Background: Sundapajajaran Kingdom in The Early 14
Background: Sundapajajaran Kingdom in The Early 14
Background: Sundapajajaran Kingdom in The Early 14
Indonesian culture and tourism. Nowadays, cultural tourism is the pledge strategy of some countries, notably the developing countries. The heritage cultural tourism strategy commonly implemented in those countries has preserved the local culture and spreaded the cultural tourism generally. The Jakarta citizens are tipically very fond of working. As they are very busy in working, they are very rare to have a seasonal holiday. It is not as same as the other countries having the seasonal holiday for example the long holiday of the early season changings. That is why the Jakarta citizens are not able to have the long holiday. It could not fulfill their needs of the high and proper quality holiday. The high and proper holiday quality is the one within the experience, knowledge, and entertainment. Therefore, the urban people tend to choose tourism within the city. One of the areas in Jakarta which contains historical value is the Old Town area. As a forerunner of Jakarta, the Old Town area was built by Fatahillah in June 22, 1527. Previously, the Old Town area was a SundaKelapa Town with a SundaKelapa Port that founded by SundaPajajaran Kingdom in the early 14th century. The area that was renamed into Jayakarta by Fatahillah developed into an international port town where many people from other nation live and forming a mixed culture. In considering the high of historical value owned by the Old Town, the Jakartas government starts to preserve and develop that area into an Old Town Tourism Area that has a concept of the development of the heritage tourism and the urban tourism. Based on the above explanation, actually the Old Town Area of Jakarta is an urban area thats very appropriate to be developed as a tourism area with a concept of Urban Tourism and Heritage Tourism (Urban Heritage Tourism). Up until now, the development of the Old Town is still limited in revitalizing and repairing of remain facilities and infrastructure. The efforts in that revitalization have been running for more than 30 years. The process has been started in 1971, and for the implementation has just started in 1973 and inaugurated in 1974 together with PATA tourism conference at that time. Beside that, the government has issued the UU No. 5 year of 1992 about Cultural Heritage
and PP No. 10 year of 1993 as the executor of UU No. 5 year of 1992 as one of the form of the governments effort to support the revitalization plan of the Old Town. Along with the times, the people began to realize that the tourism activities should be able to provide a new experience and increase the knowledge in order to improve their daily capacity.Beside that, people also want a tourism acticity which can involve them in some activity, so that they have a certain experience that can not be forgotten. This kind of thing is an approach in marketing which called Experimental Marketing. The marketer tend to emphasize the differentiation based on the experience that accepted by the consumers to differentiate their products with the competitors product. With the experimental marketing, the consumers will be able to differentiate the products and services with one another, because they can feel and gained the experience directly through the five approaches (sense, feel, think, act, and relate), both before and when they consume a product or service. This thing is reinforced by a statement from Schmitt (1999 : 29) that Costumers want to be entertained, stimulated, emotianlly affected, and creatively challenged. In that quotation, its clear enough that the stimulation of the senses and feelings (emotions) which is built or stimulated will provide a distinct sensation of a different experience in enjoying one product with another. The experience is built based on the Experience Provider (ExPros) or experience service provider, where a product or attraction can create a Strategic Experiental Modules (SEMs) consisting of sense, feel, think, act, and relate which are the sensor within the human in receiving an unique experience that obtained from some tourist area. The experience can be formed if the organizer is able to precisely packed their product and resources, and the packaging of the activity which support the overall theme or image that will be formed, so the messages that want to delivered can be well-conveyed by the organizer to the consumers at a tourist area. Therefore, an experience construct strategy is started with the built of framework that called customer experience platform, which according to Schmitt can be built through the following phases; a. Experimental Positioning Its the process of how that experience was created as a result of a consumers analysis when positioning a product on their mind. It can be molded by the organizer with built
the object image along with the construction of supporting facilities. In this case, the Jakartas Old Town is positioned itself as the old citys biggest tourist area in Indonesia with shapes of the old buildings and has a place in tourists mind as a place that can offer the experience of life and the atmosphere of the Dutch colonial era at that time. The Jakartas Old Town turned into something that describes the history of Dutch colonization and something else in minds of the tourists.
b. Experimental Value Promise (EVP) EVP or Experimental Value Promise is something that promised will be received by the costumer as a unique experience. In this case, the construction which will be implemented is costumized with themes and form of experience that will be given by the Jakartas Old Town to the tourists as a form of direct experience to feel the life of the Jakartas people in the Dutch colonial era, with all the building shape and atmosphere of the past. c. Overall implementation Its an experiental positioning, and an experiental value promise which outlined in a mjor theme of the object. The formation of this image or theme can be a packaging of activities which related with that product that overally can deliver a message on a theme that will be delivered. In this case, how the Jakartas Old Town can package the object and the appealness into some form of tourism activity in accordance with the offered theme.
