1co Production
1co Production
1co Production
(fig. S1). The metal sulfide–deposited carbon electrode was exposed to a controllable potential, which makes data interpretation difficult. The
constant potential for 24 hours in 100 mM NaCl saturated with 1 atm occurrence and combination of multiple reactions are likely to be
CO2 at room temperature (~25°C). Liquid-phase products were character- more realistic than single-pot reaction in natural hydrothermal vent
ized by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and proton environments. The complexity of the geochemical system could also
nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy, and gas-phase allow the accumulation of organic compounds (29) that are gener-
products were characterized by gas chromatography (GC). Figure 1 shows ated under a continuous supply of CO by the sulfide-catalyzed CO2
the Faraday efficiencies (FEs) of CO2 reduction to CO (CO2 + 2H+ + electroreduction.
2e– → CO + H2O) and to formate (CO2 + H+ + 2e– → HCOO–) at –0.8,
–1.0, and –1.2 V [versus the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)]. CO
and formate were the sole carbon products observed with the FE > DISCUSSION
0.1%, along with H2 that evolved from the competing proton reduction Were the experimental conditions examined above geologically and
(2H+ + 2e– → H2). The CO formation occurred effectively on CdS and geochemically feasible in the Hadean ocean hydrothermal systems?
Ag2S at –1.0 and –1.2 V (versus SHE), whereas negligible amounts of CO Our experiments revealed that CO production on metal sulfides occurs
were produced in other experimental conditions or in the absence of sul- at electric potentials below –0.8 V (versus SHE). In submarine hydro-
fide. Additional experiments with varied potential (Fig. 1C) revealed thermal vents, electrons are catalytically provided by the oxidation of
that CO was generated at an electric potential below –0.8 V (versus reductive chemicals at the fluid-mineral interface (20). If H2S is as-
SHE) on both sulfides. The FE shifted positively with decreasing po- sumed to be the sole electron source in the fluid, the potential is always
tential and attained around 40% on CdS and 30% on Ag2S at ≤–1.0 higher than the threshold (–0.8 V versus SHE) in a wide range of tem-
and ≤–1.1 V (versus SHE), respectively. For formate, active formation perature and pH (Fig. 2, A and B). However, if H2 is present at a con-
was observed only on CuS (FE ~4% at –1.0 and –1.2 V versus SHE; Fig. centration of 1 mmol kg–1 or higher (Fig. 2, C and D), H2 oxidation in
1B). These product characteristics were largely different from those on hot and alkaline pH conditions can provide the potential well below
the corresponding pure metals (28), indicating the significance of sulfur the desirable value [for example, –0.98 V (versus SHE) at 200°C and
to the surface-CO2-electron interactions. pH 12 in the presence of 1 mmol kg–1 H2]. The H2-enriched hydro-
To examine whether the electrochemically produced CO serves as a thermal fluid systems have been hypothesized to occur abundantly on
driving force for the subsequent abiotic organic synthesis, we collected the Hadean and early Archean ocean floor; two representative systems
the reductive gas generated on CdS at –1.0 V (versus SHE) that was are a komatiite-hosted high-temperature type at oceanic ridges and
primarily composed of CO (ca. 40%) and H2 (ca. 60%) (Fig. 1C), sealed plateaus (Fig. 3A) (30) and a low-temperature type hosted by koma-
it in a serum bottle containing a solution of simple carbon compounds tiite or peridotite at ridge flank regions (13). A recent hydrothermal
50 50
30 40 Ag2S
Faraday efficiency (%)
B 20
2 10
0 0
Ag2S CdS CoS CuS FeS MnS MoS2 NiS PbS WS2 ZnS –1.2 –1.1 –1.0 –0.9 –0.8 –0.7 –0.6
Potential (vs. SHE)
Fig. 1. Electrochemical CO2 reduction on various metal sulfides in 0.1 M NaCl saturated with 1 atm CO2 at room temperature (~25°C). (A and B) FEs for CO2
reduction to (A) CO (CO2 + 2H+ + 2e– → CO + H2O) and (B) HCOO– (CO2 + 2H+ + 2e– → HCOO–) at –0.8, –1.0, and –1.2 V versus the SHE. (C) CO production efficiencies
on CdS and Ag2S as a function of electric potential. Error bars correspond to the overall reproducibility of the experimental data that was evaluated from three
independent experiments.
