Globe-Wernicke File Cabinets 1907
Globe-Wernicke File Cabinets 1907
Globe-Wernicke File Cabinets 1907
III ;).7
3 0402 00256 0946
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Washington, D. C.
C J N C J N N A. T I
IVIAR 6 lRll
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o/v' Elastic" Filing Cabinets
Horizontal Section.
o/wVertical Filing
Upright Sections
!Ji'wSolid Filing Cabinets
New York.
380382 Broadway. Cor. White
224-228 Wabaah "Ave .
Botton, 9193 Federal Street.
Cincinnati , 418 Main Street.
. , 1907
/ '
f; 1,\ ib \ 71) a't .sJ
The II Elastic" Filing Cabinet System.
CAllfHI\GL Avu luf
Horizontal Sections .
This embraces within its scope, ever y
filing device of a pract ical nature that could
possibl y be of use in an office.
These are built in unit or sectional form
-of which there are two kinds-horizontal
and upright sections.
Of the horizontal uni ts, there are over
sixty-fi ve different kinds and si zes described
in this catalogue. These units are of such
dimensions that whether used separately or
in small or elaborate combinations, symme
trical proportions and uniformit y of out
ward appearance need never be sacrificed.
The upright or vertical sections are als0
of uniform heighth and include vertical
letter file, card index, document, cap. bill
invoice, report and storage sections. These
in(erlock end-to-end only, whereas the hori
zontal sections are capable of both lateral
and vertical extensions.
are the originators
of the unit idea as applied to filing cabi
nets, a statement which can be verified by
referring to the first catalogue of sectional
filing cabinets ever published, and which
was issued by us in 1897. Since that time.
the tremendous popularity of the line and
its world wide distribution, furnishes ample
evidence of the universal endorsement of
the u nit principle in general and the
adaptation and construction
in part icular .
Factory Plants
51>. 9lob.!WoMllck. eO.
Upright Sections.
.::&!J: s rOt
Horizontal Sections.
Patented Metal Interlocking
F or Vertical Extension.
Device for Hori zontal Sections
Pl.ced End (0 End
A T op Section
1 ' " .i ,I,
: ,II" ;=;l
A Fili ng Secti on
... '':-"i--"
and a Base Secti on
are required to make" complete cabinet.
- 11'1 "" -:1
.. ..
,. .,. .", ., -; !!
, T ? 0:0 _ . ', _ .'
. - . ,
.. .
To which can be added more units they C3n be Interlocked end-to-end
for either vert ical extension for horizontal extensi on.
The above illustrations show the manner of interlocking
"Elastic" Filing Cabinet Units for either vertical
or horizontal extension.
For vertical extension. the interlocking strip on the top of each
unit fits in the center between the two outer strips on the bottom
of the unit above it, which prevents shifting.
The patellt metal interlocking strip at the end of each section is
intended for horizontal extension and also insures perfect rigidity
and alignment, being absolutely essential to a substantial construc
The variolls filing devices ill nstrated on the opposi te page are all
incorporated in the .. "Elastic" Filing Cabinet System.
Panel Ends and Plain Ends-Formerly our catalog'ue illustrated only
plain-clOd quartered oak units. While coutinuing this line in order
to supply the demand from former purchasers, we illustrate here
in only panel-end units. The prices on ooth styles of units are the
same, and, as the units themselves are interchangeable, pur
chasers of the plaill-end units can, when desired, m<1ke their addi
tions with the panel-end style. The plain-end units are furnished
in 2 D ~ and 299 grades-see list, page 47, and the panel-end in 298,
299 or 297, and 598 grades (see page 8).
Width-All horizontal filir.g cabinet units measure 41% inches wide
Jl'ntbs-There are three depths, 13 inches; 17 inches and 25 inches, out
side measurement from frout to oack.
All units are designated by their
respective depths as follows:
Plain Panel
ends. ends.
D inch depth...... No. 13...... No. 1301
17 inch depth...... No. 17...... No. 1701
23 inch depth...... No. 25...... No. 2501
In vertical extension, one unit
will fit on top of another of same
or greater depth. In horizontal
extension, units of the same or
different depths can be in ter
"re now furnish on certaiu let
ter, document <1nd c<1rd index file
units and card index cabinets a
very ing'enious and effective lock
ing device, whereby the locking of
aile file locI,s all files in that unit
or cabinet. Unit<:l and cabinets
having locking devices are indi
cl1.ted under their respective de
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The goods descrille<l in thi" clLtalogue al'e [urni.;hell in uue or more
of the three grade;; of finisll, Ilesignatell by Humber>;, as fullows :
*Grac:le 299.-Qu!trtel'-i:l,L\\eI1 figurel1 onl" with rich lhU'k gol<len finish,
wa.ter ru1.Jbed mHl hfLn(l;;umely pulishell (cnniel1 in stod,).
Grade 297.-Qu1.1rtel'-t;awed figul'el1 We,Lthered Onk (not Clu'l'iel1 in
stock but furnished on short llotice) . Price same as gralle 2f)[).
Grade 298.-Qual'tel'-sawed figured Onk with antique (light) finish,
water J'ubllell anll lmnc1sOJUely polisheu (not CI11Tieil in stock, ex
cept in plain-end ullits, see p,1ge 47, hut furnishe(l in two to four
weeks time). Price smue as Gra.lle 2DD.
Grade 598.-Genuille Mahogany, rich1y finislJell mel\iull1 Ilark, water
rubbel1 nnl1 hr1ll1l!'lo1Ue1y polished (cal'rieU in stock).
;'Note-Ullle..;s othel'\\'ise specifiell, all goolls orllerl',l \\'il\l)e furnished iu
2DD gralle.
To avoid mistakes tJ,nd uelays of conespoudeuce, it is importll,llt
that the following instructions be care.!ully followed:
If uot alreauy suppliell, ineltHle topluHl base units for each vertical
tier of uuits, excepting the upright uuits which !1re comp1ete in them
Order by number anu letters exactly as gi ven with descl'iptioll of
each unit.
If plain-enu units ouly are wallteU to JU!1tch
oruer froJU list of l) units on page 47.
y- \! l"r)!)
J If) 'lob -) { <! !:' ).) i .3
Satisfaction Guaranteed-we guarantee our goous to be satisfactory
as to quality. If not satisf,L(;toI'Y !\,s stateo, gooos may be re
tUl'llell Itt onl' co::;t ,11111, if pail! fol', 1ll01H'Y will be refUlH!eu. ,Ve
expect ]JrOlllvt remitt,ull.:e after <tl'l'ivIlI an(! inspectioll' of goods.
Strangers 1l1HI ]Jersons Imving' llO et>tltblislleu credit with us, may
facilitate by remit.ting with theil' 01'(11'I's.
Our Stock-Cnle>!!> otherwise stateil, lye el!llelLYOl' to Cltrry in st0ck
everything mentioncI1 in these ]JHges. Sto!.:k g'OOllF; which we ,1re
temporarily out of will lIe !;UllPliell as qtlic1dy u.s IJracticable.
AllY ueviation from i:ltuck ..;tyle..;, or l:iizes, will be t;ubjel.:t. to extra
charge. Mail ol'llers should be very l'xplidt, ::;t,tting' ex,L(;tly what
is wanteil, thus lLyuiLling delays 11waiting instructions.
N et Price, Freight Paid lllen,llS that we pay the freight f!'Om factories
to /tny ]'tJ,ilway station in the Unitell States on F;hipments weigh
ing 100 pount1s 01' mOI'e, We Ill) not, however, g'ual'antee uelivery
nor assume lia1.Jility fur d, ill trll.nt;it. Our legal respoll
si1.Jility !.:ease!> whell tl'anI;jJol'tatioll company issues its bill of
lading to u::;. On shipments smaller tlllLn 100 pounds, or on
goous sent l)y express, we 00 not lmy llllr ,L..;f\\lme transllurtation
Regarding Prices-On freight i:lhijJlllentl:l of 100 pounds aud over, to
]lOints east of 'i\{ontaJl<1, \Vyoming, Colol'lulu and New Mexico,
the prices in this catalogue ,u'e uet, freight }laid. \Vest of the
eastern bouudaries of thet;e i:ltates, 15 per cent. will be aililed for
excessi ve'fr'eight.
This en tire
Fourteen Story
Building, occu
pied as h ead
quarters of the
Baltimore and
Ohio R. R.
Company is
equipped from
top to bottom
"Elastic" Fil
ing Cabinets
\ " r-.) ' , ... II
:r... .
X. Top
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 3X inches high. Adapted to single units
or combinations. Shipping" weight about 25, 30 and 45 pounds respec
tively for the following sizes:
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1301 X. Top Unit, 13 inches deep............... $:3.50 !iii 5.00
No. 1701 X. Top Unit, 17 inches deep..... ......... 4.50 G.OO
No. 2501 X . Top Unit, 25 inches deep... ............ G.::iO 10.00 Units, see 47. Subjeot to terms on 9.
t' ..
F---------5 -;c.....-,-.....-
F. Base
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 1 inch lligh. A low fiat base, desig'ned
for single units or low comllinfLtions. Shipping weight about 20, 25
and 30 p ounds r espectively for the following sizes:
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1301 F. Base Unit, 13 inches deep .......... .. .. $1.50 $2.25
No. 1701 F. Base Unit, 17 inches deep ........ ...... 2.00 3.00
No. 2501 F. Base Unit, 25 inches deep ........ .. .... 2.50 3.75
Subject to terms on page 9
This combination shows a No. 1301 x. Top: No. 1301 D. R. Unit and
No. 1301 F. Base used for filine- railroad tariffs.
.... ,(.,'
L. Base
A low b aRe unit of the following; dimensions: 41% inches wide, 4 in
ches hi .!.!:h. Shipping; weight about 30, 35 and 40 pounds respectively for
the following' sizes :
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, :299 59H
No. 1:101 L. Base Unit, 13 inches cleep ... .. ... ... ... :;;3.25 $4.50
No. 1T01 L. Base Unit, 11 inches deep.. .. ....... ... 3.75 5.50
No. 2501 L. Unit, 25 inches (leep .............. 4.50 6.50
Subject to terms on page 9
:.----.,....... '. '. -' --'-.- ...
... .. .
'.. ......
L. D. Base
Dimensions 41% incbes wide, inches high. A luw drawer base
containing; t\yO clrft.\\ers. In the No. the clrl1;\yel's measure inside,
I/;% iuches wide, 5Jt1 inches hig-h, 10% inches deep; in the No. 1T01, 1R% in
ches wide, 4j{ inches hig'h, 13ji inches deep; in the No. 2301, 1N% inche!';
"'ide, 4ji inches high, 22% inches deep. Shipping' weight about 60, TO
and 90 p oulJ (ls respectively for the following sizt's:
FINISH-See pag'e 8
Net price, freight paid, 209 598
No. 1:;01 L. D. Base Unit, 13 inches deep....... . $ 8.00 $11.00
No. 1T01 L. D. Base Unit, 17 inches deep........ 9.30 13.00
No. 2'501 L. D. Base Unit, 23 inches (let'p ........ 12.::>0 1G.00
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subj ect to terms on page 9.
... , --z- -
:r \11 "r)..0 t 2" b1"r) $ 'r ..
Low Leg Base
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 10ji inches nigh. On this base can be
pla.ced units 13, 17 and 25 Inches deep, the latter requiring the No. 2501
size unit. Shipping weight about 50 and 75 pounds respectively for the
following sizes:
FINISH-See }>tLg'e R
Net price, freight paid, !W9 598
No. 1701 Luw Leg Bf1.'>e Unit, 17 inches deep.......... $3.00 $7.00
No. 2501 Low Leg Base Unit, 25 inches (leep.......... 6.50 8.50
Subj eot to t erms on pa. ge 9
High Leg Base
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 23% inches high. On this base can be
placed units either 13, 17 or 25 inches deep, the latter requiring
No. 2:101 Unit. Shipping weight about 60 and 75 pounds r espectively
jor the following Sizes:
FINISH-8ee page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 59S
No. 1701 High Leg Base Unit, 17 inches deep....... $ 9.00 .$1:3.00
No. 2501 High Leg Base Unit, 25 inches deep.... ... 11.00 16.00
Subjeot to terms on page 9
No. 1301 X. Top.
No. 1301 Db\. S. P. Door Unit.
No. 1701 R. S. Unit.
No. 1701 High Leg Base.
These sections, by being- placed on a, No. 1701 Hi;!,'ll Leg' Base, make
possible convenient reference to the contents of the Roller Shelf and
Sliding Door Units.
H. C. Base
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 23% inches high. A high cupboard base
containing cupboard divided by nnrig-ht partition into two spaces,
each measm'ing 19% inches wide, 17'1" inches high, and in the No. 1701
unit, 15)4 inches deep, and in the No. 2501 unit, 23)i incht's deep inside,
each space llt'ing" fitted with a rernovl1ble shelf. Shipping Weight 115
and 150 pounds respectively for the following sizes:
FINISH-See page 8
Net price freight paid, 299 598
No. 1701 H. C. Base Unit, 17 inches deep...... ........ $17.00 $24.00
No. 25Ul H. C. Base Unit, 23 inl'hes deep.... ......... . 26.00 36.00 Units, see 47. Subject to terms on 9.
. p "",1
8 11 r) 3
=--= ---=
u 1, !! -"\Vt!
No. no! H. D. Base
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 23% inches high, 17 iu(;hel:i deep (front to
back) A high drU'wer base containing- Gdrawers, each measuring 18%
inches wide, inches high, inches deep inside. Shipping weight
about 135 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1101 H. D. Bw,;e Unit ... .... . ....... .. ... $19.50 $28.00
Plain-end Units, See 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
No. no! W. D. Base
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 23% inches high, 17 inches deep (front to
back). A Iligh drawer base containing 3 wide dl'uwers, each measuring
38 inches. Wide, 4;1!" inches high, 15 inches deep inside. Shipping weight
about 130 poundtl.
FINISH-See pag'e 8
Net price, freight pai(], 299 598
No. 1701 IV. D. Base Unit ....... . .. ..... ..... $19.50 $28.00
Plain-end Units, see 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
":"- j ' - , ,
. 1':: \V 'il
No. 2501 H. D. Base
Dimensions 41% inches wille, 23% inches high, RlHI 2:) inches deep (front
to lJack). A high dru,wer base containing drawers, each measuring
18),3 inches wi<le, 2 inches high, 22Yij inches deep inside. Drawers are
iitted with na,rrow thin metal strip or hood across the top at lJack to
prevent papers curling up above tops of drawers. Specially adapted
to holding insurance policies. Shipping weight about 200 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 2;)01 H. D. Base Unit .......................... $30.00 $42.00
Plain end Units, see page 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
No. 2501 W. D. Base
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 23% inches high, and 25 inches deep
(front to back). A high drawer base containing" 6 wirle drawers, each
measuring 38 inches wide, lYij'inches high, 22Yij inches deep inside.
Drawers fitted with removable partitions through center from front to
llack, also with narrow thin metal strip or hood across top at back to
prevent papers from curling np above tops of drawers. Shipping
,,'eight about 195 pounds.
FINISH- See pag'e 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 2501 ,V. D. Dase Unit........................ $30.00 $42.00
Plain-end Units, see piloge 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
--... - --
1-7 ) - ) ) I
:J" \ __ ..:r?.:(:Y'
Truck Base
Dimensions 5 inches high without back, 43X inches wide and 20 inches
ueep (front to back). A low truck base designed for single tiers of two,
three or four units, that require frequent moving from plu,ce to place,
in and out of vaults, etc. These trncks are mounted on heavjr rubber,
tired and roller-lJearing casters, an expensive feature, but absolutely
essential to a perfect truck base. Paneled lJacks either two, three or
four units high are attached to the base and lJack of units, serving the
donble pupose of giving a finished appearance to lJack of combination,
and locking the units firmly together. The Truck Bu,se is made for
No. 1701 Units only. Shipping weight u,lJout 100 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1T01 Truck Base with
pa.neled Imck .................... $22.00 $,12.00
Totailleight 34}f inches or 2 units high with top.
No. 1T01 Truck Base with
panelerl back.. .................. $23.50 $34.00
Total height 49M inches or 3 units high with tOil.
No. 1T01 Trnck Base with
paneled IJack.................... $25.00 $3(j.00
Total height 61 inches or 4 units hi2"h with 1.01'.
Subject to terma on page 9
No. 1301 One Row L F. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 4% inches high, 13 inches deep.
with three regular Globe Letter Files of the
alJove. Labels and indexes furnished to suit purchaser at prices given
in supplementary list in back of catalogue.
page 71. Shipping weight about 45 pounds.
Net price, freight paid,
No. 1301 L. F. One Row Unit, regular, without supplies.... $5.00
Same, with suspending devic:e-sl2'e page 72..................
Same, with plain drawers-see dimensions above.......
Unless otherwise specified. No. 1301 L. F. One Row Unit. rel[ular. will be sent.
Subjeot to terms on 9
- f; \ ly) ..0 e 01\ ib !d .. 1 '1 '.' " - " " - II. N
, -=---__e=. -
S. S. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 2 inches high. Contains two sliding
shelves. It is designed for use between any two units anc] , in position,
appears as in illustration below. It is of the gTeatest convenience, as
it affords a place for files and drawers while referring to their
contents. Shipping weight about 30,45 and 60 pounds respectively for
the three following sizes:
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1301 S. S. Unit.......................... .......... $5.00 $ 7 50
No. 1701 S. S. Unit..... .. ... . ....... ..... ............ 7.00 10.00
No. 2501 S. S. Unit .................................. 9.00 12.50
Subject to terms on page 9
No. l301 L F. Unit
Letter File.
Dimensions 41% inches wide, inches high, 13 inches deep. Fitted
with nine regular Globe Letter Files measuring inside 11% inches wide,
10 inches deep, 3 inches high, and outside inches wide, 3X inches
high, 11% inches deep. Labels and indexes fUl'l1ished to suit purchaser
at prices given in supplementary list in back of catalog-ue. For de
scription of File see page 71. Shipping weight about SO pounds.
