FTM - TPM Presentation

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Total Productive Maintenance and FTM From Werardt

A presentation by Werardt Systemss P Ltd

Why TPM?
Increases Productivity

Labor productivity, and Break down reduction

Improves Quality by
Reducing the Defects in processes Reducing Defects in products Reducing Customer complaints

Why TPM?
Reduces Cost

Reduction in man power Maintenance cost reduction Energy Conservation

Delivery Stock reduction Inventory turnover increase Safety Environment Improvement Ideas increase Small Group meetings increase

Why TPM?

Return on Investment (ROI) after 2 to 3 years

Break even on initial TPM project Less than one year Reduction in absenteeism, as work place is enriched

TPM Goals
Zero unplanned Downtime

Zero Defects
Zero failure Zero variability Reduced Idle time on machines Zero Accidents Maximized P.M. Compliance Thus Maximizing OEE

FTM puts you on the road to achieve these Goals in a Simple, Better and Faster way !

The Pillars of TPM

1 Kobetsu Kaizen - Individual Improvements

2 Jishu-Hozen - Autonomous Maintenance

3 Planned Maintenance 4 Quality Maintenance 5 Education and Training 6 Safety and Environment 7 Office TPM 8 Development Management

TPM is a cultural change and FTM supplements it in Information management


Some Facts about TPM & Maintenance

Maintenance can generally account for a major portion of todays manufacturing costs Hence when it comes to TPM implementation the Maintenance department generally takes the lead

Generally upto 25% of maintenance cost is wasted or not known

Emergency repair jobs are at least three times more expensive than the same repair done a pre-planned basis.

Hence TPM & Maintenance go hand-in-hand


How to achieve Zero Breakdowns?

RCFA - Root Cause Failure Analysis Making P.M. effective and dynamic Condition & Time Based Maintenance Doing Why-Why Analysis and maintaining 6W2H Improving the Reliability of work Reducing Idle time on repairs Condition Monitoring and Inspection Autonomous Maintenance activities

FTM is very strong in this area !


The FTM Steps to Success

Awareness : Understanding your activities, Identifying Critical, Essential and Desirable requirements Business Process Optimization : What processes do you follow to achieve your objectives? Who is doing what? Are they trained for the Job? Are required skills available? Quantification : How many and which type of Jobs do you do? To focus on the type of work being done, how much is reactive and how much is proactive? Benchmarking : FTM helps in devising and defining your Key measuring parameters or KPIs that help in Improvements

Performance Review : And most importantly devising a post implementation review mechanism to monitor progress

Maintenance Prevention Design

Facilitating autonomous maintenance or Jishu Hozen, through Activity based PM, and feedback on machine behavior Applying Kaizen activities to monitor Improvements Increasing the ease of operation, make it easy from information and work point of view Improving skills through need based training programs and easy availability of history Improving maintainability through condition monitoring and reliable operations Improving safety through awareness

Applying FTM feedback !


Key Result Areas

1. Improving human resources Operators ability to perform Jishu-Hozen Maintenance employees ability to perform quality & reliable maintenance Production engineers ability to execute maintenance free equipment plan 2. Improving Plant & Machinery

Maximizing Uptime
Increased Plant value Achieving TPR - Total Plant Reliability

Key Result Areas

3. Improving the corporate culture From authoritarian to participative management Involving everyone in CIP 4. Reducing losses Down time losses Speed losses Defect losses

FTM directly and indirectly helps you in achieving the above


Contact Information
Werardt Systemss Pvt Ltd
Pune, India Phone : 91-20-25285256, 25285257

Website : http://www.werardt.com
email: [email protected]


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