Abbrevation and Acronym
Abbrevation and Acronym
Abbrevation and Acronym
Association of Petroleum Geologists AAPL - American Association of Petroleum Landmen AAQS - Ambient Air Quality Standards AAR - Automotive Accident Rate in Miles ABF - Aquatic Base Flow ABS - American Bureau of Shipping AC Alternating Current ACF - Annular Capacity Factor ACHARR - Advisory Committee on Hydrocarbons Additional Recovery Research ACHP - Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Ack - Acknowledge ACOP - Approved code of practice ACT - automatic custody transfer AD - Auto Driller ADIT - Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes ADS - Altomatic Drilling System, NOV Drawworks AF - Arctic Floater AFE - Approval for expenditure AFE - Approved Fixed Expense. AFFF - Aqueous film Forming foam Aframax tanker - tanker < 80,000 dwt (average freight rate assessment AFT After Aft - toward the stern of a ship or mobile offshore drilling rig. AHC - Active Heave Compensator AI - artificial island AIS - Automatic identification system ALARP - As low as reasonably possible (reduction of hazard status) AMNI - Associate Member of the Nautical Institute Amp - Ampere AMVER - US Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue AOF - Absolute Open Flow AOSC - Association of Oilfiels Servicing Contractors AP- Annular pressure APCD - Air Pollution Control District APD - Application for Permit to Drill API - American Petroleum Institute API Certified - tool that complies w/ API's standards API Gravity - density of liquid petroleum products APL-Annular Pressure Losses APP - As Per Program APR - Annular Pressure Response ASBA - Association of Ship Brokers and Agents ASRO - Australian Shipping Registration Office ASV - Annular Safety Valve ATFN - Any Time From Now. AV - Annular Velocity AV - apparent viscosity AWD - Analysis While Drilling (part of the On Track system), Sense EDM terminology AWO - Approval for Well Operation
B/O - Break Out B/P - bbls/day Bbbl - Billion barrels bbl - barrel of oil Bc - Bearden units of consistency, drilling fluid BC - Bridge Crane BC - BROKEN CONE drill bit BC - Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes BCD - Barrels per Calendar Day Bcf - billion cubic feet, Production testing Bcf/D - billion cubic feet per day Bcfe - Billion Cubic Feet of gas Equivalent BDI - Baltic Dry Index BDV - Blow Down Valve BF - Buoyancy Factor BFH - Balanced Flow Hydraulics bits BFI - Baltic Freight Index BGWP - Base of Group Water Protection BHA - Bottom Hole Assembly BHCT - bottomhole circulating temperature BHP - Bottom Hole Pressure BHST - bottomhole static temperature BHT - bottomhole temperature BIMCO - Baltic and International Maritime Council Bimcosale - The Bimco standard form of bill of sale BLK - Blocked BLPD - Barrels of liquid per day Production Testing BM - benchmark, Geophysics BMPs - Best Management Practices BO - Biological Opinion BOD - biochemical oxygen demand, Drilling Fluids boe - barrel of oil equivalent boed -barrel of oil equivalent per day BOM - Bill of Materials BOP - Blow-Out Preventer bopd -barrel of oil per day BOPE - Barrels of Oil Per Day Equivalent BOPE - Blow-preventer Equipment BOPM - Barrels of Oil Per Month BOSIET - Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training. includes Safety, Fire Prevention and BOSVA - British Offshore Support Vessel Owners Association bpd - barrel per day BPL = Bit & Nozzle Pressure Losses BPM- Back pressure manifold BPM- barrels per minute BPUTS - Bring Pumps Up To Speed BPV - back pressure valve BPV Back pressure valve 2WCV when the BPV can be manipulated BRT - Below Rotary Table BS - Bit Sub BS&W- basic sediments and water bt - Broken teeth BTU - British thermal unit. BU - Balled bit BWD - Backward bwd - barrel of water per day BWOB - By weight of blend, drilling fluid BWOC - By weight of cement BWOW - by weight of water drilling fluid BWPD - barrels of water per day, Production Testing BYT - BIG YELLOW THING(Baker down hole motor DHM) Fire Fighting, First Aid and Hypothermia, Helicopter Safety and Escape, and Survival at Sea
C cent. - Centigrade C&K - Choke and Kill c.u. - capture unit CAA - Clean Air Act CAAA - Clean Air Act Amendments CAAQS - California Air Quality Standards CAD - computer assisted design CAER - Community Awareness and Emergency Response CAODC - Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors CAP - Condition Assessment Program Survey CAPEX - Capital Expenditure CAPP - Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers CAR- Corrective action register CARB - California Air Resources Board CATS - Central Area Transmission System CB - Core Barrel CBHP - Constant bottomhole pressure CBHT - Circulating BH Temperature CBI - computer-based information CBI - Confederation of British Industry CBL - Cement Bond Log CBM - Coalbed Methane CBT - computer-based training CBT- Computer based training CBU - Central Business Unit CC - Circulate and Condition mud CC - Cracked cone Drill