FINISH-See page S
Net price, freight paid, 2lJ9 59t1
No. 1801 L. F. Unit, regu[",r, without supplies ................ $12.00 $17.00
StLJI1e, with locking dtjvice ... .......... ............................ 15.00 20.00
S",llle, with suspending device-see page 72............... 13.80 1S.80
Same, with locking and su!';pencling device............... 16.80 21.80
Same, with plain drawers instead of letter files ........ 10.65 15.65
Inside dimensions of Plain Drawer llYaxlO% x3 inches.
Price of single suspending device.................................... 20 cents.
Unless otherwise specified, No. 1301 L. F. Unit, ree-ular, will be sent.
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
Plain Drawer.
For description of File see
FINISH-See page 8
299 598
5.60 8.10
4.55 7.05
.. -.IiIIII
, r.. , > I
1 ,j) _"} 1') b
No. 170J L. F. Unit
Dimensions 41% Inches wide, 13Jll inches high, 17 inches deep. Fitted
with cap size Let.ter Files accommodating papers 14 x 9}6 inches and
smaller. All Files in this unit suspended as shown in By
raisillg the front of the file it can be entirely withdra.wn frOID. unit.
La.bels and indexes furnished to suit purchaser at prices given in sup
plementary list in back of catalogue. Shipping weight about 115 pounds.
FINISH-See pag'e S
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1/01 L. F. Unit, without suppJies.............................. $18.00 $25.00
Same, with plain drawers instead of letter files ........ 16.65 23.65
Inside dimensions of Plain Drawer ls54xll:VsxZ}i inches
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subject to terms on page 9.
No. A. F. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 13Jll inches high, 17 inches deep. Fitted
with 12 of our reg'ular Columbia Arch Letter Files with
Covers (see pa,g'e 81) accommodating papers 14x8% inches and smaller.
Inside dimensions of drawer 9 inches wine, 1G% iuches deep, 2% inches
high. Labels and indexes arranged to suit purchaser at prices given in
supplementary list in back of catalogne. Shipping weight about 100
FINISH--8ee page 8
Net price, freight paid, 289 598
No. 1701 A. F. Unit, without supplies............... .............. $21.00 $28.00
Same, with plain drawers instead of files ................. 19.20 26.00
Inside dimensions of Plain Drawer lS!4x9xZ}{ inches.
Plain-end Units, Bee page 47. Subject to terms on 9.
No. 130J, 170J and 2501 V. L. Units
The V. L. Horizontal Units can be obtained in three different depths,
13, 17 and 25 inches respecti vely.
Each size of unit contains three vertical file drawers, the dimensions
of which are tabulated below. 'l'hese drawers while substantially
built, are not of clumsy nor box-like construction.
The hinged front, which dl'ops slightly forwaru, releases the pres
sure without having to ad.iust the follower block each time.
As both the drawer and the extension shelf underneath, slide on
roller bearings, only the slightest effort is required to pull the drawer
out its full length, even when full.
A flfLt key lock with two keys locking into partition at right side
will be fitted to any file at an extra cost of 50 cents each.
No. 1301 V. L. Unit ........ .41% inches wide, 13Jll inches high, 13 inches deep.
No. 1701 V. L. Unit........ .41%" "13)jj" "17" "
No. 2501 V. L. Ullit ........ .41% 25
No. 1:101 V. L. Vnit....... inches hig'h, 12 inches wide,
No. 1701 V. L. Unit....... " 12" "
No. 2501 V. L. Unit....... 12
9% inches deep.
14 " "
No. 1301 V. L. Unit. ......................... 7,000 Papels.
No. 1701 V. L. Unit... .... . ........ .. ........ 10,000 "
No. 2501 V. L. Unit......................... 15,000
Prices below do not include guides, fol<1en, 01' In.bels, f;ee supple
mentary price list in back of catalogue.
FINISH-See pa,ge 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1301 V. L. Unit................................... $14.00 $20.00
No. 1701 V. L. Unit................................... 18.00 25.00
No. 2501 V. L. Unit... ................................. 22.50 32.00
NO.B01 V. L. Unit ........... 70 pounds.
No. 1701 V. L. Unit ........... 105 "
No. 2501 V. L. Unit ........... 130
'f}, '10 b <) -<'\\(02 l' >n i 13 k F-\ 11 1") ..0 e-J) 1:;:0 .d ..
No. f70t and 250l V. C. Units
Dimensions No.1701 V. C. Unit, 41% inches wide, inches high, and
11 inches deep. '1'he two vertical files each measure im;i(le
high, 14)<5 inches wide, and each has a filing capa,city from front to back
of 14 inches. Shipping weight about 105 pounds.
Dimensions No. 2501 V. C. Unit, 41% inches wide, inches high, and
25 inches deep. The two vertical fiI!:'s each meaSUl'e inside inche!:l
high, inches wide, and each has a capacity from front to back of 21
inches. These Vertical Cap Units are furnished with a Storage DnLwer
File in center having an inside capacity of 11% inches high, G inches
wide, 15h inches deep, or, when so ordered, with three No. 35 Carel
Index Files having a total card capacity of 45 inches. Shipping weight
about 130 pounds.
'When wanted a Document File in place of the Stora,,'e Dntwer -will
be furnished, but in nilsence of other instructions the unit having the
Storage Drawer will be supplied.
FINISH-See page 8
l'et price, frei ght paid, 299 598
No. 1701 V. C. Unit.............. ............ ................................ . $18.00 $Z5.CO
No. 1701 V. C. Unit with three C. 1. Files, no rods .......... . 20.40 27.40
No. 1701 V. C. Unit with three C. 1. Files and rods.......... 21.00 28.00
No. 2501 V. C. Unit ........................................................... 22.00 30.00
No. 2301 V. C. Unit with three C. 1. Files, no rods ........... 24.40 32.40
No. 2,,01 V. C. Unit with three C. 1. Files and rods .......... 23.00 33.00
v. C. Units having' C. 1. Files will be equipped with duplex rods unless otherwise
Subjeot to terms on page 9
ill} ;) -'r) ..J.:1I .r21, 1 ; .. I
Cad Index Files in V. L. Units
As Card Index Files are used exten
ea : :ji
sively in with the Vertical
Files we have arranged to furni sh a
I. ,
case conta.ining six No. 35 C. 1. Filt:'s to
occupy the space of a sing'le Vertical
File in allY of the V. L. Units, as iIIus
. \'
1\'t:'t price, freight paid, pag-e 8
No. 1JOI V. L. and C. I. Unit, with 2 V. L. DrawerR, 299 588
6 C. 1. Filt:'s, no rod", GO inches card ca.pacit.y....... $17.S0 $2G.!10
S1\.1\1I:' , with rods in C. 1. ...... " .. : .... ,,_"".. 18.00 27.0U
No. 1701 V. L . and C. I. Unit, with 2 V. L. Drawt'rs,
6 C. 1. Files, no rods, 87 inches card .. ".. 21. SO
Sam!:', with rods in C. 1. File" .. .. ... ....... ...... .. .............. 2J.00 32.50
No. 25Ul V. L. and C. I. Unit, with 2 V. L. Dr}tw!'r",
6 C. 1. Files, no rods, "'7 inches carel capacity...... 2G.30
Same, with rods in C. 1. Files ..... .... ........ " ............... " 27.50 39.50
Card In(lex Case alone, no rods...... ....... .. "...................... k.80
Same, with rods................. .............. , .... .................... 10.00
Units equipped with duplex rods sent unless otherwise s:,)ecified.
Shipping weights 90 pounds, 110 ponnds, and 130 poumls respectively.
Subjeot to terms on page 9
Card Index Files in L. F. Unit
If it is desired to substitute Cardln(lex Files for one or more of the
Letter Files in the No. 1301 L. F. Unit, we can furnish two Carel Ind!:'x
Files with dividing partition, so t.hey CHn be fitted into the letter file
opening, or we will fit them in the L. F. UnitE as wanted, when ordered.
The price of the 2 No. 35 Card Index Files with partition is $3.00 net for
299, or $4.50 net for No. 598 gl'Hde. If a No. nOl L. F. Unit is
ordered with CHrd files substituted for letter files , add for each letter
file opening to the price given for the L. F. Unit, $2.50 net for the No. 299
grade, or $4.00 net for the No. 598 grade-see illustration above.
FINISH-See pag-e 8
Net price, freight pELid, 299 588
No. 1:301 L.F. Unit, regular, with 2 No. 35 C.l. FileR, no rO(lR.. $14.10 $20.GO
Same, with ro(ls ............. ............... .....................
Same, with suspending device and rocl!,; .......... .. .
Subjeot to terms on page 9
. .... .....
C 1) -G iC' b !l!
"0;; II
.., 8
';\l 'tl
<t 'll
Card Index Files Furnished with
Round ROd, Duplex Rod or No Rod.
The Card In(lex Units, descrioeu in tile following pages, contain
tiles specially COllstructed for holding record and guide cards, and are
furnished either with rod to secure cu,rds in the file or withont rod.
These rods a re of two styles; the Round Rod, which is withdrawn
from the file when a cu,l'd is to oe r(}moved, and the Duplex Rod which
is operater] by turning the knob (Ill fl'ont of drawer-see illustration
herewith. Files with Duplex Rod are recommended for most purposes,
and will be furnished, unless ordered.
When desired the files will be furnished without any rods at a re
duction of 20 cents per file. A blocl:, or follower, which slides on a
countersunk r od, holds the cards In an upright position convenient
for reference.
Round Lock Rods, that can be locked in the files, will be supplied at
50 cents pel' l'od extra.
Additional information and descriptive matter regarding the Card
Index File, its wonderful possibilities, with prices and descriptions of
record and guide card:,;, etc. , will be found in Catalogue No. 907.
A condensed price list of record and guide cards is given In supple
mentary price list in back of catalogue.
r,J I' ., ' . j'
-S 1\ -0 '2 !,
One Row 35 Co L Units
of No, 1301 C. I. One Row 35 Unit, 41% inches wide, 49{
inches hig-h, 13 inches deep. Fitted with six No. 35 Sing-le-dmwer Ca,rd
Indt'x Files for holding 3x5 inch Record Cards. Total card capacity GO
inches. Shipping- ,veight about 45 pounds.
DimenRions of No. 1701 C. 1. One Row 35 Unit Rame as above, except
17 inches deep. Total card capadty 87 inches. Shipping weig'ht about
60 pounds. Prices below do not include card supplies, see supple
mentary list in back of catalogue. FINISH-See pag'e 8
299 ,--- 598
Without With Without With
Jocking lockine locking
Net price, freight paid,'
device. device. device.
No. 1301 C. I. One Row 35 Unit, no rods...... $ 7.80 $10.80 $11.80 $lUO
Same, with rods (duplex or round)........ . 9.00 12.00 13.00 16.00
No. 1701 C. 1. One Row 35 Unit, no rods,.,.. . 9.30 12.30 13.80 16.PO
Same, with rods (cluplex or round) .... .. , .. 10.50 13.50 15.00 18.00
Units equipped with duplex rod sent unless otherwise specified.
Subjeot to terms on page 9
No. 35 C. I. Units
Dimensions of No. 1301 C. I. 35 Unit, 41% inche8 wide, inches high,
13 inches deep. Fitted with eighteen No. 35 Single-dl'awer Card Index
Files for holding 3x5 inch Record Cards. Total card capacity 180 inches.
Shipping weight about 85 pounds.
Dimensions of No. 1701 C. I. 35 Unit, same as above, except 17 Inches
deep. Total card capacity 261 inches. Shipping weig-ht about 120
pounds. Prices below do not include card supplies, see supplementary
list in back .of catalogue. FINISH-Bee page 8
299 ,--- 598--,
Without With Without With
lockin2' Jocking locking
Net price, freight paid,
device. device. device.
No. 1301 C. 1. 35 unit, no rods..................... $19.40 $24.40 $27.40 $32.40
Same, with rods (dttp;ex or round) ......... 23.00 28.00 31.00 36.00
No. 1701 C. I. 35 Unit, no rods ......... , ........... 23.90 28.90 3ilAO 38.40
Same, with rods (duplex or round) ......... 27.50 32,50 37.00 42.00
Units eQuipped with duplex rod sent unless otherwise specified.
Plain-end Units, Bee page 47. Subject to terms on page 9.
One Row 46 C. I. Units
Dimensions of No. 1301 C. I. One Row 46 Unit, 41% inches wide, 5H
inches high, 13 incht's deep. Fitted with five No. 4G Single-drawer Card
Index Files fo!' holding 4x6 inch Record Cards. Total card capacity 50
inches. Shipping weight a lJOl1t 50 pounds,
Dimensions of No. 1701 C. 1. One Row 46 Unit, same as above, except
17 inches deep. Total card capacity 72X; inches. Shipping weight about
60 llounds. Prices below do llOt include card supplies, see supple
mentary list in lJack of catalogue. FINISH-See page 8
,--- 299 ,--- 598-----,
Without With Without With
lockine lockine
Net price, freight paid,
device. device. device.
No. 1301 C. I. One Row 46 Unit, DO rods ...... $10,50 $13.50 $15.50 $18,50
Same, with rods (duplex or round) ........ , 11.50 14.50 16.50 19.50
No. 1701 C. I. ODe Row 46 Unit; no rod" .. .. .. lil.OO lS.00 18.00 21.00
Same, with rods (duplex or rouncl) .. , ...... 14.00 17.00 19.00 22.00
Units equipped with duplex rod sent unless otherwise specified.
Subject to terms on page 9
No. 46 C. I. Units
Dimensions of No, 1301 C. I. 4G Unit, inches wide, inches hig'h,
13 illches deep. Fit.ted with ten No. 46 Singlt'-(lrawer Card Index Fiji'>;
for holding 4x6 inch Record Cards. Total card capacity 100 inches.
Shipping' weight about 80 pounds.
Dimensions of No. 1701 C. I. 46 Unit, same as above, except 17 incheR
deep. Total card capacity 145 inches. Shipping weight about llB
pounds. Prices below do not inclu 1e card supplies, see supplementary
list in back of catalogue. FINISH-See 8
r- 299 ,--- 598
Without With Without With
Net price, freight paid, device. device. device.
No. 1301 C. 1. 46 u1\it, no rods ................... .. $17.00 $21.00 $25.50 $29.50
Same, with rods (dnplex or round) ......... 19.00 23.00 27.50 31.50
No. 1701 C. I. 46 Unit, no rods, ...... , .... , .. , ..... 20.50 24.50 31.00 35,00
Same, with rods (duplex or round) . ........ 2:2.50 26.50 33.00 37.00
Units equipped with duplex rod sent unless otherwise sDecified.
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subject to terms on page 9.
.. .. ..
'. <l a ,
No. 1701 One Row 58 C. 1. Units
Dimensi ons 4]% inches wide, 7 inches higb, 17 jnches deep. Fitted
';)ith four No. 58 Single-drawer Card IndE'x Files for holding 5x8 inch
Record Cards. Total card capacity 58 inches. Prices below do not in
clude card supplies, see supplementary list in back of catalogue. Ship
ping weight about 60 ponnds.
Net price, freight paid, FINISH-See page 8
No. 1701 C. I. One Row 58 Unit, no rods and without 299 59B
locldng device.... ......... ....... .. .... .. ......... .... ... .... .... ..... $12.20 $17.20
Sll,me, no rods and with l ocking device .. .... ..... ...... ....... 15.20 20.20
Same, with rods (duplex 01' round), a nd without
loel, in!!; device.... .... ...... .... ............................. .......... 13.00 18.0n
Same, with rods (duplex or round) , a nd with lock
ing device........................................................ ........ 16.00 21.00
Subject to terms on page 9
No. 170l C. I. sa Units
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 13)& inches high, 17 inches deep. Fitted
with eight No. 58 Single-drawer Card Index Files for holding 5x8 inch
Record Cards. Total card capacity 116 inches. Prices below do not
include card supplies, see supplementary list in back of catalogue.
Shipping weight about 110 pounds.
Net price, freight paid, FINISH-See page 8
No. 1701 C. r. 58 Unit, no rods, and without locking 299
device.................................. ... ................................. $20.40
Same, no rods and with locking device........................ 24.40 33.40
Same, with rods (duplex or round), and without
InckinJ?; device......................................................... 22.00 31.00
Same, with rods (du!Jlex or round), and with lock .
ing device ... . ......................................................... .. . 26.00 35.00
Plain-end Units, Bee page 47. Subject to terms on page 9.
No. 1301 D. F. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 13J1l inches high, 13 inches deep. Fitted
with seyen regular Globe Document Files deSigned fOl' holliing papers
not l a rger than 4%x11J1l inches. Prices do not include guides, see sup
plementary list in back of catalogue for supplies. Shipping weight
about 75 pounds.
Net price, freight paid, FINISH-See page 8
No. 1301 D. F. Unit, without suspending device as shown 299 598
and without supplies, capacity each tile, 10%, inches ...... $12.00 $17.00
Same, with locking device, capacity inches.... ..... ...... 15.00 20.00
Same, with suspending device (see pa,ge 72), capacity
10 inches..... ......... .... ..... .... ..... .... .. ........ .... .. ...... .... .... .. 13.40 1R.40
Same, with both locking' and suspending device, capac
ity 10 inches .... ...... .... ........ ........... ....... .... .... .... ..... .... .. 16.40 21.40
Plain-end Units, SBe page 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
No. l70l D. F. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 13)jl inches high, 17 inches deep. FItted
with seven Globe Document Files designed to hold papers not larger
than 4%x10)f inches. Prices do not inclulle supplies, see supplementary
list in back of catalogue. Shipping weig'ht about 100 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1701 D. F. Unit, regular, capacity 14% Inches ... .. ........... $17.00 $25.00
Same, with locking device, capacity inches ...... .... ..... 20.00 28.00
N ot well adapted for suspending- device, because capacity is larg-eiy reduced.. Units, see 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
_h ) I:)
,.....1'" _--="=
No. 130 j L B. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 137!j inches higll, 13 inches deep. Twelve
drawers in this nnit are designed espeeially lor legal blanks, though
they are equally well adapted to many other purposes, particularly for
holding electrotypes. They measure inside 14)4 inches wide, 17!j inches
high, 97!j inches deep. The other three drawers measure inside 6% inches
wide, 37!j inches high, 11 inches deep. Shipping weight about 70 pounds.
e iI-. --n
1\ LO " ;)-) g .( :it
(:', 1u b '? 1" ,) .:J
...,.. -" --'t:; ;=tJ. / ' '::'';:;...:;' ..., ' .