0.2 highly alkaline (pH ≥12), which has been demonstrated by a hydro-
A B C D thermal alteration experiment of basalt in CO2-rich seawater (32). It
0 seems likely that alkaline hydrothermal systems were widespread
across the early ocean crust and floor that were dominated by basalt
Potential (vs. SHE)
B Metal-rich, high-T, H2-rich, high-T, C Alkaline Porous chimney wall Slightly acidic
acidic HS alkaline HS hydrothermal seawater
Ni Cd2+ fluid CO
Cd2+ H2 O CO
pH >10 CO2
e– CO2
Fig. 3. Abiotic carbon fixation in the primitive hydrothermal system. (A) The hot and active mantle convection in the primitive Earth induced a lot of massive upwelling
of komatiite/basaltic melts beneath the ocean floor (30), (B) where interactions between the solidified (ultra)mafic rocks and the CO2-rich seawater with different water/rock
ratios led to a variety of end-member fluid chemistry, including the H2-rich, high-temperature (T), and alkaline type and the metal-rich, high-temperature, and acidic (or neutral)
ones (31, 32). (C) On the ocean floor, mixing of the hydrothermal fluids and seawater generated sulfide-rich chimneys (22), and the potential gradient across the chimney drove
a continuous electron flow. The electric potential at the chimney-seawater interface could reach less than –1 V (versus SHE) in alkaline hydrothermal vent environments. The
low potential, in the presence of sulfides rich in Cd2+ and Ag+, allowed the electrochemical CO2 reduction to CO with the FE as high as dozens of percent, together with H2
evolution. The produced CO served as a driving force for the subsequent abiotic organic synthesis that preceded the origin of life as schematically indicated in the figure.
would have precipitated and incorporated in the sulfide deposits in have favored the production of reactive C1 compounds from natu-
the closely localized alkaline hydrothermal vent environments. rally ubiquitous carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur sources (for example,
There is no definitive constraint on the dissolved sulfide flux from CO2, N2O, and SO2) under naturally feasible conditions.
the early ocean alkaline hydrothermal vents. If the fluid sulfide con-
centrations were within or lower than the micromolal level, the fluid-
seawater mixing is expected to precipitate Cd, Zn, and Cu selectively MATERIALS AND METHODS
against Ni, Co, and Mn owing to their difference in sulfide solubil- Preparation of metal sulfides
ity (40). FeS precipitation would not have occurred even when a All metal sulfides except for WS2 and MoS2 were prepared by a drop-
high seawater Fe2+ level (50 mmol kg–1) had been attained (40). In wise addition of 100 mM Na2S(aq) [or 50 mM Na2S(aq) for the case of
the present-day and Paleozoic hydrothermal sulfide deposits, Cd is Ag2S] into a 100 mM aqueous solution of the corresponding metal chlo-
observed primarily as an isomorphous impurity in sphalerite (ZnS), ride (AgCl, CdCl2, CoCl2, CuCl2, FeCl2, MnCl2, NiCl2, PbCl2, or ZnCl2)
rather than a single CdS crystal, with the Cd/Zn substitution ratio of under vigorous stirring with a final volume ratio of 1:1. The valence
up to 13.2 weight % (41, 42). The Cd/Zn ratio tends to increase at higher states of metals are all stable under the estimated Hadean ocean redox
precipitation temperature and lower concentrations of dissolved sul- condition [0.432 V (versus SHE)] (56). Solid precipitates were then sep-
fide and chloride (43, 44); hence, hot and alkaline hydrothermal systems arated from the supernatant by centrifugation and were dried under
could favor the formation of Cd-enriched ZnS. Naturally generated vacuum. To prevent oxidation by atmospheric O2, the sample prepara-
multiple metal-sulfide precipitates in some cases exhibit higher cat- tion was conducted in a globe box filled with N2 gas (>99.9999%), with
alytic efficiencies for the electroreduction of CO2 than the individual 4% H2 being added (the COY system). In many cases, the synthesized
sulfides (23). Thus, some of the hydrothermal sulfide deposits of the sulfides showed broad x-ray diffraction signals, with low intensity
H2-rich, high-temperature, and alkaline hydrothermal systems that indicating low crystallinity (fig. S3). All chemicals were purchased from
were probably widespread in the early komatiitic and basaltic ocean Wako as reagent grade. Deaerated Milli-Q water (18.2 megohms) was
floor (Fig. 3, A and B) are considered to provide favorable conditions used as the solvent. WS2 and MoS2 were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich
for electrochemical CO production. This environmental situation is (99%, ~90 nm) and were used without further purification.
