Solving The Vitruvian Man
Solving The Vitruvian Man
Solving The Vitruvian Man
Solving the Vittruvian M
Patrick M. Dey & Damiian ‘Pi’ Lannin
The Problem
m and the Geeometry
… In the human body the central point is n naturally the nnavel. For if a m
man be placed d flat on his
baack, with his hands and fee
et extended, and
a a pair of compasses ceentered at hiss navel, the
ngers and toess of his two hands and feet will touch thee circumferencce of the circlee described
herefrom. And just as the hu uman body yie elds a circular outline, so too
o a square figure may be
ound from it. FFor if we meassure the distan nce from the sooles of the feeet to the top o
of the head,
annd then apply that measure tto the outstrettched arms, thhe breadth willl be found to b be the same
ass the height, ass in the case off planes and su
urfaces which aare perfectly sqquare.”
De Architectura, Book III, 1 : 3
The first indication thaat there is a ggeometrical p problem is th e fact that th he upper verttices of the square
do not meet the boun ndary of the ccircle, but ratther overlap it. This is no mild error, aas the overlap p is in
error by rroughly 1.5% of the circle’s radius. Con nsidering this error one of f two things m must be accep pted :
either thee human bodyy is not perfe ect and nature is not a perrfect geomettrician, or theere is a naturaal and
geometriccally perfect means of coonstructing th he Vitruvian Canon. Sincee the formerr is antitheticcal to
humanist ideals of the
e body beingg perfect, as well as the bbelief that naature is the most perfectt (and
beautiful)) geometrician, we have to o argue for the latter. But oonce again : h how?
Logically tthis process sshould incorp
porate and be e developed ffrom the gold den mean, sin nce this propeerty is
inherent in human prroportions. The first prop
posal given bby Hanning (FFigure A) waas to begin w
with a
square annd then produ uce golden re
ectangle a. Neext, from thee initial squaree draw root‐ttwo rectanglee b on
the oppoosing side of the square from the go
olden rectanggle. The resuulting rectangle is almost two
adjacent squares (Figu e (ϴ) of the ““regulating” lines of the o
ure B), thereffore the angle overall rectan ngle is
han 90° (Figurre C) :
greater th
Figuree A Figure B Figure C
Le Corbussier. The Modu
ulor. Trans. Petter de Francia aand Anna Bosttock. Basel, Sw
witzerland : Birkkhäuser Publishers.
2004. P. 37
Figurre D Figure E Figure F
errors of the aabove solutions can be seeen here :
The differrence in the e
Although this system is in error, Le Corbusierr used this ggeometric structure to deevise his infaamous
Modulor System, whicch is a system of measurrements builtt on the prin nciple of anthropometricss that
proportionately grow ((or diminish) from the inittial geometricc construct. TThis was his m means to hum manize
architectuure. We must admit that the geometrries are apprroximated, an nd at certain times comp pletely
false and probably forcced (for instaance a tangen ntial line prodduced from th he regulating lines, which is not
tangential to its circle
e ). But given
n that these geometries
g wwere constructed with T‐squares, triangles,
compasse es, and pencils, it seems lo ogical that a geometrical error would be considereed an error o on the
draftsman n’s behalf. More surprisinggly, though, is the fact thaat Le Corbusier did know tthat this geom metry
was flaweed! In 1948 a Monsieurr R. Taton infforms Le Corrbusier : “yo our two initiaal squares arre not
squares; oone of their ssides is largerr by six thousandths of thee other [grosss miscalculatiion].” Le Corb busier
being ecoonomical con nsiders : “In everyday praactice, six th ousandths of a value aree what is called a
e quantity… it is not seen w with the eye.”” But Le Corbbusier also beeing a mystic further adds : “… I
suspect th
hat these sixx thousandthss of a value have an infinnitely preciou
us importancee: the thing is not
open and shut, it is not sealed; therre is a chink tto let in the aair; life is therre, awakened by the recurrrence
ul equality wh
of a fatefu hich is not exaactly, not strictly equal… … … And that is what createss movement.”” 3
We, on th
he other han nd, argue thaat there is no
o error in thee initial probllem and thatt Le Corbusieer just
happens to
t be dead wrong
w (which is certainly not the first time he wass dead wrongg, but 20th Ceentury
paradigms on urbanism m do not nee ed to be acco ounted here)). As mathem maticians and geometrician ns we
claim thatt if there is an
n error, no maatter how trivvial and smalll, it is an erro or, and therefo ore incorrect.
