HS Friday Bulletin 05-18
HS Friday Bulletin 05-18
HS Friday Bulletin 05-18
For ATTENDANCE concerns, please contact the HS Office (Sam Ramos or Laurie Atilano) Tel: 840 8650 / 840 8653 email [email protected] For GUIDANCE concerns, please contact Bella, Gigi or Jasmin Tel:840-8655 / 840-8660
Dear High School Parents, On Tuesday, May 22nd at 12:30pm the High School will hold its Academic and Service Awards Assembly in the ISM Fine Arts Theater. This annual event is our formal way of honoring and celebrating student excellence across a full range of High School activities for the School Year 20112012. We honor academic success with Departmental or Subject Awards. We also celebrate at each Grade Level students who have excelled in; leadership, participation and service. In addition we have a small number of very special awards, the ISM AWARDS of EXCELLENCE. They are as follows:
EARCOS Global Citizen Award BEARCAT Spirit Award Chris Capinpin Memorial Award for Service to the Filipino community CIS International Student Award Moon Koo Lee Outstanding Senior(s) Award Salutatorian Valedictorian
The High School Office has made every effort to try and speak directly with all parents of award winners by phone. We will inform the students that they will be receiving an award next Monday, but we will not disclose exactly what award, until the ceremony, as we like to keep it a surprise! Seating for parents will be reserved in the center area of the downstairs part of the FAT. We will have a full house as all grade 9,10 and 11 students are required to attend, but it is optional for those grade 12 students who are not actually receiving an award. If you have any questions please contact Laurie Atilano or Samantha Ramos in the HS Office.
Kind regards
Monday,May21: IBExams Tuesday,May22: IBExams HonorsandAwardsAssembly12:30(FAT) Wednesday,May23: LateStart IBExams AdvancedDanceSolo3:30(LT) Thursday,May24: GraduationRehearsal8am12pm Friday,May25: GraduationRehearsal8am12pm SeniorCelebrationLunch(FATLobby) SeniorCelebration Saturday,May26: SaturdayServiceCCV UPCOMINGEVENTS: May29:HSGraduation5:30pm(FAT) May31:LastdayofClasses,EarlyRelease12noon June5:ReportCardDistribution June48:BearcatCareerExperience
IMPORTANT: Bearcat Career Experience Meet and Greet (Time Correction). For all students participating in the Bearcat Career Experience (Summer Internship), there will be a Meet and Greet at International School Manila on May 30th in the Little Theater. All student participants must attend this important get-together. It is an opportunity for student interns and the company representatives to meet and discuss the internships that begin the following week. IMPORTANT: Originally, the time for the Meet and Greet event was scheduled from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. This time has been changed. The Meet and Greet will be from 7:00pm to 8:30 pm. Students should arrive at the Little Theater by 6:45pm. Business casual attire is expected and there will be drinks/snacks available. Any questions regarding the Meet and Greet can be directed to Doug McQueen ([email protected]).
Reminder from Treasury Office : To All Parents: Please be informed that for the year-end account clearance of students, Peso checks will not be accepted after the second Friday of May (May 11) and US Dollar checks drawn from US banks will not be accepted after the second Friday of April (April 13) for this school year. Thank you.
DATES TO REMEMBER HIGH SCHOOL SY 2012 - 2013 Start of classes: Monday, August 6
Grade 9 10 11 Schedule, ID & Locker Distribution Thursday, August 2 (8:00am 11:00am) Thursday, August 2 (12:00nn 3:00pm) Textbook Distribution Thursday, August 9 Wednesday, August 8
Tuesday, Friday, August 3 (8:00am 11:00am) August 7 Monday, Friday, August 3 12 (12:00nn 3:00pm) August 6 Please note that all Grade 9 -11 lockers are randomly pre-assigned by the HS Office. FROM THE PTA OFFICE WearepleasedtoannouncethePTAExecutive CommitteeandGoverningBoardSY201213. ExecutiveCommittee: President TishMacDougall ESVP WinnieKuefner MSVP TerriMadrigal HSVP DianeDaoust Treasurer MariaHanda AssistantTreasurer PaulynNavales RecordingSecretary AnnetteWhall CoordinatingSecretaryopen GoverningBoard Preschool open Kindergarten OlgaHoover LeniPerreras Grade1 JanaSly SonaliHutchinson Grade2 MargaretVersantvoort open Grade3 ZiyoungYoon TriciaAnderson Grade4 HansaRaj open Grade5 ShwetaMangal BonnieSantos Grade6 WendyWorley KarinNeider Grade7 AmandaNicholls open Grade8 SalmaLall MelanieBall Grade9 RuchiraLahiriGoswami KathleenLewis Grade10 CharlotteKirkpatrick AnnKobayashi Grade11 BushraJabeen YvonneBorromeoMutuc Grade12 LizavanKlaveren MarilenVillanueva Hospitality SimranUttamchandani MariaHanda MarshaRonald Bulletinboard:BushraJabeen [email protected] areinterestedinanopenposition.Thankyou!