',-r i ,.. ,.. ; "
' . 'J ;, ;'" to 1/ t' ! I
No. 1301 L. B. X. Unit
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1301 L. 13 . Unit.. ................................. $l1,OO $17.00
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subject to terms on page 9.
No. 1701 L. B. Unit
Dimensions inches wide, 13Ji! inches high, 17 inches deep. Con
tains 12 drawers, each drELwer being divided into two compartments
by a removable partition. Full size of drawer inside is 18% inches wide,
inches deep, 1 inch high. E8pecially adapted to holding legal
blanks, but also desirable for other purposes, particularly for holding
electrotypes. Shipping weight about 100 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1701 L. B. Unit..................... .. ............ $17.00 $25.00
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
'("/ c..
',. '7S
..., '-'o.!>',!)J ..
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 137!j Inches high, 13 inches deep. The
twelve drawers in this unit are designed to hold blanks, or forms
printed on half-sheets of folio. They are also adapted to many other
uses, including the holding of electrotypes. The drawers measure in
side, 18% inches wide, 17!j inches high, 117!j inches deep. Shipping weight
about 70 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1301 L. B. X. Unit.. .... .. ......... $11.00 $17.00
Subjeot to terms on page 9
No. 1701 L. B. X. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 137!j inches high, 17 inches deep. Fitted
with six drawers of convenient size for many purposes. The drawers
measure inside 18% inches wide, inches high, 15% inches deep, divieJed
by removallle partitions Into two compartments. Shipping weight
about 95 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, . 299 598
No. 1701 L. 13. X. Unit.. ,$15.00 $22.00
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
No. 2501 X. TOD.
No. 2501 V. L. Unit
with six C. 1. Files.
No. 2501 B. D. Unit.
No. 2501 B. D. Unit.
No. 2501 L. D. Ba,e.
A combination of B. D. Units for filing orie-ina1 drawings, proofs, etc,
The drawine"s are kept in the wide drawers, proois in the
two vertical file drawers, and contents of both are
indexed in the C. I. Files.
No. 250l B. D. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 13.\il inches high, 25 inches deep. A deep
and wide drawer unit containing four drawers, measuring inside 38
inches wide, 1% inches high, 22;s inches deep. A removable partition
through the center of the drawer, from front to back, divides it into
two compartments, each measuring I S ~ inches wide. Shipping weight
about 130 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freig-ht paid,
No. 250113. D. Unit......... .. . .
Subject to terms
.... .. .......
on page 9
No. l30l D. R. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 13.lil inches high, 13 inches deep.. Fitted
with sixteen boxes designed for filing insurance daily reports, but
equally adapted to holding Circulars, etc. The boxes are made of sub
iitantial tarboard, covered with black cloth and fitted with adjustable
label-holders and ring-pulls. Inside dilllensions of boxes 8Jl! inches wide,
11% inches deep, 2% inches high. " Shipping weight about 75 pounds.
FINISH-See p a g ~ 8
Net price, freight paill, 299 598
No. 1;)01 D. R. Unit.. ................................. $H.OO $17.00
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subject to terms on page 9.
No. POl C. B. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 13.lil inches high, 17 inches deep. Fitted
"\,\Ti',h twelve cap size boxes. The boxes are made of substantial tar
board of same design and construction as those in the D. R. Uni t
aboye. Insille elimensions of boxes 9 inches wiele, 16 inches deep, 3.lil
indIes high. Shipping weight about 100 pounds.
FINISH-See page ~
Net price, freight paid,
No. lTOl C. B. Unit ............... ...................
Subjeot to terms on page 9
-,'.r- --
, ..... ). . ) . t
J \ \ 1 'r) .r') e1:\ b "\ 2
.. ...=!'.:: ""'-
<0,,:.'::. .
No. P. H. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 1:3% inches high, 13 inches deep. The 24
boxes in t.his unit are substantially made, having metal sides and
finished oak fronts. 'I'lle inside dimensions measure inches wide,
3% inches high, and 11,l.i inches long. Shipping weight auout 80 pounds.
No. BO! M. D. Unit
Same as No. 1301 P. H. Unit in every
respect, excepting that metal drawers
-,' .. :, . .. ':. '. measuring inside 4% inches wide, 3% inches
. 7-: ;. ," .... .
high, 11% inches long, al'e suustituted fOl'
pigeon-hole scoops.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, fl'eight paid, :299 5i:J8
No. 1301 P. H. Unit.................... ...... ............ $1G.00
No. 1301 1Il. D. Unit.. ...... .. .. .. .......................... 1G.00 2..!.00
. ,1 ....;\ .. \:
..':.J..._ .... i;t;'i .'. .-, " I
'.' ,, 1' IP; . :.".,"'. '- __ '" .,;. :.-' -" I . _. J
". .-r . II.' e l ./
. - . '.-- .. " . .. -'.- .. 1 <'.: .
' .. ,
No. C. D. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 13% inches high, 13 inches deep. Con
tains drawe!'" e"pecially to holel various sized ca.talogues, the
three large drawers measuring inside B% inches wide, 3% inches high,
11 inches deep; and the nine smaller ones measuring inside 7
wide, inches high, 11 inches deep. Drawers cut down on one side to
facilitate handling' contents. Shipping' weight about 75 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 2i:J9 5i:J8
No. 1301 C. D. Unit.. ....................................... $11.00 $17.00
Plain-end Unita, see page 47, Subjeot to terms on page 9.
' h];
,----"'"";" -- , =d - l
'f! \ u b ') - \\(<3 D {:: 1\ .[; v; ' " . J \ \ 1,),0 t: :1\ 0 \:f ) ., . 1\
==.. .. ... -- ""="'" -
No. M. R. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches wide, 13% inches high, 13 inches deep. Fitted
with eight Mercantile Repurt Files. Each file is designed to hold in
dexed or nUlnuered guides (usually 20 to a tile), between which, con
tained in folde!'s, is filed all credit infol'lnation. A follower at back of
tile keeps the contents, irrespective of quantity, in an upright positiun
convenient tor reference. PriC'es given do not inclutle NLbels, guides or
folders, see supplementary price list in l.mck of catalogue. Shipping
weight auout t:i0 pounds. .
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 2i:JU 508
No. 1301 M. R. Unit.................................. $lG.OO $24.00
Plain-end Units, Bee page 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
No. B. R. Unit
Dimensions 41% inchp-s wide, 13)j; inches high, 17 inches deep. A Dill
Report Unit containing t\VO double drawer8, each of which i::; diviJ"d
by a center partition malting four compartments.each 81\ inches high,
inches wide, inches deep inside. There are two followers in eat.:ll
drawer, the front of which drops slightly forward by releasing the nt
tachment on the side metal rail. Shipping weight auout 90 poun(h.
Prices do not include folders 01' g'uides, see supplementa.l'Y in uu,ek
of catalogt : e.
FINISH-See page R
Net price, freight paid,
No. 1701 B. R. Unit ..................................
Subject to terms on page 9
' I
r...... l ) .., I
t''-91 ,; -:-.: \1/ -! r ! ) .; .,:;' L . ..lY."f" ''. :r \ 1. 1),0 L\ .G ....
J'":' .. ,
No. J30J R. F. Unit
DimensiO:1s 41% inches wide, inches higb, 13 inches deep. Fitted
with Repor t Files made on our Globe Document F ile patte rn with
automatically adjusted compressor h oards. Will accommodate papers
inches. Especially suited to holding large, fi a t pa pers, photo
gn111hs, etc. Unless otherwise ordorerl files will be sent without suspE>nd
ing device Shippi ng weight a.bout tlO pounds.
:FINISH--8ee page 8
price, freigbt pail], 299 598
No. 1301 R. F. Unit........ ....... ............ . ...... $15.00 $22.50
Same, \yith suspending device........... ... 1G.60 24. 10
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subject to terms on page 9.
This combinat ion of sixteen No. 1701 Check File Units, four No. 1701 X. Tops and four No. 2501
H . C. Base Ur.its used i n Pay Roll Department, B. & O. n. R. for
cancel e d checks-see description pace.
r >- '. , ,0;; / ....,_.-;-""7'" -=- --=;
'L 0 1 ()b !J J ) 1, ', )$ 8 b ,Or) 8 'r ;; :I
.. -
No. J70J One Row C. F. Unit
Dimensions. 41% inches wille, 6% inches high, 17 int:hes dEep. Inside
capacity el1ch file 14 inches deep. Fitted witl! Check Files for t.iling can
celed checks, note!;, r eceipts, drafts, etc. VIii! accommoll ate papr::rs
inches and slllaller. Prices (10 not inclulle labels or partitions in
files. Shipping weig-ht about GO pounll!S.
Net price, freight pa,ill,
FINISH-See page !:>
299 5l:1i:>
No .lTOl C. F. Unit.................... . ....... ... .. ........ $12.00 $lG.OO
For prices on partitions see supplementary price list in back of catal oe-u e:.
Subjeot to terms on page 9
No. J70J C. F. Unit
41% inches wille, 13Jtl inches high, 17 int.:l.les deep. I n!Si Lle
capD.,dty ea<! h file l-! inches Lleep. Fitted with Check Files for filing CD. ;}
celed checks, llotes, receipts, drafts, etc. Will accommodate pupc;'s
9:.. illCI1t'S and smaller. Pl'ices do not include labels or partitions in
files. Shipping' "'eight about 100 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net jJrke, freight paiel, 2\J\J 598
No. 1701 C. F. Unit..... .................................... $20.00 $28.00
For prices on partitions see supplementary price list in back of cata]Oi'ue.
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
-.: =
, ( "
.J? tJ
:Ie' :r; 1 ir) -9
-""". ='''-_ ..._
SU (.d) 0 - - :t1) ; .:: t Q 1, \ 8 ,\'
. '.
No. l70l R. S. Unit
Dimensions 41% inches 1Yi(le, inches high. 17 inchC's deep. HC'ight
inside 1l% inches. For hulLlillg atljustaule 74 inl:h metal roller-shelves
1\J% inclles wide and 16% inches deep. The shelves are adjustaule in
height. They substantially constructed and operate with the
greatest ease. Prices given do Dot include shelves, uut, unless .other
wise stated, six shelves as shown will be seut wich each unit ordereLl .
Shipping '''''eight about 95 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1,01 R S. Unit, without shelvef; ... ............ $8.00 $12.00
Hollel' Shelves .. ..... .................. .. .... ............ ........ .. .. $1.25 each.
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subject to terms on page 9.
No.l70l DoubleR.S. Unit
Dimensi ons 41% inches wide, 26)4 inches high, 17 inches deep. Inside
dimensiuns of compartlllent>:; un e<LCh side or center partition are
inches wide, 23% inches high, 14% inches deep. Fitted with E>xtension
shelf and f:;liding doors hayiug either glass or wood panels. Prices do
not include a(ljustaule roller shelves, but, unless otherwise stated, eight
sllelves as shrnvn will be sent with each unit. Dimensions of Roller
Shelves 1D inches wide, 14)4 inches deep, %inch high. Shipping weight
without roller shelves 135 pouuds; WiLh shelves 1U7 pounds.
FINISH- See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 5\Jd
No. li(Jl Douhle R S. Unit, glass dooI'R.. ... .... $:9.00 $27.00
No. 1,01 D01l1l1e H. S. Unit, p<Lnel dour", ........ 19.00 27.00
Roller V(;l; ..... ...... .......... ............................ . .... .. $1.25 each.
Subject to terms (n page 9
"} ;1 i
"=1.I;a;o.,,:=-:,-,,- - .-._
No. nOl, l70l and 25,Ol Double S. G. Door Units
Outside dimensions
Wide High neep
No. 1301 Unft... .41% in. in. 1:3 in.
No. 1701 Unit... .41%" 21'14" 17"
No. 2501 Unit .. . .41%" 26X" 25"
Each side center
Inside dimensions
Wide ..-Hig-h Deep---..
No. 1801 Unit... in. 24% in. 10 in.
No. 1101 Unit... 14 "
No. 2501 Unit... H%" 23% "
The Nos. 1701 and 2501 S. G. DoO!'
Units h ave extension shelves, sce
illustration below. Doors travel
nOiselessly ou rubber-tired casters.
Each unit contains foul' shelves adjustable every inch, makillg it sui t
aule for either the storage of stationery 0 1' books. Shipping weight
about 105, 135 and 165 pounds jespectively.
. . FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1301 Double S. G. Door Unit.. ....... ........... $14.00 $20.00
No. 1701 Double S. G. Door Unit.................... 20.00 2R.00
No. 2501 Double S. G. Door Unit.................... 28.00 38.00
Same with g r ound glass, 75 cents extra.
Subjeot to terms on page 9
No. J30J , f70 l and 250l Double S. P. Door Units
Outside dimensions
Wid. High Deep
1301 Unit... in. in. 18 in.
No. 1101 TJnit-... ,4l%" 17"
No. 2501 Unit.... 41%" 25 "
Each side center
W ide ...-Hie:h Deep-.
Inside dimensions
No. Unit... 19!{ in. 24% in. 10 in .
.'10. liOI " " 14 "
No. 2501 Unit.. . 2!1)l;" 22)jj"
The Nos. 1701 R.nrl 2501 S. P. Door
Units hf1.Ye extenf1ion shelves, s('e
illuf>tration. Doors trav' l noise-
1"!'>Rly on rubber tirea casters. Each
u'li t contains fonl' Rhelves adjustable every inch, mR.king it suitable for
stol'llge of office supplies and stationery. Shipping weight about
105, 1:15 [tnd165 poullds respectively.
FINISH- See pa!!;e 8
Net price, fl'eight paid, 2()9 598
No. J'101 Donhle S. P. Door Unlt.................... $20.00
No. 1701 Douhle R . . P . Door Unit...... .. . .. .... 28.00
No. 2501 DOllule S. P. Door Vnit.. ...... .... ....... 2R.00 38.00
Subjzct to terms on p::;e 9
C--) - 1 - .----
E \oi> -' \T - ...
( .)
J /e' ",-,} \t i <2 ; b ir) "e; ''1' ___ .fJ 'l r\ C
" - -- ,-' -
No. 1301 T. C. Unit
Dimensions 41%: inches wide, 13)8 inches high, 13 inches deep. Con
tains two open spaces, ea(:h measuring 19% inches wille, illl:hes
high, 12)i inches deep inside, admitting Globe '1'l'ansfer Cases (No.1).
Prices do not include trEl.nsfer cases, see supplementary price list in
UC1(;k of catalogue. Shipping weight about 45 pounus.
FINISH-See page 8
Ket price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1<101 T. C. Unit.. ...... ............... ............... $5.00 $6.00
Plain-end Units, see page 47. Subject to terms on page 9.
No. 1301 and J70J G. D. Units
Dimensions No. 1301 G. D. unit, 41% inches wide, 13)8 inches high, 13
. inches deep; No. 1701 li. D. Unit, 41;\; inches Wide, 1:3)8 i])(:l!el:l hig-h, 17 in
ches deep. Fitted with roller-bearing', dust-prouf glass duoI'. This door
Is hung on roller-bearings, opening outw. rd and upward, closing noio.e
lessly by gravity when released, or it can be pushed back into the unit
out oE the way. '1'his unit is adapted to holding books, catalogues,
etc. It measures inSide in the clear, 39X; inches wide, lOX; inches high;
the No. 1301 measures 10% inches deep, and the N(). 1701 measures 14%
inches deep. Shipping weight about 55 and 75 pounds respectively for
the following sizes:
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 598
No. 1301 G. D.. Unit................................... $ 7.50 $10.00
No. 1701 G. D. Unit... ........................... ..... 10.00 11.00
Either with ground glass, 50 cents extra.
Plain-end Units, see 47. Subjeot to terms on page 9.
No. nOJ and 1701 W. R. Units
Dimensions No. 1301 W. R. Unit, 41% inches wide, inches hig'h, 13
inches deep, outSide; 39% inches wide, 50% inches high, 11% inches deep,
inside. Equipped with three ceiling hooks and six wall hooks, also
umbrella rack on inside of door. Shipping weight about 150 p ounCs.
Dimensions No. 1701 W. R. Unit, 41;\; inches wide, inches high, 17
inches deep, outside; 39% inches wide, 50; inches high, 15% inches deep,
inside. Eqnipped with three ceiling !l ooks and six wall hooks, also
umbrella rack on inside of door. Shipping weight about 190 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight 298 598
No. 1:101 W. R. Unit.. .... .... . .. ........ :$2.".00 $3.';.00
No. 1701 W. R. Unit...... ....... ........... ........ .. 30.00 40.00
Subjeot to terms on page 9
9, 't () b '? - ' \1/C! !
... ' V ..'tL .tl'flW'
n \ ;
,, ') C:; :-.\ L ; "I) i -s I
Fi \; -I) ,
... ---to
On this anu the following
three pu,ges we illustrate some
com1>inations of "Elastic" Calli
net Units, showing- to a limited
ext.ent the possibilities of which
this system, enumerating over
sixty-five different patterns, is
The combination shown on
the left comprises the two units
uescribed on page 39 'with the
a.ddition of top and base sections.
