Byk, Fomina. Gas Hydrates

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Gas Hydrates

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Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968

56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. Yu.N.Sazanov, M.M.Koton, N.A.Glukhov, andT.D.D'yachenko, Paper presented at the XVth Ail-Union Conference on High-Molecular Weight Compounds, Moscow, 1965. V.Stannett and M.Szwarc, J. Polymer Sci., 10, 587(1954). K.Satome and Y.Hadira, Makromol.Chem., 82, 41(1965). U.S. P. 2 878236 (1959); Chem.Abs., 53, 12744a (1959). U.S. P. 2 890208 (1959); Chem.Abs., 53, 18546h (1959). U.S.P. 2 914 556(1959); Chem.Abs., 54, 8586d (1960). B.P. 859 645(1961); Chem.Abs., 56, 20505g (1961). B.P. 981199 (1965); Ref.Zhur.Khim., S217 (1966). B.P. 859 642 (1961); Chem.Abs., 56, 25355g (1961). B.P. 1000 401 (1965); Ref. Zhur.Khim., S.280 (1966). U.S.P. 3 164 945 (1965); Ref. Zhur.Khim., S285 (1966). U.S.P. 2 933 477 (1960); Chem.Abs., 54, 21830c (1960). U.S.P. 2 933 478 (1960); Chem.Abs., 54, 21830e (1960). K.Tada, T.Saegusa, and J.Furukawa, J.Chem.Soc. Japan, Ind.Chem.Sect., 66, 996(1963). K.Tada, T.Saegusa, and J.Furukawa, Makromol.Chem., 71, 71 (1964). T.Shimizu, T.Tsuda, and Y.Yamashita, J.Chem.Soc.Japan, Ind.Chem.Sect., 67, 1661(1964). 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

K.Tada, T.Saegusa, and J.Furukawa, J.Chem.Soc.Japan, Ind.Chem.Sect., 66, 1501(1963). K.Tada, Y.Numata, T.Saegusa, and J.Furukawa, Makromol. Chem., 77, 220 (1964). Y.Shimosaka, T.Tsuruta, and J.Furukawa, J.Chem.Soc. Japan, Ind.Chem.Sect., 66, 1498(1963). T.Shiota, Y.Hiraki, Y.Goto, K.Hayashi, and S.Okamura, J.High Polymer (Tokyo), 22, 252 (1965). U.S.P. 2 895 658(1958); Chem.Abs., 53, 15642f (1959). T.Tsuda, T.Shimizu, and Y.Yamashita, J.Chem.Soc.Japan, Ind.Chem.Sect., 67, 2145 (1964). O.C.Dermer and W.A.Ames, J.Polymer Sci., A-2, 9, 4151 (1964). T.Kagiya, S.Narisawa, K.Manabe, andK.Fukui, J.Chem. Soc.Japan, Ind.Chem.Sect., 68, 1741 (1965). T.Tsuda, T.Shimizu, and Y.Yamashita, J.Chem.Soc.Japan, Ind.Chem.Sect., 67, 2150(1964).

Institute of Macromolecular Compounds, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad



Gas Hydrates
S.Sh.Byk and V.I.Fomina
This review states contemporary views about gas hydrates, and also about non-stoichiometric clathrates with the general formula M.nH2O. The known types of the hydrates and their crystal structure are described. The thermodynamics of hydrate formation is considered. Methods of determining the composition of the hydrates are described. Factual information concerning the hydrates of individual gases and organic liquids and mixed hydrates (binary and multicomponent) is given. The problem of the stabilisation of hydrates by an auxiliary gas is considered. Information is given about the density of hydrate crystals and the physical kinetics of the hydrate formation. Equations are given which are obtained by the methods of statistical mechanics and are based on the use of Lennard-Jones and Kihara potentials, and allow the main thermodynamic properties of the hydrates to be calculated. The problems of the industrial utilisation of the hydrates are examined (desalination of sea water, separation of liquid and gaseous mixtures, etc.). The theoretical principles of the inhibition of hydrate formation processes are stated. Bibliography of 180 references.

CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Contemporary views about gas hydrates III. Conditions for the formation of hydrates IV. Methods of preparation and of determining the composition of hydrates V. Thermodynamics of hydrate formation VI. Stabilisation of hydrates with the aid of an "auxiliary gas" VII. Hydrates of individual gases and volatile organic liquids VIII. Mixed hydrates IX. Calculation of the conditions of hydrate formation and of the compositions of the solid (hydrate) and gas phases X. Use of the principles of statistical mechanics in studying gas hydrates. XI. Physical kinetics of the formation of hydrates. XII. Density of hydrate crystals XIII. Industrial use of gas hydrates XIV. Prevention of hydrate formation

469 470 471 472 473 474 474 480 484 486 487 487 488 488

I. INTRODUCTION Gas hydrates are solid crystalline substances with the appearance of snow or loose ice and the general formula M.H20, where is the hydrate-forming molecule. There is considerable theoretical interest in the investigation of

gas hydrates, as they allow general laws to be formulated which describe the unique physical properties of an extensive group of clathrate compoundst in which the crystal t Contemporary views about gas hydrates as non-stoichiometric clathrates are presented in Chapter II of this review.

lattice is constructed from water molecules but nevertheless differs appreciably from the lattice of ordinary ice (stability at temperatures > 0C, presence of cavities of strictly determined diameter, etc.). Practical interest in gas hydrates is connected with the following features. A series of processes which are carried out in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries is accompanied by the formation of hydrocarbon hydrates which clog pipelines and equipment. To prevent hydrate formation it is necessary to know the conditions of formation of the hydrates for various compositions of the gas phase, temperatures, pressures, and other parameters, which determine this process. Three prospective directions for the industrial use of gas hydrates must also be noted: (1) the desalination of sea water (semi-industrial plants are already known to be in operation); (2) the separation of binary and multicomponent gas and liquid mixtures; (3) the storage of gases. Davy1 first obtained a gas hydrate of chlorine in 1811 on cooling a saturated aqueous solution of chlorine at 9C. In the first half of the XDCth century hydrates of Br 2 , SO2, and H2S were obtained in this way. Thanks to the work of Cailletet, Vroblevskii, Villard, de Forcrand, and other investigators 1 in the 1850s to 1890s, the hydrates formed by CO2, CS2, C2H2, PH 3 , AsH3, CH4, C2H6, C2H4, C3H8, N2O, Ar, Kr, and Xe became known. A large group of so-called "double hydrates'^ was then studied, formed by H2S or H2Se with hydrocarbons and their halogen derivatives (predominantly of the aliphatic series): CH3C1, C2H5Br, C2H5I, etc. and also hydrates formed by the mixtures: CO2 + PH 3 , CS2 + PH 3 , C2H2 + CC14, and hydrates obtained from halogen-substituted aliphatic hydrocarbons and such compounds as C2H4, CO2, SO2, and others. In the first third of the XXth century the investigation of gas hydrates was mainly connected with the defining of the conditions for the formation of previously known hydrates and of obtaining some new hydrates (CF 4 , CHF3, SOCJCLJ, I 2 , etc.) 1 " 3 . There was an appreciable increase in interest in studying gas hydrates after the publication of Hammerschmidt's first work 4 , who showed in a study of the hydrates of individual C^-C^ aliphatic hydrocarbons, that the serious difficulties arising in the transport of natural gas were connected with the formation in the pipelines of the so-called "mixed hydrates". During these years there appeared a great number of papers devoted to defining the equilibrium conditions for the formation of hydrates by individual hydrocarbons, their mixtures, the composition of the hydrates, and methods of preventing hydrate formation. All these problems have been covered completely enough in Frost and Deaton's monograph 5 . As a result of the fundamental investigations made by Stackelberg 6 " 1 8 , Claussen 1 9 ' 2 0 , and also Pauling and Marsch 2 1 , in the 1950s the structure of the hydrate crystals was determined, the ideas about "mixed hydrates" were significantly extended, the stabilising influence of foreign gases was studied, and the thermodynamics of hydrate formation and other problems were considered. At the end of the 1950s and start of the sixties theoretical studies devoted to the statistical mechanics of gas hydrates appeared 2 2 " 2 9 . Between 1960 and 1966 the existence of hydrates of oxygen and nitrogen at high pressures was shown experimentally 3 0 ' 3 1 and the theoretical investigations were pursued further 3 2 " 3 7 . % As will be shown below, "double hydrates" are particular examples of "mixed hydrates".

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968

. CONTEMPORARY VIEWS ABOUT GAS HYDRATES Current literature devoted to the structure of gas hydrates recognises the viewpoint first expressed by Niki39 43 tin " . According to this viewpoint, gas hydrates (formed by individual gases or their mixtures) are non-stoichio28 44 45 metric inclusion compounds, "gas clathrates" ' , in which the "included" molecules of gas are held by van der Waals forces in a metastable crystal lattice, the "host", which is constructed from water molecules. 19 20 21 The investigations of Claussen , Pauling and Marsch , 8 9 46 Stackelberg and Muller ' , and Mandelcorn have shown conclusively that gas hydrates crystallise in one of two cubic structures, (I) or (II), the interaction between the water molecules from which the lattice is constructed being effected by means of hydrogen bonds. The hydrates of structure (I) are described by space group Oh3 = Pm3n and are characterised by the crystal lattice parameter 12 A. The unit cell is constructed from 46 water molecules and in it there are eight cavities available for gas molecules, including 2 "small" cavities and six "large". The "small" cavities of structure (I) are regular pentagonal dodecahedra with mean free diameter ~ 5.1 A; each of the six "large" cavities is tetrahedral with a mean free diameter of ~ 5.8 A, formed by two opposing hexagons and 12 pentagons situated between them.

Figure 1. Crystal lattice of a gas hydrate of structure (I).

The hydrates of structure (II) are described by space group Oh7 FdZn with crystal lattice parameter 17.4 A. The unit cell is constructed from 136 water molecules, contains 24 cavities, including 16 "small" and 8 "large". The "small" cavities, as for structure (I), are pentagonal dodecahedra, but somewhat deformed, as a result of which the mean free diameter is ~ 5 A. The "large" cavities of structure (II) are hexadecahedra, each of which is constructed from four hexagons and 12 pentagons. The mean free diameter of this cavity is ~ 6.7 A. When the effective diameter of the hydrate-forming molecule ( d ^ ) < 5.1 A, then a hydrate of structure (I) is formed in the presence of water; in principle, all the eight cavities can be filled (hydrates of Ar, CH4, H2S, etc.) and consequently the ideal formula of this hydrate will be ^^ or lAy. 5.75H2O, where Mx can be a molecule of Ar, CH4, H2S, etc. When 5.8 A > d > 5.1 A, then the hydrateforming molecules can fill only the six large cavities: in this instance the ideal formula of the hydrate will be 6M2.46H2O or M^-flLjO (Ma = C ^ , Cl 2 , SO2, etc.). When two types of molecule are present simultaneously in the gas mixture (a mixture of Mx + Ma) a so-called "mixedhydrate" with the ideal formula 2MX.6M2.46H2O is formed, which can

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968

be considered as a solid solution 28,40-42 wfth a composition which changes during fusion of the hydrate. An example of a "mixed hydrate" of structure (I) is 2H2S.6C2He.46H2O.

Curve itself characterises the P-tf dependence for condensed systems. For the hydrates this curve is almost vertical. The slope of the curve to left or right (dt/dp < 0 or dt/dp > 0) will depend on how much the volume of the solid hydrate is greater or less than that of the liquid phase which is formed in the fusion of the hydrate. From the equation given above for the formation of a hydrate comes the idea of dissociation pressure (P&i). Evidently each hydrate is characterised at a given temperature by a definite value of P^. In principle where P'u is the vapour pressure of the hydrate-forming substance over the hydrate and ^2 the vapour pressure of the water above the crystal lattice of the same hydrate, constructed from H2O molecules. In practice, P{A (since P& rf)

Figure 2. Crystal lattice of a gas hydrate of structure (II).

