REVIEWS Further Creativity
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including: Beth A. Hennessey1 and Teresa M. Amabile2
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ANRV398-PS61-22 ARI 5 November 2009 14:18
of Creativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
research careers, the Journal of Creative Behavior
Social Environment:
was the one periodical dedicated to the study of
Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
creativity. That publication was supplemented
Social Environment: Schools . . . . . . . 585
in 1988 by the Creativity Research Journal.
Social Environment: Culture . . . . . . . 587
The inaugural issue of Psychology of Creativity,
Aesthetics and the Arts, a publication of APA di-
SYSTEMS PERSPECTIVE . . . . . . . 589
vision 10, came in 2007; in recent years, a vari-
ety of additional journals have also proven to be
important outlets for creativity research. These
include the International Journal of Creativity
INTRODUCTION and Problem Solving and the Journal of Think-
Why study creativity? Even if this mysterious ing Skills and Creativity. Add to this lineup the
phenomenon can be isolated, quantified, and long list of books and general psychology jour-
dissected, why bother? Wouldn’t it make more nals publishing research in the area of creativity,
sense to revel in the mystery and wonder of it and the prospect of reviewing the creativity lit-
all? From a purely theoretical standpoint, re- erature becomes both daunting and exciting.
searchers and scholars are anxious to learn as Our review attempts to encompass most
much as possible about the distinctively human of the subspecialties in the study of creativity,
capacity to generate new ideas, new approaches, including the social psychology of creativity—
and new solutions. We strive to understand the our own area of specialization. We followed
experiences of Picasso, da Vinci, Einstein, and a two-part process. The first step involved
the like, and we question what, if anything, we the polling of colleagues, and the second step
ourselves have in common with these amazing involved winnowing through our own search
individuals. On a more practical level, educa- of the literature. To begin, we brainstormed
tors, parents, employers, and policy makers re- a list of active researchers and theorists whom
alize all too well that it is only with creativity we believe have made the most significant con-
that we can hope to address the myriad prob- tributions to the creativity literature and asked
lems facing our schools and medical facilities, them to nominate up to 10 papers, published
our cities and towns, our economy, our nation, since about 2000, that they considered “must
and the world. Creativity is one of the key fac- have” references. We contacted 26 colleagues
Creativity: the tors that drive civilization forward. As he began and heard back from 21. Some of these sug-
generation of products
his administration in January 2009, U.S. Pres- gested papers were self-nominations, but most
or ideas that are both
novel and appropriate ident Obama called for substantial increases in were by others. In total, we received over 110
federal funds for basic research and efforts to suggestions for specific journal articles, book
chapters, books, or entire volumes of a journal literature. Yet there seem to be few, if any, “big”
devoted to a particular topic. questions being pursued by a critical mass of
For our own search of the literature, we creativity researchers. In many respects, schol-
conducted a thorough electronic (EBSCO) ars’ understanding of the psychology of creativ-
review—searching for empirical journal arti- ity has grown amazingly sophisticated, and we
cles, chapters, and entire books published be- are excited by the contributions of researchers
tween 1998 and 2008 and focused on creativity. representing an ever-expanding variety of dis-
This search yielded over 400 additional cita- ciplines and backgrounds. But this expansion
tions that we believed were interesting, rele- has not come without a price. It is our firm im-
vant, and potentially important. This list too pression that investigators in one subfield often
had to be significantly reduced. seem entirely unaware of advances in another.
Perhaps our biggest surprise, in examin- This means that research is often done at only
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ing the suggestions made by colleagues, was one level of analysis—say, the individual or the
just how wide reaching their recommendations group—and within only one discipline at a time.
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2010.61:569-598. Downloaded from
were. In fact, we came to wonder and worry Of course, some of the work we review does
about why there was so very little overlap in cross levels of analysis. Where appropriate, we
terms of material suggested. Of the 110 nomi- recognize and emphasize the overlap that al-
nated papers, only seven were suggested by two ready exists between the various subspecialties
colleagues, and only one was suggested by three and approaches to the study of the psychology
colleagues. What did this diversity of opinion, of creativity.
this lack of consensus, say about the state of the The underlying theme of this review is
field? As we compiled this review, we were con- the need for a systems view of creativity.
sistently struck by what can only be termed a We believe that more progress will be made
growing fragmentation of the field. For the first when more researchers recognize that creativ-
three decades of modern psychological research ity arises through a system of interrelated forces
into creativity (starting circa 1950), there were operating at multiple levels, often requiring in-
a small number of “big questions” that most re- terdisciplinary investigation. Figure 1 presents
searchers focused on: creative personality and a simplified schematic of the major levels at
creative thinking techniques. Then, for many which these forces operate. The model is sim-
years, there was an additional focus on the so- plified because, as noted, existing research does
cial psychology of creativity. Since the 1990s, cross levels. And, in fact, the “whole” of the cre-
we have seen a virtual explosion of topics, per- ative process must be viewed as much more than
spectives, and methodologies in the creativity a simple sum of its parts. Individuals are much
Figure 1
The increasingly large concentric circles in this simplified schematic represent the major levels at which
creativity forces operate.
more than their affect, cognition, or training. But this doesn’t mean that researchers and
And social environments or groups may be em- theorists have given up on trying to refine
bedded within particular cultures or societies, their definitions and measurement techniques.
but they also crosscut them, as when multiple Plucker & Runco’s seminal (1998) review
cultural or religious groups live together within rightly declared that the death of creativity
a society. measurement had been greatly exaggerated; in
Figure 1 also provides the scheme we use for fact, a number of researchers are probing is-
organizing this review. We begin with an exam- sues of definition. Sullivan & Ford (2005) exam-
ination of research directed at the most micro- ined the relation between assessments of prod-
scopic level—neurological activity in the brain. uct novelty and creativity in an organizational
We then work out through ever-broadening setting. And Glück et al. (2002) investigated
lenses of focus and toward a review of the lit- whether artists who face strong external con-
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erature devoted to the impact of classroom or straints differ in their conceptions of creativ-
workplace environments as well as entire cul- ity from artists who are free in their choice of
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tures on creative behavior. Our review ends topics, materials, and time schedule. Questions
with an overview of some of the more com- of definition and the experimental paradigms
prehensive theories of creativity and a call for employed are becoming increasingly complex,
researchers and theorists to work toward the yet our ability to precisely define what we mean
development of entire systems perspectives. by creativity remains fairly stagnant. Kaufmann
(2003b) argued that the concept of creativity has
been too loosely defined and inappropriately
REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE: driven by a bottom-up operationalist approach.