Outside dimensions 60 inches
high, 41% inches wide, 17 inches
See paee
1 :;0. 1301 X. Top Unit............. ll
1 No. 1301 Double S. G.
Door Unit.......................... 39
1 No. 1701 Double S. P.
Door Unit.......................... 39
1 No. 1701 L. Base Unit.............12
The illustration to the rig'ht repn'
sents a co III 1> i II at i 0 II of
"Elastic" Units that affords filing' ca
pacity for office supplies in the cup
boa.rd base, and 15,000 letters and re
plies, legal blanl,s, electros, documents,
books, etc., in the filing cabinet sections,
therellY coyering all the requirements of
the average office.
It consists of the fcillo,yinp::
1 No. 1301 X. Top Unit, .. " .... seC:' page 11
1 No. 1801 G. D. Unit.. .......... " 40
1 No, 1801 D. F. Unit, with
suspending device........... " 29
1 No. 1301 L. B. X, Ullit.. ...... " :31
1 No. 1701 IT, L. Unit.. .......... " 21
1 No. 1701 H. C, Base Unit... " 1-1
Outside dimenSions, 79}6 inches high,
41% inches wide, 17 inches deep.
lob 'J - We./:,j) i Ie' h
'The illustration to the left shows
a. Slob':W'rllick. combination of the
following units, which are not only
8.cbpted to filing' legal bl a nl,s, bnt
al;.;o electros, half-tones, 'wood cuts,
See page
1 No. 1301 X. Top Unit................. 11
4 No. 1301 L. B. X. Units .............. 31
1 No. 1301 L. D. Base Unit............12
Outside dimensions 66 inches
high, inches wide, 13 inches
This same combination can be
procured in 17 inch as well as 13
inch depth.
A Combination,designed for an
Underwriting Agency.
The lllustration to the right shows
a combination of Slob.!Wiraick. "Elas
tic" filing cabinet sections adapted to
the requirements of an underwriting
I1g'ency, including a card index sec
tion for expiration a nd line cards, a
ua"ily report unit for blank dailies,
forms, etc., a vertical file unit for du
plicate dailies, a roller-shelf unit for
registers and a high drawer base fot"
policies of the different companies
See page
1 No. 1301 X. Top.. ... ..................... 11
1 No. 1301 One Row 35 C. 1. Unit. ... 2G
1 No. 1301 D. R. Unit.. ................... H3
1 No. 1701 V. L. Unit....... . ....... ...... 21
1 No. 1701 R. S. Unit.... .................. 38
1 No. 2501 H. D. Buse.....................16
( J 1-'- " '--J"'
\i) ," "( ""
s/w "Elastic" Filing Cabinets, Bookcases and Vertical Filing EQuip
ment are extensively used in all departments of The
National Cash Register Company, of Dayton.
r , -; . -, ;1 "-_.7""7 .
2; \ <) 1) 8 - \Ye ;- J) 'J .::: he.' . M' :F \ 1\ 'l?.8 S l \ 11 G . ( i:
l ' ...
". ..:! ... .....
/w Vertical Filing Equipment, South Eastern TariH Associf1tion,
Atlf1l1ta, Ga.
Vertical Filing Equipment, Butterick Publishing Company,
New York. Capacity 2,000,000 letters.
3-5/'\11' "Elastic" Filing Equipment, Rxecutive Offices, Schlit7- Brew.
ing Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
4-5/W Vertical Filing EqUipment, Southern Department, Royal In
surance Co., A tlanta, Ga.
I[]J = . ' , ' -'=;';,;.-< fj . ,' .' .t' '-;. 7--. ]
v1 0 b I? - \Y(J n) .::.' 1<, G .., c. ' t' ) 1 \ lr) I:;) t 1\ b l g ' r .>;;;
... - -:;.. ....... ,........ .... '! } .. - '.
'I;'t....;;: ,1'/
g/'W Plain-end Units
\,yhen the original line of 6Iob.=w"<rnlck. "Elastic" Filing Cabinet Units
was first put upon the market, they were made with plain-end, instead
of panel-ends.
For the accommodation of those customers who, for the sake of
uniformity, prefer to continue the use of plain-end units, we list the
following patterns in Quartered Oak, Antique (light) finish, designated
us No. 298, 01' Golden (dark) finish, deSignated as No. 299, but never in
As the panel-end units interlock with the plain-end units, customers
naturally express a preference for these even thou';'h they may lU1,\'e
originally purchased plain-end units. When orde1'ing deSignate finish
Subject to terms on 9
FINISH-298 01' 299 only
. No. 13 No. 17
X. Top Uni t ............... .... .. . :$ 3.50 $ 4.50
F. Top Unit ........ ...... .. . ...... 3.50 4.50
C. Top Unit .. .... ... ... . .... .... .. 3.50 4.50
F. Base Unit.... ...... ....... ..... . 1.50 2.00
L. D. Base Unit.. ... ...... ... . ... 8.00 9.50
H. C. Bo,se Unit ..... .. .... .. .. .. .............. 17.00 No. 25
H. D. Bose Unit ...................... . .... . ... 19.50 $30.CO
'Y. D.Ba"eUnit ...... ... ..... .............. 19.50 30.00
S. S. Unit....... .............. .... 5.00 7.00
L. F . Unit. ............ ....... .. ...... 12.00 ls.00..............
C. 1. 35 Unit ............ ............ 23.00 27.50
C. 1. 4G Unit ... ..... ..... ..... ...... 10.00 22.50
C. 1. 58 Unit ................ .. ... . ................ 22.00
A. F. Unit... ... ...... ... .......................... 21.00
Suspending device on
D. F. Unit..... ... .. ....... . ...... 12.GO 17.00 .... .
No. 13. e. tra. $1.40
L . B. Unit.......... ... .............. 11.00 17.00
L. 13. X. Unit.. ....... .. ........... 11.00 lei. CO
R. F. Unit ... ....... ... .. .. ... .. .. ... 15.00...........................
D. It. Unit............ ... ... ... .. .. .. 14.00
M. It. Unit.. .... ...... .... .. .... ..... 1G.CO
C. D. U1:it ... ..... '" .. . ... .... ...... 11.00
P. H. Unit. ............. .. .. ... ... . .. 16.00
r.r. C. Unit... ..... ... . .... ... . ... .. .. 5.00
G. D. Unit. .. .......... ... .... ....... 7.50
C. F. Unit ...... .. . .......... .. .. ...... ... .. .. ..... . 20.00
V. L. Unit... ... .................. .. 14.00 18.00
R. S. Unit (without shelve,,) ............... 8.00 .. ............. $1.25
NOTICE-Above prices do not include suppliEis, such as i ndexes,
transfer cuses, lttuelfl, cards, guide", pl1.rtitions and folders. For prices
on supplies, see sUPlJlemental'Y price list in uael;: of catalogue.
.' ",.- If [I. 0-- \
I! JI.,r.. ....
!' . . -....- .- ._ .'. - _' I
( : ".- , . =- ; I _ . ,
J' \ \ ) :'0 .0f2 l\ 1 \ if) $ .[ i> .
. .. '"
9/V Upright Units
These differ fro III the
Horizontal Units chiefly
in this rt't;pect, that each
unit ifl complete in ltseH
and l'l'l}uires neither sepa
rate top nor base.
All Upright Unit;; are ()f
1111iform heig-ht and cleptll
and w 11 e n interlockell,
have the appettrallce of a
solid Ccthinet as s h()\\'11 in
i he mU!,;tration below,
\\" II i 1e on the oppof<ite
page may he f<pen the sec
tions as they appeal' sepa
The unit,:; are fastened
Both the sli dinl/' shelf and the vertical file drawer tog; e t 11 e l" by nwa lls 0 f
operate on roller bearings. 811\ it 11 bolts r 11 lin in g'
Patent applied for. through the i; i II e s neal'
the top and bottom. vVith the eXl:t'Jl t ion of the StorAge unit described
on page 57, all Upright Unit;.; a re furnished TI-ith t'ither finished or 0IWI1
ends-see next page.
Roller Bearings-Spechtl attention is directed to the r oller-bearing:s
on which both the clra,Yers, and the shelf supporting the dru,\vel',
travel. It requires only the s1ightest effort to pull the clrn,ver out to
its extreme It'ng:th even w hen full, as any tenr1enc:y to l)ill<1 i;; O"l"'Cl'come
uy the introduction of this mechanical de,-ke, which is the latest im
provement we have addecl to all Upright Units containing' "l"'erticnl file
c11'11 \YeI'8.
'H> t "'; :-.1" >;, ''\'
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Interlock as one"solid cabinet.
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( ' I" ....-:;'. ' . -IIII':"t '[) -9 ::; ;;;, 11) 3 ( ,0>
Upright V. L. Unit-Style O. E. (Open End).
Tlw U]Jl'n l'lll111IJright yertkal uuit" itre il.lenticnlly the sallie ill; the
finif'heLl tlllits, the exct']Jtiun that the ends are u]Jen, ani.! un
This perlllitl; the unit
'\' it-II unfinished enels to he in
terl ocked between two
ha \'ing; paneled I.' n d sin the
manner illustrated, 01' !Jl' tweeu
any other of the uprig:ht
clescribed on the folluwing
pa,;'e;;;, Hnd yet the comuination
,,'j]] have the appea rance of a
solid finished cabinet.
All upright units are fUI'II
islwcl "-ith open enrls, exccpting
the Uprig' ht V. S, 'C'nlt.
' r- l' I
\ 1 '2-D S 2\ !!) \ \) ( 'i>
.. :..:
Drop Front Drawer.
Lockine- Device
Mechanical Features.
The following TIlechanical feature,:; of 5/w Vertical Fill'>' llll' rit
Rpcciaj reference, affording, as they cl o, advantages po,",,;essed hy no
other vertical filing cabint:'ts
The front of a Yl'rtic:al fill' drawl'r if; where the strain .comes, in pull
ing out repcl1,tedly It l"t of letters.
In the Ww 'Vertic' al Filt' tIle front of the drawer, instead Clf bl'ing
made of one solid pkct.', if; m fHlt:' of four cross pieces, t,,-o uprig:ht and
h,o across, all gTooved anel glued together, f;0 that t.hel'e is no pIJs"ible
tendency to wltrp.
As both the cll'ltwel' and the "helf suppo1'ting the drawer ulldel'lll'ath,
operate on r oller-beaTings a s illustrn.ted on page 4D, o nly the sli:;htest
effort is required to pull it out its entire length even when full, tllereby
g.j "ing as free access to the ]lapers in the real' as in the front of the
The drawer, insteal1 of lleingn clullJf:'Y llox , is fitted "'ith stl,t:'l exten
f;ion rods, so that it' is pOf;:;jble to handle the folders from the side.
'.rhis drawer has ft hinged frollt, ,,-hich, when dropped fOrlY;\1'il, I'C
lea.<;es the pl'essnre agl1,inf;t the pa.pers. Thef:' e open l1P so as to in
stantly exp0f;e the indexes, which can thus be n o ted much mon) easily
than those contflined in a c1ra'Yer ha Ying <'\, rigid front.
In the back of t.he cll'ftwer is a follower block which slide;; on the
countersunk rod, fi,nd, when stntion[U'Y, holds the letters in upl'ig'ht
p osition. The Yertical file gui(les also operate on this rod.
For supplementary liflt of yertical file fluppliefl , see back of catnlugue.
A flat key lo!.:];: with two keys. locking into pOf;itioll Itt right F;iile
(see illustration ) will lie fittC'd t o any YCI'tical file at an extra c:u:':'t of
30 cents each.
9 'll) b ']
, 1> \ .
Upright V. L. Unit
Outside dimensions 48% inches high, illthe::> wide, inches deep.
Fitteu "-ith three vertica.l file drawers designed especially for the tiling
of letters on edge ill folders and between i udexel1 guides. These draw
ers slide on rollers as described on pages 49 amI 51. The files measure
inside 11% inc.:hes high, 12 inches " 'i de, and haye a capacity from front
to back of 21 inches. This unit will aCCOllllllodate about 13,000 papers
with folderi'l and guides and will intel'lock with allY other of the S/w
Upright. Units. Shipping weig'ht No. 321, 15.5 pouud::>; No. 145
pound>:;. 10';'1' l ocking device see page 51.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freight paiu, 299 598
No. 321-Without foWers amI guides ................. $25.00 $:37.00
No. with open ends (see page 50) ..... 20.00 29.00
Subject to terms on page 9
FOI' prices of folders ann guides, see li:;:t
in back of catulogue.
. ,I
8.'l Ob1 l' V i c- k
-.-.- . =a: ==_
UpriC'ht V. L. Unit with
Card Files ..
Uprie-ht V. L. Unit with two
Document Fi1es .
Vertical V. L. Units
'When so uel'ireu we fUl'lliflh the upright V. L. Units fitted 'with eit.her
six 01' Cal'u Inllex Files for 3);.5 cm'ds; 01' wit.h either two or jOll!'
Gloue Document Files substituteu for the VerticlLl File dr<1wers.
Each Card Index File has a eapacity of inches. Each Document
File has a capacit.y of 20:lij inches. For locking devite;; see 51.
Shipping weights N 0". 3211:3, 3212 and 32U auout IGO poulHlf>;
NOf;. and 3:314);l about 150 poulltls.
FINISH-f.;ee pag'e H
Net jJL'ice, freight paill,
299 5D8
witlll.}ut folder;, carL1s 01' gnides,
No. 321G-Up!'ig-ht V. L. Unit with two verticlll files [\11(1
C. 1. Files haying duplex rods ...................... .. .$:lO.OO
open ends (see pf\,ge50).................. :35.00
No. 3:211Z-UPI'ig:ht V. L. Unit with one vel'tkal file 11ml
twelve C. 1. Files having duplex rods... ... .. ....... .. 3:;.00
No. open enrls (I'ee 50) .... ......... .. .... DO.OO
For C. !. Files without rods deduct 20 cents per file.
No. 3212 -Upright V. L . Unit with two document files ..... 30.00
N<). 0lwn enels (see pR,ge 50) ........... ... .. 2;).00
No. 3214 -Upright V. L. Unit with four document file>:; ..... 35.00
No. open ends (see page 50)............... 30.00
Subject to terms on page 9.
Fa!' jJ!'ices ul fuI Llerl'l , ca\'(ls and guides Ree supplement-a.r )" price list
in back of catalogne.
\" \
. .... -- 1 .(. t.-
. ,1._'
' " \ \,/ " )' .-) .\ ..;
F ; 1; 1"- 1, \ 1') 2_[ b _
(:. ) l ' .l -'.) ' : ,- . .:,.,.- _
Upright V. C. Unit
Fitte(l with three V(-'!'tical File.-, for holtling cn.p size papers [lnd
operating on rollerbea,ring; extell:3ioll f'heln's, and ill detail construe'
tion the sallle as de>;crilJe(l on png'l'R -!D [Uj(151. l'ho fileR measure inside
11% inche;; high by indIes ,,"ide', [l1l(1 hreve a. from fl'ont to
back of 21 inches. The unit will fll'l'()lnlll()(lat e nll()ut 13,000 paper,;
with f(,I(l erl> fl,ull guide,.;. ,\I'ill intel'l()ck wit-h othel' ujJright units herein
descrillt'(1. A fiat key lock with tll' O keys, locking into purtition n.t.
rightside (see iIlufOtration on page ::;1), will be fltted to flny tile;; wa.nte(l
at nn I:'xtra cost of GO cent;; ('He-h. Outside (limensions of unit 4'-:% inches
high, 1T inches wi(le, inches deep. Shipping weig'ht No. 3;::2 about
ITO POllllll:s; No. 322J.:! allOut l()O ponnels.
FINrSH-8ee ]) 8
1\et 11rice. freight l1i\.irl, 209 598
Xo. 3:22 - \Vithout fol<lel's 01' guilles...... .. ............ $:10.00 $42.00
Xo. i122J<j-Sallle, with open 10'11(18 (,;ee page 50) .... 23.00 3-i.00
Subjeot to terms on page 9.
For jJrice8 on folder,; and gni(l(-'s ';llPl,lelllentan' pI'ke list
in b nck llf!ogue.
r j 'l ;)1?
1 8
- 1'"- - - ....
Upright V. B. Unit
F ittell with four ' --t' rtical Files operating' on roller-bearing extension
shelyl''', and the same in detail construction as describt"c1 on pages -iD
a.n(l 51. File8 mensure iw;ille 8% high by inc-hes 'Yide, and JUl\'e n
ci\]li\.city froll! fr O!lt to of 21 inc-lies. The unit ,yill accommo(latt'
al)out 20,000 pnpers, with folders an<1 guides, a1ll1 ,,"ill intel'lock with
othel' uprig'llt unit,; Jlel'cin described. 'l'his file is especially adapted to
hohling bills, reports and credit informa.tion. A flat key
lock w ith t,yO keys, locking iuto partition at right side (see illustra
tion, page 51), will be fitted t.o any flIes 'Yi\.ntec1 at an extra cost of 50
ceuts each. Outsi(le (limensions of unit 48% inc1Ies high, I:} inches 'Yi(1e,
23Ji illlhe8 dE'ep. Shipping weight No. 320 about 130 ponnd,,; No.
about. 1-101)01 IHlf:i .
FINISH-See page S
Xd. pl'iee, freight paid, :200 59.'1
1\0.320 -IYithout folelerf:i or guides....... .. ...... .... $;10.00 $-12.00
No. with open ('11(18 (see page 50) .. ... 2.).00 ;)-1.00
Subject to terms on page 9.
F or 11l'iC'E'f:i on folder,; nll(l guide,; see f'uppl ellll'ntaI'Y lll'ice lif:it
in back of catalogue.
1;;..--="- --. --::::"' ............
r e .. "1" ]
:r \1i [; ::1 1>1 :I) t s
...:2:. rD l
-:; " \ .
