Jobs Vs The Environment
Jobs Vs The Environment
Jobs Vs The Environment
An Industry-level Perspective
Richard D. Morgenstern, William A. Pizer,
and Jhih-Shyang Shih
December 1998, Revised November 1999, Revised June 2000
Discussion Paper 9901REV
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Jobs versus the Environment: An Industry-level Perspective
Richard D. Morgenstern, William A. Pizer, and Jhih-Shyang Shih
The possibility that workers could be adversely affected by environmental policies imposed on
heavily regulated industries has led to claims of a jobs versus the environment trade-off by both
business and labor leaders. The present research examines this claim at the industry level for four heavily
polluting industries: pulp and paper mills, plastic manufacturers, petroleum refiners, and iron and steel
mills. By focusing on labor effects across an entire industry, we construct a measure relevant to the
concerns of key stakeholders, such as labor unions and trade groups.
We decompose the link between environmental regulation and employment into three distinct
components: factor shifts to more or less labor intensity, changes in total expenditures, and changes in the
quantity of output demanded. We use detailed plant-level data to estimate the key parameters describing
factor shifts and changes in total expenditures. We then use aggregate time-series data on industry supply
shocks and output responses to estimate the demand effect.
We find that increased environmental spending generally does not cause a significant change in
industry-level employment. Our average across all four industries is a net gain of 1.5 jobs per $1 million
in additional environmental spending, with a standard error of 2.2 jobsan insignificant effect. In the
plastics and petroleum sectors, however, there are small but significantly positive effects: 6.9 and 2.2
jobs, respectively, per $1 million in additional expenditures. These effects can be linked to favorable
factor shiftsenvironmental spending is more labor intensive than ordinary productionand relatively
inelastic estimated demand.
Key Words: Jobs-environment trade-off, distribution of environmental costs, translog cost function
JEL Classification Numbers: C33, D24, J40, Q28
1. Introduction........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Literature Review............................................................................................................... 2
3. Decomposing the Effect of Environmental Regulation on Employment ...................... 5
3.1 Production effects.......................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Aggregating plant level effects .................................................................................... 8
3.3 Demand effect ............................................................................................................. 10
3.4 Total employment effect ............................................................................................ 10
4. Estimation of Production Technology and Demand Elasticity..................................... 11
4.1 Cost model .................................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Cost function estimation ............................................................................................. 12
4.3 Distinguishing Features.............................................................................................. 14
4.4 General Results .......................................................................................................... 15
4.5 Estimating aggregate demand elasticities ................................................................... 17
5. The Effect of Regulation on Industry Employment....................................................... 19
5.1 Relation to structural cost model................................................................................. 19
5.2 Estimated effects ......................................................................................................... 21
6. Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 24
Data Appendix....................................................................................................................... 26
References .............................................................................................................................. 30
Jobs versus the Environment: An Industry-level Perspective
Richard D. Morgenstern, William A. Pizer, and Jhih-Shyang Shih
1. Introduction
Environmental polices involve economic costs that are unevenly borne by individuals and
industries across the economy. The possibility that workers could be adversely affected in
heavily regulated industries has led to claims of a jobs versus the environment trade-off, a
mantra echoed by both business and labor leaders. At a minimum, the visibility and emotion
associated with potential job loss make it a crucial issue in ongoing policy debates. Interest
groups now routinely develop Congressional district-level estimates of job losses associated with
proposed legislation (Hahn and Steger 1990). Not surprisingly, a third of the respondents to a
1990 poll thought it somewhat or very likely that their own job was threatened by environmental
regulation (Rosewicz 1990).
Accepting the notion that potential job loss due to regulation is an important phenomena
to understand, one of the challenges for researchers in this field is how best to measure job loss.
An individual separated from an existing job because of an environmental regulation has clearly
suffered a loss. Yet, pollution abatement activities themselves require labor input. Thus,
environmental regulations may also create jobssometimes in the same industry, or even in the
same firm. In addition, environmental regulation may cause firms in a particular industry to
shift production and jobs from areas not attaining federal air quality standards to those in
attainment. Job loss in one area is then accompanied by job creation in another.
Key stakeholders, such as labor unions and trade groups, typically focus on gross job
changes and the cost of rearranging workers within an industry. However, net job loss within an
industrywhich recognizes all intra-industry employment changes associated with
Quality of the Environment Division, Resources for the Future. We acknowledge helpful comments from Hirschel
Kasper, Raymond Kopp and the anonymous reviewers of an earlier draft. The research in this paper was conducted
at the Center for Economic Studies, U.S. Bureau of the Census. Mary L. Streitwieser, Gordon M. Phillips and
Arnold P. Reznek have provided considerable assistance for which the authors are greatly appreciative. Research
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
environmental regulationalso is a relevant measure for ongoing policy debates. Such a
measure recognizes that many firms endeavor to relocate employees in other units of the same
company, and that remaining plants in the industry often expand output to make up for the shut-
down production, thereby offsetting at least some of the initial job losses. Not surprisingly,
consideration of net employment impacts at the industry level has figured prominently in a
number of major environmental decisions. These include:
the Clean Air Act Amendments (1990), Title IV (acid rain), vis-a-vis potential
impacts on coal miner jobs;
the Iron and Steel Effluent Guideline issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (1982);
the Spotted Owl decision under the Endangered Species Act (1995) vis--vis potential
impacts on loggers; and
major regulatory decisions carried out under the Clean Water Act.
Using reported environmental spending as a measure of regulation we decompose the
labor consequences of increased spending into three distinct components. These include:
increases in all factor inputs, holding output factor shares constant (cost effect); changes in factor
intensities (factor shift); and changes in the quantity of output demanded (demand effect). This
decomposition gives a structural interpretation to the link between environmental spending and
employment. We then use plant-level data to estimate a cost function that allows us to assess the
first two components. These estimates are combined with estimates of industrywide demand
elasticities to calculate the third component as well as the overall change in employment
associated with increases in reported environmental spending. Estimates are developed for four
heavily polluting industries (pulp and paper, plastics, petroleum, and steel).
2. Literature Review
A wide range of research efforts have been used to address the connection between
environmental regulation and employment, including aggregate policy modeling
(macroeconomic and general equilibrium), economywide microeconomic studies, industry-
specific studies, and analyses of plant location and growth. Estimates of the economywide job
impacts of environmental regulations traditionally are based on simulations of large
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
macroeconomic and general equilibrium models. In a review of macroeconomic modeling
efforts published in journals, OECD publications, and by the U.S. EPA, Goodstein (1994) found
that seven of the nine studies showed increases in employment, one showed a decrease and one
was mixed. He concludes, on balance, the available studies indicate that environmental
spending has probably led to a net increase in the number of jobs in the U.S. economy
(although) if it exists, this effect is not large.
