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Bod3 Report

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2 To learnt dilution method 3. INTRODUCTION : BIOLOGICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (BOD) Biochemical oxygen demand or BOD is a chemical procedure for determining the amount of dissolved oxygen needed by aerobic biological organisms in a body of water to break down organic material present in a given water sample at certain temperature over a specific time period. It is not a precise quantitative test, although it is widely used as an indication of the organic quality of water. It is measured at 30oC and under three days in incubation. BOD value represents the carbon available for metabolic activity, indicates the extent of pollution and the efficiency of a treatment process.

BOD bottle probe for measuring dissolved oxygen concentrations. DILUTION METHOD OF MEASUREMENT The format of the APHA BOD test (dilution method) as it is ordinarily arranged is complex and carrying out the tests requires a great deal of time. The usual approach also has several inherent weaknesses, which cause numerous operating troubles. To simplify the procedure and save time without changing the standard test, it has been possible to rearrange the format of the system and to package reagents in sterile pillows. Stable PAO (phenylarsine oxide) solution or stabilized thiosulfate also can be substituted for unstable thiosulfate used in the dissolved oxygen (DO) determination. These changes produce a straightforward system that requires less time and is more reliable. The Hach system compensates for the oxygen demand of seed (if used) and the erratic oxygen demand of the dilution water. This system eliminates the need for running an incubated five-day dilution water blank. It also allows the use of dilution water having 1

an oxygen demand > 0.2 mg/L without losing accuracy of the BOD measurement of the unknown samples. Such a blank would cause a direct error in the traditional system. This has been a serious problem for many years. The Hach system uses an improved method of preparing the dilution water. The nutrient buffer is formulated into a slurry, packaged in unitdose pillows and sterilized. The stability of the slurry in these pillows solves the problem of preserving the APHA stock phosphate buffer solution, which often develops biological growth when exposed to air. In summary, the Hach system for the APHA BOD test uses the same reagents, sample volumes, test conditions, and principles of operation as the traditional approach. The format has merely been streamlined and made more reliable to improve accuracy and save time.

Slurry pillows for preparing BOD dilution water.

4. PROCEDURES : 4.1 BOD bottle was filled with distilled water ( of the bottle). The dilution water was prepared by using the BOD Nutrient Buffer Pillow. 4.2 10 ml of sample was added into a BOD bottle. The bottle was top up with distilled water until the mark at it lip. 4.3 The BOD stopper was put in the BOD bottle and was shake for about one minute to saturate the air with water.( Allow the dilution water to flow down the sides of the bottle to prevent air bubbles from becoming trapped in the bottle). 4.4 LBOD Probe was placed into BOD bottle that containing the sample solution to measure DO value. Make sure there are no air bubbles trapped under the probe. 4.5 The initial DO value was recorded. Then, the sample was stored for three days in dark place. 4.6 The final value of DO was recorded after three days.

5. RESULT AND CALCULATION : INITIAL READING 6.29 (DOi Dof) X 300 (6.29 5.30) X 300 297 mg/L FINAL READING 5.30


= = =

6. DISCUSSION : Total dissolved oxygen can be measure from difference between the initial DO and final DO, then time with 300 (dilution factor). Seed was used to provide microorganisms to oxidize organic matter. The possible interferences in the BOD determination are nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand (NBOD) which is occurs after 6 to 10 days. The seed also must be acclimated to the water sample under test. Moreover, the number of species of microorganism is different in each BOD bottle. Other than this is the seed is killed by toxic chemicals present in the sample. DO levels are highest if the sample of water is not polluted, that means there is no toxic and bacteria effect. So, in sample of water there is a lot of oxygen demanding wastes in the source. While, level is low because the sample water not have enough oxygen to dissolve in water that need to all leaving things.

7. CONCLUSION : From the experiment the value of BOD is 297 mg/L by storing the sample for three days in dark place. In conclusion, the value of BOD can get by doing this experiment.

8. REFFERENCES : 8.1 http://www.waset.org/journals/ijcee/v1/v1-1-3.pdf 8.2 http://www.scribd.com/doc/46851340/Biochemical-Oxygen-Demand

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