Upright V. R. Unit
Fitted with three Vertical Files operating on roller-bearing' exten
f>ion shelves, and the sallie in rletail construct.ion as deseribell on pages
49 nncl 51. Files meaf;ure im;i(le 11% inches hig'h by inches wide, and
have a capacity of 21 inehes each, making a total filing' c;tpacity of 63
inches, a.ccommo(lating about 15,000 papers 01' 4,000 report cards, 11
inches hi2,'1l and inc-hes wille. It ""ill interloc.!;: with other upright
11nits. Extensiyely lli<l'd 11Y underwriting' ag:encies for filing cards in
lil'l1 of poli cy l'eg'i;;tel'>', the forms an(1 endorsements being attached to
the rever;:;e side of the Cllnh;, which are placed between alphabetical
guides, indexing' the nHlne of a::;i':ured. A flat l,ey lock with two keys,
locldng into j)nrtition [It right i':ide (f<ee illustl'ation page 51), will
be fitted to any files wfLnted at an extrn. cOi':t of 50 cents each. Outside
dimensions of unit 4:,\% i1lches high, B il1ches wille, inclles deep.
Shipping 'weight No. 32:3 about IGO pound,;; No. :1:2:\)1; about]W pounds
FIl\ISH-See page 8
Net price, fl'eigllt ]laid,
Xo.3:23 -Without carc]s or g;nirles...................... $
"'ith open ends (see l)age 50) .....
Subject to terms on p&ge 9
For prices of gui<1ef; see supplementary p
in bacl;: of catalogue.
rice list
. -- -"""l:...o l
r8j ob e.'.)1, :0 j 1 ,;; JI
- ........
Upright V. D. Unit
Dimensions 48% inches high, inches wide, 25)i inchE'!,; deep, being
identical in outside measurement;; with the upright V. L. Unit. 'rhis ver
t.ical c10clllneut uuit contain,; 8i.'l: verticR.1 file", eaeh one of ,vhich meas
ures 11% inc11eR high, 5).i inthes wide inside, a nd 11llR it filing: capacity of
21 in(:hes. A flfLt key lock with two l;eys "'ill 11e fitted to any files
W R.lIt(>(j, at [In t'xtrG cost of fit) cents pel' fi Ie (pee illn;:t.l'/1,t.i on 51).
Shipping- weight No. 32.1 auollt 170 poundR; No. :1:24)f, n.llOut l()0 11()llnds.
FINISH-See page 8
Net price, freig'ht pl1id, 289 598
No. 32'1 -Upl'ight V. D. Unit ..... $34.00 $.16.00
No. \yith open
ends (see 50) ........ ..... ..... 29.00 38.00
Subjeot to terms on 9,
Upright V. S. Unit
Dimensions 48% inehes high, 17 inchE's
wide, 23)i incht'R deep, being' identical with
those of the Upright V. C. Unit.. The COlll
partment above the center stR,tionf1ry shelf
is 17% inches high au(l the one below 18K
iuches, and both are inches wi(le, 22)'8
iuches deep inf;irle. Thel'e are two shelves,
one aboye iLucl one below the center Rhelf,
which 8..1"e acljuf;t,tble eVE'ry inch. An excel
lent recepta.cle for the office sllpplies, st.n.tion
ery, etc.. '1' he floor is pl'oYirled with a Yule
lock. Shipping weight 145 pounds.
Fl:\TISH-See page 8
Net pi'ice, freight paid, 299 508
No. 3:25-Uprlg'ht V. S. Unit..... .. . $20.00 $28. CO
Subject to t,erms on p&ge 9,
-r-- ,..-; ""':"""'" -==- -: .) - I '-r
r' \ . . (' r-' 1\ t)l !? 'r
-..r 1, ....., ...... .
No. 22l V. L. Cabinet on Stand
Dimensions with stancl, 457;; inches hig'h, 15% inchefl wide, 25 inches
deep, Dimenflions No, 221 V. L. Cabinet without stanel, inches high,
inches wiele, inches de('p; No. 221 V. L. Cabinet Stand on castel's
14)6 inches high, 15% inches wi(1e, 25 inches deep.
A two drfLwer Verticill Filing ClLuinet, finished with paneled back
and sicles. The dra,,'ers operate on roller-bearing extension s!leh'es
and are the same in detail construction as u""Cl'illeu 011 pages 49 and 51.
The files measure inside 11% inches high, 12 inches \I' i!1e, and lHwe a ca
pacity from fl'()JJt to llfLck of 21 inches. Tllifl cabinet \I'iII accommodate
auout 10,000 pa.pers with folders and guit1es. For loclting device see
page 51.
Shipping' weight No. 221 V. L. Cabinet, 100 pounds; No. 221 V. L.
Stand, 40 pounds.
FINISH-See page 8
1\t't pdce, fn'ight vai<1, 2()9 591l
No. 221,.'. L, Cauinet, " ' ithollt st.and, guides anel folderR .. . $20.00 .jj;30.00
1\0.221 V. L. Stand, skeleton top.. .... ................................. 4.00 n.oo
Subject to terms on page 9.
For prices of folders and guides, see supplementary list
in bllck of catalogue.
11 bi )') !:) l' ,;;;
No. 118 Vertical File. No. 118 Vertical File Stand.
No. ll8 Vertical File
DimE'llsiollS 1\0. I1Il Vertical File ]2)4 inchN; high , 1:;)4 illl:hl's wiele, 18
Inches deep outSide; 10)<; indle,., Iligh, llB inches "'id", Hi% intheR rleep in
side. Finished in 299 gl'at1e-"ee page 8. A hundsume mdl substantial
,ertlcal tiliJlg' cauinet of quarterel1 uak that is (Illst proof
a nd pl'ovicled with a flat key loeking' (l evice to prute(t 'The
top is made of two hillg'e(l co"el'S, thnt (h'op fiat, the Ri(1es of
t he caRe ,,,11ell opE'Il-11a" Fmllle st)'/e foll ower ile"ic(' 11>< the regular \'er
tital file units-lIltlde in letter size only. Shipping weigh t. 40 pounds.
Price without folders or g-uicles ....... ..... $fi ..iO
Subj eot to terms on 9.
For prices of folders a wl guides, see l>uPllJementary lJt'ite list
1n uack of catalogue,
No. ll8 Vertical File Stand
Dimensions No. 118 Vertical File Stan!1 lSJ.i lllche:; high, I .. inches
\I' lde, inches de!'p. Intender1 fot' the No.
118 Vel' File. Skeleton top. Ma(le of (jU1It'
tl>I'e(1 oak, 2119 gTnde-:;ee page t' . ShiPIJing
,,,eight 00 punndi;.
Net lJrice.. ................ ........ ......... ... . $3.00
Subjeot to terms on page 9.
No. 35 Cabinet Stand
Dimensions illclwf; hig'h, 1:>% illclws wide,
18% inches deep. Intender1 for :1, 4 nn!1 (j No. 05
Cnrcl1ndex Cabinet. Made of quartere(1 onl"
llntinikhe(1 Rkeleton top. Mounte!1 Oll clLSter".
Ftll'lli"he(1 in No. :299 gTade (Ree lJ1lgl.! 8). Ship
ping' \\'l'ight 3Ci
Net pl'icE' .............. ......... .. ............. $0.00
Subject to terms on page 9.
iiI:-':-'- _
, Yi\J l)9
"5 -::,"
.e to
:;::; '3
-t t Q'
0) C
..: .. :t
.s ;:;
t,") oj .=
<1l '3
"0 ::!
- c
._ <1l
c ;..,
cO .E
-::, tt
;n .....
Vertical Storage Case in thn:'l' ;;ize:-; fo!' Dill, Lette!' and Cap size pELpers.
No. 690 Bill size
Olltgic1e llilliensiom;; ... lO inches hig.h, 11 inches wide, inches deep.
Iusiue ..... 8% " " 9% " " "
No. 691 LettE'!' RizE'
Outf.<ide .. inehes high, inches wide, 23% inches deep.
Inside dilllf:'w;iullf; ..... lOX;" "
No. 692 Cnp Rize
Out;';i(l e dimeJlf;ions .. .J 2)4: illl'he:;; hig'h, 16 inches wide, 23% inches deep.
Im;ide c1illJen.;iunti ..... .. "14%" "21X;" "
TheRe V.'rticnl Storag'c CaRl'S nre substantiaJly constructed of hard
wOOlI, neatly finished in dull nut brown col or. By using this style of
storage cElSe instend of the or(linary trl1nsfer case, the necessity of any
additional expenl"e for shelving' if; waived, ns they are strong enough to
last for yeEL!'>; . At the end of each case is an interlocking device gO that
they call ue stackecl to any de;;iraule height withuut risk of shifting.
Each unx if; fit.te(1 "-ith In'ass label hulder and pull a:;; shown in illus
trat.ion, Th",!-<e caRes are pacl, ed six
in a uux for r-;hipping.
:Ja' .> -;
No. 690 Bill size, <o>ach ................... $2.25
)/0. G91 Letter size, eill'h .............. 2.50 _
; '-' /// 7
No. 692 Cap Rize, end!. .......... ........ 3.00
Subjeot to terms on page 9 .
I. '-..
. '" /
Shipping weight of six. ' .', /
No. G90 Bill size..................1CO pounds.
. H-
Xo. 691 L(:,tter size ............. 190 I
'-" I" /
No. 692 Rize ................. 220
I /-. .',' ... l." :/
Fol' prices of transfer folcler;; and
guiclE's, see supplementary price list ill
'11- 11 - 1; - ..
uack of ca,talog'lle.
"::.a.:..!::__ .
(3 1, b i '() .:.;
9/v Card Index Cabinets
In the construction of 0111' Cn.\'(l IlHl ex Call i nets, as wen as othel"
solid cabinets , we ha,ve madejlllsh sides wit.hout projections so that the
cabinets can lJe pla.CNl one again8t the other without waste of space.
In this manner t\\' O 01' more ca,lJinet s can be placed side by side to
secure greater capacity, and by thus using in multiples the Card I ndex
Cabinets shown i n the previolls pages practically a ny capacit y wanted
can be secured,
- "
{:i t () b <] }'-:j \ i '0 !:\ 8 ,>:\ b i .'f) 'r 'f,' , I
Card Index Cabinets
Solid Construction.
l\la(l e up uf NOil , :l5, 4G and 5S Car d I ndex
File", foi' ho1l1ing cards measl11'ing ;} x 5 inch, .j, x G
inch [In(} 5x8 inch I'e;;pect ively, ,ts illustra,te<l on
the following' ]lnge!=; . Tile files in these cahinets
a!' e I,nown n,::; Single,drawel';;, i. C., fo!' hol di ng a
s in;;:le r ow of car(l;; .
r.rll e file;; in these cabinet;; will furnbhc(l
wi thont. roc)" f()r card;; in llrawel', at i\
rce}uct ioll in lll' ice of 20 cents for each r od omit
teet For clescri llt ion of r ods f;ee 25.
Patent I'oel loeking a!'!',wgement, including'
-.'.. I the a ttachllwnt ()f It YnJe luek "'ith kt'Y, clm he
ha.l 011 the !'olllHl )'o.l if desired, it t an Itdditi onll l
cost of ilO cents pel' roLl. With thi;; attachment t he c[ll'el ,; can lJ e con
sultell as al> without. it, hnt they Cn,ll not I,l' !'elll o\"ell , no!' c[ln
other carrl" he placed in the file "-ithout the 11;;e of T.he key. 'The Duplex
rod is n ot fUl'nishe rl " ' itlllocking elevice.
F or ad(litionul infol'matioll El.1I(1 jll'ice;; (If r ecol' el <Inel g'uirl e CUl'ds,
see catalogne No. 90,. A condenseel jll'ice 1i8t of record n,1I(1gnide caJ'ds
is gh-en in') pl'icc list in bllck of thi!': catalogue,
Card Index Cabinets [lI'C furnished ill Nos. 290 al!(l 598 g!'l'1cles- see
page 8.
1:1 Jlumbel'ing' Carel Ju(lex Call inl'ts on the following p n,gw.; the final
number8 33, 40 0 1' 58 indicate the f.;ize of cal'(l " t he fill'f; wil l a.ccommo
date, ,namcl y-Bx5, 4xG and 5x8 inches while the numbers
preceding these il1llicate the lIumlJer of filt'!=; ill the callinet. FO!' ex
ample, No. 1G3,j contains 16 files for holdi ng' 3 x5 inch cal' lls.
",' .' '- ..
, ;J ::- .,.
. u b <) - \ v' <. ' r '! }:; 1..
i 1i :f) 0 <;; t ",
- ""
9/V No. 35 Single Drawer Card Index Cabinets.
Round Rod Punch.
Duplex Rod Punch.
No Rod.
Duplex Rod Cabinets ill't' alwilYs fu!'nif<h",j llnlt'ss otlw!'wi;;t' Rpecified.
rr' ;" l ' ...,(. ' 1
8'1\b', 'r)
... , .
9/V No. 35 Single Drawer Card Index Cabinets
(See OPPosite page.)
\ .
Nos. 1235, 1635 and 2435 Cabinets made in both Regular and Roll . ,
Front; balance in Regula!' only.
Outside Dimensions. Shipping
High. vVi<1e. Deep. CanI Capacity weight.
135-In Jacket.. ......... in. 6% in. 13)<2 in. 10 inches. 1.0pollncls
/ -25
__-235-Reglllar.............. 14 17% "
435-Regulnr.............. OJoil" 14 17%" fl7J<.! ,,0
635-Regular.............. 13 14 17:%" 40
835-Regular..............17Xj" 14 17%" lIS 60
1235-Regular.. ............ 22%" 20).;" 1G2J<.! 100
1235-Roll Front......... 26Xj" 20X" 22Jl!" 115
1635-Regulal' .............. 22%" 27%" 230 LlO
1635-Roll Front.... ..... 2G" 27%" 22%" 230 150
2435-Regular.............. 30%" 27%" 18J<.!" 325 170
2435-Roll Front......... 27%" 22%" 325 200
Single Files only 3)%:" 5%" l(i% ,. H% 6
Prices l.lelow do not include card supplies. FINISH-See page 8
ApDroximate Card CaDacity. 299 ----- S98 ______
No. Light Medium Heavy Withrod Norod With rod Norod
135'"-In Jacket.... :...... 1,100 800 650 $ 2.50 $ 2.30 $ 3.50 $ 3.30
SingiE File only....... 1,575 1,150 925 1.:25 1.05 2.00 1. SO
235-Regular ............. 3,150 2,300 1,1350 5.00 4.60 :(6.50 6.10
435-Regular ............. 6,300 4,GOO 3,700 7.50 no 10.00 9.20
Above with locking device-see page 7.... .. 9.50 S.70 12.0C 11.20
635-Regular . ............ 9,450 6,900 5,550 11.00 9.80 15.00 13.1\0
Above with locking device-see page 7.. .... 14.00 12.80 18.00 16.80
835-Regnlur ............. 12,600 9,200 7,400 13.60 11.90 20.00 18.40 with locking device-see page 7.. .... 16.GO 14.80 23.00 21.40
1235-Regular . ............18,900 13,800 11,100 21.00 18.60 28.00 25.60
. 1235-Roll Front.........18,900 13,800 11,100 26.00 23.60 34.00 31.60
16:35-Regular ............. 25,200 18,400 14,SOO 27.00 23.80 37.00 33.80
1635-Roll Front.. ....... 25,200 18,400 14,800 33.00 29.80 4400 40.80
2435-Regull1r ............. 37,800 27,GOO 22,200 38.00 33.20 50.00 45.20
2-35-Roll Front......... 37,800 27,600 22,200 47.00 42.20 60.00 55.20
Net prices, freight, Subjeot to terms on 9
For condensed price list of Record and Guide Cards, see supplementary
price list in back of catalogue.
Additi onal information regarding cards, card systems, etc. ,
contained in Catalogue No. 007.
1'r) Se 1'1') &'
:n ... 'rrw,iII ,",v, '
glob. -11'< tniek,
9/v No. 46 Single Drawer Card Index Cabinets.
c::J m CfLJ
d 1 ,-- c (v 'j' -,
[ 41 0b: -;v ' 'r", r:;: :i
_':,:-" :D ,,) \ j') 2 .( ,S;
_ . _ _ r- " . .. ..... . .
_.===:::::D .:.=a:,...
9/V No. 46 Single Drawer Card Index Cabinets
(See opposite page,)
Nos. 846 aud 1246 Cabinets made in both ReguIH.!' ,111d Roll
Front; ualance in Regular onlr,
Outsiue Dimensions, Shippin<;
High, Wide, Deep, Canl Capa.<;it.y weight,
14G-In JackeL""" .. , 5% in. 7'!!; in. in. 10 inches. 10 pounell!
24G-Regular"" " """" 6Ji " 16 17% " 287.1 30
44G-Regnlal'..""" , ,,,,,ll)(j " 16 17% " 40
646-RegulaL, .. "" ...... 16 16 17% " 8G}.;: 55
846-Regulm""" .. .. .... 26% " " 18)<; " 115 85
846-Roll Frollt.., .. " 1GJ.& " 22% " ll5 10fJ
l24G-Regular" " " .. " .... 217.j: " 31% " lS}c; "
l24G-Roll Front.. " ,,,,,25 31% " 22% " 1G2}c; 150
Siugle Files ouly 4% " " 16% " 14l\:;
Prices below do not include card supplies. FINISH-See page 8
Approximate Card 299
t-;o. Lii:ht Medium Heavy With rod No rod With rod No rod
140-In JackeL."."". 1,100 800 G50 $ 3.00 $ 2,80 $ 4.25 $ 4,05
Sing,e File only... " .. 1,575 1,150 925 1.50 1.30 2.50 2.30
24G-Regulu,!' ... " "" .... 3,150 2,300 1,850 6,00 5,130 8,00 7.130
HG-Regular."""""" 6,300 4,LOO 3,700 10.00 9.20 14.00 13,20
Above with locking device-see page 7.. .. " 12.00 11.20 113.00 15,20
64G-Regular , """ "." , 9,450 13,000 5,550 13,50 12.30 19.00 n .RO
Above with lo(;king device-see page 7,,,.,, 113,50 15.30 22,00 20,80
846-Regular .... ""'''',12, GOO 9,200 7,400 17.00 15.40 24,00 22AO
84G-lloll Fl'ont " ... ",,12,GOO 9,200 7,400 23,00 21.40 32,00 30.,10
124G-Regular..."""" ,,18,900 13,800 11,100 26,00 23.60 313,00 33.GO
12413-Roll Fl'ont" .",,, .lti,900 13,800 11,100 34.00 31.130 413.00 43.00
Net prices, freight pa,id, Subjeot to terms on page 9
Fur (;ondensed price list of Record and Guide Cards, ,;ee
price list in back of catalogue.