CREATIVITY AS SEEN FROM Kaufmann called for a clear-cut distinction be-
DIFFERENT LEVELS OF tween novelty on the stimulus and novelty on
ANALYSIS the response end as well as a new taxonomy of
different kinds of creativity and intelligent be-
Definition and Measurement havior, including proactive and reactive creativ-
Before exploring the research being done at the ity. In a follow-up to this proposal, Beghetto &
various levels of our concentric circle model, it Kaufman (2007) argued that in addition to the
is essential to examine the current thinking and study of “Big C” (eminent) creativity and “lit-
theorizing surrounding the identification of the tle c” (everyday) creativity, it is also essential
creative person or process and the assessment to explore what might be termed “mini c” cre-
of the creative product. What is it that contem- ativity, or the creative processes involved in the
porary creativity researchers claim to be inves- construction of personal knowledge and under-
tigating, and how do they operationalize this standing. Clearly, a creativity researcher’s cho-
entity they call creativity? Criteria for assessing sen metric and methodology will largely depend
persons or products may appear to be straight- on which of the concentric circles in our model
forward after decades of research. But appear- is being investigated.
ances deceive. Debates surrounding definition
“Big C” (eminent)
creativity: relatively and measurement continue to loom large. Al- The Creativity of Products. The creativity
rare displays of though most researchers and theorists agree of products is typically the focus of experi-
creativity that have a that creativity involves the development of a mental paradigms that vary the conditions un-
major impact on others novel product, idea, or problem solution that der which one or more individual’s creativity
“Little c” (everyday) is of value to the individual and/or the larger is assessed. Here creativity is seen as a fleeting
creativity: daily social group, psychologists have had great diffi- and largely situation-dependent state (rather
problem solving and
culty finding consensus as to definitional com- than a relatively stable and enduring personality
the ability to adapt to
change ponents that reach beyond these two criteria of trait). Although Runco maintained in his 2004
novelty and appropriateness (value). Annual Review article that the assessment of
product creativity is rarely used with nonem- firmly establish the cross-cultural application
inent individuals, this approach was expressly and validity of the TTCT over the past 10 years.
developed for and is particularly useful in the Despite the wide acclaim accorded to the
study of everyday (little c) creativity. In the con- TTCT, many question the utility and/or psy-
temporary literature, the identification and as- chometric properties of general tests of creative
sessment of creative products, be they poems, ability. Baer (2008) concluded that creativity
paintings, scientific theories, or technological is best conceptualized as domain specific and
breakthroughs, rests largely on a consensual as- argued that this domain specificity explains
sessment process. Researchers wishing to as- why divergent-thinking tests have not met with
sess the creativity of tangible products have more success; research by Mumford and col-
long relied on the consensual assessment of leagues (1998, 2008) also questioned the valid-
experts, formalized for nearly 30 years in the ity of divergent-thinking tests. However, other
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of its relative simplicity and the consistently Kogan Creativity Tests (Cheung et al. 2004, Lee
high levels of interrater agreements reached, 2008). A host of other researchers and psycho-
this methodology enjoys wide use and contin- metricians have been busy with the close exam-
ued examination in the creativity literature (e.g., ination of existing creative-ability and creative-
Baer et al. 2004, Kaufman et al. 2007). In recent personality measures and the development of
years, consensual assessment methodologies new ones (e.g., Epstein et al. 2008, Nassif &
have also been extended to far more “messy” Quevillon 2008, Silvia et al. 2008). Finally,
real-world classroom and workplace environ- Silvia (2008) reanalyzed “old” data with the use
ments, including cross-cultural contexts (e.g., of advanced methodology to explore the re-
Amabile & Mueller 2008, Lee et al. 2005). lation of creativity and intelligence. Research
has generally shown these two constructs to be
modestly related; yet, some studies have contra-
The Creativity of Persons. The creativity of dicted this assumption. Silvia found that latent
persons is typically the focus of experimental originality and fluency variables significantly
paradigms, case studies, or questionnaire-based predicted intelligence. The relations’ magni-
investigations that operationalize creativity as a tude (r = 0.20) was also consistent with pre-
relatively enduring and largely stable personal- vious research.
ity trait. The death of E. Paul Torrance (1915–
2003) marked the end of one of the most influ-
ential careers in creativity research of this genre. Neurological/Biological Basis
Researchers have employed the Torrance The advancement of technology, particularly
Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT; Torrance functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
1966/1974) for more than four decades, and coupled with increases in access to equipment
these measures continue to dominate the field for researchers is in large part responsible for
when it comes to the testing of individuals. the virtual explosion of information on the
With Torrance’s passing came a proliferation “creative brain.” How does the brain generate
of research projects dedicated to his memory creative ideas or solutions? At the neurological
(Fryer 2006, Kaufman & Baer 2006). Some level, is there only one creative process or are
of this research used contemporary statistical there many? Is it possible to look into the brain TTCT: Torrance
Tests of Creative
methods to address the underlying structure, and find evidence of creative thinking in the Thinking
reliability, and validity of the TTCT (K.H. Kim same way that modern cognitive neuroscientists
fMRI: functional
2006, Plucker 1999). In addition, Cramond have uncovered some of the neural underpin- magnetic resonance
et al. (1999) and Wechsler (2006) were among nings of memory, emotion, and attention? Or imaging
a dozen or more researchers to examine and is creativity outside the realm of neuroscience
understanding? One growing body of research process. However, several authors offered in-
attempts to uncover information about the neu- cisive critiques of this model (Abraham 2007,
rological basis of creative behavior based on the Brown 2007). In summary, although techno-
study of individuals displaying aphasia or other logical advances have increased exponentially,
brain abnormalities and injuries. Mell and col- scientists interested in the neurological basis
leagues (2003) traced the progression of aphasia of creative behavior have a long way to go be-
symptoms associated with frontotemporal de- fore they can hope to reach consensus. As they
mentia in a talented artist. They observed that proceed down this groundbreaking and ever-
language is not required for, and may even in- changing investigative path, researchers must
hibit, certain types of visual creativity. Miller make certain that it is sound theorizing and data
and coworkers (2000, 2004) focused their at- that drive their use of new technologies and not
tention on the emergence of new skills in pa- the technologies themselves that dictate future
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tients with dementia and found that loss of brain research questions and directions. The possi-
function in one area may lead to facilitation of bilities are promising, but we are not anywhere
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artistic or musical skills. near the point of being able to image the cre-
As early as 1998, Bowden and Jung-Beeman ative process as it unfolds in the human brain.
presented data suggesting that semantic acti- Even cutting-edge instruments mask the order
vation in the right hemisphere may help solve in which various brain areas become activated
insight problems. And subsequent papers by in the massive parallel processing that results in
these same authors ( Jung-Beeman & Bowden high-level creativity (Miller 2007).
2000, Bowden & Jung-Beeman 2003) built
on the view that there is a strong association
between semantic activation in the right hemi- Affect, Cognition, and Training
sphere and the “Aha!” experience when people Affect. Most experimental studies of affect and
recognize solutions to insight-like prob- creativity have shown that positive affect leads
lems. Using electroencephalographic topogra- to higher levels of creativity. When negative
phy and frequency as well as fMRI, Kounios affect has an influence, it is generally nega-
and colleagues (2006) went on to suggest that tive. The bulk of this research indicates that
mental preparation leading to insight involves positive affect facilitates not only intrinsic
heightened activity in medial frontal areas as- motivation (e.g., Isen & Reeve 2005) but also
sociated with cognitive control and in tempo- flexible thinking and problem solving even
ral areas associated with semantic processing. on especially complex and difficult tasks (see
Noninsight preparation, in contrast, appears to Aspinwall 1998, Isen 2000). Yet the affect-
involve increased occipital activity consistent creativity association is complicated. Kaufmann
with an increase in externally directed visual (2003a) refutes the mainstream argument that
attention. Taken together, these investigations positive mood reliably facilitates creativity.
