleasure and pain).


212) 197

Medical/Orgone Psychiatric Therapy-Patient probably had bionous disintegration of epithelial

lining of lungs resulting in constant infections. (Bions are proto-cellular organisms smaller than
microbes formed in certain circumstances from disintegrating matter, known as bio-genesis. They
were discovered by Reich. (Other researchers have found similar entities).

224) 31

Classical Medical theory gets in difficulties with the viral findings in cancer.

Cancer is riddled with viruses but in order to avoid the logical conclusion: that the body can produce
viruses when tissues break down, the story that viruses live in cells from before birth and are then
activated had to be put forward. (It is also noted in this paper that Kaplan and Gross had induced the
formation of lymphoma-type viruses purely from radiation in 1969).

225) 4-32

Bions - One of the clearest articles within orgonomy on the development and whole issue of bions
and their evolution (by Reich).

Comparative sizes of bions and bacilli - 22.

Ernst Haeckel-a little known biologist who also discovered bion-like forms (with a somewhat mystical
interpretation according to this article) - 32.

284) 21-22

Org-protozoa (protozoa developed from bion processes). Named after the orgasm formula. Bions are
'magnetically' attracted into the 'mouth' of the org-protozoa. The org-protozoa will only readily grow
from dying grass.

285) 22

T-baccilli only grow in a low energy environment.

324) 35

Procedure for time-lapse micro-photography of Bions is described. Two to three pieces of moss or
grass placed on a hanging drop slide, water added. Piece of wax placed under four corners of a cover
slip which is placed over the slide to exclude air bubbles. Cover slip attached with paraffin to the two
longer sides of the slide. One fourth of the slide cavity is not covered by the cover slip. Water is then
pooled alongside the two sides not covered by the cover slip. Reservoirs replenished every two hours.

Also see 556) for details of original technical equipment.

332) 156

Bions are preliminary not complete forms because they are hard to culture.

(Later generations may be more complete or culturable-159).

333) 159

Four types of bion - round, long rods, cells with nuclei and amoeba-like.

334) 162

Bions and electricity

Negative electrical charge appears essential for bion culturing - Reich.

Bions from earth change from anode to cathode migration after galvanising at 5ma for 1 hour - 167.

368) 156

Swelling of particles can result in electrical charge.

374) 6

Reich's bion experiments used a process of pasteurisation to disprove pasteurisation! (Reich used
only sterile materials superheated).

379) 14

Du Teil in his letter to the French Academy of Science requesting lab assistance to investigate
Reich's claims, states that the bions would lead to a materialistic solution with life viewed as
'purposeful organisation' and assigned basically to the realm of mind.

557) 213

Bions can be...

Seen clearly at 2000x with apochromatic objectives, are vesicular, have a bluish glimmer, are
surrounded by a white halo, show internal and whole pulsation, can move, fuse, divide, immobilise
bacteria, are Gram positive, stain blue with hematoxolin. (Reich also claimed to have cultured them
but this hasn't been repeated).

Contamination Objection Successive sterilisations using sealed glassware still shows the forms.
Conversely unsterile technique results only in known forms of bacteria.

Brownian movement Objection Some forms move actively whilst others in the same field do not.
Forms will move continuously then suddenly stop. Stationary forms will suddenly start to move. Speed
of movement is independent of the temperature of the medium. There is a tendency toward mutual
attraction between the forms.

668) 69

Orgone Experiments


Carey, Dunlap

A variety of substances used to prepare SAPA bions are described. Authors used Reich's original
methods. Some good photographs presented. Table 2 used Orene, an orgone substance, as an
added ingredient to the culturing medium. The cultures have some powerful subjective effects.

Note also the increased breakdown of the cultures when kept near flourescent lights or smoke
detectors in a city lab environment compared to a country location.

679) 224

Micro-biology, bions and pleomorphism - discoveries outside of orgonomy.

Eusinophilic bodies described in Kaposi's sarcoma plus variety of bacterial cocci and minute rods may
be bionous breakdown.

Cantwell and Rowes micro-photographs show a resemblance to bionously disintegrating cancer


223-Livingstone and Jackson found a pleomorphic organism in various malignant tissues which they
called a progenitor cryptocytes (0.2-0.5 microns-about virus particle size).

Conventional biology may classify Reich’s T-baccili as a mycobacteria. T-baccili are a life-negative
ultra-minute bion type associated with low energy charge and cancer.

Mycobacteria have been found in AIDS tissues by Zakowski.

689) 13-25

Orgone Experiments

Reich Blood Test (RBT) and radiation victims

Blasband et al.

Study confirmed broad aspects of Reich's blood test.

The correlations were better at extreme ends of scale; very energy deficient or energy excess, but in
general there is a definite correspondence between clinical picture and Reich blood test results.

There were three groups in the study, normal controls, radiation exposed, radiation exposed with

Gross appearance of blood (centre size, appearance, number of bions - small or centrally located was
noted. Breakdown rate of blood cells in saline at 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes was recorded. The
autoclavation test was performed. This is a stress test where blood is combined with KCL and
boullion, autoclaved and measured macroscopically and microscopically for cohesiveness and
breakdown of structure.

The study had a relatively good number of participants, 55 and the T-Test showed a significant
difference between radiation and radiation group with cancer (P=0.01) - see footnote to chart - 21.

The table indicates that the difference between normals and radiation group might have been
statistically significant if tested in a larger study. Bion formation rates show a clear difference between
the three groups though this is not statistically analysed.

Reich's red centres and blurred inner membranes were not seen. Also present day conditions might
be one of chronic oranur overcharge - bion breakdown rates have become much slower than in the
1950's. Perhaps Reich was seeing an acute radiation picture.

RBT has been useful for detecting extremes of bioenergetic charge-14. The normals were often
somewhat undercharged too (which would skew the results against statistical significance).

Very good description of RBT - visual, destructive, culturing (for bacteria) this latter part of test had to
be abandoned in this study.

Cancer state was populated by an increasing number of subjects with low charged, distorted cells
more rapidly breaking down into small bions - 24.

Out of the 16 non-radiation controls only 7 subjects could be considered healthy. Most had medium
charge and some structural deficits. THis could be an indication of our oranur atmosphere - 25.

Synposis of earlier Baker RBT study-17.

704) 126

Bions and Bechamp

Bechamp discovered role of moulds in fermentation before Pasteur. He discovered 'Microzymas' -

subcellular entities.

Bechamp believed microzymas might be involved in the formation of chromosomes and DNA - 127.

Bechamp viewed the microzymas as physiologically indestructible - living in chalk from previous ages
- 127.


Bions take up the Giemsa bio stain and range from 2 to 10u in size-128.

Bions can get smaller as they age becoming bacteria and eventually T-Bacilli at about 0.2u - 128-9.


Some immune stimulating effects of T-bacilli are also possible. Grad has noted upward evolvement of

737) 201

Classical misinterpretation of cancer bions eg Russel Bodies and other large forms and ‘nuclear
debris’ etc.

Role of Cell Wall Deficient Forms in cancer not explored fully.

756) 34

Immune system functions before structuralisation: pathogenic organisms cannot survive near to highly
charged bions or blood. Red blood cells (RBC) can kill pathogenic organisms simply by their energy
charge. RBC can mobilise T-Baccilli (tiny cancer-associated vesicles) at a distance.

T-Baccilli can also evolve upwards into PA (packet) bions.

Function determines structure (multishape antibodies are an example of this).

1030) 58

Fox, S. Dose, K. (1977) Molecular Evolution and the Origin of Life, NY, Marcel Dekker.

Another case of the careful editing out of Reich's work. Fox presents 2 decades of careful well
researched evidence and arguments for the existence of 'proteinoid microspheres'. These are formed
through cooking a mixture of amino acids. These spontaneously form polymers and micro-particles.
Boiling saline is added and spheres a few microns in diameter are formed with various proto-cell
characteristics such as gram-staining, electrical activity, excitability, informational molecule exchange.
They call their view on life origins as 'constructionist'. The parallels to bion formation are
overwhelming but amazingly Reich is not mentioned.

227) 31

Reich's Bion experiments started with cooking food and examining it microscopically.

(Hypothesis - all organisms derive life energy from food).


13) 30

Reich produced a slow motion picture bion movie/film of cancer cells being produced from low
charged living tissue-this was a spectacular feat of technicality alone for 1939.

283) 21

Reich's bion micro-photographic film equipment

Specially built Reichert microscope with magnification up to 5,200x.

Microscope lamps.

Speed adjustable Kodak movie camera.

Timer allowing 120 frames per second to 1 frame per ten hours (normal speed 8 frames per sec).

Equipment allowed bion development of one month to be shown in ten seconds.

232) 23

Comparative sizes, bions, T-bacilli, microbes are detailed. See other notes for details for example

379) 14

Du Teil in his letter to the French Academy of Science requesting lab assistance to investigate
Reich's claims, states that the bions would lead to a materialistic solution with life viewed as
'purposeful organisation' and assigned basically to the realm of mind.

387) 111-112

Around 1960 Fox and other scientists discovered that heating amino acids to high temperature and
then placing them in boiling saline resulted in formation of 'proteinoid microspheres'. These exhibit
life like properties-motility, budding, cleavage, growth, membrane selectivity and 'primitive'
proliferation. Two particles could form junctions (similar to Reich's radiating bridges). Fox believes that
such protocells are precursors to cells and are the basic unit of life.

Makes no reference to Reich or bions.

See International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life.

Fox, S. and Dose, K. (1972) Molecular Evolution and the Origin of Life, USA, W. H. Freeman.

557) 213

Bions can be...

Seen clearly at 2000x with apochromatic objectives, are vesicular, have a bluish glimmer, are
surrounded by a white halo, show internal and whole pulsation, can move, fuse, divide, immobilise
bacteria, are Gram positive, stain blue with hematoxolin (Reich also claimed to have cultured them
but this hasn't been repeated).

Contamination? Successive sterilisations using sealed glassware still shows the forms. Conversely
unsterile technique results only in known forms of bacteria.

Brownian movement? Some forms move actively others in the same field do not. forms will move
continously then suddenly stop. stationary forms will suddenly start to move. Speed of movement is
independent of the temperature of the medium. There is a tendency toward mutual attraction between
the forms.


102) 206

Similarity between colitus and cancer-both are self-protection (from bionous breakdown of cells).
Colitus uses high lumination and inflammation (over-charge). Colitus directs energy away from

224) 31

Classical Medical theory gets in difficulties with the viral findings in cancer.

Cancer is riddled with viruses but in order to avoid the logical conclusion: that the body can produce
viruses when tissues break down, the story that viruses live in cells from before birth and are then
activated had to be put forward. (It is also noted in this paper that Kaplan and Gross had induced the
formation of lymphoma-type viruses purely from radiation in 1969).

237) 81-84

Orgone Experiment.

ORAC Mice.

Only 9 animals. Used transplanted tumours. Strong ORACs. Rural location. Clear weather.


There was a significant difference in longevity. The Treated group lived 1.6 times longer. Statistics -
T-Test, P=0.05.

(My Note: the results may be more significant than the above because of difficulty obtaining
significance in such a small group size).

Autopsy results are particularly graphic and support the statistical significance. Control mice have
dirty, degraded internals but Treatment mice look clean internally.

There was a delayed tumour take-up in the Treatment group mice.


239) 119

Reich's priority in illuminating cancer’s links to emotional disposition (particularly resignation).

267) 12

Reich saw the cancer cell as a protozoan that develops out of oxygen starved, immoblised body

285) 22

T-baccilli only grow in a low energy environment.

296) 173-180

Orgone Experimental Study

DOR-buster in the treatment of Cancer Mice

Blasband, R.

Controlled study.

Transplanted mammary tumours were used. Treatment lengthened life span by 1/3rd in treated mice.
The size of this change would most likely be statistically significant with a better sample size (but was
not reported to statistically significant here). Delay in tumour development was a strong variable.

The groups were a little small (N=14) to justify a full statistical analysis.

Mice in the Treatment group were much healthier and lively than those in the Control group.


Overall a good study, reported in detail, which showed a real effect by the DOR-buster on cancer
affected mice.

326) 81-89

Orgone Experiment

Cancer Mice - Orgonotic Functions in the Solunar Cycle.

Blasband, Ganz and Konia

It was hypothesised that solunar peaks of activity would increase the intensity of the ORAC’s effects.

Treatment in the solunar phases delayed acceptence of transplanted tumours. Although there were
38 mice in this study no statistical analysis was attempted. There were 14 in the ORAC solunar group
and similar numbers in the ORAC non-solunar group and Control group.


Low levels of ORAC charging may worsen outcome and increase tumour size. It might be too weak a
charge to stimulate immune system sufficiently.

In both the solunar and non-solunar mice groups once acceptance of tumour was complete further
charging increased tumour size. Blasband reported similar problems in medical DorBuster paper

The study used transplanted tumours which is an artificial situation medically. Reich used
spontaneously occurring tumours which showed an inhibition of tumour size throughout ORAC
treatment. Perhaps investigation of a solunar effect is somewhat ambitious at this stage, however this
study did show what appears to be an objective effect on tumours via the ORAC.

457) 211

People today have no conception of what is good or evil, or what is health-they can see raving
madness or a carcinoma, but lack any awareness of emotional barrenness, resignation, or the
existence of a shrinking biopathy.

490) 27

Eva Reich used an accumulator funnel on a woman with terminal cancer of the breast in an
hospice (with permission from the chief doctor, Dr Nagler from philiadelphia). After two weeks the
tumour softened and became delineated from the surrounding tissue. Dr Nagier became frightened
and asked Dr Reich to stop.

560) 218

Cancer/Reich Blood Test

Bright energy field around Red Blood Cell cannot be an artifact as the field pulsates.

623) 64-65

Reich’s view of the cancer cell is fundamentally divergent from the mainstream. Generally the cancer
cell is seen simply as an ‘aberrant’ type of normal cell. Reich’s view is that it is a fundamentally
different type of cell from the normal with a completely different genesis (i.e. bionous breakdown and
subsequent reorganisation at a lower level).

All biopathies (Reich’s term for a holistic disease pattern), but most especially cancer, show the

 Disturbance of respiration
Chronic sympatheticotonia (chronic contraction and spasticity of tissues)
Chronic and severe orgastic and sexual impotence.

628) 195-213

Konia compares communism to cancer and offers the following parallels;-

Aerobic to anaerobic-complex to simple conformity, part functions lose their autonomy, characterised
by resignation, stagnation, decline of core contact, decreased lawful organisation, reorganisation with
a reduction of level of functioning (in communist societies according to principles of emotional

688) Note

Characteristics of cancer;-

Resignation, contraction, T-baccilli, CO2, Cachexia, Bacteria.

The second point would explain the analgesic effect of orgone in cancer (pain is secondary to
contraction, orgone expands).

689) 13-25

Orgone Experiment

Reich Blood Test (RBT) and radiation victims

Blasband et al.

Passage cut from full note:-

Cancer state was populated by an increasing number of subjects with low charged, distorted cells
more rapidly breaking down into small bions-24.

692) 39-44

Tumour growth a localised attempt at energetic discharge.

Nuclear enlargement can be an attempt at orgastic discharge at the cellular level-40.

695) 40

Orgone Experiments

Synopsis of Past Cancer Mice Research

In Reich's original study with mice that spontanously developed tumours, the mean survival time
increased from 3.9 - 11.1 weeks by treatment with an ORAC.

Blasband’s later studies found that the ORAC inhibited spontanous tumour growth and prolonged life.
However, no increase in lifespan was noted in mice with transplanted tumours.

696) 39-44

Orgone Experiments

Transplanted Tumours

Trotta, Marer (Brazil)

50 mice were injected with sarcoma cells and split into orgone treatment and control groups. There
were two orgone groups, one using a 6 layer ORAC for one hour and one using a one layer with 10
layer lid for 3-4 hours daily. Both groups were treated 6 days a week.

Although there were two orgone groups, which was a complication, they were treated as one group as
the effects were similar. A well presented paper with significant results. Perhaps the environmental
conditions in Brazil were also more conducive (but were not described).


Orgone group showed enhanced immunulogical activity especially 2/3 hours post treatment. It took
2-3 weeks for differences between the groups to become apparent. Tumours behaved as though they
were necrosed with TNF (Tumour Necrosing Factor) from the inside out. Orgone group had a 9 week
survival time compared to 4 in the control group. Most treated mice showed a complete evacuation of
the tumour leaving an open wound. The difference between the groups was tested statistically via
T-Test and was significant at a Confidence Interval of P = 0.02. The autopsy showed that the orgone
mice may have died from tumour lysis effects on the liver and kidney (This supports Reich's main
concern with orgone treatment of tumours).

711) 182 FN

Do cancer metastases follow law of orgonomic potential (drawn to place of same or higher charge?)
Author suggests this might explain the capacity of Central Nervous System (CNS) tumours to
metastatise only within the CNS system and tumours from outside the CNS to have mets' in the CNS.

742) 193

Pleomorphic bacteria, Cell Wall Deficient forms and the parasitic theory of cancer (early century) are
linked to Reich’s theory. Especially CWD forms as they are positioned between viruses and microbes
in ‘evolutionary’ terms.

T-Baccilli are 0.2-0.5 microns, Bions are 2-10 microns in size. Bions point to a protozoal origin of
cancer. Now conceded that viruses have a role in cancer.

745) 199-217

Orgone Experiments

ORAC and Leukaemia Mice


Description of all mice experiments up to 1992 - 200.

A complex paper with many findings.

Experiment 1 - 259 mice over 4 generations

Experiment 2 - 79 mice.

An ORAC effect was found as the ORAC group died of lymphoblastic leukemia (LL) significantly less
than the control group (N=260 P=0.0005). Overall there was no major survival differences between
ORAC and control mice however. Possible reasons for this are outlined below.

There was some lifespan differences in subgroups though these sometimes favoured the control
group (male mice dying of causes other than LL lived longer in the control group, male mice dying of
LL lived longer in the orgone group/Experiment 1). ORAC mice were dying of LL at an age when the
control mice were dying of other causes. ORAC appeared to inhibit tumour formation rather than
destroy tumours - autopsy results were quite different between the groups.

Possible reasons for mixed results

Choice of LL perhaps not a good one as this condition is a mixture of energetic excess and
undercharge. There is a cancer process going on - which is an undercharged process plus there is an
energetic excess in the leukaemia - the overcharged red blood cells which easily break down into
T-Bacilli. Adding orgone to this picture is complicated.

Although lifespan was not improved in this study a definite effect by the ORAC on LL was shown with
a high degree of scientific regimen.

748) 238

Desert areas as 'metastatising cancer upon the face of the Earth' (John Schleining-CORE member).

1016) 6

Dr A. Schmale & H. Iker presented a paper to the American Psychosomatic Society meeting in
Rochester (either 1963 or 64, exact reference not available). They reported on their finding that they
were able to predict before biopsy 31 out of 40 women suspected of cervical cancer on the basis of
feelings of hopelessness which they called 'giving up syndrome'. Reich is in no way credited despite it
being him who outlined the resignation syndrome inherent in cancer patients in great detail in the

Also along the same lines were the NY Academy of sciences report on psycholigcal aspects of cancer
in their Science Newsletter of April 17th 1965 - again no mention of Reich.

1025) 50

Leading oncologist’s view that tumours are representative of the 'end-stage' of a cancer process
which supports Reich’s claims.

1036f) 54-55

Very good description of the main points of Nordenstrum’s very careful and almost universally ignored
work. He progressed from investigating corona's around XRay photos of lung tumours to funding an
electrical potential between tumour masses and their surrounds and by changing this potential, a
means to dehydrate and remove the tumour mass. He treated 80 inoperable cancer patients with
surprising results, published 3 papers in journals and self published a book, however his work has
been almost totally ignored. The AIOS paper notes 4 similarities with Reich's work;

1. Bioelectric potentials between areas of the body

2. Blood vessels/cells carry a bioelectrical energy (noted a bioelectrical circulation)
3. Discovered that the source of energy in damaged tissue is the damaged cells themselves.
4. By building up energy potential at site of injury healing is assisted.

Nordenstrum did not postulate a life energy but it appears he discovered a life-energy aspect of

electricity and a corresponding bioelectrical circulation that would support acupuncture and
orgonomy's views.

1121) 39


Reich's journals documented often dramatic changes in various conditions such as anemia, diabetes
mellitus, carcinoma & wound healing.

Heikko Lassak in West Germany led a group of doctors who experimented with the use of the ORAC
in treating patients. Their work was presented at numerous lectures in German and Scandinavian
universities. As ORAC design instruction became available to more people in the mid-80's Lassak
documents that he was being contacted by many people in person and by letter who were reporting
predominately positive experiences with the ORAC.

Working free of charge with ORACs and orgone psychotherapy Lassak worked with 17 terminal
cancer patients from 1988-1991 approximately. He found a clear reduction in pain in 2/3rds of the
patients after 20 ORAC treatments. All of the patients experienced an increase in vitality. Most of the
patients had their prognosis extended by their specialists.

In 9 of the severely disabled terminal cancer cases analgesia was not required at all - to the
amazement of their specialists..

When the patients were in the ORAC they often described a 'new' type of 'good' pain. Several times
patients described a pain localised around a certain area which turned out to be an undiagnosed

In three cases a shrinking of tumours was radiologically diagnosed.

Reich Blood Test and another type of live blood analysis showed marked changes.

Lassak notes the live blood analysis and radiological treatment of Dr Joseph Issels which is
successful due to its energetic monitoring of the effect of the radiation.

Lassak notes that the patients he treated were in an older age group and warns against treating
young people with acute myeloid leukaemia. Sometimes in younger people cancer can be an
energetically 'excess' condition. But the main point to remember is that ORAC treatment can result in
auto-intoxication - the kidneys and liver are faced with much tumour debris and T-Bacilli
(cancer-associated proto-virus).

Chronic medical conditions with associated pain often show a great reduction or alleviation of pain.

558) 215

Cancer in Orgonomic View discussed by Brenner.

Reich thought that the cancer process is similar to that of vegetable matter disintegrating into bions.
He formed a radical hypothesis about cancer. It is a disease of the entire organism, not just of a
specific tissue. It is a disease in which the whole body has begun to break down. The cause of this
breakdown is a lack of overall vitality, of orgone energy. Some cells begin to die. They start to break
down into bions. These reorganise into single celled organisms. These become the cancer cells.

Level of reorganisation ability (from bionous breakdown to cancer cell) reflects the level of orgone
vitality. Reich's findings correlate well clinically. The more differentiated the cancer cell (the higher the
orgone charge) the better the prognosis becomes - 216.

High levels of contaminants e.g. bacteria, viruses represent stages of the bion process. Cancer is not
a 'clean' process - 216.

Reich sees a downward process from normal cell to cancer cell (My Note - If tumour represents an
‘upward’ progression of the cancer process can this mean a good treatment would be removal of the
mass followed by ORAC treatment?) - 216.

Brenner notes that in Reich's view tumour cells are the highest form that the cancer struggle produces
and the T-Bacilli bion the lowest form - 218.

When cells are very poorly charged they can go straight to T-Bacilli status - 217.

The pulling pain in cancer may be a generalised contraction of the nervous system - 220.


742) 193

Pleomorphic bacteria, Cell Wall Deficient forms and the parasitic theory of cancer (early century) are
linked to Reich’s theory. Especially CWD forms as they are positioned between viruses and microbes
in ‘evolutionary’ terms.

T-Baccilli are 0.2-0.5 microns, Bions are 2-10 microns in size. Bions point to a protozoal origin of
cancer. Now conceded that viruses have a role in cancer.

11) 25

Reich realised that the character itself could be neurotic and not just the symptoms.

12) 26

Reich's great early contributions:-

Reality of libido-flow of energy

Reality of orgasm function-regulation of energy
Muscular Armor (prevents flow)
Character (structuralisation of patterned responses).

39) 182

Misappropriation of Reich’s idea as originating from Fromm started as early as 1952 in a textbook.
See also review of Fromm in Orgone Energy Bulletin V1 N4. Difference from Reich’s theories is in
their lack of sharpness and the lack of a sexual and bio-energetic basis. Reich also shows how
society creates these structures and passes them on by killing sexuality in the young.

40) 187

Sharaf, in his review, notes that Thompson talks of the inception of Character Analysis as an
important step. However Thompson omits to mention the goal of Character Analysis - the freeing of
the flow of life energy. Reich’s methods were incorporated into mainstream analysis but devoid of the
goal to which the methods were aimed.

41) 188

In this review the author notes that Balint subtly misinforms. Balint states Reich believed there was
constitutional reasons why some neurotics didn’t achieve genitality (this is not found in Reich’s
writings). Balint also says he has seen neurotic patients who are orgastically potent. Balint doesn’t
define potency or describe any cases.

68) 168

Emotional atmosphere relates to structure and function of individual-therefore the term 'familial' could
be used literally as biopathies have not been shown to be genetically determined.

107) 252-253

Reich noted some personal factors affecting Freud.

He was destroyed by the very organisation he founded, Reich believed. Freud’s organisation
withdrew from sexuality and especially Reich’s orgasm formula. Psychoanalysis was effectively
destroyed. Reich predicted that psychoanalysis would become little more than idle chatter at dinner
parties. Reich believed Freud became terribly resigned and had a marriage to a woman he neither
loved or was attracted to.

110) 40-41

Wolfe quoting Reich.

Reich noted that the unity of psychic and somatic functions was utilised in a practical way through
orgone psychiatric therapy. If character armouring was not accessible in the psychic realm then the
somatic approach could be used and vice versa. Reich noted that psychic causes did not have
somatic effects rather the same energetic process could manifest in the psychic or somatic realms.

135) 180

Desert = an orgone turning to DOR situation.

Desert greening without precipitation = a DOR turning to orgone situation.

136) 181

Character armour is sequestered DOR.

163) 153

Orgone Therapy Case Studies

A patient’s fear had become structuralised as a superficial attitude particularly toward women. He
then underwent a very sudden character change to a serious attitude. (In the past his mother would
pretend to offer niceness and then suddenly turn vicious toward him). His newly emerged serious
feelings were the same as his pre-repression feelings from childhood. (He didn’t recognise them as
the same at first because they felt so foreign to him initially, 155).

168) 158

Orgone Therapy

Patient grasped Reich’s sex economic principles due to his changed character structure.

170) 159-164

Orgone Therapy Case Study

Levy, N.

Simple but effective case study, showing the balance between character and bio-physical work.

Also interesting as patient used Ocular segment to do the job of pelvic armouring (which was absent).
Also due to her sexual openness it was necessary to work at things mainly from the character side.

215) 253

Children's Rights: Toward the Liberation of the Child, Adams et al, Praeger, 1971.

Reviewer sees book as, 'freedom peddling', championing freedom but taking no account of mass
character structure or biological foundations.

250) 288-233

Interesting orgone treatment case. Illustrates well the mixture of character and energy work. Also the
role of guilt in holding in emotions - a fear of letting the more primary anger out.

292) 126

Reich in 1936 argued that society creates psychic structure. Society suppresses natural drives
thereby creating certain character structures.

Social, ideological and psychic structure can be functionally identical Reich believed.

307) 4

Reich believed that human structure is brought about by a conflict between a longing for freedom and
fear of this same freedom.

He also felt that the more truthful the masses were capable of being the less despotism would then
appear in their society.

336) 177

Baker's early career-Baker discovered Character Analysis for himself after finding that describing the
character, reflecting it back to some of his clients who were resistant to Freudian analysis yielded
surprising results.

Baker found that the hospitals could not tolerate creative or productive work.

342) 222

Reich argued that real genital characters are always mixed character types to some
degree-Reich-1949. (Ch. An).

407) 86

Abraham's very early work on character was not systematic nor did it present a method. Abraham
thought only certain patient's presented 'pathological deformities' of character. If a patient could
free-associate without major blocking, character was not then an issue.

424) 234/5

Reich felt that character armour is seqestered DOR. THe person wants to hide the ‘dirty’ part of the
self. From this stems the hatred of movement and life which would reveal the hidden DOR.

458) 211

Fascist character structure: longing for freedom and incapacity for freedom, craving for leader, mass

Simple Neurosis Character: immobility, pleasure anxiety, apathy.

Emotional Plague Character: high energy, total pelvic block, murderous hatred of love, particularly
genital love, direct or disguised social evil, charismatic leadership, lowest common denominator.
Emotional plague acts are ego-syntonic-214.

486) 74-82

Freud, Little Hans, Oedipal complex, Phobia.

Freud's 1909 study, 'Analysis of a Phobia in a Five year Old Boy' illustrates Freud's character and
assumptions. Freud appears unable to contact the boy on anything other than a mental level.

Hans is a very sexual, genital character. His parents find his sexual activities intolerable and seek
Freud to treat him for a phobia of horses. This phobia only develops when his genital play is blocked
and castration threats are made by father and mother. Hans weak ego displaces his anxiety and
undischarged forbidden impulses onto a symbol, the horse.

After Hans sexual play with playmates his own age on vacation is discovered, and ended, Hans
displaces this energy and love toward his mother. Freud takes this as evidence of the universality of
the Oedipal complex. Actually the opposite is true - Hans only looks to his mother when play with
peers is forbidden or unavailable - 76.

Freud's made the revolutionary step of recognising infant sexuality. However his approach with Hans
was to strengthen the ego at the expense of flexibility. The ego becomes strong but sex-negative. It
can now absorb anxiety into rigid character defences and pathological traits. Energy is drawn from the
symptom to the character.

Orgonomy's approach to phobia would be to remove the energetic source by re-establishing the
capacity for sexual gratification.

Hans, totally unable to express himself and feeling trapped, regresses to an anal level. He also
resorts to violence and becomes constipated. He hits and beats his father and slashes open a dolly's
belly. Freud and Hans's father overlook the rage and psychologically speculate how the behaviour is
expressing the boy's curiosity about childbirth.

Freud analyses the boy's anal regression in great detail, but misses the most essential point - that it is
a regression from an earlier genitally active level. In other words, the anal regression was a reaction
against the sexual prohibition. Freud also analyses the incident with the dolly in purely mental terms
losing contact with the boy's rage and feelings.

The author of the article, Deppen, argues that castration anxiety, the oedipal complex, and other
psychic disturbances are the effects of, not the cause of, disturbed sexual functioning - 79.

579) 27

Early Character Work

Reich mentions that Alexander and others published work on Impulsive patients and character.
Reich's work however was the first to stress that their should be a consistently applied
character-analytic technique in the psychoanalysis of patients.

638) 69

Neurosis in Freud's view is mainly due to psychoneurosis. It is caused by conflicts arising in infancy
or from an oedipal conflict. These conflicts then get fixed into neurotic character traits through
fixations and sublimations. Actual neurosis was a temporary stagnation of libido resulting from sexual
abstinence. This Freud believed caused harmful chemicals to be released into the blood.

Reich however realised that these character traits were but symptoms of something deeper and more
profound-a structuralised inability to be healthy - to gather and discharge energy. Reich saw the
neurotic character traits as merely peaks on the mountain chain that is character structure.

646) 156

If the greater part of an organism's energy centres on the genital level he functions as a genital

685) 257

The problem of whether to focus on present or past events doesn't arise in orgone therapy.
Behavourism is completely present focused and psychoanalysis is often past orientated. Life is
affected by chronic attitudes not a single series of events argues Konia.

The past is alive as ones functioning make-up/character armour.

700) Note

Character functions as a consistent pattern of energy movement or blockage.

752) 12

Reich did not label structure as good or bad but asked what functions it serves and at what price.

1072) 24

Good example of a somatised memory being brought back into consciousness by orgone therapy
(sucking thumb brought back awareness of her dependent character).

1077) 22-25

Some interesting criticisms of orgone therapy and orgonomy from within. Reich never viewed the
character types as set or complete. Reich thought that most people couldn’t in fact be pigeon
holed-the character types are just guides. The character types are based on Freud’s psychosexual
stages of development. If Freud’s theory proves incomplete this invalidates character theory to some

A recurrent criticism is the emphasis on attacking resistances and armour at the possible expense of
empathic contact. Also criticism is made of orgonomic movement-an energetic theory of life
development has not been attempted. Few have tried to continue Reich’s work in the study of healthy

228) 45

Reich's important study of impulsives in 1920's.

When most analysts contented themselves with middle class neurotics Reich worked in the free
polyclinic with impulsives, many of whom would be classed today as schitzophrenic/psychopathic.
Impulsives are unable to bind impulses - acting out is their only discharge. They also have an
arrested, undeveloped Character structure that is unable to handle situations. They lack effective
armouring. The impulsiveness is opposite to armouring but serves the same purpose of warding off
high energy charge.

229) 49-51

The ghetto impulsive, The 'modern' impulsive.

1040) Note

Character Analytical work transcends all subdisciplines in psychiatry.

302) 206

Diagnosis of Core, Superficial and Secondary layers of the character. Superficial - realm of the liberal,
Secondary - realm of the fascist.

In Reich's early Freudo-Marxist period he was critical of conservatism but he hadn't fully
comprehended the secondary drives at this point or written the Mass Psychology of Fascism or
People In Trouble.

Conservative character precedes the liberal character (211).

346) 188

Baker - on the birth of character analysis.

Bakers describes how Reich’s technique was more active than Freudian psychoanalysis. He
prioritised dealing with negative transference and described the attitudes and expressions of the

patient rather than engage in analytic free association. His techniques produced stronger emotional
responses and gave quicker results. He dealt with character defences rather than symptoms alone.

This was the biggest step forward in analysis's development at this stage (1920's). The Freudian goal
at this time was merely to make the unconscious conscious-with no evidence that this would effect an
improvement. Reich's work lent a structure to analysis and also defined health - see 361).

473) 238

Most terrorist leaders come from middle class intellectual strata. This is because they have a defence
structure filled with guilt, subversion, rebellion and blanket hatred of authority. An intellectually
defensive structure. This was written in 1982.

Also, the basically decent average neurotic avoids confronting the real issues behind emotional
plagued terrorists to avoid uncovering their own DOR and secondary layers-237.

Adage- 'The nazi's kill you for their own good. The communists kill you for your own good'-238.

713) 207-212

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Sands, J.

Interesting case history of a young adolescent in orgone therapy. Seriously disturbed 13 yr old with
moderate learning difficulties, distorted body image, lack of confidence, increasingly violent behaviour.
Diagnosed with ADHD and learning difficulties, some abnormal EEG patterns when asleep. ADHD
type drugs do not help. The main intervention appeared to be simply establishing ocular contact. Not
possible to establish a full diagnosis as orgone diagnosis not based on behaviour but character
attitudes. Patient had ocular type patterns, possibly a phallic type ocular pattern such as paranoid
schizophrenic. He makes substantial improvements in 16 sessions.

724) 45

Although Freud discovered the defensive function of the psyche it was Reich who showed its full
clinical significance and implications.


300) 197

Socially 'right-on' psychiatrist could not stomach the naturalness of 15th St School (similar principles
to Summerhill ‘Free’ School in England). He took his daughter out because she was becoming
feminime (leaving was very much against the extremely unhappy child's will).

309) 106

A baby is born as bio-energy system-there is no ego, super ego or unconscious. it can experience
pleasure, anxiety and rage. It reaches out and contracts-basic law of living matter not psychology.

315) 107

Reich noted that the trend in education was not to touch a child. He thought that only a person full of
perverse ideas would make such a ruling-Reich.

Sharaf notes that in Reich's social efforts in the 1920's he concentrated on a 'middle group'. People,
especially mothers and adolescents, who could re-establish contact and healthy functioning with a
little support.

316) 108

Reich noted how little effort society makes to help children.

Sharaf notes that Reich's contributions to childcare are not widely recognised. Reich used what would
become a form of play therapy in his work with children. This was many decades before others would
take up similar methods unaware of Reich. Reich was the first in the analytical field to emphasize the
critically important nature of mother-child contact.

Reich was adamant about affirming the baby's primary impulses, emphasised mother-infant contact,
argued against separation of mother and infant and was vehemently against circumcision decades
before the issues gained popular attention.

Reich anticipated the research on the infants need to make visual contact with the world.

Reich also believed that many early illnesses were due to the weakening of the infants bio-energetic
system through lack of contact for example in some pneumonias.

Reich viewed the schizophrenic tendency as being instilled in the perinatal period - a clash between
a strong energetic system and a disruptive environment. Essentially very early ocular armouring
occurs immobilising the brain. Reich used many of the techniques Le Boyer subsequently advocated
in his de-armouring of infants (gentle massage, tickling, closeness to mother, soft environment,
soothing sounds).

317) 107

Reich viewed that mother-child contact was the primary process (in children’s therapy) before any
other intervention.

383) 72-87

The Free School, NY. Founded 1969

A lively and loving atmosphere of an extended, happy and value-creating family. Their is a great deal
of healthy and lively 'contact'. Also emphasised is good food, fruit and physical health checks. 15
minute's loosening exercise including 'eye-block' work every day. Turning around children who have
been given up on and getting great results with children from deprived backgrounds. Still years ahead

of its time now.

544) 199

Reich had a keen interest in finding what is normal in the child. As Reich noted in our society what
constitutes normal healthy functioning of a child is completely unknown.

617) 79-92

An ‘integrated’ school-looks at the balance between freedom, self-regulation and requirement of some
level of authority in a neurotic society.

636) 58


Koopman, B.

Very good case history. 2.5 yr old traumatised child with small amount brain damage and severe
developmental difficulties (isolating, speech and behaviour problems). Done extremely well in short
space of time, facilitated starting speech therapy. Orgonomic mobilisation of his jaw-and release of
the rage he was holding there started a blossoming process that gave good results very quickly
despite neurological deficits.

659) 257

Reich described how contactful infants and babies really are.

656) 181

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Konia, C.

Vivid memories of the hateful face of her mother plus memories of her own birth emerging as pelvic
armour is dissolved (and of her mother's resentment towards her).

Same patient describes the terrible 'loss of life' and aloneness of her childhood, which appeared to be
aimed at removing all feelings from life.

666) 56-61

Discoveries of Reich and perinatal/childcare

Oral orgasm
Importance of ocular contact
Tissue Pulsation
Constitutional orgonity

57-Synopsis of perinatal and infant work in ACO. Following Reich's initial efforts to study infants from
an orgonomic viewpoint the ACO setting up a working group of physicians. They would establish
contact and trust with the family pre-natally. The child would then be followed through for a year. The
emotional and energetic relationships, armouring patterns and orgasm reflex were of interest
especially. Two cases are presented which demonstrated the relationship between maternal
armouring and delivery.

Reich's paper on armouring in newborn in response to its mother (Armouring in the Newborn Infant,
OEB, 3, 2, 1951).

Raphael-two cases of difficult labour assisted by mobilising breathing, eye contact, dissolving acute

armouring (Orgone Tx during Labor, OEB 3, 2, 1951).