Additional information regarding cards, card SYSte!ll8, etc.,
contained in Catalogue No. 907.
No Rod. Round Rod Punch. Duplex Rod Punch.
Duplex Rod Cabinets are always furnished unless otherwise specified.
66 67
\ ' ,..
:r \ ( P 'j" - '"
-. !.) '-J .1) .!) 1 <- .' '/
. -- -';
5/v No. 58 Single Drawer Card Index Cabinets.
[JCJ [Qj
No Rod. Round Rod Punch. DUDlex Rod Punch .
Duplex Rod Cauinets are n.lways furnhhe(l unless otherwise speCified.
5/v No. 58 Single Drawer Card Index Cabinets
(See opposite page.)
Nos. G58 Cabiuets made in uoth Regular aud Roll
Front; bnJance in Regular ouly.
Outside Dimensions.
No. High. Witle. Deep. Ca,rd Capacity
15 pounds
15S-In J acket ...... .. . .. 6?i in. 9:!ll in. 13)<:\ iu. 10 illcl1es.
258-Regular.............. 20 li:!ll" 28%
458-Regulal' .............. 20 li:!ll"
65R-Regular............. 24J4:" 86}1:
658-Roll Front....... . 28 . 20)t" 22i1\"
Single Files ouly .. . 5/4:" 8;" 16%" 14%
Prices below do not include card supplies. FINISH-See page S
ADDroximate Card CaDacity.
No. Lig-ht Medium Heavy With rod Norod With rod Norod
158:-In J acket .... .... .... 1,100 800 650 $ 3.i5 $ 3.55 $ 5.00 $ 4.80
Sing:e Fil e only.... ... 1,5i5 1,150 925 2.00 1.80 3.00 2.80
258-Regular.... ........... 3,150 2,300 1,850 7.50 7.10 9.50 9.10
458-Regular... ....... ..... 6,300 4,GOO 3,700 12.00 11.20 1i.50 16.70
Above with locking device-see page 7 ...... 15.00 14.20 20.50 10.70
658-Regular.. .......... ... 9,450 6, 900 5,G50 16.00 14. 80 23.00 21.1<0
658-Roll Front.. ........ 9,450 6,900 5,550 24.00 22.80 33.00 31.80
Net prioes, freight p&id, Subjeot to terms on page 9
For couuenseu price list of Record a nd Guide Cards, see supplementary
price list in bacl( of catalogue.
Ldditional information regardillg cards, rn.rd f.\,\"Ktem::l, d;;. ,
cOlltained ill CatiUog'ue No. 907.
'Z). l <:> I:> t:l \y c k!&
s hI 1'> e :;
...."r'". .>, ., ...-.. -..
5/y Card Incex Desk Drawer Trays
Made in No. 299 grade, dnll finish only (see pag-e 8), and designed
fO) use in desk drawers. For this ren.Son they are not titted with rod.
}fl1.(le in three lengths, D, 10 and 11 inch, to accommodate cards 3x f)
inches, and in the 10 inch for cards 4 x 6 and 5 x 8 inches. Shipping
4 to 6 pounds each, or 3f) to 50 pounds per dozen.
Outside Dimensions. mate Card Capacity
No. Hi;h Wide Deep
LiF:'ht Medium HeJ. v y
309- 9 inch for 3xG car(1 .3fo in. 5% in. 9 ill.
740 540 4LO
:110-10 3
)-" 10"
850 620
aU-ll .. . 3
\ , " 5]&" 11"
960 700 570
HO-10 inch for 4x6 card .... ..1
\" 10"
620 505
SlO-lO inch for 5xS card ..... . 10" R;iO 620 505
Price Nos. 309,310,311 without cards... ............. . .. .... $ .75
" 410, 510 wi thout cILl'dR.......... ... ... ............. l.00
Subject to terms on page 9.
AdrlitiOllll1 information regarding Cards, Card Systems, see
CELtalogue No. 907.
See condpn::<f!(1 price li e. t of Record and Guide Cards in back of catELlogue.
Compressor Closed. Compressor Open.
The Globe Letter File
Patented Jao. 3. 1905.
Consists of a hardwood drawer with one end open to permit the
easy hallclling of contents. It is suostantially made with dove-tailed
comel's and handsomely finished. Attached within a recess inside of
the drawer, at the front, is a metlll groove into which slides the meta.l
device holding the len.ves of the index.
This index, with its conte'nts, is held down by an automatic spring
compressor ingeniously attached to the drawer within a metal hous
ing, as iIItlstrated, leaving entire space within the drawer unoo
The pressure from this spring is direct and positive, increas
ing' as the drawer 01' tile becomes tilled. This spring is el'1sily raised or
thrown back, the pressure, so that ready access can be ha(l
to the c"ntents of the ti Ie.
A ttached to the oottom of the tile is a sheet, properly ruled and
printed, for recording dates of
trn.nsfer and nnmbers of cases to
which contents of file are trans
. ,/L
ferred whenever it becomes filled .
To the front of the file is at
. ..
tached a combined label - holdel'
and pull.
When so desired, cabinets will
. ' be fitkd with plain drawers (fou I'
sides closed as shown) at a re
., ::','. duction of 15 cents pel' opening: .
Inside dimensions of drawers
l1i1! inches wide, 10)(; inches deep,
Plain Drawer. 3 inches high.
Net price, -n' ithout indexes or labels,
Quartered Oak. Each Mahoe-any. Each
File only, No. 299 gl'Cl,de $1.25 Ring-Ie File only, No. 598 gTade $2.00 Drawers, 1.10 Plaia Dl'a,yers,
For price of indexes and labels see supplementary price list in back
of catalog-ue. Fo!' detailed prices and description of indexes, labels,
transfer cases see Ca,talogue No. 907.
-- .."""
,-' 1' r J'\' , I
T 1 ) ,") [:) S]cl !b l .i) .( ;; t
The Globe Letter Filing Cabinet
Comprises a number of files, assembled in a handsomely finished
haruwo()d case provided for them; the files a rranged in systematic
order and labeled on outside to iudicate the contents of each; the entire
combination being practically a siugle hug'e file, properly arranged and
embracing huudreds, or thousands of subdivisions. In such a cabinet,
papers can be filed so that reference to any single paper, filed among
thousands of others, is no more difficult than finding a name in the
city directory.
Suspending Device-The accompanying illustration shows the con
venience and desirability of the Suspending Device in operation.
This device, which may be fitted to Letter Files or Document
Files, is an ingenious contrivauce that catches the file under the
bottom, permitting it to drop down as shown, holding it in that
position for convenient reference to contents. This does not,
however, prevent entire withdrawal of file. By raiSing it slightly
as it is drawn out, the file passes over the catch, enabling it to be
taken from the cabinet. The suspending device may be fitted to
any files in a cabinet wanted
Net price of Suspending Device, per file 20 cents.
.... \.r) 21 ,;
Globe Two Fik Lette1" Cabinet
'With or without locking strip-see six
file cabinet. Made in Nos. 299 and
598 grades-see page S.
Outside Dimension,;.
in. ltigh, in. wille, 1:2;6 in. deep .
weight....... .. 23 pounds.
Net price, freight paid, FINISH-See page 8
Globe Two File Letter Cabinet, without indexes or 2tJtJ 5U8
labels, regular .......... .... .............................................. $;,.OO
Same, with suspending device, 20 cents per tile............. 5.40
Same, with locking strip.......... .. . .......... .......................
Same, with suspending device and locking' strip ... .......
Same, with plain clrawers, without loc]dllg strip........
Same, with plain drawers and locking strip ......... .... ...
Subject to terms on 9.
For prices of indexes and lallelR, see supplementary lh;t in back of
catalogue. Unless othel'lvise spedfied Two File regular. No. 299 finish
will be sent.
Globe Four File Letter Cabinet
With or without locking strip-see six
file cabinet. Made in Nos. 29D and
598 grades-see page 8.
Outside dimensions.
18 in. high, in. wide, 12;t in. deep.
Shipping ...... A5 pounds.
Ket price, freight paW, FINISH-See page 8
Globe Four File Letter Cabinet, without indexes or 299 598
labels, regular...... .............. .... ..... ............... ............. ... $ 8.00 $12.00
Same, with device, 20 cents per file............. 8.80 12.80
Same, with locking strip .. .... .......... ................ ...... ........ 9.50 13.50
Same, with suspending device and lockiug strip.......... 10.30 14.30
Same, with plain drawers, without locking strip ........ 7.40 HAO
Same with plain dl'awers and locking strip ................ . 8.90 12.90
Subjeot to terms on 9.
For prices of indexes and labels, see Supplelllental'Y list in back of
catalogue. Unless otherwise specifieu Four File regular, No. 299 finish
will be sent.
. r
:.' ;;-:J. ; .. ",,-,... _, I..
- ... _i.; -"-,..-:
Globe Six File Letter Cabinet
With or without locking strip-illustration shows locking strip.
Made in Nos. 299 and 598 grades-see page 8.
Outside Dimensi ons. Shipping
Righ. Wide. Deep. weight.
. Regular .................. " ...... l;}X iu. in. 12:;t in. 60 pounds.
Locl,iug Strip............ .... 13X " " 12:;t " 60
FINIRH-See page R
Net price, freight paid,
299 598
(llolle Six File Letter Cabinet, without indexes or
la.bels, regular .. .................. .... ........... ........................ $12.00 $18.00
Same, with suspending device, 20 cents per fil e .. ""....... 13.20 19.20
Same, with locking strip ............................ " ..... " ......... 1.:t.00 20.00
Same, with suspending device and locking strip ..... .... . 15.20 21.:20
Same, with pl llin drawers, without locking strip ........ 11.10 17.10
Same, wit.h dra.wers and locking strip .. " ...... ...... 1B.10 19.10
Subjeot to terms on page 9
Fur prices of indexes and labels, see supplementary list in back of
catalogue. Unless otherwise specified Six File regular, No. 299 finisll
will be sen t.
, ..; :- .. " ;- . ,
Globe Twelve File Letter Cabinet
With or without Holl Front. Made in Nos. 299 and 598 gn1des
see page 8.
Outside Dilllensions. Shipping
Righ. ,\VWe. Deep. weight.
Regular.. ..... ..... .. ............ 31% in. 27% in. in. 120 pounds.
noll Front ..... ................ " 27% " 17:;t " 150
page 8
Net price, freight paid,
299 59S
Glolle 'l'welve File Letter Cabinet, without indexes or
labels, regular .. ..... ............................... . .. ....... ... ..... $22.00 $32.00
Sallle, with suspending device, 20 cents per file ......... 2!AO 34.40
Same, with roll front..... .. .. .. . .... ... .. ..... .......... .. ...... .... 30.00 42. 00
Same, with suspending device and roll front.... .. .... .. 32.40 -1-1.40
Same, with plain drawers, regular......... ..... ............. 20.20 30.20
Same, wit.h plain drawers, roll front.... .................... 2:3.20
Subject to terms on page 9.
For prices of indexes and lallels, see supplementary Jist ill back of
catalogue. Unless otherwise specified Twelve File r egula r, No. 299
finish will be sent.
Globe Fifteen File Letter Cabinet
With or without Roll Front. :M:ade in Nos. 299 a nd 598 grades
see pag'e 8.
Outside Dimensions. Shipping
High. Wide. Dl.'ep. weight.
Regular.... .. ... .... ......... ... 76)f in. 15 in. 18%in.
IDO pounds.
Roll Front ..... .......... . .... 79% ,. 15 " 1 ~ ~ " 220 "
Net price, freight paid, FINISH-See page 8
Globe Fifteen File Letter Cabinet , without indexes or 2()9 598
la,bels, regular ..... ...... ....... .................... ........... .... .... .. $30.00 $42.00
Same, wi th suspending device, 20 cents pel' tile ........ ..... 33.00 45.00
Same, with roll front ......................................... .... .... 39.00 5tOO
Same, with roll front a nd Sllspending device .. ...... ... .... 42.00 57.00
Same, with plain drawers, regular ............................... 27.75 39.75
Same, with plain drawers, roll front..... ..... ........ .. ........ 38.75 51.75
Subj eot to terms on page 9
F or prices of indexes and labels, see sllpplementary list In back of
catalogue. Unless other'wise gpecified Fifteen File reg-ular, No. 299
finish will be sen t.
*Globe Eighteen RoU Front File Letter Cabinet
Made with Roll Front only and in Nos. 2DO and 508 grades-see page
8. Eighteen File Cabinet without Roll Front ca.n be seclu'ed in the
"Elastic" Cabinet System by combining two No. 1301 L . P. Units (see
page 19) with top and base.
Outside Dimensions.
High. Wi lle. Deep.
Roll Front .................... 35)f in. 41 in. 17% ill.
215 pounds.
Net price, freight paill, FINISH-See pag'e 8
Globe Eig'hteen Holl PI' unt File Lettel' Cabinet with- 209 598
out illilexes 01' labels .. ................ ....... ..... ........ .......... .. $42.00 $60.00
Same, with suspending devic.e, 20 c.ents 11er file ..... 45.60 63.60
Same, 'with plain dra,vers, im;tead of fileR .................... 39.30 57.30
Subjeot to terms on page 9.
For prices of indexes and labels, see supplementary
list in bac.k of catalog-ue.
.. :
f'i 1j 1') eJ.\ h1 1) S if., i'
-"'";:" "J'
*Globe Twenty-four Roll Front File Letter Cabinet
Made with Roll Front only and in Nos. 299 and 598 grades-see page
8. A cabinet of approximately this capacity without Roll can
be secured in onr "Elastic" Cabinet System-see page 19 for No. 1301
L. F. Units.
Roll Front..
.44 ill.
41 ill.
1,% in.
2RO pounds.
price, freight paid, FINISH-See page 8
Globe Twenty-four Roll Front File Letter Cabinet, 299 598
'without indexes or labels.. ...... ........ .. ............. .. ........ $54.00 $72.0C'
8ame, "'ith s1lspending device, 20 cents per file ........ ... .. 58.80 7(l.bO
Sli,me, with plain drawers, instead of files ................... 50040 68.40
Subjeot to terms on page 9
For ]Jrke;-; of inuexes nud labels, see supplementa.ry li!lt
in back of catalogue.
'''''-'"''''= '.",-,.. .....='
!j 'fHob
. ... "'- . .,..,:
... __ Cc.C
;::. . .. !i
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I, m II:I!l
I, .. lUI ft!Il . ,
l:1li -r
-':" - --:i
I'" ''''' -l '' _:, ..i
J/--: ._I ;
'C-_ . _____ =-='.
;,\ " /' '=' !
; ---", I
I : . .... ;.
-.. '-','-"0- .
I __ ,I
Globe Thirty File Letter Cabinet
With or without Roll Front. Made in Nos. 299 and 598 grades
see pag-e 8.
Outside dimensions.
High. Wide. Deep.
*Hegular ................ . .... in. 2S;i8 in. 18% in.
300 pounds.
Roll Front....... ... ......... " 28% " 18Ji "
Net price, freig-ht paid, FINISH-See page S
Glo1)e Thirty File Letter Cabinet, without indexes or 299 598
I1LbelR, reg-ular...... , .... .. .... " ......... " .. .. ....... ", .... .. " .. ,$48.00 $68,00
Same, with suspending' device, 20 cents per file...... .. .. .. . 54.00 74.00
Same, with roll fI'Ont . ....................................... .. .... ...... 62,00 88.00
Sa me, with stlspenning device and roll front .. ,............. 68.00 94.00
SILme, with plain drn.wers, regular.... ........... .. ........... ... 43.50 63..')0
Same, with plain drawers, roll front, .... .. .................. ,.. 57.50 83.:')0
Subjeot to terms on 9
For prices of indexes and labels, snpplementary li;t in back of
catalog-ue. Unless otherwise specified Thirty File regulal', No. 299
fillish will be sent.
__ , - .-
":::J_I () b 'J -- \;'/ ,-,' )- !)l -J h ::; \ t ) )) 2> e 1 rY c J iii _
-X"'..- . .- ,-.!! "', \ . \- ...."O"j....... .. .
f !)!W-':-'
.... ..,......
* Globe Forty-five Roll Front File Letter Cabinet
Made with Roll Front, only and in Nos. 299 and 598 grades-see page
." A Forty-five File CalJinet withont }{oll Front ca,n be secured in the
"Elas-::ic" CalJinet System by combining five No. 1301 L. F. Units-see
page In-with top and base units.
Outside Dimensions.
High. Wille. Deep. weight.
Front ._ ..... _... . __ .. .... 79% ill. in. in.
540 pound::;.
Net price, freight paid, FINISH-See page 8
GlolJe Forty-fiye Roll Front File Letter Cabinet with- 299 5\)8
out indexes or labels................ ................ .. ..... --$ 90_00 $130.00
Same, with suspending device, 20 cents per file ......... 105.00 139.00
Same, with plain drawers, instea(1 of 1iles.... _............ 89.25 123.25
Subject to terms on 9.