Intrinsic motivation: have offered exciting evidence of how behav- Some studies have shown that positive mood
the drive to engage in ioral priming and neuroimaging methods can may facilitate productivity but not quality of
a task because it is
provide information about neural activity dur- ideas (e.g., Vosburg 1998). Other researchers
interesting, enjoyable,
or positively ing insight. have found that although positive affect manip-
challenging In addition to empirical explorations of the ulations may enhance mood and reduce state
Divergent thinking: creative process at the neuronal level, there is anxiety, they do not necessarily enhance diver-
spontaneous, theoretical work. For example, Vandervert and gent thinking (e.g., Clapham 2001).
free-flowing thinking his coinvestigators (2007) cited the centrality of Conflicting evidence comes from nonex-
with the goal of novelty and originality in creative thought and perimental settings, as well. George & Zhou
generating many
argued that, because the cerebellum increases (2002) found that, under certain specific con-
different ideas in a
short period the rapidity and efficiency of memory routines, ditions within an organization, negative af-
it likely plays a central role in the creative fect can lead to higher creativity than positive
affect: the work context must call for high levels supporting roles that positive and negative af-
of creativity, and the individual’s clarity of feel- fect might play in the creative process (De Dreu
ings must also be high. On the other hand, an- et al. 2008, Friedman et al. 2007). Clearly, the
other organizational study (Madjar et al. 2002) question of the role of affect in creativity is not
found a generally positive role for positive affect settled. However, it appears likely that, all else
in the workplace. In this study, positive mood being equal, positive affect is more conducive
mediated the significant positive relationship to creativity than is negative affect.
between the support that employees received
for workplace creativity and their creative per- Cognition. A review of recent work focused
formance at work. Searching for more defini- on the cognitive processes underlying creative
tive answers, Amabile and colleagues (2005) performance reveals that this branch of the lit-
obtained multiple daily measures of affect from erature is also particularly diverse. Recently, an
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222 employees in seven different companies entire volume of the Korean Journal of Thinking
over several weeks, as well as multiple measures and Problem Solving (Volume 18, 2008) offered
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of creativity. They found a positive linear re- a representative sample of the wide range of
lationship, with positive affect an antecedent experimental and theoretical approaches being
of creativity. Another study (George & Zhou taken by researchers. The variety of investiga-
2007) also suggested a primacy for positive af- tive paths is almost as great as the variety of ex-
fect. In this study of employees in a single com- perimental questions being asked. For example,
pany, creativity was highest when both positive Kaufman & Baer (2002) employed both self-
and negative moods were high and the super- report and case-study methodologies to con-
visory context was supportive. However, this clude that the cognitive mechanisms underly-
study also found a positive main effect for pos- ing creative performance are domain specific,
itive mood. with the likely exception of g (a general intel-
These opposing viewpoints and the data ligence factor). Kray and colleagues (2006) ex-
driving them argue for more nuanced views of plored what they termed a “relational process-
the impact of affect on cognitive activity. In ing style” elicited by counterfactual mind-sets.
their mood-as-input model, Martin and col- More specifically, they asked study participants
leagues (1993) proposed that positive moods to compare reality to what might have been and
signal to individuals that they are safe, moti- in so doing encouraged them to consider rela-
vating them to seek stimulation and think ex- tionships and associations among stimuli. They
pansively, making more flexible associations. found that, although such mind-sets can be
Negative moods signal that there are prob- detrimental to novel idea generation, they can
lems at hand, motivating individuals to think improve performance on creative association
precisely and analytically. Similarly, the dual- tasks. Miller (2007) found a significant relation
tuning model proposed by George & Zhou between field independence and creativity on
(2007) asserts that employees should benefit a collage-making task. Necka (1999) presented
creatively by experiencing both positive and experimental evidence linking creativity with
negative moods over time in a supportive con- impaired functioning of what he termed the
text. Positive mood leads to expansive, playful, “filter of attention.” Groborz & Necka (2003)
divergent thinking and the generation of new reported data arguing for the importance of
ideas. Negative mood signals that something is “cognitive control” in the attentional process,
problematic and pushes employees to try hard and Zhengkui and colleagues (2007) provided
to improve matters through creative ideas— a comprehensive review of the research on
careful, systematic information processing. The creativity and attention.
result of both processes is good, well-thought- A large body of research has pointed to
out ideas that are really creative. Some recent the importance of conceptual combination in
experiments support these views of the different creative thought. Ward (2001) argued for a
“convergent approach” to the study of concep- Interestingly, many of the more recent train-
tual combination—incorporating both anecdo- ing investigations have focused on populations
tal accounts and laboratory investigations of outside the United States. For example,
the creative process. Treffinger & Selby (2004) Basadur et al. (2002) reported that train-
presented a rubric intended to characterize in- ing methods previously shown to be effec-
dividual differences in problem-solving style tive in helping North American and Japanese
involving Orientation to Change, Manner of adults improve their divergent thinking skills
Processing, and Ways of Deciding. And Scott were also applicable to Spanish-speaking South
et al. (2005) described an elegant experiment American managers. Arguing that training for
designed to compare and contrast an analogical divergent thinking skills often involves a large
approach to generating combinations (involv- number of moderated sessions, Benedek and
ing feature search and mapping) with a case- colleagues (2006) then set out to explore
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ing cognitive processes and components to cre- ideational fluency and originality of Austrian
ative behavior is plentiful but murky. Perhaps adults through the provision of repeated prac-
Mumford & Antes (2007) best summarized the tice. A study comparing computer-based train-
state of the field when they called for caution ing designed to promote creativity in the verbal
to be applied in any attempt to account for cre- domain (e.g., generating nicknames and slo-
ative achievement based on a single model of gans) with computer training focused on cre-
the kind of knowledge or cognitive processes ative tasks not requiring verbal creativity (e.g.,
involved. coming up with unusual uses for objects) and
a control (no training) group revealed signifi-
Training. Armed with these new investiga- cant training effects for both computer training
tions of the role of affect and cognition in the approaches. Study participants receiving train-
creative process, are we any better equipped ing showed significant gains in what the au-
to train persons to be creative? When com- thors termed “intelligent-independent” aspects
pared to the ongoing extensive investigative of ideational fluency, but no training effects
work on individual differences or affect and cre- were found for originality of ideas.
ativity, studies of the efficacy of creativity train- Focusing on insight problem solving
ing have been relatively sparse. Svensson and among American adults, Dow & Mayer
colleagues (2002) undertook three experimen- (2004) asked whether problem solution de-
tal studies involving high school and university pends on domain-specific or domain-general
students in Sweden. In one study, the efficacy problem-solving skills. Across two separate
of two creativity-enhancement techniques bor- investigations, study participants who received
rowed from the work of deBono, random word training in spatial insight problems performed
input and provocation, was investigated. In a better than a verbal-insight-trained group on
pretest/post-test design, it was found that post- spatial problems. However, no other perfor-
training levels of fluency were lower, in fact, for mance differences emerged between subjects
the experimental group than for a no-training receiving verbal, mathematical, spatial, or
control group. The remaining two studies re- verbal-spatial training who were later asked to
ported in this paper contrasted the effects of solve insight problems in these four category
working individually or as a group. In both of groups. Garaigordobil (2006) also explored the
these investigations, group work was found to efficacy of training, this time with a sample
produce better results on various measures of of Spanish children. There was a positive
creativity (fluency, flexibility, and originality), effect of the intervention, with children
but total fluency was higher for study partici- making significant improvements in verbal
pants working alone. creativity (originality) and graphic-figural
more successful training programs tend to em- and colleagues (2008) confirmed that intrinsic
ploy realistic exercises that focus on the devel- motivation is also an enduring personality trait
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opment of cognitive skills and heuristics for the with a positive relation to creativity. There has
application of those skills. also been ongoing interest in the developmental
trajectory of a variety of other personality traits
linked to creativity, with work done by Helson
Individual Differences/Personality and colleagues continuing to dominate in this
The empirical study of creativity was originally area (Helson & Pals 2000, Helson & Srivastava
focused at the level of the individual, and many 2002).
recent contributions to the literature continue Case studies published in American Psychol-
to explore the question of what distinguishes ogist (April 2001) revealed just how difficult the
highly creative persons from the rest of us. attempt to identify individual difference vari-
Research and theorizing in the area of creativity ables essential for creativity has proven to be.