bits cc - cubic centimeter CCA - California Coastal Act CCC - California Coastal Commission CCC - Carrier container council CCL - Casing collar locator CCMP - California Coastal Management Program CCP - Controllable Pitch Propeller CCRS - China Corporation Register of Shipping CCS - Cement Control System CCS - China Classification Society CCTV- Close circuit television CCW - Counter Clockwise CD - Cone dragged Bits CDA - Common Data Access CDP - common depth point CDP - Comprehensive Drilling Plan CEC - California Energy Commission CEC - cation-exchange capacity, Drilling Fluid CEN - European Committee for Standardization CENELEC - European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization CEPA - Canadian Energy Pipeline Association CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, drilling fluid CES - coast earth station CESMA - Confederation of European Union Shipmasters Associations CET- Cement evaluation tool Cf - Compare Cf - Cubic Feet cfm - cubic feet per minute CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Cfs - Cubic Feet per Second CG - coast guard CGB- Completion guide base CGBF - Concrete, Gravity Based Structure CGT - Capital Gains Tax CH - Catheads CHP - Casing Hanger Pressure CI - Cone interference Bits CI - contour interval, Geology
CIRM - International radio maritime committee CIT - Chartered Institute of Transport CITHP - Closed In Tubing Hanger Pressure CIV - Chemical Injection Valve Class - Category in classification register CLC - International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage CLFP - choke line friction pressure CLTIF - Combined Lost Time Incident Frequency CLUP - Coastal Land Use Plan CMC - carboxymethylcellulose, Drilling Fluids CMC - Crown Mounted Compensator CMC-Hi Vis - See CMC CMC-Lo Vis - See CMC CMC-LVT - See CMC CMHEC - carboxymethyl, hydroxyethylcellulose CMP - common midpoint, Geophysics CMS - carboxymethyl starch, drilling fluid cmt - cement CMW - Current Mud Weight C-NET - Control Network (Profibus network) CNG - Compressed Natural Gas CO - Carbon Monoxide CO2 - Carbon Dioxide COA - contract of affreightment CoB - Center of buoyancy COD - chemical oxygen demand, drilling fluid COFCAW - wet combustion, Production Enhancement CoG Center of Gravity Colreg - International Convention on Collision Regulations CoM - center of Mass COMP - California Offshore Monitoring Program COOGER - California Offshore Oil and Gas Energy Resources COSG- Combined operations safety case COSHH- control of substances Hazardous to Health CoSWP - Code of Safe Working Practices For Merchant Seamen COW - Crude oil washing CP - Casing Pressure CP - Communication Processor CPD - Controlled Pressure Drilling CPI - Consumer Price Index CPMG - radio frequency pulses designed by Carr, Purcell, Meiboom and Gill CPS - Cycles Per Second CPU - Cavern Point Unit CPU - Central Processing Unit CR - Cored bit CRI - - Cutting Re-Injection CRS - Croatian Register of Shipping CRT - cathode ray tube CSB Casing Stabbing Basket CsF - Caesium Formate csg - casing CSS - Code of Ship management Standards CSS - cyclic steam stimulation. or cyclic steam injection. Heavy Oil CT - Chipped teeth drill bits CT - coiled tubing, drilling CT - Compliant Tower CT - Corporation Tax CTCO - Coiled Tubing Clean Out CTM - Coil Tubing Measurement CTU - cargo transport unit CTU - Conductor Tensioning Unit, rig equipment list CTU is a more common acronym for Coiled Tubing Unit. allows for differentiation CUP - Conditional Use Permit CV - Curriculum Vitae (resume) CW - Clockwise
CWA - Clean Water Act CWE - cold water equivalent CWM - Catwalk Machine CWOR - Completion Work Over Riser CZMA - Coastal Zone Management Act
D&C - Drilling and Completions dBA - Decibles DC Direct Current, elet DC - Drill Collar, Drilling DCDA - Drilling Control & Data Acquisition DCP - Driller's Control Panel DCR Drillers Control Room, rig eqipment DD - Directional Driller DD - Directional Drilling DDM - AKMH terminology for a Top Drive "Derrick Drilling Maching" DDU - Delivered Duty Unpaid DE Diatomaceous Earth (filtration system for cleaning mud) DEAL - Digital Energy Atlas & Library DFMA Drill Floor Manipulator Arm DGD - Dual gradient Drilling DGPS - Differential Global Positioning System DHSR - Degrees of Hydrate Suppression Required DHSV - Downhole Safety Valve DIS - Danish International Register of Shipping - Danish Maritime Authority DIS - Draft international standard DL - Development Licence DLat - difference in latitude DLL - Dual LateroLog DLong - difference in longitude DLS - Dog-Leg Severity DMDO - Distillate Marine Diesel Oil DNC - Digital Nautical Chart DNV - Det Norske Veritas DO - Dissolved Oxygen DO - Division Order DOC - document of compliance DOE - US Department Of Energy DOT - US Department of Transportation DP - Drill Pipe DP - Dynamic Positioning DPDV - Dynamically-Positioned Drilling Vassal DPO - Dynamic Positioning Operator DPP - Development and Production Plan DPP - Drill Pipe Pressure DR - Dead Reckoning DR - Delay Rental DRT Drilling Riser Tensioner DS - Drillship DSC - Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers DSM Drilling Service Module DSPL = Drillstring Pressure Losses DSS - decision support system DST - Drill Stem Test DSV - Diving Support Vessel DSV - Drilling SuperVisor DTH _ down the hole DTI - Department of Trade and Industry (UK) DTL - Drilling to the Limit. DTS - distributed temperature sensing DTU Dry Tree Unit DV Tool - stage tool used for cementing