Analogous considerations apply for a hydrate of structure (II). When 5 A < d$ < 6.7 A (C3H8, iso-C 4 H 10 , CHCL,, etc.), then the ideal formula of the hydrate will be 8Mg. .136H2O or ]VL.17H2Oo. For the mixture M, + M^ (under the conditions: dftf < 5 A), the "mixed hydrate" which is formed is characterised by the ideal formula 16M4.8M3.136H2O or 2M4.M3.17H2O; for example, 2H2S.C3H8.17H2O or 2CH4. .C3H8.17H2O. Figs. 1 and 2 show schematically hydrates of structures 0) and (II). . CONDITIONS FOR THE FORMATION OF HYDRATES A clear presentation of the conditions of formation of hydrates according to the equation + H2O ^ M.wH2O can be obtained by considering the diagram of heterogeneous equilibrium in P-t coordinates proposed by Roozeboom47 and given in one of Stackelberg's papers 1 0 . On this diagram (Fig. 3): (a) curve / characterises the saturation vapour pressure of the hydrate -forming substance Pu which in its turn is saturated with water vapour; (b) curve //, the vapour pressure of the hydrate-forming substance over the hydrate in the presence of liquid water; (c) curve //' is the vapour pressure of over the hydrate in the presence of ice; (d) curve 17/ is the variation of the melting point of the hydrate with the pressure; (e) curve IV is the depression of the freezing point of water during the dissolution of in it under pressure. As Fig. 3 shows, the region of existence of hydrates is situated to the left of curves // and ///. The intersection of these curves gives the so-called "critical point for the decomposition of the hydrate" Pc, which is simultaneously the upper quadruple point of the system; at this point hydrate + M g a s + Muq + water coexist. It should be noted that point Pc is absent from the hydrates formed by such gases as Ar, CH4, C2H4, Kr, Xe, N2, and O2, since owing to the low values of the critical temperature, curve / for these gases falls below curve // up to the intersection point. The intersection of curves //' and // gives the so-called "lower quadruple point" at which hydrate + ice + water + Mgas coexist. When the pressure in the system is below Fc, then on heating the hydrate decomposes into water and gas (on crossing curve II). When the pressure in the system exceeds Pc, then on raising the temperature (passage through curve ///) the hydrate decomposes into two liquid phases, H2O and

liquid + hydrate % l i q u i d

+ H


Mg,s + H2O


Figure 3. P-t phase diagram.

From what has been said above, at constant temperature there are two boundary conditions 48 , which determine the possibility of existence of a hydrate: (1) P ^ < P M , and ( 2 ) PB2O < -fV^o, that is, the equilibrium pressure of the vapour of above the solid hydrate (P^) should be less than the pressure Pu in the system, and simultaneously the equilibrium pressure of water vapour above the hydrate crystal (2) should be less than the partial pressure of water vapour (F^o) in the same system. Investigations made by many authors have shown45 that this second condition is observed in practice only for the presence of drops of liquid water in the system (that is, at 100% humidity at the given temperature). The relation between the equilibrium pressure of the hydrate-forming substance over the hydrate (in the literature it is usually denoted simply by the symbol P) and the 49 51 temperature is described by the well-known equation ~ :
[gp=A BIT,

where is in K. Tamman and Kriege 5 2 showed that for most gas hydrates the connection between the equilibrium pressure and temperature can be represented by an equation of the type: Diagrams constructed on a semilogarithmic scale for methane, ethane, propane, and isobutane well reflect the linear character of the relation between lgP and t and allow the equilibrium conditions for hydrate formation for each of these hydrocarbons to be found readily by interpolation. For hydrates of structure (I) dt/dp > 0; for structure (II) dt/dp < 0.10

IV. METHODS OF PREPARATION AND OF DETERMINING THE COMPOSITION OF HYDRATES Experimental methods for the preparation of hydrates are considered in the papers of Frost and Deaton 51 , Hammerschmidt 4 , and the reviews of Czaplinski23. Hydrates can be formed both in a closed system (most convenient for laboratory investigations) and in a flow system (gas pipes, petrochemical industrial plant). The formation of hydrates can in principle be compared with crystallisation from a supersaturated solution or the freezing of a supercooled melt 2 . Therefore the general rules formulated by Eucken 54 for crystallisation can be transferred to the process of hydrate formation. This process is greatly facilitated 4 by increasing the rate of gas flow, saturation with water vapour, pressure pulsations, the introduction of small crystals of the hydrate or other nuclei for the crystallisation (for example, crystallites of Agl"). From the very definition of gas hydrates as non-stoichiometric clathrates it follows that in the formula M.wH2O the value of is variable!, depending on the degree of filling of the cavities! The minimal value of is reached when all the cavities of the clathrate crystal are filled with molecules of the hydrate-forming substance. In this sense it is possible to speak about the "ideal" formula of the hydrate. For hydrates of structure (I) the idealformula 8M.46H2O or . 5.75H2O (when only the six large cavities are filled, 6M.46H2O or M.7-f H2O). For the hydrates of structure (II) the eight large cavities (deff < < 6.7 A) are usually filled and the ideal formula of such a hydrate is 8M.136H2O or M.17H2O. 1. DIRECT EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF COMPOSITION The direct determination of the composition of a hydrate is carried out as follows251: a definite quantity of liquid water and of compressed gas is put in a thick-walled glass tube at ~ 0C and, with periodic shaking, the system is kept for several days. After complete bonding of the water in the hydrate the tube is cooled below the temperature at which P^s = 1 atm, and the excess of gas, bonded with the water, is removed. Then the hydrate is decomposed by heating and the volume of gas liberated is measured, after which the composition of the hydrate is calculated from the ratio between the initial amount of water and the volume of gas liberated. It should be noted that for any one hydrate many authors 51 55 have obtained quite different results > . The explanation is firstly that the conditions of carrying out the experiment are not comparable and secondly the serious experimental difficulties that arise in carrying out the method. Of the many studies devoted to the direct experimental determination of the composition of hydrates, the most precise are those of Marshall and coworkers 57 and Ceccoti 55 . The former determined the composition of methane hydrate in the pressure range 150-680 atm, and in the calculations they took account of the compressibility of methane and its solubility in water. The same authors observed an interesting fact:
il According to van der Waals (grandson) and Platteeuw 2 8 s s , with rise in temperature along curves // and /// on the P-t diagram the degree of filling of the cavities of the hydrate lattice increases, that is, the value of decreases. t When a hydrate is formed directly from an aqueous solution, for example, ethylene oxide hydrate s 6 .

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968 the occlusion of water by the hydrate lattice which is formed prevents the interaction between gas and water proceeding to completion. Ceccoti studied the formation of hydrates by propane directly in the gas phase in the presence of microcrystallites of Agl, which, as he showed, serve as effective catalysts for hydrate formation. In this instance the result of the experiment was not distorted by the occlusion of the liquid phase (aqueous or hydrocarbon) of the crystal lattice of the hydrate. At a temperature somewhat above the lower quadruple point the propane hydrate was found to have the composition C3H8.19.7H2O (which corresponds to 86% filling of the large cavities). Ceccoti first suggested that propane hydrate, by analogy with bromine hydrate M , has a tetragonal structure. A method first proposed by Bigorne"5e belongs among the direct experimental methods of determining the composition of hydrates. He found that when the hydrate is formed from an aqueous solution of a salt (for example, NiSOj, which does not itself react with a hydrate-forming substance (C1O2), then after the formation of the hydrate the quantity of "free" water in the system decreases, since part of it is converted into the hydrate lattice, but the concentration of the salt in the solution rises correspondingly. Knowing the decrease in the hydrate-forming substance in the system, it is easy to calculate the composition of the hydrate. The precision work of Khayano and Takasi 6 0 was based on the principle stated above; they determined the composition of isobutane hydrate (M.17.1H2O) with the aid of a series of NaCl solutions of different concentration. 2. SEMIEMPIRICAL METHOD OF CALCULATING THE COMPOSITION OF HYDRATES This method, first proposed by de Forcrand 8 1 andperfecte by Scheffer and Meyer 62 , allows the value of at the lower quadruple point to be determined, that is, the point of intersection of the two curves "ice-hydrate-gas" and "water-hydrate-gas". As stated above, each of these curves is described by an equation of the type lg = A - B/T, in which the constants A and are found by experiment. The number of water molecules connected with one molecule of the hydrate-forming substance is calculated by the simple formula:
//, /ij

where # and Aij are the molar heats of formation of the hydrate from liquid water and from ice, and Q is1 the molar heat of fusion of ice (at 0C, Q = 1430 cal mole" ). The values of and 2 for the specific hydrate were calculated in the usual way, by combining the equation given above with the Clausing-Clapeyron equation:

In this way the compositions of the hydrates of methane, ethane, propane, and natural gas were determined for the 49 51 lower quadruple point - . In the same way van Cleef and Diepen 31 calculated the composition of the hydrates of oxygen and nitrogen which they obtained for the first time at high pressures. The calculations were sufficiently rigorous: the density of the hydrated crystals, the solubility of the gas in water, and its coefficient of compressibility were calculated. For nitrogen hydrate at the lower quadruple point (t = 1.3 C, = 141.5 atm) the composition N2(6.01 0.23)H2O was

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968 found and for oxygen hydrate (t = -1.0C, = 104.2 atm), the value = 6.06 0.21. It is interesting to note that even at > 100 atm not all the cavities of the hydrate lattice are completely filled. Among the indirect methods of determining must be 48 included the method proposed by Miller and Strong . On applying the law of mass action to the formation of propane hydrate
C3H8 H 2 O (hydr.)

At the same time
= /?T In P d i s s ,


where Pdis is the dissociation pressure of the hydrate in atmospheres. On combining Eqns. (1) and (2) it is easy to obtain the relation
lg^dis.= 4.8-0.32^77". (3)

in terms of activities
= [ac,H,

Eqn. (3), which connects Pas* with the boiling point of the hydr ate-forming substance, i s true only at 0C. For t > 0C (Mgas +rcH2OHquid ' M.nH 2 O hy dr), Stackelberg obtained the general equation: 4.57lg Pdiss.= 400 ~ 1437-f 22+143777273. (4) With the aid of Eqn. (3) he calculated Pdis at 0C for hydrates which had been studied well and obtained values which were compared with experimental data (Table 1).

and then converting to fugacities the authors obtained the expression: where f2 is the fugacity of propane in equilibrium with the hydrate and pure liquid water, fx the fugacity of propane in equilibrium with the hydrate in aqueous solution, a the activity of pure liquid water (a = 1), and ax the activity of water in the solution. From the equation given above,
__ lg(/s//i) lg/i lg/t

Table 1.

By using aqueous 2 solutions of methanol, ethanol, acetone, and KOH for hydrate formation, Strong and Miller obtained at 1.9 C for all four solutions the value = 6. * It should be noted that this result does not agree with the values of for propane hydrate found by other investigators 5 1 (n = 17.95). V. THERMODYNAMICS O F HYDRATE FORMATION P r o b l e m s connected with the calculation of the energy of formation of hydrates, the entropy and enthalpy of this p r o c e s s , and the work of expansion of the c r y s t a l lattice of the hydrate were considered in detail by Stackelberg 1 3 . On the b a s i s of the general p r e m i s e s that simple g a s hydrates a r e formed from molecules of water and the hydrate-forming substance with the aid of van der Waals forces and that in energetic r e s p e c t s the crystal lattice of the g a s hydrate differs very little from the lattice of ordinary i c e 1 2 . Stackelberg suggested that the entropy of the reaction: Mgas+ H 2 O solid = M.nH2Ohydr. equals the entropy of freezing of 1 mole of g a s (AS):
AS -- 5 2 .



^diss , atm calc. 20 4.2 3.2 2.5 (1.9

CH 4 C2H4 C.H,


112.0 171.0 180,0 189.0 228.0

2(5 >.r> 5.2 5,7 1.0(1 7)

As noted above, one of the main conditions for the existence of a hydrate i s the r e l a t i o n 4 8 : P ^ = P^ < P M , where Pyi i s the saturated vapour p r e s s u r e of the hydrate-forming substance. By using the combined Clausing-Clapeyron andTrouton equation l g P M = 4.60-0.0169 tb and Eqn. (3) the boundary condition for the formation of the hydrate can be obtained ( P M = Pdiss): tb = 60C. Hence g a s e s and volatile organic liquids with tb > 60C cannot form hydrates. The extensive experimental r e s u l t s agree with this statement (an exception i s chloroform, for which tb = 61 C).


Stackelberg showed713 that for the process M g a s + nH2OHquid ^ M.wH2Ohydr the enthalpy calculated on the basis of calorimetric and tensimetric measurements for = 6, * varies within limits from -14 to -17 kcal mole" 1 ; at 1 = 9, from -19 to -20 kcal mole" and at = 17, from * * -29 to -32 kcal mole" 1 . For the process Mo d + su H-jOsoiid ^ M.raH2Ohydr both the enthalpy (2 kcal mole" 1 ) and entropy (5 cal deg-1) are almost equal to zero. Simultaneously with this Stackelberg found that for the formation of "double hydrates":
Mgas + 2 H 2 S g a s + 17 H2O,iquid - 2 H 2 S 17 H 2 O h ydr,

In this instance ASX (the entropy of condensation of 1 mole of gas) according to Trouton's rule i s 21 cal deg" 1 and AS2 (entropy of freezing of 1 mole of liquefied gas) was 1 cal d e g " 1 , and consequently AS = -22 cal deg- 1 . By analogy with physical adsorption, according to Eucken 5 4 the energy of formation of the hydrate is

where Tb is the boiling point of the hydrate-forming substance at atmospheric p r e s s u r e in K, 8000 c a l mole" 1 i s the heat of vaporisation of water not entering into the pseudocrystalline group; hence Wfydr ~ -400-/Tfc. The change in free energy (AG) in hydrate formation is here described by the equation (for 273 K): A -= WuydrTAS =- 400 YT^ -- 6000. G

the enthalpy and entropy are rather significant ( = 70 kcal mole- 1 and AS = -200 - 250 cal deg-1). The work of expansion of the crystal lattice of the hydrate on increasing the diameter of the molecule introduced into its internal cavities was calculated by Stackel(1) berg and Jahns 1 4 .

