Kalundborg PDF
Kalundborg PDF
Kalundborg PDF
eco-industrial park
green twinning
industrial ecosystems
industrial symbiosis
islands of sustainability
Cambridge, MA 02139
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Industrial ecology is a new concept emerging
in the evolution of environmental management
paradigms (Ehrenfeld 1995), and springs from interests in integrating notions of sustainability
into environmental and economic systems
(Allenby 1992; Jelinski et al. 1992; Allen and
Behmanish 1994; Ehrenfeld 1995). Environmental thinking has recently focused on a consciousness of the intimate and critical relationships
between human actions and the natural world,
and reflects limits in the current reliance on
command-and-control regulation in much of the
industrialized world. The critical problem is that,
for the most part, the economy operates as an
open system, drawing raw materials from the environment and returning vast amounts of unused
by-products in the form of pollution and waste.
The products that firms market are only a small
portion of what their processes turn out; a significant portion of their output eventually leaves
the economy as waste and returns to the environment in forms that may stress it unacceptably.
As long as attention is limited to products and
processes viewed in isolation, larger systemic
problems, such as the accumulation of persistent
toxic materials, will not be addressed.
Increased economic output will still cause increased environmental harm in such a frame of
analysis. Strong links between environment and
development emerged from the global consensus
following the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. For example, the recent report of the PresidentsCouncil for Sustainable Development (PCSD) in the
United States concludes, In the end, we found
agreement around the idea that to achieve our vision of sustainability some things must growjobs, productivity, wages, profits, capital and
savings, information, knowledge, educationand others-pollution, waste, poverty, energy
and material use per unit of output-must not
(PCSD 1996).
Accomplishing economic growth and environmental protection simultaneously requires
fundamentally new ways of examining and designing socioeconomic systems. One way to get
beyond the analytic limits of standard economic
theory is to draw on an ecological metaphor as a
means to better understand energy and material
Stable ecological systems are steady-state, entropy-minimizing, highly interdependent collections of producers and consumers (Prigogine
1955). These characteristics are different from
those of an economy modeled after standard
(economic) premises-quasi-equilibrium systems
of essentially independent entities. Observations
of materials flows and energy consumption in industrialized economies indicate highly dissipative
usage which translates into entropy-increasing
processes (Ayres 1994). Ayres notes that ecological systems are dissipative, also. At steady state,
however, they correspond thermodynamically to
conditions of minimum levels of entropy production (Prigogine 1955). Prigogine notes further
that such entropy-minimizing states in stable biological systems are accompanied by increases in
the interdependenceamong the entities. The notion of food webs, including detritivores (the
scavengers that consume the wastes of other species) as important members, highlights the idea
of closed or nearly closed material loops in such
stable systems.
The relationship between steady-state economies and thermodynamics was first elaborated
by Georgescu-Roegen (1971) and further used as
one of the key foundations in Herman Dalys
steady-state economic framework (Daly 1991).
Cloud (1977, 679) noted that, materials and
energy are the interdependent feedstocks of economic systems, and thermodynamics is their
moderator. Interestingly, he refers to the industrial ecosystem in the article, perhaps the
earliest use of this term. The importance of entropy is that it is a measure related to the practical availability of materials and energy in a
system (Daly 1991). Entropy, as a measure of disorder in a system, always increases as energy is
made available from its chemical potential in
fossil fuels and wastes are dissipated in the environment. Regaining the utility of the energy and
materials requires reversing the entropic flows
which can be done only at the expense of using
even more energy. Thus, economic arrangements that minimize the production of entropy
have some long-term advantages in the context
of sustainability, over and above arguments
based solely on efficiency.
All of this is prelude to introducing industrial
symbiosis, another ecological metaphor used to
Acid Plant
Statoil Refinery
Fish Farms
Novo Nordisk
The Norwegian-owned Statoil refinery, producing a range of petroleum products from light
gas to heavy fuel oil, is located across the road
from Asnaes. Since 1972, Statoil has been piping the gas to Gyproc to fire wallboard drying
ovens, all but eliminating the common practice
of flaring waste gases. This fuel gas supplies all of
Gyprocs needs. For continuity, Gyproc installed
a butane backup system for those periods when
Statoil shuts down for maintenance. In 1990,
Statoil built a sour-gas desulfurization plant producing liquid sulfur that is promptly trucked
about 50 kilometers to Kemira where it is converted to sulfuric acid. With the sulfur removed,
Statoils gas is clean enough to be burned by
Asnaes as well.