has much in common with studies of personal- In a follow-up discussion of individual differ-
ity, as both fields concentrate on uniqueness. ences and creativity (American Psychologist, May
An extensive literature review focused on the 2002), a second set of papers argued for the cen-
personality and individual difference variables tral importance of a sense of curiosity (Kashdan
common to highly creative persons reveals that & Fincham 2002) and self-confidence for cre-
many things seem to be true of at least some ative behavior. Lower levels of self-confidence
creative people but not necessarily all of them. may actually predict higher levels of creativity
In other words, this body of work is especially (Kaufman 2002).
difficult to decipher, although a meta-analysis
carried out by Feist (1998) highlighting person- Individual Differences in Intelligence. Indi-
ality differences between scientific and artistic vidual differences in intelligence were explored
creators has proven helpful in this regard. by Feist & Barron (2003) as they traced the
The Big Five model of personality continues developmental trajectories of creative persons
to shape investigations in this area, and a good and placed particular emphasis on the stabil-
deal of research attention has also been paid ity/instability of intelligence and intellectual
to the traits labeled “openness to experience” giftedness. Similarly, James & Asmus (2001) ex-
and “latent inhibition.” Low levels of latent in- amined the interface between personality and
hibition, associated with the inability to shut cognitive ability as they attempted to better
out the constant stream of incoming stimuli, understand sources of creativity within the in- Trait creativity:
have been found to predict trait creativity (e.g., dividual. Although some researchers and the- creativity viewed as a
Carson et al. 2003). Trait creativity has also orists have found important parallels between relatively stable
been linked to high levels of openness to experi- the investigation of creativity and giftedness
ence (e.g., McCrae 1987, Perrine & Brodersen (Hennessey 2004), research tells us that these
two constructs should not be equated. Winner Psychopathology. Psychopathology and the
(2000) and Runco (1999) found that the skills age-old question of whether there exists a
and personality factors required to be a cre- systematic relation between creativity and
ator are very different from those typical of mental illness continue to loom large in the
highly gifted children. And taking a different literature. Becker (2001) and Sass (2001)
approach, Sternberg (2001) argued that creativ- examined how specific intellectual assumptions
ity is best understood in terms of its dialectical have, over time, transformed into a widely
relation to intelligence and wisdom. Accord- held belief that precludes the possibility of
ing to this formulation, intelligence is most of- total mental health and sanity for the cre-
ten used to advance existing societal agendas, ative genius. Rothenberg (2006) also made
whereas creative thinking often opposes these a strong case for the fact that the literature
agendas and proposes new ones. Wise people linking creativity and mental illness is severely
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recognize the need to strike a balance between flawed. Despite these protestations, there is
intelligence and creativity/the old and the new substantial research evidence of a link between
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2010.61:569-598. Downloaded from
to achieve both stability and change within a psychopathology, most especially schizotypy,
societal context. and creative behavior. Prentky (2001) found
a greater-than-chance probability that highly
Gender Differences. Gender differences also creative individuals will evidence signs or
continued to garner research attention, with symptoms of mental illness and proposed that
mixed results. Ai (1999) investigated the rela- certain biologically based cognitive styles that
tion between creativity and academic achieve- are peculiar to extraordinary creativity possess
ment in Spanish secondary students and showed common biological ancestry with another
that when operationalized by teachers’ ratings, group of cognitive styles that are associated
creativity was related to academic achievement with a predisposition to major mental illness.
for both males and females. For males, flexi- Other studies, using nonclinical populations,
bility was the predominant factor. For females, have found similar associations (e.g., Abraham
elaboration and fluency played a significant & Windmann 2008, Cox & Leon 1999).
role. In a related investigation again involving However, Chávez-Eakle and colleagues
adolescents, Jiliang & Baoguo (2007) found no (2006) observed that highly creative achievers
gender differences in scientific creativity on rat- scored especially low on psychopathology and
ings of fluency or flexibility, but on originality, that psychopathology was more related to per-
high school males significantly outperformed sonality than to creativity. In another study fo-
females. In addition, male scores on figural tasks cused on psychiatric patients, Ghadirian and
were significantly higher than female scores. colleagues (2001) reported no difference in the
One possible explanation for these gender dif- creative abilities of persons with bipolar illness
ferences comes from Conti and coinvestigators as compared to those with other types of psy-
(2001), who found that boys and girls react very chopathology. In an attempt to synthesize this
differently to situations of extrinsic constraint. work, Nettle (2006) suggested that these find-
In situations involving competition, boys who ings might be explained by a sort of “hybrid”
had been segregated by gender reported signifi- model whereby schizotypal personality traits
cantly higher levels of both intrinsic and extrin- can have fitness advantages or disadvantages,
sic motivation than did girls who had also been with mutational load and neurodevelopmental
segregated by gender. Finally, Lee (2002) found conditions determining which outcome (pro-
that for college students completing problem- motion or hindrance of creativity) is observed.
solving and problem-finding tasks, neither gen-
der nor education exerted significant influence Groups and Teams
on creative thinking abilities in real-life Investigations of creative behavior and the
situations. creative process have, over time, shown a
progression from attention to the individual to needed. This model emphasized the fact that a
a focus on the creative performance of groups. complete creative problem-solving process en-
In recent years, much of the theorizing and tails both considerable convergent and diver-
research surrounding the creative process has gent thought in continuing alternation, and it thinking: more
been targeted at this group level, and there are predicted that individuals, teams, and entire or- disciplined thinking,
many important parallels between this work ganizations with different preferences and abil- focused on narrowing
and the creativity training literature reviewed ities, knowledge, and work arrangements would possibilities to a
workable solution
above. Continued and widespread interest in be good matches for some problems and poor
the question of whether creative thinking and matches for others. Brophy (2006) later found
problem solving can be trained is clearly due empirical support for this model. In the same
to the fact that in most organizational settings vein, Larey & Paulus (1999) found that brain-
requiring innovative product development and storming groups performed better when their
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problem solutions, workers are expected to be- members were assigned to the groups based on
come increasingly creative as they collaborate their preferences for working and interacting
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2010.61:569-598. Downloaded from
in project teams. The organizational literature in groups. Paulus & Yang (2000) discovered
is presented in a later section. Here the focus is two important factors that enabled idea sharing
on more general studies of creativity in groups. in groups to become more productive: (a) the
Over the past decade, research on creativ- extent to which group members carefully pro-
ity within groups has undergone a significant cessed the ideas exchanged in the group (atten-
shift—away from the simplistic conclusion that tion) and (b) the opportunity for group mem-
individuals can almost always be expected to bers to reflect on the ideas after the exchange
outperform groups toward a far more nuanced process (incubation).
understanding of the group process and a fine- Increasingly, research, theory, and applied
tuning of experimental design as well as models work on group creativity has merged with and
of group interaction, motivation, and disposi- relied on the use of computers. Brown & Paulus
tion. Much remains unknown about the creative (2002) argued that group brainstorming can
process within groups, but significant progress be an effective technique for generating cre-
has been made. In two separate investigations, ative ideas, based on computer simulations of
a comparison of students working alone or in a an associative memory model of idea gener-
group revealed that although group work pro- ation in groups. Also working from a cogni-
duced better results on various measures of cre- tive/computer modeling perspective, Nijstad &
ativity, fluency scores were higher for individu- Stroebe (2006) offered the SIAM model (Search
als working alone (Svensson et al. 2002). In fact, for Ideas in Associative Memory), which they
research on creative problem solving (Osborn believe could account for various research find-
1953, 1957, 1963, 1967; Parnes 1966; Treffin- ings on group idea generation. This model as-
ger & Isaksen 1992; Treffinger et al. 2006) typi- sumes that idea generation is a repeated search
cally shows that the performance of individuals for ideas in associative memory, which proceeds
is generally superior to that of groups. But some in two stages (knowledge activation and idea
investigators have speculated that this pattern of production) and is controlled through nega-
results may have been driven by the specific ex- tive feedback loops and cognitive failures (tri-
perimental tasks, concepts, and research meth- als in which no idea is generated). This for-
ods employed. Brophy (1998a,b) proposed a mulation showed that turn taking (production
“tri-level matching theory” as a way of integrat- blocking) interfered with both stages of the
ing and explaining contradictory experimental process. Ideas suggested by others aided the
findings. He pointed out that creatively solvable activation of problem-relevant knowledge, and
problems vary considerably in their complex- cognitive failures were important negative de-
ity, requisite knowledge base, and the amounts terminants of brainstorming persistence, sat-
of divergent and convergent thinking that are isfaction, and enjoyment. The different ways
that computers can be involved in creative work creativity-relevant processes.” At the group
were further examined in a special issue of the level, these processes moderated the relation-
International Journal of Human-Computer Stud- ship between aggregated individual creativity
ies (2007, volume 63), where the contributing and group creativity.