General equilibrium assessments of environmental regulation, such as Hazilla and Kopp
(1990) and Jorgenson and Wilcoxen (1990), typically assume full employment; specifically, the
real wage adjusts so that labor demand equals labor supply. Any changes in the number of jobs
in the economy therefore hinge on workers choosing to work more or less based on changes in
the real wage. Since the real wage falls with increased environmental regulation due to
reductions in productivity, employment will likely decline.
In these models, environmental
regulation leads to job loss because individuals decide to work less in response to a lower
relative price of leisure. However, such labor-leisure choices are unlikely to be the object of
concern voiced by labor leaders or respondents to public opinion polls.
At the individual firm or plant level, business and labor experts typically argue that
environmental regulation increases a companys production costs and puts upward pressure on
prices. Price increases, in turn, result in a loss of sales and at least some reduction in plant-level
employment. Employer responses to surveys by the U.S. Department of Labor (various years)
indicate that environmental spending accounts for only about 650 job losses per year, or less than
one-tenth of one percent of all mass layoffs in the United States. Of course, these surveys may
understate potential job losses because they ignore the effects on smaller firms as well as the
possibility that environmental regulation may be an important secondary factor in plant closure
decisions. Conversely, such estimates may overstate the net job impacts by failing to account for
employment increases associated with environmental regulation (control activities and/or shifts
in employment to other plants).
Of course, employment could rise as the real wage falls, depending on whether the uncompensated labor supply
curve is upward sloping or backward bending. See Hausman (1985).
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
Studies of specific industries are less common than economywide analyses. Early
research on the electric power industry by Gollup and Roberts (1983) found significant job loss
associated with increased environmental regulations. More recent work by Berman and Bui
(1997) compares petroleum refineries in the Los Angeles area to all other U.S refineries. The
authors find no evidence that environmental regulation decreased labor demand, even when
allowing for induced plant exit and dissuaded plant entry. If anything, they note, air quality
regulation probably increased employment slightly.
An area of related work has focused on the possible influence of environmental
regulation on plant location, capturing the notion that heavily regulated and generally more
polluted areas may suffer a relative penalization. Although new environmental regulations may
not cause firms to relocate existing plants, firms have considerable flexibility in making
decisions about the siting of new plants. Studies by Bartik (1988), Low and Yeats (1992), and
Crandall (1993) suggest that firms are sensitive, in general terms, to cost variations among states
when deciding where to locate new facilities. However, there is little direct evidence of a
relationship between stringency of environmental regulation and plant location choices. In an
analysis that includes measures of environmental stringency, Bartik found that neither measures
of expenditures nor emission standards had significant effects on plant location decisions. These
results are similar to those of Levinson (1996) and McConnell and Schwab (1990), although
Levinson did find that the locations of new branch plants of large multiplant companies in
pollution-intensive industries were somewhat sensitive to differences in regulations. In contrast,
a recent study by Gray (1996) finds that states with more stringent regulation (measured by a
variety of state-specific measures) have fewer plant openings.
Finally, several studies have compared rates of manufacturing employment growthnot
just new plantsin attainment areas versus non-attainment areas.
Papers by Henderson (1996)
and Kahn (1997) found relatively lower growth rates in manufacturing employment in non-
attainment counties compared to those that attained the air quality standard. Becker and
Henderson (1997) found that environmental regulation reduced births and increased deaths in
Attainment status refers to whether a county meets federal air quality standards.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
non-attainment areas, shifting polluting activity to cleaner areas. With a similar approach,
Greenstone (1997) estimates an annual loss of about 8000 jobs over the period 1972-1987.
Importantly, his estimates assume that employment growth at polluting plants in less regulated
areas is an appropriate control group from which to infer the likely change in employment in the
absence of regulation.
Overall, existing work on the possible jobs versus the environment trade-off presents a bit
of a puzzle. Environmental factors typically are secondary considerations behind labor and
geographic issues in the siting of new plants. However, there is evidence that employment
growth rates do vary according to attainment status. Whether such results indicate either a net
decline in employment, a spatial reallocation of production, or even an employment increase in
cleaner areas, is unclear.
Most of the research in this field has been limited to the use of reduced form models.
Such models do not generally yield insights into the causes of observed employment effects,
making it difficult to understand the mechanism by which job loss occurs or to have confidence
in the robustness of the results. By looking across several industries and decomposing
employment effects into distinct supply- and demand-side components, we are able to look for
patterns of employment changes. This perspective gives us more confidence in our results and a
greater ability to understand the likely consequences under different conditions. In the following
sections we derive expressions for the different components of labor effects at the plant level,
develop an estimation strategy for computing their magnitudes, and present our results.
3. Decomposing the Effect of Environmental Regulation on Employment
When environmental regulations are tightened, employment will adjust to both a
rearrangement of production activities as well as a potential output contraction. Rhetoric
surrounding the jobs versus the environment debate focuses on the output contraction: increased
regulation raises production costs, reduces demand and eventually costs jobs. This reasoning
Alternatively, one could postulate that polluting plants in more regulated areas are the appropriate control and that
environmental regulation has actually created 8000 jobs per year in the less regulated areas.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
ignores the fact that employment could rise if demand is less than unit elastic or if production
becomes more labor intensive. For that reason, it is useful to closely examine how increased
regulation translates into changes in employment.
On the production side, there are two arguments for increased employment. First,
environmental regulation usually raises production costs. Although Porter and van der Linde
(1995) have argued the reversethat increased regulation lowers production coststhe bulk of
the economics literature, as recently summarized by Jaffe, Peterson et al. (1995), is unsupportive
of that view. If production costs rise, more inputs, including labor, are used to produce the same
amount of output. We refer to this as the cost effect.
Second, environmental activities may be more labor intensive than conventional
production. For example, cleaner operations may involve more inspection and maintenance
activities, or reduced use of fuel and materials. In both instances, the amount of labor per dollar
of output will rise. This argument obviously can go the other way: cleaner operations could
involve automation and less employment, for example. We refer to this effect as a factor shift.
The more traditional concern is that as production costs rise in response to increased
environmental regulation, output prices will rise, quantity demanded will fall, and plants will
reduce employment levels. The extent of this effect depends on the cost increase passed on to
consumers as well as the demand elasticity of industry output. These two features may not be
independent: industries facing elastic output demand due to stiff competition may prove more
adept at lowering the cost of environmental compliance. Less competitive industries with
inelastic demand may be less concerned about cost increases associated with regulation. We
refer to this as the demand effect.