For prices of iudexes and labels, see supplelllentary
list in lJack of catalogue.
': '... l _ ;:-:--- .. .., 1
(vi ' . I )1 Cj '!
I \i i"):,\ -_< .,:.")"\ 0 1: c .
1- ,
Fitted with double arch files with
cUllljlJ'ei-lSOr COyerfl, same as iIIl1"
tnt te<l and descrilled below. The
ColuJUhi<\, Cabinet of solid constl'l!(;
tion ii-l made only In this size, with
out Roll Front, and in No. 299 grade
(8ee jlag'e 8) . Larger capacities can
lJe secured In the "Elastic" Unit
System (flee page 20).
Three File Colu mbia Cabinet.
UlJtl;idt' (lilllt'llsi(lll;;, 1:3 illehel> 111i; iIl che;; wide, ITU illl'he" deep.
8hippill_L!,- weig-IlL __________ ___ .. ___ W jlonnd;;,
FINISH-:-;ee pag't' 8
299 Plain
I-J)'il:e, fJ'eig'ht paid, Ree-ular. Drawers .
\\-it-h perforator OIl top, but witllOnt inch'xes or Illl :eJ:-; _____ $9.00 $8.55
Files ollly, NLCh______ ,. ____ .. ______________ $1.50
Subject to terms on 9
For prices of indexes and labels for ILlJove eiLlJinl't, I;e(' sUJlple
mentn,ry :price Iif;t in bnck of c-a.t-alog.-ue.
The 9/
Columbia Arch Letter File
Consiflts of II. donlJle arch, the front- columni; of which are
bnt the arches opening outward, muve sil1lnltFLIH:'.ollsly. The mechan
if'<1ll II:\, which t.liis movement is SI'Clll'en if< RtJ'ong:, durable FLIlc1 simple
fIIHl il'; warra,nteclnot to get ont. of o l clpl' .
For f'pecinl information about- 'inclexl:'s 111111 f;nplllles uf'l'd ill this tile,
see eatalog:ne !\o. 901.
.,._....e= :s::= ,,4"' ::;/ CI
U. t _ Q - ' \'1'\1 )-' n .; :. k ,--;- 8 :1. 1 :b -\ :r) 8 .\ :i' "
- ......
No. 12 9/V Distibutor File
While designed primarily for a letter fil e distribntor, thi;; tile is
adapted to many other purpo:;es. Fitted with daily tLnd monthly par
titions, it makes a superior tidder, As a desk file it has no equal.
Partitions indexed alphn,heticitlly, numerically, geogTnphically, 01' to
suit any special reqnil'ements, can 1>e furnished for the above. 'ViII
iLccommodate papers 11% inches wiele hy inches high kwd smaller.
:-1[1ele in Nos. 209 flnel !i!,R gTnde;; (;;ee pag'e 8) .
Outside dimensiollf;, 7 illl'hes high, 12% inclH:'s wide, lC% inches deep.
Shipping' weight.. ..... .. ........... 2:') ponnds.
FINISH-See page K
price. freig'ht paid, 209 508
No. 12 5/w Distrillut.or File, without pa,l'tition" ............. $!i .00 $i.OO
Subject to terms on page 9
For pri ce of partition;; ;;ee supplementary price li"t
in back of cntaloguL-'.
Cupboard Bases
Made in Nos. 2n0 and 598 g'l'acles
(see 8). Fitted "'ith remoy
able hori :wntal "helves, ancl the
No. 3 with pl'q1encl1C1l1a.r plnt,i.
ti on>; throngI! center.
Adapten to n. g'rt'at yal'iety of
uses. See illu"tl'ation" bela,,-.
Outside Dilllenl:lions. ShijJ]Jing
High. Wiele. Deep. weight.
No.2.. .... .. . inchefl, inches, 28){ inches, I:.?G pounds.
No.3..... ...... 81% 19:3
FINISH-til'e page 8
Net price, freight paid, 299 508
No. 2 .. .. ........................... .................... $22.00 $32.00
No.3 ........ " .. ............ ............. ... ............ 27.00 38.00
Subjeot to terms on page 9
i .,;"... ..
. ' 2) l () t " < \- r- -:-= ;-:<;1.:'/
.t) .:- -- 7\,f} J- .! ) :-- ..:; ,-. F \ \ .i. 1) D e 1.\ l)\'r) g 1 ;;
Globe Document File No.2
Patented Oct. 1[91
For fullleLl papers the GLOBE DOC
UMENT FILE in quality, appearance and
adaptnbility to the purpose intended, is
withuut a peel' . Its action is easy and
simple, the clamping device or compressor
direct and positive, no springs or compli
cated lllel'hani:':H1 to get out of order, and so
thoroughly cunstructed that IT CANNOT
WEAR. The fl'cmts are mnc1e of Quart<!red
Oak, the bottoms f\ uu cumpressor boards
of hardwood, the pUllK and la-uel-holders
oxyclized, and the interiur fittings of plated
metal. Thef:<e C:Ho:es are largely used in
OPEN court houses and pul)lic buildings and are
ycry popular fur genel'al uusiness purposes. FUl'lli,.;hed in No. 299 grade
only (see page S). Outside dimensions of file, 12 indIes long, 10)4
high, ::i inches wille. Shipping weight about 90 ponn(ls pel' dozen files .
Jacketti al'e maul' uf heaNY tal'
board, l'e-infol'c:ed un l'llges and COy
el'ull with black 11101'0(;C:O paper.
The files aC(;()l1lmullate papers
by inches.
Globe DU(;Unkllt Fileti are built in
stuel, (;u,uilletl-; with Holl Fronts ill
No. 299 grade ullly (,.;ee page 8) COll
taining, 1:), 30 and 48 files, as dl'
sCl'ibl'(l in the full()wing \lngc's.
Net 1I1'it:e, fl'eight JltLiLl,
reI' dozen, with J cLc:kets .... . ........ $I5.00
" without Jackets ........ 13.20
Subjeot to terms on page 9.
Globe Documer..t File with
Tarboard Jacket.
t-" , - -\" '"" . , i .: k.;;
:: .
[I f:! \ <) b -:- " ' .. ',c_.
f i \ ) i) e:) (,:; 1, ; >2 t :;
---- ..
Twelve File. File.
Globe Document File Cabinets
ulIly ill goldell (IUIlJ'tt'J'P(l oa.];, 2fl9 g1'Eule, with noll Front-.
Out:::ide Dlmel!:;iolls.
*T\\,elve File ............. 43% inches hig'h, 2;;% incllel; Wiele, 18% illlhe:-; <lee)).
*T\yenty-fuUl' Filt' .... 55 34)4 18%
Shipping FE-USn
Price. weight. see R
T\\'(>I ye File, ,,'ithout supplies ............ $3G.00 165 pounds. 299 only.
']''''l'llty-fol!l' File, "\-"it-hont supplies ... GO.OO 2GO 2!)9
Subjeot to terms on page 9
The ,.;ut:;pemling deyice illu:-::t.l'nted ILllll del:;C:l'ibec1 Ull page 72 will be
found a. c1e"iral)le ntt n,chment ()ll flIes three feet ur lllOl'l' nlloye
the floor. deYicC' pel' flle, 20 cC'nts extra.
i''('. .
, _ .__ =<o12' !..-1 . '." 11"- .......... 7=...:c:=:- '-.
f': . . ' . )' ,U . ' ' t '-"' ) J )
0. 1() 1) - V! Q)"' c ' 2...l1..!..E$ S \ :'1) g l s.
- - .. Jh;1';; ..:." -.- ....,. .. -..0-= _
Tbirty.six File . Forty-eig-ht File.
Globe Document File Cabinets
::ILHle only in golden q u[1rtert'r1 (nd" 299 griLde, with no11 Fron t.
Outside Dimensions.
*Thirty-six File ."". "".84 inches high, 35Ji inches wiele, ill(;llps deep,
*Forty-eight File""".,,84 " 4G% 19J1l"
Shipping,' FIl'HSH
Pri(;t'. weig-ht. Bee page K
Thirty-six File, withont supplies "",,$ 90 .00 flOO pounds. 299 only.
Forty-eight File, without supplies"" UO.OO G25 299
Subject to terms on page 9
Suspemling device per file, 20 cents t'xtra.
..- - ..
,,-.., ) , ......
9 10 b 'J -: \I( e :r; ) j -:., 1\ c
\ __ n, !.
The Globe Check File Cabinet
Comprises a serie;; of drawers fitted with indexeu llCLrtitioll><, slic1illg;
on rod in recef;>;ed bottom of (Ira'n'r,
Between the><e partitiOllR the cancelle(1 check>;, notes, ek., Ilrt' ftlt'(1
on e(lge.
The Globe BiLnk Cheek File SiLves vault spate, quiclmefis,
convenience, a nd acc\lracy in distribution and reference, It is recog
ni zed as a great (;Oll Velli ence, and used by nearly half the b,11lb; in the
United St.a,tes. The individual bo ok-keepel' fl.ppreCifl.tes its merit in
placing before him, in well a rranged order, the thousands of checks of
the bfl.nk's ma n." CUf;t.omers.
Cauinets and drnwers are ma(le of qlHLrtered oa,k, goltlen ftni"h
(grade No. 29(), The interior of each drawer is ElITllnged to
forty adjustable pre,,;sboard partitions, held in place uy a
rod running through receRsed bottom of dl"Lwer. On this rod, of
the partitions, is also run a follower 01' compressor, which chomps the
rod antomaticall y at any point desired, holding' the pl1rtitions, with
the cllt'cks between them, snugly together in an upright pORition,
The partitions IliLve a project.ion, or tiLb cLt 111Jper edge, for indexing
with subdivi"ion>l of the alphlLbet or with complete II/tIlleR of principfll
depositors or " Act.ivef; , " The drawers menf;ll1'e out><ide
inches, and will accommodate checks inches iLlld smaller.
dimensions of drIL'\'\'er 4!, inches high, ill(' hefl wide <l1}(1 18Jil illchc>;
deep, The (IrH.wer fronts are fttted with arljllRtfl.hle lllllel-holcler>l nll(1
pullR of fl.ntiqlle finished coppf'r.
Check Files alf<o fllrnishell in the "Eln>;tic" unit "yst.em-see jlHgt' :\i'.
'!\et price of flilli,!,'le (Irl1wer without partition... " ... " ... " .. ... ".$3,OO
Subject to terms on page 9.
weig-ht Sill,!2;le check file (Irawel'.. " ....10 lloundfl ,
Twelve check file drawers.. .1l0
G \ ,) b ._' \{
I! .t" , i ; .:.,l\ ::;
-: .--....
(; -:.'. h 1'r) s f ':
r ...
Two Drawer.
Four Drawer .
Three Drawer.
Six Drawer on casters. Eii Lt Drawer on casters .
Globe Check File Cabinets.
Pl' kes- see Opposite page.
I . _ . I
r A'l 1 ;
\i I) C:: t\ b \'() ,d f
;... -:- __ .-
T w elve Drawer Sixteen Drawer
on casters. on casters.
Globe Check File Cabinets
Made in goldell quu,l'terec1 uak, 299 grade only- see p age R.
F or descript.i on of file see page 87.
DimemdollS. Shipping' without
High. Wide. Deell. weicht . oarti:ions
2 Drawer ...... . 15Ji inches. 11% inches. 22 indIes. 13 $12.00
3 Drawel' .... .. .20% 11%" 22 1(\.00 7:)
1 Drl'twer .... .. . 2GX 11% 22 18.00
GDra"cl' ....... 39% 11% 22 110 2G.00
* 8 Drawel' .... .. .2GJi 22% 22 180 3:;.00
lDS 45.00
*Hl Dl'ilWPl' ...... G2% 22% :?::l :155 (lO.OO
Subject to terms on page 9
*13 Dl'n;I\'('l' .... .. 89X 22% 22
For prices of partitiuIIl;, see r;npplemell tary price list
in 1111(:1;: of cl'tt.alogue.
1'=':: -= - '--'='.L;' =
L'8 1 (j b '1 - ''\'(e .r .!); ::: 1\ .<e: "'F\1 1f) C
- - . . .... - . .:
Condensed Price List
9tobc.:wer1)ickc "Elastic" Filing Cabinets.
Net Prices, Freight Paid,
I 299 FiniSh. 598 Finish,
Same, with rods and locking device
No. 46 C. 1. Unit, for 4x6 cards, no rods.
Same, with device . ......
Same, 'Nith rods . ..................
Same, wJth rods and locking device
One Row 58, for 5x8 in. cards, no rods.
Same. with locking device.
Same, with rods .... ..............
Same, with rods and locking device
No. 53 C. 1. Unit, for 5x8 cards, no rods.
Same, with locking device ......
Same, with rods. . ........
Same, with rods and locking device
No. 1301 c. D. Unit .... .. ..
See a./so Door B. R. and V. L. Units.
No. 1701 One Row Check File
No. 1701 C. F. Unit .
See Mercantile Report.
Double S. O. Door Unit ...
Double S. P. Door Unit
See Vertical Storage ij,;ii '0/;11 High
Cupboard Base.
No. 1301 D. R.
D. F. Unit. ree-ular .............
Same, with locking device . ....
Same, with suspending- device . ..
Same, with locking and susp. device
...... ..
See also Leqal BID.nil, Drawer,
Letter File and Units.
see page 8 see page 8
1301 1701 2501 1301 1701 I 2501
$ 1.50 $ 2.00 $ 2 . .\0 $ 2.25 $ 3.00 1$3.75
9 00 11.00 13.00 16.00
5.00 6.50 7.00 8.50
3.25 3.75 4.50 4.50 5.50 6.50
8.00 9.50 12.50 11.00 13.00 16.00
17.00' 26.00 24.00
19.50 28.00
30.00 42.00
22.00 . .. 32.00
23.50 34.00
25.00 36.00
19.50 ..... 28.00 i
30.00 42.00
I .. 1 16.00 I I . " I 21.00
9.30 11.80 13.80 7.80
:2.30 14.80 16.80 10.80
10.50 13.00 15.00 9.00
13 50 16.00 18.00 12.00
27.40 33.40 23.90 19.40
32.40 33.40 28.90 24.40
27.50 31.00 37.00 23.00
36.00 42.00 32.50 28.00
13.00 15.50 18.00 to.50
16.00 18.50 21.00 13.50
16.50 19.00 14.00 11.50
19.50 22.00 17.00 14.50
25.50 31.00 20.50 17.00
24.50 29.50 35.00 21.00
27.50 33.00 22.50 19.00
37.00 26.50 31.50 23.00
12.20 17.20
15.20 20.20
........ . ....... 18.00 13.00
16.00 21.00
20.40 29.40
24.40 33.40
22.00 31.00
26.00 35.00
11.00 I.... ... 1 1 17.00
'1' " 1 1"'1
20.00 . 28.00
14.00 I 20.00 I 28.00 I 20.00 I 28.00 I
14.00 20.00 I 28.00 I 20.00 I 28.00 38.00
14.00 i I 17.00
12.00 17.00
''' 1
17.00 I 25.00
15.00 20.00 20.00 23.00
18.40 13.40
21.40 16.40
21.00 I I 28.00
Net Prices, Freight Paid,
Subject to terms on page 9.
O. D. Unit
Double S. G. Door Unit.
L. B. Unit
L. B. X. Unit ...
See also Vertical Cap Units.
1301 L. F. Unit, reg. without supplies.
Same. with locking device
Same, with suspending device
Same, with lockin " and susp. device.
Same, with plain drawers.
1301 One Row L. F. Unit, reKular..
Same. with suspending device..
Sam!. with plain drawers ..
1701 Arch File Unit, without supplies.
Sa:ne. with plain drawers ..
1701 L. F. Unit, without supplies ..
Same, with plain drawers....
1301 L. F. Unit, regular, with 2 C. 1. Files,
no rods
1301 L. F. Unit, regular, with 2 C. 1. Files
and rods.
1301 L. F. Unit,regular, with suspending
device. 2 C.!. Files and rods.
See also Vertical File Ullits.
No. 1301 M. R. Unit.
No. 1701 B. R. Un,t ..........
Soe also Upright Vertical Bill Report.
No. 1301 M. D. .......
No. 1301 P. H. Unit ....... .
Plain-end Units ..
No. 1301 R. F. Unit, re"ular ..
Same. with suspending device
No. 1701 R. S. Unit ..
No. 1701 Double R. S. Unit..
Roller Shelves, $1.25 each.
No. 1301 Double S. G. Door Unit.
No. 1701 Double S. P. Door
No. 2501 Double S. P. Door Unit.
S. S. ...... ............ ,
For 1301 U.r:it. ......... .
For 1701 .................... .
For 2501 ..... .................
T. c. .......... "
v. L. Unit, 3 draNer .....
V. C. Unit, 2 drawer.
Same. with 3 C. I. Files with rods
V. L. Unit, with 6 C. 1. Files with rods.
No. 1301 W. R. Unit
No. 1701 W. R. Unit
299 Finish . 598 Finish.
Page I see pa"e 8 . see palie 8
1301 I 1701 1 2501-\ 1301 . 1701 I 2501
- 1
$ 7.50 I $10.00 40
1$38:66 20.00 14.00 20.00 I $28.00
11.001 17.00
11.00 15.00
19 13.80
19 16.80
19 10 65
19 5.00
19 5.60
19 4.55
20 21.00
20 19.20
20 18.00
20 16.65
23 14.00
23 14.50
23 16.10
16.00 34
14.00 I 20.00
15.00 , ...
36 16.60
14.0D 39
7.00 13 5.00
11 3.50
40 5.00
21 14.00 18.00
?2 18.00
25.00 17.00
17.00 22.00
.! 17.00
' 21.80
I 28.00
' 1' 20.60
38.00 28.00 28.00 20.00 I
l 24:
! 27.00
Subject to terms on page 9,
Flat Base
Hig'h Leg Base
Low Lee- Base
Low Base.