Ibid., p. 6
64, Fig. 21.
Ibid., p. 2
Furthermore, we argue e that the sollution has to be elegant. A Another look at Le Corbusier’s geometrry will
show thatt it is not eleggant. For his ggeometry to b be in accorda nce with the human bodyy the portion o of the
rectangle created by tthe regulatingg lines (estab blished at poi nt c) shown in Figure D h has to be remmoved
from its innitial side of the square too be placed n next to the ggolden rectangle (Figure G G). This createes the
distance b between the top of the head to the tip of the fing ers when thee arm is raiseed above the head
(Figure H)). The final prroblem with Le Corbusier’’s solution is that it only aaccounts for tthe proportio ons of
vertical human measu urements, thaat is, it only attempts to solve the height. The Mo
odulor never takes
into accou unt horizontaal measureme ents, such the e proportionss of the arm span to the w whole. This wwe will
account fo or shortly.
Figure G Figure H (Drawingg by Le Corbusier,
from TThe Modulor)
Figure 1 Figurre 2 FFigure 3
Although this does so blem of the two squares created from
olve the prob m a golden m
mean and is rrather
elegant, itt simply is no
ot elegant enoough. It is nott elegant enoough simply b because sacreed geometriess, and
therefore natural geometries, do not typically segment a ssquare with a golden meean without being
created initially from
m another go olden geome etry. Additionnally, it doees not accou
unt for horizzontal
anthropometrics. So th he constructio on of this geoometry must be reconsidered.
Square Golden Recttangle Two Golden R Rectangles Squarre
2 2
Area = φ ‐ 2φϕ + ϕ
‐ Area = φ2 ‐ φ
φϕ Line be = bh == φ Area == φ2
Perimeter = 4φ ‐ 4φ Perimeter = 4φ ‐ 2ϕ Perim
meter = 4φ
In this paper we will use
e terms in draffting with T‐squares, compassses, and trianggles. The term “squared” or
“squaring”” refers to makking a square frrom a given line segment, an d not be confuused with x2
Thus, the same processs of creating Figures 1 – 3 can be reiterrated as follo ows. With squ uare beih construct
a golden rrectangle ejkii by squaring line segmentt cg, that is, tthe golden mean of squaree beih, so thaat line
cg is equaal to line cj. TThis is the same result as if the midpooint of line bee was rotated d, so that line zi is
equal to lline zj. As a rresult squaress beih and cjkkg are equal . Subsequenttly take line eei and squaree it so
that lines ie and el aree equal. The result is two perfect and adjacent squares, in that squares beih h, cjki,
and elmi are all equaal, thus locate ment of the third squaree. The newly created square is
es the placem
equally se
egmented into a golden mean as the initial square. TThe overall geeometry thuss far has an area of
Golden Recctangle Proof off Third Square Two SSquares
Area = 2φ2 2 ‐ φϕ Squares beih = cjki = φ 2
φ Area == 2φ2
Perimeter = 6φ ‐ 2ϕ meter = 6φ
To reiteraate the steps aand the math
hematics :
e with an areaa of φ2 ‐ 2φφ ‐ ϕ2 creates aa golden meaan.
1) The initial square
olden rectanggle equals φ2 – φϕ.
2)The aarea of the go
ngle creates aa new square with an areaa of φ2.
3) Squaaring off the ggolden rectan
4) From
m this new sq
quare create aanother golde with an area of 2φ2 – φϕ.
en rectangle w
5) From
m the square created in step 2 square o one of its lenggths to produuce two equal squares each
2 2
h an area of φ
φ , so that the
e overall geom
metry has an area of 2φ .