3.1 Production effects
We consider the effect of increased regulation in three distinct steps. First, we examine
how changes in regulation affect employment at the plant level, holding output constant.
Second, we consider how these effects will affect market prices in a particular industry. An
important element of this analysis will be our assumptions about the competitive structure of the
industry as well as how new regulation is likely to affect each plant differently. Finally, we
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
consider the aggregate demand response to industry-level price changes and how they relate back
to individual plant-level employment.
To compute the effects of regulation at the plant level, we rearrange the definition of
plant-level employment in a particularly convenient form. Specifically,
L v TC
! "
where L is employment, P
is the wage, v
is the share of labor in total costs, and TC are total
costs (including both conventional production and regulatory costs). With this rearrangement,
the derivative of plant-level employment with respect to regulation can be written:
factor shift cost effect
l l
l l Y Y
v v L TC TC
!"#"$ !"#"$
# # #
! $
# # #
where RC is a dollar measure of regulatory burden and Y Y ! indicates explicitly the constant
output assumption. Expressing the derivative in this way allows us to identify the cost effect and
factor shift. The first term on the right-hand side (2) represents factor shift. Changes in the share
of labor translate directly into changes in employment as production becomes more or less labor
intensive. The second term represents the cost effect as total costs rise with higher regulation.
Higher costs, holding input shares constant, yield larger expenditures on labor. Note that higher
regulatory costs, as measured by direct expenditures on environmental activities, does not
necessarily affect total costs one-for-one. There may be uncounted burdens and benefits
associated with these environmental expenditures.
Our allowance for uncounted costs and benefits does not completely solve the problem of using regulatory
expenditures as a proxy for regulationsince there may be other costs associated with regulation that are
completely uncorrelated with the reported expenditures RC. This is, however, a common approach (Hazilla and
Kopp 1990; Gray 1987; Jorgenson and Wilcoxen 1990).
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
3.2 Aggregating plant level effects
Expression (2) reveals the change in employment associated with increases in a
regulation for a single plant. In order to compute an industrywide effectstill holding output
constantwe need to make assumptions about how different plants are affected by the same
regulation and then add these effects across plants. That is
agg , ,
1 1 1
L i L i
i i i
i i i i i i i i
L v v
! ! !
# #
# #
! ! $
# # # #
% % %
where there are I plants, L
is the aggregate employment level, and i subscripts indicate plant-
level values for each variable, in particular, the specific regulatory burden RC
of plant i.
At this point, we are forced to make an assumption about how regulations differentially
affect plants. As noted in Section 1, environmental regulations typically focus on polluting
industries, not individual plants, so the problem is specifying the likely distribution of burden.
For simplicity, we assume that regulations affect plants in proportion to their total costs.
is, we assume that an extra dollar of regulatory burden affects plant i by an amount equal to plant
i s total costs as a share of the industrywide total costs,
i j I j
and are aggregation parameters. This aggregation formula recognizes that even at the 4-
digit Standard Industrial Classification code level, there can still be heterogeneity in output. The
elasticity of substitution among the output of different plants captures this heterogeneity and
leads to a fixed mark-up of equilibrium price over cost.
This assumption further supports both
the observation that costs do differ among plants and that market concentration may lead to
noncompetitive pricing behavior.
Our assumptions about market structure allow us to explicitly determine both how
changes in production costs at individual plants will affect market prices and demand, as well as
how changes in demand will, in turn, affect individual plants. In particular, if costs at each plant
rise by the same proportion, the market price for each plants output will rise by that proportion.
Further, if aggregate demand falls by some fraction, output demand at each plant will fall by that
same fraction. We use this result when we compute our demand effect below.
The important practical assumption for our results is that prices rise in proportion to costs. This remains true in the
limit of perfect competition as tends to infinity as well as for more general specfications.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
3.3 Demand effect
Our measurement of the demand effect is based on the assumption that demand for the
composite industry output good q
exhibits a constant elasticity
. When environmental
regulations are tightened and total costs rise based on (4), each plant faces a proportional rise in
costs, say . Based on the industry model (6), this leads to a proportional rise in the price of
each plants output as well as the price of the composite good q
. Demand for the composite
good then falls by
From (4) and (6) we can therefore write:
( )
agg agg
is the industry-level elasticity of demand, q
is output of the composite good,
and ( )( )
1 TC RC TC is the fractional rise in cost at each plant. This contraction in
aggregate demand leads to a proportional output contraction ( )( )
TC RC TC at each
plant and, in turn, a proportional reduction in employment. Adding the affects across plants, we
( )
demand agg agg
That is, the demand effect per dollar of additional regulatory burden equals the fractional
change in total costs, adjusted for any incidental savings or costs ( ) TC RC , scaled by the
elasticity of demand
and the aggregate employment level L
3.4 Total employment effect
Combining the demand effect (8) with the previous production effects (5) yields an
expression for the entire employment effect,
, -
agg agg ,
1 agg agg , agg
L i
i l i i
L L v
# #
# & '
! $ /
( )
* +
# # #
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
Unlike studies that focus solely on negative demand effects, (9) explicitly allows for supply-side
labor effects that may offset any industrywide contraction. Equation (9) also allows us to look at
each piece of the employment effect separately, assess its economic and statistical significance,
and potentially design policy to properly address labor and industry concerns. Evaluation of this
expression requires estimates of a structural model of production costs along with an industry-
level demand elasticity. We now address these issues.
4. Estimation of Production Technology and Demand Elasticity
With the exception of the elasticity of demand, the parameters that describe the relation
between employment and environmental regulation are determined by production technology. In
recent work (Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih 1999), we have developed a flexible approach to
estimating production and pollution abatement technology, which we use to estimate these
parameters and their standard errors. We describe that model along with our approach to
estimating aggregate demand elasticities, and how all of these results can be combined to
compute each term in Equation (9).
4.1 Cost model
We begin with the assumption that the production of non-environmental outputs and
environmental activities are distinct and described by separate cost functions. Specifically,
, - , , , PC G Y i t ! P describes the cost (PC) of producing non-environmental output Y based on
input price vector P at plant i at time t. Similarly, let , - , , , RC H Y i t ! P describe the cost (RC) of
producing environmental output R similarly based on input price vector P at plant i at time t.
Inputs include capital, labor, energy and materials.
We then allow for the possibility that these two activities are not, in fact, distinct by
rewriting , - , - , -
, , ,
PC G Y i t f RC
! P where , - f RC is an increasing function of regulatory
expenditure. The parameter
describes the degree of interaction. If zero, it indicates no
signficant interaction; negative values indicate cost savings and positive values indicate
additional burden.
