Management information
Learning objectives
Calculate the net present value, internal rate of return, payback period or accounting rate of return for a given project Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the investment appraisal techniques specified above The specific syllabus references for this chapter are: 4c, d.
Tick off
Practical significance
Capital expenditure differs from day-to-day revenue expenditure for two reasons. Capital expenditure often involves a larger outlay of cash The benefits from capital expenditure are likely to accrue over a long period of time, usually well over a year and often over very long time periods. In such circumstances the benefits cannot all be set against costs in the current year's income statement For these reasons any proposed capital expenditure should be properly appraised, and found to be worthwhile, before the decision is taken to go ahead with the expenditure. Formal procedures should therefore be in place for the appraisal and monitoring of investment projects before they are undertaken, while they are in progress, and after they have been completed. In this syllabus you will focus on the appraisal process that takes place before investment projects are undertaken. You will be learning about the key measures that are used in practice to assess the acceptability of a proposed capital project.
Working context
You might become involved in the investment appraisal process, for example in the context of the purchase of new office equipment or the development of software for internal use. An understanding of the significance of the timing of forecast cash flows will be important if you are asked to contribute information for the investment appraisal process.
Syllabus links
You will be using the techniques you learn in this chapter when you study the Financial Management syllabus. In that syllabus you will explore further the investment decision-making process and associated issues.
Examination context
Exam requirements
Since most of this part of your syllabus is concerned with calculation techniques you can expect to encounter predominately numerical questions about these topics. In the examination, candidates may be required to: Calculate the net present value, internal rate of return, payback period or accounting rate of return from data supplied Interpret information about the net present value, internal rate of return, payback or accounting rate of return for a project or projects Demonstrate an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of the investment appraisal techniques specified above Manipulate simple data involving annuities, perpetuities and non-conventional cash flows Demonstrate an understanding of the derivation and meaning of the net terminal value of a project While most of the questions in this area of the syllabus will be numerical (where such issues as the timing of cash flows will be critical) it is vital to understand what each of the techniques involves (and their weaknesses) in order to be able to tackle narrative questions.
Management information
Payback is often used as a 'first screening method'. By this, we mean that when a capital investment project is being subjected to financial appraisal, the first question to ask is: 'How long will it take to pay back its cost?' The organisation might have a target payback, and so it would reject a capital project unless its payback period were less than that target payback period. However, a project should not be evaluated on the basis of payback alone. Payback should be a first screening process, and if a project gets through the payback test, it ought then to be evaluated with a more sophisticated project appraisal technique, such as those presented later in this chapter. You should note that when payback is calculated, we use profits before depreciation in the calculation, because we are trying to estimate the cash returns from a project and profit before depreciation is likely to be a rough approximation of cash flows.
Capital cost of asset Profits before depreciation Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Project P pays back in year 3 (one quarter of the way through year 3). Project Q pays back half way through year 2. Using payback alone to judge projects, project Q would be preferred. But the returns from project P total 200,000 over its life and are much higher than the returns from project Q which totals just 85,000.
Cash flows, ie profits before depreciation should be used. Year 1 2 3 4 5 Profit after depreciation '000 12 17 28 37 8 Depreciation '000 12 12 12 12 12 Cash flow '000 24 29 40 49 20 Cumulative cash flow '000 24 53 93 142 162
Using initial investment
Average profit =
= 3.6%
Arrow wants to buy a new item of equipment. Two models of equipment are available, one with a slightly higher capacity and greater reliability than the other. The expected costs and profits of each item are as follows.
Management information
Equipment item X 100,000 5 years 50,000 50,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 Equipment item Y 175,000 5 years 50,000 50,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 25,000
Capital cost Life Profits before depreciation Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Disposal value for equipment ARR is measured as the average annual profits divided by the average investment.
Fill in the boxes below to determine which equipment item should be purchased, if the company's target ARR is 25%.
Item X Item Y
Total profit over life of equipment: before depreciation after depreciation Average annual accounting profit Average investment ARR, based on average investment The equipment that should be purchased is item See Answer at the end of this chapter. .
Like the payback method, it ignores the time value of money There are, however, advantages to the ARR method. It is quick and simple to calculate It involves a familiar concept of a percentage return Accounting profits can be easily calculated from financial statements It looks at the entire project life
Managers and investors are accustomed to thinking in terms of profit, and so an appraisal method which employs profit may be more easily understood It allows more than one project to be compared
a , where a is the r
Management information
Terminal value = 200 (1.07)10 = 393
Terminal values can cause difficulties when trying to compare or choose between projects because: the projects may not end on the same future date (or may not end at all) decision makers are more likely to be interested in the effect of the project on shareholder wealth now, rather than in the future. It is therefore more common to look at present values. The present value of a future sum shows what that future sum is worth today. This is in effect the reverse of compounding.
