Grenade Machine Gun GMG
Grenade Machine Gun GMG
Grenade Machine Gun GMG
4 0 m m x 53
incre a singly, a r med f orce s worl dw ide require a uni v er s a l f ire supp or t s ys t e m . in t he pa s t, a r mie s h av e depended on he av y m achine guns or a dd - on gren a de l aun cher s, bu t neit her is a n ide a l solu t ion. w it h nor m a l sm a l l a r ms, ef f ec t i v e a imed shot s become l e ss l ik ely a s t he r a nge incre a se s. moreov er , con v ent ion a l rif l e a mmunit ion prov ide s no f r agmentat ion ef f ec t, a nd is l a rgely inef f ec t i v e ag a ins t a r moured v ehicl e s. a dd - on gren a de l auncher s, on t he ot her h a nd, h av e t he dis a d va ntage of a rel at i v ely low r at e of f ire . in order to close t his ef f ec t i v ene ss g a p in infa nt ry w e a p ons, heck l er & koch h a s de v eloped a long - r a nge gren a de m achine gun w it h a l a rge indirec t a re a of ef f ec t t he gmg in c a l ibre 40 mm x 53 (high v elocit y ).
t h a nk s to it s high r at e of f ire , combined w it h t he f r agmentat ion a nd a nt i - a r mour ef f ec t of t he 40 mm rounds, t he gmg combine s t he a dva ntage s of m achine guns a nd gren a de l auncher s. w h at is more , i t prov ide s high oper at ion a l f l e x ibil it y. it c a n be used eit her on a t rip od a s a n infa nt ry w e a p on f or eng aging ground ta rge t s, or ins ta l l ed on a mount f or use on l a nd v ehicl e s or pat rol boat s. int egr at ed s a f e t y f e at ure s a nd w el l t hought- ou t mech a nic a l el e ment s m a k e t he gmg w h at it is: one of t he mos t t echnologic a l ly a dva nced gren a de m achine guns in t he worl d.
model e x a mple gmg e: mount ed on t rip od w i t h ref l e x sight. b a rrel l engt h: 577 mm .
applic at ion e x a mple for t he gmg on t he remot e- cont rolled light we apon s tat ion 200 f rom k r auss -m af f ei wegm ann: mount ed on t he f lw 20 0, t he gmg c a n be used on mil ita ry v ehi cl e s a s a m a in or seconda ry w e a p on. t he l ay ing s ys t e m , f iring s ys t e m a nd op t ronic s c a n be compl e t ely re mot econt rol l ed using a cont rol l er pa d. Additional information FLW 200:
40 mm systems
upper mount: t he upper mount buf f er s t he recoil . it is equipped w it h h a ndgrip s, a second t rigger , a n a djus ta bl e shoul der supp or t, t he mount f or t he a m munit ion box a nd mount ing p oint s f or mil-s t d 1913 pic at inn y r a il s at t he 3, 9 a nd 12 oclock p osit ions f or t he use of op t ion a l sight s ys t e ms such a s t he hunt ir inf r a red c a mer a (not il lus t r at ed) f rom a im inf r a rot- modul e gmbh. Additional information HuntIR: f eed s ys t em: is dri v en by t he bolt, a nd f eeds t he belt ed a mmunit ion in t wo e v en s t ep s w hen t he bolt mov e s f orwa rds a nd b ack . t he f eed c a n be ch a nged be t w een t he l ef t a nd right side s of t he w e a p on w it hou t tool s. oper at ing s a f e t y/f ire elements: sel ec tor t he l e-
safet y/fire selector lever the safety/fire selector lever has the positions safe, single fire and sustained fire. in the safe position the trigger and the bolt are blocked in the cocked state.
loading saf e t y the loading safety prevents the bolt from moving forwards when the cover is open. this prevents unintentional firing.
bolt re tainer the bolt retainer holds the bolt in position to allow any faults that arise to be rectified without danger.
F iring pin saF e t y the firing pin safety ensures that the firing pin can only touch the cartridge primer if the cartridge has been fed into the chamber completely.
cock ing saf e t y the cocking safety automatically prevents inadvertent firing of the weapon if the bolt is not cocked all the way.
barrel and cov er saf e t y the cover can only be closed if the barrel is mounted properly and the belt is loaded on the feed side.
4 0 m m x 53
feed system
reflex sight
gmg: p e r f ec t e d t ec h n o lo gy.
