YR10 Term 5 Homework
YR10 Term 5 Homework
YR10 Term 5 Homework
Read the article F1 boss ousted over driver ordered to crash and answer the questions
which follow.
Be specific!
names and use
some details
from the text!
Term 5 Homework
2. How do you know that this is a newspaper article? What presentational features
prove this?
It is in columns, it says the paper and it is in black and white which newspapers usually
3. What is the tone of the article? (In writing, tone is the authors attitude)
Calm and Formal. He is just telling you about it and not taking
Term 5 Homework
What Is Bias?
One kind of bias is a strong opinion about something. You can be biased in favor of
something or biased against it. In either case, you may have some facts to support
your position, but a bias is based more on feelings and opinions than on facts. In
some cases, bias results from a persons past experiences.
Term 5 Homework
Term 5 Homework
Term 5 Homework
Read the article The worst act of cheating and answer the questions that follow.
Term 5 Homework
Term 5 Homework
2. What language features can you find here? Look at the table below and identify the
language features in the text.
3. What is the writers opinion in this text? Why is it not factual? Can you find
examples of opinions to prove your answer?
He used a simile and he compared the Olympics to the race incident.
He also compared it to football and rugby.
Term 5 Homework
Presentational Features
Term 5 Homework
Which devices does this example identify and how does it talk about them?
The heading, sub-heading. Bright colours other information.
It describes them in a very good way it also uses quotes and explains them fully this would be a C/B
grade I think.
Look at the article below. Notice the use of pictures and headings.
Term 5 Homework
Without reading the whole article, you can tell roughly what it is about.
Term 5 Homework
Student 1 is a D
Student 2 is a C
Writing Punctuation
Punctuate the following sentences:
Full Stops
~ end of a sentence that is not a question or statement
Question Mark
Term 5 Homework
Term 5 Homework
Student 3 and 4 wrote a speech for their year group explaining what they would do if they ruled the world.
Student 1
Student 2
The support that you show to a charity helps with research that
is being carried out, especially if the charity is for an illness like
cancer or if its helping to build water wells that give clean water
to poorer countries where the water is often contaminated. An
example of this kind of charity is Water Aid. Your support could
simply help to fund the charity that you choose to help.
Student 3
Student 4
If I could rule the world I would attack these issues and make the
world a much happier place. Being judged is probably one of the
worst feelings in the world. You can take a kick and a punch
because youll know it will heal, but the thought of someone
judging you in their minds is enough to drive you crazy and lead
to accusations; you cant control how others see you.
Which students used appropriate language for their purposes and audiences?1 and 3
What grade would you give each student?
What would you recommend for those students who did not achieve Cs? Try to us better
grammar and punctuation try to focus more on the point and not lead away with
irrelevant things.