Discounting starts with the future value (a sum of money receivable or payable at a future date), and converts the future value to a present value, which is the cash equivalent now of the future value.
For example, if a company expects to earn a (compound) rate of return of 10% on its investments, how much would it need to invest now to have the following investments? (a) 11,000 after 1 year (b) 12,100 after 2 years (c) 13,310 after 3 years The answer is 10,000 in each case, and we can calculate it by discounting. The discounting formula to calculate the present value (X) of a future sum of money (V) at the end of n time periods is X = V/(1+r)n (a) After 1 year, 11,000/1.10 = 10,000 (b) After 2 years, 12,100/1.102 = 10,000 (c) After 3 years, 13,310/1.103 = 10,000 The timing of cash flows is taken into account by discounting them. The effect of discounting is to give a bigger value per 1 for cash flows that occur earlier: 1 earned after one year will be worth more than 1 earned after two years, which in turn will be worth more than 1 earned after five years, and so on. The discount rate (r) used when calculating the present value is the relevant interest rate (or cost of capital) to the entity in question. In the exam this will always be made clear.
Discount factors
In the calculations above we were converting each cash flow into its present value by effectively multiplying by a discount factor. This discount factor is calculated as 1/(1 + r)n. The calculations could be presented as follows.
Multiply by 10% discount factor Present value
Spender expects the cash inflow from an investment to be 40,000 after two years and another 30,000 after three years. Its target rate of return is 12%. Use the table below to calculate the present value of these future returns.
Year 2 Cash flow Multiplied by 12% discount factor Present value
0 (ie now) 1 2 3 4
Calculate the NPV of the project, and assess whether it should be undertaken.
Management information
0 1 2 3 4
Point to note
Discount factor 15% 1.000 1/1.15 = 0.870 1/1.152 = 0.756 1/1.153 = 0.658 1/1.154 = 0.572 NPV =
The discount factor for any cash flow 'now' (time 0) is always 1, whatever the cost of capital.
The present value (PV) of cash inflows exceeds the PV of cash outflows by 56,160, which means that the project will earn a discounted cash flow (DCF) yield in excess of 15%. It should therefore be undertaken.
An annuity is a series of constant cash flows for a number of years. For example, a college might enter into a contract to provide training courses for a firm for a fixed annual fee of 30,000 payable at the end of each of the next three years. This would be a three year annuity.
The NTV discounted at the cost of capital will give the NPV of the project.
The project has an NPV of 4,531 at the company's cost of capital of 10% (workings not shown). Calculate the net terminal value of the project.
The net terminal value can be determined directly from the NPV, or by calculating the cash surplus at the end of the project. Assume that the 5,000 for the project is borrowed at an annual interest rate of 10% and that cash flows from the project are used to repay the loan. Loan balance outstanding at beginning of project 5,000 Interest in year 1 at 10% 500 Repaid at end of year 1 (3,000) Balance outstanding at end of year 1 2,500 Interest year 2 250 Repaid year 2 (2,600) Balance outstanding year 2 150 Interest year 3 15 Repaid year 3 (6,200) Cash surplus at end of project 6,035
Management information The net terminal value is 6,035. Check NPV = 6,035 0.751 (10% discount factor for year 3) = 4,532
Allowing for the rounding errors caused by three-figure discount tables, this is the correct figure for the NPV.
Advantages of NPV
The advantages of NPV are as follows. It is directly linked to the assumed objective of maximising shareholder wealth as it measures, in absolute () terms, the effect of taking on the project now, ie year 0 It considers the time value of money, ie the further away the cash flow the less it is worth in present terms It considers all relevant cash flows, so that it is unaffected by the accounting policies which cloud profit-based investment appraisal techniques such as ARR Risk can be incorporated into decision making by adjusting the companys discount rate It provides clear, unambiguous decisions, ie if the NPV is positive, accept; if it is negative, reject.
A project has the following forecast cash flows. Year 0 1 2 3 4 (280,000) 149,000 128,000 84,000 70,000
Using two decimal places in all discount factors, complete the following table to calculate the net present value of the project at a cost of capital of 16.5%.