FROM THE TREASURY OFFICE: DearGr.12Parents, In line with the forthcoming graduation of our seniors, we are preparing the return of the Facilities Upgrade Deposit (FUD)of$5,000.00paidatthetimeyourchildenteredInternationalSchoolManila,Inc. ToenableustoreleasetherefundonJuly2,2012onwardsmayweremindyouofthefollowing: 1. Submission of the Facilities Upgrade Deposit (FUD) certificate duly signed/endorsed at the back by the holder. The refundintheformofcheckwillbemadepayabletotheholdersnameindicatedinthecertificate. Note:IfFUDholderisthesponsorcompany,thepersonwhowillsignatthebackoftheFUDcertificateshouldthe authorizedsignatoryofthecompany. 2.Clearanceforthetextbookstobeaccomplishedthelastdayofschool. 3.Fullsettlementofalloutstandingbalanceonclearanceday. Thankyouforyourcooperation. Verytrulyyours, InternationalSchoolManila THISDOESNOTAPPLYTOADBANDUSEMBASSYSPONSORSTUDENTS.
UPCAT (University of the Philippines College Admission FOR SENIORS: Test) SY 2013-2014 Testing dates: August 4 & 5, 2012 GRADUATION 2012 UPDATE (in 74 regional test centers) 11moredaysuntilGraduation! Requirements: AnnouncementcardsandSeniorRingsarereadyfor 1. Correctly and completely accomplished UPCAT (Forms pickupintheHSOffice. 1 and 2) The Secondary School Record (Form 2) should be Please check your email regarding the photography accomplished by the HS Guidance Office. scheduleforGraduation. 2. 4 pcs. 2 X 2 identical recent pictures with your A Graduation fee of Php2,500 has been charge to printed name at the back 3. Application fee of PhP450.00 (for Filipinos); $50.00 for each Seniors account. This includes photography non-resident foreign applicants packageandannouncementcards. Modes of payments: Seniors need to do their clearance starting May 23. a. Payable to UPCAT at any Landbank or Phil. National Bank branch Clearance Forms will be ready for pick up in the HS b. Postal money order Office. c. Manager/Cashiers check issued by one of the authorized banks 4. Deadline: June 15, 2012 - for Metro Manila Schools Please get the form from the HS Guidance Office or maybe downloaded at www.upcat.up.edu.ph and submit the completed application form and proof of payment directly to UP Office of Admissions, Diliman, Quezon City.
The2012SummerSessionScheduleisasfollows: 2012SummerSessionSchedule Thefirsthalfofatwosemestercoursemustbetakenduringoneofthetwo"SemesterA"sessionslistedbelow.The secondhalfofatwosemestercoursemustbetakenduringoneofthetwo"SemesterB"sessions.Onesemester coursescanbetakenduringanysummersession,whileallworldlanguagecoursescanbeginanytime. Enrollment Sessions Semester A Semester A Semester B Semester B Start Dates June 6, 2012 June 20, 2012 July 11, 2012 July 25, 2012 Enroll By May 23, 2012 June 6, 2012 June 27, 2012 July 11, 2012
LOST AND FOUND VIIEWIING LOST AND FOUND V EW NG EVERYDAY EVERYDAY Monday untiill Friiday,, Monday unt Fr day May 21stt to June 1st,, 2012 May 21s to June 1st 2012 From 7:00 a..m.. to 4:00 p..m.. From 7:00 a m to 4:00 p m FAT changiing room 1118 FAT chang ng room 1118 IItems uncollllected after thiis tiime tems unco ected after th s t me wiillll be diisposed of iin support of w be d sposed of n support of our Serviice Learniing Program.. our Serv ce Learn ng Program
FROM THE ATAC OFFICE: HSStudentregistrationforATACactivities:(newforschool year1213)Agoogledocregistrationisnowavailableforall HSstudentswhowilltakepartinanyATACseasonalsports teams,MUNandCulturalConventionprograms.Pleasetake thetimetocompletethisonlineregistrationforactivitiesthat youplanonjoiningnextschoolyear.Pleaseaccesstheform viatheHSStudentRegistrationtabfoundundertheHelpful ShortcutsbarontherightoftheATACbloghomepage. *pleasenotethisisfornextschoolyearsHSstudentsonly! ATACEventscomingup: May18thSailfishEndofYearCelebrationESGym May22ndISMHomelessWorldCupFootballTournament3 5pmSeeMsVogttopay/registeryourteam.OpentoMS/HS students.FundsraisedhelpsupportthePhilippinesHomeless WorldCupteamtotraveltoMexicoCitytocompete. May 23rd Gymnastics team end of year celebration @ GymnasticsareaMSGym May 29th All year round sports teams awards. Lofthouse 3:15 4:15pm (Chess, Table Tennis, Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, Judo,WallClimbing)
GAME SCHEDULE PDF: (access to game schedule information) Information about all mid week/weekend fixtures for ISM teams can be found via the ATAC blog. Please note the game schedule does change often due to involvement with many local schools so please check the page regularly to find out the latest information of where and when the Bearcats teams are playing. Click on schedules tab or the Bearcat logo to be directed to the http://powerschool.ismanila.org/public/ You will need your power school user name and password to access the game schedule pdf.