Silvert-advice to pregnant mothers use of ORAC during pregnancy and peri-natally (Orgonomic
Practices in Obstetrics, OM, 1, 1, 1955).

Baker-genital anxiety in nursing mothers and peri-natal problems (Genital Anxiety in Nursing Mothers,
OEB, 4,1, 1952, JO 3,1, 1969, Man in the Trap.)

672) 138

Is public education needed or is it simply a reflection of political statism as its original goal was

694) 58

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Case History, Children’s Treatment

Osborn, M.

First paper-Author's impression was that the tendency of the child to withdraw was actually inherited
from the mother during pregnancy-58. Child was likened to a sad little robot enclosed in a shell of iron
- 61.

Second paper-orgone therapy of a child with elective mutism-usually very hard to treat. Orgone
treatment was successful. Strabisms also improved. Anal symptoms masked a primary ocular block

713) 207-212

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Sands, J.

Interesting case history of a young adolescent in orgone therapy. Seriously disturbed 13 yr old with
moderate learning difficulties, distorted body image, lack of confidence, increasingly violent behaviour.
Diagnosed with ADHD and learning difficulties, some abnormal EEG patterns when asleep. ADHD
type drugs do not help. The main intervention appeared to be simply establishing ocular contact. Not
possible to establish a full diagnosis as orgone diagnosis not based on behaviour but character
attitudes. Patient had ocular type patterns, possibly a phallic type ocular pattern such as paranoid
schizophrenic. He makes substantial improvements in 16 sessions.

727) 79

Reich's concern with children began around 1936 - study groups were began in 1940 to differentiate
health from sickness.

Children reared with an illusion of freedom in liberal households have trouble tolerating tension.

739) 214

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy


Case history of a three year with behavioural problems and a schizophrenic tendency orgonomically.
Child had a very repressed mother. Child made enough progress to enter a normal stream at school
and was able to cope with the terror and contactlessness of early childhood.

743) 257

Reich was one of the first to systematically study the healthy child. Reich affirmed the need for genital
self-regulation in children as early as 1927.

Traditional psychiatry fails to understand infants as it mixes primary and secondary drives in the same

1061) 40

Reich was the first to see that the defences are organised in a coherent manner. (In 'Beyond Freud'
book this is overlooked and Reich's work is attributed to Anna Freud and others).

298) 185

Good description of dangers of permissiveness in childrearing.

Abandonment of natural authority

Loss of energetic and emotional content in life
Intellectualisation of feelings
Fear of expressing aggression
Weak and diffuse character structures in the children
Exposure to 'adult' entertainment.

731) 68

A. S. Neil and Reich were both proponents of self-regulated child care with many articles written in the
1940-1980 period.

Reich had a concept of non-interference with peer related sexual activities.

Description of the permissive, dis-integrative character of young people - 71.

1029) 55

National conference on parenting November 16-17 Allentown, PA, lent support to many of Reich's
assertions particularly concerning the importance of early contactful intervention with parents. Reich's
views of course predated the feeling in the conference that emotional child health cannot be
understood through studying neurotic adults. The researchers had not yet grasped Reich's view of the
importance of the emotional state of the researcher in studying children particularly. Some of the
researchers made reference to Reich.

33) 144

Orgonomic Psychiatric Treatment

Hair-pulling - very interesting case. Child - very difficult classically. Responded very well to
dissolution of occipital and ocular armouring (even though parents remained punitive).

34) 163

Very powerful effects from release of ocular armouring -blindness, psychosis/relapse, improvement.
Considerable success with children despite poor family background. Even working with burnt out
schizophrenics with success.

106) 248

Reich was the first to speak out for the gential rights of children and adolescents.

200) 35

Child patient’s pre-epileptic-anger seizures, Orgonomist advised to restrain but to force eye contact-
this reduced the severity but not the frequency of the seizures - could be valuable insight for epilepsy

(My note - epilepsy and schitzophrenia are both ocularly armoured but antithetical conditions from
orgonomic view. This explains why they cannot coexist - this partly forms the bio-energetic reasons
why Electro Shock Therapy affects psychotic states - the induced seizure temporarily stops the
psychotic state from ‘holding’ the brain.)

246) 257

Reich notes that although hatred, when blocked off, gets caught in the muscles in children it does not
become rigid muscular spasms but a generalised contraction in the whole body area.

610) 89

Discussion of research about home schooling and the apparent drop in literacy with public
institutionalised schooling.

Reich was home schooled (by private tutors).

611) 92


A natural biological approach to education-curriculum ideas based on nature.

614) 42-53

Good article and strong case historys of orgonomic first aid in children. One child during treatment
has a breakthrough expressed in his artwork which changes from geometric and harsh figures to ‘soft’

Cammeralla also asks in this article whether disease/emotional plague is natural or unnatural but
concludes this isn’t helpful in understanding therapy today.

In ‘Children of the Future’ Reich notes that interacting with children within the orgonomic
understanding is a most radical development.

694) 58

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Case History, Children’s Treatment

First paper-Author's impression was that the tendency of the child to withdraw was actually inherited
from the mother in-utero-58. Child was likened to a sad little robot enclosed in a shell of iron - 61.

Second paper-orgone tx of a child with elective mutism-usually very hard to treat. Orgone treatment
was successful. Strabisms also improved. Anal symptoms masked a primary ocular block.

215) 253

Children's Rights: Toward the Liberation of the Child, Adams et al, Praeger, 1971.

Harsh review from JO. Various 'freedom peddling' type ideas, championing freedom but taking no
account of mass char. structure or biological foundations.


An OROP is an ORgone Cloudbusting OPperation

59) 42

Reich said that the Cloudbuster and the Spacegun are like twin brothers to the Orgone motor. The
Orgone motor is the Common Functioning Principle of the two devices.

(Space-gun is a cloud-buster with some 'de-naturalised' orgone-treated radioactive material used to

ground it. This material is called ORUR (ORgone URanium). It can be dangerous to produce.

90) 171

Statistically significant changes in barometric pressure were associated with the use of a
CloudBuster in Israel. (In a report from the Israeli meteorologist G. Assaf to the Oranur research Lab
Nov 24th 1968).

97) 164

US goverment refused Reich a Visa to travel to Israel (where he intended to help Walter Hoppe carry
out an Orgone Cloudbusting Operation or OROP). Also any interest from the Israeli government (in
cloudbusting) was cut short by the US court action against Reich. Israeli Prime Minister Moshe
Sharrett asked the Israeli embassy to visit Orgonon but the visit never materialised (possibly due to
the US court action). Also (p.162) Prime minister Ben-Gurion sent a physicist to Hoppe to find out
more about orgonomy.

100) 184

Cloudbuster appears to influence the electroscope researcher notes.

113) 68

Light meter registers changes after Cloudbuster is used.

114) 72

Strong Cloudbusting results when ‘pulling’ in from the Gulf of Mexico.

115) 75

Cloudbuster. Breaking a long drought in the US. Interesting news cuttings detailed in article.

116) 74

Poorly grounded Cloudbuster, exciting but not grounding energy.

117) 76

Using Cloudbuster to dry out atmosphere in complete contrast to forecasts.

135) 180

Desert = an orgone turning to DOR situation.

Desert greening without precipitation = a DOR turning to orgone situation.

185) 190

CORE progress (Cloudbusting and ORgone Engineering) - new methods helped Constable build up
storm clouds and use them to attack DOR. Complete clearing of DOR and reversal of drought across
Eastern seaboard 1969/70.

192) 192

Constable was able to make energetic forms in the sky with the cloudbuster.

205) 95

OROP Cloudbuster

Impressive chart of remarkable heat wave abatement in California (Constable). Wind direction
followed Cloudbusting direction.

206) 98

Dramatic drought relief in North West USA using home-made Cloudbuster.

207) 83

OROP-Hurricane showed very unusual East-West movement, looping and loss of power immediately
after OROP/cloudbusting.

273) 49

Negative TO-T (Temperature Orgone Less than Temperature Control) is associated with atmospheric
‘contraction’ rather than rain.

313) 101

There have been 12 DOR (negative, dead, orgone) OROPS (Orgone Operations/Cloudbusting) in
1974 - brilliant hard skies after NUCLEAR tests then black DOR and sickness. OROPS always
needed after these conditions.

314) 104

OROPS (Orgone Operations/Cloudbusting).

An 'Atmospheric structuralisation' process is noted. A contracting process is triggered within an

expanding environment which can last for weeks over thousands of miles.

354) 247-264

OROP/cloudbusting - rain successfully generated in the Sierra. Desert tendencies eased. Weather
report predicted no change to drought in sight. Heavy rain immediately followed the

Operation heatwave was also successful using cloudbuster (provide temperature relief).

357) 105-114

OROP Cloudbusting - dramatic demostration of DOR-to-water process. Bad DOR and melanor (a
form of solidified DOR) infestation and drought reversed in San Fransisco bay area. Residents said
fogs appeared which had been unknown since before the current drought.

Attempt to quanitfy the OROP through measuring barometer pressure - a change in the readings was
associated with the Cloudbuster’s use.

421) 261-3

All weather modification in USA has to be filed with NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Admin).
They had large files on cloudbusting from Eden (ignored) and later Demeo (ignored then lost). Eden
states he has lodged thick files of tables and charts which he believes provided strong evidence
supporting cloudbusting.

Ron LaVoie (NOAA's weather modification director) ridicules cloudbusting and Eden as a 'Reichian
cultist' to a congressional hearing. (Weather modification & Early Warning Systems, Committee on
Interstate & Foreign Commerce, US House of Representatives, Serial No 93-84, US Govt Printing
Office, Washington DC, 1974).

Eden also reported to Agriculture office. Wilson Kellogg, Director of the Idaho dept of agriculture did
show a personal interest. Eden undertook a large 'fire-break' OROP/cloudbusting. Very strong
Oranur condions (over-excited orgone field usually due to radioactivity) and great fire danger.
Operation coincided with completely unexpected weather change and rain. Mr Kellogg said on the
phone that he had monitored the whole operation by satellite and by weather information and was
impressed by totally unpredicted cloud mass appearing appearing over the over the city of Boise.

452) 158

Baker describes a demonstration of the cloudbuster Reich undertook at the observatory grounds,
summer 1953.

Gravitational pull seemed to increase, making it difficult to pick ones feet off the ground. Atmosphere
around the cloudbuster was highly charged. Lips became dehydrated and blue, dizziness. Smoke
appeared to be gushing from the end of the ten pipes.

478a) 38-39

Cloudbuster OROP EP.

Operation Emotional Plague.

In response to the injunction against him Reich undertook an OROP to create a snowstorm. The
weather forecast was for 'sunny in Boston, fair to good weather'. (March 22nd, Weatherbee Radio
WBZ Boston) Telegrams were sent also to US Weather Bureau to President Hoover and the
Associated Press.

March 23-25th snowstorms pelted Bangor and rain fell across 45 out of 48 states counter to weather

No press coverage was given to Reich's claims.

479) 40

Cloudbuster televised in action with an explanatory narrative shown on Channel 6 Portland Maine
March 27 1954.

553) 164

A cloudbusting 'gun' used in US science fiction film 'Earth Vs Flying Saucers', presumably around

581) 58-79

Orgone experiments


Demeo, J.

Summary of Demeo's Cloudbuster Experiments for his MSc, University of Kansas.

Maps, satellite imagery, statistical analysis in a well presented scientific paper.

Minute by minute photo sequences of cloudbuster's trained on clouds in Kansas. Concurrent unusual
satellite imagery.

Demeo's experimental OROPs (ORgone OPerations) show a success rate of 80% using a strict 48
hour criteria.

Using this strict criteria 10 out of 12 OROPs in drought conditions are successful in producing rainfall.
75% of OROPs are followed by a change in barometric pressure (indicating increased likelihood of
rain). The average response times (for the environment to be affected by an OROP) is 24 hours in
non-drought and 48 hours in drought conditions -pp64.

Cloudbuster stationed exactly under a 150% increase in 'rain island' - pp65.

See here for a summary of the 28 OROPs undertaken by Demeo since 1977 - pp74.

Systematic development of clouds to the west of the cloudbuster (also confirms what Reich found in
his OROPs) - pp78.

Summary of Reich's cloudbuster publishing references - pp79.

595a) 91

Various OROPs led by Demeo-

Eastern US OROP resulted in dramatic increase in precipitation and decrease in temperature (Report

Amazingly effective OROP that helped end devastating fires that destroyed an area the size of

Unusual hailstorms, electrical storms and cloud to cloud lightning can follow 'fast moving' CB's (on
trucks). Phenomena tend to stop at less than 25 miles an hour or when stopped.-114.

Reich's claims of desert greening without rainfall has also been corroborated, Demeo, progress report

In desert conditions near LA within an hour clouds form locally to the CB-immediately there is a
sparkle around the tubes and orgone units (small moving dots of slightly luminous energy) can be

By October 1988 Demeo had worked in over 30 different Cloudbusting operations. 50% of these
operations were conducted in drought or desert conditions. Around 80% of these operations were
completely successful. Significant rains, and other major atmospheric changes developed within 48
hours of operations commencing-130.

606) 266


Pacific Jet Stream which can be a cause of droughts when deviated was realigned using cloudbuster.
Wet season successfully enhanced also. Drought threats reversed. East coast cloudbusting easier
than west.

607) 273

Cloudbuster Photos

Two amazing photos before and after 3 days Cloudbusting in driest, most DORish desert location in
USA. DOR conditions reasserted themselves shortly after, but astounding nonetheless.

660) 249

Preliminary evidence that Cloudbusters may lower acid levels in rain.

Many OROPs are for DOR removal - 84% of the time they are successful in at least a 1-3 point
reduction in the DOR index. Successful draws are often accompanied by an immediate increase in
the wind.

665) 17



Dry lightning storm, 10,000 strikes created many fires very quickly. Authors wonder if this was an
'oranur discharge' - an attempt of the environment to discharge excess energy. During the OROP
dark clouds and fog appear around the Cloudbuster. The day after the OROP thick clouds appear
where before there was none. Major increase in humidity and decrease in temperature noted.
However no rain in phases 1 or 2 of the OROP. In next phase fog dissipated immediately around the
Cloudbuster. Rains started with the clouds directly over the Cloudbusters. The drought was
eventually broken by taking energy out of the high pressure systems. This was done during a period
of EL Nino associated high sea temperatures.

702) 111-124


OROPs-very dramatic effects in desert and DOR operations partly to combat fire risk. Each OROP
was followed by a major unpredicted and in some cases unexplainable change in weather patterns.
Immediate storms developed and a 500% increase in rain was noted near the Cloudbusters in
desert conditions.

710) 167


UFO's are said to often be surrounded by blue light (indicative of UFO’s being powered by orgone).
See USAF's Op' Bluebook.


Relative moisture went from 15% to 65% in Tucson Arizona after 1st Cloudbuster draw.

715) 256


Startling evidence for desert greening-a single cloudbuster working for just a few days a month
resulting in a doubling of precipitation and desert greening (Colorado).

717) 14-23


CORE report OROP.

It was meteorology's equivalent of a wall collapsing said a newspaper report. Operations in 1988 and
1989 break through a large high pressure DOR system for a while, then in 1991, a big OROP ran by
Demeo with 4 Cloudbusters changes the Pacific High. This is an enormous high pressure system that
can cover the whole east coast and is a cause of drought. Atomic bomb testing, weakening of storm
systems and sunspot activity may also contribute to the stuckness of the Pacific High.

736) 175-190


American mid-west-CORE responded to invite of a California growers association during a drought.

After OROP rain around site was 500% of normal gradually reducing in a circle with the CB at centre.
Farmers reported that the cloud formations were very unusual for their area (and centred over the
OROP site). There is persistent DOR haze in the area but good relief is possible with OROP

Montana OROP provided the greatest drought relief the area had experienced in 4 months - 179.

Successful OROPs in Greece, a major drought ended-weather patterns emerged that had not been
seen in 10 years.

746) 250


OROP in Isreal

Hoppe, Blasband and Assaf's Isreali operation. Massive coordinated effort in Israel and Greece
resulted in enormous movement of DOR and 50 year record rainfall for area. Jeruslem received 16
inches of rain. Neganya dam open for 6 weeks. Wettest rainy season ever recorded. New lakes
formed. Heaviest rain and biggest snowfall since records began 140 years ago (1992).

Cloudseeding was also carried out at the same time. This may have increased the tendencies to
flooding precipitation but cannot have caused the end to the draught as cloudseeding had continued
through the previous drought period of a number of years.

US OROP for firefighting

Fire seemed to behave energetically - lying down and changing its leaping behaviour before being
ended - 244.

OROP in Oregon

8 days of CB ops resulted in unprecedented rainfall in dry season in Oregon. OROP stopped for July
4th celebrations - rain held off till after the celebrations - 234.

747) 259

OROP Cloudbusting Pictures.

Very impressive before and after CB pictures of Lake Kimmeret and of desert greening.

769) 28-56


Reich's Cloudbusting in Arizona. One fixed one moveable cloudbuster. Humidity changed from 10%
to 40%. Light meter changed from 5 to 8. UFO's spotted every night-UFO's would fill the valley with

On another occasion Reich Cloudbusted so a plane could take off from a local airport - 30.

1001) 112


Kelley tries to get Cloudbusting research projects funded without success. Notes that a Mr Charles
Longcroft, a member of the British Royal Meteorological Society tried to obtain support for a project in
England without success. He did two successful trials with a Cloudbuster. One time the Cloudbuster
was vandalised when left drawing - it withdrew energy from a tree. Where it was pointed the leaves
went brown and died.

17) 37

Reich's CloudBuster on local TV twice

479) 40

Cloudbuster televised in action with an explanatory narrative shown on Channel 6, Portland Maine
March 27 1954.

772) 31

Feb 18th 1955-positive programme on CloudBuster screened on Tucson TV.

1005) 68


Time-lapse photos of Kelley's cloud destruction experiments show clear evidence of drawing effects.

Kelley carried out 5 cloudbusting experiments which are reported in Kelley's 'A New Method of
Weather Control' 1961, published by his own 'Interscience Research Institute' (now Radix).

All 5 ops produced unexpected precipitation within 36 hours when rain was predicted as unlikely.
Kelley had only 5 ops-no unsuccessful ones. Kelley calculates that the Confidence Interval for the
weather changes being affected by the cloudbuster in his work is P = 0.001. (71).

1006) 96


Kelley confirms the 'blackening rocks' process noted by Reich. Kelley found effects upon stone in his
basement caused by a cloudbuster housed there (the area had high DOR levels). Photos of changes

1070) 1-12

Orgone Experiments

To-T (Temperature ORAC versus Temperature Control) and Electroscopic Discharge Rates in


Interesting paper.

Part 1 To-T

Description of a number of years experimental work. Good controls used. Electromagnetic influences,
thermal effects well matched between ORAC and Control (graphs provided of the thermodynamic
balancing). Fairly rigorous recording instrumentation, mercury and thermocouple thermometers used.
Work undertaken in Germany.

This paper showing diurnal and seasonal To-T variations, short term weather predictive qualities of
the To-T readings and influences of DOR. A well defined small temperature differential is noted at
non-DOR times.

Graphs of interesting periods or influences were outlined. No statistical analysis undertaken.

Paper also discusses how To-T rises may correlate with negative ion increases but ions themselves
couldn't cause a temperature rise it appears. Also discusses how UV light can trigger orgone-type
effects (such as skin tanning). However, Fuckert found To-T rises independent of UV and
electromagnetic influence upon the ORAC and Control boxes.

Cloudbuster and To-T

Used a CB of 8 x 4 metre tubes of 2 cm diameter.

After one hour of CB from zenith a negative To-T (0.8) changed to a positive differential also of 0.8.
This process was repeated three times with similar results.

Part 2 Electroscope (El) Observations and ORAC

Interesting study, though without full details. Good description of method and potential problems.
Found that electrical discharge rates were usually longer within the ORAC on clear energy days by up
to 9 times. Poor weather, high humidity (>70%), or DOR shortens the discharge time. Electrical
discharge rates correlate with To-T (peaking a few hours later than To-T).

When controlling experiments it should be noted that electroscopes can hold an orgone charge for a
good period and after long orgone charging behave differently to an uncharged electroscope.

No statistical analysis attempted.

1225) 62


In 1986 the south east section of the USA had been devastated by drought. The national forest
service spent 120 million dollars on ending the drought (presumably by cloudseeding methods) in the
Yellowstone park area alone in 1 year. 2-15 thousand dollars will fund a cloudbusting operation.
Demeo claims to have ended the great drought of 1986. The cloudbsuting caused a gentle drizzle to
start which gathered pace and ended the drought. This is unusual for drought ending rains which are
normally more violent-though the opposite is often the case in engineered rainfall.

Also printed in a magazine concerned with nature and human issues called 'Wildfire' 1988 Issue,
Spokane, WA, USA. 'An Interview with James Demeo'.

1253) 183-211


Description of a highly successful 5 year desert greening project undertaken in Eritrea partly with
government funding (this was withdrawn at one point in response to criticism from European and US
'sceptics' but recommenced when drought again reared itself. Large precipitations occurred shortly
after operations. Cloudbusting years showed very different weather patterns to the year in which
operations were suspended (1996). The combined analysis for 1995, 1997 and 1998 shows a 20%
average increase in precipitation in the 15 days after operations as against before it.

Downstream effects in Lake Nasser were reported as 'unbelievable'. In Lakes Bring New Chance for
Life in Sahara the Dallas Morning News Dec 5th 2000 has this to say (unaware of the OROPS)

"A change of biblical proportions is washing across the Sahara desert. For the first time in 6,000
years, new lakes have risen from the sands of southern Egypt."

The exceptional rains occurred during phase two of the 1998 cloudbuster operations using three
different cloudbusters.

The cloudbuster is used to augment natural patterns of rainfall proof of its effectiveness is measured
by onset of rains after a period of drought prevailing for months or years, rains at high quantities,
persistence of rain, clearing of atmospheric haze (which Reich thought was composed of stagnated
energy called DOR and merely particulates.

Demeo has worked successfully ending droughts in Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Namibia, Eritrea and the
USA. The energetic desert greening effect (occurs before or without rain) has also been confirmed by

1254) 207-209

Under criticism the Eritrean government requested explanations of how the cloudbuster worked,
which Demeo supplied. Some extracts are printed in the journal as a rebuttal document to the points
the critics make.

Of note is the point that Reich was the first scientist to note the rain-blocking energetic effects
of desert haze which Reich thought was not merely particulate dust (Dr Reid Bryson, Wisconsin
university, has confirmed much of Reich's thoughts in this area in his book Climates of Hunger).

Demeo notes that classical meteorology fails to explain the presence of desert type haze over marine
areas and the lack of parity with humidity levels that some hazes are known to have.

1255) 249

Reference to ORUR, orgone treated denaturalised uranium. Reich used this to augment the
cloudbuster, which he then called the 'space-gun'.

Demeo recounts his UFO experiences-he has twice been closely observed by craft when using
cloudbusters. Demeo doesn't confirm Reich's experience of DOR being emitted by space-craft or any
hostile actions by them as Reich reported in Contact with Space. (Reich deliberately withdrew energy
from the crafts with a converted cloudbuster-the Space-gun).

My note-there is the possibility that the craft and actions experienced by Reich were real but from
terrestrial experiments.

1251) 163

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Dowsing


A Greek researcher investigates dowsing and orgonomic devices. Reich thought that dowsing was an
energetic excitement between the dowser and the dowsed object steered through the rods. He
conducted some rough experimentation to investigate this finding the dowsing rods were attracted to
ORACs as well as to water. Reich noted that the dowser he met in the USA was more attuned to
energy functions than he was at the time.

Nikolaidas a mechanical engineer has found that ORACs, Cloudbusters, Dor-busters have definite
fields which can be detected through dowsing, his basic observations are as follows;

All orgonomic devices react to the dowsing rods-

 The reaction is stronger in rural areas

 Is related to weather
 Depends on the size of orgone field and varies according to time of day
 Orgone flow creates a strong energy field
 The size of a cloudbuster's energy field is related to the speed and quantity of the flow of
water it is grounded in
 Energy charge remains in the area where an orgone device has been operating even after it
is removed-this is called 'after-image' in dowsing circles.

393) 36

Invention of Cloudbuster

In 1952, there was a heavy DOR cloud at Orgonon following the oranur experiment. Reich
remembered that when the orgone waves had first been seen above Lake Mooselookmeguntic in
1940 a metal tube had been used to assist viewing the waves. This tube seemed to affect the wave
flow. Reich thought that metal tubes might be able to draw the DOR off. Knowing that DOR is very
water hungry Reich connected the tubes to water. At first he used one pipe 3 inches in diameter and
15 feet long then 5 pipes 12 feet long earthed into a deep well. Baker was very struck by seeing five
holes in an identical pattern being put into a cloud by the latter device.

498) 35

Reich came to believe that the Cloudbuster might be answer to mass therapy as DOR tends to
produce and increase armouring Reich also stressed the need to learn how to bring up healthy
children by allowing them to satisfy their instinctual needs.

(Baker recounting a doctors meeting with Reich where he discussed social psychiatry).


23) 50

Parallels in Reich's persecution by the FDA to Russian communist tactics as outlined in, 'Manual for
Psychopolitical Warfare'.

31) 130

230 employees of the FDA were discharged for suspected communist activities.

187) 206

The published attacks on Reich were begun by the communist Wartham in The New Republic in 1946
in response to MPF.

189) 223

Soviets order orgonomic literature in the 1940’s. The Soviets work with ESP and psycho-kinesis
supports orgone as a concept i.e. anorgonia afterwards and decrease in ability in poor weather.

190) 223

Soviet scientist builds what appears to be very similar to orgone field meter (Dr Genady Sergeyev,
military lab, Leningrad).

432) 255

The west has willful blindness toward the destructiveness of communist nations.

447) 145

Reich saw Einstein on Jan 13th 1941. Einstein was particularly interested in the temp differential
To-T and promised his cooperation. He wrote to Reich on Feb 7th 1941 saying his assistant had
stated that convection currents could account for the temp difference. Reich conducted two control
experiments to counter this objection one conducted outdoors, the other with a box with similar
properties to the ORAC. Einstein never replied to any further contact from Reich.

In the NY Times of March 17th 1950 George Drew, a Canadian politician raised concerns about
Einstein's assistant Dr Infeld returning to teach in Poland as he had knowledge of atomic secrets and
was a communist sympathiser. (He had stated that communist governments were 'progressive' and
wished to teach in communist controlled universities).

Reich thought that the assistant Eintein referred to was Dr Infeld.

469) 215

Similarity of cults and communism - we are right, we must impose our beliefs, we are the moral ones.

518) 245

Calfornian Neo-Reichians in the 1970/80s

Includes a commune of ‘Reichian’ homosexuals, an armed radical ‘Reichian’-Marxist group,

numerous bio-energetic courses offered and practitioners using ‘Reich’ as part of their armoury of

616) 54-66

Politics, communism

Left wing makes no distinctions (between primary and secondary impulses), right wing sees all
impulses as bad.

Revolution occurs when the longing of the masses far outstrips its structural capacity for freedom.

Desire for freedom vs fear of freedom creates an unstable situation in liberal societies.

628) 195-213

Konia compares communism to cancer and offers the following parallels;-

Aerobic cells to anaerobic cancer cells parallels complex to simple conformity in society.

Part functions lose their autonomy

Characterised by resignation, stagnation, decline of core contact

Decreased lawful organisation

Reorganisation with a reduction of level of functioning (in communist societies according to principles
of emotional plague).

1009) 12


Commisioner George P. Larrick of the FDA refused to release any of the FDA's experimental
evidence against Reich. his precedessor had promised in 1954 that it would be released when the
court action had been concluded. (Kelley 1963).

Kelley held to the view that Reich was mistaken in believing a communist conspiracy against him.

Also FDA higher officials tried to get others to do the burning so as not to implicate themselves-they
also asked for books not on the burn list to be included. The FDA in an official letter also attempted to
stop any parole Reich may have had (had he lived).

1083) 13

The Communist Manual of Psychopolitical Warfare-

The person to be destroyed must be given the stigma of madness. Label of paranoid-anyone who
attacks communism is paranoid by definition. Use the courts, laws, constitution, medical societies.
Avoid murder unless within the safety of an institution. If activities are uncovered label it as a hoax,
pour scorn on the person who should be branded insane.

1091) 8

Writer notes that Reich’s life was relatively free of harassment until August 1946 when Mass
Psychology of Fascism (MPF) was published. It was reviewed by the communist and leading
intellectual, Frederic Wertham in The New Republic magazine, a leftist publication. Wertham called
on all liberals and communists to attack Reich and silence him. Mildred Brady then took up Wertham's
'call-to-arms' some 6 months later. The MPF had reached number one on the non-fiction NY library
list and their must have been worries about the books influence upon the American left. Moscow had
officially burnt the MPF book earlier. Brady's husband was a member of the communist party and it is
reported that Brady was more extreme in her views than her husband. Brady deliberately falsified
information in her article such as that Reich claimed the ORACs granted orgastic potency. It was a
defamation for political purposes but was then picked up on by the pharmaceutical, medical industry
and the popular media. Reprints in;

Journal of the American Medical Association

Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic
Consumer Reports
Saturday Review of Literature
The McGill Daily (Canada)
Cosmopolitan and others.

1095) 12

Moscow had Reich's books and was said to be trying the ORAC in at least one hospital.

1100) 14

Reich's Association for Proletarian Sex-Policy-gave counselling and sex advice to German people
and its membership soon numbered 20,000. The German communists who had originally supported it
became alarmed at its success.

The 1931 association advocated-better housing, abolition of laws against abortion, birth control and
homosexuality, reform of marriage laws, free contraceptives, sex counselling and education, nurseries
and home leave for prisoners.

1238) 53

The communist Daily Worker (Arbeijderbladet, Copenhagen, Dec 1st 1933) called the Mass
Psychoology of Fascism a 'cowardly' attack on revolutionary politics.

1244) 55

Reich argued that psychological health is based on sexual health and that childrearing practices must
change if a humanity is to survive. He argued for a bottom up change of society. The communists
rejected these ideas in 1929.

It is little known that when Reich's above ideas were discussed in Freud's inner circle they so greatly
disturbed Freud that Freud then wrote, 'Civilisation and its Discontents' in reaction to it. To quote
Freud, "The human animal, with its insatiable needs, must always remain an enemy to organised
society, which exists largely to tamp down sexual and aggressive desires".

Reich then wrote Mass Psychology of Fascism in 1933 (a collection of his previous observations on
social pathology). This was the same year Hitler gained power. The Gestapo put Reich on its death
lists and began burning his books.


6b) 9

Reich believed that dialectical observation leads to an awareness that the psychic apparatus has a
bio-physical origina

65b) 42

During Reich's court appeal he stated that organism and atmosphere are mutually dependent and
inseparable and therefore the dor-buster will become a valuable tool of 'atmospheric medicine'

Reich viewed that field actions, or possibly non-local phenomena in moden terminology could be
due to the Cosmic Orgone Energy. Also from Reich's court appeal-61.

101) 185


Core, membrane, field and holistic pulsation (or orgasm) are characteristics of an organism not
(apparently) shared by an environmental system e.g. a Weather system writer argues (making the
former distinct from the latter).
(My note - this point could be argued.)

110) 40-41

Wolfe quoting Reich.

Reich noted that the unity of psychic and somatic functions was utilised in a practical way through
orgone psychiatric therapy. If character armouring was not accessible in the psychic realm then the
somatic approach could be used and vice versa. Reich noted that psychic causes did not have
somatic effects rather the same energetic process could manifest in the psychic or somatic realms.

111) 35

Case Study - Brilliant description of the antithesis of psychic vs somatic.

Asthma and diarrhoea arose when patient became sexually excited, a great fear of genital sexuality
arises because the greater intensity of genital sensations leads people to fear that they will burst or be
overcome if they allow the blocked energy to suddenly escape.

134b) 32

Wolfe notes that psychic and somatic phenomena are expressions of one biological energy.

161) 148

Traditional Analytic Process-

Thought/Memory » Emotion » Consciousness » Change.

Orgone Psychiatric Process-

 Muscular Holding » Corresponding Emotion » Integration » Change.

262) 8

Reich believed that life could well owe its very existence to fire.

My Note: Reich had a latter personal interest in the nature of fire. Could this be because ‘matter’ plus

‘fire’ results in bions, the simplest form of biological life?

263) 8

Reich noted that it is the fear of the involuntary functions which overwhelms the behaviour of people

311) 54

Koopman states that consciousness is derived from the movement of orgone energy contained within
a membrane.

340) 204

Armouring and breath holding increase Blood Pressure.

340b) 14

The bions might lead to the view of life as 'purposeful organisation' and to assign it to the realm of

350) 189

The process of thinking discharges orgone.

351) 237

Language and symbols - the metaphor has an energetic meaning, it is like finding superimposition
between two energy streams. Metaphor links the two aspects functionally. Also a symbol has a direct
energetic effect on the observer.

355b) 36

Baker once said he thought the wind was 'moaning'. Reich agreed - it could express emotions, rage in
a storm, pleasure on a nice day. Reich felt we get our own emotions from the orgone.

Reich could also see a face, feel an expression in a flower.

379) 14

Du Teil in his letter to the French Academy of Science requesting lab assistance to investigate
Reich's claims, states that the bions would lead to a materialistic solution with life viewed as
'purposeful organisation' and assigned basically to the realm of mind.

385) 25

Reich argues in Cancer Biopathy that cancer is a problem of sexual sociology.

My Notes:

sexual sociology>
pathological psychic states>
energetic stagnation>
dor predominates>

390) 10

Reich argues that life without a brain is possible but that a brain without vegetative life functions can
not be..

He also states that due to the identity of organ sensation and vegetative streaming even the worm
must be able to perceive itself to some degree.

392) 19

Vegetative and conscious life though originally having one source become antithetical.

Also religion and sexuality have one source-natural religion would have been a collective orgastic

My Note:

Shamanism would correspond to this in many regards.

412b) 232

Koopman notes that when cosmic energy is confined by a membrane it acquires two properties,
movement and metabolism. Moving energy in a membrane gives rise to consciousness, perception
and sensation. Consciousness is subjective awareness of an objective energetic event. Awareness is
functionally identical to energy moving in a membrane. Koopman is rewording and expanding Reich's

My note - Maturana's and Verala's early system theories define consciousness as arising from
movement within a membrane. No reference is made by them to Reich's earlier theories.

423) 232

Consciousness, Reich's Part-Perception, and organs as living creatures.

Koopman makes point that consciousness is around before sense organs or brain formation. Even
primordial forms of life must therefore have some self awareness. As life takes more complex forms
like body organs, they retain their own consciousness.

In Ether, God and Devil, Orgone Inst. Press 1949, which Koopman quotes, Reich views the individual
organs as self-active, living creatures equipped with individual sensations and functions. This is
Reich's theory of 'part-perception'. Part perceptions can be integrated as self-consciousness.

463b) 122

Konia argues that the identification of sub-cellular areas of neuronal activity supports the view that it is
orgone itself that percieves.

466) 260

The orgastic convulsion (where both ends of the torso strive to unite) and the spinning wave (KRW)
together form the orgonome.

Also in the process of freezing free orgone can transform into living matter.

Free orgone is naturally rebellious. Material is naturally constraining.-261.

472) 225

Koopman recognises the grey area in Reich's thoughts about consciousness. Is consciousness a
property of orgone in a membrane, or simply a property of orgone itself? There are hints to the latter
view but no development of this within Reich's work.

Reich viewed perception as a consequence of the pulsation of energy caught in a membrane. Reich
intimated that mass-free energy may possess some perception due to its pulsatory nature but never

developed this area.

489b) 113

Konia states that the brain is the main organ responsible for binding the organism to its field.

508b) 255 Footnote

Perception and consciousness are separate but related functions. Function of consciousness
depends on the integration of innumerable elements of self-perception. Consciousness is the higher,
later function. (This is a rewording of Reich's theories). The Central Nervous System represents the
structuralisation of the perceptual function of mass-free energy according to Konia.

Konia notes that Reich's theories on consciousness/self-perception are based on his work with
schizophrenics. Konia takes a brain-centred approach. He argues that the reticular system of the
brain might represent the structure which performs the integration of various disparate elements of
self. These then together comprise consciousness.

A lack of contact between sensation and perception (due to armouring) constitutes the physical basis
of the unconsciousness according to Reich. Alternatively, the unified expression of orgonotic
movements comprise the physical basis for consciousness - 258.

508c) 248

Dew asks why should one talk of a 'spirit' when there is the objective and scientifically demonstrable
orgone energy.

520) 258

Orgonomic View of Consciousness

Konia states that it is the unified expression of orgone plasma movements which physically forms the
basis of consciousness.

Unconsciousness is viewed as orgonotic disintegration based on neurotic conflicts. It is therefore

pathological. Lack of contact between sensation and perception due to armour is the physical basis
for unconsciousness.

Only sleep and temporary suspension of consciousness after orgasm Konia sees as natural
unconsciousness. Konia notes that the integration of consciousness devolves into ‘part-perceptions’
during sleep. (Reich separated perception and consciousness, the latter being an integration of
perceptions forming the basis of self).

521) 248


Dew states that there is no need to use the intangible concept of ‘spirit’ when there is the objective

My note - orgone as a purely physical energy has difficulty explaining non-local phenomena.

529) 230-231

Freud was one of the few neurologists who presented cogent arguments against the exclusive
localisation of mental/psychic phenomena within the structure of the cerebral cortex. Konia quotes
Freud from 'On Aphasia, A Critical Study’ and notes that Freud had the insight to recognise the
common practise of confusing a cellular or other physical process with a mental process. They cannot
be substituted for each other. The one can mirror the other but they are not the same.

530) 232

A speech disturbance results from a disturbance of the unitary speech function. Konia considers the
speech centres of the left cortical hemisphere as a continuous part of an energetic flow that results in

531) 233

Consciousness, Duality, Freud.

Konia notes that Freud rationalised man’s being on the basis of a fundamental duality - psyche and
soma. A unified view is not possible without scientifically finding the energy responsible for the
action of the mind Freud (once) believed.

538) 80-98

Consciousness. Perception. Konia

Reich described sensation as a feeling out of reality.

Konia notes that this concept is at odds with the three prevalent modes of viewing consciousness;

Mechanistic materialism - every psychic event has a purely physical cause.

Metaphysical idealism - every psychic event has an exclusively psychic cause. Spirit creates matter.

Psychophysical parallelism - psychic and somatic realms are two parallel processes in mutual
interaction. Every psychic event must have a correspondence to a physical event and vice versa.

Reich’s early period

Ideas have their affective power determined by the emotions accompanying them. Thus ideas depend
on energetic processes. Reich’s earliest formulation was that ‘drive’ (objective function) and ’pleasure’
(subjective function) were united at a deeper level by an as yet undefined biological ‘motor activity’.