Year Cash flow 16.5% discount factor Present value
If there were no inflation at all, discounted cash flow techniques would still be used for investment appraisal. Inflation, for the moment, has been completely ignored. It is obviously necessary to allow for inflation.
An individual attaches more weight to current pleasures than to future ones, and would rather have 1 to spend now than 1 in a year's time. Individuals have the choice of consuming or investing their wealth and so the return from projects must be sufficient to persuade individuals to prefer to invest now. Discounting is a measure of this time preference.
Money is invested now to make profits (more money or wealth) in the future. Discounted cash flow techniques can therefore be used to measure either of two things.
What alternative uses of the money would earn (NPV method) (assuming that money can be invested elsewhere at the cost of capital) What the money is expected to earn (IRR method to be covered in the next section of this chapter)
Management information
NBV of investment at start of year Cash flow (before depreciation) Less depreciation Net profit ROI
1 200,000
2 150,000
3 100,000
4 50,000
Discounted payback
The payback method can be combined with DCF to calculate a discounted payback period. The discounted payback period (DPP) is the time it will take before a project's cumulative NPV turns from being negative to being positive.
A company can set a target DPP, and choose not to undertake any projects with a DPP in excess of a certain number of years, say five years.
Delayed annuities
A company may take out a loan, agreeing to repay it in equal annual instalments (ie an annuity) but starting at the end of year 2, so that the first cash flow does not occur until after year 1. As annuity factor tables work on the assumption that the first cash flow occurs at the end of year 1, care will be needed when using the tables. Remember that if an annuity factor from the table is used, the present value of the annuity stream is being found one period before the first annuity flow, so further discounting will be needed to find the present value at year 0.
Annuities in advance
When, for example, a firm leases vans for its business, the lease payments are usually paid in advance, i.e. the first cash flow occurs in year 0. This is a combination of a normal annuity starting at year 1 plus an extra sum now which does not need to be discounted.
(a) Present value = 1,000 annuity factor for five years at 15% = 1,000 3.352 = 3,352 (b) Only the cash flows at the end of years 1 to 4 need discounting. Present value = 1,000 received now + (1,000 annuity factor for four years at 15%) = 1,000 + (1,000 2.855) = 3,855 (c) This can be solved in two possible ways. (i) Present value = 1,000 (annuity factor for seven years annuity factor for two years) = 1,000 (4.160 1.626) = 2,534 This leaves the cash flows for years 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 being discounted.
Management information (ii) Present value of annuity at end of year two = 1,000 3.352 = 3,352 Now this must be discounted again to bring it back to the present value at year 0 (now). Present value = 3,352 PV factor for year 2 at 15% = 3,352 0.756 = 2,534
(b) What would be the present value if the first receipt is in four years time?
(a) Present value = 3,000/0.10 = 30,000 (b) Present value one year before the first cash flow = at end of year 3 = 3,000/0.10 = 30,000 Present value at year 0 = 3,000 year 3 10% discount factor = 30,000 0.751 = 22,530
NPV = Where
Cash flow
Calculate the NPV if the cost of capital is 10% for the first year and 20% for the second year.
NPV = (10m) + 8m 6m + = 1.52m 1.10 1.10 1.20
The IRR method has a number of disadvantages compared with the NPV method. It ignores the relative size of the investments There are problems with its use when a project has non-conventional cash flows or when deciding between mutually exclusive projects Discount rates which differ over the life of a project cannot be incorporated into IRR calculations.
Graphical approach
The easiest way to estimate the IRR of a project is to find the project's NPV at a number of costs of capital and sketch a graph of NPV against discount rate. The graph can be used to estimate the discount rate at which the NPV is equal to zero (the point where the curve cuts the axis).
Management information
-2 -3 -4
The IRR can be estimated as 13%. The NPV should then be recalculated using this interest rate. The resulting NPV should be equal to, or very near, zero. If it is not, additional NPVs at different discount rates should be calculated, the graph resketched and a more accurate IRR determined.
Interpolation method
If we are appraising a 'typical' capital project, with a negative cash flow at the start of the project, and positive net cash flows afterwards up to the end of the project, we could draw a graph of the project's NPV at different costs of capital. It would look like this.
If we determine a cost of capital where the NPV is (slightly) positive, and another cost of capital where it is (slightly) negative, we can estimate the IRR where the NPV is zero by drawing a straight line between the two points on the graph that we have calculated.