6) The rhythmic patttern of the perimeter of this geometryy is : φ ‐ ϕ, ϕ, φ ‐ ϕ, ϕ, φ ‐ ϕ, ϕ, φ ‐ ϕ, ϕ
ϕ… …
7) Thuss the two adjacent squares are equally segmented i nto golden m
To emphaasize that thiss is correct the following drawings will iillustrate the squares and their placements :
Placementt of Third Squarre Creation off Second Squarre Two Perfect A
Adjacent Squarres
So, if the process conttinues as befo
ore, the largeest golden recctangle bjkh is squared esstablishing pooint o.
This is done so that lin
nes bj and bo are equal, th hus creating t he square bjn no, being thee square within the
Vitruvian Man rests. Then the whole
w array of
o constructioon lines and d geometriess are orthogo
completed to create blpo, a grid of squares and golden rectaangles. This iss the primary grid of the human
proportions and measu urements, annd henceforth h will be referrred to at the “geometric cconstruct”.
Squaring the He
S eight Completinng the Grid
Line bj = bo
Vitruvian Canoon of Proportion
ns Vitruvian Man
A Area = 4φ ‐ 2φ
P Perimeter = 4φ ‐ ϕ
Creating all Anthropom
Logically ffrom this basic geometricaal construct tthe rest of thee measuremeents of the human body should
be able too be construccted from the e overall geom metry. In esseence, we havve to accountt for creating,, or, a
more pro oper way off saying it, correcting Le
L Corbusierr’s Modulor System and d achieve alll the
anthropometrics of the human bod dy. Furthermo ore, we shou ld be able to o account for all body partts (i.e.
the handss and digits) aand bodily loccations (i.e. lo
ocation of thee elbow) by b building off off the same prrocess
ed above. Sin
nce these pro
oportions can n be built outtward, i.e. grrow upon theemselves, likkewise
they shouuld be able to be constructted inward, or fractalize.
Constructt golden rectaangles on all ffour sides of the groin squuare. Then take the edges produced byy each
golden re
ectangle and continue the
em to the eddges of the ggreat square, therefore crreating a grid
d. The
measurem ments producced account ffor the vertical height of tthe knees and d the center of the breastts (i.e.
the nipple
es in males, b
but center of the breasts in n adult femalles), as well aas the horizon ntal position o of the
The next ssmallest squaare – that is, o
one of the smmaller squaress produced byy squaring the golden meaans of
the groin square – is th
hen used to p produce four golden meanns on each sid de of the squaare. This is do
one in
just the same
s manner as in the previous
p stepp illustrated above. The measuremen nts produced here
account for the verticaal height of thhe groin (i.e. the height off the pubic triangle and th
he fulcrum po oint of
the femur) and the po osition of the collar bone, as well as thhe horizontal position in w which the eyees are
offset from the nose (i.e. the outer edge of the e eye).
The samee construction repeated for f the next smallest squ are accountss for the verttical height o
of the
e of the armss and the heigght of the eye es, as well as the horizonttal position of the center o of the
palm. Doiing this once more will acccount for th
he horizontal location of tthe moment where the fiingers
meet the palm.
This is, of course, an itterative consttruction with no end. Logiccally, becausee of the continuous squarring of
the goldeen means the e asymptote approaches the opposingg vertex of tthe square. A
And, since it is an
iterative process, anyy square on any side of any square can be choosen to create another b bodily
measurem ment or posittion. Speculaative, though most probabbly, this asym mptotic grid o of anthropom metrics
accounts for every hum man measure ement from tthe length of f the small inttestines to th
he thickness o of the
earlobe. TThe asymptottic grid forme ed here echoees a similar ggrid Le Corbussier constructed to devisee both
vertical annd horizontal Modulor me easurements of the humann. 5 Albeit, hiss is ad hoc annd is trying to force
the Modu ular to accoun nt for horizon
ntal bodily m
measurementss, and it is no ot constructed from the o overall
Corbusier witth him Modu
Now, Le C ulor System, aand even Albbrecht Dürer before him, devised num merical
measuremments for the
e human boddy for appliccation in the visual arts, furniture design, architecture,
product d
design, and annything with ergonomic ap pplications. SSo as a final nnote to Le Corbusier’s Mod dulor,
Ibid., p. 8
85 ‐ 87, Figures 33 – 35.
we do not wish to correct his Modulor values. The reasons for not doing so have nothing to do with the
math and tedious calculations. Rather we object to his value system altogether for democratic reasons.