DW - Drawworks DWT - Deadweight tons E&I - Electrical and Instrument E&P - Exploration and production EA - Environmental Assessment EBT - Elevated Backup Tong EC - European Commission EC - European Community ECD - Equivalent circulating density ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display and Information System ECGD - Exports Credits Guarantee Department ECITB - Engineering Construction Industry Training Board ECP - Engineered Cutter Placement, Bits ECS - Electronic chart system EEEGR - East of England Energy Group EEZ - Exclusive economic zone EHV - Extra High Voltage EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment EIR - Environmental Impact Report EIS - Environmental Impact Statement EL - Exploration Licence Elev - Elevators EMF - Electro Magnetic Fields EMP - External muster point EN - European Standard ENC - electronic navigation chart EOB - End of Build EOBM - Ester oil based mud EOFL - End of Field Life EOR - Enhanced oil recovery EOS - equation of state EP additive - Extreme pressure additive - used in lubricants EPA - Environmental Protection Act EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction EPFS - Electronic Position Fixing System EPIRB - emergency position indicating radio beacon EPS - IMO performance standard for ECDIS ERD - Extended Reach Drilling ERNS - Emergency Response Notification System Esc - Escape ESD - Emergency Shut Down ESDV - Emergency shut down valve ESP - Electric submersible pump ESP - Estimated Stuck Point ETA - estimated time of arrival ETAP - Eastern Trough Area Project ETD - estimated time of departure ETLP Extended Tension Leg Platform ETO - Electro-Technical Officer ETSF - Electronic Trading Standard Format ETSI - European Telecommunications EU - European Union
F&G - Fire and gas F/C - flow-check FAR - Fatal accident rate FAT Factory Acceptance Testing FB - Finger Board FC - Filter cake FC - Flat crested wear Drill Bit FC - Float Collar FCC - fully cellular containership FCD - Fuel control valve FCO - financed, constructed and operated FCO - Foreign and Commonwealth Office FCP - Final Circulating Pressure FD - Fluid Density FDP - Final Development Plan FDS - Functional Design Specification FEED - Front end engineering design FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission FFM - Full Field Model FG - Full Gauge FIT - Formation Integrity Test FIV - Formation Isolation Valve FIXED - Fixed Leg Platform FL - Flow Line FMA - Finnish Maritime Administration, Finish Register of Ships FNI - Fellow of The Nautical Institute FO - fuel oil FOIP - Freedom Of Information and Protection of Privacy Act FONSI - Findings Of No Significant Impact FOSV - Full Opening Safety Valve FP - Formation Pressure FPF - Floating Production Facility FPS - feet per second FPS - Floating production, storage FPSO - Floating Production Storage and operation FR - Full Requirements FRC- Fast rescue craft FrP - Friction Pressure FRSB - Fast Response Spill Boat FSA - formal safety assessment FSRU - Floating Storage and Regasification Unit FSU- Floating storage unit FT - Flow Transmitter Ft - Foot (feet) FTC - US Federal Trade Commission FTP - Flowing Tubing Plug FV - Float Valve FV - Funnel Viscosity FVF - formation volume factor FWD - Forwards FWHP- Flowing wellhead pressure FWKO - free water knock-out FWV - Flow Wing Valve
GA - Guide Arm Gal - Gallon GAPP - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GBS - Gravity Based Structure GBT - Gravity Base Tank GHG - Greenhouse Gases GIIP - Gas Initially In Place GIS - Geographic Information System GL - Germanischer Lloyd G/L - Gas/Liqui GL - Gas Lift GLM - Gas Lift Mandrel Glonass - Global navigation satellite system GLR - Gas Liquid Ratio GLT - Guide Line Tensioner GLV - Gas Lift Valve GMDSS - Global maritime distress and safety system GMT - Greenwich Mean Time GNOME - General NOAA Oil Modeling Environment GOC - Gas Oil Contact GOC - General operators' certificate with regard to GMDSS GOM - Gulf of Mexico GOR - Gas Oil Ratio GOSP - Gas-Oil Separation Plant GPG - Grains per gallon = ppm/17.1 GPM - Gallons Per Minute GPS - Global positioning system GRN - gamma-ray-neutron (log) GRP - Glass Reinforced Plastic GRV - Gross Rock Volume GT - gross tonnage GT&C - General Terms and Conditions GTL - Gas To Liquid GTW - Gas To Wire GUI - Graphical user interface GW - Gigawatt Gwh - Gigawatt-Hour GWI - Gross Working Interest GC - gas chromatography H2S - Hydrogen Sulfide HAZID - Hazard identification Hazob - Hazard observation HAZOP - Hazrd and operability study HC - Heat checking drill bit condition HDD - horizontal directional drilling HGS - HighGravity Solids HHP - Hydraulic Horse Power HL - Hook Load HLO - Helicopter Landing Officer HLV - Heavy lift vessel HMI - Human Machine Interface HP - High Pressure HP - Hydrostatic Pressure HPHT - High-Pressure, High-Temperature HPU Hydraulic Power Unit HPV - hydrocarbon pore volume HR - HydraRacker HRN - AKMH Terminology for Iron Roughneck " Hydraulic Rough(N)eck" Hrs - Hours HSE - Health & Safety Executive HSE - Health, Safety and Environment