As a result of careful X-ray diffraction measurements of the crystal lattice parameters of the hydrates of structures (I) and (II) they found that the parameters a increase with the diameter of the molecule of the hydrate-forming substance. Thus a change in rfeff from 5.2 to 5.7 A increases the lattice parameter of structure (I) by 1%. The same effect is observed in structure (II) for "double hydrates", where the increase in becomes noticeable at deff > 6.3 A. Evidently the value of the work of expansion of the crystal lattice of the hydrate produced by large molecules allows the stability of the hydrate to be evaluated. Starting from the general definition, the work of expanv sion is -ty^ = I pdv, where p is the dissociation pressure of the hydrate, and introducing the value of the coefficient of compressibility of the hydrate, which characterises the force opposing the expansion of the lattice,

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968 VI. STABILISATION OF HYDRATES WITH THE AID OF AN "AUXILIARY GAS" The stabilising action on hydrate formation of a so-called "auxiliary gas", that is, a gas the molecules of which are not held in the internal cavities of the hydrate crystal, was first observed by Villard in 1897.e3 In studying the hydrate of N2O, Villard found that in pure compressed N2O at 14C the decomposition pressure of the hydrate formed is 250 atm. When the experiment is carried out at the same temperature but in the presence of air the decomposition pressure of the hydrate is reduced to 100 atm. In 1923 Villard 1 observed a still more interesting effect: iodine, which itself is incapable of hydrate formation (b.p. 183 C), forms in the presence of oxygen or nitrogen (which form hydrates only at very high pressures 3 1 ) a brick-red, crystalline hydrate, stable at 3C (P N2 = 200 atm) and even at 8C (Poa = 330 atm). Further investigations of the "stabilisation effect" carried out by Stackelberg and Meinhold11 allowed a general experimental rule to be established: certain gases (N2, O2, CO2, etc.) which fill only an insignificant part of the cavities of the hydrate lattice appreciably raise the critical temperature for the decomposition of a hydrate by their presence (usually at > 1 atm). The degree of elevation of the decomposition temperature of the hydrate depends on the nature of the gas. Thus in studying the influence of CO2 and N2 on the decomposition temperature of hydrates (CC14, CHC13, ,,^ Stackelberg and Meinhold established that the effect which could be producec by the presence of CO2 is twice as much as that obtainable in the presence of N2 (~ 10 deg and 5 deg). It is also interesting to note that the stabilising influence of n-butane, which was recently unambiguously shown not to form hydrates itself60, but nevertheless on being present as one of the components of a gaseous mixture considerably alters the value of the equilibrium pressure over the "mixed hydrate". Extensive investigations of the stabilising action of "auxiliary gases" were made by Barrer and Ruzicka 64 . In studying the hydrates of chloroform the authors established that such gases as H2, Ne, N2, Ar, O2, CH4, Kr, Xe, C2H4, C2H6, and CO2 not only appreciably change the equilibrium conditions of hydrate formation but also partially fill the small cavities of structure (II), that is, here it is possible to speak not about an individual hydrate of chloroform but about its "mixed hydrates". VII. HYDRATES OF INDIVIDUAL GASES AND VOLATILE ORGANIC LIQUIDS

the authors 1 4 obtained the following expression for the work of expansion:
[Wfl* (Aa).] 8 2 X ! 41 8,3 10" ?



where a 0 is the parameter of the normal lattice (before expansion), a = a0 + is the parameter of the expanded lattice. On converting to numerical values: = 4 x 10"5, a0 = 12 x 10~8 cm, structure (I), and a0 = 17.3 x 10"8 cm, structure (II), the final form can be obtained.
- Wi = 36 ( 100 V cal, structure (I) Wn = 107 ( 100 V cal, structure (II).


The work performed in the expansion of the crystal lattice increases the chemical potential of the molecule of the complex-forming substance by : -Wexp = = /? In (P/Po). (8) From this equation, on increasing the chemical potential, P di!S for the hydrate increases and consequently the "upper quadruple point" of the hydrate is shifted to lower temperatures. This depression of the critical temperature for the decomposition of the hydrate () is described by the equation: (9) ) = W T/ =(

Schroeder's monograph1 contains the most complete information about the hydrates of the individual gases and where Xhydr is the heat of the reaction M.nH2O - M g a s + raH2Oiiquici; the heat of vaporisation of the hydrate-form- the volatile organic liquids relating to the experimental results published up to 1923. Frost and Deaton's monoing substance, and the heat of the reaction M.nH2O graph 5 contains data embracing the period up to 1945 and jqi H O. relating mainly to hydrates of hydrocarbon gases. The For structure (I) (at 6), =* 10 000 cal, (at studies made in the last two decades are surveyed in the c* 17) = 25 000 cal, and consequently after substituting in review part of Stackelberg's papers 1 0 ' 1 1 , the fundamental Eqn. (9) the corresponding values of W^ and w p the handbook edited by Katz 6 5 , and also in a series of articles approximate formula published between 1960 and 1966.

= 1.1 (100

can be obtained; it is true for structures (I) and (II). From Eqn. (10) it follows that an increase of 3% in the lattice dimensions depresses the temperature of the upper quadruple point by 10 deg. This conclusion agrees with the experimental results 1 4 .

% Carbon tetrachloride forms hydrates only in the presence of a stabilising gas. In this connection indications of the possibility of the formation of hydrates of n-butane 3>S3 must be considered extremely doubtful.

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968

Methane Villard first obtained a hydrate of methane at t > 0C and > 1 atm; the maximal temperature at which he succeeded in obtaining the hydrate was 21.5C. Methane hydrate was then investigated by Deaton and Frost 6 7 and Roberts 6 8 who studied the -t dependence for temperatures from 0.5tol2.8C. The part of the P-t diagram in the region of existence of ice (from -10 to -5C) was also investigated 68 . The construction of apparatus needed for working at high pressures allowed Kobayashi and Katz 69 > 70 to obtain the P-t dependence at pressures from 333 atm (22.5C) to 762 (28.8C). Campbell and McLeod71 studied methane hydrate in the same pressure interval and obtained results agreeing with those of Kobayashi and Katz. In 1964, Marshall and coworkers published a study 72 in which with the aid of a specially constructed chamber, using an original method of "pressure jump" they studied hydrates of CH4 in the pressure range from 157 atm (17C) to 3915 atm (47CC). Table 2 gives their equilibrium P-t data.

These results, which agree well with those obtained by other authors, are given in Table 4. The following constants for ethane hydrate, structure (I), are given by van der Waals and Platteeuw 28 : Pas = 5.2atm at 0C; maximal temperature of existence of the hydrate 14.5C; heat of hydrate formation at 0C, = 16.3 kcal mole" 1 .

Table 3.
'equil 9.6 6 6 3.5 1.1

/"equil. 3.09 3.52 3.99 4.51

Table 4.
'equil C Pequll
a t m

Table 2.
'equil. C 17.05 17.33 22,05 21,94 22.61 24.9 25.0 27.0 28.4

equil, atm 157 157.2 295.8 295.1 332.8 437.0 431.8 561.3 645 3

'equil C 28.44 33.55 37.16 39.55 40.5 41.05 43.66 45.16 46.44 46.88


a t m

6.73 9.66 11.52 14.2

9.6 16.42 21 32.5

645.3 1093.1 1506.2 1847.2 2033,0 2208.3 2679.2 3152.8 3627.1 3915.4

Table 5.
'equil C 1.5 5.22 5.16 5.55 6.11 6.5 7,26* 8,55 J'equil atm 9.26 11.41 12.18 13.81 17 5 20.5 19.1* 21.9 'equil 9.6 9.76 10.2 10.5* 11.5 12.05 19,93

^equil> atm 23.75 24.7 29.1 26.2* 30.9 32.2 34.9

In their monograph28 van der Waals and Platteeuw give the following physicochemical characteristics for the hydrate of CH4, structure (I): Pete = 26 atm at 0C; the heat of formation from water and the gas is 14.5 kcalmole" 1 at 0C; the decomposition temperature at = 1 atm is t = -29.0C. Ethane The hydrate of C2He was first obtained by Villard . Deaton and Frost 7 4 obtained the P-t dependence for ethane hydrate at pressures of 5.4-54 atm and temperatures 0 14.4C. Roberts 6 8 studied ethane hydrate at pressures up to 64 atm (this also embraces the region of existence of the liquid hydrocarbon phase). Deaton and Frost 5 1 obtained equilibrium P-t data in the region of negative temperatures; they investigated temperatures from -9.6 to -1.1C and pressures from 3.09 to 4.51 atm. Their results are presented in Table 3. On the basis of the equilibrium data given above and obtained earlier 7 4 ' 7 5 for t > 0C and pressures up to = 68 atm, Deaton and Frost calculated the heats of decomposition of ethane hydrate at t > 0C (17 796 cal mole" 1 ) and t < 0C (6069 cal mole" 1 ) and used Forcrand's method to determine the composition of the hydrate at the lower quadruple point: C2H6 . 8.25H2O. The most recent results on the equilibrium P-t data are given in Reamer and coworkers' work, carried out at a high experimental level.

* Values of i^quii t 0 low-

Stackelberg gave 10 AH = 15.0 kcal mole" 1 , decomposition temperature of hydrate t = 15.8C at = 1 atm. Ethylene Ethylene hydrate was first obtained by Villard 66 , who determined P^ for the hydrate at 0 and 17C (5.5 atm and 44.8 atm). More extensive investigations in this fieldwere 67 69 made by Deaton and Frost , Kobayashi and Katz , and by 77 Diepen and Scheffer , who investigated ethylene hydrate 76 at pressures up to 50.5 atm. Reamer and coworkers made a careful determination of the equilibrium Pt values; their results are given in Table 5. Snell and coworkers 7 8 studied the conditions of formation of ethylene hydrate and of the hydrate of a CH4 + C2H4 mixture at pressures up to 612 atm. Fig. 4 shows the P-t dependence they obtained. 10 Stackelberg gives the following values of the constants for ethylene hydrate, structure (I); Pdis = 5.5 atm at 0C (5.44 according to Diepen), AH = 15.2 kcal mole" 1 ; decomposition temperature -13.4C at = 1 atm; composition found by Claussen 20 by an X-ray diffraction method C 2 H 4 .7.4H 2 O.

P, atm

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968 in obtaining P-t values for the pressure range 5-20 atm and temperatures from 0.5 to 1.7C (the pressure interval also embraces the region of existence of the liquid hydrocarbon phase). A precision investigation of propene hydrate, during which even the pressure of water vapour in the system was calculated, was made by Clarke and coworkers 8 1 . Table 7 gives their equilibrium results. They obtained the following expression for the volatility (/) of propene over its hydrate:
lg / = 24.8309 0,0001 (6610 20) 1/

Table 6.

equil C

equU> atm 0.984 1.137 1.318 1.328 1.462 1,698

'equil> C

"equil atm 1.787 1.895 1.901 2.018 2.875 3.958

11.95 9.0 6,27 5.56 3.33 0.278 -6.6 -4.1

+0.222 +0,444 +0.611 +0.723 +2.388 +3.78




26.6 32.2 t,C

Figure 4. Conditions of formation of the mixed hydrate of CH 4 (1) and C 2 H 4 (2). / V 'equil *-

Table 7. ^equil. atm 4.569 4 622 4.674 4.746 4.988 5.114 5.253 t 'equil V '0.493 0,558 0.594 0,798 0.897 0.943 0.958 "equil atm 5.330 5.404 5.452 5.709 5.851 5.913