RESEARCH PROBLEM The research problem in this study is The unableness of the government and the organizer in developing and selling the Jakartas Old Town Area as an object and the Jakartas Old Town tourist attraction. This is due to lack of attention to the elemnts of the tourist needs, in this regard the needs for an experience that want to be felt by the tourist during visiting. The limitation of the study area is only on the area of Zone 2 Jakartas Old Town. If compared to the other zone, this area is the main area and has the most objects and attractions. For more details, see the table of the attractions of each zone in the Old Town area:
The attractions category and tourist attractions of Jakartas Old Town area
Man Made but Not ZONE Originaly Designed Man Made and Purpose
Primarily to Atrract Built to Attract Tourist Tourist Mosque The Museum Maritime Marketplace The Long Building Complex Syahbandar Tower The Office Bank Commerce The Jakarta History Museum The Ceramic Museum Wayang Museum Cafe Batavia Fatahillah Park Batavia Hotel Diamond City Bridge The Typical Chinese Buildings Mosque Mosque The Typical Chinese
Zone 1 SundaKelapa
Zone 2 Fatahillah
Literature Review and Key Concept Tourism Product Concept In the context of tourism, Tourism is the sum of the phenomena and relationship arising from the interaction of tourist, host communities in the process of attracting and hosting these tourists and other visitor.(Mc.Intosh&Goeldner, 1984:4). The tourism products which consist of that several components have one important component, which is a tourism attraction. The attraction itself according to Swarbrooke (2002:3) is: Attraction tend to be single units, individual sites or clearly defined small-scale geographical areas that are accessible and motivate large numbers of people to travel some distance from their home, usually in their leisure time, to visit them for a short, limited period. Furthermore, the product must also be able to influence or affect the psychological side of the consumer or visitor. In this case, the experience during their stay in the Old Town where visitor can experience the Dutch colonial period and feel the Batavia environment. That experience can evoke the sadness, excitement, aesthetic appreciation, pleasure, enjoyment, and so forth. We can see that the product development of the Old Town tourism is not only through the physical development, but also able to create the products that can meet the tourists desires from the emotional and psychological side. That reason has caused the importance of the areal development in considering the factors of Experiental Marketing which pay more attention on
the emotional sides of the tourists through the presentation of a variety of offered experience, so that the elements of the above products can be realized as well.
The Tourism Concept of Urban Heritage a. Urban Tourism In the development of urban tourism or tourist historic city, its a city which combines a tourist town and a historic town. This is emphasized by Ashworth and Tunbridge (1990:73): Logically the touris-historic city can be defined as the area of overlap between the historic and tourist cities. This being the part of the city where historical artefacts and assiciations are being actively used for tourism, whether as primary attractions, secondary supporting services or merely as a background environment for the enjoyment of visitors engaged on non historis activities. In the development of urban tourism, how the history and culture of a town can be an attraction which distinguished one town with another should be emphasized. Based on that view, its very important to keep the identity or special character and the uniqueness of a town. History and culture of a town has become a soul that makes it unique from the other cities. In terms of tourism marketing, this may be appointed as a selling value and brand image of a city. According to Inskeep (1991: 238), it also important to evaluating the whole environment character and the quality of a city environment, including: 1. Quality, character, and the architecture style 2. Keep the landscape, open area, and the city park 3. The scenery which offered in that area 4. The traffic and pedestrian 5. The environment cleanliness and a consideration for a landfill 6. The problem about water, air, and sound pollution 7. The climate pattern which usually occurs 8. Kinds of crime and a general security level
The plan of urban tourism has a same principle with the plan of other tourism resort, that is: 1. Knowing the product and its market
2. The specific selection of site development 3. Through the conceptual planning and pre-feasibility study to determine the effects of environment and social culture 4. The analysis of the environmental support and public relations
b. Heritage Tourism Heritage or historical tourism has an important role in providing the information and knowledge about the historic buildings and the events that occurred in the past through a certain media to the people with an edutainment (educative and entertainment) characteristics. It needs several heritage-based developmentalstrategies so that we need to pay attention to the basic understanding of the heritage itself, like the definition of The World Heritage Convention in 1982 which quoted from Jafari (2000: 275) below: ......also enjoins signatory nations to ensure the identification, protection, conservation,presentation and transmission to future generations of the worlds cultiural and natural heritage. Culturally, heritage maybe broadly defined to encompass the history an ideas of a people and/or a country, values and beliefs, buildings and monuments, sites of importantsoast events, the arts, traditional events and festivals and traditional lifestyles.