We choose the following translog parameterization for , - G " and , - H "
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
(10) , -
1 1
, 2 2
ln ln ln ln ln ln
ln ln ln
i t i p y pp y
t p yp yt r
Y t Y
0 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 0
! $ $ $ $ $ 2 2
$ $ " $
ln ln ln ln ln ln
p pp t pt
RC R t t 3 ! $ $ $ $ " 2 2 2 P P P P 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 ,
where P is a vector of input prices (capital, labor, energy and materials), PC are costs related to
non-environmental output Y, RC are costs related to environmental output R, and t is time. The
parameters have the following interpretations:
are plant-specific, Hicks-neutral productivity
are time dummies, capturing aggregate Hicks-neutral productivity trends;
vectors of plant-specific, cost-share parameters;
is a matrix of share elasticities;
capture scale economies;
are year-specific productivity biases;
reflects biases of scale;
captures any aggregate time trend in scale economies. All of these parameters refer to
non-environmental production. The environmental production parameters have the following
is a vector of aggregate cost share parameters;
is a matrix of share
describes the Hicks-neutral productivity trend; and
captures factor trends.
describes any interaction between environmental and non-environmental activities.
4.2 Cost function estimation
The standard approach to estimate models such as (10) and (11) is to specify a system of
cost shares based on the first derivatives with respect to log prices. Stochastic disturbances are
appended to each equation and the system is estimated simultaneously (with cross-equation
restrictions) in order to improve efficiency. The problem with this approach in the current
context is that factor inputs used for environmental activities cannot be distinguished from those
used for conventional production; and we have no direct measure of R, environmental output.
Since factor inputs cannot be disaggregated in the data, the cost shares associated with (10) and
(11) are not observed. Further, since we have no direct measure of R, (11) cannot be estimated.
We work around these problems by noting that our assumption of homothetic
environmental costs , - H " allows us to write the environmental cost shares solely as a function of
input prices and time (and not R):
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
k r k k kt
l r l l lt
e r e e et
m r m m mt
v t
v t
v t
v t
3 4
3 4
3 4
3 4
! $ $ 2
! $ $ 2
! $ $ 2
! $ $ 2
4 44 4
4 44 4
4 44 4
4 44 4
Coupled with non-environmental cost shares derived from (10),
, , ,
, , ,
, , ,
, , ,
ln ln
ln ln
ln ln
ln ln
k y i k k yk t k
l y i l l yl t l
e y i e e ye t e
m y i m m ym t m
v Y
v Y
v Y
v Y
0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1
0 1 1 1
! $ $ $ 2
! $ $ $ 2
! $ $ $ 2
! $ $ $ 2
we can write the observed total cost shares as
, ,
, ,
, ,
, ,
k k r k y
l l r l y
e e r e y
m m r m y
v v v
v v v
v v v
v v v
& '
! $ /
( )
* +
$ $
& '
! $ /
( )
* +
$ $
& '
! $ /
( )
* +
$ $
& '
! $ /
( )
* +
$ $
These aggregate cost shares (over both non-environmental and environmental
expenditures) are both observable themselves and defined in terms of other observable variables
(prices, output, time and regulation as a share of total costs). The equations in (14) can therefore
be estimated alongside the production cost function (10) by treating each as a stochastic relation
and adding random disturbances.
Because the endogenous variable PC appears on the right-hand side of the production
cost function and aggregate share equations, we use a two-step approach. We first estimate the
system of equations setting RC = 0 (which elimates PC on the right-hand side as well as the
regulatory cost share parameters and ). We use these parameter estimates to construct
exogenous predicted values
PC to replace the actual values PC on the right-hand side of (10)
and (14). These predicted values are then used to re-estimate the system without the endogeneity
problem. At both estimation stages, we impose symmetry (
ij ij
1 1 ! and
ij ji
4 4 ! ) and
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
homogeniety of degree one in prices (which allows us to arbitrarily drop a share equation). We
use a maximum likelihood estimator that iterates on the covariance matrix estimate until it
4.3 Distinguishing Features
Two key features of this approach are its distinction between environmental and non-
environmental production activities and the extensive use of fixed effects (in both the cost
function and share equation). The distinction between environmental and non-environmental
activities allows us to consider the possibility that these are, in fact, distinct. This hypothesis
= 0is easy to test and, further, non-zero values of
can be interpreted as the dollar-for-
dollar offset in production costs associated with an increase in environmental expenditures
(Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih 1999). That is, , - 1
r r
PC RC RC PC 0 0 # # ! $ which is roughly
equal to
for small values of
and when RC PC & (empirically below 5%).
This distinction also allows us to estimate differences between pollution control
technology and normal production technology. The identification of this effect hinges on
variation in , - RC RC PC $ in the data. Plants with higher values of this ratio are more tilted
towards pollution control; plants with lower values towards normal production. When we look
at the estimation results, we will see that pollution control is often labor-intensive, leading to
higher employment as environmental regulation increases.
The extensive use of fixed effects is important in the context of correctly identifying any
difference between pollution control technology and conventional production. Productivity and
differences in factor usage may vary among plants due to unobserved or unquantifiable plant
differences, or differences in the output mix. Since these differences are potentially correlated
with environmental activitiesbut are not caused by themfailing to control for plant
differences may bias the results. For example, plants with older capital vintages or poor
management might use different and/or less efficient combinations of inputs. If these same
With the exception of our use of fixed effects, the modification of the share equations (14), and instrumenting for
PC, Chapter 9.4 of Berndt (1990) describes our methodology in detail. Caves, Christensen et al. (1984) discusses the
use of fixed effects in the cost function.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
plants also have higher environmental costs, these differences would falsely be attributed to
environmental activities. Our earlier work focusing on the parameter
demonstrated this is
indeed the case: inclusion of fixed effects suggests that
is, if anything, negative. However,
ignoring plant-level differences indicates that
is significantly positive.
In addition to
supporting the use of fixed effects, this is evidence against the hypothesis that the fixed-effect
model reduces to a random-effects model since the pooled estimate has the same probability
limit as a random-effects estimate.
The benefits of the fixed-effects model come at a price. In similar work, Gray and
Shadbegian (1994) emphasize the potential problems with measurement error in fixed-effects
models and advocate pooled estimates to estimate the added burden of environmental regulation.
More generally, Griliches (1979), Chamberlain (1984) and Hsiao (1986) all point out that fixed-
effect estimation exacerbates the bias toward zero when measurement error is primarily within
units rather than among units. However, we have no alternative to control for the plant-level
differences that we know introduce significant bias. Further, we have no direct evidence that
measurement error is primarily within units rather than between units: long-difference estimates,
where possible, reveal similar estimates with larger standard errors.