Reich found that when a drive was disturbed a disturbance in pleasure also occurred leading in turn to
a state of contactlessness.

(My note - Reich’s ideas and emphasis on contact preceded those of the relational theorists).

A bio-electric current - outward from core to periphery or inward from periphery to core constituted
the qualitative difference between how a drive was expressed. For the first time a subjective quality
(sensation) was linked scientifically to an objective quantity -level of bio-electrical current measured at
the skin surface.

Reich’s Middle Period

Biological Orgone energy is posited as the Common Functioning Principle (CFP) of the two
Variations; Psyche and Soma.

Psyche and Soma are not identical in themselves only identical with respect to a deeper function.
Reich identifies this deeper function with the underlying orgone field.

Reich also discovered the schizophrenic split - when perception and biological excitation lead
separate existences. There is a disintegration of conscious psychic functions. Physically there is a
severe armouring of the brain with insufficient armouring of the body. The schizophrenic experiences
himself as many separate parts and not holistically. The patient’s ‘currents’ and other organ
sensations are perceived as coming from outside himself.

Reich’s Final Period

Beginning about 1947.

Reich elucidated three flows of orgone, the cosmic energy flow. This splits off into the bio-energetic
flow (by capturing orgone into a membrane). From this arises part-perception or plasmatic perception.
From the bio-energetic flow a new flow splits off which is consciousness, or the self-perception of the
flow itself.

Konia notes that Reich expressed the idea that the subjective perceptual function must exist prior to
the bio-energetic flow. It would exist in nature itself with the following schema:

Natural Processes as the CFP of the variations:

1) Objective Logic of Orgone Energy.

2) Subjective Reasoning on the Basis of Orgonotic Self Perception.

Konia describes bions (pre-cellular entities discovered by Reich) as non-living systems. He says we
can’t assume that perception exists at these levels of organisation. (This would seem to contradict
Reich’s ideas that all living plasma perceives). He then states perception must exist even at protozoal
level as perception and excitation of plasmatic matter are inseparable. He gives 5 characteristics of
plasma movement and perception:

1) Movement confined in a membrane.

2) Spontaneous movement.
3) Relatively slow.
4) Pulsates.
5) Goes from low to high potentials.

Konia describes how the enigma of perception lies between identity (of the entity and the cosmos)
and antithesis (differentiation).

Functionalism (which Konia refers to as an essential means of understanding consciousness) is

unique as a tool because it can proceed toward the variations (complication/development) or toward
the unifications (simplification/origins). Most theories proceed in one direction only, eg dialectical
theories head only toward development.

619) 32

Kahuna’s of Hawaii-distinguish two forms of life energy, mana-living substance and aka substance
which is more involved with consciousness.

Koopman argues that it is the energy field of the person wherein resides consciousness.

657) 261


Orgone energy reaches out to try and know itself Reich believed. Here Reich is ascribing
consciousness to the orgone field directly.

658b) 258

Reich began to see the brain, the traditional seat of consciousness, merely as a parasite -sucking up
the bodies energy.

662) 72

Baker believes that orgone, as an energy, contains the potential for life, intelligence, and emotions.
He also believed Reich's functional thought was in harmony with nature's functioning.

670) 106

Demeo quotes Reich's last thesis on the origin of armouring in man (only a few paragraphs written
in 1955 when Reich was working in the desert). He linked the secondary type of prickly armoured
vegetation with the 'emotional desert' found in armoured man.

In synopsis, as to the cause of armouring Reich went through the following steps:

Patriarchal economics
Consciousness (looking inward and getting stuck)
Deserts, emotional/environmental

Note Demeo's work not included in this review note as better covered in Saharasia.

Footnote 107-Velikovsky's arguments of a catastrophic effect upon ancient worldwide societies are
similar to Reich/Demeo's desertification thesis. However, Velikovsky tends to cite deserts only as a
secondary factor in human social trends.

675) 174

The emotional plague is described as a 'social force' but is it more than this? Is it DOR as speculated
by Reich? Is it DOR-consciousness?

Two great forces that hold social repression in place-incapacity for freedom and the emotional plague.

Reich was never fully able to attack the emotional plague on its own terms the author argues.

707) 143


Orgone energy within an organism strives, sometimes furiously, to comprehend itself - to become
conscious of itself - Reich.

744) 191


Editor notes that Reich's formulation of consciousness as a higher function, the integration of bodily
part perceptions, where such a consciousness emerges somewhere in the first year of life is much too
narrow a definition. The red thread of the baby's personality is present from before birth.

In Cosmic Superimposition, Reich began to head toward a more open definition of consciousness
with the orgone's quest to know itself'.

Is Reich's distinction between part perception and consciousness a key understanding? It is argued
that perception is a deeper function than consciousness because in orgasm, consciousness of self
dissolves but perception remains. Is there a lack of distinction between consciousness and
consciousness of self? Integrated self consciousness is Reich's definition of consciousness - 317.

The schizophrenic split between organ sensation and perception is the basis for Reich's theories on
consciousness. Functions and lawfulness important in orgonomic study - not a melting pot without
distinctions - 327.

Reich's definition of the tyrannical character: his consciousness serves the function of repressing his
organ sensations - 319.

Projection of consciousness onto cosmic orgone functions is itself 'God'.

There is a tyranny of neurotic consciousness over the organ sensations - 321.

There is an overestimation of consciousness in the neurotic. That is in fact all that he experiences -

Konia argues that Reich's distinction between consciousness and (part or organ) perception is key to
understanding Reich's contributions in this area. Also key are 'functionality', 'lawfulness' and
'distinctions between realms' - 317, (See Schizophrenia and Epilepsy are Functional Variants, by

1227) 100

Humans are energy beings-not psychological or biological beings - Reich.


21) 45

FDA Test on cancer mice.

Despite their claims to the contrary the FDA’s actual data did find a significant difference (between
ORAC and Non-ORAC cancer mice). The ORAC mice died quicker. This is the expected result given
the negative set-up.

An orgonomy student was in the Jackson labs in Maine, USA and reported that the ORAC mice were
placed directly next to an X Ray machine (this would change the orgone to deadly oranur). The FDA
had been told of Reich’s objections to placing ORACs near X-Rays.

100) 184

Cloudbuster influenced electroscope in experimental run.

174) 175-188.

Orgone Experiments


Blasband, R.

Temperature Orgone versus Temperature Control (usually called TO-T). In this paper a useful and
interesting discussion of the history of Reich's TO-T studies are given. A useful synopsis of classical
physics is also outlined. It is noted that Reich's TO-T experimental data contradicts the second law of
thermodynamics (heat is found to gather spontaneously in the ORAC). Reich's underground TO-T
experiments are described. TO-T was measured in the ground to avoid thermal currents. Buried
ORAC to Earth Temp was measured.

Blasband then goes on to describe the past 5 years of regular TO-T measurements taken by the
Oranur Research Lab at Bucks County.


The new experimental data confirms Reich's claims of a TO-T differential. The lab controlled for
thermal lag and electromagnetic effects. They found a consistent differential of between 0.2 and 1.0
Celsius using calibrated thermometers and a variety of indoor and outdoor set-ups.

181) 179

Orgone Experiment

Blasband’s Early Studies.

5 years of TO-T (Temperature in Orgone cabinet Versus Temp in Control cabinet) are reported in 2
pages. One experimental day fully reported. Electromagnetic radiation, thermal properties and
seasonal variations are taken into account.


The new experimental data confirms Reich's claims of a TO-T differential. The lab controlled for
thermal lag and electromagnetic effects. They found a consistent differential of between 0.2 and 1.0
Celsius using calibrated thermometers and a variety of indoor and outdoor set-ups.

203) 48-60

Orgone Experiment

Thermal effects of Dor-buster

Konia, C.

Detailed discussion and report of new experimental work with graph-based analysis. A constant small
differential (0.1 degree) between the Dor-buster water and control water was found. The differential
was positive in cloudy weather and negative in clear weather. There were also cycle patterns found.

204) 61-71

Orgone Experiment

TO-T Experiment

Rosenblum, C.

Experimental conditions not ideal as the area used was dor-laden at times. However, results were
found which confirmed Reich's findings. In 204 readings over 15 experimental days there was a
differential between Temperature Orgone and Temperature Control 76% of the time (51% positive
and 25% negative). Statistics in graph form. Comprehensive description of methods and results.

237) 81-84

Orgone Experiment.

ORAC Mice.

Blasband, R.

9 animals. Used transplanted tumours. Strong ORACs. Rural location. Clear weather.


There was a significant difference in longevity. The Treated group lived 1.6 times longer. Statistics -
T-Test, P = 0.05.

(My Note: the results may be more significant than the above because of difficulty obtaining
significance in small group sizes).

Autopsy results are particularly graphic and support the statistical significance. Control mice have
dirty, degraded internals but Treatment mice look clean internally.

There was a delayed tumour take-up in the Treatment group mice.

274) 59 (47-64)

Orgone Experiment


Konia, C.

Good experimental paper especially regarding lab conditions for To-T.

Factors that affect To-T

Increase To-T-Clear fresh weather, Sunlight, High temp-low humidity, Spring Push (seasonal

factors), Solar, Unknown.

Decrease To-T-Prolonged heavy rain, Draw with DB, High humidity-low temp, High DOR, Unknown.

296) 173-180

Orgone Experimental Study

DOR-buster in the treatment of Cancer Mice

Blasband, R.

Controlled study.

Transplanted mammary tumours were used. Treatment lengthened life span by 1/3rd in treated mice.
The size of this change would most likely be statistically significant with a better sample size (but was
not reported to statistically significant here). Delay in tumour development was a strong variable.

The groups were a little small (N=14) to justify a full statistical analysis.

Mice in the Treatment group were much healthier and lively than those in the Control group.


Overall a good study, reported in detail, which showed a real effect by the DOR-buster on cancer
affected mice.

312) 66/67

Orgone Experiment

Oranur effects on plants.

Demeo, J.

Well written, scientific experiment. (Oranur is a life-negative energy created through an interaction of
orgone with radioactive or other radiations)

Experiment shows that fluorescent lights can affect plants via an oranur effect. The fluorescent tubes
negatively affected the plants even through lead and concrete, light tight, shielding.

Physics - there is no conventional physics explanation for this effect - empty space theories would
preclude an oranur effect.

Also Demeo references his own work which experimentally supported Reich's view that iron and steel
have life positive effects. Lead, copper and aluminium have a stunting or overcharging effect.

Demeo references Dr John Ott's work which showed fluorescent lighting can agitate animals and
children (x rays, radio waves, incomplete spectra). Ott stopped this effect by putting lead around the
terminals of the tubes.

322) 83 (Two entries for this study, see also 326)

Orgone Experiment

Cancer mice and Solunar Periods

Blasband, Ganz and Konia

38 mice with transplanted mammary tumours were treated with ORACs, or Control either in Solunar

periods (Sun-moon activity) or in non-Solunar periods. The hypothesis that solunar changes are
mediated through an orgone envelope was supported.

Appearance, blood changes (Reich Blood Test) and tumour growth were charted in the mice. Mice
orgone treated during the solunar period had an initial inhibition of tumour growth and smaller tumours
overall. Mice, orgone treated in the non-solunar period had the most rapid tumour growth and shortest
life-span of all three groups (Solunar orgone, Non-solunar orgone and Control).

Problems - transplanted tumours do not mirror the real cancer situation in an organism. The organism
here has its own healthy status and then a foreign entity is introduced - not like the insitu cancer
process. This was a complex study at this early stage of establishing effects upon organisms.

Solunar cycle activity may increase ORAC To-T and subjective effects of ORAC treatment. A
Solunar To-T Effect likely to be energetic rather than mechanical. It appears to be a field type
behaviour rather than a particle excitation.

Relationship between earth and moon may be mediated by an orgone envelope.

326) 81-89

Orgone Experiment

Cancer Mice - Orgonotic Functions in the Solunar Cycle.

Blasband, Ganz and Konia

It was hypothesised that solunar peaks of activity would increase the intensity of the ORAC’s effects.

Treatment in the solunar phases delayed acceptence of transplanted tumours. Although there were
38 mice in this study no statistical analysis was attempted. There were 14 in the ORAC solunar group
and similar numbers in the ORAC non-solunar group and Control group.


Low levels of ORAC charging may worsen outcome and increase tumour size. It might be too weak a
charge to stimulate immune system sufficiently.

In both the solunar and non-solunar mice groups once acceptance of tumour was complete further
charging increased tumour size. Blasband reported similar problems in his medical DorBuster paper

The study used transplanted tumours which is an artificial situation medically. Reich used
spontaneously occurring tumours which did show an inhibition of tumour size throughout ORAC
treatment. Perhaps investigation of a solunar effect is somewhat ambitious at this stage, however this
study did show what appears to be an objective effect on tumours via the ORAC.

335) 272

Experiments/Science-Reich didn't always prove his own intuitions. For example, Reich countered his
hypotheses that metal lined boxes could contain the bion radiation (which it didn't). Also he first
thought that OR would neutralise NUR (NUR antagonises OR, OR will eventually convert NUR).

337) 231

Orgone Experiment

Radiometers and orgone

Konia, C.

A radiometer or spinning vane device for detecting radiant energy was found to be influenced by
orgone. Electromagnetic energy triggered the radiometer but the orgone heightened the response of
the device. Radiometer was less responsive in high DOR or in dull weather. A well reported pilot

340c) 68-71

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


Well written paper detailing the exposure of 4 groups of sixteen tomato seeds each. 3 orgone
treatment groups and one control - a large number of groups but which did not however affect the
final results.


Orgone treated plants had three times the yield than controls.

Seedlings were planted out in ordinary garden soil which introduces an uncontrolled variable. Small
groups. No statistical analysis, although there were obvious differences and this was an initial study.

371) 244-252

Orgone Experiment

Thermal properties of ORACs

Konia, C.

Review of several years of TO-T data. ORACs react differently to external heat than controls. Relative
humidity has an inverse relationship to To-T. Orgonotic functions cease above 50% relative humidity.

Heat has a positive effect on To-T. DOR index levels have a clear inverse relationship with To-T. An
indirect barometric effect is queried.

373) 253

Orgone Experiment

Seed Sprouting

Demeo, J.

Well written, and concisely documented series of sprouting experiments and interesting discussion on
seed vitality.

Orgone treatment group (series 1, healthy atmosphere, using wet seeds) showed many times the
sprout length of the control group.

382) 68-71

Orgone Experiment

ORAC and Plants


Well reported, well conducted experiment.

32 plants were split into 4 groups. Tested many effects (eg effect of ORAC charged seeds and effect
of ORAC charged seedlings) which may have been a drawback.

Results show that ORAC charging may stimulate plant growth and fruit yield proportionately to its use.
The orgone groups showed a large, 2-3 times increase compared to control, in all the variables
measured. Good choice of variables. Numbers too small for statistical analysis.

454) 171

Orgone Experiment

Water Evaporation inside the ORAC

Demeo, J.

Well conducted experiment.

Ten fold ORAC, One fold ORAC, Control device. All devices were kept outside. Thermodynamically
the devices were well matched showing equal evaporation rates under cloudy weather.

On more orgonotically charged days there was a consistently higher relative humidity and
suppression of evaporation in the ORACs. This was linked to weather changes and relative humidity
but not to ambient temperature. There was a predictive effect in that the measurement, EVo,
(EVaporation rate in the ORAC minus that of the control) appeared to precede changes in cloud

There was a consistent difference between ORAC and control of up to -3 grams H2O a day (on clear

467) 197-206

Orgone Experiment


Seiler, H.

(To-T: Temp Orgone Box versus Temp Control Box).

Well controlled vigorous experiment, well reported.

Paper reported on approximately 1000 readings in two series over a year in an industrialised area of
Switzerland. Experiments carried out outdoors. Well thought out control and experimental set up
eliminated most mechanical objections including any thermal lag between ORAC and controls. By
improving the set up - providing glass covers for the boxes, no negative To-T was seen in the second
series (negative To-T can be due to pollution or DOR). A positive To-T (greater than 0.1c difference)
was seen for 92% of the time in the first series and for 99.6% in the second series.

In additional experiments, pyramid and other shaped ORACs were used - no extra effect noted. A
heat absorbant black box control was tried - black box absorbed but did not retain a heat gradiant
such as seen in ORAC.

480) 68-73

Orgone Experiment

Gieger Muller counts

Hughes, D.

Interesting pilot experiment with some good background for further work. A GM Counter placed in a
15 fold ORAC was compared to the same GM counter when on a desktop.

Problems - ORAC charged house, Only 1 counter.

GM counts in ORAC averaged 80 cpm (counts per minute). House background 20-40 rising to 30-70
(raised by ORACs?). Desk Average was 50. Readings correlated to orgonotic weather conditions.
There was a blanking of electrical functions for a day. Findings support Reich's GM observations.

Reich's background counts were lower - 8-14 (perhaps due to a healthier/lower oranur environment).

515) 184-218

Orgone Experiment

Reich Blood Test (RBT)

Baker, Dew, Ganz and Lance.

Paper examined the microscope part of the RBT only - the disintegration rates of Red Blood Cells
(RBCs). The autoclavation and blood culture aspects of the RBT were not examined.

The RBT test was developed from Reich’s understanding that each RBC is an independent orgone
energy vesicle, which mirrors the health of the whole - 184. It is a test of energetic vitality.

The paper is a well written, academic writing. It outlines in detail a workable protocol for examining the
microscope part of the RBT. It is scientifically thought out and parameters are well controlled for
reproducibility and reliability of the results. The main parameter examined statistically is the 1% time.
This is the time taken for the RBC to begin bionous disintegration (breakdown of the cell into the
smaller vesicles termed bions in orgonomy). The parameter is well standardised in the protocols. The
1% time is derived by examining the bionous breakdown rate at even intervals and then extrapolating
backwards to the beginning of the process - out of 100 cells the 1% breakdown would be equivalent
to when the first cell starting breaking down. Breakdown rates have changed significantly since
Reich's time which is possibly due to the oranur overcharge of our current atmosphere.

In the report 26 patients from 3 groups - normals (11) borderlines (5) and pathological (10) had their
RBT’s examined.

Results - All normals had positive 1% times, all borderlines (except 1) had positive 1%’s. All
pathologics had negative 1%’s (except one). The exceptions had classified into their groups due to
clinical diagnosis but were doing well on observation, the test was therefore still 100% accurate
energetically it appears - 215. The median average score for the normals was +47.6 and for the
pathologics was –47.2.

Statistical Tests

A one-tailed T-Test was carried out between the normals and pathologics which showed that the
difference between then two groups was highly statistically significant, to a confidence level of


A solid experiment supports the validity of the Reich Blood Test.

Other Notes

RBT may help to distinguish between technical and energetic remission of cancer - 215.

The energy field of the RBC is white to blue/pink and is about the width of the cell rim. Field
diminishes in illness and disappears on death - 201.

526) 201-204

Orgone Experiment

Dorbuster and Plant Growth


3 groups of 48 tomato seeds, DB Group 1, DB Group 2 (DB connected to ORAC) and Control.

There was a statistically significant difference in seedling height between the DB Groups 1 & 2 and
Control. The Confidence Interval was P = 0.001.

Design a little complex as it tested more than one hypothesis.

547) 202-211

Orgone Experiment

Cancer Mice


Experiment 1

Cylindrical ORAC (Orgone Accumulator). Orgone treatment began on detection of spontaneous

tumour. Longer treatment than previous experiments. Treatment was for 45-60 min’s twice daily.
Strong charge - used cylinder ORAC within a larger ORAC.

There was an 89% increase in tumour size for the Orgone group compared to 212% increase for the

Lifespan median average was 69 days for Orgone group and 38 days for Control group.

These results were highly significant. Only 8 mice in experiment 1 (4 in each subgroup). Weather was
controlled well for this set of experiments - fairly DOR free.

In all the experimental sets the procedure may have been complicated by setting too many
hypotheses and using a lot of subgroups.

Experiment 2

Transplanted tumours (injected tumour pulp). 16 mice split into 3 groups - 8 controls plus 2 groups of
Orgone treatment (ORAC group T1, Stronger ORAC group T2).

The tumours were allowed to set in for a week to ten days. Statistically significant results in tumour
size were reported. The mice in the T1 group had much larger tumours than those in the T2 and the
Control group. T2 and Control group were not different in tumour size. No longevity differences
between any of the groups

Many groups were used with a small number of subjects. The tumours being allowed to set in may
have added another variable.

Weather was quite good, a few DORish days. The additional ORAC used in T2 group, Experiment 2,
may have been contaminated by previous studies (oranised) state the authors. (Oranur is an
overcharged energy resulting from orgone being exposed to ionising radiation). Experiment 2's results
may therefore be unreliable.

Experiment 3

Spontaneous tumours were allowed to settle in first. The less strong ORAC (T1) was associated with
larger tumours but longer lifespan. The stronger ORAC arrangement (T2) (note possibility of
contamination of ORAC though) was associated with smaller tumours and shorter life span (Mice
population - 11).

Significant differences between T1 and T2 regarding lifespan and tumour size. Fair difference noted
between T1 and control (control group was approximately half way between T1 and T2 groups
regarding tumour size and longevity).

Synopsis of other Blasband mice experiments

Blasband reports that his previous experiments; Blasband 1973 JO V7 N1 , Blasband 1974 JO V8
N2, Blasband et al 1976 JO V10 N1, indicate that there is a trend toward longevity in orgone treated
cancer mice but that the effects noted thus far are not straightforward, or as expected.

Note - whatever the criticisms of these early pilot studies the valid point is that a definite real effect of
some kind does appear to be present. That is all that needs to be established at this stage.

548) 202

Orgone Experiment

Cancer Mice

Reich's Cancer Mouse Experiments

Reich first reported ORAC treatment of cancer mice in 1943.

36 mice with one-week-old spontaneous mammary tumours were treated with a mouse-sized ORAC
for 30 minutes daily.

Median average lifespan of the orgone mice was 11 weeks, approximately 1/3 longer than the control
group mice. (This was originally reported on pp256 of the 1948 book, The Cancer Biopathy).

568) 220-225

Orgone Experiment

Dor-buster (DB) and Seedlings

Blasband, R.

Well reported and conducted study. Experiments examining different types of DB set-up on the
growth of seedlings were reported.

The procedure was complex with quite a few experimental groups (6 experimental groups with 20
seedlings each, 5 types of DB treatment employed, 1 control group of 20 seedlings for each DB

Statistics reported - Median averages, Standard Deviation's and Confidence Intervals (C.I.) reported.


The DB had a statistically significant influence on the growth of plants with a C.I. of P = 0.03.

575) 80-91

Orgone Experiment

Bions modified Experiment XX


Confirmation of Reich's Experiment XX. (Production of primary bions, a pre-cellular entity, without
using solid mass).

Lappert used heat and pressure with activated charcoal (instead of freezing highly energetically
charged liquid - boiled soil filtered out to remove precipitate. The freezing then 'contract's out’ the
primary bions.)

Lappert found that the freezing process was not needed with his protocol and by using a glass fronted
oven he could watch the inception of the bionous processes.

Micro-photo's of bions presented showed their response to light, O2 use and production, nuclear
development and pulsatory behaviour.

The primary bions produced O2-This indicates that an oxygenated atmosphere may have occurred
much earlier than previously thought in Earth’s history - 90.

Paper is well presented in a narrative form.

581) 58-79

Orgone experiments


Demeo, J.

Summary of Demeo's Cloudbuster Experiments for his MSc, University of Kansas.

Maps, satellite imagery, statistical analysis in a well presented scientific paper.

Minute by minute photo sequences of cloudbuster's trained on clouds in Kansas. Concurrent unusual
satellite imagery.

Demeo's experimental OROPs (ORgone OPerations) show a success rate of 80% using a strict 48
hour criteria.

Using this strict criteria 10 out of 12 OROPs in drought conditions are successful in producing rainfall.
75% of OROPs are followed by a change in barometric pressure (indicating increased likelihood of
rain). The average response times (for the environment to be affected by an OROP) is 24 hours in
non-drought and 48 hours in drought conditions -pp64.

Cloudbuster stationed exactly under a 150% increase in 'rain island' - pp65.

See here for a summary of the 28 OROPs undertaken by Demeo since 1977 - pp74.

Systematic development of clouds to the west of the cloudbuster (also confirms what Reich found in
his OROPs) - pp78.

Summary of Reich's cloudbuster publishing references - pp79.

595) 57-63

Orgone Experiment

Finger Temp Effects of ORAC


Good quality study, well reported. Single blind method.

Group A versus Group B study with 30 subjects. Subjects randomly assigned to ORAC cabinet or
Control box. There was a mean average rise of 4 degree Fahrenheit in the ORAC compared to 0.7 in
the Control. This is statistically significant with a Confidence Interval of P = 0.04.

Baseline temps were obtained, Anxiety was controlled for by using a biofeedback measurement.
Room temp was controlled within one degree Farenheit. Detailed report of statistics. A one way
Analysis of Variance rather was used for the main statistical significance test.

At the same time Muschenich published a similar study in German.

German Finger Temp ORAC Study

Gebauer, R and Muschenich, S. (1987) Der Reichsche Orgonakkumulator, West Germany, Nexus.

Used a stronger 8 fold ORAC compared to the US study's 2 fold ORAC but the conditions in Germany
are worse for DOR in Muschenich's opinion. Finger and core body temperatures were found to be
significantly different using a One Way Analysis of Variance (Confidence Interval of P = 0.01).
Number of subjects not quoted. Pp 62.

605) 219-223

Orgone Experiments


Diamond and Reidpath

Authors were trying to find a way of telling which bion samples were strongest by exposing volunteers
to 3 different cultures and measuring their reported sensation level according to a 7 point Liekert

This study did not compare non-bionous samples to bionous samples in terms of radient energy
sensation which would have been useful for evidencing bions but the method was useful and could be
adopted for such a study.

After excluding four non-sensitive subjects (self-reported) statistically significant differences were
found between three different types of bion sample. The traditional potassium and bouillon mixture
was found to be best.

632) 253-261

Orgone Experiments



Grad's early experiments were instrumental in renewing interest in healing in the USA (Orgonotic
functions in healing).

Grad treated 219 leaukemic mice over 4 years. Orgone treated mice had significantly less tumours
but no increase in lifespan.

Temp Orgone VS Temp Control - TO-T

Grad ran long series of TO-T experiments which indicated real effect from the ORAC effect.

640) 42-52

Good description of bions-42-44.

Orgone Experiments



Somewhat complicated, lacked clarity.

There was an oranur effect when the large numbers of samples decayed but orene was also added -
effect of this was unclear.

An interesting series of observations and good photos provided. Interesting claims of culturability of
some samples. Too many subgroups, no clear research goal or hypothesis.

667) 62

Orgone Experiments

Orgone Energy Light - Oranur Experiment

Blasband, R.

A mercury vapour lamp is put in a one fold ORAC with a fan behind it and a green filter. The net
output is infra red and green light, the other frequencies are mostly absorbed, especially UV. It is a
possibly a sort of ORANUR ORGONE device. The device is termed an OR-Light.

In Study 1 the mice were irradiated with the OR-lamp for four minutes twice daily from when the
tumours were palpable (10 days) until the fifth week.

In Study 2 the mice were irradiated from a distance of 36 inches for eight minutes once daily.

Study 2 showed a statistically significant effect at P = 0.01 of the OR-Light in increasing lifespan .
Study 1 showed a statistically significant effect at decreasing tumour size amongst young cancer mice
(P = 0.05).

In both studies the mice were implanted with tumours (this strain develops cancer spontaneously if
left to age but in this experiment they were inoculated).

Numbers were 9 in first experiment series and 8 in the second (split into orgone versus control
groups). There were changes from study 1 to study 2 in terms of the parameters measured (lifespan
not reported in first series, water intake and weight recorded in second series). The study methods
were not yet standardised between the two experimental series especially distance from the
irradiating device.

A very interesting initial study of an oranur device which appears to show good treatment effects in
cancer mice.

668) 69

Orgone Experiments


Carey, Dunlap

A variety of substances used to prepare SAPA bions are described. Authors used Reich's original
methods. Some good photographs presented. Table 2 used Orene, an orgone substance, as an
added ingredient to the culturing medium. The cultures have some powerful subjective effects.

Note also the increased breakdown of the cultures when kept near flourescent lights or smoke
detectors in a city lab environment compared to a country location.

689) 13-25

Orgone Experiments

Reich Blood Test (RBT) and radiation victims

Blasband et al.

Study confirmed broad aspects of Reich's blood test.

The correlations were better at extreme ends of scale; very energy deficient or energy excess, but in
general there is a definite correspondence between clinical picture and Reich blood test results.

There were three groups in the study, normal controls, radiation exposed, radiation exposed with

Gross appearence of blood (centre size, appearence, number of bions - small or centrally located was
noted. Breakdown rate of blood cells in saline at 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes was recorded. The
autoclavation test was performed. This is a stress test where blood is combined with KCL and
boullion, autoclaved and measured macroscopically and microscopically for cohesiveness and
breakdown of structure.

The study had a relatively good number of participants, 55 and the T-Test showed a significant
difference between radiation and radiation group with cancer (P=0.01) - see footnote to chart - 21.

The table indicates that the difference between normals and radiation group might have been
statistically significant if tested in a larger study. Bion formation rates show a clear difference between
the three groups though this is not statistically analysed.

Reich's red centres and blurred inner membranes were not seen. Also present day conditions might
be one of chronic oranur overcharge - bion breakdown rates have become much slower than in the
1950's. Perhaps Reich was seeing an acute radiation picture.

RBT has been useful for detecting extremes of bioenergetic charge-14. The normals were often
somewhat undercharged too (which would skew the results against statistical significance).

Very good description of RBT - visual, destructive, culturing (for bacteria) this latter part of test had to
be abandoned in this study.

Cancer state was populated by an increasing number of subjects with low charged, distorted cells
more rapidly breaking down into small bions - 24.

Out of the 16 non-radiation controls only 7 subjects could be considered healthy. Most had medium
charge and some structural deficits. THis could be an indication of our oranur atmosphere - 25.

Synposis of earlier Baker RBT study-17.

695) 40

Orgone Experiments

Synopsis of Past Cancer Mice Research

In Reich's original study with mice that spontaneously developed tumours, the mean survival time
increased from 3.9 - 11.1 weeks by treatment with an ORAC.

Blasband’s later studies found that the ORAC inhibited spontaneous tumour growth and prolonged
life. However, no increase in lifespan was noted in mice with transplanted tumours.

696) 39-44

Orgone Experiments

Transplanted Tumours

Trotta, Marer (Brazil)

50 mice were injected with sarcoma cells and split into orgone treatment and control groups. There
were two orgone groups, one using a 6 layer ORAC for one hour and one using a one layer with 10
layer lid for 3-4 hours daily. Both groups were treated 6 days a week.

Although there were two orgone groups, which was a complication, they were treated as one group as
the effects were similar. A well presented paper with significant results. Perhaps the environmental
conditions in Brazil were also more conducive (but were not described).


Orgone group showed enhanced immunulogical activity especially 2/3 hours post treatment. It took
2-3 weeks for differences between the groups to become apparent. Tumours behaved as though they
were necrosed with TNF (Tumour Necrosing Factor) from the inside out. Orgone group had a 9 week
survival time compared to 4 in the control group. Most treated mice showed a complete evacuation of
the tumour leaving an open wound. The difference between the groups was tested statistically via
T-Test and was significant at a Confidence Interval of P = 0.02. The autopsy showed that the orgone
mice may have died from tumour lysis effects on the liver and kidney (This supports Reich's main
concern with orgone treatment of tumours).

719) 5-13

Orgone Experiments

ORAC & Hygrometry


Interesting study. Moderately well reported. It lacked a statistical analysis - a T-Test may well have
established the large differences between the groups more clearly.

A small orgone box with a long shooter hose (attached 1 inch wide 6 foot long tube). Control
apparatus made from plastic but identical otherwise. Two calibrated hygrometers placed in either
apparatus (one within the orgone shooter, the other within the control apparatus but not specified
exactly where, presumably in the tube).

Both boxes were placed outside in a sheltered spot. In good weather there was a marked positive
difference between orgone and control of approximately 6-7% increase in relative humidity. Also there
was a marked negative differential between orgone and control. There also appears to be a weather
predictive element with the humidity differential often dropping 24 hours before inclement
weather. The humidity differential had an opposite curve to the ambient humidty and exposure to a
free flow of air seemed important. Corking the air flow reduced the differential but did not stop it.

Authors comment on negative To-T that the hygrometer is an important way of understanding this
phenomenom. They speculate that an increase in DOR is a possible cause of increased negative

TO-T - 12.

745) 199-217

Orgone Experiments

ORAC and Leukaemia Mice


Description of all mice experiments up to 1992 - 200.

A complex paper with many findings.

Experiment 1 - 259 mice over 4 generations

Experiment 2 - 79 mice.

An ORAC effect was found as the ORAC group died of lymphoblastic leukemia (LL) significantly less
than the control group (N=260 P=0.0005). Overall there was no major survival differences between
ORAC and control mice however. Possible reasons for this are outlined below.

There was some lifespan differences in subgroups though these sometimes favoured the control
group (male mice dying of causes other than LL lived longer in the control group, male mice dying of
LL lived longer in the orgone group/Experiment 1). ORAC mice were dying of LL at an age when the
control mice were dying of other causes. ORAC appeared to inhibit tumour formation rather than
destroy tumours - autopsy results were quite different between the groups.

Possible reasons for mixed results

Choice of LL perhaps not a good one as this condition is a mixture of energetic excess and
undercharge. There is a cancer process going on - which is an undercharged process plus there is an
energetic excess in the leukaemia - the overcharged red blood cells which easily break down into
T-Bacilli. Adding orgone to this picture is complicated.

Although lifespan was not improved in this study a definite effect by the ORAC on LL was shown with
a high degree of scientific regimen.

749) 228

Orgone Experiments

Humidity and ORACs


A consistent humidity differential between ORAC and Control enclosure was found. Atmospheric
conditions (particularly drought, pollution, high DOR index) are reflected in lower humidity differentials
between ORAC and Control.

No statistical analysis detailed.

750) 218-223

Orgone Experiments



Different degrees of stress was placed upon earth samples. A higher degree of physical
pulverisation/stress resulted in more bion formation. Well described, experimental method repeated
frequently with same results.

771) 59

Orgone Experiment

Medical Dorbuster (MDB) and Electroscopic Discharge Time


Briefly but clearly written up experiment. Under controlled environmental conditions a small but strong
MDB was directed at an Kolbe type electroscope.

In six experimental runs a grounded MDB has a significant effect upon discharge rate and times of the
electroscope. Rates increase by 25 to 50% approximately. The number of final measurements (13) is
presumably too small to allow a statistical significance analysis. The measurement procedure is
standardised. More adjustment measurements were taken for the longer discharge times.

1005) 68


Time-lapse photos of Kelley's cloud destruction experiments show clear evidence of drawing effects.

Kelley carried out 5 cloudbusting experiments which are reported in Kelley's 'A New Method of
Weather Control' 1961, published by his own 'Interscience Research Institute' (now Radix).

All 5 ops produced unexpected precipitation within 36 hours when rain was predicted as unlikely.
Kelley had only 5 ops-no unsuccessful ones. Kelley calculates that the Confidence Interval for the
weather changes being affected by the cloudbuster in his work is P = 0.001. (71).

1023) 12-23

Orgone Experiment

Wound Healing in Mice

Baker, Dew, Ganz, Lance.

Part 1 of a two part paper describing 7 years of experimentation with wound healing and mice.

1600 mice have been used in the period. The mice, a standard lab strain (CAF 1/J) are
anaesthetised, have a wound put in place on the back and healing is measured using wound
perimeter and area measurements. Great effort was made to standardise the process and to exclude
various effects such as a diurnal and seasonal variations upon healing. The evolution of their
protocols and measuring processes are described in detail

See 1027) for further details.

1118) 25

Orgone Experiment

Orgone & Acupuncture

Senf 1989

Senf (1989) conducted the first study of Reichian interventions applied to acupuncture points. He

studied the effects of directing orgone energy toward acupuncture points. He devised an
accumulating tube that was adapted from Reich’s accumulating cabinets. Points were treated with the
tube (according to a Chinese Medical diagnosis) for a short period whilst the subjects had their eyes

The study reported a sensory and emotional reaction - 85% of the subjects linked the possible
irradiation of the points to sensory and other changes. Senf (1989) also investigated withdrawing
orgone energy from points using an adaptation of Reich’s ideas on negative energy removal. He
constructed an energy removal tube that was directed at sedation acupuncture points. The volunteers
mostly reported a sensation of a cool breeze.

The study did not have a control group or a quantifiable measurement of any changes but
nonetheless showed some fascinating results and the need for further study.

1119) 22

Orgone Experiment

Orgone & Medical Parameters

Gebauer and Muschenich (1987)

The researchers carried out a double blind placebo controlled experiment with ORACs. The
theoretical part of the work was part of a thesis for the University of Marburg, Germany. This work
provided a meta-study of the previous temperature differential, electroscopic discharge rate changes
and changes in air humidity claimed within previous Orgone cabinet studies. A book detailing their
work is available (Muschenich 1995).

In the experimental part of the studies 15 volunteers had 20 thirty minute sessions, 10 of which were
in an eight layered Orgone accumulating cabinet (constructed according to Reich’s plans) and 10 of
which were in an identical looking placebo cabinet (constructed only of organic materials). The
placebo cabinet was identical to the test cabinet in size, shape and insulating properties. An additional
5 subjects were allocated who had all their sessions in one box- 3 subjects were in the experimental
group and 2 in the placebo.

Before each session all the subjects sat in a relaxation chair for 15 minutes and baseline physiological
data was recorded.

After the sessions a questionnaire was given to provide extra control against suggestive factors.
Clothing of subjects, position of cabinets and sequence of sessions (experimental/placebo) were also

The experimenters and subjects were both blinded. The experimental or placebo cabinet was
randomly allocated. The subjects had no knowledge concerning the experiment.


The study rejected its Null Hypothesis (There is no change between the physiological effects of the
Orgone and Placebo cabinets) with a Significance Level of P < 0.01. Parasympathetic stimulation of
the body, sensations of heat, an increase in the internal body temperature and regulation of arterial
pressure was reported.

All subjects except one showed a preference for the accumulating cabinet. Warmth, tingling and
pleasant sensations were commonly reported. One subject appeared resistant to changes in the
Orgone cabinet. This subject preferred the Placebo cabinet. A meteorological association with
physical effects was claimed and a temperature differential of approximately 1-degree between
Orgone and Placebo cabinet internal atmospheric temperature was reported.

Electro-Cardio-Gram (ECG) recordings were found to have an unexplained high variance statistically.
The 5 people who used only one of the cabinets were too small a subgroup to establish statistical


1120) 26

Reich’s Oranur Experiment

Very good description of the oranur experiment and its effects.