Basically, the heritage tourism is essentially a one complex unity which offering a variety of activities and a touring experience, as those listed in Timothy and Boyd (2003: 7): The heritage tyourism experience is influenced and shaped by a mix of elements: supply and demand, the nature of the heritage landscape that have been conserved and protected, the impacts heritage created and leaves within destination regions, how heritage attractions and resouces are managed, how it is interprated and presented, as well as the role politiocs plays in forming the heritage expereince
The first step to consider in this development is focusing on the definition of basic understanding of heritage, which is an inheritance of one generation to another, both the culture and the precious natural objects. Those kinds of things could be an artifact, monument, buildings, cultural events, and so on. Developmental areas of heritage tourism need a special attention to the conservation factors. In this case, a development of urban heritage tourism can use the zoning concept, because of the susceptibility of related attraction. Zoning Regulation is a regulation which designed to protect and limit of one area with another, especially in the conservation areas in order to prevent the destruction that can make the attraction value of that place reduced or lost. Inskeep (1991: 432) explained about the zoning concept as follows: zoning regulations demarcate specific areas for different types of land uses and the development standards to be applied within each land use zona as a means of controlling land uses according to the plan and ensuring that the standards are followed. These zones include various types of commersial, residential, industrial, agricultural, parks and conservation, and perhaps other type of land uses.
In accordance to the Inskeep concept about that zoning, then Gunn (1994: 270) also makes a developmentalmodel of heritage-based tourism spot. The model can be seen in the figure of the following page:
Model of Attraction
Zone of Closure
Inviolate belt
Essential setting
Source: Gunn(1994:270) The limitation scope of historic city development as a part of the tourist city is reflected in the figure on the following page:
Users (demand)
City Resident
Visitor Conferenc e
Functional links
Users (resources)
Historic Museum
Museum, Galleries
Cafes, Restauran t
In the chart above, it can be seen that the historic city is a tourist city, so for the development it can be adapted from from a construction of that tourist city.
Experiental Marketing Concept A memorable touring experience will give the certain sense on the tourist minds, so that it can create loyal tourists which will lead to repeats visits. This is reinforced by the Bernd
H. Schmitt statement in his book, Experiental Marketing (1999: 60) that They often result from direct observation and/or participation in events-whether they are real, dreamlike, or virtual. Basically, Experiental Marketing has two aspects, that is Strategic Experiental Models (SEMs), which consist of several phase of the creation of an experience, and Experience Providers (ExPros) which is a tool for creating that experiental marketing. Types of SEMs phase: 1. Sense: Its a sensation that can be feeling by the human senses. 2. Feel: Its a feelings and the positive & negative emotions that arise when consuming the product or in somewhere else (mood and emotion) 3. Think: Its a thought or an idea that emerged from the consumers minds when seeing or reading or listening to some brand (perception) 4. Act: Its related to the physical actions and interaction that arise due to the outside influence and opinion (involve, try, and demonstrate) 5. Relate: Its an effort to connect the product/brand with itself, other people, or a culture through a particular social environment ( join in some community) The experience will be felt by the visitors when they consuming a product or visiting the area, they should be stimulated based on the elements of experience (sense, feel, think, act, relate) above. As already mentioned in the above, that SEMs should also be equipped with ExPros where the experience for that visitor can be shaped by several factors. The images below are the illustration of factors that can form an experience.
Customer Experience Management (CEM) Costumer experience management is some kind of process in managing a consumers experience in a whole, as stated in (Schmitt 2003: 17): Customer Experience Management is the process of strategically managing a customers entire experience with a product or a company. In short, Customer Experience Management is a process in managing all of the consumers experience with products in a strategic way.