authors concluded that computers may facili-
tate not only communication between persons Work Group Diversity. Research on diversity
collaborating on creative projects but also has been one of the more active areas in orga-
the management of creative work, the use nizational creativity scholarship over the past
of creativity-enhancement techniques, and decade. Most of this work has focused on di-
the creative act through integrated human- versity in teams. Kurtzberg & Amabile (2001)
computer cooperation during idea production. suggested that the types and amount of team
conflict that arise from the diversity of team
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ative work that gets done in organizations is ac- ploring diversity (Kurtzberg 2005) compared
complished by two or more individuals working and contrasted objectively measured creative
closely together (see Thompson & Choi 2006). fluency and subjectively perceived creativity
Thus, although our section on organizational in cognitively diverse teams. Results indicated
creativity appears later in this article, we review that, although cognitive diversity may be ben-
this part of the literature here. (As we noted eficial for objective functioning, it may be
in the introduction, the neatly nonoverlapping detrimental to team satisfaction, affect, and
nature of the concentric circles in Figure 1 is members’ impressions of their own creative
a convenient artifice.) One study in the comic performance.
book industry uncovered evidence that simply Indeed, a recent review of the literature on
working in a team can, under the right cir- this topic suggests that team diversity can just as
cumstances, produce more creative results than easily lead to negative as to positive outcomes.
working individually (Taylor & Greve 2006). Mannix & Neale (2005) conducted a review of
On average, single creators had lower perfor- 50 years of research and concluded that the
mance than did teams, and the team experience preponderance of evidence yields a pessimistic
of working together increased performance. view: Group diversity creates social divisions,
Hargadon & Bechky (2006) did a qualitative with negative performance consequences. The
study of six professional service firms to iden- authors suggest that more positive effects, such
tify behaviors leading to “moments of collec- as creativity, can arise from underlying differ-
tive creativity.” They identified four sets of in- ences such as functional background, educa-
terrelated behavior patterns that moved teams tion, or personality—but only when the group
beyond individuals’ insights: (a) help seeking, process is managed carefully.
(b) help giving, (c) reflective reframing, and Polzer and colleagues (2002) studied one
(d ) reinforcing. approach to managing group process that can
Taggar (2002) studied some facilitative team yield creative benefits under team diversity: in-
processes, examining the performance of 94 terpersonal congruence, the degree to which
groups on 13 different open-ended tasks. group members see others in the group as those
At the individual-team-member level, domain others see themselves. This longitudinal study
knowledge and performance-relevant behav- of 83 work groups revealed that diversity (on
ioral measures of the three components of sex, ethnicity, and other dimensions) tended to
Amabile’s (1983, 1996) model of individ- improve creative task performance in groups
ual creativity related in predicted ways to with high interpersonal congruence but un-
individual differences. Support was found dermined the performance of groups with low
for new cross-level processes, labeled “team interpersonal congruence. Surprisingly, some
diverse groups were able to achieve enough antecedent to employee creativity is intrinsic
interpersonal congruence during their first interest in one’s work” (p. 204). Interestingly,
10 minutes of interaction to enable better group willingness to take risks mediated the effect of
outcomes four months later. intrinsic motivation on employee creativity.
When investigations of the effects of ex-
trinsic constraints began about 30 years ago,
The Social Psychology of Creativity it was thought that the determinants of task-
Previous research has firmly established that the motivational orientation were straightforward.
social environment can significantly influence Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation were be-
an individual’s motivation for doing an activity, lieved to interact in a sort of hydraulic fash-
which in turn can significantly influence cre- ion. High levels of extrinsic motivation were
ative performance. This is the intrinsic motiva- thought to preclude high levels of intrinsic mo-
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tion principle of creativity: Intrinsic motivation, tivation; as extrinsic motivators and constraints
defined as the drive to do something for the were imposed, intrinsic motivation (and cre-
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sheer enjoyment, interest, and personal chal- ativity) would necessarily decrease. Now, many
lenge of the task itself (rather than for some ex- years and hundreds of investigations later, most
ternal goal), is conducive to creativity, whereas researchers taking a social-psychological ap-
extrinsic motivation is generally detrimental. proach to the study of creativity have come to
Probing further, experimentalists have deter- appreciate the many complexities of both mo-
mined that a variety of extrinsic constraints and tivational orientation and extrinsic motivators,
extrinsic motivators can undermine intrinsic particularly expected reward. They have come
motivation and creativity, including expected to supplement the original hydraulic concep-
reward, expected evaluation, surveillance, com- tualization with an additive model that recog-
petition, and restricted choice. Investigators ex- nizes that under certain specific conditions, the
amining the social psychology of creativity have expectation of reward can sometimes increase
found that intrinsic motivation for a particu- levels of extrinsic motivation without having
lar task can be ephemeral and, thus, quite sus- any negative impact on intrinsic motivation or
ceptible to social-environmental influences. In performance. Specifically, rewards undermine
fact, the undermining effect of extrinsic con- intrinsic motivation and creativity when they
straints is so robust that it has been found to lead people to feel controlled by the situation—
occur across the entire lifespan, with preschool- that is, when self-determination is undermined
ers and seasoned professionals experiencing the (see Deci & Ryan 2002, Ryan & Deci 2000).
same negative consequences of expected reward However, rewards can actually enhance intrin-
and other extrinsic motivators and constraints. sic motivation and creativity when they con-
(For a review of this research, see Amabile 1996; firm competence, provide useful information in
see also Hennessey 2003.) a supportive way, or enable people to do some-
Two recent nonexperimental studies in or- thing that they were already intrinsically mo-
ganizations also support the intrinsic motiva- tivated to do. These boosting effects are most
tion principle of creativity. Shin & Zhou (2003) likely when initial levels of intrinsic motivation
found that the intrinsic motivation of Korean are already strong (Amabile 1993).
high-tech employees partially explained their Some researchers trained in the behavior-
creativity. Another study, using survey data ist tradition have offered the strongly con-
from 165 employees and their supervisors who trasting view that creativity can be easily in-
worked in research and development in a large creased by reward and is seldom undermined.