Acetylene Acetylene hydrate was first obtained from the compressed gas in 1877 by Cailletet 1 . Villard 73 measured the pressure of C2H2 vapour over its hydrate at 0C (P = 5.5 atm) and 17C (P = 44.8 atm). In a summary table Stackelberg 1 0 gives: (a) decomposition temperature of hydrate 15.4C at = 1 atm; (b) temperature of upper quadruple point, 1 16C; (c) heat of formation of hydrate 15 000 cal mole" . Propane Propane hydrate was first obtained by Villard . Deaton and Frost 7determined the equilibrium P-t values for this 74 5 hydrate ' (Table 6). On the basis of the P-t values given above the heats of formation of propane hydrate at t > 0C and t < 0C and its composition at the lower quadruple point (C3H8 .17.95H2O) were calculated 79 . The conditions of formation of propane hydrate at high pressures (in the region of existence of the liquid hydro- 79 carbon phase) were also studied by Wilcox and coworkers . Reamer and coworkers 76 (at temperatures from 1.1 to 5.7C and pressures from 2.4 to 20 atm), and Teodoro80 vich . The following values of the constants for propane hydrate 28 structure (II), are given by van der 10 Waals and Platteeuw : Pdis = 1.74 atm at 0C (Stackelberg gave P^ = 1 atm), maximal temperature of existence 1 of hydrate t = 5.69C, heat of formation 32 000 cal mole" at 0C, crystal lattice constant 17.4 A. Propene The first information about propene hydrate is contained in a paper by Reamer and coworkers 76 . They succeeded

0 161 0.134 0.113 0.064 +0.0OG 0,217 0325 0.442

and calculated the heat of decomposition of the hydrate at t = 0C (AH = 30 230 90 cal mole" 1 ). P-t values in the range of negative temperatures (from -3.7 to -14.7C) were found by Byk and coworkers 82 , who obtained an equation for the above temperature range, lg/ = 4.4853 1072/T and calculated the heat of decomposition of the hydrate for t < 0C (AH = 4920 cal mole" 1 ). 81 According to Clarke and coworkers the temperature of the lower quadruple point of propene hydrate is -0.134C, that of the upper is 0.958C, and the composition of the hydrate is C3H8.17H2O. Isobutane Deaton and Frost obtained the first reliable3 experimental 8 equilibrium P-t data for isobutane hydrate . Kayanoand Utida 60 made a careful investigation of isobutane hydrate, including the determination of its composition (iso-C4H10. .17H2O and quadruple points (0C and 847 mmHg for the lower point; 1.8C and 1268 mmHg for the upper); they obtained the following equations:
lgPmm= 29.33-7210/ ( at l g P m m = 9 . 1 0 6 16S8/T ( a t / 0)

Their calculated heats of decomposition of the hydrate are respectively AH = 32 960 cal mole" 1 (t > C) and AH = 1 7716 cal mole" (t < 0C).

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968

Hydrogen Sulphide Hydrogen sulphide hydrate was first obtained in 1840 1 by Beller . Systematic investigations of this hydrate were 84 carried out by de Forcrandand Villard , who measured Pass of the hydrate at 0.5C (1.1 atm) and 28.5C (16 atm). 85 Sheffer determined the quadruple points of the hydrate (-0.389C and 0.917 atm for the lower point; 29.6C and 86 22 atm for the upper), and Kolvezce and Scheffer its composition: H2S.6H2O. Careful measurements of the equilibrium P-t values (the water-hydrate-H2Sgas system in the region close to the freezing point of water) were made by Wright and 87 Maas . The most extensive investigation of the H2S-H2O system (in the region of existence of the hydrates) was made by 88 Selleck and coworkers , who obtained equilibrium P-t values for the temperature range from -0.389 to 29.45C and pressures from 0.917 to 22.10 atm. These results are given in Table 8.

gaseous SO2 and H2O = 16.6 kcal mole" , crystal lattice constant 11.94 A. Carbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide hydrate was obtained in 1882byWroblew89 76 sky at ~ 0C and a CO2 pressure of ~ 30 atm. Villard proposed the formula CO2.6H2O for the hydrate Tamman 52 and Kriege measured P ^ of the hydrate in the temperature range from -20 to -43 C (106.4 mmHg and 9.2 mmHg) and obtained the equation t = 22.0 ( l g P - 1.0904), where t is in C and in cmHg. 90 Wiebe , having studied the CO2 + H2O system at pressures up to 700 atm, obtained for carbon dioxide hydrate 74 the formula CO2.7H2O. Deaton and Frost obtained equilibrium P-t data for a wide temperature range (including t > 0C).

Table 8.
Hydrate-water-gas 'equil> | Hydrate-ice-gas

Table 9.
equil.C 4.6 6.0 7.7 9.2 9,2 .eqUU,atm 20.1 25.5 31.8 36.4 42.4

0.389' + 4.4 + 10 + 15.5 +21.1 +26.6 +29.6* 0.389 + 1.8 + 18.6 +22.6 +25.3 +27.4 +28.8 +29.45

0.917 1.55 2.75 5.925 8.79 15.7 22.0 0.917* 3.4 6.8 10.2 13.6 17 20.4 22.10*

0 15 12.2 9.45 6,6 3.89 1,11 0,233* 22.7

0.435 0.496 0,556 0.631 0.714 0.803 0.891 0.917 0.340

* Quadruple point.

Unruch and Katz 9 1 studied the conditions of hydrate formation in the CO2 + H2O system up to the upper quadruple point (9.8C, 42.4 atm). Their results are given in Table 9. Dinitrogen Oxide (N2Q) Villard obtained dinitrogen oxide hydrate in 1888. 79 He measured P^ of this hydrate at -9.1C (Pa* =3.6 atm) and 10.7C (PdK = 34.7 atm), and also proposed for it the formula N2O.6H2O. Tamman and Kriege obtained for dinitrogen oxide hydrate the equation:
/ = 1.9 (lgP 0.9795),

For the system hydrate + 2< + H2Sgas these same authors obtained the equation:
l g P . t m = 15.11835 6867.98

Sulphur Dioxide Sulphur dioxide hydrate, with m.p. 4-5C was obtained in 1829.J Having obtained a hydrate from liquid SO2, 47 Villard 73 proposed the formula SO2.6H2O. Roozeboom determined, in a sealed glass ampoule, the critical decomposition temperature of SO2 hydrate (12.1C) and the decomposition temperature at PSO2 = 1 atm (7.1C). Tamman and Kriege 5 2 proposed for sulphur dioxide hydrate the equations t = 16.75 (lg + 0.4179)at t > -2.6C, and t = 41.60 (lg + 0.4904) at t < -2.6C, where t is the temperature of hydrate formation, and the dissociation pressure, atm. The same authors found that t = -2.6C is the eutectic point, at which the hydrate has the composition SO2.6H2O. Stackelberg 10 gives the following values for the constants of sulphur dioxide hydrate, structure (I): Pdis = 0.39 atm at 0C; heat of hydrate formation from

where t is in C, and P^s in atm. Stackelberg 10 gives the following constants for dinitrogen oxide hydrate, structure (): ^ = 10 atm at 0C, decomposition temperature -19.3 C at P N 2 o = 1 atm. The critical decomposition temperature is 12.0C, the heat of formation of the hydrate (from water and gas) 14.7 kcal mole" 1 . The crystal lattice constant is 12.03 A. Hydrogen Selenide (H2Se) Hydrogen selenide hydrate was obtained by de Forcrand in 1902.1 Experimental P-t values have not been published. Stackelberg 10 gives the following constants for this hydrate: Pass = 0.45 atm at 0C, decomposition temperature of the hydrate 8.0C at = 1 atm; tc = 30C; lattice parameter 12.06 A,

Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) Sulphur hexafluoride hydrate was studied by Sortland and Robinson36. The authors obtained P-t data for the temperature range from -9 to 15 they calculated the composition of the hydrate at the lower (~ 0C) quadruple point: SF6.17.02H2O, determined the upper quadruple point (14.0C, 19.9 atm), and also calculated the heat of formation of the hydrate at t < 1 0C (5140 cal mole"1) and at t > 0C (29 570 cal mole" ).

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968 Pdiss = 43.90 mmHg at 0C, maximal temperature of existence of the hydrate 5.81 C, heat of hydrate formation 20.83 cal mole" 1 at 0C and he proposed the composition Br 2 . 8.47H2O for the lower quadruple point. From Stackelberg's review 10 , bromine hydrate is characterised by structure (I) with lattice parameter 12.0 A. In addition Jeffrey and McMullan58 proposed in 1963 that bromine hydrate crystals are tetragonal. Iodine Q^)

PH3, AsH3, andSbH3 1. Phosphine hydrate was obtained by Skinner1 by condensing phosphine vapour in the presence of water. The same author measured Pdjss at 1C (P = 2 atm) and 25.0C (P = 16 atm). According to Stackelberg 10 Pcbs = 1.6 atm at 0C, decomposition temperature of the hydrate = -6.4 C at PPH3 = 1 atm, critical decompositiona temperature = 28oOC. 2. According to Schroeder arsine hydrate has the composition AsH 3 . 6.14H2O and is characterised by the following values: t = 0C at = 613 mmHg; t = 1.6C at = 760 mmHg; t = 21C at = 8.85 atm. According to Stackelberg 10 , the constants of arsine hydrate are: decomposition temperature = -1.8C at = 1 atm. Critical decomposition temperature 28.3C. 3. For stibine hydrate, Schroeder 1 gives the value Pdiss = 760 mmHg at t = 10.9C.

Iodine hydrate can be obtained, as was shown experimentally in 1923 by Villard 1 , only in the presence of "stabilising" gases (N2, O2, CO2). The highest positive temperature (8.0C) at which the crystalline iodine hydrate is still stable could be attained in the presence of oxygen under a pressure of 300 atm. Inert gases (Ar, Kr, Xe) Villard obtained hydrates of Ar, Kr, and Xe in 1896 9 5 and then de Forcrand 9 6 in 1925. Nikitin 43 in 1956 also mentioned97 ability of radon (Rn) to form a hydrate. the Waller carried out an X-ray diffraction investigation of the hydrates of Ar, Kr, and Xe and found that all three hydrates have structure (I), with ideal formula M. 5.75H2O. Godhot98 obtained hydrates of Kr and Xe with heavy water, Kr.6D2O and Xe.6D2O. A r g o n . According to Diepen, cited by van der Waals and Platteeuw 28 , P^ = 95.5 atm at 0 c C (according to Stackelberg 10 Pdis = 105 atm, and the decomposition temperature of the hydrate is -42.8C at = 1 atm). Tamman and Kriege 5 2 obtained an equation for argon hydrate (Ar.5-6H2O): t = 19.6(lgP - 2), where t is in C and in atm. The equilibrium P-t values were obtained by Marshall and coworkers 72 for the wide temperature range 1.65 to 31.0C and pressures from 105 to 3780 atm (Table 10).

Chlorine Chlorine hydrate, as already stated above y , was obtained in 1810 by Davy. The decomposition temperature of this hydrate (determined in a 92 sealed glass ampoule) is 28.7C, according to Schroeder . van der Waals and Platteeuw 2 8 give data for chlorine hydrate: P^s =1 252 mmHg at 0C; heat of formation 16.0 kcal mole" 5;2 crystal lattice parameter 12.03 A. Tamman and Kriege proposed for this hydrate the formula Cl2.8H2O and for t < 0C (the ice-hydrate-vapour system) obtained the equation t = 49.0 (lg + 0.4757), where t is in C and in mmHg. Careful X-ray diffraction investigation of 9chlorine hydrate was made by Pauling and Marsh 2 1 ' 3 , and also Allen 94 . The latter found that at the lower quadruple point the C^ molecule (for the formation of a hydrate from liquid chlorine) occupies only 16% of the small cavities of the crystal lattice, the parameter of which is 11.82 A. The composition of this hydrate is CLj. 7.27 + 0.17H2O. Investigations, made by Glew and Rath , showed that when the hydrate is in equilibrium with gaseous chlorine, then 81% of the small cavities of structure (I) are occupied and the hydrate has the composition CL,.6.04 0.13H2O. Bromine (Br2) As already mentioned above, bromine hydrate was first 1 47 obtained by Levig . Roozeboom determined the critical decomposition temperature of the hydrate (in a sealed ampoule), ~ 6.2 C, and proposed for the hydrate the formula Br2.10H2O. Tamman and Kriege 5 2 obtained for Br 2 . .10H2O the formula t = 43.0 (lg + 0.2465) (f < 0C), where t is in CC and in mmHg. Mulders 2 8 determined

Table 10. fequil' 1.16


^equil atm 105.0 130,2 121.2 167.6 316.5 314.8 494,0 659,9 807.5 1400.1

'equil. C 25.6 26.7 26.8 27.7 28,9 29,7 30.4 31.0 31,1 30.9

^equil atm 1807-4 2040.6 2049.8 2204.1 2662.2 3031.4 3336.7 3717.2 3777.4 3729.1

3.7 2.9 6.3

11.8 11.1 15.3 17.8 19.3 23.5

K r y p t o n . According to de ForcrandM, Pdjs = 14.5 atm at 0C 5and at t = 12.5C P diss = 47.5 atm. Tamman and 2 Kriege obtained for krypton hydrate the equation: t 21.2 (lg - 101.1698) where t is in C and in atm. Stackelberg gives the following values of the constants for(Kr.5-6H2O): decomposition temperature -27.8C 1at = 1 atm, heat of hydrate formation 13.9 kcal mole" .