CEM has a broad view of how a tourism product can be related to the tourist, this is what underlies the construction of the framework in forming the customer experience (Customer Exzperience Platform), which is according to Schmitt can through the following steps: 1. Experiental Positioning: In this case, the experiental positioning is more inclined to the process of how that experiental (experience) can inherent in the tourists minds. 2. Ecperiental Value Promises (EVP): Schmitt (2003: 102), said that: The experience value promise (EVP) specifies precisely what the experiential positioning will do for the customer: it states what the customer wil get: as an experience 3. Overall Implementation Theme: This phase is is a process of the implementation of Experiental Positioning, and the Experiental Value Promise is in a main theme.
METHODOLOGY The method that will be used in this study is a descriptive research method, which is: A research that attempt to describe or depict or illustrate a phenomenon or the relationship between the phenomenons which being studied in a systematic, factual, and accurate (Kusmayadi and Sugiarto, 2000: 29) The technique of data collection is using: Observation, interview, questionnaires, literature study, sampling methods, methods of data processing.
Konsep-konsep: 1. Heritage tourism 2. Urban tourism 3. Experiential marketing 4. Customer Experience management
Customer Experience
Kebijakan : - UU No. 5 Thn 1992 - Draft Masterplan Kota Tua - Sejarah Kota Tua RekomendasiPengemb anganUrban Heritage Tourism Kota Tuaberbasis Experiential Marketing
Result and Discussion Old Town area as a forerunner of Jakarta city was built by Fatahillah, on June 22 1527, in the beginning it was Sunda Kelapa City with the Port of Sunda Kelapa which is built by Sunda Pajajaran kingdom in the early 14th century. That area was renamed Jayakarta by Fatahillah, developed into an international port city where many people live, forming a mixed culture. The Old Town area, still, leaves the rest of the historical building with European architecture in 17th century. There are approximately 117 buildings of cultural heritage which is located in West Jakarta and the rest in North Jakarta. Based on the study of history, most of Sunda Kelapa area (zone 1) and the Cultural Heritage Area of Old City (Zone 2) is the forerunner of the Old City, the city inside the walls of the fort during the colonial time, which is occupied by the Dutch. Cultural Heritage area is an 846 hectares area which located in the municipality of North and West Jakarta. Under the Master Plan of Jakarta Old Town, the Core Zone is in the middle of the Old Town Cultural Heritage zone, that area has more valuable historical value which in the former the rest of the city was inside the wall. Cultural Heritage area of the Old Town divided into 5 (five) Zone: Sunda Kelapa area, Fatahillah area, Pecinan area, Pekojan area, and Renovation area.
Limitation of Study Sites The limitation of this research area is the area of zone 2 which includes: 1. Fatahillah Park and surrounding area 2. Kali Besar and surrounding area More detail can be seen on the zoning map of the Old Town area in the attachment
Attractiveness of Old Town Zone 2 The Old Town has tremendous attraction and potential. Besides the old buildings heritage of the Dutch colonization, Old Town also has several museums and attraction that attractive to the visitors. Map of the attraction zone of the Old Town can be seen in appendix 2.
The themes which offered by the Old Town must describe the specific experience that will be received by the tourist at the time of visiting Old Town area, the experience of enjoying the city of Batavia in the Dutch colonial era. Actually, today the Old Town which has a lot of old buildings naturally provided experience for visitors, but based on data obtained from the questionnaires regarding the experience provided to visitors of the zone 2 (Fatahillah Park), it seems that the tourists expect more from the Old Town.
a. Experiential Positioning Position in this regard are based on product differentiation attributes of the Old Town will make the region become more prominent, have certain characteristics that will make tourists and community interested. The government has tried to make the draft Master Plan of the Old Town which indirectly determines the position of the Old Town as an Urban Heritage tourism center and historical center of Jakarta City. In the draft Master Plan, positioning strategy for the Old Town has not been established.
b. Experiential Value Promise Draft Master Plan was mentioned as an effort to realize the promise to present the typical atmosphere of Batavia during the Dutch colonial to the community and to design a themed area that is integrated with residential and commercial areas. Vision of the development of the Old Town is "a vibrant, diverse and living cultural heritage district". The meaning of that vision is to make the Old Town as "a place to live, work, play and learn." Thus, in the future there will be 4 (four) elements that support the vision. There are:
Live Within this region there will be a diversity of community living. This vision of the Jakarta Old Town is located in Pecinan area.
Work In this area there will be a center of government activities, offices and commercial character. In the future that area will be built in Pecinan area.
Play In this area will be constructed the areas which diverse entertainment and recreation. This area will be built in Kali Besar area.