Reich used 20 millicuries of Phosphurus 32 and 2.26 millicuries of Cobalt 60 but in an exceedingly
high charge orgone lab. The subsequent Oranur reaction spread for miles and the subjective effects
were similar to what was reported in first hand reports of the Three Mile Island incident. However
official scientists at the 3 mile incident denied that such effects were possible at the levels claimed to
be released, for example people heard loud explosive roaring type noises in the absence of physical
explosions, there was a steel blue 'oranur' sky and a metallic taste and tree's died from the tips
downwards (a DOR effect). Also occurring were irritated watery eyes, strange smells (iodine-like),
respiratory inflammation, menstrual disruption, skin rashes and pain in joints.

1022) 1-11

Orgone Experiment

Reich Blood Test-Baker

Braid, Dew, Lance.

Well conducted interesting experiment, leans toward a medical rather than scientific approach but
appears rigorously conducted nonetheless.

105 patients examined using three scores, the 1% time (breakdown of 100 cells), the Delta 49 (from
1% - 50% breakdown) and the GMA, a visual scoring of RBC visual characteristics.

The experiment showed a high degree of correlation between RBT test and degrees of pathology.
Also correlates well with 'normals' 'normal-child' (high charge rounded full shapes) 'normal pregnant'.
Also detected small number of pre-pathological individuals. Good clinical study with well thought-out
controlled procedures and fairly good group sizes. Also the reproducibility of the test looked positive.
However there was no statistical significance analysis and it was unclear what the RBT was being
tested against. Also no experimental hypothesis, or null hypothesis was tested.

1023) 12-23

Orgone Experiment

Wound Healing in Mice

Baker, Dew, Ganz, Lance.

Part 1 of a two part paper describing 7 years of experimentation with wound healing and mice.

1600 mice have been used in the period. The mice, a standard lab strain (CAF 1/J) are
anaesthetised, have a wound put in place on the back and healing is measured using wound
perimeter and area measurements. Great effort was made to standardise the process and to exclude
various effects such as a diurnal and seasonal variations upon healing. The evolution of their
protocols and measuring processes are described in detail

See 1027) for further details.

1024) 24-33

Orgone Experiment

Bion Migration

Baker, Dew

Very detailed description of bion observations and their behavioural characteristics under carefully
controlled conditions. Only representative slides and patterns are described, numbers of observations
and any formal statistical analysis are not entered into. A 'descriptive' study. Authors state that they
have confirmed under strict conditions Reich’s claims concerning both the existence of bions from
heated iron and carbon sources and that bions migrate when an electrical current is applied to them.
They also found that the migration behaviour is linked to the vitality of the samples. The laboratory
conditions described and the electrical procedures appear to be of a high standard. Only the bionised
samples showed particle migration. Bion behaviour appears to be non-mechanical.

1026) 1-6

Orgone Experiment

Reich Blood Test-Clinical Correlation

Baker, Braid, Dew, Lance.

The Gross appearance, Microscopic appearance and post Autoclave appearance (or GMA) parts of
the Reich Blood Test (RBT) were found to be the most reliable indicator of pathology.

A large number of patients, both well, well infants, well pregnant (small groups N >10) and a large
number of diagnosed pathological illnesses (N = 128) were examined.

Their RBT results, the GMA score and two bionous breakdown scores (the 1% time and Delta 49)
were measured. Side by side measurements were taken for some of the patients (i.e. two different
researchers would test the same sample). The side by side measurements showed a good degree of
commonality in the scores.

The strongest finding of the study was that a GMA score of 7 or less is associated with mild to
severe pathology in 98% of cases examined.

There was no clear hypothesis or statistical analysis. In addition there was many categories based on
clinical diagnosis which is interesting but forms too small a group to draw anything more than
preliminary conclusions. For example, in the carcinoma category (N=8) and lymphoma category (N=5)
the 1% time dramatically improves following conventional treatment. Also of note is that the bionous
breakdown time, especially the 1% time can remain in the normal range when severe pathology is
present perhaps due to the organism maintaining a high energy charge despite the mechanical
presence of illness.

However it is still a strong study due to a rigorous method and good overall numbers.

The main finding was that the GMA score correlates well with pathology in nearly all of the 128
cases studied.

1027) 7-24

Orgone Experiment

Wound Healing in Mice II

Baker, Dew, Ganz, Lance

Dozens of different designs set ups are tried and experimental procedures vary and evolve. There is a
high degree of statistical significance for the ORAC and Medical DB having an effect upon healing, In
one of the series of experiments, the C series, comprising 381 animals treated once and measuring
the percentage of the wound healed at 96 hours there was a 10-12% increase in wound healing

amongst the treated groups with a high statistical significance of P= 0.002. ANOVA statistical tests
were used.

Other findings of the experiments were that there is a clear pulsation process in wound healing and
relationship to seasonal and diurnal variations.

The experimental runs were hampered by many changes in protocol and overly large numbers of test
and control groups. Five variations upon the DOR-buster were tested and one cylindrical ORAC
device. It is attempted to convey seven years of experimental evolution in two papers. It would benefit
from clear research goals and hypothesis setting. However, strong evidence for an effect of the
ORAC and MDB upon organisms is presented.

The number of studies overall was 40, 4 of these used the ORAC, most were studying MDB effects.

1033) 1-11

Orgone Experiments

Reich Blood Test (RBT) in Cancer Mice

Baker, Dew

Well written article, clearly laid out. 17 cancer mice of the C3H/OUJ variety were studied. These mice
produce spontaneous mammary tumours in the females at 6 months old.

The study was well conducted, though not blinded. It examined 57 RBTs. These tests consisted of the
1% time (a bionous breakdown index), the GMA (General and Microscopic Appearance plus
post-autoclave appearance of red blood cells), the Delta 49 (a bionous breakdown index), tumour
size, animal weight and percentage of the unusual C shaped red blood cell that appeared to be
special to this mouse breed. The animals were fairly evenly split between tumour and non-tumour

The study groups comprised normal and tumour groups. The tumour group was further split into well
and sick by their obvious clinical appearance.

There is a good statistical section which outlines how the 1% time, the GMA, the percentage of C
shaped eyrthrocytes cells and the tumour size all differentiated well between normal/non-tumour, well
and sick groups with high degrees of statistical significance.

In other words, the test differentiated between health and sickness with a high degree of certainty. For
example the GMA part of the test differentiated between well and sick with a Confidence Interval of
P=0.0001. The 1% time was also significantly different between the groups. The 1% Time, GMA
(particularly ‘cohesiveness of blood’ and ‘red blood cell energy-field width’) showed the strongest
value as variables.

All the statistical tests were of the ANOVA type.

One problem with the study included lack of cross-correlation between parts of the test with biological
and clinical parameters (although there may be energetic reasons for this). A second problem was
that the mice cancer model here does not correspond to the human one (their tumour growths
appeared to be parasitic energetically rather than secondary to the 'shrinking/resignation process'
Reich noted in humans with cancer).

However as a test of whether certain parts of the RBT reliably correspond to the cancer process it is a
good scientific study. The study had a fairly small number of animals (17). However, at the level of
study for which this paper is aimed, an initial scientific examination, it is a good paper.

It is discussed that although certain parts of the RBT appear to reliably correlate with specific clinical
pictures it appears that energetic parameters within the RBT do not always follow a disease process

Note) It was found that water or saline from PLASTIC containers disrupted the RBT parameters.

1034) 12-18

Orgone Experiments

Bions and Calcium

Baker, Burlingame.

Several weeks of experimentation with various levels of calcium upon bion formation and migration
are summarised. Really an 'in-house' pilot study but although it is not the aim of the experiments the
techniques described are moderately vigorous and do add confirmation that bions of the types and
forms described by Reich can be made using sterile technique according to Reich's preparation 6

The idea behind the experiment is that Reich thought that potassium and lecithin were chemicals that
promoted swelling and expansion and that calcium amongst others, promoted contraction and
shrinking, therefore adding calcium to bion solutions which already have potassium might increase
the expansion-contraction process.

1036d) 52

Early publication of the Gebauer, Muschenich ORAC study in 'Notes from Afield'.

NOTES ON Gebauer & Muschenich ORAC EXPERIMENTAL STUDY in AIOS journal-To-T (See
Pulse of Planet journal for Full Review of Human Study/Note 1119)

It was noted that the environmental temperature within the ORAC was constantly higher than the
control enclusure with a high confidence interval of P = 0.001. (This was from a double blind double
controlled ORAC human study).

Also note that stronger ORAC effects coincided with Spring and summer and possibly higher air
pressure outside the building.

1037) 15-43

Orgone Experiment

Air Germ Theory


Cultures were exposed to air and compared to control cultures which were inoculated with bion and
microbe containing grass infusion solutions.

Over a 2 year period culture plates which had been left

exposed showed completely different characteristics to inoculated cultures and do not develop the
same types or quantity of protozoa as would be expected according to air-germ theory (occasionaly
spore growth was seen).

Organisation of amoeba from bacteria was claimed to be observed as an incidental observation.

The culture mediums themselves showed bionous processes.

1060) 1-18

Orgone Experiments

Bioelectricity and Emotions

Braid et al

Very good summary article on Reich's bioelectrical research with some new study data of its own
presented (7 person case study).

Reich used liquid KCl electrodes which were not available to the researchers. Reich used human
subjects attached to an oscillograph (an early model employing vacuum tubes). The oscillograph was
attached to a photosensitive permanent recording strip.

Reich used two electrodes, a reference and differential electrode. The reference electrode was
attached to an non-erogonous site on the body. The skin was carefully abraded to the point of
producing serous fluid. This was in order for the measurement to reflect potential electrical differences
between the inside of the body and the external. As evidence for this Reich abraded both sites and
found the potential between the sites usually then became zero.

Reich undertook experiments whereby subjects predicted pleasure and pain responses in a separate
room. These were found to correlate with the electrical potential measurements, a positive deflection,
or increase in electrical charge for pleasure and negative deflection or decrease in electrical charge
for pain.

Sugar/salt experiments were also conducted. The subjects were tested for their bioelectrical response
(confirming Reich's hypothesis). Erogenous zones were found to have potentials up to 200 mV.
Non-erogenous zones were found to have a resting potential of about 20 mV.

Large deflections positively accompany sexual thoughts or pleasurable excitations. Armoured people
tend to have lesser bio-electrical responses.

Reic regarded the bio-electrical studies as proof of the orgasm formula (in full):

Mechanical tension
Bioelectric charging
Bioelectric discharging
Mechanical relaxation.

The Victorians thought sexual release was purely mechanical. All that was needed to prove the
orgasm formula was to show energy charging took place. Note: erectile tension can occur without
'charging' but pleasurable tension/release is always accompanied by a charge pulsation it was found.

The AIOS paper presents 7 bioelectrical 'case studies' with tracings and detailed descriptions. Also
extensive controls of electrical technique are presented.

Their controls confirm Reich's findings regarding the validity of his abrading technique.

Modern dermal studies tend to study electrical resistance between superficial points (and to ignore
erogenous zones or correlations to pleasure and pain).

1070) 1-12

Orgone Experiments

To-T (Temperature ORAC versus Temperature Control) and Electroscopic Discharge Rates in


Interesting paper.

Part 1 To-T

Description of a number of years experimental work. Good controls used. Electromagnetic influences,
thermal effects well matched between ORAC and Control (graphs provided of the thermodynamic
balancing). Fairly rigorous recording instrumentation, mercury and thermocouple thermometers used.
Work undertaken in Germany.

This paper showing diurnal and seasonal To-T variations, short term weather predictive qualities of
the To-T readings and influences of DOR. A well defined small temperature differential is noted at
non-DOR times.

Graphs of interesting periods or influences were outlined. No statistical analysis undertaken.

Paper also discusses how To-T rises may correlate with negative ion increases but ions themselves
couldn't cause a temperature rise it appears. Also discusses how UV light can trigger orgone-type
effects (such as skin tanning). However, Fuckert found To-T rises independent of UV and
electromagnetic influence upon the ORAC and Control boxes.

Cloudbuster and To-T

Used a CB of 8 x 4 metre tubes of 2 cm diameter.

After one hour of CB from zenith a negative To-T (0.8) changed to a positive differential also of 0.8.
This process was repeated three times with similar results.

Part 2 Electroscope (El) Observations and ORAC

Interesting study, though without full details. Good description of method and potential problems.
Found that electrical discharge rates were usually longer within the ORAC on clear energy days by up
to 9 times. Poor weather, high humidity (>70%), or DOR shortens the discharge time. Electrical
discharge rates correlate with To-T (peaking a few hours later than To-T).

When controlling experiments it should be noted that electroscopes can hold an orgone charge for a
good period and after long orgone charging behave differently to an uncharged electroscope.

No statistical analysis attempted.

1074) 47-53

Orgone Experiments

Orgone Chemistry

Courtney Baker

A modest initial study is described.

Reich detailed a substance he believed to be a pre-atomic compound that could be made by exposing
sodium chloride or sodium hydroxide to a DOR atmosphere (termed orene). A white crusty substance
forms above the liquid. Author repeated this process and found that a substance did indeed occur and
examined it under a microscope.

1078) 1/9

Orgone Experiments

Further Work on Air-Germ Theory


Further refutation of air-germ theory being the sole source of ‘infection’. 5 years of exposure of growth

plates showed little evidence of cyst/spore based growth.


Orgone Experiments

Mung Beans

Baker Burlingame

A complicated series of pilot studies. Too many variables, procedure changes and sub-groups. Some
small differences between orgone and control groups found. Noted that charging for one hour at
seedling stage to be more effective than longer or shorter charges of seedlings or seeds.

1080) 23

Orgone Experiment

Orgone/Bion water and Tomato Seeds


Experiments carried out in Algarve, Portugal, in 1980 and 1981. Good quality, well reported pilot
experiments. Not perfectly stringent conditions e.g. some differences in pot types between groups,
water used not measured exactly, rotation of crops not detailed. However good amount of numerical
information, well presented and thoughtfully carried out.

Series 1 1980-Two groups-Group B-Seeds soaked in bion water and grown in bionous earth (boiled
earth) for two days. Group C-Seeds soaked in ordinary water and grown in ordinary soil for two days.

All seeds transplanted to a balcony area.

Seed amounts were approximate. 24 seedlings in B group sprouted versus 17 in C group. Group B
had double the average height of group C seedlings after two months (20cm vs 10cm). Group B had
more fruits earlier than group C. No exact numbers or statistical analysis but well conducted and
simply presented. A fungal attack affected all plants but group B recovered better.

Series 2 1981-Three groups-Group B-20 tomato seeds soaked in bion water. Group O-20 tomato
seeds placed in a three fold tin can ORAC. Group C-50 tomato seeds placed in a paper container.

14 seedlings from each group germinated. At transplantation of all seed groups some 2.5 months
after initiation of experiment, the seedlings were of a similar length but there are colour differences,
lighter green with the C group and the B group is more uneven but appear subjectively stronger than
the other groups.

At conclusion of the experiment after 6 months the branching points of B and O group, average
height, number of fruits and total yields are at least double the control group averages.

Experiment needed a second control-there was no control for the effects of soaking the seeds in
water however the O group which was nearly as strong as the B group still had double the averages
of the controls.

1086) 35

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


Conducted in 1980 and 1981 in Algarve, Portugal.

Series 1, 1980.

26 paprika seeds were soaked in unsterilised bion water-19 germinated. (Group B)

40 seeds were unsoaked and planted in the same soil mixture as the control-27 germinated. (Group

Group B had twice the number of fruits per plant, were taller and had more branches.

No statistical significance analysis, seeds were soaked in B group but not in C group.

Overall, a clearly reported initial pilot study.

Series 2 1981

40 paprika seeds in each group-bion water group (B), 3 fold tin can ORAC group (O) and control (40
seeds kept in a paper bag).

Good numerical data though no statistical analysis. Total yield, average individual weight of fruit,
average yield per plant were approximately one third higher in the B and O groups as compared to

There was no suitable control to test the effects of soaking. The B and O groups had some
unintended exposure to an electromagnetic source (a TV) which was stronger than that given to
group C. Also group C received more sunlight. However this should have favoured the control group.
Again bion water appears slightly more conducive to growth than ORAC charging and the fruits of
both B and O groups were sweeter. Again the plants were darker in B and O groups.

1090) 20

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


Better controlled, well conducted and clearly reported study using tomato seeds and ORACs and bion
water in Portugal in 1982.

4 groups of 17 tomato seeds each, B, seeds soaked in bionwater, O, seeds treated in a 5 fold tin can
ORAC, C-1, seeds without any treatment, C-2, seeds soaked in tap water for same period as group B
(about 2 weeks).

Between 9 and 13 seedlings germinated in each group.

Stronger growth in all groups due possibly to better organic treatment/biodynamic planting out

Total yield, no. of fruits, average weight of fruits, average weight, average yield p/plant and av. no.
fruits per plant are given for a three part harvest and total results. The two treated groups, B and O
have total yields twice or three times that of C-1. O group is a third higher than C-2. However soaking
in bion water has only a slight improvement on soaking in tap water. No statistical significance

1093) 36

Orgone Experiment

Plants and Orgone


Two sets of experiments with a 5-fold tin-can ORAC and garlic bulbs. Treated group of 12 garlic bulbs
(O) were put into the ORAC for 11 days. Control group were kept in plastic bag for same time. No
reports on controlling the environment beyond this - i.e. humidity, temperature.
All garlics germinated and were planted out at same time. All became healthy plants of similar height.
Total yield of group O about 1/3 higher than group C (6.030 kg versus 4.410 kg).

Experiment was repeated the following year (1982). Identical procedure followed except total yield,
number of bulbs and av. weight of garlic bulbs was measured.
Group O 5.495 kg total yield versus 4.215 for Group C.
Group O numbered 128 garlic bulbs versus 124 for C.
Group O 44.88 grams average weight of bulbs versus 33.99 grams for C.

No statistical analysis.

Another experiment is also mentioned briefly - here there is a decrease in growth in the orgone group
- the bulbs had been over-irradiated (4 week's treatment). There could have been a DOR effect also
as weather was stagnant at the time.

1098) 36

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


Series 1, 1982, Portugal

Aubergine seeds were treated in a similar protocol to previous experiments by Espanca.

Approximately 15 plants per group. In series 1 there were 4 groups: Bion water soaking, Orgone,
Control with Soaking (tap water) and Control without Soaking. On final harvest there was a clear
difference between the orgone/bion water and control groups. Average height was 20-25% taller in
the treated groups. Average yield was nearly doubled in the treated groups.

Series 2, 1983.

Only two groups-orgone and a dry control. Small increase-total yield-3.82 kg in orgone group versus
3.275 kg in control group. Only 6 plants per group. Negative atmospheric conditions.

An earlier Aubergine experiment is mentioned from 1981- the bion water group did well but the control
group did better than the orgone (ORAC) treated group.

1105) 30

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


Portugal. Ping Pong tomato seeds. 1984

Similar protocol to previous Espanca experiments. Two groups, O treated in a 6-fold tin can ORAC. C
kept in a paper bag.

It is noted that this experiment and all of the previous except the first experiment used organic

fertilisers and planted out and harvested according to the bio-dynamic calender of Maria Thun.

8 seeds in each group were treated for approximately 2 weeks. 8 of the O group germinated, 4 of the
C group. Group O were approximately double the height, number of fruits and average yield per plant,
for example Av yield per plant was 2908.28 gms for O and 1325 gms for C.

1112) 13

Orgone Experiment

Plants and Orgone


Pilot experiment testing effects of Orac and a Pyramid Orac.

Protocol as previous Espanca studies. Each group x10 paprika seeds.

4 groups; O-1 eleven days in 5-fold ORAC, O-2 three days in 5-fold ORAC, P-1 three days in paper
pyramid, P-2 three days in 5-fold orgone layered pyramid, C no treatment.

Group O-2 had the best overall yield and other variables, followed by P-2, and then O-1. The paper
pyramid appeared to have no effect discernable from control. O-2 and P-2 were about 25% higher
measurements than the control group.

No crop rotation randomisation process when the seedlings are planted out, small groups, no
statistical significance analysis. However they remain well written, well conducted pilot studies of a
good quality.

1113) 28

Plant experiments-citations from other journals

1) Ritter , P & J. (1954) Experiment Orgone Flower Pot # 1, Orgonomic Functionalism, early UK
journal, V1 N6: 323-326.

2) Courie, M. (1955) Plant Response to Orgone Energy, CORE, V7 N3-4:203-204.

3) Shelton, B. (1964) An Experiment Investigating the Effect of the Orgone Accumulator on Plant
Growth, Orgonomic Functionalism, early UK journal, V10 N1: 63-66.

4) Lentine, S. (1981) Some Fundamental Biophysical Effects of Orgone Radiation, Pt II, Energy
Unlimited, N10: 30-35.

5) Dexter, Desmond and Coen (1977) Orgone Energy and Plant Growth, Energy and Character, V8
N3: 79-81.

Good synopsis of plant experiments by type (rather than by quality of the experiments)-20.

ORACs have been shown to influence plants in 1,2,3,4. In 5, seed germination, stem elongation and
hardiness was affected in prunus ilicifolia.

1114) 20-28

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Plants


In many ways one of the highest quality experiments conducted with plants up to this date not
withstanding Demeo's study.

Rotation of plants was randomised and controlled, outdoor planting out was also randomised and
controlled according to a plotting schedule. Water was measured and equal for all plants. The control
seeds were kept in a control box with approximate thermal qualities to the ORAC. There were better
numbers - 30 tomato seeds in each group.

Standard deviations were reported and a statistical significance analysis using ANOVA and T-Test
was undertaken and reported in the paper.

The main criticism of this paper is that it tries to answer too many questions. The 60 seeds end up in
4 orgone groups and 4 control groups. The dor-buster, orgone charged water and ORAC seed groups
were compared to control processes, for example orgone charged seeds might be watered with
orgone water or dor-busted or control seeds might be dor-busted and so on.

The standard deviations were fairly large with this study making it not as reliable a study as it could
have been otherwise. The study author considers the planting out conditions of the soil may have
been responsible for this.

Results - Changes in the mean, or average yield were the most sensitive variable. Orgone groups
failed to achieve a significant difference from control (also note that the experiment was carried out
with some significant DOR days and nearby to an urban area).

However a significant difference was found between a control group that had been dorbusted and
other groups (including orgone ones). So overall the experiment indicated a statistically significant
effect was caused by an orgone energy device.

1115) 31

Orgone Experiment



Experiments using similar protocol to previous Espanca studies. 4 groups using seeds from orgone
treated plants and non-orgone treated plants which in turn were either treated with an ORAC or
control. There seems to be some generational effect from the orgone treatment with the seeds from
treated plants faring better. A significant increase with orgone charging was also seen in both orgone
parent and control parent seeds. Simply presented and well written. Small groups but a useful pilot

1116) 22

Orgone Experiment

Plants and Orgone


Very interesting experiment using only 4 x 1 litre treatments of orgone charged water applied to
paprika seedlings. The ORAC water group counted 6 plants and same for control group.

The plants seemed to respond immediately and showed an increase of over 40% in average yield per
plant at end of experiment.

1118) 25

Orgone Experiment

Orgone & Acupuncture

Senf 1989

Senf (1989) conducted the first study of Reichian interventions applied to acupuncture points. He
studied the effects of directing orgone energy toward acupuncture points. He devised an
accumulating tube that was adapted from Reich’s accumulating cabinets. Points were treated with the
tube (according to a Chinese Medical diagnosis) for a short period whilst the subjects had their eyes

The study reported a sensory and emotional reaction - 85% of the subjects linked the possible
irradiation of the points to sensory and other changes. Senf (1989) also investigated withdrawing
orgone energy from points using an adaptation of Reich’s ideas on negative energy removal. He
constructed an energy removal tube that was directed at sedation acupuncture points. The volunteers
mostly reported a sensation of a cool breeze.

The study did not have a control group or a quantifiable measurement of any changes but
nonetheless showed some fascinating results and the need for further study.

1119) 22

Orgone Experiment

ORACs and Humans

Gebauer and Muschenich (1987)

Gebauer and Muschenich (1987) carried out a double blind placebo controlled experiment with
ORACs. The theoretical aspect was part of a thesis for the University of Marburg, Germany. This work
provided a meta-study of the previous temperature differential, electroscopic discharge rate changes
and changes in air humidity claimed within previous orgone cabinet studies. A book detailing their
work is available (Muschenich 1995).

In their experimental studies 15 volunteers had 20 thirty minute sessions, 10 of which were in an eight
layered orgone accumulating cabinet (constructed according to Reich’s plans) and 10 of which were
in an identical looking placebo cabinet (constructed only of organic materials). The placebo cabinet
was identical to the test cabinet in size, shape and insulating properties. An additional 5 subjects were
allocated who had all their sessions in one box- 3 subjects were in the experimental group and 2 in
the placebo.

Before each session all the subjects sat in a relaxation chair for 15 minutes and baseline physiological
data was recorded. After the sessions a questionnaire was given to provide extra control against
suggestive factors. Clothing of subjects, position of cabinets and sequence of sessions
(experimental/placebo) were also controlled. The experimenters and subjects were both blinded. The
experimental or placebo cabinet was randomly allocated. The subjects had no knowledge concerning
the experiment.


The study rejected its Null Hypothesis (There is no change between the physiological effects of the
orgone and placebo cabinets) with a Significance Level of P < 0.01.

Parasympathetic stimulation of the body, sensations of heat, an increase in the internal body
temperature and regulation of arterial pressure was reported. All subjects except one showed a
preference for the accumulating cabinet. Warmth, tingling and pleasant sensations were commonly
reported. One subject appeared resistant to changes in the orgone cabinet. This subject preferred the
placebo cabinet. A meteorological association with physical effects was noted and a temperature
differential of approximately 1-degree between orgone and placebo cabinet internal atmospheric
temperature was reported.

Electro-Cardio-Gram ECG recordings were found to have an unexplained high variance statistically.
The 5 people who used only one of the cabinets were too small a subgroup to establish statistical

1234) 83

Orgone Experiment

Bion microscopy


Electron microscope photographs of bions forming from sterile iron dust preperations showing double
cell walls, fissioning, bridging (possibly conjugation), nucleated features and organelles. Glowing hot
iron dust was immersed into a sterilised solution of brain-heart and JCl nutrient solution with sterile
protocol and examined at 20,000 power magnification by Stephen Shanahan of Melbourne university.

1240) 116

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Chemical Changes in Soil

Lai and Eberl

T.M. Lai and D. D. Eberl of a U.S. Geological survey team in Denver Colorado reported on an ORAC
experiment they conducted. Reported in;

Abstracts, 80th Annual Meeting, American Society of Agronomy, 1988: 240.

A mixture of soil and water was kept in an ORAC. P availability was measured. This increased by up
to 30% as compared to control. Adding organic matter and K to the soil increased the effect. Different
ORAC materials had an effect on the process.

1246) 79-87

Orgone Experiment



Dr Bernard Grad PhD in biology and professor at McGill University Canada present a paper in which
he repeated Reich's Experiment XX. In this an autoclaved microscopically clear aqueous extract of
soil (bion water) is frozen and then thawed, flakes of microscopic size with living form were obtained.
Grad claims that he also finds this to be true and that in addition he found other cell-like and
spore-like forms. Eventually Grad calls these forms PFs or Primordial Forms. With changes in
chemical content of the bion water Grad found more stable and complex forms could be precipitated,
calcium chloride and ammonium carbonate was used amongst many other preparations. The addition
of complex proteins also resulted in more complex forms being produced. Additionally, Grad found
that some chemical reactions were sufficient in themselves to produce bionous type vesicles.

Various photographs are presented of the proto-organisms.

As well as being published here Grad has presented his work at Pleomorphic biology conferences.

1247) 88-94

Orgone Experiment



Snyder an MSc biology graduate writes under a pseudonym to protect his academic career. Snyder
also confirms Reich's Experiment XX. He finds additionally that by varying the type of material used to
produce the bion-water, earth, hay or grass distinct morphological differences in the resulting
microstructures can be produced. Snyder presents thirteen high quality micro-photographs of the
differing bion preparations, discusses the previous bion experiments since Reich and presents a
preliminary X-Ray analysis of the chemical elements of bion water.

1248) 95

Orgone Experiment


Kong and Kim

Kong (Dong Chul) and Kim (Hyun-Won) of Yonsei University in South Korea have repeated the little
known research of North Korean Bonh Ham Kim who claimed to have found an anatomical fluid
system that represented the meridian system, the Bonghan duct or Kyungrak system. In this system
there are bionously created enitities called Sanals. The author of the paper have confirmed the
existence of the system and the Sanals and present electron and light microscopy photographs of the
Sanals organising into cells.

1249) 100-113

Orgone Experiments



Demeo conducts well controlled experiments in which he repeats bion creation from iron dust with
positive results. He also repeats Experiment XX. The repeat of Reich's experiment XX is particularly
well controlled with the preparations beings intensively boiled, auto-claved, and filtrated at 0.2
microns. Many of the forms that Reich claimed were seen such as spore and yeast like particles and
even pseudo-ameoba type cells. Many of the vesicles were much larger than the 0.4 micron filter size.

Demeo also presents very interesting photographs of the Reich Blood Test. Demeo makes the note
that unlike other pleomorphic pioneers such as Naessens and Enderlein (somatids and protids) or the
Indian researcher's jeewanu (Bahadur) only Reich informs us of how the natural organisation of
protozoa in nature in soils and ponds parallels the process of cancer formation in mammals. Only
Reich found the connection between pre-life particles and biological energy.

1251) 163

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Dowsing


A Greek researcher investigates dowsing and orgonomic devices. Reich thought that dowsing was an
energetic excitement between the dowser and the dowsed object steered through the rods. He
conducted some rough experimentation to investigate this finding the dowsing rods were attracted to
ORACs as well as to water. Reich noted that the dowser he met in the USA was more attuned to
energy functions than he was at the time.

Nikolaidas a mechanical engineer has found that ORACs, Cloudbusters, Dor-busters have definite
fields which can be detected through dowsing, his basic observations are as follows;

All orgonomic devices react to the dowsing rods-

• The reaction is stronger in rural areas

Is related to weather
Depends on the size of orgone field and varies according to time of day
Orgone flow creates a strong energy field
The size of a cloudbuster's energy field is related to the speed and quantity of the flow of water it is
grounded in
• Energy charge remains in the area where an orgone device has been operating even after it is
removed-this is called 'after-image' in dowsing circles.

1252) 168-175

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Mung Bean Sprouts


Well controlled, scientfic experiment on sprouting mung beans. The experimental beans were placed
in a small ORAC of 13 orgone ply which was placed within another 25 ply large ORAC, all of which
was within an orgone dark room in rural area (USA). The control enclosure was made of plastic and
cardboard linings, sealed for light and placed within a wooden hut to create near identical conditions
to the orgone dark room (which is also made from a wooden hut as the basis). A light meter was used
to monitor light conditions, temperature equality between the two enclosures had been established
prior to the experimental run, thermal mass properties were equalised between the enclosures.
Quantity of water given was recorded and equal. Seeds were kept in glass petri-dishes and covered
to the same height. Measurements of growth were taken once daily at the same time for both groups

Descriptive Statistics

The histograms show a good bell curve for the distributions of both orgone and control seedlings. All 5
parameters measured showed an increase in the orgone group particularly the average seedling
lengths which showed a 34% increase in length.

Analytical Statistics

A simple T-Test was undertaken which showed a very high Confidence Interval of P=0.0001.

This experiment has been undertaken three times between 1998 and 2000 with similar results. (Also
note Demeo's early 1978 sprout study in JO).

There was a small temperature fluctuations of less than a degree between the two groups. These
fluctuations did not favour a particular group. However Demeo conducted his own temp study. In an
additional well controlled and conducted, statistically analysed study, Demeo showed that no
significant differences in growth of mung beans can be found at either +0.25 C or +1.5C temperature


305) 237

Food & Drug Administration

Wharto's, the FDA leader's prurient attitude is documented. He was obsessed with sex and kept a
ceramic penis on his desk when dictating to his secretary. Wharton led the 1st FDA 'investigation'.
Reich was labelled as a sex clan guru. (Investigation found no evidence against Reich).

464) 176

Injunction unconstitutional-

Interferes with right to practise medicine, interferes with freedom of speech and freedom of science,
discloses confidential patient information, involves a breach of trust (FDA's Peter Mills used to work
for Reich).

Mills said to a Rangeley citizen, Archie Cavignon, that 'they' 'forced' him to prosecute Reich against
his will-181.

The injunction was also unenforceable. Reich reported that publishing would resume, the court took
no notice-obviously waiting for a chance to get Reich on something on which he could be

1092) 10

Peter Mills was Reich's former lawyer and therefore was in an unethical position when he became the
prosecutor for the FDA against Reich. Peter Mills appointed, or was made to appoint, an anti-sexual
zealot who was on a mission against Reich as his assistant.

468) 191


Oct 14/15th 1954. Bill Moise representing Reich was scheduled to meet General Watson of Air Force
Intelligence Center to report on the fading out of UFO's when the cloudbuster was trained on them.
This happened on Oct 10th and at other times (orur, orgonised uranium, was used to charge up the
cloudbuster). Watson didn't show at their meeting sending Captain Hill and a civilian UFO expert.
Moise refused to meet them. The USAF rescheduled with Deputy commander Colonel Wertenbaker
and a physicist. Wertenbaker became visibly excited at some of the details regarding Moise's report.
Wertenbaker accepted some physics equations of Reich for safekeeping and said they would respect
this confidence.

The USAF sent a letter to the Directorate of Intelligence of the USAF. This letter had made its way
into the FDA’s files. The letter stated they were merely humouring Moise as part of their usual PR

510) 164


Complaint of FDA had a very sarcastic tone. All Reich’s writings were merely ‘advertising’ and
‘promotional items’, ‘rent’, ‘financial arrangements’ were words used repeatedly. Mailing lists for
serious journals became ‘mailing lists-promotional’ sent to ‘prospective customers’ as part of
‘advertising campaigns’.

The devices ‘categorically do not work’ says the FDA - 165.

Reich ‘resorts’ to publishing case histories that show results in ‘inordinately’ short periods of time. It is
implied that publishing case histories are proof that the work is fraudulent.

Also note that later the FDA omitted mention of the many case historys, published by Reich, which
showed negative or ambiguous results.

536) 16

FDA & Civil Liberties

American Civil Liberties Union protests to the FDA Commissioner Larrick about the burning of
‘comprehensive books of serious scientific intent’. Commissioner responds by saying we didn’t do it
we just enforced the injunction. (Actually Reich and his caretaker were overseen by FDA officials in
the first destruction of ORACs whilst Reich’s son Peter watched.)


25) Reich refused a suspension of sentence on medical grounds (Baker).

27) 69

Court Case - Double Standards

The other orgonomists were not allowed to enter the court case because the court & prosecution
argued that the orgonomists can use ORACs (it is just Reich alone that would be affected by the court
judgement they argued). Court also argued that ORAC use isn’t hindered by Reich’s trial as it is not a
trial of scientific efficacy.

28) 83


Reich felt that there were reasons of national security involved, that some of his evidence could not
be divulged to court. Hinted that his assistant William Washington disappeared behind Iron Curtain
with two of Reich’s orgone motors.

29) 113

Judge frequently disallowed testimonies that showed Reich had not known of the prohibited ORAC

47) 48

Reich didn’t want to go to court because he felt that no amount of evidence would convince frightened

48) 49

Names of New Jersey Attackers.

Reich would have stopped publications had the US government asked (for security reasons).

50) 54

Reich was against Martydom.

51) 55

References to CIA and AAF. (Reich referred to a letter to the CIA from himself which was in
possession of the trial judge. Reich also stated that he had cooperated for some time with the AAF
and CIA in order to help protect mankind from the superior, life-force based technologies of ETs).
Reich stated that he was withholding certain information.

53) 61

Summary of Reich’s position in legal terms (that the original injunction can not stand because it was
obtained fraudulently) (28).

97) 164

US government refused Reich a Visa to travel to Israel (where he intended to help Walter Hoppe
carry out an Orgone Cloudbusting Operation or OROP). Also interest from Israeli government cut
short by the US court action. Israeli Prime Minister Moshe Sharrett asked the Israeli embassy to visit
Orgonon but the visit never materialised (possibly due to the US court action). Also (p.162) Prime
minister Ben-Gurion sent a physicist to Hoppe to find out more about orgonomy.

448) 149

Mr Green, an attorney working for Reich for a while stated he had heard that the pharmaceutical
companies were afraid the accumulators might interfere with the sale of their products.

Mr Green was a tough attorney who could have helped Reich substantially. Reich and Green fell out
because Green wouldn't be told how to do things -162.

When asked why various people attacked orgonomy Green stated economic and religious reasons
were the main cause.

449) 150

Reich tended to feel that the best way to fight the Emotional Plague was through publishing his work
rather than litigation.

FDA and Trial

The orgonomic doctors tried to enter the Reich’s case in support of Reich on grounds that they
were directly affected by the FDA case - the injunction prevented them from working with Reich,
copies of the injunction were mailed to them personally, it affected their status and ability to use
ORACs - 175.

The FDA gave a long list of tenous reasons why the doctors could not join the case: it wasn’t about
them personally, it would delay proper diagnosis and treatment for the public by delaying the trial, the
attorney-client privilege applied only to Reich, the doctors only wanted to prove orgonomy (which was
collateral to the case) and the doctors should have submitted their case earlier.

464) 176

Injunction unconstitutional-

Interferes with right to practise medicine, interferes with freedom of speech and freedom of science,
discloses confidential patient information, involves a breach of trust (FDA's Peter Mills used to work
for Reich).

Mills said to a Rangeley citizen, Archie Cavignon, that he had been forced to prosecute Reich against
his will-181.

The injunction was also unenforceable. Reich reported that publishing would resume, the court took
no notice-190.

476) 30

Summary of why Reich did not fight the FDA case from the beginning;

Reich's basic position was that 30 years of published research had made no impression on the
administration. Also It was against USA interests for some of his discoveries to be disclosed in court
and that the FDA's intention was merely to stop future work by endless legal entanglements. His other
point was that natural scientific law and investigation should be outside judicial remit. Lastly he was
willing to risk legal enjoinment of his activities as he had already accomplished his goal - sharing and
disseminating his discoveries throughout the world.

A last factor weighing on Reich's mind was that he believed the case was stacked against him. The
FDA case against him was technically worthless but high powered testimonials would be used and
the court would go with this rather than the facts.

477) 33/38

Reich had a naive optimism in his 'Response' document that he lodged with the judge when he
originally did not attend court. When Reich refused to allow a court of law to judge his scientific work
an all-inclusive injunction was issued against him on March 19th 1954. This made it illegal for Reich to
talk of orgone energy or write about it. It made it dangerous for others to do so (38).