HSSE - health, safety, security, and environment HT - Hydratong HTHP - High-Temperature/High-Pressure HVAC - Heat, ventilation, air conditioning HVDC - High Voltage Direct Current HWDP - Heavy-Weight Drill Pipe
IADC - International Association of Driling Contractors IBC - Intermediate Bulk Container IBOP - inside BOP ICoTA - Intervention and Coiled Tubing Assosiation ICP - Independant competent person ICP - Initial circulating pressure ICSS - Integrated Control & Safety System ICV - Interval Control Valve ID - inner diameter IDO - Technical Document IDU - Integrated Drilling Unit, Sense EDM terminology IEC - International Electrical Council IFT - interfacial tension IMP - Internal muster point I-NET - Information Network (Ethernet network) IOC - independent oil company IP - Injector to Producer Ratio IPC - Installed Production Capacity IPR - Inflow Performance Relationship IRN - Iron Roughneck, Sense EDM terminology ISICP - Initial Shut-in Casing Pressure ITS - Influx To Surface IWCF - International Well Control Federaration
JAFO - Just Another Friendly Observer J/B - Junk Basket JD - Junk damage JU - Jack-Up JS - Junk Sub Js - Joystick JB - Junction Box
KB = kelly bushing kHz - Thousand Hertz (cycles per second) KLF = Kill Line Friction KMW - Kill mud weight KM - Kill mud KOP - Kick-Off Point KR (or KRS) - Korean Register of Shipping KRP - kill rate pressure KT = kick tolerance KV - Kilovolt KVA - Kilovolt-Ampere KVNR - Dutch Register of Shipping Kw - Kilowatt KWH - Kilowatt-Hour
L/C - Landing Collar. LACT - lease automatic custody transfer LAN - Local Area Network LAS Liquid Additive System LAT - Lowest Astronomical Tide Lat =latitude LBOP - Lower BOP (TDS or Kelly) LBP - Length between perpendiculars LBS - lifeboat stations LC - Loss Circulation LCB - longitudinal centre of buoyancy LCD - Liquid Crystal Display LCF - longitudinal centre of flotation LCM - Lost Circulation Material LDT - light displacement tonnage, lost during trans-shipment LED - Light emitting diode LEL - Lower explosive limit LEM - lower explosive mixture LEO - low earth orbit (satellite configuration) LER - Local equipment room LGR - Liquid Gas Ratio LGS - LowGravity Solids LIFT - Licence Information for Trading LIR - Local Instrument Room LKO - Lowest Known Oil LMRP - Lower Marine Riser Package LMT - local mean time LMV - Lower Master Valve LN - Land LN - Lost nozzle LNG - Liquefied Natural Gas LO - lubricating oil LOA - Length over all LOC - Letter of credit, letter of compliance (USCG) LODF - Line Outage Distribution Factor LOE - lease operating expense LOGIC - Leading Oil and Gas Industry Competitiveness LOL - limitation of owner's liability LOLE - Loss Of Load Expectation LOLER - Lifting operation, lifting equipment regulations LOP - Line of position LOR - Letter of readiness LOS - Law of the Sea LOS - Line of sight LOT - Leak-Off Test LP - liquid petroleum LP - low pressure LPC - London Processing Centre LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas LR - Lloyd's Register LRDP - Long Range Development Plan Ls - Limestone LSA - Low specific activity (Radiation level) LSFO - Loss-Sulfur Fuel Oil LSH - Level Safety High LSL - Level Safety Low LST - local standard time LT - Lost teeth drill bit LTOBM - Low toxicity oil based mud LVI - Low Viscosity Index LW - low water LWD - Logging Whilst Drilling LWL - length on water line LWSA - Lightweight Solid Additives
1. to assemble or makeup parts to form a whole 2. to screw together two pieces (of pipe) 3. to mix or prepare a tank of mud 4. to make up for lost time M - Meter M/U - Make up (refers to screwing pipe together) M/V - Mobile Vessel M1 - methyl orange alkalinity (of filtrate) MAASP - Maximum Allowable Annular Shut-in pressure! MAC - Manual alarm callpoint MAINTOPS Maintenance Operations Marisat - Maritime satellite system MARPOL 73/78 - International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships MARSEC - Maritime Security MASP - Maximum Anticipated Surface Pressure MAWP - Maximum Actual Working Pressure MAWP - Maximum Allowable Working Pressure MB - Mud Bucket Mbbls - Thousand Barrels Mbbls/d - Thousand Barrels per Day mbd - thousand barrels per day mbod - thousand barrels of oil per day Mboe - Thousand Barrels of Oil Equivalent Mboe/d - Thousand Barrels of Oil Equivalent per Day mbr - Member. distinctly identifiable