If we establish the NPVs at the two points P, we would estimate the IRR to be at point A. If we establish the NPVs at the two points Q, we would estimate the IRR to be at point B. The closer our NPVs are to zero, the closer our estimate will be to the true IRR. The interpolation method assumes that the NPV rises in linear fashion between the two NPVs close to zero. The real rate of return is therefore assumed to be on a straight line between the two points at which the NPV is calculated. The IRR interpolation formula to apply is:
P (B A) % IRR = A + P + N
A is the (lower) rate of return with a positive NPV B is the (higher) rate of return with a negative NPV P is the value of the positive NPV N is the absolute value of the negative NPV
If it is the company's policy to undertake projects only if they are expected to yield a DCF return of 10% or more, ascertain using the IRR method whether this project should be undertaken.
Management information
The first step is to calculate two net present values, both as close as possible to zero, using rates for the cost of capital which are whole numbers. One NPV should be positive and the other negative.
Choosing rates for the cost of capital which will give an NPV close to zero (that is, rates which are close to the actual rate of return) is a hit-and-miss exercise, and several attempts may be needed to find satisfactory rates. As a rough guide, try starting at a return figure which is about two thirds or three quarters of the ARR. Annual depreciation would be (80,000 10,000)/5 = 14,000.
The ARR would be (20,000 depreciation of 14,000)/( of (80,000 + 10,000)) = 6,000/45,000 = 13.3%.
Two thirds of this is 8.9% and so we can start by trying 9%. The discounted tables do not provide discount factors for an interest rate of 9% therefore we need to calculate our own factors.
Using the formula provided at the top of the final column in the tables PV of an annuity =
1 1 1 r (1+ r) n 1 1 1 0.09 (1.09)5
0 15 5
This is fairly close to zero. It is also positive, which means that the internal rate of return is more than 9%. We can use 9% as one of our two NPVs close to zero, although for greater accuracy, we should try 10% or even 11% to find an NPV even closer to zero if we can. As a guess, it might be worth trying 12% next, to see what the NPV is. Again we will need to calculate our own discount factors. PV factor for 5 years at 12% = 1 1 1 0.12 (1.12) 5
= 0.567
Try 12%
Year Cash flow (80,000) 20,000 10,000 PV factor 12% 1.000 3.605 0.567 NPV PV of cash flow (80,000) 72,100 5,670 (2,230)
0 15 5
This is fairly close to zero and negative. The internal rate of return is therefore greater than 9% (positive NPV of 4,300) but less than 12% (negative NPV of 2,230).
Note. If the first NPV is positive, choose a higher rate for the next calculation to get a negative NPV. If the first NPV is negative, choose a lower rate for the next calculation.
If it is company policy to undertake investments which are expected to yield 10% or more, this project would be undertaken. An alternative approach would be to calculate the NPV at 10%. As it would be positive it would tell us that the IRR is greater than 10% and therefore the project should be accepted.
Calculate the IRR of the project below and complete the box at the end of the question. Investment Receipts Receipts Receipts Receipts % (4,000) 1,200 1,410 1,875 1,150
Clearly, project A is bigger (ten times as big) and so more 'profitable' but if the only information on which the projects were judged were to be their IRR of 18%, project B would be made to seem just as beneficial as project A, which is not the case.
Management information
When discount rates are expected to differ over the life of the project, such variations can be incorporated easily into NPV calculations, but not into IRR calculations.
There are problems with using the IRR when the project has non-conventional cash flows (see Section 5.5) or when deciding between mutually exclusive projects (see section 5.6).
0 1 2 Project X has two IRRs as shown by the diagram which follows. NPV 000 40
30 20 Positive 10 0 5 -10 Negative -20 -30 -40 10 20 30 40 Cost of capital %
Suppose that the required rate of return on project X is 10% but that the IRR of 7% is used to decide whether to accept or reject the project. The project would be rejected since it appears that it can only yield 7%. The diagram shows, however, that between rates of 7% and 35% the project should be accepted. Using the IRR of 35% would produce the correct decision to accept the project. Lack of knowledge of multiple IRRs could therefore lead to serious errors in the decision of whether to accept or reject a project. In general, if the sign of the net cash flow changes in successive periods (inflow to outflow or vice versa), it is possible for the calculations to produce up to as many IRRs as there are sign changes. The use of the IRR is therefore not recommended in circumstances in which there are nonconventional cash flow patterns (unless the decision maker is aware of the existence of multiple IRRs). The NPV method, on the other hand, gives clear, unambiguous results whatever the cash flow pattern. Before moving on to the worked example you might like to check that the IRRs of project X are indeed 7% and 35%. Apply the relevant discount factors to the project cash flows and on both occasions you should arrive at an NPV of approximately zero.