fully consistent with that assumed in Wächtershäuser’s abiotic or-
ganic synthesis (Fig. 3C) (3–5). Therefore, this study provides the Electrochemical experiments
first experimental evidence that the presence of the key player in Figure S1 schematically illustrates the electrochemical cell. For each
Wächtershäuser’s scenario for the autotrophic origin of life, CO, was experiment, about 50 mg of metal sulfide catalyst was deposited on
possible under a geologically and geochemically plausible setting on the carbon working electrode (5.7 cm2), deaerated 100 mM NaCl(aq)
charge required for the production column (Shinwa). He (>99.99995%) was used as the carrier gas at a
FE ¼ ð3Þ flow rate of 24 ml min–1. The column temperature was initially kept at
total charge built up during the sample collection
40°C for 6 min, raised to 200°C at a rate of 20°C min–1, kept for 6 min,
raised to 250°C at a rate of 50°C min–1, and then kept for 20 min. H2,
for the gas-phase products. CO, CH4, CO2, C2H6, and C3H8 were observed with the retention times
of ca. 2.1, 5.0, 8.8, 11.8, 16.7, and 28.0 min, respectively. A pulsed dis-
Organic synthesis experiments charge detector was used to quantify the concentrations of CO, CH4,
Three types of organic synthesis experiments were conducted according C2H6, and C3H8, and a thermal conductivity detector for the H2 concen-
to the methods reported by Huber and Wächtershäuser (3–5), with tration. Some gas samples were also analyzed by a gas chromatog-
the electrochemically generated reductive gas on CdS at –1 V (versus raph mass spectrometer (GCMS-QP2020; Shimazu) equipped with
SHE) replacing pure CO gas. MICROPACKED-ST column (Shinwa). Results obtained by the differ-
(i) NiSO4 ⋅ 6H2O (131 mg, 0.5 mmol) was deaerated in a serum bot- ent systems were consistent with each other within the error (±10%).
tle (100 ml) sealed with a butyl rubber cap and an aluminum stopper, Amino acid and peptide products were analyzed using a Jasco HPLC
and 2.5 ml of aqueous solution containing Na2S (39 mg, 0.5 mmol), system equipped with post-column derivatization with o-phthalaldehyde
CH3SNa (1.8 mg, 25 mmol), and NaOH was added for the in situ and a fluorescence detector operated at 345 nm for excitation and at
precipitation of NiS. The bottle was then filled with the reductive 455 nm for emission. Five citrate buffer solutions of different citrate
gas (80 ml, 1 atm) and was heated at 100°C for 7 days. The sample sus- concentrations and pH values were used as eluents in a stepwise con-
pension was then filtered with a PTFE membrane filter and analyzed dition. A cation-exchange column (AApak Na II-S2, Jasco) was used
by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) for identifi- at 50°C.
cation of organic acid products and by HPLC for their quantification. LC-MS measurements were conducted with a Xevo Qtof MS plat-
The filtrate had a pH of 8.6, which was measured by a portable pH form (Waters) combined with a UPLC system (Acquity, Waters). To
meter (Seven2Go Pro, Mettler Toledo). enhance the ionization of small acids while suppressing the interfer-
(ii) A serum bottle (100 ml) was charged with Ca(OH)2 (0.5 g, ence with inorganic salts, positive-mode electrospray ionization
6.7 mmol), closed, deaerated, and then charged with 2.5 ml of aqueous combined with reversed-phase LC was performed after derivatiza-
solution containing NiSO4 (77 mg, 0.5 mmol) and KCN (33 mg, 0.5 mmol) tion with 2-nitrophenylhydrazine (57). In the LC separation using
together with the reductive gas (80 ml, 1 atm). After heating at 100°C a CORTECS UPLC C18 column (Waters), 0.1% trifluoroacetate and
for 5 days, the sample suspension was filtered and analyzed for organic acetonitrile were used as the eluents for binary gradient elution with
acid and amino acid products. The filtrate showed a pH of 12.6. the flow rate at 0.3 ml min−1 and the column temperature at 35°C. The
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