4.4 General Results
Parameter estimates for the model are provided in Table 5 in the appendix along with
additional detail concerning the data. Here, we briefly discuss those results. Roughly half the
estimated parameters are significant at the 5% level. However, it is difficult to systematically
simplify the model. Restrictions on the fixed effects (both share equations and cost function) are
Estimates of
based on a pooled model ignoring fixed effects are 0.08 (0.25), 0.13 (0.57), 1.56 (0.55), and 1.98
A Hausman (1978) test is based on exactly this discrepancy.
Griliches and Hausman (1986) suggest long-difference estimators as a way to reduce measurement error bias.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
rejected in all industries.
Tests of Cobb-Douglas restrictions on the quadratic terms
are similarly rejected.
Theory tells us that the cost function should be monotone and concave.
these conditions at each data point, we find our estimates to be locally monotone more than 99%
of the time. However, concavity (as captured by the sign of the own-price elasticities) is
frequently violated with capital demand sloping upward more than half the time in two of the
four industries. Unfortunately, this is a well-known consequence of using translog cost functions
when elasticities deviate significantly away from unity (Caves and Christensen 1980; Perroni and
Rutherford 1998). The specific problem with capital demand may also be a consequence of
imprecise measures of the price of capital based on the Hall and Jorgenson (1967) approach. A
Cobb-Douglas version of the modelwhich forces concavity by restricting the
to be zeroleads to only minor differences in
, the key parameters in our calculation of
the labor effects below.
While we check the sensitivity of our main results to this assumption,
we continue to focus on the general translog results since our interest is estimation and the Cobb-
Douglas model is rejected by the data.
A key parameter in our analysis of the labor effects is the estimated labor cost share
associated with environmental activities. From Table 5, we find estimates for
of 0.15, 0.36,
0.07 and 0.16 for pulp and paper, plastics, petroleum and steel, respectively. Only steel is not
significant at the 5% level. Comparing those estimates to the observed total cost shares in Table
1, 0.20, 0.08, 0.02, and 0.23, respectively, we see higher environmental labor shares in plastics
Since the pooled model (when fixed effects are restricted) provides an unbiased, though less efficient, estimate of
the random effects model, this is evidence against the random effects model. As noted above, the pooled estimates
are both statistically and economically different than the fixed effect estimates.
The LR statistics are 143, 50, 127, and 29 for pulp and paper, plastics, petroleum and steel testing the Cobb-
Douglas restrictions on the production cost function, and 16, 18, 29, and 26 for the same industries, respectively,
testing the environmental cost functions. With six degrees of freedom, the 1% critical value is 17.
See Jorgenson (1986)
Based on the Cobb-Douglas model, the estimates of
are 0.56, 0.37, 0.60, and 0.05 for pulp and paper,
plastics, petroleum and steel, respectively. The corresponding Cobb-Douglas estimates of
are 0.23, 0.25, 0.04,
and 0.16. These can be compared to the translog parameter estimates in
Table 5.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
and petroleum and lower environmental labor shares in pulp and paper and steel. Note that the
while higher environmental labor shares in plastics and petroleum are significantly higher in a
statistical sense, the lower environmental labor shares in pulp and paper and steel are
insignificantly lower.
A few simple calculations are also possible using the aggregate summary statistics in
Table 1 and the estimates of
. For example, switching a million dollars from production to
regulatory expenditures would lower employment expenditures by roughly $50,000(0.15
0.20) x $1 millionin the pulp and paper industry. Based on an average salary of $35,000, this
would mean 1.4 fewer jobs. The number would be +8.0, 1.4, and 1.6 jobs in plastics,
petroleum, and steel, respectively. We return to these kinds of calculations in more detail after
discussing demand elasticities.
4.5 Estimating aggregate demand elasticities
In addition to our estimate of supply-side cost functions, we also require aggregate
demand elasticities to compute (9). We estimate these elasticities using historical data on
aggregate output and industry productivity. Changes in industry productivity represent an
exogenous shift in the cost of supply and therefore allow us to identify the demand elasticity. As
long as the industry in question is small relative to the entire economy, it is reasonable to assume
that this change in industry productivity will not shift the demand schedule.
Table 1: Industry Statistics
PACE as a share of
total costs
Labor as a share
of total costs
= P
Price of labor
Pulp and Paper 0.028 0.201 34.8
Plastic Material 0.020 0.085 35.0
Petroleum 0.011 0.019 36.7
Steel 0.022 0.230 38.2
PACE refers to expenditures on environmental regulation as measured by the Pollution
Abatement Costs and Expenditures survey.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
We use publicly available data developed by Dale Jorgenson and his associates
(Jorgenson 1990; Jorgenson, Gollop, and Fraumeni 1987) for both our industry-level output and
productivity measures.
Annual productivity growth is computed as the logarithmic difference
between the annual change in input price and the annual change in output price, where input
price is computed as a divisia index of capital, labor, energy and material prices (see Diewert
1978). That is, it is the portion of any price change that is not captured by changes in input
We then perform a simple regression of the annual change in log output on annual
productivity growth:
(15) ln ln
t d t t
output prod +
where output
is the industry level output in period t, prod
is the change in productivity level
measured by
( ) ( )
, , 1
, , 1 1
, , ,
ln ln ln ln ln
sh t sh t
t sh t sh t t t
sh k l e m
v v
prod P P PO PO
is a random disturbance and
is the demand elasticity being estimated. The variables P
input prices, PO
are output prices, and v
are input shares. The results of these regressions are
shown in Table 2.
The elasticity estimates are significant and negative in three of the four industries,
ranging from slightly inelastic (0.40) to slightly elastic (1.86). For comparison, we also simulate
the effect of an exogenous productivity change in a dynamic general equilibrium model
(Jorgenson and Wilcoxen 1990; Wilcoxen 1988) and compute an elasticity in the last column of
Table 2.
This data is available at
While the typical assumption in a productivity calculation is competitive output markets, a constant markup of
price over costs would not interfere.
We also considered models with lagged productivity changes on the right-hand side as well as controls for
aggregate productivity changes. With the exception of pulp and paper, these variations led to uniformly less elastic
demand so that our results, if anything, overstate the adverse consequences of environmental regulation. In the pulp
and paper industry, the elasticity estimate rose to 1.99.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
These estimates are uniformly larger which is not surprising given the more elastic properties of
the translog cost function noted earlier, especially when concavity is imposed for their simulation
5. The Effect of Regulation on Industry Employment
We now combine the estimation results of the preceding section with the formula (9) in
order to compute the effect of environmental regulation on industry employment. There are two
terms in (9) that cannot be computed directly from the data:
, L i
. We first discuss
the relationship between these expressions and the parameters estimated in (10) and (14), then
present our results.