U.S. organization, assessed employee intrin- These scholars, most notably Eisenberger,
sic motivation and willingness to take risks, Cameron, and colleagues (Cameron & Pierce
along with supervisor-rated creativity (Dewett 1994; Eisenberger & Cameron 1996, 1998;
2007). Results showed that “one fundamental Eisenberger & Selbst 1994), maintain that any
detrimental effects of reward occur only under longer do the variables of interest include only
limited conditions that can be easily avoided. A expected reward or other extrinsic motivators
debate over these issues surfaced in the litera- and constraints. Rather, they have expanded
ture in the mid 1990s, prompting researchers to include a wide range of social influences
and theorists on both sides of the argument to and processes. In addition, theoretical per-
publish a series of heated commentaries, cri- spectives have broadened far beyond those of
tiques, and replies (see Eisenberger & Cameron social and personality psychology. For example,
1996, 1998; Hennessey & Amabile 1998; Mouchiroud & Lubart (2002) studied the devel-
Lepper 1998; Sansone & Harackiewicz 1998). opment of social creativity (original solutions
At the core of this debate were important dif- to interpersonal problems) in children, and
ferences in the definitions of creativity driving Perry-Smith (2006) studied the effects of social
investigations, the algorithmic or heuristic na- networks on creativity in an organizational
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revealed both positive and negative predictors perceived time pressure mediated these effects.
of perceived leader support, in terms of specific Individuals perceived lower time pressure
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2010.61:569-598. Downloaded from
leader behaviors. Positive predictors included in conditions that matched their preference,
showing support for the person’s actions or which then contributed to higher levels of
decisions, providing constructive feedback on creativity.
the work, and recognizing good performance. Baer & Oldham (2006) showed that the
Negative predictors included checking on as- level of time pressure matters, in a some-
signed work too frequently, failing to dissemi- what complicated person-by-situation interac-
nate needed information, and avoiding solving tion. They discovered an inverted-U relation
problems. between time pressure and creativity for em-
The valuing of creative work is some- ployees who scored high on the personality trait
thing that leaders of an organization do (or of openness to experience while simultaneously
do not) communicate. Farmer and colleagues receiving support for creativity. This inverted-
(2003) found that individuals’ creativity at work U relation was essentially replicated by Ohly
was highest when they both perceived them- and coauthors (2006), who controlled for su-
selves as creative employees and perceived their pervisory support for creativity but did not as-
organizations as valuing creative work. Cre- sess personality. Amabile and coauthors (2002)
ativity at work can even be supported by the carried out a longitudinal field study suggest-
behavior of important others outside of work. ing that daily workplace creativity may depend
Madjar and colleagues (2002) found that the on both the level and the type of time pres-
creative performance of employees was signif- sure. In general, the effects of time pressure on
icantly related to support for creativity from creativity were negative. However, the type of
both work (supervisors/coworkers) and non- time pressure was important. Most high-time-
work (family/friends) sources. Positive mood pressure days were marked by fragmentation
mediated these relations. in the work and lack of focus on single impor-
tant problems. But if individuals were protected
Specific Aspects of the Work Environment. from distractions and fragmentation under high
Of all specific aspects of the work environ- time pressure, and if they believed in the im-
ment, time pressure has perhaps received the portance of the problem they were trying to
most research attention recently from organi- solve, creativity was enhanced. In fact, on such
zational psychologists studying creativity. Stud- (relatively rare) high-time-pressure days, cre-
ies searching for simple linear relations have ativity could be as high as on low/moderate-
generally found no relation or weak nega- time-pressure days.
tive relations (Amabile et al. 1996, 2002), in- Psychological safety, an environmental con-
dicating that, overall, time pressure may be dition in which people believe that others in
detrimental to creativity at work. However, it their group will respond positively when they
speak up about concerns, report mistakes, or quite different effects on creativity depending
propose new ideas, is another work environ- on how they are delivered. In a chapter review-
ment aspect that can be important in organiza- ing a great deal of empirical research, Zhou
tional creativity. Edmondson & Mogelof (2006) (2008) presented a summary of how feedback
proposed that psychological safety is crucial can affect creativity. She suggested that super-
for creativity in organizations because creativ- visors can affect employee creativity positively
ity involves so much risk-taking, experimenta- by (a) giving positive feedback whenever pos-
tion, and frequent failure. In a study using data sible; (b) delivering both positive and negative
collected at three points in time from teams feedback in an informational style (with the su-
working on complex projects, these researchers pervisor suggesting that the goal of the feedback
found that individual-level and team-level vari- is not to control the employee, but instead to
ables at a particular time predicted psycholog- help the employee develop creative capabilities
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ical safety at a later time, but that team-level and performance); (c) adopting a developmen-
variables accounted for considerably more vari- tal orientation when giving feedback—giving
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2010.61:569-598. Downloaded from
ance. Positive interactions within the team and employees valuable information that will en-
with the team leader were important, as was able them to learn, develop, and make improve-
clarity of goals for the project (particularly to- ments on the job, implying that they can con-
ward the end of the project). Another study, in- stantly get better; and (d ) focusing feedback on
volving 43 new product teams composed of di- the task, not the person.
verse functions (e.g., research and development, Organizational creativity scholars have also
marketing, and manufacturing), found that the studied the environmental condition of goal
effect of task disagreement on team innovative- setting. General studies of the work environ-
ness depended on how free members felt to ment (e.g., Amabile et al. 1996) suggest that
express task-related doubts and how collabo- clear overall goals for work projects support
ratively or contentiously these doubts were ex- creativity. However, Shalley has carried out a
pressed (Lovelace et al. 2001). Gibson & Gibbs systematic research program to examine the ef-
(2006) found that a psychologically safe com- fects of setting specific creativity goals—a topic
munication climate can help mitigate several that others have recently investigated as well. In
challenges faced by virtual teams attempting to a review chapter on supervisory goal-setting re-
produce innovative outcomes. search, Shalley (2008) suggested, “if managers
Autonomy in the work, leading employees would like their employees to be more creative,
to feel a degree of empowerment, has long they need to find ways to encourage employees
been postulated as an important feature of to undertake creative activities. A major way to
the work environment for fostering creativity. do this is by creating role expectations either
The theoretical argument is that to the extent by setting goals or making creative activity a
that employees feel a degree of ownership job requirement. Further, organizations need
in and control over their work, they will be to make sure that the work context supports
more intrinsically motivated and thus more these goals or job requirements. . .” (p. 160).
likely to fully engage their cognitive processes Although goal setting might be viewed as
in solving problems in the work. Alge and a kind of constraint on creativity, other re-
colleagues (2006), in two studies, found a searchers have taken up the question of con-
connection between empowerment and cre- straints much more directly, by studying the
ativity: Organizations that respect the privacy effects of external demands on workplace cre-
of employees’ personal information enhance ativity. In a review chapter, West and coauthors
employee perceptions of empowerment, which (2005) defined external demands on a work
in turn enhances employee creativity. group as crises or severe constraints that come
Feedback, monitoring of work, and evalua- from the external environment within the or-
tion of work are closely related and can have ganization or the wider society and impinge on
the individual or team attempting to do cre- research efforts on the part of educators. A re-
ative or innovative work. These authors, like cent paper by Sawyer (2006) painted a similarly
most in the field, see creativity as the gener- bleak picture. Sawyer contended that American
Innovation: the
ation of new and useful ideas, with innova- educational researchers have paid very little successful
tion being the implementation of creative ideas. scholarly attention to the fact that the major- implementation of
They suggest that because creativity requires ity of the world’s most developed countries, in- creative ideas
a nonconstrained, undemanding environment, cluding the United States, have now made a
external demands have a negative impact on shift from an industrial economy to an economy
group creativity. However, because external de- that is knowledge based. According to Sawyer
mands can positively influence group processes (2006), many features of today’s schools have
such as cohesion, task focus, and clarity of team become obsolete—to the point that the U.S.