sections within a given geological horizon, ie: the Suhindol mbr of the Etropol formation. MCA - Marine Coastguard Agency MCC - Master Control Center MCC Motor Control Center MCE - Maximum Credible Earthquakes Mcf - Thousand Cubic Feet (of gas) MCFD - Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day MCFPD - One Thousand Cubic Feet of Gas Per Day MD - Measured Depth mD - millidarcy MDL - Methane Drainage Licence MDO - Marine Diesel Oil MDRT - measured depth from rotary table MDSS - Measured Depth Sub-Sea MDT - Modular formation Dynamic Tester MEG - Mono Ethylene Glycol MEO - medium earth orbit (for satellite configuration) MEPC - Marine Environment Protection Committee MERSAR - Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual MFE - Multi-flow-evaluator, form of DST Mgd - million gallons per day MGN - Marine Guidance Note MGO - Marine Gas Oil MGS - Mud Gas Separator Mgy - million gallons per year MH - Mouse Hole MI - Machinery Interface (part of the On Track system), Sense EDM terminology MI - Mineral Interest MIRU - Move in Rig up MIS - Management information system MISICP - Maximum Initial Shut-in Casing Pressure MIYP - Maximum Internal Yield Pressure mKB - Meters below Kelly Bushing ML - Mud line MLLW - Mean Lower Low Water MLS - Mud Logging System MM - Million MM - Mitigation Measure MMbbl(s) - Million Barrels mmbd - million barrels per day mmbod - million barrels of oil per day
MMboe - Million Barrels of Oil Equivalent MMboepd (or mmboepd) - Millions of barrels of oil equivalent per day mmBtu - Million British Thermal Units MMcf - Million Cubic Feet MMcf/d - Million Cubic Feet per Day MMcfd - Million cubic feet day MMCRP - Mitigation Monitoring and Compliance Reporting Program MMP - Mitigation Monitoring Program MMPA - Marine Mammals Protection Act MMS - Minerals management service - Agency of US DoI MMscfd - million standard cubic feet per day mmstb - million stock barrels MMstb - million stock barrels MNI - Member of the Nautical Institute MO - Mobile MODU - Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit MOL - Main oil line MOP - Margin of Over Pull MOP - mobile offshore production MOPU - Mobile Producing Unit MOTEMS - Marine Oil Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards MOU - Memorandum of Understanding MP - Mud Pump MPD - Managed Pressure Drilling Mpd - thousand barrels per day MPN - Most Probable Number MRCC - maritime rescue coordination centre MSC - Marine Safety Committee MSDS - Materials Safety Data Sheet MSL - Mean Sea Level MTLP - Mini Tension Leg Platform MU - has several meanings: MuSol - Mutual Solvent MUX - Make Up Crossover [Crossover - X] MVA - Megavolt-Amperes MW - Megawatts MW - Mud Weight, MW1 - Mud Weight, Old mud weight MW2 - Mud Weight, New mud weight MWD Measure While Drilling N02 - Nitrogen dioxide N0X - Nitrogen oxides NAAQS - National Ambient Air Quality Standards NACE - national Association of Corrosion Engineers NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement NAPF - Non Aqueous Phase Fluid NAS National Aerospace Standard NASA - Non Active Side Arm NAVTEX - navigational and meteorological warning broadcast service NBstb - Near Bit Stbeliser NCOB - no cargo on board NDT - non-destructive testing NE - Northeast NEB =National Energy Board NFI - No Further Investment NFPA National Fire Prevention Association NFTZ - non free trade zone NG - Natural Gas NGL - Natural Gas Liquids NGO - Non-Governmental organisation NHPV - Net Hydrocarbon Pore Volume
NI - The Nautical Institute NIHQ - Nautical Institute Headquarters, London NITC - Normal Incremental Transfer Capability NK or NKK (or ClassNK) - Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Japan's ship classification society) NM - Nautical mile NMEA - National Marine Electronics Association NMFS - National Marine Fisheries Services (NOAA Fisheries) NMR - nuclear magnetic resonance NNR - national nature reserve NO - nitric oxide NOAA - National Marine and Atmospheric Administration NOC - national oil company NOD - Notice of Determination NOGEPA - Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association NOI - Notice Of Inquiry NOI - Notice Of Intent NOP - Notice of Preparation NOR - Notice of Readiness NOV - National Oilwell Varco NP - Neutral Point NPD - Norwegian Petroleum Directorate NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPREP - National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program NPSH - Net Positive Suction Head NPT - Non Productive Time NPV - Net Present Value NPV - Net Present Value NRC - National Response Center NRI - Net Revenue Interest NRV - Non Return Valve NSA - Norwegian Shipowners' Association NSDG - North Sea Decommissioning Group NT - net tonnage NTHF - Non-Toxic High Flash NTO - National Training Organization NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Unit NUMAST - National Union of Marine, Aviation & Shipping Transport Officers NWI - Net Working Interest NYMEX - New York Mercantile Exchange O/B - on board O/R - Override OBM - Oil-Based Mud OBO - ore/bulk/oil carrier OC - Off centre wear Drill bit OCA - Offshore Contractors Association OCIMF - Oil Companies International Marine Forum OCR - optical character recognition OCS - Outer Continental Shelf OCSLA - Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act OCTG - Oil Country Tubular Goods OD - Outer Diameter ODBC - Open Data Base Connectivity ODT - Oil Down To OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OES - Office of Emergency Services OFE - Owner Furnished (delivered) Equipment OFS - Owner Furnished Services OG - Oil and Gas Directorate OGITF - Oil & Gas Industry Task Force