Low Drawer Base
Hig'h Cupboard Base
Dra:,;,ver 6 drawers, No. 1701
12 drawers. No. 2501
Truck Base. 2 units high.
.. .. 3 units hie-h ..
4 units hie-h.
Wide Drawer Base. 3 drawers, No. 1701
" .. .. 6 drawers, No. 2501
See Glass Door Units.
No. 1701 C. B. Unit . . . . . i
See also Legal Blank ani 'Upright Units.
One Row 35, for 3x5 in. cards, no rods.
Samr::. with locking device, no rods.
Same, with rods
Same. with rods and locking-
No. 35 C.!. Unit, for 3x5 cards, no rods
Same, with locking device.
S.lme, wi h rods.. . ............
Same, with rods and locking- device
One Row 46, lor 4x6 in. cards. no rods .
Same, with lockine device.....
Same, with rods. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ..
25.00 21.00 22
27.50 23 19.00 23.00 I
41 28.0D . . . . . . . I .
30.00 . 41
Finish Ends Open Ends
.. I
.:. .. 28:00 .
12.50 10.00 7.50
32.00 25.00 20.00
30.00 25.00
33.00 28.00
39.50 32.50 27.50
Vertical Bill . 55 $25.00 $34.00 $30.00 $42.00
" Cap File. :;4 25.00 34.00 30.00 42.00
Document . 57 29.00 38.00 34.00 46.00
Letter File. .... ....... ' 1 52 20.00 2900 25.00 37.00
Report File. 56 20.00 29.00 25.00 37.00 , .
Storage File. 57 20.00 28.00 I' .
Two No. "'. " I " ".00 00.00"
Same. with Stand.. . 58 24.00 36.00.
No. !l8 Vertical File. ... 59 6.50
No.!l8 Vertical File .. 59 3.00
Vertical Storage Case ... . 60 No. 690, $2.25. 691, $2.50 692, $3.00
- - -----
Condensed Price List
Solid Filing Cabinets.
Net Prices, Freight Paid, I
S,bj..t t. ,.,. 9. l P.,.
No.2 . 83
FINISH-See page 8
Golden Fioish I
Quart. Oak
Globe Cupboard Base.
Globe Cu pboard Base, No.3 .
No. 35 Single Drawer for 3x5 inch Cards.
No. 135. One Drawer in Jacket.
Single Fi le only.
No. 235. Two Drawer, regular .
No. 435. Four Drawer, regular .
Same. with locking device
No. 635, Six Drawer. regular.
Same. with locking device .
No. 835, Eight Drawer, regular ..
Same, with locking device .
No. 1:35, Twelve Drawer, regu la r .
Same. with roll front .
No. 16:5, Sixteen Drawer, regular
Same. with roll front ..
No. 2435, Twenty-four drawer, regular.
Same. with roll front .
Card Inde"
withou t
rods deduct
20 cents
Der file.
See page
No. 46 Single Drawer for 4x6 inch Cards.
No. 146. One Drawerin Jacket .
Single File only . ....... .. . .
No. 246, T wo Drawer, ref'ular ..
No. 446. Four Drawer. regular .
Same, with locking- device .
No. 646. Six Drawer, ref'ular.
Same, with locking device.
No. 846. Eieht Drawer, regular .
Same:, with roll front ... ..
No. 1246, Twelve Drawer. regular.
Same, with roll front .
. .. )
Card Inde"
\. rods deduct
20 cents
pt:r file.
S ee paf'e
No. 58 Single Drawer for 5x8 inch Cards.
No. 158. One Drawer in Jacket .
Single File only...
No. 258, Two Drawer, ref'ular ..
No. 458, Four Drawer, regular.
Same, with locking- device .
No. 658, Six Drawer, ref'ular.
Same, with roll front .
For 3x5 inch Cards, 9.10 or 11 inch
For 4x6 inch Cards, 10 ioch leneth ..
For Sx8 inch Cards, 10 inch length.
Card Index
withou t
rods deduct
20 cents
per file .
See oaf'e
Net Prices, Freight Paid,
Subjeot to terms on page 9.
Single File. withou t supplies.
Two Drawer, suppl ies.
Three Drawer, without supplies.
Four Drawer, without supplies . . . . .. . . .. ... .
Six Drawer. supplies.
Eight Drawer. without supplies.
Twelve Drawer, without supplies ..
S ix \.een Drawer, w ithout supplies .
Letter File Distributor .
Smile Files with Jackets, per dozen.
Sinle F iles without Jackets, per dozen . .
Twel ve File Cabinet, roll front only.
Twenty-fuur File Cabinet, roll front only
Thirty-six File Cabinet, roll front only. ...
Forty-eight File Cabinet, roll front only .
Two Draw er, regular, without supplies
Same, with lockine- strip.
Fou r Drawer, regular.
Same. with locki ng- strip ..
Six Drawer, ree-ular ..
Same, with locking device .
Twelve Drawer, regular .. ..
Same, roll front . ..
Fifteen Dra wer, regu lar.... . . .
Same, roll front .
Eighteen Drawer, r oll front only .
Twenty-lour Drawer, roll iront only
Thirty-five Drawer, regular .
Same, roll front ..
Forty-five Drawer, roll front ..
Three Drawer Columbia File
For prices 0/ Letter File CabillHfs with-p laill drawers, or I
with suspending dfluir:e, see in cata.logue as giuen in
the index.
Golden Finish I
, Page I Quart. Oak I
33. 00
3. 00
13 . 50
10. 00
18 .00
20. 00
37 .00
. 299
$ 3.00
13 .20
14. 00
39. 00
$ 7.00
68. 00
Arch File Unit 20
Arch Letter File Cabinet
Dlses, Cabinet 83
Units 1117
Bill File Upright Unit. 55
Bill Report Unit . 35
Cabinet Bases 83
Cabinets, Card Index 2528, 6270
Cap File
Check File .37, 8789
Columbia 81
Document 29,53,57,8486
Elasti c . 347
Letter File . 1923, 50,58,1>0, nRl
Mercantile Report . 35
Uprig-ht Units 48-60
Vertica 1 File 21,22.23,48,60
Cap File Upright Unit 54
Unit. 33
Cap LetLer Fi Ie 20
Card Index Cabinets, solid 6270
Desl< Trays
File 25,63
Unit . 2628
in Verti('al Units 22, 23,53
Co,taloj!ue Drawer Unit
Checl< Fi les .37, 8789
File Cabinets, solid. 87-89
File Unit 37
COlumbia Cabinets 81
Daily Report Unit 33
Desl< Trays, Card Inde. 70
Distributor File 82
Document Cabinets, solid 85-R6
Files R4
File Unit 29
Vertical Upright 57
Double Slidillg Gla.s Door Unit 39
.Double Sliding Panel Door Unit 39
Drawer Base 12 16
Drawer Units. 19.20,30.32
Elastic Cabinets 347
Finish 8
Giass Door Unit 39-40
Legai Blanl< Unit. 3031
Leg- Base Units . 13
Letter Pile Drawer 7ln
Cabi nets, $olid . 7381
U?rilrht Unit 52, :3, 58, 59 .
Ul1its . 1923
Locking Device 751
Report File Unit 35
Metal Dr:t:tver Unit . 34
One Row Units 19.26, 2i , 28, 37
Open End Units 5057
Pigeon liole Unit. 34
Plain End Units . 47
Report File Units. 30
Roller Shelf Un it . 38
Slide Shelf Unit . 18
Sliding Door Units 39
Stands for C. 1. .Ji: Vertical Cabinet s 59
Styles and Sizes Horizontal Units 7
Suspend ing Device il
Top Units 11
Transfer Case Unit 40
Truck Base . 1j
Units, ArclJ File . 20
Base 1117
B;ll Report. 35
Broad Drawer Unit. 32
Cap Box 33
Cap File
Card Index. 2628
Card Index in V. L. and L.F. Units
Catalogue Drawer
Check File. 37
Daily Report 33
Dimensions 7
Document F He . 29
Double Panel Door 39
Double Sliding Door 39
Drawer 19,20,30, 32
Glass Door. 39,40
Leg Base . 13
Legal Blanl, 3031
Letter File. 1923
Letter File and Card Index 23
Mercantile Report File
Metal Drawer Unit.
Panel Door.
Pigeon Hole
Plain End. 47
Plain Drawer in L . F. Units .
Report File
Roller Shelf
Slidiog Door
Slide Shelf. 18
Top 11
Transfer Case 40
Vertical File 21, 22,23
'Wardrobe . . 41
Upright Unit Cabinets 48-60'
Locking Device 51
Vertical Bill 55
Ca rel Index 53
Document 53,57
Letter . 52, 53, 58, 59
Open End 505T
Report . 56
Storage. 57
Storage Case 60
Vertical File, Single No. 118 59
Two Drawer, No. 221. 58
Drawer. 51
Stand 5Q
Unit 2123
Upright Units 4860.
II '
;TJ,q eo.
Supplementary Price List of Supplies
Filing Ca1:inets descri1:ed in Catalogue No. 808.
For detailed desoiption see Catalogue No. 907
These prices subject to change without notice.
Check File Partitions
Per 100 . . Blank $1.75, Indexed $2 .00
fypewlilten Names .. 2fi
Printed Names .. ... 3.75
Check File Partitions.
Document File Guides
No. 1 Quality Manilla, per 100 . . Blank $ .(15, Indexed $1.10
No. 2 per 100 1.75, 2.00
, .. - ,. - - - '- '). Mercantile Report ! /.:Dm... . . -...- H . l. lI ,)" _ I.,
... .J2jJ,.... _.... I"
Cabinet Supplies
No. 13 Folders (8:% x 4:%)
11IW for M. R. Uni t .....
per 1,000, $6.00
No.2 Folders for
Mercantile Report Cab
inets .. ..... .
Guides, indexed. per 1,000, $6.00 Mercar. tile Report Folders .
Doell ment File
Distributor File Partitions
Distributor File Partitions with cloth covered tab
each . . ,8 cents.
Distribu tor File
Partition, indexed
No charge will be made for labels ",hen supplied with cabinets. Extra labels
for change or renewals will be charged at the rate of two cents each for stock
labels and five cents each for special labels. Po,tage will be added in all cases.
t'rlce L1sr
Filing Cabinet Supplies
I, ... .. , .. .. . = ' .
'''''''i'I ,'. ---"-'--' JAN
f!11 [. _ j _ . _ _ . __ ...1'''
I ..T 0 ' ,." , o", o.u.ou,o. . I
L ,
B}an k Guides.
Card (ndex Gu ides.
9Iob,!:Wirnick. Guide Card stock is furnished in three grades as follows:
Grade 1-300 pound, 2 ply Linen Ledger, heavy, 40 guides to the inch.
" 2-200 " 1 " " "light 70" " "
3-2L5 1 " Medium grade, 50
3x5 inch, u.6 inoh, 5x8 inoh,
__---No. 1 No.2 No.3 No.1 No.2 No. 3 No.2 No.3
Blank, per 1000. . .. $6.00 $4.00 $i!.25 $9.00 $5.50 $350 $14.00 $8.00 j,5.00
Alphabetical. 5, AZ .06 .05 .04 .08 .07 .05 .10 .08 .06
" 10," .10 .08 .06 .13 .10 .07 .17 .12 .09
25," .20 .15 .12 .30 .20 .15 .40 .30 .20
100." .80 .60 .45 1.10 .75 .55 1.601.00 .70
Stale, per set . . .. .45.... . . . . . . .60 . . . . . . . . . . .85 . ... .
City and Co.. per 100 .80.. .. .. .... 1.1 0 '.. .. .. .. .. 1.60 .... .
Daily . .. . ... (3 1) .25 .20 .15 .35 .30 .25 .50 .35 .25
Monthly .. . .. (12) .12 .10 .OR . 14 .12 .10 .20 .15 . 12
Yearly . .. .. . (10) .10 .08 .06 .13 .10 .07 .17.12 .09
Weekly .. . . , ( 7) .07 .06 .05 .09 .08 .06 .12.10 .08
Numerical. . per 100 .80 .60 .45 I 1.10 .70, .55 1.60 1.00 .70
No . 591 Transfer Case
Vertical Fil ing- Storae-e Case
Set up-Pat . Sept. 18. 1906
Letter File Indexes
. . . 15 cents each.
5/w, Letter size . . . . . . . .
Cap size
. 20
. . . 10
Columbia ...
Globe Transfer Case
and lnde x. Transfer Cases
9Iob.!:Wirnick., L('tter size, per doz. $3 00 Columbia, Leiter size, per doz. $4.8fr
" Cap size, per doz.. 3.60 " Cap size, per doz. . 5.40
No. 390-Yertical file Transfer Storage Case (shipped K.O.) Bill size. . $ .90 each
"391-" " " " " " " Letter size 1.00 "
" 392- Cap size. 1.15 "
591 -Yertical file Transfer Case, Letter size, per dozen. , .... ... $3.75
,tJrice List
Filing Cabinet Supplies
.--- \
;--"' N, ---- ---,.. . - -----c __ .'...
j _ . C,:4,; . _ .. -------=--- _
r .-'" ---'... __)
--:- _ _ '-';
----- }!
\< \
,- - p \
\ \
\. \
,_1.=- -
Card Index Record Cards
Sizss and
... ..
.... .
Plain Ruled
Plain Ruled
Sx 5 inch,
light .... . . ... 1351 $1.75 $1.90 4351 $1.00 $1.15
Medium .. 0352 $2.65 $2.80 1352 2.40 2.55 2352 1.75 1.90 4352 1.20 1.35
Heavy ...
Extra Heavy
h6 inoh,
.... .
.. ..
.... .
. ....
. ....
... . ,
... ..
. ... ,
. '0' _,
. , ....
light .... .... . ..... .... . 1461 12.65 $2.80 2461 $2.00 1>2.15 446\ $1 .40 $1.55
Medium, . 0462 $4.20 $4.35 1462 3.65 3.80 2462 2.60 2.75 4462 1.70 1.85
Heavy ...
Extra Heavy
5x 8 inoh.
light ....
.... .
. .. . .
.... .
.... .
, ....
.... .
... . .
. ....
.... .
. . ...
' .. "
' . t
Medium, . 0582 $6.90 S7.15 1582 6.35 6.60 2582 4.35 4.60 4582 2.65 2.90
Heavy ..
Extra Heavy
.... .
. . .. .
... . .
.... .
.... .
. . . ..
. ... .
.... .
.... .
.. . ..
.. ....
For Guide Card Tabs furnished on Record Cards add $1.25 per 1,000 to
above prices.
The following quantity discounts will be made from the above prices on
orders for blank cards, or stock ruled forms 15, 25 or 35 (mixed assortme-nts
allowed), said order to be entered and shipped all at one time.
5%, on orders for 10,000 and less than 20,000 cards
15% "
20.% "
" "20,000" " " 30,000
" 30,000" "50,000
" 50,000 cards and over.
Card Index Storage Cases
No. 35 for 3 x 5 inch Cards. 30 cents
" 46 lor 4 x Ii inch Cards. 35
" 58 for 5 x 8 Inch Cards . 40
Vertical File
No. 321 Folder.
Vertical File Folders
The following Vertical file folders are like illustration of No. 321 folder and
are furnbhed 1L5 left and 125 right tabs to a bunole:
No . 330-t3ill per 1,000, Medium, $575 . . . No. 330-Heavy, $ 9.00
" 3LI-Letter ,... " " 6.2i..." 331-" 11.00
" 322-( ap 7.50 . .. ., 332- 14.00
" 371 - Letlt r size only, Red or Blue, Extra Mediun., per 1,000 .... 10.00
The following Vertic al file Foklers are like No. 321, but are furnished
with right tabs only, 250 to a bundle, as noted :
No. 621-Letler size, per 1,000, MediL.m, :\.6.25 . . No. 631-Heavy, $11.00
" 321 I -Same, but blank, per 1,00t', Medium. $5.50.
68 I - Letter sile only, Red or Blue, Ext'a Medium, per 1,000 . . . $10.00
letter size, per IOU, $2.00 ... No. 6b2-Cap size, $1.50
6l)1-Secure .. .. " "1.40 " 692-" " LbO
The following alphabetically indexed folders are furnished in sets like guides:
No. 341 - Letter size, Heavy, with tabs distributed f our ths, per 100, indexed, $1.40
" b41 -Same, but with tabs in 3 positions, all to left of center, per 100 1.40
Bellows Folders ( Letter size only)
Each Each Each
No. 351-Monthly 20 cts. No. 361-Vowel 10 cts. No.671-Alphabetical 30 cts.
Transfer Folders (250 to a bundle.)
No. 300- Bill size. light weight. per 1,000. .
" 301-Letter size. light weight. per 1,000.
" 302- Cap size, light weight. per 1,000, .
. L2.E--:-l LETTEFlS
. .l..
);x '0 1,
S:zr. \ 'T SIZE lI!ex 16
':' , .
. It\ .
. .
( --' -
Vertical Guides are made with eyelet and when desired are furnished in
alphabe tical sets of 2:> A-Z, 40, 60, 80, etc., up to 3,000 A-Z.
The followi ng are made with tabs distributed fourths:
. Per 100 Per 100
Blank I ndexed Blank Ir. d_xed
Manila, $ .80 :\. 1.00 ... No. 520- Pressboard, $4.25 $450
.90 1.15 "521-" 4 75 5.00
No. 420- Bill size,
42 t- Leite. "
1.25 1 50 . .. " 522 - 575 1'.00
.90 1.15 ... " 523- 4.7,., 5.00
" 423- Report size"
The following are made with 3 tabs, distributed to left of center:
Per 100 Per 100
Blnnk Indexed ' Blank Indexed
No< 4513-Letter size, Manil a, $ .90 $1.00 No. 5513-Pressboard. $4.75 $5.00
"No. 421 Guides are always furnished unless otherwise specified.