BEARCATDEN:http://atac.ismonline.org/bearcatden/ New dri fit tshirts are now available along with new Bearcatbags Regular Opening Hours for the Bearcat Den: Wed and Fridaysfrom11:30am1:00pmandeachafternoonfrom 2:304pm. Anyone interested in joining the den next school year startinginAugustnamesarebeingtaken,pleasecontact our new volunteer coordinator Melanie [email protected] expressionofinterest. Please note final day for den sales this school year is Wednesday May 30th. Thursday May 31st the den volunteers will be doing inventory and closing up the den for summer hibernation. The den will not be open forsalesonthefinaldayofschoolMay31st
COLLEGEUPDATEforClass2012 ReportasofMay11,2012
CollegeAttendance KoreaAdvancedInstituteofScienceandTechnology(1) LoyolaMarymountUniversity(1) UniversityofMaryland,BaltimoreCounty(1) MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology(1) UniversityofMassachusetts,Amherst(1) McGillUniversity(1) MenloCollege(1) UniversityofMiami(1) MichiganStateUniversity(1) UniversityofMichigan(1) MiddleburyCollege(1) MountHolyokeCollege(1) NewYorkUniversity(3) NewYorkUniversityAbuDhabi(1) NortheasternUniversity(2) NorthwesternUniversity(3) OccidentalCollege(1) UniversityofPennsylvania(2) UniversityofthePhilippines(2) PomonaCollege(1) RhodeIslandSchoolofDesign(1) RochesterInstituteofTechnology(1) SanDiegoStateUniversity(1) UniversityofSouthernCalifornia(1) StanfordUniversity(2) TrinityCollege(1) UniversityofToronto(2) VassarCollege(1) WasedaUniversity(1) WellesleyCollege(1) WesleyanUniversity(1) UniversityofWisconsin,Madison(1)
TheUniversityofAlabama(1) AmericanUniversity(1) AmityDelhi/NoidaCampus(1) AteneodeManilaUniversity(1) BarnardCollege(1) BatesCollege(1) BostonCollege(1) BrighamYoungUniversity(1) BrownUniversity(1) UniversityofCaliforniaatDavis(1) UniversityofCaliforniaatLosAngeles(1) UniversityofCaliforniaatSanDiego(2) CentenaryCollegeofLouisiana(1) ChaminadeUniversityofHonolulu(1) ChapmanUniversity(2) UniversityofChicago(1) ClaremontMcKennaCollege(2) ColbyCollege(1) ColumbiaUniversity(1) ConnecticutCollege(1) DeLaSalleUniversityManila(1) DukeUniversity(1) EmersonCollege(1) EmoryUniversity(1) FordhamUniversity(1) UniversityCollegeoftheFraserValley(1) GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology(1) GonzagaUniversity(1) HampdenSydneyCollege(1) HawaiiPacificUniversity(1) HofstraUniversity(1) HumberCollege(1) UniversityofIllinoisatUrbanaChampaign(1)
CollegeAcceptances BostonUniversity(5) TheUniversityofAlabama(Arts&Sciences)(1) BowdoinCollege(1) UniversityofAlberta(1) BrevardCollege(1) AmericanUniversity(1) BrighamYoungUniversity(1) AmericanUniversity(SchoolofInt'l.Service)(1) UniversityofBritishColumbia(13) ArizonaStateUniversity(1) BrockUniversity(1) ArkansasStateUniversity(1) BrownUniversity(1) AteneodeManilaUniversity(11) BryantUniversity(1) BabsonCollege(1) UniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeley(5) BardCollege(1) UniversityofCaliforniaatDavis(2) BarnardCollege(2) UniversityofCaliforniaatIrvine(6) BarryUniversity(2) UniversityofCaliforniaatLosAngeles(6) BentleyUniversity(2) BostonCollege(4) UniversityofCaliforniaatRiverside(1)