The values derived from the Modulor only correspond to the ideal male, who is six feet in height. It must
be stressed that the ideal male height is different from the average male height. Since Le Corbusier is
French, the average male height is 5 foot 9 ½ inches. He got the idea to use the six foot tall man from
English detective novels, in which the good looking man is always six feet tall. But in England the average
man is 5 foot 9 inches tall.6 In the States the average Caucasian man is 5 foot 9 ½ inches tall.7 Clearly his
anthropometrics are ideal, rather than average. Additionally, his anthropometric values are not in
harmony for someone that is neither average nor ideal in height. Obviously, a house built for an average
man is not in anthropometric accordance with the Modular, and therefore out of harmony. Finally, his
system could be deemed sexist, as it does not account for women, whose proportions and
anthropometrics are slightly different from a man (for instance, the hips and breasts). The very fact that
Vitruvius’s description has always been referred to as the “Vitruvian Man” has been played upon with
Vitruvian Woman in the Feminist movement; most notable is the Vitruvian Woman by Susan Dorothea
White, as well as one by Nat Krate.
One can see the can of worms that would be opened here in trying to accurately and equally account for
the vast amount of variations of human proportions and measurements in all cultures, races, age
ranges, and the sexes. We will leave that for the ergonomists.
But then again, when Le Corbusier devised his Modulor System he rounded off the numbers so that they
may be feasibly implemented for practical purposes. No contractor would ever try to make a concrete
wall exactly 1.61803399… meters long. In this sense, we were being misleading when we said we would
“correct” Le Corbusier’s Modulor. Really, we are just providing the most accurate means for creating the
Modulor. There really is nothing wrong with the values of Modulor, except that they are only for a six‐
foot tall man. And in reality Le Corbusier did not devise his Modulor values from his anthropo‐geometry,
but rather from some basic numbers, such as the height of the head, the navel, and the arm raised
above the head. He then took these numbers and either squared them, or produced a golden mean
from them. In short, his values would actually be identical to the numbers of our geometry.
Geometry and Metrics of the Great Circle
Another significant problem with the Vitruvian Man is the great circle8. We have been assuming thus far
that it is simply there because Vitruvius said so. Nowhere in did the geometric construct say to us :
“Hereupon thou shalt place thy circle, and it shall be ye radius.” (Point in fact the construct says that wu
National Center for Social Research. Health Survey for England 2008. United Kingdom : National Center for Social
Research. 2009.
National Center for Health Statistics. Anthropometric Reference Data for Children and Adults : United States 2003
– 2006, Number 10, October 22, 2008. Hayattsville, Maryland : National Center for Health Statics. 2008.
The term “great circle” will be used to refer to the circle created from the arms raised above the head and whose
center is the navel. The same will apply for the “great square”, in which the width is created from the horizontal
span of the arms (negating the vertical height) and the vertical position of the feet (negating the horizontal
position). It is these specific geometries and their specific relation to the human body that is important, for, as we
will see in the discussion on dynamic anthropometrics, that the great square and circle will change sizes, but still
maintain a certain relation to the human body.
will be th
he radius). But
B where do oes it come from? How is it createdd from the reest of the human
geometryy? Where doe es the extra w width on eithher flank of thhe square fro om the circlee come from?? How
much is that extra length? These m may seem like e trivial questtions. It may be argued th hat the great circle
has alread dy been acco ounted for. Haasn’t it? We e established thhat the navel is the centeer of the geom metric
construct (that is, so to say, the “center of inertia”), annd therefore we can draaw a circle w whose
circumferrence is tange ential to the bottom of the
t feet and the tips of tthe fingers w
when the arm ms are
upraised. In this sensee the circle has
h been acco ounted for v ertically and not horizonttally. In answ wering
these que estions we wiill demonstrate that the geometries off nature are n not designed in statics, but that
nature de esigns in dyn
namics. The fact
f that natu
ure designs iin dynamics is rather crittical to the aanimal
In order to ddress this problem it is important too consider what other inttellectuals beesides
t further ad
Vitruvius, Da Vinci, annd Le Corbusier had to sayy on the mattter. Of particcular importaance are Cornelius
Agrippa, Cesare
C Cesariano, and Alb brecht Dürer. In examininng the Vitruvian Canon off Proportions from
these ind
dividuals we will find thaat there is more
m informaation embed dded in Di V
Vinci’s sketch than
originally assumed (we e will reveal DDa Vinci’s secrrets as we proogress).