The FDA immediately publicised their action and received congratulations from the American
Psychoanalytical Association, the American Psychiatric Association and Dr Dunhamn of the Atomic
Energy Commission who described Reich as a thorn in their side (380).

535) 13

Reich’s final address to the court and Judge Sweeney. He condemns the betrayal of Peter Mills,
thanks the Judge who he says knows the truth of the case, but had to act within given bounds. Reich
states that he may be destroyed physically but he has won as will be evidenced in the future.
However the HIGS* have nothing but shame on their faces.

Hoodlums In Government (now a term used in Ufology circles).

540) 158

Reich's final address to the court was reported in the Portland Evening Press of March 11 (1957).

He argued against being imprisoned, as such a sentence would deprive the world of his equations
on space and negative gravity. These equations were only in his head, known to no one on this
planet. The knowledge may be lost for millennia, should mankind survive the present emergency.
Prison would equal certain death of a scientific pioneer at the hands of psychopathic persons. It would
also be gross neglect of duty of the court with regard to all the legal facts.

He further maintained that his arrest would be a violation of the Constitution that would end the
beneficial role of the United States in social development. It would lead to the downfall of the USA as
a self-governing society. Reich asserted that he and Silvert were devoted to the promotion of new
knowledge, not a cancer cure. We are courageous people he said.

541) 159


Judge Sweeney was deeply affected by the case and hoped that Reich could escape a custodial
sentence through a psychiatric assessment - the prosecutors were furious about this possibility.
Judge Sweeney may have been sympathetic to Reich but saw no other option for him to escape

550) 162

Prison - Reich did not mention his heart condition. However the prison hospital examination found a
harsh systolic murmour - nothing was done about this and no ECG was done. This is neglect of duty.

726) 73

Reich was effectively jailed for failure to answer in court the FDA's accusation that the ORACs were
falsely advertised. Reich had sent a letter of mitigation instead.

1094) 12

Mass Psychology of Fascism was burned by FDA because it listed books in the booklist which
contained the word orgone. The injunction made it illegal for Reich to even talk about orgone, gave
them the power to copy unpublished research, take confidential patient histories and lists of those
connected in any way to the orgone institute.

Also note liberal media's almost complete silence on Reich's imprisonment. time magazine mentioned
that Reich's sentence was deferred-which wasn't true.

1232) 73

FDA's injunction was interpreted in two opposite ways at the same time. Firstly as the injunction was
against Reich, not the doctors, it was used to prevent the orgonomic doctors entering the case on
behalf of Reich.

It was used secondly to prosecute Silvert for supposedly acting in concert with Reich. Perhaps Reich
was right to avoid appearing in court. Reich had the feeling that whatever he did he was damned.

523) 144

FDA/Maguire’s charges against Reich after injunction claimed to be broken:

 ORACs not recalled (not possible to recall all ORACs).

Inspections not allowed (Reich made much effort to be open to serious inspection-some of the visits
however appeared hostile).
ORACs and journals moved interstate (Reich did not give permission or consent for movement of
ORACs, impossible to stop all movement of a journal)

Maguire may have lied under oath. He stated he did not have a copy of Reich's volume on the
conspiracy and emotional plague reaction against him (under the guise of the injunction). (Ollendorf
stated within her testimonial that she saw a copy of the same volume at Maguire's office).

524) 158

Reich's moving final address to the court and jury.

Reich willingly admitted he had disobeyed the injunction but that he had no choice in this. He
disagreed that he had violated the injunction as he argued that it was unconstitutional and obtained by

773) 33


Post Office was illegally opening Orgonon mail.

What Maguire had done 'bordered on treason' Reich thought.

Main legal arguments against enforcing the injunction were that ORACs and literature were not able
to be brought back, that the case exceeded the jurisdiction of the court and violated the 4th

Reich's court address stated that the injunction was impossible to follow. His non-appearance at the
first court was because he didn't know how to proceed, and there was issues of national security
involved. Reich said that Maguire was dishonest, falsely representing and involved in a conspiracy to
deprive US of orgonomy. Somebody (Russia) wanted his functional equations he thought.

Bizarre comment by the judge that he would not have allowed the 'judgement' of orgonomy even had
Reich contested the original decree. Appears to be legal manoeuvring to avoid it appearing that the
court would have sat in judgement on scientific matters - 51.

The FDA maintained that all of Reich's work constituted advertising. The notion that a man would
write books which jeopardise his life from both the red and black forms of fascism merely as
advertising for products not yet invented which never made any significant money and costs tens of
thousands to research borders on the insane. However as a dishonest discrediting attempt it is in
keeping with FDA methods. The FDA spent most of its budget in the early years investigating Reich.

1009) 12


Commissioner George P. Larrick of the FDA refused to release any of the FDA's experimental
evidence against Reich. his predecessor had promised in 1954 that it would be released when the
court action had been concluded. (Kelley 1963).

Kelley held to the view that Reich was mistaken in believing a communist conspiracy against him.

Also FDA higher officials tried to get others to do the burning so as not to implicate themselves-they
also asked for books not on the burn list to be included. The FDA in an official letter also attempted to
stop any parole Reich may have had (had he lived).

541) 159


Judge Sweeney was deeply affected by the case and hoped that R could escape a custodial
sentence through a psychiatric assessment-(the prosecutors were furious about this possibility).
Judge Sweeney may have been sympathetic to R but saw no other option for him to escape prison.

549) 161

FDA Trial

Dirty Tricks & the Psychiatric Assessment

Dr Hubbard a consultant psychiatrist for Danbury federal prison, Connecticut, examined Reich. In a
report dated March 28th 1957 he stated that Reich, although having most of his personality intact had
paranoid ideation and delusions of grandiosity and persecution. He thought Reich had enough
psychotic thinking to perhaps warrant a label of paranoid schizophrenic. Reich should not therefore
stand accused of any crime and should be treated in a mental institute. He thought Silvert would
'recover' away from Reich's influence.

Reich was then transferred to Lewisburg prison Pennsylvania. It was here he was examined by
Lacovara, Senior surgeon and chief of psychiatric service at the prison. Here they stated that although
Reich has bizarre ideation he is capable of distinguishing right from wrong and acting accordingly and
his personality is essentially intact. They covered themselves by saying yes he could break down
psychotically under stress. Thus they overturned Hubbard's diagnosis and found Reich legally sane.
Dr Hubbard, Baker reports, was upset by this and phoned Lewisburg where he was told that
essentially they agreed with his diagnosis but they wanted to avoid a re-litigation.

510) 164

Complaint of FDA had a very sarcastic tone. All Reich’s writings were merely ‘advertising’ and
‘promotional items’, ‘rent’, ‘financial arrangements’ were words used repeatedly. Mailing lists for
serious journals became ‘mailing lists-promotional’ sent to ‘prospective customers’ as part of
‘advertising campaigns’.

The devices ‘categorically do not work’ says the FDA - 165.

Reich ‘resorts’ to publishing case histories that show results in ‘inordinately’ short periods of time. It is
implied that publishing case histories are proof that the work is fraudulent.

Also note that later the FDA omitted mention of the many case histories, published by Reich, which
showed negative or ambiguous results.


21) 45

FDA Test on cancer mice.

Despite their claims to the contrary the FDA’s actual data did find a significant difference (between
ORAC and Non-ORAC cancer mice). The ORAC mice died quicker.

An orgonomy student was in the Jackson labs in Maine, USA and reported that the ORAC mice were
placed directly next to an X Ray machine (this would change the orgone to deadly oranur). The FDA
had been told of Reich’s objections to placing ORACs near X-Rays.

216) 209

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests of Orgone Accumulators

12 patients were treated for 1/2 an hour a day for 3 weeks in an ORAC. Definite changes were noted
in temperature and pulse amplitude in virtually all subjects. These changes were in keeping with the
gentle gradient of effects Reich noted. The FDA discussed this saying no 'spectacular' effects were
noted. No control procedures were attempted.

217) 213

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests of Orgone Accumulators

Cancer Mice.

Aggressive transplanted tumours used unlike Reich's original experiments. Two X-Ray machines
within 100 foot (X-Rays malignantly affect orgone as the FDA were repeatedly informed). The FDA
experimenters boasted of not having read of Reich’s original work.

218) 213

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests of Orgone Accumulators

FDA patient tests

Can only be described as unscientific, inept testing for miracles performed in a haphazard, arbitrary
manner. Tests are poorly documented.

219) 215

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests

Reich Blood Test

Two and a half times as many patients in the cancer group as in the control group had 50%
breakdown of red blood cells (RBC) in 5 minutes (physical integrity of RBCs are a parameter of the
Reich Blood Test). The two controls with increased breakdown were both radiography staff (X-Rays
are an orgone-antagonistic radiation). The FDA did not attempt a statistical analysis (which would
have been likely to be significant in supporting Reich’s claims). Objections to technique,
inconsistency, and possible misleading diagnosis of participants are noted.

The related issues of T-bacilli (viral-like forms in cancer tissue discovered by Reich), bions (proto-cells
discovered by Reich) and illumination processes (of blood cells, a key indicator of vitality) are simply
ignored by the FDA.

220) 218

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests of Orgone Accumulators (ORACs).

FDA patient tests.

FDA researcher stated that no X-Ray device was near ORACs when their tests of the ORACs on
anaemia were carried out. Why was the same precaution ignored in the mice and other tests? Many
of the treatments carried out were of unspecified duration and were poorly reported, if at all. The FDA
claimed to have treated 12 cases of anaemia for an hour a day for between 10 and 14 days on
average. They did not specify what parameters they were measuring, other treatment variables were
not controlled for (medications and other treatments). The experimenters made vague statements
that there was no 'clear cut benefit to the patient' and treatment 'did not appear' to be enhanced by
the ORAC. Their unsubstantiated and vague statements are unprovable one way or another. Actual
data is not released - just opinions.

221) 219

U.S. Food & Drug Agency Tests of Orgone Accumulators (ORACs).

FDA patient tests.

FDA testing of the ORACs effects on cervical infections are described. There is poor description of
method in the FDA's reporting. It appears the testers were looking for all bacteria to suddenly
disappear and not the effects actually described by Reich (selective immobilisation of pathological

Patients reported a warm sensation when treated (presumably with an orgone ‘shooter’ box/funnel or
orgone test tube within the vagina, though this is not stated in the protocol). In two cases all bacterial
flora (trichomonas) had disappeared after the third treatment. The comment of 4 patients of a warm
sensation and the disappearance of bacterial flora in two patients is ignored. It is not stated by the
FDA whether the flora seen before and after the treatments is living, dead, moving or immobile.

An invalid test which purposely evades looking into Reich's claims on bacterial immobilisation.

251) 234

Food & Drug Administration, Trial.

Memo’s confirming FDA were looking to design experiments to ‘disprove’ Reich and which would look
good in court (not to examine his work objectively).

Dr Kurt Lion was ‘prepped’ beforehand to ensure he would side with the FDA. Dr Lion was offered
contracts and other financial incentives prior to his commencing the Reich tests on the tacit
understanding that he would find against Reich.

255) 234-245

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Dr Little at Bowdoin College did the first three physical tests. He wrote a single paragraph of
description on each test, namely just the conclusions, no measurements or lab detail provided. These
‘tests’ are impossible to repeat. Dr Little appears confused as to what classical science would expect.

1) First test was a ‘heat-waves’ test using the ‘knife-edge’ procedure (not described). Test is not
relevant. What would designate a positive change is not entered into. ‘Heat-waves’ not detected was
full report. No environmental conditions reported.

2) Electroscopic discharge rate test. Conditions of test not reported. No data reported. Just the testers
conclusion - electroscopic discharge rates identical “as expected”. (This is not what classical theory
would expect, ionisation, and thus electroscopic discharge rates should be lower inside the

accumulator’s metal box).

3) Dr Little’s To-T Test. Temperature inside a small ‘shooter’ box ORAC was compared to a randomly
placed ‘copper lined box’:-

A) No attempts at thermal balancing between ORAC and control.

B) No attempts to reproduce environmental conditions Reich stated were needed (or even to record

C) No description of actual test.

D) No data recorded.

E) No recognition that the control is also an ORAC.

256) 239

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Dr Lion’s Tests.

Dr Lion contradicts himself saying he won’t examine Reich’s theory he will just stick to what he does
know, i.e. making temperature measurements. Lion then goes on to criticise Reich’s theories and
outline classical theories in an extremely sloppy manner. He misunderstands and misreads Reich’s
accumulating principle giving the impression that he has not read any orgonomic literature. He
misquotes classical theory too, saying that even if Reich’s theory were correct the boxes would
continue to accumulate till temps of thousands of degrees were reached (this ignores basic principles
of thermodynamic equalisation).

Lion’s 1st To-T (Temperature Orgone versus Temperature Control).

ORAC Average - 20.18 C, Control Average- 20.27 C, Air temp Average- 20.06 C over two weeks. No
mention of how averaging was carried out or what type of average was used.

No attempts made to balance Control and ORAC - graphs line of ORAC and Control keep crossing.

No description of environment or weather.

No description of lab or whether orgone-irritating devices were present (or even acknowledgement of
the importance of the principle).

Results showed differences that should be explained. Difference could be due to to an orgonomic
potential in the ORAC or poor lab technique (i.e. drafts). With instruments capable of precision to
100ths of a degree the large differences outlined need to be explained.

There is nearly 1/10th of a degree average difference between ORAC and Control.

The air temperature to control temperature differential is larger than the ORAC to Control differential.

Lion’s 2nd To-T.

ORAC Average - 24.58 C, Control Average - 24.77 C, Air temp Average - 24.80 C over two weeks.

This test has more validity because the Control and Air temp averages are better matched (within
0.03 degree C).

To quote Dr Lion “If anything, then the Orgone Accumulator shows the lowest average temperature as
compared with the room outside the accumulator or with the control box”.

Here Dr Lion shows he does not understand classical physics. A significant difference, 0.22 C which
Dr Lion found, actually supports the orgone hypothesis. Classical physics would not expect any
difference, positive or negative between the three temperatures if conducted in a controlled situation.

From the orgonomic perspective one would expect a negative temperature differential in the ORAC
compared to control if there was orgone-irritating devices or radioactivity present within the lab. These
results both support that the ORAC has a real effect and indicate that Dr Lion ignored the requirement
to keep ORACs removed from low level radioactivity.

257) 241

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Geiger Muller (GM) Tests

Reich’s actual experiment was not repeated. Reich felt that the presence of an orgone dark room (a
powerful room-sized ORAC) in a pristine environment over a long period of time was needed to
charge GM counters. He did not feel that the GM test was a proof of orgone as the FDA asserts.

The FDA left GM equipment in single walled small ORAC’s, a small shooter box (presumably in a lab)
and a larger ORAC in an unsuitable environment (within a hospital). All the FDA’s measurements
showed a 15-20% decrease in GM rates.

Reich’s findings were briefly discussed but dismissed as ‘defective’ equipment.

258) 240

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Electroscopic discharge rates

Dr Lion has an entirely theoretical discussion stating he would expect different electroscope discharge
rates within an ORAC as it is a metal box and is therefore stopping the flow of charged ions to the

Reich controlled for this objection by circulating air into the box with a fan. Reich also found other
puzzling effects such as the electroscopic charging of rubber gloves in an ORAC and a celluloid disk
left in the sun. He found correlations of the discharge rates with orgonotic weather changes. None of
these are discussed of course.

Lion’s main argument is that Reich didn’t understand that electroscopes measure electricity and not
other phenomenon. Lions arguments are contradicted by the FDA’s own experiments at Bowdoin
college which claimed to have found identical discharge rates within and outside of the ORAC.

259) 243

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Visualisation of Orgone

No attempts were made to repeat Reich’s actual experiments.

Inappropriate ‘tests’ of their own design were substituted.

(Reich used a variation of the telescope, the orgonoscope, to help visualise orgone flickering in the
environment. Alternatively, a powerful orgone dark room, situated in a healthy environment, with
observers who have been allowed to acclimatise, can be used. Other visual claims of Reich are that
there is a West to East flickering flow of energy which can be seen in the sky in appropriate
circumstances and that there is a flickering between stars in deep space).

The FDA ‘tests’ consisted of attaching a piece of paper with straight lines on it to the inside of an
accumulator and illuminating it with an electric bulb. The control consisted of lined paper suspended
above a hot plate. Flickering was not observed in front of the paper in the accumulator. A light bulb
would in any case obliterate the subtle orgone waves from being seen.

260) 244

Food & Drug Administration, Orgone Tests.

Photographic Visualisation of Orgone

Dr Lion ignores Reich’s experimental claims and devises his own test which failed to repeat the
experimental conditions needed to visualise orgone.

Reich has two photographic ways of visualising orgone,

A) Reich found that photographic paper in rooms with large quantities of bion cultures fogged over
even though they weren’t exposed to light.

B) X Ray plates can be taken of the field of energy between hands in close proximity.

The second test was not mentioned or repeated by the FDA.

The FDA put photographic paper in an accumulator for 90 hours and then developed it. They claimed
no change in the exposure.

261) 245

Conclusion of FDA Analysis Paper

The FDA had a very biased viewpoint, conducted sloppy experiments and misinterpretated and
contradicted their own conclusions. There were meaningful results that were ignored. The test
conditions did not remotely resemble the original ones that Reich conducted.


453) 161

FDA Mouse Test

Dr William Murray of the Jackson Memorial Lab in Bar Harbor, Maine was employed by the FDA to
conduct their mouse experiments in 1953. Murray was an administrative head. He took no part in
conducting the actual experiments. An assistant with little formal training did the actual lab work with
the mice. Dr Murray had no contact with the actual practical handling of the experiment.

There were two mice types, spontaneous tumours, a strain of DBA mice and tumour transplanted
mice. At the time of this report twice as many experimental mice as controls had died (20
experimental, 10 control). Some of the tumours were less compact in the experimental group (as
noticed by the assistant). Two Xray machines were sited within 100 feet of the mice making this an
ORANUR test in direct contravention of Reich's experimental requirements. Still their experiment
supports the ORAC's having a real effect - a negative one, possibly due to the Xrays nearby. The
Xrays were run regularly at 4000 roentgens.

The informant (Dr Blasband as a medical student) suspected that the orgone therapy was not even
started until the tumours were far progressed (and then probably averaging half an hour treatment a
day or less). Murray was only interested in inspecting the experimental data after the experiment was
conducted in his absence. He admitted not reading any of the matierial on Reich's work the FDA sent
him. He was told about the Xray and orgone effect and ignored it or did not comprehend it.

489) 26

Dr Eva Reich wrote a letter to Dr Murray of Jackson Labs who were doing the FDA Cancer mice
'tests' that their tests would not be assessing orgone energy as their X-Ray machines would change
the energy to DOR or Oranur. She informed him that lead shielding could not prevent DOR or Oranur

512) 168-174

Extract from the FDA’s original complaint. They take the time to list extracts of successful orgone
case histories. Interesting compilation - however note that the FDA omit any difficult or negative hx’s
to give the impression that R was ‘promoting’ a ‘fantastic’ cure-all.

540) 158

Reich's final address to the court was reported in the Portland Evening Press of March 11 (1957).

He argued against being imprisoned, as such a sentence would deprive the world of his equations
on space and negative gravity. These equations were only in his head, known to no one on this
planet. The knowledge may be lost for millennia, should mankind survive the present emergency.
Prison would equal certain death of a scientific pioneer at the hands of psychopathic persons. It would
also be gross neglect of duty of the court with regard to all the legal facts.

He further maintained that his arrest would be a violation of the Constitution that would end the
beneficial role of the United States in social development. It would lead to the downfall of the USA as
a self-governing society. Reich asserted that he and Silvert were devoted to the promotion of new
knowledge, not a cancer cure. We are courageous people he said.

608) 273-276

Food & Drug Administration


The only non-medical physical test of the ORAC by the FDA. Undertook by Dr Kurt Lion of the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

FDA reference, Lion, K. 'Investigations on the Orgone Accumulator’, FDA document from K. Lion to
Robert Heller of the FDA, April 16th, 1953.

Can only be described as an appallingly awful unscientific sham. FDA have kept no original data.
Graphs are eligible, no way of finding absolute data from the graphs as the scales are missing. The
only measurements taken appeared to be done at random intervals. There appeared to be random
extreme temperature fluctuations - doors appeared to be opened at various intervals.

The environment was mildly radioactive according to Dr Lion's own reports elsewhere. Lion himself
wore a radium glow wristwatch which yielded high CPM's (Geiger Muller Machine, Counts Per
Minute). The background count of his lab, according to Dr Lion, was between 40 and 70 CPM -
suggesting low level radioactive contamination.

The actual orgone test was conducted during winter-the worst time possible. His son recalls that Dr
Lion was called upon to 'prove Dr Reich....a fake', in other words, not to investigate scientifically. The
FDA either never had or have lost any legible data with absolute values on them. Dr Lion's family
destroyed Dr Lion's notes upon his death. It is known that the graph lines of the ORAC, control and
room temperature repeatedly cross each other suggesting a poorly conducted 'experiment'.


7) 10

Freud stated that the question as to what exactly anxiety is composed of, is now of less interest.

This comment of Freud marked the psychologisation of Freud's theory. Anxiety was now merely a
'signal' of the ego at the threat of danger. (Previously anxiety could have been considered the
emotional aspect of a physical energy - this was Reich’s view).

8) 11

Freud's either/or definition of anxiety-either cause or effect of repression of instinct. Whereas in

Reich's view it is both.

9) Footnote, 12


Freud finally cuts off analysis from a physical basis with the following idea: Anxiety may create
physical damage in the body but the notion that libido is transformed directly into anxiety will not now
be maintained.

In other words, the article notes, Freud separates anxiety and libido - but no rationale is presented.

It means that one can both be very anxious and sexually happy - two things that Reich noted are
clinically at odds with each other.

42) 192

Reich felt it was Freud’s theory that underpinned his own work - he was merely following Freud’s work
through to its logical consequences. Reich believed that his theories were therefore the legitimate
successors of Freud’s original formulations. Reich also felt that Freud had become resigned.

43) 192

Reich asked Freud to distinguish the natural from the compulsive family (Freud never did this).

107) 252-253

Reich noted some personal factors affecting Freud.

He was destroyed by the very organisation he founded, Reich believed. Freud’s organisation
withdrew from sexuality and especially Reich’s org m formula. Psychoanalysis was effectively
destroyed. Reich predicted that psychoanalysis would become little more than idle chatter at dinner
parties. Reich believed Freud became terribly resigned and had a marriage to a woman he neither
loved or was attracted to.

109) 5

Around 1914 Freud moved from making the unconscious aspects conscious to removing the psychic
resistances to therapy as the primary therapeutic weapon. This should place Reich’s character
analysis to the fore.

143) 99

Reich's loyalty to Freud and Marx he realised was misplaced and due to his fear of taking
responsibility for his own discoveries.

231) 42

To Freud 'psychic energy' was a metaphor.

242) 126

It appears in review of Peter Reich’s book that Reich believed life is always at war with the Emotional

My notes - Is such a view a relocation of Freud's death drive into a different realm? Reich believed
that the primary realm was free of the negative energies, DOR and Oranur which are partially
post-atomic in nature (orgone is pre-atomic). He argued that any 'death drive' would not therefore be
applicable to the primary realm.

269) 14

Prior to Reich's Orgasm theory Freud's psychology was just a mental structure lacking a biological

291) 117

Freud introduced genetic and causal thinking into psychology-Reich.

Two lines drawn by psychology are fuzzy-one against biology the other against sociology.

346) 188

Baker - on the birth of character analysis.

Bakers describes how Reich’s technique was more active than Freudian psychoanalysis. He
prioritised dealing with negative transference and described the attitudes and expressions of the
patient rather than engage in analytic free association. His techniques produced stronger emotional
responses and gave quicker results. He dealt with character defences rather than symptoms alone.

This was the biggest step forward in analysis's development at this stage (1920's). The Freudian goal
at this time was merely to make the unconscious conscious-with no evidence that this would effect an
improvement. Reich's work lent a structure to analysis and also defined health - see 361).

348) 241

The young Reich feared the full responsibility for his findings and wanted it to be at first within Freud's
thinking or extending the social side of Marxist thinking. However, he soon realised that the social
affirmation of genitality was outside of Marxist thought and the genital convulsion was outside of
Freud's thinking.

361) 84

Freud, Sexuality and Analysis

Freud's theory of libido-repression-stasis leading to a sexual aeitology of neurosis can be contrasted

with Reich's concept of flow-libido-regulation-orgasm with armouring forming the blockage to the
process. This defines health as flow and anchors it biologically. In addition it gives a logical process to
treatment. A definition of health, logical process of treatment and biological anchoring are all missing
from Freud's approach.

384) 117

Freud was influenced by physiological studies such as those of Helmholtz and Meynert
(neuropathology) and by hypnosis (Charcot, Liebault, Bernheim and Breur). Freud believed in a
sexual origin of neurosis at this time. He based this on libido theory - emotional illness was caused by
undischarged libido or sexual drive energy. This theory was acceptable until around 1926. From 1900

Freud had been steadily moving away from biological concepts-libido became a disembodied
concept. In 1926 Freud formally rejected the libido/energetic concept of anxiety and argued instead
that neurosis was coded into the psychic structure through the ego's reaction to danger signals. It thus
moved from a bodily to a purely psychic basis. Reich came to psychoanalysis in 1919.

408) 89

Freud de-emphasised 'remembering with affect' in latter years. This reflects the increasing
intellectualisation of analysis.

413) 163

Freud talked of actual neuroses and psychoneuroses, the former caused by physical stagnation
sexually. Reich contended that F had discovered the somatic core of neurosis. Freud in his early
writings spoke of 'libidinal toxins' and 'abstinence related autointoxification'.

438) 272

Some of the early psychotherapists considered Reich to be bordering on the psychotic as early as the
1920's because of his advocation of adolescent sexuality, practical efforts for teenagers and talk of
energy streamings in the body.

At the same time Reich was often treated with adulation and many thought of him as especially
favoured by Freud and destined for leadership of analysis.

491) 100

Freud's first paradigm failure was that ‘making the unconscious conscious’ would affect a transition
toward health. It was from this that the death instinct theory eventually arose. This was the
consequence of rejecting the earlier, energetic and economic view that sexual libido is damned up in
the neurotic.

492) 97

Reich & Freud

Freud felt that Josef Breuer was partially the father of psychoanalysis. This was until Josef rejected
such parenthood and particularly the theory of infantile sexuality. This led Freud to realise the
originality of his paradigm. Freud also thought at this time that genital function disturbances in adults
could cause some neurosis. (Freud, unlike Reich, thought that sexuality should be expanded from the

Reich's work expanded on Freud's libido, sexual economic and resistance theories but eventually
Reich too had to confront the fact that he had entered a wholly new paradigm. Resistance analysis
became Character Analysis and libido theory became orgasm theory which led directly to the
discovery of an energy which, if real, would connect the emotions directly to the somatic.

Also Breuer emphasised catharsis more than Freud. Perhaps Reich's emphasis on catharsis
reminded the aging Freud of his own rejection by Breuer (Footnote 101).

In 1928 Freud told a young admirer that the real Freud is dead. This echoes what Reich said about
Freud's latter resignation.

509) 145

Reich criticised Freud’s idea of ‘somatic compliance’ as non-scientific and hypothetical. For
example blushing could be unconscious sexual energies that become somatised in Freud’s view.
However this is a hypothetical statement. Reich would argue that it is the physical somatic energy
that is being diverted from serving sexual functions to irradiating the skin.

513) 143

Reich discuses Freud’s drive theory:

Reich states Neurosis is just a conflict between the plasma’s needs (sex drive, pleasure principle, id)
and a restricting environment (morality, reality principle, superego).

Also Reich sees Freud’s drive psychology as being close to biology. Also he views its basic concepts
of neurosis as linking the theory to the physiology of the neurosis.

Reich traces the source of a symptom to biological, libidinal energy, which is constantly charging up.

529) 230-231

Freud was one of the few neurologists who presented cogent arguments against the exclusive
localisation of mental/psychic phenomena within the structure of the cerebral cortex. Konia quotes
Freud from 'On Aphasia, A Critical Study’ and notes that Freud had the insight to recognise the
common practise of confusing a cellular or other physical process with a mental process. They cannot
be substituted for each other. The one can mirror the other but they are not the same.

566) 273

Reich thought Freud's death instinct was the result of erroneously giving a biological significance to
psychic manifestations of the masochistic character.

638) 69

Neurosis in Freud's view is mainly due to psychoneurosis. It is caused by conflicts arising in infancy
or from the oedipal conflict. These conflicts then get fixed into neurotic character traits through
fixations and sublimations. Actual neurosis was a temporary stagnation of libido resulting from sexual
absitinance. This Freud believed caused harmful chemicals to be released into the blood.

Reich however realised that these character traits were but symptoms of something deeper and more
profound-a structuralised inability to be healthy-i.e. To gather and discharge energy. Reich saw the
neurotic character traits as merely peaks on the mountain chain that is character structure.

703) 83

Organisational development literature has unknowingly taken up Reich's term, 'work democracy' and
talks of 'self-regulating' entities.

From footnote - it should also be noted that Reich was the first in the analytical movement to define
health (in fact this was his departure from Freud author notes).

724) 45

Although Freud discovered the defensive function of the psyche it was Reich who showed its full
clinical significance and implications.

1017) 11

Freud based many principles on drive reduction. The pleasure principle works to reduce a negative -
the irritation of tension. Pleasure reduces tension. Freud acknowledged the flaws in this scheme but
never abandoned the central idea. Such a notion places repression as a necessary process (to
control the unrestrained release of tension).

Reich moved in the opposite direction. He described the primary seeking nature and curiosity of
life-forms. Reich didn't however form a systematic theory of motivation, the author notes.

1099) 14-15

Reich's early 1930's ideas to integrate Marx and Freud were intellectually attractive to persons such
as Erich Fromm, Siegfried Bernfeld and Otto Fenichel. Who were participants in Reich's study groups.

Also note that as director of Seminar for Psychotherapy R must have profoundly influenced Anna F
and Erikson also (11).

1101) 11

Freud's famous Civilisation and its Discontents R claims was written in response to a paper he gave
to Freud's private inner circle titled 'The Prophylaxis of the Neuroses'.

1244) 55

Reich argued that psychological health is based on sexual health and that childrearing practices must
change if a humanity is to survive. He argued for a bottom up change of society. The communists
rejected these ideas in 1929.

It is little known that when Reich's above ideas were discussed in Freud's inner circle they so greatly
disturbed Freud that Freud then wrote, 'Civilisation and its Discontents' in reaction to it. To quote
Freud, "The human animal, with its insatiable needs, must always remain an enemy to organised
society, which exists largely to tamp down sexual and aggressive desires".

Reich then wrote Mass Psychology of Fascism in 1933 (a collection of his previous observations on
social pathology). This was the same year Hitler gained power. The Gestapo put Reich on its death
lists and began burning his books.

486) 74-82

Freud, Little Hans, Oedipal complex, Phobia.

Freud's 1909 study, 'Analysis of a Phobia in a Five year Old Boy' illustrates Freud's character and
assumptions. Freud appears unable to contact the boy on anything other than a mental level.

Hans is a very sexual, genital character. His parents find his sexual activities intolerable and seek
Freud to treat him for a phobia of horses. This phobia only develops when his genital play is blocked
and castration threats are made by father and mother. Hans weak ego displaces his anxiety and
undischarged forbidden impulses onto a symbol, the horse.

After Hans sexual play with playmates his own age on vacation is discovered, and ended, Hans
displaces this energy and love toward his mother. Freud takes this as evidence of the universality of
the Oedipal complex. Actually the opposite is true - Hans only looks to his mother when play with
peers is forbidden or unavailable - 76.

Freud's made the revolutionary step of recognising infant sexuality. However his approach with Hans
was to strengthen the ego at the expense of flexibility. The ego becomes strong but sex-negative. It
can now absorb anxiety into rigid character defences and pathological traits. Energy is drawn from the
symptom to the character.

Orgonomy's approach to phobia would be to remove the energetic source by re-establishing the
capacity for sexual gratification.

Hans, totally unable to express himself and feeling trapped, regresses to an anal level. He also
resorts to violence and becomes constipated. He hits and beats his father and slashes open a dolly's
belly. Freud and Hans's father overlook the rage and psychologically speculate how the behaviour is
expressing the boy's curiosity about childbirth.

Freud analyses the boy's anal regression in great detail, but misses the most essential point - that it is
a regression from an earlier genitally active level. In other words, the anal regression was a reaction

against the sexual prohibition. Freud also analyses the incident with the dolly in purely mental terms
losing contact with the boy's rage and feelings.

The author of the article, Deppen, argues that castration anxiety, the oedipal complex, and other
psychic disturbances are the effects of, not the cause of, disturbed sexual functioning - 79.

741) 284

Review of book; ‘Freud or Reich?’

Reich’s ideas challenge the Freudian view that guilt, hate and destructiveness are biologically in-built.

South Pacific Islanders believe that a person has to be taught to hate or fear - 271.


35) 170

Orgonomic Psychiatric Treatment

Asthmatic treated medically for years. Responded very well to loosening of chest armour (held
crying) and then to loosening of pelvic armouring.

69) 155

Reich's medical discoveries; Ch An, Vegetative Functioning/Orgasm Function, Muscle Armouring,

Bions, Orgone, Cancev Biopathiy/Reich Blood Test, T Baccill, DOR.

70) 156-157

Defining characteristics of biopathies-no clear medical explanation, emotional content, functional

disturbance precedes physical symptoms, long course, remissions and exacerbations, involves whole

Reich's definition-plasma pulsation disturbance within autonomic system/disturbance of sexual


83) 81

Functional disturbances in the heart with anxious patients eg ectopic beats, arrhythmia and
tachycardia may reflect actual armouring of the annular muscles of the heart itself.

212) 197

Medical/Orgone Psychiatric Therapy-Patient probably had bionous disintegration of epithelial

lining of lungs resulting in constant infections. (Bions are proto-cellular organisms smaller than
microbes formed in certain circumstances from disintegrating matter, known as bio-genesis. They
were discovered by Reich. Other researchers have made similar claims).

213) 205

Medical/Orgone Psychiatric Therapy-diaphragm contracted suddenly at very expansive phase of

treatment resulting in temporary hepatitus. Patient made good recovery and continued to improve.

224) 31

Classical Medical theory gets in difficulties with the viral findings in cancer.

Cancer is riddled with viruses but in order to avoid the logical conclusion: that the body can produce
viruses when tissues break down, the story that viruses live in cells from before birth and are then
activated had to be put forward. (It is also noted in this paper that Kaplan and Gross had induced the
formation of lymphoma-type viruses purely from radiation in 1969).

241) 71

Autoimmune Disorders/Medical

Bionous changes may make ‘body-own’ cells appears as alien cells to the immune system. (Bionous
breakdown of cells can occur when there is to low or high orgone charge).

244) 215

Whether or not one gets an ulcer depends on how much of a fight one puts up against the
sympatheticotonia (reaction of the sympathetic nervous system). Acid conditions may be associated

with anger, hypoacid with depression - Reich.

328) 141

The view that cardiac patients have 'high gear' characters and that cancer patients have 'low gear'
resigned behaviours owes its priority to Reich.

340) 204

Armouring and breathholding increase Blood Pressure.

352) 265-7

Pulsatory movement and a shimmering flicker to the RBC (Red Blood Cell) were discovered in 1890.
Reich was the first to explain the pulsation of the RBC. Flicker disapears in illness yet mechanical
science explains it as random molecular movement.

353) 268

Reich's priority in ascribing abnormal RBC shapes to disease processes is described. Also other
studies are referenced which indirectly confirm Reich's blood test proposition - that RBC deterioration
marks disease changes and a decrease in energetic vitality.

387) 111-112

Around 1960 Fox and other scientists discovered that heating amino acids to high temperature and
then placing them in boiling saline resulted in formation of 'proteinoid microspheres'. These exhibit
life like properties-motility, budding, cleavage, growth, membrane selectivity and 'primitive'
proliferation. Two particles could form junctions (similar to Reich's radiating bridges). Fox believes that
such protocells are precursors to cells and are basic unit of life.

Makes no reference to Reich or bions.

See International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life.

Fox, S. and Dose, K. (1972) Molecular Evolution and the Origin of Life, USA, W. H. Freeman.

388) 116

LeBoyer credits Reich with influencing his thinking in the July 1974 issue of Vogue.

390) 10

Reich argues that life without a brain is possible but that a brain without vegetative life functions can
not be..

He also states that due to the identity of organ sensation and vegetative streaming even the worm
must be able to perceive itself to some degree.

391) 11

Reich argues against evolution being only a gradual process. He states that such is a mechanistic
ideology. He argues that gradual processes may pave the wave for developmental leaps and even
instantaneous processes. This was written by Reich in 1938.

Reich also notes that a mechanistic development principle corresponds to the metaphysicist's spirit'.
Why should there be development at all Reich asks.

443) 67

Concept of biopathic disease as an armouring against orgonotic excitation and streaming.

444) 103

Reich and Neurology

Reich unknowingly anticipated some 'Second Brain' research with his ideas that the cerebral pain was
convoluted in an intestinal shape to enable it to effectively pulse and move when thinking. (R Char'
Analysis 1949).

Reich emphasised that the brain is a pulsating organ that requires movement to function. Reich was
also one of the first to note that nerves pulsate. These views are supported by modern research that
shows that crucial axon chemical changes cannot occur without brain pulsation. Cortical pulsations
allow axoplasmic flow.

Schizophrenics often complain of deadness in the brain or head. Quoted mainstream research has
shown that reduced pulsatory flow of the axon is involved in a number of CNS disorders.

Blood flow increases to areas of the brain being used. Armouring of the brain will greatly impair
function, restrict blood flow and movement.

461) 225

Reich & Neurology

Strong connection between degree of psychosis and low blood flow to frontal lobes in schizophrenia -

Cerebral atrophy & vascular changes plus cell deterioration is compared to normals in chronic long
term schizophrenia, a study by,

Colon, E. (1972) Quantitative Cytoarchitechtonics of the Human Cerebral Cortex in Schizophrenic

Dementia, Acta Neuropathologica, 20.

This sort of study indicates that there are material disturbances in the schizophrenic brain. From an
orgonomic point of view these changes would be secondary to a disturbance in pulsation and energy
flow. Most studies agree that the structural changes follow, rather than precede the disease process.
This further supports the orgonomic hypothesis in schizophrenia.

Papez, J. et al (1949) Cytological Changes in Nerve Cells in Dementia Praecox, Journal of Nervous
and Mental Disease: 110.