Project C Project D
To clear up the confusion about whether the projects are acceptable when using IRR draw a graph. To find the starting point on the vertical axis find the NPV at 0% (ie add up the cash flows).
Discount rate
Project C is acceptable for discount rates between 25% and 400%. The graph for project D starts at +600 on the vertical axis (the NPV at 0% = the sum of the cash flows). The graph does not cut the horizontal axis at all because there is no IRR. Therefore, the IRR decision rule cannot be used for project D.
0 1 2 3
Capital outlay Net cash inflow Net cash inflow Net cash inflow 1 (1+ r) n
0 1 2 3
Option A Cash flow Present value (10,200) (10,200) 6,000 5,172 5,000 3,715 3,000 1,923 NPV = + 610
Management information The IRR of option A is 20%, while the IRR of option B is only 18% (workings not shown). On a comparison of NPVs, option B would be preferred, but on a comparison of IRRs, option A would be preferred.
The preference should go to option B because with the higher NPV it creates more wealth than option A.
Use the working table below to deduce the data required to sketch the NPV profiles of projects A and B on the scales provided. At what discount rate do the two projects earn the same NPV?
Project Cash flows Year 0 Year 1 IRR NPV at 0% NPV at 10% NPV at 30%
(1,000) (100)
1,250 140
25% 40%
0 -50
Discount rate %
Reinvestment assumption
An assumption underlying the NPV method is that any net cash inflows generated during the life of the project will be reinvested elsewhere at the cost of capital (that is, the discount rate). The IRR method, on the other hand, assumes these cash flows can be reinvested elsewhere to earn a return equal to the IRR of the original project. In the example in section 5.6, the NPV method assumes that the cash inflows of 6,000, 5,000 and 3,000 for option A will be reinvested at the cost of capital of 16% whereas the IRR method assumes they will be reinvested at 20%. If the IRR is considerably higher than the cost of capital this is an unlikely assumption. In theory, a firm will have accepted all projects which provide a return in excess of the cost of capital and any other funds which become available can only be reinvested at the cost of capital. (This is the assumption implied in the NPV rule.) If the assumption is not valid the IRR method overestimates the real return.
Investment appraisal
Non-discounting techniques
Payback method
Superiority of NPV
Answer the following questions. 1 The payback period takes some account of the time value of money by A B C D Placing greatest value on 1 receivable in the first year and progressively less on 1 received in each subsequent year Placing least value on 1 receivable in the first year and progressively more on 1 received in each subsequent year Placing the same value on 1 receivable up to the payback period and no value on subsequent receipts Placing the same value on each 1 receivable over the life of a project
If the company were to discover that the cash inflow in year 4 had been overestimated, what would be the effect on the projects internal rate of return (IRR) and payback period if the error were corrected?
IRR Payback period
A B C D 3
A project requires an initial investment in equipment of 100,000 and will produce eight equal annual cash flows of 40,000. The investment has no scrap value and straight line depreciation is used. What are the payback period and accounting rate of return (ARR), based on the initial investment?
Payback ARR
A B C D 4
50,000 is to be spent on a machine having a life of five years and a residual value of 5,000. Operating cash inflows will be the same each year, except for year 1 when the figure will be 6,000. The accounting rate of return on the initial investment has been calculated at 30% pa. What is the payback period? A B C D 2.75 years 2.55 years 2.54 years 2.33 years
A firm has two projects available. Project 1 has two internal rates of return of 15% and 30%, and project 2 has two internal rates of return of 10% and 20%. At a zero discount rate project 1 has a positive NPV and project 2 has a negative NPV. The appropriate discount rate for both projects is 25%. Which of the following decisions about projects 1 and 2 should be taken?
Project 1 Project 2
A project has a normal pattern of cash flows (ie an initial outflow followed by several years of inflows). What would be the effects of an increase in the companys cost of capital on the internal rate of return (IRR) of the project and its payback period?