First let u
us look at the
e former, the e alchemist an nd philosophher Cornelius Agrippa. In h his Three Boo oks of
Occult Phhilosophy Agrippa producced six plate es that diaggrammaticallyy describe th he overall human
geometrie es. It seems easy for us too dismiss his ddrawings of t he human geeometries beccause his Med dieval
drawing sstyle does nott look proporrtionate or ass well drawn at Di Vinci’s ssketch (and itt must be strressed
that Di Vinci’s Vitruvian Man is onlyy a sketch). OOr we might w want to dismiiss these for tthe fact that there
are alchem mal symbols inscribed abo out the humaan figure, andd we know allchemy to be a lot of mystticism
with some science behind it. But as
a we will prrove Agrippa’’s diagrams aare in accord
dance with human
geometrie es. Here are tthe six plates he produced :
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3
elius. De Occulta Philosophia Libri Tres. Boook II, Chapter XXXVII. 1533.
Agrippa, Heinrich Corne
Plate 4 Plate 5 Plate 6
Plates 1 ‐3
‐ illustrate three
t aspectss of the human geometryy we already understand. Plate 1 illusttrates
that the n navel is the ccenter of the body when tthe arms aree raised abovee the shoulder line, and in this
stance the e body is insccribed in a cirrcle (the great circle to be exact). The ccircle above tthe head in P Plate 1
representts the full height of the arrms raised ab bove the headd. Plate 2 illustrates that tthe human bo ody is
inscribed in square (th he great squaare) when the arms are hheld perpendicular to the body, so thaat the
arm span n is equal to the human height; in thhis stance thee groin is th
he center of the body. Pllate 3
illustratess that when the arms are raised to their full height above the heead the bodyy fits into the great
circle, which, in this illustration, the e circle can b
be inscribed innside of a squ uare; in this sstance the naavel is
the cente er of the bodyy. Plate 4 dem monstrates the same geoometric conseequences as P Plate 1, but wwith a
new featu ure : when the arms are raaise above the shoulders aand the feet aare swung ou utwards awayy from
the verticcal centerline of the body,, the human is still inscribbed in the sam me great circle and the naavel is
still the center of the body. Therefore, Plate 4 illustrates thhat when thee legs are sw
wung outward ds the
navel lies on the cente erline of the legs, i.e. the legs appear to hinge upo on the navel. Di Vinci illusttrates
the same e geometry in his sketch of the Vitru uvian Man. TTherefore all these platees logically fit the
geometricc construct off the human b body we have e proposed abbove.
man body could not actuaally be
Plates 5 aand 6 illustratte something that seems rrather forced,, as if the hum
in accordaance with ano other square formed by th
he arms and l egs as diagon nals, which m
means this squ
uare is
smaller thhan the great square; as wwell as the pentagram. Thee latter may sseem more m mystically conttrived
rather thaan an actual hhuman geome etry.
Ceasiano’s woodcut establishes the navel as th he center, theerefore the ccircle presentt here is the great
circle we are concerne ed with. When n the legs swing outwardss they always lay within the great circlee, and,
therefore, the distance e from the naavel to the tip
ps of the fingeers will alwayys be equal to o the distancee from
the navel to the center of the feet. So, even tho ough the naveel will not be the center off the square, it will
e center of th
still be the he body due tto the limbs’ relationship tto the circle ((i.e. their equ ual length / raadius).