Learn There will be an urban district with a diversity of educational, arts, culture, urban heritage and creative community activities, which the learning process will be realized in the public. This plan will be built in the center of Old Town.
Referring to the visions and missions above, there are some principles of arrangement in this area, they are:
Infill new functions / activities in the public space Insertion of the new activities that comes up with the provision of physical activity facilities.
Infill new construction Insertion of the building on vacant land in the Old Town neighborhood preservation.
Adaptive re-use Adaptation of old buildings for new functions with a few changes. Heritage facade improvement Structuring phase with the preservation style.
Experience Forming Factors a. Product Presence Today, the products of the Jakarta Old Town still had not packed properly, because the each attraction try to attract visitors attention on their own (separately), instead of moving together in an attractive package of activities and to offer experiences to the visitors. The product packaging should be able to provide the experience of sense, feel, think, act and relate to show the original buildings along with its original ornaments.
People Human resources who worked in the Jakarta Old Town are the employee of Old Town
Technical Implementation Unit and the employee of museums Technical Implementation Unit. The museum officers are of course still less able to meet the standards of service quality attractions, so it needs to be empowered further. c. Websites and electronics media
The Internet had been there, but not fully utilized for the purposes of interpretation and promotion. In addition, data validation should be much easier and can be done on a regular basis, it is considered because the Internet and use electronic tools will facilitate this process. d. Visual / verbal identity and signage. Both, verbal and visual, Signage or bookmark still exists in the Old Town. There are many attraction of the Jakarta Old Town that is unknown yet by the visitors because there is not a clear direction. Direction and interpretation boards should be able to help the manager to show the existence of attractions and facilities for visitors easily, precise and appropriate signage to the theme of the area will add experience value to the visitors. e. Communication
Communication between and the managers and the tourists should be developed well. This communication can convey messages and information clearly and detail, so that the proper way of delivering messages and information enhances the experience that will be gained by the tourists. f. Co-branding
Partnership strategy is the most appropriate strategy in developing the Old Town. During this time, this strategy does not exist yet so the form of partnership very limited with just existing place, like Hotel K-7, Cafe Batavia and Batavia Hotel, it was not regularly applicable. The Old
Town Technical Implementation Unit only had relationship with the Jakarta Tourism Department just for organizing various activities and promotions.
Experiential Platform Experiential Positioning The positioning statement can be determined from the vision of the Old Town "a vibrant, diverse and living cultural heritage district". By carrying out this vision, the Old Town area should be appropriate and strategic place to blend the culture and history together, so the concept of urban heritage tourism can be applied in its development. The positioning strategy is applied: a. Creating a Marketing Communication b. Coordinate with partnership and business associates c. Direction of promotion and identification with an inventory of the character of tourism market/traveler profile d. Conduct sales mission e. Set up a tourist information center
Experiential Value Promise Promising the Old Town as "a place to live, work, play and learn" to the visitors through a variety of physical and environmental improvements and the improvements of non-physical promotional materials, the addition of the means of interpretation and packaging of attraction of the Old Town.
Overall Implementation
Draft Master Plan of the Jakarta Old Town just purposed to fix the physical environment and the social economic revitalization as well as institutional, but now days the implementation still limited to revitalized physical environment only. This led the development of the Old Town as urban heritage tourism is running very slow. The draft of Master Plan has not made the packaging attraction of the Old Town as a historical attraction yet, so that the elements of experience have not felt by the tourists.
Implementation Implementation the draft of Master Plan is not maximized, considering the number of conflicts of authority and interests of each related agency. The effort that has been done to revamp the area is still not able to describe the experience that visitors would have, despite in fact the draft of Master Plan designation for each region have been mapped.
Realization of Development Strategy in Old Town Area Table Realization Strategy Revitalization the Old Town Core Zone Explanation Yes No
Arrange the access and circulation that will serve specific zones. The Old Town arranged as the destination not just passing place for people. Reforming the promenade (pedestrian). Maintaining the quality of the buildings and its environment. Enabling all of the existing building. Allocating public functions on the ground floor of the historic building.