5.1 Relation to structural cost model
As noted earlier, the parameter
captures the potential non-zero effect of expenditures
on environmental protection on conventional production costs, with
, - 1
r r
PC RC RC PC 0 0 # # ! $ . The expression PC is conventional production cost and RC is
environmental expenditures. From Table 1 we know that RC/PC is on the order of 13% in the
aggregate, and therefore
PC TC . Further, since TC = PC + RC, we have
TC RC 0 # # ! $ for all plants.
Table 2: Demand Elasticity Estimates
Sector (IGEM:BLS) Demand Elasticity
(standard error)
Values from
Pulp and Paper
Paper and Allied
Plastic Material
Rubber and Plastic
Petroleum Refining
Primary Metals
Note that positive values of reflect an increase in demand as prices fall. See (15).
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
The expression for
, l i
is only slightly more complex. From (14) we have
, -
, , , l l r l y l r
v v v v
& '
! $ /
( )
* +
where v
and v
, from (12) and (13) do not depend on RC. Therefore,
, -
, -
, -
, -
, , 2
, , 2
ln ln ln
l i
l y l r
i i
i l l yl t l l l lt
i i
v v
Y t
P P 0 1 1 1 3 4 4
! / /
! / $ $ $ / / / 2 2
We use (17) to compute
, l i
for each observation and then use (9) to aggregate the effects.
We can now write (9) in terms of estimated parameters and sample statistics in the
following way:
, - , -
, , , , ,
l d r l
F G ' ' . 0 3
! "
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
80 81 85 88
91 1 2
ln ln ln
, , , , ,
, , , , ,
, , , , ,
l l k l l l e l
l l l l l
l l l I l
Y PC P t PC P t PC P t PC P t PC P
t PC P d PC P d PC P d PC P
( )( )
80, 81,
85, 88, 91, 1, 2, ,
, , , , , , , ,
, , , , , , , 1 1
l lt lk lk ll ll le le yl l l
l l l l l I l r d
F is a vector of sample means based directly on the data and G is a vector of estimated
parameters from (10) and (14) and reported in Table 5 and Table 2. Overbars ( x ) in F indicate
means computed over the entire sample of plant-year observations, with t
, etc. indicating time
dummies in the noted year and d
etc. indicating plant dummies for the particular plant. As
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
before, TC is total cost, PC is production cost, P
is the price of labor, P
is the price of capital, P
is the price of energy, Y is the output level, and L is the employment level. To compute standard
errors, we ignore sampling variation in F, which is relatively small, and focus on the covariance
matrix of G.
Note that all but the last element of F G explains any factor shift, while the last
term includes both the cost and demand effects.
5.2 Estimated effects
Table 5 displays our principal results, expressed as a change in employment associated
with an additional $1 million ($1987) in environmental spending, for each of the four heavily
regulated manufacturing industries under review (pulp and paper, plastics, petroleum, and steel).
Results are presented separately for the cost, factor shift, and demand effects, as well as the net
effect, which is the sum of the components in Equation (9). The grand total combines the four
industrywide estimates, weighting by each industrys share of environmental expenditures.
test the sensitivity of these results to the noted violations of cost function behavior, we estimated
a Cobb-Douglas version of the model and found similar results.
Line 1 displays the employment changes per million-dollar increase in environmental
spending caused by the overall increase in costs, holding output constant. As expected, these
values are positive in all industries, increasing employment by somewhere between one-half and
five and one-half jobs per million dollars of spending. The variation among industries is
explained primarily by the differences in labor cost shares, v
, and to a lesser extent by estimated
differences in indirect costs captured by the parameter
in the model. For example, labor
accounts for less than 2% of total costs in the petroleum industry, so $1 million in increased total
We assume the estimated demand elasticity is uncorrelated with the other parameters. This is sensible since the
demand elasticity is based on aggregate time series data and the remaining parameters are estimated from a
relatively short panel of cross-sectional data.
Average industry level expenditures measured by the PACE survey as a share of total, computed over all years in
the sample.
Estimates of the total employment effect are 0.91 (2.8), 6.05 (2.9), 1.21 (0.7), and 4.41(6.2), respectively, for
pulp and paper, plastics, petroleum, and steel, based on the Cobb-Douglas model (standard errors are in
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
costs translates into roughly $15,000 in labor costsor about one-half of one job. When
significantly negative, as it is in the pulp and paper industry, this indicates uncounted savings
associated with environmental expenditures. That is, a $1 million increase in environmental
expenditures reflects less than $1 million in increased total costs. These uncounted savings
reduce the cost effect and leads to a lower estimated employment consequence. The average
across all four industries is 2-3 jobs per million dollars of increase in environmental
Line 2 displays the employment changes attributable to the factor shift associated with
relatively more environmental and less production cost. Overall, it appears that environmental
spending increases labor demand through factor shifting, reflecting the fact that environmental
activities are estimated, on average, to be more labor intensive than conventional production.
This pattern of signs and significance corresponds to the rough estimates in Section 3 (except
steel), with the weighted average across all four industries indicating 2-3 jobs gained per million
dollars of spending.
In some industries, such as petroleum, the explanation for the factor shift is fairly
obvious. Materials are such a large (>90%) share of production costs that it would be virtually
impossible for environmental activities to be any less labor intensive. A similar, though not so
extreme story holds for plastics, where labor is still less than 10% of production costs. This
contrasts with steel and pulp and paper where labor accounts for about 20% of total expenditures.
In those industries, we see ambiguous labor effects as both the environmental and production-
cost shares are large.
Line 3 displays the employment changes per million-dollar increase in environmental
spending associated with a drop in demand for final products as prices rise. As expected, these
values are negative in all industries, reflecting the combined effects of increased costs, a constant
markup of price over cost, and downward-sloping demand curves. Averaged across industries,
reductions in demand cause a loss of around 3-4 jobs per million dollars of spending. This loss
conceals wide variation within industries: in steel, the estimated loss is nearly ten jobs per
million dollars of spending, while in petroleum the job losses are negligible. These differences
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
are consistent with the results in Table 2, indicating much higher demand elasticities for steel.
Our results are also consistent with Berman and Buis (1997) findings that labor demand at
petroleum refineries may increase with regulation. None of the estimated demand effects are
significant, reflecting the combined uncertainty about the increase in total costs and the demand
Combining these three effects in line 4, we find significant job gains in plastics and
petroleum with insignificant effects in pulp and paper and steel. These results follow from the
fact that both plastics and petroleum had significantly positive factor shifts coupled with
relatively small demand elasticities. The average across industries works out to be an
insignificant gain of one and one-half jobs per million dollars of additional environmental
expenditures. This reflects both weak evidence of job loss due to declining demand coupled with
potentially large factor shifts favoring employment. Our analysis shows that the net effect on
regulated industries appears to be, if anything, positive.