Logically, if the legs arre swung outtwards within n the great ci rcle, then thee arms can b be raised to fo orm a
square in accordance w with the legs.. This can be d
demonstrated through a sseries of iteraative diagrams that
illustrate how the greaat square chaanges position n and size whhen the arms and legs aree raised or low wered
in relationn to the greatt circle, and vice versa.
If the pro
ocess starts w human, i.e. a human with its arms raissed perpendiicular to the body,
with a static h
only the ggreat square is generated. But if only the arms aree raised to th
he height of tthe head, theen the
great circle is generate
ed and squaree no longer appplies.
Actually, any momentt in which the arms are raised more tthan exactly perpendiculaar to the bod dy the
great square no long applies. It is when the arrms are at heead height orr higher that the great cirrcle is
generated d. But certainnly there com mes a point when the armss are raised so high that th he circle no longer
applies. This
T occurs ro
oughly when the arms arre raised alm most straight up. Once the arms are rraised
completely upright the en this is the height of the e crest of thee great circle. Here the fin nger tips cann not be
on the great circle’s circumference e because the e crest of a ccircle cannot lie in two diffferent points that
are the shhoulder’s breadth apart. In n other words, the tangenntial crest of ccircle (assuming some arb bitrary
orientatioon) cannot bee determined d by points R denoted by rright and left arms
R and L, whicch could be d
respectiveely, if they do
o not share th he same position on the cirrcumference of the circle.
Let’s see h
how this works. So when tthe arms are perpendiculaar to the bodyy the great sq quare is generrated,
and when n they are raised to the height of th
he head the square no aapplies and tthe great cirrcle is
generated d.
If the arm
ms remain at h head‐height aand the legs aare swung ouutwards to a ccertain point then the squ
uare is
epicting in hiss sketch : the static human
regeneratted. This is prrecisely what Da Vinci is de n superimposed on
the humaan with the arrms raised to head‐height and the legs swung out. IIt is clear in this stance thaat the
new square is smaller tthan the greaat square of the static hum man.
It is also clear that Aggrippa’s humaan geometry shown in Plaate 5 and Ceesariano’s wo
oodcut are co
Additionaally this is corroborated by b Albrecht Dürer’s
D interppretation of tthe Vitruvian Man. Similar to
Dürer’s illustration is W William Blake’’s watercolor Glad Day (17794).
Allbrecht Dürer’ss “Proportion o
of Man” William Bllake’s “Glad Daay”
This imagge of the arm upraised above the shoulder line is really no othing new. Aside from literal
depictions of the Vitruvian Man, the
t same staance is in eveery crucifixio on ever seen.. The most typical
representtation during the Middle A Ages and the Proto‐Renaisssance depictss Christ with the arms raissed to
the heigh
ht of the head. The Talismman of Orphe eus from thee 3rd Century BCE depicts Orpheus cru ucified
with armss at head‐heigght. Saint And drew was crucified on cruxx decussata, o or X‐shaped ccross, but com mmon
t as a “saltire”. Depictions of his crucifixions assuume either th
referred to he arms raiseed to head‐height,
and thereefore the legss are parted iin accordance e with the anngle of the crross, which w would not inteersect
orthogonaally; or the b beams of the cross do inte ersect orthoggonally (at a 990° angle) an nd he assumees the
position in which the square is fully inscribed within
w the grreat circle. Bu
ut whether th he crucifixion
n is of
Saint Peteer, Jesus, Sainnt Andrew, O Orpheus / Baccchus, Mithraa, Krishna, et cetera, they all depict in some
fashion th
he Vitruvian Canon. Imagges and statu ues of Hindu deities with multiple arm ms and legs ddepict
much the same canon,, albeit not all these culturres were famiiliar with Vitruvius.