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968 X e n o n . According to Waller's results 9 7 xenon hydrate is the 9most stable in the series Ar < Kr < Xe. de Forcrand 6 measured its P^ at the temperatures 1.4C (P = 1.45 atm) and 23.5C (P = 17 atm). For Xe(n =* 6H2O) Stackelberg 10 gives the following values of the constants: Pass 1.5 atm at 0C (van der Waals and Platteeuw 28 give Pdiss = 1.15 atm). The decomposition temperature of the hydrate is -3.4C at = 11 atm. The heat of hydrate formation is 16.7 kcal mole" ; the crystal lattice parameter is 11.97 A. Nitrogen As already stated above, nitrogen hydrate was first obtained by van Cleef and Diepen 30 in a specially constructed apparatus which allows hydrates to be studied at very high pressures, ~ 1000 atm. On the basis of the experimental F-t data they found for the temperature range from 0 to 18C, they obtained the equation given below for the hydrate-water-gas system and calculated the heat of formation of the hydrate:
lgfatm = 14.1293 0.0006 ! = 12380 + 310

Oxygen Oxygen hydrates were first obtained by van Cleef and Diepen 81 and published P-t equilibrium data for oxygen hydrate over a wide range of temperatures from -1.8 to +18.0cC and pressures from 100 to 938 atm. The same authors proposed the equations:
= 14.3082 0.0005
3340 21

(for the hydrate-water-gas system), and

lg Patm = 5.1168 + 0.0006 3 8

Table 11.
fequil C 4.4 8.0 13.6 18.4 19.8 21.1 23.4 ''equil atm 245.2 362.8 628.0 1005 1135 1270 1520

equa.C 24.6 25,7 26.0 27.4 29.4 31.6 32.9

atm 1665 1825 2030 2170 2640 3130 3250

3257 23

l mole"1.

Table 12.
P, atm 1000 'equil. C 1.8 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.0 0,8 0,6 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 ''equil * 100.5 104.0 106.2 108.5 108.7 110.6 113.5 116.5 119.5 120.2 120.5 126,3 127.5 136.5
a m

'equil C 1.5 1.7 2.0 2.7 3.6 4.7 5.0 5.3 5.4 6.0 7.0 8.1 8.6 8.8

^equil> atm 139 142 147.5 158 175 194 208 214 214 232 260 296 308 320

'equil 10.1 10.1 10.3 10.6 11.0 12.1 13.1 13.2 14.1 14.2 16.0 16.1 17.1 17.6 18.0

''equil atm 373 376 381 404 438 471 520 543 597 599 662 744 836 880 938




P, atm 1000 -

Figure 5. Conditions of hydrate formation by nitrogen: 1) hydrate-ice-gas; 2) ice-water-gas; 3) hydrate-ice-water; 4) hydrate-water-gas.


Subsequently the same authors 3 1 determined the equilibrium P-t values at t < 0C for the temperature range -1.17 to -4.45C and obtained the equation lg P a t m = 5.5598 0.0002 - (927 17)/T, calculated the heat of hydrate for1 mation AH2 = 3810 110 cal mole" and also determined the lower quadruple point of the hydrate in the ice-hydrate-gas system, t = -1.3C, = 141.5 atm. Fig. 5 shows a correlation of the P-t results of van Cleef and Diepen for N2.6.01 0.23H2O1i. Nitrogen hydrates were also studied by Marshall and coworkers 57 over a wide range of temperatures and pressures. Table 11 shows their experimental P-t values.
Composition of the hydrate calculated by the same authors.



Figure 6. Conditions of hydrate formation by oxygen: I) hydrate-ice-gas; 2) ice-water-gas; 3) hydrate-ice-water; 4) hydrate-water-gas.

(for the hydrate-ice-gas system), and calculated the heats of formation of the hydrate (O 2 . 6.06 0.21H2O): # = 1 1 11 840 260 cal mole- and #2 = 3190 160 cal mole" corresponding to the parts of the P-t curves above and

below the quadruple point (t = -1.0C, = 109.2 atm). The experimental results of van Cleef and Diepen are given in Table 12 and Fig. 6. HYDRATES OF VOLATILE ORGANIC LIQUIDS The review part of Stackelberg's paper 1 0 and the monograph of van der Waals and Platteeuw 28 give the characteristics of a series of hydrates formed by volatile organic liquids. All these results are given in Table 13, which also contains information about certain hydrates taken from later original papers.

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968


As already stated above, when the hydrate-forming substance is not an individual gas, but a mixture of gases or volatile organic liquids, then the hydrate which is formed is a solution, the composition of which varies during its fusion. Such a hydrate is usually called "mixed". The simplest examples of a "mixed hydrate" are the socalled "double hydrates" formed by a mixture of two types of molecule: Mx + Ma or M3 + 1. DOUBLE HYDRATES, FORMED BY H2S AND H2Se de Forcrand 1 first observed the ability of hydrogen sulphide to form "double1 hydrates" when mixed with other gases. Somewhat later , double hydrates of hydrogen selenide were obtained, de Forcrand established the experimental fact that H2S forms hydrates with halogen derivatives of aliphatic hydrocarbons. These hydrates are readily obtained on passing moist H2S through the corresponding liquid at t 0C. Below, in Table 14, are listed the organic compounds which, according to de Forcrand, readily form double hydrates

Table 13.
Hydrateforming substance CH3C1 C2H6F CH3Br CHsSH C1O2

Dissociation pressure at CTC, mmHg 311 251 187 239 160 125 115 201 116 555 152 74 50 _

Decomposition temp, of hydrate, C, at/>=l atm 7.5 3.7 11.1 10(8) 15.0 14 0.78 1.7 1.5 1-4 _

Max. temp, of existence of hydrate, C 21 22.8 14.5 12 18,2 8.61 4.8 1.7 0.09 0.22 14.3 1.6

Heat of hydrate formation at 0C Crystal lattice from gas and parameter, A water, kcal mole"1 18.1 18.0 19.5 16,6 6.5 32,7 31,9 29 29.4 31.4 31 12,00 12.09 12.12 17.30 17.33 - 17.14 17.33 17.44 17.53

8 &

BrCl CHCljF C 2 H 6 C1 HjCl 3 CiHtCl, C 2 H s Br CHSI CHC13 (CH 3 )iO (CH 3 ) 3 CH

104 1. CH3CI 2. CH 2 C1 2 3. CHCls 4. CC14 5. CHjBr 6. CH 2 Br 2

Table 14.
8. C(NOj)Cl 3 9. C8HBC1 ll! 12. 13. 14C 2 H 3 C1 3 C2H2CI2 C,HBBr Rr 15. C 2 H 5 I 16. CjH3I 17. CSHC13 18. C3H7C1 19. C3H7Br 20. isc-C3H7Br 21. C3H6C1 22. C 3 H 6 Br 23. iso-C4H9Cl 24. iso-C4H9Br


There are also reports x of the existence of hydrates of such compounds as CF 4 , CHF3, C 2 H 2 F 2 , and C 2 F 4 . Ethylene oxide (C2H4O) hydrate was investigated by Glew and M M Rath and also by Jeffrey and McMullan ; Glew and Rath found that the hydrate of C2H4O belongs to structure (I). Depending on the C2H4O concentration in the aqueous solution, which is found in equilibrium with the hydrate, there is a different degree of filling the cavities of the hydrate lattice. At the temperature of congruent fusion of the hydrate (11.1C) the filling is 100% of all six of the large cavities of the crystal and 34% of the small cavities. This corresponds to the composition C 2 H 4 0. 6.89 0.06H2O. Glew" studied the hydrate of bromochlorodifluoromethane (CBrClF2) and found that this hydrate belongs to structure (II). Tetrahydrofuran hydrate [CH2]4O.17H2O, was obtained by Stackelberg 18 , who found its melting point to be 5.1C. 100 Pinder's investigation of this hydrate showed that the melting point of [^.^ depends on the THF concentration in the equilibrium solution. Ponyet and Mealier 1 0 1 obtained the hydrate of propylamine and Jordan and Mac 1 0 2 studied the structure of diethylamine hydrate. McMullan and coworkers 103 investigated the hydrate of t-butylamine.

de Forcrand studied the H2S + CHClg system most carefully, having shown that the hydrates formed by this system belong 1to structure (II). Lui studied a group of double hydrates formed by H2Se and halogen derivatives of hydrocarbons and found that hydrates of the type M.2H2Se.l7H2O are formed from the following compounds: CC^, CHClg, CH3Br, CH3I, C2H5C1, C2H5Br, C2H5I, C^CL,, iso-Ca^Br, iso-C4H9Cl. As already stated, CC1* itself does not form hydrates. 1 At the end of the 1890s it was shown that acetylene forms double hydrates with CCl*, CHClg, C2H4Cl2, CH3I, CHBr3, C2H5Br, CH-JCLJ, and CH2I2. Halogen substituted hydrocarbons also give double hydrates with C2H4, CO2, and SO2. Hydrates of such mixtures as PH3 + CS2, PH3 + CO2, and (C2H5)2O + CO2 are known1. The mixed hydrate 1 0 5 .,.-,, decomposition temperature 14 C, is interesting. 3 The double hydrates formed by H2S with the hydrocarbons CIL, and CgHg were studied comparatively recently (1940s to 1950s). The hydrate ofl othe mixture CH3 + H2S was obtained by Noaker and Katz e and simultaneously with their obtaining equilibrium P-t values (15-19C, 47-60 atm), the authors determined the composition of the coexisting equilibrium phases for the hydrate 2H2S.6CH4.46H2O. The results of a study of the hydrate 2H2S.C3H8.17H2O,9 2 which was made by van der Waals and Platteeuw in 1959 are of independent interest for the following reason. Up to 1959 the literature devoted to "double hydrates" had been dominated by Stackelberg's viewpoint12, according to which t See Chapter I of the present review.

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968 the "double hydrates" formed by hydrogen sulphide (or H2Se) differ from other binary mixed hydrates by their being compounds of constant composition with a definite, stable dissociation pressure at a given temperature whereas all other double hydrates are characterised by variable composition and corresponding different values of -Pa* Van der Waals and Platteeuw showed that the hydrate 2H2S. .C3Hg.l7H2O does not differ in principle from other binary hydrates in which H2S or H2Se is absent and is an ordinary non-stoichiometric binary clathrate.

The experimental P-t data of McLeod and Campbell for mixtures (a) (gases Nos. 2 and 3), (b) (gas No. 5), and (c) (gases Nos. 8 and 9) are given in Table 15. Carson and Katz 1 0 7 obtained equilibrium P-t data for the four-phase, three-component system CH^ + CaHauquy + CgHggas + H^uquid in the temperature range 12.3-22.5C and pressures from 12 to 71.5 atm. Their results are given in Table 16.


'equfl- C

Table 16.
''equil atm

equU.C 12.8 16,6 18 21 20.4 21.8 13.6 12.2

''equil atm 15.6 27-7 34.5 56.5 50.9 53.6 17 4 17.8

Hydrates Formed by Mixtures of Alkanes

to 31.0C and pressures from 68 to 680 atm (at ethane concentrations from 5.4 to 19.1%).
P, atm 310 Z7Z

Campbell and McLeod studied hydrate formation in the binary systems: (a) CH4 + C2He; (b) CH4 + C3H8; (c) CH4 + iso-C 4 H l o , and Deaton and F r o s t 5 that in the system (d) 4 () and (e) CH4 + C H,,. (d) System (a) was investigated2 at temperatures from 11.6 CH4


22.5 20-9 18.6 16 6 14.7 18.5 10.6 17 8 10.8

71.5 52.6 35.4 27.4 21.0 36 3 12.0 32.5 12.7

Table 15.
'equU atm gas No. 2 675 612 .5 475 339 239 137 103 71 .4 28.8 28.02 25.8 23.4 20.4 16.5 14.6 11.7 676 611 480 351 137 103 69 'equil C ''equil atm 'equil gas No. 3 30.9 29.9 281 25.8 20.1 18.5 15.6 70.4 61.6 680 340 476 612.5 137 103 71.4 gas No.9 26.8 24.6 24.4 22.0 26.7 15.4 28.9 66.3 66.3 137 138 229 342 476 624 484 235 138 104 21.1 20.6 24.4 23.8 25 27.3 29.3 31,8 29.9 25,1 24.5 22,1



a t m

'equil. C


gas No.4 17,4 19.4 30.7 26 28.3 30.5 21.4 20.1 17.5 6! 61.1 7.6 0.7 34 27.2 20.11 yy 13.6 y

y ^

P S ' f


gas No.5 73 7> 341 476 615 232 137 19.9 19.6 27.4 29.4 31,7 25,4 23 470 340 332 207 485 67 615










Figure 7. Conditions of formation of hydrates in mixtures containing CH4, C 2 H 4 , and C 3 H 6 : 7) CH 4 0.326, C 2 H 4 0.606, C 3 H 6 0.068; 2) CH 4 0.604, C 2 H 4 0.347, C 3 H 6 0.049. Continuous curves: experimental; broken lines: predicted.