Study found virus-like particles in schizophrenics brains. These might correspond to Reich’s t-bacilli
bion micro-forms. If pulsation is disturbed bionous processes would be expected - 229.6

471) 211

Orgone Psychiatric Case Study

Orgone psychiatric treatment very suited to treatment of stuttering. Classical science treats the
spasms and clonisms without any integrating theory. A 24-yr-old male stutterer resolved his
symptoms when his eyes were brought into contact and his abdominal segment released.

583) 42-56


Confirmation of Reich's views on peer related sexual play.

Author notes how complete a newborn is in terms of its ability to interact and perceive the


Reich thought that the genetic view of heredity factors may be partly misplaced. Energetic,
mother-baby bonding factors from pre-birth are probably vastly underestimated or miscomprehended
- pp45.

Reich also emphasised how critical the mother-child bond is, especially in the pre-natal and early
post-natal period. He believed schizophrenia is laid down soon after birth or even before - pp45.

Article reference child research from other fields relevant to orgonomy. (For example papers showing
that mothers with a small amount of extra physical contact with their newborns have significant
positive difference from a control group).

621) 126

Reich’s 3 contributions to psychiatry (and medicine)

1) Identifying a biological energy

2) Discovery of the armour that impedes this energy’s flow.
3) Orgasm function that regulates this flow.

626) 192

Biopathic disturbances are not affected by education.

658b) 258

Reich began to see the brain, the traditional seat of consciousness, merely as a parasite -sucking up
the bodies energy.

669) 89

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Spastic dysponia-very difficult to treat by ordinary methods. Case history stongly illustrates the
strength of orgone treatment due to its combined somatic-psychic content.

689) 13-25

Orgone Experiments

Reich Blood Test (RBT) and radiation victims

Blasband et al.

Study confirmed broad aspects of Reich's blood test.

The correlations were better at extreme ends of scale; very energy deficient or energy excess, but in
general there is a definite correspondence between clinical picture and Reich blood test results.

There were three groups in the study, normal controls, radiation exposed, radiation exposed with

Gross appearance of blood (centre size, appearance, number of bions - small or centrally located was
noted. Breakdown rate of blood cells in saline at 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes was recorded. The
autoclavation test was performed. This is a stress test where blood is combined with KCL and
boullion, autoclaved and measured macroscopically and microscopically for cohesiveness and
breakdown of structure.

The study had a relatively good number of participants, 55 and the T-Test showed a significant

difference between radiation and radiation group with cancer (P=0.01) - see footnote to chart - 21.

The table indicates that the difference between normals and radiation group might have been
statistically significant if tested in a larger study. Bion formation rates show a clear difference between
the three groups though this is not statistically analysed.

Reich's red centres and blurred inner membranes were not seen. Also present day conditions might
be one of chronic oranur overcharge - bion breakdown rates have become much slower than in the
1950's. Perhaps Reich was seeing an acute radiation picture.

RBT has been useful for detecting extremes of bio-energetic charge-14. The normals were often
somewhat undercharged too (which would skew the results against statistical significance).

Very good description of RBT - visual, destructive, culturing (for bacteria) this latter part of test had to
be abandoned in this study.

Cancer state was populated by an increasing number of subjects with low charged, distorted cells
more rapidly breaking down into small bions - 24.

Out of the 16 non-radiation controls only 7 subjects could be considered healthy. Most had medium
charge and some structural deficits. This could be an indication of our oranur atmosphere - 25.

Synposis of earlier Baker RBT study-17.

714) 181

Peptic ulcers and gallstones can be sequlae of orgone treatment (can occur as a reaction to the
treatment - usually with subsequent resolution).

740) 242

Diagnostic and nosological applications of orgonomy are significant.

In mechanistic views there is no structure of health, no functional holism and no understanding where
an immediate mechanical lesion is non-apparent. Orgonomy however extends the observation and
diagnostic skills of the practitioner. Energy blocked in an erogonous zone causes a psychic biopathy
(pulsation blockage). Mechanical thinking starts with theories and then proceeds to observation.

Mechanistic psychology and medicine is also without an inherent definition of health. It defines health
as pertaining to the norm. However if society itself breaks down what use is referring to a catalogue of
‘normal’ symptoms?-253.

756) 34

Immune system functions before structuralisation: pathogenic organisms cannot survive near to highly
charged bions or blood. Red blood cells (RBC) can kill pathogenic organisms simply by their energy
charge. RBC can mobilise T-Baccilli (tiny cancer-associated vesicles) at a distance.

T-Baccilli can also evolve upwards into PA (packet) bions.

Function determines structure (multishape antibodies are an example of this).

760) 158

Orgonomy & Science

Scientific principles special to orgonomy

Integration of objective and subjective.

Primacy of subjective contact with phenomena.

Firmly rooted in the Platonic and Aristotlian traditions-nature is inherently rational-the micro is
integrated with the macro-144.

Hippocrates wrote the earliest science text. Science always hand in hand with medicine.

762) 202

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is mainly characterised by ocular blocking as a

defence against contact.

Medication, namely stimulants can affect symptoms author argues, but it interferes with the emotional
expression needed to treat the condition. Orgone treatment appears affective without medication in
treating ADHD.

768) 72

Self injury, repetitions, compulsive behaviour and automatons can be seen as an attempt to
remobilise an orgonotically deadened area.

1016) 6

Dr A. Schmale & H. Iker presented a paper to the American Psychosomatic Society meeting in
Rochester (either 1963 or 64, exact reference not available). They reported on their finding that they
were able to predict before biopsy 31 out of 40 women suspected of cervical cancer on the basis of
feelings of hopelessness which they called 'giving up syndrome'. Reich is in no way credited despite it
being him who outlined the resignation syndrome inherent in cancer patients in great detail in the

Also along the same lines were the NY Academy of sciences report on psychological aspects of
cancer in their Science Newsletter of April 17th 1965 - again no mention of Reich.

1036) 42-43

Schizophrenia has a much wider definition in orgonomy than in general psychiatry. In the latter it is
more or less defined as a spectrum dependent on eye blocking, or ocular armouring. This can occur
with or without an actual psychosis.

Hersokowitz notes that Reich was the first to recognise the significance of eye functions in the
mothering process. He was also alone in relating eye segment pathology from the earliest time of life
to the severe character disorders and emotional pathology that often follow.

1036g) 56

Reich pointed out an antithetical relationship between potassium and calcium ions-certain actions of
calcium are analogous to the sympathetic system (and potassium to the parasympathetic system).
Thus Reich preceded the discovery of calcium channel blocking heart drugs.

1038) 68

Working on a patients eye segment caused her hips to feminise.

Unmothered lambs have a defect in depth perception

Lennon, W. & Patterson, G. (1964) Depth Perception in Sheep: Effects of Interrupting the
Mother-Neonate Bond, Science, Vol 145, Aug 21st.

Schizophrenia and eye tracking deficits-

Procter, L & Hughes, D. (1973) Science, Vol 181, July 13th. No title given.

1063) 37

Good case history illustrating the medical effects of an orgone therapy case; chronic hypertension and
weight gain yielded dramatically to ocular and chest unarmouring.

1066) 26

Neck and back are often rigidified into 'one' in armoured adults, (to surrender in the neck area is
dangerous in a hostile world). On occasion an exercise to break through cervical armouring can
relieve mild to moderate asthmatic attacks-repeated utterence of satisfied 'ahh' sounds with an open

1106) 8

Reich was the first psychotherapist and MD to clearly oppose circumcision and validate adolescent
sexuality and to elucidate resignation syndrome in cancer.

1236) 16

Biology and chemistry

Alkali behaves like potassium (expansion) acid like calcium (contraction).

1237) 18

The fact that sympathetic nervous system stimulates some organs and relaxes others while the
parasympathetic also has a dual effect, is understandable with Reich's functional antithesis-the
sympathetic system contracts and stimulates the internal organs such as the heart and expands the
periphery whilst the parasympathetic does the opposite-expands the internal organs and relaxes the


183) 182

Earth as giant ORAC

275) 53

Lowering of temperature in an ORAC reported to be associated with the action of a Dor-Buster.

Sun-charging of non-functioning ORACs reported.

289) 59

High humidity and low environmental temp can negatively affect ORACs in labs.

290) 60

Pulsation, superimposition and orgonotic potential are functions shared with living phenomena-hence
the life-like behaviour of orgone and ORACs.

371) 244-252

Orgone Experiment

Thermal properties of ORACs

Konia, C.

Review of several years of TO-T data. ORACs react differently to external heat than controls. Relative
humidity has an inverse relationship to To-T. Orgonotic functions cease above 50% relative humidity.

Heat has a positive effect on To-T. DOR index levels have a clear inverse relationship with To-T. An
indirect barometric effect is queried.

376) 29

Dr Hardoy and Dr Tallafaro - Argentina.

Latter gave lectures to Argentinian Psychoanalytic Association (circa 1947). Both extensively used
ORACs. Tallafaro treated some neurotics with the ORAC alone - expansiveness of orgone can
reverse neurotic contraction. Reich had noted similar things.

380) 44

Likely that it takes energy in order to maintain a negative To-T. Negative To-T curves continue to
respond to Lunar cycles suggesting negative To-T is an energetic effect.

386) 40

Solar and lunar influences on ORAC To-T appear to be digitised or quantised.

490) 27

Eva Reich used an accumulator funnel on a woman with terminal CA of the breast in an hospice
(with permission from the chief doctor, Dr Nagler from philiadelphia). After two weeks the tumour
softened and became delineated from the surrounding tissue. Dr Nagier became frightened and
asked Dr Reich to stop.

666) 56-61

Excerpt from note

Silvert-advice to pregnant mothers use of ORAC during pregnancy and peri-natally (Orgonomic
Practices in Obstetrics, OM, 1, 1, 1955).

667) 62

Orgone Experiments

Orgone Energy Light - Oranur Experiment

Blasband, R.

A mercury vapour lamp is put in a one fold ORAC with a fan behind it and a green filter. The net
output is infra red and green light, the other frequencies are mostly absorbed, especially UV. It is a
possibly a sort of ORANUR ORGONE device. The device is termed an OR-Light.

In Study 1 the mice were irradiated with the OR-lamp for four minutes twice daily from when the
tumours were palpable (10 days) until the fifth week.

In Study 2 the mice were irradiated from a distance of 36 inches for eight minutes once daily.

Study 2 showed a statistically significant effect at P = 0.01 of the OR-Light in increasing lifespan.

Study 1 showed a statistically significant effect at decreasing tumour size amongst young cancer mice
(P = 0.05).

In both studies the mice were implanted with tumours (this strain develops cancer spontaneously if
left to age but in this experiment they were inoculated).

Numbers were 9 in first experiment series and 8 in the second (split into orgone versus control
groups). There were changes from study 1 to study 2 in terms of the parameters measured (lifespan
not reported in first series, water intake and weight recorded in second series). The study methods
were not yet standardised between the two experimental series especially distance from the
irradiating device.

A very interesting initial study of an oranur device which appears to show good treatment effects in
cancer mice.

687) 284

Instruments used to detect air ions are similar to the electroscopic discharge rate measurements
Reich used to measure changes in ORACs. Positive Ions might correspond to DOR.

1036d) 52

Early publication of the Gebauer, Muschenich ORAC study in 'Notes from Afield'.

NOTES ON Gebauer & Muschenich ORAC EXPERIMENTAL STUDY in AIOS journal-To-T (See
Pulse of Planet journal for Full Review of Human Study/Note 1119)

It was noted that the environmental temperature within the ORAC was constantly higher than the
control enclusure with a high confidence interval of P = 0.001. (This was from a double blind double
controlled ORAC human study).

Also note that stronger ORAC effects coincided with Spring and summer and possibly higher air
pressure outside the building.

1070) 1-12

Orgone Experiments

To-T (Temperature ORAC versus Temperature Control) and Electroscopic Discharge Rates in


Interesting paper.

Part 1 To-T

Description of a number of years experimental work. Good controls used. Electromagnetic influences,
thermal effects well matched between ORAC and Control (graphs provided of the thermodynamic
balancing). Fairly rigorous recording instrumentation, mercury and thermocouple thermometers used.
Work undertaken in Germany.

This paper showing diurnal and seasonal To-T variations, short term weather predictive qualities of
the To-T readings and influences of DOR. A well defined small temperature differential is noted at
non-DOR times.

Graphs of interesting periods or influences were outlined. No statistical analysis undertaken.

Paper also discusses how To-T rises may correlate with negative ion increases but ions themselves
couldn't cause a temperature rise it appears. Also discusses how UV light can trigger orgone-type
effects (such as skin tanning). However, Fuckert found To-T rises independent of UV and
electromagnetic influence upon the ORAC and Control boxes.

Cloudbuster and To-T

Used a CB of 8 x 4 metre tubes of 2 cm diameter.

After one hour of CB from zenith a negative To-T (0.8) changed to a positive differential also of 0.8.
This process was repeated three times with similar results.

Part 2 Electroscope (El) Observations and ORAC

Interesting study, though without full details. Good description of method and potential problems.
Found that electrical discharge rates were usually longer within the ORAC on clear energy days by up
to 9 times. Poor weather, high humidity (>70%), or DOR shortens the discharge time. Electrical
discharge rates correlate with To-T (peaking a few hours later than To-T).

When controlling experiments it should be noted that electroscopes can hold an orgone charge for a
good period and after long orgone charging behave differently to an uncharged electroscope.

No statistical analysis attempted.

1095) 12

Moscow had Reich's books and was said to be trying the ORAC in at least one hospital.

1240) 116

Orgone Experiment

Orgone and Chemical Changes in Soil

Lai and Eberl

T.M. Lai and D. D. Eberl of a U.S. Geological survey team in Denver Colorado reported on an ORAC

experiment they conducted. Reported in 'Abstracts, 80th Annual Meeting, American Society of
Agronomy, 1988: 240.

A mixture of soil and water was kept in an ORAC. P availability was measured. This increased by up
to 30% as compared to control. Adding organic matter and K to the soil increased the effect. Diferent
ORAC materials had an effect on the process.

1121) 39


Reich's journals documented often dramatic changes in various conditions such as anemia, diabetes
mellitus, carcinoma & wound healing.

Heikko Lassak in West Germany led a group of doctors who experimented with the use of the ORAC
in treating patients. Their work was presented at numerous lectures in German and Scandinavian
universities. As ORAC design instruction became available to more people in the mid-80's Lassak
documents that he was being contacted by many people in person and by letter who were reporting
predominately positive experiences with the ORAC.

Working free of charge with ORACs and orgone psychotherapy Lassak worked with 17 terminal
cancer patients from 1988-1991 approximately. He found a clear reduction in pain in 2/3rds of the
patients after 20 ORAC treatments. All of the patients experienced an increase in vitality. Most of the
patients had their prognosis extended by their specialists.

In 9 of the severely disabled terminal cancer cases analgesia was not required at all - to the
amazement of their specialists..

When the patients were in the ORAC they often described a 'new' type of 'good' pain. Several times
patients described a pain localised around a certain area which turned out to be an undiagnosed

In three cases a shrinking of tumours was radiologically diagnosed.

Reich Blood Test and another type of live blood analysis showed marked changes.

Lassak notes the live blood analysis and radiological treatment of Dr Joseph Issels which is
successful due to its energetic monitoring of the effect of the radiation.

Lassak notes that the patients he treated were in an older age group and warns against treating
young people with acute myeloid leukaemia. Sometimes in younger people cancer can be an
energetically 'excess' condition. But the main point to remember is that ORAC treatment can result in
auto-intoxication - the kidneys and liver are faced with much tumour debris and T-Bacilli
(cancer-associated proto-virus).

Chronic medical conditions with associated pain often show a great reduction or alleviation of pain.

1123) 54

Demeo reports on observations of using the ORAC. A very low energy farmer cures himself of a fast
spreading form of liver cancer with very long treatments in a very powerful ORAC he built from
oil-drums, superficial burns, a small encapsulated breast tumour which had not grown or decreased in
size previously for some time (releasing much anxiety in he young woman who couldn't accept it as a
product of the orgone treatment of which she had been sceptical). Unresponsive to conventional
treatment genital herpes. A baby who had persistent colds ( a fever ensued-one must watch children
with ORACs as a high temp can easily occur as the body energises and fights any pathogens).

14) 31

Other devices using ORAC type layering:-

Atomic Piles (carbon/uranium)

Leydon Jars (glass/metal)
Mesmer's Baquet

See also Demeo's notes on celestial influences upon above devices.

1003) 44

Reichenbach, late 1800's, conducted ORAC-like experiments, metal plate exposed to the sun
connected by wires to a dark room-sensitives could see Odic glow which disappears when plates
covered. Also there is odic glow over graves corresponding to their 'freshness'. Author of article notes
that Reichenbach's sensitives were probably schizophrenics-many of whom are sensitive to energy.

1004) 46

Reviews Mark L. Gallert's 'New Light on Therapeutic Energies’, Philadelphia, Foundation for the
Study of Consciousness.

ORAC-like discoveries.

George Starr White invented a device similar to the medical DOR-buster. He experimented with the
effects of metal upon plants and claimed a 'cosmo-electric-energy'.

Raymond Rife's microscope may have visualised the T-Baccilli cancer 'virus' (Rife brought u-v
radiation into visible range).

Charles W. Littlefield looked at mineral salt evaporation and saw a life-force and bion-like creation.

L. E. Eaman's cooperative healing: life force can be conducted from one body area to another using
copper wires.

1020) 66-67

Mesmer's 'bacquet' was a large wooden tub in which bottles fillled with water or iron fillings were
placed. The water had been 'magnetised' or healed. Attached to the bottles were cords which were
held by the persons surrounding the bacquet. Their free hand would be connected to each other.
Thus the bacquet transmitted energy and connected energy at the same time. It has aspects of both
the Medical Dorbuster and the ORAC.

Mesmer's work has the following in common with the orgonomic view -

A universal fluid can be intensifiied and it:

• Fills all space

Penetrates all matter
Can be stored or conducted
Is associated with the nervous system
Mesmer’s bacquet can be charged with the universal fluid
A loss of muscular irritablity (Mesmer) is similar to armouring (Reich)
Health is wholeness.
Both views argue for the unhindered development of children

Also see Burridge's Cone energy (transmission of 'radiant energy' through metal cones).

Lakhovsky's healing of plant tumours using metal (74-75).

See also 'electroculture' which uses some orgone principles.

And see DNA and chromosome as radiation information receivers (George Lakhovsky, French

biophysicist). The coiled, spiral biological structures can send and receive energy somewhere in the
electromagnetic region (74).

1224) 51

Orgone Lamp

Brenner reports on the only other documented case of using the 'orgone lamp' a device invented by

A one fold orgone accumulator contains a 175 watt mercury vapour lamp, a ballast and a cooling fan.
Directed by a reflector the light passes through a dark green sheet of glass.

The device is effective in bringing about a rapid change for the better in a medically on-responsive
case of recurrent cutaneous infections of the nose.

See also JO 22 V1 1988.

1250) 155

Courtney Baker lists 10 ways orgone has been measured;

• Electrical skin potential

Spontaneous charging of rubber gloves near ORACs or bion cultures
Fogging of photgraphic plates in an ORAC
Spontaneous magnetisation in an ORAC of iron instruments
Visual impressions of moving lights which can be magnified using a lens
Charging of the Geiger-Muller counting tubes inside an ORAC
ORAC To-T temperature measurements
Magnetic field ORAC measurements
Electroscopic discharge rates
Charging and illumination within a high vacuum tube.

Reich thought that orgone could not be electrical as the ORAC decreased electroscopic discharge
rates whereas ionisation would be expected to increase the rates.

Baker details an experimental device which converts orgone energy into a measurable electrical
signal which is then registered on a modifed millivoltmeter.

(An orgone energy meter is now available from Demeo's Orgonelab, 2006)


60) 87-94

Interesting case. Orgone psychotherapist used motherly physical 'holding' in casualty department.
This broke through patient’s complete contactlessness (was in a catatonic state). Afterwards ocular
work re-enabled functioning.

33) 144

Orgonomic Psychiatric Treatment

Hair-pulling - very interesting case. Child - very difficult classically. Responded very well to
dissolution of occipital and ocular armouring (even though parents remained punitive).

34) 163

Very powerful effects from release of ocular armouring -blindness, psychosis/relapse, improvement.
Considerable success with children despite poor family background. Even working with burnt out
schizophrenics with success.

35) 170

Orgonomic Psychiatric Treatment

Asthmatic treated medically for years. Responded very well to loosening of chest armour (held
crying) and then to loosening of pelvic armouring.

71) 179

Orgone Therapy-mind and body continue resetting themselves long after therapy finishes.

82) 57

Therapy case study - despite complicated family situation which reinforced armouring very lively baby
manages to de-armour with some help.

84) 83

Psychopathic character-orgone therapy removed his mask revealing his fear of energy movement-a
pelvic shrinking biopathy then saw him off.

110) 40-41

Wolfe quoting Reich.

Reich noted that the unity of psychic and somatic functions was utilised in a practical way through
orgone psychiatric therapy. If character armouring was not accessible in the psychic realm then the
somatic approach could be used and vice versa. Reich noted that psychic causes did not have
somatic effects rather the same energetic process could manifest either in the psychic or somatic

138) 213

Orgone Therapy Case Study - Self harming client - does her cutting her skin relieve energetic
pressure and therefore relieve reduce DOR stasis? Person had anorgonotic attacks (where the
person’s bio-energy suddenly collapses).

146) 97-106

Sharaf emphasizes how Reich always placed equal emphasis on characterological and muscular
work, modern work still tends to be on or other.

149) 13

Case Study - A brutal father’s ego is noted to have literally taken over the patients own ego.

151) 26

The pre-natal uterine environment is considered in psychogenesis, probably for the first time within
orgone therapy.

161) 148

Traditional Analytic Process-

Thought/Memory » Emotion » Consciousness » Change.

Orgone Psychiatric Process-

Muscular Holding » Corresponding Emotion » Integration » Change.

162) 149

The effects of a psychic experience are not determined by psychic content but by the quantity of
energy mobilised, and the quantity of energy used to repress.

163) 153

Orgone Therapy Case Studies

A patient’s fear had become structuralised as a superficial attitude particularly toward women. He
then underwent a very sudden character change to a serious attitude. (In the past his mother would
pretend to offer niceness and then suddenly turn vicious toward him). His newly emerged serious
feelings were the same as his pre-repression feelings from childhood. (He didn’t recognise them as
the same at first because they felt so foreign to him initially, 155).

164) 153

Reich noted that neurotics all have a chronic contraction of the diaphragm.

165) 164

The two aspects of orgone therapy (bio-physical and character) are likened to the two wings of a bird.

168) 158

Orgone Therapy

Patient grasped Reich’s sex economic principles due to his changed character structure.

169) 129

Reich noted in 1925 that the ego was constructed through a series of identifications. He felt there
must be an entity which accomplishes this process . However, Lacan also viewed the ego as built
upon identifications but does not recognise the processing entity as knowable.

170) 159-164

Orgone Therapy Case Study

Levy, N.

Simple but effective case study, showing the balance between character and bio-physical work.

Also interesting as patient used Ocular segment to do the job of pelvic armouring (which was absent).
Also due to her sexual openness it was necessary to work at things mainly from the character side.

213) 205

Medical/Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Diaphragm contracted suddenly at very expansive phase of treatment resulting in temporary hepatitis.
Patient made good recovery and continued to improve.

223) 240

Therapy does not consist of working on muscles and tensions but of working with the expression of

250) 288-233

Interesting orgone therapy case. Illustrates well the mixture of character and energy work. Also the
role of guilt in holding in emotions-a fear of letting the more primary anger out.

271) 30

Orgone Therapy Case Study

Interesting case. Obese masochist (diagnosed as an Oral Repressed Hysteric). She had a
hospitilisation after mononucleosis complicated by hepatitis. She had a complete anorgonotic
shutdown after partial release of armouring (anorgonia is where the orgone energy of the body
‘collapses’ often due to shock). Interesting especially as patient used mental imagery of bodily
movement to help break the paralysis. She recovered completely with further orgone therapy.

Very vigorous genital strivings meeting equally vigorous blocking caused the anorgonia.

272) 31

Seven stages of orgone therapy:

 Armour loosening
 Sensations
 Armour break
 Clonisms
 Falling anxiety
 Plasma excitation
 Orgastic genital sensations.

286) 33

Cells use 'illumination' as a means of discharging energy when other discharge unavailable (can
result in hepatitis).

294) 155-163

Orgone Therapy Case Study

Konia, C.

Psychotic episode averted by expressing rage and mobilising the segment.

339) 250

The onset of severe illness during orgone psychiatric treatment seems to have a relationship with the
abortion wishes/severe clamping down of their own mothers whilst they were in utero argues author.

358) 43

Orgastic streamings are more important to produce than emotional release. Release without
streaming sensations in the body can precipitate psychotic episodes or other breakdown.

359) 43

With asthma the patient should forcibly exhale and then quickly inhale to break through being stuck in
the vagotonic phase. The sound 'ahh' helps to open the throat and 'haah' opens the jaw area.

360) 79

Reich discussed the problem of incest quite often with the orgonomists but could find no explanation
for the universality of the incest taboo orgonomically.

376) 29

Dr Hardoy and Dr Tallafaro - Argentina.

Latter gave lectures to Argentinian Psychoanalytic Association (circa 1947). Both extensively used
ORACs. Tallafaro treated some neurotics with the ORAC alone - expansiveness of orgone can
reverse neurotic contraction. Reich had noted similar things.

442) 72

Orgone therapy-a magical thinker became delusional after a number of sessions when his ocular
segment contracted. Finally the emotion locked in his eyes broke through and his ocular segment
expanded permanently.

455) 176 (184)

Orgone Therapy and Repetitive behaviours

Very interesting case illustrating how people repeat their early experiences, but this time from an
orgonomic perspective-the patient is unusual-a very high energy depressive. He had a 'doormat'
mother and an aggressive father. He ruthlessly suppressed his own energy field to survive. He chose
two wives who treated him badly (taking on the role of his mother) but who also 'dampened' his
energy field (the second very literally). Orgone therapy enables him to completely turn around his life.

503) 75

Lance notes that without the concept of genitality and/or orgone the post-Reich theories cannot be
true to Reich’s work. Also, genital health is only a central goal in orgone psychiatric herapy.

Orgone therapy itself does not offer easy solutions and is not dramatic. It takes courage to face the
‘terror of the living’ as Reich called it.

546) 191

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy & Children.

Crist is seeing a ‘problem child’ in orgone psychiatric therapy. Crist asks the child what he does with
his ‘mad feelings’. The child says how he eats the feelings up, swallowing them down, before vomiting

them out.

Crist proceeded from this point to talk more directly about the child’s bed wetting problem and how it
tied in with anger (toward his mother).

567) 203

Orgone Psychiatric Treatment and Somatic Manifestations

Harman, R.

Harman treated an anorexic. During treatment she developed a depth to her character which was
missing previously. During treatment finger marks mysteriously appeared on her neck. This reflected
a past experience, a somatised memory.

578) 34

Orgone Treatment

Interesting study of an impulsive or schizophrenic character who somatically and verbally becomes
her own mother when talking to a friend. There is a positive resolution due to previous orgone
therapeutic work.

635) 287

Directions of orgone treatment;

Within Each segment: dorsum-ventral
Part-Total functions

636) 58


Koopman, B.

Very good case history. 2.5 yr old traumatised child with small amount brain damage and severe
developmental difficulties (isolating, speech and behaviour problems). Done extremely well in short
space of time, facilitated starting speech therapy. Orgonomic mobilisation of his jaw-and release of
the rage he was holding there started a blossoming process that gave good results very quickly
despite neurological deficits.

641) 60-67

An ocular block-beautiful description of the return of stereoscopic vision in patients own words.

653) 159-171

Orgone Therapy

Koopman, B.

Interesting case history of a chronic depressive, a doctor raised in a tough neighbourhood with a
loving but absent father and an overprotective, domineering mother. Over a course of 10 years he

reached and solidified 'genitality' in orgonomic terms. A powerful narrative.

654) 171

In analytic terms the armour is the super-ego.

656) 181

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Konia, C.

Vivid memories of the hateful face of her mother plus memories of her own birth emerging as pelvic
armour is dissolved (and of her mother's resentment towards her).

Same patient describes the terrible 'loss of life' and aloneness of her childhood, which appeared to be
aimed at removing all feelings from life.

658) 261

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

A patient describes the intensity of orgone therapy, which brought back memories of being a baby.
The patient had cried for days, a pleading witth his father to make contact.

669) 89

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Spastic dysponia-very difficult to treat by ordinary methods. Case history stongly illustrates the
strength of orgone treatment due to its combined somatic-psychic content.

680) 239-250

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Konia, C.

Good case history illustrating achievement of genitality in a passive character.

Patient described energy flying through his genitals. Capacity to discharge energy through genitals
took a huge step forward. Pelvic mobilisation brought diabetes to surface, epididymus also happened
briefly. A rage against his entire structure emerged before a final breakthrough.

683) 252

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Chavis, H.

Orgonomic first aid in hospital for anorexic. Patient was unable to swallow, mouth would only open
1cm. Dissipating the rage allowed eating to take place. All other interventions

685) 257

The problem of whether to focus on present or past events doesn't arise in orgone therapy.
Behavourism is completely present focused and psychoanalysis is often past orientated. Life is
affected by chronic attitudes not a single series of events argues Konia.

The past is alive as ones functioning make-up/character armour.

693) 45-55

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Case History

Koopman, B.

In stubborn or submissive type characters defence can be an intellectualised process. In this

particular case fear of expansion and closeness underlaid all his defences.

694) 58

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Case History, Children’s Treatment

Osborn, M.

First paper-Author's impression was that the tendency of the child to withdraw was actually inherited
from the mother during pregnancy-58. Child was likened to a sad little robot enclosed in a shell of iron
- 61.

Second paper-orgone therapy of a child with elective mutism-usually very hard to treat. Orgone
treatment was successful. Strabisms also improved. Anal symptoms masked a primary ocular block.

697) 52

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Case History

Koopman, B.

Imaginative description of defence processes.

The patient was the unwitting creator of his own trap. Patient uses an ingenious and powerful array of
defence devices from guilt to projection to denial, confusion and forgetting. Patient yearned for
contact yet feared it greatly - his greatest fear underneath all the defences was of expansion. Article
describes the battles with the DOR layers.

698) 54

Lengthy discussion of guilt from an orgonomic viewpoint. Self destructive immolation can arise from
the biological stuckness of the DOR realm. This DOR has a massive hunger for healthy orgone in its
quest to become OR again. So the 'need' for punishment can be seen as the 'stuckness' of DOR, the
actual 'desire' is not for punishment but to escape the DOR condition.

713) 207-212

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Sands, J.

Interesting case history of a young adolescent in orgone therapy. Seriously disturbed 13 yr old with
moderate learning difficulties, distorted body image, lack of confidence, increasingly violent behaviour.
Diagnosed with ADHD and learning difficulties, some abnormal EEG patterns when asleep. ADHD
type drugs do not help. The main intervention appeared to be simply establishing ocular contact. Not
possible to establish a full diagnosis as orgone diagnosis not based on behaviour but character

attitudes. Patient had ocular type patterns, possibly a phallic type ocular pattern such as paranoid
schizophrenic. He makes substantial improvements in 16 sessions.

754) 89

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Very good case history. Obesity in phallic character. Illustrates well the layering processes in
character work. Her weight shielded her from memories, in her body, ofsexual abuse. The patient
physically reshaped herself in response to biophysical changes.

1028) 51-53

Orgone Psychotherapy

Dr Braid, Et Al, Discussion

Psychiatrist reinterprets all a patients perceptions which in turn increases her eye block, she became
more depressed and finally psychotic. Physical work upon her ocular segment grounds her
successfully within three weeks. She was diagnosed catatonic schizophrenic but work on an ocular
block and shallow breathing had powerful effects in normalising her. Medication is described as an
'external armouring' (schizophrenics lack sufficient body armour).

1036b) 18

Symptoms are not the most reliable index of emotional sickness.

Orgonomy deals with 'how' the patient became sick, psychiatry tends to 'what' the sickness is and
psychotherapy examines the 'history'. Only orgonomy has a workable definition of health.

1063) 37

Good case history illustrating the medical effects of an orgone therapy case; chronic hypertension and
weight gain yielded dramatically to ocular and chest unarmouring.

1072) 24

Good example of a somatised memory being brought back into consciousness by orgone therapy
(sucking thumb brought back awareness of her dependent character.

1075) 30

Discussion between orgone therapists

It was noted that therapeutic effectiveness is not defined by theoretical orientation. Some people are
exceptionally good therapists for a reason hard to define. Another orgone therapist notes that it is
about energetic contact and talks of the similarities with faith healers and native Indian healing. Reich
talked of the interactions of energy fields between therapist and client.

365) 222/229

Fat and armouring - can be reflection of an inability to bind energy through neurosis. Can be an
armour substitute developing during treatment.

Overeating to physically compress vegetative centres, thereby reducing anxiety - Footnote page 230.

Sexual moralising from early childhood - oral segment damage can be displaced onto food
consumption - 241

Obesity can be a way of immobilising energy - 219.

Neurotic and somatic symptoms can suddenly swap during orgone treatment - 229.

713) 207-212

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Interesting case history of a young adolescent in orgone therapy. Seriously disturbed 13 yr old with
moderate learning difficulties, distorted body image, lack of confidence, increasing violent behaviour.
Diagnosed with ADHD and learning difficulties, some abnormal EEG patterns when asleep. ADHD
type drugs do not help. The main intervention appeared to be simply establishing ocular contact. Not
possible to establish a full diagnosis as orgone diagnosis not based on behaviour but character
attitudes. Patient had ocular type patterns, possibly a phallic type ocular pattern such as paranoid
schizophrenic. He makes substantial improvements in 16 sessions.

714) 181

Peptic ulcers and gallstones can be sequlae of orgone treatment (can occur as a reaction to the
treatment - usually with subsequent resolution).

721) 34

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Case Study

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder-facial picking. Mainly biophysical treatment was given. Person
showed large improvements after just 15 treatments.

Person was continually attacked in childhood by physically and emotionally abusive parents. She had
had an 'intellectualised' analysis previously wherein she felt subtly criticised for not being 'appropriate'
when she expressed anger.

724) 45

Although Freud discovered the defensive function of the psyche it was Reich who showed its full
clinical significance and implications.

725) 57-68

Baker talks of adolescent psychiatry-where intellectual insight can be experienced but without any
change in patient.

733) 58

Use of DOR-Buster medically - eyes cleared up, head clearer, sensations more easily felt. Patient
was a schitzophrenic character type, a 26 year old man.

739) 214

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy


Case history of a three year with behavioural problems and a schizophrenic tendency orgonomically.
Child had a very repressed mother. Child made enough progress to enter a normal stream at school
and was able to cope with the terror and contactlessness of early childhood.

764) 32

Orgone Psychiatric Therapy

Biophysical integration is one of its goals.

Drugs and traditional analysis can dampen anxiety. Orgone therapy often heightens it in the short

768) 72

Self injury, repititions, compulsive behaviour and automatons can be seen as an attempt to remobilise
an orgonotically deadened area.

720) 24-29

Orgone therapy. Very good case history to show the many different practical methods that can be
employed following the central thread of de-armouring.

Case centred on grief and mourning. Grief was somatically anchored in facial pain. Good rapport
broke through the deadlock and the somatic work supported by visual work revealed a deep fear as
well as longing for contact.

It was found that even rage can act as defence against a deeper pain-24.

An insider's veiled criticism is that orgone tx can concentrate more on hidden rage than hidden
grief/sadness/pain and that it was not until she contacted her own depths of sadness through a
bereavement that she was able to get through the patient's contactlessness-29.

498) 35

Reich came to believe that the Cloudbuster might be answer to mass therapy as DOR tends to
produce and increase armouring-Baker recounting a doctors meeting with Reich where he discussed
social psychiatry. Reich also stressed the need to learn how to bring up healthy children by allowing
them to satisfy their instinctual needs..

1065) 28-29

Two orgone therapy stories.

One lady was stuck in a hate-dependency relationship and had stored the anger in her
shoulder-girdle. When this was released she was frightened she might murder her husband (who was
supportive of the treatment).

She had good ego control. She phoned the therapist in the middle of the night to say she had cut her
husbands wrist. The therapist spoke to the husband who was laughing - she had given him a tiny
symbolic cut. Their relationship improved a lot.

Second case. A life-long submissive male ranted and raged for the first time ever on the therapy
couch. The experience of being able to express his anger felt so good he went and deliberately
picked a fight on the subway afterwards.

The patient floored the guy he had been winding up to a fight with two punches. He then apologised
and offered him a couple of punches on himself to get even. The person refused. This patient's
behaviour is unusual. Being able to express anger therapeutically usually leads to less violence and
more control at home.

1071) 22

Homeopathy and Orgone Therapy.

Fuckert finds that difficult or complicated therapeutic cases are helped by using the two therapies in
conjunction. A powerful case history is presented where the combined therapies helped the patient
uncover and deal with very traumatic incidents from childhood (sexual abuse).

Author relates how her own recurrent kidney infection were not dealt with by orgone therapy alone
and that it went into a remission with homeopathy.

Author notes that both methods are functional, restore pulsation and work through layers from present
to past and top of the body to lower of the body.

Homeopathy and orgone therapy may work in synergy. Author feels that it shortens the length of time
needed in orgone therapy.


4) 6

Functional Antagnostic Duality. A) Pleasure strivings of ID B) Organised by ego C) Superego

contains and defends against this expression.

7) 10

Freud stated that the question as to what exactly anxiety is composed of, is now of less interest.

This comment of Freud marked the psychologisation of Freud's theory. Anxiety was now merely a
'signal' of the ego at the threat of danger. (Previously anxiety could have been considered the
emotional aspect of a physical energy - this was Reich’s view).

9) Footnote, 12


Freud finally cuts off analysis from a physical basis with the following idea: Anxiety may create
physical damage in the body but the notion that libido is transformed directly into anxiety will not now
be maintained.

In other words, the article notes, Freud separates anxiety and libido - but no rationale is presented.

It means that one can both be very anxious and sexually happy - two things that Reich noted are
clinically at odds with each other.

162) 149

The effects of a psychic experience are not determined by psychic content but by the quantity of
energy mobilised, and the quantity of energy used to repress.

215) 253

Children's Rights: Toward the Liberation of the Child, Adams et al, Praeger, 1971.

Harsh review from JO. Various 'freedom peddling' type ideas, championing freedom but taking no
account of mass character structure or biological foundations.

269) 14

Prior to Reich's Orgasm theory Freud's psychology was just a mental structure lacking a biological

509) 145

Reich criticised Freud’s idea of ‘somatic compliance’ as non-scientific and hypothetical. For
example blushing could be unconscious sexual energies that become somatised in Freud’s view.
However this is a hypothetical statement. Reich would argue that it is the physical somatic energy
that is being diverted from serving sexual functions to irradiating the skin.