Crrucifixion Talismann of Orpheus CCrucifixion of Sa
aint Andrew
Raaffaello Sanzio
o (1503 CE) 3rd Centu
ury CE 114th Century CEE
Before moving forwards and analyzing Agrippa’’s human andd the pentaclle we need to o fully addresss the
nature off the extra lengths flankking outside of the bodyy created byy the circle. It has now been
establishe ed that the circle is the ressult of dynam
mic anthropom metrics. But tthe extra lenggth must som mehow
fit into the human geo ometry and caan be accountted for in som me manner byy our proporttioning system m (i.e.
from the asymptotic grid, or a variaation from it). If these dim mensions of thhe circle could d be accounteed for
with whatt we have been working w with so far the en there wouuld be no prob blem, but our proposed syystem
fails to do
o so. Here we e will look at aanother little key to the h uman geomeetry that Da V Vinci gives us in his
sketch : notice
n that Da
D Vinci placces lines at several
s key bbodily momeents, and notice the distances
between them. Althou ugh these linees do not always align withh the anthrop pometric‐asymptotic grid, what
Da Vinci iss illustrating iis the proporttions of squares that propportionally enlarge from th
he head in ord
der to
divide the
e human in th he square intoo fourths and eighths.
Breadtth of Shoulderss = Extra Length
h of Circle Lenggth AB = x
Desstiny by Robertt Fludd (1617)
The H
Human Geom
metries and th
he Pentagram
In lookingg at this geometry some things can readily be esttablished : lines ABC and d ACD are ggolden
means in the same manner
m descriibed above. In this respe ct the squaree of line ABC
C will producce the
golden mean ACD, so tthat squares A ACFE and BDHG will be eqqual. In this in nstance squarre ACFE is bissected
on two axxes into golde en means. Souund familiar?
Fiigure III Figurre IV
Finally the
e original squ
uare is doubleed, that is square line eg, which lies upon vertex l of the pentagram.
Therefore e squares aeggi = bjkh = elm
mg (Figure V)). We have chhosen to dem monstrate this particular m means
of formingg the two squuares from th he golden mean for a reas on : if length al is ϕ ‐ φ, th
hen length auu is ϕ,
as was established abo ove. This is a critical measurement in oorder for the pentagram to o be in accord
with the aanthropometric‐asymptotiic grid.
Fiigure V Figurre VI
In Figure VII if the lenggth of one line
e on pentagraam Y is ϕ – φ,, then the len
ngth of one lin
ne of pentagrram X
is ϕ. Therefore pentagram X is created from pen ntagram Y via the golden m mean. So if peentagram Y iss
moved to the other sid de of pentagram X as penttagram Z is in relation to ppentagram X, so that
pentagram ms Y and Z arre equal.
Fiigure VII
Although this is technnically disasseembling and rearranging tthe geometrry, somethingg we argue n nature
does not do, this is actually
a a form of fractalizing the peentagram. Albbeit it seemss that the sm
pentagram m was create ed and then moved, both are actuallyy logical and legitimate means of creatting a
pentagram m that eitherr is enlarged by the golden n mean or diiminished. In both cases tthree points o of the
originally pentagram are used to construct the new penntagram, and d three pointts is typically the
minimum number of p points necesssary for prooff. In the casee of pentagram Z it can bee seen in Figu ure VI
that lengtth al is equal to length rt, and that the two line seg ments are paarallel in the p parallelogram m altr.
Therefore e it can be esttablished thatt the followin ng Figures VIIII and IX of pentagrams paiirs are true :
Figure VIII Figure IX
If a third pentagram is added thaat is the golden mean oof one of thee other penttagrams, then the
hat fractalizin
following illustrates th ng pentagramms by the gollden mean are in accordaance with thee two
adjacent squares geom metry (Figuree X). Thereforre in Figure XX if pentagram A is ϕ, theen pentagram
m B is
equal to ϕ ϕ – φ, and ppentagram C e equals φ. If tthis process ccontinues and d a fourth peentagram is aadded
(Figure XI), then the initial two‐squaares‐by‐golde en‐mean no loonger apply. But, since thee pentagramss B, C,
and D are e proportionaately similar tto pentagram ms A, B, and CC then a smaller two‐squares can be ap pplied
to pentaggrams B, C, and
a D. This new
n two‐squaares BCD is ddiminished frrom two‐squaares ABC by φ (or
divided byy ϕ). One can n easily see twwo‐squares BC CD’s relationsship to two‐squares ABC aas a fractal.