OGML - Oil, Gas and Mineral Lease OIAC - Oil Industry Advisory Committee OIIP - oil originally in-place OIM - Offshore Installation Manager OIP - oil in-place OiW - oil-in-water - emulsion OLF - Norwegian Oil Industry Association OLM - Optical Link Module OMBO - One Man Bridge Operation OMW - Original Mud Weight OOC - Oil on Cuttings OOD - Officer of the deck OOE - Offshore Operation Engineer OOIP - oil originally in place OOW - Officer of the watch OPA 90 - US Oil Pollution Act of 1990 OPEC - Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEX - Operating Expenditure OPITO - Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organization OPITO - The Oil & Gas Academy OPPR - oil pollution preparedness and response OPR - Office of Planning and Research OPRC - International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation OPS - US Office of Pipeline Safety ORRI - Overriding Royalty Interest OS - operating system OSC - Operations safety case OSCP - Oil Spill Contingency Plan OSDD - Oilfield Services Data Dictionary OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSPAR - Oslo & Paris Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of North East Atlantic OSPR - Oil Spill Prevention and Response OSRA - Oil Spill Risk Analysis OSRP - Oil Spill Response Plan OSRV - Oil Spill Response Vessel OSV - Offshore Support Vessel OTL - Operations Team Leader OTO - Oil Taxation Office (of the Inland Revenue) OWC - Oil Water Contact p - Push P&A - Plugged and Abandoned P&I (or P and I) - Protection and Indemnity club P&ID - Process and Instrumentation drawing p.u. - porosity unit p+c - Push and Confirm P2 - Double Push PA - public address PAC - Pacific OCS Region PAH - poly-aromatic hydrocarbons Panamax - Ships able to transit, and allowed transit, of the Panama Canal PAPA - Prepare to Abandon Platform Alarm PB - Pinched bit PBL Sub - Paul Bryant Lee PBR - Polished Bore Receptacle PBTD - Plug Back Total Depth PBU - Pressure Build Up PCV - Pressure control valve PDC - Polycrystalline Diamond Composite PDC log - perforating depth control (log) PDG - Permanent Downhole Gauge PE - Petroleum Engineer
PEDL - Petroleum Exploration & Development Licence Pf - phenolphthalein alkalinity PF - Platform PFD - position fixing device, personal floatation device PFEER - Prevention of Fire and Explosion and Emergency Response Regulations PG - Pressure Gradient PGB - Permanent Guide Base PGOR - Produced Gas Oil Ratio PGOR - Produced Gas Oil Ratio Ph - indicator of alkalinity & acidity PH - Pipe Handler ph - Push and Hold PHC - Pipehandling Crane, Sense EDM terminology PHR Pipe Handler Control Room PHS - Tubular Handling System, Sense EDM terminology PI - productivity index PIANC - Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses PILOT - OGITF Successor PIMS - Pipeline Integrity Management System PINC - Potential Incident of Non-Compliance PJSM Pre Job Safety Meeting PLB - personal locator beacon PLC - Process Logic Controller PLC Programmable Logic Controller PLEM - pipeline end manifold PLT - Pod Line Tensioner PLT - Production Logging Tool PLT - Production Logging Tool PM - particulate matter Pm - phenolphthalein alkalinity PM10 - particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter PM2.5 - particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter PMCD - Pressurized mud-cap Drilling PMR - Planned Maintenance Routine PMS - planned maintenance system PN - Plugged nozzle Drill bit POB - persons on board POB - pilot on board POBM - Pseudo-Oil-Based Mud PON - Petroleum Operations Notice POOH - Pull Out Of Hole POOI - Pacific Operators Offshore Incorporated POSVCM - Pipeline Oil Spill Volume Computer Model POV - Pressure Operated Valves PP - Pore Pressure ppa - pounds of proppant added PPB - parts per billion ppcf - Pounds Per Cubic Foot PPE - Personnel Protection Equipment PPG - Pounds per gallon ppg Pounds per Gallon (density) ppm - Parts per million pptf - Pounds Per Thousand Feet PRS - Polish Register of Shipping PRS- Pipe Racking System PRT - Petroleum Revenue Tax