513) 143

Reich discuses Freud’s drive theory:

Reich states Neurosis is just a conflict between the plasma’s needs (sex drive, pleasure principle, id)
and a restricting environment (morality, reality principle, superego).

Also Reich sees Freud’s drive psychology as being close to biology. Also he views its basic concepts

of neurosis as linking the theory to the physiology of the neurosis.

Reich traces the source of a symptom to biological, libidinal energy, which is constantly charging up.


108) 7

Reich compares the study of the development of the ego to the study of embryology.

231) 42

To Freud 'psychic energy' was a metaphor.

291) 117

Freud introduced genetic and causal thinking into psychology-Reich.

Two lines drawn by psychology are fuzzy-one against biology the other against sociology.

309) 106

A baby is born as bio-energy system-there is no ego, super ego or unconscious. it can experience
pleasure, anxiety and rage. It reaches out and contracts-basic law of living matter not psychology.

571) 271

The goals of therapy are often based on the formulation of the psyche/soma relationship (Konia). In
analysis, which takes a more metaphysical approach, for example with anxiety, a psychoanalyst might
expose the terrors as empty, show how anxiety is no longer 'needed' as a 'danger signal'. 'The
biophysical reality of emotion is completely ignored.

574) 27

Very good description of the very difficult borderline psychopathic/neurotic patients Reich first studied
- Impulsives. (Now known as borderline personality disordered).

These patients had a split off super-ego, and came from violent, over-sexualised backgrounds. Their
upbringing was both licentious and very repressive at the same time.

580) 52

Health. Psychology. Psychiatry.

Reich believed there is not a direct approach to health merely from the study of sickness.

621) 126

Reich’s 3 contributions to psychiatry (and medicine)

1) Identifying a biological energy

2) Discovery of the armour that impedes this energy’s flow.
3) Orgasm function that regulates this flow.

1017) 11

Freud based many principles on drive reduction. The pleasure principle works to reduce a negative -
the irritation of tension. Pleasure reduces tension. Freud acknowledged the flaws in this scheme but
never abandoned the central idea. Such a notion places repression as a necessary process (to
control the unrestrained release of tension).

Reich moved in the opposite direction. He described the primary seeking nature and curiosity of
life-forms. Reich didn't however form a systematic theory of motivation, the author notes.

1019) 34

Orgastic longing plays a gigantic role in the life of animals.

Bioenergetic intensity and longing (rather than psychological concepts based on drive reduction and
sublimation) provide a much simpler explanation of creativity.

1036b) 18

Symptoms are not the most reliable index of emotional sickness.

Orgonomy deals with 'how' the patient became sick, psychiatry tends to 'what' the sickness is and
psychotherapy examines the 'history'. Only orgonomy has a workable definition of health.

61) 87-94

Energy=CFP. Ego Psychology=Quality. Orgone Physical Therapy=Quantity.

150) 23

Case Study - Very modest goals because of the fragility of the patient's ego and their history.

154) 32

Level of ego integration crucial to determining progress of orgone therapy - objects relation and ego
dynamic theory are important to orgone therapy. Could also be called the level of ‘core contact’ in
orgone therapy.

169) 129

Reich noted in 1925 that the ego was constructed through a series of identifications. He felt there
must be an entity which accomplishes this process . However, Lacan also viewed the ego as built
upon identifications but does not recognise the processing entity as knowable.

235) 35

Fourth stage of Development-Reich's work may need the postulation of a fourth ego developmental
stage-OCULAR/oral/anal/genital. (Baker).

254) 268

Dr Baker - his contributions include the elucidation of the ‘repressed’ and ‘unsatisfied’
classifications of Freud’s ego developmental schema. Also the adding of an ocular stage preceding
the oral stage (Sharaf sees this as an ocular-oral stage, 269).

372) 270

Psychiatry has moved toward a 'symptom' based nomenclature-the exact opposite of Reich's work
which sees symptoms as the surface of character.

623) 64-65

Reich’s view of the cancer cell is fundamentally divergent from the mainstream. Generally the cancer
cell is seen simply as an ‘aberrant’ type of normal cell. Reich’s view is that it is a fundamentally
different type of cell from the normal with a completely different genesis (i.e. bionous breakdown and
subsequent reorganisation at a lower level).

All biopathies (Reich’s term for a holistic disease pattern), but most especially cancer, show the

• Disturbance of respiration
Chronic sympatheticotonia (chronic contraction and spasticity of tissues)
Chronic and severe orgastic and sexual impotence.

603) Ego psychology

Orgonomy has much to offer ego psychology. It has elucidated a 4th stage of ego development-the
vision stage of psycho-sexual development which is believed precedes the oral stage. Plus also
elucidating whether blockages in each stage of development are 'repressed' or 'unsatisfied' in nature.
Baker elucidated the fourth stage.

195-footnote 8

Classical analysis doesn't distinguish the dependency of the oral stage from the prior orientation and
reaching out of the ocular stage. It thus loses contact with the child's development process.

103) 214

Areas of good and poor functioning and 'object relations' are integral parts of orgonomic tx. (Reich’s
stance had object relations aspects from the 1920s, where he stressed the relatedness of the

154) 32

Level of ego integration crucial to determining progress of orgone therapy - objects relation and ego
dynamic theory are important to orgone therapy. Could also be called the level of ‘core contact’ in
orgone therapy.

534) 7

Precursor to Objects Relations theory

R noted the paradox that a child identifies with its frustrating parent because it cannot love her/him.
Frustrated love causes the incorporation. Hate can arise from this frustration.

Is this an orgonomic precursor to objects relations theory (R originally published the full monograph in

362) 85

The unconscious as an artefact of somatic armouring. This is because the repressive process is not a
primarily a psychic function.

485) 80

Reich saw the unconscious as an artefact arising due to the suppression of primary impulses in the
newborn infant.

446) 145

Reich elucidated the concept of social psychiatry in 'People in Trouble' and 'The Murder of Christ'.

486) 74-82

Freud, Little Hans, Oedipal complex, Phobia.

Freud's 1909 study, 'Analysis of a Phobia in a Five year Old Boy' illustrates Freud's character and
assumptions. Freud appears unable to contact the boy on anything other than a mental level.

Hans is a very sexual, genital character. His parents find his sexual activities intolerable and seek
Freud to treat him for a phobia of horses. This phobia only develops when his genital play is blocked
and castration threats are made by father and mother. Hans weak ego displaces his anxiety and
undischarged forbidden impulses onto a symbol, the horse.

After Hans sexual play with playmates his own age on vacation is discovered, and ended, Hans
displaces this energy and love toward his mother. Freud takes this as evidence of the universality of
the Oedipal complex. Actually the opposite is true - Hans only looks to his mother when play with
peers is forbidden or unavailable - 76.

Freud's made the revolutionary step of recognising infant sexuality. However his approach with Hans
was to strengthen the ego at the expense of flexibility. The ego becomes strong but sex-negative. It
can now absorb anxiety into rigid character defences and pathological traits. Energy is drawn from the
symptom to the character.

Orgonomy's approach to phobia would be to remove the energetic source by re-establishing the
capacity for sexual gratification.

Hans, totally unable to express himself and feeling trapped, regresses to an anal level. He also
resorts to violence and becomes constipated. He hits and beats his father and slashes open a dolly's
belly. Freud and Hans's father overlook the rage and psychologically speculate how the behaviour is
expressing the boy's curiosity about childbirth.

Freud analyses the boy's anal regression in great detail, but misses the most essential point - that it is
a regression from an earlier genitally active level. In other words, the anal regression was a reaction
against the sexual prohibition. Freud also analyses the incident with the dolly in purely mental terms
losing contact with the boy's rage and feelings.

The author of the article, Deppen, argues that castration anxiety, the oedipal complex, and other
psychic disturbances are the effects of, not the cause of, disturbed sexual functioning - 79.

157) 74

Oedipus myth and the danger of truth-parallel with Reich’s views-truth could break down someone
defences that are keeping them alive, or unleash the middle layer?

1097) 50

The parent who either forbids or directs the child's budding sexuality disables the child’s ability to self
regulate and places themselves as the object of sexual interest-this is the origin of Oedipal complex

Also note that Reich thought Oedipal complex arose out of necessity because the normal avenues for
expression of the child’s sexuality (i.e. peer exploration) were blocked by the parent.

506) 111

The schizophrenic does not go ‘back to the womb’ or become ‘fixated in early childhood’ reactions,
(Reich’s unattributed quote to psychoanalysis). Rather, the person maintains a split that started at that
time. It is not a regression to the past - but a present day traumatised structure that maintains the

555) 197

Psychiatric diagnosis is much less clear in conventional psychiatry than in orgone psychiatric therapy.
The former is a psycho-dynamic assessment that may or may not lead to a clear-cut treatment. In
orgone therapy a clear impression of character and armour patterns leads logically to a treatment


40) 187

Sharaf, in his review, notes that Thompson talks of the inception of Character Analysis as an
important step. However Thompson omits to mention the goal of Character Analysis - the freeing of
the flow of life energy. Reich’s methods were incorporated into mainstream analysis but devoid of the
goal to which the methods were aimed.

107a) 6-7

Reich acknowledges that Freud, Ferenczi, Rank, Abraham and Jones laid some groundwork for
Character Analysis but that a systematic theory of character was entirely missing prior to his work.

139) 230

Orgone therapy - Orson Bean talks of the onset of deeply meaningful dreams - emotional depths not
reached by 10 years of conventional psychotherapy.

161) 148

Traditional Analytic Process-

Thought/Memory » Emotion » Consciousness » Change.

Orgone Psychiatric Process-

Muscular Holding » Corresponding Emotion » Integration » Change.

346) 188

Baker - on the birth of character analysis.

Bakers describes how Reich’s technique was more active than Freudian psychoanalysis. He
prioritised dealing with negative transference and described the attitudes and expressions of the
patient rather than engage in analytic free association. His techniques produced stronger emotional
responses and gave quicker results. He dealt with character defences rather than symptoms alone.

This was the biggest step forward in analysis's development at this stage (1920's). The Freudian goal
at this time was merely to make the unconscious conscious-with no evidence that this would effect an
improvement. Reich's work lent a structure to analysis and also defined health - see 361).

478) 6-23

R contends in this early monograph that 'actual neurosis' is the core of psychoneurosis - the ideation
can be entirely psychically defined but its driving power comes from the actual neuroti energetic core.

514) 141

Psychotherapy may work at the level of effect rather than cause. Reich argues that it extrapolates
latent meaning and goals from the relationship between a symptom and subjective experience. A
symptom may not disappear when it’s meaning and purpose become conscious. Only when the
symptom’s energy source is removed can a therapy be said to get at the cause of the illness.

571) 271

The goals of tx are often based on the formulation of the psyche/soma relationship (Konia). In
analysis, which takes a more metaphysical approach, for example with anxiety, a psychoanalyst might
expose the terrors as empty, show how anxiety is no longer 'needed' as a 'danger signal'. 'The
biophysical reality of emotion is completely ignored.

574) 27

Very good description of the very difficult borderline psychopathic/neurotic patients Reich first studied
- Impulsives. (Now known as borderline personality disordered).

These patients had a split off super-ego, and came from violent, over-sexualised backgrounds. Their
upbringing was both licentious and very repressive at the same time.

580) 52

Health. Psychology. Psychiatry.

No approach to health from the study of sickness.

609) 242

It is the schizophrenics inability to make prolonged contact that stops a 'transference' taking place
thus rendering traditional analysis difficult.

629) 247

Baker felt the drive to get well was the most important prognostic factor.

649) 141

Reich's special contribution (to development of analysis) is his delineation of the libido energy as real.

657a) 253

Major criticism of traditional psychoanalysis - the random analysis of impulses and defences can lead
to intellectual stagnation. Whereas knowledge of armouring can lead to a structured unfolding

759) 126

Analysis can function in the service of neurosis and people can become lost in the 'dark labyrinth of
analytic theory' since the sexual aetiology of neurosis and the function of the orgasm were rejected.

1007) 5*

Reich's early positions in analysis:-

First Clinical Assistant at Freud's Psychoanalytic Polyclinic in Vienna from 1922-1928

Vice-director of Polyclinic from 1928-1930

Leader of the Seminar for Psychoanalytic Therapy from 1924 to 1930

Teacher at the Psychoanalytic Institute in Vienna from 1924 to 1930.

1028) 51-53

Orgone Psychotherapy

Dr Braid, Et Al, Discussion

Psychiatrist reinterprets all a patients perceptions which in turn increases her eye block, she became
more depressed and finally psychotic. Physical work upon her ocular segment grounds her
successfully within three weeks. She was diagnosed catatonic schizophrenic but work on an ocular

block and shallow breathing had powerful effects in normalising her. Medication is described as an
'external armouring' (schizophrenics lack sufficient body armour).

1036b) 18

Symptoms are not the most reliable index of emotional sickness.

Orgonomy deals with 'how' the patient became sick, psychiatry tends to 'what' the sickness is and
psychotherapy examines the 'history'. Only orgonomy has a workable definition of health.

1101) 11

Freud's famous Civilisation and its Discontents Reich claims was written in response to a paper he
gave to Freud's private inner circle titled 'The Prophylaxis of the Neuroses'.

107) 252-253

Reich noted some personal factors affecting Freud.

He was destroyed by the very organisation he founded, Reich believed. Freud’s organisation
withdrew from sexuality and especially Reich’s org m formula. Psychoanalysis was effectively
destroyed. Reich predicted that psychoanalysis would become little more than idle chatter at dinner
parties. Reich believed Freud became terribly resigned and had a marriage to a woman he neither
loved or was attracted to.

235) 35

Fourth stage of Development-Reich's work may need the postulation of a fourth ego developmental
stage-OCULAR/oral/anal/genital. (Baker).

603) Ego psychology

Orgonomy has much to offer ego psychology. It has elucidated a 4th stage of ego development-the
vision stage of psycho-sexual development which is believed precedes the oral stage. Plus also
elucidating whether blockages in each stage of development are 'repressed' or 'unsatisfied' in nature.
Baker elucidated the fourth stage.

195-footnote 8

Classical analysis doesn't distinguish the dependency of the oral stage from the prior orientation and
reaching out of the ocular stage. It thus loses contact with the child's development process.

331) 150

Orgone therapy articles make it into more mainstream journals:-

Konia, C. (1975) Orgone Therapy: A Case Presentation, Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and
Practice, Vol 12 (2).

Nelson, A. (1976) Orgone, (Reichian) Therapy in Tension Headache, American Journal of

Psychotherapy, Vol 30 (1).

395) 98-110

Neo-Reich Body Therapies

Lowen’s Bio-energetics, Perl’s Gestalt therapy and Janov’s Primal therapy all based strongly on
Reich’s work. All lack careful working through of character structure. Orgastic potency is only a goal
in traditional orgone therapy notes Herskowitz.

Lowen claimed he worked on character whilst Reich worked only on orgasm. Herskowitz states
Lowen grossly misdiagnosed his character types. Some of the patients used as prototypes were
known to Herskowitz through an associate - Lowen’s masochist was really a chronic depressive, his
oral character a hysteric with an eye block and another oral character a typical manic depressive -

Bioenergeticists had scant training in the early days - only a few days - 106.

Reich told Lowen not to treat psychotic patients (due to Lowen's character structure) - 106.

Primal therapy EEGs (ElectroEnchaphaloGrams) resemble those of lobotomised patients. Janov

was impressed by their calmness.

Rolfing - Often there is an inappropriate/uncontrolled release of armouring. One Rolfed patient was
flooded with energy after removal of armouring but couldn’t cope with increased energy and clamped
down heavily with re-armouring - 102.

Rolfing - views misalignment (armouring) as ‘losing’ energy rather than binding it - 103.

Neo-reichian therapy - Sick ex-patient of Orgone Psychiatric Therapist, Tropp, (attended two years
only) decides to set up his own modified therapy to include using vibrator to massage armoured
segments. Therapy is voyeuristic and takes sexual advantage of patients. This didn’t stop the Journal
of the American Academy of Psychotherapists from publishing a paper on it.

My Note - Could this be a way of denigrating Reich’s work by publishing work of those who would
abuse it for their own ends? No reference available for name of author or exact date of publishing -

395a) 81

Reich’s early psychoanalytical experience-

University of Vienna Neuropsychoanalytical Clinic (many psychotic patients).

Freud’s Polyclinic (poor patients, often compulsives)
Leader of Techniical Seminar in Vienna (established in 1922, Reich was leader from 1924-1930 when
he moved to Berlin)
Private Practice.

127) 133

Reich noted that psychotherapist doctors often lack unity in their work. Reich would let each session
focus on one problem he didn’t worry about exact time lengths for sessions. Lacan adopted a similar
approach in this regard.

169) 129

Reich noted in 1925 that the ego was constructed through a series of identifications. He felt there
must be an entity which accomplishes this process . However, Lacan also viewed the ego as built
upon identifications but does not recognise the processing entity as knowable.

397) 94

Anna Freud, Erikson, Kaufman, English, Murray, Briehl, Ferenczi all strongly influenced by R during
their time within the Technical Seminar held in Vienna in the 1920’s.

398) 95

Anna Freud-her work was greatly influenced by R. Ego psychology, the dominant thread in
psychotherapy owes much to R’s early influence, A Freud’s, The Ego and the Mechanisms of

Defence (1937) owes much to Reich’s concepts particularly the following:-

• To proceed from the most superficial layer first

To examine behaviour
To penetrate to the unconscious slowly
To proceed to the negative transference even when it is masked by a more superficial positive
To concentrate on the analysis of the resistance.
Form of resistance rather than content is important.

All the above are now integral aspects of modern analysis.

399) 95

Theodore Reik-one of the few lengthy criticisms of Reich’s work from the psychoanalytical field.
Reik’s writing is poetic though he tends to repeat himself. His main arguments can be summarised

Reich’s technique is too ‘schematic’ and prescriptive.

Reich’s step by step approach interferes with free play of analyst’s intuition.
The analytic ‘art’ can not be confined by such rules as ‘no interpretation of content without first
interpreting the resistance’.

Other criticisms from the older analysts were that Reich was giving nothing new-Freud had already
distilled the principle for analysing resistances. Reich replied that the principle was not new but the
consistent application of it was very rare.

Two other common criticisms are that it is not guided by the patient and too much emphasis on
negative transference.

1012) 54

Anna Freud uses Reichian terminology when describing methods of ego defence which can enter, "a
state of petrification when we analyse the permanent 'armour-plating of character' ".

Freud, A. (1946) The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defence, NY, International Universities Press: 36.

1013) 58

H. E. Sullivan's muscular tension theory appears to have borrowed from Reich's armour theory.
Sullivan describes how the skeletal muscles take on tension and attempt to discharge in reaction to
pain in infancy. Although tension is not the same as anxiety in Sullivan's theory it is necessary for it's
experience. However, it is still a simplified version of Reich's armour theory. Reich’s theory takes an
energetic perspective and looks at how the blocked energetic excitation splits up to form both the
suppressing block and the original energy striving for expression. Reich defined anxiety as the
"sensation of constriction, of a stasis." Character Analysis, Nonnday Press, NY, 1963: 213.

From P. Mullahy (1948) Oedipus Myth and Complex, Hermitage Press, NY.

407) 86

Abraham's very early work on character was not systematic nor did it present a method. Abraham
thought only certain patient's presented 'pathological deformities' of character. If a patient could free
associate without major blocking character was not then an issue.

39) 182

Missapropriation of Reich’s idea as originating from Fromm started as early as 1952 in a textbook.
See also review of Fromm in Orgone Energy Bulletin V1 N4. Difference from Reich’s theories is in

their lack of sharpness and the lack of a sexual and bio-energetic basis. Reich also shows how
society creates these structures and passes them on by killing sexuality in the young.

1099) 14-15

Reich's early 1930's ideas to integrate Marx and Freud were intellectually attractive to persons such
as Erich Fromm, Siegfried Bernfeld and Otto Fenichel. Who were participants in Reich's study groups.

Also note that as director of Seminar for Psychotherapy R must have profoundly influenced Anna F
and Erikson also (11).

513) 143

Reich discuses Freud’s drive theory:

Reich states Neurosis is just a conflict between the plasma’s needs (sex drive, pleasure principle, id)
and a restricting environment (morality, reality principle, superego).

Also Reich sees Freud’s drive psychology as being close to biology. Also he views its basic concepts
of neurosis as linking the theory to the physiology of the neurosis.

Reich traces the source of a symptom to biological, libidinal energy, which is constantly charging up.

533) 6

The drives depend on libidinal energy Reich notes in an early writing. Reich gives as an example the
phlegmatic disposition of castrated eunochs.

522) 132

Reich discusses Karen Horney and processes of identification in women.

545) 199

Reich’s criterion for functional health (bio-energetic pulsation) is much deeper and sharper than the
analytical one (societal normality/ability to function adequately).

564) 238


The Repression of Psychoanalysis, Jacoby, R. (1983) NY, Basic Books.

Examination of second generation of analysts and their role in the 'ultimate suppression of
psychoanalysis as a force to effect social change'.

Jacoby is generally accurate in his historical details and sympathetic to Reich's contributions.
Concentrates on Fenichel and others but reviews Reich's influence on him and other prominant
psychoanalysts. Fenichel battled to preserve classical analysis from a sublimation which eroded its
social and sexual roles in the US. He believed Reich went too far toward a biological sexual
reductionism. Jacoby notes the radical beginnings of Edith Jacobson and Annie Reich. Jacoby calls
Reich's scientific work 'mystical'. Fenichel rejected the bioelectrical work of Reich and urged the
Marxist analysts to 'silently reject' it although supporting Reich at other times.

566) 273

Reich thought Freud's death instinct was the result of erroneously giving a biological significance to
psychic manifestations of the masochistic character.

648) 194 FN

R. D. Laing noted that Reich's discoveries on the social influences upon the sympathetic,
parasympathetic, and central nervous system are testable, but are never tested. Reich understood
the mess we are in yet in a hundred Medical journals there is not one mention of him.

Why is Reich never mentioned?

1013) 58

H. E. Sullivan's muscular tension theory appears to have borrowed from Reich's armour theory.
Sullivan describes how the skeletal muscles take on tension and attempt to discharge in reaction to
pain in infancy. Although tension is not the same as anxiety in Sullivan's theory it is necessary for it's
experience. However, it is still a simplified version of Reich's armour theory. Reich’s theory takes an
energetic perspective and looks at how the blocked energetic excitation splits up to form both the
suppressing block and the original energy striving for expression. Reich defined anxiety as the
"sensation of constriction, of a stasis." Character Analysis, Nonnday Press, NY, 1963: 213.

From P. Mullahy (1948) Oedipus Myth and Complex, Hermitage Press, NY.

1015) 61

Reich had a concept of the primacy of orgastic discharge as he believed all neurosis was rooted
finally in a stasis of biosexual energy and that all neurotics were orgastically impotent.

Fenichel also noted that impotence and frigidity are chief characteristics of neurosis and that, 'Sexual
inhibitions constitute the most frequent symptoms occurring in every type of neurosis.' O. Fenichel
(1945) The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis, NY, W. W. Norton & Co: 169.

However, Fenichel didn't note the function of the orgasm, its relationship to armouring and energy
flow or the difference between orgastic and mechanical impotence.

Fenichel's views also differ from Reich's in that Reich believed no neurosis can occur without sexual

Reich's work preceded Fenichel's.

1099) 14-15

Reich's 1920's ideas to integrate Marx and Freud were intellectually attractive to persons such as
Erich Fromm, Siegfried Bernfeld and Otto Fenichel. Who were participants in Reich's study groups.

Also note that as director of Seminar for Psychotherapy R must have profoundly influenced Anna F
and Erikson also (11).

1087) 22

R says Adler began to do character analysis instead of symptom analysis but without reference to
sexuality. Ferenczi worked with states of tension in the body but ignored orgasm theory. Rank
mistook the fear of living in such an armoured world for the trauma of birth ( as the cause of
neurosis).. They all refused to consider wht the patient was to do with the liberated sexual energy
made available by successful therapy.


366) 178

Reich's irrational treatment of Wolfe and Ilse is detailed.

405) 92

Reich felt he discovered the armouring before he became a psychiatrist. He describes the feeling of
encountering a ‘wall’ within people.

406) 92-93

Reich had a certain peasant quality to him. He liked concrete analogies. Sometimes it was felt he
observed a patient like one would observe the sky or an animal.

409) 83

Reich describing the turbid scene in Viennese analytical circles said he was like a shark in a pond of
carp - he stirred things up!

439) 273

Figures influenced by R from the 1970's - Alexander Lowen, Fritz Perls, Paul Goodman, Saul Bellow,
Norman Mailer.

477) 33/38

Reich had a naive optimism in his 'Response' document that he lodged with the judge when he
originally did not attend court. When Reich refused to allow a court of law to judge his scientific work
an all-inclusive injunction was issued against him on March 19th 1954. This made it illegal for Reich to
talk of orgone energy or write about it. It made it dangerous for others to do so (38).

The FDA immediately publicised their action and received congratulations from the American
Psychoanalytical Association, the American Psychiatric Association and Dr Dunhamn of the Atomic
Energy Commision who described Reich as a thorn in their side (380).

550) 162

Prison - Reich did not mention his heart condition. However the prison hospital examination found a
harsh systolic murmour - nothing was done about this and no ECG was done. This is neglect of duty.

554) 166


Reich was kicked by a guard and made to scrub the floor as punishment for kissing Aurora at visiting
time - 166.

Reich was given two pink pills by the prison dispensary two days before he died. Reich had asked for
aspirin due to feeling ill (it turned out he had bronchopneumonia). Reich did not want to delay his
parole hearing the following week if it was known he was ill. R died at 3 or 4 am on November 3rd,
fully clothed except for his shoes-167.

As Reich predicted, the authorities kept his brain (which was free of arteriosclerosis or other
pathology and weighed 1400g - 167).

610) 89

Discussion of research about home schooling and the apparent drop in literacy with public

institutionalised schooling.

Reich was home schooled (by private tutors).

650) 144


1922 Discovered orgastic potency

1935 Discovered orgasm reflex

1939 Discovered orgone radiation

Split from Freud occurred between 1928 and 1934.

The Norwegian press campaign against Reich was inspired by fascists.

1007) 5*

Reich's early positions in analysis:-

First Clinical Assistant at Freud's Psychoanalytic Polyclinic in Vienna from 1922-1928

Vice-director of Polyclinic from 1928-1930

Leader of the Seminar for Psychoanalytic Therapy from 1924 to 1930

Teacher at the Psychoanalytic Institute in Vienna from 1924 to 1930.

1008) 8

Milestones in Reich's discoveries:

Energetic basis of Emotion

Function of the Orgasm

Sickness of Man-Muscular armour, three layers of character, role of sexual repression in development
of armour, psychology of fascism-political and social effects of armouring in the masses, pathology of
mysticism and mechanistic thinking, nature of cancer resignation, emotional plague

Life-inimical energy called DOR.




Orgone energy

Orgone accumulation

Orgone and weather

Orgone motor

Oranur reaction

Matter creation

Gravitational equations

1018) 13

Genius tends to be both sicker and healthier than ordinary people-orgonomically because they have
stronger energy-they are healthier. They suffer stagnation more acutely therefore they are sicker.
Nietzsche said a person's health could be measured by the amount of sickness they could endure.

1036c) 50

Early publication of the Gebauer & Muschenich ORAC study in 'Notes from Afield'.

Very good synopsis and introduction offered of Reich's overall work. Also Gebauer and Muschnich's
full paper (see Note 1119) evaluates the previous ORAC versus Control Temperature studies (TO-T)
and prior medical studies.

1084) 24

Time magazine (no date given) describe Reich as the father of the second sexual revolution.

1085) 12

R. D Laing talks of a deliberate conspiracy to destroy Reich (New Society 28-3-1968) by the
psychiatric profession 'because his theories cut too near the bone'. Anne Faraday (New Soceity
3/9/1970) says that this conspiracy is mostly unconscious.

1096) 15


Reich used to watch Aurora drive around the prison-when the authorities noticed they moved his cell
to one without a view.

1100) 14

Reich's Association for Proletarian Sex-Policy-gave counselling and sex advice to German people
and its membership soon numbered 20,000. The German communists who had originally supported it
became alarmed at its success.

The 1931 association advocated-better housing, abolition of laws against abortion, birth control and
homosexuality, reform of marriage laws, free contraceptives, sex counselling and education, nurseries
and home leave for prisoners.

1101) 11

Freud's famous Civilisation and its Discontents R claims was written in response to a paper he gave
to Freud's private inner circle titled 'The Prophylaxis of the Neuroses'.

1103) 61

Reich's Autopsy Report Suppressed

Reich had a heart attack in October 1951. He took about a month to recover. He had a heart murmur
and some congestive failure.

Reich after he was sentenced attempted to arrange a cardiac appointment with Dr Paul White but he
was unavailable. Reich didn't want anyone else. Reich had a full medical by the prison doctor which
apparently didn't reveal the heart problem. The authorities wouldn't allow Eva Reich, a doctor, to

either view their medical report or to speak to the prison doctor (? Dr Witkin, Eva was not certain of
the name).

Eva did manage to speak to the pathologist who performed the autopsy on Reich (Dr Christman,
Sunbury hospital, PA). He told Eva Reich and Aurora Karrer Reich
that he had found the aortic valve leaflets were immobile with only a 2mm gap between the edges of
the valve. The coronory ostia were narrowed by calcification. Right sided heart failure, liver
enlargement. Basal pneumonia, patchy broncho-pneumonia, pitting ankle oedema. Reich had calcific
aortic stenosis with regurgitation - this should have been detected at the beginning of Reich's
sentence with the mandatory cardiological exam. Reich's sentence should have been suspended.

In brief

1) The autopsy report omits the narrowing of the valves and the total stenosis as the cause of right
sided heart failure mentioning only the coronary openings.

2) Next of kin was refused permission to speak to Reich's doctors.

3) Next of kin (Eva Reich) were not allowed to see medical and autopsy reports.

1106) 8

Reich was the first psychotherapist and MD to clearly oppose circumcision and validate adolescent
sexuality and to elucidate resignation syndrome in cancer.

1109) 8

Reich realised that the fear of his work was deeper than simply the fear of natural sexuality and the
orgasm function-it was a fear of the cosmic-it reflected the Biblical fear of knowing God.

1111) Inside cover

The peace fountain at St John the Divine cathedral in NY is dedicated to The Children of the Future. It
shows an Angel of life embracing a deer with the right arm and a sword with the left representing the
fight to protect life. There is a child-like smiling sun and mini animals at child's height around the

My note-there is a European religious order of monks that has honoured orgonomy (see Journal

1230) 140

Books such as Nichols, P. (1992) The Montauk Project, Sky Books, US. Show how Reich has entered
the popular mythology this time as a mad scientist helping the government with secret time travel
inter-dimensional experiments.

20) 44

Baker recognised that the claims Reich was paranoid were false. Reich was in reality persecuted and
those doing the attacking called him paranoid.

50) 54

Reich was against Martydom.

98) 162

Hoppe refused to participate in Ollendorff's biography because she herself admitted she lost contact
with Reich's work when he entered the realm of physics-her book would be coloured with this loss

which she would project onto Reich, he felt. Also Hoppe explains how stories of Reich's paranoia
started-from those Reich left behind each time he moved into a new field - they got frightened.

463) 249

Hoppe reveals that Reich was not a paranoid character, that these accusations were rather attacks.
He was however hypomanic and over-optimistic and given to bouts of depression at the
non-acceptance of his work in similarity to other genius scientists.

1082) 10

Reich and UFO's

Reich long believed that UFOs might be interplanetary ships. He thought they would be powered by
orgone because the ships behave in ways no mechanically powered vehicle can emulate. Some of
the ways the UFO's move is similar to the orgone motor. They can change directions at high speeds
without a jolt (silence and high speed are other characteristics). Reich thought that there would not be
enough fuel for such journeys so UFO's might use orgone accumulated in space and then trigger it
with Oranur. The exhaust of such ships would therefore be drought producing DOR.

Also there is a criticism of Boadella's and even Neill's comments that Reich may have become
paranoid and detached from reality (due to believing that 'spacemen' were causing DOR and deserts,
or that the US air force shared his concerns, or that Reich had a meeting with President Eisenhower
- a claim Reich never made incidentally but which appears to have possibly happened but was then
covered up by leaning on the witness).


177) 167

Before one can get to the real thing (love, life, rationality) one may have to go through the hell of the
middle layer (because of man’s frustration Reich said). The middle layer is where Freud’s destructive
drive exists.

178) Sayings of Reich in Common Usage

‘Atoms for Peace’ (See also 767)

HIG’s (ufology circles)
The Real Thing (meaning life and love) 167 (From Reich speaks of Freud). See also (177)
Reich also used the term, ‘Cosmic religious feeling,’ later coined by Einstein.

179) 167

Reich thought that there is no greater danger than so-called ‘liberators’ who don’t know the laws of
responsible freedom.

234) 31

"How complicated things become when one avoids the logical and essential in life"-Reich.

245) 257

Reich stated he did not treat Peter, his son, but he did utilise what Reich termed, 'Emotional first
aid'. He thought teachers and parents could learn to do the similar things. The term, emotional first
aid has since been used in body psychotherapy by Nick Totton (UK based Reich body
psychotherapist) and others.

278) 95

Reich's has priority in perceiving Schizophrenia as a 'brain movement impairment disorder’. It has a
central manifestation of a functional ocular impairment (the eye’s immobility is seen as an extension
of the brain’s lack of movement).

282) 18

Reich rejected learned discussions as secondary. The primary task was to rescue human society
which is drowning in the ‘water’ of its own bodily (or vegetative) sensations.

349) 245

'Terror of the living' the fear of spontaneous, streaming movements. Why had no one discovered the
orgone before?

(My note - in fact throughout the ages many scientists have discovered the orgone, or aspects of it.
Many indigenous societies have similar understandings).

434) 272

Reich's metaphor 'man in the trap' set the therapeutic ambience for many of the therapeutic
modalities of the 1970's, bio-energetics, gestalt and primal therapy for example.

475) 28

Reich talks of orgonomy in terms of 'Laws'. Central object of research in orgonomy is elucidation of
the 'basic natural law'.

504) 99

Reich wrote that he tended to overestimate people and that he saw the essential core shining through
in everyone.

516) 183

Reich ignored his own advice - that sometimes one has to use the methods of the enemy (referring to
secrecy and law courts). Baker points out that Reich could not tolerate secrecy. Reich also believed
the law had no place in scientific matters.

535) 13

Reich’s final address to the court and Judge Sweeney. He condemns the betrayal of Peter Mills,
thanks the Judge who he says knows the truth of the case, but had to act within given bounds. Reich
states that he may be destroyed physically but he has won as will be evidenced in the future.
However the HIGS* have nothing but shame on their faces.

Hoodlums In Government (now a term used in Ufology circles).

540) 158

Reich's final address to the court was reported in the Portland Evening Press of March 11 (1957).

He argued against being imprisoned, as such a sentence would deprive the world of his equations
on space and negative gravity. These equations were only in his head, known to no one on this
planet. The knowledge may be lost for millennia, should mankind survive the present emergency.
Prison would equal certain death of a scientific pioneer at the hands of psychopathic persons. It would
also be gross neglect of duty of the court with regard to all the legal facts.

He further maintained that his arrest would be a violation of the Constitution that would end the
beneficial role of the United States in social development. It would lead to the downfall of the USA as
a self-governing society. Reich asserted that he and Silvert were devoted to the promotion of new
knowledge, not a cancer cure. We are courageous people he said.

574) 27

Very good description of the very difficult borderline psychopathic/neurotic patients Reich first
studied-Impulsives (now known as borderline personality disorder?). These patients had a split off
super-ego, and came from violent, over-sexualised background that were both licentious and very
repressive at the same time.

591) 3

The greatest difficulty understanding orgone theory, Reich acknowledged lies in its "too muchness".

604) 169

Reich's Sayings

Reich said life is understandable just as it is and that life needs no great theories.

He believed newspapers should be about work.

He thought that in essence there was only one problem - the emotional desert of man.

643) 74

'Truth is full, immediate contact between the loving that perceives and the life that perceives'-Reich..

648) 194 FN

R. D. Laing noted that Reich's discoveries on the social influences upon the sympathetic,
parasympathetic, and central nervous system are testable, but are never tested. Reich understood
the mess we are in yet in a hundred Medical journals there is not one mention of him.

Why is Reich never mentioned?

651) 146-7

Reich viewed mental illness as a disturbance in the ability to love. As such it is shaped by the social
as well as psychic factors.

Reich spoke of the ‘murder of the living’ and its ultimate expression within compulsory education and

He drew a parallel between sexuality and the productive life process.

Reich thought that it was because of mass alienation that the simple facts he discovered could be
neglected for so long.

670) 106

Demeo quotes Reich's last thesis on the origin of armouring in man (only a few paragraphs written
in 1955 when Reich was working in the desert). He links the secondary type of prickly armoured
vegetation with the 'emotional desert' found in armoured man.

In synopsis, as to the cause of armouring Reich went through the folowing steps:

Patriachial economics
Consciousness (looking inward and getting stuck)
Deserts, emotional/environmental

Note see Demeo's work, Saharasia.

Footnote 107-Velikovsky's arguments of a catastrophic effect upon ancient worldwide societies are
similar to Reich/Demeo's desertification thesis. However, Velikovsky tends to cite deserts only as a
secondary factor in human social trends.

703) 83

Organisational development literature has unknowingly taken up Reich's term, 'work democracy' and
talks of 'self-regulating' entities.

From footnote - it should also be noted that Reich was the first in the analytical movement to define
health (in fact this was his departure from Freud author notes).

705) Note

The term ‘emotional desert’ is a phrase coined by Reich to describe the emotionally dead,
contactless and sadistic behaviours of modern ‘civilised’ humans’ Demeo’s description is based on
Selected Writings (FN Vol 21 N2: 212).

767) 38

President Eisenhower may have visited Reich in 1953. He stayed in Rangeley, Maine. The servant of
the family the president stayed with said that Eisenhower met Reich. She later later retracted her
statement. Gladys Wolfe confirmed that Reich said he was expecting a visit from Eisenhower.
Eisenhower later used Reich's phrase 'Atoms for peace' which became quite famous.

177) 167

Before one can get to the real thing (love, life, rationality) one has to go through the hell of the
middle layer (Because of man’s frustration). The middle layer is where Freud’s destructive drive

178) Sayings of Reich in Common Usage

‘Atoms for Peace’ (See also 767)

HIG’s (meaning Hoodlums-In-Government. Used in Ufology circles)
The Real Thing (meaning life and love) (From Reich speaks of Freud).
(See also 177).


34) 163

Very powerful effects from release of ocular armouring-blindness, psychosis/relapse, improvement.