UniversityofCaliforniaatSanDiego(6) UniversityofCaliforniaatSantaBarbara(2) CaliforniaCollegeoftheArts(2) CarletonUniversity(1) CarnegieMellonUniversity(2) CentenaryCollegeofLouisiana(1) ChaminadeUniversityofHonolulu(1) ChapmanUniversity(2) UniversityofChicago(1) ChristopherNewportUniversity(1) ClaremontMcKennaCollege(6) ClevelandInstituteofArt(1) ColbyCollege(1) CollegeforCreativeStudies(1) UniversityofColoradoatBoulder(1) ColumbiaUniversity(1) ConnecticutCollege(1) CornellUniversity(2) CreightonUniversity(CollegeofArts&Sciences)(1) DeLaSalleUniversityManila(2) UniversityofDenver(2) DrexelUniversity(3) DukeUniversity(1) ElonUniversity(1) EmersonCollege(2) EmmanuelCollege(1) EnderunCollegesInc.(1) EverestUniversityOrangePark(1) FashionInstituteofTechnology(2) FloridaInstituteofTechnology(1) FordhamUniversity(1) UniversityCollegeoftheFraserValley(1) GeorgeMasonUniversity(2) TheGeorgeWashingtonUniversity(4) GeorgetownUniversity(1) GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology(1) GonzagaUniversity(1) HamiltonCollegeNY(1) HamlineUniversity(1) HampdenSydneyCollege(1) HawaiiPacificUniversity(2) HofstraUniversity(1) CollegeoftheHolyCross(1) UniversityofIllinoisatUrbanaChampaign(2) IndianaUniversityatBloomington(1) IowaStateUniversity(1) IthacaCollege(1) JamesMadisonUniversity(1) Johnson&WalesUniversity(1) KenyonCollege(1) KnoxCollege(1) KoreaAdvancedInstituteofScienceandTechnology(1) LehighUniversity(2)
LesRochesInternationalSchoolofHotelManagement (1) LoyolaMarymountUniversity(5) MacalesterCollege(1) ManhattanvilleCollege(2) MarylandInstituteCollegeofArt(1) UniversityofMaryland,BaltimoreCounty(1) MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology(2) UniversityofMassachusetts,Amherst(1) UniversityofMassachusetts,Boston(1) McGillUniversity(9) MenloCollege(3) UniversityofMiami(2) MichiganStateUniversity(4) UniversityofMichigan(2) MiddleburyCollege(1) MountAllisonUniversity(1) MountHolyokeCollege(2) CollegeofNewRochelle(1) UniversityofNewSouthWales(1) NewYorkUniversity(8) NewYorkUniversityAbuDhabi(1) NortheasternUniversity(8) NorthwesternUniversity(4) UniversityofNotreDame(1) OberlinCollege(1) OccidentalCollege(1) UniversityofOregon(1) PaceUniversity,NewYorkCity(1) PaceUniversity,PleasantvilleCampus(1) UniversityofPecs(1) PennsylvaniaStateUniversity,UniversityPark(2) UniversityofPennsylvania(4) UniversityofthePhilippines(3) PomonaCollege(1) PrattInstitute(1) PrincetonUniversity(1) PurdueUniversity(3) QuestUniversityCanada(2) UniversityofRedlands(1) RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute(1) RhodeIslandSchoolofDesign(1) RinglingCollegeofArtandDesign(1) RochesterInstituteofTechnology(2) UniversityofSanFrancisco(3) SantaClaraUniversity(1) SavannahCollegeofArtandDesign(1) SchooloftheArtInstituteofChicago(3) SchoolofVisualArts(2) SeattleUniversity(1) SkidmoreCollege(1) SmithCollege(1) UniversityofSouthernCalifornia(4) SouthwesternUniversity(1)
SSTHSwissSchoolofTourismandHospitality(1) UniversityofSt.Thomas(1) StanfordUniversity(3) SuffolkUniversity(1) SwarthmoreCollege(1) SyracuseUniversity(2) TempleUniversity(1) TheUniversityofTexas,Dallas(1) TrinityCollege(1) TrinityUniversity(1) TuftsUniversity(2) UniversityofToronto(1) UniversityatBuffaloTheStateUniversityofNewYork(1) VancouverFilmSchool(1) VassarCollege(2) VelloreInstituteofTechnologyUniversity(1) VirginiaPolytechnicInstituteandStateUniversity(1)
UniversityofVirginia(2) UniversityofWashington(2) UniversityofWaterloo(2) WellesleyCollege(2) WesleyanUniversity(3) UniversityofWesternOntario(3) WheatonCollegeMA(1) WhitmanCollege(1) WilfridLaurierUniversity(FacultyofScience)(1) CollegeofWilliamandMary(1) UniversityofWinnipeg(1) UniversityofWisconsin,Madison(1) UniversityofWisconsin,Stout(1) TheCollegeofWooster(1) YorkUniversity(1)