PRT Production Riser Tensioner PS - Power Swivel PSA - pressure setting assembly PSAC - Petroleum Services Association of Canada PSC - port state control PSC - Production Sharing Contract PSD - Planned Shut-Down PSD - Prevention of Significant Deterioration PSD - Process Shut Down PSE - Pressure Safety Element PSH - Pressure Safety High PSHL - Pressure Safety High/Low psi - pounds per square inch psi/ft - pressure gradient PSIA - Pounds per Square Inch Atmospheri PSIG - Points per square inch, gauge psig - pounds per square inch gauge PSL - Pressure Safety Low PSL - Product Specification Level PSU - Power supply unit PSV - Pressure safety valve PTO - Permit to Operate PTW - Permit to Work PUE - Pick Up Elevator PUR - Plant Upset Report PUWER - Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations PV - Plastic Viscosity PV - pore volume PV - pressure/vacuum PVT - Pit Volume Totalizer (Mud System) PVT - pressure-volume-temperature PW - Potable water PW - Produced Water PWD - Pressure(monitoring) While Drilling PWRI - Produced Water Re-Injection PWV - Production Wing Valve
QA - quality assurance QC - quality control QF - Qualifying Facility QRA - Quantative risk analysis
R&D - Research and Development R/U - Rig up RA - Radio activity Rabbit - Piston that pushes core out of core tube. pumped out with water. RAD - radioactive densiometer RB - Rotary Busing RCC - Rescue coordination centre RCCD - Reverse Circulation Centre Discharge RCDS - Raster Chart Display Systems RCJB - Reverce circulating junk basket. RCM Recirculating Mixer RD - Rig Down RDF - Radio direction finder
RDRL - Redrill RE - Reservoir Engineer Re - reynolds number - hydraulics RENC - Regional Electronic Navigational Chart Coordinating Centre REV - Reverse RF - radio frequency RF - range finder RFMA Rig Floor Mechanical Arm RFT - Repeat Formation Tester RG - Rounded gauge Drill Bit RH - Relative Humidity RH - Right Hand RI - Royalty Interest Rig All drilling systems required to drill, complete, or workover production or injection wells RIH - Run In Hole RINA - Registro Italiano Navale (Italian Register of Shipping) RIRs - Risk Identification Reports RIT - Riser Tensioner RKB - Rotary Kelly Bushing RMA - Rock mechanics algorithm RMLC - Request for Mineral Land Clearanc RMS - Ratcheting Mule Shoe RMT - National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers RN - Roughneck RNC - Raster Navigational Chart RNR - Romanian Maritime Register of Shipping ROA - Return of Assets ROB - remain on board (cargo, bunkers) ROC - Reactive Organic Compounds ROE - Return of Equity ROFR - Right Of First Refusal ROG - Reactive Organic Gases ROI - Return On Investment ROP - rate of penetration Ro-Ro - roll on/roll off ROS - residual oil saturation ROSF - Rincon Onshore Separation Facility ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicle ROW - Right of way RPM - Revolutions Per Minute RPM - Rounds Per Minute RR - Rig Released RS - Rig Service RS - Russian Maritime Register of Shipping RST - Rotary Support Table RT - rotary table RT (or R/T) - radio telegraph RTCM - Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services RTTS - Retrievable Test-Treat-Squeeze RTU - Remote Terminal Unit RWPs - remedial work plans RWQCB - Regional Water Quality Control Board
Rabbit - Piston that pushes core out of core tube. pumped out with water. RAD - radioactive densiometer RB - Rotary Busing RCC - Rescue coordination centre RCCD - Reverse Circulation Centre Discharge RCDS - Raster Chart Display Systems RCJB - Reverce circulating junk basket. RCM Recirculating Mixer RD - Rig Down RDF - Radio direction finder RDRL - Redrill RE - Reservoir Engineer Re - reynolds number - hydraulics RENC - Regional Electronic Navigational Chart Coordinating Centre REV - Reverse RF - radio frequency RF - range finder RFMA Rig Floor Mechanical Arm RFT - Repeat Formation Tester RG - Rounded gauge Drill Bit RH - Relative Humidity RH - Right Hand RI - Royalty Interest Rig All drilling systems required to drill, complete, or workover production or injection wells RIH - Run In Hole RINA - Registro Italiano Navale (Italian Register of Shipping) RIRs - Risk Identification Reports RIT - Riser Tensioner RKB - Rotary Kelly Bushing RMA - Rock mechanics algorithm RMLC - Request for Mineral Land Clearanc RMS - Ratcheting Mule Shoe RMT - National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers RN - Roughneck RNC - Raster Navigational Chart RNR - Romanian Maritime Register of Shipping ROA - Return of Assets ROB - remain on board (cargo, bunkers) ROC - Reactive Organic Compounds ROE - Return of Equity ROFR - Right Of First Refusal ROG - Reactive Organic Gases ROI - Return On Investment ROP - rate of penetration Ro-Ro - roll on/roll off ROS - residual oil saturation ROSF - Rincon Onshore Separation Facility ROV - Remotely Operated Vehicle ROW - Right of way RPM - Revolutions Per Minute RPM - Rounds Per Minute RR - Rig Released RS - Rig Service RS - Russian Maritime Register of Shipping RST - Rotary Support Table RT - rotary table RT (or R/T) - radio telegraph
RTCM - Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services RTTS - Retrievable Test-Treat-Squeeze RTU - Remote Terminal Unit RWPs - remedial work plans RWQCB - Regional Water Quality Control Board