Table 3: Employment Change per $1 Million Additional Environmental Expenditure
(standard errors in parentheses; asterisks indicate significance at the 5% level)
Pulp and
Plastics Petroleum Steel Total
Cost 2.18 3.23
(1.58) (1.63) (0.24) (2.78) (0.83)
Factor Shift 0.37 5.25
5.28 2.68
(2.05) (2.46) (0.81) (4.41) (1.35)
Demand 2.94 1.58 0.26 10.27 3.56
(2.51) (1.74) (0.22) (7.10) (2.03)
Total 1.13 6.90
0.53 1.55
(2.72) (3.21) (0.88) (7.68) (2.24)
Weight 0.15 0.07 0.50 0.28
As noted in Section 3.2, additional environmental expenditures are allocated to individual observations
in the sample in proportion to their share of aggregate total costs (TC). Weights reflect the magnitude
of industrywide environmental expenditures.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
6. Conclusions
Economists traditionally focus on welfare and other well-grounded measures of social
cost when evaluating public policy. Job loss is not a real social cost to the extent that a job lost
in one area or industry is quickly replaced in another. Yet, as the recent debate on trade with
China suggests, discussions of job loss, especially at the industry level, are often central to the
policy process (Greenhouse 2000).
Our study of environmental regulation in the pulp and paper, plastics, petroleum and steel
sectors suggests that a million dollars of additional environmental expenditure is associated with
an insignificant change in employment, with a 95% confidence interval ranging from 2.8 to
+5.9 jobs. To put these numbers in context, it is useful to think about them in light of actual
changes in employment and environmental spending observed in recent years. Between 1984
and 1994, total environmental expenditures measured by the Pollution Abatement Cost and
Expenditure (PACE) survey in all manufacturing industries rose by $4.9 billion ($1987).
During that same period, total production employment in the same industries declined by almost
632,000 jobs. Applying the most adverse estimate in our 95% confidence intervala loss of 2.8
jobs per million dollars of environmental expenditureswe see that environmental spending
may have accounted for the loss of at most 14,000 jobs, or about two percent of the jobs lost over
the period.
Our structural model allows us to peer inside these results and understand why the
conventional wisdom might be wrong. Most importantly, there are strong positive employment
effects in industries where environmental activities are relatively labor intensive and where
demand is relatively inelastic, such as plastics and petroleum. In others, where labor already
represents a large share of production costs and where demand is more elastic, such as steel and
pulp and paper, there is little evidence of a significant employment consequence either way.
If our model results do not support the notion of a jobs versus the environment tradeoff,
why does this theme remain so steadfast in the business and labor communities? Obviously, it is
a politically and emotionally-charged topic that attracts attention. Beyond posturing in a public
debate, however, it is possible that both employers and employees honestly overestimate the
potential for job loss associated with environmental regulation by confusing the product demand
schedule faced by the plant with the schedule faced by the entire industry. The former is
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
certainly more price elastic due to competition, monopolistic or otherwise, from other firms.
However, if all firms and plants in an industry are faced with the same or very similar cost-
increasing regulatory changeswhich we believe is typically the caseplants should not be so
worried about loosing business to other plants facing the same regulation.
A similar story might apply regarding the job-creating aspects of environmental
spending. Neither employers nor employees may be completely familiar with the nature or type
of changes in production technologies associated with environmental protection. In that case,
there might be a tendency to underestimate the employment increases associated with the new
environmental spending itself or with changes in the mix of factor inputs. Our analysis suggests
that these increases can more than offset the loss in sales associated with rising prices and
depressed demand. Ignoring these aspects of environmental regulation, it is possible that both
employers and employees may overstate the job destructive aspects of environmental regulation
and understate its job creation potential.
Focusing instead on our results, there are reasons why these estimates might be both
over- and understated. We might overestimate job loss by using industry-level elasticities when,
in fact, regulation affects the entire economy. Alternatively, we might underestimate job loss for
exactly the opposite reason: if regulatory consequences are relatively concentrated in certain
areas and at certain plants, the industry-level elasicities are likely too small. Further, our focus
on industry-level employment misses any costs that might be associated with shifting jobs
among or within plants while industry level employment remains unchanged.
Notwithstanding these caveats, our results do cast doubt on the idea of a jobs versus the
environment trade-off at the industry level. While environmental spending clearly has
consequences for business and labor, the hypothesis that such spending significantly reduces
employment in heavily polluting industries is not supported by the data.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
Data Appendix
The central data source for this research is the Longitudinal Research Database collected
by the U.S. Census Bureau. Environmental spending is measured by the Pollution Abatement
Cost and Expenditure Survey. Energy expenditures are derived from the Manufacturing Energy
Consumption Survey and the Annual Survey of Manufactures. We normalize all variables by
dividing each by the sample mean.
The Longitudinal Research Database (LRD) is a pooled, cross-section, time series
comprised of the establishment responses to the Annual Survey of Manufacture
(ASM) and the quinquennial Census of Manufactures (CM) for over 50,000
establishments in each year. The LRD contains information on cost, outputs, and
inputs at the plant level. Detailed quantity and expenditure information for energy
consumption are only available up to 1981.
The Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) is a triennial survey
conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy. The survey contains detailed fuel
consumption and expenditure data by establishment.
The Pollution Abatement Cost and Expenditure (PACE) survey contains pollution
abatement investment spending and operating expenditures at the establishment level.
The Census Bureau conducted this survey annually between 1979 and 1991, except
1983 and 1987.
Based on the availability of detailed energy and environmental expenditure data, our
analysis includes the years 1979, 1980, 1981, 1985, 1988, and 1991. Sample sizes are shown in
Table 3.
Data on input and output quantities and prices are constructed as follows:
Output. Data on the total value of shipments, by individual product codes, are
contained in the LRD. We construct a divisia index (Caves, Christensen, and Diewert
1982, 1982) of output price based on the corresponding producer prices of different
product obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. The
quantity index is obtained by dividing total value of shipments, adjusted for
inventory, by this aggregate output price index.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
Regulation. Data on (nominal) annual pollution abatement operating costs at the plant
level are from the annual Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditure (PACE)
Survey. Operating expenses for pollution abatement include depreciation on the
pollution-abatement capital. Real regulatory expenditures are computed by deflating
nominal pollution-abatement operating costs by the GDP deflator.