Fiigure X Figurre XI
If a fifth p
pentagram E is added (Figure XII) then a pattern em
merges, nameely that this p
process echoees the
asymptotic grid created earlier (Figure XIII).
Fiigure XII Figurre XIII
Figure XIIV
Thus far is seems that the point in which thesse diminishinng pentagram ms approach (point x) is rrather
meaningle ess and just sits somewhe ere randomlyy on the con struct. Or do
oes length axx actually meeasure
something on the bod dy? Indeed it does. If the ffractlizing penntagrams con ntinue ad infiinitum (Figuree XV),
then the aangle of axc is 36°, which iis also the interior angle off any pinnaclee on a pentaggram (Figure XVI).
Fiigure XV Figurre XVI
Placing the
t fractaliziing pentagraams as they are in FFigure XIV o only accounts for horizzontal
anthropometrics, but it does not aaccount for ve ertical measuurements. Co onsequently tthe length of ax in
V is also the height of th
Figure XIV he human (orr the arm sp an). Since th
he length of a
ax is equal tto the
human he eight (from head to toes),, and the fracctalizing penttagrams are iin accordancee with the prrocess
of creatin
ng the anthroopometric‐asyymptotic grid d, then the p entagrams sh hould also bee able to establish
vertical m
measurementss. And in Figu ure XVIII they do so indeed .
Figure XVIII
So it seemms we have co ome full‐circle
e. Actually we
e have come more than fu ull‐circle; morre like a circlee and
a half. It ccan be easily sseen the beauuty and wond der in nature’’s designs. It sseems as though we have a
new mean ns of admiring the proporttions, geomettries, and meeasurements of our own bodies. Througghout
the course of this essay we have inttensely been studying variious geometrries in relation n to the humaan
body and anthropometrics (both static and dynaamic). A final aspect left to o admire is the numerics o of
human prroportions in accordance w
with the fractalizing two‐sqquare geomeetry. Starting w
with any of th
two‐squares‐by‐goldenn‐mean geommetries the rate at which thhey increase can be seen iin Figure XIX.
Fiigure XIX
If this patttern continue
es then a rath
her interesting curiosity occcurs :
Horizontal Gro
owth : Vert ical Growth :
ϕ ‐ φ
ϕ ϕ ‐ φ
ϕ ‐ φ
ϕ ϕ
ϕ ‐ φ
ϕ 2ϕ ‐ φ
ϕ ‐ φ 3ϕ ‐ φ
ϕ – φ
ϕ ‐ φ 5ϕ ‐ 2φ
ϕ – φ
ϕ ‐ 2φ 8ϕ ‐ 3φ
ϕ ‐ 2φ
ϕ ‐ 3φ 13ϕ ‐ 5φ
ϕ ‐ 3φ
3ϕ ‐ 5φ 21ϕ ‐ 8φ
3ϕ ‐ 5φ
21ϕ ‐ 8φ 34ϕ ‐ 13φ
21ϕ ‐ 8φ
… et cetera
Horizontally the measurements are increasing by ϕ + n (where n is the previous value established by
increasing by ϕ). Vertically they simply increase by ϕ, and therefore diminish by φ, or 1/ϕ. It is rather
curious that in this numeric system the numbers multiplied with either ϕ or φ follows the Fibonacci
series, in which when any of the numbers of the series is divided by the previous number then the
values are ϕ, or 1.618033989... But then again, phi has a very peculiar habit of repeating itself.
We have to admit that much of what has been discussed above has been the result of correcting very
trivial errors. But then again, it goes to show that the age old cliché “little things do matter” has some
We all usually regard our bodies as a mere vessel that only exists to get our brains from place to place,
whether it is from one meeting to another, or from the office to home, or from class to the dorms. We
hope this paper illuminates some of the beautiful (and even mystical) qualities of these vessels we
inhabit for the duration of our lives, and even its relationship to simple ideas, like a pentagram or a
So what is next? Next we can try the geometries of the horse…
Patrick M. Dey
Damian ‘Pi’ Lanningham
5 January 2011
The Open Problem Society