TA - temporary abandonment TAC - Toxic Air Contaminants TAR - True Amplitude Recovery TB - Tank Battery TBA - To Be Advised tbg - Tubing TBOSIET - Tropical Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training Tcf - Trillion Cubic Feet TCF-Temp correlation factor, gas lift TCP- Tri Crecyl Phosphate - defoamer TCP- Tubing Conveyaed Perforating gun TCR - Transition Cost Recovery TCT- True Crystallization temp TD - Target Depth TD - Total Depth TDPH - Top Drive Pipe Handler TDS - Top Drive System TDS - total dissolved solids TDU - Transmission Dependent Utility TEU - Twenty feet equivalent unit TF - Tropical fresh load line TFCB - Trip for Changing Bit TFL - through-flowline (equipment) TFM - AKMH Terminology for Pipe Skate " Tubular Feeding Machine" TGB - Temporary Guide Base TGOR - Total Gas Oil Ratio TGOR - Total Gas Oil Ratio THF - Tubing Hanger Flange THP - Tubing Hanger Pressure THS - Tubing Head Spool TIH - Trip In Hole TIMS - Technical Information Management System TJ - tool joint TLL - timber load line TLP - Tension Leg Platform TM - ton miles TOC - Top Of Cement TOF - Top Of Fish TOL - Top Of Liner TOOH - Trip Out Of Hole TOU - Time-Of-Use TP - Touch Pad TPI - Tones per inch immersion TPIC - Terminal Person in Charge TQM - Total quality management TR - Temporary Refuge TR - Tracking Drill bit TRIF - Total Recordable Incident Frequency TRSCSSSV - Tubing Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Safety Valve TRSV- Tubing Retrievable Standing Valve
TSE - Temperature Safety Element TSH - Temperature Safety High TSSs - Traffic Separation Schemes TT - Trip Tank TTC - Total Transfer Capability TTRD - Through Tubing Rotary Drilling TVD - True Vertical Depth TVDSS - True Vertical Depth Sub Sea
UBD - under balanced drilling UBOP - Upper BOP (TDS or Kelly) UBS - Universal bulk ship UEL - Upper explosive limit UFC - Uniform Fire Code UFL - Upper flammable limit UHF Ultra High Frequency (radio system) UKCS - United Kingdom Continental Shelf UKLPG - Industry association formed from the LP Gas Association (LPGA) and the Association for Liquid Gas & Equipment Distributors (ALGED) UKOOA - United Kingdom Offshore Operator assosiation UKPIA - United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association Limited ULBC - ultra large bulk carrier ULCC - ultra large crude carrier UMS - Universal Measurement System UMV - Upper Master Valve UN - United Nations UNCLOS - United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply UR - underream USC - United States Code UG - Under Gauge USCG United States Coast Guard USDA - US Department of Agriculture USDOI - US Department of Interior USDOT - US Department of Transportation USEPA - US Environmental Protection Agency USFWS - US Fish and Wildlife Service USGS - US Geological Survey UTA - Umbilical Termination Assembly UTC - Universal time (coordinated) UV - ultra-violet VBR - Variable Bore Rams VDL - Variable Deck Load VDU Visual Display Unit VFD Variable Frequency Drive V-G meter = viscosity get meter VHF Very High Frequency (radio system) VIR - Value Investment Ratio VRR - Voidage Replacement Ratio VSC - variable speed controller W/C - Well Centre WACOG - Weighted Average Cost Of Gas WAG - Water-Alternating Gas WBM - Water-Based Mud WC - Watercut
WC = Water cushion WCD - Worst-case discharge WDP - Waste Discharge Permit WDRs - Waste discharge requirements WE - Well Engineer WEG - Wireline Entry Guide WEND - World Electronic Navigation Database WHM - Wellhead maintenance WHO - World Health Organisation WHP - Wellhead Pressure WHRU - Waste Heat Recovery Unit WI - Water Injection WI - Working Interests WIS - Wave Information Study WITS - Well site Information Transfer Standard WITSML - Well site Information Transfer Standard, Markup Language WL - water line WL - Water Loss, drilling fluid WL = wireline WLEG- Wireline Entry Guide aka RE-Guide WLL - WireLine Logging WMO - World Meteorological Organization WMU - World Maritime University WO - Weld wash out Drill Bit Damage WOB - Weight on Bit WOC - Wait on Cement WOC - water/oil contact WOE - Well Operations Engineer WOG = wait on geologist WOG = Water-oil-gas WOO = waiting on orders WOR - water/oil ratio WOW = waiting on weather WP - Well Protector WPI - Wholesale Price Index WQC - Water Quality Certificate WRSCSSV - Wireline Retrievable Surface Controlled Sub-Surface Valve WRSV- Wireline Retrievable Safety Valve WSCA - Well Services Contractors Association WSS - Well Services Supervisor WT - watertight wT - Worn teeth drill bit damage WTI - West Texas Intermediate WTP - Willingness to Pay WWS- Water well source completion aka WSW Water Source Well Completion WY - Water Year
Xb - X-Bushing X-COM - Multi Purpose Control Module, Sense EDM terminology XMT - XMas Tree XO - Cross-Over
YP - yield point YS - Yield strength YV - yield value Z- - acoustic impediance. production logging ZnCl2 - zinc chloride. ZMS - Zone Management Systems