For system (b), containing 3.5 and 5.5% C3Hg, the equilibrium P-t values were found in the temperature range 17.2-31.0C and pressures from 68 to 680 atm. System (c), containing 1.4 and 4.6% iso-C 4 H 10 was investigated at 15.5-32.2C and pressures 68-680 atm. The same authors found that the equilibrium P-t values for the CH4 + n-C4H10 system (with 0.5, 2.0, and 5.3% n-C4H10) agree, within the limits of error of the experiment with the P-t values of pure CH4. Experimental P-t data for mixtures (d) and (e) are given in Deaton and Frost's monograph5. They studied the CH4 + C3H8 system at temperatures from 0 to + 6C and pressures from 1 to 50 atm and the CH4 + C2He system at temperatures from 2 to 10C and pressures from 2 to 60 atm.

Hydrates Formed by Alkane-Alkene Mixtures Hydrate formation in the binary systems (a) CH4 + C2H4, (b) CH4 + C3He, 8and (c) C3He + C3He were108 studied by Snell and coworkers 7 (a), Otto and Robinson (b), and also 78 80 Reamer and coworkers , Teodorovich , and Byk and coworkers 8 2 (c). For system (a) with from 1.9 to 92.4% C2H4 equilibrium P-t data were obtained in the temperature range from 1.1 to 21.0C and pressures up to 600 atm. Some P-t values 82 were also obtained for the ternary system with CH4 32.6, C2H4 60.6, C3H6 6.8% (Fig. 7). System (b) with from 0.5 to 23.0% C3H6, was studied at pressures up to 130 atm in the temperature range from 0to21.1C (Fig. 8).

P, atm 27Z 136 68 $7.6 27.2 13.6 6.8 H. 08 3,01 0 J2.T 1(1' "*=d 7-23'

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968

The CH4 + N2 system was studied by Ichaveri and Robinson 109 , who experimentally determined P-t values for mixtures with various N2 concentrations from 18 to 90% at temperatures from 0 to 22C and pressures up to350atm.

Table 18. C-2.87 'equil 0 0.1 0.5 1 1.85 2.2 2,5


'equil. ann 3.4 3.5 3.75 4.2 4.93 5.05 5^35

'equil C 0.2 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.15 2.2 3.3 3.4 4,2 4.3 4.35

C 0.67 'equil ann 2.4 2.75 3 3.05 3,24 3.57 4.21 4.25 5.18 5,21 5.24


10 20 30 10 50 60 10 SO 90 100 C3H6 in vapour, mole %

Figure 8. Effect of composition on the conditions of formation of a mixed hydrate containing CH 4 and C ^ .

The conditions of hydrate formation in system (c) were studied76 for two propane-propene mixtures of different composition (C = 0.3148 and C = 0.5246, where
C = *C.H.

at pressures from 2.9 to 26 atm (including the range of existence of a liquid hydrocarbon phase) and temperatures from 0.55 to 3.8C (Table 17). Teodorovich80 concluded, on the basis of the P-t values they obtained, that propene does not enter into the composition of the hydrate (contrary to the results of other authors). Byk and coworkers obtained equilibrium P-t data for two gaseous mixtures which are characterised by the ratio Xc3He/Xc3H8 = 2.87 and 0.67. The experimental results relating to this system are given in Table 18.

Equilibrium P-t values for the systems: (1) CH4 + Ar and (2) Ar + N2 were obtained experimentally by Saito and Kobayashi M i n a specially constructed apparatus by the "pressure jump" method. System (1) was investigated at temperatures from 2.7 to 25.7C and pressures from 56 to 1120 atm; system (2) at temperatures from 2.2 to 17 C and pressures from 142 to 605 atm. Mixed Hydrates Formed by Inert Gases Hydrates formed by molecules of inert gas (Ar, Kr, Xe) with molecules of organic liquids (acetone, methylene, dichloride, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride) were first obtained by Waller97. With ideal filling of all the cavities of structure (II) these hydrates can be characterised by the general formula A.2B.17H2O, where A is the organic component and the inert gas.

Table 17. 'equU.C 'equil. atm 'equU. C 'equil ann Table 19. Temperature, C, at which ^ of the mixed hydrate equals 1 atm organic liquid acetone Ar Kr Xe 8.0 5.0 +3.0 methylene dichloride 7.0 +6.2 +8.6 chloroform 4.8 4- 9.0 +10.9 carbon tetrachloride 16 +11.3 +13.7

: = 0.5246 0.55 1.27 1.16 1.22 1.44 2.00 1.83 183 3.00 2.78 2.44 2.94 3.50 2.96 3.49 3.65 3.66 3.92 4.27 4.44 4.52 4.92 4,95 4.95 4.98 6.68 3.50 3.50 3.56 3.56 3.78 3.78 3.78 3.84 7.94 8.11 9.36 12.46 18.00 18.82 19.61 27,00


C = ()3148 3.88 0.67 1.33 4.39 1.89 4.90 2.00 5.0E 2.06 5.26

Double Hydrates Formed by Methane with Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, and Argon Unruch and Katz 9 1 studied the conditions of hydrate formation in the CH4 + CO2 system. They obtained P-t equilibrium data for pressures from 27 to 68 atm and temperatures from 1.1 to 11.0C.

As was shown by Waller, argon forms hydrates of the above type at pressures of 200-400 atm, krypton at = * 30 atm, and xenon at = 1 atm. Table 19 shows the * relative stability of the A.2B. 171^0 hydrates. From Table 19, xenon gives the most stable hydrates with organic solvents. These hydrates could be obtained by simply bubbling the moist gas through the organic liquid at = 1 atm and t ~ 0C. Waller also states that O2 forms mixed hydrates with acetone and N2 with acetone and carbon tetrachloride.

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968 Mixed Hydrates Formed by Organic Liquids Binary hydrates A.B.17H2O, where A and are organic liquids (for example, A = C2H5C1, = CH3CHCI2, o r A = C2H5C1, = CHCI3 were studied by Stackelberg and Meinhold 11 . A large group of mixed (binary) hydrates formed by chloroform (or methyl iodide) with such gases as H2, Ne, N2, Ar, O2, CH4, Kr, Xe, C2H4, C ^ , and CO2 was studied by Barrer and Ruzicka 84 and is of considerable interest. Barrer and Ruzicka showed that even such gases as hydrogen and neon, which themselves are incapable of hydrate formation, are retained by the small cavities of structure (II) in quantities appreciably greater (34 times for H2 and 220 times for Ne) than in the ordinary physical dissolution of H2 and Ne in liquid water at 0C. Hydrates of Multicomponent Gas Mixtures Natural Gas The first systematic study of the conditions of formation of hydrates was made by Hammerschmidt 4 , who showed that the so-called "freezing" of gas pipes, in which natural gas is present at high (P 1 atm) pressures and temperature c* 0C, is connected with the formation of solid crystalline hydrate "plugs". The natural gas investigated by Hammerschmidt had the composition (vol. %): CH4 82.5, C2H6 5.99, CgHe 3.26, n-C4H10 0.49, iso-C 4 H 10 0.30, CO2 0.20, C 5 0.07, N2 (residue) 7.19. On the basis of their treatment of the experimental P-t values they obtained the relation: y = 8.9(x) 0 285 , where y is in F and in lbf dm" 2 . In the same work, as stated above, the general premises of the hydrate formation process (thermodynamic, hydrodynamic, etc.) were examined. After the appearance of Hammerschmidt's work, which in application to natural gas can be considered classical, a large number of papers were published by foreign and Russian investigators devoted to various aspects of hydrate formation in natural gas. Carson and Katz 7 3 [? wrong ref. (Ed. of Translation)] studied the relation between the conditions of formation of hydrates of natural gas and its density (actual composition). They showed that an increase in the concentration of the C2 and C3 hydrocarbons in the natural gas appreciably raises (at constant pressure) the temperature of hydrate formation or lowers the pressure of hydrate formation (at t = const). The same problem was dealt with in a paper by Katz 1 1 0 who had studied various specimens of natural gas, the density of which varied between broad limits (from 0. 55 to 1.0). Fig. 9 shows the influence of the density of natural gas on the equilibrium P-t values. The presence in the natural gas of the impurities N2, CO2, and H2S appreciably raises the temperature of hydrate formation (Fig. 10 shows the effect of N 2 ). The presence of H2S is especially effective on the equilibrium P-t values, as was shown by Molinero 111 . Campbell and McLeod71 studied the conditions of formation of hydrates of natural gas at high pressures (up to 700 atm). Among the Russian investigations devoted to the hydrates of natural gas, the series1 1of papers by Trebinand 112 7 Makogon stand in the forefront " . Of this series of papers the investigation dealing with the problem of the formation and decomposition of hydrates 115 of natural gas at negative temperatures is of considerable interest. Trebin and Makogon showed that at the time of

decomposition of the hydrate at t < 0 c C (by reducing the pressure) there is a rearrangement of the crystal lattice of the hydrate into the ice lattice according to the scheme: hydrate water ice. On passage of the hydrate from the region of positive into that of negative temperatures, the rearrangement of the hydrate lattice does not take place. In the above papers detailed consideration is given to the methods of calculation and application of appropriate nomograms which allow the conditions and place of formation of hydrates in pipelines to be determined.

Figure 9. Conditions of hydrate formation for natural gases of various densities relative to air.


2.3 .5 ff.7 8.9

1X3 15.5 I7.S 20'C

W 20 30 N 2 , mole %

Figure 10. Conditions of hydrate formation in the presence of nitrogen in natural gas. Density of gas (from top to bottom): 7) pure methane 0.555; 2)0.56; J)0.57; 4)0.58; 5)0.59; (5)0.60; 7)0.62; 5)0.64; 9)0.66; 70)0.68; 77)0.70; 72)0.80; 13) 0.90.

The influence of stabilising gases was considered simultaneously 115 . Ponomarev's studies 118 119 examined the problem of the formation of hydrates of natural gas of different composition, and also commercial gases containing a relatively large proportion of propane. For natural gas, Ponomarev obtained numerical values of the constants and in equations of the type t = K\gP -B where t and are respectively the temperature and pressure of hydrate formation. 120 122 Khoroshilov " gives methods of calculating the equilibrium parameters of hydrate formation for natural gas.

Liquefied Hydrocarbon Gases Hydrate formation in mixtures of liquid hydrocarbon gases 123 125 (C3H8 + n-C4H10) has been considered by Musaev " . The same author investigated the hydrate formed by the liquid products of the thermal treatment of petroleum, having the following fractional composition (wt.%) C2 4.3, C3 16.9, iso-C4 8.2, n-C4 18, iso-C 5 18.4, n-C5 17.0, Ce 17.3. Musaev's conclusions concerning the influence of n-C4H10 on hydrate formation in CgHg + n-C4Hj0 mixture and also the influence of the rate of cooling on the temperature of formation of the hydrate of liquid propane are interesting. According to Musaev, n-C4H10 does not participate in the hydrate formation. Hydrocarbon Mixtures Formed in the Pyrolysis of Petroleum Products The conditions of formation of hydrates of pyrogas were studied by Byk126. The material selected for investigation was an industrial gas from the pyrolysis of benzines of the following composition (vol.%): Ha 14.8, CH4 45.1, C ^ ^ 4 21.9, 0 9 EC , C 5.0. For 5.3, 0.9, 10.0, ag e 4 5 two pressure ranges (20-35 and 35-50 atm) empirical equations connecting the temperature of hydrate formation (C) and the corresponding equilibrium pressure (atm) were obtained: (1) t = 0.27P + 2.4, and (2) t = 0.105 + 8.5.
3 4 5

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968

Ky/i = f(P) and Ky/i = f(t) diagrams for the individual components of natural gas: methane, ethane, propane, and isobutane. In constructing such diagrams naturally it is necessary to locate experimental data on the compositions of coexisting solid (hydrate) and gas phases. 4 These results were taken from Hammer Schmidt's work (gas phase: natural gas at a pressure of 41 atm, Table 20) and from the publications of Deaton and F r o s t , who studied the compositions of the coexisting phases in the systems: (1) CH4 + (^,,, (2) CHA + CgH,,, and (3) CH4 + iso-C4H10. For natural gas containing hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide as impurities in order to carry out calculations by the method of Wilcox and coworkers it is necessary to allow for the values of Ky/S for H2S and CO2.