objectives, demands can have a positive im- educational system needs to be entirely restruc-
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pact on group innovation. Thus, it is impor- tured around disciplined improvisational group
tant for managers to understand the stage of processes and creative collaboration. Essential
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2010.61:569-598. Downloaded from
structure problem. Study participants receiving (Tan & Law 2002). Tan & Rasidir (2006) in-
algorithmic instruction showed greater confi- vestigated children’s views of the behaviors they
dence and speed, but they were significantly believe make for a creative teacher. Also focused
less likely than students receiving heuristic in- on students in Singapore was an empirical in-
struction to engage in exploratory behavior or vestigation carried out by Majid and colleagues
to produce final products that deviated from the (2003). This study contrasted the efficacy of the
sample structure. Internet and SCAMPER (Eberle 1997), a well-
Researchers in Great Britain have recently known technique based on the presentation of
contributed a small number of important em- directed questions, in promoting the creativ-
pirical investigations of creativity in the class- ity of primary school children. Results revealed
room. Focusing on the creativity of young that students who used Internet resources tar-
students, Cremin and collaborators (2006) re- geting children’s writing skills demonstrated
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their teachers’ pedagogical practices that fos- ing SCAMPER did not show any obvious
ter this important component of creative be- improvements.
havior. In another longitudinal study, Claxton Two studies considered Japanese educa-
et al. (2005) followed the developmental trends tional approaches and their possible impact on
in creativity from the period of the so-called creativity. DeCoker (2000) looked at U.S. edu-
fourth-grade slump through the ninth-grade cation through the eyes of Japanese teachers.
year. And in a related paper, Claxton and col- Twenty-four Japanese teachers visited a U.S.
leagues (2006) made the argument that British school for one month. Their unanimous con-
schools must move from “allowing” creativ- clusion was that schools in America were far
ity to developing creativity in the classroom. In stricter, discipline was far more punitive, and
support of this position, these researchers of- classrooms were far more rule bound, than
fered practical examples from action research in Japan. When it came to creativity in these
projects designed to develop “habits of mind” schools, these visitors worried most about the
conducive to creativity. strict grading policies in force at the high school
The fact that, in recent years, relatively few level. In sum, DeCoker (2000) concluded that
investigators and theorists in the industrialized although the majority of Americans assume that
nations of the West have chosen to explore cre- Japanese schools are strict (and that American
ativity in the classroom stands in striking con- schools are undisciplined), in the eyes of these
trast to the research situation in other parts visitors, the American system runs the risk
of the world. In fact, a review of the litera- of being far too rigid, making student (and
ture reveals a virtual explosion of interest in teacher) creativity an impossibility.
this area—especially in Asia. Consider the ex- The research, theory, and applied work
ample of Singapore. For more than 20 years, coming out of Mainland China and Hong Kong
the nation of Singapore has made the fostering have been especially prolific and illuminating.
of creativity in the schools a top priority (see Hongli (2004) asked the provocative question
Tan & Law 2000). In the past decade, Tan and of why no Nobel Prize winner has ever been
colleagues have conducted many empirical in- the product of the Chinese educational system
vestigations of creativity in the classrooms of and extracted from the literature a number of
Singapore. In a 2000 paper, Tan explored stu- suggested strategies for nurturing the creativity
dents’ and teachers’ perceptions of activities of Chinese primary and middle school students.
useful for fostering creativity and found that as Huang and collaborators (2005) explored the
students grow older, their views begin to more implicit theories of creativity held by Chinese
closely reflect those of their teachers; these data teachers and found that those attitudes played
were then supplemented with a second paper an important role in how teachers worked to
develop and train creative behavior in their stu- questions. In particular is the issue of why more
dents. Similarly, Chan & Chan (1999) examined U.S. researchers and theorists do not appear
the implicit theories held by Hong Kong teach- to share their non-U.S. colleagues’ current in-
ers about the characteristics of creative and terest in and concerns about the promotion
uncreative students. Like the results reported of student creativity. One possibility is that
in similar U.S. studies, this investigation indi- with America’s newfound emphasis on “high-
cated that Chinese teachers regard some char- stakes testing” and other manifestations of the
acteristics of creative students as socially unde- accountability movement has come a general
sirable. A number of other researchers in the de-emphasis on creative behavior in favor of
Chinese literature have examined preferred the more easily quantified and assessed mas-
thinking styles in teaching and their links to tery of reading, writing, and arithmetic. With-
creativity in the schools (e.g., Zhang 2006). out a doubt, this change in focus has made it
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With their focus on 27 primary classrooms far more difficult for U.S. researchers to se-
and their teachers in Hong Kong, Forrester & cure funding for the study of creativity in the
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2010.61:569-598. Downloaded from
Hui (2007) utilized a variety of creativity mea- schools. An investigation of creative behavior
sures developed in the West. These included a in schools in China (Niu & Sternberg 2003)
classroom observation form, a measure of class- indicated that high-stakes educational testing
room climate, an index of behaviors used by coupled with societal values and school peda-
teachers to foster creative behavior, and a cre- gogic approaches has for some time impaired
ative personality scale. Also employed was a cre- the creativity of students of that nation. But
ativity test for students that had been developed now, many Asian educators, policy-makers, and
in China. Findings lent support to existing sys- researchers are calling for a shift of emphasis
tem and componential theories involving both away from testing and toward the promotion of
flow and the impact of environmental factors more open-ended, creativity-boosting teaching
on student motivation and creative behavior. techniques.
Finally, Dineen & Niu (2008) explored the One concern beginning to surface in the
effectiveness of Western creative teaching literature involves the fact that many non-
methods in China. This quasi-field experiment Western investigators employ Western-based
delivered the standard Chinese undergraduate measures and paradigms when investigating the
graphic design curriculum to one class of creativity of persons living, working, and learn-
Chinese students within the framework of a ing in cultures fundamentally different from
creative pedagogic model developed in the those of the West. As Kim (2005) cautioned,
United Kingdom. Another class received the educational systems are formed based on cul-
standard Chinese graphic design education. tural expectations and ideologies. Of course, the
Visual products produced by the students from same can be said of workplace environments
the two classes both before and during the in- and any other milieus where creative behav-
tervention were evaluated for overall creativity, ior might occur. It is questionable to expect
originality, design quality, and experimental that research approaches and tools developed in
range. Levels of effort, enjoyment, motivation, one cultural context will serve investigators in
and confidence in experimentation were also another culture.
assessed. Both quantitative and qualitative data
showed that creative methods developed in
the United Kingdom were highly effective in Social Environment: Culture
encouraging creativity and related constructs, Does it make sense to presume that the models,
including intrinsic motivation, among Chinese paradigms, theories, and measures constructed
university students. by scholars in the Western world can adequately
This proliferation of school-based research explain or tap the creativity of persons living in
in Asia and beyond raises a variety of significant cultures very different from those of the United
States, Canada, and Western Europe? For ex- also investigated implicit theories of creativity
ample, can the intrinsic motivation principle of across cultures, examining teachers’ and par-
creativity (Amabile 1996) be assumed to apply ents’ ideas about children’s creativity in the
to persons in Asia? Can the Consensual As- United States and India. Across cultures, sig-
sessment Technique (Amabile 1982, Hennessey nificant differences emerged for intellectual and
& Amabile 1999) be expected to yield reli- attitudinal clusters of trait adjectives. Such stud-
able and valid assessments of product creativ- ies support the contention that implicit the-
ity across cultures? Baer (2003) argued con- ories are influenced by cultural traditions and
vincingly that cross-cultural creativity research expectations.
can teach us a great deal both about creativity Probably no cross-cultural contrast has re-
and about different cultures. Yet the potential ceived more research attention than the collec-
pitfalls and challenges are many. Concrete ex- tivist/individualistic distinction. In one inves-
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amples of some of these difficulties come from tigation involving this dichotomy, Ng (2003)
Chiu (2007) and Leung (2007), who presented tested a theoretical model positing cultural
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behavior. More specifically, this investigation theorists to adopt a Darwinian perspective came
showed that extensiveness of multicultural ex- swiftly. Feist (1999) argued that the applica-
perience was positively related to both creative tion of evolutionary theory to creativity must
performance and thought processes considered be taken as metaphorical rather than literal.