Considerable success with children despite poor family background. Even working with burnt out
schizophrenics with success. Beyond a psychological therapy.

64) 93

Although Kraepelin classified most of what is termed schizophrenia around the turn of the century,
Herskowitz believes the modern clinician treats a plethora of symptoms under the umbrella
of ’schizophrenia’ without understanding the relationship between those symptoms.

65) 93

Herskowitz views that the CFP of schizophrenia manifests in the key symptoms of eye block, energy
stasis and oral block.

278) 95

Reich's has priority in perceiving Schizophrenia as a 'brain movement impairment disorder’. It has a
central manifestation of a functional ocular impairment (the eye’s immobility is seen as an extension
of the brain’s lack of movement).

410) 123

In schizophrenics ego must be strengthened through releasing the ocular armouring which if
handled correctly should 'increase' the body armouring which can then be worked through.

418) 220-221

Connection between mysticism and schizophrenia - head trips involve altered states of
consciousness, which in turn involve damage to the ocular segment and brain.
Koopman also notes Reich's priority in identifying the ocular segment and resulting attention disorder
as the central lesion in schizophrenia (ahead of the neuropsychiatric findings).

My Note - Shamanistic trances may represent a healthy aspect to altered states.

425) 237

The mystic has strong contact with his DOR layer. He projects that part of himself which is
unacceptable and this become the outer devil. This is a similar process to schizophrenia projections.

Mysticism can be a powerful block against therapy.-240

444) 103

Reich and Neurology

Reich unknowingly anticipated some 'Second Brain' research with his ideas that the cerebral pain was
convoluted in an intestinal shape to enable it to effectively pulse and move when thinking. (R Char'
Analysis 1949).

Reich emphasised that the brain is a pulsating organ that requires movement to function. R was also
one of the first to note that nerves pulsate. These views are supported by modern research that
shows that crucial axon chemical changes cannot occur without brain pulsation. Cortical pulsations
allow axoplasmic flow.

Schizophrenics often complain of deadness in the brain or head. Quoted mainstream research has

shown that reduced pulsatory flow of the axon is involved in a number of CNS disorders.

Blood flow increases to areas of the brain being used. Armouring of the brain will greatly impair
function, restrict blood flow and movement.

461) 225

Reich & Neurology

Strong connection between degree of psychosis and low blood flow to frontal lobes in schizophrenia -

Cerebral atrophy & vascular changes plus cell deterioration is compared to normals in chronic long
term schizophrenia, a study by,

Colon, E. (1972) Quantitative Cytoarchitechtonics of the Human Cerebral Cortex in Schizophrenic

Dementia, Acta Neuropathologica, 20.

This sort of study indicates that there are material disturbances in the schizophrenic brain. From an
orgonomic point of view these changes would be secondary to a disturbance in pulsation and energy
flow. Most studies agree that the structural changes follow, rather than precede the disease process.
This further supports the orgonomic hypothesis in schizophrenia.

Papez, J. et al (1949) Cytological Changes in Nerve Cells in Dementia Praecox, Journal of Nervous
and Mental Disease: 110.

Study found virus-like particles in schizophrenics brains. These might correspond to Reich’s t-bacilli
bion micro-forms. If pulsation is disturbed bionous processes would be expected - 229.

499) 123

Schitzophrenia is neither wholly a somatic or psychic disease.

506) 111

The schizophrenic does not go ‘back to the womb’ or become ‘fixated in early childhood’ reactions,
(Reich’s unattributed quote to psychoanalysis). Rather, the person maintains a split that started at that
time. It is not a regression to the past - but a present day traumatised structure that maintains the

508) 122

Excellent description of the attempts of classical science to find a causative factor for schizophrenia.
In summary no single change in a particular organ (or chemical) can be stated as causing the
symptoms of schizophrenia. (This supports R’s view of schizophrenia as caused by an early
bio-energetic immobilisation of the brain).

What is unique about R’s approach is that he found a contraction of the whole biosystem and
therefore a holistic disturbance in pulsation that can account for all the varied findings in the disease.
Specifically, R contended that it is a contraction, and pulsatory disturbance of the brain occurring in
early infancy or even peri-natally that causes schizophrenic patterns.

538) 80-98

Consciousness. Perception. Konia

Reich described sensation as a feeling out of reality.

Konia notes that this concept is at odds with the three prevalent modes of viewing consciousness;

Mechanistic materialism - every psychic event has a purely physical cause.

Metaphysical idealism - every psychic event has an exclusively psychic cause. Spirit creates matter.

Psychophysical parallelism - psychic and somatic realms are two parallel processes in mutual
interaction. Every psychic event must have a correspondence to a physical event and vice versa.

Reich’s early period

Ideas have their affective power determined by the emotions accompanying them. Thus ideas depend
on energetic processes. Reich’s earliest formulation was that ‘drive’ (objective function) and ’pleasure’
(subjective function) were united at a deeper level by an as yet undefined biological ‘motor activity’.

Reich found that when a drive was disturbed a disturbance in pleasure also occurred leading in turn to
a state of contactlessness.

(My note - Reich’s ideas and emphasis on contact preceded those of the relational theorists).

A bio-electric current - outward from core to periphery or inward from periphery to core constituted
the qualitative difference between how a drive was expressed. For the first time a subjective quality
(sensation) was linked scientifically to an objective quantity -level of bio-electrical current measured at
the skin surface.

Reich’s Middle Period

Biological Orgone energy is posited as the Common Functioning Principle (CFP) of the two
Variations; Psyche and Soma.

Psyche and Soma are not identical in themselves only identical with respect to a deeper function.
Reich identifies this deeper function with the underlying orgone field.

Reich also discovered the schizophrenic split - when perception and biological excitation lead
separate existences. There is a disintegration of conscious psychic functions. Physically there is a
severe armouring of the brain with insufficient armouring of the body. The schizophrenic experiences
himself as many separate parts and not holistically. The patient’s ‘currents’ and other organ
sensations are perceived as coming from outside himself.

Reich’s Final Period

Beginning about 1947.

Reich elucidated three flows of orgone, the cosmic energy flow. This splits off into the bio-energetic
flow (by capturing orgone into a membrane). From this arises part-perception or plasmatic perception.
From the bio-energetic flow a new flow splits off which is consciousness, or the self-perception of the
flow itself.

Konia notes that Reich expressed the idea that the subjective perceptual function must exist prior to
the bio-energetic flow. It would exist in nature itself with the following schema:

Natural Processes as the CFP of the variations:

1) Objective Logic of Orgone Energy.

2) Subjective Reasoning on the Basis of Orgonotic Self Perception.

Konia describes bions (pre-cellular entities discovered by Reich) as non-living systems. He says we
can’t assume that perception exists at these levels of organisation. (This would seem to contradict
Reich’s ideas that all living plasma perceives). He then states perception must exist even at protozoal
level as perception and excitation of plasmatic matter is inseparable. He gives 5 characteristics of
plasma movement and perception:

1) Movement confined in a membrane.

2) Spontaneous movement.
3) Relatively slow.
4) Pulsates.
5) Goes from low to high potentials.

Konia describes how the enigma of perception lies between identity (of the entity and the cosmos)
and antithesis (differentiation).

Functionalism (which Konia refers to as an essential means of understanding consciousness) is

unique as a tool because it can proceed toward the variations (complication/development) or toward
the unifications (simplification/origins). Most theories proceed in one direction only, eg dialectical
theories head only toward development.

583) 42-56


Confirmation of Reich's views on peer related sexual play.

Author notes how complete a newborn is in terms of its ability to interact and perceive the

Reich thought that the genetic view of heredity factors may be partly misplaced. Energetic,
mother-baby bonding factors from pre-birth are probably vastly underestimated or miscomprehended
- pp45.

Reich also emphasised how critical the mother-child bond is, especially in the pre-natal and early
post-natal period. He believed schizophrenia is laid down soon after birth or even before - pp45.

Article reference child research from other fields relevant to orgonomy. (For example papers showing
that mothers with a small amount of extra physical contact with their newborns have significant
positive difference from a control group).

609) 242

It is the schizophrenics inability to make prolonged contact that stops a 'transference' taking place
thus rendering traditional analysis difficult.

645) 101

3 ways in which schizophrenics reduce energy-

Breathing restriction
Cervical block (stops energy getting to head)
Brain anorgonia

686) 263

Sensory-perceptual split is psychognomic (has a creative function) in schitzophrenia.

770) 73

Reich rubbed an orgone-charged fluorescent tube against parts of his schizophrenic patient. The
areas she said felt dead were devoid of charge.

1028) 51-53

Orgone Psychotherapy

Dr Braid, Et Al, Discussion

Psychiatrist reinterprets all a patients perceptions which in turn increases her eye block, she became
more depressed and finally psychotic. Physical work upon her ocular segment grounds her
successfully within three weeks. She was diagnosed catatonic schizophrenic but work on an ocular
block and shallow breathing had powerful effects in normalising her. Medication is described as an
'external armouring' (schizophrenics lack sufficient body armour).

1032) 58-59

Number of studies of schizophrenia have confirmed the presence of eye movement disorders. These
disorders are not due to other causes and have a significant association with schizophrenics and their
offspring. A less strong association is noted with Manic-depression. This confirms Reich's views (see
Character Analysis) that the schizophrenic process immobilises parts of the brain, probably the base
and other areas including nerves.

1032) 58-59

Number of studies of schizophrenia have confirmed the presence of eye movement disorders. These
disorders are not due to other causes and have a significant association with schizophrenics and their
offspring. A less strong association is noted with Manic-depression. This confirms Reich's views (see
Character Analysis) that the schizophrenic process immobilises parts of the brain, probably the base
and other areas including nerves.

1036) 42-43

Schizophrenia has a much wider definition in orgonomy than in general psychiatry. In the latter it is
more or less defined as a spectrum dependent on eye blocking, or ocular armouring. This can occur
with or without an actual psychosis.

Hersokowitz notes that Reich was the first to recognise the significance of eye functions in the
mothering process. He was also alone in relating eye segment pathology from the earliest time of life
to the severe character disorders and emotional pathology that often follow.

1038) 68

Working on a patients eye segment caused her hips to feminise.

Unmothered lambs have a defect in depth perception

Lennon, W. & Patterson, G. (1964) Depth Perception in Sheep: Effects of Interrupting the
Mother-Neonate Bond, Science, Vol 145, Aug 21st.

Schizophrenia and eye tracking deficits-

Procter, L & Hughes, D. (1973) Science, Vol 181, July 13th. No title given.

72) 191

Eden sacked for telling schizophrenic boy about Reich and, Eden felt, for making a connection with
his life.

The boy had seen ‘orgone dots’ in his room at night. Eden told him about orgone. The lad reads
Reich's books. His psychiatrist finds out and has Eden sacked.


126) 128

Observation vs Theory heavy induction.

180) 178

Einstein called the orgone a, ‘bomb in physics’.

224) 31

Classical Medical theory gets in difficulties with the viral findings in cancer.

Cancer is riddled with viruses but in order to avoid the logical conclusion: that the body can produce
viruses when tissues break down, the story that viruses live in cells from before birth and are then
activated had to be put forward. (It is also noted in this paper that Kaplan and Gross had induced the
formation of lymphoma-type viruses purely from radiation in 1969).

288) 59

Mechanistic physics views the living as the exception in nature.

335) 272

Experiments/Science-Reich didn't always prove his own intuitions. For example, Reich countered his
hypotheses that metal lined boxes could contain the bion radiation (which it didn't). Also he first
thought that OR would neutralise NUR (NUR antaganises OR, OR eventually converts NUR).

386) 40

Solar and lunar influences on To-T appear to be digitised or quantised.

394) 73-74

Superimposition creates quantised qualities consistent with views of quantum physics.

Courtney Baker views gravity as a mixture of energy streams carrying bodies along (Reich) and
those bodies attracting orgone and having therefore an inherent attraction similar to the mass based
attraction of classical physics (Baker).

507) 111

Four beat nature of mitiotic cell events, (reflected by Reich’s Life Formula).

576) 90


Orgonomy views life as inevitable - rather than a remarkable, highly unlikely, coincidental chain of
fatty acids. (Evolutionary biology starts with the accidental occurrence of a complete cell - a highly
complex organism).

577) 95


Reich’s work led him to make four basic assumptions;

• Energy is more primary than matter.

An antithesis can co-exist with an identity.

Direct observation of processes is essential.
Human emotions can be studied objectively.

594) 48-49


The well-known Michelson and Morley interferometer (light measurement) experiment, showed a
fringe shift of 0.004 to 0.015 of a fringe width. The predicted value was 0.04. As Miller pointed out
relativity theory requires a completely null result. The displacement values, though small, occurred in
a systematic manner and the values plotted a sine curve.

The Michelson and Morley experiment showed that static aether needs revising as a concept but it did
not dismiss aether outright either - contrary to what is widely reported of this lone experiment - pp49.
The experiment was conducted in a least suitable environment for detecting an earth-entrained aether
(a basement). The metal shielding used around equipment might also reflect aether from an
orgonomic viewpoint (Miller suspected this effect and controlled for it).

On the other hand, Miller's well-controlled and extensively repeated interferometer work suggested a
dynamic streamed aether which moves faster than the earth’s rotation - pp51.

Orgone physics

Konia argues that the clarity of distant objects indicates that orgone is completely mass-free - i.e.
electromagnetic waves travelling through space seem to lose no distinction or sharpness despite
travelling various vast distances. Konia thinks this is because orgone is mass-free and therefore there
is no slight mass to perturb the passage of particles.

More recently Demeo argues that recent Eastern European light experiments supports his contention
that orgone may have varying degrees of very slight mass.

620) 103


A scientist who adopts a paradigm is an analyser not a discoverer. He accepts what he is told and fills
in the details.

Paradigmatic science teaches the student to see things in the same way as society.

To the armoured scientist the objective and subjective are separate. Additionally, his or her own
plasma currents are below the threshold of their perception - 99.

Science and functionalism

In Reich’s formulation there is only one wholly correct thesis - the others are not wrong just partially

Reich believed one should study nature not the modification of nature - 104

Lawful nature

Reich noted that there are endless variations in nature but that all are in agreement with a basic
natural law.

687) 284

Instruments used to detect air ions are similar to the electroscopic discharge rate measurements
Reich used to measure changes in ORACs. Positive Ions might correspond to DOR.

760) 158

Orgonomy & Science

Scientific principles special to orgonomy

Integration of objective and subjective.
Primacy of subjective contact with phenomena.

Firmly rooted in the Platonic and Aristotlian traditions-nature is inherently rational-the micro is
integrated with the macro-144.

Hippocrates wrote the earliest science text. Science always hand in hand with medicine.

1073) 26

In biology there is the principle that form follows function, author adds that both form and function
follow the energetic flow.

592) 29

Work means 'to do' in its Indo-European roots. Its Greek form 'ergon' is common root to 'work',
'energy' and 'action'.- the suffixed form of 'ergon', 'worg-a' means 'organ', 'swell' and would be related
to the function of 'orgasm'. In orgonomic terms work and sexual functions are inextricably related,
this seems to be reflected in the Greek understanding.

Pleasure and work not antiethical-30.

Corporal, energetic view of organisations. Head reflects the top management who orientate the
direction of the work, middle management facilitate the flow of work from top to bottom and vice versa
and the body segments discharge the work process. Each section participates in the 'core', the work
function. Each section ideally would function democratically and freely. Armouring takes the form of
bureaucracy (43), lack of or disturbed vision, chronic 'organisational' character problems-27-46.
Organisational armouring reflects the history of the organisation.

The energy model is different to a systems model as the former has a 'core' and a field, is organic,
The core attracts energy and building happens organically-38-39.

Interventions in organisation character by Goldberg often resulted in 'spontaneous' changes in

structure rather than planned-37.

1021) 78

Argument that orgone might be a form of electromagnetic energy:

• Both UV and orgone can tan the skin

Both create feelings of well-being and malaise
Both could be involved in the synthesis of living organisms
Colour blue
Water absorbs orgone and possibly UV.
Fluorescent glass plates respond to orgone and UV
Both may by focusable-if so then orgone would have a wavelength

Orgone may produce some UV effects or be related in some other way the author argues-Lawrence

1036e) 53

Description of Joseph Newman's attempt to patent his super-efficient electromagnetic potential

converter and the hostility he encountered.

Joseph Newman developed a machine that appeared to permit a conversion of mass to energy at
nearly 100% efficiency (or 25 times the amount of energy entered into the machine).

The US patent office refused to authorise a patent despite the evidence of 30 expert witnesses and its
own 'Special Master'. They instead wanted to hand over the device to the National Bureau of
Standards to test in secret with the allowance that they may destroy it if need be.

The struggle was taken up by a congressman, Rep. Livingstone.

1036f) 54-55

Very good description of the main points of Nordenstrum’s very careful and almost universally ignored
work. He progressed from investigating corona's around XRay photos of lung tumours to funding an
electrical potential between tumour masses and their surrounds and by changing this potential, a
means to dehydrate and remove the tumour mass. He treated 80 inoperable cancer patients with
surprising results, published 3 papers in journals and self-published a book, however his work has
been almost totally ignored. The AIOS paper notes 4 similarities with Reich's work;

1. Bioelectric potentials between areas of the body

2. Blood vessels/cells carry a bioelectrical energy (noted a bioelectrical circulation)
3. Discovered that the source of energy in damaged tissue is the damaged cells themselves.
4. By building up energy potential at site of injury healing is assisted.

Nordenstrum did not postulate a life-energy but it appears he discovered a life-energy aspect of
electricity and a corresponding bioelectrical circulation that would support acupuncture and
orgonomy's views.

1036g) 56

Reich pointed out an antithetical relationship between potassium and calcium ions-certain actions of
calcium are analogous to the sympathetic system (and potassium to the parasympathetic system).
Thus Reich preceded the discovery of calcium channel blocking heart drugs.


10) 25

Previous to Reich's thinking sexual problems were only 'symptoms'.

87) 41

The splitting of love - eros and sex.

88) 42

Writer notes that ordinary people had long known what Reich discovered scientifically -that fulfilled
sexuality accompanies psychic health. Sex regulates psychic tension.

89) 42

Suppression of sexuality does not lead to Freud’s sublimation but to reduction of life capacity.

96) 152

Transition from mechanical congestion to electrical charge is a specific sexual, biological process
(Life Formula).

106) 248

Reich was the first psychotherapist to speak out for the genital rights of children and adolescents.

132) 52

Pleasure and sexuality are the life process of creativity.

130) 48

Writer notes that Sexuality and anxiety are the same process moving in different directions.


166) 154

Most people voluntarily move the legs, pelvis and abdomen as one unit in the sex act deadening
sensation and removing the uncontrolled independence of the pelvic unit.

170) 159-164

Orgone Therapy Case Study

Levy, N.

Simple but effective case study, showing the balance between character and bio-physical work.

Also interesting as patient used Ocular segment to do the job of pelvic armouring (which was absent).
Also due to her sexual openness it was necessary to work at things mainly from the character side.

347) 189

Reich found that sexual activity in itself did not result in a better prognosis. Rather, it was gratification
in the sexual act that achieved this end. Reich called the capacity for gratification orgastic potency.

361) 84

Freud, Sexuality and Analysis

Freud's theory of libido-repression-stasis leading to a sexual eitology of neurosis can be contrasted

with Reich's concept of flow-libido-regulation-orgasm with armouring forming the blockage to the
process. This defines health as flow and anchors it biologically. In addition it gives a logical process to
treatment. A definition of health, logical process of treatment and biological anchoring are all missing
from Freud's approach.

384) 117

Freud was influenced by physiological studies such as those of Helmholtz and Meynert
(neuropathology) and by hypnosis (Charcot, Liebault, Bernheim and Breur). Freud believed in a
sexual origin of neurosis at this time. He based this on libido theory - emotional illness was caused by
undischarged libido or sexual drive energy. This theory was acceptable until around 1926. From 1900
Freud had been steadily moving away from biological concepts-libido became a disembodied
concept. In 1926 Freud formally rejected the libido/energetic concept of anxiety and argued instead
that neurosis was coded into the psychic structure through the ego's reaction to danger signals. It thus
moved from a bodily to a purely psychic basis. Reich came to psychoanalysis in 1919.

392) 19

Vegetative and conscious life though originally having one source become antithetical.

Also religion and sexuality have one source-natural religion would have been a collective orgastic

My Note:

Shamanism would correspond to this in many regards.492) 97

Reich & Freud

Freud felt that Josef Breuer was partially the father of psychoanalysis. This was until Josef rejected
such parenthood and particularly the theory of infantile sexuality. This led Freud to realise the
originality of his paradigm. Freud also thought at this time that genital function disturbances in adults
could cause some neurosis. (Freud, unlike Reich, thought that sexuality should be expanded from the

Reich's work expanded on Freud's libido, sexual economic and resistance theories but eventually
Reich too had to confront the fact that he had entered a wholly new paradigm. Resistance analysis
became Character Analysis and libido theory became orgasm theory which led directly to the
discovery of an energy which, if real, would connect the emotions directly to the somatic.

Also Breuer emphasised catharsis more than Freud. Perhaps Reich's emphasis on catharsis
reminded the aging Freud of his own rejection by Breuer (FN 101).

In 1928 Freud told a young admirer that the real Freud is dead. This echoes what Reich said about
Freud's latter resignation.

501) 49

Author describes primate research on sexuality noting the effects of overcrowding on dampening
sexuality, that chimpanzees, like humans, seek privacy and that maternal deprivation creates sexual
timidity in adulthood.

543) 144

Reich notes that the male character is often split internally between his loving and his sexual feelings.

583) 42-56


Confirmation of Reich's views on peer related sexual play.

Author notes how complete a newborn is in terms of its ability to interact and perceive the

Reich thought that the genetic view of heredity factors may be partly misplaced. Energetic,
mother-baby bonding factors from pre-birth are probably vastly underestimated or miscomprehended
- pp45.

Reich also emphasised how critical the mother-child bond is, especially in the pre-natal and early
post-natal period. He believed schizophrenia is laid down soon after birth or even before - pp45.

Article reference child research from other fields relevant to orgonomy. (For example papers showing
that mothers with a small amount of extra physical contact with their newborns have significant
positive difference from a control group).

592) 29

Meaning of ‘work’ & Energetic View of Organisations.

Work means 'to do' in its Indo-European roots. Its Greek form 'ergon' is common root to 'work',
'energy' and 'action'.- the suffixed form of 'ergon', 'worg-a' means 'organ', 'swell' and would be related
to the function of 'orgasm'. In orgonomic terms work and sexual functions are inextricably related,
this seems to be reflected in the Greek understanding.

Pleasure and work not antiethical-30.

Corporal, energetic view of organisations - Goldberg.

Head is the top management which orientates the direction of work.

Middle management enables the flow of work from top to bottom and vice versa.

The body segments discharge the work process.

Each section participates in the 'core' function - the work function.

Each section ideally would function democratically and freely.

Armouring takes the form of bureaucracy (pp43). It can be a lack of, or a disturbed ‘vision’. It can be
chronic 'organisational' problems - pp27-46.

Organisational armouring reflects the history of the organisation.

The energy model is different to a systems model.

The energy model has a 'core' and a ‘field’, and is organic. The core attracts energy and building
happens organically - pp38-39.

Interventions in organisation character by Goldberg often resulted in 'spontaneous' changes in

structure rather than planned ones - pp37.

651) 146-7

Reich viewed mental illness as a disturbance in the ability to love. As such it is shaped by the social
as well as psychic factors.

Reich spoke of the ‘murder of the living’ and its ultimate expression within compulsory education and

He drew a parallel between sexuality and the productive life process.

Reich thought that it was because of mass alienation that the simple facts he discovered could be
neglected for so long.

761) 146

Energetic excitation is the CFP that splits into the opposing functions, sexuality and anxiety. This is
the original formula that led to the discovery of the CFP.

1100) 14

Reich's Association for Proletarian Sex-Policy-gave counselling and sex advice to German people
and its membership soon numbered 20,000. The German communists who had originally supported it
became alarmed at its success.

The 1931 association advocated-better housing, abolition of laws against abortion, birth control and
homosexuality, reform of marriage laws, free contraceptives, sex counselling and education, nurseries
and home leave for prisoners.

1109) 8

Reich realised that the fear of his work was deeper than simply the fear of natural sexuality and the
orgasm function-it was a fear of the cosmic-it reflected the Biblical fear of knowing God.

My note-Reich often didn't appear to acknowledge that the old testament story of the 'fall from grace'
was written by armoured people (in his explanations of the origin of armouring).


295) 171

Discussion of eastern mysticism

Authors state that it bypasses genitality, that there is an extra genital orgasm, achievement of
'superhuman-master' status, renunciation, stilling of bio-energy and that the overall dynamic is

389) 123

Sadism in the mystic-tantalised by his 'life in the mirror' he can perceive the life energy but not touch it
or live it. This drives him to fury and brutality.

418) 220-221

Connection between mysticism and schizophrenia - head trips involve altered states of
consciousness, which in turn involve damage to the ocular segment and brain.
Koopman also notes Reich's priority in identifying the ocular segment and resulting attention disorder
as the central lesion in schizophrenia (ahead of the neuropsychiatric findings).

My Note - Shamanistic trances may represent a healthy aspect to altered states.

420) 229

Author argues that the ultimate mystic experience if it is 'stillness' or 'unchangeability' runs counter to
orgone functions.

425) 237

The mystic has strong contact with his DOR layer. He projects that part of himself which is
unacceptable and this become the outer devil. This is a similar process to schitzophrenia projections.

Mysticism can be a powerful block against therapy.-240

428) 244

A mystic is ocularly blocked. He believes he is a warrior in a cosmic battle between good and

570) 269

Consciousness, Psyche/Soma, F, Mysticism, Mechanistic Materialism.

Important CFP diagram outlining the relationship of psyche to soma in various views; mechanistic
materialism, metaphysical, parallelism (Freud's 'temporary' view-'till proven otherwise'), theism,
monism and the orgonotic view.

Shows how all the above views are integrated WITHIN the CFP approach of Reich's.

275 onwards gives a critique of the different forms of thought outlined in the CFP diagram. Konia's
critique of holistic therapies (monism) is quite interesting-holistic tx's leave out the sexual aspects and
underplay the opposition of psyche and soma and have an undefined idea of health as 'balance'.
They fall short of making the underlying CFP of psyche and soma tangible? (last sentence my own

433) 259

Mysticism is essentially a negation of genital sexual strivings by way of non-genital sexual strivings.

Fanatics, having lost their own power can invest sometimes unbelievable fervour in their supernatural
or higher protectors.

431) 254

Some of the Jones 'People's Temple' cult massacre victims were affluent and educated. This
underscores Reich's contention that ideology supercedes economics in neurotic masses. Also
illustrates what the JO calls the guilt leanings of the liberal-leftist syndrome.

469) 215

Similarity of cults and communism-we are right, we must impose our beliefs, we are the moral ones.


279) 16

Reich noted that religious feelings are a primary reality. .

Reich rejects both the Marxist (suppressor of the working class) and the psychoanalytical view of
religion (compulsion neurosis/illusion).

Reich recognised the centrality of the religious 'feeling' even though the idea content of religions may
be illusionary.

280) 17

Reich postulates that the basis behind the prohibition of ‘directly knowing God’ is that people fear
connecting with the spontaneous movement of the orgone energy, to which they owe their existence.

295) 171

Discussion of eastern mysticism

Authors state that it bypasses genitality, that there is an extra genital orgasm, achievement of
'superhuman-master' status, renunciation, stilling of bio-energy and the dynamic is illusory.

310) 110

Raknes's orgonotic theory of religion-streaming breaking through experienced as being from an

outside/higher source of ecstasy.

343) 230

Reich believed that because people become healthier when armouring is reduced and orgastic
potency improved, the view of man as inherently 'fallen' is disproved.

344) 227

Orgonomically, Primitive is defined as not having a rational natural-scientific explanation of


392) 19

Vegetative and conscious life though originally having one source become antithetical.

Also religion and sexuality have one source-natural religion would have been a collective orgastic

My Note:

Shamanism would correspond to this in many regards.

415) 229-230

Criticism of yoga and buddhism as being entirely sex negative. Examples of 'primary process' right
brain thinking and sexual mysticism from the church.

460) 216

Quoting, Pipes, D. historian,

'Acitivist Islam, and Marxism emphasize international solidarity over nationalism, community needs

over those of the individual, egalitarianism over freedom...activist Moslems and Marxists pursue
noble-sounding yet unattainable standards for society...Finally because activist Islam and Marxism
touch on every aspect of life, their governments incline toward totalitarianism.'

The Common Functioning Principle for both systems is noted as being animosity toward individuality
and freedom.

475) 28

Reich talks of orgonomy in terms of 'Laws'. Central object of research in orgonomy is elucidation of
the "basic natural law".

600) 75

Orgonomy recognises that there are inborn traits but that these can become exxagerated into
biopathic symptoms and traits.

620) Excerpt from note

Reichs thoughts reminiscent of Buddhism-

Lawful nature

Reich noted that there are endless variations in nature but that all are in agreement with a basic
underlying natural law.

639) 4-9


Patriarchal religious excitation is at once anti-sexual and a sexual substitute.

Wish to flaggelate comes from wish to discharge without guilt.

Origin of evil-religious split from sex..

If excitation becomes traumatic somatically due to blocks then sex becomes 'bad'.

Reich thought that what is often described as a connection to God is in fact a connection to nature.

663) 5

Reich recognised that some priests supported his distinction between natural and unnatural sex life.
Reich stated nature’s and God’s law were also seen to be identical by some priests.


12) 26

Reich's great early contributions:-

 Reality of libido-flow of energy

 Reality of orgasm function-regulation of energy
 Muscular Armour (prevents flow)
 Character (structuralisation of patterned responses).

2) 5

Orgasm theory, Reich believed it was the logical extension of Freud's libido theory.

96) 152

Transition from mechanical congestion to electrical charge is a specific sexual-biologic process. (Life

86) 92

Reich defined Orgasm as the ability to surrender to the flow of biological energy without inhibition. It
is a capacity for discharge of all stored sexual excitation involving involuntary pleasurable

131) 51

Orgasm formula enables a new understanding of physiology/autonomic system.

269) 14

Prior to Reich's Orgasm theory Freud's psychology was just a mental structure lacking a biological

321) 7

Reich thought that the orgasm formula (Tension, Charge, Discharge, Relaxation) pointed toward the
central aspect of organic life. He put forward that the orgasm formula is actually identical to a life

Orgasm or pulsation, is a basic life process. Also the four parts of the orgasm formula is thought to be
only found together in organisms.

466) 260

The orgastic convulsion, where both ends of the torso strive to unite and the spinning wave (KRW)
together form the orgonome.

Also in the process of freezing free orgone can transform into living matter, does a life entity have to
contract in order to enter this material realm?


436) 271

Although many of Reich's social ideas were prescient they are not always unique argues Sharaf.
However his concept of 'orgastic potency' continues to be seen nowhere else. Also of note is the
specific way a series of psychological, social, and biological findings are connected in light of a
common function-Sharaf

445) 134-136

At first R did not recognise that orgastic disturbances were present in neurotics alongside a lack of
discharge of libido or sexual tension.

Psychic inhibition means that genital excitation cannot be completely discharged.

505) 108

One of Reich’s key discoveries is the biopathy-its involvement in the pulsation of the total organism,
plus orgastic dysfunction its role in preventing effective pulsation.

592) 29

Meaning of ‘Work’ & Energetic View of Organisations.

Work means 'to do' in its Indo-European roots. Its Greek form 'ergon' is common root to 'work',
'energy' and 'action'.- the suffixed form of 'ergon', 'worg-a' means 'organ', 'swell' and would be related
to the function of 'orgasm'. In orgonomic terms work and sexual functions are inextricably related,
this seems to be reflected in the Greek understanding.

Pleasure and work not antiethical-30.

Corporal, energetic view of organisations - Goldberg.

Head is the top management which orientates the direction of work.

Middle management enables the flow of work from top to bottom and vice versa.

The body segments discharge the work process.

Each section participates in the 'core' function - the work function.

Each section ideally would function democratically and freely.

Armouring takes the form of bureaucracy (pp43). It can be a lack of, or a disturbed ‘vision’. It can
be chronic 'organisational' problems - pp27-46.

Organisational armouring reflects the history of the organisation.

The energy model is different to a systems model.

The energy model has a 'core' and a ‘field’, and is organic. The core attracts energy and building
happens organically - pp38-39.

Interventions in organisation character by Goldberg often resulted in 'spontaneous' changes in

structure rather than planned ones - pp37.

624) 177

Love is central to Reich's theories. Reich viewed mental illness as a result of a disturbance in the

natural ability to love.

Psychic health is also seen as dependent on orgastic potency, which is the capacity for surrender at
the apex of sexual excitation.
Baker on Reich.

625) 180

Reich's experiments proved that orgastic potency is a completely separate phenomenon to

mechanical ability to perform sexually. (Pleasure and unpleasant register bio-electrically independent
of erection and de-tumescence).

673) 77

The orgastic convulsion governs the entire domain of the living.

759) 126

Analysis can function in the service of neurosis and people can become lost in the 'dark labyrinth of
analytic theory' since the sexual aetilogy of neurosis and the function of the orgasm were rejected.

1019) 34

Orgastic longing plays a gigantic role in the life of animals.

Bioenergetic intensity and longing (rather than psychological concepts based on drive reduction and
sublimation) provide a much simpler explanation of creativity.

395) 98-110

Neo-Reich Body Therapies

Lowen’s Bio-energetics, Perl’s Gestalt therapy and Janov’s Primal therapy all based strongly on
Reich’s work. All lack careful working through of character structure. Orgastic potency is only a goal
in traditional orgone therapy notes Herskowitz.

Lowen claimed he worked on character whilst Reich worked only on orgasm. Herskowitz states
Lowen grossly misdiagnosed his character types. Some of the patients used as prototypes were
known to Herskowitz through an associate - Lowen’s masochist was really a chronic depressive, his
oral character a hysteric with an eye block and another oral character a typical manic depressive -

Bioenergeticists had scant training in the early days - only a few days - 106.

Reich told Lowen not to treat psychotic patients (due to Lowen's character structure) - 106.

Primal therapy EEGs (ElectroEnchaphaloGrams) resemble those of lobotomised patients. Janov

was impressed by their calmness.

Rolfing - Often there is an inappropriate/uncontrolled release of armouring. One Rolfed patient was
flooded with energy after removal of armouring but couldn’t cope with increased energy and clamped
down heavily with re-armouring - 102.

Rolfing - views misalignment (armouring) as ‘losing’ energy rather than binding it - 103.

Neo-reichian therapy - Sick ex-patient of Orgone Psychiatric Therapist, Tropp, (attended two years
only) decides to set up his own modified therapy to include using vibrator to massage armoured
segments. Therapy is voyeuristic and takes sexual advantage of patients. This didn’t stop the Journal
of the American Academy of Psychotherapists from publishing a paper on it.

My Note - Could this be a way of denigrating Reich’s work by publishing work of those who would
abuse it for their own ends? No reference available for name of author or exact date of publishing -

507) 111

Four beat nature of mitiotic cell events, (reflected by Reich’s Life Formula).

735) 156

Reich used thought experiments to find the logical arrangement of a functional equation by replacing
parts of its sequence to examine which arrangement is ‘logical’.

My Note - is full orgasm formula really exclusive to living organisms? Reich’s exclusion of ‘non-living’
entities as those entities that are not able to convulse as a whole could stand reappraissal.

1060) Excerpt from note

Reich viewed the bio-electrical studies as proof of the orgasm formula (in full):

• Mechanical tension
• Bioelectric charging
• Bioelectric discharging
• Mechanical relaxation.

The Victorians thought sexual release was mechanical-all that was needed to prove the orgasm
formula was to show 'charging' took place. NB erectile tension can occur without 'charging' but
pleasurable tension/release is always accompanied by charge pulsation.

AIOS paper presents 7 bioelectrical 'case studies' with tracings and detailed descriptions. Also
extensive controls of electrical technique are presented (although patient numbers not stated).


18) Reich’s UFO experiences had many witnesses.

497) 41

Reich considered that there may be a galactic orgone energy stream running 62° north of the
equatorial plane. He thought that space ships ran on orgone (after reading the Keyhoe and other
reports in 1953). These ships would utilise streams of orgone in space. This might account for the SW
to NE direction of most UFO sightings.

At first Reich thought that the spacemen or CORE MEN (Cosmic ORgone Engineering) as Reich put
it, would be benign. (As they knew how to use orgone and would therefore be unarmoured). Later
Reich thought they may be able to use orgone and be armoured, calling them 'DOR men' - they may
even require desert conditions.

*He further maintained that his arrest would be a violation of the Constitution that would end the role
of the United States as a ‘beacon of our planetary social development as it has been heretofore’ and
that would ‘lead to the downfall of the USA as a self-governing society at the hands of a few conniving
master minds’.

1082) 10

Reich and UFO's

Reich long believed that UFOs might be interplanetary ships. He thought they would be powered by
orgone because the ships behave in ways no mechanically powered vehicle can emulate. Some of
the ways the UFO's move is similar to the orgone motor. They can change directions at high speeds
without a jolt (silence and high speed are other characteristics). Reich thought that there would not be
enough fuel for such journeys so UFO's might use orgone accumulated in space and then trigger it
with Oranur. The exhaust of such ships would therefore be drought producing DOR.

Also there is a criticism of Boadella's and even Neill's comments that Reich may have become
paranoid and detached from reality (due to believing that 'spacemen' were causing DOR and deserts,
or that the US air force shared his concerns, or that Reich had a meeting with President Eisenhower
- a claim Reich never made incidentally but which appears to have possibly happened but was then
covered up by leaning on the witness).

729) 107-128

UFO's-some appear starlike, have cloud forming abilities, blue is an often reported colour. Higher
background counts.

Every phenomena Reich reported has been paralleled in leaked military documents.

1255) 249

Reference to ORUR, orgone treated denaturalised uranium. Reich used this to augment the
cloudbuster, which he then called the 'Space-gun'.

Demeo recounts his UFO experiences-he has twice been closely observed by craft when using
cloudbusters. Demeo doesn't confirm Reich's experience of DOR being emitted by space-craft or any
hostile actions by them as Reich reported in Contact with Space. (Reich deliberately withdrew energy
from the crafts with a converted cloudbuster-the Space-gun).

My note - there is a possibility that the spacecraft experienced by Reich were from terrestial
experiments by the USA or others, using their own or salvaged ships.

769) 28-56

Reich's Cloubusting in Arizona. One fixed one moveable cloudbuster. Humidity changed from 10% to
40%. Light meter changed from 5 to 8. UFO's spotted every night-UFO's would fill the valley with

On another occasion Reich cloudbusted so a plane could take off from a local airport-30.

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