Improve the physical condition of the connecting lines Develop supporting activities.
physical and life quality of the Old Town area around Sources: The Writer Research Data, 2009
Figure 4.13 The Empty Cultural Heritage Buildings in Zone 2 and the Status of Ownership
By looking at the diagram above, the manager should be able to make regulations for the ownership of the buildings or the historic old buildings as well as its certification system ownership of the building. Current regulations on cultural heritage buildings still become the thorny issues in developing the Old Town. Visitors who entering the museum, will directly feel the sensation (sense) by looking at distinctive exterior and interior of cultural heritage buildings, as well as procedures in showing off an existing collection, it is expected to bring the imagination of visitors. Other improvements have been made by the Technical Implementation Unit in the Old Town to improve services to visitors, for example, they try to increase knowledge and creative ideas (think) of visitors through the Old Town tourist information service. Unfortunately, the
existence of this information is not known by the public and tourists. In addition, the officers of the Old Town Technical Implementation Unit, who responsible in this service, is not the special officer of information services. Related to the action (act), is to organize all activities in the zone 2 (two), Fatahillah park, by organizing Bicycle rents. They gathered in one community that is called Ontel bicycle community and given a special location in the Park Fatahillah to rent a bike and they assigned as tour guide. Other efforts that implemented by the Jakarta Old Town and museums manager deals with fostering good relationships (relate) to the stakeholders and the community through the establishment of such Museum Lovers Community, Volunteer of Museum and Old Town, our Volunteer Museum and Old Town, etc. Museum with its heritage buildings causing emotions (emotion) that appears to see the physical buildings of cultural heritage as a whole or by approaching any corner or space in the museum. Emotions that arise can be a comfort, fear, or even tension. Because it has a lot of stories / news that appears on the existence of an old buildings which is also a heritage building. In developing the museum, the manager has tried to capture or built a partnership (relate) to the existing communities, including Lovers Community Museum, Volunteer Museum and Old Town, our volunteers and the Old Town Museum, etc. Furthermore, as an effort to implement the policy to support the developing of the Old Town as defined previously, then, now, government has made 3 (three) stages of the revitalization of the city, such as those contained in the image below:
Result of the Study Through a questionnaire distributed to 150 visitors of the Old Town, the obtained results as follows:
Very Good
Very Poor
In general it can be seen that the forming of the fifth aspect of experience (sense, feel, think, act and relate) still revolves around the "enough" level. This suggests that the whole policy has been implemented is not optimal as well as the entire development and revitalization efforts that turned out be able to fix the physical environment and buildings only without being able to create something more to add knowledge and insight into the community or visitors about the history of Jakarta City in the past, so they can better give appreciation to historical tourism products.
Customer Experience Actually, the element of experience in Jakartas Old Town is still not optimal; it still caused the people to feel unsure in felt the whole experience. They just come to just enjoy the atmosphere, take pictures, or visit the museum without a true understanding about the historical value that contained in them. The historical value which portrayed in a good and in a complete interpretation facility (physical or non-physical) will be able to create a different experience on the visitors minds. Naturally, that interpretation facility will bring the visitors into each experience phase by turns which in the end it will bring the visitors into a journey of urban heritage tourism that have an added value. The added value will indirectly position the Jakartas Old Town in accordance with the vision. Actually, that museum tour can be packed in an activity that can provide a unique experience for visitors, its more than just sightseeing the museum. In this case, the organizer and all of the stakeholders should need to be more sensitive to the development of product potencies that will enable in giving a more experience. In fact, theres still a lack of the clarity and affirmation in statement about the positioning (positioning statement) when reffering to the experience platform.
Developmental Framework Reccomendation Area of Zone 2 Experience the Old Town, Batavia Zoning Regulation Zone closure of Access Pedestrianization, Classification Type Experience Promise Feel the life of Batavia Value
Busway Lane, parking City that is packaged in area, security, bus stop, a onthel bicycle post Maintenance Area modern and way social
Cleaning service, public identity experience) order, fire fighting, and security services & first aid
Social Cultural
ambience of the place Local customs & costumes Accomodation Hotel, hostel Old Buildings Central District Inviolet Belt Tourist Center Old Town information Feel the atmosphere Business Motel, Youth
stores, interior decoration of creative the Batavia City as well money as enjoying the typical food and drink of the a Batavia and Netherland (Sense, physical and Area(the lifestyle experiences) heritage
cafetaria, industry,
buildings tourism) Nucleus Recreation Fatahillah Park and Feel the activity or an educational informative & tourism
surroundings area (Museum Buildings). Entertainment Concert halls Cinemas Exhibitions Museum galleries Theaters (Outdoor & Indoor) and
activity with a typical atmosphere Batavia City art experiences, expereience, of the
Weekend at the Old Town , tour the heritage trail, tour the museum, etc.