IRR Payback period
A B C D 7
Which two of the following statements in relation to the use of IRR as an investment appraisal method are incorrect? A It always establishes if a single project is worthwhile B It always establishes which of several projects to accept C It ignores the relative size of the investment
Which of the following statements is true? A B C D 9 Project Y has a higher internal rate of return than project X At a discount rate of less than 15%, project Y is preferred to project X Project X is preferred to project Y irrespective of the discount rate Project Y is preferred to project X irrespective of the discount rate
A firm is evaluating the following four mutually-exclusive projects. All four projects involve the same initial outlay and have positive net present values. The projects generate the following cash inflows during their lives:
Year 1 500 300 500 300 Year 2 400 600 300 500 Year 3 600 500 600 600 Year 4 300 400 400 400
Project A Project B Project C Project D Which project should be chosen? A B C D Project A Project B Project C Project D
Management information 10 An investment of 100,000 now is expected to generate equal annual cash flows to perpetuity of 15,000 pa, commencing in five years time. If the discount rate is 10% pa, what is the net present value of the investment (to the nearest 10)? A B C D 15,330 6,860 + 2,450 + 50,000
Now, go back to the Learning Objectives in the Introduction. If you are satisfied you have achieved these objectives, please tick them off.
Answers to Self-test
1 C Statement A describes how DCF methods account for the time of money. Statement B is the reverse of statement A and is incorrect because it is not taking account of the time value of money at all. Statement D is incorrect because the payback method ignores cash flows after the payback period. 2 A The payback period is not affected because the year 4 cash flow occurs after the payback period, however the IRR would be reduced because of the lower cash inflow in year 4. Payback period = = Annual depreciation = = Annual profit = = ARR = = 4 C ARR 0.3 Average profit = = = = Total profit for five years = = Total cash inflows equals total profit plus total depreciation = = Cash inflow for year 1 Cash flow, years 2 to 5 Annual inflow, years 2 to 5 Payback period = = = = = 100,000 40,000 2.5 years 100,000 8 12,500 40,000 12,500 27,500 27,500 100% 100,000 27.5% Average profit 100 Initial investment Average profit 50,000 0.3 50,000 15,000 5 15,000 75,000 (75,000 + 45,000) 120,000 6,000 114,000 28,500 1+ (50,000 - 6,000) 28,500
2.54 years
At a discount rate of 25%, both projects have a negative NPV therefore they should be rejected. 6 7 D A, B A is not true because IRR cannot be used to assess projects that do not have an IRR B is not true because NPV is used for mutually exclusive projects 8 A Statement A is correct because the NPV profile of project Y crosses the horizontal axis at a higher discount rate than that for project X. Statement B is incorrect because at discount rates less than 15% project X has a higher NPV and is therefore preferred. Statements C and D are incorrect because at discount rates less than 15% project X is preferred, whereas at rates greater than 15% project Y is preferred. 9 A By a comparison of the cash flows A is better than C (it gives the same inflows in year 1 and year 3, but returns 100 higher in year 2 and 100 lower in year 4). B is also better than D (same flows in years 1 and 4, but returns 100 more in year 2, and 100 less in year 3). By a similar argument A is better than B; therefore A is the preferred project. 10 C 15,000 100,000 + 0.683 (year 4 factor at 10%) = 2,450 0.1 Both the internal rate of return and the payback period are independent of the cost of capital.
Total profit over life of equipment: before depreciation after depreciation Average annual accounting profit Average investment = (capital cost + disposal value)/2 ARR, based on average investment
Both projects would earn a return in excess of 25%, but since item X would earn a bigger ARR, it would be preferred to item Y, even though the profits from Y would be higher by an average of 10,000 a year.
Present value
= 0.712
21,360 53,240
Cash flow
(280,000) 149,000
Present value
= 0.86
= 0.74
= 0.63
= 0.54
37,800 33,580
Management information
The total receipts are 5,635 giving a total profit of 1,635 and average profits of 409. The average investment is 2,000. The ARR is 409 2,000 = 20%. Two thirds of the ARR is approximately 14%. The initial estimate of the IRR that we shall try is therefore 14%.
Try 14% Discount factor PV 14% 1.000 (4,000) 0.877 1,052 0.769 1,084 0.675 1,266 0.592 681 NPV 83 Try 16% Discount factor PV 16% 1.000 (4,000) 0.862 1,034 0.743 1,048 0.641 1,202 0.552 635 NPV (81)
0 1 2 3 4
The IRR must be less than 16%, but higher than 14%. The NPVs at these two costs of capital will be used to estimate the IRR. Using the interpolation formula IRR = 14% +
25% 40%
NPV at 0%
250 40
NPV at 10%
136 27
NPV at 30%
(38) 8
The two projects earn the same NPV at the point where the lines intersect, which is at a discount rate of approximately 23%.