The feed can be changed between the left-hand and right-hand sides of the weapon without tools.
Optionally available as a tritium sight or as a battery-powered sight system. Allows quick target acquisition at ranges up to 1500 m.
Height and length adjustable for optimal adaptation to the shooters body size.
charging handle
The lightweight, telescoping tripod can be adjusted to a large number of different firing positions, thus providing increased tactical flexibility. Alternatively the GMG can also be mounted on an M3 tripod.
Example of an ammunition box with 32 rounds. An ammunition box holder for 16 rounds is available as an option.
ammunition box
The belted 40 mm x 53 ammunition is fed from a NATO PA 120 ammunition box with a capacity of 32 rounds. Optionally it is possible to feed 16 rounds (40 mm) from a .50 calibre ammunition box.
40 mm systems
ladder sight
bolt system
The foldable iron ladder sight allows target acquisition at ranges up to 600 m.
Rugged blowback bolt system, firing from the open bolt position. Here the ammunition is fed directly from the belt into the chamber. This bolt system can be used to fire all types of 40 mm x 53 cartridges.
Ambidextrous (receiver).
front sight
The barrel can be changed without the use of tools. A special barrel lock prevents firing if the barrel is not inserted properly.
On the righthand side of the receiver. Positions: safe, single fire and sustained fire.
upper mount
The legs of the tripod each have a retainer hook for the use of an optional ballast sack.
Adjustable for elevation and windage for precise aiming. Choice of curved or straight designs available.
technical data
dimEnSionS Calibre Feed mechanism Manual Belt feed from left or Manual right side Manual Manual Upper mount Manual (kg approx.) Manual Manual 12.6 Modes of fire Sight1 Rate of fire (per min. approx.) LS 340 LS Max. effective Buttstock range (m approx.)
dimEnSionS Height Barrel length min.2/max.3 (mm approx.) (mm approx.) 280 215/469 280 280 280 215 215 Sight radius Height with tripod (mm approx.) min./max. (mm approx.) 148 700/1600 148 148 148 148 148
wEight Weapon3 Barrel length4 (mm approx.) (g approx.) 1500 577 2600 1500 2600 1270 1270 Buttstock/ Sight radius Ladder sight (mm approx.) (g approx.) /130 471 1100/130 /130 1100/130 /130 800/130 Operating principle Recoil-operated, Inertia bolt, fires from the open bolt Single loader with breech-loading, left side break-action barrel
Sight1 Length min./max. (mm approx.) 354/ LS, R 395/640 354/ 395/640 Precision aiming 285/ device (kg approx.) 434/518 395/640 2.5
Length Width min./max. (mm approx.) (mm approx.) 78 1175/1505 78 120 120 99 99
1 3
Width Height3 min.2/max.3 (mm approx.) (mm approx. 211 252/797 222 211 222 210 210
ag36 gmg E (Sam) ag36 ag36 a1 (Sam) ag36 a1 glm (Sam) glm llg40 ** gmg E
1 *
LS wEight LS 0-1 Ammunition box Ammunition box5 0-1 LS holder (kg approx.) (kg approx.) 0-1 LS 0-1 4.3 M 20.2
62 280 1800 300/ Various sights can be186 mounted, LS = Ladder sight, R = Reflex 209 / 2 Without upper mount and ammunition box holder sight With upper mount and ammunition box holder / 4 With flash hider / 5 Fully charged (32 rounds)
Various sights can be mounted, LS = Ladder sight, M = Mechanical sight / 2 FO = Foldable buttstock, R = Retractable buttstock / 3 Including ladder sight All G36 buttstock types attachable / ** Series production in preparation
dimEnSionS Calibre Feed mechanism Modes of fire Rate of fire (per min. approx.) Max. effective range (m approx.) 1500 Sight
Operating principle Recoil-operated, Inertia bolt, fires from the open bolt
gmg E
40 mm x 53
wEight Weapon (kg approx.) Upper mount (kg approx.) Ammunition box holder (kg approx.) 4.3 Ammunition box5 (kg approx.) Tripod (kg approx.) Precision aiming device (kg approx.) 2.5
1 3
gmg E
Various sights can be mounted, LS = Ladder sight, R = Reflex sight / 2 Without upper mount and ammunition box holder With upper mount and ammunition box holder / 4 With flash hider / 5 Fully charged (32 rounds)
SubjEct to modification