Table 20.
Component Composition Composition of gas phase, of hydrate, vol.% vol.% 82.5 5.99 3.26 0.30 0.49 0.07 0.20 7.19 56,95 5.66 24.97 4.69 0.83 0.00 0.44 0,46

CjH, C.H, iso-C 4 Hi 0 11-C4H10 CH,2 CO, N


IX. CALCULATION OF THE CONDITIONS OF HYDRATE FORMATION AND OF THE COMPOSITIONS OF THE SOLID (HYDRATE) AND GAS PHASES As already stated above, mixed hydrates formed by binary and multicomponent mixtures are now considered to be solid solutions, the composition of which varies during the decomposition of the hydrate. On the basis of the analogy between the solid and liquid solutions (from the standpoint of the gas or vapour phase found in equilibrium with them) Wilcox and coworkers 79 proposed a method of calculating the conditions for the formation of hydrates from gas mixtures. The method is based on the use of numerical values of the "equilibrium constant" ffv/is = yi/xi where yi is the mole fraction of component i in the gas (vapour) phase, and xi the mole fraction of the same component in the solid hydrate phase. The value of Ky/iif just as for liquid solutions, depends on the temperature, pressure, and composition of the mixture. The conditions of formation of a mixed hydrate from an i- component gas mixture is determined by the equality:

The nature of the dependence JRLV/S = f(P, t) for these two gases was investigated by Noaker and Katz 1 0 e (H2S + CH^ system) and by Unruch and Katz 9 1 (CO2 + CH4 system). A handbook65 edited by Katz gives = /(, t) diagrams for CH4, C , ^ , C3He, iso-C 4 H lo , CO2, and IL.S. It should be noted that on all these diagrams the maximal pressure is ~ 280 atm. Consequently the conditions of hydrate formation for mixtures of the natural gas type can be calculated by the method of Wilcox and coworkers only at Pdis < 280 atm. In this connection the work of McLeod and Campbell71 is interesting; they proposed a method for calculating the temperature of hydrate formation of natural gas in the pressure range 400-680 atm. The authors, using a modernised form of the ClausiusClapeyron equation d In P/dT = m, obtained in the general 2 form the equation C = mT , where C = /zR. Having found that in C a -C 4 alkane mixtures (not containing n-C4H10) in the pressure range 400-680 atm, m = const = 0.066, McLeod and Campbell obtained the formula C = 0.0662, in which the temperature is expressed in degrees Rankine. To calculate the hydrate formation temperature the value of C for the specified pressure must be found by using the additivity rule

= C).

Naturally, in making suchcal-

Hence when the nature of the dependence = f(t, P) is known for all the components of a gas mixture (the authors considered natural gas), then by carrying out the simplest linear interpolation the temperature at which the condition

= 1 is observed for a given pressure can be detert=l

mined (or, on the other hand, for a specified temperature the corresponding equilibrium pressure can be calculated). This method was developed further in a series of later papers by Carson and Katz 107,127,128^ who constructed

culations it is necessary to know the value of C for each hydrocarbon at various pressures. These values were obtained by McLeod and Campbell experimentally for methane ethane, propane, and isobutane and given in the form of Tables 7 . It should be noted that the number of papers in which the information given about the composition of the coexisting solid (hydrate) and gas phases was found directly by experiment is comparatively small. Apart from those mentioned above, they include: 1. An investigation by Otto and Robinson108, who determined the compositions of the equilibrium phases in the

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968

CH4 + CgHe system in the temperature range from 0to21C and pressures from 7 to 204 atm. 2. An investigation of the compositions of the coexisting phases in the system CH4 + C2H4 made at temperatures from 0 to 29C and pressures from 6.8 to 612 atm bySnell 78 and coworkers . 3. Equilibrium compositions in the CjHg + CgHa systemj, C 129 determined at 0.3 C by Fomina and Byk and presented as a -X diagram in Fig. 11.

4. The same a u t h o r s determined, at 0.65 and 1.2C, the compositions of the coexisting phases in two systems containing 2-methylpropene: (a) C,H8 + -C4Hl0 + i-C4H8; (b) C,H8 + i-C4Hl0 + t-C4H8 + C3He. During the investigations a mixed hydrate was obtained which contained up to 82.5 vol. % 2-methylpropene and by extrapolation for the temperature range 0.66-1.2C the equation l g P = 27.9298 - 7629/T was found, where is the dissociation pressure of the hypothetical hydrate of pure 2-methylpropene.




70 90 C 3 H 6 , mole % 60 80 iOO

Figure 11. P-X isothermal equilibrium diagram for the C 3 H 6 C 3 H 8 -H 2 O system. 7) Hydrate; 2) gas.

C 3 H 8 , mole %

Figure 13. P-X isothermal equilibrium diagram for the H 2 S-C 3 H 8 H2O system: a) composition of gas phase; b) composition of hydrate. 7) Gas-ice; 2) hydratei-gas-ice; 3) hydraten-gas-ice; 4) hydratep gas-ice; 5) hydrate n -ice.






SF 6 , mole %

0 CH 4




SO WO C 3 H 8 > mole %

Figure 14. P-X isothermal equilibrium diagram for the CH 4 -CF 6 H2O system. Continuous curves: experimental; points: calculated.

Figure 12. P-X isothermal equilibrium diagram for the C 3 H P CH4-H2O diagram. 7) Gas-ice; 2) hydrate-gas-ice; 3) hydrate-ice; 4) hydrateihydra ten-ice.

% The first attempts to determine the compositons of the equilibrium phases in the C 3 H 6 + C 3 H 8 system was made by Reamer 76 but the relative volatilities (a) found were almost equal to 1.

5. The isothermal "hydrate-gas phase" equilibrium (t = -3C) in the CH4 + C3Hg and C3H8 + H2S systems, including the determination was investigated by van der Waals and Platteeuw 28 29 ; this involved the determination of the compositions of the coexisting phases. Figs. 12 and 13 give their P-X equilibrium diagrams they obtained. In the C3Hg + H2S system they observed an interesting phenomenon, analogous to anisotropy in liquid solutions: at t = -3C and Pdiss = 0.48 atm the compositions of the hydrate and gas phases agree (~ 75 mole % H2S).

Hence the constancy of the value of P^ for this hydrate observed by Stackelberg and Fruhbuss 1 2 is connected with the existence of an azeotrope. 6. Ichaveri and Robinson 109 studied the compositions of the coexisting gas and hydrate phases in the CH4 + N2 system at -0.1 and 6.6C. In this system methane is the less volatile component (tfv/s < 1). The compositions of the equilibrium gas and hydrate phases in the CH4 + SF e system were studied at t = -3C over the whole concentration range and pressures from 0.72 to 23.2 atm by Sortland and Robinson se . Fig. 14 shows their experimental results as a P-X diagram. X. USE OF THE PRINCIPLES OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS IN STUDYING GAS HYDRATES The possibility of using the principles of statistical mechanics in studying solid non-stoichiometric clathrates, and consequently, hydrates, was shown in the studies 2 2 " 2 8 of Barrer, and of van der Waals (grandson) andPlatteeuw. This subject is covered most fully in the monograph of the last two authors 2 8 . By applying the methods of statistical mechanics to a three-dimensional Langmuir model for the ideally localised adsorption of spherical molecules in the cavities of a clathrate (hydrate) lattice and by considering the hydrate phase as a solid solution obeying Raoult's law, van der Waals and Platteeuw obtained equations which allow several fundamental (principally thermodynamic) properties of gas hydrates to be calculated (dissociation pressure of the hydrates at various temperatures, their heats of formation, the compositions of the coexisting equilibrium phases, etc.). The main equations of van der Waals and Platteeuw are:

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968

equilibrium with a gas phase to be calculated. Such calculations were made by van der Waals and Platteeuw 2 8 > 2 9 for the systems CH^ + CgHg + H2O and C3Hg + I^S + H2O with the aid of the equations: (a) yAl = CAl PA/( 1 + CAl PA);
(c) F A = ^,-j- vtyA,,

yAt = CA, PA/( 1 + CA, PA),

(b) vx In (1 -yAi) + v2 In (1 - yA,) = ^

Table 21.
iiydrate-foiming substance expt. 95.5* 14.5 1.15 26 1 5.2 5.44


:,atm calc. 95.5* 15.4 1.0 19 1.6 1.1 0.5

Xe CH CF4 CjH, C,H4

Ar Kr

* The experimental value of Pdiss for argon hydrate was used in the calculation. The constant thus found was used to calculate ^ds for the remaining hydrates.

where ;yAj is the fraction of small cavities of the hydrate lattice filled with molecules of A, y A 2 the fraction of large vacancies of the hydrate lattice filled with molecules of A, P A the partial pressure of component A in the equilibrium gas phase, C A l the Langmuir constant of component A for when it fills the small vacancies, CA2 that for when it fills the large vacancies, and FA the concentration of component A in the equilibrium hydrate. () = As the authors showed, for a mixed hydrate of structure (I) (II) y = = 0.167 kcal mole" 1 (Br2 hydrate model). For a hydrate of structure (II), = 0.196 kcal mole" 1 SF e hydrate model). where = - is the difference in chemical potenThe results of the calculations for t = -3C showed good tials of the empty crystal lattice of the hydrate () and agreement with experimental results, as is clear from the stable ice (), / is the fugacity of the adsorbed substance P-X diagrams for the two systems (Figs. 12 and 13). (K); vi,the crystallographic constant of the cavities of the A theory of solid hydrate solutions using the principles hydrate lattice with radius a, characterises the number of of statistical mechanics has obtained its furthest develop32 M molecules of per molecule of water. For structure (I), ment in the studies of Saito and coworkers > , who some28 I/J = JL and v2 - J-. For structure (II), v1 = ^j and what modified the equations of van der Waals and Platteeuw v2 = x . yKi is the probability of finding a molecule of gas and proposed a method of calculating several properties of in a cavity of a hydrate lattice of type i, and C K f is the gas hydrates at temperatures above the lower quadruple Langmuir constant for molecules of in cavities i. point (in practice at t >0C). The objects of their investigations were the hydrates of methane, argon, and nitrogen, (Ill) C = ^ e x p [ and also mixed hydrates in the CH4 + Ar + H2O and Ar + N2 + H2O systems. Pa for the individual hydrates of CH4, Ar, and N2 were calculated as functions of temperature and Here () is the spherical symmetrical potential of molecule at distance r from its centre to the wall of the cavity. pressure up to 3000 atm and agree well with the experimental results, the heats of formation of the hydrates, and In the general form for a characteristic of the interaction also the number of water molecules (n). between the cavity walls and the molecule the authors employed the Lennard- Jones -Devonshire (12-6) potential: In finding the nature of the = /() dependence, Saito 32 and coworkers showed that for the hydrates of Ar and N2 {()=4{//?) (//?) }. complete filling of the small and large cavities of the On the basis of Eqns. 8(I), (H)> and () given above, van der hydrate lattice ( = 5.75) is attained only at very high 2 equilibrium pressures, of the order of 3400 atm. ForCH 4 . Waals and Platteeuw calculated the dissociation pressure .nH2O complete filling is attained at = 1300 atm. Their of a series of hydrates at 0C (Table 21). As Table 21 shows, good agreement between experimen- calculated values of the heats of formation of these (Ar, N2, and CH4) hydrates agreed well with the values obtained tal and calculated values of Pdiss is observed for hydrates of Kr and Xe (monatomic molecules) and to a lesser extent from P-t results with the aid of the Clausius-Clapeyron 34 for almost spherical molecules (C2H4, CjILj. equation. Saito and Kobayashi calculated for CH4 + Ar and Ar + N2 mixtures the conditions of hydrate formation over The fundamental equations (), (), and (III) given above a wide range of temperature and pressures, which also allow the composition of a solid hydrate phase in


Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968 agreed well with those they obtained experimentally. The same authors calculated the composition of a mixed argonmethane hydrate which coexists in equilibrium with the gas phase at the temperatures 4.4, 10.0, 15.5, and 21C. All the above-mentioned calculations of the properties of hydrates were based on the use of the Lennard-JonesDevonshire potential, which is known not to take into consideration the form and size of the gas molecules. The first successful attempt to calculate ^ of hydrates by use of the values of the Kihara potential, the value of which, in principle, depends on the form and size of the interacting molecules, was made by McLeod and McKoy and Sinanoglu 33 . The authors calculated Pa^ior a series of hydrates by using the Lennard-Jones (28-7) potential, the LennardJones (12-6) potential, and the Kihara potential. They showed that the least satisfactory agreement with the experimental results is given by using the Lennard-Jones (28-7) potential. As might be expected, the (12-6) potential gives satisfactory results for molecules of monatomic gases and CH4 but is not very satisfactory for the molecules C^Hg, CO2, N2, O2, C2H4. Furthermore, the use of the Kihara potential allows sufficiently good agreement with experimental values of Pete to be obtained for the above rodshaped molecules. The Kihara potential found further use in Nagata and Kobayashi's work 3 5 ' 3 7 . In the first of these papers, on the CH4 + N2 binary system, the hydrate formation pressure was calculated for a mixture with 55% CH4 and also the compositions of the coexisting hydrate and gas phases in equilibrium at -0.1 and 6.6C. Satisfactory agreement was shown with experimental - data published earlier 1 0 9 . In the second paper the authors calculated Pas for the mixed hydrates formed in the CH4 + C ^ and CH4 + C3H8 systems, using only the constants given in the literature which characterise the individual hydrates of CH4, 2, and C3H8. Their results also agree well with the experimental data. Use of statistical mechanical methods allowed Barrer and Stuart 2 3 and then Barrer and Ruzicka 64 , to make quantitative evaluations of the stabilising influence of an auxiliary gas on the hydrate formation temperature. Their approximate calculations for the mixed hydrate formed by chloroform and nitrogen showed that when the N2 is in the small cavities of structure (II) and partly in the large cavities, then = - = -115.2 kcal mole"11 . In the absence of nitrogen the value is -112 kcal mole" and consequently 1 the difference is 3.2 kcal mole" and is due to the effect of the rise in the CHC13 hydrate formation temperature in the presence of nitrogen. XI. PHYSICAL KINETICS OF THE FORMATION OF HYDRATES The problem of the dependence of the rate of formation of gas hydrates on various factors in one form or another is treated in many papers devoted to the determination of their formation conditions. They include the investigations of Hammerschmidt 4 , Ceccoti 55 , Tesner and coworkers 1 3 1 , Musaev 125 , etc. Indications of the promoting action of certain additions (which by themselves do not enter into the composition of the hydrate) are contained in the work of van der Waals and Platteeuw 2 8 and also van Cieef and Diepen 31 . We know of only five studies specially devoted to the physical kinetics of hydrate formation, and with the exception of one 1 3 2 which examined the kinetics of hydrate formation, they all deal solely with the hydrates of organic liquids, and the conclusions drawn in these papers cannot, according to the authors's own statements, be

extended to purely gas hydrates. Pinder 10 studied the dependence of the rate of formation of tetrahydrofuran hydrate [-^.^ on the processes of mutual diffusion of the two complexes with a hydrogen bond which exist in the initial solution. Keneth and Pinder133 investigated the rheological properties of the hydrate system of tetrahydrofuran + hydrogen sulphide. The hydrate they investigated exhibits high stability (at = 1 atm, THF.2H2S. 171^0 is destroyed at t > 21 C). They also studied the viscosity of hydrate slush at a function of time, rate of growth of individual crystals, etc. Saito and Sadanaga134 studied the process of formation of the hydrate of dichloromonofluoromethane (CHCL,F. .17H2O) and obtained a series of empirical equations connecting the rate of formation of crystalline hydrate nuclei with the degree of supercooling of the solution and the number of revolutions of the stirrer. The most fundamental investigation on the physical kinetics of the hydrate formation process is, perhaps, the work by Barrer and Ruzicka135. They measured the rate of formation of binary hydrates produced by chloriform or THF with Ar, Kr, Xe, and CH4, at various temperatures (-78 and ~ 0C). Their method of investigation (measurements of the quantity of gas absorbed after definite intervals of time) allowed them to obtain at constant P, t a series of single valued curves (almost straight lines) which characterise the rate of formation of the hydrates mentioned above. With the binary hydrate of THF + argon as example, these authors also examined in detail the factors which determine the growth of the crystallisation nuclei in the formation of the hydrate. XII. DENSITY OF HYDRATE CRYSTALS The density of the crystals of the hydrates was first measured by Stackelberg 7 >" for the following organic compounds (Table 22).

Table 22.
Hydrate SO 3 CHCL, CoHjCi 3CI4 -j- H-iS CHC1 3 -1H 2 S C! * Density, g cm' 3 1.23 1.11

<1.0 1.272 + 0.01 .2. 1.29 + 0.1

* Calculated from the slope of the curve (dT/dP).

Precision measurements of the density of hydrate crystals were made by Saito and Sadanaga 136 . In a specially equipped room with a temperature of 0C they used a float method to measure the density of hydrates of propane and also of several chlorofluoro-derivatives of methane From propane hydrate, d = 0.88 gem" 3 ; for the hydrates of the above chlorofluoromethanes, the density lay within the limits 1.04-1.24 g cm" 3 . Saito and Sadanaga also proposed formulae for calculating the density of hydrates of structures (I) and (II):
, (46H;O-4-GyM-a,)l,W , <436H.Q~y L : "i = : - ; on (CHF 2 C1, CHFCLj, CF 2 C1 2 , a n d CFC1 3 ).

where is the molecular weight of the hydrate-forming substance, a, and a2 are the degree of filling of the cavities in the crystal lattice of the hydrate (1 a > 0), is Avogadro's number, and a the crystal lattice parameter of the hydrate, A. They found good agreement between experimental and calculated values of the density of the hydrates mentioned. Van Cleef and Diepen31 give the values of the densities3 they found for the hydrates of oxygen (d = 1.03 0.02 g cm" ) and nitrogen (d = 1.02 0.02 g cm" 3 ). XIII. INDUSTRIAL USE OF GAS HYDRATES 1. DESALINATION OF SEA WATER A process first proposed by Donath 137 for the desalination of sea water is based on the use of hydrocarbon hydrates (of ethane, propane, and isobutane), and also of hydrates formed by halogen derivatives of methane, mainly the Freons and certain other gases (C^). The paper by Kuoch and coworkers 1 3 8 gives the principles of the method in greatest detail, and also the technological scheme of the process, based on the formation and subsequent decomposition of propane hydrate. According to the scheme given, the hydrate (C3H8.17H2O) is made in a special reactor at 1.1 C and a pressure of 3.9 atm. In a second reactor, into which the hydrate mud is brought by means of a conveyor belt, the hydrate is decomposed at 7.2C and 4.7 atm, with the liberation of pure distilled water (the salt dissolved in sea water is known not to permeate the hydrate lattice). In this way, 40% of the sea water put into the first reactor was desalinated. The process for the desalination of sea water with the aid of hydrates is covered by a series of foreign patents ^ J 1 4 0 and also by papers of Caryofcky141, Barduhn 142 , and Medvedev143. 2. USE OF HYDRATES FOR THE STORAGE OF GASES The storage of natural gas as hydrates is considered in several patents and publications 4 8 ' 4 9 ' 1 4 4 . Mock 145 has proposed an interesting method for the storage of inert gases (Ar, Kr, Xe). 3. SEPARATION OF GASEOUS AND LIQUID MIXTURES WITH THE AID OF HYDRATES The separation of these mixtures with the aid of hydrates has been considered in detail in a paper by Barrer and Ruzicka154 which gives the principles of the method and considers some specific separable gaseous and liquid mixtures (O2 + N2, Kr + Ar, Xe + Kr, CH3I + CHCL,, C6H5CH3 + CHC13, CeHj. + CHCL,, CH-jCL, + CHCL,). These problems 146 also covered in the patent literature. Thus, are Crowther proposed a method of separating the gaseous mixture CH4 + C2H6. Glew's patent 1 4 7 deals with the separation by hydrate formation of the liquid hydrocarbon mixture C3HG + C3H8. Kinney and Kahre 1 4 8 proposed a method of separating helium from natural gas. The patent proposes that in the last stage of the process an N2 + He mixture is separated by adding propane, which forms a mixed 149 hydrate with the nitrogen. Byk and Fomina's patent covers the separation of the gaseous mixtures n-C4H10 + iso-C4H10, and C3H6 + C3H8. since Xuc.

Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968 XIV. PREVENTION OF HYDRATE FORMATION Methods for preventing hydrate formation derive directly from the equilibrium conditions for their existence given above (P g a s , PH2O, and tC): (1) raising the temperature in the system where a hydrate has already formed or can be formed; (2) reducing the pressure of the hydrate-forming gas; (3) reducing the concentration of water in the gas by drying it or by using special inhibitors which lower the partial pressure of water vapour in the system. Detailed consideration of all the methods for preventing hydrate formation has been given in the extensive Russian and foreign literature on the subject, dealing mainly with the problems of the7 drying4 of gases iso-is* and the use of various inhibitors 1 1 > 1 5 ~ 1 7 . Measures against hydrate formation are considered in the Russian monographs by Sarkis'yants and Makagon175178, and also in Frost and Deaton's monograph5. The theoretical principles of the inhibition of hydrate formation, which are of independent interest, and also the specific possibility of using individual inhibitors (methanol, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, glycine solutions, propanol, aqueous solutions of CaCLj, NaCl, LiCl, AlCL,, NH3, etc.) have been considered 1 7 7 " 1 8 0 . The most complete theory of the inhibiting action of a "third" component has been given by Pieroen 1 8 0 , who by using the concepts of the chemical potentials of the components, participating in the hydrate formation, and of the "activities" of the aqueous solutions obtained the equation
= AW Xt.c. ,

in which // is the heat of formation of one mole of hydrate containing moles water at To; = To - T; TQ is the equilibrium temperature (K) of formation of the hydrate in the absence of inhibitor; that in the presence of the inhibitor; and Xt.c. the mole fraction of the inhibiting third component in the water. For the natural gas-water system, the above equation acquires the form:
nfiT: IS QOO-w)M

1, then

AH (100o

where w is the inhibitor concentration (wt.%) in the water, the molecular weight of the inhibitor at = 280, and AH =i -41 kcal mole" 1 , so that
- 1240


Earlier , Hammerschmidt obtained an analogous formula with the numerical coefficient equal to 1297 for inhibiting aqueous solutions of electrolytes. REFERENCES
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Russian Chemical Reviews, 37 (6), 1968

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Institute for Synthetic Alcohols and Organic Products, Moscow

U.D.C. 547.98:675.024

Synthesis of Technical Tanning Agents

The review gives data mainly on Soviet investigations on the preparation and application of synthetic tanning agents, comprising auxiliary syntans and substitutes for vegetable tannins. A detailed account is given of the processes used in the synthesis of Soviet heavy-duty syntans and some information on the production of substitute syntans abroad. The bibliography contains 83 references. CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Auxiliary syntans A. Auxiliary syntans for use with vegetable tanning agents B. Auxiliary syntans for special purposes III. Syntans used as substitutes for vegetable tannins A. Development of methods for the production of substitute syntans in the USSR B. Processes employed in the synthesis of Soviet heavy-duty syntans C. Methods of producing substitute syntans abroad IV. New types of synthetic tanning agents 491 492 492 493 495 495 496 498 500

I. INTRODUCTION Since the earliest times tanning agents, found in the bark, wood, leaves, and roots of various plants, have been used for the production of leather. The structure of these substances, which are known generally as "tannins", was elucidated as a result of the large amount of work done during the second half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. All natural tanning agents are derivatives of polyhydric phenols, and are divided into two groups: the chief structural unit of hydrolysable tannins is digallic acid, which forms esters with hexoses; nonhydrolysable tannins are based on catechol units linked together either directly or through carbon atoms *. At the same time as the investigation of the structure of vegetable tannins, and directly connected with it, work was also done on the synthesis of tanning agents with the above main structural units as starting materials. Such syntheses were undertaken by Schiff, Baeyer, Fischer, Melau, and others, who by various methods obtained condensation products of arenepolyols and hydroxybenzoic acids. The work of Schiff is of especial interest for the history of synthetic tanning agents. Having obtained digallic acid from gallic acid by the action of phosphoryl chloride, he applied this method to 2pyrogalloisulphonic acid and hydroxybenzenesulphonic acid , and assigned to the products the formulae
CeH2 (OH)3 SO2-OCeH2 (OH)j-SO3H , C,H4 (OH)SO.2-O-C,H4-SO3H .

While differing from digallic acid in composition, these compounds showed some analogy with it in molecular structure: they contained phenolic rings linked by ester groups (-CO.O- or -SO 2 .O-) and one of the rings contained an acidic group (-COOH or -SO3H). Both compounds possessed tanning properties, and underwent all the reactions characteristic of vegetable tannins. Schiff also obtained a tanning agent 3 , probably hydroxyphenylsulphonylbenzenesulphonic acid

by dehydrating hydroxybenzenesulphonic acid at a high temperature. These compounds obtained by Schiff must be regarded as direct precursors of modern synthetic tanning agents. The history of modern industrial synthetic tanning agents, usually termed syntans (synthetic tannins), began in 1911, when Stiasny made a patent application covering the production of tanning materials by the condensation of hydroxybenzenesulphonic acids with formaldehyde 45. Synthetic tanning agents have come a long way. More than a thousand patents have been issued on processes for their production, while the total number of brands manufactured in various countries reaches two hundred. Synthetic tanning agents can be divided into two main groups-"light" and "heavy "-from the point of view of leather technology. Those of the first group possess weak

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