Freshwater scarcity in Kalundborg has led to
water reuse schemes. Since 1987, Statoil has
piped 700,000 cubic meters per year of cooling
water to Asnaes, where it is purified and used as
boiler feed-water. Statoil has also made treated
waste water available to Asnaes, which uses
about 200,000 cubic meters a year for cleaning
Development is the creation of eco-industrial Each link in the system was negotiated, over a
parks where the firms would be closely linked period of some 25 years (see table I), as an indethrough waste and energy symbioses (PCSD pendent business deal and was established only
1996). As defined in the report, Eco-industrial if it was expected to be economically beneficial.
parks are an environmentally efficient version of Benefits are measured either as positive flows by
industrial parks. They follow a systems design in marketing a by-product (or obtaining feedstocks
which one facilitys wastes becomes another at prices below those for virgin materials) or as
facilitys feedstock, and they ensure that raw ma- savings relative to standard pollution control
terials are recycled or disposed of efficiently and approaches. This is the strength of the
safely. Specific projects are under way in Chat- Kalundborg approach: business leaders have
tanooga, Tennessee, Brownsville, Texas/ done the right thing for the environment in
Matamoros, Mexico; Baltimore, Maryland, and the pursuit of rational business interests. The
Cape Charles, Virginia. Each one has a different evolutionary nature can be interpreted as pointset of objectives and planning process (Gertler ing to a need to have both positive technical
1995). Chattanooga aims for the ZERl objective and economic factors appear simultaneously, a
of zero emissions. Baltimore is planned around condition that may be difficult or impossible to
four integrated strategies: loop closing and indus- realize in a forward-planning process.
trial ecology; network manufacturing; continu- Besides the basic chemical and other technical
ous improvement; and high-performance compatibility requirements of symbiotic partworkplaces and union-management cooperation ners, both need to recognize a net cost savings
(ETI 1995). Several planning guidelines for eco- relative to their options. The floor for economic
industrial parks have been recently published feasibility occurs when the difference in cost of
the by-product feed relative to virgin or other
(Lowe et al. 1995; Cote et al. 1994).
alternatives is less per unit throughput than the
cost of waste management to the producer. The
Patterns of Industrial
user can offer more than enough to the producer
Ecosystem Development
to offset the costs of waste treatment or disposal.
Although examples of closely linked or co- In practice the differential would also have to be
located symbioses as at Kalundborg are few, ma- large enough to account for transaction costs
terial exchange is a standard part of business and risks to both parties. Typical transaction
practice. The basic exchange of materials be- costs include regulatory, discovery, contracting,
tween manufacturers and their suppliers and cus- and monitoring costs. Discovery costs, the costs
tomers could be considered a kind of loose required to learn of the existence of an opportusymbiosis with benefits accruing to all parties. nity for exchange, can be high, and may be the
The recovery of scrap metals in many economies major impediment for material exchange of the
is another example of well-established industrial types discussed below. Brokerages and markets
symbiosis. Yet massive quantities of materials are serve to reduce these costs to the point that exroutinely discarded as wastes by industrial sys- change is economically rational. Exchange of
tems throughout the world. This section dis- material recovered from municipal waste streams
cusses a set of factors that both promote and (e.g., paper, metals, plastics) is now increasingly
inhibit the development of symbioses and indus- managed through commodity exchanges and
trial ecosystems.
electronic networks such as the Chicago Board
of Trade and the Global Recycling Network.
The buyer of by-products in a symbiosis takes
The Pattern of Economic Development
some risk by tying the firm to a single, outside
at Kalundbog
supplier and to the vagaries of supply continuity.
Many visitors come to Kalundborg looking The exchange of by-products and cascades of enfor the master plan. Despite its impressive re- ergy use, however, is not inherently different
sults, Kalundborg was not explicitly designed to from traditional supplier-customer relationships.
demonstrate the benefits of industrial symbiosis. Differential financial implications may be insig
Ehrenfeld and Gertler, The Kalundborg Industrial Ecosystem
larie-part on a deep-seated fear of sham recycling, which is an undertaking where the generator of a waste product makes a show of reusing
that by-product merely to escape treatment requirements (Comella 1993).Industrial symbiosis
must be distinguished from such efforts if it is to
develop within the current regulatory system.
rangements. Such a middle-ground approach between pure laissez-faire and heavy-handed policy
intervention would seem to offer the best chance
of success to institutional developers.
A final barrier lies in t h e cognitive domain.
Wastes have such a long history of being ignored
that it is difficult for firms to integrate these outputs of their activities into their strategic processes. For firms t o t h i n k strategically and
systematically about their entire production
chain, they must change the mind-set that often
sees the world beyond the fence-line as only customers. This way of seeing the world is quickly
changing. New tools, such as life-cycle analysis
and new codes of practice like t h e Responsible
Care initiative of the chemical industry or t h e
IS0 14000 environmental management system
standards, are slowly introducing more systematic
and worldly models i n t o t h e underlying consciousness of firms and reducing the rigidity of traditional regulations (Freeman a n d Belcamino
1996). Together with new institutional approaches, these more deep-seated cultural changes
can provide a foundation from which symbioses
and other forms of material exchange begin to actually move economies toward sustainability.
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