Capital Stock. The gross book value of the capital stock at the beginning of the year
and new capital expenditures each year are reported in the LRD. Gross book value is
used to compute the capital stock in 1979. A perpetual inventory method
(Christensen and Jorgenson 1969) is then used to generate a real capital stock series
covering the period 1980-1991 based on the following formula:
( )
t t t
k k I
where k
is the period t capital stock, and I
is new capital expenditure measured in
current dollars. The industry-specific economic depreciation rate () is from Hulten
and Wykoff (1981). The capital stock price indices (q
) for various industries are
drawn from a dataset developed by Bartelsman and Gray (1994).
Service Price of Capital. The service price of capital is calculated using the Hall and
Jorgenson (1967) procedure. The service price of capital is given by
( ) ( )
( ) 1 1
t t t
k t t t t t t t t
u z k
p q r q q q q C
+ +
k t ( )
! service price of capital,
! price index of new capital equipment,
! after tax rate of return on capital (opportunity cost),
4 ! rate of economic depreciation,
! effective property tax rate,
Table 4: Sample Size by Industry
Industry Plants Observations
Pulp and Paper 142 615
Plastic Material 107 404
Petroleum 165 717
Steel 128 536
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
! effective corporate income tax rate,
! present value of allowed depreciation tax deductions on a dollar's investment
over the life time of an asset,
! investment tax credit, and
t ! year.
We use the average yield on Moody's "Baa" bonds for the after-tax rate of return on
capital. The data on the tax-policy variables are from Jorgenson and Yun (1991) and
Jorgenson and Landau (1993).
Capital Costs. The capital costs were constructed as the product of the service price
of capital and the stock of capital.
Labor. The quantity of labor is defined as the number of production workers. The cost
of labor includes production worker wages plus supplemental labor cost (which
accured to both production workers and nonproduction workers) adjusted to reflect
the production-worker share. The price of labor is defined as the cost of production
workers divided by the number of production workers.
Price of Materials. Expenditure data on individual materials are collected on a five-
year cycle by the Census of Manufacturers (CM). We derive a divisia index of the
price of materials for each plant for the years 1977, 1982, 1987, and 1992. We
linearly interpolate estimates for intervening years
Cost of Materials. We use reported total expenditures on materials and parts in the
LRD to calculate material costs.
Price of Energy. Detailed data on total quantities consumed and total expenditures on
various fuels were collected in LRD (through 1981) and MECS (1985, 1988, 1991).
These data are used to calculate the prices of individual fuels ($/million Btu) paid by
each plant. The individual fuels include coal, natural gas, distillate fuel oil, residual
fuel oil, liquefied petroleum gases, and electricity. These fuels typically account for
about 90% of total energy cost. The price of energy is computed as a divisia index of
these fuels.
Cost of Energy. The cost of energy is the summation of expenditures for the six
individual fuels.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
Table 5: Parameter Estimates
Pulp Pulp
and Paper Plastics Petroleum Steel and Paper Plastics Petroleum Steel
0.7161* 0.8314* 0.7433* 0.7136* 0.1276 -0.0510 0.0532 0.1460*
(0.0273) (0.0362) (0.0281) (0.0304)
(0.1085) (0.1053) (0.0545) (0.0715)
-0.6221* 0.3774 0.5900 -0.0726 0.1531* 0.3621* 0.0748* 0.1565
(0.2746) (0.6958) (0.5905) (0.4671)
(0.0770) (0.0914) (0.0292) (0.1610)
0.1095* 0.0029 0.0070* 0.0664* 0.1967* 0.2930 -0.0225 -0.7126*
(0.0379) (0.0190) (0.0019) (0.0172)
(0.0846) (0.2028) (0.0387) (0.1952)
0.1120* 0.0668* 0.0133* 0.0491* 0.0013 0.0627* -0.0043 -0.0122
(0.0114) (0.0094) (0.0016) (0.0201)
(0.0171) (0.0186) (0.0110) (0.0160)
0.0579* -0.0027 0.0128* 0.0211 0.9811* 0.4311 0.3400* 0.5153*
(0.0090) (0.0163) (0.0018) (0.0209)
(0.4718) (0.4545) (0.0964) (0.2243)
-0.0336 -0.0408 0.0039 0.0389* -0.0764 0.0251 0.0078 -0.1398
(0.0316) (0.0328) (0.0184) (0.0191)
(0.2554) (0.2843) (0.0394) (0.2375)
-0.0347* -0.0030 -0.0017* -0.0035 -0.1040 0.1902 0.1260* 0.4567*
(0.0128) (0.0092) (0.0008) (0.0088)
(0.1996) (0.2624) (0.0554) (0.1942)
-0.0116 0.0103 0.0005 -0.0264* -0.0154 0.0516* 0.0097 -0.0935*
(0.0112) (0.0086) (0.0012) (0.0073)
(0.0126) (0.0181) (0.0067) (0.0355)
0.0100 -0.0365* -0.0132* -0.0383* -0.3011 -1.1840* -0.2801* 1.4959*
(0.0071) (0.0049) (0.0021) (0.0031)
(0.3037) (0.3458) (0.0986) (0.5676)
-0.0114 -0.0016 0.0003 0.0156 -0.2485 0.1503 0.0026 -0.8998*
(0.0065) (0.0068) (0.0010) (0.0138)
(0.1375) (0.2211) (0.0398) (0.3833)
-0.0446* -0.0302* -0.0078* 0.0066 -0.0232* -0.0426 -0.0115 0.0501
(0.0052) (0.0041) (0.0010) (0.0072)
(0.0107) (0.0290) (0.0076) (0.0346)
-0.0041* 0.0085 -0.0104* -0.0177* 0.4141* -0.3730 -0.1483* -0.1428
(0.0053) (0.0092) (0.0015) (0.0087)
(0.1679) (0.5119) (0.0690) (0.5534)
0.0041 0.0110* -0.0028* -0.0004
(0.0014) (0.0020) (0.0013) (0.0014)
Number of Observations 615 404 717 536
Number of Plants 142 107 165 128
Fraction of observations with negative estimated share values (zeros are omitted)
Capital 0.003 0.054 0.017
Labor 0.002 0.006
Energy 0.002 0.012 0.010
Fraction of observations with positive own-price elasticities (zeros are omitted)
Capital 0.763 0.216 0.666
Labor 0.055 0.522 0.353 0.002
Energy 0.104 0.010 0.285 0.011
Materials 0.006 0.084 0.187 0.011
Note: Plant and time dummies are not reported due to confidentially requirements.
Resources for the Future Morgenstern, Pizer, and Shih
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