conducive to creative behavior. Gardner (1999) countered with the caution that
true blind variation would imply that the cre-
ator, consciously or unconsciously, tries out ev-
CONCLUSION: TAKING A ery conceivable approach or idea in the process
SYSTEMS PERSPECTIVE of finding an optimal solution or point of com-
Clearly, the great variety of research questions pletion for a piece of work. Gabora (2007) and
and investigative approaches outlined in this re- Dasgupta (2004) published particularly nega-
view can significantly broaden our understand- tive reviews of Simonton’s approach and offered
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one investigative focus, can adequately account to strike a balance between these two frame-
for the emergence of creative behavior. Like works, Weisberg & Hass (2007) suggested that
many students of psychology before them, con- “blindness” in the context of the creative pro-
temporary creativity researchers and theorists cess could be defined as the individual’s inability
are faced with the daunting task of disentan- to predict the outcome of his or her efforts and
gling the interplay between nature and nurture. ended with the conclusion that although blind-
Neurological events in the brain, behavioral ness may be a component of creativity, we need
manifestations of mental illness, or individ- not assume that creative behavior must include
ual differences in personality must be studied free-association processes.
not in isolation but in conjunction with the Another recent attempt at constructing a
particular environment in which an individ- comprehensive model of creativity was also
ual’s physical, intellectual, and social develop- based on the application of well-established
ment has taken place. More than two decades theory to the specific case of creative behav-
ago, Amabile (1983, 1996) offered a three- ior. Over the past decade, a small group of re-
pronged Componential Model of Creativity in- searchers has repeatedly made the argument
corporating domain skills, creativity skills, and that the frameworks originated by Jean Piaget
task motivation influenced by the social envi- and Lev Vygotsky to explain cognitive devel-
ronment; Sternberg’s (1988) Triarchic Model opment in children could also be fruitfully ap-
of Intelligence also got us thinking in threes. plied to the creative process. Ayman-Nolley
The most recent decade brought few new at- (1999) challenged the assumption that Piaget
tempts to conceptualize creativity on a broad failed to address the phenomenon of creativ-
scale. ity in his exploration of the development of the
An evolutionary approach based on the mind and argued that the mechanisms of as-
work of Charles Darwin, first conceptualized similation and accommodation can readily be
by Campbell (1960) and later modified and applied to creative behavior. Vonèche (2003)
elaborated by Simonton (1999, 2007), has con- applied Piaget’s notions of invariance and trans-
tinued to garner a great deal of attention. formations to the creative process, and J. Kim
Drawing on Campbell’s blind-variation-and- (2006) reminded researchers and theorists that
selective-retention theory of creativity, Simon- Piaget had suggested reflective abstraction as
ton made the case that the Darwinian model the mechanism for creativity. In this same pa-
might actually subsume all other theories of per, Kim also explored the work of Vygotsky on
creativity as special cases of a larger evolu- the interrelation between imagination and cre-
tionary framework. Perhaps not surprisingly, ativity; Lindqvist (2003) argued that Vygotsky’s
comments on Simonton’s call for creativity notion of the “zone of proximal development”
might help explain how creative ideas or prob- more recent theories are similarly multilevel
lem solutions take shape. (Drazin et al. 1999, Ford 1996, Mumford
J.P. Guilford’s research on creativity, par- 2000, Unsworth 2001). However, even in this
ticularly his work on creative problem solv- realm, theories lack a truly systemic, dynamic
ing, also resurfaced to garner some recent at- quality.
tention. Guilford is perhaps best remembered Having seen the scholarly rigor underly-
for his contention that divergent thinking plays ing much of the contemporary literature on
a central role in creative thought. Reviewing the psychology of creativity, we are heartened
Guilford’s (1967) structure of intellect model, by the advances in knowledge made in re-
Mumford (2001) argued for a return to efforts cent years. However, although many theorists
to take a broad, comprehensive approach to the and researchers have broadened our perspec-
study of creativity. Richards (2001) echoed this tive on creativity, their efforts do not extend
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call and made a strong case for the infusion of far enough. Our review moves us to sound a
chaos theory into interpretations of Guilford’s cautionary note. The staggering array of disci-
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2010.61:569-598. Downloaded from
work. More specifically, Richards argued that plinary approaches to understanding creativity
chaos theory can provide models and metaphors can prove to be an advantage, but only if re-
for rapid, holistic nonlinear creative processes. searchers and theorists work together and un-
Interestingly, theories of organizational cre- derstand the discoveries that are being made
ativity have tended to include more levels of across creative domains and analytical levels.
analysis than creativity theories within psychol- Otherwise, the mysteries may deepen. Only
ogy. This may be because organizational schol- by using multiple lenses simultaneously, look-
ars converge from the disciplines of economics, ing across levels, and thinking about creativ-
sociology, organizational behavior, and others, ity systematically, will we be able to unlock
as well as psychology. The two most frequently and use its secrets. What we need now are all-
cited organizational creativity theories include encompassing systems theories of creativity de-
factors in the individual and the organization signed to tie together and make sense of the di-
(Amabile 1988, 1996) or the individual, group, versity of perspectives found in the literature—
and organization (Woodman et al. 1993), as from the innermost neurological level to the
well as interactions between these levels. Other, outermost cultural level.
1. The creativity literature has seen substantial growth in volume and scope as well as
methodological and theoretical sophistication.
2. With the growth in outlets for publication has come increasing fragmentation in creativity
3. Researchers and theorists in one subfield often seem unaware of work being done in
4. The advancement of technology, especially fMRI, coupled with increases in access to
equipment for researchers have contributed to a virtual explosion of information on the
“creative brain.”
5. Although creativity in persons has some trait-like (stable) aspects, it is also a state subject
to influence by the social environment.
6. People are most creative when they are motivated primarily by the interest, enjoyment,
satisfaction, and challenge of the work itself—i.e., by intrinsic motivation.
7. Scholars of organizations, many of whom are trained research psychologists, have in-
creasingly turned their attention to creativity in the workplace.
8. We cannot presume that the models, paradigms, theories, and measures constructed by
scholars in the Western world can adequately explain or tap the creativity of persons
living in cultures very different from those of the United States, Canada, and Western
9. Deeper understanding of creative behavior will require more interdisciplinary research
based on a systems view of creativity that recognizes a variety of interrelated forces
operating at multiple levels.
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AR398-FM ARI 7 November 2009 7:47
Contents vii
AR398-FM ARI 7 November 2009 7:47
Self-Regulation at Work
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2010.61:569-598. Downloaded from
Robert G. Lord, James M. Diefendorff, Aaron C. Schmidt, and Rosalie J. Hall p p p p p p p p 543
Cognition in Organizations
Beth A. Hennessey and Teresa M. Amabile p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 569
Work Attitudes ( Job Satisfaction, Commitment, Identification)
The Intersection of Work and Family Life: The Role of Affect
Lillian T. Eby, Charleen P. Maher, and Marcus M. Butts p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 599
Human Factors (Machine Information, Person Machine Information,
Workplace Conditions)
Cumulative Knowledge and Progress in Human Factors
Robert W. Proctor and Kim-Phuong L. Vu p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 623
Learning and Performance in Educational Settings
The Psychology of Academic Achievement
Philip H. Winne and John C. Nesbit p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 653
Personality and Coping Styles
Personality and Coping
Charles S. Carver and Jennifer Connor-Smith p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 679
viii Contents